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What causes Lower Back and Hip Pain and its Homeopathic Remedies

Both lower back pain and hip pain can cause a lot of discomfort and in some cases, both can occur together. Pain can be unilateral (one-sided) or bilateral (on both sides) varying from case to case. The symptoms vary in intensity from mild to severe. Depending on the cause behind it, other symptoms may be felt. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation, weakness, reduced range of motion in the back and lower limb.

In severe cases, serious symptoms can arise like retention of urine, difficulty in passing urine, and involuntary passage of urine or stool that demands immediate medical help to prevent serious complications and permanent damage.

Lower back and hip pain may result from several causes. The first cause could be the pinching of a nerve in the lower back. It refers to irritation or compression of the nerve by muscles, bones or any other structure which lies near the nerve. Disc bulge, herniated disc, arthritis (inflammation of the joints), degenerative changes in the lumbar spine, bone spurs (extra outgrowths of the bones) or an injury are some of the important reasons behind nerve pinching. Disc bulge refers to the bulging out of the intervertebral disc i.e. cushions in between the two vertebrae that irritates/pinches the nerve in the spine. Herniated disc means there is oozing out of the inner gel-like matter from the disc via a tear in its outer layer resulting in the compression of the nerve.

The second reason is sciatica (compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve that causes pain in the lower back radiating downward to the hip, thigh, leg and feet). Other reasons include joint inflammation i.e. arthritis. Another important cause is ankylosing spondylitis and inappropriate functioning of sacroiliac joint (joint formed by the ilium bone of the pelvis and sacrum which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine). Ankylosing spondylitis is an autoimmune joint disorder starting from the sacroiliac joint followed by its ascent up the spine causing inflammation and damage to the joints. Its major symptom is pain and stiffness in the lower back and the hips. Further reasons might include muscle strain, injury, piriformis syndrome and lumbar stenosis.

Piriformis syndrome refers to a condition arising from irritation/compression of the sciatic nerve from contraction of the piriformis muscle located in the buttock region. Lumbar stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal in the lumbar region of the back. In females, this pain could arise during menses or from health concerns like endometriosis (growth of tissue that lines the uterus at regions other than uterus like ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder and rectum) and uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growths forming in the uterus).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines prove very helpful in cases of lower back and hip pain. Sourced from natural substances, they ease the pain in the lower back and the hip in the most harmless way with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind pain to give long term relief in these cases. They can also relieve its attending symptoms like stiffness, numbness, tingling, pin-needle sensation along with pain. Homeopathic prescription for such cases varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms. So it is advised that one should take homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should be avoided. In case of serious symptoms like retention of urine, difficulty in passing urine, involuntary passage of urine or stool, one should take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in managing serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Lower Back And Hip Pain

1. Aesculus – When Pain Increases From Walking And Stooping

Aesculus is a highly effective medicine to manage lower back and hip pain which gets worse from walking and stooping. The pain increases when rising up after sitting. Aching or tearing type of pain is felt where this medicine is required. The back feels as if it will break from pain. There is also marked stiffness in the back along with pain. The back is also sore to touch. Weakness in the back and legs can accompany. Aesculus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliac joint problems and hip arthritis.

2. Colocynth – In Sciatica Cases

Colocynth is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage lower back and hip pain in cases of sciatica. Persons needing it have pain in the lower back that radiates to the hip and sometimes to the back side of the thighs. The pain makes every position painful, be it sitting or lying down. Pain is worse when lying on the back. Walking is also difficult and makes the person limp. The nature of pain can be tearing, burning type. The warmth of the bed worsens the pain. In hips, cramping pain can be felt. It gets better by lying down on the affected side.

3. Rhus Tox –  After an injury

This medicine is highly suitable when there is pain in the lower back and hips after an injury from falling. In cases needing it, there is much difficulty in walking, standing or sitting. Pain gets better while lying on something hard.  There is problem in putting weight on the limb because of the injury. The hip is tender to pressure. Due to these complaints, there is restless sleep at night. Stiffness is also felt in the back. The back feels as if broken. Rhus Tox is also the most important medicine for managing cases of back and hip pain due to overstraining of muscles.

4. Kali Carb – Along With Weakness In Lower Back And Lower Limbs

Kali Carb is of great use to manage cases of lower back and hip pain along with weakness in the back and lower limbs. In cases needing it, pain from the lower back radiates to the hips. The pain can be shooting or stitching type. Pain gets worse from walking and standing. The back feels as if broken. A very characteristic feature is the worsening of pain in early morning around 3 am. This medicine is also indicated when lower back pain occurs after a fall.

5. Lachesis – With Stiffness

Lachesis is indicated when there is drawing pain from the back to the hips along with stiffness. Drawing pain in the lower back prevents movement. It gets worse when rising up from the sitting position. Back pain is accompanied with excessive restlessness with stretching of arms and legs. The lower back feels weak and sprained.  Stiffness is marked in the sacral back that extends to the hip joints. Stiffness gets worse on bending, when lying down, and on beginning to move.

6. Ruta – When Pain From Back Goes Down To Hips And Thighs

This medicine is helpful when pain from the back radiates down to the hips and thighs. This pain gets worse while lying down at night. Ruta is also a useful medicine for back pain occurring after an injury. In such cases, pain worsens from pressure. The pain worsens in the morning before rising. Weakness is felt in the lower back.

7. Kali Bichrome – For Lower Back Pain Extending To Left-Side Hip

It is a very beneficial medicine to help cases of lower back pain extending to the left side hip. Pain in the lower back worsens from movement and stooping in cases needing it. Pain increases at rest and at night. Cutting type of pain is marked in the sacral back which means the lowest part of the back.



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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Itching in Skin Folds

Itching is an irritating sensation on the skin with an urge to scratch. Itching can occur on any body part. In some cases, itching particularly occurs on the skin folds. These skin folds include armpits (axilla), groin area (crease where the abdomen and thighs meet), in between buttocks, area under the breasts, area in the bend of the elbows, area behind the knees and in between the toes and fingers, folds of the neck and behind the ears. Along with itching, eruptions or rash may appear on the skin. The eruptions can be dry or may ooze fluid. Cuts and cracks can appear on the skin folds. In some cases, there may be pain and soreness in the affected skin folds.

Causes Of Itching In Skin Folds

Itching in the skin folds can arise from various causes. Firstly, rubbing of the skin folds from tight-fitting clothes can lead to it. Another reason can be heat and excessive moisture or sweating in the skin folds. Obesity, increased sweating, diabetes, weak immune system are some of the factors that increase the risk of itching in the skin folds. Besides, it may arise from various infections including fungal, bacterial and viral infections.

