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Types of Cysts and Their Homeopathic Remedies

Cysts are sac-like pockets or lumps that may be filled with  fluid, semi solid  material or air. Cysts are very common and the majority are benign (non cancerous.) The cysts can occur on any part of the body or under the skin. The size of cyst varies from being small to very large. Homeopathic medicines for cysts are used to treat  sebaceous cyst, cystic acne, Chalazion, ganglion, pilonidal cyst, knee cyst, breast cyst and cyst in male and female genitals.homeopathic medicines for cysts

They are of different types and mostly don’t cause any symptoms. But sometimes they may cause pain. When the lump is filled with pus it indicates an infection and is then called as an abscess.


There are various reasons behind cyst and the cause depends on the type of cyst. Some of the general reasons include blockages of ducts or sebaceous glands, infection, chronic inflammatory conditions, inherited diseases. In the majority of cases the cyst doesn’t cause pain. They turn painful if they are inflamed, infected or when they rupture.


Some cyst like cysts of the skin, tissues under the skin, breast cyst, eyelid cyst, ganglion can be felt from outside on examination. But cyst in internal organs like lungs, liver may be asymptomatic and can be first discovered only after ultrasound, CT scan or MRI is done by a doctor for some other purpose. Most cysts are asymptomatic but some may lead to symptoms. Whether the symptoms appear or not depend on the size of cyst , location of cyst, type of cyst and if they are infected or not. For example in case of breast cyst pain, tenderness can occur in the breast. In case of  infection of cyst under skin there may occur discharge of thick yellow matter.  In ovarian cyst menstrual irregularities, pain while intercourse, pelvic pain can arise.

Types of Cysts

There are around 100 types of cyst. Some of the common ones are as follows : 

  1. Epidermoid Cysts

They are small non cancerous lump that form under the skin  and are most common on the face, neck and trunk.  They grow slowly, can have no symptoms or it may have pain on touch. They appear as small round lumps on skin. Its other signs and symptoms include swelling, redness, tenderness. They may also discharge thick, yellow, offensive matter. 

  1. Sebaceous Cyst 

These are  non cancerous skin cysts that commonly form on the face, neck, or torso. These are fluid or semi fluid filled bumps and are a little harder. Usually these are not painful but in case of large cysts they can be uncomfortable or severely painful and may cause pressure. It can get inflamed and become tender and the skin over the cyst may be red, warm. There may be drainage from the cyst having a foul smell.

  1. Acne cyst (Cystic Acne)

These are severe types of acne in which painful, pus filled lumps form under the skin. It may rupture and leave scars.  Infection also spreads when these bursts. They occur from a sum of hormonal changes and trapping of  bacteria, oil, and dry skin cells in the skin pores. These form when this infection goes deep in the skin. They are painful, tender and itchy.  They can occur on the face, neck, chest, back.

  1. Chalazion Cyst 

It is a small, painless lump that develops on the upper or lower eyelid. They occur from clogged meibomian glands. If infected they appear red, swollen and painful. 

  1. Ganglion Cyst

It refers to a benign (non cancerous), round lump filled with jelly like material that most commonly develop along the tendons / joints. They commonly occur on wrists or hands but may also develop in the ankles and feet. They may become painful when they press on a nearby nerve.

  1. Pilonidal Cyst

It is a sac in the skin that develops near the tailbone at the top of the area between the cleft of buttocks. It contains hair and skin debris. When it gets infected there appears  redness, swelling, soreness, pain in it and also discharge of pus that can have foul smell or blood.

  1. Pilar Cyst

They are small fluid filled lumps that form under the skin. Though they can occur on any of the body surface but mostly (in 90% of the cases) occur on the scalp.  They are round or dome-shaped and are flesh coloured. 

  1. Dermoid Cyst

It is sac-like growth near the skin surface and is a  congenital condition I.e. present at birth. They may contain hair , teeth, fluid, skin tissue, skin glands that produce sweat and oil. Mostly they occur on the face, lower back, inside the skull and in the ovaries. 

  1. Baker’s Cyst 

Baker’s cyst is a fluid-filled cyst that develops behind the knee.  It is also known as popliteal cyst. In some of its cases no symptoms are present while in others  symptoms occur like knee pain, stiffness, limited range of motion of the knee. The symptoms may worsen after prolonged standing.

  1. Breast Cyst

These are non cancerous fluid-filled lumps within the breast. They can be single or multiple in number. They may be painful or tender. They may  cause nipple discharge and the lump may increase in size and become tender before periods and decrease in size and become non tender after periods.

  1. Cyst in Female Genital 

Ovarian Cyst 

These are fluid – filled sacs that develop in ovaries. They may develop in one or both the ovaries. These are common in women of child bearing age group.

They may not cause any symptoms in many cases. While in other cases they may cause symptoms like pain, abdominal bloating, pelvic pain before or during menses, pain while doing intercourse, pain in lower back, pain in thighs.

Bartholin Cyst

It is a small fluid filled near the vaginal opening due to blockage of the bartholin glands around the vaginal opening which secrete fluid for vaginal lubrication. It is painless but when infected there occurs redness , heat, swelling, pain, tenderness in the lump, discomfort while walking / sitting, pain during intercourse and fever.

Nabothian Cyst 

These are lumps which are filled with mucus that develops on the surface of the cervix. These don’t cause any pain or other symptoms and usually come into notice when a doctor examines the cervix for other problems. In case infection occurs in this cyst then discharge from vagina, inter menstrual bleeding or pelvic pain  may occur

Vaginal Cyst

They refer to lumps of  fluid, semi solid matter, air or pus that develop on or under the vaginal lining. They are asymptomatic but when enlarged can lead to pain, itching, discomfort during intercourse, and increase the chances of infection.

12. Cyst in Male Genitals

Epididymal Cyst

It is also known as spermatocele and refers to  a fluid – filled lump that forms on the epididymis (a coiled tube that stores sperms as they mature and carry from testes to the vas deferens). It doesnt cause any symptoms but when it gets large it may cause heaviness, discomfort and pain in the affected testicle and fullness behind and above the testicle.

Apart from above the cyst can form in glands and various organs l
ike the liver, lungs, kidneys, brain, pancreas, thyroid gland.

Homeopathic Medicines for Cysts 

There is great scope of treating cases of cyst in homeopathy. The homeopathic medicines help in dissolving the cysts in a very effective manner. Various types of cyst come under the treatable parameters of homeopathic medicines. These medicines dissolve the cyst and also bring relief in the associated symptoms linked with it. Homeopathic medicines for treating these cases are of natural origin so treat them in a very safe manner. Timely use of well indicated medicine for cyst often prevents surgical intervention.

  1. Silicea – Top Grade Medicine

Silicea is a leading homeopathic medicine for cases of cyst. Its use is highly recommended for dissolving different types of cyst. It is effective for treating sebaceous cyst, cystic acne, Chalazion, ganglion, pilonidal cyst, knee cyst, breast cyst and cyst in male and female genitals. Other than these it is a marvellous medicine to manage condition with pus formation. Hence its use is also valuable in treating cases of infected cyst. In such cases it helps in clearing the pus discharges that can be foul smelling.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Skin Cyst (abscess) with Pus Discharge

It is a great medicine for managing cases of skin cyst with pus discharge. In cases like cystic acne, pilonidal cyst it works very effectively. There is pus discharge that can be offensive in nature. The discharge may also be blood stained. In the cyst there may be pain, tenderness and sensitivity to touch the lump where it is required. Pain is throbbing and splinter like. 

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Ovarian Cyst

This is a very useful medicine for treating cases of ovarian cyst. For using this medicine pain in ovaries is there. The pain is mainly burning, stinging type. It may also be a sharp cutting type. In many cases needing it, ovarian pain is felt during intercourse. The pain may extend from ovaries down to the thighs sometimes. Other attending symptoms are tightness, weight, heaviness and tenderness in the ovarian region.

  1. Ruta – For Ganglion Cyst

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Ruta graveolens commonly known as Rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine for dissolving ganglion cyst. It mainly works best in the ganglion of the wrist.

  1. Calcarea Fluor – For Cyst in Eyelids (Chalazion)

This medicine has great affinity to treat cystic lumps in eyelids. It gradually decreases the size of this cyst.

  1. Graphites – For Sebaceous Cyst

It is another prominent medicine for treating cases of sebaceous cysts, like medicine Silicea. In cases needing it, scanty pus discharge from the cyst may be present.

  1. Sabina – For Cyst in Vulva of Females

This medicine is prepared from plant Juniperus sabina. This plant belongs to family coniferae. It is well indicated for cyst in vulva in females. The cysts are very sensitive and painful, the pain being tearing type. The pains are worse during rest.

  1. Calcarea Sulph – For Managing Yellow Lumpy Discharge 

This medicine works well in cases where yellow lumpy discharge are present. the pus is thick. The discharge can also be blood stained. 

Other Important Medicines

Bromium – Well-indicated for cyst on neck

Baryta Carb – Prominent medicine for cysts under the arm-pit

Iodum – An important remedy for thyroid cyst

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Temporal Arteritis : Homeopathic Remedies for Symptomatic Relief

Temporal arteritis refers to a condition in which inflammation or damage of temporal arteries (that run along both sides of the head and supply blood to the head) occurs. Since it is a serious condition that can have severe complications, homeopathic remedies for temporal arteritis should be considered along with conventional treatment 

Another name for this condition is giant cell arteritis. In this condition, when the cells of the inflamed arteries are looked under microscope they look giant that’s why it is called giant cell arteritis. Though temporal arteritis most commonly affects temporal arteries but it can also occur in other arteries like thoracic arteries.

