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Top 11 Homeopathic Medicines For External Piles

Piles indicates dilated, enlarged, swollen, inflamed veins in or around the anus or in the lower rectum. Depending on the location, they can be divided into external and internal piles. External piles refers to the piles that develops under the skin surrounding the anus. They are visible as little lumps outside the anus and one can feel them on the anus. However, internal piles form inside the anus or in the rectum and are not visible from outside. Several factors play a role in piles. The first and most important one among these is straining to pass stool. This occurs in cases of constipation. Reduced intake of fiber, drinking less water, prolonged sitting, and predisposition to constipation increase the risk of piles. Some other factors that increase the risk of piles include being overweight (obese), old age, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy and having a family history of piles. Piles may also form in cases of long-term diarrhea. Besides a lump on the exterior of the anus, other symptoms can attend in external piles. First among these is pain. External piles are highly painful as it appears on the outside of anus which is a sensitive area very rich in nerves. Other signs and symptoms that can attend it include tenderness (i.e. pain on touch), itching, bleeding and oozing of mucus discharge from the piles. In some cases, blood clot may form in the piles and form a hard lump with intense pain. Such piles are known as thrombosed piles.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment for treating cases of external piles. Homeopathic medicines aim at reducing the swelling of veins around the anus and improving the blood flow to help treat this condition. Along with this homeopathic medicines decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms in this complaint. It can effectively manage pain, tenderness, burning, itching in piles and also bleeding from piles. Homeopathic medicines for this complaint are prescribed individually as per the symptom presentation. It is recommended to get any case of external piles evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines as per the physician’s advice. Self-medication should be avoided in any case. In cases of extreme pain one should take help from conventional mode of treatment as it may indicate thrombosed piles needing immediate intervention.

Homeopathic medicines for External piles

1. Aesculus – Leading Medicine

Aesculus is a top-rated homeopathic medicine for managing cases of external piles. There is marked pain in the piles where this medicine is required. The nature of pain is sharp, shooting, cutting or burning type. The pain occurs after passing stool and remains for many hours after passing stool. The pain gets worse while standing and walking. There is a sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum which is a very important attending feature. The person suffers from constipation along with the passage of hard, dry stool with difficulty. Itching is felt in the anus. At times, stinging sensation occurs at the anus along with the above symptoms.

2. Aloe Socotrina – For Piles With Pain

Aloe Socotrina is the next highly effective medicine to manage external piles. In cases needing it, the piles appear outside the anus and resembles a bunch of grapes. It is attended with marked pain. There is relief in pain by cold water application on the anus. Pricking sensation is felt in the anus after passing stool. The piles are painful to touch. Itching is also felt in the piles. There is burning sensation in the piles. Itching and burning disturbs sleep at night. In addition to the above, there is a frequent urge to pass stool. Fullness sensation is well marked in the anus.

3. Muriatic Acid – For Piles That Are Painful To Touch

Muriatic Acid is a well-suited medicine for managing cases of external piles that are very painful to touch. The slightest touch causes pain on the anus. Stitching pain is marked in the piles in most cases. There is relief in pain by warm applications. The piles appears blue or reddish blue and swollen. Burning may also be felt at the anus. Bleeding may also occur from the piles. Weakness can attend it. After passing stool, itching may be felt at the anus.

4. Nux Vomica – For Piles With Constipation

Nux Vomica is highly valuable to manage cases of external piles along with constipation. There is a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool where this medicine is indicated. There is a passage of scanty stool many times a day along with a feeling of unsatisfactory stool. Burning sensation is felt on the anus along with the above indications. Burning increases from the least touch on the anus. There is pain and itching at the anus. These get relieved from cold water application on the anus. Bleeding may also occur from the piles in some of the cases needing Nux Vomica.

5. Hamamelis – To Control Bleeding From Piles

This medicine is the topmost medicine for the management of bleeding from piles. Bleeding is attended with weakness in cases needing this medicine. There is soreness and burning at the anus along with bleeding. Fullness and weight in the anus is felt along with the above complaints.

6. Sulphur – For Piles With Marked Itching

Sulphur is a very beneficial medicine to treat cases of piles with excessive itching which gets worse at night. Due to this, sleep is disturbed. Burning sensation also occurs at night along with itching. Besides, throbbing and shooting pain is felt in the anus during and after passing stool. The pain gets worse while lying down and gets better while standing. There is constipation with a continuous urge to pass stool.

7. Nitric Acid – For Piles With Bleeding And Pain

This medicine can be used when the piles bleed and cause pain. The nature of pain in anus is cutting type. Pain is felt after passing stool. Itching is felt at the anus besides the above symptoms. There is constipation with excessive straining to pass stool but only little passes.

8. Paeonia – With Anal Pain Continuing For Long Hours After Stool

Paeonia is a useful medicine for managing external piles with anal pain that remains for long hours after passing stool. The anus is swollen and is also attended with itching. There is burning at the anus along with the above features. There is oozing of fluid from the anus.

9. Arsenic Album – For Piles With Burning Pain

This medicine is highly recommended for external piles with marked burning pain. Burning is intense like fire. The burning is worse at night. This disturbs sleep at night. Stitching type of pain is also felt in the piles where this medicine is required. The pain is worse while sitting or walking.

10. Antimonium Crudum – For Piles Oozing Mucus

Antimonium Crudum is an important medicine for dealing with cases of piles that ooze mucus discharge. The discharge leaves a yellow stain. It is attended with prickling sensation on the anus. Burning on the anus also attends it.

11. Causticum – For Hard Piles Painful To Touch

This medicine is considered in cases of hard piles that are painful to touch. The piles are also painful while walking, standing or sitting. The pain gets better after passing stool. There is marked itching in the piles. Burning and stinging are also felt at the anus.



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What Is Protruding Piles And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Piles refers to swollen, dilated, inflamed veins in or around the anus or in the lower rectum. These are broadly divided into two types — external (that form on the anus and can be seen or felt at the anus) and internal (that develop within the rectum). Protruding piles refers to protrusion of piles (that otherwise lies inside the rectum) out of the anus during straining while passing stool. In mild cases, it tends to go back inside the anus on its own after the passage of stool. In moderate cases, the piles that protrude out when straining does not recede back into the anus on its own and has to be manually pushed back. In severe cases, the piles does not move inside the anus even when pushed manually and remains outside the anus permanently. This condition is referred to as prolapsed piles. Different signs and symptoms can attend protruding piles. These might include pain, bleeding, itching, burning sensation and mucus discharge. A prolapsed piles can be severely painful if a blood clot forms inside it and such piles is termed as thrombosed piles. Prolapsed piles also has a chance to get strangulated when blood supply to the piles stops as it gets trapped in anal muscles. Thrombosis and strangulation of piles are the serious complications of piles needing urgent medical help.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries a great scope in treating cases of protruding piles. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing the signs and symptoms of this complaint. Symptoms like pain, burning sensation, itching, bleeding get well managed with these medicines very effectively. They work magnificently by improving blood flow and reducing swelling in the veins around the anus and rectum. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for managing such cases is prescribed after detailed analysis of a particular case. Homeopathic medicines work in the most natural way to treat a condition and there are no side effects of these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases of protruding piles. In severe cases with permanently prolapsed piles and in case of strangulated and thrombosed piles, homeopathy has limitations in bringing relief and in such cases, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Protruding Piles

1. Aloe Socotrina – Top Recommended Medicine

Aloe Socotrina is a top listed homeopathic medicine for managing cases of protruding piles. In cases needing it, piles protrude out at the anus and looks like a bunch of grapes. These are very painful, sore, and tender to touch. There may be relief in pain from washing with cold water. In some cases, there may be bleeding from the piles. Itching can also be felt in the piles along with the above complaints. There may be an urge to pass stool frequently. It gets worse after eating. Bearing down sensation is well marked in the rectum along with the above complaints.

2. Muriatic Acid – For Piles That Are Highly Painful To Touch

Muriatic Acid is a prominently indicated medicine to manage cases in which piles are extremely painful to touch. Even the least touch is unbearable on the anus where this medicine is required. The piles looks blue and swollen. There is burning sensation. Bleeding can also occur from the piles. This may be attended with weakness. There may be stitching pain in the piles. The pain gets better by warm applications.