The fungal infection mainly occurs from fungus named candida albicans. The bacterial infection mainly results from staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The viral infections mainly result from viruses of families Papillomaviridae and Poxviridae. Other reasons behind itchy skin folds include eczema and psoriasis (one of its types is named inverse psoriasis). Eczema or dermatitis refers to inflamed skin with redness, rashes and itching. It could be attended with the presence of eruptions on the skin either dry or fluid-filled, cracks on the skin and skin peeling. In some cases, dermatitis, usually atopic dermatitis, mainly affects the bends of limbs including the elbow and knees. Psoriasis refers to an autoimmune skin condition in which red, inflamed patches occur on the skin covered with silvery, white scales. There is a type of psoriasis known as inverse psoriasis that particularly tends to affect the skin folds.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing itching in the skin folds. These medicines are entirely safe to use as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances. It has zero side effects. They help in reducing itching along with healing any eruptions, if present.  Homeopathic medicines also help to manage any discharge or pain if present.  They give long-term results by working to treat the root cause behind the itching. After managing the acute condition, homeopathic medicines work gradually to overcome the tendency to have itching in the skin folds. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually in every case based on the symptom presentation, so homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor. It is strictly advised to avoid self-medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Itching In Skin Folds

1. Graphites – Topmost Medicine

There are numerous homeopathic medicines for managing itching in the skin folds but among these, Graphites is a top-listed medicine. Its use is highly recommended for managing itching and rashes between the bends of elbow and knees, neck folds, area behind the ears and groins. Cracks in between the fingers, toes, behind the ears and other skin folds may be present. These cracks are slow to heal. There can be marked roughens of the skin where this medicine is required. Another important feature of using this medicine is the presence of eruptions that ooze a sticky, gluey discharge. In cases needing it, the tendency of pus formation on the skin is also present. Graphites is also recommended for cases of ringworm infection in the bends of elbow along with intense itching. Another indication for using this medicine is itching in the bend of knees from eczema eruptions. There are thick crusts present in the bend of knees sometimes along with cracks. They itch intolerably. Itching gets worse at night from the warmth of bed.

2. Natrum Mur – For Itching In Bends Of Limbs And Between Toes

This medicine is indicated for managing itching with dry, crusty eruptions in the bends of limbs. Bends of limbs mean elbow bends and area behind the knees. Sometime there is oozing of fluid from the eruptions. In some cases, eruptions can be present behind the ears as well. At times, scabs are present in the armpits. This medicine is also indicated for herpes eruptions in the bends of elbows and knees. Lastly, Natrum Mur is suitable for cracks in between toes attended with intense itching. The area between the toes is sore (painful to touch).

3. Petroleum – For Itching Between Toes With Cracks

Petroleum is very beneficial to manage itching occurring in between the toes. There are deep cracks in between the toes. Along with itching, burning sensation is also well marked. There is also offensive smelling sweat on the foot along with the above complaint. This medicine is well-indicated for managing fungal infection on the foot.

4. Psorinum – For Itching In Joint Bends, Armpits And Between Fingers

This medicine is highly suitable when there is itching in the bend of joints i.e. in elbow crease or behind the knees. There also occur eruptions in the bends of joints. There is also a tendency to bleed from the eruptions. In some cases, pus may get formed in the eruptions. The itching gets worse from the heat of the bed. Psorinum is also useful for roughness, and dryness in the skin folds with scab formation. This medicine can also be used to manage itching in the armpits. This medicine is helpful for itching in between the fingers with small fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles).

5. Sepia – For Itching And Burning In Bend Of Limbs

Sepia works well in cases where itching and burning is felt in the bend of limbs, means elbow and knee bends. It gets worse at night. There is increased sweating in the bends of limbs, especially at night. Small pimples appear in these bends. They discharge some fluid as well. After scratching, they dry up. It is followed by rough skin with brownish spots. Along with the above, soreness (pain on touch) is also present in the bends of limbs. Prickling and tingling sensation may be felt in these bends.

6. Sulphur – For Itching In Skin Folds With Soreness And Peeling Of Skin

This medicine is effective when there is itching in skin folds attended with peeling of the skin. The skin folds are also very sore i.e. painful to touch. The itching gets worse at night and from the heat of the bed. It also increases from scratching and washing. When scratched, a burning sensation is felt in the affected skin area. Eruptions, either pimples or pustules (pus-filled bumps), may appear on the skin.

7. Merc Sol – For Itchy Eruptions In Armpits, Elbow And Knee Bends, Groin Area

Merc Sol is of great use in managing itchy eruptions in the armpits, elbow and knee bends, and groin area. Itching gets worse from exposure to cold air and better from the warmth of bed. This is attended with pain and a burning sensation. Redness of the skin is also observed. There is sensitivity to the skin even to the touch of clothes. Merc Sol is also indicated for eczema in the bend of limbs with yellow crusts.




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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Fatigue with Muscle Pain

Fatigue refers to feeling exhausted and tired. Some people may experience tiredness along with muscle pain. This may happen due to various reasons. It could be a part of aging, lack of proper sleep, dehydration, mineral deficiencies and low vitamin levels of certain vitamins like vitamin D. While in others, it could be arising from an underlying medical condition. The most important medical conditions include fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Fibromyalgia refers to pain in different body parts (specific tender points where the slightest pressure leads to pain) along with general tiredness, and fatigue for more than three months without any known cause. Besides, there may be problems in sleep and memory, along with depression. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) refers to a condition in which there occurs persistent feeling of tiredness both physically and mentally for at least 6 months, hindering routine activities without any underlying medical condition. Along with tiredness, other symptoms that may be observed include poor memory, sleep issues, poor concentration, joint or muscle pain, mood swings and depressed feelings. It is also known by other names such as myalgic encephalomyelitis and systemic exertional intolerance disease (SEID). It can also occur in cases of influenza, hypothyroidism and myositis.

Influenza is a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus. This can cause body aches and tiredness along with its other main symptoms of runny/stuffy nose, sore throat and fever. Hypothyroidism refers to an underactive thyroid in which the thyroid gland does not secrete enough thyroid hormones.  Hypothyroidism can result in fatigue and muscle pain along with its other important signs and symptoms including weight gain, sensitivity to cold (cold intolerance), constipation, puffy face and hands, dry thin hair, sleepiness and heavy menses in females.

Myositis means inflammation of the muscles that may arise from various reasons like an injury, infection and autoimmune (autoimmune means the destruction of body’s own healthy tissues by the immune cells out of a misdirected response) conditions and can cause muscle pain, muscle weakness along with tiredness.

Another reason for fatigue could be Lyme’s disease which is a bacterial infection caused by bacterium Borrelia and spreads by ticks. The last reason could be polymyalgia rheumatica. This refers to an inflammatory disorder resulting in pain and stiffness of the muscles and mainly affects the shoulders, hips, neck and arms. It could be accompanied with general symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss and mild fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing fatigue along with muscle pain. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that bring improvement in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it. Once root cause is treated, there occurs excellent relief in fatigue with muscle pain. Along with these, any attending symptoms like memory issues, poor concentration and focus issues, sleep issues, depression feelings if present can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for cases of fatigue with muscle pain is selected as per the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Hence it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. In no case, self-medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Fatigue With Muscle Pain

1. Gelsemium – Top Recommended Medicine

Gelsemium tops the list of homeopathic medicines to manage fatigue along with muscle pain. In cases needing it, there occurs pain in the muscles attended with soreness (sensitivity to touch). Pain is most marked in the muscles of the limbs (i.e. arms and legs). The limbs feel heavy and tired. The muscles also feel weak. The muscles of the back and the neck may also be painful. There is a general feeling of exhaustion and tiredness along with the above complaints. There is excessive drowsiness and dullness. Along with the above symptoms, there is exhaustion of the mind, poor concentration and focus in doing any work. Gelsemium is a well-indicated medicine for fatigue that occurs during influenza and even after recovering from this illness.

