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Toothache From Sinus Infection? Try These Homeopathic Medicines

Sinus infection refers to infection of the paranasal sinuses (air–filled spaces present in the skull bone) from infection by bacteria or viruses. A sinus infection (sinusitis) can result in various kind of symptoms with toothache being one among them. Sinus infections can cause pain in the upper teeth due to the involvement of the sinuses that are located near the mouth. Its infection can put pressure on the nerves supplying the sinuses, gums and teeth. Sinus toothache is felt in multiple teeth at a time and not just one teeth. Besides toothache, other symptoms of sinus infection include headache, nasal discharge, blocked nose, facial pain, post nasal discharge (PND), cough, tenderness near the nose, forehead or eyes, earache and loss of smell and taste. Among the infection of different paranasal sinuses, toothache generally occurs from an infection in the maxillary sinus.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries great scope in treating cases of toothache that results from sinus infection. Homeopathic medicines gradually decrease the frequency and intensity of this complaint. Along with managing toothache, they also work wonderfully in managing any associated signs and symptoms like nasal discharge, blocked nose, post nasal discharge (PND), headache and facial pain. These work magnificently in these cases by reducing the inflammation of paranasal sinus by fighting the infectious agent. The best part of using homeopathic medicines is that they work in the most natural way to treat a condition without any side effects. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed case analysis based on the individual’s symptoms. So, it is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine. Avoid self-medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Toothache From Sinus Infection

1. Silicea – Top Recommended Medicine

Silicea is a highly recommended medicine to manage various sinusitis-related complaints. It is also very helpful in managing toothache in such cases. In cases needing it, pain in the teeth gets worse at night which hinders sleep. Along with toothache, there is tearing type of pain in the head. There is excessive salivation in the mouth. Pain from the teeth spreads over the whole cheek. Other sinusitis symptoms include headache, blocked nose, offensive smelling nasal discharge usually green or yellow-colored, loss of smell and taste.

2. Hepar Sulph – To Manage Throbbing Type Of Toothache

Hepar Sulph is the next useful medicine for treating sinusitis. This medicine is recommended if the person complains of toothache and pain gets worse after eating and from drinking cold drinks. It can manage throbbing type of pain in the teeth. Persons needing this medicine complain of nasal blockage in the morning, crust formation in the nose, yellow sticky nasal discharge and a burning sensation in the nose. Besides pain inside the nose, one feels pain at the root of the nose. There may be post nasal discharge tinged with blood.

3. Kali Bichrome – For Toothache Better By Pressure

Another medicine to manage sinusitis-related problems is Kali Bichrome. It can be used in managing toothache that gets a little better by applying pressure momentarily. The pain is usually stitching type. It is best suited for sinus infections to manage post nasal discharge. The discharge is thick, sticky and ropy. In cases needing this medicine, there is thick, lumpy, sticky, ropy discharge from the nose. It is greenish or yellowish colored. The nose feels obstructed. Fetid smell emanates from the nose from the accumulation of nasal discharge. Pain and pressure at the foot of the nose is also prominent. Sinus headache is felt in the forehead above the eyebrows.

4. Merc Sol – For Toothache Marked In Daytime

Merc Sol is useful for managing toothache most marked in the day time. The pain gets better at night. There is increased salivation. The pain from the teeth extends to the side of the head. This medicine is also recommended for managing throbbing pain in upper jaw which gets worse at night. There may be swelling on the face, besides sneezing, and profuse nasal discharge. Nostrils are inflamed and swollen from the inside. At times, crusts form inside the nose that bleed on cleaning the nose. Besides, there is pain in the forehead, cheeks and ears. This pain is tearing type.

5. Belladonna – To Manage Throbbing Pain In Teeth

This medicine is of great help when there is throbbing type of pain in the teeth. The pain is attended with earache. Besides these complaints, the face is red with heated sensation. Belladonna is a top-grade medicine for helping cases of sinus headache. Other symptoms include mucus discharge from nose tinged with blood, frequent sneezing and tickling sensation in the nose.

6. Pulsatilla – When Toothache Is Worse On Eating

Pulsatilla is an effective medicine to manage toothache that gets worse on eating. Pain also increases from taking warm food/drink specifically. A draught of cold air brings relief. Pain is mainly marked in teeth on the right side of the face. The pain gets worse in the evening. The severity of the pain makes it difficult for a person to sit quietly. The pain may extend to the ears and sides of the head. Besides toothache, there are other sinus-related complaints like yellow-green discharge from the nose, alternate nasal discharge, nose blockage and frontal headache. Tearing type of pain is felt in the maxillary sinus in cheeks that may extend to the ears.

7. Spigelia – For Right Sided Toothache

This medicine is recommended when there is pain in teeth on the right side of the face. The pain is not felt during the day but begins at night when one rests the head on the pillow. It is useful when the pain is throbbing in nature. Burning pain is felt in the malar bone. The face may be swollen. There is nasal discharge, itching in the nose and post nasal drip as well.

8. Lycopodium – For toothache with swollen cheeks

Lycopodium is a beneficial medicine to manage toothache along with swelling of the cheek. It gets worse from warm drinks. Pain may increase from the slightest touch. Toothache gets worse at night. With this thick, yellow nasal discharge occurs from the nose. Headache in the forehead is also prominent. The nose feels blocked with trouble breathing at night.

9. Natrum Mur – For Pain In Teeth Extending To Ears

This medicine is well suited for managing pain in teeth that extend to ears. The cheek is swollen. The pain increases after eating. Pressure is felt in the teeth. There is profuse nasal discharge which alternates with nose blockage. At times, there is clear mucus discharge from the nose. There is excessive sneezing every morning. Burning sensation is felt in nasal bones and cheek area. There is also soreness in the nostrils. Loss of smell and taste is another prominent feature where this medicine is required. Besides the above complaints, pressure is felt on the forehead. It gets worse while bending the head down. Applying pressure over the head relieves this complaint. In some cases, there is pain in eyeballs along with the forehead.


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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Throat Pain Extending to Ears

Throat pain is a very common problem and in many cases, pain from the throat can extend to the ears. The throat and ears are connected via the eustachian tube, so any problem in the throat might extend to ears as well. It can be attended with other signs and symptoms as well. These include throat pain when swallowing food, redness in the throat, swelling of tonsils, hoarse voice, dryness in the throat, white/pus spots on the tonsils, fullness in the ear, fluid discharge from ears, decreased hearing and popping noises in the ears. Some general symptoms that can attend include fever, feeling unwell and headache.

Throat pain extending to ears can arise from various causes. The first reason behind this complaint includes throat infections and tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils). These conditions usually result from viral infections but can occur from bacterial or other infections as well.

Another reason behind it is pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx i.e. the back of the throat), commonly referred as sore throat. Another cause could be sinusitis. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the air-filled cavities in the skull. It can cause throat pain extending to the ears along with other main symptoms like nasal discharge, headache, stuffed nose, PND – post nasal drip where mucus from the back of the nose falls down in the throat, facial swelling and pain. Another reason is allergies. This can lead to throat pain and ear pain in addition to its major symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes.

Other reason includes TMJ disorders (i.e. temporomandibular disorders that affect the joint that connects jaw to the skull) that usually cause jaw pain, facial pain, headache, cracking sound from the jaw but can also cause throat pain extending to the ears.

Acid reflux is yet another cause. It refers to the back flow of stomach acid from stomach to the food pipe. This cause heartburn means burning in the middle of chest behind the breast bone, sour or bitter burps, chest pain, sensation of lump in the throat. Additionally, in some cases it may cause throat pain extending to the ear. Lastly, a tooth infection may cause throat pain or ear pain along with its main symptoms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaintscauses of throat pain extending to the ears. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, hence are entirely safe to use in these cases with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. There are numerous medicines for treating this complaint in homeopathy and the most suitable medicine has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. So it is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicine under supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Throat Pain Extending to Ears

1. Merc Sol – Top Medicine

Merc Sol is the top recommended medicine to manage pain in the throat that extend to the ears. In cases needing it, pain gets worse when swallowing. Pain is usually stitching type in most the cases. The throat and tonsils are red and swollen. The tonsils are enlarged. A characteristic attending feature is ulcers on the tonsils and in the throat. Heated sensation is felt in the throat. A rough feeling is also felt in throat. An important accompanying feature is increased salivation in the mouth. Foul smell also comes from mouth.