Serious complications can occur in this condition if it is not treated quickly, so immediate medical help should be seeked in these cases. temporal arteritis


In this condition there occurs inflammation and swelling of the lining of arteries. As a result the blood vessels get narrow due to which there is a decrease in amount of blood flow to body tissues. When blood flow is reduced the tissues get deprived of oxygen and nutrients.

It can occur in any medium or large artery but the most commonly involved artery is arteries in the temple region.

The exact reason that leads to inflammation of arteries is not known yet. However it is thought that it occurs from autoimmune response of the body in which the immune cells of the body attack and inflame the walls of artery by mistake from a misdirected response.

Other than this some genes and environmental factors are also thought to play a role that increase the risk of this condition. Next high doses of antibiotics and some intense infections are also associated with temporal arteritis.

People above the age of 50 yrs are at more risk to develop this condition as compared to younger people. Females are also at more risk of it as compared to males. People having a family history of this condition are at more risk of it.


Its main symptom is headache and tenderness. Headache is located in temples means the sides of the head and it is throbbing in nature. Headache is of high intensity and mostly occurs in both the temples. Its next symptoms include tenderness of scalp, vision problems including blurred vision, double vision and sudden permanent vision loss in one eye, jaw pain that can occur while chewing or opening mouth, pain in face, throat. Apart from this other symptoms are weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss and fever. Rest symptoms are pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, hips, lower back. . In about 50 % of the cases of temporal arteritis a condition called polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) occurs. PMR is an inflammatory condition causing muscle pain and stiffness. In PMR, pain and stiffness occurs mainly in the shoulders, arm, neck, thigh, hip and lower back. 


If this condition is not treated quickly then serious complications can occur. First among them is sudden vision loss / blindness due to reduced blood flow to the eyes from narrow arteries. Next complication is development of aortic aneurysm (enlargement and bulging of an artery from weakness in wall of artery.) This aortic aneurysm has chances to get burst and cause excessive internal bleeding which is life-threatening if not attended immediately. Third complication is stroke (it refers to reduced or interrupted blood supply to brain tissue as a result the brain cells start to die because they don’t get oxygen and nutrients. It is a medical emergency that requires urgent medical help).

Homeopathic Remedies for Temporal Arteritis 

Homeopathic medicines are beneficial for managing mild to moderate cases of temporal arteritis. These medicines help in managing the symptoms of this condition effectively. Homeopathic medicine mainly helps to manage its symptoms including headache, tenderness of scalp, vision problems (including blurred vision, double vision), jaw pain, pain in face, pain in throat, weakness, malaise and pain & stiffness in the neck, shoulders, hips, lower back. Since temporal arteritis is a serious condition and can have severe complications, one must consider use of homeopathic medicines along with conventional treatment for symptom relief and that too under supervision of a homeopathic physician. 

  1. Belladonna – For Managing Temporal Headache, Throat Pain and Facial Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant known as deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. Firstly it is a top listed medicine for managing pain in the temporal (side) region of head. For using it the nature of pain is throbbing type. The pain may radiate from temple to orbit or entire one side of head in some cases needing it. Motion of head, eye movement and noise can worsen the pain. The pain can get better by pressure. Along with pain, fullness and pressure at temples may also felt attended with restlessness. Heated sensation in head can also accompany. Head is sensitive to touch with above symptoms. It is also indicated when there is a pressing sensation in temples attended with dimness of vision. Secondly it helps in cases of pain in throat. Thirdly it is useful to manage facial pain. In most cases needing it the facial pain is right sided. The nature of pain can be cutting, tearing, shooting type. This facial pain gets worse from touch and motion.

  1. Glonoine – For Managing Throbbing Headache with Marked Heat and Congestion

Glonoine is very effective to manage headaches attended with marked heat and congestion. Persons needing it complain of throbbing in temples. This may worsen while walking. Relief may occur from lying and also from pressure on it. Along with throbbing there is a sensation as if the head would burst mainly at temples and above ears. Other than above it is also indicated for violent pressing or stitching pain in temples. Along with these symptoms the temporal arteries seem to pulsate and beat violently. 

  1. Lachesis – For Pain in Left Temple 

This medicine is well indicated for pain in the head located in the left sided temple. The pain is severe and can be throbbing or drawing in nature. It is accompanied with soreness of the temple to least touch. Heated sensation in the head is also there. The pain in cases needing it gets worse from motion, stooping and pressure.

  1. Silicea – For Right Temporal Headache

Silicea is well indicated for stitching pain in the temple, especially the right side. The pain worsens at night. It also worsens form eye movement. With these symptoms there is congestion of the head and redness in the face.

  1. Spigelia – For Facial Pain and Headache on Left Side

This medicine is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmintica also known as pink – root. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a leading medicine to manage facial pain mainly on the left side. The pain for using this medicine can be burning, tearing, and tensive, stinging or darting type. The pain may worsen from stooping and slightest motion. Face is red with pain. Next it is top grade medicine for left sided headache. The pain in the left temple is a violent stitching or pulsating type where it is required.

  1. China – When Scalp is Tender, Sensitive and Painful to Touch

China is a well indicated medicine for cases having tenderness, pain and sensitivity of scalp to touch. This gets worse from draught of air. A strong external pressure offers relief in it. Profuse sweat may accompany this symptom. Pain in the head, especially stitching type is present. Pulsations are also felt in the head. The pain worsens from movement of the head.

  1. Phosphorus – To Manage Vision Problems

This medicine has a marked sphere of action around the eyes. It helps to manage many vision problems. In these cases it offers help to manage complaints of blurring of vision and double vision (diplopia). Persons needing this medicine also have pain in one or the other temple that may be burning, pulsating or pressing type. Other than above this medicine is also indicated for drawing and tearing pain in jaw.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Jaw Pain

It is a prominent medicine for managing jaw pain. For using it pain in the upper jaw is present when chewing. The pain is mainly drawing in nature. Another indication for using it is stitching pain in the left temple on movement of the lower jaw.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Managing Throat Pain

Other than Belladonna, Hepar Sulph is a very significant medicine to manage throat pain. The pain is worse from  speaking and swallowing. The pain can radiate from throat to ears. Along with this  a plug-like sensation or a splinter  like sensation is felt in the throat.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Managing Weakness 

It is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage weakness. In cases needing it weakness and exhaustion occurs from slightest exertion.  There is a lack of power and strength to do any work. In most cases weakness is worse at night time. Weight loss can be present along with this.

  1. Rhus Tox  – To Manage Pain and Stiffness

Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine to manage pain and stiffness in these cases. It works well in managing pain and stiffness in neck, shoulders, hips and lower back. Persons who need this medicine complain of worsening of pain at rest in general. They feel relief in the pain by motion.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Febrile Seizures

Febrile seizures refers to convulsions (fits) that can occur in a child during a high fever. It usually occurs in children between the ages of 3 months to 6yrs. They can be frightening but most times are harmless and don’t point towards any serious health issue. Homeopathic Medicines for Febrile Seizures can be taken as a supportive help along with conventional mode of treatment.Homeopathic Medicines for Febrile Seizures 


An increase of body temperature (mostly higher than 38 °C  or 100.4 °F) usually can trigger a febrile seizure.  Sometimes a low – grade fever can also trigger a febrile seizure.

Most of the time the fever which lead to febrile seizures result from a viral infection and sometimes from bacterial infection. Virus which causes roseola ( also called as sixth disease is an infectious disease  caused by human herpesvirus 6 and 7 and usually spreads through saliva. It occurs in children before age of three and causes fever and skin rash), chicken pox, influenza and upper respiratory tract infection that are accompanied with high fevers are mostly linked with febrile seizures. Other infections linked with febrile seizures are middle ear infections, shigellosis (an infection of intestines caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella) and salmonellosis (a bacterial disease caused by bacteria of the Salmonella type affecting the intestinal tract causing diarrhoea, fever and abdominal cramps). 

Next, fever that follows immunizations mainly the MMR (measles, mumps rubella vaccine), DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine) can also cause febrile seizures. A child who has some family member having febrile seizure is at risk of it suggesting a link of genetics with this.

These seizures mainly occur in children between the age group of 3 months and 6 years and the children between 12 months and 18 months of age are at the highest risk of it.


In most cases febrile seizures don’t cause any complication. But some children get the complication of recurrent febrile seizures. Few children who had a febrile seizure have a chance of getting another seizure from some future infection usually within the year of first seizure. The chances of recurrence is more if the first febrile seizure occurred before age of 18 months, the first febrile seizure occurred from a low fever, the time span between the fever onset and seizure was short and there is a family history of febrile seizures and if the child goes to day care that increase the chances to contract infections common in childhood like influenza, chicken pox.


In febrile seizures fever is more than 38°C (or 100.4°F), twitching of limbs, jerking of limbs, stiffness of body, shaking of limbs / whole body, loss of consciousness occurs. Other than this rolling of eyes and foam at mouth  can be there.