2. Rhus Tox – For Muscle Pain, Stiffness And Tiredness

Rhus Tox is a highly effective medicine for managing muscle pain, stiffness and tiredness. There is intense weakness in the entire body. It is attended with a constant desire to lie down or sit due to weakness. Persons needing it feel so weak as if they have not taken enough sleep. They do not feel like rising up in the morning due to weakness. They suffer from muscle pain, especially in the neck region, back, shoulders, arms and thighs. The muscles are also sore to touch and stiff. Soreness and stiffness get better from exercise. The nature of the muscle pain can be shooting, tearing or stitching type. The pains get worse at night time. Rhus Tox is a prominently indicated medicine when there is muscle pain from overuse or overstraining of the muscles.

3. Arnica – With Marked Soreness (Pain On Touch) Of Muscles

Arnica is the next very beneficial medicine to manage muscle pain and fatigue. Persons needing this medicine have pain in the muscles along with excessive soreness which means pain on touch. It feels as if the sufferer has been beaten up. The soreness gets worse after overexertion. Pain is most marked in the back and limbs. All the limbs feel heavy. The bed on which the person lies down feels very hard. There is marked weakness all over the body in general along with pains. The pain makes the sufferer lie down. Along with this, there is sleepiness. Arnica is also well indicated for managing sore painful muscles in cases of influenza.

4. Bryonia – For Muscle Pain Worse From Little Movement

It is a useful medicine for muscle pain that gets worse from the slightest movement and better from rest. Pain is more prominent in the muscles of the neck and lower back. Lower back pain gets worse from stooping, sitting and standing. The affected muscles feel hard. The neck and back muscles also feel stiff. Due to stiffness in the back, the person stands and walks in a stooped posture. Weakness and tiredness is present which gets worse from walking.

5. Lactic Acid – For Pain, Soreness Of Muscles Of Back, Chest And Limbs

Lactic Acid is indicated when there is pain and soreness (pain on touch) of muscles especially those in the back, chest and limbs. Along with this, there is fatigue and tired feeling over the entire body. There is difficulty in standing from weakness. Pain is felt in the limbs while walking. The whole body trembles while walking, along with weakness.

6. Magnesia Phos – For Muscle Pains And Cramps

This medicine is highly suitable for muscle pains and cramps. The pains keep shifting from one body part to another where this medicine is required. The pain gets worse at night. They get better by resting. The nature of pain varies and can be cutting, shooting, stitching or stabbing type.  The pain is accompanied with excessive tiredness and sweating.

7. Arsenic Album – For Intense Fatigue With Anxiety and restlessness

This medicine is useful when there is intense fatigue. Person needing this medicine wants to lie down all the time due to weakness. Slightest exertion and even walking and standing results in marked exhaustion in them. Anxiety and restlessness may be felt along with the other complaints. Piercing sort of pain is felt in muscles. The limbs also feel weak, tired with a need to lie down.



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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Irritability in Babies during Dentition

Irritability during dentition or teething is a very common complaint in babies when teeth start erupting in the mouth. Dentition usually starts when a baby is around 6 months old. The babies at that time become fussy, obstinate and cry quite often along with excessive irritability. The reason behind it is the discomfort they are feeling in the gums while the tooth is trying to get out of the gums (tooth eruption). They feel pain, swelling and tenderness (pain on touch) in the gums at the time of tooth eruption. Along with the above, they have excessive salivation (also known as drooling), they tend to bite on every thing to reduce the gum irritation, have reduced appetite, rub their cheeks and pull their ears. Some babies also suffer from diarrhea during dentition though it is not directly linked with dentition. Diarrhea can occur from ingestion of germs from an object that a baby might have put in the mouth during dentition to soothe gum irritation. In some cases, mild fever can also occur during dentition. The intensity of signs and symptoms tend to vary from one child to another.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries great scope to manage irritability in a baby during dentition in a very safe and natural manner. These medicines are highly suitable for children with zero side effects. They aim to manage the irritability in babies by soothing the gum discomfort, pain and tenderness. Besides irritability, the homeopathic medicines also help to manage associated concerns like excessive salivation, pain, swelling and tenderness of the gums and diarrhea that might occur during dentition. The medicines are purely of natural origin prepared from natural substances, hence are very safe. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the symptoms. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of the homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic physician will evaluate the case and prescribe the most suitable remedy. Never self-prescribe any homeopathic medicine without consulting a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic medicines for Dentition in Babies

1. Chamomilla – Top Most Medicine

Chamomilla is a highly effective medicine in homeopathy to manage different kinds of concerns in babies during dentition. It is the most widely used medicine to manage irritability in a child during dentition. Children needing this medicine remain extremely irritable all day. They are very fussy, ill – humoured and cry a lot due to discomfort they are experiencing in the gums. They want to be carried in the arms all the time; they feel better and calm this way. Besides being irritable, they also get very obstinate during dentition. They scream often and throw things away. On examining the mouth, the gums look red. They are also painful to touch with a desire to bite on everything that is nearby. Another very characteristic feature that can be present is one cheek is red and hot while the other is pale and cold during teething. Diarrhea can accompany the above complaints frequently. The stool is watery and yellowish green. It has a very foul or sour smell. Gas in the abdomen can attend it.

2. Cina – With Lot Of Cry, Screaming and Striking Others

This medicine is quite similar in action to Chamomilla and is also frequently prescribed to soothe irritability during dentition. The children needing this medicine are very irritable during dentition. They wish to be carried in arms the entire day but in spite of that donot feel well. They cry a lot, scream and strike everyone around them. They do not want to be touched by anyone. They feel uneasy and stressed all the time. They ask for different things frequently but refuse to take when given and throw things away from them. They are dissatisfied with everything. They also may have loose stool with white mucus in it. The abdomen may be hard and bloated and may be attended with pain.

3. Calcarea Phos – With Loose Stool With A Lot Of Gas

Calcarea Phos is the next well-indicated medicine to manage irritability during dentition. Children who require this medicine are very irritable and fretful. They show changeable moods. They become obstinate and hard to please. Besides, they pass loose stool with a lot of gas. There may pass white flakes in the stool as well. There is stomach pain in them that gets better from passing gas. The gas has foul smell.

4. Rheum – With Sour Smelling Sweating

This medicine is well suited when there is sour-smelling sweat along with irritability during dentition. There is marked restlessness along with irritability in a child needing it. The baby cries a lot and desires many things or a particular thing sometimes. They start hating even their favourite things. An attending key feature is sour-smelling sweat. Even after bathing, the sour smell remains. The sweat is marked on the scalp, forehead, around the mouth and the nose. The sweat may leave a yellow stain. Besides sweat, the stool also smells sour. While passing stool, the baby may feel pain in the abdomen. Salivation increases along with sour smell from the mouth.

5. Belladonna – With Heat And Redness Of The Gums

Belladonna is recommended when there is irritability during teething along with marked heat and redness of the gums. The gums are painful and swollen as well. Child needing it is highly irritable. There is also a tendency to bite and strike others. Restlessness is well marked. He / she may start crying easily.