3. Ratanhia – With Prominent Burning In Piles

Ratanhia is a highly beneficial medicine for protruding piles with prominent burning in the anus. The burning continues for a long time after passing the stool. Burning is intense like from fire. There is relief by cold water application on anus. There is difficulty in passing stool. The stool passes with great straining followed by burning and pain in the anus. Knife-like stitching pain can also be felt in the rectum.

4. Nitric Acid – For Protruding Piles With Bleeding

Nitric Acid is the best suited medicine when there is protrusion of piles on passing stool along with bleeding. The stool is also hard, painful and difficult to pass. Mucus discharges may also occur after passing hard stool. Pricking and burning sensation and sharp, stitching type of pain is felt in the anus after passing stool. The anus is also sensitive to touch. A sensation of weight and pressure is felt in the anus other than the above symptoms.

5. Collinsonia – With Marked Constipation

This medicine is highly effective for cases of protruding piles occurring along with marked constipation. The stool is hard and its passage is painful. A characteristic attending symptom is a sensation as if the rectum is filled with sharp sticks or sand. In cases needing it, the piles is painful and can bleed as well. There is burning and constricted sensation in the rectum. Lastly itching is felt at the anus.

6. Causticum – For Pain In Piles When Standing, Sitting, Walking

Causticum is a very useful medicine to manage piles that is very painful when standing, sitting or walking. There is relief in the pain after passing stool. There is stinging, stitching or burning type of pain in the piles. Pain in the piles also occurs when touching the anus. The piles is large in size that tends to impede passage of stool. Stool is hard and covered with mucus.

7. Baryta Carb – For Piles Protruding With Passing Stool And Urine

This medicine is highly recommended when piles protrudes out while passing stool as well as while passing urine. Burning sensation is felt in the anus when passing stool and also after passing stool. Shooting pain in the piles is also felt. There is constipation also with passage of hard, difficult and insufficient stool. After passing stool, oozing of some fluid is seen from the piles.

8. Calcarea Phos – To Manage Oozing Of Fluid From Piles

Use of this medicine is suggested when there is oozing of fluid from the protruding piles. A yellow–colored fluid oozes after passing stool. Bleeding can also occur after passing stool. Itching is also felt in the piles. Stitching or shooting pain in the anus can attend. In some cases, pulsating sensation is felt in the anus. Anus feels sore in the morning after getting up.

9. Lachesis – For Piles With Continuous Urge For Stool

Lachesis is an important medicine to manage cases of protruding piles attended with a continuous urge to pass stool. Anus feels constricted with this complaint. The piles is large in size. Burning is felt at the anus after passing stool. Stitching pain is felt in the piles and rectum when coughing or sneezing.

10. Kali Carb – When Piles Protrude With Loose Stool

This medicine is helpful for protrusion of the piles along with loose stool. The piles is large and painful. It is attended with needle-like stitching pain. Burning sensation may also be felt in the piles. Bleeding can also occur from piles. The piles may be sore to touch.

11. Lycopodium – For Managing Itching In Piles

Lycopodium is a suitable medicine for managing itching in the piles. The piles protrudes and also bleeds where this medicine is required. There is pain in the piles. The pain gets worse while sitting and also when touching.





Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 11 Homeopathic Medicines for Bleeding Piles

Piles are defined as dilated swollen veins around the anus and or in the lower rectum. Piles can manifest itself by showing various signs and symptoms but in some cases bleeding along with the stool is the sole presenting sign indicating the presence of piles. The blood is bright red that may pass with stool or can be seen on the toilet paper in cases of piles. Constipation, straining to pass stool as well as loose stool, prolonged sitting, lifting heavy weight and pregnancy could trigger bleeding piles. Bleeding without any pain is the most common sign of internal piles. Internal piles are the ones that lie inside the rectum and cannot be seen or felt from the outside. The external piles (means the piles that can be seen or felt at the anus) can bleed too in some cases. Another type of piles called thrombosed piles can also cause bleeding that is quite serious. In such type of piles, a blood clot gets formed inside the veins. If thrombosed piles ulcerate or break, then it can cause serious bleeding that needs immediate medical help. This may happen when it becomes full or when hard stool hurts the pile’s surface.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in treating bleeding piles. Homeopathic medicines are naturally sourced medicines. They control the intensity and frequency of bleeding episodes from piles. Along with bleeding, they can manage well any associated signs and symptoms like pain, burning, itching, tenderness of the anus as well as swelling and lump at the anus. These medicines are very safe to use without any side effects. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of mild to moderate bleeding. In case of heavy bleeding from thrombosed piles, homeopathy is not recommended and urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is required.

Homeopathic Medicines For Piles

1. Hamamelis – Leading Medicine

Hamamelis is the best medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of bleeding piles. This medicine helps to control bleeding and give quick relief. Besides other symptoms, the anus may be sore means painful to touch. Burning is felt in the anus. Itching may be felt at the anus. In some cases, pulsation in the rectum is also a complaint. A sensation of fullness and weight is felt in the rectum. The stool may be hard and covered with mucus. In cases needing Hamamelis, bleeding is followed by excessive weakness.

2. Nux vomica – Along With Constipation

Nux Vomica is a highly suitable medicine for bleeding piles along with constipation. The key feature of using this medicine is a constant, ineffectual urge to pass stool. Those needing it pass stool several times a day but the stool is insufficient and unsatisfactory with a ‘never get done’ feeling. Burning and smarting pain is felt in the anus. The burning sensation gets worse after some hours of passing the stool and gets worse from the least touch. Itching is felt at the anus that disturbs sleep. This medicine is prominently indicated when piles complaint worsens from taking spicy food, coffee and alcohol.

3. Millefolium – For Bright Red Bleeding

Millefolium is the next best natural medicine to manage bright red bleeding from piles. Bleeding mostly occurs after exertion or lifting heavy weights where this medicine is required. There may be loose stool with passage of mucus in some cases needing it. There may be passage of fetid gas from the rectum.

4. Nitric Acid – Along With Pain

Nitric Acid is an effective medicine to manage cases of bleeding piles along with pain. In cases needing it, sharp, pricking, stitching or cutting type of pain is felt in the rectum. The pain is well marked after passing stool. Swelling appears at the anus. Along with the above, burning may be felt at the anus. The anus is sore (sensitive to touch). A sense of constant weight and pressure is present in the rectum. The anus feel constricted. A sensation of sharp sticks pricking in the anus is felt even at the slightest touch.

5. Phosphorus – Along With Burning In Anus

Another medicine which gives relief from bleeding piles is Phosphorus. In cases needing this medicine, intense burning is felt in the anus from piles along with bleeding. Needle-like pricking pain is felt at the anus. In some cases, tearing pain occurs in the anus. Applying warmth gives relief. Itching of anus is also felt. Protrusion of piles from the rectum may be noticed on passing gas.

6. Erigeron – With Hard Lumpy Stool

Erigeron is a well-indicated medicine for bleeding piles along with hard lumpy stool. Along with this, burning sensation is felt at the anal margins. The anus feel as if it is torn.  In cases needing it the bleeding is bright red in colour.

7. Aloe Socotrina – With Protruding Piles

Aloe Socotrina is a very helpful medicine for protruding piles, along with bleeding. The piles appear like a bunch of grapes at the anus. The piles are very sore and tender to touch. Pain gets better by cold water application on the anus. The anus is itchy along with burning sensation. A constant bearing down in the rectum is felt in addition to the above symptoms.

8. Collinsonia – For Painful Bleeding Piles

This medicine is valuable for managing painful bleeding piles. A very characteristic symptom indicating its use is sensation as if the rectum is full of sharp sticks or sand. Constriction feeling is also well-marked at the anus. Burning is felt at the anus as well. There is constipation along with the above symptoms. The stool is hard, attended with pain and gas. Anal prolapse with piles can also be seen in cases requiring this medicine.

9. Muriatic Acid – For Very Sore, Tender (Painful To Touch) Piles

Muriatic Acid is an important medicine to manage sore tender piles with bleeding. The piles are extremely painful to touch. Bright blood is discharged from the anus. Bleeding leads to weakness. The piles look blue and swollen. Stitching pain is felt in the anus along with the above complaints. Burning is also felt in the piles.

10. Sulphur – When Attended With Pain and Burning

Sulphur is a very beneficial medicine for cases of bleeding piles attended with pain and burning of anus. The stool is hard. Piles are large. A continuous urge to pass stool is felt in the rectum. Stitching pain from the anus upwards also appears. Throbbing pain also occurs at the anus. Anal pain gets worse on lying and better on standing. Apart from the above, an intolerable itching is felt at the anus. It gets worse at night, disturbing sleep. Anus is also swollen and sore to touch.