There are two types of febrile seizures – simple and complex.

  1. Simple Febrile Seizures 

These are most common and last from a few seconds to one or two minutes. But sometimes they can last for around  15 minutes. They are not specific to any one part of the body. Its symptoms include twitching of limbs,  stiffening and shaking of limbs, shaking all over the body, eye rolling, loss of consciousness, loss of bladder / bowel control. After the seizure is over the child may feel confused, tired, sleepy, irritable but no weakness in the arm or leg is felt. Simple febrile seizures occur for only one time in a 24 hr period and do not repeat again in this time period. 

  1. Complex Febrile Seizure

These are less common and they last for more than 15 minutes. These seizures occur more than once during 24 hours time. These are confined to one side of the body. Its symptoms are twitching or shaking of one limb of the body, loss of consciousness and  weakness in the arm or leg which is temporary.


The child should be taken to doctor as soon as possible after the febrile seizure. One must urgently rush to hospital in case a child has a stiff neck, vomiting, extreme lethargy and breathing difficulty that may be indicative of brain infection.

Homeopathic Medicines for Febrile Seizures

Homeopathic medicines are helpful for managing cases of febrile seizures which are mild to moderate in intensity. These medicines mainly focus to boost the immunity of a child to fight with the infectious agent which is causing fever and to help regulate the temperature. Use of these medicines can be considered to treat the tendency of recurrent febrile seizures.  The homeopathic medicines for these cases should be taken after consulting a homeopathic physician and never be self prescribed. This is because the medicine for this condition is not specific and which medicine is required for a given case of febrile seizures can only be selected after a thorough case analysis. It is to be noted that in severe cases with some warning signs like vomiting, stiff neck, breathing difficulty and extreme lethargy urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

  1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine 

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is a leading medicine for febrile seizures. The important features to use this medicine are twitching of limbs, jerking of arms and hands. There is twisting, turning of limbs along with jerking. Sometimes twitchings are present in muscles of face. Rolling of eyes may also present. With the above there is loss of consciousness. After the end of fit sound sleep occurs. There is fever with excessive heat in head and face, redness of face, great thirst.

  1. Nux Vomica – For Twitching of Single Muscle or Limb

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which there is twitching of single muscle or single limb.  The child may also have frothing at mouth. Deep sleep can after the fit attack is over. There is fever with marked chills. A peculiar feature during fever is desire to be covered in  all stages of fever – chill, heat or sweat. 

  1. Stramonium – With Stiffness and Rigidity of Body

This medicine is indicated when during fit the body becomes stiff, rigid; the eyes are staring and there is frothing at the mouth. Other than this there is jerking of arms, fingers and to and fro motion of head. Sometimes  there is jerking of the left side of the face that appears distorted. There is profuse sweating during fit. Along with the above symptoms there is no loss of consciousness.

  1. Cina – When There is Twitching or Jerking of Limbs

This medicine is prepared from plant Cina maritima also known as Artemisia maritima. This plant belongs to family compositae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is twitching or jerking of limbs. The child throws arms from side to side. Distortion of limbs may also appear with this. Its use is also done when the child becomes suddenly stiff  during seizure attack. In cases needing it consciousness is preserved during the attack.

  1. Cicuta – for seizures with frightful distortion of limbs

This medicine is prepared from the fresh roots of a plant called Cicuta Virosa commonly known as water hemlock. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. This medicine is helpful in cases presenting with fits with frightful distortion of limbs and sometimes the whole body. There are spasms with rigidity of muscles. There is loss of consciousness. With this there is high fever, pupils are dilated, head is retracted and there is frothing at mouth.

  1. Hyoscyamus – When Fit Starts with Twitchings of Muscles of Face

This medicine is prepared from plant Hyoscyamus niger commonly known as henbane. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is useful for cases where fit begins with twitchings of muscles of face. In children needing it there may be jerking in the body which is wandering. At one time there is jerking of feet and at other times, the arms. Staring eyes, clenching of teeth and foaming at the mouth are some accompanying symptoms. 

  1. Causticum – With Violent Limb Movements

This medicine is indicated for cases with violent movements of limbs. With this there is gnashing of teeth, screaming, crying. The eyes are half closed with a fixed look. Involuntary passage of urine can be there along with above symptoms. There is feverish heat in the body. Coldness of hands and feet is there. 

  1. Ignatia – For Jerking of Limbs and Trembling of Tongue

This medicine is valuable to manage cases with jerking of limbs and trembling of tongue. Other accompanying symptoms are fixed eyes, frothing at mouth, clenched thumbs, loss of consciousness and redness of face. After consciousness is regained excessive thirst is felt. It is also well indicated for convulsions in children during the first period of dentition with increased body temperature and marked redness of one cheek.

  1. Opium – For Spasmodic Jerking of Limbs

This medicine is prominent for cases with spasmodic jerking of limbs. For using it there may be jerking of one or other arm to and fro. It is also one of the best medicine when a fit occurs during sleep.

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Supportive Homeopathic Remedies for Guillain Barre Syndrome

Guillain Barre Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). It is a serious disorder and the initial symptoms are weakness, tingling and numbness in the limbs. It can eventually lead to paralysis. Homeopathic Remedies for  can be used along with conventional mode of treatment to manage the symptoms. homeopathic remedies for Guillain Barre Syndrome


The exact reason behind Guillain – Barre syndrome is still unknown. In this syndrome the immune system (that normally comes in action to destroy the microorganisms like bacteria, virus, parasites) starts to attack the nerve cells out of a misdirected response. It has multiple types and among them the most common form is AIDP (acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy). In AIDP the protective covering of the nerves known as myelin sheath is damaged. Due to this damage the nerves are not able to send proper signals to the brain and weakness , numbness and paralysis can arise. It has been found that in most cases it  occurs some days or weeks after a respiratory illness or a digestive tract infection. Persons of any age group can be affected with this but the risk increases with advancing age. Its chances are more in males as compared to females.

It can be triggered after an infection with campylobacter jejuni bacteria (most times found in undercooked poultry). Some other infections have also been associated that can trigger it. These include cytomegalovirus, influenza virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), AIDS causing HIV virus,  mycoplasma pneumonia and zika virus. Hepatitis A, B, C and E, Hodgkin’s lymphoma are also associated with the occurrence of this syndrome. Apart from above other triggers linked with it are a recent surgery and vaccination.


In the beginning tingling sensation or weakness is felt in the feet, toes and legs. Afterwards it spread to the upper body, arms, fingers. However in some of the cases (around 10%) the initial symptoms can occur in the arms or face. With the progression of the condition paralysis may appear after muscle weakness. Its signs and symptoms may include tingling, prickling sensation or pins and needles sensations in fingers, wrists, toes, ankles. Next is muscle weakness in legs that spread  to the upper body. There is difficult / unsteady walking and sometimes a person with this is unable to walk or climb stairs. Other symptoms include difficulty in  moving face (from loss of control over facial  muscles) that causes difficulty in talking, chewing or swallowing; and difficulty in  eye movement and double vision. Rest of the symptoms that can arise includes intense pain in lower back; severe shooting, cramping pain that may increase at night; difficulty or loss of bladder control or bowel control; rapid heart rate; difficult breathing; low or high blood pressure and paralysis. There are chances of progression of the symptoms quickly  resulting in a serious condition in a matter of just a few hours in some people. 


This syndrome has many types. The major types are as follows :

  1. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP) – in this the muscle weakness begins in the lower part of the body and ascends upward.
  2. Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) – in this case paralysis begins in the eyes.
  3. Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) and acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN)


The complications includes difficulty breathing when the weakness / paralysis involves muscles that control breathing; weakness, numbness and other sensations even after recovery;  blood pressure problems; heart problems like cardiac arrhythmias; blood clots; bedsores that can happen from long immobility; severe nerve pain; problem with bladder and bowel function.

Homeopathic Remedies for Guillain Barre Syndrome

Homeopathic mode offers supportive help in these cases along with conventional treatment for symptom relief. These medicines help in halting further worsening of this condition and provide symptomatic relief. It is a serious disorder and the most suitable medicine for managing its symptoms is selected after complete case analysis. So one must take any homeopathic medicine as per the guidance of a homeopathic doctor and never self prescribe them.  In case of complications like breathing difficulty, heart problems and others it is strictly advisable to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Conium – Top Grade Medicine 

Conium is a leading medicine to manage cases of Guillain barre syndrome. The main indicating feature to use this medicine is paralysis of lower limbs followed by upper limbs. Next indication for using it is weakness in legs. Along with this there is difficulty in walking and staggering gait. Sometimes there is an inability to walk. Numbness and weakness is also felt in thighs. Persons needing it may complain of heaviness and tiredness, weakness in all limbs. They may also have numbness of fingers and toes. Hands and feet may feel cold. Other than this it is also helpful when there is tearing pain in the limbs.

  1. Aconite – For Tingling beginning in Feet and Spreading Upwards

This medicine is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a prominent medicine for cases in which tingling starts in the feet followed by its spread upwards. In most cases needing it the tingling in limbs is accompanied by shooting pains. Shooting pains are marked in legs, knees, ankles, toes. There may be coldness and sweating of hands and feet. Numbness in legs and feet can also be present.

