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Carbuncle -Homeopathic Treatment , Medicines and Remedies – Drhomeo

Carbuncle is much more than just a simple abscess, boil or furuncle. It occurs when multiple hair follicles gets infected. It is usually deep and forms a lump. Homeopathy has an excellent treatment for it.  Homeopathy treatment for carbuncle is very safe and side effects are unheard off. Homeopathy uses body’s own defenses to fight infection, thus homeopathy treatment is fast and safe. Homeopathic treatment for carbuncles are made from naturally occurring substances and are free from any toxicity. Once resolved with these medicines, Carbuncles usually will not recur.

Homeopathic Treatment for Carbuncles

Homeopathy medicines that I have found work the best for the treatment of carbuncles are Anthracinum, Apis mel, Crotalus Horridus, Echinacea, Euphorbinum, Lachesis, and Tarentula Cub.

Out of all medicines, Anthracinum is one medicine that has given me the best results. It is indicated for carbuncles and malignant ulcers. It is very effective when there is a succession of boils one after the other. I have found Apis Mel very useful in cases where there is stinging pain in carbuncles. Crotalus Horridus is very useful in cases where the carbuncle is surrounded by purplish mottled skin and edema (swelling). Another great medicine for carbuncle treatment is Echinacea. It works well in treating recurrent carbuncles.  Euphorbium is indicated in old indolent ulcers with biting and lancinating pains. Lachesis is best suited for carbuncles that are bluish and purplish in surroundings.

What is Carbuncle?

A carbuncle is an infection that occurs in the deep layers of skin and has an involvement of multiple hair follicles, which are infected. The most common bacterial agent that leads to this infection is Staphylococcus Aureus. It may form a lump with collection of pus, fluid and dead tissue in it. It may occur anywhere but is common on nape of the neck and back.

What causes carbuncle?

Exact cause of carbuncle is not known but poor hygiene, friction of clothing and injury while shaving and overall poor health are the contributing factors.

What are the symptoms of Carbuncle?

Carbuncle appears a raised lump initially.  There may be redness around it with pain on touching. Gradually it may grow in size( it can range from the size of pea to a golf ball ) and cause significant pain. it may develop a pus point and may start oozing pus and blood . It may even spread to different areas. Fever and fatigue may be present.

Complications of Carbuncle

Sepsis is one of the major complications that can occur due to carbunculosis. In sepsis the infection from the carbuncle enters the blood stream. An immune reaction to the bacteria may lead to endocarditis.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

6 Homeopathic Medicines for Sore Muscles

Muscles are a bundle of fibrous tissue which helps move the body by contraction. Stretching muscles beyond their tensile strength make them sore. Primary causes behind sore muscles are overstretching, overexertion, strenuous exercise, heavy weight lifting, and trauma. Muscle soreness is of two types – acute muscle soreness, and delayed onset muscle soreness. In acute muscle soreness, muscle pain is experienced during and immediately after exercise. In delayed onset muscle soreness, muscle pain is felt several hours to a few days after excessive exercise. The symptoms of sore muscles are pain, stiffness, and tenderness in the muscle. Using the muscle worsens the pain, and resting it brings relief. Homeopathic medicines for sore muscles is very beneficial. Muscle soreness arising from different causes is dealt with effectively with these medicines.    homeopathic medicines for sore muscles

Treatment Options for Sore Muscles

Conventional treatment involves the use of non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs which relieve pain by preventing the body’s cyclooxygenase enzymes from working. These enzymes make hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, which contribute to pain and inflammation. NSAIDs are most often prescribed for arthritis and for the pain resulting from muscle sprains, strains, back and neck injuries, and menstrual cramps. Some commonly seen side effects can include nausea, stomach pain, bleeding and ulcer formation. NSAIDs also increase the risk of cardiovascular problems and they can interact with drugs prescribed for heart diseases such as blood thinners, antihypertensive drugs, and aspirin. Homeopathic treatment for sore muscles is very beneficial. Muscle soreness arising from different causes is dealt with effectively with homeopathy medicines. These medicines help persons with sore muscles caused by overstretching, overexerting, or injuries.

Mind-body therapies are treatments that are meant to help the mind’s ability to access the functions and symptoms of the body. Relaxation techniques can help in the discomfort related to chronic pain.
Acupuncture is also thought to decrease pain by increasing the release of chemicals that block pain called endorphins. When stimulated, these nerves cause a dull ache or feeling of fullness in the muscle. The stimulated muscle sends a message to the central nervous system causing the release of endorphins. Endorphins along with other neurotransmitters block the message of pain from being delivered to the brain.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sore Muscles

Rhus Toxicodendron, Arnica Montana, Bryonia Alba, Cimicifuga, Gelsemium, Sanguinaria Canadensis are the top remedies used to treat muscles soreness.

1. Rhus Toxicodendron – For Sore Muscles Due to Weightlifting

Rhus Toxicodendron, also known as Poison Ivy is a flowering shrub whose leaves are used to make the medicine. It belongs to the family Anacardiaceae and is commonly found in parts of Asia and Eastern North America. The main actions of the remedy are on the inflammatory conditions, skin and rheumatic pains of the body. Rhus Tox is a beneficial remedy for the treatment of sore muscles caused due to lifting heavy weights. Stiffness, along with sore and painful muscles is also seen. Application of something warm over the affected part may offer some relief. There is also some soreness of the condyles of the bones. The cold fresh air is not tolerated and it makes the skin painful. Tenderness is also felt in the affected muscles.

2. Arnica Montana – For Sore Muscles Due to Trauma

Arnica Montana (also known as Wolf’s Bane) is a flowering plant of the Asteraceae family, the dried flowers of which are used to prepare the remedy Arnica. It is commonly found in the European region. Arnica is a well-indicated remedy for injury to the skin or for pain and swelling associated with bruises, aches, and sprains in the muscles. Sore muscles as a result of trauma respond well to Arnica. It is also a good remedy for the sore muscles after previous injuries. There is a sore, lame and bruised feeling in the body. The patient may feel the pain in various muscles as if resulting from being beaten. Touching the affected body part worsens the pain as muscles are tender. Arnica is also used for sore muscles caused by influenza.

3. Bryonia Alba – When Slight Motion Worsens the Pain

Bryonia Alba or White Bryony is a perennial climbing herb found in parts of Europe and Northern Iran, of the family Cucurbitaceae. The dried root of this plant is used to prepare the homeopathic remedy. Bryonia has its affinity towards dryness of all mucous membranes of the body, aching in single muscle and the serous membranes of the organs. Bryonia Alba is best suited in cases of sore muscles when relief is brought about by only absolute rest. The slightest motion of the affected part worsens the pain. People requiring Bryonia feel relief when pressure is applied to the affected part. Lying down on the affected part also makes the soreness of the muscles better.