2. Belladonna – With Intense Redness Of Throat And Tonsils

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine when there is marked redness of the throat and tonsils. The throat is swollen and looks shiny. The pain goes from thethroat to the ears. There is much difficulty in swallowing especially the liquids. Swallowing saliva is also painful. There is excessive dryness in the throat. The tonsils are enlarged. Fever attends above complaints. Cough spells can also attend.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Pain On Swallowing, Turning Head, Yawning, Coughing

Hepar Sulph is a useful medicine for managing throat pain extending to the ears on swallowing. The nature of pain can be stitching or shooting type. The pain also worsens when turning the head, yawning and on coughing. The tonsils are red, inflamed with pus points on it, in cases needing this medicine. An important feature that attends is a sensation of a lump or plug of mucus in the throat. In some cases, there is a feeling of splinter (a thin, small sharp piece of a wood, a glass or something else being broken from a larger piece) stuck in the throat. There may be difficulty in hearing.

4. Phytolacca – When Intense Heat / Burning In Throat Attends

Phytolacca can be considered when there is intense heat or burning sensation in throat along with throat pain radiating to the ears. In cases needing this medicine, the throat and tonsils appear dark red or bluish colored. The tonsils may be covered with greyish patches. The throat feels rough and dry. There is a disposition to hawk and clear the throat. Dryness of the throat is present thwhichat induces cough. A sensation of lump in the throat is also present. One is unable to swallow any hot liquid.

5. Lachesis – For Left-Sided Pain

Lachesis works well in cases of pain in the left side of throat extending to the ear. The pain worsens on swallowing. Swallowing liquids is more painful than solids. Swallowing saliva is also painful. The throat is also painful to touch and pressure externally. The throat and tonsils look purplish. There is a constant tickling in the throat. There is a feeling of bread crumb in the throat sticking in the throat. It feels better by hawking.

6. Lac Caninum – For RightRight-Sided Sided Pain

This medicine is suitable for right-sided throat pain extending to ear. The pain gets worse from swallowing which is almost impossible. The throat is painful to touch externally as well. Pearly white deposits may be seen inside the throat. On the tonsils, white ulcers are formed. There may also appear yellowish-white patches on the tonsils. There is marked dryness in the throat and the mouth. Tickling sensation is felt in the throat which causes cough.

7. Nitric Acid – With Intense Pain On Swallowing

This medicine is of great use when there is violent pain that extends from throat to ears on swallowing. Even swallowing a little amount of liquid causes pain. A pricking sort of sensation as from splinters is well marked in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen. Small ulcers are present on the tonsils. In some cases, white patches occur on the tonsils.

8. Ignatia – With Pus In The Tonsils

This medicine is indicated when there are swollen tonsils with tiny openings filled with pus. Small ulcers may also develop on the tonsils. The throat is red and inflamed. Stitching pain extends from throat to the ears. It gets better on swallowing solids and worse during the act of swallowing. A crawling sensation occurs in throat. There is bad smell and taste in the mouth.



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How to Manage Facial Pain with Homeopathy

Facial pain refers to any kind of pain or discomfort felt in the face. The pain can occur on the whole face or may be localized to a particular part of the face. In some cases, pain may radiate from the head or ears to the face. The pain can be mild to severe varying from case to case. It may be constant or may come and go at varying intervals. Depending on the causes, facial pain may be attended with other symptoms like headache, jaw pain, tooth pain, earache, tingling/numbness/weakness on the face, swelling on the face, skin eruptions, sinus symptoms like nasal discharge, PND (Post Nasal Drip means dripping of mucus from the back of nose into throat), blocked nose, and eye-related symptoms like eye redness, eye watering, etc.  Facial pain can arise from various causes as follows:

1. Trigeminal neuralgia: Trigeminal neuralgia refers to severe pain on one side of the face along the course of the trigeminal nerve mainly due to compression, irritation or damage to the trigeminal nerve.

2. Sinusitis: It refers to inflamed paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled cavities in the skull bone. It can cause facial pain along with other symptoms like nasal discharge, post nasal dripping, headache and blocked nose. Facial pain can be felt in the cheek area, forehead, root of the nose or the upper jaw depending on the sinus involved.

3. Toothache or cavities (hole in a teeth from decay) in the teeth and dental procedures like tooth extraction, root canal treatment, etc.

4. Herpes Zoster or post-herpetic neuralgia: Herpes Zoster refers to a painful rash with fluid-filled bumps (blisters) caused by varicella zoster virus. If this pain continues for more than three months after healing of the skin rash, it is termed post-herpetic neuralgia.

5. Herpes Simplex: It is also known as fever blisters characterized by tiny blisters around the mouth and on the lips caused by herpes simplex virus 1.

6. Headaches like migraine (one-sided headache usually throbbing type often attended with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to noise and light)

7. An injury to face or a fracture of maxillary or mandibular bone

8. Oral infection (infection of gums, tooth abscess – pus collection in different areas of tooth from bacterial infection) and infection of the salivary glands

9. TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint) disorders: These are the disorders arising from complaint of the jaw joint or muscles linked with jaw movement.

10. Atypical facial pain when no clear cause is found.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of facial pain. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in relieving facial pain by working on the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, a long-term relief in facial pain follows. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for facial pain is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms and the cause behind facial pain. It is advised to always get any case of facial pain evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right diagnosis and prescription. In most cases, facial pain occurs due to mild causes treatable with homeopathy. However, in very rare cases, pain in the face or jaw may happen from heart attack. So, if any pain occurs in the chest or left arm suddenly and radiate to the face or jaw then immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitation in treating such critical cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Pain

1. Belladonna – Top Medicine

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine for managing facial pains. It can help facial pain linked to several issues like sinusitis, headache, migraine, nerve involvement. In cases requiring it, the pain gets worse by touching the face or movement of the face. The pain may radiate to the side of head, ear or to the neck. The pain can be relieved by pressing the face hard. Though pain can occur on any side, it mostly affects the right side of the face. The pain can be cutting, shooting, tearing in nature. Along with pain, heated sensation can be felt on the face. The face can be markedly red too. Swelling may appear on the cheeks.  This medicine is also helpful for managing nerve pain that starts from the right side of head and spreads to the right eye and right cheek.

2. Spigelia – For Facial Pain From Trigeminal Neuralgia

Spigelia is one of the best medicine for pain on the face due to trigeminal neuralgia. Pain is mostly felt on the left side of face. One feels pain on the forehead, eye, cheek, teeth on left sided face. The pain can be tearing stitching, stabbing or burning type like hot needles. Pain tends to come and go suddenly. The left side of the face is also very sensitive to touch.

3. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Right Sided Facial Pain

This medicine is well indicated to manage facial pain on the right side especially due to trigeminal neuralgia. It is recommended when pain begins from the right eye and from there radiates to the entire right side of the face. The pain may be cutting stitching, shooting or cutting type. The pain tends to worsen from the slightest touch, a draft of air and washing with cold water. Relief is felt from warm application on the right side of face.

4. Colocynth – For Left Sided Facial Pain

Colocynth is a wonderful medicine for managing left sided facial pain. In cases needing it, facial pain gets worse from even slight touch on the face. The left side of the face is red, hot and swollen along with pain. The pain gets better from applying warmth. It is also relieved by absolute rest. The pain may radiate to the head, left ear and left side of the neck. Pain may be attended with excessive watering from the left eye. It is also indicated when pain from the left cheek bone radiates to the left eye.

5. Kali Bichrome – For Pain From Sinusitis

Kali Bichrome is a useful medicine for managing facial pain caused by sinusitis. In cases needing it, pain is mostly felt on the forehead above the eyes, root of the nose or the cheeks. Besides, thick ropy, yellow or greenish discharge from the nose may appear or the discharge may drip from the back of the nose into the throat i.e. PND – post nasal drip. Nasal blockage may be experienced.

6. Merc Sol – From Toothache

This medicine is well indicated when pain from painful teeth radiates to the face and even to the ears. Pain may be tearing or shooting type. The affected tooth may be decayed. Gum inflammation can also be present. Swelling over the cheek may be present on the affected side of the tooth. The pain gets worse from eating anything cold or warm. Relief appears from rubbing the cheek around the affected tooth.

