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Feeling A Bitter Taste In The Mouth, Try Homeopathy

A bitter taste in the mouth may be caused by various reasons. It may be due to improper oral hygiene, from eating some specific kind of food stuff, dryness in the mouth and cigarette smoking. However, in some cases, it may indicate an underlying health condition. The first among these is dental problems including inflamed gums (gingivitis) and tooth cavities. The second cause can be acid reflux/GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It refers to the backflow of stomach acid in the food pipe due to improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter. Thirdly, it may happen in case of common cold (viral infection of nose and throat), sinus infection and tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). The next cause could be burning mouth syndrome. It refers to a condition in which there is a burning sensation in the mouth. The burning may occur inside the cheeks, on tongue, gums, lips or the entire mouth varying from case to case. This condition can be primary (without any obvious cause) or secondary (it results from some underlying health condition like fungal infection in mouth, allergic reaction to some food, acid reflux etc.). Oral thrush (fungal infection in the mouth) could be another reason. Liver problems like fatty liver (a condition characterised by build – up of excess fat in the liver), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) and cirrhosis (condition causing scars in the liver and permanent liver damage) can also leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Pine nut syndrome is yet another cause. In this syndrome, there is a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth one-three days after eating pine nuts. Besides the above reasons, use of certain medicines like some antibiotics or supplements containing zinc, iron and some antidepressants can leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may also lead to it. Bitter taste in mouth can also be experienced during pregnancy or menopause due to hormonal changes. Apart from the above, stress and anxiety too can cause bitter taste in the mouth.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of bitter taste in the mouth. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that help in managing bitter taste by working to treat the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, the bitter taste gradually fades away and normal taste begins to occur in the mouth. Along with bitter taste, any attending symptoms in the mouth also start to improve with the use of homeopathic medicines. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating cases of bitter taste in the mouth is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms in every case. So, it is advised to always get any case of bitter taste evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. Self-medication should not be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Bitter Taste In Mouth

1. Arsenic Album – Top Medicine

Arsenic Album is a top recommended medicine for managing cases of bitter taste in the mouth. After eating, a bitter taste is left in the mouth. There can be dryness of the mouth and tongue along with the above symptoms. It is attended with excessive thirst. A burning sensation is felt on the tongue and the edges of the tongue appear red. Blisters or ulcers can be present in the mouth sometimes.

2. Pulsatilla – For Bitter Taste With Dry Mouth

Pulsatilla is an excellent medicine for managing bitter taste in the mouth. The food also tastes bitter in cases needing this medicine. The mouth is dry, especially in the morning, and despite the dryness, there is no desire to drink water. There may be white or yellow coating on the tongue in most cases. Sticky mucus may cover the tongue. Offensive odor may emanate from the mouth.

3. Merc Sol – For Bitter Taste With Excessive Salivation

Another well-indicated medicine for bitter taste in the mouth is Merc Sol. There is excessive saliva in the mouth in cases needing it. The tongue may be inflamed, red and coated. It appears as if the tongue is covered with fur. Pricking pain is felt in the tongue along with swelling. Ulcers may be seen on the tongue, inner cheeks or on the gums. Burning sensation may be felt in the mouth. There is fetid, offensive odor from the mouth. There is increased thirst for water. Inflammation of the gums can be prominent. Besides helping cases of bitter taste, this medicine is also indicated to manage sweetish or metallic taste in the mouth.

4. Natrum Mur – When Food Tastes Bitter

This medicine is recommended when every kind of food tastes bitter. There is dryness of the tongue. A sensation of hair on the tongue may be felt. The tongue is coated with red patches on it. Blisters or ulcers may be seen in the mouth with a burning sensation when food particles come in contact with the ulcers. There is decreased appetite for food and water.

5. Nux vomica – For Bitter Taste In Mouth In Morning

Nux Vomica is an effective medicine for managing bitter taste in mouth in the morning. It is attended with offensive breath from the mouth. Small ulcers may be seen in the mouth and throat. The front part of the tongue is clean but the back portion appears fur white or yellow. The above complaints can be attended with bitter or sour burping. Inflammation of the throat and gums can be present sometimes.

6. China Officinalis – When Food, Drink And Water Tastes Bitter

This medicine is valuable to manage cases in which food and drinks, even water, tastes bitter. There is no bitter taste in the mouth while not drinking or eating. The tongue has a thick, dirty coating. The tongue may be white or yellow coated. Burning can be felt on the tip of the tongue. At times, stitching pain is felt on the tongue. There are bitter belchings where this medicine is needed. This medicine is also indicated to manage cases where a sweet taste is felt in the mouth followed by sour taste. It is attended with excessive salivation.

7. Borax – When Food And Saliva Taste Bitter

Borax is an important medicine for cases where not only food but even saliva has a bitter taste. Ulcers are seen in the mouth and on the tongue in cases needing this medicine. The tongue may have cracks. There is marked heated sensation in the mouth, along with excessive salivation. In some cases, fungal infection can be present in the mouth (oral thrush).

8. Sulphur – For Bitter Taste Soon After Eating

Sulphur is a beneficial medicine when there is bitter taste in the mouth soon after eating. The tongue is coated white with redness on the tip and borders. There is burning sensation on the tongue. There is bad smell from the mouth after eating. Bitter saliva is felt in the mouth. It is accompanied with nausea.

9. Bryonia – For Bitter Taste When Not Eating

This medicine is helpful when food appears tasteless but bitter taste is felt in the mouth when not eating. It is attended with offensive breath. The tongue is dry, rough, cracked. The tongue may be coated yellow or brown. The mouth is dry with an increase thirst for water. Little ulcers may appear on the tip of the tongue.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Mouth Breathing

While breathing, the air moves in and out of lungs usually through the nose. However, some persons may be breathing via the mouth which is known as mouth breathing. Mouth breathing occurs when a person is unable to breathe through the nose. It may happen at night while in some persons, it may be present during both, day and night.  Some of the signs and symptoms of mouth breathing are snoring at night, drooling of saliva from the mouth, wetting the pillow at night, bad smell from the mouth due to mouth dryness, feeling tired in the day, irritability in the morning on waking up, hoarseness of voice from dryness of mouth and disturbed/poor sleep. Dark circles may appear around the eyes. Due to mouth breathing, the jaw position can be affected which may result in pain in the jaw and teeth grinding. There may be tooth decay or gum swelling from long term mouth breathing in adults. Children having mouth breathing may also have dry lips along with cracks, enlarged tonsils, sleepiness in the day, irritability, crying spells at night time and concentration problems at school. Their growth may also be slow as compared to normal.

The main reason behind mouth breathing is blockage of the nose. Firstly, it may occur in cases of common cold. Common cold refers to viral infection of the nose and throat. Second cause can be nasal allergies also known as allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like dust, pollen, etc that results in sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, red, watery eyes. Another cause is sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull). Next reason is nasal turbinate hypertrophy (means enlarged, swollen, turbinates which are the bony structures in the nose). Further causes are nasal polyps (non-cancerous painless growths on the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses, DNS (deviated nasal septum – one sided displacement of the wall that divides the nasal cavity into two) and sleep apnea (momentary pauses in the breathing several times at night). Further causes are enlargement of tonsils and enlargement of adenoids.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers wonderful treatment for the cases of mouth breathing. Homeopathic medicines are 100% natural medicines that go to the root cause of the problem to give great relief in mouth breathing. With these medicines, there occurs gradual decrease in the complaint of mouth breathing. These medicines also offer help in attending symptoms including snoring, bad smell from mouth, mouth dryness, tiredness and hoarseness of voice. Homeopathic medicines for cases of mouth breathing are selected individually for every case as per the characteristic symptoms after detailed case evaluation. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic doctor. In no case, self – medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mouth Breathing

1. Ammonium Carb – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Ammonium Carb is the top ranking homeopathic medicine to manage cases of mouth breathing. Person needing this medicine suffer from marked nasal blockage at night. This results in mouth breathing. They wake up multiple times at night due to blockage of the nose. There may be runny nose for a long time. They may sneeze frequently. They have marked dryness of the mouth and throat along with above complaints. Sometimes they suffer nasal bleeding in the morning on washing the face.

2. Sambucus – With Marked Dryness Of Nose

Sambucus is of great use in cases of marked nasal dryness attended with nasal obstruction and mouth breathing. There is dryness of the mouth and throat as well. There is also snoring with a whistling sound. This medicine is well suited to children with dry, blocked nose and mouth breathing. They have trouble breathing from the nose and wake up at night frequently feeling suffocated.

3. Teucrium – In Nasal Polyps Cases

Teucrium is a highly recommended medicine for mouth breathing linked with nasal polyps. There is marked blockage of the nostrils where this medicine is required. The key feature for its use is blockage of the nose on the same side on which the person lies down at night. Along with this, there is mouth breathing. Snoring also occurs while sleeping. Discharge of mucus and water also occurs from the nose. In some cases, there is discharge of greenish coloured scabs from the nose. Tingling sensation occurs in the nose. Loss of smell can be there. At times stinging pain in the nostrils can be felt. Pain is felt in the forehead due to nasal stuffiness. Above complaints can be attended with foul breath from the mouth.