Other Important Remedies

4. Cimicifuga

Cimicifuga is a beneficial medicine for sore muscles affecting the central bulge of the large muscles. In such cases, the application of something cold worsens the pain. Cimicifuga is an excellent medicine for sore muscles caused by excessive muscle exertion, like dancing or long, continuous running, etc. Pain in the muscles of the neck from overwork like typing is also treated well with this remedy.

5. Gelsemium

Gelsemium is a beneficial medicine for the sore muscles. It is used in cases of extreme weakness and fatigue accompanying muscle soreness. In such cases, the patient gets relief by lying down or resting. Gelsemium helps to relieve the pain in the muscles as well as the weakness along with it. Gelsemium also works well for sore muscles caused by influenza.

6. Sanguinaria Canadensis

Sanguinaria Canadensis is a useful medicine for soreness and pain in the deltoid muscle. Along with being painful, the deltoid muscle is also very stiff. The pain worsens on lifting the arm and usually aggravates at night time. Sanguinaria works well for deltoid pain on the right side.

Types of Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness is of two types:

Acute muscle soreness is the pain felt in the muscles immediately after a vigorous physical stimulus. The pain appears within a minute of contraction of the muscle and disappears within two or three minutes or up to some hours after the muscle’s relaxation.
Accumulation of chemical end products of exercise in muscle cells, such as H+, tissue edema caused by the shifting of blood plasma into the muscle tissue during the process of contraction, muscle fatigue (the muscle tires and cannot carry out contraction any more), and acute muscle soreness reflects one form of exercise-induced muscle damage.

Delayed onset muscle soreness is exercise-related muscle pain. It develops after excessive and unaccustomed exercise after the muscles fail to relax within 48-72 hours. It is prevalent if that exercise has an eccentric component where the muscles are contracting whilst lengthening – eg downhill running, long-distance running.

Causes of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

DOMS is caused by muscle strains. The trauma results in an inflammatory response with intramuscular fluid and as a result the electrolyte shift. Biochemical markers such as creatine kinase and lactic dehydrogenase are found in the blood of the sufferers. Swelling, pain is thought to be the reason why muscle strength and function is impaired in the patients.

Symptoms of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

The classic symptoms of this soreness describe a dull muscle ache that develops 24 to 48 hours after a strenuous exercise. It is localized to the affected muscles and results in muscle stiffness as well as tenderness. Passive stretching will increase the symptoms which is one of the reasons why stiffness develops. This condition can also result in a short-term loss of muscle strength, a reduced range of motion and possible swelling of the affected muscles. Continuous movement may improve the symptom of stiffness over time.

How do Muscles get Sore?

One of the consequences of vigorous exercise is an accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid is a normal byproduct of the metabolism, but it can irritate the muscles thus causing discomfort and soreness. Muscle soreness associated with an exercise is known as delayed onset muscle soreness. It can make it difficult to walk, reduce the strength, or cause discomfort for a couple of days. However, lactic acid is removed from muscle from just a few hours to less than a day after a workout, so it isn’t the cause of the soreness experienced days after a workout. The swelling in the muscle that results from an influx of white blood cells, prostaglandins (anti-inflammatory cells), and other nutrients and fluids that flow to the muscles to repair the damage and are known to be the cause of a prolonged soreness. The swelling and inflammation can build up for days, thereby becoming the main reason for muscle soreness getting worse after 2-3 days.

Managing and Preventing Sore Muscles

To minimize the development of muscle soreness, the following suggestions should be kept in mind:
Take it slow and gradually build up the amount of exercise at one time.
Be aware of the amount of eccentric exercise being included in the workouts.
Long distance runners should incorporate eccentric quadriceps training into their training to avoid soreness.

It is advisable to avoid aggressive exercise during the recovery phase. This is due to the muscle’s reduced capacity to cope up with the shock absorption, in-coordination, and the contraction intensity. Cycling has been shown to temporarily ease the pain.
Using an ice pack in case of an acute injury, or if there is a swelling of the muscle area and it feels warm, can help soothe the muscle. Wrap up an ice pack in a thin towel and place it on the sore muscles for about 15 minutes.
A massage will help to relax the very tight sore muscles and soothes muscle aches. However, this should not be done in cases of an acute injury.
Stretching your muscles for about 10 minutes after a rigorous workout to prevent sore muscles and warming up the body with simple movements like arm swings before exercise can help avoid soreness.
In the case of soreness, do not stop exercising completely. The fact that we experience muscle soreness after a workout is a sign that the muscles have been stretched and are slowly getting better. By using the muscles (with light activity) we can speed up the elimination of lactic acid buildup in the muscles.
Build up eccentric exercises slowly. Eccentric contractions occur when the muscles lengthen under tension. Walking or running downhill are also examples of eccentric training. Increasing the intensity gradually is seen to have relieved the intensity of pain.
Lastly, a warm bath may loosen the tightened muscles and boost up the blood circulation, thus providing temporary relief.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Water Retention

Water is a critical component of the human body. Around 70% of the human body is made up of water. All body tissues, organs, and fluids, like blood and lymph, are made up of water. The regulation of water in the body is a complex mechanism and is carried out by different organs of the body. Management of water helps in maintaining the water within reasonable limits despite the amount of water taken by the person or the climatic conditions outside. Any disturbance in the regulatory mechanisms can lead to water retention in the body. When the retention of water in the body tissues or tissue cavities exceeds the desired amount, it is known as edema. Water retention can be generalized, which means that it is present in the whole body; or it can be limited to one body part, like pedal edema where water retention is seen only in the ankles. Homeopathic treatment for water retention is very beneficial. A thorough investigation in each case of water retention is a must to rule out the involvement of any major organ before the beginning of the treatment.    homeopathic treatment for water retention

In mild cases, medicines for water retention can be prescribed along with changes in diet and lifestyle. But in cases where retention is associated with disorders of major organs, treatment helps in managing the case. In such instances, treatment can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine to offer support to the patient. Medicines for water retention not only help in providing symptomatic relief but also assist in the treatment of underlying causes. Treatment for water retention is very safe since the medicines are prepared with natural substances. They have no side effects and can be used safely for all age groups.

Homeopathic Treatment for Water Retention

Some prominent medicines for water retention are Acetic acid, Apocynum, Apis Meliffica, Cardus Marianus, Digitalis, Fluoric Acid, and Terebinth. These medicines should be prescribed by individual symptoms in every given case. Homeopathy treatment for water retention should be taken under the supervision of a homeopath only, and self-medication should be avoided.