11. Capsicum – With Burning At The Anus As From Pepper

Capsicum can be considered in cases where violent burning is prominent at the anus. The burning is so severe that it feels as sharp as from the application of pepper. Stinging pain is felt at the anus in cases needing this medicine. There may be itching and throbbing sensation at the anus. Soreness at the anus can be another complaint. An ineffectual urge to pass stool can attend the above complaints.




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Piles during Pregnancy or after Child Delivery? Check out Homeopathy

Piles refers to swollen, dilated, inflamed veins around the anus and/or in the lower rectum. In many women, piles tend to appear for the very first time during pregnancy or after delivery. It is quite a common problem and it has been estimated that around 40 per cent of pregnant women, and women after childbirth tend to develop piles. When piles develop after delivery, it is known as postpartum hemorrhoids. Its signs and symptoms include swelling or lump around the anus, pain with passing of stool and/or after stool, anal burning, rectal bleeding and anal itching. Having piles during pregnancy increases risk of postpartum (period after delivery) hemorrhoids.

Why Homeopathic Treatment Of Piles?

Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment of piles after delivery. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so have zero side-effects. They help in reducing swelling and inflammation of veins and improve blood flow. Besides, they also bring relief in symptoms like pain, burning, itching and bleeding of piles. Constipation (which is the main predisposing factor for piles) is also treated well with these medicines. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicine for treating piles after delivery. Homeopathic medicines for treating piles after delivery are recommended based on individual symptoms in each and every case.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Piles In Women

1. Sepia – Top Grade Medicine

Sepia is the leading medicine to manage numerous health concerns in females and one among them is piles after delivery. It is helpful almost in treating every case of piles after delivery. It can be used when there is swelling at anus along with marked pain. Pain is worse when passing stool. A stitching pain from the anus to rectum is felt. Anus is sore to touch.  Secondly, it can be given for managing burning sensation at the anus. Next, it can be used for piles that protrude out while passing stool. It can also handle cases with marked itching in anus and rectum. It can also treat marked constipation with large and hard stool. There is lack of urge to pass stool for many days together in cases that would require this medicine.

2. Nux Vomica – With Constipation And Ineffectual Urge To Pass Stool

Nux Vomica is the most important medicine for piles in which a person has constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool. It is recommended for women who have a constant urge to pass stool. Each time they go to pass stool, only little is evacuated at a time and there is a feeling of dissatisfaction and it feels as if some more feces will be passed. They suffer from piles attended with marked pain and burning sensation. They also complain of itching at the anus.

3. Aesculus – For Painful Piles

Aesculus is the most beneficial medicine to relieve pain from piles. It is used when piles pain is felt during or after stool. Pain is sharp shooting in nature. The pain can even be felt for many hours after passing stool. A sensation of multiple small pricking sticks in the rectum is present which is a characteristic feature for recommending Aesculus.

4. Kali Carb – With Intense Burning

This medicine is recommended when there is intense burning sensation due to piles. It may feel as if the piles are burning like fire. Cold water application temporarily gives relief. It is also helpful in managing inflamed piles that are very sensitive to touch. In cases needing it, the piles are large and are attended with stinging, tearing, pinching, or needle-like stitching pain. Itching is felt in the anus. Kali Carb is also useful for treating bleeding piles.

5. Hamamelis – To manage bleeding

Hamamelis is very effective in controlling bleeding from piles. The bleeding may be slight or profuse in cases needing it. The bleeding is attended with weakness. Burning sensation and soreness around anus is felt.

6. Pulsatilla – For Non-Bleeding Piles

Pulsatilla works magnificently in cases of non – bleeding piles (means blind piles). In cases needing it, there is burning or cutting pain in the rectum when passing stool. Stitching pain may be felt at times. Protrusion of internal piles may be noted. Itching is felt, especially on lying down and in the evening.

7. Aloe – For Piles That Bulge Out Of Anus (Protruding Piles)

Aloe is highly suitable to treat protruding piles. In cases needing Aloe, the piles at anus look like a bunch of bluish-colored grapes. The piles are painful, sore and tender. Cold water application over piles gives relief.

8. Ignatia – With Sharp Stitching Pain

Ignatia works wonderfully in cases where sharp stitching pain in anus and rectum is felt. Pain occurs even if the stool is soft, pain gets worse while standing or sitting. Sometimes slight anal bleeding can occur.

9. Lilium Tigrinum – For Painful Sore Piles

Lilium Tigrinum is indicated for painful, sore piles. Piles are highly sore to touch. These are itchy too. Besides, there is severe constipation. When bearing down while passing stool, it feels as if all the pelvic organs would protrude through the vagina.

10. Muriatic Acid – When Piles Are Painful To Touch

Like the above medicines, this medicine also suits a person well when piles are highly sensitive and painful to touch. Even the slightest touch of the hemorrhoids is not bearable. The piles look bluish or dark purple. Stitching pain is felt along with sensitivity. Heat application offers relief.

11. Sulphur – For Burning And Pain In Piles

Sulphur is well-indicated for piles with marked burning and pain at the anus. In cases needing Sulphur, the piles are very large. Stitching or shooting type of pain occurs in piles. During and after passing stool, burning occurs in the piles. Bleeding from piles may also arise. A pressing sensation in rectum can also be felt.

12. Collinsonia – With Constipation With Dry, Hard Stool

Use of Collinsonia is considered when there are piles along with constipation with dry and hard stool. It can be given for bleeding or non-bleeding piles, external piles (located on the skin around the anus that can be seen or felt from the outside) or protruding piles (internal piles that protrude out of anus). The piles are painful. The sensation of sand or sticks in rectum can be quite prominent.

13. Podophyllum – For Piles With Rectal Prolapse

This medicine is valuable to handle cases where piles are accompanied by prolapse of rectum (slipping out of the lower part of rectum out from anus). The piles can be bleeding or non-bleeding. The anus is swollen, sore and sensitive to touch.  Prolapse of rectum occurs while passing stool.

What Causes Piles During Pregnancy And After Childbirth?

If we talk of piles during pregnancy, usually piles occur during the third trimester (last three months of pregnancy). During pregnancy, extra pressure is exerted on the abdomen and the pelvic area from the growing baby. As a result, circulation of blood to the pelvic area is affected resulting in pooling of blood in the veins. Secondly, increased progesterone levels cause relaxation of walls of the veins predisposing them to get swollen. Additionally, constipation (which is one of the major reason behind piles) is a common problem faced by many women during pregnancy due to hormonal changes (which slows down movement of food through the gastric tract), pressure put by the growing baby on the intestines of the mother, intake of iron and calcium supplements that can also contribute to piles during pregnancy. Intense straining and prolonged pushing during labor pains also contribute to piles after childbirth. Piles are common especially after vaginal delivery, however it can still arise after a C-section. An instrumental delivery (like forceps delivery in which a doctor uses a tool to grasp the head of the baby to get the baby out of the birth canal) also increases risk of piles.




Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Piles

homeopathic medicine for piles

The term piles or hemorrhoids refers to a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen.  The symptoms of piles depend on the type of piles. The sooner the patient approaches a homeopathic physician for treatment, the higher are the chances of avoiding surgery.

Why Choose Homeopathy for Treatment of Piles?

Conventional allopathic treatment of piles involves medication that makes the condition manageable but does not help treat it. These medicines offer temporary relief from the symptoms and continuous use is often necessary. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications for piles include ointments, pads, creams, and painkillers. In case of grade 4 piles (or hemorrhoids), surgery is the only option left for most patients. However, homeopathy offers effective and comprehensive treatment of piles  that helps treat the condition and ease the symptoms. Homeopathic remedies for hemorrhoids aim at correcting the internal disturbances of the venous system by making the vein valves stronger which helps in complete recovery.  Homeopathic treatment of piles can help avoid invasive procedures like surgery.

Once treated with homeopathy, piles does not recur (under conditions where lifestyle modifications are sustained for long). The length of homeopathic treatment for piles depends upon the duration of the symptoms, their intensity, and how quickly a person responds to medicines. The treatment period can range from a few weeks to a few months.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Piles


The top-most important medicines for treating piles are Aesculus Hippocastanum, Nux Vomica, Aloe Socotrina, Hamamelis, Collinsonia Canadensis, Muriatic Acid, Ratanhia and Nitric Acid.

