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Ammonium Carbonicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Ammonium Carbonicum is derived from carbonate of ammonia. In its crude state, carbonate of ammonia is inert. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts medicinal properties from a crude substance), it turns into an important homeopathic medicine Ammonium Carbonicum. It is a very effective medicine for managing nasal blockage, certain female problems and various respiratory issues.

The ‘Ammonium Carbonicum’ Constitution

It suits persons who are obese (fat), who always feel tired and have a tendency to catch cold easily. It is also suitable to persons who are overweight along with a weak heart and a suffocating sensation. Other than this, it suits well children and obese women having a sedentary life.

Drug Action

This medicine acts well on the nose, female genitals and the respiratory system. Its action is marked on the limbs and the gastric system.

Clinical Indications

Nose disorders, blocked nose, nose bleeding (epistaxis), heavy periods, obesity, hemorrhages, emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, cough, colic, constipation, piles, heart weakness

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Blocked Nose, Nasal Bleeding And Ozaena)

This medicine is of great service to manage nasal blockage. There is marked difficulty in breathing through the nose resulting in mouth breathing. It is a prominent medicine for managing nasal blockage in children. In some cases needing it, there is cold with profuse watery discharge from the nose. The discharge causes burning in the nose. Along with this, there is a constant urge to sneeze. Another top-listed complaint where its use is highly suggested is nose bleeding. The peculiar feature to use it is bleeding from the nose when washing hands or face in the morning. Lastly, it is well indicated for ozaena cases. Ozaena, also known as atrophic rhinitis, refers to chronic nasal condition characterized by atrophy (shrinkage) of the nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone. For ozaena, its use is indicated when blood-stained mucus discharge occurs from the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Nasal blockage with marked difficulty to breathe through nose

Nose bleeding when washing hands or face in the morning

Ozaena with bloody mucus discharge from the nose

2. Female Problems (Heavy Periods, Leucorrhoea)

Ammonium Carbonicum has a prominent action on the female genitals. Here it is well-indicated to manage heavy periods. Females needing it also tend to get early periods with black, clotted bleeding. It is attended with colicky pain. There also occurs hard and difficult stool. Other symptoms that tend to occur during menses are sadness, weakness, fatigue and chill. This medicine can manage leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge) well. It works well for cases having copious, watery burning vaginal discharge. A very striking feature for its use is diarrhea (loose stool) at the beginning of menses.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy, early periods with black, clotted bleeding, colicky pains, weakness and hard, difficult stool

Copious, watery, burning vaginal discharge

Loose stool at the beginning of menses

3. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Asthma And Pneumonia)

Ammonium Carb works well on respiratory organs. Here it is well indicated to manage cough, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and pneumonia. For cough the major indication is dry cough caused by tickling in the throat as from dust or a feather in the throat. Cough occurs at night and in the morning, particularly at about 3:00 am. Its use is also recommended for cough with blood spitting. It can be given in cases of bronchitis (inflamed lining of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) in aged people. Here it is used when there is thin, foamy sputa with rattling of bubbles in chest. Ammonium Carb is considered one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of emphysema (lung condition in which damage to air sacs occurs causing shortness of breath). The main indication is difficulty in breathing from exertion or walking or ascending even a few steps. It gets better in cool air. In asthma cases, it can be given when there is asthmatic cough with painful, contracted feeling in the chest. Asthma gets worse in the evening in bed and from exertion. Lastly, it is indicated for the management of pneumonia (infection and inflammation of air sacs of lungs). It is used mainly when pneumonia is accompanied by marked weakness.

Key Indicating Features

Dry cough from tickling in the throat as from dust or a feather in the throat

Bronchitis in aged people with thin, foamy sputa with rattling of bubbles in chest

Difficulty in breathing from exertion, walking or ascending even a few steps

Asthma gets worse in the evening in bed and from exertion

Pneumonia with marked weakness

4. Limbs (Joint Pain, Heel Pain, Panaritium And Felon)

With its action on the limbs, it is useful to manage joint pains. The striking feature for its use is tearing type of pain in joints which gets better by the heat of bed with an inclination to stretch limbs. It can be given in cases of hip joint pain felt while walking. Ammonium Carb can be used in knee pain cases as well. The pain in knee can be drawing or boring type in cases needing it. Pain can be present in wrist joint, fingers, thumbs and ankles where it is required. Elbow joints crackle when moved. Ammonium Carb is helpful in relieving heel pain. The chief indication is heel pain when one wakes up in the morning, while standing and from prolonged walking. Its use is considered for cases of pain, swelling, redness and heat in the big toe specifically in the bed in evening. Besides, it is preferred for cases of panaritium (infected or inflamed tissue near a fingernail) with deep seated pain. It is used for cases of felon (bacterial infection of fingertip causing enclosed pocket of pus with pain) too in the initial stage.



Key Indicating Features

Tearing pain in joints better by heat of bed with inclination to stretch limbs

Heel pain when awaking in morning, when standing and from prolonged walking

Pain, swelling, redness and heat in big toe specifically in bed in evening

Panaritium with deep seated pain

Felon in initial stage

5. Gastric Issues (Constipation, Stomach Pain, Piles)

By acting on the gastric system, it helps to settle complaints including constipation, stomach pain and piles. In constipation, Ammonium Carb is helpful when there is dry, hard, difficult stool. It is attended by headache. It helps to manage stomach pain which occurs along with nausea and chill. It gets better on lying down and by applying pressure. Other than these, it can handle cases of piles (enlarged, swollen, inflamed veins in anus or lower rectum). The most notable feature is protrusion of piles after stool with long-lasting pain with inability to walk. It gets better on lying down.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with dry, hard, difficult stool attended with headache

Stomach pain with nausea and chilliness, better from lying down and from pressure

Piles that protrude after stool with pain and inability to walk


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in cold damp, wet weather, on cold and cloudy days, during menses, from motion, during full moon and washing

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in dry weather, lying on painful side and from pressure


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. One can repeat low potencies frequently but high potencies should not be repeated often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arnica, Camphor and Hepar Sulph

Followed well by: Belladonna, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Sepia, Rhus Tox, Sulphur and Veratrum Album


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Alumen Crudum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Alumen Crudum is derived from Potash alum. In the crude form, potash alum is inert. When its pure crystals undergo potentization process, its latent medicinal properties get aroused and get converted into a wonderful homeopathic medicine Alumen Crudum.  It is a very effective medicine for treating various rectal complaints among which constipation tops the list. Even the worst type of constipation cases with hard, dry stool are known to respond well to this remedy.

Potash alum

Potash alum

The ‘Alumen Crudum’ Constitution

It is mostly recommended for elderly persons and children having tendency of mucus build-up in the bronchi/ bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Elderly people complaining of complaints related to urinary bladder may find this medicine highly suitable.

Drug Action

Alumen Crudum shows marvellous action on rectum and intestines primarily to treat constipation. Next it acts well on the tissues and glands that have been hardened. Besides these, its action is marked on gastric system, skin, throat, mouth, lungs and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Constipation, ulcers, piles, hemorrhages (bleeding), cancer, nausea, vomiting, colic, chilblains, eczema, throat disorders, hardened glands, bronchitis, cough, vaginismus, leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Rectal Complaints (Constipation, Rectal Ulcers, Piles, Bleeding And Cancer) 

Alumen Crudum acts magnificently on the rectum to settle down various complaints. Its most important indication for use is constipation. It is majorly indicated when the stool is very hard and dry that may be described as hard as stones. This characteristic symptom forms the main indication for using this remedy. The stool is passed with great difficulty with slight blood. It may pass as a large hard lump or in little pieces resembling sheep’s dung. Sometimes the first part of stool is hard followed by soft stool. Even after passing stool, a fullness sensation in the rectum is still felt. Pain and smarting (burning) sensation may occur after passing stool. Itching at the anus after passing stool is the next attending symptom. The persons needing it have no desire to pass stool for days together. It proves very effective if there are ulcers in the rectum. In such cases, its use is considered when there is passage of blood-stained, foul-smelling fluid from the rectum. Another complaint where it is utilized is piles that are painful and bleed too. Further, Alumen Crudum is valuable for managing itching at the anus in the evening. It is also recommended for treating diarrhea when stool is yellow, slimy, mixed with blood of foul odor accompanied by excessive weakness. It can be given for managing cases of intestinal bleeding as in case of typhoid fever when there is passage of blood in large quantity. If bleeding from anus occurs specifically after taking wine or whiskey, then Alumen can prove to be very beneficial. Besides,  it plays a role to manage cases of cancer of rectum when there are hard growths in the rectum with intense pain after stool.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with very dry, hard stool like stones