Causes and Types of Water Retention

Temporary water retention is the result of issues like the patient’s diet. Excessive intake of salt or sodium in the diet and deficiency of proteins and vitamin B complex are some causes of water retention. Another factor is the person’s lifestyle, which includes having a job that requires long periods of sitting down or standing. Water retention also occurs in bed ridden or immobile persons. Long flights may also lead to water retention. Medications like hormone replacement therapies, oral contraceptive pills, drugs for diabetes, anti inflammatory drugs, and drugs for heart disorders also cause water retention. In females, water retention commonly develops before the menstrual cycle. It is temporary and most likely due to hormonal imbalance. Water retention is also common during the last phase of pregnancy. It is due to the pressure put by the uterus on circulation and subsides after childbirth. Other medical conditions which lead to the retention of water are thyroid disorders, allergies to food, insect bites, disorders of the lymphatic system, deep vein thrombosis affecting lower limbs, congestive cardiac failure, kidney failure, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Types of Water Retention

There are two types of water retention. Cases, where depressions or pits are formed on the swollen part on exertion of pressure by the finger tips, is known as pitting type of water retention. Pitting type of water retention is seen in systemic disorders like a cardiac failure, liver failure, or kidney failure. Non-pitting edema is where no depressions form. It is a characteristic feature of water retention due to lymphatic and thyroid disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Water Retention

Symptoms vary from mild to severe depending on the underlying cause and the organs involved. Water retention usually occurs on the feet, ankles, legs or hands. Here are some situations that lead to the retention of water.

1. Persons having a high sodium diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, or long flights may experience water retention in the ankles or lower limbs. This retention is temporary and subsides with a little movement or leg elevation.
2. In cases where the person has to stand for a long time, the blood from the lower limbs cannot get pumped to the heart since the valves of the veins get incompetent. It leads to dilatation of the veins of the legs or varicose veins. In such cases, there is pain and heaviness in the legs. There may be skin changes like the development of skin eruptions or ulcers.
3. In congestive cardiac failure, the retention is usually on the legs, feet, and ankles. Along with this, other symptoms like tiredness, weakness, and an increased heart rate appear.
4. Retention may be present in the lungs, or pulmonary edema, leading to a chronic cough and breathlessness.
5. In cirrhosis of the liver, the retention appears on the abdomen and legs.
6. In kidney failure, there is puffiness around the eyes and swelling on the legs.
7. In disorders of the lymphatic system, the retention, or lymphoedema, is usually localized. Swelling may be present on the affected limb.
8. Persons having hypothyroidism may experience swelling and puffiness around the eyes and face. Water retention may be present on the feet and legs.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

First-Aid with Homeopathy- Have your Own Medicine Kit At Home

HOW many of us experience helplessness at minor or acute ailments when they strike us at odd hours and also in situations where medical help is not accessible? And wish that we knew about some safe medicines that would provide immediate relief. The safe healing powers of homeopathy have been proven time and again and today it is one of the most popular and effective forms of natural healthcare. Safety is one of the major plus points of homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines have a lot to help with acute and minor ailments.

The homeopathic first aid includes some common remedies that can help alleviate pain and other symptoms in case of an injury, disease, or infection. It also helps reduce the severity of a problem when taken correctly. With a little practice and experience, one can become familiar with the basic homeopathic first aid principles.
Given here are the most common problems and their homeopathic first aid solutions.

 Sore throat

Pain, dryness, itching, irritation, a scratchy feeling in the throat – all are part of a sore throat. If you suddenly experience any one of these symptoms, you may get quick help with the homeopathic medicine Belladonna. You may take 4 to 5 pills of Belladonna (potency) 30C three to four times a day, depending upon the severity.
It soothes the pain, irritation, scratchiness in the throat and helps with the fever that usually appears along with a sore throat. Once the symptoms subside, the dosage may be reduced to twice or once a day, gradually stopping the course entirely.


For quick relief from a cold, homeopathic first aid medicine Aconite works well. If you catch a sudden fluent Coryza ( inflammation of the mucous membrane) along with sneezing, you may take Aconite for immediate relief. It also helps when exposure to cold air brings on cough and cold. 4 to 5 pills of Aconite can be taken in 30 C (potency) at three-hour intervals during an acute cold to get prompt relief.
Another first aid homeopathic medicine for cold is Natrum Mur. It is very helpful in cases of allergic rhinitis/ hay fever coupled with Coryza, eye discharges, and excessive sneezing. Natrum Mur can be taken in 6 X biochemic formulation. Take Natrum Mur 6X ( 4 tablets) three to four times a day at a gap of three hours. Continue this medicine till complete recovery.

Croup Cough

For immediate relief from croup cough, homeopathic medicines Spongia Tosta and Hepar Sulph prove to be beneficial.
Spongia Tosta works well in cases of a dry, croupy, barking cough with a whistling-like sound.
Hepar Sulph is used in cases of a cough with chest congestion, rattling in chest, and wheezing. A cough that comes suddenly from exposure to a draught of cold air also calls for using Hepar Sulph.
Both these medicines can be taken in potencies of 30 C, three to four times a day depending upon the intensity of case.


To comfort an acute headache, homeopathic medicine Belladonna and Glonoine should be considered.
Congested headache, pulsating/throbbing headache, sinus headache, migraine headache all respond wonderfully to Belladonna.
Glonoine works best for sun-related headaches with throbbing in the head and marked head congestion.
Three to four doses of the above-indicated medicines at a three-hour gap interval work well for a headache. These can be continued until full recovery.

Acute Fever

Belladonna is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for sudden acute fever. The indications for its use are sudden fever with red, hot flushed face and headache. Use this medicine in 30 C potency every two hours. If the fever does not reduce or come down in a day or so, then further investigations are required.

Body aches

Everyone now or then one suffers from body aches due to factors like overexertion, from prolonged traveling, after engaging in a sports activity, etc. For body aches, two homeopathic medicines work wonders to give immediate relief.
These medicines are Arnica Montana and Rhus Tox.
Arnica Montana is majorly used in general body aches when a sore, bruised sensation appears in the whole body.
Rhus Tox shows the best results in cases of joint pain, neck pain, back pain, or a muscle pull.
Initially, one can take 4 to 5 pills of any of these medicines, and repeat them two to four times a day, at a three-hourly interval depending upon the severity of your condition.

Abdomen cramps

Colocynthis is a homeopathic medicine that helps relieve abdominal cramps. The person needing Colocynthis may have cramps in the abdomen that get better by applying pressure or bending-over double.
A person may take Colocynthis 30 C twice or thrice a day at three-hour intervals to soothe the cramping. This medicine is known to provide immediate relief.
Another homeopathic medicine that is well-indicated for abdominal cramps is Magnesium Phos. Its use is applicable in cases where a person feels better by using warm applications on the area of the cramps.
4 tablets of Magnesium Phos can be taken in 6 X potency up to four times a day to help relieve abdominal cramps. It can also be considered during menstrual cramps.

Loose stool (Diarrhea)

First aid homeopathic medicines for cases of diarrhea or loose stools are Aloe Socotrina and Podophyllum Peltatum.
Aloe Socotrina can be used when there is a thin stool with a sudden urgency to pass it. It can be accompanied by a pressure in the rectum with a constant urge to pass stool.
Podophyllum Peltatum is indicated when there is yellowish greenish, watery, gushing stool that is very offensive.
You may use 4 to 5 pills of the selected homeopathic medicines for every three hours.

