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Calcarea Fluorica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Calcarea Fluorica, also known as Calcarea Fluorata, is derived from calcium fluoride. It is one amongst the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy. When calcium fluoride is potentized according to homeopathic formula which is a process of arousing medicinal powers of crude substance, it is converted into a very beneficial homeopathic medicine Calcarea Fluorica. Among the various health concerns that it can treat well, the most prominent ones are hard lumps/knots, extra bony outgrowths (bone spurs) and varicose veins.

Drug Action

A foremost action of this medicine to dissolve extra bony outgrowths. Another highly important action is to dissolve hard lumps/knots in different body parts. The most prominent action of this medicine is seen on the bones and teeth. The other main action is on breast, neck, back, limbs, joints. Lastly, it acts well on rectum, and skin.

Clinical Indications

Bone spurs, exostosis, hard lumps/nodes, dental problems, toothache, gumboils, breast knots, goitre, varicose veins, ganglion, backache, scoliosis, ulcers, piles, anal fissures, anal itching, synovitis

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Bone Complaints (Extra Bony Growths, Bone Tumors, Bone Suppuration)

Calcarea Fluorica acts wonderfully on the bones. It is highly valuable to manage certain bone complaints magnificently. It is a principal medicine to treat exostosis (extra growth of bone on an existing bone) cases. Cases of extra bony growths call unmistakably for use of Calcarea Fluorica. Other than exostosis some other names for this extra growth of bone includes bony spurs and osteophytes. Use of this medicine can be done in any case of extra bone growths occurring from different reasons. Exostosis resulting from an injury to bone is also indicative of its use. This medicine is very powerful to dissolve the extra bony outgrowths. Coming to another complaint where it proves to be highly effective is bone tumours. Another use of this medicine is seen in relieving a hard swelling on the jaw bone. Lastly, it is indicated for managing cases of suppuration of bone. Suppuration means pus discharge.

Key Indicating Features

Extra bony growths – exostosis, bone spurs, osteophytes

Hard swelling on jaw bone

Suppuration (pus discharge) of bone

2. Dental Complaints (Deficient Enamel, Toothache, Gumboil)

It acts wonderfully on the teeth and gums. Firstly, it is prominently indicated for cases in which the enamel on teeth is deficient. Secondly, it is beneficial for toothache. Here it is indicated when pain in teeth is felt if any food touches the teeth. Lastly, its use is recommended for cases of gumboils (a pus-filled bump on gums). In such cases, it works well when there is a hard swelling on gums.

Key Indicating Features

Deficient enamel on teeth

Toothache when any food touches teeth

Gumboil with hard swelling

3. Female Problems (Breast Knots / Lumps, Uterine Prolapse)

If we talk of women problems, then the foremost complaint for which it is most importantly indicated is hard knots in the breasts. It is a top-grade medicine to dissolve hard knots/lumps in breasts. It can be given to manage cases of prolapse of uterus. In such cases, its use is considered when there is bearing down and dragging pain in uterus and thighs.

Key Indicating Features

Hard knots in breast

Uterine prolapse with bearing down and dragging in uterus and thighs

4. Neck And Back Concerns (Goitre, Backache)

Another action of Calcarea Fluorica is noted on the neck and back. In case of neck, it is mainly indicated for cases of goitre (lump in front of neck from an enlarged thyroid gland). It is also indicated for hard lymph nodes in neck presenting with stony hardness. It is helpful in managing lower back pain. It gives good results in case of lower backache occurring from strains. Those needing this medicine have worsening of this pain after rest which gets better from continued motion and from warmth. Along with backache, burning may be felt in the back. Tiredness is also felt in the lower back along with restlessness. This medicine is also considered in managing cases of scoliosis (sideways curvature of spine).

Key Indicating Features

Goitre (lump in front of neck from enlarged thyroid gland)

Lower backache occurring from strains

Back pain that worsens after rest and better from continued motion and from warmth

5. Limbs And Joints (Varicose Veins, Ganglion, Synovitis)

Action of Calcare Fluorica is also well marked on the limbs and joints. In case of limbs, this medicine has a great clinical reputation in treating cases of varicose veins on legs. It has shown excellent results in cases of ganglion (a fluid-filled lump developing on a joint or tendon). It works best in case of ganglion on the back of wrist. If we consider joints, it is well indicated for case of cracking in joints, synovitis (inflammation of synovial membrane lining the joint) of knee joint. Lastly, it is of value in cases of enlarged joints of fingers from increased uric acid levels (gout).

Key Indicating Features

Varicose veins on limbs

Ganglion on back of wrist

Synovitis of knee joint

Enlarged joints of fingers from high uric acid levels

6. Rectal Issues (Piles, Anal Fissures, Anal Itching)

With its action on rectum, it proves to be a highly effective medicine for cases of piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum). The characteristic for its use is piles with pain in the lower back in sacral region. The piles may be bleeding or non – bleeding type. Constipation is present along with piles. This medicine is also valuable to manage cases of anal fissures (tear in the mucosa lining the anus). There is extremely sore crack in the anal lining in cases needing it. Besides these it can be used in cases of anal itching from pin worms. It is worse at night waking the patient.

Key Indicating Features

Piles with pain in the lower back in sacrum

Anal fissure with extremely sore crack in the anal lining

Anal itching from pin worms

7. Skin Problems (Hard Lumps, Dry Cracked Skin, Ulcers, Adhesions)

Lastly, its action is marked on the skin to help with certain skin issues. To begin with, it is suitable to treat cases of lumps that are stony hard. For this complaint, it is a leading medicine in homeopathy. It is well indicated for healing cracked, dry and hard skin. Its use is highly preferred to heal cracks or hard skin in the palms of hands. Further, its use is recommended in case of ulcers that secretes thick yellow pus. The margins of ulcers are hard, elevated. Calcarea Fluor is next indicated in cases of adhesions that form after operation.

Key Indicating Features

Lumps with stony hardness

Cracked, dry, hard skin

Cracks or hard skin in the palms of hands

Ulcers secreting thick, yellow pus

Adhesions forming after operations


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from rest, beginning to move and changes of weather

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from warm applications, continued motion, by rubbing and from warm drinks


This medicine can be used from third to twelfth potency. Among these the most frequently used is 6X potency. It can be repeated three to four times a day varying from case to case depending on the symptoms.

Relationship With Other Remedies

1. Calcarea Fluorica can be compared with remedies Conium in case of hard knots/ lumps.

2. It can be compared with medicine Hecla Lava when it comes to dental issues and complaint of bone spurs.

3. In case of backache, its comparison is done with medicine Rhus Tox.

4. Lastly, comparison of this medicine is done with medicine Silicea in cases of bone suppuration (pus formation).


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Millefolium: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Millefolium is derived from the plant Millefolium Achillea which is also known as ‘yarrow’ belonging to family ‘Composite.’

This whole fresh plant undergoes potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties from a crude substance). Once it goes through this process, it is converted into a very useful homeopathic medicine Millefolium. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to control bleeding from various body parts, especially when it is of bright red colour.

The ‘Millefolium’ Constitution

This medicine suits children and the elderly quite well. It is also suitable for women suffering from anemia.

Drug Action

The principal action of this medicine is to control bleeding (hemorrhage) from different body parts (eg: from nose, rectum, stomach, lungs, uterus, skin). The bleeding is of bright red color in all such cases. Its action is marked on nose, rectum, and female genitals. It is also administered in case of problems on the skin, limbs, head, and respiratory system.

