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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoporosis

homeopathic remedies for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that results from reduced bone density. Bones become weak, brittle and are prone to fracture easily. Usually, this condition causes no pain or other symptoms and a person comes to know of it when a fracture occurs. Bones commonly affected in osteoporosis are hip bone, ribs, bones in the spine and wrist.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies for treating weak bones and the complications resulting from it. Natural homeopathic remedies for osteoporosis are very helpful in absorbing calcium from the bones and also in treating fractured bones. Homeopathic medicines also offer help in managing bone pain. It is to be noted that these medicines are not a substitute for treatment given in conventional mode for osteoporosis. Homeopathic medicines render supportive help along with conventional treatment to enhance bone strength, reduce pain related to brittle bones and contribute to bone repair in case of a fracture.

Homeopathic Medicines For Osteoporosis

1. Calcarea Phos – An Excellent Medicine For Thin, Brittle Bones

It is a leading homeopathic medicine for treating osteoporosis. It is mainly given to those patients of osteoporosis who have weak, soft, brittle bones which become crooked. Here it improves bone strength. It is well indicated when a person experiences pain in the hip bone. The pain can be shooting, drawing, stitching or tearing in nature. Calcarea Phos is also beneficial for those experiencing pain in the back due to weak bones. The pain may get worse from the least movement. There may be curvature of spine to the left in cases needing it. At times the lower back may be bent forward. Lastly, it also promotes healing of fractured bones.

2. Symphytum Officinale – To Treat Fractures in Osteoporosis

Symphytum Officinale is the best natural remedy for treating fractures in osteoporosis. It is commonly known as ‘knit bone’ and as the name represents it helps in knitting/uniting the fractured bone. This remedy helps in joining fractured bones very efficiently by promoting the activity of fibroblast cells. Fractures, where patients complain of pricking type of pain at the fractured site, can be greatly relieved by taking this natural medicine. It can also help in reducing irritability at the site of fracture. This medicine can be taken once the fractured bone is set in cast.

3. Silicea – When Bones Are Very Tender To Touch

Spinal Curvature

Spinal Curvature

This medicine is suggested for cases in which the bones are sensitive and tender to touch. It can be especially considered for spinal curvatures mainly to the right side. It is accompanied with pain on touch and movement. In some cases, a burning sensation can be felt in the back. It gets worse in open air. Silicea can be taken when a person has pain in lower back on stooping and on rising from a seat. Silicea is also very helpful where pus or fistula formation has occurred at the site of fracture. Lastly, silicea is of considerable help in the efficient union of broken bone and also helps in removing bone splinters.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Weak Bones Of Spine And Long Bones That Become Curved

Calcarea Carb is yet another natural medicine having wide action on bones. It is found to be effective in improving bone health and strengthening bones that are soft and brittle. This medicine can be used when the bones mainly of spine and bones which are long begin to become curved due to reduced bone mass. Calcarea Carb is also useful to reduce pain in bones. The pain can be boring, pulsating or stinging type.

5. Merc Sol – To Manage Bone Pain At Night

Merc Sol is suitable medicine to manage bone pains that are worse at night. There is pain in the bones with a feeling as if these are broken. The pain intensifies with touch.

6. Phosphorus – For Treating Curvature Of Spine In Osteoporosis

Phosphorus can give best results for people suffering from curvature of spine along with burning sensation in the spine. This natural remedy is also useful for treating pain and weakness of spine. The patient feels intense pain in the spine as if the spine is broken.

7. Hypericum – For Back Pain From Nerve Pinching From Damaged Vertebra

Hypericum is another useful natural medicine that can be confidently used for excessive pain in the back due to crushing of nerves in between damaged vertebral bones. The excessive pain and sensitivity in the back after fracturing of vertebral bones that gets worse by the slightest motion of the neck or arms can be efficiently controlled by Hypericum.

6. Ruta – To Assist In Repair Of Tendon, Ligaments Along With Fractured Bone

Ruta is yet another wonderful natural remedy employed in the treatment of fractures in osteoporosis. Whenever a bone gets fractured, the surrounding tendons and ligaments of bones also get damaged. It is in this sphere medicine Ruta shows its wonderful effect. This natural medicine helps in healing torn tendons and ligaments. It also helps in repairing the damaged bone. This remedy helps in decreasing pain, soreness, and stiffness around the fractured area mainly wrist fracture.

Causes And Risk Factors

Our bones are constantly undergoing remodeling which means the old bone is being removed by osteoclast cells and new bone is getting formed in its place by activity of osteoblast cells. When due to any reason the amount of old bone removed exceeds the amount of new bone formed the bones become weak, brittle. This may happen from many reasons as follows:

1. Age: The risk of osteoporosis increases with age for everyone. People above mid- 30s are at risk of osteoporosis and above 50 yrs age are at the highest risk of fracture due to osteoporosis. In young persons, new bone is produced more quickly in comparison to the old damaged bone that is breaking. As age advances, around age of mid 30s, what happens is that more bone is being lost than is being formed. So age plays a major role in osteoporosis.