Food Poisoning

If you suddenly got a stomach upset as a result of a food poisoning, homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album should be taken without a second thought. The symptoms of loose stool, vomiting, fever appearing from food poisoning get quick relief from homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album. Veratrum Album is a powerful homeopathic medicine that helps treat cases of uncontrolled vomiting. 4 to 5 pills of any of these indicated homeopathic medicines can be taken in 30 C potency at three-hour intervals.


To get prompt relief from heartburn and acidity, homeopathic medicines Iris Versicolor and Robinia should be considered.
Use Iris Versicolor in case of a heartburn along with vomiting of sour, bitter fluid.
Take Robinia in case acidity or heartburn occurs during night time, upon lying down. These medicines are recommended in 30 C potency at intervals of three-hours (initially), followed by a gradual reduction in the dose.


Injuries most commonly include bruises (contusions), concussions, lacerations.
Bruises are blackish, bluish marks on the skin arising from breaking of tiny blood vessels under the skin from trauma. The skin is not broken in case of a bruise.
Contusions refer to a head injury where the brain is shaken inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head.
Lacerations are tears in the skin that results in an irregular wound.

The homeopathic medicines that should be present in a first aid kit for injuries include – Arnica Montana, Calendula Officinalis, and Hypericum Perforatum.
Arnica Montana is used as the first line of treatment in injury cases. It is indicated for injuries resulting from a fall, a blow and from a blunt instrument. It is most helpful in case of bruises, concussions, and contusions.
Calendula Officinalis is useful for injuries where lacerations (tears in the skin) appear.
Consider the use of Hypericum in case of fall on the back, tailbone injury, injury to spine and damage to nerves mainly in the fingers and toes. A punctured wound from a nail, pin, and needle penetrating the skin also indicates the use of Hypericum.
Use 4 to 5 pills of any of these three homeopathic medicines, at intervals of three-hours until complete healing has taken place.


Stretching, twisting or tearing of the ligaments in a joint is known as a sprain. The ligament is a tough, fibrous band that connects two bones together. The most common joint that tends to get sprained is the ankle joint.
The first aid homeopathic medicines for sprains are Arnica Montana and Ruta Graveolens.
Initially, after a sprain, three four doses of Arnica 30 C should be taken immediately. It helps in reducing the soreness, swelling, pain, tenderness at the site of sprain.
Following this, Arnica 30 C and Ruta 30 C should be taken alternately twice a day. Ruta will help heal the ligaments and Arnica will help reduce further swelling and pain at the site of the sprained joint. These medicines can be continued safely until complete recovery.


Immediately following a fracture, a few doses of homeopathic medicine Arnica 30 C should be taken. This will help soothe the pain and swelling at the site of the fracture.
Once the broken bone has been set in a cast, homeopathic medicine Symphytum Officinale should be started. This medicine can be continued for two to three times a day until complete recovery. It helps in prompt and healthy healing of the bone.

Acute UTI (Burning urination)

Cantharis Vesicatoria is an excellent homeopathic medicine for emergency use in case of a UTI (urinary tract infection). Painful, burning urination and difficulty in urination due to a UTI can be treated with this medicine. In an acute emergency, this medicine can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day in 30C potency (depending upon the severity of the condition).

Bee sting

The best homeopathic first aid prescription for a bee sting is Apis Mellifica. Use this medicine immediately following a bee sting in 30 C potency. It helps relieve the pain and swelling quickly. Three to four doses of this medicine three hourly for a day or two usually aid quick and complete recovery.

A word of caution: If a severe allergic reaction follows from a bee sting that majorly includes breathing difficulty, then urgent help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken. An allergy indicates anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency. Homeopathy alone cannot fix this problem.


The appearance of weals (raised bumps) on the skin from an allergic reaction is known as urticaria. It is often accompanied by stinging, burning pains. If you are prone to get urticaria attacks, you should carry homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica with you.
This medicine offers immediate help during an acute urticaria attack. It helps to heal the weals, reduce stinging and burning pains as well cut short the time of an urticaria attack. You may take 4 to pills of Apis Mellifica in case of urticaria at an interval of three hours and gradually reduce the dose as you recover.

A word of caution: It is to be noted that in case of urticaria where there is a difficulty in breathing, it may indicate towards an angioedema or anaphylaxis. It’s a medical emergency and homeopathic first aid alone does not work. Help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken urgently in such cases.

Panic attacks

For panic attacks, homeopathic medicines Aconite and Arsenic Album work well. These medicines should be kept in the pocket of people who have anxiety issues.
Aconite needs be taken during panic attacks along with palpitations, and sudden fear of death.
Arsenic Album works well in cases where there is extreme restlessness along with the panic attacks. These homeopathic medicines help calm down the mental state of a person during a panic attack.
Using two to three doses of above-indicated medicines in 200 C potency at an hour’s interval usually brings relief in most of the cases.


In case of burns, homeopathic medicine Cantharis acts as an effective remedy. This medicine helps in relieving burning, pain and smarting in case of a burn. It also effectively heals the burns.
4 to 5 pills of this homeopathic medicine should be taken initially for few days. Once the condition improves, the dose can be reduced to once or twice a day. External application of this medicine along with internal administration is also recommended.


Euphrasia Officinalis is the homeopathic medicine recommended in cases of acute conjunctivitis. Using this medicine helps in reducing the redness, watering, burning, swelling, and a gritty sensation in the eyes.
Use 4 to 5 pills of this medicine in 30 C potency three times day until complete recovery.


The homeopathic medicine Plantago Major helps soothe a toothache. Pain in teeth that shoots to the face or ear is can be treated with this medicine. It can be taken in 30C potency at three-hour intervals until relief begins. Mother tincture of this homeopathic medicine can also be applied externally in case of a hollow tooth from decay/dental caries.

Dentition Ailments

Chamomilla is an effective homeopathic medicine used to treat dentition and teething problems. The indicative features to use this medicine are high irritability, screaming, desire to be carried constantly, inflamed gums, drooling of saliva, putting fingers in mouth, loose stool (diarrhea), one cheek being red and hot, and the other being pale and cold.
2 pills of this medicine can be taken three to four times a day at three-hour gaps until complete relief.

Nasal Blockage

Ammonium Carb is an effective homeopathic medicine that helps relieve a nasal blockage. Use 30 C of this medicine twice or thrice a day for relief.

Nausea, Vomiting

A highly recommended homeopathic medicine for immediate help in nausea, vomiting is Ipecac. Three to four doses of Ipecac 30 C usually relieves nausea and vomiting effectively.


Hamamelis is an anti-hemorrhagic (a substance that stops bleeding) that can be used in an emergency to control bleeding. This medicine is well indicated for controlling bleeding from piles, the nose, tooth etc. It also helps relieve the weakness associated with blood loss. Use this medicine in 30 C potency at two to three-hour gap until bleeding stops.