Rectal ulcers with passage of bloody fluid from rectum having fetid smell

Painful and bleeding piles

Bleeding from anus specifically after taking wine or whiskey

2. Gastric Issues (Pain, Burning, Nausea, Vomiting)

Alumen can effectively deal with gastric issues. Firstly, it is useful for treating abdomen pain accompanied with heaviness and fullness in abdomen. The pain increases from walking, and gets relieved by applying pressure. This medicine also offers relief if there is burning sensation in stomach relieved by drinking cold water. It helps treat nausea and vomiting cases. Nausea mainly occurs in the morning before breakfast, along with weakness and  restlessness. There is vomiting that is of tough glairy mucus. Person may also vomit everything eaten.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain which gets worse by walking and better by applying pressure

Stomach burning relieved by drinking cold water

Nausea in the morning before breakfast

Vomiting of tough glairy mucus or of everything eaten

3. Skin Issues (Ulcers, Dryness, Chilblains, Varicose Veins & Eczema)

It acts wonderfully on the skin. The most characteristic feature regarding its use is ulcers with a hard base. It can be used for skin hardening as well when it has resulted from long-term inflammation. For inflamed and hardened glands too it can be administered. Another use of it is for dry, rough skin with cracks from exposure to cold air. It can also be used for chilblains (red, swollen, itchy skin especially on toes and fingers due to cold weather and poor blood circulation), varicose veins (means enlarged, swollen, dilated and twisted veins) that bleed, and eczema of scrotum.

Key Indicating Features

Skin ulcers with a hard base

Hard skin from chronic inflammation

Hard, inflamed glands

Dry, rough, cracked skin due to cold air exposure

4. Throat Complaints (Sore Throat, Hard Tonsils)

It wonderfully helps manage sore throat. The symptoms for its use in case of a bad throat are redness, swelling and dryness in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Scraping sensation in throat with cough is present. Sometimes there is a prickling sensation in the throat, accompanied by burning sensation and pain. It is also used when uvula is inflamed, enlarged, elongated, and relaxed. Another important reason for its use is if there are enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold. Besides, a noteworthy feature guiding its use is spasm (involuntary muscle contraction) of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with redness, swelling and dryness, burning, scraping sensation in throat

Inflamed, enlarged, elongated, relaxed uvula

Enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold

Spasm of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids

5. Mouth (Dryness, Altered Taste)

It manages the complaint of dryness of the mouth, throat and tongue quite well, however, the person may not necessarily feel thirsty. It also helps in managing cases of bitter, sweet or sour taste in the mouth. It gives good results when there is a burning sensation on the tongue in the evening hours. Tongue is clean with a little slimy coating at the back part. It is also used in managing cases of cancer of tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of mouth, throat and tongue with no thirst

Burning sensation on the tongue in evenings

6. Lungs (Bronchitis, Cough)

This medicine is suitable for bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases with ropy sputum. It is helpful to elderly persons who expectorate excessive ropy phlegm in morning. Cough in elderly during the morning hours can also be treated well with it. Its use is also done for dry cough cases when it occurs in the evenings after lying down. Cough may be a result of tickling in the larynx. Its use is also recommended in case of coughing in the morning soon after waking up which becomes better after breakfast.

Key Indicating Features

Expectoration of ropy mucus in elderly in morning

Dry cough in the evening after lying down

Cough from tickling in larynx

Cough in the morning soon after waking, but relieved after breakfast

7. Women-Related Problems (Ovarian Complaints, Vaginal Complaints, Gonorrhoea)

This medicine can be used in treating some of the women-related problems. It is given in cases of ovarian complaints on left side with excessive pain accompanied with constipation. There is scanty and watery menses. It is valuable for treating vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) that is yellow coloured attended with weight loss. It can treat certain vaginal problems wonderfully. These includes ulcers in vagina, sensitive vagina, narrowing of vagina due to swelling. Next is vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when anything is trying to enter it) complaint. It gives good results in gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae) cases with yellow discharge. It is well suited to treat sore, inflamed nipples. Lastly, it can be used for management of uterine cancer and breast cancer.

Key Indicating Features

Left ovary complaints with excessive pain and constipation

Vaginal discharge of yellow colour attended with weight loss

Vaginal ulcers, vaginal swelling causing its narrowing

Gonorrhoea with yellow discharge

Sore, inflamed nipples


Worsening factors: complaints get worse during sleep and from cold except headache


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. The highest potencies have proved to be the most effective. The dose and repetition of this medicine is decided by the physician as per every individual case presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Chamomilla, Ipecac, Nux Vomica and Sulphur

It can be compared with other homeopathic remedies including Alumina, Aloe Socotrina, Nitric Acid, Muriatic Acid, Nux Vomica, Opium, Ratanhia and Sulphur


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ferrum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum is derived from the metal iron. Iron is inert in its crude state. To prepare homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum, it undergoes potentization. This process extracts medicinal properties from a crude substance. It is a top-grade medicine for managing anemia, and weakness, controlling bleeding and treating certain female disorders.

The ‘Ferrum Metallicum’ Constitution

This medicine is best suited to young, anemic persons. Those needing it look strong but are extremely weak. They are unable to walk and speak proerly and feel like lying down all the time.

Drug Action

The benefits of this medicine are widespread and it acts on multiple organs. It acts well on blood, ears, head, nose, female genitals, gastric system, respiratory organs, heart and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Anemia, blood loss, weakness, menstruation disorders, epistaxis, cough, nausea, vomiting, shoulder pain, joint pain, diarrhea, constipation, asthma

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Related To Blood (Anemia, Weakness From Blood Loss)

Ferrum Metallicum has marked action on blood. It is a well-known medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of anemia. Lack of enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to body tissues is called anemia. It is given mainly when there is marked exhaustion due to anemia. The face looks pale, with dull eyes along with bluish rings around the eyes. Vertigo may be present, along with nausea. Palpitations can occur too that get worse from the least motion. It is a highly effective medicine for complaints like weakness following blood loss (hemorrhage).

2. Female Problems (Heavy Periods, Painful Menses, Vaginal Discharge)

It is an important homeopathic medicine to deal with various health issues in females. Primarily its use is considered in cases of heavy periods. It is highly recommended when menses are very profuse and also last longer than usual. The bleeding is pale watery. Females needing it experience increase of blood flow during menses from the slightest movement. It is attended with labor-like pains in lower abdomen and lower back. They may have a tendency for early periods as well. Due to heavy menses, there is excessive weakness. Ringing sounds may emanate from the ears. Headache and vertigo during heavy periods may be present. Ferrum Metallicum also relieves painful periods (dysmenorrhoea). It is given especially when a female complains of shooting pain in the uterus. Pain is intense along with scanty pale blood flow. This medicine is recommended for managing vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). It is used for milky watery vaginal discharge. It is attended with smarting pain and itching of vulva. Dragging pain in lower back, pelvis and thighs may occur along with vaginal discharge. Another complaint where it offers help is suppressed menses (amenorrhoea). Here it works well when headache, nervousness, tiredness are associated with this complaint.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy, prolonged periods of pale watery blood

Heavy menses with labor-like pains in lower abdomen and lower back

Weakness, headache, vertigo from heavy menses

Painful periods with shooting pain in uterus and scanty pale bleeding

Milky watery vaginal discharges with dragging pain in lower back, pelvis and thighs

3. Ears (Noises, Pain)

It is useful in managing ringing or humming type sounds emanating from the ears. Leaning the head on the table brings relief. In women, there may be aggravation of these sounds from the ears during menses. A person becomes oversensitive to external noise. Lastly, it is indicated for stitching type of pain in the ear, especially in the morning.

Key Indicating Features

Ringing/ humming noise felt in ears, better by leaning head on table

Ringing noises in ears before menses

4. Head (Headache)

Ferrum Metallicum works well when headache is pulsating and hammering in nature. It is congestive (rush of blood to the head) with heat in the head and face. One feels heaviness in the head as if wearing an iron band . The person feels better by pressing the head with hands. The headache may appear periodically every two or four weeks and lasts for around 2 to 3 days. This medicine gives excellent results in cases of headache occurring after menses. It is also suitable for headache due to anemia.

Key Indicating Features

Congestive, pulsating, hammering headache with rush of blood to head, with heat in head and face

Headache after menses

Headache in cases of anemia

5. Nose (Bleeding, Cold)

Ferrum Metallicum manages nose bleeding (epistaxis) quite well. Main indication for its use is nose bleeding in anemic people. Bleeding is especially noted in the morning and when stooping. Other than this, it can be given in cases of cold when there is greenish pus-like discharge from the nose that may be blood stained. Fluid discharge may occur from posterior nares accompanied by headache.