1. Aesculus Hippocastanum – For Painful, External, Non-bleeding Piles

It is the best and most frequently used medicine for painful piles. It is taken when pain is felt during or after passing stool. The pain continues for long hours after the passing of stool. Pain is very sharp that may extend from the anus to the lower back. A person may have a distinct feeling of small sticks filling up the rectum. It is a specific medicine for external piles and blind piles (non-bleeding piles). This medicine does wonders on engorged haemorrhoidal veins, brings great relief in pain and also helps in shrinking piles naturally.

Dosage: The most commonly recommended dosage, one may use 30C potency two to three times a day as per the intensity of the symptoms.

2. Nux VomicaFor Piles With Constipation And Ineffective Urge To Pass Stool

Nux Vomica is the best medicine to treat piles with constipation and ineffective urge to pass the stool.

Those who need this medicine have to go pass stool several times in a day to completely clear the bowels. They pass stool bit by bit throughout the day and yet have the urge to pass the stool. They also have marked pain and itching at the anus. Nux Vomica is recommended for piles that is non-bleeding.

For piles or constipation triggered by alcohol intake, Nux Vomica is the right medicine. It is also the best choice of medicine for people with piles who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Dosage: Though it can be used in both low to high potencies, in the beginning, it is advised to take it in 30C potency twice or thrice a day.

3. Aloe SocotrinaFor Protruding Piles

Aloe Socotrina is ranked the number one medicine when it comes to treating protruding piles (internal piles take an outward bulge from anus and can be seen as soft lumps of tissue). The protruding piles are very sore and tender and look like a bunch of grapes bluish in colour. Persons who require it may find cold applications on affected areas soothing and help during pain, soreness and tenderness. They may also have severe itching.

Dosage: Though it can be used in both low and high potency, the most often prescribed dosage is 30C potency. It can be taken three to four times a day depending on the severity.

4. HamamelisFor Bleeding, Internal Piles

This natural medicine sourced from plant ‘witch – hazel’ is the best prescription for piles that bleeds. It controls bleeding piles in an outstanding manner. Hamamelis is useful in cases where piles is internal, painless and it bleeds. ‘Painless, non bleeding piles’ these four words are an indication to describe the use of this medicine in its entirety, and it requires no further description.

Dosage: One may take Hamamelis in 30C potency three to four times a day as per the intensity of the problem.

5. Collinsonia Canadensis For Piles With Constipation (Dry, Hard Stool)

It is an effective medicine to treat piles with constipation when stool is dry and hard. It can be used when hemorrhoids are external or protruding and there is also marked pain. Additionally, a particular sensation of sand or sticks in rectum may be felt. This medicine is also used to treat piles which is painful, along with bleeding.

Dosage: It can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day.

6. Muriatic Acid – For Piles Extremely Painful To Touch

This is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage piles that is highly sensitive, and painful even on the slightest touch. It is mainly indicated for protruding piles. The piles look bluish or dark purple like a bunch of grapes.A characteristic feature is relief in soreness from warm applications.

When and How to use Muriatic Acid?

It can be prescribed in any case of piles that are intensely painful. The most frequently used potency of this medicine is 30C. Muriatic Acid 30C should be taken once a day and in severe cases two times a day, not more than that.

7. Ratanhia – For Piles With Intense Burning Sensation

This medicine is well indicated to manage piles attended with severe burning sensation. Along with this there is marked straining to pass stool. Piles may protrude out of the anus on straining for stool. Apart from these a peculiar sensation of little pieces of broken glass in rectum can be present. Pouring cold water over anus may provide relief for a while.

When and How to use Ratanhia?

For piles that have intense burning, Ratanhia is an ideal prescription. Ratanhia can be used in low as well as high potencies. In the beginning, one may start with its 30C potency twice or thrice a day. After close observation of symptoms, higher potencies can be considered if needs arises, under a homeopathic physician’s supervision.

8. Nitric Acid – When Piles Protrude During Stool Along With Bleeding

Nitric Acid is a beneficial medicine for cases where piles protrude while passing stool accompanied by bleeding. There is constipation with dry, hard stool that passes with much straining. Pain also occurs at the anus. The pain can be pricking, sharp, stitching, cutting type or burning in nature.  Constant weight and pressure is felt in the rectum.

When and How to use Nitric Acid?

This medicine can be used for protruding piles with bleeding. Nitric Acid 30C can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of symptoms.

Note You may continue these medicines for about 2 to 3 weeks. If symptoms persist, or if you want to continue any of these medicines beyond 3 weeks, it is strictly advised to seek consultation from a homeopath. Do not use high potencies without consulting a homeopathic doctor.

Types of Piles: Signs And Symptoms  

Piles is of different types according to their location and whether they bleed or not. External piles, internal piles, protruding/prolapsed piles and blind piles are the most common types.

1.External piles is visible on the surface of the skin around the anus and can be seen or felt from the outside. The main symptoms of external piles include painful swelling and hard lumps around the anus. These hemorrhoids cause irritation, sometimes itching or bleeding.

2. Internal piles lie deep inside the rectum and cannot be felt or seen outside. It is mostly painless, since there are no pain receptors in the region where it tends to appear. The only symptom of internal piles is bleeding while straining at the time of passing stool. However, an internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus, causing irritation and pain.

Different Grades Of Internal Piles According To Severity

Internal Piles can be classified into grades, according to their severity.
Grade 1 piles is marked by small inflammations that are usually found inside the lining of the anus and are not visible.

Grade 2 piles is characterized by larger hemorrhoids than the grade 1 piles, but they too remain inside the anus. These protrude outside the anus while passing stool and go back into the rectum after defecation.

Grade 3 hemorrhoids protrude during defecation and need to be manually pushed back inside the anus.

Grade 4 piles is a severe case. These cannot be pushed back inside and need immediate medical attention.

3. Protruding or prolapsed piles is a condition when hemorrhoids get pushed out towards the anus when force is applied to pass stools. They look like pink, moist pads of skin. Prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoids tend to hurt since the anus area is dense with pain-sensitive nerves. The typical symptoms of hemorrhoids are mucus discharge, itching and pain.

4. Blind piles refers to hemorrhoids that do not bleed. They feel like protruding masses, usually detectable after passing stools, at the opening of the anus.

5. Mixed/ interno – external piles refers to a condition in which internal as well as external piles simultaneously.

6. Thrombosed piles refers to external haemorrhoids in which a blood clot is formed that blocks blood flow resulting in swelling of anal tissue with severe pain.

Causes, Risk Factors That Lead To Piles

Primarily, the swollen veins that are seen in piles develop due to increased pressure in the rectum. This may cause disintegration of the tissues supporting the anal walls, leading to hemorrhoids. Various factors contribute to causing this kind of pressure which are enumerated here:

1. Irregular Bowel Movements (Constipation is the leading cause of piles): Factors like constipation, straining to pass stool, overuse of enema or laxatives, spending too much time on the toilet seat adds to the strain on the rectum and anus, leading to the development of piles. On the other hand, chronic diarrhea may also sometimes lead to piles.

 2. Diet: Lack of a fiber-rich diet, low water intake, excessive intake of alcohol, consumption of spicy food and junk food are also the contributing factors.

3. Pregnancy: There is increased pressure on the abdomen and pelvic area during pregnancy, which is a leading cause of piles during pregnancy. In some cases, hemorrhoids develop as a result of childbirth due to excessive pressure on the rectum and anus.

4. Age and Heredity: Other factors like age and heredity too may cause piles due to the weakening of the tissues supporting the rectum and anus.

5. Inactive sedentary lifestyle: Prolonged sitting with lack of physical activity or exercise, and obesity also predispose a person towards piles.

6. Portal Hypertension: Portal hypertension refers to a condition where there is an increase in the blood pressure within the veins of the portal venous system. The veins coming from the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and intestines merge into the portal vein which travels through the liver. In case of any complication due to which blood cannot flow properly through the liver, high pressure develops in the portal system. This pressure can cause the development of large, swollen veins in the stomach, esophagus, and rectum. As a result, hemorrhoids may develop in the anal area.