Clinical Indications

Haemorrhages (bleeding), nose bleeding, bleeding piles, dysentery, heavy menses, dysmenorrhoea, suppressed menses, leucorrhoea, bruises, wounds, varicose veins, headache, hemoptysis, tuberculosis

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Nasal Bleeding)

Millefolium controls bleeding from various body parts including the nose medically known as epistaxis. It is accompanied by congestion in the head and chest. It can also be used in case one has stuffy nose. Lastly, it is helpful in managing a sort of piercing pain from eyes to the root of the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Nasal bleeding with congestion to head and chest

Piercing pain from eyes to root of the nose

2. Rectal Problems (Bleeding Piles, Dysentery, Warts)

‘Millefolium’ has a wonderful action on the rectum. The most important complaint where it proves highly effective is bleeding piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum). It is administered when there is profuse bleeding from piles. It is also very useful in managing dysentery (infection of intestines that causes loose stool which contains blood and mucus). This medicine is considered when there is dysentery with marked blood and tenesmus (frequent, ineffectual urge to pass stool even when bowels are already empty). If someone has bleeding from warts in the anus area, this medicine can help settle it down as well.

Key Indicating Features

Profuse bleeding from piles

Dysentery with marked blood and tenesmus (frequent, ineffectual urge to pass stool even when bowels are already empty

Bleeding from warts of anus

Bleeding from intestine following much exertion

3. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Suppressed Menses, Leucorrhoea)

This medicine has shown great clinical improvements in various women-related problems. To begin with, it is extensively used to manage heavy periods when bleeding is of bright red colour. The periods last for prolonged duration. An accompanying factor during the periods is colic pain. Tendency for early periods is also there. Bleeding from uterus after excessive exertion is also suggestive of its use. For heavy menses and intermenstrual bleeding attended with congestive headache, Millefolium is highly recommended. Another significant indication is infertility among women with heavy menses. Women who have suppressed menses accompanied with colicky abdominal pain can highly benefit from this medicine.  It is also well indicated in managing vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) among girls.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy periods with bright red blood lasting for prolonged duration

Bleeding from uterus after excessive exertion

Heavy menses & intermenstrual bleeding with congestive headache

Suppressed menses accompanied with colicky abdominal pain

Vaginal discharges in children

4. Skin Issues (Bruises, Wounds, Vesicles)

Millefolium acts really well on the skin. It is a highly recommended medicine in managing bruises (blackish or bluish discoloration on the skin due to injured blood vessels near the skin). It is also capable of managing bleeding from wounds. Its use is preferred in treating several vesicles (fluid-filled bumps) on skin that are pea-sized of brown colour that discharge offensive fluid. Lastly, it can deal with wounds that occur after operation of stones in the bladder.

Key Indicating Features


Bleeding from wounds

Several pea-sized vesicles on skin of brown color discharging offensive fluid

Wounds after operation of stones in bladder

5. Action On Limbs (Varicose Veins, Sprains, Achilles Tendon Pain)

Millefolium really acts well on the veins of the limbs. Its use is highly recommended in managing varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted veins most commonly in legs), particularly that occur during pregnancy. These may bleed as well. These may be painful or painless. It is suitable in dealing with cases of sprains (overstretching or tearing of ligaments means the fibrous tissue which connects two bones together) and effects from falls. Besides these, its action is to manage Achilles tendon (this tendon is a tough fibrous band that connects calf muscle in the back of leg to the heel bone) pain. It is more prominent to help cases of pain in right sided Achilles tendon as if occurring from blow or sprain.

Key Indicating Features

Varicose veins during pregnancy

Pain in right-sided Achilles tendon as if occurring from blow or sprain

6. Head (Headache)

It really helps manage headache. It is successfully used for headache that gets worse from taking coffee. Headache is dull type. It also gets worse from stooping. Sometimes throbbing is felt in head and face. Along with pain in head, twitches may occur in the eyelids. In some cases, the headache is very violent and the sufferer strikes the head against the wall.

Key Indicating Features

Headache worse from taking coffee

Headache with twitching in eyelids

Violent headache with striking of the head against the wall

7. Respiratory Problems (Coughing Of Blood)

Lastly, some respiratory concerns can be dealt with successfully with this medicine. The foremost indication to use it is in case of lung complaints with coughing of blood (hemoptysis) that is bright red in color. This serves as the most prominent marker for use of Millefolium. It gives substantial relief in cases of cough accompanied by frequent spitting of blood. It may be accompanied by palpitations and oppression of the chest. Blood spitting in tuberculosis or coughing blood after an injury is also indicative of its use.

Key Indicating Features

Lung complaints with coughing of blood which is bright red in color


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from exertion, lifting, stooping, suppressed discharges, in the evening, at night, and from lying down

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from bleeding, heavy exercise


It can be used from low to high potencies and also in mother tincture form. Its duration of action is just between one to three days, so it can be repeated frequently if it is being used in low potencies. But in high potencies, one should avoid frequent doses.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Iodatum and Arum Maculatum

It can be compared with homeopathic medicines Hamamelis and Ipecac (in its action of controlling bleeding)


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Physostigma Venenosum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Physostigma Venenosum is a natural homeopathic medicine derived from plant Calabar bean also known as ‘ordeal-bean’. It belongs to family Leguminosae. This medicine is prepared from the beans of this plant through potentization (A process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance). It is one of the best homeopathic medicine to manage certain eyes complaints. These majorly includes myopia, glaucoma, astigmatism and blepharospasm.

Drug Action

The foremost action of this medicine is on the eyes. It also acts well on the head, ears, nose and gastric system.

Clinical Indications

Eye disorders, myopia, astigmatism, glaucoma, blepharospasm, eye floaters, headache, diarrhea, constipation, piles

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Eye Complaints (Myopia, Glaucoma, Eye Floaters, Astigmatism, Blepharospasm, Photophobia, Night Blindness, Lagophthalmos, Exophthalmos)

Among various actions of Physostigma, if we have to pick the most prominent one then that would be on the eyes. It acts magnificently on the eyes and deals effectively with numerous eye-related problems. To begin with, it is a highly beneficial medicine for cases of myopia. Myopia, also known as near sightedness and short-sightedness, is a vision condition in which the sufferer can see near objects clearly but farther objects are blurry. It can be of great help in cases where myopia is increasing. Secondly, it is a well-indicated medicine for cases of glaucoma (a condition that causes damage to the eye’s optic nerve). It is prominently indicated for glaucoma that follows after an eye injury. It is useful to manage cases of muscae volitantes (eye floaters). Here its use is primarily considered when there occur black spots or flashes of light before eyes.

This medicine can further help in symptom management of astigmatism cases. Astigmatism is a vision problem that arises from an error in shape of cornea or lens. Physostigma can also be given in cases of twitching of eyelid muscles medically known as blepharospasm. It is also effective in managing eye pain felt after eyeball movement. It can be used for sharp shooting or drawing pain in eyes. There is pain as well as soreness in eyes when eyeballs are moved from side to side. This medicine’s other action is to help cases of photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and profuse lachrymation (eye-watering). Besides these, it is indicated for managing cases of night blindness (inability to see well at night or in poor light). Rest of its indications include lagophthalmos (inability to fully close the eyelids) and exophthalmos (bulging or protruding eyeballs).

Key Indicating Features

Increasing myopia (a vision condition in which the sufferer can see near objects clearly but the farther objects are blurry)

Glaucoma after an eye injury

Eye floaters with black spots or flashes of light before eyes

Astigmatism (a vision problem that arises from error in shape of cornea of lens)

Twitching of eyelid muscles (blepharospasm)

Night blindness (inability to see well at night or in poor light)

Lagophthalmos (inability to fully close the eyelids)

Exophthalmos (bulging or protruding eyeballs)

2. Head (Headache)

The action of Physostigma is also well marked on the head. It is of great help in managing headache. The guiding feature to use it is headache that worsens from the least mental exertion. It also gets worse at night. Along with pain, there is sleeplessness. There is no headache in the morning. The pain is marked over both the eyes. With this there is great difficulty in raising the eyelids. The headache can begin from the back of the head (occiput) and pass forward or vice versa. This medicine can be given to manage a pressure sensation on the top and the temples of the head. The pressure from the top of the head extends to the back of head.