Key Indicating Features

Nose bleeding in anemic people

Nose bleeding in morning and on stooping

Cold with greenish pus-like discharge from nose

6. Gastric Concerns (Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation, Piles)

It proves highly effective to manage certain gastric issues. Prominently it is indicated to manage nausea and vomiting after eating or after exertion. It also helps cases in which vomiting occurs specifically after eating eggs. Ferrum Metallicum can also be administered for relief in belching which may be bitter or taste like the food consumed. Distension and burning in stomach can also be felt. Another indication for recommending this medicine is diarrhea followed by weakness. It is useful when there is sudden, watery, gushing stool attended with gas. Undigested food particles may be present in stool. Besides, its use is recommended to manage constipation which appears particularly from use of iron pills. Ferrum can be given in piles (enlarged, swollen, inflamed veins in anus or lower rectum) cases also. Here, it is used when attended with anal itching, bleeding and tearing type of pain.

Key Indicating Features

Nausea and vomiting after eating or after exertion

Vomiting after eating eggs

Diarrhea with sudden, watery, gushing stool attended with much gas followed by weakness

Constipation from use of iron pills

Piles cases with anal itching, bleeding and tearing type of pain

7. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Asthma)

One may find Ferrum beneficial for managing cough. Dry, tickling cough which gets worse from movement and improves by lying down is a major indication to use this medicine. Relief also sets in from eating. Cough may be attended with spitting of blood or vomiting. In some cases, pain in the back of the head may be felt. It is an important medicine for managing cough from tobacco smoke. Another use of this medicine is noteworthy in treating asthma cases. It works well when asthma attacks appear after 12 noon. An indication for use of Ferrum is relief by walking around slowly and talking. It can also be used if there is difficulty in breathing.

Key Indicating Features

Dry, tickling cough which gets worse from movement

Cough with spitting of blood or vomiting

Cough from tobacco smoke

Asthma attacks after 12 noon

Breathing difficulty, better from talking and from slow walking

8. Limbs (Shoulder Pain, Cramps)

Ferrum Met has a special affinity to manage shoulder pain. Persons needing it have tearing type of pain in the shoulder, especially left-sided shoulder. It may extend down the upper arm. Pain gets worse from raising the arm and at night. This remedy is also well indicated to manage deltoid pain with soreness. Pain is darting or dull tearing type. Another main indication is trembling of hands while writing. It can also manage cramps in the calves (muscle in back of leg) while at rest during the night.

Key Indicating Features

Left-sided shoulder pain

Pain in shoulder worse from raising arm and at night

Trembling of hands while writing

9. Heart Complaints (Fatty Degeneration Of Heart, Hypertrophy Of Heart, Palpitations)

Ferrum Metallicum is well indicated for management of fatty degeneration of heart and hypertrophy of heart (thickening of heart muscles). It is useful to manage palpitations that get worse from the least motion. It is attended with fear.

Key Indicating Features

Fatty degeneration of heart

Hypertrophy of heart

Palpitations worse from least motion


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from exertion, during menses, at night, while sitting, eating, drinking, anger and while sweating

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from moving about slowly, in summer and after rising


Use of this medicine is recommended in both – low potency (from second to 30C) and high potencies ( like 200 C, 1M). The dose and repetition varies from case to case.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Arnica, Belladonna, China, Ipecac, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Veratrum Album

It antidotes: Arsenic Album and Hepar Sulph

Followed well by: Aconite, Arnica, China, Conium, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus and Pulsatilla


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ratanhia Peruviana: Homeopathic Medicine —Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Ratanhia Peruviana is derived from plant Mapato, also known as ‘Krameria Triandra’. It belongs to family polygalaceae or leguminosae. The dried root of this plant undergoes potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance). After this process, it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine Ratanhia Peruviana which is indicated for treating anal fissures and piles. 

The ‘Ratanhia’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons suffering from rectal complaints.

Drug Action

The primary action of Ratanhia is seen on the rectum and gastric system. Besides, its action,though not very wide,  is also seen on eyes, nose, head, female genitals and breast.

Clinical Indications

Anal fissure, piles, constipation, diarrhea, anal itching, worms, pterygium, nasal dryness, cracked nipples, amenorrhoea (suppressed menses), stomach pain, vomiting

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Rectum Complaints (Anal Fissure, Piles, Constipation, Diarrhea, Anal Itching, Worms)

It has shown the best results in treating rectal complaints, especially anal fissure (tear, cut or crack in the lining of anus). Intense burning at the anus due to anal fissure is the most striking feature to use this remedy. The burning sensation is intense. Person usually expresses knife-like stitching pain (excruciating pain) at the anal opening. Pain and burning sensation continues for a long time after passing stool. Other than anal fissures, Ratanhia is used to treat piles (swollen, enlarged, engorged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum) along with  intense burning at the anus. The piles hemorrhoids may protrude on straining. There is relief in the burning sensation from cold water.  Another very peculiar symptom that can be present is pain in rectum where a person feels like sharp splinter-like pricking . Ratanhia Peruviana can be used for treating constipation when there is hard stool with straining and ineffectual urge to pass stool. It is an important medicine for cases of worm infestation. It is mostly indicated for pinworms and ascarides worms. It can offer substantial relief in anal itching. Diarrhoea is another concern where Ratanhia is well indicated. It is used when there is loose, thin, fetid stool. It is attended with burning sensation in anus. This medicine can be given to control rectal bleeding as well.

Key indicating features

Anal fissure with intense burning

Anal pain and burning in anus that continues for long after passing stool

Rectal pain like sharp splinter-like pricking

Piles with excessive burning, protruding piles

2. Gastric Issues (Stomach Pain, Vomiting)

Ratanhia also acts well on the gastric system where it is beneficial for managing complaints including stomach pain, burning, and vomiting. The pain can be bursting, griping or cutting knife-like which improves by burping. Some people complain of intense pain in stomach along with feeling of fullness in the stomach. There can occur intense hiccoughs causing stomach pain. Vomiting can occur which may expel food or blood- streaked mucus.

Key indicating features

Stomach pain griping or cutting in nature, gets better by burping

3. Eyes (Eye Pain, Pterygium, Eyelid Twitching And Myopia)

It helps to manage eye pain, burning sensation in eyes, pterygium, eyelid twitching and myopia. Ratanhia is used when there is compressed pain in eye (pain radiating from outside to inside). Burning sensation is felt in eyes especially in evening.  This medicine is also clinically indicated for cases of pterygium (a tissue that grows abnormally on the conjunctiva). Ratanhia works well in case of twitching of upper eyelid on either side. Lastly, it can be given for myopia ( short-sightedness , which is when nearby objects are visible clearly but distant objects appear blurred).

Key indicating features

Compressing type of eye pain

Pterygium (abnormal tissue growth over conjunctiva)

Twitching of upper eyelid

4. Nose (Dryness, Itching)

Ratanhia does a great job in getting rid of dryness in nose which may block nostrils. Scabs in nose, inflamed nostrils and sneezing may occur. One can feel burning sensation in nose, along with itching.

Key indicating features

Nasal dryness with blockage

5. Head (Headache)

By acting on the head, Ratanhia manages headache well. The characteristic symptom to use it is pain in head while straining at stool. Pain is bursting type and can be felt after passing stool too. Heat is also felt along with pain on top of the head which gets better in open air. Sometimes tearing pain is felt in the back of the head radiating to the top.

Key indicating features

Headache on straining while passing stool, or after

6. Female Problems

This medicine can effectively deal with certain female problems. It is a very effective medicine for healing cracked nipples occurring in nursing mothers. Ratanhia can be given in cases where menses are suppressed along with swelling in abdomen and breast. It is also indicated for early and heavy menses that last for long duration. It can also help cases of intermenstrual ( in between periods) bleeding.

Key indicating features

Cracked nipples in nursing mothers

Suppressed menses with swelling in abdomen and breast


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from straining at stool, touch and at night

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air


It can be used in 30C and even higher potencies like 200C, 1M. In general, low potencies can be repeated often but frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with medicines including Nitric Acid, Graphites, Paeonia, and Sulphur

This medicine follows well Bovista and Sulphur


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Chimaphila Umbellata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

The homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata is prepared from the plant Pipsissewa, also known as ‘prince’s pine’. It belongs to family pyroleae. The roots and leaves of the plant or the fresh plant in the flowering stage is potentised according to homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. After potentization, it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata of great clinical significance. Its action in treating prostate issues and certain urinary problems is highly commendable.

The ‘Chimaphila Umbellata’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons with a weak body who are disposed to fluid build-up (oedema) in abdomen and kidney. It is also suitable for women predisposed to breast tumours and those who suffer from difficult urination (dysuria).