  1. Causticum – For Weakness and Paralysis

This is a very suitable medicine to manage cases of  weakness, paralysis and loss of bladder control. It is well indicated for weakness or paralysis of the limb. It is also indicated for weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles. Some other indications for its use are hand numbness, weakness in ankles, difficulty of speech, unsteady gait with easy falling. Apart from above it is a top grade medicine for managing cases having loss of bladder control.

  1. Lathyrus – For Weakness in Lower Limbs

This medicine is prepared from plant Lathyrus sativus commonly known as chick – pea. This plant belongs to family leguminosae. It is prominent medicine for cases having weakness in lower limbs. For using it the left side is more weak than right. There is difficulty in standing and walking with this. It is also indicated for paralysis of legs. 

  1. Picric Acid – For Weakness, Numbness, Pricking in Legs

It is a very helpful medicine for weakness, numbness and pricking in legs. Along with this heaviness is also felt in lower limbs and there is difficulty in lifting legs from the floor.

  1. Agaricus – For Prickling Sensation in Feet, Toes and Uncertain Gait

This medicine is well indicated for cases having prickling, tingling sensation in feet, toes. Shooting pain is also present with this. Another marked symptom for using it is weakness and weariness of lower limbs. The legs feel heavy. The gait is uncertain. There is also pain in legs and a sensation of paralytic numbness in lower legs. There is difficulty going upstairs from pain and weakness in legs. Apart from above weakness and paralytic sensation in the arm especially the left side also indicates its use.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Tingling, Prickling in the Fingers

It is a very beneficial medicine for managing tingling sensation in fingers. Weakness and exhaustion in limbs is also present. Limbs feel heavy with this. It is also well indicated for weakness and numbness in feet. 

  1. Phosphorus – for Tingling, Weakness and Paralysis of Limbs

It is another significant medicine for these cases. Firstly it is helpful when there is tingling sensation in limbs. Secondly, it is beneficial for weakness of limbs. In cases requiring it the arms are weak with difficulty in moving them. The lower limbs are also weak and weakness is mainly felt while going upstairs. Thirdly it offers help to manage numbness in hands and arms. Lastly it is indicated for paralysis that begins from ends of fingers and toes and ascends upwards. 

  1. Argentum Nitricum – For Weakness of Lower Limbs and Staggering Gait

Use of this medicine is considered in cases having weakness in lower limbs. The legs also feel heavy with this. People needing it have staggering, tottering gait. Pain in calf muscles may accompany it. 

  1. Stannum Met – For Weakness of Arms

It is a great medicine for weakness of arms. The persons who need it complain of easy tiredness in arms from slight exercise. Things seem to fall down from their hands. Heaviness of arms is also felt by them. They may have a burning sensation in their hands along with above symptoms.

  1. Gelsemium – For Weakness of All the Limbs

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. This medicine is valuable for cases presenting with weakness of all the limbs. Persons who need it have weakness and tiredness in arms. They feel arms are powerless. Pain in arms may attend it. Numbness of arms can also be there. Next they have weakness in lower limbs. The lower limbs feel tired from slight exercise. They have difficulty in walking and have an unsteady gait. Shooting, cramping pain may be present in legs along with these symptoms. It also works well in case of double vision.

  1. Alumina – For Staggering Gait

This medicine works well in cases presenting with staggering gait.

People needing it have heaviness in lower limbs and staggering gait.

Tearing, tension, cramping  in thighs and legs can be felt. Sometimes legs feel numb mostly at night.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin condition in which small, inflamed painful lumps form under the skin. The lumps can break open and release fluid or pus that can have an offensive smell. The tunnels can also form under the skin from connection of these lumps. This skin condition usually occurs in areas where the skin tends to rub together like in armpits, the area under breast or groin (the crease area where the upper part of the thigh and the lower part of the abdomen meet). Homeopathic Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa helps in healing the lumps, nodules, cysts and boils in acute cases as well as chronic cases.

This condition is also known as acne inversa. It is a non contagious condition which means it doesn’t spread through direct skin to skin contact. Hidradenitis Suppurativa


The exact reason behind this condition is not yet clear. It is not caused by an infection and it doesn’t arise from poor hygiene. This condition is known to begin from blockage of hair follicles. It is thought that genetics play a role in it as it is seen to run in families. Next hormonal changes are also thought to have a role in its development as it tends to start after puberty. Another factor that is linked with this condition is an overactive immune system that becomes over responsive to little infections in the clogged hair follicles. Apart from above other factors that are thought to be associated with development of it includes smoking, being overweight and having acne (pimples).  

Women are at more risk to develop this condition as compared to men. Having a family history of this condition also increases the risk. Persons in the age group of 20 to 39 yrs are at risk.

In addition to above having there are certain medical conditions that raises its risk. The first among them is metabolic syndrome that refers to a group of five conditions which increases risk of developing  heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. These conditions include increased blood pressure,  excess fat around the waist, high blood sugar, high levels of triglyceride and low level of good cholesterol. The other two are diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is a term to describe two disorders in which there occurs chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. First among these disorders is ulcerative colitis and another is crohn’s disease. 

Signs and Symptoms

This condition can appear in one or several areas of the body. The most common areas involved in it includes armpits, area under breast, groin, inner thighs, anal area and between buttocks. In case of hidradenitis suppurativa red, pimple – like bumps on skin, painful lumps, deep nodules (solid, elevated under the skin), cyst ( a lump containing fluid or other substance) under skin and boils ( pus filled bumps) can develop. The bumps can be itchy. The boil can drain fluid, pus or blood with an offensive smell. With passing time tunnels (sinus tract) that connect lumps may form under the skin. In this condition the lumps tend to occur on both sides of the body .

The bumps keep going away and coming back. The bumps may occur on the same site every time or they may keep changing location. This condition may get worse from stress, being overweight, hormonal changes, heat and smoking.

Stages of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

This condition is classified into three stages (called Hurley stages) depending upon its severity.

Stage 1 –  In this stage there is single or multiple nodules / boil with little scarring and no sinus tract 

Stage 2 – In this stage there are more than one bump with little scarring and limited tunnelling.

Stage 3 – in this stage multiple bumps with extensive scarring and tunnelling appear involving entire area of the body 


In severe cases or the cases that are left untreated some complications can arise. First among them is infection on the affected skin area. Second is scarring / pitting on the healed part of skin and thickening of the scar. Next is restriction of movement from painful lesions and scar mainly when it affects the axilla. In some cases fistula ( a hollow passage) can form inside the body. Another complication is swelling in arms or legs when the lumps or scars (that occurs in body areas that are near lymph nodes) obstruct the drainage of lymph. Depression can occur in the person with this condition when they avoid going out in public and self isolate them due to draining from the lesion and offensive smell from it. Severe and advanced cases carry a very rare chance of squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer type).

Homeopathic Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for complaints of hidradenitis suppurativa. These medicines also work in treating the recurrent tendency for skin lesions of this complaint. These medicines help to heal the lumps, reduce the pain and clear off the pus discharges. These medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances and hence are very safe to use without any side effects. 

  1. Silicea – Leading Medicine for Lumps, Cyst, Nodules, Boils

Silicea is a top listed medicine for these cases. It is very effective to treat boils, lumps, nodules, cysts under skin. In case of boils it is indicated when there is pus discharge that can be slight or excessive. It is also indicated when there is thin watery discharge or brownish discharge. The discharges are very offensive where this medicine is required.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Painful Boils

This is a very beneficial medicine for painful boils. The pain to use this medicine can be throbbing or beating. The pain tends to get worse at night. There is much inflammation, heat and swelling over the boils. In cases needing it the pus discharge from boils is blood stained and is very offensive. A person needing it may also have a tendency to acne (pimples). These are often filled with pus.  

  1. Myristica – To Speed up Recovery of Boils

This medicine is prepared from plant Myristica Sebifera. This plant belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a very useful medicine to help cases of boils. In these cases it works to aid quick recovery by hastening the process of pus formation. Surgical intervention is often prevented by timely use of this medicine in these cases.

  1. Belladonna – When There are Boils in Initial Stage with Heat and Swelling

This medicine is prepared from plants commonly known as deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae.  This medicine is indicated in initial stages when there are boils with heat and swelling. Affected skin area is also sensitive to touch.  Another peculiar indication to use this medicine is recurrent and periodical boils that recur every year specifically in spring season. 

  1. Calcarea Sulph – For Boils with Yellow Pus Discharge

It is another helpful medicine for boils. In cases needing it there is presence of yellow pus discharge. This medicine offers help in both acute cases and as well as chronic cases. It helps to treat one’s tendency to have recurrent boils.

  1. Sulphur – When One Boil Heals followed by Another Boil

This medicine is prominently indicated when a boil in one place heals and is followed by another boil at a different location. The boil discharges pus sometimes blood stained. It can be yellow and offensive in nature. The boil is very painful and is much inflamed at the base. Apart from above it is also valuable medicine to treat cases where boils come in crops in different body parts.

  1. Rhus Tox – When There is Discharge of Blood Stained Pus 

This medicine is indicated when there is blood stained discharge from the boil. It is swollen and painful to touch. Pain  is usually stinging in nature.

