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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Edema

Edema also known as dropsy and fluid retention refers to fluid build-up in the tissues of the body. It usually affects legs, feet and ankles though other body parts can also be affected by it like hands, face, eyelids, etc.

Edema can be pitting (when a swollen part of the body has a dimple after one presses it) or non-pitting type. In case of pitting edema when pressure is applied to the affected swollen area, the indentation persists for some time after the pressure is released. In case of non-pitting edema, the indentation goes away immediately after the release of pressure. Edema causes swelling, puffiness in the affected part. The skin above it looks shiny and stretched. Heaviness and pain in the affected area may also occur as also reduced urination.

Edema is given different names depending on the affected body part. When edema affects feet, legs and hands it is known as peripheral edema. When it affects the area around the eyes it is termed periorbital edema. Edema affecting the brain is cerebral edema. Edema that occurs in the lungs is known as pulmonary edema. Fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity is pleural effusion. Another form of it is lymphedema that occurs due to improper functioning of the lymphatic system that hinders normal drainage of the interstitial fluid. Swelling affecting the macula (a part of the eye) refers to macular edema. It occurs as a complication of diabetic retinopathy.

Edema can simply arise from excessive salt intake, sitting or standing for long durations at one place, before appearance of menses as a part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome which refers to a set of symptoms felt few days before onset of the menses), lack of protein in the diet for long time period and obesity. It may also occur during pregnancy. Use of some medicines can as well lead to edema, such as medicines for high blood pressure, steroid medicines, estrogen, NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines). Insect bites can be yet another cause. In other cases, edema tends to result from some underlying medical health conditions some of which could be serious. First condition is a sort of hindrance in the normal functioning of the lymphatic system that normally helps in draining extra fluid from the tissues. Damage to the lymph nodes can lead to it. Next condition is varicose veins that occur from damage to valves of veins in the legs that cause pooling of blood in the legs and lead to swelling. Another cause can be dermatitis (skin inflammation with redness, dryness, itching and in some cases fluid filled eruptions i.e, blisters). Besides these, some serious causes include DVT (deep vein thrombosis that refers to blood clot in deep vein/veins of the body mostly in the legs that can cause swelling and pain in the leg), severe allergic reaction, kidney damage, congestive heart failure, liver damage and some types of cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very helpful in managing the cases of edema. It helps manage this complaint naturally with the use of natural medicines so there is no worry about its side effects. The most suitable homeopathic medicine is prescribed symptomatically for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. It is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopath and take medicines under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be practiced at all. In some cases, edema may result from some serious health problems like heart complaints, liver/kidney damage, DVT, so one should always consult a doctor to rule out the cause and follow appropriate treatment. Homeopathy is recommended only in mild cases without any serious cause linked to it. In case edema is linked to serious causes, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has its limits in helping serious cases recover.

Homeopathic medicines for Edema

1. Apis Mellifica – Topmost Medicine

Apis Mellifica is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage edema. The most characteristic feature to use this medicine is puffiness in different body parts accompanied by redness and stinging pain. The affected parts are also sore to touch. Intolerable heat is felt on the affected part.  It offers a big help in managing edema of the legs, feet and ankles. The legs and feet look waxy and pale.

It is very effective to manage puffiness around the eyes. The skin on the eyelids also feels tight with this. Stiffness is also felt in the eyelids. An accompanying feature is a burning sensation. Apis Mellifica is also beneficial to manage puffiness on the face which may look pale and waxy. Another sign for its use is swelling of the hands. There is also heat and redness on the hands. When pressure is applied on hands white spots appear that go away gradually. It is also topmost medicine to manage swelling that is seen after insect bites and stings.

2.  Rhus Tox – For Edema Of Eyelids

This medicine is suitable for managing edema of the eyelids. Those who need it, show symptoms of red eyelids and hot tears flow from the eyes. At times, there may be the presence of yellow mucus discharge from the eyes. Next, there may be burning pain in the eye and also difficulty in opening the eyelids in some cases. Redness of the face can be a presenting factor. Besides the above, this medicine is administered when there is redness on the skin with vesicles (tiny fluid-filled eruptions) with edema.

3. Arsenic Album – For Swollen Face, Eyelids, Feet And Legs

Arsenic Album is a very useful medicine for managing edema of the face and the eyelids. Those who need it have swollen eyelids. Initially, swelling occurs on the upper eyelid followed by the lower lid. Next, it is helpful in case of edema of the feet and the legs. Along with swelling, a burning sensation is felt on the feet. The feet look shiny with reddish spots. Excessive weakness is also visible.

4. Acetic Acid – For Edema Accompanied By Excessive Thirstiness

Acetic Acid is a well-indicated medicine for managing edema with excessive thirst for water. This medicine is most prominently indicated for managing swelling of the legs. The skin looks pale and waxy with swelling. This medicine is also indicated for edema of legs, feet, or arms linked with anemia. Excessive weakness is present where this medicine is required. This medicine is also very effective for managing swelling that appears along with varicose veins.

5. Lycopodium – For Edema Of Legs With Oozing Of Watery Fluid

This medicine is administered for edema of the legs accompanied by oozing of watery fluid from the same spots. There are ulcers on the legs. These are accompanied by itching and burning sensations. This gets worse at night. Tearing pain in the legs is also an accompanying factor. Edema of the feet may also be present. Along with this, there is a burning sensation felt on the soles. Excessive sweat with a foul smell on the feet is present. The feet can be sore.

6. Pulsatilla – To Manage Swelling On Legs In Varicose Veins / Inflamed Veins

This medicine is very valuable to manage swelling of the legs due to varicose veins and inflamed veins. Those who require it present with swelling in the legs and thighs. There is difficulty in moving the legs. Along with this, there is also dull pain felt in the legs. The feet are also swollen. There is also redness of feet. The feet feel heavy. A burning type of pain and a drawing sensation is felt on the feet. There is an urge to stretch your feet while sitting. A tingling sensation while standing may also be felt. This can get better as one starts walking.


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8 Homeopathic Remedies for Angioedema

Angioedema refers to edema or swelling underneath the skin that can become severe. It usually occurs from an allergic reaction. This swelling can appear with hives that’s why it is sometimes called giant hives. Hives also known as urticaria refers to itchy, elevated, red welts/wheals or bumps on the skin surface that occur mostly from an allergic reaction. Homeopathic Remedies for Angioedema are beneficial in all types of angioedema with symptoms having mild to moderate intensity.

Angioedema is a harmless condition in most cases and gets well in a few days. However, in serious cases the tongue that can cause blockage of airways and difficulty in breathing that needs prompt medical help. Severe angioedema may be a part of a dangerous medical condition called anaphylaxis needing emergency treatment. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction in which there appears swelling of lips, tongue and throat that blocks airways and leads to breathing problems, rapid heartbeat, sudden drop of blood pressure, dizziness and sometimes fainting. Anaphylaxis is a severe life threatening condition that should be urgently treated with conventional treatment.


It most commonly arises from an allergic reaction and this type is known as allergic angioedema. The allergic reaction can occur from certain foods like eggs, peanuts, fish, shellfish and milk. This reaction can also occur from insect bites, pollen, animal dander, latex and poison ivy. The body detects a substance (like any of the above) as something dangerous. Following this there is release of histamine by the body that causes dilatation of the blood vessels and fluid leakage. In severe cases of allergic angioedema, anaphylaxis can occur with swelling of throat, difficulty in breathing and sudden drop in blood pressure. It is a medical emergency needing immediate medical help.

It can also arise from the use of certain medicines called drug – induced angioedema. Few medicines that can lead to it include aspirin, NSAID’s (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs), penicillin, antibiotics and some of the medicines used to control high BP (blood pressure). 

Thirdly, it may occur after an infection or with illnesses like SLE (It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and damages healthy tissues of the body. It can affect skin, kidneys, blood vessels, lungs, heart, nervous system, muscles, bones, eyes). Another medical condition linked with it is leukaemia (cancer of blood cells). Other than this a medical condition lymphoma is associated with it. Lymphoma refers to a cancer beginning in lymphocytes which are cells of the immune system that help to fight with infection. In case of lymphoma these lymphocytes change and keep multiplying out of control.  

Rarely it can occur in people having a family history of it where it is called as hereditary angioedema. Here a person has inherited this condition from a parent through genetic transmission. In hereditary angioedema the body is unable to make a blood protein called C1 esterase inhibitor in the right amount that results in fluid movement from the blood into tissues resulting in swelling.

Other than this it can arise if a person has a weak immune system where it is called as acquired angioedema. 

Lastly, it can be idiopathic type where no cause is ruled out behind swelling. Some factors linked with it include stress, anxiety, intense exercise, exposure to heat and cold and minor infection.


Its main sign is swelling below the skin. The swelling can develop suddenly or gradually in a few hours. Sometimes it may be attended with swelling and welts on the surface of the skin (hives) that may be painful and itchy. Redness, warmth and pain can appear in the swollen area. The swelling mainly occurs on the face especially around the eyes, lips; around the mouth; hands, feet, arms, legs; tongue. In severe cases the swelling can spread to other body parts. The  swelling can also occur around the genitals and in intestines. Apart from above abdominal cramping, intense vomiting, redness irritation of eyes, diarrhoea (loose motion), weakness and dizziness can also occur. In some cases swelling appears in the throat with hoarseness, and difficulty in breathing. In case of swelling of the throat and tongue with difficult breathing, urgent medical help needs to be taken as it can be dangerous.

Homeopathic Remedies for Angioedema

There is a great scope of treating angioedema in homeopathy. There are many natural homeopathic medicines that are very effective for reducing the swelling in these cases and treating hives. In case of allergic cases it brings great recovery by moderating the immune system which is causing allergic reaction. Homeopathic medicines are helpful to manage recent cases and long standing or recurrent cases. It is to be noted that homeopathic medicines can be safely taken as long as there is no swelling of throat, airways, tongue attended with difficulty breathing. In the severe cases where there is swelling of throat, airways, tongue that obstructs breathing immediate treatment with conventional mode is needed. Also homeopathy has a limitation in treating cases of anaphylaxis reaction where urgent help from conventional treatment is required without any delay.

  1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a leading medicine for cases of angioedema. Persons needing it have swelling over the face mainly eyelids, lips; mouth; and hands, feet. Redness and heat in the face is marked. In males swelling can also appear in testicles. In females the swelling can occur on labia. Burning stinging pains are complained in the area of swelling. Along with these symptoms there are hives with wheals on skin. The wheals are red with intense burning, stinging sensation. They are painful, tender and itchy. The itching mostly gets worse at night time. Apart from above symptoms there may be redness and itching in the eyes. Symptoms of angioedema occurring after bee sting are also well treated with this medicine. These symptoms include stinging, burning sharp prickling pain in skin and excessive swelling. 