Belladonna, Chamomilla, and Pulsatilla are the top homeopathic medicines that help relieve an earache. Among them, Belladonna offers relief from an earache that arises as a result of an acute inflammation of the middle ear with throbbing, pulsating pain in the ears.
Chamomilla is indicated for violent earaches that make a person highly irritable.
Pulsatilla is beneficial when an earache is attended with thick discharge from the ear (out of an infection).
The most appropriate homeopathic medicine as per the case can be taken in 30 C potency, at three-hourly intervals to get quick relief.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

How Homeopathy can Help in Treating Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

homeopathic remedies for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Known as the most common cause of hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease (also known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis) is an autoimmune disorder in which the cells of the immune system damage the thyroid gland due to a misdirected response. The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and produces thyroid hormones, which control body’s metabolism. In case of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the thyroid gland is unable to produce enough hormones, giving rise to the symptoms of an under-active thyroid. This condition slows down many functions in the body. Homeopathic medicine for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis helps moderate the immune system and treats the symptoms to help manage the hormonal fluctuations.
Hashimoto’s disease in some people may cause the thyroid gland to become so inflamed that it results in goiter (abnormal enlargement of thyroid gland).

Difference between Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism are two different labels although both involve thyroid becoming underactive.
In Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, malfunctioning immune cells attack the thyroid gland. This results in the impairment of the ability of the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone.
This is how Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis becomes the most common cause of hypothyroidism.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

1. Sepia Officinalis – For Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis  with Irritability

Sepia Officinalis is a medicine for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis when the condition is accompanied by lack of vital heat in the body, hair fall, irregular bowel movement and menstrual complaints. The mental symptoms associated are extreme irritability and indifferent behavior, unusually excessive craving for acidic things and pickles.

2. Calcarea Carbonica – For Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in Obese People

Calcarea Carbonica is a medicine for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in obese people who are always chilly and cannot tolerate cold air. It is also used to treat hypothyroidism with depression, nervousness, and fatigue especially in patients with sluggish dispositions.
People needing this medicine also show peculiarities in eating habits like craving for boiled eggs, desire for indigestible things like chalk, pencils, lime, and aversion to fats. It has been proved efficacious in women with hypothyroidism who suffer from very profuse menses that continue for long durations that occur earlier than the expected. The feet may be cold during the menstrual period.

3. Graphites – For Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis with Constipation

Graphites is a medicine for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and hypothyroidism in people who suffer from chronic constipation where the stool is hard and passes with great difficulty in lumps. Associated mental symptoms include depression, sadness, timidity, and an inability to make decisions.

4. Natrum Mur – For Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in Anemic Females

Natrum Mur is a medicine used to treat Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in anemic females who undergo great physical weakness, dry skin, dry mouth, and obstinate constipation.

Homeopathy – The Best Treatment for Hashimoto’s Disease

Conventional treatment for Hashimoto’s disease tends to involve hormone therapy that is designed to replace the low thyroid hormone levels. This therapy is also known as thyroid replacement therapy wherein a synthetic hormone is used on a daily basis. This hormone is similar to the naturally occurring thyroxine hormone.
However, seventy-percent of the people taking thyroid replacement therapy continue to complain of symptoms. This is because this treatment does not solve the underlying problems that are causing the autoimmune reactions. Thus the treatment with the hormone medication becomes a lifelong requirement.
Homeopathy for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis offers supportive therapy in the symptomatic management of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and can also help reduce the intensity and frequency of the symptoms.
The main advantage of opting for a homeopathic remedy for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is that the medicines used for its treatment are made of natural substances and do not cause any side-effects.

Natural Remedies

As an ancient 200-year-old medical science, homeopathy uses cures found in nature that help restore the natural healing processes of the body. Homeopathic treatment for Hashimoto’s disease works with a comprehensive treatment plan that works to harmonize the system.
In conventional treatment, use of synthetic hormones can cause side effects that range from mild-to-moderate in intensity.

A Holistic Approach

Homeopathy aims to treat the hormonal problem internally, by understanding the cause of different symptoms instead of suppressing them. Synthetic hormones and other drugs only relieve the symptoms and do not fix the cause of the problem. Homeopathic treatment for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis involves moderating the over-active immune system to prevent further progression of the disease.

Individual Treatment

Homeopathic remedy for Hashimoto’s disease works by analyzing the individual symptoms of the disorder in a person. Since every individual is treated according to their specific symptoms, there is no blanket treatment provided for a particular illness.
For example, for an anemic female with signs of this problem, homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur is recommended, while a homeopathic medicine for thyroid during pregnancy can only be prescribed by analyzing other body functions.

These Medicines are Safe

Homeopathic medicines for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis are taken in small doses over a continuous period, which helps improve the efficacy of the natural substances in the medication. This slow-healing action helps treat the problem on a long-term basis while also reducing the symptoms.

Causes of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

“When Immune system attacks the thyroid.”
The exact reason behind Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is not apparent, and it is considered to be an autoimmune disease. In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the body’s immune cells start destroying the cells of the thyroid gland that results in the development of symptoms of an underactive thyroid.
The development of autoimmune disorders is multifactorial, wherein genetics, diet, stress, hormone levels, environmental influences and immunological factors play a significant role.
The cause of Hashimoto’s disease may also include a reaction from an autoimmune disease or common allergens including inflammatory foods like gluten or dairy. In some people, nutritional deficiencies like those of glutamine, zinc and Vitamin D can also cause the problem.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Treatment Guidelines

1. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Treatment Diet

An important measure to manage Hashimoto’s disease is to remove foods that trigger immune reactions, like gluten, grains, nuts, artificial sugars, dairy products and fast food.
Additionally, adding foods like vegetables and fruits, coconut oil, seaweed, probiotic-rich foods, sprouted seeds, and beans can help moderate the system and restore it to a healthy state. Homeopathic medicine for thyroid diseases works particularly well with correct diet choices.

2. Supplements for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Certain nutrients and supplements help lower the autoimmune reactions and also help the body handle stress better. These supplements and nutrients include probiotics, Vitamin D, and more traditional foods like Aswagandha.

3. Stress Management

It is essential to manage and reduce stress when suffering from Hashimoto’s disease as stress can trigger alterations in the production of neuroendocrine hormones which contribute to immune dysfunction.