6. Calcarea Carb – With Sour Sweat And Sour Stool

This medicine is indicated when there is irritability along with crying, sour sweat and sour stool. The stool smells sour with undigested food particles in it. The abdomen is quite distended and hard. Vomiting may also occur having a sour smell. There is a tendency to have a profuse sour smelling sweat on the scalp. There is also excessive scratching of the head in many cases.

 7. Podophyllum – When Attended With Desire To Press The Gums Together

Podophyllum is a valuable medicine to manage cases where irritability is accompanied with an excessive desire to press the gums together. The baby also suffers from diarrhea. The child needing it passes greenish sour-smelling, loose stool, mostly in the morning. Besides, there is gas in the abdomen. There is marked heat in the head during dentition and rolling of the head from side to side. At night, there is excessive sweating on the head along with sleeplessness in the early part of the night.

8. Kreosote – Along With Sleeplessness

Kreosote is indicated for cases of irritability along with sleeplessness. The child remains irritable, fretful and also screams at night. The child is very restless and likes to be moved around in arms all the time. The gums are swollen and  bluish. The child becomes very cross and obstinate. There is desire for many things, but throws them away when these things are given.

9. Arsenic Album – With Restlessness At Night

This medicine can be considered when there is irritability along with restlessness at night. There is loose, watery, brown stool. Undigested food passes in the stool. The child looks thin and seems to lose weight.

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What Causes Abdomen Pain Before Passing Stool And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Abdomen pain is a very common symptom of gastrointestinal disorders. In many cases, abdomen pain can be felt before passing stool. This can occur from various causes. First among these is diarrhea. Diarrhea refers to passing loose stool three or more times in a day. Next cause can be food poisoning which refers to a digestive tract infection occurring from consumption of contaminated food or drinks. Another cause could be dysentery which is a gastrointestinal infection resulting in diarrhea with passage of mucus and blood in the stool. Further reasons include IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). IBS indicates a functional disorder of the colon / large intestine that causes changes in the bowel habits either diarrhea or constipation or alternation between these two; stomach cramps and bloating. IBD includes two disorders named crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD is an autoimmune disorder (means in which the body’s immune cells damages the healthy tissues of the body out of a misdirected response) origin. In cases of Crohn’s disease, inflammation can occur in any part of the gastrointestinal tract while in cases of ulcerative colitis, inflammation and ulcers occur in the large intestine and/or the rectum.

There may occur several other symptoms along with abdomen pain before passing stool depending on the cause behind it. These include loose stool, constipation, nausea, vomiting, passing mucus or blood in the stool and weight loss.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very effective management for cases of abdomen pain before passing stool. Homeopathic remedies work naturally to reduce abdomen pain. They give excellent results by working to treat the root cause behind this complaint. Along with abdomen pain, other associated signs and symptoms (for example loose stool, constipation, nausea, vomiting, passing mucus or blood in the stool) also get well managed with these medicines. There is a long list of homeopathic medicines to manage these cases. The most suitable medicine is selected as per individual case based on the characteristic symptoms and the cause. Homeopathy is recommended only for cases of abdomen pain before stool that are of mild to moderate intensity. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines. Homeopathic physician will evaluate the case and prescribe the most suitable remedy as per the individual’s symptoms. Self – medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Abdomen Pain Before Stool

1. Aloe Socotrina – Top Recommended Medicine

Aloe Socotrina is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage cases of abdomen pain before passing stool. The pain is marked in the lower part of the abdomen in cases needing this medicine. The pain may also be felt while passing stool. Along with pain, the abdomen also feels heavy and bloated. Rumbling and gurgling is felt in the abdomen. It is attended with a sudden urge to pass stool. The pain gets better from passing gas. After passing stool, all the pain goes away. In cases needing it, the stool is loose. The stool may contain jelly like mucus in some cases. There is a sudden urgency to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking anything. At times, stool passes involuntarily on its own.

2. Colocynth – When Pain Is Better From Bending Double And Pressure

Use of Colocynth is recommended when the abdomen pain is better from bending double means bending forward and from pressure. It also gets better by lying flat on the stomach. Abdomen is distended where this medicine is required. The pain is marked around the navel region that radiates from here to the upper abdomen. The pain gets better from passing stool and also gas. Pain in the abdomen may get worse from eating or drinking. Along with pain burping, nausea and vomiting are present.

3. Bryonia – With Dry, Hard Stool

This medicine is very effective when there is hard, dry stool in cases of abdomen pain before passing stool. The pain is felt on both sides of the abdomen. Pain gets worse from movement. Abdomen is distended. Before passing stool, nausea is also felt. After a bout of abdomen pain, gas having foul smell is passed. The stool passed is very dry and looks as if burnt. Stool is passed after much straining and is unsatisfactory.

4. Nux Vomica – With Constipation And A Constant Ineffectual Urge To Pass Stool

Nux Vomica is a suitable medicine when there is abdomen pain before passing stool along with constipation. The key feature to use this medicine is a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. The stool is passed several times a day but inspite of that it feels unsatisfactory. Every time only scanty stool passes. A never-get-done feeling is prominent when some part of the stool is still left behind in the rectum that needs evacuation. Stool is dry and hard and at times blood-stained. Apart from the above, weight is felt in the abdomen. Sour or bitter burps also arise. There may be vomiting of sour mucus or of undigested food.

5. Lycopodium – With Excessive Gas And Bloated Abdomen

Lycopodium is a beneficial medicine when there is abdomen pain before passing stool along with excessive gas and a bloated abdomen. Pain is usually felt in the right side of the abdomen. Gas and bloating occurs soon after eating. Abdomen feels full after eating even a little quantity of food. Gas is most prominent in the lower part of the abdomen. Constipation is present along with the above complaints. In cases requiring this medicine, the first part of stool is hard and difficult to pass which is followed by passage of soft stool. Stool feels incomplete. Sour vomiting can occur in some cases.

6. Podophyllum – With Watery, Yellow Green Stool

This medicine is well indicated for cases of griping pain in the abdomen before passing stool. The stool is watery, yellow or greenish. It smells foul or sour. There is sudden urgency to pass stool. The stool is copious and it passes out with great force in a gush. Sometimes stool is blood streaked as well. Stool may contain white or green colored mucus in it. After passing stool, weakness is felt. Apart from the above, nausea may be felt before passing stool.

7. Merc Sol – Along With Mucus And Blood In The Stool

Merc Sol is a prominent medicine when there is abdomen pain before passing stool and along with stool,  mucus and blood is also passed. The nature of abdomen pain is mainly cutting or stitching type. Pain is mostly present in the lower abdomen. The abdomen pain is better after passing bloody, slimy stool. Tenesmus is well marked with above complaints. Tenesmus refers to a frequent almost constant urge to pass stool with feeling of incomplete bowel movements even when the bowels are already empty. In cases needing it, inflammation of the intestines may be present.