  1. Urtica Urens – For Hives and Marked Swelling of Face, Hands, Feet

It is prepared from a plant called Stinging – nettle that belongs to the family Urticaceae. The fresh plant in flowers is used for preparing homeopathic medicine. It is well indicated for hives and marked swelling of face, hands, feet. In cases needing it the fingers and hands are much swollen with itching. Lumps and red spots on hands are present.  The face, hands and feet are swollen with stinging, burning and redness. The eyelids are intensely swollen and can be scarcely opened. In the case of hives raised red blotches are there on skin. This is attended with itching, burning and stinging. It also helps cases of hives from eating shellfish.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Hives with Oedema of Lids

It is a very beneficial medicine like above to medicines for cases where hives are present with oedema of eyelids. For using this medicine the hives usually occur from getting wet and in cold air. The hives have burning and itching in it. Affected skin appears tense and shining. The wheals are excessive mostly on hand and forearm. There is marked stitching pain in the eruption

  1. Arsenic Album – For Oedematous Swellings with Burning Pain

This medicine is prominently indicated when oedematous swellings are attended with burning pain. Along with this urticarial eruptions are present. These eruptions also have much burning in them. Marked  restlessness attends this. A general weakness may accompany the above symptoms. This medicine also helps to manage vomiting and loose stool in these cases. Urticaria from eating shellfish is also an indicating feature for using this medicine.

  1. Agaricus – For Swelling and Itching

It is the next important medicine for cases of angioedema. For using it the main symptoms are swelling, itching, redness, burning of skin. There appears circumscribed oedematous lesions. Itching is there that changes place on scratching.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Angioedema and Recurring Urticaria

Hepar Sulph is a very useful medicine for cases of angioedema and long standing recurring urticaria. Swelling is mainly present on upper lip, hands and feet in cases requiring it. The wheals mainly appear on hands and fingers. Few general symptoms that are present include sticking, pricking on skin and sensitivity of skin to slightest touch. 

  1. Antipyrinum – Another Well Indicated Medicine For Angioedema

Antipyrinum is also a well indicated medicine for angioedema. People needing it also have urticaria. In them the urticaria appears and disappears suddenly. It may be attended with internal coldness. Most intense itching is present in the eruptions. For using it the eruptions are mostly present between the fingers.  

  1. Helleborus – For Sudden Swelling of Skin

This medicine is prepared from the root of a plant called Helleborus Niger commonly known as Black Hellebore and Christmas Rose. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is indicated when there occurs sudden swelling of skin. Edema occurs on the face along with redness. Edema also appears on legs.

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Homeopathic Remedies for AVN – Avascular Necrosis Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for AVN - Avascular Necrosis Treatment

AVN, also known as osteonecrosis, bone infarction and ischemic bone necrosis/aseptic necrosis refers to a condition which leads to death of bone cells due to interruption in blood supply. Avascular Necrosis (AVN)  can cause unbearable pain in the bones. Since there is no blood supply to the bone, the bone breaks and finally collapses. AVN may involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints.

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Avascular Necrosis

The homeopathic treatment for Avascular Necrosis uses the body’s own restorative process to heal. It basically aims at halting the destruction of bones in patients of Avascular Necrosis because of interrupted blood supply. The second aim of these remedies is to reduce the pain in bones because of bone damage. Both these aims are accomplished by the use of natural medicines, which have zero side-effects and are completely safe. The medicines are selected after taking into account the proper case history of the patient. The medicines are prescribed based on the bone involved, the kind of bone pain and other peculiar symptoms in each individual case.

Top Homeopathic medicines for AVN

Top Homeopathic Medicines

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for treating AVN are Syphilinum, Strontium Carb, Natrum Sulph, Fluoric Acid, Asafoetida and Silicea. Some of the homeopathic medicines to manage hip pain in such cases include Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth.

1. Syphilinum – For Bone Pains At Night

Syphilinum is well known for its beneficial action on body tissues wherever the destructive process is present. Apart from its universal healing action to stop the destruction of body tissues, Syphilinum is of great help in treating bone necrosis. The most dominant feature for selecting Syphilinum in any given case of AVN is the worsening of bone pains at night. The person experiences pain throughout the night and is unable to sleep on account of the severe pain. The pains may compel the patient to walk, which seems to bring relief. Such persons remain comparatively well the whole day.

Another marked symptom that can help in selecting Syphilinum for AVN cases is a specific pattern regarding the appearance and disappearance of pains. The pattern followed is a gradual increase in bone pains and in the same way, a gradual disappearance of pains. The third symptom that may be present in a few AVN patients needing Syphilinum is worsening of pains because of heat and some relief by applying cold water. History of excessive alcoholism may be present in persons requiring Syphilinum.

2. Strontium Carb – For Avascular Necrosis of Femoral (bone in thigh) Bone

Strontium Carb is a natural remedy recommended for cases of AVN of femoral bone. Those needing it have worsening of pain in cold air. Besides AVN, it is a prominent medicine to deal with cases of weak and brittle bones prone to break easily.

3. Natrum Sulph– For Hip Joint Necrosis

Natural remedy Natrum Sulph should always be considered in cases of AVN of the hip joint. Natrum Sulph is one of the most beneficial medicines when dealing with hip joint AVN. The patient mainly complains of pain during movement or when stooping.

4. Fluoric Acid–For AVN of Long Bones

Fluoric Acid is the most effective for the necrosis of long bones. The bones include humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg). Fluoric Acid is mainly used to halt necrosis appearing in long bones. The persons needing Fluoric Acid usually have excess body heat and the external heat worsens the condition. Apart from long bones, necrosis of the bones of the ear (which are rarely involved) are also covered under Fluoric Acid, which helps in improving the blood circulation and preventing further necrosis of bones.

5. Asafoetida – For Necrosis Of Tibia ( A Bone In Leg) Bone

Asafoetida is a wonderful medicine for AVN of the tibia. There is worsening of pain at night along with over-sensitivity in bones. The bone pain can be darting, sharp or stitching in nature.

6. Silicea– For Necrosis of Bones

Silicea is considered among the best natural medicines for necrosis (premature death of cells) of a variety of bones ranging from long to small bones. The necrosis of jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of leg) — are the sites of action for using Silicea. The general symptom for using Silicea is sensitivity to cold air when bone pain worsens even from the slightest exposure to cold air. Warmth brings relief.

 7. Aurum Metallicum – For Necrosis Of Nasal, Palatine Bones

Aurum Metallicum is a natural remedy which is very beneficial in the treatment of necrosis in nasal and palatine bones. The mastoid bone is also the site that benefits with the use of Aurum Met. The patient complains of pains at night and may suffer from extremely offensive odor from the mouth and nose along with pain. The patient may also feel depressed with a high degree of sadness.

8. Symphytum – For Bone Damage In Fracture

Natural medicine Symphytum is very beneficial as a remedy for bone-related complaints. Symphytum can be considered in all cases where the bone has suffered damage following fractures. It helps in proper knitting of the bone. This is helped by providing the necessary callous material needed for bone reformation. So, in every case of fracture where Symphytum is used, it acts as a preventive agent against necrosis as the bone is very neatly and efficiently woven by this medicine.

9. Phosphorus– For AVN Of The Jaw

Phosphorus is an effective remedy for treating lower jaw AVN. It is of great help when the lower jaw is affected due to lack of blood supply. It is pertinent to mention here that Phosphorus is used in match-box making factories and some persons may acquire AVN there inhaling Phosphorus fumes for a long duration.

10. Hekla Lava– For Decay Of Jaw With Marked Pains

Hekla Lava is a top natural remedy for Avascular Necrosis of the jaw when jaw destruction is accompanied by marked facial nerve pains.

Symptoms Of AVN

In the beginning, no symptom is noticed by the patient. But gradually when death of blood cells start increasing, pain in the affected joint is felt. For example, in case of AVN of hip joint pain may be felt in groin, thigh or buttock. Initially pain is felt when the joint is put under pressure. In case of hip or knee AVN, walking, standing, stair climbing become difficult. Limping occurs while walking. As the condition reaches the most advanced stages, pain in the affected joint increases in intensity due to small breaks in the bone and pain becomes a constant feature. Other symptoms include stiffness of joint and limited range of movement at the joint. When condition has progressed excessively, then the bone collapses. Bone collapse makes one unable to use the joint. The symptoms of AVN may occur on both sides of body. In jaw AVN, pus may be present.

Bones prone to AVN

Avascular Necrosis can involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints. Among these, hip joint is the most commonly involved joint, the bone mainly involved is head of the femur (a bone in the thigh extending between the hip and the knee). Humerus (bone in the upper arm extending between shoulder and elbow) is the next commonly affected bone. Scaphoid bone (bone in wrist), jaw, ankles, hand and foot may be affected as well.

What are the Causes and risk factors behind AVN?

AVN results from decreased or hindered blood supply to bone. Reduced blood supply to bone causes death of bone cells. Under normal conditions, our body keeps replacing old bone tissue (which gets damaged as a part of daily wear and tear) with new one to keep bones healthy and maintain their strength. Blood supply to bones provides oxygen and nutrients essential for regeneration of new bone tissues. If due to any reason blood supply to bone is hindered, our body becomes unable to make new bone tissue at right pace. As a result, the old-aged bone breaks down and dies.

AVN may happen from many reasons. Broadly the causes can be divided into two categories:

1.Traumatic AVN: It occurs after breaking of bone or joint dislocation

2.Non-traumatic AVN: It arises from some medical health problem which is causing obstruction of blood supply  to bone. In most cases of non – traumatic AVN, same bones on the either side of the body get affected like AVN of left hip and AVN of right hip.

The various causes and risk factors are enumerated below:

1.Injury / trauma: An injury or trauma can reduce or stop blood supply to a bone which is the main cause of AVN. For example, joint dislocation or a fracture (broken bone).

2. Smoking: Smoking makes the blood vessels narrow that reduces blood supply to body tissues including that of bone.

3. Excessive consumption of alcohol: It is known that alcohol can lead to hyperlipidemia (increased level of lipids means fats like cholesterol, triglycerides in blood) and fatty deposits in blood vessels. High levels of fat tend to block blood vessels and reduce blood flow. Decreased blood flow to bone cells can cause death of bone cells (AVN). This condition is similar to the one when a person suffers a heart attack where arteries that supply blood to the heart become blocked from cholesterol cutting blood supply to heart muscle causing heart attack and damage to heart muscle.

Secondly, high number of fat cells in the head of the femur might increase pressure inside it contributing further to reduced blood flow. In addition to this, alcohol may damage bone cells directly from its toxic action. It has been estimated that those who consume 15 to 20 large pegs of alcohol per week are 10 times more at risk of developing AVN as compared to non–alcoholics (means who do not drink alcohol).

4. Excessive use of steroid medication, like prednisone, for a prolonged period of time also makes a person prone to develop AVN. The reason is that these medicines can raise lipids (fat) in the blood that causes blockage of small blood vessels. Around 3 % to 38% people consuming steroids go on developing steroid-induced AVN. High doses of steroids taken orally (from mouth) or intravenous steroids (administered through veins) for prolonged time period is linked with AVN.