4. Lemna Minor – With Nasal Polyps Or Nasal Turbinate Hypertrophy

Lemna Minor is a highly effective medicine for managing cases of difficult breathing through the nose due to nasal polyps or turbinate hypertrophy. The nose feels obstructed with mouth breathing in cases needing this medicine. There is snoring at night and sneezing during the day. Thick and sticky discharge may emanate from the nose. The discharge can be yellow or white colored. Sometimes there occurs foul- smelling crusty discharge from the nose. Foul smell occurs from the nose as well as mouth. There is also post-nasal discharge (dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat) along with the above symptoms.

5. Lycopodium – With Thick Yellow Nasal Discharge

Lycopodium is indicated when there is blocked nose with mouth breathing along with thick yellow nasal discharge. The nose feels swollen. There is a sensation of dryness in the posterior nares. There may be pain in the forehead along with nasal discharge. Mouth and tongue is dry. There is foul smell in the mouth in the morning on waking up.

6. Nux Vomica – With Nasal Discharge In Day And Blocked Nose At Night

This medicine works well when there is mouth breathing along with nasal discharge in the day and blockage of nose at night. Marked snoring is present at night. There also occurs sneezing along with itching in the nostrils. Headache and excessive mucus in the throat are prominent. There is dryness of the mouth and foul breath in the morning.

7. Agraphis Nutans – In Cases Of Enlarged Adenoids

It is a highly beneficial medicine for cases of blocked nose and mouth breathing in cases of enlarged adenoids. The root of the nose is markedly blocked in cases needing this medicine. Enlargement of the tonsils can also be present. There is a tendency to catch cold easily from exposure to cold air. Difficulty in hearing can be present along with above complaints.

8. Kali Carb – For Mouth Breathing Along With Long Term Cold

Kali Carb is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of mouth breathing along with long term cold. In cases needing it, there is alteration between nasal discharge and nasal blockage. There is thick, yellow green crusty discharge from the nose. The discharge has bad smell. Post nasal dripping is also present. Itching and burning are also marked in the nose. Voice may become hoarse. Mucus or a lump sensation is felt in the throat.


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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Irritability in Babies during Dentition

Irritability during dentition or teething is a very common complaint in babies when teeth start erupting in the mouth. Dentition usually starts when a baby is around 6 months old. The babies at that time become fussy, obstinate and cry quite often along with excessive irritability. The reason behind it is the discomfort they are feeling in the gums while the tooth is trying to get out of the gums (tooth eruption). They feel pain, swelling and tenderness (pain on touch) in the gums at the time of tooth eruption. Along with the above, they have excessive salivation (also known as drooling), they tend to bite on every thing to reduce the gum irritation, have reduced appetite, rub their cheeks and pull their ears. Some babies also suffer from diarrhea during dentition though it is not directly linked with dentition. Diarrhea can occur from ingestion of germs from an object that a baby might have put in the mouth during dentition to soothe gum irritation. In some cases, mild fever can also occur during dentition. The intensity of signs and symptoms tend to vary from one child to another.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries great scope to manage irritability in a baby during dentition in a very safe and natural manner. These medicines are highly suitable for children with zero side effects. They aim to manage the irritability in babies by soothing the gum discomfort, pain and tenderness. Besides irritability, the homeopathic medicines also help to manage associated concerns like excessive salivation, pain, swelling and tenderness of the gums and diarrhea that might occur during dentition. The medicines are purely of natural origin prepared from natural substances, hence are very safe. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the symptoms. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of the homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic physician will evaluate the case and prescribe the most suitable remedy. Never self-prescribe any homeopathic medicine without consulting a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic medicines for Dentition in Babies

1. Chamomilla – Top Most Medicine

Chamomilla is a highly effective medicine in homeopathy to manage different kinds of concerns in babies during dentition. It is the most widely used medicine to manage irritability in a child during dentition. Children needing this medicine remain extremely irritable all day. They are very fussy, ill – humoured and cry a lot due to discomfort they are experiencing in the gums. They want to be carried in the arms all the time; they feel better and calm this way. Besides being irritable, they also get very obstinate during dentition. They scream often and throw things away. On examining the mouth, the gums look red. They are also painful to touch with a desire to bite on everything that is nearby. Another very characteristic feature that can be present is one cheek is red and hot while the other is pale and cold during teething. Diarrhea can accompany the above complaints frequently. The stool is watery and yellowish green. It has a very foul or sour smell. Gas in the abdomen can attend it.

2. Cina – With Lot Of Cry, Screaming and Striking Others

This medicine is quite similar in action to Chamomilla and is also frequently prescribed to soothe irritability during dentition. The children needing this medicine are very irritable during dentition. They wish to be carried in arms the entire day but in spite of that donot feel well. They cry a lot, scream and strike everyone around them. They do not want to be touched by anyone. They feel uneasy and stressed all the time. They ask for different things frequently but refuse to take when given and throw things away from them. They are dissatisfied with everything. They also may have loose stool with white mucus in it. The abdomen may be hard and bloated and may be attended with pain.

3. Calcarea Phos – With Loose Stool With A Lot Of Gas

Calcarea Phos is the next well-indicated medicine to manage irritability during dentition. Children who require this medicine are very irritable and fretful. They show changeable moods. They become obstinate and hard to please. Besides, they pass loose stool with a lot of gas. There may pass white flakes in the stool as well. There is stomach pain in them that gets better from passing gas. The gas has foul smell.

4. Rheum – With Sour Smelling Sweating

This medicine is well suited when there is sour-smelling sweat along with irritability during dentition. There is marked restlessness along with irritability in a child needing it. The baby cries a lot and desires many things or a particular thing sometimes. They start hating even their favourite things. An attending key feature is sour-smelling sweat. Even after bathing, the sour smell remains. The sweat is marked on the scalp, forehead, around the mouth and the nose. The sweat may leave a yellow stain. Besides sweat, the stool also smells sour. While passing stool, the baby may feel pain in the abdomen. Salivation increases along with sour smell from the mouth.

5. Belladonna – With Heat And Redness Of The Gums

Belladonna is recommended when there is irritability during teething along with marked heat and redness of the gums. The gums are painful and swollen as well. Child needing it is highly irritable. There is also a tendency to bite and strike others. Restlessness is well marked. He / she may start crying easily.

6. Calcarea Carb – With Sour Sweat And Sour Stool

This medicine is indicated when there is irritability along with crying, sour sweat and sour stool. The stool smells sour with undigested food particles in it. The abdomen is quite distended and hard. Vomiting may also occur having a sour smell. There is a tendency to have a profuse sour smelling sweat on the scalp. There is also excessive scratching of the head in many cases.

 7. Podophyllum – When Attended With Desire To Press The Gums Together

Podophyllum is a valuable medicine to manage cases where irritability is accompanied with an excessive desire to press the gums together. The baby also suffers from diarrhea. The child needing it passes greenish sour-smelling, loose stool, mostly in the morning. Besides, there is gas in the abdomen. There is marked heat in the head during dentition and rolling of the head from side to side. At night, there is excessive sweating on the head along with sleeplessness in the early part of the night.

8. Kreosote – Along With Sleeplessness

Kreosote is indicated for cases of irritability along with sleeplessness. The child remains irritable, fretful and also screams at night. The child is very restless and likes to be moved around in arms all the time. The gums are swollen and  bluish. The child becomes very cross and obstinate. There is desire for many things, but throws them away when these things are given.

9. Arsenic Album – With Restlessness At Night

This medicine can be considered when there is irritability along with restlessness at night. There is loose, watery, brown stool. Undigested food passes in the stool. The child looks thin and seems to lose weight.

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What is Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, Causes and Homeopathic Treatment

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a disorder in which there occur episodes of intense nausea and vomiting lasting from few hours to few days. In between these episodes, symptom-free period occurs. It can affect persons of any age group but it usually starts in childhood around 3-7 yrs of age. The characteristic of this syndrome is that the symptoms begin at the same time of the day, have the same intensity and last for the same duration of time in a particular person. The reason behind CVS is not clearly known, but what is known is that the vomiting in this syndrome does not arise from any infection or any medical condition. Vomiting and nausea are the main symptoms of CVS.