Drug Action

The major action of this medicine is on prostate gland and urinary organs. Besides, it also acts on skin, gastric system, limbs and female genitals. Lastly, its action is also noted on lymphatic and mesenteric glands.

Clinical Indications

Urethral stricture, prostate enlargement, prostatitis, dysuria, cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, albuminuria, gonorrhoea, syphilis, atrophy of testicles, breast tumours, breast atrophy, inflamed labia, skin ulcers, peeling of skin, ascites, hepatitis, constipation, rectal pain, shoulder joint pain, thigh pain, paronychia.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Urinary Issues (Urethral Stricture, Urethritis, Cystitis, Dysuria, Nephritis, Albuminuria)

It is a highly recommended medicine to manage urinary issues. Firstly, it is a leading medicine for treating cases of urethral stricture (narrowing of urethra). Persons needing it have to strain to initiate urination. The urinary stream is weak, thread-like or may be split. Urine may come in drops  sometimes. The passage of urine is difficult, it can be so difficult that urine passes only by standing with feet apart and inclining the body forward. Chimaphila is also a very important medicine to manage cystitis (urinary bladder inflammation). There is frequent desire to urinate with scanty urine. Urge for urination may occur every one or two hours. There is a feeling of fullness in urinary bladder. Cutting or scalding pain is felt while urinating. Thick, ropy, bloody mucus may pass in the urine. There is offensive smell in urine. Chimaphila also helps cases of dysuria (difficult or painful urination). It works well when urine is frequent and scanty and passes with scalding, smarting pain. The pain persists after urination. It is also valuable to manage urethritis (inflammation of urethra) cases with copious pus or mucus as discharge. Chimaphila is also a well-indicated medicine for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys). Urine is scanty, thick, dark-coloured with fetid smell. This medicine is also indicated for cases of albuminuria (passing too much protein albumin in urine).

Key indicating features

Urethral stricture with weak urine stream, straining to urinate

Difficult Urination – passed only by standing with feet apart and inclining body forward

Thick, ropy, bloody mucus in urine.

2. Male Problems (Prostate Enlargement, Prostatitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis)

This medicine is principally helpful for prostate enlargement and prostatitis (inflammation of prostate gland) in which there is difficult and painful urination. In some cases, retention of urine may occur from prostate enlargement. Chimaphila is also effective in dealing with gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoea). Syphilis (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum) can also be handled with this medicine wonderfully. Additionally, it is also indicated for cases of atrophy (shrinkage or decrease in size) of testicles.

Key indicating features

Prostate enlargement with retention of urine

Prostatitis with difficult and painful urination

Atrophy of testicles

3. Female Problems (Breast Tumours, Breast Atrophy, Inflamed Labia)

Chimaphila is also effective in treating painful breast tumours. Sharp pain is felt in the breast, attended with secretion of milk from the breast. It can also be given in cases of atrophy (shrinkage or reduced size) of breast. Next it can be given for cases of inflamed and swollen labia as well as for vaginal pain. Rest of the complaints where it is indicated include prolapse of uterus/vagina, hot flashes, and suppression of milk.

Key indicating features

Breast tumours with sharp pain

Breast atrophy

4. Skin (Ulcers, Blisters, Skin Peeling)

Use of Chimaphila is also considered in treating skin diseases like skin ulcers. Stinging and crawling sensation is felt with yellow discharge in skin ulcers. Secondly, it is helpful for treating dark red eruptions on skin. Chimaphila is effective on blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) and in cases where there is peeling of skin (desquamation).

Key indicating features

Skin ulcers with yellow discharge and stinging crawling sensation

Blisters and skin peeling

5. Gastric System (Hepatitis, Constipation, Rectal Pain)

Its action is also seen on gastric system where it is mainly indicated for liver inflammation (Hepatitis). Another complaint to use Chimaphila is constipation with piles. Besides these, it is indicated for blood-stained stool with mucus, pain in left side of rectum, worm infestation, or griping pain after stool.

Key indicating features

Blood-stained stool with mucus

Left-sided rectal pain

6. Limbs (Shoulder Joint Pain, Thigh Pain, Paronychia)

Chimaphila is a prominent medicine to manage cases of shoulder joint pain. Along with shoulder pain on the right side, pain is also felt in biceps (muscles of upper arm) or the entire arm. It also works well to reduce thigh pain felt on lying down. Bruised pain in calf muscles is yet another complaint where it provides relief. Lastly, it is valuable to manage paronychia – a skin infection around fingernails or toenails.

Key indicating features

Thigh pain on lying down



Worsening factors: Complaints get worse with cold washing, damp weather and while beginning to urinate

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by walking


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. Among these, its use is most commonly recommended in mother tincture (Q) form. The potency selection and repetition varies from case to case as per the nature and duration of complaint. In Q form, it is usually advised to take 5 to 7 drops of Chimaphila by dissolving in half cup of water – two to three times a day as per intensity of the problem.

Relationship With Other Remedies

It can be compared with medicines Chimaphila maculata, Uva Ursi, Apocynum, Rhododendron and Sabal Serrulata.



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What Is Rectal Tenesmus? Signs, Symptoms And Homeopathic Treatment

Rectal tenesmus refers to a feeling of incomplete bowel movements. A person feels the urge to defecate even if he/she has already defecated. There is a feeling of incomplete defecation even when all contents in the bowels have been expelled. It can be attended with pain and hard straining to pass just a little more stool during bowel movements.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cases of rectal tenesmus. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of this complaint gradually. Along with tenesmus, these also bring improvement in its attending signs and symptoms. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended in those cases where the intensity of the complaint is mild to moderate. In cases where symptoms are severe or point towards some serious cause (example colorectal cancer), it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Rectal Tenesmus

1. Nux Vomica Top-grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for treating cases of rectal tenesmus. Persons who need this medicine have frequent and ineffectual urge to pass stool. They go for defecation several times a day but have unsatisfactory stool and have a constant urge to pass stool. Soon after passing stool, they feel like going to the washroom again. It is a very effective medicine for tenesmus with constipation. The stool is very hard and dry in such cases. It can be blood-streaked too. Before passing stool, sometimes they have cutting pain around the navel. Sticking pain in rectum may occur after passing stool. Its use is also indicated when there is frequent urge to pass stool and the stool is slimy, watery and has blood. In such cases, small quantities of jelly-like mucus may also be present in the stool.

2. Merc Sol – For Rectal Tenesmus With A Never-Get-Done Feeling

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is rectal tenesmus with a never-get-done feeling. Persons requiring it have to nidulge in excessive straining for stool with relatively scanty stool being passed. The stool is also slimy, bloody and has mucus in it. It can be greenish. In some cases, undigested food is passed as stool which has sour smell. It is accompanied by pinching and cutting colic. Pain and burning in anus can also attend. Nausea and vomiting sometimes accompany. Lastly, it is indicated for ineffectual urge to pass stool with protruding piles.

3. Aloe – For Rectal Tenesmus And Excessive Passage Of Gas During Stool

It is prepared from the gum of the leaves of plant Aloe Socotrina. It belongs to family Liliaceae. It is a very effective medicine for rectal tenesmus and excessive passage of gas during stool. In cases needing it, there is a continuous urge to pass stool, and gets worse soon after eating and drinking. Along with this, a feeling of fullness and weight on the pelvis is felt.  A constant bearing down in the rectum occurs. Rumbling and gurgling in the rectum with the urgency to pass stool is also felt. Stool is lumpy, watery in cases needing it. A lot of mucus may pass in stool.

4. Merc Cor – When Mucus And Blood In Stool Attends

This medicine is well-indicated for cases in which tenesmus is attended with mucus and blood in the stool. The tenesmus is excessive and the stool is hot, scanty and contains shreds of mucous membrane. It also has an offensive smell. The colour can be yellow or green. Cutting and colicky pains may occur along with the above symptoms. The desire to pass stool is frequent and ineffectual with violent pain. Anal burning occurs while passing stool. Weakness is marked with the above symptoms.

5. Arsenic Album – For Tenesmus With Diarrhea

Arsenic Album is a beneficial medicine for cases in which there is tenesmus with diarrhea. For using it, the stool is loose, green, slimy and foul-smelling. Pieces of mucus may pass with it. Cutting pain in anus attends it with marked weakness. Besides, rumbling in intestine occurs. In some cases, the stool passes involuntarily. The last indication for using it is piles which is painful,  and swollen along with tenesmus. The pain in piles is stitching type.