7. Hecla Lava – From Decayed Tooth Or After Tooth Extraction

This medicine is highly suitable to manage facial pain that occurs from decayed tooth or follows tooth extraction. The pain is located over the jaw area. Swelling may also be present. The affected area is painful to touch. Due to pain there is difficulty in eating and sleeping.

8. Silicea – For Pain From Gums Infection Or Tooth Abscess

Silicea is a very important medicine for managing pain in the cheeks or face or from infection in gums or tooth abscess. In cases needing it, there is soreness and inflammation of gums. There is throbbing pain in teeth. This pain tends to radiate to the cheek or face from teeth. Pain gets worse at night.

9. Rhus Tox – For Pain From TMJ Disorder

This medicine is beneficial for managing pain occurring from TMJ disorder especially from joint inflammation. It is indicated when pain occurs at a jaw joint. It is accompanied with stiffness. Warmth or pressure over the joint relieves pain.


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Homeopathic Remedies for Ear Pain

Homeopathic Remedies for Ear pain

Ear pain, or Otalgia in medical terms, that persists needs medical intervention. While the pain may be one sided or both sided, it varies in intensity and can be mild, moderate or severe.  The nature of pain may also vary like dull, sharp, tearing, or throbbing. Earache mostly troubles children though it may affect persons of any age group. Earache usually occurs because of two reasons. The first is a primary or local cause, mainly an infection in the middle ear (Otitis Media). The second reason is the secondary or referred cause in which the pain does not start in the ear, but is referred secondarily to the ear through some primary problem in another part of the body.  Here, the primary problem can be in the teeth (dental caries, cutting the wisdom tooth) or throat infection (Tonsillitis).

Homeopathic medicines for ear pain offer a complete cure by treating the root cause of the condition. Prepared from natural substances, these remedies for ear pain have zero side effects and offer a complete cure for ear pain.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Ear Pain

The top most medicines for treating ear pain are Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Verbascum Thapsus, Merc Sol and Plantago.

1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine For Ear Pain

Belladonna is a natural remedy sourced from plant ‘deadly nightshade’. In most cases needing it, there occurs throbbing, tearing, shooting or stitching pain in ears. Pain feels very deep-rooted. The ear becomes hot and sensitive to touch. The slightest noise and chewing makes earache worse. In some cases, pain from the ear spreads to the face. It is an ideal remedy for ear pain arising from acute inflammation/infection in the middle ear (Otitis Media) or from a throat infection with pain in throat radiating to the ear.

When and How to use Belladonna?

Belladonna is highly recommended as a first line of treatment in cases of ear pain. This medicine relieves pain in ears wonderfully along with reducing swelling and inflammation, if present. It can be used in both low and high potencies, among which the most preferred is 30 C potency. Belladonna 30 C can be taken twice or thrice a day depending on the severity of the problem.

2. Pulsatilla – For Ear Pain With Ear Infections

Pulsatilla is a highly effective medicine for ear pain associated with ear infections. Here, it is given when there is shooting, pulsating, jerking, darting pain in ears. It gets worse at night and may continue throughout the night, extending to the head. It is attended with thick yellow / yellowish green ear discharge. There may be difficulty in hearing, the ear feels heavy and stuffed. At times, roaring or humming noises (tinnitus) are heard in the ears.

When and How to use Pulsatilla?

The foremost indication to use Pulsatilla is ear pain resulting from an ear infection with thick yellow or yellowish green ear discharge. Pulsatilla is usually recommended in 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day. Its higher potencies can also be used but only after consulting homeopathic expert.

3. Chamomilla – When Ear Is Sensitive To Touch Along With Pain

Chamomilla is very helpful when the affected ear is very sensitive to touch along with pain. Nature of pain is stitching, pressing or tearing type. Pain may be severe enough to cause a cry. The ear is swollen along with heated sensation, the ear also feels blocked. Chamomilla is also well-indicated for middle ear infection with earache and fever. Warm application on the ear may offer some relief. Highly suitable medicine to manage earache in children, it is also one of the best medicines to treat cases where pain from teeth radiates to ears. Children needing it may be highly irritable along with pain in ear.

When and How to use Chamomilla?

The key symptom to use Chamomilla here is severe earache with marked sensitivity of ears to touch. It is highly recommended to manage earache in children when excessive irritability is present. It can be taken two to three times a day in 30C power.

4. Verbascum Thapsus – For Ear Pain And Hearing Difficulty

Verbascum Thapsus is the best medicine for managing ear pain and hearing difficulty along with  a feeling of ear blockage. It is also highly recommended for ear pain of nerve origin. It is indicated when ear ache is part of the facial pain of nerve origin (Trigeminal Neuralgia). The pain is more pronounced on the left side and gets worse with the slightest movement. The ear is always dry inside.

When and How to use Verbascum Thapsus?

This medicine can be used when the leading complaint is ear pain with hearing difficulty. Next it can also be taken when ear pain is of nerve origin and is a part of trigeminal neuralgia. It can be taken once or twice a day in 30 C potency, but for high potency seek a physician’s advice. Verbascum Thapsus is popularly known as Mullein Oil and can also be administered as ear drops on the affected side of the ear for relieving earache and dry scaly condition of ear meatus along with internal usage in 30C potency.

5. Merc Sol – For Earache In Case Of Sore Throat

This medicine is suitable to manage ear ache in cases of sore throat. The key feature to use this medicine is pain in throat extending to ears. Pain in ears can be shooting or tearing type which gets worse at night and from warmth of bed. Thick yellow discharge from ears may be noted. At times, pus having foul odor gets discharged from ears.

When and How to Use Merc Sol?

Use of Merc Sol should be considered in cases where earache occurs in cases of sore throat with pain radiating from throat to ears. To begin with, one may take Merc Sol 30C twice a day. Its higher potencies can be used as well but only after consulting a homeopathic physician.

6. Plantago – For Earache Associated With Toothache

Sourced from plant ‘ribwort’, Plantago is a natural and highly beneficial medicine to manage pain in the ear related to toothache. Persons needing it complain of sharp pain in ears and teeth. The reason may be tooth decay.

When and How to Use Plantago?

Consider it as a first remedy in earache cases associated with dental issues with marked toothache. You may take this remedy in 30C potency two to three times a day for good relief.

What Are The Causes Behind Ear Pain?

The causes can be divided into primary and secondary causes:

A) Primary causes: The causes that lead to earache originating within the ear are primary causes.

1.Ear infections: It remains one of the main causes behind ear pain that can relate to either outer, middle or inner ear.

a) Outer ear infection/ otitis externa: Also named swimmer’s ear, infection occurs in outer ear canal usually from trapping of water in ear from swimming that favours bacterial growth.  Cleaning ears with earbuds/hairpins and use of ear devices like hearing aids may cause scratches in the ear which also increases chance of infection.

b) Middle ear infection (otitis media)is a bacterial/viral infection in the middle ear, which is the air-filled space behind the eardrum. It arises mainly from cold/flu when infection spreads to throat and via eustachian tube to the middle ear.

c) Inner ear infection (labrynthitis) results from viral or bacterial infections from cold or flu.

2. Ear blocked from earwax: Excessive build-up of earwax deep inside the ear canal may sometimes cause earache.

3. Barotrauma: Ear has a eustachian tube that works to regulate air pressure inside and outside the ear. When ear damage occurs from pressure changes inside and outside the ear, it is called barotrauma that can caused earache along with hearing loss, dizziness and pressure inside the ear. Some examples that can cause imbalance in pressure are flying in airplane, scuba diving, travelling in the hills, etc.

4. Foreign object stuck in the ear

5. Perforation (a hole) in eardrum

6. Blocked eustachian tube

7. Skin problems affecting ears (herpes zoster oticus, dermatitis of ear)

B) Secondary causes: When the cause of earache relate to a medical problem in some other part of the body other than the ear, it is referred to as a secondary cause. Some such causes are as follows:

1. Dental problems (cavities, infected tooth – tooth abscess means pus pocket in tooth from an infection)

2. Sinusitis (inflammation of lining of the paranasal sinuses)

3. Sore throats or tonsillitis(inflamed tonsils)

4. Temporomandibular joint disorder: Pain and restricted movement of jaw due to some problem (for example, inflammation, infection, injury) of temporomandibular joint that connects lower jaw to skull.