Key Indicating Features

Headache worsens from the least mental exertion

Headache worsens at night along with sleeplessness

Headache is marked over both eyes with great difficulty in raising eyelids

3. Ear Problems (Earache, Tinnitus)

Physostigma acts well on the ears. Firstly, it helps to relieve earache. It works well in cases of sharp, shooting ear pain. A crawling sensation may be felt in the left ear. Secondly, it is a suitable medicine for cases of tinnitus (noises in ear without any external source of sound). Its use is recommended for ringing, buzzing or hissing noises in the ears. The ears feel blocked and stuffed up too. In some cases, there is sensitivity to every sound.

Key Indicating Features

Sharp, shooting pain in ears

Ringing, buzzing or hissing noises in ears

4. Nose (Cold, Fever Blisters, Twitching)

For treating nasal complaints, this medicine is mainly applicable to manage cold. The guiding feature to use it is easy–flowing nasal discharge attended with burning, smarting, itching, tingling in the nostrils. Nasal stuffiness is present. It suits well cases of fever blisters (fluid-filled bumps that arise due to an infection from herpes simplex virus) around the nose. Twitching of muscles of nose is yet another indication for using this remedy.

Key Indicating Features

Nasal discharge along with burning, smarting, itching, tingling in the nostrils

Fever blisters around the nose

Twitching of muscles of nose

5. Gastric Issues (Stomach Pain, Diarrhea, Constipation, Piles)

Physostigma is suitable for managing some gastric concerns too. It can effectively help cases of stomach pain that is felt after eating. The stomach is sensitive to pressure as well. It is beneficial for soreness and bloating in navel region. It is also a good medicine to relieve colicky pain in abdomen during loose motion which gets better by extending legs. This medicine can be given in cases of loose motion. Here its use is considered for soft, thin, profuse, yellowish stool or lumpy stool mixed with watery discharge. Its use can be done in constipation cases also arising from lack of tonicity of intestines. Lastly, a prominent indication for using it is piles (swollen, inflamed veins in the anus or the lower rectum) occurring in women after childbirth.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach pain felt after eating

Soreness and bloating in navel region

Colicky pain in abdomen during loose motion better by extending legs

Piles in women after childbirth


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from motion, jar, falls, misstep, pressure, heat and cold, lying on left side and change of temperature

Relieving factors: Complaints get relieved by closing eyes, from sleep, lying on right side or on abdomen and in cool open air


One may use this medicine in low as well as high potencies, depending on case presentation. The general rule to be followed is that low potencies can be repeated often while higher potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with some other homeopathic remedies including Agaricus, Belladonna, Curare, Conium, Gelsemium, Passiflora and Solanum


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Muriaticum Acidum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Muriaticum Acidum is derived from Hydrochloric Acid. To obtain this homeopathic medicine, Hydrochloric Acid is potentized (potentization refers to the process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal powers of a crude substance). It is a highly recommended medicine to treat rectal problems, especially piles that are sore, tender, and cases of typhoid fever.

Drug Action

Muriaticum Acidum acts wonderfully on the rectum and treats numerous complaints among which sore, tender piles stand out as the most prominent. It works magnificently to manage cases of typhoid fever. Other than this, its action is well-marked on the gastric system, mouth, tongue and skin.

Clinical Indications

Piles, typhoid fever, diarrhea, dysentery, rectal prolapse, stomatitis, dry tongue, mouth ulcers, stomach disorders, stomach ulcers, gas, acidity, belching, bedsores, ulcers, eczema, freckles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Rectal Complaints (Piles, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Rectal Prolapse)

Among various body parts, Muriaticum Acidum acts best on the rectum. It is one of the best medicines to manage piles. Piles are swollen, inflamed veins in the anus or the lower rectum. It is the most effective in those cases of piles that are sore and become highly sensitive to even a slight touch. The piles protrude like bunch of grapes, look bluish or purple. It is accompanied by burning and violent stitching pain. Piles tend to protrude during stool or at the time of passing of urine. But there is relief in the affected area when heat is applied. Another noticeable feature is bright red bleeding from piles. Its use is also indicated for treating piles during pregnancy and if one has diarrhea. Another striking feature for its use is loose stool with gas and intense anal itching. Smarting and burning in anus is an accompanying factor. Its use is also recommended in case of dysentery (blood accompanies loose motion). In such cases, it is used when there is passage of blood and slime along with stool. Before passing stool, rumbling and pain is felt in the abdomen. During the passing of stool, smarting, cutting, and burning at the anus is felt. After passing stool, anal itching, soreness and tenderness are felt . Another complaint where it proves effective is prolapse of rectum while urinating or while passing gas. If someone passes involuntary stool when urinating or passing gas even then, this medicine proves to be very beneficial.

Key Indicating Features

Piles that are sore and highly sensitive upon slight touch

Piles that protrude like bunch of grapes, and look bluish or purple

Burning and violent stitching pain in the affected area

Protrusion of piles during stool or while passing urine

Prolapse of rectum while urinating or when passing gas

Involuntary stool while urinating or passing of the gas

2. Fever (Typhoid Fever)    

This medicine is most recommended for typhoid fever. It is mostly indicated when chill is more dominant than heat. Also, coldness is most felt in bed in the morning. There is either constant restlessness or deep sleep. There occurs either confused talking or loud moaning. The lower jaw is droopy. There may be fetid smell in mouth with ulcers, and the tongue goes dry like leather, shrunken and is coated at the edges. The stool has offensive smell, may pass involuntarily even while passing urine. The person has excessive weakness and may even slide down the bed.

Key Indicating Features

Typhoid fever with constant restlessness or sleepiness

Typhoid with confused talking, loud moaning, droopy lower jaw, excessive weakness.

3. Gastric Issues (Stomach Ulcers, Acidity, Pain & Enlarged Liver)

This medicine acts wonderfully on the gastric system. Muriaticum Acidum is very effective in cases of stomach ulcers. Burning pain in the stomach is felt. Vomiting may occur along with burping. It works well in cases of acid reflux. The stomach contents back flow in the food pipe. There appears bitter belching. Further action of this medicine is noted to relieve cramping pain in the abdomen. It can also manage well gripping pain in the umbilical region. It proves effective in cases of abdominal distension and fullness that arises from eating even small quantity of food. Lastly, it can be used in cases of sore and enlarged liver.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach ulcers with burning pain in stomach

Acid reflux with bitter belching

Gripping pain in umbilical region

Sore & enlarged liver

4. Mouth (Stomatitis, Dry Tongue)

This medicine also acts well on the mouth. Here it is mainly useful in cases of mouth dryness, and mouth inflammation (stomatitis). There is redness inside the cheeks, and mucus lining of lips along with pain. There occurs fetid breath in the mouth. Next, it is helpful for dryness of tongue. The tongue is dry, leathery and looks burnt. It is swollen as well, and is bluish or pale. There may occur deep ulcers on the tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Mouth inflammation with dryness in mouth

Redness inside the cheeks, and mucus lining of lips with pain

Tongue dry, leathery and looks burnt, may be swollen as well and is bluish or pale

5. Skin Complaints (Bedsores, Ulcers, Eczema, Freckles)

Lastly, Muriaticum Acidum has brilliant action on the skin. By acting on the skin, it proves to be highly effective for cases of bedsores. It can be given in cases of skin ulcers too. The ulcers are deep, painful mainly occur on lower legs. Foul smell emanates from the ulcers. Burning sensation is felt at the margins of ulcers. Throbbing occurs in ulcers while walking. Its use can also be considered in cases of eczema that occurs on the back of the hands. Its last indication for use in skin complaints is freckles (small brown spots arising on skin area exposed to sun).