Risk Factors for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Various risk factors predispose a person towards Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, like:

  • Women are 8-10 times more at risk as compared to men to develop Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.
  • A family history of autoimmune disorders or thyroid disorders.
  • Stress may lead to imbalances in the hormonal levels.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum are two situations which affect the thyroid hormones. The pregnant female may develop antibodies to the thyroid hormones during and after pregnancy, resulting in postpartum thyroiditis.
  • Smoking cigarettes and sedentary lifestyle are the most common contributory factors in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

Signs and Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Initially, the signs and symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis are very mild and may go unnoticed. In the very beginning, a swelling in the front of the neck due to the enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter) occurs in most cases. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis progresses gradually over years and damages the thyroid gland, resulting in a reduction of thyroid hormones that leads to hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). By the time the symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are noticeable, the thyroid gland may already be damaged.
The symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis include:

  • weight gain tiredness/weakness
  • low energy levels
  • intolerance to cold
  • swollen/puffy face
  • sleepiness
  • muscle aches
  • joint pains
  • constipation
  • thinning/falling of hair
  • low libido
  • slowed brain function
  • weak memory and depression

In females, irregular periods or prolonged/heavy periods, and difficulty in getting pregnant may be noted. There are also high chances of babies born to women with untreated Hashimoto’s thyroiditis to develop congenital disabilities. There is an increased risk of rising cholesterol and heart problems. Myxedema coma is a severe, life-threatening complication of this condition that requires urgent management.

Complications from Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis can cause some complications, including putting you at a higher risk for developing other autoimmune disorders.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis increases your risk of developing other related autoimmune disorders. Some examples include Grave’s disease, Addison’s disease, Pernicious Anemia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Vitiligo.

Diagnosing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is diagnosed through its classic signs and symptoms and by analyzing the result of a blood test that measures levels of thyroid hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone. The test may include:
Hormone Test: A blood test can determine the amount of hormones produced by thyroid and pituitary gland. If the thyroid gland is underactive, the level of thyroid hormone will be low, but TSH will be elevated because the pituitary gland tries to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormone.
Antibody Test: As Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder, it involves the abnormal production of antibodies. A blood test may confirm the presence of antibodies against thyroid peroxidase (TPO antibodies), an enzyme that is typically found in the thyroid gland and plays a vital role in the production of thyroid hormones.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Grave’s Disease

What is Grave’s Disease?

Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disease. It causes increased secretion of thyroid hormones (overactive thyroid gland). The thyroid gland is located in front of the neck and helps control the body’s metabolism through the production of thyroid hormones. In Grave’s disease, the release of thyroid hormones increases – a condition known as hyperthyroidism. Grave’s disease remains the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Homeopathic treatment for Grave’s disease offers a cure at the internal level, where things have gone wrong.

What is the Cause of Grave’s Disease?

The exact reason behind Grave’s disease is still not fully understood, but it is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly starts attacking the body’s cells. In case of Grave’s disease, a misdirected immune response is set up against the thyroid gland. This results in the production and release of excessive amounts of thyroid hormones.

What are the Risk Factors for Grave’s Disease?

Some major risk factors for Grave’s disease include a positive family history of this disease, triggering of disease due to stress, smoking, and presence of another autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease. Women carry a higher risk of developing Grave’s disease as compared to men and can develop the disorder during pregnancy.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Grave’s Disease?

A wide range of signs and symptoms appear as a result of Grave’s disease. However, these symptoms vary from case to case and depend on many characteristic features of the disease. Major symptoms include unintentional weight loss despite an increased appetite, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, diarrhea, feeling weak/tired all the time, shaking hands, palpitations, poor tolerance to heat, excessive sweating, and thick, red skin on the tibia/shin bone (pretibial myxedema).

Bulging of eyeballs from their sockets (exophthalmos) and other eye-related symptoms like swelling, redness of eyes, dryness of eyes, gritty sensation in eyes, blurred vision or double vision are common. The eye problems that arise as a result of Grave’s disease are collectively known as Grave’s ophthalmopathy. Other symptoms include swelling in the neck due to an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), difficulty with concentration, hair loss, irregular periods in females, muscle weakness, problems with sleeping, shortness of breath with activity, moodiness, loose nails, etc.

What are the Complications of Grave’s Disease?

Grave’s disease can lead to a lot of complications. The first and possibly the most dangerous is a thyroid storm. It is a life-threatening complication in which causes fever, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, vomiting, severe weakness, loss of unconscious, and coma. It is a medical emergency that needs urgent treatment. Other complications of Grave’s disease include weak/brittle bones, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. During pregnancy, complications from Grave’s disease can cause miscarriage, preeclampsia, poor fetal growth, and premature birth. Homeopathic treatment for Grave’s disease helps minimize the risk associated with these complications.

Homeopathic Treatment for Grave’s Disease

Homeopathic treatment for Grave’s disease works by optimizing the immune system. It also helps with the symptomatic management of the disease. The homeopathic approach to manage Grave’s disease, is constitutional, which means that the treatment plan takes into consideration all physical and mental symptoms. Homeopathic treatment of Grave’s disease reduces the intensity and frequency of the symptoms and eventually treat the disorder.
Homeopathic medicines to treat Grave’s disease include Iodum, Spongia Tosta, Bromium, Lycopus Virginicus, Natrum Mur and Kali Iodatum. These homeopathic medicines are made of natural substances and do not cause any side effects.

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Best Homeopathic Remedies for Nephrotic Syndrome – A Supportive Role

Nephrotic syndrome is an indicator that the kidneys are not working well. Homeopathic treatment for nephrotic syndrome helps in managing nephrotic syndrome symptomatically. In mild cases of nephrotic syndrome, homeopathic medicines can be used in isolation, yielding excellent results. However, in severe cases of nephrotic syndrome, homeopathic medicines can be used in addition to conventional medicines to reduce further kidney damage and to offer symptomatic relief.

What is Nephrotic Syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome has three characteristic features – the passage of large amounts of proteins in the urine, low protein in the blood, and edema. Kidneys are vital organs that help to filter blood and eliminate the waste products of metabolism and extra fluid from the blood. Kidneys contribute in maintaining acid base balance, regulating electrolyte levels, and extracellular fluid volume. The nephron is the functioning unit in the kidney. The first part of the nephron is glomerulus. The glomerulus has a network of capillaries involved in the first stage to filter the blood and urine formation. Any damage to this capillary tuft leads to excessive passage of protein from the blood into the urine. This results in the building up of fluid in the tissue leading to swelling. When protein levels in the blood decrease, it results in fluid collection around the heart, lungs or the abdominal cavity.

Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Varying causes lead to nephrotic syndrome. The major cause of nephrotic syndrome in children is the minimal change disease. Membranous glomerulonephritis, or an inflammed glomerulus, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, or the presence of tissue scars in the glomeruli, also causes nephrotic syndrome. Other reasons include sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, diabetic kidney disease, SLE, vasculitis and certain medications like NSAID’S. Other than these, hepatitis B and HIV are risk factors for nephrotic syndrome.

Signs and Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

The most prominent symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are swelling in the feet and puffiness around the eyes. There is foamy urine along with proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and hyperlipidemia. Other features include fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight gain. Because of hypoalbuminemia, other findings may be pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, ascites or general anasarca.