5. Trigeminal neuralgia: Electric shock-like pain on one side of the face from irritation, compression or injury of trigeminal nerve.

What Other Signs And Symptoms May Attend Ear Pain?

Depending on the cause, pain in ears can be attended with other signs and symptoms like ear discharge, hearing loss, fullness in ears, noises in ears, clicking or popping in ears, redness/swelling of ears, eruptions on ears, fever, headache and jaw pain. In children, pulling the ear, irritability, excessive crying, loss of appetite may be felt.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Best Homeopathic Medicines For Fighting Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentinal hypersensitivity or dentine hypersensitivity, refers to discomfort /shooting pain in the teeth on consuming hot or cold food or drinks. It may also happen from inhaling cold air. Pain may occur from intake of sweet, sour or acidic food/drinks, while brushing teeth or using mouthwash containing alcohol. The pain may be mild or severe; may be felt in one tooth or many teeth and may be temporary or persistent.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in managing tooth sensitivity. Persons having tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks, cold air, sweet or sour food/drinks, etc can benefit tremendously from homeopathic medicines. By taking these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint gradually reduce based on individual set of symptoms. So one should consult a homeopathic doctor who can prescribe the right medicine after detailed case analysis.

Homeopathic Medicines For Tooth Sensitivity 

1. Merc Sol – For Painful Sensitive Teeth To Cold And Hot Things

It is a very useful medicine for treating painful sensitive teeth to cold and hot drinks or eatables. The pain for using it can be tearing, or jerking type. In some cases needing it, tooth decay may be the reason for stinging pain. Sometimes inflammation in gums is also marked. In such cases, ,the gums are swollen, red and painful to touch. The gums may be receding from the teeth and may bleed too. An offensive mouth odour and increased salivation may attend it.

2. Chamomilla – For Sensitivity In Case Of Hollow Teeth

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Matricaria chamomilla. This medicine is helpful when a person experiences sensitivity due to hollow tooth. There is pain on consuming cold or hot drinks/food. The pain can be shooting or pulsating type.

3. Plantago – When Teeth Are Sensitive, Sore, Decayed

It is prepared from plant Plantago major, also known as ‘plantain’ and ‘ribwort’. It is the best medicine for managing sensitive, sore teeth when there is pain in decaying teeth. The pain where it is needed can be boring, digging or sharp in nature. Persons needing it may also complain of teeth grinding (medically called bruxism, it is a medical condition in which a person grinds, gnashes or clenches his teeth.)

4. Hypericum – For Tooth Sensitivity After Dental Surgery

This medicine is prepared from plant Hypericum Perforatum, commonly known as ‘St. John’s Wort’. This medicine is well indicated for managing sensitivity of tooth that follows any dental surgery. Pain attends sensitivity. This medicine is effective in managing nerve pain after any dental repair procedure, like root canal treatment.

 5. Magnesia Phos – For Sensitivity Of Teeth To Cold Air

This medicine works well in cases having tooth sensitivity to cold air. Other than this, tooth sensitivity to cold food and drinks can also be treated with this medicine. There may be shooting or stabbing pain. Lastly, it is also indicated for managing pain in decayed or teeth with filling.

6. Silicea – For Sensitive Teeth With Pain While Eating

Use of this medicine is considered when pain is felt while eating in sensitive teeth. The pain may be tearing, drawing or jerking type. Sometimes pain is felt in the teeth specifically when eating hot food. In some cases that need it, there is inflammation, swelling, pain in gums along with bleeding.

7. Lachesis – For Teeth Sensitive To Hot Drinks

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of tooth sensitivity in which there is pain on consuming hot drinks. Pain may also be felt while brushing teeth. The nature of pain varies –it can be a tearing/ pulsating/ boring/ drawing type of pain. Sometimes, spongy, swollen gums along with bleeding are the accompanying symptoms.

 8. Nux Vomica – For Tooth Sensitivity To Cold Drinks

This medicine is used for tooth sensitivity to cold drinks. There may be tearing type of pain in teeth from cold air. There may also be painful swelling of gums. It is attended with pulsating pain, burning sensation and bleeding. Besides, Nux Vomica is indicated when there is stinging pain in decayed teeth.

9. Natrum Mur – For Tooth Sensitivity To Hot Food

It is an important medicine for treating sensitivity of teeth to hot food. The pain may be dull, boring or beating type. Gums may also be swollen, and may bleed, along with smarting pain while eating. Other than this, pulsating pain in decayed teeth also indicates the use of Natrum Mur.

10. Carbo Veg – For Tooth Sensitivity To Cold Food

This medicine is valuable for managing cases having tooth sensitivity to cold food. Tearing type of pain is felt in teeth on eating cold food. Salty food may also cause pain in some cases needing it. Gums are painfully sensitive while chewing. Gum sensitivity may be accompanied by bleeding of gums.

11. Natrum Carb – For Tooth Sensitivity To Sweets

Natrum Carb offers help to persons having tooth sensitivity to sweets, especially teeth in lower jaw. There is boring/digging pain while eating, especially fruits.

12. Argentum Nitricum – For Sensitive Tooth To Sour Things

This medicine is considered in cases of sensitivity of teeth to sour things. Digging pain is mostly felt in the teeth. It is also effective in dealing with tooth pain on drinking cold water or consuming anything cold. Long-term gum irritation may be there. In some cases, the gums are receding, tender and bleed easily.

13. Bryonia – When Pain Is Felt From Brushing Teeth

This medicine is prepared from root of a plant named Bryonia Alba or ‘wild hops’. It is beneficial when there is pain while brushing teeth. Pain is mostly shooting type.  Bryonia is also helpful for pain in hollow teeth or tooth sensitivity on coming in contact with cold air. Another indication for using it is stinging pain in teeth while eating. Sore swollen gums may also be present along with the above symptoms.

What Are The Causes Behind Teeth Sensitivity?

A. Wearing down of tooth enamel: It is the main reason for teeth sensitivity. Tooth enamel is the hardest and strongest tissue in the human body which forms the outer layer of the tooth to protect it. Worn-out enamel exposes the middle layer of teeth that contains tubes leading to nerves making one prone to sensitive teeth. It can happen from many reasons as follows:

1. Brushing teeth very hard with excessive force or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can result in wearing down the protective enamel of the tooth and lead to tooth sensitivity.

2. Consuming acidic food or drink frequently. Some examples of acidic food are kiwi, lemon, pickles, soda and grapefruit.

3. Teeth grinding

4. Enamel may be worn out due to medical conditions like GERD, bulimia, and gastroparesis. GERD is a gastroesophageal reflux disease. The stomach acid flows back from the stomach into the throat due to relaxed lower esophageal sphincter. Frequent rising of stomach acid over a period of time may cause wearing of the enamel of teeth. Bulimia is a disorder in which a person eats excess food in one sitting and then expels it by self-induced vomiting or purging to get rid of the consumed food and shed the extra calories to prevent weight gain. Due to frequent vomiting, the tooth enamel may get damaged. Gastroparesis refers to a disorder in which the stomach takes very long to digest food. It can cause many symptoms including fullness feeling, nausea and vomiting. Frequent vomiting in this condition may wear down the tooth enamel resulting in tooth sensitivity.

B. Second reason for tooth sensitivity can be a toothpaste containing tooth whitening chemicals or a mouthwash containing alcohol and certain chemicals.

C. Tooth decay, cracked, chipped or broken teeth, worn-out fillings may be the other causes.

D. It may also arise in case of receding gums that may be a part of ageing or due to a gum disease or gingivitis (gum inflammation).

E. Teeth may also become sensitive temporarily after a dental procedure, like tooth filling, root canal, crown placement, teeth bleaching, etc.

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Is Jaw Cracking, Jaw Pain Troubling You? Try Homeopathic Remedies

Jaw pain is a very common problem experienced by a number of people. It may be accompanied by some other symptoms depending on the case. These include stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around the jaw, burning sensation around the jaw, clicking sounds on opening or closing the jaw, pain in face with jaw movement, headache, pain in ear, ringing in ears and toothache.

 Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing complaints of jaw pain. These medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the pain gradually. They also help to relieve its attending symptoms like stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around jaw, pain in face, headache, pain in ear. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for jaw pain only after evaluating the reason behind it after consulting a doctor. These medicines can be taken only when the cause is mild to moderate, but in case of jaw pain from a serious cause like heart attack, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.  Some of the symptoms like chest discomfort, difficult breathing, nausea, sweating or fainting along with jaw pain signal urgent help from allopathic doctor.

Homeopathic Medicines For Jaw Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top-grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing jaw pain. In cases needing it, there may be stiffness of the jaw along with pain. There is a feeling as if the jaw would break. Cracking sound in jaw joint with its movement is heard. There can be cramping pain in the lower jaw near the ear. It may get better by applying something warm and also by pressing it. Lastly, it is indicated for pain in the teeth that extends to the jaw and side of the head.

2. Causticum – For Jaw Pain With Difficulty In Opening Mouth

Causticum is a well-indicated medicine for cases having jaw pain along with difficulty in opening mouth. For using it, the pain can be tensive or dragging type. It is also indicated for arthritic and rheumatic pain in the lower jaw. A sensation of tension and swelling under the jaw is also indicative for using it.

3. Hecla Lava – For Upper Jaw Pain After Tooth Extraction

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which upper jaw pain follows tooth extraction. With this, the upper jaw is sore and swollen. Other than this, it is useful for managing toothache with sensitivity to pressure and swelling about the jaws.

4. Spigelia – For Lower Jaw Pain Radiating To Ears

It is prepared from a plant Spigelia anthelmia, commonly known as ‘pink root’. It belongs to family loganiaceae. Use of this medicine is recommended when there is pain in the lower jaw that extends to the ears. It may also extend to temporal (sides) region of the head. For using it, the pain is mostly present on the right side.  In some cases needing it, the pain may extend from the jaw to the neck. It is one of the best medicine for cases of facial neuralgia with above symptoms. Another indication for using it is pain in the right side of the lower jaw while chewing, with a feeling that the lower jaw has split from the joint.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is a helpful medicine for managing drawing type of pain in the jaw. It is effective to manage pain in the upper jaw felt while chewing. In some cases needing it, there is swelling of the lower jaw bone on the right side. Apart from these, it works well in cases of toothache with red, inflamed gums which is followed by pain in the jaw. There may also occur swelling in the jaw. Lastly, it is used there is digging, stitching pain in left side of the head during movement of lower jaw.

6. Carbo Veg – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is an important medicine for cases having drawing pain in jaw. For using it, the pain can be present either in the upper or the lower jaw.  The drawing pain can be felt in the head too. Soreness (pain on touching) is felt on facial bones of upper and lower jaw where this medicine is required. Sometimes rustling noises in the ears may occur from movement of the jaw.

7. Agaricus – For Tearing Pain In Face And Jaw Bones

This medicine offers help to those who complain of tearing pain in the face and jaw bones. Mostly the pain is felt on right side of lower jaw. Along with this, there may occur a sensation of splinters being run into the right lower jaw. Sometimes trembling is felt in the muscles of lower jaw.

8. Alumina – For Jaw Pain While Chewing Or Opening Mouth

It is a prominent medicine to help cases in which jaw pain occurs while chewing or opening the mouth. Pain is tensive type (stressful). Swelling of the jaw may accompany it. Along with this, there may be a sensation as if the lower jaw has shortened. Another indication for using it is intense pain in the jaw and the cheeks.

9. Carbo Animalis – For Pain In Cheek Bones, In Teeth And Lower Jaw

This medicine is indicated for managing cases presenting with pain in the cheek bones, in teeth and the lower jaw. In cases needing it, pain can be stitching type or shooting type.

10. Phosphorus – For Tearing Pain In Jaw Bones

Its put into use when there is tearing type of pain in the jaw bones. The pain occurs mainly in the evening time. Persons who need it feel increase in the pain when lying down. Jaw movement may offer relief in the pain.

11. Silicea – For Throbbing Toothache With Pain In Jaw

This medicine is considered when a person has throbbing type of toothache with jaw pain. The jaw may have swelling too. It is also indicated for rheumatic pain in jaw that extends to sides of the head.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

Jaw pain can arise from various reasons. The most common cause behind jaw pain is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder).  TMJ is a hinge joint one on each side of the jaw that connects the jawbone to the temporal bones of the skull. This joint helps in jaw movement while talking, chewing or yawning. Any problem with this joint or in the muscles around this joint refers as TMJ disorder. This disorder can lead to jaw pain. TMJ disorder has many causes and some of them include an injury to the jaw, teeth grinding, arthritis and muscle inflammation around the jaw. Apart from jaw pain, other symptoms of this disorder include pain in the face or around the ears, clicking/ popping sound on opening the mouth, ringing in ears, headache and dizziness.

Second cause for jaw pain is trauma to the jaw. It can arise from a blow on the face or if one falls directly on the face. Trauma may result in dislocated or a broken jaw.

Thirdly, jaw pain may follow a dental surgery during recovery period.

Next cause is dental problems. These include tooth damage, cavities, crowded teeth, misaligned teeth, dental abscess (a pocket of pus that can occur in any part of a tooth), gum disease, teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Another cause is sinusitis or sinus infection which is the inflammation of any of the paranasal sinus, the air-filled spaces in the skull. In case of infection or inflammation of these sinuses, there is excessive production of mucus that puts pressure on the jaw joint and can result in pain in the upper jaw. Its main signs and symptoms are thick nasal discharge, nasal congestion, dripping of mucus from the back of nose at the back of the throat (also called PND, means post nasal drip), pain, tenderness and swelling around the forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and decreased sense of smell and taste.

Arthritis may also cause jaw pain. In case arthritis affects TMJ, then jaw pain can result. It includes osteoarthritis (wear and tear of the protective cartilage at the ends of bones), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells mistakenly attack the lining of the membranes that surround joints and causes its inflammation and damage.)

Another reason is cluster headache. This type of headache mainly causes pain behind or around one eye and lasts for weeks or months altogether, followed by a long period of no pain. In some cases, the pain can spread to the jaw.

Trigeminal neuralgia is also one of the causes for jaw pain. It is a chronic painful condition affecting the trigeminal nerve and mainly arises when a blood vessel puts pressure on this nerve. Pain occurs on one side of the face, mainly on the jaw, cheeks, teeth, gums and lips.

Lastly, it can be a sign of heart attack. Though in case of heart attack, chest pain is the major symptom but in some of these cases, pain can be felt in the neck, back or jaw. Jaw pain can happen on left side during a heart attack, mostly in women.

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

Tooth abscess also known as dental abscess is a collection of pus that can occur in different parts of a tooth due to a bacterial infection. Homeopathic remedies for tooth abscess help in draining of pus and speeding the recovery process along with symptomatic relief.


There are three common types as per its location on different regions of the tooth.

  1. Periapical Abscess – It refers to abscess that forms at the tip of the root of the tooth.
  2. Periodontal Abscess – it refers to an abscess that develops on the gums at the side of the root of the tooth. It carries a chance of spreading to the surrounding tissue and bone.
  3. Gingival Abscess – This type of abscess forms on the gums.

CausesHomeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

It results from bacterial infection that enters teeth or gums.  

A periapical tooth abscess develops due to bacteria entering the  dental pulp (inner part of teeth that comprises nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue). The bacteria can enter through a dental cavity /tooth decay, an injury, crack in tooth or after dental work. 

Periodontal abscess results from gum disease (an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth) or from an injury. 

Additionally, the gingival abscess forms when a foreign body like a  toothpick splinter, a bristle of toothbrush lodges in the gums.

Persons who don’t maintain proper dental hygiene are at risk of  it.

Taking a high sugar diet and dryness of mouth are also risk factors for tooth abscess.


A major symptom is throbbing pain in the tooth or in gums which can radiate to the jaw, ear or neck. It has a sudden onset and  becomes severe over time. A few other symptoms are tooth pain while chewing or biting, sensitivity to hot and cold temperature, redness and swelling in face or cheek. Other symptoms include swelling and redness of gums, bad breath, bad taste in mouth, discoloured teeth or loose teeth, tender lymph nodes under jaws or in neck and fever. When abscess ruptures the pain gets relieved and there is sudden filling of fluid in mouth which has a bad taste and foul smell.