8. Magnesia Carb – For Cutting Abdominal Pain Before Loose Stool

This medicine is helpful when there is cutting type of pain in the abdomen before passing loose stool. Along with this, excessive gas is present in the abdomen. Abdomen is quite distended with gas. Stool is greenish and has a sour smell. In some cases, vomiting of mucus can also be present.



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Do you have Chest Congestion with Difficulty in Breathing? Try Homeopathy

Chest congestion refers to accumulation of excessive mucus in the bronchi (airways that lead from trachea to lungs) and the lungs. This results from an overproduction of mucus when mucus membranes get irritated and inflamed from a viral or bacterial infection. Production of excessive mucus is the body’s way to expel the infectious agent from the body. In some cases, chest congestion can be attended with breathing difficulty. Other accompanying symptoms can be cough, mucus expectoration (that varies in color and can have offensive smell), chest pain, wheezing (a whistling sound from the chest occurring during breathing usually deep breathing), chest tightness, fatigue (tiredness) and fever.

Chest congestion with breathing difficulty can result from different reasons. First among these is cold and flu. Flu and cold are respiratory infections that are usually caused by virus. Flu occurs when a person is infected with influenza virus. Cold occurs from different virus infections, for example rhinovirus and parainfluenza virus.

Other causes of chest congestion include asthma and bronchitis. Asthma refers to a respiratory condition in which there is narrowing of airways along with swelling and production of mucus in excess. It results in breathing difficulty, wheezing sound from the chest and coughing. Bronchitis indicates inflamed lining of the bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Chest congestion with breathing difficulty can also arise from allergies like, dust allergy and pollen allergy.

Another reason can be pneumonia (the inflamed air sacs of lungs with fluid build-up resulting from an infection). Further reasons include emphysema (a condition resulting from damage of the air sacs of the lungs) and bronchiectasis (permanent widening and thickening of the bronchial tubes of the lungs that allow bacteria and mucus to get accumulated in lungs). Apart from respiratory illnesses, heart complaints can also result in chest congestion along with breathing difficulty. For example, in some cases, congested chest and difficult breathing might be symptoms of a heart attack which is a medical emergency that needs urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for managing cases of chest congestion with breathing difficulty. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances that can be very beneficial for such cases. Homeopathic medicines work on the root cause of the health issue to bring excellent results. They help to reduce the intensity and frequency of this complaint gradually. Along with this complaint, they can manage other accompanying signs and symptoms like cough, wheezing, expectoration and chest pain. These medicines are very safe to use without any side-effects. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self – medication should not be done in any case. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In cases having severe intensity of this complaint and when it arises from some serious cause like pneumonia, heart issues, homeopathy is not recommended and an immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has a limitation in helping such severe and serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Chest Congestion With Breathing Difficulty

 1. Arsenic Album – Top Grade Medicine

Arsenic Album is a top recommended medicine to manage cases of chest congestion with breathing difficulty. In cases needing it, the chest feels constricted. Wheezing (whistling sound from chest) is also felt. The chest oppression and breathing difficulty gets worse at night on lying down. It is attended with marked anxiety and restlessness. There is cough also. Along with this, frothy expectoration also occurs. At times thick yellow, grey or green expectoration is observed varying from case to case. Sometimes, vomiting also occurs soon after consuming any food or drink. Burning sensation is felt in the chest along with above complaints. One feels a load on the upper chest. It is one of the best medicines for managing asthma and bronchitis cases. A general weakness is well marked along with above signs and symptoms.

2. Hepar Sulph – With Thick Yellow Expectoration

This medicine is very effective when there is thick yellow expectoration with congested chest and difficult breathing. The phlegm expectorated has bad smell. Difficulty in breathing is worse when lying on the left side.  Tightness is felt in the chest. There is marked rattling cough. It gets worse from exposure to cold air and consuming cold drinks. Cough gets better by wrapping up warmly. A sensation of dust is felt in the throat.  Wheezing is also there along with above symptoms.

3. Antimonium Tart – With Rattling Cough And Excessive Mucus In Chest

Antimonium Tart is the best choice of medicine when there is rattling cough with excessive build-up of mucus in the chest. In cases requiring this medicine, the lungs seem to be full of mucus but only a small quantity is expectorated. The expectorated phlegm is very thick and white. There is difficulty in breathing. Cough gets worse after eating. Pain in the chest may occur with these symptoms. Cough and breathing difficulty is relieved by lying on the right hand side. Breathing also gets better by burping. Antimonium Tart is the most prominent medicine for managing bronchitis cases.

4. Ipecac – With Chest Constriction Worse From Least Movement

Ipecac is a well-indicated medicine when there is a constricted feeling in the chest which gets worse from the least movement. This feeling is accompanied with difficult breathing. There is gasping for air and the sufferer rushes to open a window for breathing. There is suffocative cough. It is attended with nausea and vomiting. There is vomiting of white mucus. In some cases, ropy mucus is expectorated. Cough occurs after a meal. While coughing, pain is felt in the abdomen, chest and the head.

5. Silicea – With Chest Pain On Deep Breathing

Silicea is useful when there is chest pain on deep breathing along with chest congestion and breathing difficulty. A stitching pain is felt in the chest in cases needing this medicine. Tight feeling is felt around the chest. There is cough with thick and yellow lumpy phlegm expectoration having an offensive smell. The phlegm may also be like pus and sometimes blood-stained. Cough gets worse on lying down. It is also bad while talking, and from taking cold drinks. Difficulty in breathing is worse when lying on the back and also when walking fast.

6. Pulsatilla – With Yellowish Green Expectoration

This medicine is of great use when there is yellowish green expectoration. The expectoration is worse in the morning. In cases needing it, there is chest congestion and breathing difficulty along with the above complaint. Breathing difficulty worsens when lying on the left side. The person needing it feels worsening of the complaint in a warm room and has a desire for fresh open air to get relief.

7. Bryonia – With Chest Pain

This medicine is indicated for cough, breathing difficulty, chest congestion along with chest pain. The chest pain gets worse from movement, coughing and deep breathing. The person needing it holds the chest when coughing. Chest pain gets better by applying pressure. Breathing difficulty is worse after eating or drinking any thing. Person has to sit up due to difficulty in breathing. Expectoration like lumps of jelly may occur along with the above symptoms.



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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Hip Pain From Prolonged Sitting

Hip pain occurs in or around the hip joint. In many cases, hip pain can occur from prolonged sitting. This pain may result from issues with muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints or nerves in the hip. The pain can be felt in the hip on one side or both sides. In some cases, pain from the lower back travels to the hip known as referred pain. The pain varies from mild dull pain to sharp severe pain. The pain can occur once in a while or can occur quite frequently. Besides pain, some other symptoms can be felt as well as per the cause. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling and pin needle sensation. The pain may radiate down the thighs and legs in some cases.