Key Indicating Features


Deep, painful ulcers on lower legs with foul smell and burning sensation at the margins

Eczema on the back of hands



Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from touch, cold, sitting, walking, bathing and in damp weather

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from warmth, motion and lying on the left side


Its use can be done in both low and high potencies. The potency and repetition varies from case to case depending on the type and duration of complaint. In general, low potencies can be repeated often while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Bryonia and Camphor

It antidotes Merc Sol and Opium

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Kali Carb, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur

It can be compared with medicines including Arsenic Album, Baptisia, and Acid Phos


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Paeonia Officinalis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Paeonia Officinalis is derived from a plant commonly known as ‘peony’. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. To obtain homeopathic medicine Paeonia, fresh root of this plant particularly dug in spring undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies medicinal properties from a crude substance). This homeopathic medicine has great clinical importance to treat numerous anorectal conditions among which it is extensively used for treating piles, anal fissures and anal fistula cases.

The ‘Paeonia Officinalis’ Constitution

Paeonia is the most suitable medicine for those suffering from anorectal complaints. It suits those prone to ulcers, especially, on the lower body parts like legs, foot, rectum, and additionally skin ulcers.

Drug Action

This medicine shows works wonderfully on the rectum, and related complaints — mainly piles, fissures and fistula. Other than this, it acts well in cases pertaining to skin, limbs, eyes, and throat. Lastly, it helps manage certain sleep-related problems.

Clinical Indications

Anal disorders, piles, anal fissures, anal abscess, anal fistula, ulcers, varicose veins, nightmares.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Rectum Complaints (Piles, Anal Fissures, Anal Abscess, Anal Fistula, Ulcers)

To pick the prime area of action of this medicine, it would undoubtedly be the rectum. It settles various concerns pertaining to the rectum. It is the best remedy to treat piles. Piles are swollen, enlarged, inflamed veins in the anus and the lower rectum. It is most beneficial when there are large piles or piles that ulcerate. Those who need it for piles-related issues, complain of intense intolerable rectal pain during and after the stool. They have swelling around the anal area. Next, there is itching, burning and a biting sensation felt around the anal along with above-mentioned symptoms. Constipation too is present.

Secondly, it is of great value for anal fissures treatment. Anal fissures refer to crack or tear in the tissue that lines the anus. Here the characteristic feature to use it are anal fissures that ooze a foul discharge. The discharge causes a constant wet feeling in the anus area. There is also intense pain during and after stool. An accompanying factor is that the anus becomes sore. The sufferer may feel a smarting pain in the region. It is also highly recommended to treat anal abscess and anal fistula cases. Anal abscess is a lump that is filled with pus near the anus. Anal fistula refers to an abnormal passage or a tunnel that forms between the anal canal and the skin near the anus. Furthermore, it proves to be highly effective in cases of ulcers that form in the rectum, anus and perineum (area between anus and genitals). Ulcers are very painful, sensitive and ooze fluid in cases that require this medicine. The ulcers around the anus and perineum are covered with thick crust of purple colour. Last indication for using it is diarrhoea (loose stool) with thin, and frequent stool, and there is burning sensation in the anus after passing the stool. It may be accompanied by a chilly feeling. Abdominal colic (pain) may be experienced along with loose stool.

Key Indicating Features

Piles that are large, ulcerated with intense, excruciating, intolerable rectal pain during and after stool

Anal fissure with oozing of foul-smelling discharge, and pain during and after stool

Anal abscess, and anal fistula

Ulcers in rectum, anus, perineum with pain and oozing of offensive fluid

2. Skin (Ulcers, Itching)

Paeonia acts well on skin to treat ulcers, varicose veins and itching. It is an important medicine to deal with cases of skin ulcers. It works well when the ulcers form mainly on the lower body parts like legs, feet and toes. It is one of the best suited medicines when ulcers occur due to pressure. For example, bedsores also named as pressure sores that may develop in a person who spend a long time in the same position that puts prolonged pressure on a particular body part. Another example is shoe bite. It is a leading medicine for healing ulcers that form due to repeated pressure and rubbing of feet against an ill-fitted shoe. It is highly recommended to treat ulcers on perineum when it tends to ooze an offensive fluid. Next ulcers forming around the sacrum (bottom part of back) also heal well with this medicine. One can also use this medicine in varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted, engorged veins due to back flow of blood in veins due to defective valves in veins). Lastly, it is helpful in managing itching on the calve area (back portion of the lower leg) if it gets better from rubbing. Itching on the head, limbs, and the chest with burning, and biting sensation is another important indication pointing towards its use.

Key Indicating Features

Ulcers on the lower body parts like legs, feet, toes, around sacrum


Shoe bite

Ulcers on perineum that ooze an offensive fluid

3. Limbs (Pain, Ulcers, Corns)

It acts well on the skin and can effectively deal with pain, weakness of legs, ulcers, and painful corns. It can be administered to manage pain in the knees (mainly on the right side), toes, fingers, wrist, upper arm and the ankles. The pain is usually crampy in nature. If the pain is in the fingers one feels shooting pain. In case of pain in the upper arm, it is administered mostly when the pain is felt on the right-side and radiates to the elbow.

In case of pain in the toe, the pain is sticking in nature along with swelling and contracted feeling. In the wrist, the pain is mostly felt on the left side and the pain is sticking, and griping in nature. Ankle pain is weary in nature that is felt mainly while sitting. Paeonia can be used to manage weakness in legs that hinders walking. It also helps treat ulcers on the legs and the toes. This medicine is of great use when ulcers form on the right leg with intense shooting pain. It is specifically indicated for ulcers on the big toe on the left side. Besides these, it gives good results in cases of painful corns (corns are thick, hard skin area forming mainly on feet due to excessive friction and pressure).

Key Indicating Features

Cramping knee pain on the right side

Right-side upper arm pain radiating to the elbow

Ulcers on the right leg, and left toe

Painful corns

4. Eyes (Dryness, Itching, Burning, Conjunctivitis)

By acting on the eyes, Paeonia can settle complaints including dryness, itching, burning and conjunctivitis. Its use is suggested to relieve dryness of the eyes and eyelids wonderfully. Smarting sensation in the eyes can attend with difficulty in opening the eyes. One may find great relief in itching and burning of eyes too with this remedy. It can manage conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva which is the membrane lining the eyeball and eyelid) cases when there is excessive eye watering.

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of eyes and eyelids

Itching and burning in the eyes

Conjunctivitis with profuse eye watering

5. Throat (Burning, Sticky Mucus)

Paeonia acts on the throat where it manages heated and burning sensation in throat. There can be scraping sensation in the throat as well that causes coughing and hawking. Swallowing is difficult too. It can offer relief in sticky mucus in the throat leading to hawking.

Key Indicating Features

Heat and burning in throat

Sticky mucus in throat resulting in hawking

6. Sleep Issues (Nightmares, Unrefreshing Sleep)

One may find this medicine quite helpful for certain sleep issues. Major among these is nightmares. Persons needing it have frightful dreams and may dream of ghosts, death of relatives, etc. It is of great service to a person who has had an unrefreshing sleep disturbed by multiple dreams. It can also give good results in case of restless sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Nightmares, frightful dreams, dreams of ghosts and dreams of death of relatives

Disturbed sleep from multiple dreams


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse during stool, from touch, pressure and movement


Its use is recommended in both low and high potencies. If using it in low potency, then repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aloe Socotrina and Ratanhia

It can be compared with some other homeopathic remedies that includes Hamamelis, Silicea and Aesculus


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Kali Carb: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Kali Carb is derived from potassium carbonate. Potassium carbonate is inert in crude state and when it goes through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines via which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into a homeopathic medicine of great use. It is most valuable to manage lung complaints and back pain.

The ‘Kali Carb’ Constitution

It suits persons who have tendency to grow fat. It also suits elderly people having complaints of edema (swollen soft tissue caused by the accumulation of excessive fluid usually in feet and legs) or paralysis (loss of muscle function). It is also recommended for certain medical problems in women after childbirth. Lastly, it suits people sensitive to atmospheric changes and every draft of air.

Drug Action

This medicine has a wide sphere of action and acts well on lungs, back, fibrous tissue, ligaments, gastric tract, eyes, throat, female genitals, heart, joints and male organs.