If it is not properly treated in time then it can lead to serious life threatening issues. In such cases infection can spread to jaw, head, neck, brain or other body areas. Rarely sepsis where  infection spreads throughout the body can also result which is a life threatening condition. It is advisable to take urgent medical help if there occurs high fever, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face, severe headache, double vision, confusion, difficulty breathing or rapid heart rate as these are indicative of serious infection.

Homeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

Homeopathic medicines prove highly useful in cases of tooth abscess. These medicines help in draining of pus and speeding the recovery process along with symptomatic relief. These medicines boost the body’s self healing mechanism to fight with the bacterial infection and aid a natural recovery. These medicines for treating tooth abscess are of natural origin and don’t have any side effects. The use of homeopathic medicines is recommended when the symptoms are of mild to moderate intensity. In case the symptoms are of severe intensity or there are some symptoms (Eg; high fever, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face, severe headache, double vision, confusion, difficulty breathing or rapid heart rate) that indicate a serious issue it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment to prevent life threatening complications. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating these severe and serious cases.    

  1. Hecla Lava – Top Grade Medicine

This medicine has a marked action on teeth, jaws, jaw bone and is a leading homeopathic medicine for many dental issues including dental abscess. Its use is most prominently indicated in tooth abscess cases when abscess forms on the gums. This may be from decayed teeth. Toothache is present in cases needing it. The teeth are very sensitive to pressure. It is accompanied by swelling about the jaws.

  1. Silicea – For Abscess On Gums Or Root Of The Teeth

It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating suppurative conditions means where pus formation is there. It remains very effective for treating cases of abscess in various parts of the body including teeth. In cases needing it there is abscess on the gums or root of the teeth. The affected gum is sore, inflamed. It is also painful  with slight pressure. Next there is sensitivity to cold water and cold air. There is throbbing, stinging pain in teeth. Sometimes there are boring, tearing pains in teeth that spread over the whole cheek, and facial bones. It prevents sleeping. The teeth may be decayed with pain that gets worse at night time. Teeth may also be loose. The pus discharge is thin and has a very offensive smell. This medicine relieves the symptoms and helps in maturation of abscess and reduces excessive pus formation.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Sharp / Throbbing Pain In Teeth

Hepar Sulph is another highly valuable medicine for cases of tooth abscess.  It is most frequently indicated when there is a sharp or throbbing toothache. The pain tends to get worse from eating. Breath may be offensive with this. The gums are swollen. The gums are painful to touch. This medicine helps to hasten the process of pus discharge and recovery and give symptomatic relief.

  1. Myristica – Prominent Medicine For Abscess

This medicine is prepared from plant Myristica Sebifera. This plant belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a general medicine for treating abscess formed in various parts of the body. It is very effective to speed up the recovery in abscess cases and often prevent the need of surgical intervention.

  1. Merc Sol – With Pulsating Toothache 

Merc Sol is a very helpful medicine when there is pulsating type of pain in teeth. People needing it complain of worsening of this pain mostly at night time. Along with this there is marked swelling of gums. A burning sensation in gums may be felt. Sometimes they feel tearing, shooting pain in  teeth that radiates to face and ears. This may be relieved by rubbing the cheek. There is excessive salivation with above symptoms. The breath is also very offensive where it is required. The teeth may be decayed and feel loose. It is also one of the best medicines for gum disease. 

  1. Pyrogenium – When It Is Attended With Horribly Offensive Breath

This medicine is well indicated for cases where tooth abscess is accompanied by horribly offensive smell from mouth. The smell is often described by a person as putrid and cadaverous.  With this there may be fetid taste in the mouth as if it is full of pus.

  1. Lycopodium – When Teeth Are Painful To Touch And Chewing

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum also known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is considered when there is a toothache and teeth are painful to touch and chew. The pain may be relieved from taking warm drinks and also from warm applications. The tooth may be decayed. 

  1. Baryta Carb – For Abscess At Root Of Teeth

This medicine is prominent for cases of abscess that forms on the root of the teeth. In such cases jerking, throbbing toothache is present when this medicine is required. The pain may extend to the ear or temple of the head. The teeth may be decayed and hollow. When anything warm touches the teeth it may turn painful. The gums may be swollen and pale red with dark red margins. There is excessive saliva running out during sleep in addition to above signs and symptoms.

  1. Causticum – For Recurrent Abscess On Gums

This medicine is significant to treat cases where a tendency to have recurrent abscess on the gums is there. Persons who need it complain of pain in teeth that is worse from warmth and cold.  The pain may be throbbing or shooting in nature. With this they may feel teeth are loose. Dryness of the mouth is marked with above symptoms.

  1. Phosphorus – For Abscess On Gums From Decayed Teeth

This medicine is well indicated for abscess forming on the gums from decayed teeth. The gums are inflamed along with this. There is pain in the teeth. The pain is usually stinging, pricking or throbbing type for using this medicine. The pain is worse in the open air. It is also worse from chewing. In some cases there is tearing, shooting pain in the teeth that tend to  extend to face and head.

  1. Sulphur – For Abscess Of Gum With Oozing Of Pus And Blood

This medicine is indicated when there is abscess of pus and blood in the gums. The affected tooth is decayed. There is tearing pain in teeth and difficulty in opening the mouth. This is accompanied by great sensitiveness of teeth. Sometimes there is pulsating pain in teeth that get worse from heat. Other than above sometimes there is  drawing, stitching or boring pain in the teeth. The pain may radiate to the ear also.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Toothache is not something that can be ignored, it won’t let you.The almost nerve-wrecking pain does not let a person stay still. The medical term for toothache is Odontalgia, which refers to pain in teeth. The main reasons behind toothache are decayed teeth, abscess and gum infection. At times, there is pain after dental work like tooth extraction and filling the teeth. The pain may get worse while eating or from cold or hot temperature, and from having sweets. Homeopathic treatment for toothache can be very effective in providing complete relief for toothache by treating the underlying causes. The natural Homeopathic remedies for toothache, which have zero side effects, are of great help in relieving pain in the teeth.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Plantago: Homeopathic remedy for toothache and sensitive teeth

Homeopathic medicine Plantago is a natural cure for toothache. Plantago is of help in all those cases where the teeth ache and are sensitive. Teeth show caries and most persons requiring Homeopathic remedy Plantago have increased salivation in their mouth with toothache. Plantago also gives good results when there isa swelling of cheeks along with toothache. The pain radiating from teeth to ears is best controlled with Plantago. At times the nerve pain in teeth can spread to eyes. In such reflex pain in eyes from teeth, Plantago plays a wonderful role in controlling pain. In all these narrated situations, Plantago has to be taken internally. Natural Homeopathic medicine Plantago can also be used as an external application if the tooth that aches is hollow inside.

Silicea: Top Homeopathic remedy for toothache from abscess of root of teeth

Silicea is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for toothache resulting from abscess of root of teeth. Abscess refers to collection of pus at the root of teeth. Silicea is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for pain in teeth due to abscess formation. The gums in all cases are swollen. Cheeks may also get swollen. Most of the times the patients needing Homeopathic medicine Silicea complain of worsening of toothache in cold air and from taking cold water. Fever may accompany the toothache due to abscess.

Chamomilla: Homeopathic medicine for toothache when patient turns irritable

Chamomilla is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine  for toothache when the patient turns irritable, mad and wild with severe tooth pain. The pain in teeth is totally unbearable. Mental agitation with toothache calls for the use of Chamomilla. The patient seems oversensitive to pain. The intake of warm drinks usually makes the condition worse for patients needing Homeopathic medicine Chamomilla.

Staphysagria: Homeopathic cure for toothache when eating or drinking

Natural Homeopathic medicine Staphysagria is a very effective cure when any food or drink excites the toothache just on touching the teeth. The toothache may appear either in decayed teeth or in sound teeth. Most of the times, the intake of cold drinks worsens the pain. Excessive saliva in mouth and bleeding from gums may also be noted in a few patients.

Merc Sol: Homeopathic medicine for toothache with excess saliva, offensive odour in mouth

Merc Sol is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for toothache that is accompanied by two main features. The first is profuse saliva in mouth, and the second is the worst kind of offensive odour in mouth. If these two important symptoms are narrated by a patient along with toothache, Merc Sol should always be given. Merc Sol should be used when both hot and cold food worsen the pain in teeth. Most of the times the crown of teeth is decayed while the root is perfectly sound. In such cases also, Merc Sol is the ideal Homeopathic medicine. Bleeding from gums is most often noticed. The patient may complain of looseness of teeth. Increased thirst for water may also be present.