The reasons behind hip pain from prolonged sitting may vary. It could simply arise from sitting in the wrong posture or sitting crossed legs for a long time period which put extra stress and strain on the hip. While in others, it could be linked to a medical issue that needs diagnosis and treatment. The first cause among these is hip joint inflammation medically called hip arthritis. First type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis refers to degeneration of the joint cartilage (a rubbery cushion present between the two bones of the joint) usually resulting from age-related wear and tear of the joint but may also occur from an injury in some cases. It commonly involves knee joints, hip joint and joints of the spine and hands. The second one is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder (in an autoimmune disorder the immune cells start to damage the body’s healthy tissue out of a misdirected response) that leads to inflamed joints with marked pain, stiffness, swelling in the joints. It usually begins from the small joints of the hands especially of the fingers but can later affect any of the joints in the body including hip joint. Another kind of arthritis is ankylosing spondylitis.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis affecting the back that mainly starts from the sacroiliac joint (it is a joint formed between the sacrum which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine and the ilium part of the hip bone), but can also affect other joints including the joint of the shoulder, hip and feet.  It also includes psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is a kind of arthritis that can affect some people suffering from a skin condition called psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disease characterized by red inflamed spots on the skin covered with silvery white scales). Further, arthritis hip pain from prolonged sitting could arise from pinching of the nerve in the lower back. Another cause is piriformis syndrome. It refers to irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve from spasm (sudden involuntary contraction of muscle) of piriformis muscle (located in the buttocks). Tendinitis (inflamed tendons means the fibrous connective tissue band connecting muscle to bone) or bursitis (inflamed bursa i.e. tiny fluid – filled sac around the joint) are the other reasons behind hip pain due to prolonged sitting.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing cases of hip pain from prolonged sitting. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause of problems to bring long-term improvement in such cases. These medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism and bring self-recovery in the most natural way. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of hip pain. Along with this, they also manage any associated symptoms like stiffness, numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin with zero side effects so are entirely safe to use. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case, depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to get any case of hip pain from prolonged sitting evaluated and take homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic physician. It is advised to avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Hip Pain From Prolonged Sitting

1. Rhus Tox – Top Medicine

Among various homeopathic medicines, Rhus Tox tops the list to manage hip pain that arises from prolonged sitting. In cases needing it, the hip pain gets worse when rising after long periods of sitting. The pain is relieved by continuous movement in most of the cases. A crackling sound occurs from the hip joint along with pain. There is also marked stiffness in the hip joint along with the above symptoms. The pain may radiate from the hip down to the thigh on the right-hand side. Pain is worse when at rest and gets better from moving around. Warm application on the hip also relieves pain. Rhus Tox is the best homeopathic medicine to manage cases of pain occurring from joint inflammation, inflamed tendons, muscle pain and nerve pinching.

2. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Right-Sided Hip Pain

This medicine is highly suitable when there is right-sided hip pain after sitting for a long time. It is an aching sort of pain where this medicine is indicated. While walking, the right hip feels lame along with lameness of the leg. Other than this, pain may also be felt in the whole lower limb. With this lower limb feel stiff. It is also sore to touch when rising to walk.

3. Phosphoric Acid – For Left Sided Hip Pain

Phosphoric Acid is a beneficial medicine for left-sided hip pain from sitting. The pain may run down the left thigh in cases needing this medicine. It could be joint pain or nerve pain. In some cases, the pain may even go down to the calf muscle (this muscle is present in the back of the legs) and ankle. The hip joint pain gets a little better after walking. Heaviness is also felt in the hip joint. It gets worse when starting to walk after sitting and gets better after walking a while. This medicine is also helpful for painful spasms (contraction) in the muscles of the hip joint.

4. Staphisagria – When Hip Pain Radiates To Lower Back

This medicine is well indicated when hip pain gets worse from sitting and pain from the hip radiates to the lower back. Pain in the hip joint occurs while walking as well as sitting. In cases needing it, a pulsating sensation in the hip can also be felt. Stiffness in the hip joints in the morning on rising from bed is also marked.

5. Causticum – For Stitching Pain In Hip Joint

Causticum is a prominent medicine for stitching type of pain in the hip joint. In some cases needing it, pain from the sacrum (triangular bone at base of spine) radiates down to the left hip. There is tensive pain over this area as if muscles are shortened.  When a person takes steps, there is pain in the hip joints and it feels as if the hip joint is dislocated. There is soreness of the hip and thigh on the side lying on at night. This leads to frequent turning over in bed to find a comfortable position.

6. Arnica – For Drawing Sort Of Pain

This medicine is effective for drawing type of pain especially in the left-sided hip joint while sitting. Arnica is also useful for tearing type of pain in the right hip joint. From here, it shifts to other body parts. This pain is worse at night. In the lower limb, a lame sensation and a sensation of an ant crawling on the skin (formication) may be felt.



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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Stomach Pain along with Nausea and Vomiting

Stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting can arise from various reasons. The first reason could simply be indigestion that may result from eating spicy food, fatty food, or excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol. In indigestion, other symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach burning, and heartburn (burning in the middle of the chest behind the breastbone) may be felt. Other causes include food poisoning and gastroenteritis. Food poisoning mainly results from bacterial infection from consuming contaminated food or water. Gastroenteritis, also called stomach flu, is an infection of the intestine that usually occurs from viral infection. Watery stool and fever can occur along with stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting in both food poisoning and gastroenteritis cases. Stomach pain with nausea and vomiting may also occur in cases of anxiety, stress and depression. Gastritis and peptic ulcers could be some other reasons for stomach pain.

Gastritis refers to an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It mainly causes burning pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and a fullness sensation in the upper abdomen after eating. Peptic ulcers are sores that may develop in the stomach or upper part of the small intestine (i.e. duodenum). These ulcers can be gastric ulcers that develop in the stomach or could be duodenal ulcers when ulcers develop in the anterior part of the small intestine which is called the duodenum.

Other causes of stomach pain include gall bladder issues, mainly obstruction of bile duct due to the presence of gall stones, kidney stones, and an intestinal obstruction ( it refers to a blockage in the intestine). IBS could also be one of the reasons. IBS refers to irritable bowel syndrome in which there mainly occurs diarrhea, constipation or alternation between the two, cramps in the abdomen, gas and bloating. It may also cause nausea mainly in women. Lastly, it could also arise from causes like appendicitis (inflamed appendix) and stomach cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaints of stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases when no serious cause is linked to it. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for these cases has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. In some cases, this complaint could point to serious health problems so it is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor, take medicine under the supervision of a doctor, and avoid self-medication. In case of serious health issues like appendicitis, blocked bile duct, or stomach cancer immediate help from conventional mode should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Stomach Pain With Nausea And Vomiting

1. Arsenic Album – Top Medicine

Arsenic Album is a highly recommended medicine for cases of stomach pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it, the nature of stomach pain is mostly burning type. It may be quite intense and best described as arising from the presence of hot coals in the stomach. Besides burning, in some cases stitching, stinging, tearing or cramping pain may be felt in the stomach. The stomach may also be sensitive to touch. The vomit is greenish. Vomiting may occur soon after eating or drinking anything. Along with the above symptoms, burning sensation may also be felt in the throat. Pressure or weight from a heavy stone is felt in the stomach. There can also be loose stool (diarrhea) along with the above complaints. The stool is copious and has a very foul smell. This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of food poisoning and gastritis (stomach inflammation).