Clinical Indications

Asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, cough, backache, swollen eyelids, piles, flatulence, bloated abdomen, constipation, piles, eye floaters, eye strain, difficult swallowing, stricture of food pipe, suppressed periods, gonorrhea in males, joint inflammation, palpitations, fatty degeneration of heart

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory System (Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia)

This medicine has a marked action on respiratory system where it helps to treat cases of asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and cough. In case of asthma, it is given when the problem worsens from walking or the slightest movement. There is relief by sitting. A typical characteristic symptom for using this medicine is asthma attack occurring specifically between 2:00 am to 4:00 am. It is mainly indicated in bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes) that worsens from cold and dampness.  There is cough with thick, scant expectoration and the chest feels sensitive. In pneumonia (inflamed air sacs of lungs), it works well when there is dry cough with fever and stitching pain in chest. Coughing increases in the morning and from eating and drinking. For pleurisy (inflamed lining around the lungs), it is used when mainly the left side of the chest is affected. Stitching pain in the chest with dry cough and difficult breathing is the guiding feature. It is indicated for cough when it is dry, hard attended with chest pain. It may be attended with vomiting. This medicine is also prominent for cases of cough after measles.

Key Indicating Features

Asthma worse from least motion, walking, between 2:00 am to 4:00 am

Pneumonia and pleurisy with dry cough and stitching pain in chest

Dry hard cough with stitching chest pain

Cough after measles

2. Back (Back Pain, Weak Back)

Kali Carb is capable of settling many back complaints. It especially suits females who suffer from backache either during or before the menses. It also helps females having backache during pregnancy and after a miscarriage. It is useful for people having lower back pain accompanied by weakness in the back. The pain from here may radiate up and down. Stiffness in the back occurs with these symptoms. Additionally, burning sensation is felt in the spine.

Key Indicating Features

Backache in females during or before the menses, during pregnancy and after a miscarriage

Lower back pain accompanied by weakness

3. Eyes (Swollen Eyelids, Eye Floaters, Eyestrain)

Eye floaters

Eye floaters

Kali Carb acts on eyes and helps to manage mainly swollen eyelids. There may occur bag-like swelling over or under the eyes. Persons complaining of eye floaters can also benefit from this remedy. They may see black points or blue/green spots and bright sparks in front of the eyes. Last indication to use it is eyestrain (asthenopia). Here, a pressive pain and burning sensation is felt in the eyes. Sensitivity to bright light (photophobia) is an attending symptom.

Key Indicating Features

Swelling over or under the eyelids

Eye floaters black, blue or green spots and bright sparks in front of eyes

Eyestrain with pain, burning in eyes and sensitivity to bright light

4. Throat (Difficulty In Swallowing, Stricture Of Food Pipe, Throat Pain)

Kali Carb manages well cases where there is difficulty in swallowing. Food goes slowly down the food pipe. It may sometimes get stuck halfway in the food pipe followed by vomiting. It is highly recommended for cases of esophageal stricture (narrowing of the food pipe). It is an important medicine for cases of hoarse voice or loss of voice. Its use is also considered for throat pain with a feeling of fish bone sticking there. Dryness, roughness and scraping sensation is felt in the throat. Along with this, there may occur hawking of tough, sticky mucus in the morning.

Key indicating features

Difficulty in swallowing where food moves slowly down food pipe or gets stuck, followed by vomiting

Stricture of food pipe

Throat pain with sensation of fish bone stuck in the throat

5. Gastric Issues (Gas, Bloating, Acidity, Constipation, Piles)

Kali Carb has also proved successful in managing numerous gastric concerns. The most important being excessive gas in abdomen. Persons feels whatever he has eaten has turned into gas. Stomach is bloated. Eating or drinking even in small quantity creates fullness in stomach. It feels as if stomach would burst from gas. The gas feels obstructed, and navel pain can be present. This medicine suits elderly people who suffer from acidity, stomach burning and bloating. It can be used for cases of sour belching. Vomiting may occur of sour matter. It is also valuable to treat constipation that occurs specifically during or after menses. Women having constipation after difficult childbirth can also be given this medicine. Another prominent indication to use it is large piles. These are painful and very sensitive to touch. There is intense burning in them. These may bleed too.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive gas in abdomen with bloating

Acidity, stomach burning and bloating in elderly people

Constipation in woman after difficult childbirth

Large piles with pain, burning and sensitivity

6. Male Problems (Gonorrhoea, Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Low Libido)

Many of the male problems can also be treated with Kali Carb. Among these, the first is long-term gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). In such cases, burning during and after urination is marked. There is also scanty urethral discharge. It also covers involuntary seminal emissions followed by weakness. It also helps cases of low libido (low sex drive).

Key Indicating Features

Gonorrhoea with burning urination and scanty urethral discharge

Involuntary seminal emissions followed by weakness

Low sex drive

7. Female Problems (Supressed Menses, Heavy Menses, PMS)

If we talk of female problems, then Kali Carb is an important medicine to manage late and suppressed periods (amenorrhea). The menses do not appear for many months altogether. Back pain may occur. It is also indicated for prolonged and profuse menses. The blood is bright red. After excessive bleeding there may occur constant oozing of blood with intense back pain. It is also effective for PMS (premenstrual syndrome) cases. For using it here the main symptoms are swelling in breast and retention of fluid. Lastly, it is given for cases of vaginal discharge with burning, itching and labour-like pains.

Key Indicating Features

Suppressed menses for many months together

Prolonged and profuse periods with back pain

PMS (premenstrual syndrome) to manage swelling in breast and retention of fluid

Vaginal discharge with burning, itching and labour-like pains.

8. Joints (Joint Inflammation, Joint Pain)

With its action on joints, Kali Carb helps in treating joint inflammation (arthritis). Persons needing it feel sharp pains in joints. It worsens at night. There may be pain in shoulder especially right side. Movement and mere touching of the shoulder may aggravate the pain. Cracking may occur in this joint on moving or raising the arm. This medicine is significant to manage knee joint pain. Tearing type of pain is felt in the knee. Climbing stairs and going downstairs, both are difficult for the suffferer. Pain may specifically occur inside the knee, walking worsens it. It has marked affinity for managing hip joint disease. This medicine can also manage joint inflammation in small joints with deformities.

Key Indicating Features

Joint inflammation with sharp joint pain at night

Shoulder pain worse from motion and touch

Knee pain worse from going up and down stairs, walking

Small joint inflammation with deformities

9. Heart (Fatty Degeneration Of Heart, Palpitations, Endocarditis)

Lastly, it works well to manage many heart complaints too. Here it can be used to manage cases of fatty degeneration of heart. Another indication is palpitations. These get worse from the slightest exertion. The palpitations are violent. Besides, it is also indicated for cases of endocarditis (inflamed inner lining of heart) and stitching heart pain through to scapula.

Key Indicating Features

Fatty degeneration of heart

Palpitations from little exertion



Worsening factors: Complaints in general get worse from cold air exposure, in cold weather, between 2:00 am to 4:00 am and from exertion.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in warm weather, open air and from moving about.


It can be used in 30C and even higher potencies. The potency and repetition vary from case to case. In general, low potencies can be repeated often but higher cannot be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Coffea Cruda and Helonias

Followed well by Fluoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Arsenic Album, Carbo Veg, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla and Sepia.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Dolichos Pruriens: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Dolichos Pruriens is derived from a plant named Mucuna pruriens. It belongs to family Leguminosae. This plant bears fruit pod covered with bristly hair. This pod is used to prepare homeopathic medicine Dolichos. When the pod of this plant undergoes potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine Dolichos Pruriens. With its brilliant action on skin, it gives marvellous results in case of skin itching particularly when there are no associated eruptions or rash with it.

Drug Action

Dolichos Pruriens seems to act especially on the skin. Besides these, its action is noted on throat, gums, gastric system and liver.