Other attending symptoms might include retching, abdomen pain, decreased appetite, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, dizziness, sensitivity to light and increased thirst. There are no tests to diagnose this condition. CVS is diagnosed by ruling out medical conditions (like gastritis, pancreatitis, food allergies, GERD i.e. gastroesophageal reflux disease etc.) that can cause symptoms similar to this condition. Some of the complications that can arise in this condition include dehydration from loss of body fluid, damage to the lining of food pipe from rise of stomach acid in the food pipe and decay of the tooth enamel from acidic vomiting.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment for cyclic vomiting syndrome. Homeopathic medicines help to treat this condition symptomatically and gradually decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms in this complaint. It can control complaint of vomiting and nausea magnificently. Besides, they can also manage associated symptoms like weakness, abdomen pain and headache. Homeopathic medicines are helpful in managing acute episodes of this complaint as well as in overcoming the tendency to have recurrent episodes of this problem. Homeopathic medicines for this complaint are prescribed individually in every case as per the presenting symptoms. It is recommended to get any case of cyclic vomiting syndrome evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines as per physician’s advice. Self – medication should be avoided. Severe and continued vomiting can cause dehydration and that can be life threatening. So in any case signs of dehydration are seen or blood occurs in the vomit, one must immediately get help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitation in helping such critical cases. Some of the signs of dehydration are decreased urination, skin dryness, dryness of mouth, increased thirst, exhaustion, sunken eyes and lack of tears while crying.

What Are The Causes Of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome?

The cause behind CVS is not understood yet. However it is suggested that a genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance and problem in the nervous system may play a role. Besides, it is also suggested that migraine may be linked with it. Children having CVS may have a family history of migraine and a tendency to develop migraine when they become adults. There are some known trigger factors for symptoms of CVS. These include cold, sinus infections, stress, anxiety, panic attack, emotional excitement, physical exhaustion, menstrual periods, excessive exercise, hot weather, motion sickness (inner ear disturbance caused by repeated motion of vehicle), fasting, lack of sleep, taking some particular food items (like chocolate, alcohol, cheese, caffeine, MSG i.e. monosodium glutamate) and overeating.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

1. Ipecac – Top Medicine

Ipecac is a top natural medicine for managing episodes of nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it, vomiting may have watery fluids, green/yellow-colored fluid or undigested food. Abdomen pain can attend it. Stomach may be sensitive to pressure. There may occur distension of the abdomen and throat dryness. After vomiting, the person may have desire to sleep. Loose stool can also occur along with vomiting. In some cases, vomiting occurs soon after eating. Nausea may get triggered from the smell of food. There may be excessive weakness.

2. Colchicum – For Nausea, Vomiting With Watery Stool

This medicine is well indicated when there occurs vomiting and nausea along with watery stool. Vomiting may be caused by movement of the body. It gets better by lying down perfectly still. There may occur a burning sensation in the stomach pit followed by nausea and then vomiting. Vomiting is followed by weakness. Nausea is particularly triggered from smell of cooking food especially eggs, fish and meat. Along with the above symptoms, there may occur pain in the stomach and an icy cold feeling.

3. Arsenic Album – For Vomiting Along With Weakness

This medicine is helpful for managing cases where vomiting is accompanied with excessive weakness. Vomiting occurs soon after eating or drinking. Vomiting may contain food, clear water or gastric fluids. Loose stool may occur along with vomiting. Nausea is also felt. Sight or smell of food is unbearable along with these symptoms. Anxiety and restlessness can be prominently experienced in cases requiring this medicine.

4. Nux Vomica – For Nausea And Vomiting In Morning

Nux Vomica is an effective medicine for those suffering episodes of nausea and vomiting in the morning. The vomiting may contain sour mucus or oily substance. Pain is felt in the stomach which gets worse especially after eating. A sensation of weight is also felt in the stomach. The stomach region may be sensitive to pressure. Nux Vomica is the best indicated medicine to manage gastric issues that occur from taking alcohol, and coffee.

5. Iris Versicolor – For Periodical Vomiting Episodes Every 4 To 6 Weeks

This medicine is recommended for cases when there occur periodical episodes of vomiting at interval of 4 to 6 weeks.  Each episode may last for 2 to 3 days. Vomiting is attended with nausea. Vomiting is of sour tasting fluid. Before vomiting, pain is felt around the navel area. Sweating may occur after vomiting. Excessive heat in the head and weakness is also felt after vomiting. This medicine is also extremely helpful when nausea occurs after overexertion. Lastly, it is of great use in cases where nausea, vomiting occur along with headache.

6. Cocculus Indicus – For Nausea, Vomiting Triggered By Motion Sickness

This is the best medicine to deal with cases where motion sickness seems to trigger the symptoms. There occur nausea and vomiting when travelling in a car, train or a boat in cases needing this medicine. It is attended with bitter and foul smelling burps. Vertigo can occur along with nausea and vomiting.

7. Veratrum Album – With Marked Exhaustion

This medicine is beneficial in managing vomiting attended with intense exhaustion. There is excessive vomiting along with continued nausea. It occurs from drinking fluid and also from movement. It can be attended with vertigo and cold sweat. Loose motion may occur besides vomiting.

8. Colocynth – With Pain In Abdomen

Colocynth is considered in case of nausea and vomiting attended with pain in abdomen. Vomiting may contain food or yellow bitter fluid. Abdomen pain can be cramping or cutting in nature. It gets better by applying pressure and bending forward. In cases where anger triggers vomiting episode, Colocynth proves to be the most suited medicine.

9. Ferrum Met – For Vomiting After Exertion

This medicine is prominently indicated when vomiting occurs after exertion. Along with vomiting, the face becomes fiery red. The person experiences nausea attended with headache. It is also indicated for vomiting that occur soon after eating. It is attended with a constant pressure feeling in the pit of the stomach. Vomiting has a sour and acidic taste.

10. Sepia – For Nausea And Vomiting Triggered During Menses

This medicine gives great relief in cases where nausea and vomiting get triggered during menstrual period. Headache may be felt on one side of the head. There is also excessive weakness with a desire to lie down. Nausea gets worse from smell of cooking food.


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7 Homeopathic Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN or TGN), also known as tic douloureux/ Fothergill disease/ Prosopalgia refers to severe electric shock like facial pain on one side of the body along the course of the trigeminal nerve (usually due to compression, irritation or damage to the nerve). The pain is typically abrupt and intense. Even little stimulation of face like washing the face, brushing teeth can excite a sharp pain on the face in these cases. The severity of the pain may cause a person to contort his/her face in a twisted expression. It is considered one of the most severely painful disorders known to medical science due to which, it is also called suicide disease. Though the condition is not life-threatening, it can hinder one’s quality of life and can lead to chronic pain syndrome which usually affects the activities of daily life and may lead to depression in some individuals. Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia helps reduce the severity and recurrence of sudden pains.

  homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia

Homeopathic Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia

In the homeopathic mode of treatment, the treatment begins once the complete case history is understood from the patient, including the location, sensation, time and modalities of the pain. Particular attention is paid to the factors that trigger the complaint. Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia works by acting internally on the root of the problem. Caught in the early stages (with the initial symptoms), homeopathic medicines can help cure the condition with minimal chances of recurrence.

Homeopathic medicines work by managing the acute symptoms that are most troublesome and difficult to bear. They further help manage the condition by minimizing the intensity of pain. These medications are entirely natural, safe and free from any side effects. Homeopathic medications can give long-term relief in cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia and can enable an individual to lead a good quality of life.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Trigeminal Neuralgia

The top homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia include Spigelia, Magnesia Phosphorica, Verbascum and Colocynth.

1. Spigelia – For Neuralgia On The Left Side

Spigelia is an excellent natural medicine for left-sided Trigeminal Neuralgia. Facial pain located on the left side of the face that comes and goes suddenly are the primary features that indicate the need for this medicine. The area around the eye, forehead, cheek, teeth, and temple on the left side of the face are particularly painful. The nature of pain varies from stabbing, violent, burning like hot needles or wires, jerking, tearing, to stitching type. The affected area is highly sensitive to touch. In a few cases, pains worsen from morning to sunset. The attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia arising in cold, rainy weather are strong indicators to use Spigelia. It can be used when V1 (ophthalmic) and V2 (maxillary) branches of trigeminal nerve are affected.

Key indications 

Pain on the left side of the face

The occurrence of sudden pain on the affected part of face

The affected area becomes highly sensitive to touch

Attacks of trigeminal neuralgia arising in cold, rainy weather

2. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Neuralgia On The Right Side

Magnesia Phosphorica is a medicine for cases of right-sided trigeminal neuralgia. Pain usually starts near the right eye and extends to the whole right side of the face. The pain of stabbing, stitching, shooting, cutting character is present. Pain may return every two to three hours. Pain on the right side of the face may alternate with a toothache or frequently change location, rushing about like a bolt of lightning. The pain may get worse from the slightest touch, cold application, motion, a draft of air, cold washing, eating. The patient may get relief by warmth application and pressure. Facial neuralgia beginning on opening the mouth to eat or drink is also indicative of using this medicine.

Key indications 

Pain on the right side of the face.

Pain in the affected area gets worse from touch.

Pain on opening the mouth.