6. Nitric Acid – For Tenesmus With Rectal Pain

It is a useful medicine for tenesmus with rectal pain. Mostly the pain in rectum is sharp splinter-like in nature with ineffectual urge to pass stool. The stool is putrid, loose with undigested food, along with passage of gas. It is mostly green with mucus, blood in stool may appear too. There is excessive straining to pass stool but little of it passes. It feels as if stool still remains in the rectum that could not be expelled. The anus feels raw and sore with this. Sometimes, cutting pain in anus and rectum is also felt. While passing stool, colic and nausea also occurs. Excessive exhaustion is felt along with these symptoms.

7. Lycopodium – For Tenesmus Of Rectum, Gas And Bloating

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases in which there is rectal tenesmus, gas in abdomen and bloating. Persons needing it have straining while passing stool and tenesmus. With this, they have gas and bloating which is felt soon after eating even if they consume small quantity of food. The gas leads to pain in abdomen. While passing stool, they have burning, stinging sensation in rectum. A distressing pressure and pain in rectum is also felt.

8. Colchicum For Scanty Stool With Tenesmus

This medicine is prepared from the bulb of plant Colchicum autumnale, commonly known as ‘meadow saffron’. It belongs to family melanthaceae of the liliaceae. It is valuable for cases having scanty stool with tenesmus. The stool may be greenish, yellowish or reddish. It contains white shreddy particles. Along with this, pain in anus occurs.

9. Capsicum For Frequent, Small Stool With Tenesmus And Rectal Burning

This medicine is helpful for cases in which a person has frequent, little stool with tenesmus and burning in the rectum. The stool is greenish, frothy and may have blood and mucus in it. Before passing stool, there may occur cutting pain and colic due to gas, and twisting pains around the umbilicus. After passing stool, burning sensation occurs at the anus. Burning pain in rectum is well marked. Biting and stinging pain in anus may also accompany. Sometimes the tenesmus of rectum and bladder may be felt at the same time in cases needing Capsicum.

10. Colocynth – For Rectal Tenesmus And Colicky Pain In Abdomen

This medicine is prepared from the pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis, also called cucumis colocynthis and ‘bitter apple’. This plant belongs to family cucurbitaceae. It is beneficial for persons having rectal tenesmus and colicky pain in abdomen. Along with this, there is watery stool which is copious and strong smelling. Nausea and vomiting may also occur.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may arise from various reasons. First among them is IBD – inflammatory bowel disease (an autoimmune disease that causes long-term inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract). IBD includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In case of Crohn’s disease, inflammation can occur in the lining of any part of digestive tract from mouth to anus. In this, deeper layers of the digestive tract are involved. In case of ulcerative colitis, there occurs inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and rectum. In this, superficial lining of large intestine and rectum is involved.

Other than IBD, inflammation in the colon from infection (like a bacterial or viral infection), any non-infectious condition or radiation exposure can also lead to tenesmus. Another cause for it is diverticulitis; diverticula are small pouches that can form in the lining of the digestive system mostly in the lower part of the large intestine. When inflammation occurs in one or more of the pouches, then this condition is known as diverticulitis. Rectal tenesmus can also occur in case of ischaemic colitis (inflamed colon from decreased blood flow to it).

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is a disorder affecting the large intestine that leads to cramping, pain in abdomen, gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation or both, is another cause behind it. It can also arise in cases of diarrhea and constipation. An abscess in the rectum, prolapsed hemorrhoid, sexually transmitted proctitis which is rectal inflammation (example of sexually transmitted infections that can inflame rectum are gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia) may be some of the other causes of rectal tenesmus. Lastly, it can be a symptom in case of colorectal cancer.

What Are The Other Signs And Symptoms?

It can be accompanied by some other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include rectal pain, pain in abdomen, diarrhea, constipation, blood in stool, mucus in stool, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, weakness fever and chills.



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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Constipation

Homeopathic Medicine constipation

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. It essentially refers to an infrequent bowel movement or difficulty in passing stool. Infrequent bowel movement means passing less than three stools a week. Other indicative symptoms are  hard stool, insufficient stool, unsatisfactory stool or a feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation, strain on passing stool and in extreme cases, a need to use fingers to remove stool in small kids. Homeopathic medicines for constipation are extremely effective in treating constipation in persons of all age groups. Acute as well as chronic cases of constipation are known to respond wonderfully well to homeopathic treatment as it helps improve bowel movement. In fact, homeopathy treats conditions such as piles and anal fissures arising from long-term constipation. These medicines are natural and do not have any side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Constipation

The best medicines for treating constipation are Nux Vomica, Bryonia Alba, Alumina, Opium and Alumen.

1. Nux Vomica – For Constipation With Constant Ineffectual Urge For Stool

Nux Vomica is one of the most frequently used medicines for treating constipation with constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. A person who needs Nux Vomica passes insufficient, scanty stool, very frequently. The stool is unsatisfactory. Even after passing stool many times a day, there is a never “got done” feeling. Abdomen pain may arise along with constipation. Nux Vomica is also a good choice of medicine for treating constipation in persons with a sedentary lifestyle (inactive lifestyle with prolonged sitting with little or no physical activity). More importantly, it also effectively treats piles with constipation.

When and How to use Nux Vomica?

This medicine can be used in persons who have constipation with constant ineffectual urge to pass stool and even after passing stool several times a day, do not have a satisfactory feeling. This medicine is used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. Initially, it is best to use Nux vomica 30C twice or thrice a day. Higher potencies can be used afterward after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

2. Bryonia Alba  – For Dry, Hard, Stool In Lump Form

For constipation with hard, dry stool that passes in lumps, Bryonia Alba is considered one of the best medicines. The stool is dry as if burnt, and is passed with much difficulty. Abdominal distension is also noted in some cases. Headache due to constipation may also be effectively treated with Bryonia Alba.

When and How to use Bryonia Alba?

The main characteristic feature guiding use of Bryonia Alba is hard dry stool passed in lump form. Among its different potencies from low to high, it is best to start with 30C power. Bryonia Alba 30C can be taken two to three times a day.

3. AluminaFor Constipation With No Urge To Pass Stool For Days

Alumina is another highly beneficial medicine when there is absence of the urge to pass stool for days together. The person needing Alumina will go days without passing stool. The action of the intestine is extremely slow and sluggish. The stool is passed only when there is a large accumulation of fecal matter in the intestine. Another important symptom for using Alumina is excessive straining to pass stool even when the stool is soft.  Alumina is also one of the majorly indicated medicine for constipation in children, infants (babies less than one year of age), bottle-fed babies and elderly persons.

When and How to use Alumina?

It is highly recommended for persons who have no urge to pass stool for days together. This medicine will improve bowel movement and relieve constipation. The most frequently recommended dose is Alumina 30C once or twice a day.

4. Opium – For Dry, Hard Stool In Form Of Balls

Opium work well in cases of constipation where the stool is hard, dry and passed in ball-like form. There is also lack of urge to pass stool. In addition, Opium is also the medicine for constipation where the person has been taking laxatives (medicines that increase bowel movement and relieve constipation) to pass stool for a long time.

When and How to use Opium?

This medicine can be used when stool is hard, dry and passed in ball-like form. One may consider its use in 30C potency once or twice a day.

5. Alumen – For Extremely Hard Stool Like Stone

Alumen is a well-indicated medicine for constipation when stool is extremely hard like a stone. Passing of stool is very difficult and is attended with some blood in it. After passing stool, intense pain is felt in rectum.

When and How to use Alumen?

Alumen is the best choice of medicine when the stool is exceedingly hard. Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, the most commonly used is 30C potency. Alumen 30C can be taken two to three times a day.

Note One can take the above medicines for constipation for about one to two months in the above-mentioned doses only. Always consider the advice of a homeopathic expert if no improvement is seen, or to continue taking these beyond 2 months, or if you wish to increase the potency/dose.

Cause and Predisposing Factors Behind Constipation

Our colon (large intestine) is 3 to 5 feet long and its wall is lined by muscle layers.  The colon absorbs water and salts from the waste received from the small intestine creating a solid matter stool, store stool until it is expelled from the body and muscle contractions in colon propel the stool towards rectum to be thrown out of the body. Several nerves and hormones control the motility of colon. When the stool fills and distends the rectum, then internal anal sphincter relaxes and the need to defecate is felt. This is followed by contraction of rectal muscles and simultaneous relaxation of external anal sphincter and puborectalis muscle that opens the anus and expels stool.  Constipation can occur if the muscle contractions of colon are slow and sluggish that gives colon more time to absorb water from waste resulting in dry and hard stool which is difficult to push out. Also, constipation can arise if there is a problem with the nerves that signal contraction of colon and rectum and control muscles required for defection, or there is some blockage in colon or rectum.