Complications of piles

Piles rarely cause complications, however, one may encounter certain medical problems:

1. Excessive bleeding that can cause anemia

2. Weakness from blood loss

3. Blood clot can form inside hemorrhoid (thrombosed hemorrhoid) causing extreme pain

4.  No blood supply to internal piles can lead to strangulated piles which causes intense pain

Lifestyle changes to manage piles

Some simple lifestyle modifications can help one manage and prevent piles. They can help get softer stool which makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining. Some important dos’ and don’ts are mentioned below:


1. Take high-fiber foods like figs, flaxseeds, quinoa, beans, lentils, and fresh fruits and vegetables that help in proper bowel movements. Avoid foods with little or no fiber that can cause constipation. Clinical research shows that in case of non-prolapsing hemorrhoids, taking a fiber supplement helps reduce the risk of persisting symptoms and bleeding by almost 50 per cent.

2. Consume a lot of fluids and stay hydrated as dehydration leads to constipation that can worsen the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

homeopathic piles exercise

3. Sitting in warm water tub for 10-15 minutes can help relieve itching, burning and aching

4. Exercise regularly

5. Reduce alcohol and caffeine intake


1. Do not ignore urge to pass stool

2. Do not over-strain during defecation

3. Do not sit on the toilet seat for prolonged time period as it causes unnecessary strain on anal veins

4. Do not lift heavy weights

Case Study – Homeopathic Treatment Of Piles

For Vikram (not his real name), pain around the anus was becoming a big problem as the excruciating pain would continue for hours after passing stool. He was also passing blood along with stool. Vikram was having difficulty concentrating on his job, as the pain would continue for hours causing continuous discomfort. Each morning, passing stool was like a nightmare, and if he had to pass stool twice, then nearly the whole day would pass in pain. He finally realized that it had something to do with his constipation problem, which he was having for the last decade or so. A visit to the general practitioner confirmed that he was suffering from piles (also known as hemorrhoids). He was suggested surgery. One of Vikram’s friends suggested that he should first try homeopathy as it had really helped him in treating his piles. Vikram was put on Ratanhia and later was given Aesculus. These were the only two homeopathic medicines for hemorrhoids that were used on him. He recovered completely in four months and it has been nearly four years that he has been completely symptom-free. Vikram has also made changes to his lifestyle, like he walks for one hour everyday and drinks a lot of water.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am passing blood with stools, does it indicate piles?
Bleeding while passing stool is one of the primary symptoms of piles. However, blood in the stool may appear from many other conditions, like anal fissures and severe conditions like ulcerative colitis or any malignancy of the GIT (Gastro Intestinal Tract). Further investigation by a physician may be required to determine the exact cause of bleeding.

If I feel a mass protruding out of the rectum while passing stools, is it piles?
A mass protruding from rectum while passing stools can be indicative of two conditions – piles and rectal prolapse. A rectal examination is required to know the exact cause.

I have piles with excessive swelling around the anus and painful defecation. Will applying ointments solve my problem?
Ointments may help in temporarily reducing the discomfort and soothe the symptoms of piles. To cure piles, a proper treatment that helps reduce the engorgement of the rectal veins and ensures adequate blood circulation in the veins is required.

I am suffering from piles with constipation, can I take a laxative?
A laxative is a short-term solution for the management of constipation, but proper treatment is required for long-term treatment to improve bowel movement and reduce filling of blood in the rectal veins.

Can I avoid surgery for piles with the help of medicines?
Yes, natural medicines work to stimulate the internal healing processes of the body, and with their long-term use, they can help manage piles without surgery. It should be noted that the results vary from case to case, depending upon the severity of the problem.

For how long do I need to take medicines to get cured of piles?
The length of treatment for piles depends upon the duration of the symptoms, their intensity, and how quickly a person responds to medicines. The treatment period can range from a few weeks to a few months.

Is surgery a permanent solution for piles or do piles recur after surgery?
Surgery for piles is not a permanent solution since in most cases, chances of recurrence are high. It does not treat the cause behind piles. For a permanent solution, the cause of increased rectal pressure and poor blood circulation in the rectal veins needs to be identified and treated.


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Homeopathic Treatment for Hemorrhoids or Piles

Out of all the diseases, the most feared are the ones are that remind one of surgeon’s knife. Piles is just one out of those diseases  . But with Homeopathic medicines for piles one can can be saved from the surgeon’s knife; Moreover they are entirely safe, gentle and the cure of piles is mostly permanent. This means that homeopathy can help in the complete recovery of piles. Homeopathic Remedies for hemorrhoids aim at correcting the internal disturbances of venous system by making the vein valves more strong which helps in a complete recovery. The sooner the patient approaches a homeopathic physician for piles treatment, higher are the chances of a  complete recovery and avoidance of surgery.  Homeopathy should be the preferred and the first mode of treatment in piles owing to the use of safe, natural nature of medicines before.Research Clearly shows that homeopathy is very effective for the treatment of piles. homeopathic medicines for piles

 Homeopathic Medicines for Piles

  1. Aloe Socotrina –For Protruding Piles

    Aloe Socotrina is a highly ranked homeopathic medicine for treating protruding piles.For Aesculus to be used- Piles appear blue like bunch of grapes at anal verge. They are very tender, sore and painful. Burning at anus also accompanies. Intense itching may also appear . Relief from cold applications in piles symptoms is also a guiding feature to use Aloe. A history of long-standing diarrhea may be present in persons needing Aloe in hemorrhoid complaint.

  2. Nux Vomica –  For Piles accompanied with Constipation:

    Nux Vomica is a top grade remedy for piles with constipation. A person needing Nux Vomica has piles with frequent- ineffectual urging for stool but passes little stool at a time. The urge for stool is renewed shortly after one has defecated. The stool is always unsatisfactory. Nux Vomica is highly beneficial for blind piles. Blind piles with pressure/sticking/burning/shooting pains calls for use of Nux Vomica. Subjects with sedentary habits developing piles with constipation fit the complete picture for Nux Vomica to be used.

  3. Hamamelis –  For Piles that Bleed

    Hamamelis is an excellent medicine for Bleeding piles. In homeopathy, Hamamelis is a top grade remedy for venous congestions and bleeding tendencies. It is very effective in controlling hemorrhages. It can be used confidently with great results in bleeding piles. Piles that bleed profusely require Hamamelis without a second thought. Burning and soreness in the rectum may appear with bleeding. Few may also complain of a backache with bleeding piles. Pain or rawness at anus is also marked. Extreme weakness also accompanies bleeding piles.

  4. Ratanhia – For Piles with long lasting Burning and Pain

     Homeopathic medicine Ratanhia offers a great help in piles which marked by burning and pain for many hours after stool.  The character of Pain is ‘as if broken glass pieces are placed in the rectum.’  a knife like stabbing pain also indicates the use of Homeopathic medicine Ratanhia.

  5. Aesculus – For Piles with Backache

    Aesculus is a medicine for piles when it is accompanied with a backache. Severe, sharp, shooting lower backache in the lumbosacral region with hemorrhoids is sure shot sign for Aesculus to be used.  Aesculus is mainly a remedy for blind piles. Piles appear purple, painful, burning with rawness, soreness, and itching. The stool is also constipated and is hard, dry and difficult to expel. Rectum feels full of small sticks.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Should I choose Homeopathic Medicine for Piles?

I would say that the biggest reason for you to choose homeopathic medicine for piles should be the permanency and safety of the treatment. Once treated with homeopathy, piles tend to not to recur ( under conditions where lifestyle modifications are sustained for long) . Homeopathic medicines are very safe and side effects with homeopathy while treating piles are unheard of .

2. What are Piles/ hemorrhoids ?

The term hemorrhoids or piles refers to a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed. Hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women. About half of the population has hemorrhoids by age 50. Hemorrhoids may result from straining to move stool. Other contributing factors include pregnancy, ageing, chronic constipation or diarrhoea. Hemorrhoids are either inside the anus (internal) or under the skin around the anus (external). Although many people have hemorrhoids, not all experience symptoms. The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood covering the stool, or in the toilet bowl. However, an internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritating and painful.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus. In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a vicious cycle of symptoms.

3. Why do I have Piles?

There are various factors that predispose a person to develop piles include diet with less fiber content, lack of exercise, sedentary habits like prolonged sitting , increased straining during defecation, chronic constipation or diarrhoea, excessive alcohol intake, pregnancy, obesity . Genetic Factors also play a strong role in the development of piles.

4. What are the Types and Symptoms of Piles?

  1. External Piles: External piles are present on skin around anus and can be seen or felt from outside. The main symptom are  Pain, swelling/lump around anus. Itching and bleeding may appear when they are irritated.
  2. Internal Piles: Internal piles lie deep inside the rectum and cannot be felt or seen from outside. They are painless owing to lack of pain receptors in the area in which they appear. The only symptom they cause is bleeding per anus while straining at stool.
  3. Protruding/Prolapsed piles:  piles that while straining at stool are pushed on the anal verge are referred to as protruding/prolapsed piles. They lead to symptoms of pain, itching, and mucus discharge.
  4. Blind Piles: Non-bleeding piles are referred to as blind piles.