3. Verbascum— For Neuralgia With Marked Periodicity

Verbascum (also known as Mullein Oil) is a medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia that has a pronounced action on the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve. There is periodic facial pain of tearing, stitching, cramping, crushing type. Pain seems to occur in flashes, happening at the same hour in the morning and afternoon every day. The smallest movement triggers facial pain. Neuralgia of the left side of face occurs more commonly in cheeks and temporo-maxillary joint. A pressure in the entire left side of the head and face may be present. Pains get triggered by sneezing, talking and change of weather. Another indication is a benumbing, sticking and piercing type of pain deep in the right temple while eating, which extends to upper teeth of the same side after a few hours. Severe pressing, pinching pain on the side of the lower jaw also indicates the need for this medicine.

Key indications

Pain in flashes on the affected part of the face

Pain on face triggered by the smallest movement

Pain in the right temple while eating

4. Colocynth – For Neuralgia With Shooting, Stitching Pains

Colocynth works efficiently in cases of trigeminal neuralgia where facial pains are violent, shooting, and stitching in character. Numbness may follow neuralgic pains and get better by pressure. This medicine has a long-lasting action on large nerves, especially the trigeminal nerve. There are tearing pains in the cheeks, stitches in upper jaw which reoccur frequently. The left side of the face, temple, ear and sometimes the side of the neck may get affected. Facial neuralgia and toothache remain confined to one side. The pains are periodical and very severe.

Key indications 

Pain in left side of the face, temple, ear

Facial pains that are violent, shooting, and stitching in nature

Other Important Remedies

Hecla Lava – For Neuralgia From Dental Complaints

Hecla lava is an important remedy in cases of facial neuralgia when dental problems like tooth decay causes pain. Neuralgic pains in the face after extraction of the tooth or decayed tooth are the characteristic features. There is swelling and violent pain in the jaw, which is highly painful to touch.

Plantago – For Neuralgia With Pains In Lower Jaws

Plantago has a marked action on the trigeminal nerve. It is an excellent remedy where neuralgia is located around the lower jaw. The pain is shooting, tearing in nature. Pain starting from the lower jaw may extend to the ears. Sometimes there is drawing pain in the cheeks. It can be given when mandibular (V3) branch is involved with pain in lower jaw and ear.

Hypericum – For Neuralgia After Nerve Injury

Hypericum is a highly beneficial medicine in cases where Trigeminal Neuralgia starts after a nerve injury. Pains in the face are sharp, shooting, tearing or violent. There is marked tingling, burning, numbness in the affected area of the face. Facial neuralgia and toothache are present. Tension and tearing in the cheek may also be present.

Belladonna —For Right Sided Facial Pain

Belladonna is very effective in managing right-sided facial pain. It works well when pain is marked in the right side temple going to eye and cheek of right side. It is triggered by touch and movement of face. There may be relief in pain from hard pressure over affected area. It is also helpful when pain occurs in jaw, teeth and ears. A marked redness and burning heat may accompany the above symptoms.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The most commonly affected areas of the face in Trigeminal Neuralgia include the jaw and lower face.

1. Area of pain: The pain can be focused on one spot (depending upon the branch that is affected) or can advance to a widespread area. The areas that can be affected include jaws, eyes, cheeks, lips, and teeth, area around the nose, ears, gums, forehead.

2. Type of pain: Pains can be excruciating, tearing, shooting, jabbing, or feel like electric shocks. Trigeminal neuropathic pains that produce tingling and numbness (usually due to oral surgery or dentistry) may also occur. There may be a tingling, pin needle sensation or numbness in the face before the development of pain. Burning sensation in the face may also be felt after pain has subsided. Twitching (involuntary muscle contraction causing jerking in affected part) in face may also occur after an attack of pain.

3. The side of the face affected: Usually, the pain is unilateral (one-sided). Mostly, it involves right side of the face. But in some cases, it can be bilateral (affecting both sides of the face) for example in case of multiple sclerosis. In case of bilateral TN though both sides are affected but at a given time only one side has symptoms. Very rarely, both sides show symptoms at same time.

4. The intensity of pain: In most cases, episodes of pain are usually intense in nature (some sufferers have reported the pain being more intense than pain of a heart attack). However, in some cases, pain can range from mild to moderate. With progression of the condition, pain becomes more intense with time.

5. Duration of pain: The pain attack lasts from few seconds to few minutes initially. As the condition progresses, the pain attacks can become longer.

6. The frequency of attacks: Intermittent isolated episodes of sudden pain tend to occur. Some may experience it only once a day and others may have it every few minutes or hours. It may happen every day for several days, weeks, months or even more than that. Sometimes, even months or years may pass after one attack (called remission period). If not treated, the attacks can become frequent and intense over time. Mild attacks may be experienced initially, but if progression takes place, long and frequent bouts of pains can occur.

7. Time of occurrence: It can occur once the patient is exposed to any triggering factors (and sometimes even without them). It never happens while a person is asleep.

What Causes Trigeminal Neuralgia (TGN or TN)?

It arises from abnormal functioning of trigeminal nerve. The main cause behind TGN is compression of trigeminal nerve by a blood vessel. It damages myelin sheath (protective covering of nerve fibers) of this nerve and results in the hyperfunctioning of the nerve. As a result of the damage, even a little stimulation on the portion of the face supplied by this nerve excites pain. In addition, the nerve is unable to close pain signals once nerve stimulation stops. The compression of nerve for a short period of time does not cause pain but long-term constant compression cause demyelination of nerve initially, followed by degeneration of axon (thin fibers extending from nerve cell that function to transmit electrical signals to nerve cells, muscles, glands).

Various causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

1. Pressure: Approximately 95% of TN cases arise from pressure on this nerve. Pressure on the trigeminal nerve from the surrounding blood vessel (an artery – anterior inferior cerebellar artery, etatic basilar artery or a vein) at the base of brain is the most common cause.

Pressure on trigeminal nerve from a tumour may also lead to TN but that is rare. TN may also occur from pressure on trigeminal nerve by an aneurysm (bulge in the wall of blood vessel)

2. Trauma / Injury to nerve: Damage to the nerve can occur as a result of facial injury, dental injury or a surgical procedure (eg sinus surgery, oral surgery), stroke (brain damage arising from interrupted blood supply to brain) can lead to TN.

3. Loss of Myelin Sheath: Myelin sheath protects the nerves. Loss of myelin sheath (which can occur as result of aging or condition like multiple sclerosis) can lead to Trigeminal Neuralgia. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder in which immune cells damage the protective covering of nerves disrupting communication between brain and body.

4. Inflammation: Inflammatory disorders like Lyme disease (a tick-borne disease caused by bacteria, of the Type Borrelia, known as Borrelia Burgdoferi) and Sarcoidosis (autoimmune disorder causing collection of inflammatory cells in a body part) can also lead to the development of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

5. Collagen Vascular Diseases: Diseases like scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus can trigger Trigeminal Neuralgia. In such diseases, the immune system causes inflammation in the collagen and surrounding joints.

However, it should be noted that in many cases, there is no specific cause for Trigeminal Neuralgia called as idiopathic TN.

What Are The Factors That Contribute to the Development of Trigeminal Neuralgia?

1. Family History: Trigeminal Neuralgia may run in families as it is related to malformation of blood vessels in the brain due to inheritance.

2. Age: Though any age group can be affected but it is common in people who are 50 years of age or above. The reason is that blood vessels get hard and elongated with age and there is sagging of brain that can make new contacts between nerves and blood vessels.

3. Women are more affected with TGN as compared to men.

4. High Blood Pressure: People with high blood pressure issues are more likely to suffer from trigeminal neuralgia than those with normal blood pressure.

What Triggers Nerve Pain in TGN?

A person who has Trigeminal Neuralgia usually has a triggering factor that can result in the onset of an episode of TGN. Some of the most common triggering factors include washing the face, brushing teeth, talking, touching the face, chewing, smiling, shaving, putting on makeup, exposure to drafts of air, blowing the nose, etc.

Classification and types of Trigeminal Neuralgia

As per ICHD-3 (International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition), TN is classified into three types as follows:

1.Classic TN: When Trigeminal Neuralgia is associated with vascular compression, means compression of nerve by a blood vessel

2.Secondary TN: The TN linked to irritation or pressure on trigeminal nerve from tumour or arising from some disease lurking behind it, like multiple sclerosis is secondary TN

3.Idiopathic TN: No cause behind TN is detected.

Based on the symptomatic presentation, Trigeminal neuralgia is classified into two types:

Typical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. A person may be affected by both the types at the same time.

1. Typical (Type 1) Trigeminal Neuralgia

Typical trigeminal neuralgia usually results in episodes of severe, sudden, shock-like pain generally affecting one side of the face. Pains may last from few seconds to minutes. Many episodes can occur over a few hours. A touch usually triggers episodic pain in the face. It is a very painful condition. The areas involved mainly includes cheek, mouth or nose on one side of face.