5. Exposure to radiation and chemotherapy used for cancer treatment predisposes a person to AVN.

6. Bisphosphonate therapy used in the treatment of bone cancer and osteoporosis makes a person prone to AVN. It is mainly related to cause AVN of jaw.

7. Decompression sickness/caisson disease (a medical condition in which bubbles form in the blood of a person from rapid decrease in surrounding pressure), and Leg-Calve Perthes disease (a condition occurring in childhood from interruption of blood supply to the head of femur of hip joint)

8. Having high cholesterol, HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well), high blood pressure, sickle cell anemia (Inherited disorder affecting shape of red blood cells, RBCs become sickle shaped that can slow blood flow), leukemia (blood cancer), Gaucher disease (build-up of fatty substance in certain organs), organ transplant like kidney transplant, pancreatitis, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – an autoimmune disease causing inflammation and damage to various organs), HIV are other risk factors.

9. Sometimes AVN occurs without any cause, for example, spontaneous AVN in knee (known as SPONK or SONC).

10. In some cases, the reason for interrupted blood flow is not known, for example in Kienbock disease (breakdown of a bone in wrist known as lunate bone from interrupted blood supply) and Preiser’s disease (AVN of scaphoid bone which is one of the bones in wrist).

11. Chances of AVN are more in men as compared to women.

12. Persons aged between 30yrs to 60 yrs are the most at risk though it can occur in person of any age group.

Pathophysiology Of AVN

AVN begins when there is decrease in subchondral (bone lying beneath the cartilage) blood supply. It leads to low oxygen (hypoxia) in bone tissue resulting in death of cells (necrosis) of bone. It is suggested via experimental evidence that bone cells die within 12 hrs to 2 days’ time from reduced blood supply and low oxygen levels. With progression of the condition, degeneration and the collapse of joint occurs.


If AVN is left untreated, the condition goes on becoming worse and worse and finally may result in bone collapse. It can lead to severe arthritis.

Stages of AVN

There are four stages defined as per progression of AVN

Stage I: In this stage, X-ray is normal but in MRI, dead bone can be detected.

Stage II: X-ray can reveal bone damage changes related to AVN. At this stage, the collapse of bone of femoral head has not taken place.

Stage III: X-ray shows sign of bone collapse (crescent sign).

Stage IV: It is the serious stage. At this stage, X-ray shows bone collapse and significant cartilage damage (osteoarthritis)

Ficat: Four stages classification system of AVN based on standard radiographs

Stage I – Normal radiograph

Stage II – In this stage femoral head contour is normal but in radiographs, signs of bone remodelling are seen (cystic and sclerotic portions)

Stage III – Flattening of femoral head occurs in this stage

Stage IV – It is characterized by narrowed joint space and degenerative signs in acetabulum.

Differential Diagnosis of AVN

There are certain medical conditions that might have similar symptom presentation like AVN which need to be differentiated while making a diagnosis of AVN. These conditions include:

1. Osteoarthritis: Degenerative joint disease arising from the breakdown of joint cartilage (it cushions end of bones to allow smooth movement over each other) and underlying bone

2. Rheumatoid arthritis: An autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well

3. Osteomyelitis: Infection of bone by bacteria or other microorganisms

4. Osteoporosis: Condition arising from reduced bone density whereby bones become weak, brittle and are at high risk of easy fracture (breaking of bone)

5. Osteochondrosis: Group of disorders affecting bone growth in children and adolescents

6. Septic arthritis: Joint infection occurring when germs from some infected body part travel via blood stream to the joint

7. Synovitis: Inflamed synovial membrane (it secretes synovial fluid needed for joint lubrication) of joint

8. Bone marrow edema syndrome: It is characterized by bone pain and bone marrow edema found in MRI.

9. Bone Cancer

Some measures to prevent AVN

  1. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol use
  2. Keep a check on cholesterol levels
  3. Avoid excessive steroid use

Frequently Asked Questions of AVN

I have AVN of femoral head stage II on both sides, will homeopathy be helpful?

Yes, you can be benefitted by homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy has good scope of managing cases of AVN going through Stage 2. There are several natural remedies in homeopathy that can help to relieve pain and  stiffness, and improve the range of movement of the joint. These medicines also boost the body’s immunity to fight back disease naturally and halt further advancement of the disease.

I have been recommended hip replacement surgery for AVN Stage III, I do not want to go for surgery, can homeopathy help to avoid surgery?

Though homeopathy has limited scope in Grade 3 stage of AVN, if you wish to go for an alternative to surgery, you can try homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines will not be able to reverse the changes that have already occurred, but can surely help in pain management. Surgery should be the last option when all the alternative treatment methods have proved fruitless.

Can homeopathy help in Grade IV AVN cases?

Homeopathy has a good scope in treating Grade 1 and 2 AVN, limited role for grade 3 AVN patients and a very minimal role to play in cases of Grade 4 AVN. However, one can opt for homeopathy to ease pain-related issues before proceeding towards surgical options. The help it can offer in relieving pain varies from case to case.

Can homeopathy help in reversal of AVN changes?

There is no current treatment option available in any system of medicine that claims to reverse pathological changes that have already taken place in AVN cases. Homeopathy helps in slowing down the progression of bone changes in AVN and eases its symptoms, but unfortunately cannot reverse the bone damage that has already occurred.

Is there any natural homeopathic medicine to manage pain in hip joint from AVN?

Yes, several homeopathic medicines can help in managing hip joint pain in AVN cases. Though a specific medicine is selected after taking case details but some general medicines to relieve hip pain are Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth.

Can homeopathy help cases of AVN other than hip like AVN of jaw, knee, shoulder joint?

Yes, homeopathy can help AVN occurring in joints other than hip as well. There are several homeopathic medicines for it. The best prescription is finalized after taking the entire case details from the patient.

Is Syphilinum a good homeopathic remedy for AVN?

Yes, Syphilinum is one of the well-indicated homeopathic medicines to help cases of bone necrosis and decay. It is mainly indicated when there is worsening of bone pains at night.

What is the treatment duration in homeopathy to treat AVN cases?

The duration of homeopathic treatment for AVN depends on the stage, duration, intensity of complaint and duration varies from several months to a year or two, for good long term relief.

Can homeopathy cure AVN?

Homeopathy is a natural science of medicine that have a management role in AVN. Though they cannot cure the condition, the homeopathic medicines aim at preventing further bone loss and promise relief in the associated symptoms to a great extent.

I have hip pain from the last 6 months, am I suffering from AVN?

Hip pain may arise from various causes. AVN is just one among those causes. Other reasons might be osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. So only having hip pain does not confirm AVN. A complete detailed case history and MRI of hip is required to confirm the diagnosis in each and every case.

Is groin pain indicative of hip AVN?

Though groin pain can occur in hip AVN but not all those having groin pain are actually suffering from AVN. There could be other reasons as well that could be causing groin pain. For example, inguinal hernia, kidney stones, sprains, tendinitis, pinched nerve, UTI (urinary tract infection), and certain male problems like hydrocele, varicocele, epididymitis, orchitis and testicular torsion. It is advised to consult a doctor for groin pain to find the exact cause behind it.

I have no pain in hip, but my MRI shows AVN hip joint on right side, do I need treatment?

See, AVN in early stages is usually painless. But if left untreated, there is progression of AVN, bone damage worsens and pain starts to appear which initially is intermittent (occurring at some intervals and not continuous) but gradually may become constant from intense bone damage. So, it is advised to not ignore it and start with its proper treatment to halt progression of this condition and prevent associated pain.

Can a person with AVN hip run, or do jogging?

In recently diagnosed AVN hip cases, it is usually advised to avoid running, jogging or other activities that put excessive pressure on the hip joint to prevent the collapse of femur head. A doctor should always be consulted to get advice regarding resumption of such activities.

Is AVN self-limiting and can it heal on its own?

AVN unfortunately is a progressive condition that goes on worsening. Very rarely if AVN’s cause is alcohol or steroid use and it is caught (diagnosed) in early stages entire stoppage of alcohol, or steroids can stop its progression and healing may take place from formation of new blood vessels.

Which investigations can confirm AVN?

MRI and CT scan are the most valuable to check and confirm AVN. These tests can reveal early bone changes in AVN cases. X-ray may also be done but it shows changes in bone only in later stages of AVN. For checking early AVN stages, X-rays are not helpful to detect any bone changes. A bone scan (nuclear bone scan or bone scintigraphy) is the next recommended investigation. In this test, a radioactive substance is injected via a vein before doing the scan and after that, the bone scan is done to see the injured areas of bone. In some cases, biopsy is advised in which the bone sample is removed with help of a needle or during surgery to check tissue for abnormal cells or cancer. If other tests are normal but still doctor doubts that it is AVN, then functional bone test is recommended. This test measures pressure inside the bone.

Is AVN curable?

Unfortunately AVN is not curable but with proper treatment its progression can be slowed down.

Is surgery the only option for AVN?

Not all cases of AVN require surgery. If it is diagnosed in early stages, it can be managed with medicines. The stage of AVN decides whether surgery is needed or not. Stages I and II of AVN can be managed with medicines. However, in stage III AVN surgery may be required. In IV stage, surgery may be the only treatment option when all the conservative methods have failed to provide relief, and the pain is unbearable. An orthopedic surgeon is the right person to tell whether a given case of AVN needs surgery or not.



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10 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

Urticaria, commonly known as Hives or ‘nettle rash’, refers to sudden outbreak of raised, elevated, pale red itchy bumps (wheals also called welts) on the skin surface. It is a skin reaction to certain allergens. Hives can be accompanied by burning, and stinging pain. They are not contagious which means they don’t spread from one person to another via direct skin contact.

homeopathic medicines for urticaria

Homeopathic Treatment

Hives can be treated effectively with natural homeopathic medicines. They are helpful in the treatment of Hives which have occurred recently as well as the ones which have been there for longer duration. It treats the root cause behind it, and helps in excellent recovery. Mainly they aim to correct the hypersensitive nature of immune system to certain allergens. The medicines firstly help to clear the acute outbreak of wheals, and afterwards help to prevent its recurrence gradually over a period of time. The wheals clear with these medicines along with relief in itching, burning, and stinging sensations. It is to be noted that in the case of Anaphylaxis, urgent help from conventional system should be taken as homeopathy doesn’t help such cases.

Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for the treatment of Hives. There are red inflamed wheals with marked burning, stinging sensation. There is itching that gets most intense during the night. The wheals may be painful and tender to touch. They usually appear from heat. The Hives which trigger in warm weather are also indicative of its use. Swelling of the face, eyelids, and lips may also appear. Other than that, Urticaria from insect bite is another characteristic to use it.

2. Urtica Urens – When Hives Appear Same Season Every Year

Use of Urtica Urens is considered when it appears in the same season every year. Wheals are red with itching and burning, and the patient constantly rubs skin to seek relief. Stinging also appears in welts. Swelling of the face may appear along with the above symptoms in some cases. Nettle rash from eating shellfish is also indicative to use this.