5. What can I do to Prevent Piles?

Some simple lifestyle modifications can help one, prevent and even cure piles. A softer stool and regular bowel movements are its primary goals. A softer stool makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining.

  • Warm Baths- bathing the perianal area in warm water can ease out the acute pain in a significant manner . This possibly relaxes the anal sphincter and gives relief from the pain.Increasing fluid intake- Increasing fluid intake can help in reducing the hardness of the stools. Drinking six to eight glasses of fluid (not alcohol) results in softer, bulkier stools.
  • High-fiber diet  – Good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Also, a fiber supplement such as psyllium can be very helpful.
  • Do not hold the urge   – Prevent holding the call, as it can lead to irregular bowel movement and also hardening of the stools.
  • Regular exercise          –   Regular exercise, including walking, can be very useful in regulating your digestive system.

A Case Study- Homeopathic Treatment of Piles

For Vikram (not his real name), pain around the anus was becoming a big problem This excruciating pain would continue for hours after passing stool. He was also passing blood along with stool. Vikram at times was having difficulty in concentrating at his job, as the pain would go on for hours and an uncomforting feeling was always there. Each morning, passing stool was like a nightmare, and if he had to go twice, then nearly the whole day would pass in pain. He knew that this surely had something to do with his constipation problem, which he was having for the last decade or so. A visit to the general practitioner confirmed that he was suffering from piles (also known as hemorrhoids). He was suggested surgery . One of Vikram’s friend suggested that he should first try homeopathy as it had really helped him in treating his piles . Vikram was put on Ratanhia and later was given aesculus . Theses were the only two Homeopathic remedies for hemorrhoids that were used on him. He completely recovered in four months and it has been nearly four years that he has been completely symptom free. Vikram has also made changes to his lifestyle . He walks everyday for 1 hour and drinks lots of water.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Perianal Burning

Perianal burning refers to burning sensation felt around the anus. It is very discomforting. Perianal burning can happen due to various reasons. Improper cleaning of the anal area after passing the stool can result in skin irritation and burning around anus. On the contrary intense cleaning and scrubbing can damage the anal region and result in burning of the perianal area. Next, it may result due to consumption of certain food items and drinks like chocolates, tea, coffee, alcohol and tomatoes. Another reason could be use of harsh soaps, perianal wipes containing alcohol, hygiene sprays, medicated creams that can also result in perianal burning. This may further arise from inflammation of the anus called anusitis. Besides these reasons, medical conditions including piles (swollen, inflamed, dilated veins in or around the anus or in the lower rectum) and anal fissures (a tear or cut in the anal lining) could cause perianal burning. It may also be caused by perianal abscess (a lump containing pus formed around the anus). Another reason could be Crohn’s disease which is an autoimmune disorder that could cause inflammation of any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. In such cases, if it reaches anus then perianal burning may happen. Infections in the anal areas like bacterial or fungal infections could also lead to it. Some skin conditions like eczema (a skin condition causing inflamed skin), and psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disorder causing red inflamed patches on the skin covered with silvery white scales) affecting the perianal region may result in burning along with its other signs and symptoms. Lastly, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) affecting the anus can lead to perianal burning. Few such STIs include anal herpes, anal warts chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

Depending on the cause behind perianal burning, certain other signs and symptoms can be an accompanying factor. These include itching, pain, soreness, and tenderness around the anus. Bleeding can also occur from the anal area. There may also occur redness, a rash or eruptions around the anus. Constipation or diarrhea may be present in some cases.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines ensure excellent results in cases of perianal burning. Homeopathic medicines manage this condition naturally and effectively by targeting the root cause behind the disease. Once the root cause is managed, the intensity of burning around the anus gradually begins to decline. Along with burning, the other accompanying symptoms like itching, pain, swelling around the anus, and anal bleeding also get managed well enough if these medicines are used. A great advantage of using these medicines is that they work in a very natural way to manage perianal burning and there are no side effects. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis on a cases to case basis. So one should always take homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines For Perianal Burning

1. Sulphur – Top Recommended Medicine

Sulphur is a prominently administered medicine to manage perianal burning. In most cases needing it the anus is swollen. Itching around the anus is also present. Burning and itching gets worse at night time. At times, bleeding from the anus is present. The anal area can be sore to touch. In some cases, stinging sensation also occurs around the anus. Stitching, tearing pain or pulsating pain in the anal area may also be felt. Sometimes a sticky fluid may ooze from the anal region. Piles or anal fissures may be present and that’s a sign for the best use of this medicine.

2. Aesculus – For Perianal Burning With Piles

Aesculus is a very useful medicine to manage anal burning in cases of piles. The piles look purplish and are very painful. Also, it gets very uncomfortable to sit, stand or lie down. Along with the above-mentioned complaints itching and stinging is felt around the anus. A feeling of fullness in the anus is also well marked. Next, there is constipation and the stool is dry, hard, and large. Severe cutting pains takes place in the anus area after the passing of the stool.

 3. Ratanhia – For Managing Perianal Burning Linked With Anal Fissures

Ratanhia is a highly preferred medicine to manage cases where burning around the anus is felt as a result of anal fissures. The burning continues for several hours after the passing of the stool. In such cases, passing the stool becomes difficult and one has to exert a lot of strain. The anus feels constricted. There is also intense pain around the anus. The anus is sensitive to touch as well. Cutting and stitching pain is felt in the anal area along with the above-mentioned complaints. Next, a very characteristic feature present is a peculiar sensation as if pieces of glasses are present in the anus. This medicine is also helpful in managing burning around the anus in case one is suffering from piles. This medicine is also recommended in managing thin stool with burning around the anus area.

 4. Aloe Socotrina – For Managing Burning And Itching About The Anus

It is a very effective medicine for managing burning along with itching around the anus. This complaint prevents sleep at night. For those who need this medicine, piles are present that protrude out of the anus like a bunch of grapes. These are painful and tender to touch and there is an accompanying sensation of heat. Application of cold water on the anus brings relief.

5. Arsenic Album – For Perianal Burning And Redness, Soreness Of Anus

Arsenic Album is a valuable medicine for helping cases of perianal burning and redness, and soreness of anus. Additionally, a pressure is felt at the anus. This medicine is highly useful for managing piles with intense burning sensation like fire.

6. Phosphorus – For Perianal Burning With Bleeding In Piles

This medicine is recommended for managing perianal burning and bleeding in cases of piles. The anal area burns like fire where this medicine is needed. Bleeding from the anus occurs when passing stool. There is protrusion of piles from the anus, which occurs also while passing gas. Mucus discharge sometimes occurs from the piles. Stitching pain in the anus may attend. Further complaints include itching and stinging around the anus.

7. Natrum Mur – For Perianal Burning With Constipation

This medicine is beneficial for managing burning around the anus along with constipation. The stools are hard and unsatisfactory in cases needing it. The stool may crumble at the anus. After passing stool, burning occurs at the anus which feels as if torn. There is bleeding from the anus sometimes. Tearing pain and smarting sensation at the anus may be felt after passing the stool. The anus may be itchy as well. Natrum Mur is also a highly effective medicine to manage herpes around the anus.

8. Nitric Acid – For Perianal Burning With Anal Bleeding In Piles And Anal Fissures

This medicine is very helpful in cases where there is burning sensation and bleeding from the anus. It is a prominent medicine for managing piles and anal fissures. Along with the above complaints, there is swelling and redness of anus and perianal pain. The pain is very sharp, stitching type, felt after passing stool. Pricking sensation may be felt at the anus which is sensitive to touch. Anus feels constricted. Next, there may be a feeling as if some sharp sticks are pressing in the anus when touched. A foul-smelling discharge may ooze from the anus at times. Nitric Acid is also a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of eczema around the anus.