2. Atypical (type 2) Trigeminal Neuralgia

Atypical trigeminal neuralgia is also known as Type 2 trigeminal neuralgia. The person experiences constant aching, burning and stabbing pain of low intensity (compared to Type 1). This type of pain is difficult to diagnose. It is a rare condition, and the symptoms overlap with several other disorders. It can occur in addition to a migraine headache or can be mistaken for migraine alone, dental issues, temporomandibular joint disorders or musculoskeletal issues.

Another classification of Trigeminal Neuralgia is as follows:

It is also classified as primary and secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)

Primary TN: It is associated with compression of trigeminal nerve by an artery or vein. It is not caused by any medical condition.

Secondary TN: It arises secondary to some condition, like an injury to face, multiple sclerosis or damage to myelin sheaths from some other medical condition, from pressure on trigeminal nerve by a tumour, cyst.

Which disorders can Trigeminal Neuralgia mimic?

TN can mimic several medical disorders. These include:

1. Post Herpetic Neuralgia: It is a complication of Herpes Zoster (a viral infection occurring from reactivation of Varicella Zoster virus. Herpes Zoster causes painful rash or blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on skin. If pain of Herpes Zoster continues after healing of rash for more than three months in the affected skin areas, then it is termed as Post Herpetic Neuralgia.

2. Temporomandibular joint syndrome/disorder: Temporomandibular joint is the joint connecting lower jaw to skull. Conditions that affect jaw joint and surrounding muscles or ligaments is referred as Temporomandibular joint syndrome/disorder.

3. Sinus infection/Sinusitis: Infection or inflammation of lining of paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities within the skull bone).

4. Temporal tendinitis: Inflamed temporal tendon where it inserts in the cornoid process of lower jaw.

5. Dental pain: Toothache from dental cause like tooth decay, cavity in tooth, etc.

6. Cluster headache: Severe headache occurring in clusters. The sufferer faces attacks of headache followed by periods free of any such pain.

7. Migraine: Headache affecting one side of the head usually with throbbing pulsating pain commonly attended with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise or light.

8. Temporal arteritis (also called Giant cell arteritis): A condition caused by inflammation of the arteries present at the side of the head (temporal region of head).

Trigeminal Nerve and its Function

The trigeminal nerve is the fifth cranial nerve (out of 12 pair of cranial nerves) and is the largest of all the cranial nerves. There is one trigeminal nerve on either side of the face. The trigeminal nerve divides itself further into three branches (hence the name trigeminal derived from two Latin words: tria means three and geminus means twin). The three branches are named as Ophthalmic nerve (V1), Maxillary nerve (V2), Mandibular nerve (V3). The trigeminal nerve is a mixed cranial nerve responsible for both sensory functions (which include facial sensations such as pressure, thermoception (temperature), nociception (pain)) and motor functions as it supplies the muscles of mastication (chewing and biting) but not facial expressions.

When Trigeminal Neuralgia occurs, one, two or all branches of the nerve may get affected. Most commonly, the middle branch (maxillary nerve) and lower branch (mandibular nerve) are affected. Upper branch (Opthalmic nerve) is the least to be affected.  The areas of face supplied by the three branches of the trigeminal nerve are:

V1 (Ophthalmic/upper branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in the scalp, forehead, eye, upper eyelid and tip of the nose.

V2 (Maxillary/middle branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in the lower eyelid, side of the nose, cheeks, nostrils, upper lip, upper teeth and upper gums.

V3 (Mandibular/lower branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in lower teeth, lower gums, lower lip, chin, jaw, and part of the ear. Mandibular branch also supplies the muscles involved in mastication (chewing and biting).

Complications Associated with Trigeminal Neuralgia

Recurrence is one of the main complications of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Once the pain sets in, the affected person may not want to brush his teeth or maintain hygiene for fear of triggering the pain. This can lead to severe anxiety and distress and even depression in patients who suffer from it.

Managing the Pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia can be managed well if one is aware of the particular triggering factors. Avoiding these triggers can help control the occurrence of the debilitating pains and can ultimately improve one’s quality of life. One must avoid vigorous brushing of teeth, eating very hard solid foods, exposure to drafts of air or any other trigger known individually to the case which can excite facial pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am taking Spigelia 30 for TGN of left side but that has not helped much, Is there any other homeopathic remedy that I can try?

To deal with left-sided facial pain, Spigelia ranks first and is often the first choice of homeopathic medicine to start with treatment of left-sided facial neuralgia. Unfortunately, it did not worked in your case. But yes there are definitely some other remedies that you can try, for example Aconite, Colocynth, Verbascum Thapsus that are prominently indicated for left-sided facial pains. These medicines can be used after matching the symptoms.

I am taking Magnesium Phos 6X for my right sided trigeminal neuralgia, Is it the correct remedy for that?

Yes, absolutely it is one of the top homeopathic medicine for right-sided Trigeminal Neuralgia. To get best results, take its tablets by dissolving it in warm water.

Which homeopathic medicines would you rate as best for TGN?

Though there are numerous medicines for TGN treatment but as per my clinical experience, I would rate Spigelia, Magnesium Phos, Verbascum, Colocynth and Hecla Lava as the best medicines for TGN. These give magnificent results when taken as per similarity of symptoms.

Is Staphysagria also a homeopathic medicine for TGN?

Yes, Staphysagria is also indicated for some cases of TGN. It is mainly indicated for pain in the cheek on left side especially for sharp burning or stitching pain.  Consider a homeopathic doctor’s advice prior to using this medicine.

I have been suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last 10 years, can homeopathy help such chronic cases?

Yes, there is scope in homeopathy to treat chronic cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of pain episodes. With proper treatment for recommended period of time, one may even get cured, though results vary from case to case.

I have been taking conventional treatment (anti-convulsant drugs and also botox injection as per doctor’s advice) for Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last 2 years, can I switch to homeopathy?

I would recommend to not stop the allopathic treatment all of sudden as your body has become habitual to it. What you can do is start homeopathic medicines side by side and once your body start responding, you may gradually lessen the dose of allopathic medicines and with time may entirely stop other treatment.

If I start homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia, will I have to take homeopathic medicines for lifetime?

Not that’s not the case. The course of homeopathic medicines varies from case to case ranging from few months to a year approximately. Once relief is achieved to a major extent in such cases, the dose is gradually reduced and completely finished later.

Does homeopathy offer permanent cure for Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Homeopathy promises great help in reducing intensity and frequency of attacks of facial pain in TGN in most cases. In some cases, permanent cure might take place but that depends upon several factors such as the severity, duration of complaint and how well body responds to the homeopathic treatment.

Does homeopathic medicine Arnica play any role in treating TGN?

Arnica is a highly recommended homeopathic remedy to relieve complaints that arise from an injury in general. So, Arnica can be considered to treat TGN cases where there is history of facial injury prior to onset of TGN. But I advise to consult a homeopathic physician before using this medicine for TGN.

What help could homeopathic medicine Thuja offer in TGN cases?

Thuja is a natural homeopathic medicine that could be helpful when the pain starts from lips or gums and spreads to entire right side of the face. Numbness might follow pain in the affected area. Before using this medicine, kindly consult a homeopath.

I have sharp, severe facial pain on the right side that comes and goes, do I have Trigeminal Neuralgia?

No doubt, Trigeminal Neuralgia is one of the most important reasons behind sharp, facial pain especially when it is one-sided but other medical conditions can also cause facial pains. These includes Post Herpetic Neuralgia, TMJ disorder, sinusitis, dental pain, etc. So a complete case history is required to evaluate your case and find the exact reason.

My mother aged 80 yrs is suffering from TGN and recently I also started getting facial pain on and off, could it be TGN?

There are chances that your facial pain could be related to TGN as it has been seen that persons having family history of TGN are at risk. But it could also be arising from some other reason that should not be overlooked. I advise you to take proper consultation from a physician to rule out the cause behind your facial pain.

Is my pain around the jaw related to Trigeminal Neuralgia?

It might or it might not be the case. Involvement of V3 (mandibular branch) can surely cause jaw pain but other reasons should also not be ignored as jaw pain could arise from other reasons like dental abscess, arthritis apart from Trigeminal Neuralgia. So, I suggest consulting a physician before reaching any conclusion.

Could numbness or tingling sensation in face be related to Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Yes, tingling and numbness in the face may arise in case of Trigeminal Neuralgia along with pain. But other reasons may also cause such symptoms. Some of the reasons include an allergic reaction, anxiety, multiple sclerosis. One must visit a physician to rule out the exact cause.

Could my Trigeminal Neuralgia be related to dental surgery that I had a few months ago?

Yes, it could be. Dental surgery can actually trigger Trigeminal Neuralgia in some. For example, it may follow root canal procedure, tooth extraction, installing dental implant in lower jaw.

Can stress cause TGN?

Though stress may not by itself cause TGN, but it can make this condition worse.

I have heard that high Blood pressure (BP) can cause TGN, Is it so?