Silicea and Hepar Sulph: Homeopathic remedies for toothache due to root abscess

Both Silicea and Hepar Sulph are wonderful natural Homeopathic medicines to deal with toothache because of root abscess. Silicea can be used in all those cases where toothache with swelling in gums and face appears due to root abscess. And if fever with chills is present along with pain and swelling, Hepar Sulph is the preferred Homeopathic remedy.

Staphysagria and Merc Sol: Homeopathic medicines for pain in decayed teeth

Staphysagria is a natural Homeopathic medicine that holds a great promise in relieving toothache of decayed carious teeth. Usually the patient needing Staphysagria complains of worsening of pain the moment any food or drink touches it. Merc Sol is another natural Homeopathic medicine that is very beneficial when both cold and hot food worsen the pain in decayed teeth. Increased saliva and offensive odour from mouth are often noted in patients who can benefit from Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol.

Plantago: Natural Homeopathic medicine for pain in decayed hollow teeth

In patients who have hollow teeth due to caries, Homeopathic medicine Plantago should be applied externally in tincture form along with internal intake of this medicine to get good results. Magnificent results follow use of Plantago in toothache where hollow cavities appear in the affected teeth.

Plantago, Spigelia and Magnesium Phos: Homeopathic medicines for pain from teeth to ear or face

For the pain in teeth that extends to ear, natural Homeopathic medicine Plantago is the appropriate remedy. For the neuralgic pain in face on right side due to toothache,Homeopathic medicine Magnesium Phos is the best medicine. And to deal with nerve pain extending from teeth to left side of face, Spigelia is the ideal Homeopathic remedy.

Hecla Lava: Homeopathic medicine for toothache with swelling around jaw

Hecla Lava is an excellent natural Homeopathic medicine for toothache that is accompanied by swelling around the jaw. Hecla Lava can be taken in all the cases of toothache with jaw swelling. Hecla Lava will relieve both the pain in teeth as well reduce the swelling around jaw.

Arnica and Hypericum : Homeopathic Remedies for toothache after extraction

Arnica is a natural Homeopathic medicine that is of great help in the treatment ofpain in gums following tooth extraction. Arnica is very beneficial in providing relief from pain if it occurrs after tooth extraction. This natural medicine is very frequently used in Homeopathy for injury cases. So, following dental work, Arnica is always recommended for pain appearing thereafter.

Arnica and Hypericum: Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache following filling procedure

Natural Homeopathic medicine Arnica is a very beneficial remedy for pain in teeth with soreness in gums that occurs after filling of teeth. Here, Arnica act as an accurate pain relieving medicine. Hypericum is a Homeopathic remedy for nerve pain following tooth filling procedures. These natural Homeopathic remedies for toothache can be taken in alteration to get good results.

Chamomilla and Coffea: Homeopathic Remedies for toothache with hot food sensitivity

Homeopathic medicine Chamomilla is the best natural remedy to treat toothache where the teeth are sensitive to hot food and drinks worsen the condition. Homeopathic medicine Coffea can be taken if cold water provides relief in toothache.Both these homeopathic remedies for toothache are excellent source of treatment when heat sensitivity of the tooth is the cause.

Hepar Sulph and Magnesium Phos: Homeopathic Remedies for toothache with cold food sensitivity

Hepar Sulph is the natural Homeopathic remedy when the tooth pain worsens from cold drinks or food. And Magnesium Phos can be taken when warm drinks bring relief from toothache.Both these homeopathic remedies for toothache are excellent source of treatment when cold sensitivity of the tooth is the cause


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Chamomilla – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

The medicine Chamomilla is derived from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla belonging to family Compositae. This plant when in early bloom undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouses the medicinal powers of the crude substance) after which it gets converted into homeopathic medicine Chamomilla.

The ‘Chamomilla’ Constitution

This medicine is recommended for people who are sensitive and extremely emotional. This medicine suits children well, especially during dentition period (development and arrangement of teeth). It is also suitable for treating children suffering from various gastric issues. Other than this, it suits adults with joint problems.

Drug Action

It has an effect on the mind, head, ears, teeth, face, throat, stomach, rectum, female genitals and nerves.

Clinical Indications

Dentition problems, earache, anger issues, sore throat, stomach pain, diarrhea, wind colic, toothache, mumps, nerve pain, heavy periods, menstrual cramps, sleeplessness, and night terrors.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints vis-a-vis one’s Mental State (Irritability, Anger, Obstinacy)

It is a highly valuable medicine to manage many complaints related to the mind. It is pre-eminently a medicine to manage irritability and anger. It offers great help to manage intense irritability in children. A general desire of such a child is to be carried by an elder on the lap all the time. They are very cross and snappish, and ill–mannered. They dislike talking and become angry if someone speaks to them. They cannot answer politely. They tend to annoy those around them. Obstinacy, dissatisfaction and highly demanding nature is presented by them. They desire many things at a time, but when offered do not take them. Restlessness is marked in such children along with these symptoms. They are impatient and tend to do everything hastily and hurriedly.Intense irritability in children during dentition is a strong indication to use it. Other than the above-mentioned, this medicine is administered to people who have a bad temper and are prone to excessive anger.

Key indicating features

1. irritable, obstinate children with a constant desire to be carried in arms

2. irritability in children during dentition

3. restlessness in children

2. For Dentition Problems (Irritability, Diarrhea and red, tender Gums)

It is the first choice of medicine to treat a number of issues that children face during dentition period. First among them is managing irritability. The child becomes very obstinate and fussy during teething. He or she wishes to be carried in the arms all the time. Second complaint is tenderness and redness of gums. One cheek may be red and hot, while the other is pale and cold. Diarrhea during dentition is next highly guiding symptom to use it. There is yellowish, green, foul-smelling, loose stool accompanied by stomach pain. Fever during dentition is another major symptom.

Key indicating features

1. irritable, cranky children during teething with a desire to be carried in the arms all the time

2. diarrhea during teething

3.  red, tender gums

3. Teeth and Gums (toothache; red, swollen, tender gums)

It has proved to be beneficial for toothache and swollen gums. With its action on teeth, this remedy helps to manage intense toothache, which gets worse at night causing sleeplessness. The nature of pain varies, it can be the following type — stitching, drawing, throbbing or digging. At times, the pain can extend to the eye or the ear. It may get worse due to a cold gust of air in the room, warm drinks/food, or while talking. Toothache comes and goes in spurts. The cheek is swollen, red and hot along with tooth pain. Teeth may be sensitive to touch, increased salivation occurs. Chamomilla effectively manages swollen gums with burning sensation, and cases where gums are red and tender during dentition.

Key indicating features

1. toothache worse at night and with sleeplessness

2. toothache from warm food/drinks, while talking, exposure to cold draught of air

3. red, tender gums during teething

4. Throat Concerns (sore throat, mumps)

This medicine has marked action on throat. It settles many complaints like sore throat, inflamed tonsils, and throat. The throat appears dark red from the inside on clinical examination, there is a feeling of something being stuck in throat which causes hawking (clearing effort to cough out phlegm). The throat feels hot and there is difficulty in swallowing solid food. This medicine also helps to manage swelling of salivary glands __ parotid and submaxillary glands. Chamomilla exhibits powerful action in treating mumps (a viral infection of parotid glands).

Key indicating features

1. sore throat with dark redness

2. swelling of parotid and submaxillary glands

3. mumps

5. Ears (earache, ear Infection and Noise in ear)

Chamomilla can be given for ear pain. Those who need it mainly have stitching/ tearing or pressing pain. The pain can be intense which gets better after giving some heat treatment. The sensitivity to noise is also marked. There is swelling and heat in the ears. Ears get painful on touch. Next, it can be used for middle ear infection and inflammation (otitis media). Pain in the ear and fever are marked in such cases. Ears feels clogged. Lastly, it is suitable to manage roaring noises, rushing-water noises in the ears.