3. Natrum Mur – For Heat / Cholinergic Type

It is very effective for treatment of Hives that trigger due to heat and too much exercise. Those who need it get wheals over whole the body accompanied with excessive itching. The wheals appear like large red blotches. Burning and smarting sensation also appear in them. In many cases stinging sensation is also felt in the rash.

4. Rhus Tox – For Water Induced/Aquagenic Type

It is helpful to people who suffer from water induced Hives. Here the patient gets wheals from skin contact with water. The appearance of wheals is accompanied by itching. After one scratches, burning sensation appears. Stitching pain also accompanies.

5. Dulcamara –From Cold Air Exposure (Cold Induced Type)

It is suitable for cases of cold induced type. Those who need it get Hives from exposure to the cold air. They get red wheals on the whole body. It is accompanied with excessive itching. Needle like pricking sensation also appears in the wheals.

6. Chloralum – For Dermatographic Type

Chloralum is mainly recommended for dermatographic type. Those who need it get welts on skin, if the skin is scratched.  The patient complains of intense irritation, itching, and stinging feeling.  This medicine also helps cases of hives that appear at night and get better in the day. In such cases, wheals are large red, and sometimes accompanied with swelling of the face and the eyelid. The wheals have itching that compels a person to scratch until it bleeds. Apart from it, this medicine is also indicated when complaint appears due to alcohol intake.

7. Conium – For Exercise Induced Type

Conium offers help in hives triggered by violent bodily exercise. The welts appear with itching. Among those who need it, itching gets worse upon scratching.

8. Astacus – When Accompanied By Liver Complaint

Astacus is administered in cases where Urticaria is accompanied by liver complaints. The wheals appear over the entire body. They result in itching and stinging pain. It is mainly indicated in long standing (chronic) cases.

9. Sulphur – when It Appears On The Whole Body

Sulphur is indicated for nettle rash which appears over the entire body. This is accompanied by itching, and intense burning sensation on the whole body. Itching gets better by scratching most of the times. In addition to this, stitching-like prickling sensation on the skin is also felt. Formication sensation as if an insect is crawling on the skin is another accompanied symptom.

10. Arsenic Album – When Burning Sensation Is Marked

It is useful in cases where intense burning sensation is present in the welts. Intolerable itching is also an added factor. After scratching, pain is felt on the skin. The welts may be small or large in size. Marked restlessness appears with above-mentioned symptoms.

11. Bovista – When It Triggers On Waking In Morning

Bovista is helpful in cases of Urticaria that triggers specifically on waking in the morning. Wheals cover the entire body and can be quite big in size. Itching is also there that gets worse on slight warmth in the body. One gets no relief even if one scratches. Apart from it, it is also helpful in cases when bathing triggers such complaints.

12. Copaiva – For Chronic Hives In Children

Copaiva is a significant medicine to treat chronic (long standing) Hives among children. Red wheals are and spread all over the body are the signs to use it. Aggressive itching is an added factor. Along with this, the skin is usually dry with heated sensation.

13. Elaterium – When Rubbing Relieves

Elaterium is beneficial in cases of Hives where rubbing the skin makes the complaint better. Those who need it have extreme itching spread over the entire body. Burning is also felt along with itching. There is smarting and stinging pain on the affected portion.

14. Apium Graveolens – When Itching Changes Location Upon Being Scratched

Its use is made in cases of nettle rash where wheals are very itchy, and itching keeps on changing its location upon being scratched. Burning, and stinging sensation is also felt. Left side of the body is mostly affected in cases where it is required.

15. Antipyrinum – With Intense Itching

It is also administered for Hives with intense itching. Those who\ need it scratch the skin harshly and tear it with nails due to extreme itching. Other than this, it is indicated in those cases of urticaria where welts appear and disappear suddenly.

16. Calcarea Carb – For Chronic Cases

Calcarea Carb is indicated for chronic cases. Red welts with severe itching, and burning are present among those who need it. Skin of the body is rough, and dry. Relief in the cold air is seen in many cases.

17. Kreosote – With Excessive Itching In Evening

Kreosote is mainly indicated when there is excessive itching in the evening hours. Burning sensation is felt after scratching the skin, especially, on the arms and legs. Heated sensation is felt in the entire body.

18. Kali Bromatum – When It Worsens In Winters

Kali Bromatum is an important medicine for cases which worsen in the winters. The wheals appear as smooth, red, elevated patches on the skin. Itching appears, especially at night in the bed. The itching gets worse in high temperature.

19. Pulsatilla – When It Worsens In Summers

Pulsatilla is an important medicine for hives that worsens in summers. There appear red hives with itching, and burning or pricking. The itching gets worse mainly in the evenings in case they need it.

20. Hepar Sulph – For Chronic Recurring Hives

Hepar Sulph is effective for cases of chronic recurring hives.  There are wheals in cases needing it with violent itching and stinging sensation. Mostly the wheals form on hands and fingers were it is required. Relief from warmth mainly appears.

21. Rumex – When Itching Worsens On Undressing

Rumex is useful in those cases in which itching worsens on undressing. Along with this, stinging, and pricking sensation is there. Worsening of hives in the open air is yet another indication for its use.

22. Anacardium – For Hives With Marked Angiodema

Its use is indicated when there is excessive redness of skin with wheals. Wheals may ooze a yellow liquid. The eruptions itch, and burn. The itching is unbearable, and it gets worse from scratching and also in the evening. Along with this swelling of the face is an accompanying factor.

What Are Its Causes?

Hives usually arise from an allergic reaction to an allergen that results in release of chemicals mainly histamine under the surface of skin. This results in inflammation, and collection of fluid under the skin resulting in wheals (Hives). People who have allergic tendencies are at risk of Hives. Many times in over half of the cases, the exact causes and trigger factors cannot be ascertained.

What Triggers It?

The main triggers include foods such as eggs, nuts, shellfish. Also certain medications like some antibiotics, NSAID’s, even exercises, scratching, alcohol, insect bites may also trigger it. Other triggers include sun exposure, stress, extremes of heat or cold, some intestinal parasites, animal dander, pressure on skin, dust mites, water application, certain plants, such as poison ivy. In some cases, viral infections (like common cold, mononucleosis, hepatitis), and bacterial infections (urinary tract-infection, strep throat) may trigger it. Sometimes it can arise in patients who have thyroid and Celiac’s disease (gastric disorder in which an immune response in the small intestine is triggered from eating gluten that damages the small intestine).

Pathophysiology Behind It

Hives result when there is release of histamine (a chemical produced by immune system during an allergic reaction to get rid of allergen) from mast cells and basophils under the skin’s surface. Its release is triggered when the allergen bound IgE antibodies bind to receptors on mast cells and basophils. Histamine leads to dilatation of blood vessels under the skin, and causes redness, and warmth on the surface of the skin. Following this, these vessels become leaky, and cause fluid to accumulate under the skin causing wheal formation, and swelling.

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

Wheals: It is the major sign of Urticaria. It refers to raised, elevated, smooth-surfaced, itchy bumps on the skin with clearly defined edges. They are itchy. Also, burning, and stinging sensation may appear.

Location of wheals: They may appear on the surface of the skin on any of the body part. They may be localized confined to one body part, or many, or may be present on the entire body.

Color of wheals: It may be pink, red, pale or skin-colored. On being pressed, they may turn white (blanching).

Size of wheals: They can be small like a pin point or may be several inches big. They may also join and form larger ones known as plaques.

Shape of wheals: They may be round, oval or ring-shaped.

Duration of wheals: They usually disappear within a few hours but will not remain present beyond one full day.

Angiodema: In some cases, angioedema arises. This means swelling appears under the skin mainly around the eyes, lips, mouth, and sometimes around the genitals, hands, and feet.

Anaphylaxis: Very rarely, Hives may appear from severe allergic reaction, and lead to anaphylaxis (in which intense swelling of lips, tongue, throat arise along with troubled breathing, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and sometimes it may lead to fainting. Anaphylaxis is a severe life threatening condition and thus it should be treated urgently.

Acute vs Chronic Urticaria

1. Acute: It refers to the type of urticaria that recurs in less than 6 weeks after the first onset. The trigger behind acute urticaria remains unidentified. It mostly arises from certain medicines like aspirin and NSAID’s like ibuprofen,food (eg, nuts, fish, eggs, tomatoes, and milk) and insect bites.

2. Chronic: In this type of Urticaria, there are recurrent episodes for more than six weeks, several months or could even extend into several years.

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria

In 80 per cent to 90 per cent of the chronic Urticaria cases, no cause can be identified or attributed and such cases are referred to as Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (CIU). However, it is considered to be linked to stress, anxiety, poor emotional well-being. A link between stressful life – changing event (like death of family member, divorce) and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder – a mental health condition triggered by a traumatic event like sexual abuse, childhood physical abuse, an accident) has also been found out in a recent study. Though, exact cause is not known but certain triggers other than stress are also linked to Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria and it also includes alcohol, sunlight, heat, cold, exercise, scratching, pressure from tight clothing, NSAIDS like aspirin. and ibuprofen.

What Are Its Types?

1. Dermatographic Urticarial:It is the most common type also known as dermatographism, dermatographia and skinwriting. In this, wheals form on the skin as a result of scratching, scraping, rubbing, stroking and slapping. There may appear raised red lines or welts along with swelling and itching. The visibility of reaction happens soon after and disappears within 30 minutes. In some severe cases, wheals last for a few hours and may extent to some days.

2. Cholinergic Urticaria:It is the one which is triggered when body gets very warm and starts sweating, such as during exercise, emotional trauma, heated environment, hot bath, eating hot/spicy food. In this, wheals are small in size that begin within 6 minutes of exercise and lasts for about 4 hours after exercise. The wheals mostly appear on the chest and neck and then spread to other areas. It is also known as Heat Urticaria. When it triggers from exercise, it is named as Exercise Induced Urticaria. Sometimes, Anaphylaxis appears in which a severe allergic reaction to exercise occurs.  The alarming symptoms indicative of this condition include trouble in breathing, rapid heartbeat, wheezing, nausea, pain in abdomen or head. This anaphylaxis condition needs urgent medical help as it can be a life-threatening condition.

3. Cold-induced: This is caused by extreme exposure to the cold air or even cold water. In these cases, the welts are large in size, and itchy that appear within minutes after exposure to cold.

This can be inherited (derived genetically from parents) or acquired. In this, Hives appear on the skin exposed to the cold. The hands can swell when one holds cold things. The lips may swell after intake of cold food or drink. The reaction may be mild or severe. In severe reactions, life-threatening risks may appear that include suffocation from severe swelling in throat after taking cold foods or drinks. Low blood pressure, increased heart-beat, fainting or shock, for example, after swimming in cold water may also happen.