  1. Merc Sol – When There is Discharge of Yellow Green Pus 

This medicine is considered when the lumps discharge yellow green pus. This is attended with burning, stinging types of pain. Another specific indication to use this medicine is formation of boil in females at the time of menstrual period.

  1. Phytolacca – For Hard, Painful Nodes / Lumps

This medicine is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as poke – root. It belongs to family phytolaccaceae. This medicine is very suitable to treat cases in which there are hard, painful nodes / lumps present under the skin. Other than this it also helps cases of boils with burning pains. These pain mostly get worse at night where it is required. Watery offensive discharges can be present. It is known to hasten the process of pus formation and speed up recovery. 

  1. Conium – For Cysts and  Lumps / Nodules

This is a highly valuable medicine to treat cases where cysts or lumps / nodules are present under the skin. The lumps or nodules are hard. This medicine works effectively in dissolving the cysts, lumps and nodules in a gradual manner.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathy for Supportive Treatment of ALS 

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative disease of the nervous system in which nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control muscles are affected. In this disease there is loss of control of voluntary muscles (like of speech, limbs). It is a progressive disease means it worsens with time. Homeopathy for ALS is advisable for symptom relief in conjunction with conventional treatment to halt further disease progression and  improve quality of life as much as possible.Homeopathy for ALS

This disease is also known by name of Lou Gehrig’s disease (named after a baseball player diagnosed with this condition in 1939). In ALS the motor neurons area is affected. Motor neurons are cells of the nervous system which controls the contraction or relaxation of voluntary muscles by sending messages from brain to spinal cord and muscles. In ALS, these motor neurons get damaged and die. Due to this the damaged motor neurons are unable to send messages to muscles resulting in loss of muscle function. Initially the muscles become weak and as the condition progresses a person tends to lose control over movement. In the beginning muscles of limbs are affected and eventually it affects muscles controlling swallowing, breathing. ALS is one type among many motor neuron diseases (a severe neurodegenerative disease that causes the nerves in the spine and brain to lose function over time). Some other motor neuron diseases are pseudobulbar palsy, primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), progressive muscular atrophy. 

There is no cure still found for ALS and there is no treatment that can reverse the damage already occurred. The treatment provided for it is targeted at slowing disease progression, and preventing its complications and improving quality of life. Most people having this condition live for around 3 to 5 yrs after being diagnosed but in rare cases can live up to 10 yrs. 

Causes and Risk Factors 

The exact reason behind ALS is not known yet. An interaction between genetic and environmental factors is thought to play a role in this condition. In most cases no clear cause is present (sporadic ALS). While in rest of the cases around 5 % – 10% it is inherited and runs in families (Familial ALS). It happens from the transfer of certain faulty genes from parents to children. It is also thought that it might develop from an immune response that targets motor neurons causing its deterioration and death. Other than this scientists also think that it can develop when abnormal proteins  (eg. SOD1) made by genes build up in the nerve cells and start to damage them. Scientists are also trying to find if there is a link between this condition and build up of neurotransmitter glutamate in the spaces around nerve cells causing its deterioration.

There are also some studies in which it was found that risk of ALS is higher in people who have served in the military. Scientists are studying what is a link between these. Is its exposure to some infection, some chemicals certain metals or traumatic injuries that increased risk of ALS in military people. 

Risk of ALS increases with age and people between the age of 40 – 60 yrs are at risk. Its chances are little more in males as compared to females of less than age of 65 yrs, while after 70yrs of age no such thing is applicable and chances are equal for men and women. Other than this smoking and exposure to lead are risk factors for this condition. 


Its signs and symptoms vary from case to case as per the neurons that are damaged. In the beginning it presents with  muscle twitching, muscle stiffness and weakness of muscle. Initially there are symptoms only on one side of the body and begin in hand, feet, arms, legs but with time symptoms occur on both sides of the body. Initial signs and symptoms may include difficulty walking  from weakness in legs, feet; weakness in arms; weakness in hands leading to problem doing activity with hands, hand clumsiness;   difficulty in speaking, slurred speech. Muscle cramps and twitching in arms, shoulders can also occur. The person may have difficulty in going up stairs, getting up from a chair and doing normal routine activities. He may limp, stumble / fall while walking. There may also occur hoarseness, difficulty holding head up and problems with swallowing with easy choking. As the disease progresses, loss of muscle function and muscle wasting occurs and the person is unable to move arms, hands,  leg and walk. Eventually he can’t speak , swallow and breathe. Most deaths occur from respiratory failure or aspiration pneumonia. In this disease fatigue is present and memory and decision making ability is also affected. Uncontrolled episodes of laughing or crying may occur. Behavioural issues and cognitive changes also arise. The urinary  and bowel function  and senses are not affected in this condition.

Homeopathy for ALS 

Homeopathic medicines offer a supportive role in managing symptoms of this condition. These medicines though can not reverse the damage that has already occurred in these cases but can help in managing its further progression. These medicines are helpful in mild to moderate cases. It is a progressive disease and the homeopathic medicine is selected individually for every case of ALS after case analysis that only a homeopathic physician can judge based on experience and expertise. So one must use any of the homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician and avoid self medication. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Supportive Help 

  1. Plumbum Met 

it is a very effective medicine to manage cases with weakness of muscle, loss of muscle function or atrophy of muscles (means loss of muscle mass). It is helpful when there is weakness and lameness of arms and hands. This can be attended with loss of muscle mass of arms.  Its use is also considered in case of muscle twitching in the limbs. Next it is useful for loss of muscle function of the lower limbs; hand, wrist, forearm especially on the right side. Hands and feet may be cold where this medicine is required. It is indicated for loss of function of muscle of arms which is initiated with cramps in early phases. Lastly it is indicated for stuttering speech and case of voice loss. 

  1. Lathyrus

This medicine is prepared from plant Lathyrus sativus commonly known as chick – pea. This plant belongs to family leguminosae. This medicine is indicated when there is marked stiffness, rigidity of the legs and ankles. Severe muscle cramps are present in the legs. person needing it may drag feet or put down feet quickly and forcibly on the floor while walking. It is also indicated when muscle loses its function and emaciated (become thin due to loss of muscle mass). 

  1. Argentum Nitricum 

This medicine is beneficial when there is weakness of the lower limbs. The legs may feel heavy. Mainly the left leg feels stiff and rigid. Persons needing it have unsteady, tottering and staggering gait. Along with above symptoms there may be muscle loss in the legs. In some cases weakness in the forearms is also present. Hoarse voice can be there attending the above symptoms.

  1. Arsenic Album

It is a prominent medicine when cases present with weakness in limbs which forces a person to lie down. Mainly upper limbs, legs, feet are  weak. Persons who need it have difficulty ascending stairs and they feel lower limbs would break at that time. It is also indicated when there are twitching in limbs. They may also have swallowing difficulty and loss of speech. General weakness, exhaustion is present along with above symptoms in them.

  1. Lachesis

Use of this homeopathic medicine is mainly considered for cases having slow, difficult speech. The speech is also confused, and indistinct. Persons requiring it may be unable to pronounce some words. Sometimes there is loss of voice in those needing it. Next it is well indicated to manage swallowing difficulty. There is more difficulty in swallowing liquids than solids where it is required.

  1. Phosphorus

This medicine works well to manage weakness of the limbs. In cases requiring it there is excessive weakness of arms with much difficulty to move them. Next indication for using it is loss of muscle mass in hands. Apart from above it works well in case of heaviness and weakness in lower limbs. In most cases this is felt on going upstairs. Legs feel intensely weak leading to missteps while walking. Other than this while walking there is an unsteady and stumbling gait. Lastly it is valuable to manage cases in which there is weak, difficult and slow speech.

  1. Kali Phos

It is indicated when there is weakness of muscles and rigidity of muscles. Next it also helps to manage cases of loss of muscle function. Wasting of muscles can also be present where it is required. Another attending complaint is general weakness. Rest of the accompanying symptoms that this medicine covers include weakness of memory, fits of laughter or crying. 

  1. Cuprum Met

Homeopathic medicine Cuprum Met is significant to manage cases with muscle cramps and twitchings. Firstly it is indicated for twitching in the hands, fingers, arms and the lower limbs. Secondly it is useful for cramps appearing in the legs, fingers, feet and toes. Thirdly it is beneficial for weakness of legs, arms. It is also good for weakness of hands in which a persons is unable to hold things in hands and they tend to fall down. Its last indication is heaviness of tongue with slow, stuttering and imperfect speech.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Filariasis – Homeopathy Offers a Supportive Treatment

Filariasis is a parasitic infection caused by filarial worms  (any of a group of parasitic worms belonging to family Filariidae.) This infection is transmitted through bite of an insect (like black flies and mosquitoes)  who are carrying this infection. This condition is prevalent in areas of Africa, Asia, Central and South America and in India. Homeopathic Medicines for Lymphatic Filariasis can be taken along with conventional treatment for symptom relief. Filariasis

The mosquitoes that spread this infection through the larva of this worm, when they bite a person who is already carrying worms of this infection. These infected mosquitoes then can pass the larva of these worms to another healthy human being through a bite. When an infected mosquito bites healthy human beings the larva of these worms sticks on their skin from where they find a way in his/her body. In the body they enter into lymph vessels through blood stream and grow into adult worms.
Adult worms live in the lymphatic vessels and these worms have a lifespan of around 5 to 7 years in the human body during which they tend to produce millions of microscopic larvae thereby causing disturbance in normal functioning of the lymphatic system. The  lymphatic system functions to maintain fluid balance in the body and help in fighting infections. Any disturbance in this system leads to fluid buildup and swelling of the tissue and also results in lowered immunity. Among hundreds of species of filarial worms around 8 to 9 are known to cause infections in human beings.