There are many factors that predispose a person to constipation. A diet low in fiber, sedentary lifestyle and decreased physical activity, decreased liquid intake, old age, taking calcium/iron supplements, overuse of medicines (such as anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, and laxatives) and stress also predispose one towards constipation. It is a common complaint among women during pregnancy. Medical conditions linked with constipation are diabetes mellitus, spinal cord lesions, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), depression and irritable bowel syndrome (disorder of large intestine that causes constipation or diarrhea or an alternation between these along with gas, bloating and stomach cramps)

Types Of Constipation

 Constipation is of two types i.e. primary and secondary.

Primary constipation:  Also known as idiopathic or functional constipation, it arises without any cause. It is further divided into 3 types:

1. Normal transit constipation: It is the most common among all types of primary constipation. The stool passes through the colon at a normal pace and frequency of stool is normal but inspite of this a person feels that he/she is constipated. Common problems they face are abdominal bloating, abdomen pain and difficulty in passing stool.

2. Slow transit constipation: Movement in the colon is reduced and food is passed through the digestive tract sluggishly. The stool remains in the intestines for extended time periods resulting in decreased frequency of bowel movements. The stool may be dry and hard and may be passed less than once a week.

3. Outlet constipation: It happens from damage to pelvic floor muscles that support bowels and bladder or its nerves which results in difficulty in passing stool. The symptoms may include straining efforts to pass stool and delayed bowel movements due to pain.

Secondary constipationIt always due to a faulty lifestyle or related to some other health problem, like hypothyroidism, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

Are There Any Other Associated Symptoms With Constipation?

Yes, there are several different symptoms that may attend constipation. These are gas in the abdomen, bloating or distension of abdomen, pain in the abdomen, headache and nausea. Bleeding may occur while passing stool due to fissures/piles as a result of constipation or from passing hard stool. Other attending features include pain and burning sensation in the rectum while passing stool which may continue even after passing stool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does long-standing constipation lead to complications?

Yes, long-standing constipation may lead to piles, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse. Abdominal hernia (inguinal hernia/umbilical hernia) may also arise from long-standing constipation. Piles refers to swollen and dilated veins in rectal canal or anus. Anal fissure refers to a tear in the tissue lining of the anus. Rectal prolapse refers to the protrusion of a part or the entire rectum from the anus. An abdominal hernia is the protrusion of an organ through the abdominal wall or cavity which normally contains it.

I pass hard stool with blood, what could the cause be?

Passing hard stool with blood points towards two conditions –anal fissures or piles. Kindly consult a physician to confirm the diagnosis.

In my case, constipation is accompanied by a lot of gas and distension of the abdomen. What does that indicate?

Excessive gas and distended abdomen with constipation could indicate irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which is a functional bowel disorder without any pathological changes in bowels. In irritable bowel syndrome, constipation/diarrhea can predominate or alternate. Other symptoms include a bloated abdomen, gas, cramps in the abdomen and mucus in stool. Kindly check with a physician for confirmation.

Will exercise help treat my constipation?

Physical activity of any kind can better your condition. Exercise helps tone up intestine muscles and get rid of constipation.

Can a diet rich in fiber help in relieving me of constipation?

A diet rich in fiber will definitely reduce constipation to a large extent but a cure will require a proper treatment plan. Homeopathic medicines work at the root level by treating the basic cause of constipation. They set off the body’s own restorative processes making it strong enough to heal itself. The cure is permanent and enduring.

I have been on laxatives for long. Can homeopathy help me give it up?

Yes, homeopathy has the ability to treat chronic constipation at the roots and thus, do away with the need to use laxatives. Once started, homeopathy will slowly and gradually reduce your dependency on laxatives.

I lead a healthy lifestyle with exercise, high fluid intake, and high fiber diet, yet I’m constipated. Can homeopathy help?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is a must for steering clear of constipation. However, if you are already leading a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and diet and yet, you are constipated, the case needs proper evaluation. Natural medicines do have a treatment in such cases. Homeopathy is a symptom-based science, therefore the practitioner will study the symptoms in detail, identify peculiarities and unique characteristics, and then select the appropriate medicine.

Lifestyle Tips To Manage And Prevent Constipation

1. Increase fluid intake and a diet rich in fiber content (like fruits, salads, vegetables, whole grains)

2. Regular walk or exercise can go a long way in curing constipation

3. Avoid low-fiber food (like milk, processed foods) and also alcohol and caffeine

4. Take probiotics like yoghurt

5. Never ignore the urge to pass stool

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Homeopathic medicine – Antimonium Crudum: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Antimonium Crudum is derived from black sulphide of antimony (a metal) from the mineral kingdom. This black sulphide of antimony undergoes potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses curative properties of a drug). By this process, it is converted into a brilliant homeopathic medicine Antimonium crudum to treat multiple health concerns.

The ‘Antimonium Crudum’ Constitution

Though it can be used in people of any age group, it mostly suits children and elderly people. A tendency to grow fat is found in children requiring it.

Drug Action

It is known to have an effect mainly on the skin, nails, gastric system, mind, mouth and joints. It is highly valuable in treating cases of rough & scaly skin with horny growths and gastric derangements.

Clinical Indications

Corns, callosities, warts, urticaria, fungal infection of nails, joint pains, indigestion, irritability, depression, mouth ulcers, coated tongue, piles, diarrhea and obesity in children.

Scope As A  Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind (irritability, depression)

This medicine has a marked action on the mind. It is well-suited to children who are highly irritable. Children who need it do not like any attention and cannot bear to be looked at. They also have an aversion to being touched or washed. They become agitated if they are touched. They remain ill- humoured all the time. Next, this medicine is used to treat cases of depression. The person needing it feels very sad and weeps often. They feel that life is a burden and have a disdain for life. Depression can vary from mild to intense. Sometimes, suicidal thoughts may come up in those affected.

Key indicating features

1.  Irritability in children

2. Depression with sadness, weeping or suicidal thoughts

2. Skin issues (corns, callosities, warts and urticaria)

It has given wonderful results in treating many skin problems. It is highly recommended for cases of corns and callosities on feet.  These are thick and hard areas that develop usually on the skin of feet and toes as a protective mechanism against pressure. Antimonium Crudum helps in softening and healing them. It also eases the associated pain. Any sort of inflammation and burning sensation in corns is also taken care of with this medicine. Next, it is helpful in treating warts (growths on skin caused by infection by human papillomavirus). It is most beneficial for warts that form on hands and soles. Antimonium Crudum fights back the infection and heals warts, especially horny warts. This medicine is also known to treat warts that grow near the nails. These may cause irritation and bleeding too. Its further action on skin is seen in urticaria (a skin condition characterised by red, itchy wheals-shaped bumps on skin mostly due to an allergic reaction). Itchy white bumps on skin with a red centre is a key indication to use it in urticaria. Besides these, it proves to be effective in treating freckles. Freckles are small light brown spots on skin areas exposed to sun and eczema accompanied with gastric troubles.

Key indicating features

1.  Corns and callosities

2.  Warts on hands and soles

3. Urticaria with white bumps and red center

4. Eczema with gastric troubles

3. For nail fungus

Nail fungus medically known as onychomycosis finds a great cure with this medicine. Antimonium has proven to be beneficial when nails are discolored and break easily. They can also be distorted and may grow out of shape. Sometimes nails are thick. Pain and sensitivity under the nail is marked.

Key indicating features

1. Discolored, brittle nails

2. Distorted nails grown out of shape

3. Pain and sensitivity under nails

4. Gastric troubles (indigestion, loss of appetite, vomiting of milk in nursing children)

There is a great scope in treating multiple gastric concerns with this medicine. Firstly, it is capable of setting down indigestion. It is useful when there is heartburn, stomach bloating, nausea and vomiting.  Bloating and fullness of the stomach occurs after eating. There is excessive gas in the abdomen with a rumbling sensation. A characteristic attending feature with gastric issues is thickly coated white tongue.  Next, Antimonium can be given for excessive burping. The burps taste mainly of food that has been eaten. It can also effectively deal with loss of appetite. There is dislike for food in general but desire for sour acidic things & pickles may be present. One may have a loss of appetite after a severe illness. Besides these issues, Antimonium can also be given to the infants for complaints of vomiting milk after feeding. Milk is vomited in the form of curd. Following this, the child becomes irritable and refuses to take feed again. Not to forget, its remarkable action in treating headaches related to stomach disorders. This medicine is also selected to manage gastric troubles arising after intake of acidic food, bread, pastries, and also gastric problems that arise in hot weather.