While high blood pressure does not directly lead to TGN but it is a predisposing factor for it. Not everyone suffering from high BP goes on to develop TGN but they are at more risk to get TGN as compared to those who are non-hypertensive ( not having high BP)

Are any investigations required to diagnose Trigeminal Neuralgia?

A clinical diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia can be made after evaluating the description of type, location, frequency and triggering factors of pain. Physical or neurological examination to know the exact location of pain can be performed. These symptoms are enough for clinical diagnosis, and sometimes no tests are required. To rule out the possible causes of occurrence of Trigeminal Neuralgia, an MRI of brain may be advised to rule out any inflammation, brain tumor or a blood vessel compressing the nerve.

Can Trigeminal Neuralgia be prevented?

Though initiation of Trigeminal Neuralgia in a person cannot be prevented but the future episodes of pain can be prevented by noting down the trigger factors and avoiding them as far as possible in future.

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5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy refers to facial paralysis (loss of muscle function) affecting one side of the face and the onset is sudden. The cause in most such cases is not found. The cause is presumed to be inflammation of the facial nerve or reactivation of a previously acquired viral infection. The viral infection behind the cause is herpes simplex viral infection. The triggers which reactivate the latent viral infection include environmental changes like cold air exposure, trauma, and emotional factors. Homeopathic remedies for Bell’s Palsy are made of natural substances and with no side effects, provide a very effective treatment against the disease.

Homeopathic Treatment For Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy can be effectively treated with natural homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic treatment for Bell’s Palsy can help in complete recovery without any side effects. The results, however, vary from person to person depending on how chronic the problem is, and the degree of facial damage.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Bell’s Palsy

The top recommended homeopathic medicines to treat Bell’s palsy are Causticum, Belladonna, Aconite, and Hypericum.

1. Causticum

Causticum is the top recommended medicine to treat cases of Bell’s Palsy. This medicine is usually the first choice to treat cases of Bell’s Palsy. Though it can be used for paralysis of any side, it is more prominently indicated for facial paralysis of the right side. Those who need it have loose muscle function of the face on the side from forehead to chin. Pain in the jaws may also be present. The pain can be tense or drawing in nature. It is accompanied by difficulty in opening one’s mouth.


This is another natural medicine of great help in Bell’s palsy cases. Its use is suggested when the muscle of the face fails to function on one side. There may be numbness on the face. Additionally, twitching of facial muscles can be present. In most cases, the face goes red, flushes, and may as well witness a burning sensation. Besides, increased sensitivity to noises may be present.

3. Aconite

Aconite is used when there is a complaint of numbness or tingling sensation on the face on the affected side. The face also feels cold on the affected side. Apart from this, drawing pain in jaws can be felt. It is used in acute conditions in the very beginning when facial paralysis follows from sudden cold air exposure.

4. Hypericum

To deal with facial paralysis because of an injury to a nerve, the best homeopathic medicine is Hypericum. It can be of great help in the complete recovery of the patient with facial paralysis following injury. Tingling, numbness, or burning sensation on the affected side of the face may be experienced in addition to other symptoms of bell’s palsy. Hypericum is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for nerve injuries, and it always proves its worth by bringing positive results.

5. Ignatia

Ignatia is a very frequently used natural Homeopathic medicine for a variety of conditions arising out of grief. It is a very beneficial medicine in cases of Bell’s Palsy particularly triggered by grief too. Those who need this medicine carry symptoms of Bell’s Palsy and may also complain of frequent tooth bites while talking or swallowing. He or she may also have a mouth filled with excessive saliva. Other symptoms of grief like weeping, brooding and sadness are also present.

6. Agaricus

Agaricus is helpful when there is a dropping in the mouth corner due to facial paralysis. It is accompanied by drooling of the saliva. Twitching of the facial muscles may also be present. Tearing pain in the jaw may assist these symptoms.

7. Cadmium Sulph

It is administered when the patient has a distorted face. The swallowing of food becomes difficult. He or she also has difficulty speaking properly. And there is also an inability to close the eye on the affected side.

8. Homeopathic Medicines As Per The Side Of The Face Affected By Bell’s Palsy

The naturally efficient homeopathic medicines for Bell’s Palsy on the right side of the face are Belladonna, Causticum, and Kali Phos. For treating Bell’s Palsy on the left side, the efficient natural homeopathic medicines are Alumina, Cadmium Sulph, and Sulphur. To select the suitable medicines out of these, a proper case investigation needs to be carried out. Homeopathic remedies cannot be selected solely as per the side of the face affected by facial paralysis. The side of the face involved only forms a part of the totality of other symptoms narrated by the patient. So, the side of the face involved should be considered among other symptoms but not the only pointer to select this homeopathic remedy.

Symptoms Of Bell’s Palsy

In the majority of cases, the paralysis is unilateral. It means the disease occurs on one side of the face. In just one per cent of cases, it can involve both sides of the face. The onset of Bell’s Palsy is always sudden. The symptom intensity varies from case to case — from the slight weakness of the facial muscles to the entire paralysis (loss of muscle function). The signs and symptoms include:

1. Weakness or numbness of the face on one side

2. Drooping of face to one side

3. Drooling of saliva or drying of the mouth

4. Lachrymation (watering from eyes) or dryness of eyes due to inability to close eye on the affected side

5. Loss of facial expressions like frowning, and smiling

6. Pain about the jaw and behind the ear, sensitive hearing, inability to have a taste for food

7. Other symptoms include difficulty in eating and speech, headache, eye irritation on the affected side, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), tingling in the face, and twitching of facial muscles

 What Is The Recovery Time In Bell’s Palsy Cases?

The symptoms of Bell’s Palsy in most cases begin to get better within a few weeks (approx. 3 weeks). In the majority of the cases (about 80 per cent) of them, full recovery with complete resolution of the symptoms takes place in three months to 9 months time period. Though, in minor cases, complete recovery may take somewhat longer. In rare cases, the symptoms may be permanent. There are very few chances of recurrent Bell’s Palsy.

Causes Behind Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy results from compression, swelling/inflammation of the facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve). This nerve goes through a narrow passage within the skull. Its swelling leads to its compression by the nearby hard surface in the skull and affects the nerve functioning as well.

When this nerve gets inflamed, the nerve cells get deprived of blood and oxygen resulting in the weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles. The reason behind the nerve damage has not been determined yet, it is widely believed that a viral infection sets off this damage.

There are various infections (viral and bacterial) associated with Bell’s Palsy. It mainly includes herpes simplex virus 1 which causes cold sores. Other viruses include Epstein – Barr virus, herpes zoster virus, HIV, cytomegalovirus, mumps virus, rubella virus, influenza B virus, coxsackie virus, and Lyme disease. Some factors linked with the reactivation of latent viral infection in the body and which may provoke Bell’s Palsy include stress, physical trauma, loss of sleep, some recent illnesses, and auto-immune health disease.

Risk Factors

Though anyone can suffer from Bell’s Palsy, those with the following symptoms are in a bigger risk zone:

1. Having diabetes or high blood pressure

2. Obesity

3. URTI (upper respiratory tract infection) like cold, flu

4. Pregnancy mainly in the third trimester (last three months of pregnancy), and the first week after giving birth to the child.

5. Family history of Bell’s Palsy (especially when there may occur recurrent episodes of Bell’s Palsy)

6. Have an autoimmune disease (in such diseases the infection-fighting cells start to damage the body’s own healthy tissues out of a misdirected response)

7. Cold sores


Mild cases of Bell’s Palsy are self-resolvable. In severe cases, complications may arise:

1.Permanent facial nerve damage that controls muscles of the face

2. Ulcers in the eye even blindness due to the drying of the cornea. Also, scratching the eye in the affected area. Blindness can be partial or complete.

3. Synkinesis – a condition in which one part of the face can be moved willingly, and there occurs simultaneous involuntary movement of another part of the face like the closing of the eye especially when one smiles. Synkinesis occurs when during the healing process/regrowth of nerve fibers, controlling the muscles of one part of the face also regrow on another part of the face.


There is no lab test to diagnose Bell’s Palsy. It is diagnosed based on the physical examination of the face, and observing the muscle movement of the face when the eye is closed, or when one is asked to frown, or asked to show teeth or any form of a grimace. There are some medical conditions that can cause weakness or paralysis of facial muscles like stroke, tumours, lyme disease. If the cause is not clear, then the physician may advise some tests. These include

1. MRI and CT scan to rule out causes like skull fracture, and tumour

2. Electromyography: This test is to rule out the severity of nerve damage


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Cedron: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Cedron is derived from the plant — Simaruba ferroginea, also known as Simaba cedron. It belongs to family Ericaceae. To obtain this medicine the seeds of this plant have to undergo potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouse medicinal properties out of their crude form. After this process, it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine — Cedron. It is the main medicine to handle cases of neuralgia (nerve pain), and headache that occurs at clock-like precision meaning thereby that the problem arises at the exact time every day like clock timings.