4. Solar Urticaria

It is a rare condition that arises when skin is exposed to sunlight. It results in itchy rashes or welts that appear within minutes of the exposure and remain there for few hours.  The welts may result in stinging, and burning pain. The rashes mostly appear on the skin not exposed to sunlight. The rash on the hands or the face may not appear which is exposed to the sunlight. A person who has sensitivity to sunlight may have Hives on parts of the skin covered with thin clothing. If a large part of the skin gets covered with Hives then other symptoms may appear including difficulty in breathing, low blood pressure, nausea, and headache.

5. Water-induced/Aquagenic Urticaria:In Water-induced/Aquagenic Urticaria, wheals develop upon contact with water irrespective of the temperature. Wheals are small sized and there is itching and burning sensation, and flushing on skin which comes after contact with water. The symptoms develop within minutes of coming in contact with water. The wheals tend to disappear in about one hour once the source of the water is removed.  It commonly occurs on the neck, chest, and the arms but can occur anywhere on the body.

6. Pressure Urticaria

Pressure on the skin is another factor that can contribute to Hives. It arises from sustained pressure on the skin as from wearing tight buckles, tight fitted clothing. In this, the wheals may appear right after the application of pressure, and in delayed pressure type the wheals form within 4–6 hours of pressure stimulus.

7. Contact Urticaria

This appears when an allergen is absorbed through the skin. Examples of allergens are latex, cosmetics, stinging nettle. Immediately after contact with the allergen there appears localized swelling, and there is redness on the skin.

8. Infection Induced

It can be triggered by a certain viral infection (eg, Mononucleosis, Hepatitis) or certain bacterial infection (eg, strep throat).

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Kali Carb: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Kali Carb is derived from potassium carbonate. Potassium carbonate is inert in crude state and when it goes through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines via which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into a homeopathic medicine of great use. It is most valuable to manage lung complaints and back pain.

The ‘Kali Carb’ Constitution

It suits persons who have tendency to grow fat. It also suits elderly people having complaints of edema (swollen soft tissue caused by the accumulation of excessive fluid usually in feet and legs) or paralysis (loss of muscle function). It is also recommended for certain medical problems in women after childbirth. Lastly, it suits people sensitive to atmospheric changes and every draft of air.

Drug Action

This medicine has a wide sphere of action and acts well on lungs, back, fibrous tissue, ligaments, gastric tract, eyes, throat, female genitals, heart, joints and male organs.

Clinical Indications

Asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, cough, backache, swollen eyelids, piles, flatulence, bloated abdomen, constipation, piles, eye floaters, eye strain, difficult swallowing, stricture of food pipe, suppressed periods, gonorrhea in males, joint inflammation, palpitations, fatty degeneration of heart

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory System (Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia)

This medicine has a marked action on respiratory system where it helps to treat cases of asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and cough. In case of asthma, it is given when the problem worsens from walking or the slightest movement. There is relief by sitting. A typical characteristic symptom for using this medicine is asthma attack occurring specifically between 2:00 am to 4:00 am. It is mainly indicated in bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes) that worsens from cold and dampness.  There is cough with thick, scant expectoration and the chest feels sensitive. In pneumonia (inflamed air sacs of lungs), it works well when there is dry cough with fever and stitching pain in chest. Coughing increases in the morning and from eating and drinking. For pleurisy (inflamed lining around the lungs), it is used when mainly the left side of the chest is affected. Stitching pain in the chest with dry cough and difficult breathing is the guiding feature. It is indicated for cough when it is dry, hard attended with chest pain. It may be attended with vomiting. This medicine is also prominent for cases of cough after measles.

Key Indicating Features

Asthma worse from least motion, walking, between 2:00 am to 4:00 am

Pneumonia and pleurisy with dry cough and stitching pain in chest

Dry hard cough with stitching chest pain

Cough after measles

2. Back (Back Pain, Weak Back)

Kali Carb is capable of settling many back complaints. It especially suits females who suffer from backache either during or before the menses. It also helps females having backache during pregnancy and after a miscarriage. It is useful for people having lower back pain accompanied by weakness in the back. The pain from here may radiate up and down. Stiffness in the back occurs with these symptoms. Additionally, burning sensation is felt in the spine.

Key Indicating Features

Backache in females during or before the menses, during pregnancy and after a miscarriage

Lower back pain accompanied by weakness

3. Eyes (Swollen Eyelids, Eye Floaters, Eyestrain)

Eye floaters

Eye floaters

Kali Carb acts on eyes and helps to manage mainly swollen eyelids. There may occur bag-like swelling over or under the eyes. Persons complaining of eye floaters can also benefit from this remedy. They may see black points or blue/green spots and bright sparks in front of the eyes. Last indication to use it is eyestrain (asthenopia). Here, a pressive pain and burning sensation is felt in the eyes. Sensitivity to bright light (photophobia) is an attending symptom.

Key Indicating Features

Swelling over or under the eyelids

Eye floaters black, blue or green spots and bright sparks in front of eyes

Eyestrain with pain, burning in eyes and sensitivity to bright light

4. Throat (Difficulty In Swallowing, Stricture Of Food Pipe, Throat Pain)

Kali Carb manages well cases where there is difficulty in swallowing. Food goes slowly down the food pipe. It may sometimes get stuck halfway in the food pipe followed by vomiting. It is highly recommended for cases of esophageal stricture (narrowing of the food pipe). It is an important medicine for cases of hoarse voice or loss of voice. Its use is also considered for throat pain with a feeling of fish bone sticking there. Dryness, roughness and scraping sensation is felt in the throat. Along with this, there may occur hawking of tough, sticky mucus in the morning.

Key indicating features

Difficulty in swallowing where food moves slowly down food pipe or gets stuck, followed by vomiting

Stricture of food pipe

Throat pain with sensation of fish bone stuck in the throat

5. Gastric Issues (Gas, Bloating, Acidity, Constipation, Piles)

Kali Carb has also proved successful in managing numerous gastric concerns. The most important being excessive gas in abdomen. Persons feels whatever he has eaten has turned into gas. Stomach is bloated. Eating or drinking even in small quantity creates fullness in stomach. It feels as if stomach would burst from gas. The gas feels obstructed, and navel pain can be present. This medicine suits elderly people who suffer from acidity, stomach burning and bloating. It can be used for cases of sour belching. Vomiting may occur of sour matter. It is also valuable to treat constipation that occurs specifically during or after menses. Women having constipation after difficult childbirth can also be given this medicine. Another prominent indication to use it is large piles. These are painful and very sensitive to touch. There is intense burning in them. These may bleed too.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive gas in abdomen with bloating

Acidity, stomach burning and bloating in elderly people

Constipation in woman after difficult childbirth

Large piles with pain, burning and sensitivity

6. Male Problems (Gonorrhoea, Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Low Libido)

Many of the male problems can also be treated with Kali Carb. Among these, the first is long-term gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). In such cases, burning during and after urination is marked. There is also scanty urethral discharge. It also covers involuntary seminal emissions followed by weakness. It also helps cases of low libido (low sex drive).

Key Indicating Features

Gonorrhoea with burning urination and scanty urethral discharge

Involuntary seminal emissions followed by weakness

Low sex drive

7. Female Problems (Supressed Menses, Heavy Menses, PMS)

If we talk of female problems, then Kali Carb is an important medicine to manage late and suppressed periods (amenorrhea). The menses do not appear for many months altogether. Back pain may occur. It is also indicated for prolonged and profuse menses. The blood is bright red. After excessive bleeding there may occur constant oozing of blood with intense back pain. It is also effective for PMS (premenstrual syndrome) cases. For using it here the main symptoms are swelling in breast and retention of fluid. Lastly, it is given for cases of vaginal discharge with burning, itching and labour-like pains.

Key Indicating Features

Suppressed menses for many months together

Prolonged and profuse periods with back pain

PMS (premenstrual syndrome) to manage swelling in breast and retention of fluid

Vaginal discharge with burning, itching and labour-like pains.

8. Joints (Joint Inflammation, Joint Pain)

With its action on joints, Kali Carb helps in treating joint inflammation (arthritis). Persons needing it feel sharp pains in joints. It worsens at night. There may be pain in shoulder especially right side. Movement and mere touching of the shoulder may aggravate the pain. Cracking may occur in this joint on moving or raising the arm. This medicine is significant to manage knee joint pain. Tearing type of pain is felt in the knee. Climbing stairs and going downstairs, both are difficult for the suffferer. Pain may specifically occur inside the knee, walking worsens it. It has marked affinity for managing hip joint disease. This medicine can also manage joint inflammation in small joints with deformities.

Key Indicating Features

Joint inflammation with sharp joint pain at night

Shoulder pain worse from motion and touch

Knee pain worse from going up and down stairs, walking

Small joint inflammation with deformities

9. Heart (Fatty Degeneration Of Heart, Palpitations, Endocarditis)

Lastly, it works well to manage many heart complaints too. Here it can be used to manage cases of fatty degeneration of heart. Another indication is palpitations. These get worse from the slightest exertion. The palpitations are violent. Besides, it is also indicated for cases of endocarditis (inflamed inner lining of heart) and stitching heart pain through to scapula.

Key Indicating Features

Fatty degeneration of heart

Palpitations from little exertion



Worsening factors: Complaints in general get worse from cold air exposure, in cold weather, between 2:00 am to 4:00 am and from exertion.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in warm weather, open air and from moving about.


It can be used in 30C and even higher potencies. The potency and repetition vary from case to case. In general, low potencies can be repeated often but higher cannot be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Coffea Cruda and Helonias

Followed well by Fluoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Arsenic Album, Carbo Veg, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla and Sepia.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Swollen Fingers And Its Causes

The swelling of fingers is a medical condition many of us tend to take lightly. It may simply be due to a high salt diet, wrong posture while sleeping, overuse of hands or may be a symptom of a disease.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers very effective management for cases of swollen fingers. Homeopathic medicines are safe and natural and help in managing swelling of fingers by working on the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected for managing swollen fingers based on the cause and individual symptoms varying from person to person. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only when swelling is mild to moderate and there is no serious cause behind it. In case of intense swelling, numbness in fingers, fever attending swelling, deformed fingers, inability to straighten the affected finger, a broken finger or a serious cause like pre-eclampsia (condition in pregnancy characterized by high BP), it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Swollen Fingers

1. Rhus Tox – Top grade medicine

It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing swelling in fingers, along with pain which is tearing type. Also, fingers may become stiff, crawling sensation in fingertips may attend. It is one of the best medicine for arthritis and tendinitis cases.

2. Bryonia – For Swelling, Heat, Pain In Fingers

It is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba having common name ‘white bryony’ and ‘wild hops’. This plant belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. It is well indicated when there is swelling, heat and pain in fingers. The fingers are puffy, sore (sensitive to touch) and painful especially on exertion. Warmth may help relieve pain.

3. Apis Mellifica – For Red, Swollen, Inflamed Fingers

It is the next prominent medicine for cases in which fingers are red, swollen and inflamed. Pain attends it which can be stinging, tensive or tearing in nature. Fingers are very tense and are burning hot. In some cases, there is sensation of numbness in fingers. It is a general medicine in homeopathy for managing bursitis, arthritis and paronychia cases.