2. Being a female: Females are more at risk of developing osteoporosis as compared to males. Women of menopausal age (45 yrs to 55 yrs) are more at risk due to increased loss of bone mass under the influence of changed hormones (lowered estrogen level).

3.Family history: Persons having someone in the family who have osteoporosis are at high risk to develop the same.

4. Sedentary lifestyle: Inactive lifestyle with prolonged sitting hours constantly with little or no physical activity

5. Low body weight and thin people who have small body frame

6. Low calcium and low vitamin D levels (vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium)

7. Low levels of sex hormones: Decrease in hormone estrogen in women as occurring during menopause stands as major risk factor. Lowered testosterone levels also speed up bone loss.

8. Overactive thyroid gland (means hyperthyroidism) and overactive parathyroid gland are also linked with it

9. Certain medicines like prolonged steroid use, anti-seizure medicines, blood thinners are associated with it

10. Use of alcohol or tobacco in excess also contributes to osteoporosis

11. Having certain medical health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), cancer, kidney/liver disease

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

Osteoporosis usually causes no symptoms in the initial phase. With the progression of the condition when bones get intensely weak, some signs and symptoms may become evident.  These are as follows:

Pain in back or neck

Loss of height

Posture changes (stooping)

Easy fracture of bones (mainly in hip and spine), fracture may occur from a fall or even from a very light pressure when walking, standing and from strong coughing in some cases

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. I used Calcium Oligo drops to reverse my osteoporosis. I took 24 drops 2 X a day. It took 2 years to get back to full bone density. I cannot find any information about it. Are you familiar with it and have you ever worked with this homeopathic remedy?

  2. Hi Dr Sharma,
    I have severe osteoporosis at spine T=-3.8. Do we have any medicine in homeopathy to build bone density.
    I am 49 yrs old. Please advise.


  3. Brigid O'Donnell says:

    I have osteoporosis have two compression fractures of spine. any suggestions

  4. I am suffering from osteoporosis and pain in low baçk radiating towards right leg; also feel weakness in the legs .
    Bone mineral density is -2.1 . What medicines are suitàble for me? My age is 55 yearS.

  5. Lynn Ruth Miller says:

    I have really sever osteoporosis andhave had it since I was 3 I am now 85 I do not like the side effects of the traditional medicines to treat osteoporosis and ma wondering if there is something else I should take or if diet along and exercise is the best I can do

    • I refer to someone’s comments above the same and would like to know in return what can be done..just started silica vita k2 d3 good oils with good diet…weight bearing yoga and keep active and happy…not taking script drugs

  6. नंदकुमार गोस्वामी says:

    I’m a male, 55years, having Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and had a cardiac arrest in 2009 and thereafter done AICD implantation and on Tab. Metaprolol XL 75mg BD for the same.

    I’ve developed osteoporosis with T score -25. I’m feeling pain in the hip joint during winter and feeling continuous pain upper back and leg bones. Moreover, I’m also getting calf muscle cramp more frequently in the night regularly and persisting leg pain. On Tab. Risodronate 35mg once in a week.

    My vision is also getting distorted, feeling dim vision, getting not comfortable even with new glasses.
    I’m easily fatigued and exhausted. I’m also feeling forgetfulness and some sort of hearing impairment.

    I’m mostly having high Indirect Bilirubin up to 5.2 with no known causes. No HIV and other hepatitis infections found on investigations. Other blood parameters found within normal limits.

    I’ll be very much obliged if you kindly suggest suitable remedies for my health condition as stated above, please.
    Thanks and regards.

  7. Anna Lepore says:

    Hi Dr Sharma, My name is Anna 74 years young. I am a very healthy senior I walk, exercise, watch my diet, don’t smoke or drink. I have osteoporosis, and 2 years ago, I had a really bad fall that I lended on my behind with a terrible force. At the time, I had no pain in my back, just my knee was sore for a while. I saw the bone specialist and she saw that apparently I have 2 fractures in my lower back. I don’t have pain although I have sciatica and once in a while I have some pain. The specialist wants to put me on Prolia which I don’t want to put that poison in my body. Can SYMPHYTUM OFFICIALE help me with the fractures? Your reply would greatly be appreciated.
    Thank you
    Anna Lepore

    • Elin Bothner-By says:

      Dr. Sharma.
      I have some serious conditions and have experienced good results using functional medicine. I have recently heard that Calcarea Carbonica is able to increase thyroid function, and find this very interesting.
      I write to you because I also have trouble with serious osteoporosis. Bone density is almost 4. Of cause I am terrified thinking about fractures, but my consern is how to make the bones in my spine stronger. I have refused a medication called Prolia, but realize that I now have to take action concerning my bone health. I therefore have ordered a multimineral supplement made to increase bone strength with Strontium and Boron among others.
      I also have low adrenal function, insomnia, a kind of candida, a sertain bacteria in the stomach, and one of these is also in my bronchies as a kind of mucus. I have low stomach acid. Besides of this I am feeling well, but have very low stamnia. I am looking foreward to hearing from you.