The ‘Cedron’ Constitution

This medicine suits well people who have a nervous nature, and get easily excited especially, women.

Drug Action

The predominant action of this medicine is on the nerves. Its action is marked on the eyes, head, face, and female genitals. Lastly, its action is seen in the limbs and the joints.

Clinical Indications

Neuralgia (nerve pain), malaria, headache, supraorbital neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, epilepsy, joint pain

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Eye Complaints (Supraorbital Neuralgia, Eyeball Pain, Eyelid Twitching)

Cedron shows magnificent action on the eyes. It has given great clinical improvements in cases of supraorbital neuralgia (nerve pain in the forehead above the eyes). Here the hallmark indication is that this neuralgia is periodic that repeats itself at regular intervals. Mainly severe shooting pain occurs over the left eye. It is an excellent medicine to manage pain in the eyeballs. This pain radiates around the eyes. It is attended with scalding lachrymation (eye-watering). Further, its use is considered in cases of eye redness and burning sensation in the eyes like fire. Lastly, it can be given in cases of twitching (brief, involuntary contraction or jerking of muscles) of the upper eyelid.

Key Indicating Features

Supraorbital neuralgia (nerve pain in the forehead above the eyes)

Supraorbital neuralgia occurring periodically means repeating itself at regular intervals

Severe shooting pain over the left eye

Pain in the eyeballs with radiating pain around the eyes with scalding eye- watering

Twitching of the upper eyelid

3. For Headache

It is a wonderful medicine for managing cases of headaches. The most prominent notable symptom of using this medicine is bouts of headaches occurring with clock-like precision. It means the headache returns at a specific time every day like a clock. In cases needing it, the pain is felt deep in the orbits that force the sufferer to shut the eyes. The pain may extend to the back of the head (occiput). It is also indicated when pain traverses from one temple to another across the eyes. Pressure may be felt on the top of the head (vertex). Mostly the headache gets worse in the open air and when one wakes up.

Key Indicating Features

Attacks of headaches occurring with clock-like precision

Pain in the orbits forces the sufferer to shut his eyes

Pain traverses from one temple to another right across the eyes

4. Facial Concerns (Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Its action is further noted on the face. It is prominently indicated to help cases of trigeminal neuralgia (sudden severe pain in the face resulting from pressure over the trigeminal nerve or from its damage/injury). For those who need it, pain occurs mainly on the right side of the face. It occurs at regular intervals at a fixed time with a clock-like accuracy. It is accompanied by distortion of the face from spasm of muscle on the affected side. Usually, it comes at 7 or 8 pm and lasts for about two to four hours. It is also indicated for nerve pain in the face that spreads from a decayed tooth. It is characteristically pressing and tearing pain with shooting pain sometimes.

Key Indicating Features

Trigeminal neuralgia, pain on the right side of the face at a fixed time in a clock-like accuracy

Nerve pain in the face spreading from a decayed tooth

5. For Fever (Malaria)

The use of this medicine is highly recommended to manage malaria fever. The key indication to use it is that there is a marked periodicity of fever that comes at the same hour every day. It starts at 6 pm with chills in the back and feet or with cold feet and hands. Before the onset of fever (about 20 to 40 minutes) mental excitement occurs with the sensation of heat. During the heat stage head feels heavy along with a red face, burning in the hands, and a desire for warm drinks. In some cases, chill starts at 4 am followed by sweat at 4 pm. During chills, congestion in the head occurs along with icy coldness of the hands, feet, and nose. Profuse sweating occurs every evening.

Key Indicating Features

Fever occurring with a marked periodicity that comes at the same hour every day

Fever starting at 6 pm with chills in the back, and feet or with cold feet, and hands

6. Female Problems (Leucorrhoea, Epilepsy)

This medicine is very suitable for managing certain female problems. Here it is a beneficial medicine to manage cases where vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) occurs in place of menses. The next characteristic feature of its use is epilepsy (fits) occurring during menses. Besides these, it is indicated for the excitement of genitals at daybreak along with vaginal discharge and swollen, painful breasts.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge in place of menses

Epilepsy (fits) occurring during menses

The excitement of genitals at daybreak along with vaginal discharge and swollen, painful breast

7. Limbs (Joint Pain)

If we talk of the limbs, it proves effective in cases of joint pains. It is most helpful for sharp or lancinating pain in the joints, especially in the feet, and hands. Another main indication for its use is pain from the ball of the right thumb up to the shoulder and from the ball of the right foot to the knees. This medicine can manage well elbow pain on both sides. It is a sharp cutting pain in nature. The last indication of its use is the icy coldness of the limbs.

Key Indicating Features

Sharp or lancinating pain in the joints especially the feet and hands

Pain from the ball of the right thumb up to the shoulder and from the ball of the right foot to the knees

Sharp, cutting pain in both the elbows


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse periodically, at the same hour, upon lying down, after sleep, and in the open air.

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better from standing erect


The dose and potency of this medicine varies from low to high as per the case details. In low potency, it can be used often but in high potency frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna and Lachesis


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Syphilinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Syphilinum is a strong and deep acting homeopathic medicine. It is a principal homeopathic medicine to deal with many health complaints which aggravate at night. Its use is mainly recommended as an intercurrent remedy in cases of treatment of chronic diseases when response of patient is weak or nil to the well indicated remedies already given. Among the various health concerns, it is frequently recommended for cases of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), ulcers and shifting joint pain. Its use is also highly considered for cases in which there is intense weakness in morning.

Drug Action

Its major action is seen on the mind and female genitals. It also shows good results in ailments affecting eyes, mouth, male genitals and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, memory loss, leucorrhoea, ovaries disorders, painful menses, ulcers, keratitis, eye pain, iritis, tooth decay, chancre, syphilis, sciatica, exostosis, joint pain, bone disorders

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind Complaints (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Memory Loss)

Syphilinum has remarkable action on the mind. The foremost complaint where this medicine is highly recommended is OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). OCD refers to mental health condition characterized by constant unwanted thoughts and fears leading to repetitive behaviour. Syphilinum is well-indicated when the sufferer has an intense fear of germs. They have marked fear of catching an infection. They keep on washing hands very frequently out of this fear. In such cases, Syphilinum has shown great clinical improvements.

Secondly, this medicine can be used to treat anxiety, especially marked anxiety about health. There is fear of suffering and pain, and fear of death. Hopelessness is there, the person sees no hope of recovery. Next this medicine is well indicated for cases of loss of memory. Persons needing it have loss of memory but all the occurrences prior to the disease are well remembered. Memory of ongoing occurrences, names, places, dates is lost. Lastly, its use is indicated for cases exhibiting depression, along with suicidal thoughts. The sufferer experiences extreme attacks of pain. There is marked sadness, irritability and aversion to company.

Key Indicating Features

OCD with fear of germs, of catching an infection leading to frequent washing of hands

Anxiety about health with fear of suffering, pain and death

Loss of memory, but all the occurrences before the onset of disease are well remembered

2. Female Problems (Leucorrhoea, Ovarian Pain, Ulcers, Painful Menses)

This medicine shows wonderful action on female organs. The most important complaint where it proves effective is vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The yellow discharge is thin, watery, very profuse that runs down the heels, and has an offensive odor. It is attended with itching in genitals. The discharge also causes inflammation of external genitals. The discharge gets worse at night from the warmth of bed. Itching and inflammation reduce during periods. Pain in ovaries also occurs along with vaginal discharge. The nature of ovarian pain is sharp knife-like; pain in ovary on right side gets worse at night time.

Syphilinum is beneficial for managing cases of ulcers on vulva and labia. Ovarian pain accompanies it. The ulcers are sensitive to touch. It is helpful in managing early menses and painful menses. The menses come early in every two weeks’ time. The menstrual bleeding is pink red, bright, profuse and have putrid meat like odor. This medicine also offers help in cases of inflamed, congested ovaries and also ovarian tumours. There is sore aching in the left ovarian region that extends to the right. Pain in ovary is felt at orgasm time during coitus.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge that is thin, watery, profuse, offensive yellow with genital itching and ovarian pain

Ulcers on vulva and labia that are sensitive to touch

Early menses in every two-weeks time and painful menses

3. Eye Problems (Keratitis, Eye Pain, Iritis)

With its magnificent action on the eyes, Syphilinum gives good results in cases of recurrent inflammation of cornea (keratitis). Phyctenules (small pustules means pus-filled eruptions) appear on the cornea of the eye. It is attended with redness in the eyes, pain, excessive eye watering and sensitivity to bright light. It is very helpful when eyes are very painful at night. It is an excellent medicine to help cases of photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and excessive eye watering (lachrymation).  This medicine can manage well complaint of iritis. Inflammation of colored ring around the eye’s pupil.