Clinical Indications

Itching, senile pruritis, herpes zoster, neuralgia, jaundice, sore throat, gums pain, colic, constipation, piles, hepatitis

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Concerns (Itching, Burning, Herpes Zoster)

If we have to pick the most important site of action of Dolichos, it would be skin. The principal action of Dolichos is noted on the skin. It is extensively used in treating various skin problems. Primarily it is a sovereign remedy for managing intense itching on the skin when there are no eruptions or rashes associated with it. Skin itching without eruptions or any rash calls unmistakably for use of this Dolichos. In cases needing this medicine, skin itching is present all over the body but is worse on the shoulders, knees, elbows and the hairy parts. Itching gets worse at night, is very intense and prevents the sufferer from falling asleep. Scratching worsens the itching. There is some relief in itching from cold water application. Burning is also felt on the skin in bed at night which is intolerable. This medicine has been found to be very effective in cases of senile pruritis which means skin itching in the elderly people. Its use is further applicable in management of cases of Herpes Zoster (also known as Shingles) that refers to a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus resulting in a very painful skin rash with blisters means fluid – filled bumps.



In cases needing it, pain begins under the left shoulder blade followed by eruptions in the armpit on the same side. It then spreads towards the sternum and backwards towards the spine. It is accompanied by excessive burning and smarting sensation. It is also an excellent medicine for cases where nerve pain persists following Shingles even when the rash has been already healed. This condition is medically known as Postherpetic Neuralgia. Lastly, it is well indicated for cases of jaundice attended with intense itching of skin. The skin is yellow in spots and itching is worse at night in such cases.

Key Indicating Features

Intense itching on the skin without any eruptions/rash

Senile pruritis (itching in the elderly)

Herpes Zoster with excessive burning and smarting

Jaundice attended with intense skin itching

2. Throat Problems (Throat Pain)

Next comes the action of Dolichos on the throat. Here it is well-indicated for cases of throat pain that gets worse from swallowing. The pain is marked below the angle of lower jaw on the right side. It feels as if a splinter is embedded in that spot. The throat may feel rough as well. In some cases needing it, there occurs pain in the right side of throat with a contracted sensation that goes to the left side.

Key Indicating Features

Throat pain below angle of lower jaw on right side with the sensation of splinter embedded in that spot

Pain in right side of throat with a contracted sensation that goes to left side

3. Dental Complaints (Toothache, Pain In Gums)

It can effectively deal with certain dental complaints. It is a well-indicated medicine for relieving pain in a decayed tooth. It is a dull aching sort of pain, especially on the right side.  It can help to manage pain in the gums. The pain is intense that prevents sleep. It is of great help in managing soreness and tenderness of the gums in teething children. The child feels irritation in the gums and wants the gums to be rubbed continuously during dentition.

Key Indicating Features

Dull, aching pain in the decayed teeth on right side

Gum pain hindering sleep

Sore, tender gums in teething children

Irritation in gums during dentition with constant desire to rub the gums

4. Gastric Issues (Pain, Constipation, Piles, Worms, Hepatitis)

By acting on gastric system it proves useful in cases of swollen, bloated abdomen with constipation. It works well in cases of bruised pain in left inguinal region and also below the navel. It acts well on the rectum and gives good relief in cases of constipation and piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum) complaint. It can be given in constipation cases when attended with intense itching. Constipation may be accompanied with liver complaints. In piles, it can be used when burning sensation is marked. It is also helpful in cases of worms, especially threadworms. Use of this medicine is also recommended for liver complaints. It can manage well cases of liver inflammation (hepatitis). The liver is swollen with pain going through from left lobe.

Key Indicating Features

Swollen, bloated abdomen with constipation

Bruised pain in left inguinal region and also below the navel

Constipation with intense itching

Swollen liver with pain going through from left lobe


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse at night, on right side, from scratching


It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its low potencies can be repeated often while frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite

In case of skin complaints its comparison can be done with medicines Rhus Tox and Fagopyrum

It can be compared with medicines Hepar Sulph, Argentum Nitricum and Nitric Acid in throat complaints.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hamamelis Virginiana: Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Hamamelis Virginiana is derived from the plant ‘witch hazel’. It belongs to family Hamamelidaceae. The fresh bark of twigs and roots of this plant are potentized as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. Through potentization process, it becomes a very significant homeopathic medicine Hamamelis Virginiana. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating cases of bleeding piles, varicose veins and controlling bleeding from various body parts (example nose, rectum, gums, etc).

The ‘Hamamelis Virginiana’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to persons who have a tendency to suffer from complaints related to venous blood congestion, for example piles, varicose veins, etc.

Drug Action

Among its various actions, the two most prominent ones are to control hemorrhage (bleeding) from various organs and reduce venous blood congestion. Its main action is seen on veins of rectum where it is highly suitable to relieve venous congestion and treat bleeding piles and rectal bleeding. Another important action is noted on the veins of legs where it works wonderfully to reduce venous engorgement, abnormal blood accumulation in veins and treats varicose veins. Hamamelis Virginiana manifests its action on skin, nose, mouth, eyes, urinary organs and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Hemorrhages (bleeding), bleeding piles, rectal bleeding, dysentery, anal fissures, varicose veins, varicose ulcers, inflammation of veins, nose bleeding, bleeding gums, varicocele, orchitis (inflammation of testes),  bruises, joint pain, sore pains, eye pain, black eye, iritis, conjunctivitis, intraocular hemorrhage, burns, menstrual disorders, ovaritis (inflammation of ovaries), vaginismus, hematuria (blood in urine).

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Rectal Complaints (Bleeding Piles, Rectal Bleeding, Dysentery, Anal Fissures)

Hamamelis has marked action on rectum where it helps to treat various concerns related to it. It has the highest affinity to treat bleeding piles. Piles are swollen and engorged, inflamed veins in anus and lower rectum. This medicine has shown great clinical improvements when piles bleed profusely. Due to bleeding, intense weakness is felt. It is attended with rawness and soreness of anus. There is fullness and a sensation of weight in rectum. Anal itching is also felt. Stool is constipated and hard. Hamamelis is also well indicated to control rectal bleeding of dark-colored blood from other reasons too, apart from piles. It is a brilliant medicine to help cases of dysentery that refers to intestinal infection causing loose stool with blood and mucus. In such cases, the characteristic feature is the passage of tar-like blood in stool in large amounts. The blood is dark or sometimes clots of blood with mucus is excreted in stool. There is cramping pain around navel before passing stool. Tenesmus (sensation of incomplete defecation even when nothing is left in rectum) is well marked. It is successfully used to manage ulcers in intestine with passage of dark blood. Another complaint where it is beneficial is anal fissures, with excessive pain while passing stool and burning at anus after passing stool.

Key Indicating Features

Bleeding piles that bleed profusely

Rectal bleeding of dark-colored blood

Dysentery with passage of tar-like blood in stool in large amounts

Ulcers in intestine along with passage of dark blood

Anal fissures with intense pain during stool and anal burning after stool

2. Limbs (Varicose Veins, Varicose Ulcers, Inflammation Of Veins, Joint Pain)

This medicine also acts on the limbs where it is most valuable to treat many problems. Among these, it has wide action on veins and it treats well cases of varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted veins), varicose ulcers, and inflammation of veins. In varicose veins, the veins are hard and knotted. Here it is considered when there is excessive pain in the limbs with difficulty in moving about. There is dull dragging pain in legs. Hamamelis is also recommended in cases of varicose ulcers, stinging, burning, biting and pricking is marked. The ulcers are circular, black, and may discharge thin pus with bad smell or blood. For inflammation of veins (phlebitis), it is recommended when there is prickling pain. Besides veins, its action is also noted on joints and muscles. The joints and muscles feel sore. There is pain and stiffness in shoulders. Pain gets worse from motion. Elbow joint is stiff with dull pains. There is lancinating pain in wrist joint especially left side. Among muscles, there is pain in flexor muscles of hands, wrists and fingers. The right biceps muscle feels tender. There is soreness in thigh muscles as if bruised.