4. Actaea Spicata – For Swelling That Worsens from the Slightest Fatigue

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of the plant Baneberry. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It gives extremely good results in relieving joint inflammation when small joints become painful and swollen.  Swelling in joints occurs from the slightest exertion.

5. Lithium Carb – For Swollen And Tender Finger Joints

It is beneficial for cases having swelling and tenderness of finger joints. In cases needing it, relief occurs by dipping hands in hot water. Itching on the sides of hands in some cases may be present.

6. Caulophyllum – For Finger Joint Swelling And Stiffness

This medicine is prepared from root of plant Caulophyllum Thalictroides commonly known as ‘blue cohosh’ and ‘squaw root’. It belongs to family Berberidaceae. It is an effective medicine when there is pain, swelling and stiffness in the finger joints.  The pain can be drawing or cutting type. Cutting pain in the joints may be felt while making a fist. Pain in fingers also cause irritation and restlessness at night.

7. Silicea – For Cases Of Swelling In Felon

Felon is the subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp.  

Felon is the subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp.

This medicine works well in cases of finger swelling from felon (subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp).  In cases needing it, there is marked swelling and throbbing pain in the finger. Swelling may extend to the wrist.  Itching may be felt, the finger is red too with collection of pus beneath skin. The affected area is sensitive to touch. Weakness may be present with the above symptoms.

8. Lycopodium – For Swelling And Nodes On Fingers Joints

It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family Lycopodiaceae. It is a useful medicine for persons who have swollen finger joints and the formation of nodes. The finger joints are red along with pain. The pain is mostly tearing in nature. This medicine is well-indicated for treating gout as well.

Different Causes Behind Swollen Fingers

1. First reason is arthritis (joint inflammation) that leads to swelling, pain and stiffness in the joints. Among various types of arthritis, the most common ones are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that primarily affects small joints and causes symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness, warmth in joints, and deformity in the long run. Osteoarthritis is a joint disorder that occurs from wear and tear of the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones. Commonly affected joints are of knees, hands, hips and spine. Gout is a form of arthritis that arises from increased uric acid levels in the blood. It results in redness, swelling and tenderness in the joints.

2. It may arise from an injury in the hand/fingers. It results in inflammation with signs and symptoms including swelling, pain, tenderness and redness in the hands, fingers or wrist. Other than this, break in the skin, bruising may be there with numbness or tingling sensation.

3. One of the most common reasons behind swollen fingers is fluid retention. Swelling occurs from the collection of excessive fluid in the tissues of fingers. There may be puffiness and bloating in the body. The most common reason for fluid retention is a high-salt diet. Lymphedema which occurs from blockage in the lymphatic system also leads to build-up of fluid in the hands, fingers, feet and toes. Along with this, the skin may get discolored and water-filled eruptions (blisters) may appear.

In persons suffering from Angioedema, fluid retention occurs under the skin mostly from an allergic reaction. Hives (a skin condition in which itchy, raised wheals appear on skin) may appear which cause itching. In angioedema, swelling usually occurs on the face but may also appear in fingers in some cases.

4. Tendonitis (inflamed tendons that are the tough bands that connect muscle to the bone) may also cause swelling in fingers which become tender and painful. Common tendonitis in the fingers includes trigger finger and De Quervain’s tendonitis.

Trigger finger

Trigger finger

Trigger finger refers to a condition in which there occurs sticking of one of the fingers in a bent position and the finger bends or straighten with a snap. De Quervain’s tendinitis is a condition that affects the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist. This mostly occurs from repetitive stress on these tendons from certain activities affecting these tendons, like writing.

De Quervain's tendinitis

De Quervain’s tendinitis

5. Another cause could be bursitis (inflammation of the bursa which are the fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints). Though it mostly affects the larger joints, it may also occur in finger joints resulting in pain and redness in fingers.

6. It may occur from heat and exercise. During exercise, more blood goes to heart, lungs and muscles and less of it flows to the hands. It may cause swelling in fingers. In case the body heats up, blood vessels in the skin swell for heat expulsion from the surface to cool down the body. It may also occur from sleeping in a particular position that leads to swelling in the hands and fingers.

7. An infection in the finger is yet another cause for it. Its signs and symptoms include swelling in fingers, a wound on fingers, pain and tenderness in the fingers and fever. Some of the infections include paronychia and felon. Paronychia is an infection around the nails where nail and skin meet and is caused by bacteria or fungus.  Felon is pus-filled infection in the fingertip.

8. Next reason is use of certain medicines, for example steroids, pain killers like aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, medicines used for treating diabetes and high blood pressure.

9. Hormonal changes occurring during menstruation and pregnancy may also result in swelling and bloating. Swelling in the hands and fingers occurs commonly as a part of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and is also common during pregnancy.

10. Another cause is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) which occurs from compression of the median nerve. In this case, sometimes fingers become swollen along with its major symptoms that include numbness, pain, tingling, burning and weakness in the thumb, index, middle finger and ring finger.

11. It may also occur in case of pre-eclampsia. It is a condition that may occur in late pregnancy with symptoms like headache, swelling on the face, weight gain, pain in abdomen, and vision changes. This condition requires urgent medical treatment.

12. Next cause is Raynaud’s disease. It is a rare condition affecting blood vessels in fingers and toes in which the vessels become narrow when exposed to cold and when a person is under stress.

13. Other causes are sickle cell disease (a rare genetic condition in which red blood cells become sickle-shaped which results in improper blood circulation in the body) and scleroderma (an autoimmune condition in which changes occur in the skin, in the connective tissues of the body and in other organs as well).

14. Lastly, it may occur in case of diabetes and tuberculosis.


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Swelling On The Face? Best 10 Homeopathic Medicines, Causes And Concerns

Facial swelling can arise from minor causes that are easily treatable or can be a symptom of a serious medical problem that needs urgent medical help. Depending on the cause, there are some visible signs and symptoms that can attend facial swelling, like pain, redness and burning sensation on the face, and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is helpful in managing cases of facial swelling with natural medicines. These medicines stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to recover wonderfully. They go deep into the root cause of the issue to bring effective cure. Homeopathic medicines for facial swelling are recommended only in mild cases. It is strictly advised to take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a qualified homeopathic practitioner. In no case should self – medication be done. If there is a serious cause (like kidney failure, heart ailment), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Swelling

1. Apis Mellifica – Top-grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing facial swelling. Persons who need it have swelling and redness on the face. They have marked burning sensation on the face attending it. Along with this, one feels intense stinging pain on the face. Mostly right side of the face is affected when this medicine is required. The face looks pale and waxy. Puffiness is marked under the eyes in persons needing Apis Mellifica. Hives (eruptions) with itching, burning and stinging sensation may be present on the face. It is one of the best medicine for angioedema and bee sting. Wash the face with cold water brings relief.

2. Belladonna – For Facial Redness, Swelling, Heat

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It is very effective for treating cases of facial swelling with red, hot and shiny face. There may be excessive sweating on the face with tearing pain in the face especially on the right side.  Swelling on the upper lip is marked. Cheeks may also be swollen with burning pain. It is a very suitable medicine for sinusitis also.

3. Calcarea Carb – For Pale Puffy Face

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is pale and puffy face. The eyes are sunken surrounded with blue rings. Calcarea Carb is also indicated for tearing pain in the cheeks followed by swelling. The facial pain tends to get worse from exposure to cold air. It is one of prominent medicine for treating hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

4. Hepar Sulph – For Swelling Of Face With Vesicular Eruptions

This medicine works well in cases of swollen face with vesicular (fluid-filled) eruptions on the face. There can be burning sensation across the face. There is tearing pain that begins from the cheeks and extends to the ear or temporal region i.e. sides of the head.

 5. Merc Sol – For Swollen Cheeks With Pain In Teeth

It is a very effective medicine for cases of swollen cheeks along with toothache and increased salivation.  Persons needing it may also have red cheeks along with puffy, bloated face.  They can have tearing or lacerating pain on the face which is hot. There may be eruptions on the face, which bleed when scratched, with offensive discharge and itching.

6. Rhus Tox – For Swelling Mainly Around Eyelids And Ears

This medicine is suitable when there is marked swelling on the eyelids and the ears. The face is red with burning sensation. There can be moist eruptions on the face along with thick scabs in cases needing it.

7. Arsenic Album – For Swelling Of Upper Lip And Below Eyelids

This medicine is valuable for managing cases in which there is swelling of the upper lip and area below the eyelids. In cases requiring it, stinging pain in the face is also felt. Itching of the face may also be present.

8. Aconite – For Swollen Lower Jaw And Lips

It is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as ‘monkshood’. It is a useful medicine for swelling of the lower jaw and lips. The lips are dry, black or blue along with peeling of the skin. Burning and tingling sensation in the lips can attend, besides pain on the face.

9. Chamomilla – For Left-Sided Facial Swelling

This medicine is prepared from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla. This plant belongs to family Compositae. It is helpful for cases in which there is left-sided facial swelling. There is pain on the face, which appears bloated and puffy, along with heat and redness of the cheeks.

10. Arnica – For Right-Sided Facial Swelling

It is prepared from a plant Arnica Montana having common name ‘leopard’s bane’ or ‘fallkraut’. It is beneficial for persons with right-sided facial swelling, especially around the cheeks. It is accompanied by throbbing and pinching pain. In some cases needing it, stinging pain is felt in cheeks. Dry heat in the face towards the evening is also felt which extends to the ears.

What Are The Causes Behind Facial Swelling?

The reasons behind it are variable.

Firstly, it can arise from sinusitis ( inflammation of paranasal sinuses due to allergy or bacterial viral infection). It can cause swelling around the nose, eyes or the cheeks causing pain. Other attending symptoms include  headache, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, poor sense of smell, fever, cough and weakness.

Second cause is a tooth infection. A person having an infection in gums or teeth can experience swelling, pain and tenderness along the jawline.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is yet another reason behind facial swelling. A person has puffy and swollen face along with other signs and symptoms, like weight gain, fatigue, feeling cold, constipation, depression, skin dryness and weakness in the muscles.

Next cause is allergic conjunctivitis (eye inflammation due to a reaction to allergens like dust, pollen and pet dander). Its signs and symptoms include redness and itching in the eyes which may be puffy or watery.

Facial injury is also one of the reasons.

Another cause is cellulitis. It leads to swelling in the affected part of the skin along with redness and pain. Fluid may ooze out from the skin in some cases. The affected area is hot and tender to touch sometimes. Fever and chills can attend which indicates a serious infection. It is a medical emergency that needs prompt treatment under conventional mode.

Other causes include angioedema and anaphylaxis. 