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Tendency to easy bruising? Best Homeopathic Medicines

Bruise refers to blue/purplish/black discolored spots on the skin that result from a skin injury. When a new bruise forms, it is red which may further change to blue, purple or black. When it fades it turns greenish or yellowish. The skin injury that results in bruises usually occurs from a blunt object like bumping against a bed, chair, door or from a fall or being hit by something. In this kind of skin injury, there is oozing of blood from broken small blood vessels under the skin followed by trapping of blood under the skin that results in discolored spots on the skin. Some people tend to get bruises more easily. They get bruises from minor injuries which may also take a relatively longer time to heal. They may get multiple bruises and suddenly see a bruise on the skin but have no idea when or why it occurred. There are certain factors and medical conditions that make a person prone to easy bruising, some of which can be serious as well. The first factor that increases the risk of easy bruising is aging. The reason behind it is that there is weakening of blood vessels in addition to thinning of the skin with age which makes a person prone to easy bruising. Another reason could be low platelet count medically known as thrombocytopenia. Platelets are the blood cells that help in the clotting of blood. Platelet count is said to be low when there are less than 150,000 platelets per microliter of blood. A low platelet count may happen either from decreased production of platelets (like in leukemia, some viral infections like hepatitis C, chemotherapy drugs, radiation therapy) or an increase in breakdown of platelets (as in autoimmune disease like lupus, bacterial infection in blood called bacteraemia, use of certain medicines like heparin, sulfa containing antibiotics). Deficiency of certain vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin K; too much sun exposure for years together; use of medications that result in blood thinning (for example medicines like warfarin and apixaban), NSAID (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like aspirin, ibuprofen and also steroid medicines can lead to  a tendency of easy bruising.

Other reasons include bleeding disorders like haemophilia and Von Willebrand’s disease. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder in which there is a problem in blood clotting due to a lack of specific proteins that help in blood clotting. It results in prolonged bleeding after an injury. This disorder in most cases is present from birth but in some cases this condition can be acquired when clotting factors 8 or 9 are attacked by the immune system due to autoimmune conditions, drug reactions, and cancer. Von Willebrand disease is a bleeding disorder in which blood does not clot properly due to decreased levels of the Von Willebrand factor that helps in clotting of blood or when this factor is unable to perform its function well.

Inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis) can also result in frequent bruising. Easy bruising can also run in the family. Easy bruising can also occur in those having liver disease like cirrhosis of liver. In liver cirrhosis, there is scarring in the liver that may result from various reasons like long term alcohol intake, any liver disease and hepatitis (inflammation of liver). The liver tends to repair itself whenever any injury or damage occurs to the liver and scar tissue forms resulting in cirrhosis that poses hindrance to normal functioning of the liver. Easy bruising can also be seen in cases of Cushing ’s syndrome. In this syndrome, there is an excess production of cortisol hormone in the body that results in various signs and symptoms. It results in thinning and weakening of skin making it prone to easy damage and bruising. Besides the above factors and conditions, easy bruising can result in cases of leukaemia (cancer of white blood cells WBCs).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective treatment for cases of tendency to easy bruising. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of easy bruising decreases gradually. These medicines treat the tendency of easy bruising with zero side effects. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case of easy bruising tendency depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Avoid self–medication in any case. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In severe cases and cases where the serious cause is linked with it like haemophilia, leukaemia, kindly take help from the conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Easy Bruising

1. Arnica – Top Medicine

Arnica is a top recommended medicine to manage cases of easy bruising. This medicine is well indicated when bruises happen often from injuries like occurring from a fall, blunt objects or bumping into a hard object. Bruises occur from every slight injury on the skin where this medicine is required. It results in bluish, blackish, red spots on the skin. This medicine is also indicated when the bruise turns yellowish or greenish. This natural medicine will gradually reduce the tendency to easy bruising occurring from the slightest injuries.

2. Hamamelis – For Easy Bruising With Pain And Soreness

Hamamelis is well indicated for cases in which there is tendency to easily bruise along with pain and soreness. This medicine treats tendency to easy bruising as well as helps in healing the active bruises present on the skin. It also relieves pain and soreness in the bruises. In cases requiring this medicine, a tendency of bleeding from various body parts can be present. The bleeding can be from the nose, gums, rectum etc. The blood is dark-colored where this medicine is required.

3. Phosphorus – For Red Spots On Skin From Easy Bruising

This medicine is indicated when there are red spots on the skin from easy bruising. Along with this, there is a tendency to bleed from different areas of the body. The bleeding can be from nose, mouth, rectum, piles, polyps, ulcers. Blood can be passed in sputa, in urine and intermenstrual bleeding may also occur. The wounds also bleed profusely even when small in size.

4. Lachesis – For Bruising From Slight Touch And Pressure

This medicine is recommended when there is bruising often from slight touch and pressure. There are black, purple or blue spots on the skin. There is also a tendency of small wounds and ulcers to bleed easily and excessively in cases requiring this medicine.

5. Ledum Palustre – For easy bruising from slight injuries and prolonged discoloration

Ledum Palustre is a helpful medicine when there is easy bruising from small injuries and the discoloration of the bruise remains for a long time. Initially the injured part feels cold and is painful to touch. Relief sets in by cold application on the wound.

6. Sulphuric Acid – For Bruises On Skin Turning Very Dark Blue Or Blackish

This medicine proves effective when there are frequent bruises on the skin and turns dark blue or blackish. The discoloration lasts too long with pain on touching them. The affected area is also stiff. In cases needing it, the tendency of bleeding of dark-colored blood from different body parts may be seen.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Bloating With Constipation

Constipation refers to having infrequent bowel movement usually less than three times a week, passage of hard and dry stool, straining to pass the stool, discomfort/pain while passing stool and a sensation of incomplete emptying of bowels. Constipation can lead to many problems like anal fissures, piles and in some cases, bloating may occur due to constipation. Bloating refers to fullness and tightness in the abdomen resulting from formation of gas. When a person is unable to pass stool, then gas from the stomach gets obstructed and does not pass away resulting in bloating. The stool that remains in the large intestine (colon) for more time gives the bacteria additional time to ferment the matter in the colon contributing further to gas and bloating of abdomen. Along with bloating and constipation, other signs and symptoms such as abdomen pain, rumbling or noises in the abdomen, nausea, burping, anal pain or burning, blood or mucus in stool can attend.

Homeopathic management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of bloating with constipation. Homeopathic medicines help to overcome constipation by regularising bowel movements and softening hard stool and also help in managing associated bloating. They also give relief in any associated symptoms like abdomen pain, rumbling or noises in the abdomen, nausea, burping, anal pain and burning, blood or mucus in stool if present.  Homeopathic medicines provide great relief in the above complaints in a very natural manner with zero side effects. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint decreases gradually. Homeopathic prescription for bloating and constipation varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. One must avoid self–medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Bloating With Constipation

1. Bryonia – For Bloating With Hard, Dry Stool

Bryonia is a prominently indicated medicine to manage bloating with hard and dry constipated stool. The stool passes in the form of a lump and look as if it is burnt. Stool always passes with excessive straining efforts. Burning at the anus is felt during passage of the stool. Rectal prolapse might occur with passage of stool. Abdomen is bloated. Bloating is most commonly felt especially after eating. Weight sensation like a heavy stone is also felt in the stomach. Bloating is also worse in the evening. Abdomen pain occurs along with bloating.  Burping of wind might also occur. Stomach feels empty along with bloated abdomen. Bloating gets better by passing gas. Before passing gas, cutting pain is felt in the abdomen. This pain is also worse when standing and walking. Stomach feels sore to touch. In cases needing it, headache also may occur with constipation. Nausea may be present. There is dryness of the mouth, tongue and lips along with gastric complaints. An increased thirst for water is also present along with the above complaints.

2. Alumina – With Absence Of Urge For Stool For Days Together

Alumina is a very beneficial medicine for cases of bloating and constipation with characteristic symptom of no urge to pass stool for days together means many days go without passing stool. Urge for stool occurs only when there is accumulation of excessive stool in the colon (i.e. large intestine). When the urge occurs, the stool is passed with intense straining efforts. Straining is needed for passing both hard as well as soft stool. Pain of cutting nature occurs in the anus when passing the stool. Bleeding may occur after passage of stool. Bloating of the abdomen may be attended with pain in abdomen due to accumulation of gas.

3. Lycopodium – For Constipation And Bloating After A Little Quantity Of Food

Lycopodium is a highly valuable medicine for managing constipation and bloating from eating even a little quantity of food. There is excessive accumulation of gas in the abdomen. Rumbling, croaking noises occur in the abdomen. Pain is also felt in the abdomen from gas. The gas pushes upward and downward towards the urinary bladder and rectum. Appetite is decreased. Thirst for water is increased. After eating there may occur back-up of the food in the mouth (i.e. regurgitation). The stool passed is dry, hard with constricted feeling in the anus. When passing stool, pain is felt in the rectum. In some cases, burning sensation at the anus occurs in addition to the above complaints.