Key Indicating Features

Varicose veins that are hard, appear knotted with, dull, dragging sensation and pain in the limbs with difficulty in moving about

Varicose ulcers with stinging, burning, biting and pricking

Varicose ulcers that are circular, black-colored and discharge thin pus with bad smell or blood

Inflammation of veins with prickling pain

Soreness of muscles and joints

3. Eyes (Eye Pain, Black Eye, Iritis, Conjunctivitis, Intra – Ocular Haemorrhage)

With its action on eyes, Hamamelis settles complaints including eye pain, black eye, iritis, conjunctivitis. It is capable to relieve soreness in eyes. For cases of black eye (bruise around the eye from an injury to face or head), it can work wonders. It is effective for cases of iritis (the inflammation of the colored part of iris) and conjunctivitis (inflammation of transparent membrane lining the eyelid and eyeball). In case of inflammation, eyes look bloodshot (look red from congested blood vessels). It can also be given to manage headache from eyestrain.

Key Indicating Features

Soreness in eyes

Black eye

Iritis and conjunctivitis with bloodshot eyes

4. Nose (Nose Bleeding, Sneezing, Cold)

By acting on nose, Hamamelis has a great ability to manage complaints of nose bleeding. It can be used when nasal bleeding is profuse and attended with tightness at the bridge of the nose. A pressure is also felt in the forehead between the eyes. Other than this, its use is considered when there is sneezing with watery discharge from nose that causes burning in nose. Bad smell emanates from nose which also feels blocked.

Key Indicating Feature

Profuse nasal bleeding attended with tightness at the bridge of nose

5. Mouth (Bleeding Gums, Burns)

Hamamelis is of great help in treating bleeding from gums after tooth extraction. It is useful for cases where gums are spongy, sore, painful and bleed frequently and blood is dark-colored. The second important guiding feature to use it is burns on the tongue and lips. A metallic, bloody taste in mouth may accompany.

Key Indicating Features

Bleeding from gums after tooth extraction

Soreness and pain of gums with dark-colored bleeding

Burns on the tongue and lips

6. Male Problems (Varicocele, Testes Pain, Nightly Emissions)

This medicine can treat many male problems magnificently. Hamamelis is one of the best-suited medicine for treating varicocele (enlarged veins within scrotum). It also acts wonderfully to manage inflammation of testes (orchitis) and pain in testes. The testes are swollen, sore and pain gets worse from touch. The pain can be drawing, aching or excruciating type. This medicine is helpful for cases of emissions at night with sexual dreams. This is followed by sadness, weakness and pain in lower back. Its last indication is inflamed urethra (urethritis) with discharge of transparent mucus and pain.

Key Indicating Features


Inflammation of testes and pain worse from motion

Emissions at night with sexual dreams, followed by sadness, weakness and lower backache

6. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Intermenstrual Bleeding, Ovaritis, Vaginismus)

In women, this medicine can be of great benefit to manage excessive menstrual bleeding of dark blood. There is soreness on abdomen, weakness and pain in lower back. This medicine is highly preferred for managing intermenstrual bleeding too. It acts well in cases of inflammation of ovaries (ovaritis). The pain in ovary can be cutting or tearing type along with swelling and tenderness. Its use is highly indicated for ovaritis resulting from a blow or an injury when soreness is felt in the entire abdomen. Additionally, it can effectively deal with vaginismus (spasm of vaginal muscles when something is trying to enter it) cases. Its use in treating sore, bleeding nipples is also noteworthy.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy menses with dark bleeding, sore abdomen, weakness and pain in lower back

Intermenstrual bleeding

Inflammation of ovaries and ovary pain of cutting or tearing type and swelling and tenderness

Ovarian inflammation after a blow or an injury with soreness in the whole abdomen

7. Urinary Issues (Blood In Urine, Kidney Pain)

Hamamelis is highly valuable for cases of hematuria (blood in urine). This is attended with a frequent urge to urinate. It is an important medicine for managing kidney pain as well. For using it here, the pain is mainly dull aching type.

Key Indicating Feature

Hematuria (blood in urine)

8. Skin (Bruises, Burns, Skin Ulcers, Chilblains)

Lastly, Hamamelis acts on skin to manage various concerns. It is a significant medicine to treat bruises. Bruises means black, blue or purple skin discoloration due to damaged blood vessels under the skin resulting in pooling of blood underneath the skin that typically arises from an injury. Its use is also done in burn cases to alleviate pain. Other than this, it is effective in treating skin ulcers with thin, watery pus having bad odor. Lastly, it is well indicated for chilblains that have turned blue.

Key Indicating Features


Burns for pain relief

Skin ulcers with thin, watery pus having bad odor

Chilblains blue in color


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from motion, touch, from exertion and in open air.


This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. The potency varies from case to case. In low potencies, it can be repeated frequently. Frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arnica, Camphora, China and Pulsatilla

Followed well by: Arnica


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Podophyllum Peltatum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Podophyllum Peltatum is derived from plant ‘may – apple’. This plant belongs to family Berberidaceae, or Ranunculaceae according to some. The root of this plant gathered after the fruit has ripened or the entire fresh plant or ripe fruit undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal powers of a crude substance) to prepare homeopathic medicine Podophyllum Peltatum. This medicine has well-marked action on rectum and female genitals. It is a wonderful remedy to manage diarrhea, rectal prolapse, ovarian pain and prolapsed uterus.

Drug Action

The principal action of this medicine is noted on the gastric tract mainly on rectum and intestines though it also acts on stomach. Its action is also marked on female genitals. The other parts of the body where it shows remarkable action include mouth, teeth, throat and liver.

Clinical Indications

Diarrhea, prolapsed rectum, piles, cholera, ovary disorders, ovarian tumour, prolapsed uterus, painful periods, abdomen pain, vomiting, taste disorders, tongue burning, difficult dentition, liver disorders

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Cholera, Rectal Prolapse And Piles)

The most prominent action of this medicine is noted on the gastric system. Among the entire gastrointestinal tract, its most important action is noted on the rectum. It acts brilliantly on the rectum to manage diarrhea, cholera, rectal prolapse and piles. To begin with, its role in managing diarrhea is highly noteworthy. In case of diarrhea, it is mainly used when stool is watery, green or yellow, copious, gushing and has fetid smell. Sometimes mucus is present in the stool. Undigested food particles may pass in stool as well. It is a well-indicated medicine to manage diarrhea in children during dentition. Diarrhea in early morning is a characteristic feature to use it. Another notable feature for using it is diarrhea in hot weather. It can also effectively deal with cases of diarrhea after eating acid fruits. It offers great help in cases of cholera (infection of small intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae). Here it is beneficial when watery foul-smelling painless stool is passed that comes out in a gush with marked weakness and vomiting. Besides the above, Podophyllum is one of the best medicine for managing rectal prolapse. The prolapse of rectum may occur before passing stool or while passing stool. It is also useful for piles along with anal prolapse and long-standing diarrhea. Anus is sore, swollen and sensitive. Sometimes bleeding may appear too.  It acts well on abdomen to give relief in pain. It can be given when pain in abdomen occurs from eating and drinking. The pain gets better by flexing the limbs. Its use is also done in cases of vomiting when hot, frothy mucus is vomited out, along with sour belching.