Key indicating features

1.  Indigestion

2. Excessive burps tasting of food

3. Loss of appetite after severe illness

4.  Vomiting of curdled milk in nursing children

5. Headache associated with stomach disorders

5. Rectum (diarrhea, piles, inflamed rectum)

Antimonium Crudum settles many complaints of rectum as well. It can be useful in managing loose stool that occurs from eating acidic food or from overeating. The stool may have undigested food particles or hard lumps in it. Cutting pain in the rectum accompanies loose stool. Urgency to pass stool is marked. Nausea and vomiting may accompany it. Apart from this, it is very suitable for elderly people complaining of alternate diarrhea and constipation. Not only this, it can be given to treat piles if mucus is discharged in stool. The discharge can be constant and may leave a yellow stain on clothes. Prickling, tingling or a burning sensation may be present. This medicine can also deal with cases of inflamed rectum (proctitis). In such cases, excessive passage of mucus from rectum is a notable feature.

Key indicating features

1.  Diarrhea from acidic food and overeating

2. Alternate diarrhea and constipation in the elderly

3. Piles that discharge mucus

4. Rectal inflammation with mucus discharge

6. Joints (inflammation of finger, toe joint)

When it comes to joints, Antimonium can do wonders in treating cases of inflamed finger joints. There is pain in finger joints in persons requiring it. Sometimes, deformity of fingers may happen. This medicine is also valuable to manage joint inflammation and deformity of toes.

Key indicating features

1. Finger joint pain, inflammation and deformity

2. Inflammation of toe joints and its deformity

7. Mouth (coated tongue, cracks in corners of the mouth)

It is also a highly preferred medicine for treating some complaints of the mouth. With its effect on the mouth, Antimonium has the ability to reduce thick milky white coating on the tongue. There can be redness and soreness on the margins of the tongue. Excessive salivation that tastes salty can be present. Sometimes, there are blisters in the mouth. Cracks on the corners of the mouth is another striking feature for its use.

Key indicating features

1. Thick milky white coating on the tongue

2. Excessive salty salivation

3. Cracks in mouth corners

8. Head (gastric headache)

Antimonium crudum can be used in cases of headache. It is suitable when the headache occurs from stomach derangements. This may be triggered by eating acidic food, fatty food, fruits or alcoholic drinks. Another striking feature is a headache after bathing with cold water, along with nausea.

Key indicating features

1. Headache with stomach derangement, worse from fatty food, acidic food, fruits,

2. Headache from a cold bath

9. Throat (post-nasal discharge, inflamed larynx)

Antimonium also has its action on the throat where it offers help to manage thick yellow mucus discharge dripping from the back of the nose into the throat. It is also beneficial for people having a sensation of something being lodged in their throat with constant desire to swallow. It acts on the larynx and helps to reduce its inflammation. It can be given for managing cases of harsh, rough voice along with a bad pitch. Another characteristic to use it is loss of voice (aphonia) from overheating.

Key indicating features

1. Thick yellow posterior nasal discharge

2. Rough, harsh voice with a bad pitch

3. Loss of voice from being overheated


Worsening factors: Antimonium crudum is used when there is worsening of the complaints from heat, eating acidic food, washing and having alcoholic drinks.

Relieving factors: Complaints may get better by rest and also in open air in cases where this medicine is required.


Antimonium can be administered in low or high potency depending on the case. In acute cases, it can be repeated often in low potency. But when using in high potencies, one should avoid its frequent repetition.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Hepar Sulph

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Lachesis, Merc Sol, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur



Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sabal Serrulata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabal Serrulata is a homeopathic medicine derived from fresh berries of plant Saw Palmetto. It belongs to Palmaceae family. The fresh berries of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties which gives us the homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrulata of great clinical significance. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat prostate issues like enlarged prostate and prostatitis in males.

The ‘Sabal Serrulata’ Constitution

It is mainly recommended for males, especially those suffering from some sort of prostate issues.

Drug Action

The most important and primary action of this remedy is observed on prostate gland and urinary organs mainly bladder and urethra. Sabal Serrulata also acts on female genitals, breast, gastric system, back and head.

Clinical Indications

Prostate enlargement (BPH), prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections, sexual perversions, loss of sex drive, frequent urine, involuntary urination, urethral stricture, cystitis, suppressed menses, ovary pain, underdeveloped breast, breast pain, headache, backache, gastritis, stomach pain, piles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male problems (prostate enlargement, prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections)

Sabal Serrulata is being extensively used in homeopathy for numerous male problems among which prostate troubles top the list. It is an infallible medicine to treat prostate issues especially enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia – BPH) and prostatitis. It is of great value to manage complaints of frequent urination related to prostate issues. The urine frequency usually increases at night causing troubled sleep. There can be slight pain in the prostate region that may extend to the abdomen and thighs. Sabal is well indicated to manage complaints of difficulty in starting urine flow, interrupted urine stream and dribbling of urine in BPH cases. Another noteworthy complaint where Sabal Serrulata helps is erectile dysfunction related to prostate issues. Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. The genitals may feel cold and there may also be loss of sex drive. It can also be given for managing complaints of painful ejaculation. In some cases needing it, there can be atrophy (shrinkage and decrease in size) of testicles.

Sabal is a magnificent medicine for epididymitis management. Epididymitis refers to inflammation of epididymis which is a coiled tube at the back of the testicles that stores sperms and carries them from testicles to vas deferens.  This medicine is also considered in cases of sexual perversions.

Key indicating features

1. Prostate enlargement and prostatitis

2. Frequent urination, difficulty in starting urine, interrupted/ dribbling urine, from enlarged prostate

3. Erection issues related to prostate troubles

2. Urinary issues (frequent urine, urethral stricture, involuntary urination)

This medicine is very beneficial for various urinary problems. Firstly, it is recommended to manage frequent urination at night. Secondly, it is well indicated for cases of bladder inflammation (cystitis) when associated with enlarged prostate. It can also be given for treating cases of urethral stricture. At the beginning of urination, there may be pain with a sensation that urine is being forced to pass through a narrow opening. The urethra feels narrow and urine is passed with difficulty. It can be attended with burning sensation and smarting pain (sharp, stinging pain) in the urethra. Sabal Serrulata helps tremendously in cases of urinary incontinence (involuntary urine passage) that may happen from laughing or exertion. Lastly, it is indicated for bladder pain that may extend to the genitals and there is a feeling of the urinary bladder being full.

Key indicating features

1. Frequent urination at night

2. Cystitis (bladder inflammation) associated with enlarged prostate

3. Urethral stricture

4. Involuntary urination from laughing/exertion

3. Female problems (suppressed menses, ovary pain, loss of sex drive, underdeveloped breast)

Though predominantly used for prostate and urinary concerns, Sabal Serrulata’s role in treating certain women–related problems and breast size can not be overlooked. For females, this medicine is preferred to help cases of suppressed menses (amenorrhoea) and also for irregular periods. It is also effective in dealing with ovary pain which is mainly stinging in nature and may radiate down to the thighs from the ovaries. Tenderness (pain on touching) may be felt in the ovary region. This medicine can be given when there is a loss of sex drive and also in cases of sexual perversions.

This medicine is known to have a significant value in case of underdeveloped breasts where it works well to promote breast development. It is also indicated when one breast is smaller than the other, where Sabal helps towards the development of underdeveloped breast. Another characteristic feature to use it is sore, tender breast with sharp or stinging type of pain. Fullness in the breast may be felt.

Key indicating features

1. Ovary pain radiating down thighs

2. Loss of sex drive and sexual perversions

3. Underdeveloped breast

4. Sore, tender, breast with sharp, stinging pain

4. Head (headache)

Regarding its action on the head, Sabal mainly helps to manage headaches. It works well in cases of sharp, darting (sharp) pain in the head which comes suddenly and also disappears suddenly on its own. The location of pain also keeps changing. It can occur at the back, top or side of the head. Headache can be attended with vertigo. In some cases, dimness of vision is felt along with headache. Sometimes pain is felt specifically in the right temple of the head and top of the head. Lastly, Sabal Serrulata can be given for pain that begins from the nose, then ascends up and settles in the forehead.

Key indicating features

1. Sharp, darting pain in head that occur suddenly and goes away suddenly

2. Headache with vertigo and dimness of vision

5. Gastric system (stomach pain, gastritis, constipation, piles)

When it comes to gastric troubles, Sabal is indicated to settle complaints like stomach pain, gastritis, constipation and piles. There is a cramp-like pain in the abdomen which may radiate to the legs; burping and acidity are also there. Excessive desire for milk is marked. In gastritis, burning sensation is marked in stomach. It can be given for constipation with an enlarged prostate gland. This medicine is also useful for piles with dry stool.