4. Nux Vomica – For Bloating, Constipation With A Constant Urge For Stool

Nux vomica is a highly recommended medicine for managing bloating with constipation along with a constant desire to pass stool. In cases requiring this medicine, there is an urge to pass stool several times in a day. There is passage of scanty stool many times in a day but still an unsatisfactory feeling of the stool evacuation remains. It feels as if some of the stool remained back in the rectum and the bowels did not empty completely. A-never-get-done feeling is always there. The stool is hard that can be attended with rectal pain most of the times. Sometimes stool is blood streaked as well. There is distension of the abdomen from gas mainly after eating or drinking. There is relief from burping. Gas causes pressure towards the bladder and rectum.

5.  Graphites – For Hard, Distended Abdomen And Head Heaviness

This medicine is well indicated for cases of hard, distended abdomen, and heaviness in the head. Hardness is mostly felt in the lower part of the abdomen. Rumbling, croaking occur in the abdomen. There is inability to bear anything tight around the abdomen after eating. Abdominal heaviness is felt. Abdomen pain occurs soon after eating. At times vertigo is there. There is constipation with lumpy stool along with mucus. The stool is hard, very large and passed with much difficulty. Prolapse of the rectum might occur. Cuts (fissure) can be there at the anus from passage of hard stool. This is attended with sharp, cutting pain in the anus.

6. Magnesia Mur – For Bloating And Stool Covered With Mucus And Blood

Magnesia Mur works well when there is bloated abdomen and stool is covered with mucus and blood. The abdomen is sore and sensitive to touch. Cutting and pinching pain in the abdomen can be felt. The stool is hard but crumbles at the verge of the anus. The stool looks as if burnt. Passage of the stool is followed by burning at the anus.

7. Sepia – For Bloated Lower Abdomen With Loud Rumbling Noises

This medicine is helpful for bloated lower abdomen with loud rumbling noises. Abdomen gets distended even with little quantity of food. The stool is hard, scanty and insufficient. It may be covered with mucus and is passed with difficulty. Blood may pass with the stool. Shooting and tearing pain is felt in the rectum and anus. After passing stool, a sensation of weight at the anus is felt.

8. Nitric Acid – For Bloated Abdomen With Tenderness (Pain On Touching)

This medicine is indicated when there is bloating of abdomen along with tenderness (i.e. pain on touching) of abdomen. Hard, dry, difficult stool is passed irregularly. Cutting type of pain is felt in the rectum while passing stool and also before passing stool. Itching at the anus can also be there.



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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Swollen Anus

Anus is the opening at the lower end of the GIT – gastrointestinal tract. The anus can get swollen from different causes. The first important reason can be external piles. Piles refer to swollen, dilated veins around the anus and or in the lower rectum. External piles are the ones that can be seen or felt on the surface of the anus. Its main signs and symptoms are painful swelling around the anus, hard lump at the anus, itching, and sometimes bleeding. The second cause could be anal fissures which refers to cut, tear,, or crack in the anal lining/ Its symptoms includes anal pain, bleeding at the anus, burning at the anus, anal itching, skin tag near the cut at the anus and foul smelling discharge.

Another reason is anal abscess. Anal abscess is a pus-filled lump near the anus.  Another cause is anal fistula (a tract between the anal canal and the area around the anal opening). Its signs and symptoms include swelling, pain at the anus and fluid drainage from a hole around the anus. The fluid may be pus or blood. The fluid may have an offensive smell. Further causes include inflamed anal lining (anusitis), anal sex and anal cancer. It can also occur in cases of Crohn’s disease (an autoimmune disorder that can cause inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract). Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), for example HPV – human papilloma virus and herpes, can also lead to swelling around the anus. Scratching the anal area due to irritation or itching as from worms might lead to swelling and redness of the anus. Anal swelling can be attended with some other signs and symptoms varying from case to case. These includes pain, burning at the anus, bleeding from anus, mucus in the stool, pus draining out, tenderness of the anal region and itching at the anus.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of swollen anus. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s natural healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These medicines target the root cause behind the swollen anus to provide great relief with zero side effects. The intensity of swelling decreases gradually with the use of these medicines. Along with swelling, any associated signs and symptoms like pain, burning at the anus, bleeding at the anus, mucus in the stool, itching at the anus and pus draining out are also dealt quite effectively with these medicines. Homeopathic prescription for anal swelling varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Swollen Anus

1. Aesculus – For Swollen Anus With Piles

Aesculus is a highly recommended medicine to manage cases of swelling of the anus from piles. There is marked pain in the anus from piles. The pain is sharp, shooting type. The pain may start after passing the stool and may remain for many hours.  The anus is also sore to touch. Burning is also felt at the anus. The stool is dry and hard along with the above complaints.

2. Muriatic Acid – For Swollen Anus With Tender Piles

This medicine is well indicated for cases of swelling of the anus with markedly tender (painful to touch) piles. Even the slightest touch is not tolerable at the anus due to pain and sensitivity. The piles protrude like a bunch of grapes. The piles look bluish and red colored. Marked stitching pain is felt in the piles. Heated sensation is also felt in the piles. Itching also occurs at the anus. Stool passes with much difficulty. When passing stool, cutting and smarting pain is felt at the anus. In some cases, the prolapse of anus is seen.

3. Paeonia – For Swollen, Painful Anus

This medicine is of great use in cases of swollen, painful anus. It is well indicated for managing cases of piles, anal fissures, anal abscess and anal fistula. In cases needing it, there occurs marked excruciating pain at the anus that continues for long hours after passing stool. Burning is also felt at the anus. In some cases, ulcers are present at the anus that are being covered with crusts. They discharge offensive smelling fluid.

4. Graphites – For Swollen Anus With Fissures

Graphites is a very helpful medicine for managing cases of swollen anus with anal fissures. Persons needing this medicine feel severe, cutting, sharp and stitching pain at the anus while passing stool. The pain continues for long hours. It gets worse at night. Bleeding also occurs from the anus while passing stool. Anal burning is felt at night.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Swollen Anus In Cases Of Anal Abscess And Fistula

Hepar Sulph is an effective medicine for cases of anal swelling in cases of anal abscess and fistula. This medicine helps to speed up the process of pus formation and expulsion and hasten recovery in these cases. Throbbing pain is felt in the abscess and the skin over the abscess is inflamed. It is hot, hard and swollen. There is discharge of pus and blood from the abscess. The pus has an offensive smell. The abscess is painful. Pain gets worse at night in most cases.

6. Sulphur – For Swollen Anus With Itching And Burning

Sulphur is very beneficial for managing swelling of the anus along with itching and burning. There is a constant urge to scratch the anus to relieve itching. Besides swelling, there is stitching pain at the anus. After passing stool, soreness, stitching and also pulsating pain is felt in the anus the entire day. Sometimes bleeding occurs from the anus.

7. Apis Mellifica – For Swollen Anus With Bleeding

This medicine is highly valuable to manage swollen anus along with bleeding. Stinging pain is also felt at the anus. This medicine is also used for cases of piles with burning, stinging sensation at the anus. A feeling of fullness is felt in the anus with heated and throbbing sensation in the rectum. Besides the above, this medicine is also indicated to manage swelling at the anus with an intolerable itching.

8. Sepia – For Swollen Anus With Heat And Burning

Sepia is an important medicine for managing swelling of the anus with heat and burning sensation. In some cases, piles tend to protrude out. The passage of stool can be painful. Moisture can ooze out from the anus. Stitching pain in the anus may be felt that extends upward to rectum and abdomen. Weight is felt at the anus along with above symptoms.

9. Teucrium – For Itchy, Swollen Anus With Worms

Teucrium can be considered in cases of itchy, swollen anus if there are worms in the intestine. A creeping sensation is felt at the anus. The itching and creeping sensation gets worse from the warmth of bed. There is restlessness and sleeplessness.

10. Podophyllum – For Swollen And Very Sore, Sensitive Anus

Podophyllum is a prominent medicine for managing cases of swollen anus with marked soreness and sensitive anus. In cases needing it, multiple piles can be present. Some of these can bleed. In some cases, along with piles, prolapse(displacement) of anus may happen. Anal prolapse may occur when passing stool or sometimes even from a little exertion.


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