Key Indicating Features

Diarrhea with watery, green/yellow, copious, gushing stool having fetid smell

Diarrhea in children during dentition

Diarrhea in hot weather

Rectal prolapse before stool or while passing stool

Piles with anal prolapse and long-standing diarrhea

2. Female Problems (Ovarian Pain, Uterine Prolapse, Painful Periods, Piles)

This medicine acts well on female genitals to manage various complaints effectively. Firstly, it offers help to provide substantial relief in ovarian pain. Mainly it helps in cases of pain in right-sided ovary. There is shooting pain that radiates down the thighs. It gets worse before and during menses. The pain also gets worse at night disturbing sleep. The pain may be throbbing, beating or drawing type. Along with ovarian pain, there may be complaint of retarded menses. Podophyllum gives good results in cases of inflammation of ovaries and ovarian tumour. Secondly, it can handle cases of prolapse of uterus well. It is well indicated to manage cases of uterine prolapse that occurs after childbirth or from over-lifting. There is aching and bearing down pain in uterus. It is of great service in managing painful periods. There is bearing down in abdomen and back during periods, ovarian pain running down the thighs. Lastly, it is a wonderful medicine for piles and anal prolapse during pregnancy.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in right-sided ovary that may radiate down the thigh

Ovarian pain worse before and during menses and at night time disturbing the sleep

Uterine prolapse after childbirth or from over lifting with aching and bearing down pain in uterus

Piles and anal prolapse during pregnancy

 3. Mouth (Bad Taste, Offensive Mouth Odor, Difficult Dentition)

By acting on mouth, Podophyllum helps to manage cases of bad taste in mouth and odour. It can be given when there is foul or bitter taste in mouth. It can also be used for loss of taste. It is suitable to manage offensive odor in the mouth. Another indication for using it is coated tongue with roughness and burning sensation. The tongue may be coated white or yellow. It is an important medicine for handling cases of difficult dentition as well. It is useful when during dentition, there is excessive desire to press the gums together.

Key Indicating Features

Foul or bitter taste in mouth or loss of taste

Coated tongue with roughness and burning sensation

Difficult dentition with excessive desire to press the gums together

4. Throat (Sore Throat, Goitre)

If we talk of throat, then this medicine can be considered for cases of sore throat when the complaint begins on the right side and then goes to the left. In such cases, there is pain in the throat extending to the ears where this medicine is required. Pain in the throat occurs during swallowing. The throat is dry. Second complaint in which it is recommended is goiter (swelling in front of the neck from enlarged thyroid gland).

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat starting on right side then going to the left

Pain in throat extending to the ears

Pain in throat while swallowing

5. Liver Complaints (Pain, Hepatitis)

Lastly, podophyllum has affinity to manage liver complaints too. Its use is preferred for managing liver pain that is stitching in nature. The pain increases while eating. Soreness and pain in liver which gets better by rubbing is a noteworthy symptom to prescribe this medicine. Its use in cases of hepatitis (liver inflammation) can also be done when there is constipation, liver pain and tenderness. In liver disorders, when there is constipation, dark stool and yellow furred tongue, this medicine can prove very effective.

Key Indicating Features

Liver pain, stitching type worse during eating

Liver pain which gets better by rubbing

Hepatitis with constipation, liver pain and tenderness

Liver disorders accompanied by constipation, dark stool and yellow-furred tongue


Worsening factors: Complaints worsen by eating, drinking, from motion, in early morning, in hot weather, from exertion, during dentition, in open air and from washing

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by lying down, pressure, rubbing, lying on abdomen


Use of this medicine can be done in low as well as high potencies. In low potency, it can be repeated frequently but in high potencies frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Colocynth, Nux Vomica, Leptandra and Lacticum Acidum

It antidotes: Merc Sol

It can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Aloes, Aesculus, Bryonia, Chelidonium, Collinsonia, Nitric Acid, Iris Versicolor and Sulphur


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Arundo Mauritanica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauritanica is derived from ‘Italian grass’ that belongs to family Gramineae. When this grass is potentised as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties, it becomes a very significant homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauritanica. It is a brilliant medicine to treat cases of nasal allergy (hay fever).

Drug Action

The sphere of action of this medicine is very limited and not widespread. The first and major action of this remedy is on the nose, which is the most prominent one. Rest of its action is noted on skin, respiratory system, female genitals, head and rectum.

Clinical Indications

Hay fever, allergies, sneezing, cold, nasal discharge, hair loss, pustules, cough, dyspnoea, dentition, diarrhea.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Allergy, Itching In Nostrils, Sneezing)

Arundo Mauritanica has its most important action on the nose. It gives brilliant results in cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy). It is also known as hay fever. It refers to an allergic condition that occurs due to an allergic response to allergens like dust mites, pollen resulting in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, watery and red eyes. The foremost symptom indicating use of Arundo in hay fever is itching in the nostrils with sneezing. It promises effective cure in such cases. Other than this, it is an equally important medicine when there is itching on the roof of the mouth (palate) and in the eyes. For cases of allergic rhinitis that begin with itching and burning of the eyes and palate, it proves to be the best medicine. The palate feels raw and sore as well. Along with these symptoms, there occurs nasal discharge. Initially, the discharge is watery. Later, it becomes thick white slimy or green mucus. The mucus may have putrid smell. There may be pain at the root of the nose. Loss of smell may be present too.

Key Indicating Features

Itching in nostrils with sneezing

Itching on roof of mouth (palate) and in eyes

Allergic rhinitis beginning with itching and burning of eyes and palate

2. Skin Concerns (Crawling, Pustules, Cracks)

Arundo Mauritanica acts on skin too but to a lesser extent. The main indication to use it is crawling sensation on the body. It may be on the whole body or particularly on upper limbs, shoulders, chest and kidney region. It can be given for pustular (pus-filled) eruptions with intense itching. These are mostly present on the chest and arms. It can be used for healing cracks on heels or on fingers.

Key Indicating Features

Crawling sensation like that of an insect on body

Pustules on chest and arms

3. Respiratory Issues (Cough)

For respiratory issues, its use is usually considered when there is cough. Bluish sputum may be expectorated followed by white sputum. Rattling occurs during cough. After expectoration, bruised sensation may be felt in the pit of the throat. There may also occur vomiting of frothy, sticky matter after cough. Pricking sensation may be felt in the chest. On breathing, whistling occurs in the chest. There may occur short difficult breathing as well.  It gets worse while walking.

Key Indicating Features

Cough with bluish expectoration initially followed by white

Vomiting of frothy, sticky matter after cough

4. Female Problems (Heavy Periods, Itching, Pain In Nipples)

This medicine can help in managing certain health concerns in females. The first complaint where it is useful is heavy menses that last for a long time. The menses also come early. The bleeding is of dark, black, clotted blood. Secondly, it can help to manage sexual desire along with itching in vagina. Pricking pain may occur in vulva. A very unique feature indicating its use is pain in the left side of jaw going to shoulders, kidney area that finally locates in pubis along with burning sensation. Lastly, it is beneficial to manage pain and burning in nipples.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy menses with dark, black, clotted blood

Sexual desire along with vaginal itching

Pain and burning in nipples

5. Head (Hair Fall, Headache, Formication)

It acts wonderfully on head to manage cases of hair fall. The scalp may be itchy. The roots of hair are painful. There is extreme or entire hair loss in children. Another prominent indication is headache when there is deep-seated pain in front of head and sides. Heat is felt in forehead. Sometimes pain appears in the back of head that extends to right side eye. Another indication is pricking sensation and formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) in forehead area. It can prove effective to treat pustules (pus-filled bumps) with red areola followed by crust formation in children.

Key Indicating Features

Extreme or entire hair loss in children

Deep-seated pain in front of head and sides

Pricking sensation and formication in forehead

Pustules with red areola followed by crust formation in children

6. Rectal Complaints (Diarrhea, Piles)

Its action is also noted on the rectum. It is mainly indicated for diarrhea in children during teething. The stool is green, in some cases blood may pass in stool. It is also indicated to manage cases of piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum). The piles protrude before passing stool, burning is felt at anus after passing stool. Piles may be attended with prolapse of rectum.

Key Indicating Features

Diarrhea during teething with greenish stool

Protrusion of piles before stool

Piles with prolapse of rectum


Its use can be done in both low and high potency. In low potency, its frequent repetition can be done but in high potency, it should not be taken often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with other remedies including Allium Cepa, Sabadilla, Lycopodium, Calcarea Carb, Silicea and Sulphur.


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