Key indicating features

1. Cramp-like pain in the abdomen that may radiate to legs

2. Gastritis with excessive burning in stomach

3. Constipation in cases of enlarged prostate

6. Back (backache)

The action of this medicine is also seen on the back. Sabal Serrulata is a wonderful medicine to relieve lower back pain. When it occurs before and at beginning of menses, this remedy proves to be very effective. Backache felt after sexual activity can also be relieved with this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. Lower back pain before and at beginning of menses

2. Backache after sexual activity


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in the early morning and at bedtime; in cold damp or cloudy weather and from sympathy

Relieving factors: Complaints are better after sleep


The use of this medicine is mainly suggested in mother tincture (Q) form. The recommended dose of Sabal Serrulata Q is 8 to 10 drops in half a cup of water. This can be taken two to three times as per the severity of the symptom.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Silicea

It can be compared with medicines Ferrum Picricum, Digitalis, Argentum Nitricum, Thuja and Solidago in prostatic issues

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Petroleum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Petroleum is derived from rock oil, also known as coal oil, which is a naturally occurring liquid under the surface of the Earth. In the crude state, rock oil is inert. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into homeopathic medicine Petroleum. This medicine effectively manages numerous skin concerns.

The ‘Petroleum’ Constitution

It is most suitable for persons who are lean and thin, and possess an irritable nature.

Drug Action

This medicine has marked action on skin, gastric tract, head, eyes, ears, nose, male genitals and female genitals. Among all its actions, it is most prominently indicated to manage skin issues and chronic gastric and intestinal troubles. 

Clinical Indications

Eczema, psoriasis, cracks in skin, athlete’s foot, genital herpes, blepharitis, headache, vertigo, diarrhea, traveling sickness, and tinnitus.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin issues (Eczema, psoriasis, skin cracks, athlete’s foot, chilblains, intertrigo)

Petroleum has a magnificent action on skin. It treats eczema, psoriasis, skin cracks, chilblains, athlete’s foot and intertrigo. It is preferred for treating eczema  when there are deep cracks on the skin. It works well in dry eczema and also when vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions are present that ooze pus and form thick scabs. There may be roughness, hardness and thickening of skin. Though it treats eczema on any body part but mainly works well in case of eczema of scalp (eczema capitis), hands, and behind the ears. Eczema on scalp is marked with thick yellow crusts that ooze fluid with itching, and glued hair. Eczema behind ears looks red, raw and is sore and tender. It oozes fluid or blood and cracks appear behind ear. It has marked itching and pain.

It is a highly recommended medicine for psoriasis(an autoimmune skin condition in which inflammatory patches form on the skin that are covered with silvery white scales and skin dryness and  cracks can occur too). To select this medicine in psoriasis, the main indication is cracks on skin that have tendency to bleed. It is most prominently indicated to treat psoriasis of hands. In such cases, cracks appear on skin along with redness and rawness of skin. Greenish crusts can be present too along with itching and burning.

Next noteworthy indication to use Petroleum is skin cracks occurring in winter. The cracks may occur on feet or hands and bleed easily. Intense itching and burning on hands can be felt. The fingertips appear rough and cracked along with pain which is of cutting or sticking type. It is the first choice of medicine when the skin complaints worsen in winter. It is also well indicated for skin cracks in folds. Petroleum has shown great clinical improvements in cases of fungal infection of feet and toes (athlete’s foottinea pedis). Eruptions appear between toes, cracks between toes with excessive itching and burning accompanied by offensive foot sweat. Another complaint where it is effective is chilblains. It works best for moist chilblains with pain, extreme itching and burning. It may occur on hands or feet. Besides the above, it can be administered for treating intertrigo (rash between the skin folds by rubbing skin together).

Key indicating features

1. Skin complaints worsening in winters

2. Eczema and psoriasis (especially of hands) with deep cracks on skin

3. Skin cracks in winters especially on hands and feet

4. Athlete’s foot (fungal infection of foot)

5. Chilblains with pain, itching and burning

2. Gastric concerns (travelling sickness, indigestion, stomach pain, diarrhea)

With its action on gastric system, Petroleum settles many of its complaints. The foremost indication for using it is travelling sickness. It is very suitable when nausea, and vomiting occur while travelling in car, ship or train. It is prescribed to manage indigestion with heartburn and sour belching accompanied by stomach bloating. Petroleum is helpful for stomach pain. The peculiar symptom to prescribe it here is stomach pain when it is empty that gets better from eating. It also manages diarrhea when there is yellow watery, offensive, gushing stool with excessive gas. Cutting pain is felt in the stomach. Diarrhea specifically occurs in daytime. Diarrhea from eating cabbage is a chief indication to use this medicine. Anal fissures and piles with marked itching is yet another complaint it can relieve.

Key indicating features

1. Travelling sickness from riding in car, ship, train

2. Stomach pain when it is empty and relief from eating

3. Diarrhea from eating cabbage

3. Ears (eczema in or behind ears, noises in ears)

It works well to treat a number of ear complaints. Firstly, it is useful for cases of eczema in or behind ears. In such cases, the skin behind the ears is red, raw, cracked, sore and tender. There is moisture behind the ears and there is bleeding from eruptions, along with itching and pain. The other main indication is noises in the ears medically known as tinnitus. The noises can be roaring, ringing, buzzing or cracking type which can cause hearing loss. It acts well in elderly people who have hearing difficulties along with noises in ear. Petroleum is also useful in managing dryness and itching in the ears.

Key indicating features

1. Eczema in or behind ears

2. Tinnitus with roaring, ringing, buzzing or cracking type of noises in ear

3. Hearing difficulty along with noises in the ear in elderly

4. Dryness and itching in the ears

4. Eyes (blepharitis, farsightedness, eye floaters, lachrymal fistula)

This medicine gives remarkable results in case of blepharitis, eye floaters and lachrymal fistula. Blepharitis is inflammation of eyelid margins. In cases needing it for blepharitis, there is dryness, roughness and scaling of eyelid skin. Eye floaters with sparks or black spots before eyes is a characteristic symptom of using it. Lastly, it is also indicated for cases of lachrymal fistula.

Key indicating features

1. Blepharitis (inflammation of eyelid margins) with dry, rough and scaly eyelid skin.

2. Eye floaters with sparks or black spots before eyes

5. Nose (cracks, atrophic rhinitis)

This medicine is capable of managing nasal complaints too. Petroleum is chiefly indicated to manage cracks and ulcers of nostrils which cause burning sensation. It is also effective in helping cases of dryness and blocking of nostrils. Petroleum is beneficial for cases of atrophic rhinitis (ozaena) in which there is chronic inflammation of nose with atrophy of nasal mucosa. Here soreness in nose with scabs and pus-like mucus discharges serves as the prominent features to use it.

Key indicating features

1. Cracks, ulcers, dryness and blockage of nostrils

2. Atrophic rhinitis (ozaena) with scabs and pus-like mucus discharges

6. Head and scalp (scalp eczema, headache and vertigo)

It is an important medicine for treating cases of eczema of scalp (eczema capitis) as explained in skin section. There occur eruptions on scalp with thick yellow crusts. These are itchy and discharge fluid that leads to sticking of hair together. Petroleum is selected for managing headache that worsens from cough or shaking. Pain is mainly felt in the back of head (occiput) which can be pulsating, dull, or sticking type. There is heaviness in this region of head. For vertigo it is given when it occurs from stooping, on rising, walking along with vomiting.

Key indicating features

1. Scalp eczema with eruption covered with thick yellow crusts

2. Pain in back of head (occiput), worsening from cough or shaking

3. Vertigo from stooping, on rising, walking with vomiting.

7. Male problems (genital herpes, blood in semen)

In males, this medicine offers help to treat genital herpes (sexually transmitted infection caused by herpes simplex virus). The eruptions are either dry or fluid-filled (vesicles) which are present on glans or scrotum and may extend to thighs. The eruptions are red and itchy. There may be roughness and cracks on genital skin, and excessive sweating. Another indication for using it is the passage of blood in semen.

Key indicating symptoms

1. Genital herpes

2. Passing blood in semen

8. Female problems (genital herpes)

It is effective in managing certain female problems, like genital herpes. It is best suited when breakouts with itching occur most commonly during menses. Next, it can be used for the treatment of vaginal discharge. It is profuse and occurs daily accompanied by burning in vagina. Apart from these, it helps cases of excessive sweating of labia with itching.

Key indicating features

1. Genital herpes when itchy eruptions appear during menses

2. Vaginal discharge profuse with vaginal burning


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse during winters. These also worsen by traveling in car/ boat/ train. Complaints increase before or during thunderstorms.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in dry weather and from warm air.


Petroleum works well in both low and high potencies which is selected individually for every case. If used in low potency, it can be repeated often depending on the complaint, while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Cocculus Indicus, Nux Vomica and Phosphorus

It antidotes: Nitric Acid

Followed well by Bryonia, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur

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