  8. ASHOK KUMAR says:

    I am suffering from osteoporosis and pain in baçk bone and chest bone . Our bone mineral density is -2.4 . What medicines are suitàble for me? My age is 55 year.

    • Sonal shah says:

      My name is Sonal Shah, 63 years old. From young age I was facing scarvy (lack of vitamin c).At 42, I had spondylitis. But cured with physiotherapy. Then before 11 years ago, my ligament was broken in knee because of falling. But after that a very good physiotherapist suggest me to do regular exercise. I followed her and became strong
      But from last year ,because of lockdown and irregular schedule,I missed doing my regular exercise. In last 6 months, I suffered from sciatica two times. But cured with Sciatex drops and Magnesia phosphorika 6x
      But now I m facing knee problems. So I feel that by some supplements and exercise, I have strengthen my bones. I had osteopenia. So pl. Suggest the best thing to do.
      Thank you so much in advance

  9. Shankar Chattaraj says:

    what medicine are suitable for an Osteoporosis patient of aged about 73 who have a acute gastric problem with a back & knee ache. she is female. and what doses of medicine is perfect? please suggest.

  10. Suman Sharma says:

    Hello Dr Sharma , I am 49 years old female 5″3 in California in US and just found that have Rheumatoid 20% and osteoporosis, my both feet are in bad shape now have too much inflammation and pain specially in heels , trying to walk as much as I can and eating light diets to lower my weight which is 192 LBS now .I went to India and got millions of medicine and every medicine has side effects , after eating one week , I quit whole medicine and looking for homeopathy please advise .

  11. M MAJUMDAR says:

    myself a 59 year old lady have been detected with osteopenia. Local homeopath prescribed me 4 tabs of calcerea phos 6X twice /thrice daily . and P Ivy 200 thrice daily.I take allopathic meds for high BP , Diabetes and ASTHMA.

    Kindly confirm whether the above prescription is correct.

  12. Josephine says:

    Hi, I am writing on behalf of my mom. She has been diagnosed with the following conditions; celiac disease, psoriatic arthritis, osteo spondylitis, psoriases and hemmingtons disease. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  13. My mother age is 65 her MRI report is Acute osteoporotic compression fracture of D-11 & L1 vertibralbodies.and in ultrasound dignost CLD problem kindly guide me right.She falled down on bed before one year that time she feel pain li left shoulder it was treated. After that pain in her back and both side of stomach and leg. Kindly guide me the best. Her weight is only 39kg.

  14. Sir plz suggest me some effective medicine s to cure osteoporosis bcz all my bones have gone so weak with pain in whole body. There are break ups in neck bones at places and pain in all body

  15. sir
    I am suffering from osteoarthriris since 2 years. doctor sugested me joint replacement. my age about 40 years old .

    • Hi Dr. SHARMA, I am 62yr old female with osteoporosis, would like to find a safe way to treat it ,my doctor wants me to take “fossamax “to many side effects I eat right and exercise also do free weight 3times a week sometimes 4times a week,what else can I do? Essie

  16. Sir , my age is 61 and am recently diagnosed as having vertibral compressed fracture at L 5 I am on calcium and vit D supplement , please guide me how it can be treated by homeopathy. Thanks

  17. Arlene Stillwater says:

    Please advise strength & frequency of administration of symphytum Officialis, Ruta Graveolins, silica, or other useful preparations for someone with a recent comminuted fracture of the femur with severe osteoporosis & impaired absorption of Ca from the alimentary tract

    • Sir , my age is 61 and am recently diagnosed as having vertibral compressed fracture at L 5 I am on calcium and vit D supplement , please guide me how it can be treated by homeopathy. Thanks

  18. Hello,

    I am a 48 year old woman who went in to menopause at age 42. I broke bones in foot, and a bone density scan indicates I have Osteoporosis in my spine, and osteopenia in my neck, hips and feet (other areas were not scanned). What course of treatment do you recommend for building bone density and in what form and what dosage?

  19. I am 52 year’s old.My periods stopd 3months before.I have havy body ache and jons pain.In the morning very difficult pain for me.Its feeling for lone time what can i do

  20. A K Sarkar says:

    My wife is suffering from osteoporosis. She has pain on her left knee joint. When she tries to stand after sitting she experiences sever pain and it takes a few minutes to set for walking. Please suggest remedy for her. How fluid can be grown.

    • I am 52 year’s old.My periods stopd 3months before.I have havy body ache and jons pain.In the morning very difficult pain for me.Its feeling for lone time what can i do

    • Nilufar Akhter says:

      I am 66yrs old.suffering from knee pain.early manopous due to surgery of ovaries.
      Bone density low. I don’t like allopathy.please advise

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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