Angioedema is a severe form of swelling that occurs under the surface of the skin due to an allergic reaction to allergens (like food product, insect bite, etc). A characteristic symptom is hives (raised, itchy raised bumps known as wheals that develop on the skin) that may be accompanied by stinging and burning sensation.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that needs urgent medical help because if not treated immediately can prove fatal. Its symptoms include facial swelling, breathing difficulty, swelling in throat and the mouth, rapid heart rate, a dip in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Another reason for swelling on the face is Cushing’s syndrome which is a disorder that arises from excessive production of cortisol hormone in the body. It may result from a drug allergy (use of anticonvulsants, antibiotics like penicillin) which is a medical emergency.

A condition called preeclampsia can arise during pregnancy that can cause swelling of the face.  This condition needs immediate medical treatment because it can prove fatal if not attended immediately. Its signs include high blood pressure and high protein level in urine. Other symptoms are swelling of the hands, headache, vision changes, pain in the upper abdomen, reduced urine output and nausea or vomiting.

Actinomycosis, a rare but long-term bacterial infection in which sores and abscesses appear in the soft tissue of the body may also lead to facial swelling.

Lastly, it can also be a sign of vital organ failure of heart, liver or kidneys.


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Chimaphila Umbellata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

The homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata is prepared from the plant Pipsissewa, also known as ‘prince’s pine’. It belongs to family pyroleae. The roots and leaves of the plant or the fresh plant in the flowering stage is potentised according to homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. After potentization, it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata of great clinical significance. Its action in treating prostate issues and certain urinary problems is highly commendable.

The ‘Chimaphila Umbellata’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons with a weak body who are disposed to fluid build-up (oedema) in abdomen and kidney. It is also suitable for women predisposed to breast tumours and those who suffer from difficult urination (dysuria).

Drug Action

The major action of this medicine is on prostate gland and urinary organs. Besides, it also acts on skin, gastric system, limbs and female genitals. Lastly, its action is also noted on lymphatic and mesenteric glands.

Clinical Indications

Urethral stricture, prostate enlargement, prostatitis, dysuria, cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, albuminuria, gonorrhoea, syphilis, atrophy of testicles, breast tumours, breast atrophy, inflamed labia, skin ulcers, peeling of skin, ascites, hepatitis, constipation, rectal pain, shoulder joint pain, thigh pain, paronychia.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Urinary Issues (Urethral Stricture, Urethritis, Cystitis, Dysuria, Nephritis, Albuminuria)

It is a highly recommended medicine to manage urinary issues. Firstly, it is a leading medicine for treating cases of urethral stricture (narrowing of urethra). Persons needing it have to strain to initiate urination. The urinary stream is weak, thread-like or may be split. Urine may come in drops  sometimes. The passage of urine is difficult, it can be so difficult that urine passes only by standing with feet apart and inclining the body forward. Chimaphila is also a very important medicine to manage cystitis (urinary bladder inflammation). There is frequent desire to urinate with scanty urine. Urge for urination may occur every one or two hours. There is a feeling of fullness in urinary bladder. Cutting or scalding pain is felt while urinating. Thick, ropy, bloody mucus may pass in the urine. There is offensive smell in urine. Chimaphila also helps cases of dysuria (difficult or painful urination). It works well when urine is frequent and scanty and passes with scalding, smarting pain. The pain persists after urination. It is also valuable to manage urethritis (inflammation of urethra) cases with copious pus or mucus as discharge. Chimaphila is also a well-indicated medicine for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys). Urine is scanty, thick, dark-coloured with fetid smell. This medicine is also indicated for cases of albuminuria (passing too much protein albumin in urine).

Key indicating features

Urethral stricture with weak urine stream, straining to urinate

Difficult Urination – passed only by standing with feet apart and inclining body forward

Thick, ropy, bloody mucus in urine.

2. Male Problems (Prostate Enlargement, Prostatitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis)

This medicine is principally helpful for prostate enlargement and prostatitis (inflammation of prostate gland) in which there is difficult and painful urination. In some cases, retention of urine may occur from prostate enlargement. Chimaphila is also effective in dealing with gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoea). Syphilis (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum) can also be handled with this medicine wonderfully. Additionally, it is also indicated for cases of atrophy (shrinkage or decrease in size) of testicles.

Key indicating features

Prostate enlargement with retention of urine

Prostatitis with difficult and painful urination

Atrophy of testicles

3. Female Problems (Breast Tumours, Breast Atrophy, Inflamed Labia)

Chimaphila is also effective in treating painful breast tumours. Sharp pain is felt in the breast, attended with secretion of milk from the breast. It can also be given in cases of atrophy (shrinkage or reduced size) of breast. Next it can be given for cases of inflamed and swollen labia as well as for vaginal pain. Rest of the complaints where it is indicated include prolapse of uterus/vagina, hot flashes, and suppression of milk.

Key indicating features

Breast tumours with sharp pain

Breast atrophy

4. Skin (Ulcers, Blisters, Skin Peeling)

Use of Chimaphila is also considered in treating skin diseases like skin ulcers. Stinging and crawling sensation is felt with yellow discharge in skin ulcers. Secondly, it is helpful for treating dark red eruptions on skin. Chimaphila is effective on blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) and in cases where there is peeling of skin (desquamation).

Key indicating features

Skin ulcers with yellow discharge and stinging crawling sensation

Blisters and skin peeling

5. Gastric System (Hepatitis, Constipation, Rectal Pain)

Its action is also seen on gastric system where it is mainly indicated for liver inflammation (Hepatitis). Another complaint to use Chimaphila is constipation with piles. Besides these, it is indicated for blood-stained stool with mucus, pain in left side of rectum, worm infestation, or griping pain after stool.

Key indicating features

Blood-stained stool with mucus

Left-sided rectal pain

6. Limbs (Shoulder Joint Pain, Thigh Pain, Paronychia)

Chimaphila is a prominent medicine to manage cases of shoulder joint pain. Along with shoulder pain on the right side, pain is also felt in biceps (muscles of upper arm) or the entire arm. It also works well to reduce thigh pain felt on lying down. Bruised pain in calf muscles is yet another complaint where it provides relief. Lastly, it is valuable to manage paronychia – a skin infection around fingernails or toenails.

Key indicating features

Thigh pain on lying down



Worsening factors: Complaints get worse with cold washing, damp weather and while beginning to urinate

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by walking


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. Among these, its use is most commonly recommended in mother tincture (Q) form. The potency selection and repetition varies from case to case as per the nature and duration of complaint. In Q form, it is usually advised to take 5 to 7 drops of Chimaphila by dissolving in half cup of water – two to three times a day as per intensity of the problem.

Relationship With Other Remedies

It can be compared with medicines Chimaphila maculata, Uva Ursi, Apocynum, Rhododendron and Sabal Serrulata.



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Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Homeopathic remedies for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is a condition in which thyroid gland does not produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) required in the body. Thyroid is a two-lobed butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. It produces thyroid hormones which regulate body metabolism or simply put regulate how the body uses energy. When thyroid hormones are not produced in enough quantity, the body’s functions tend to slow down.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Hypothyroidism

The top five medicines for treating hypothyroidism are Thyroidinum, Calcarea Carbonica, Natrum Mur, Sepia Officinalis and Graphites.

1. Thyroidinum – top-grade medicine for hypothyroidism

Thyroidinum is known to stimulate the functioning of thyroid gland. It is suitable for persons who have a puffy face and complain of weight gain. They get tired easily and want to lie down all the time. They are over-sensitive to cold and their hands and feet remain cold. Thyroidinum also addresses skin problems arising out of an underactive thyroid. Here, it especially helps persons with extremely dry skin. Irritability, weak memory, and tingling sensation are some of the other complaints that can be redressed with this medicine.

 Key indicating features

1. puffy face, weight gain and tiredness all the time

2. skin problems due to underactive thyroid

Calcarea Carbonica

Calcarea Carbonica is the next most important medicine used very frequently in cases of hypothyroidism. Its use is highly recommended when there is excessive weight gain as a consequence of thyroid issues. Next, it is prominently recommended when there is increased sensitivity to cold.  It also works well when there is marked weakness, which gets worse while walking or climbing upstairs. This medicine can also help in relieving constipation in hypothyroid patients – the peculiar feature needing it is that initially, stool is hard followed by soft stool.

This medicine proves to be very efficacious in women with hypothyroidism who suffer from very profuse menses that continue for a long duration and occur earlier than the expected date. Feet remain cold during menstrual periods.

Key indicating features

1. Excessive weight gain and increased sensitivity to cold

2. Constipation – first part of stool hard followed by normal stool

3 . Heavy, prolonged menses

3. Natrum Mur

It proves effective in managing certain specific complaints linked with hypothyroidism. Firstly, it manages depression. Those needing it have marked sadness and weep often. Secondly, it is a very good medicine for dealing with hair thinning and hair fall in persons suffering from hypothyroidism.

Thirdly, it can be given when there is frequent exhaustion. There is tiredness and a sleepy feeling all the time. Weakness is felt more in the morning while in bed. Its use can also be considered to manage numbness and tingling sensation in fingers. Hands and feet remain cold in cases needing it. Lastly, it works well in managing the dryness of skin.

Key indicating features

1. depression with weeping bouts, and persistent weakness

2. hair thinning and hair fall

4. Sepia Officinalis

The patients requiring this medicine are very weak, have a pale yellow face, and extremely sensitive to cold. They feel cold even in a warm room. This medicine can help in treating menstrual complaints in patients with hypothyroidism where menses are too early and are heavy. The patient feels as if the pelvic organs will come out through the vulva, therefore always sit cross-legged. The use of Sepia is also recommended for women with low libido (decreased sexual desire). The medicine is effective in treating constipation in hypothyroid patients. The patients requiring this medicine complain of very hard and difficult stool that is passed as small balls with excessive pain that continues for a long time after passing stool.

 Key indicating features

1. extreme sensitivity to cold

2. menstrual problems, mainly early and heavy menses; low libido

5. Graphites

Graphites is mainly recommended for those patients with hypothyroidism who are very obese and over-sensitive to cold. It can also be administered to treat persistent constipation where the stool is hard and passes with great difficulty in lumps. There is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen due to gas. Persons requiring this medicine are very depressed, sad and start crying without any reason. Skin complaints, prominently dry rough skin, can be wonderfully managed with this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. obesity, oversensitivity to cold and dry rough skin

2. constipation

How to use these medicines?

The medicines to be taken from the above-mentioned list will vary from person to person after detailed study of case history and symptoms exhibited. These medicines can be used in different potencies. The potency and frequency of medicine varies from case to case as per the age, prominent symptoms, as well as thyroid hormone levels evaluated by a blood test. So it is advised to avoid self-prescription. Consider the use of any of these medicines after proper case evaluation from a homeopathic expert.

What are its signs and symptoms?

Symptoms may not be noticeable in the early stages of hypothyroidism. With the progression of the condition, symptoms start showing up. The early and most common signs and symptoms include weight gain (obesity), fatigue (tiredness), and increased sensitivity to cold.  Other symptoms include muscle weakness, stiffness or swelling, muscle/joint pains, and constipation. Other indications include puffiness on the face, hands and feet. Thinning of hair, dry hair, and brittle fingernails may be noted. Slow heart rate and movements, elevated cholesterol levels, sleepiness, skin dryness, and decreased sweating may be present. In females, heavy menses is reported. Feeling depressed, impaired memory, decreased sexual interest, numbness and tingling sensation in hands, and low and hoarse voice are the other symptoms.