2. Ipecac – For Pain With Nausea, Vomiting Before And During Stool

Ipecac is a well-indicated medicine for cases where stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting is felt before and during stool. The stool is loose in cases requiring this medicine. Besides, the abdomen is quite distended. Nausea is almost constant in most of the cases. The vomit may contain food particles of what has been eaten or maybe a green-colored substance. Sometimes jelly-like mucus is vomited. In some cases, sour fluid is vomited. Cutting type of pain is felt near the navel. There may occur pain in the stomach from trapped gas as well. Besides, there is lack of appetite. A very characteristic symptom to the above is an absolutely clean tongue.

3. Colocynth – With Pain Around The Navel

Colocynth is a suitable medicine for managing pain around the navel with nausea and vomiting. Along with this, frequent burping occurs. There is constipation. The pain from the navel tends to radiate to other parts of the abdomen as well. The pain gets better by passing gas. In some cases, pain may occur in the lower part of the abdomen. It gets better by bending double. It is also indicated when there is relief in the stomach pain by lying on the stomach. A bitter taste is felt in the mouth. There is an aversion to drinking water.

4. Nux Vomica – With Stomach Cramps, Nausea And Vomiting In Morning

This medicine is beneficial to manage cases of stomach cramps along with nausea, with vomiting in the morning time. The vomit may consist of sour mucus, undigested food or greenish matter. Rumbling or gurgling is felt in the abdomen. Sour taste is felt in the mouth. Cramps are also felt in the stomach after eating. Gas and heartburn may also be present along with the above symptoms. The abdomen is distended from gas accompanied by pain. Weight sensation in the stomach may also appear. It gets worse after eating. The stomach region is sensitive to pressure. This medicine is highly effective for various stomach issues that arise from eating spicy food, or consuming too much coffee or alcohol. In cases needing Nux Vomica, constipation may also be there. There is constipation, unsatisfactory stool along with a frequent ineffectual desire to pass stool. In spite of passing stool several times a day, there is a feeling of unsatisfactory stool. There is a sensation as if some part of the stool still remains behind in the rectum giving rise to a never-get-done feeling.

5. Iris Versicolor – With Burning Pain In Stomach

This medicine is helpful when there is burning stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting. Nausea is constant. The taste of vomitus is mostly intensely sour. The vomitus sometimes may be bitter or sweetish as well. Sour or bitter burps also occur. The stomach pain is better by passing gas and by bending forward. Burning sensation is also well-marked in the stomach. Loose stool and weakness can also be there.

6. Veratrum Album – With Relief In Pain From Passing Gas

This medicine is indicated when there is stomach pain which gets better by passing gas attended with nausea and vomiting. Pain gets worse after eating food. Pain from the abdomen may radiate to the back and thighs in some cases. The pain can be cutting, twisting or burning type. Constriction can be felt in the abdomen. Along with the above, loose stool can occur in the morning.



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7 Top Homeopathic Medicines To Relieve Urgency To Pass Stool

Urgency to pass stool, also known as fecal urgency, refers to an immediate or urgent need to hurry to the bathroom in order to pass stool. If this urge is not attended to immediately, stool may pass involuntarily means unwillingly on its own (called urge fecal incontinence). Urgency for stool is commonly seen in cases of diarrhea (loose stool) but may also occur in case of constipation or as a normal bowel habit. Some gastrointestinal complaints can lead to stool urgency. It mainly includes IBS and IBD. IBS is irritable bowel syndrome which is a functional disorder of the large intestine characterized by changes in bowel habits i.e. constipation or diarrhoea (loose stool) or alteration between these two, bloating and stomach cramps.

IBD means inflammatory bowel disease of autoimmune disorder that includes two GIT disorders i.e. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease results in inflammation in any of the part of the GIT (gastrointestinal tract). Ulcerative colitis leads to inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and/or in the rectum.

Faecal urgency can also occur in cases of anxiety, pelvic floor dysfunction (a condition affecting ability to control pelvic floor muscles that support the urinary bladder, bowels and the uterus in women) and radiotherapy of the rectum or pelvis. It can also be seen in elderly people and in diabetic people. Depending on the cause behind the urgency, some other symptoms can attend as well. These include loose stool, frequent urge to pass stool, abdomen pain/cramps, mucus or blood in the stool, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, weight loss and fatigue (weakness).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines can be of great help to manage cases of urgency in passing stool. Homeopathic medicines act in the most natural way to relieve this complaint with zero side effects. Along with urgency, these medicines also manage well other associated symptoms like loose stool, frequent urge to pass stool, abdomen pain, mucus or blood in the stool, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. These medicines treat the root cause behind stool urgency to give long-term relief. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis of the case in every individual case based on the characteristic symptoms. It is recommended to get any case of stool urgency evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines as per the physician’s advice. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines To Get Relief From Urgency To Pass Stool 

1. Aloe Socotrina – Top Medicine

Aloe Socotrina is a top recommended medicine to deal with cases of stool urgency. Firstly, it is best suited for cases where a person feels a sudden urge to pass stool soon after eating or drinking anything. Rumbling and gurgling is felt in the rectum followed by an immediate urge to pass stool. A constant bearing down is felt in the rectum in most of the cases. The stool is loose in cases needing it. The stool may contain jelly-like mucus. In some cases needing it, the stool passes involuntarily on its own with the escape of gas. Pain and burning at the anus can be well-marked. Secondly, it is a leading medicine to manage cases where a person feels the urgency to pass stool in the morning soon after rising. There is a need to rush to the toilet to empty the bowels in the morning.

2. Croton Tiglium – With Sudden Passage Of Gushing Stool

This medicine is recommended for cases of urgent stool with sudden passage of gushing (to come suddenly forcefully in a large volume) stool. Along with stool, excessive amount of gas passes out. The urge to pass stool occurs immediately after eating or drinking. The stool is watery and yellow in cases needing it. The stool smells foul. It may contain mucus. Sometimes stool is watery with whitish flakes in it. Stool may also contain undigested food material. Abdomen pain may occur while passing stool. After passing stool, there is weakness. A constant urge to pass stool is felt. Itching and stitching pain may be felt at the anus.

3. Sulphur – For Sudden Stool In Morning

Sulphur is a prominently indicated medicine for cases where sudden urgency to pass stool is well marked in the morning. The urgent desire to pass stool drives the person out of bed and makes him/her rush hastily to pass stool. The stool is watery, brown or green in color, frothy and has an offensive or sour odor. It may contain greenish or bloody mucus. Cutting pain in the lower abdomen may be felt while passing stool. The stool may pass involuntarily on the escape of gas. There is pain and burning in the rectum. The anus can be red and itchy as well.

4. Podophyllum – With Greenish / Yellow Watery, Copious Stool

Podophyllum is an effective medicine to manage cases of sudden stool urgency with greenish, watery and copious stool. The stool is offensive and passes out in a gush (suddenly with great force). The stool may have white slimy or greenish mucus in it. The stool may be blood-streaked as well. Pain in the abdomen may occur before passing stool. Additionally, there may occur nausea and gurgling in the abdomen before passing stool. Pain or heat is felt in the rectum while passing stool. There is cutting pain in the abdomen and excessive weakness. In some cases needing it, prolapse of the anus may occur with passing stool.