Classification and Symptoms of Filariasis

This parasitic disease is classified depending on the body area affected by these worms. 

  1. Firstly, it includes lymphatic filariasis that affects lymphatic system and lymph nodes and causes elephantiasis. The worms that cause it are – Wuchereria bancrofti (most common cause) , Brugia malayi and Brugia timori. 

In case of lymphatic filariasis a disease called elephantiasis mainly occurs. In this disease the filarial worm lodges in the lymphatic system causing its damage and blockage and hinders the flow of lymph through lymphatic vessels. This results in backup of the lymphatic fluid, which causes swelling. 

Many people having this infection may not show symptoms in initial stages. In others it causes lymphedema build up of fluid in soft tissue of limbs from blockage in lymph system. Elephantiasis occurs when the filarial worms gets lodged in lymphatic system and blocks flow of lymph. In people whom symptoms appear mainly include swelling and abnormal enlargement of the legs, arms, breasts or genitals (mainly scrotum in males and vulva in females). Among these sites the legs are the most commonly affected area in elephantiasis. Swelling may be attended with pain. The skin becomes thick, dry, tough and hard that resembles an elephant’s skin hence given the name elephantiasis. The skin may have cracks also. The skin also gets darker than normal, and sometimes gets pitted and ulcerated. There may be difficulty to move the affected body parts resulting in disability. Elephantiasis also cause psychological effects and the sufferer may get emotional distress, anxiety and depression due to worry about their ugly and disfiguring appearance

In some people fever and chills may be present. People with elephantiasis also have impaired immune function which makes them quite prone to get secondary bacterial infections of the skin. The symptoms in elephantiasis develop very gradually and it may take around years to develop. In the infected persons, the signs and symptoms of this condition may not come up until the disease has reached its last stage.

  1. Second is subcutaneous filariasis is the one where the subcutaneous skin layer (layer immediately under the skin) and eye are affected. The worms involved in this type are loa loa, onchocerca volvulus and Mansonella streptocerca. The symptoms that occur in this are skin rash, river blindness and hyperpigmented or depigmented spots on the skin
  2. Lastly, it includes serous cavity filariasis in which the serous cavity of the abdomen is infected. This one is caused by its worm types called Mansonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi. In this skin rash, abdomen pain, joint inflammation (arthritis) and ascites (fluid build up in abdomen) arise.

Homeopathic Medicines for Filariasis (Elephantiasis)

Homeopathic medicines mainly offer a supportive role to manage lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) symptomatically. They boost the body’s natural healing mechanism to fight with its infectious agent and improve the lymph flow in the lymphatic system. They help to manage swelling, thickness, hardness and cracks of the skin in these cases. The homeopathic medicine for a given case of this condition is  selected after detailed case taking and its analysis. So, it is advisable to start any homeopathic medicine for this condition after consulting a homeopathic physician and to avoid self medication.

  1. Hydrocotyle Asiatica – Top Grade Medicine 

This medicine is prepared from plants having the common name Indian Pennywort. This plant belongs to the family Umbelliferae. It is a top listed medicine for managing these cases. Persons needing it mainly have intense thickening of the affected skin. There may be pricking pains present along with this. They can also have excessive itching on the skin. Sometimes there is presence of copper coloured eruptions on the skin also.

  1. Silicea – When it affects Legs, Feet and Hands

Silicea is next prominently indicated medicine for managing such cases. Its use is mainly recommended to manage its cases when legs, feet and hands are affected. Both the feet and legs are involved in cases that require it. The lower part of the thigh is also affected along with the above. Other than this it is also indicated when elephantiasis affects scrotum in males (causing swelling called hydrocele). 

  1. Elaeis Guineensis – For Swelling and Hardening of Skin

This medicine is prepared from the fruit of a plant called Aouara or Avoira. It belongs to family palmaeceae. It is well indicated for these cases when there is swelling, and hardening of the skin. Most times it is indicated for swelling of the left leg. This leg is also rough and itchy. Skin is also thickened. 

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Swelling of Lower Limbs and Pain

Arsenic Album is a useful medicine to manage swelling of the lower limbs and pain in such cases. On feet along with swelling hardness and burning of the skin can be there where it is required. Along with this sometimes on the skin brownish white spots may be present. The skin is dry and rough and looks very dirty. Other than above its use is also considered to manage ulcer on leg. Here ulcer covered with grey crust and an inflamed margin is the key feature to use it. Sometimes around the edges of ulcers pus filled eruptions may also be present.

  1. Petroleum – For Cases with Rough, Thick, Hard Skin

This is a very beneficial remedy for managing conditions where skin is very rough, thick and hard. It also looks very dirty. Cracks can also be present on the skin.  brown spots on the skin can be present too. The skin is very sensitive and painful in most cases that require its use. Along with this there is marked swelling of the leg on the left side. It may have a purplish color and ooze watery substance. On drying large scabs forms on it. Itching and burning are also felt in it.

  1. Merc Sol – For Managing Ulcers on the Skin 

This medicine offers help to manage skin ulcers. In cases needing it there are irregular shaped ulcers with undefined borders  on the skin. They are painful also . Mostly pricking or cutting type of pain is felt in them. Sometimes there may be bleeding from these ulcers also.

  1. Natrum Carb – Another Medicine to Manage Ulcer on Skin

It is also valuable medicine to manage skin ulcers. Swelling is marked with ulcers where it is indicated. Burning sensation may be present in it. Sometimes pricking sensation and pulsation are felt in them. Pus which is yellow and have an offensive smell  may appear from it

Some Rare Remedies for Elephantiasis 

  1. Bixa Orellana 

This medicine is a herb native to South America. Its use is therapeutically indicated for managing cases of elephantiasis in homeopathy.

  1. Calotropis Gigantea 

It is another natural medicine present in homeopathic literature for managing these cases. It is prepared from root bark called Mudar or Yercum of family  asclepiadaceae. This medicine has been successfully used in elephantiasis treatment as recorded in homeopathic books.

  1. Rauwolfia Serpentina

This is also a plant based natural medicine for elephantiasis management. For using this medicine mainly odema (swelling) is present around the ankle, upper limbs. 

  1. Stillingia Sylvatica 

This medicine is prepared from the root of a plant commonly known as Queen’s delight. This plant belongs to the family euphorbiaceae. Ulcers on skin, itching and burning on skin are few complaints that it can manage.

  1. Hippozaeninum and Pyrarara

Hippozaeninum and Pyrarara are yet other  therapeutically indicated medicines in homeopathy for elephantiasis management.  

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Hangnails That Work

A hangnail is a very common condition in which tiny, torn skin pieces or tag hang loosely around the fingernail. In this the skin separates partially from the surface around the nail and partially remains attached at the base of the nail. This condition can very rarely develop around the toenail. Homeopathic medicines for hangnails are also very useful to reduce swelling and redness in case of inflamed nails.

The term hangnail is a misnomer (means an inappropriate term) because it is a skin condition and doesn’t indicate any condition that affects nails despite its name. Homeopathic Medicines for Hangnails


Hangnails arise when there are cracks around the nails. It also commonly results from dryness of skin of the hands for eg, it carries more chances to happen in winter season that makes the skin dry. Repeated hand washing or excessive exposure of hands to water like during dish cleaning or excessive swimming in chlorinated water also makes skin dry and makes a person prone to get hangnails. 

Next they can arise from injury (for eg from excessive finger picking) to skin close to nail and nail biting. It can also arise from protein deficiency. Some people in certain occupations are at its risk like cooks, doctors who tend to wash their hands quite frequently. Other than this excessive use of detergents, nail polish, hand sanitizer also tend to make skin dry and predispose to hangnails. 


In these cases a small, torn piece of skin is visible around the nail.  There may not be any attending symptoms in many cases while in other cases irritation, discomfort, pain and tenderness can be present in this area. The pain can arise from touching it or when they caught on clothes. 
If a person pulls or bites the hangnail then it can lead to bleeding and raise chances of infection. The hangnails occur around the base or side of the nail. The blood vessels and nerve endings are abundant in this area. Hangnails can get inflamed and when that happens they press and irritate the nerve endings that worsens the pain further. Redness, swelling along the side or bottom of the nail occurs if it gets inflamed. Hangnails can also get infected from bacteria or fungus. In such cases along with redness, swelling, heat around nails pus may form around the infected area surrounding the nail. Pain may occur around the nail or whole finger in such cases. The infection that occurs on the skin around the nails is known as paronychia. The skin around the nails is called cuticle and it functions to protect nails from outside infections. When it gets damaged, infection occurs from entry of bacteria or fungus from the damaged site. If hands are not kept clean and a person keeps touching dirty surfaces, then the infection can get worse. In some cases the infection travels to the nail bed where nail colour gets changed and nail becomes weak, brittle and distorted in shape. Rarely in very severe cases there are chances that the infection can be spread to other parts of the body.