What causes Hypothyroidism?

Various causes can be attributed to hypothyroidism which are as follows:

1. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: It is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. It is an autoimmune disorder (infection-fighting cells of body begin to destroy the body’s own healthy tissues out of a misdirected response). Inflammation develops in immune cells which damages the thyroid gland by mistake and hampers its functioning. What triggers such a response is not clear, genetic factors seem to play a role in it. A person having a family history of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is at risk.

2.Thyroiditis: It refers to the inflammation of thyroid gland. It can result from an infection caused by a virus or bacteria; can be an autoimmune process or an after-effect of childbirth (postpartum thyroiditis).

3. Hyper response to hyperthyroidism treatment, Radiation therapy and Thyroid surgery: People who receive anti-thyroid medicines or radioactive iodine treatment (it destroys thyroid cells) for hyperthyroidism may go on developing hypothyroidism with decreased production of thyroid hormones over a period of time. The thyroid gland may also be affected in those who undergo radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer of the head or neck. It slows down the production of thyroid hormones, ending up in hypothyroidism. A person who has undergone surgical removal of thyroid for some reasons (like goiter, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, etc.) may also develop hypothyroidism.

4. Iodine deficiency and use of certain medications

Iodine is a mineral required for making thyroid hormones. If a person does not have enough iodine in the body, it can result in hypothyroidism. There are certain medications like lithium, interferon alpha and interleukin that can hinder thyroid hormone production.

5. Pituitary disorder

If pituitary gland is unable to produce TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) due to some reasons, like pituitary surgery, pituitary tumors, then hypothyroidism may result, though this cause is rare.

6. Congenital hypothyroidism

In this case, the functioning of thyroid gland is not proper right from birth. At birth, babies with congenital hypothyroidism appear normal, and later mental and physical growth gets hampered. New-borns can be screened for hypothyroidism as a preventive measure.

Homeopathic management of Hypothyroidism

Natural homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism are useful for people who want to avoid the side effects of allopathic drugs. These are highly effective in mild to moderate cases of hypothyroidism. The required medicine has to be selected from a wide range of medicines. The medicine to be taken will depend entirely on the symptoms described by the patient. Homeopathic medicine mainly targets improving the function of the thyroid gland, and giving symptomatic relief to the patient.

What are the risk factors?

Though anyone can develop hypothyroidism, certain factors increase the risk, like women above 60 years of age; a family history of thyroid disorders; autoimmune disorders (like type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome); history of thyroid surgery; treatment with anti-thyroid medicine or radioactive iodine; pregnancy.

Complications arising out of hypothyroidism

If left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to the following complications:

1. mental health problems including depression, anxiety, slow mental functioning

2. goiter (enlargement of thyroid gland); trouble in breathing, and heart problems

3. pain, numbness and tingling sensation in different body parts due to damage to peripheral nerves; joint pains; carpal tunnel syndrome (syndrome caused by numbness, tingling, weakness in fingers due to compression of the median nerve)

4. infertility issues

5. myxoedema coma with symptoms of extreme intolerance to cold, drowsiness, weakness, lethargy, difficulty in breathing, and confusion that leads to unconsciousness. It is a medical emergency needing urgent treatment.

6. increased risk of preeclampsia (a dangerous condition characterized by very high blood pressure during pregnancy with retention of fluid and protein in urine), and anemia during pregnancy. Increased risk of birth defects and developmental problems in babies borne by women having untreated hypothyroidism.




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Swollen Lips – Causes and Homeopathic Treatment

Lip swelling also referred lip edema means enlargement of the lip caused by build up of fluid under skin of lips or inflammation within the lip tissue. There are various causes for swollen lips among which some are minor but some can be  severe and serious that require urgent medical attention. The duration of lip swelling varies from case to case. In some cases, the lip swelling may remain for little time but goes away quickly but at times, it may remain for long time.

What are the reasons for Swelling of Lips?

Most common  cause behind lip swelling is allergies. Allergy refers to an overreaction of immune system in response to a substance to which a  person might be allergic. In an allergic reaction a chemical known as histamine is released that results in swelling as a part of an inflammatory response.  The allergic reaction may occur from eating certain food items ( some examples are fish, eggs, shellfish, peanuts, wheat, soy).  Environmental allergies are also common  where a person can have  an allergic reaction to some substances present in environment like dust, pollen, molds and  pet danders. Lip swelling allergy may also occur from some drugs like penicillin, anticonvulsants. It may occur from allergic reaction to insect bites, stings or some cosmetic use. It may also occur from anaphylaxis which is a serious allergic reaction that needs immediate medical treatment. Few of its signs and symptoms are swelling in throat / tongue, difficulty in breathing, low blood pressure, skin reactions like hives, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a weak and rapid pulse, dizziness or fainting

Another cause for lip swelling is Angioedema . It is a condition in which swelling  occurs under the skin. It can result from allergic reaction or hereditary conditions. Though swelling in this condition may occur on any of the body part but is common on lips and eyes.

Thirdly it may arise from an infection. The infection can be bacterial, viral or fungal. Some of the examples of infection that can cause it includes herpes simplex infection (a viral infection that causes herpes and can appear in many body parts including mouth). Cheilitis (Means lip inflammation in which lips may swell along with dry, red, itchy lips. Other than infection cheilitis may also be caused by eczema, prolonged lip picking, irritation or reaction from some substances like lip cosmetics), cellulitis (a serious bacterial infection affecting the inner layers of the skin).

Next reason is an injury to the face mainly around the mouth. The injury may be from blunt object, bite , from dental appliances or it may be a cut or from burn.

Other than above it may also occur from contact dermatitis (a red, itchy rash resulting from a direct contact with a substance or from an allergic reaction to it), from severe sunburn, hot spicy food and oral surgery.

In some cases it may occur from blood transfusion reaction, fluid retention during pregnancy, preeclampsia (a complication that can occur in pregnancy in which the blood pressure is raised along with signs of damage to other organs like liver and kidneys) and lip cancer.

Apart from above there are some of the rare reasons for this. It firstly includes Granulomatous cheilitis which is a rare condition in which occurs a lumpy swelling in the lips. Cheilitis glandularis that is a rare  inflammatory condition affecting the lips. The exact cause for it is not known but this condition is linked with lip injury, smoking and UV exposure. Last is Miescher-Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome In this condition the lips swell along with weakness / paralysis of the facial muscle and fissured tongue.

Signs and Symptoms of Swollen lips

Depending on the cause behind lip swelling different signs and symptoms may attend it. These include redness, soreness of the lips, heat around the lips, cracked lips and sensitive tender lips. Sometimes there may be eruptions on lips (the eruptions can be  blisters means fluid filled or pustular means pus filled).

In some cases runny nose, sneezing, watery, itchy eyes, nasal congestion may be present. Stomach pain, nausea, cough, skin rash, hives (a skin rash characterised by itchy wheals means bumps on the skin usually from an allergic reaction) may also be there in some cases. Sometimes serious symptoms can accompany and are indicative of life threatening condition. These includes general swelling over body, blue lips or fingernails, throat tightness, hives, fever with redness, swollen tongue and breathing difficulty.

Homeopathic management for Swollen lips

Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial for managing cases of swollen lips. These medicines help to reduce swelling of lips. Along with this these also manage any related pain, itching, dryness, cracks and eruptions on the lips. These medicines offer help by working to treat the root cause behind it. Use of any homeopathic medicines should be done under supervision of a homeopathic physician and self medication should be avoided. Homeopathic medicines for swollen lips are recommended only for mild to moderate cases. But in case of severe swelling, or when attended with some symptoms like blue lips or fingernails, throat tightness, general swelling over body, hives, fever, swollen tongue, breathing difficulty urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is strictly advised. In addition to this Homeopathy is not recommended when swollen lips are occurring from serious causes for example severe allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, cellulitis, cancer, preeclampsia.

Homeopathic medicines

1. Apis Mellifica – Top grade medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for cases of swollen lips. In cases needing it the lips are swollen, red with heat. Mostly upper lip is affected. The lips are dry and rough. They may also be tender. There is burning or stinging type of pain in the lips. Prickling in lips is yet another symptom that can attend. It is one of the best medicine for swelling in cases of allergies.

2. Belladonna – for swollen lips with burning sensation

This medicine is prepared from plant named as deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is indicated for swelling of lips along with burning sensation. The lips may be dry with this. Sometimes there is hardness in lips also. Lips may look dark red with this. Shooting type of pain in lips can occur. In some cases there may be eruptions with red circular margin on the lips and in the mouth corners.

3. Natrum Mur – for swelling of lips and blisters (fluid filled eruptions)

It is a very effective medicine for persons in whom lips are swollen and there are fluid filled eruptions (blisters) on lips. Burning sensation is marked in the blisters. The lips are red with eruptions. Smarting pain may occur with this. In some cases that require it cracks and ulceration may be there on lips and corners of mouth. The lips may be dry, cracked and there may be bleeding scabs on lips.

4. Arsenic Album – for swollen upper lip

It is a prominent medicine for cases in which there is swelling on the upper lip. Burning and stinging precede it. Itching may be present with this. Dryness and cracks on lips may occur.

5. Sepia – for swelling of lower lip

This medicine is well indicated when there is swelling of the lower lip. The lower lip is also cracked. It is an important medicine for managing this complaint in case of herpes. Other than above it is indicated for moist scaly eruptions on the lips.

6. Bryonia – for swollen, dry lips

It is prepared from root of plant Bryonia alba commonly known as White Bryony or wild hops. It belongs to family cucurbitaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when the lips are swollen and are dry, parched, cracked. On upper lip redness and heat can be there along with swelling. Apart from above its use is recommended for swelling of lips with eruptions. A burning and biting sensation is felt in the eruptions.

7. Arum Triphyllum – when lips are swollen with cracks, bleeding

It works well in cases having swollen lips with cracks and bleeding. Burning sensation is also felt with this. lips are very sore and and there may be peeling off the skin from lips.

8.Nitric Acid – for swollen itchy lips

It is an important medicine for helping cases of swollen itchy lips. In cases that require it, blisters or ulcers may be present on the lips. Stitching pain as from splinters may be felt in upper lip on touching. The lower lip can be dry, cracked and sore where it is needed

9.Merc Sol – for swollen lips with eruptions

It is useful medicine for cases in which there is swelling of lips with eruptions. There are pimple eruptions on lips with yellow crusts. Burning is felt in these. Lips may be dry, cracked or ulcerated in some cases. On touching pain is felt in the lips.

10. Hepar Sulph – for swollen upper lip painful to touch

This medicine is valuable for case having swollen upper lip which is also painful to touch. Pimples with soreness and smarting pain may be present on the lip. In some cases white blisters appear on the lips.

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