Homeopathic Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

Medicines that work well in the homeopathic treatment for nephrotic syndrome are Apis Mellifica, Apocynum Cannabinum, Arsenic Album, and Terebinthina. Homeopathic medicines should be taken under the guidance of a well-qualified doctor, and self-medication should be avoide

1. Apis Mellifica – A Well Indicated Homeopathic Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome

Apis Mellifica is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for nephrotic syndrome. The symptoms for using Apis Mellifica are puffiness under the eyes and swelling of the feet. The swelling in the feet may worsen on walking. The feet feel tight and tense with swelling. Edematous swelling may also occur on the face. There is burning or heat in the face along with swelling. The urine is frothy or milky in appearance. Fetid odor in urine is also noted and there is a frequent urge to pass urine. Albuminuria and pain around the kidney are also present. Another characteristic feature is the absence of thirst.

2. Apocynum Cannabinum – A Homeopathic Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome with Ascites, Hydrothorax, and Anasarca.

Apocynum Cannabinum is yet another very effective homeopathic medicine for nephrotic syndrome. Use of Apocynum is considered when there is dropsy accompanied by a great thirst for water. It works well for ascites, hydrothorax, and anasarca. An important accompanying feature is the diminished frequency of the pulse. There is less urine than usual, and it is turbid and hot. Nausea, excessive vomiting, and drowsiness are other features.

3. Arsenic Album – A Homeopathic Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome Accompanied by Extreme Weakness

Arsenic Album is another homeopathic medicine for nephrotic syndrome. For using Arsenic Album, the indication is edematous swelling mainly on the face and abdomen. There is ascites along with a hard and bloated stomach. Urine is turbid and may burn while passing. Another accompanying symptom is an extreme lack of strength, weakness, and fatigue from the slightest exertion. The patient may also faint due to the weakness. Another major feature is a lot of anxiety and restlessness. These complaints are accompanied by a thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.

4. Terebinthina – Important Remedy indicated in the Initial Stages of Homeopathic Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome. 

Terebinthina is another important homeopathic medicine for nephrotic syndrome. It works well for acute albuminuria in the early stages. Urine is rich in albuminuria and is cloudy and smoky. Tenesmus of bladder, scanty urine or suppression of urine are other features. There may be ascites consequent to albuminuria. There is a burning, drawing pain around the kidney. Drowsiness is another prominent feature.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx. It is one of the most common causes for a sore throat. Pharyngitis is caused by infections that may be viral, bacterial or fungal in nature. Among them, a viral infection is the leading cause of pharyngitis. There are non-infectious causes of pharyngitis as well. These include chemical irritants, allergies, acid reflux and irritation from tobacco smoke. Pharyngitis may be acute or chronic. Pharyngitis has an excellent scope of treatment in the homeopathic system of medicine. Pharyngitis of both acute as well as of chronic origin is dealt with very efficiently with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic treatment for pharyngitis is decided based on the symptoms in each case.

Homeopathic medicines first help in relieving the symptoms of pharyngitis. Then, they proceed to eradicate the constant tendency of pharyngitis. Some high-grade homeopathic medicines for pharyngitis are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Lycopodium, Merc Iod Flavus, Lachesis, Merc Iod Ruber, Kali Bichrome, Hydrastis, and Wyethia.

Symptoms of Pharyngitis

The symptoms of pharyngitis include soreness, scratching or pain in the throat, painful swallowing, post nasal secretions, and cough. Accompanying symptoms include fatigue, body ache, fever and swollen lymph nodes in the throat.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pharyngitis

1. Belladonna – Excellent Homeopathic Medicine for Pharyngitis

Belladonna is one of the best homeopathic medicine for pharyngitis. The primary indication for using Belladonna is a red, sore and painful throat accompanied by difficult and painful swallowing. There is dryness as well as a lump in the throat. The patient may have dry, tickling cough along with an inflamed throat. High fever also accompanies the sore throat.

2. Merc Sol – Homeopathic Medicine for Pharyngitis when Ulcers are Present in the Pharynx

Merc Sol is a well indicated homeopathic treatment for pharyngitis when ulcers are present in the pharynx. The pharynx gets swollen and is bluish red in appearance, and there are ulcers in it. There is a sore, smarting pain in the throat that may extend to the ear. This is also be accompanied by a constant need to swallow. There is a marked increase in saliva and an enlargement of the lymphatic glands of the throat.

3. Lycopodium and Merc Iod Flavus – Homeopathic Medicines for Pharyngitis for the Right Side

Lycopodium and Merc Iod Flavus are great homeopathic medicines for pharyngitis affecting the right side. For using Lycopodium, the main symptoms are an inflamed pharynx and pain in the right side of the throat. The pain may be sharp or stitching in nature. Warm drinks may relieve the pain in the throat. Merc Iod Flavus is also very useful for pharyngitis of the right side. Symptoms for using Merc Iod Flavus are a painful swelling on the right side of the throat and a sensation of a lump in the throat. Cold drinks may relieve the pain. Ulcers on the back of the throat may also occur.

4. Lachesis and Merc Iod Ruber – Homeopathic Medicine for Pharyngitis Affecting the Left Side

Lachesis and Merc Iod Rubrum are highly indicated in homeopathic treatment for pharyngitis affecting the left side. Lachesis works well when there is a pain in the left side of the throat along with painful swallowing. The pain from the left side of the throat may extend to the ear. Warm drinks worsen the pain. Hawking of mucus and constriction in the throat are also present. Merc Iod Ruber is also handy for pharynx inflammation of the left side. The main symptoms that point to the use of Merc Iod Rubrum are a swollen, reddened left side of the throat, phlegm in the throat and a sensation of a lump in the throat. A cough with white or yellow sputa is also present.

5. Kali Bichrome – Homeopathic Medicine for Pharyngitis with Marked Posterior Nasal Discharge

Kali Bichrome is mostly considered in cases of pharyngitis where there is a lot of posterior nasal discharge. It is a very effective homeopathic treatment for pharyngitis with post nasal discharge. There are redness and swelling of fauces, with a post nasal drip of mucus. The mucus is tough, stringy and tenacious in nature. A burning sensation in the throat is present along with the above symptoms. Aphthae in the throat may also arise. Swelling and edema of the uvula are other signs that may be noted.

6. Hydrastis and Wyethia – Homeopathic Remedies for Follicular Pharyngitis

Very useful homeopathic medicines for follicular pharyngitis are Hydrastis and Wyethia. Hydrastis is needed when there is follicular pharyngitis with smarting pain in the throat. There are roughness, rawness and a burning sensation in the throat. Along with this, thick, yellow mucus is hawked out. Wyethia works well when there is follicular pharyngitis with a constant need to clear the throat. There is an itch on the palate and posterior nares. A dry, hacking cough may arise with these symptoms. The throat is dry and there is a sensation of heat.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Dyspnea – Difficulty in Breathing

Difficulty in breathing is called dyspnea. Shortness of breath, breathlessness, and labored breathing are other terms used to describe dyspnea. Dyspnea points to insufficient oxygen in the blood. Homeopathic treatment for dyspnea is a safe and effective way to help cure the problem.   homeopathic treatment for dyspnea

Treatment for dyspnea requires a detailed case history of the patient. The history helps to find out the cause of dyspnea. It also helps to identify the particulars of each case. The effectiveness of medicines depends on the severity, duration and the reasons for the dyspnea. Depending upon case details of dyspnea, homeopathy can play a curative, palliative, or supportive role.