Homeopathic Medicines for Hangnails 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating complaints of hangnails. Homeopathic medicines are highly capable to help in healing the skin tears. They also give relief in attending pain. Other than this homeopathic medicines also offer help in case of associated infection with complaint of hangnails. They are beneficial even in cases when there is pus formation around the nails. 

  1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine for Hangnails

Natrum Mur is a leading medicine for treating hangnails. In cases needing it, a torn piece of skin hanging around the nails is seen. Skin surrounding the nails is very much dry and cracked in such cases. Its use is also recommended in case of nail infection arising from hangnails. In some cases requiring it fluid filled blisters may be present on the fingers.

  1. Silicea – For Inflamed Hangnails 

Silicea is prominently indicated medicine when inflammation around the nails or under the nails is there. Along with this pain mainly lancinating type is felt around the nail. In some cases needing it inflammation may even extend deep into the tendon, cartilage and bone under the nail. Ulceration about nails can also be present. In addition to above the nails can become rough, yellow and brittle. They can be damaged too sometimes. Other than above it is also well indicated when pus forms around the hangnail from an attending infection.

  1. Merc Sol – For Hangnails and Inflammation/Infection Around Nails

Merc Sol is another beneficial medicine to treat hangnails. It is also helpful in cases where inflammation or infection of the tissues occur near a fingernail. In case of inflammation pain around nails is present. Mostly the pains are throbbing and shooting type where it is required. 

  1. Sepia –  For Inflamed Hangnails with Beating, Stitching Pain

This medicine is considered in cases of hangnails when inflammation is also there. In such cases pain, especially violent beating or stitching in nature is felt around the nails. With this there may be a tendency of excessive sweating on the hands. In some cases needing it there may be marked yellowish discolouration of the finger nails.   

  1. Sulphur – For Hangnails which are Infected with Pus Around and Under Nail

Sulphur is a very valuable medicine to treat a number of skin conditions including hangnails in a very effective manner. Its use is mainly indicated for hangnails with pus surrounding and beneath the affected nail. Along with pus swelling and inflammation is marked around the nail in cases requiring it. Intense throbbing, stitching and boring pains attend it. The pain tends to get worse at night where it is required. Pain can also worsen from touching the nail. In severe cases the nail falls out from infection and is followed by a thick, yellow distorted nail.

  1. Thuja – For Hangnails with Discoloured, Brittle Nails

Homeopathic medicine Thuja is prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is well indicated for cases where hangnails are attended with discoloured and brittle nails. The nails also are dry, crippled, distorted or crumbling. For using this medicine there may be multiple hangnails in a person.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Cases with Pus Formation around Nail

Hepar Sulph is effective for cases with pus formation around the nail. Pus is offensive. Inflammation, heat and swelling is also there. Persons needing it also complain of beating or throbbing pain around the affected nail. 

  1. Apis Mellifica – To Reduce Inflammation around the Nails in Case of Paronychia

It is useful to reduce inflammation around the nails. With its use swelling, redness and pain reduces. To use this medicine the pain can be stinging, burning or throbbing type. The area around the nail is also very sensitive  to touch. 

  1. Nitric Acid – For Infection Around Nail with Splinter-like Sensation 

This medicine is considered in cases having infection with splinter like sensation around the nail. A sensation like a glass piece surrounding a nail is also experienced with this. Yellow discolouration and crumbling of nails is another complaint that can be present with this.

  1. Dioscorea – For Managing Early Stage of Infection around Nail

This medicine is prepared from fresh roots of plant Dioscorea Villosa having the common name wild yam. This plant belongs to the family  dioscoreaceae. It is indicated for the initial stage of infection around the nail. People needing it complain of pain around the nail which is a sharp, pricking type. 

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Sleepwalking – Homeopathy Offers Natural Solution

Sleep walking, medically known as somnambulism or noctambulism, is a disorder in which a person gets up and walks around at night or performs other activities when he is asleep. It usually occurs early in the night during a period of deep sleep. Homeopathic remedies for sleepwalking work gradually to reduce the episodes of sleepwalking.

Homeopathic remedies for sleepwalking

Though it can occur in people of any age group but tend to be more common in children as compared to adults. Children usually outgrow it by puberty but in some children it can continue in adulthood. 


The exact cause behind it is still not clear yet. But it is related to genetics as it tends to run in families. A person having someone in the family who has sleepwalking is at risk to develop the same. Having a history of sleepwalking in one or both parents raises the risk much more.

Next, there are few factors that are linked with this condition. These include sleep deprivation,  interrupted sleep, changed sleep schedule, sudden/abrupt waking from sleep, stress, anxiety, excessive tiredness, use of some medicines (like sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines), use of alcohol, use of recreational drugs and fever.

Some of the medical conditions  can also trigger it. The medical conditions firstly include GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease which refers to frequent back flow of the stomach acid into the food pipe that mainly causes heartburn felt as a burning sensation behind the sternum).
Next medical condition is OSA (obstructive sleep apnea – a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops momentarily many times during sleep. OSA happens from relaxation of throat muscles  during sleep that block the airway and causes obstruction for air to enter lungs).

Next condition that is related to this RLS (Restless legs syndrome – a condition in which a person desires to move the legs from discomforting sensations in the lower limbs). Other medical conditions that are associated with this includes night time asthma, heart rhythm problems, migraine headaches, tourette syndrome (a condition in which involuntary multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic arise. Tics refers to habitual, spasmodic contractions / movements of muscles occurring quickly that can’t be easily controlled), night time seizures (fits), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

Lastly, some psychological disorders are linked with this. These include (like PTSD – post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks and schizophrenia). PTSD is a psychological disorder that develop after some traumatic event in life for eg, child abuse, sexual assault etc. Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder in which hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking and behaviour occurs. Delay in the maturity of the CNS central nervous system is also linked with sleep walking problems. Other than these, the rate of sleepwalking is higher in children who have complaints of bedwetting and night terror.

In case of women hormonal changes play a role in sleepwalking (the chances are more in them before the onset menstrual cycle).


Sleepwalking most commonly occurs in the early part of night in the first few hours of sleep.  In this a person may just sit up in bed and look around. He may be confused and disoriented  with this. In other cases the person gets out of bed and starts to walk around. While sleep walking  a person’s eyes are open, have glassy eye expressions but he doesn’t recognise people around him and when asked something responds partially or may even doesn’t respond at all . Sometimes he may say senseless things at that time. There is difficulty in arousing them during an episode. They may even violently attack the person trying to awake them. Some people with sleep walking may wake screaming and frightened if they have an attending complaint of night terrors.  Sometimes they may start doing some work like start eating, getting dressed, open cupboards etc. 

They may even walk out of the house. Some may even start to drive a car. An episode of sleepwalking usually lasts for some minutes, mostly less than 10 minutes but it can in some cases last may last longer than this time. People having it may get out of bed, walk about and then again come back to bed and sleep again. In the morning they don’t remember anything about night’s occurrence of sleep walking. They may feel excessively sleepy during the day from disturbed night sleep. Persons having this complaint can injure them while walking as from bumping in a door / furniture or falling from stairs. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Sleepwalking 

There is great scope to treat complaints of sleepwalking in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines for treating this complaint are of natural origin that are very effective and safe for use. These medicines are deep acting medicines that have the ability to treat this complaint from its root. The best suitable medicine to treat a case of sleepwalking is selected after detailed case study in every individual case based on the symptom presentation. Following are some of the leading medicines for treating this condition. One should consider taking any of these after consulting a homeopathic physician who can best judge the medicine required after case analysis and avoid self prescribing.

  1. Natrum Mur

This medicine is very useful in persons who rise at night during sleep and sit about. They may have anxious dreams while weeping during sleep. Another complaint of talking in sleep may also be present in them.  Their sleep is also disturbed. On awakening in the morning they feel unrefreshed. A violent headache may also be complained about in the morning. During the day there is excessive drowsiness and frequent yawning.

  1. Phosphorus

It is another valuable medicine for these cases of sleepwalking. In cases needing it there is restlessness and disturbed sleep at night. There are frightful and horrible dreams in those requiring it. Along with this there is frequent waking with fright. During sleep there may be crying, moaning and jerking of limbs. There is a feeling in the morning as if sleep is not completed with sleepiness all the day.

  1. Kali Phos

It is very effective medicine to treat somnambulism in children. Those needing it are restless in sleep and may be mumbling, crying, moaning or talking in sleep. They also have night terrors and awakens with fright even from sound sleep at night. In the morning they feel sleepy, and are difficult to awake with excessive yawning. Excessive tiredness may also be present where it is required.

  1. Silicea

It is another good medicine for somnambulism. The person needing it gets up from sleep at night, walks and afterwards lies down. Their sleep is restless with crowded dreams and frequent waking. They may be talking loudly in sleep. They can also have complaints of nightmares. Snoring, jerking of limbs are some other complaints that they may have during sleep. In the morning they feel unrefreshed and don’t wish to leave bed. Other than above it is a specific medicine when sleepwalking occurs at new and full moon. 

  1. Kali Bromatum 

It is very beneficial medicine for somnambulism in children. Children who need it may also have complaints of night terrors. They get awake from sleep with screaming and recognise no one. They also have restless sleep. Grinding of teeth, crying and moaning can also be present in them during sleep. In the morning they may wake with a severe headache. 