Key indicating features

1. intense ear pain – tearing/stitching or pressing type

2. otitis media (inflamation)

3. noises in the ear – roaring/ rushing-water noises

6. Face (facial Neuralgia, Twitching of Facial Muscles)

This medicine has shown clinical improvements in cases of nerve pain in face (facial neuralgia). The pain can be so intense that one could start screaming. The pain may be restricted to one side. The nature of pain varies. It can be drawing/pulsating or shooting type. There is marked burning sensation on the face, swelling on the face and cheeks can occur. Chamomilla can also be given for twitching of facial muscles and lips.

Key indicating features

1. facial nerve pain of intense nature

2. twitching of facial muscles and lips

7. Head (Headache, profuse Sweating on Scalp)

Chamomilla is useful to manage headache,  especially on one side which is mostly drawing or throbbing type. Another characteristic is headache worsens after drinking coffee. There is a tendency for excessive sweating on the scalp.

Key indicating features

1. headache worsens after drinking coffee

2. excessive sweating on forehead and scalp

8. Gastric issues (Stomach Pain, Diarrhea)

Chamomilla can be of great help to treat colic (stomach pain) in children which causes gripping pain in the umbilical region. Distension of abdomen may occur. Stomach pain may occur from gas accumulation (wind colic). Children who get stomach pain specifically during dentition can highly benefit from this medicine. It is one of the best medicines for managing diarrhea in children during dentition. Stool is watery, yellowish, greenish and slimy, with an offensive or foul smell. It is accompanied by stomach pain and the anus may be swollen.

Key indicating features

1. griping pain in the umbilical region

2. wind colic (stomach pain from gas)

3. diarrhea during dentition

9. Female Problems (Painful Menses, Heavy Periods, Vaginal Discharge)

This medicine can be helpful for women to manage complaints like menstrual pain, menorrhagia (heavy or prolonged bleeding during menses) and vaginal discharge. Menses are heavy with dark clots. There may be dark blood, occasionally bright red, which is foul-smelling. Limbs are cold during menses. It can be very effective for menstrual pain, where there is excessive pain with marked irritability of mind. It can also be given for vaginal discharges. The discharge is yellow, attended with a burning sensation in the vagina.

Key indicating features

1. heavy periods with dark, foul blood

2. painful menses with irritability

3. yellowish vaginal discharge with burning

10. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Restless Sleep, Night Terrors)

It can prove to be a brilliant remedy for resolving various sleep issues: sleeplessness, restless sleep, night terrors, and snoring. In case of sleeplessness, it helps when a person is unable to sleep though one feels sleepy. One may keep awake till 2 am. A person is restless with tossing and turning in bed. Sleeplessness may be due to pain or heat in the body. Jerking during sleep may occur, while in persons having night terrors, this remedy may help when they are anxious and have frightful dreams, like a serious accident. Chamomilla helps children who wake several times at night from frightful dreams. They get startled suddenly during sleep and start crying. Talking in sleep is another striking symptom to use this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. sleeplessness which continues till wee hours

2. frightful dreams

3. talking in sleep


Worsening factors: Those needing it have general worsening of complaints caused by anger, heat; in the open air and at night.

Relieving factors: A general relief occurs in warm wet weather. Children may feel better from being carried in arms.


Chamomilla works well in both low and high potencies. The potency is selected individually for every case. In low potency like 30C, it can be repeated frequently. But when using in high potencies like 200C; 1M frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Alumina, Borax, China, Coffea, Colocynth, Nux Vomica and Valeriana

Followed well by Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Merc Sol, Silicea and Sulphur

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Bruxism

Bruxism or grinding of teeth is a common oral habit. It refers to the non-functional grinding of teeth or clenching of the jaw. It is a condition that usually occurs in children but not uncommon in adults. This condition mostly occurs at night, but children tend to exhibit the habit during the day as well. In many cases, bruxism is mild and causes no harm. But if it occurs on a regular basis, it can lead to various complications like a headache, earache, jaw pain, and dental damage. Homeopathic treatment for bruxism is very effective. Homeopathy medicines are constitutional medicines that treat a problem in a very gentle way. They help with symptoms like a headache, ear pain and jaw pain that arise due to the grinding of teeth and assist in reducing the risk of permanent dental damage caused by teeth grinding. Homeopathic medicines for bruxism are prepared from natural substances which have no side effects and are hence safe to use for all age groups. A detailed case taking should be done in instances of bruxism. This helps in finding the underlying cause leading to the grinding of teeth, which in turn, helps in identifying individual symptoms that will contribute to deciding which medicine to use.                              homeopathic medicines for bruxism

Types of Bruxism

1. Awake bruxism: In this condition, the patient unconsciously clenches the teeth while awake. The clenching is more prominent than grinding.
2. Sleep bruxism: In this type of bruxism, the clenching or grinding occurs during sleep.

Causes for Bruxism

The factors leading to bruxism are not known. A combination of genetic, psychological and physical factors may be responsible for bruxism.
1. Awake bruxism – Causes for awake bruxism include stressful situations and an automatic reflex to deep concentration or emotions like anxiety, anger, tension, and frustration.
2. Sleep Bruxism – Stress or anxiety adversely affect sleep which may lead to sleep bruxism. Sleep bruxism is associated with other sleep disorders like snoring or obstructive sleep apnoea.

Grinding of Teeth in Children

There are two phases of teeth grinding in children
1. When their teeth emerge
2. When their permanent teeth set in
Most children lose the teeth grinding habit after that period. Other conditions in children that lead to teeth grinding include nutritional deficiencies, worm infestations, psychological factors like anxiety and stress, endocrine disorders, and incorrectly aligned teeth.

Risk Factors for Bruxism

1. Genetics. Sleep bruxism runs in members of the same family.
2. Aggressive or competitive persons are more at risk of developing bruxism.
3. Young children are at a higher risk than adults.
4. Constant stress or anxiety.
5. Side effect of antidepressants.
6. Caffeine-rich diet.
7. Excessive alcohol intake.
8. Tobacco smoking.
9. Disorders like epilepsy, ADHD, sleep-related disorders like sleep apnea, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia.

Associated Symptoms

Persons who grind teeth while asleep are not even aware of this condition until the parents or spouse notice it. Symptoms of teeth grinding include dull headaches, especially in the temples, pain in the ear, facial pain, stiffness and pain in the jaw, difficulty in opening of the mouth, and disturbed sleep. Dental damage is another symptom and includes damage to the enamel, increased tooth sensitivity, tooth pain, flattening or chipping of teeth, loose teeth, fractured teeth, and injury to the inside of the cheek.

Homeopathic Medicines for Bruxism

1. Cina – For Grinding of Teeth in Children

Cina is useful a medicine for bruxism in children. In most cases, the grinding of teeth occurs during sleep at night. The child may also scream at night. In some cases, there is foul breath and frothy saliva. Sometimes, the child is highly irritable, ill-humored, and may tend to bite and strike others. Cina also works well in cases of teeth grinding because of worm infestation.

2. Santoninum – For Grinding of Teeth with Worm Infestation

Santoninum is an effective treatment for bruxism caused by worm infestation. It works well both for grinding as well as clenching of teeth during sleep. Restlessness during sleep may also be a symptom, along with an itchy nose and abdominal pains.

3. Chamomilla – For Bruxism in Angry Personalities

Chamomilla works well for patients prone to getting frequent fits of violent anger. Such individuals may be very obstinate and quarrelsome. They may also be sensitive to noise and pain. Chamomilla is a good treatment for bruxism in children during dentition.

4. Belladonna – For Bruxism with a Headache

Belladonna is very useful treatment for bruxism which is accompanied by a throbbing pain in the head. The patient’s face may turn red along with the headache, he may have mood swings, be forgetful, and suffer from mental confusion. The patient may also be restless and delirious.

5. Arsenic Album – For Bruxism with Anxiety

Arsenic Album is a highly effective medicine for bruxism in persons suffering from intense anxiety and restlessness. Such patients suffer from fears, cannot find rest in one place, and are prone to shifting places. These patients grind their teeth while asleep. Their teeth may seem longer and are very sensitive to pressure.

7. Plantago – For Bruxism with a Toothache and Tooth Sensitivity

Plantago is an effective treatment for bruxism in cases where teeth grinding occurs along with severe tooth pain and sensitivity. Grinding of teeth takes place at night. There may be a feeling of soreness in the teeth along with increased salivation. Sometimes, a pain in the ears may accompany the grinding of teeth.

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