Causes of Dyspnea

Difficulty in breathing is experienced after exertion or while moving to high altitudes is normal, but if it occurs otherwise, then it is a matter of concern. Such a condition should be investigated and treated. Various medical conditions can lead to dyspnea. Among medical conditions, respiratory and heart troubles are some of the leading causes of dyspnea. The causes of dyspnea also include asthma, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary edema, heart failure, and heart attack. Low blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, anemia, sudden blood loss, obstruction by inhaled foreign objects and anxiety or panic disorders can also be among the causes. Common symptoms that point to dyspnea are cough, wheezing, chest pain, blood in sputum and fainting.

Homeopathic Treatment for Dyspnea

1. Arsenic Album– For Dyspnea in Asthma

Arsenic Album is a top grade medicine for dyspnea for a patient with asthma. Arsenic Album works well when there is difficulty in breathing along with wheezing and constricted air passages. Suffocating attacks are also a symptom in such cases. The symptoms are most disturbing at night. The patient is unable to lie down at night because of the fear of suffocation. The patient may even wake up at night from disturbing dyspnea.

2. Antimonium Tart and Ipecac – For Dyspnea Accompanied by Cough

Antimonium Tart and Ipecac are the best medicines for dyspnea accompanied by a cough. The top indicators for using Antimonium Tart are shortness of breath with a cough and rattling of mucus in the chest. Only a little bit of phlegm is expectorated. There is a feeling of suffocation along with gasping of breath. To use Ipecac, the symptom is dyspnea with a sudden and intense cough. Vomiting may accompany a cough. The person also turns stiff and blue because of the shortness of breath. A suffocating and strangling feeling with a cough are also symptoms in such cases. Bubbling rales in the chest are also noted.

3. Ammonium Carb and Stannum Met – For Dyspnea While Walking

Ammonium Carb and Stannum Met are beneficial medicines for dyspnea experienced while walking. Among them, Ammonium Carb works well in cases where walking even a few steps leads to labored and difficult breathing. Along with dyspnea, cough with bloody expectoration may also be present. Other from this, Ammonium Carb is also indicated for difficulty in breathing in a warm room. Being in the cold air brings relief. Stannum Met is considered when there is shortness of breath with a constriction in the chest while walking. Dyspnea on exertion is also treated well with Stannum Met. Other symptoms that indicate the use of Stannum Met are weakness or sharp pains in the chest, and expectoration with a sweet or salty taste.

4. Lachesis and Grindelia – For Dyspnea During Sleep

Lachesis and Grindelia need consideration in cases of dyspnea that occurs during sleep. Lachesis is useful when a person has difficulty in breathing while sleeping. The patient wakes up from sleep and rushes to open a window to breathe. Tight clothing is unbearable around the chest and throat. Grindelia works in cases of dyspnea where breathing stops on falling asleep. There is an inability to breathe on lying down. The person wakes up with a start and sits up to breathe.

5. Carbo Veg and Silicea – For Dyspnea In Elderly People

For dyspnea in older adults, prominently indicated medicines are Carbo Veg and Silicea. Carbo Veg is an excellent medicine for labored and quick breathing in seniors. Along with this, a burning sensation in the chest is felt. A patient needing Carbo Veg also likes to be fanned to get relief. The skin may be cold and blue in color during attacks of dyspnea. Silicea is helpful for older adults experiences difficulty in breathing. Walking fast, lying on the back, and stooping is some of the factors that indicate the need for Silicea in older adults.

6. For Dyspnea With Heart Troubles

Some effective medicines for dyspnea with heart problems are Digitalis, Iberis, and Viscum Album. The characteristic features that point to the need for Digitalis are dyspnea with constant desire to take a deep breath, precordial anxiety, violent palpitations on motion, and a weak, slow pulse. Iberis works well in cases of dyspnea with a full, irregular pulse. The dyspnea is worse while climbing stairs. Viscum Album is considered in cases of dyspnea when lying on the left side worsens the complaint. Along with this, constriction and tightness in the chest are felt.

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Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Ptosis

Drooping of the upper eyelids is known as ptosis. Ptosis is not a disease, but a symptom arising from various conditions. Ptosis can be one sided (unilateral) or affect both sides (bilateral). Ptosis can be congenital (one can be born with ptosis) or acquired (ptosis develops later in life). Homeopathic remedies for ptosis can bring improvement depending on factors like the duration of ptosis, the intensity of ptosis (mild, moderate or severe degree) and the body’s individual response.  homeopathic remedies for ptosis

Ptosis arises mainly from one of the three reasons that include – a weakness of muscles involved in raising the eyelid, damage to the nerve that supplies eyelid muscles or swelling of the lid. Levator palpebrae superioris and superior tarsal are the two muscles weakness in which causes ptosis. Nerve damage affects the oculomotor nerve. If not treated well in time, ptosis may lead to amblyopia (lazy eye) or astigmatism.

Homeopathic Remedies for Ptosis

Ptosis can be treated wonderfully well with Homeopathy. However, the prescription varies. The ideal medicine is selected as per the individual symptom presentation. Homeopathy treats ptosis by strengthening the muscles of the eyelids. Some prominent medicines for ptosis include Alumina, Rhus Tox, Kali Phosphoricum, Plumbum Metallicum, Causticum, Gelsemium sempervirens, and Ledum Palustre.

Among these, Alumina and Rhus Tox are well indicated for right-sided ptosis. Kali Phosphoricum and Plumbum Metallicum are excellent for ptosis of left side. Causticum works well for ptosis arising on either side. Gelsemium Sempervirens is the ideal choice of medicine for ptosis from resulting from exhaustion. Last but not least, Ledum Palustre serves best in treating ptosis arising after injury.

Types of Ptosis

The major types of ptosis include – myogenic ptosis, neurogenic ptosis, aponeurotic ptosis, mechanical ptosis, traumatic ptosis and neurotoxic ptosis.

Myogenic ptosis arises from muscle weakness from a systemic disorder. The main causes of myogenic ptosis are myasthenia gravis, myotonic dystrophy, and oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy.

Neurogenic ptosis arises from a problem in the nerve pathway controlling movement of the eyelid muscles. The major causes for neurogenic ptosis include oculomotor nerve palsy and Horner’s syndrome.

Aponeurotic ptosis, also known as senile ptosis, is majorly seen in elderly people from overstretching of eyelid muscle.

Mechanical ptosis arises from edema or tumor of the upper eyelid.

Traumatic ptosis arises from trauma to the eyelid.

Neurotoxic ptosis is mainly caused by snake bites including cobra, kraits and taipans. Neurotoxic ptosis is a medical emergency.

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