  1. Stramonium

Stramonium is a useful medicine when there is complaint of sleepwalking. Persons who need it get up at night especially after midnight with confusion.  They may seem frightened and have eyes staring at a point. They sit up in bed or walk about at night. Other attending symptoms that attend it are restless sleep, tossing in bed, snoring. Screaming, starting or laughing can also be present during sleep.

  1. Artemisia Vulgaris

This medicine is prepared from fresh root of plant Artemisia Vulgaris also commonly known as wormwood. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is well indicated for cases in which a person wakes at night from sleep and starts doing his daily work. In the morning he remembers nothing about it. Other than this it is a leading medicine for epilepsy treatment. Epilepsy after grief, fright or blow on head are well treated with this medicine. 

  1. Luna 

It is also a significant medicine for cases of somnambulism. People needing it may have nightmares, horrible, frightful dreams that wake them up. They have sleepwalking and in the morning they feel that their sleep is not completed. 

  1. Zincum Met

This medicine works well in cases of sleepwalking arising in persons from suppressed emotions. Persons needing it have disturbed sleep with frequent waking. They may have loud screaming in their sleep. They can have frightening dreams while talking and crying. They sometimes have disturbed sleep from painful cramps in legs. They have unrefreshing sleep with drowsiness and sleepiness in daytime. 

  1. Ignatia

This medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara of family loganiaceae. It is prominently indicated where sleepwalking occur in persons who had wounded pride (being disrespected). They sleep walks but doesn’t remember nothing about it. They may also have history of sleep deprivation from cares, worries, some grief, depression with anxious thoughts. They may have very light sleep and hears even distant noises. They can be very restless and snoring at night.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathy for Low Milk Supply During Breastfeeding

Low milk supply during breastfeeding means a mother is not being able to produce enough milk in a sufficient quantity needed to meet nutritional demand of her baby. It is also known as hypogalactia or hypo galactorrhea. Agalactia is a term used for absence or failure of milk secretion after giving birth. Homeopathy for low milk supply during breastfeeding uses medicines of natural origin that are very safe to use without any side effects.

Homeopathy for Low Milk Supply During Breastfeeding

There are few things that don’t point towards low milk supply as lay man may relate to from misconceptions. These includes – a baby is not getting enough if he is nursing frequently, if breast isn’t leaking milk, breast suddenly became softer, baby has increase frequency and lengths of feeding session, baby is fussy, if baby takes  bottle of formula milk even soon after nursing, when women do not feel a let down sensation or on pumping very little milk comes out. They are not related to low milk supply and are not valid ways to check if milk supply is low or not.

If a baby is gaining weight when exclusively breast fed then it means the milk supply is sufficient for his growth. Some of the actual signs that indicate that baby is not getting sufficient milk needed for growth are poor weight gain, not enough wet  diapers (less than 8 – 10 diapers) in a day, have signs of dehydration (like lethargy, dark rings around eyes, sunken fontanelle, yellowish urine), getting weaker, or signs of not growing well.


It can firstly arise if breastfeeding is started late after childbirth. Next it can happen if the baby is not latching properly. It means the baby is not sucking properly to draw enough milk from the breast. If the breast milk is not removed time to time then its production reduces. Next it can arise if the baby is taking infrequent feeds or taking feed for a short time approx less than 5 minutes. This is because frequent extraction or draining of milk from breast boosts or triggers milk supply but allowing the milk to remain in the breast for long decreases milk supply. Use of pacifiers and supplementing feeding with infant formula milk unnecessarily in initial weeks also decrease milk supply. Starting breastfeeding as soon as possible after childbirth, making sure the baby is latching properly during breastfeeding, frequently breastfeeding around every 2 – 3 hrs during initial weeks, avoiding bottles and pacifiers in the early week can help in cases having above reasons. 

Premature birth, jaundice, tongue tie in baby also tend to decrease milk supply because with these conditions baby can’t suck properly leading to low milk supply.  

Other than above factors related to low milk supply are stress, exhaustion, not taking enough sleep, not drinking enough water, use of certain medicines (like zyrtec D),  use of hormonal pills, history of previous breast surgery, injury to breast, underdeveloped (hypoplastic breast) being underweight or obese, drinking alcohol, smoking and taking excessive caffeine.   

Apart from above there can be a medical reason which is causing true low milk supply. In such cases the medical reasons have to be treated to establish good milk supply. The medical reasons include hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), anaemia, post partum haemorrhage (Blood loss of more than 500 ml to 1000 ml of blood within the first 24 hours after childbirth), Hypopituitarism (decreased secretion of hormones by the pituitary gland), hyperprolactinemia (medical condition with deficiency of prolactin hormone). Prolactin is lactogenic hormone or milk hormone which is responsible for breast growth during pregnancy and for breast milk production after delivery for breast feeding the baby), recent mastitis (inflammation of breast), retained placenta, breast cancer,  pregnancy induced high blood pressure, insulin dependent diabetes which is poorly controlled.

Homeopathy for Low Milk Supply During Breastfeeding

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to improve milk supply during breastfeeding.  They help in enhancing milk supply naturally by treating the medical reason behind it. Some of these medicines not only help to boost breast milk production during lactation but also helps to improve its quality. Though these are entirely safe to use but one must take them under supervision and guidance of a homeopathic physician who will suggest the medicine name, dose and repetition based on every individual case analysis.  

  1. Pulsatilla – When Milk Quantity is Scanty, Thin and Watery

Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as pasque flower or wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is valuable medicine to increase milk flow when it is little in quantity, thin, watery and lacking true milk globules. Swelling of breast may be present. Females needing it may have mild, sensitive nature with weeping tendencies. They weep every time a child is put to breast.

  1. Chamomilla – To Establish Flow of Milk when Absent with Sore Breasts

It is a very helpful medicine for increasing breast milk. It is indicated for women who have soreness of breast and absent milk. The breast may be hard and tender to touch. Drawing pain in the breast can be present too. With this they may have profuse lochia (vaginal discharge that occurs after childbirth). it is also indicated when there is suppressed milk from anger spells. 

  1. Urtica Urens – For Cases with Complete Absence of Milk (agalactia) with Pain 

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as small stinging – nettle. This plant belongs to family urticaceae. This medicine is considered in cases in which milk is entirely absent after childbirth. Along with this pain of burning, stinging nature is present in the breast. Swelling of breast is also there. In such cases this medicine helps in establishing milk flow and relieves breast pain. There may be a history of a lump in the breast in the past in the cases needing it.

  1. Ricinus – To Enhance Milk Flow

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Ricinus communis commonly called castor oil bean that belongs to the family euphorbiaceae. The leaves of this plant have very strong action on female genitals and breasts. Its use for enhancing milk supply has been done since ancient times. There are records by Hale that in ancient times in the Cape Verde Islands the leaves of this plant were applied to the breasts of females after childbirth to boost the flow of milk. Homeopathically this medicine is effective as oral medicine to enhance milk flow in nursing women.

  1. Lactuca Virosa – A Galactogogue to Stimulate Milk Production

This medicine is prepared from plant Acrid Lettuce of family compositae. As per Dr.Boericke this medicine is a  true galactogogue (herbs and medicines that help to increase breast milk flow in lactating mothers). In cases needing it there can be agalactia ( means entire absence of milk in breast).

  1. Lecithinum – Another Galactagogue to Increase Milk Supply 

Lecithinum is another prominent homeopathic medicine which act as a galactagogue to increase milk quantity. In addition to this it also makes milk more nourishing and nutritious.

  1. Bryonia – For Inflamed Breast with Suppressed Milk Flow

This medicine is prepared from the root of plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is very beneficial for cases having inflammation of breast (mastitis) with suppressed milk flow. The breasts are swollen, hard, heavy with scanty milk secretion where it is required. Burning, tearing pain in the breast is also present. Nipples can be very hard with this. Other than above it is also useful for cases where lumps in breast are there with retarded milk flow.

  1. Alfalfa – To Improve Quantity and Quality of Breast Milk

This medicine is prepared from plants called Medicago Sativa, California Clover or Lucerne. This belongs to the family papilionoideae. It is a very effective medicine to improve the quantity as well as quality of milk. Additionally it is a great tonic to increase energy, stamina and give strength to the body.

  1. Asafoetida – For Re-establishing Milk Flow When it has Dried 

This medicine is prepared from gum resin of the living root of plant Gum of the Stinkasand. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. This medicine carries a great ability to reestablish milk flow in cases where it has dried up a few days after delivery. Females who need may have a very sensitive nature. 

  1. Lac Defloratum – To Improve Milk Secretion 

This medicine works very effectively to improve milk flow. It quickly helps to bring milk flow in a few hours or a day. Females who require it may have decreased in size of breasts.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Cases having Scanty Milk with Hard, Distended Breast

This medicine offers help when the breast is hard, distended with scanty milk flow. Nipples may be hard with this. Stitching pain in the breast can be felt when child nurses.

  1. Causticum – For Suppressed Milk Flow from Fatigue or Anxiety

It is a wonderful medicine to trigger milk flow when it has been suppressed from fatigue or anxiety. Females who need it also have complaints of cracked nipples. They also have intense itching about the breast. Pain in the breast during nursing can also be felt by them.

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