5. Carbo Veg – With Excessive Gas And Bloating Of Abdomen

Carbo Veg is a highly beneficial medicine for immediate urge to pass stool along with excessive gas and bloating of the abdomen. In cases requiring this medicine, the stool is watery with excessive foul smell. Blood can pass in the stool in some cases. A pressure is felt in the rectum along with pain, which can be stitching or cutting in nature. Burning can also occur in the rectum. Abdomen is distended with gas, burning and sour burps. Cramps can occur in the stomach.  In some cases, there is a sudden urge to pass stool but only gas passes. Gas has an offensive smell. Weakness and anxiety can be present along with above complaints.

6. Natrum Sulph – With Sudden Urgency For Stool With Passage Of Gas

Natrum Sulph is an important medicine for cases where there is a sudden urgency to pass stool along with the passage of gas. The stool passes out in a gush. The stool may be slimy or sometimes bloody. It has a bad smell. Stool may get passed involuntarily while passing urine or gas. Pain may be felt in the right side of the abdomen due to gas. Burning sensation may be felt in the abdomen. Heaviness is also experienced in the stomach. There may be diminished appetite and weakness.

7. Ferrum Met – For Sudden Painless Stool Without Any Smell

This medicine is helpful for cases when there is an immediate urge to pass stool without any pain or bad smell. The stool occurs frequently after eating or drinking anything. It is accompanied with gas. The stool is loose. Vomiting may occur soon after eating. Burning is felt at the anus. The abdomen feels hard and distended in addition to the above symptoms. Besides, one feels weak.



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Suffering from Lower Abdominal Pain? Try Homeopathic Medicines

Lower abdomen is the part of the abdomen that lies below the belly button (also called navel or umbilicus). It includes abdominal area between belly button and the pelvis. Pain in this area is referred to as lower abdominal pain. The pain can arise as a result of a problem in any of the different organs in the lower abdomen like colon (large intestine), small intestine, appendix, urinary bladder, ureter, ovaries and uterus. In very few cases, pain in some other body area may be felt in the lower abdomen called referred pain like in case of kidney pain, testicular pain, etc.

The intensity of pain can be mild to severe varying from case to case. The pain can be acute (a sudden onset),  chronic (developing gradually and occurring for a long time) or intermittent (occurring in intervals). The pain could be in the entire lower abdomen or specifically on the right or left side. The reasons behind lower abdominal pain could range from mild to quite serious ones, needing urgent medical attention. It may simply arise from indigestion, gas, constipation, diarrhea or it may point towards other gastric health issues.

It can arise from inflammation in the intestine either small or large intestine. The reasons behind inflammation could be variable. Firstly the inflammation can arise from an infection. Next, this can arise in cases of IBD or celiac disease. IBD refers to inflammatory bowel disease of autoimmune disorder that includes two disorders i.e. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In Crohn’s disease inflammation can occur in any of the parts of the GIT – gastrointestinal tract. In ulcerative colitis inflammation and ulcers occur in the large intestine and/or rectum.

Another cause behind inflammation is celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disorder in which eating wheat, rye, barley trigger an immune response that damages the lining of small intestine. Other reasons includes obstruction of intestine and cancer of intestine.

Next reason for lower abdominal pain could be an infection in the urinary tract (UTI – urinary tract infection). In women, lower abdominal pain can additionally happen from dysmenorrhea (pain during menses) and other complaints of uterus like uterine fibroids (benign i.e. non – cancerous tumours growing in the wall of uterus), pelvic inflammatory disease (infection in upper genital tract of women), and endometriosis (growth of tissue that normally line uterus in area other than uterus like in ovaries, fallopian tubes, urinary bladder, rectum). The pain in lower abdomen specifically on one side could have different reasons. Pain on left side of lower abdomen can arise from diverticulitis (inflammation in the pouches that might form in lining of colon), left sided kidney stone. Pain on right side of lower abdomen can occur from appendicitis (inflammation of appendix), right sided kidney stone. In females, one-sided lower abdomen pain, apart from the above, could result from ovary complaints like a cyst, a tumour, ovulation pain.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective treatment in treating lower abdominal pain. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind the problem and boost the body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These offer great relief in abdomen pain with zero side effects. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of abdomen pain decreases gradually. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation and avoid self-medication. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In case of acute, severe pain and for the pain that occurs from issues, like appendicitis, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has a limitation to help cases arising from serious causes.

Homeopathic Medicines For Lower Abdominal Pain

1. Lycopodium – With Excessive Gas

Lycopodium is a very effective medicine for cases of lower abdominal pain. It is a well-indicated medicine to relieve abdominal pain that occurs from excessive gas in the abdomen. There is marked accumulation of gas in the lower abdomen which causes bloating. Gas often gets stuck in the abdomen. There is excess gas formation soon after eating. This medicine is prominently indicated to manage abdomen pain if a person suffers from cystitis (means urinary bladder inflammation). In such cases, there is a frequent desire to urinate. Bearing down sensation is felt over the bladder region. In some cases, stitching pain occurs in the urinary bladder.

2. Colocynth – For Pain After Eating

This medicine is frequently indicated to deal with cases of pain in the lower abdomen after eating. The pain gets worse when lying on either side —  left or right. It gets better from bending double (bending forward with body bending forward and downwards) and from pressure or lying on the back. A gripping or cutting pain occurs in the intestines. It is attended with nausea. This medicine is also useful for pain in the abdomen occurring from cases of cyst in the ovaries. The type of pain in such cases is sharp and cutting type.

3. Merc Sol – With Intestinal Inflammation

This medicine is beneficial for cases of abdomen pain in case of inflammation of the intestines. In cases needing it, pain is felt in the lower abdomen. It is cutting or stitching type of pain. The pain goes from the right to the left side in most cases. The pain gets worse from walking. Along with the above symptoms, the stool is loose. There passes mucus and blood in the stool.

4. Berberis Vulgaris – For Pain From Kidney Stone

This medicine can be used when there is pain from kidney stone. The key feature to use this medicine is pain from back in the region of kidney radiating down to the lower abdomen in region of the urinary bladder. There is increased urge to pass urine with pain in bladder. urine is scanty. Burning occurs along with urination.

5. Cantharis – In Cases Of Urine Infections

This medicine is recommended for managing pain that occurs in cases of urine infections. There is marked pain in the bladder region (in the centre of lower abdomen). The pain can be burning or cutting type. It is attended with frequent urge to urinate. There is an urge to pass urine even though there is little amount of urine in the bladder. Burning is felt in the urethra before, during or after urination.  The bladder region can also be very sensitive to touch.

6. Sepia – For Pain In Ovaries Or Uterus

Sepia is a leading medicine to manage pain in the ovaries and uterus. This medicine is indicated when there is dull, heavy or stinging pain in the ovaries. Along with this vaginal discharge can be present. This discharge is mostly yellow in color. For uterine pain, the characteristic feature for using this medicine is a bearing down sensation in the pelvis. Burning or stitching pains occur in the uterus. The pain from the uterus may extend to the navel.

7. Magnesium Phos – For Cases Of Painful Menses

This medicine is highly suitable to manage cases of painful menses. Cramping pain is felt in cases needing it. The pain gets better by warm applications on the lower abdomen. There may be relief in pain by bending double. It is also helpful for shooting pain.




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