Key Indicating Features

Inflamed cornea with small pustules, attended with red eyes, eye pain, excessive eye watering and sensitivity to bright light

Eye pain at night

Photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and excessive eye watering

Iritis with sensitivity to bright light

4. Mouth Issues (Ulcers, Excessive Salivation, Coated Tongue)

By acting on the mouth, Syphilinum can handle mouth ulcers well along with marked burning and stinging. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of excessive salivation. There is increased flow of saliva, saliva runs out of mouth while sleeping. Other than this, it is helpful for coated tongue with deep lengthwise cracks along center. It also acts on teeth and is indicated for tooth decay when decay occurs at the edges of gums.

Key Indicating Features

Mouth ulcers with marked burning and stinging

Increased flow of saliva, saliva runs out of mouth when sleeping

Coated tongue with deep lengthwise cracks along center

Tooth decay at the edges of gums

5. Male Problems (Syphilis)

If we talk of male problems, it is a leading medicine for managing cases of syphilis (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum). Males needing it have chancre (an ulcer on genitals that form during primary stage of syphilis) on prepuce (foreskin). The ulcers have raised edges and is accompanied with burning sensation. It can be used to manage aching in genitals when the sufferer is not even able to sit still.

Key Indicating Feature

Chancre (ulcer on genital) on prepuce with burning in syphilis cases

6. Limbs (Sciatica, Exostosis, Joint Pain, Leg Pain)

Lastly, it acts well on limbs and joints. It is well indicated to manage sciatica (a pain that travels along the path of sciatic nerve that starts in lower back and radiates down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet). The guiding feature for its use is sciatica which gets worse at night and better at daybreak. It can effectively deal with cases of exostosis (also called bone spurs, referring to growth of extra new bone on the surface of an existing bone). In cases needing it, there is soreness and pain in the overgrown bone.

Syphilinum is also very helpful for treating joint pains. There is redness, swelling and heat in joints. There is shifting of pain from one joint to another. The muscles feel like hard knots. There is shoulder joint pain; its use is considered mainly when this pain gets worse from raising arm outwards or to the front. It can also be given in cases of pain and swelling in left-side wrist and big toe, which gets worse from sundown to sunrise. Other than this, Syphilinum is recommended for cases of pain in legs and in shin bone (it is tibia bone which is the larger of two bones in lower leg). A peculiar feature for its use is when relief sets in by pouring cold water on legs.

Key Indicating Features

Sciatica gets worse at night and better around daybreak

Exostosis with soreness and pain in the overgrown bone

Shoulder joint pain worse from raising arm outwards or in front

Pain in legs, in shin bone gets better from pouring cold water on legs


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse at night, from sundown to sunrise, from extreme heat or cold, motion, from dampness, thunderstorms, and during full moon.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better at high altitudes, mountains, during day, from heat application, and continued or slow motion


The use of this medicine is recommended only in high potencies. It is strictly advised not repeat the dose frequently in any case.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Syphilinum can be compared with certain other homeopathic medicines having similar action like this. These includes Merc Sol, Nitric Acid, Aurum Met and Alumina.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Magnesia Carbonica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Magnesia Carbonica is prepared from magnesium carbonate. Magnesium carbonate is inactive in its crude form but when it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Magnesia Carbonica. It is an important homeopathic medicine to manage various gastric issues, women-related problems, toothache, and facial neuralgia.

The ‘Magnesia Carbonica’ Constitution

It is suited to persons who are nervous, have excessive gas in abdomen and have sour-smelling sweat. It is also highly suitable for women who suffer from exhaustion and uterine problems. Lastly, it suits children with nervous, irritable temperament, and have smelly sweat.

Drug Action

The most marked action of this remedy is on the gastric system, women’s organs, and teeth. Besides, it acts well on the face and throat too.

Clinical Indications

Diarrhea, constipation, colic, belching, vomiting, acidity, heartburn, sore throat, delayed menses, leucorrhoea, toothache, neuralgia (nerve pain)

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Constipation, Gas, Pain, Vomiting)

Magnesia Carb has its most important action on the gastric system. Firstly, it manages cases of diarrhea quite well. In such cases, the stool is watery, green and frothy. White lumps may be seen floating along with the stool. There could be mucus, and blood in the stool.  Stool is accompanied by stinging pain and pressure in the abdomen. Distension of abdomen is noted as well. Before passing stool, pinching in the abdomen and rumbling is felt. After passing stool, burning is felt at the anus. This medicine can manage well, cases of constipation also. There is frequent urge to pass stool. The stool is dry, hard, crumbling type. It sometimes is hard like a stone. Stitching pain in the anus and rectum occurs. Next, it is a well-indicated medicine for children who are on breastfeed and are unable to tolerate milk. They either get stomach pain from milk intake or the milk passes undigested. Another complaint where it proves beneficial is gas in the abdomen along with rumbling, gurgling, and bloating. There may be cutting pain around the navel which is relieved by passing gas. It is also administered for abdomen pain, which gets better from doing a bending double exercise (touching feet with hands). This medicine is also given in case of sour belching, and vomiting of bitter food. Heartburn too may be felt. If heartburn, and sour belching occur specifically after intake of potatoes, milk or cabbage, then this medicine is very useful.

Key Indicating Features

Diarrhea when the stool is watery, green, frothy

Inability to tolerate milk in children who are on breastfeed

Cutting pain around the navel better from passing the gas

Pain in abdomen gets better from bending double

Heartburn and sour belching after intake of potatoes, milk or cabbage

2. Female Problems (Late & Scanty Menses, Vaginal Discharge)

It is a really suitable medicine for managing certain women-related issues. Firstly, its use is considered when the menses appear late and are scanty. The menstrual flow is dark, thick, and sticky. It is accompanied by dragging pains. Before and during the menses there is backache, and weakness. Menses may be preceded by a headache. Secondly, it is valuable in managing vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea). Women who need it complain of white vaginal discharge after periods. Before the discharge, pain is felt in the uterus. There may occur pinching pain around the navel. The discharge causes smarting vaginal pain, especially, while sitting or walking. Another very striking feature to use this remedy is sore throat, cold and nasal blockage before menses.

Key Indicating Features

Late and scanty menses with dark, thick, sticky bleeding

White vaginal discharge after periods

Sore throat, cold, and nasal blockage before menses

3. Dental Issues (Toothache, Wisdom Teeth Complaints)

Magnesia Carbonica is a benchmark medicine to administer toothache. The pain in teeth can be tearing, drawing or burning in nature. The pain may radiate from the teeth to the side of the head. It is useful when the pain in the teeth worsens at night and gets better from cold drinks. It also gets worse when one is resting, and one gets relief by walking. It can really manage well stinging pain in the teeth after eating. It is also well indicated to manage toothache during pregnancy. Lastly, complaints arising from eruption of wisdom teeth are wonderfully managed with it.

Key Indicating Features

Toothache gets worse at night time

Toothache better from cold drinks

Toothache gets worse while resting, and there is relief by walking

Stinging pain in the teeth after eating

Complaints arising from eruption of wisdom teeth

4. Face (pain)

It proves very effective in managing facial neuralgia (nerve pain). It is a good choice in case of left-side facial pain that is shooting in nature. It gets worse upon being touched, due to changes in temperature, and cold air exposure. It also gets worse at night. It gets better by walking.

Key Indicating Features

Left-side facial pain that is shooting in nature

Facial pain gets worse from cold air exposure, change of temperature and upon being touched

Facial pain gets worse at night

Facial pain gets better by walking

5. Throat Concerns (Sore Throat)

This medicine acts magnificently on the throat. It is mostly used in case of sore throat. It can be given when there is sticking or shooting pain in the throat that increases from excessive talking, and also while swallowing food. Burning sensation is felt in the throat along with this. Dryness, and roughness are also felt in the throat at times. There may be hawking of offensive green or cheesy mucus from the throat. A very peculiar complaint for which it is a top-listed medicine in homeopathy is a sore throat before menses.

Key Indicating Features

Sticking or shooting pain in the throat which gets worse upon too much talking and while swallowing

Sore throat which gets worse before menses


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, wind, weather change, rest, and warmth of the bed

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air and from movement


This medicine works well in both low, and high potencies. The potency is chosen individually on a case-to-case basis. Generally, in low potency it can be repeated often but in high potency frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Chamomilla, Merc Sol and Nux Vomica

It antidotes: Acetic Acid

Followed well by: Causticum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Sulphur


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Trillium Pendulum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Trillium Pendulum is derived from a plant ‘lamb’s quarter’ also known as three-leaved nightshade and white beth root. It belongs to family Trilliaceae of the Liliaceae. The fresh roots of the plant are subjected to potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines) that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. Following this process, we get a magnificent homeopathic remedy Trillium Pendulum. This medicine is principally indicated for managing certain female problems especially uterine fibroids, heavy menses and intermenstrual bleeding.

Drug Action

Among various actions of Trillium Pendulum, the top most action of this medicine is noted on female organs. The most important action of this medicine is to help control excessive bleeding accompanied with dizziness and faintness. Other sites of action of this medicine include mouth, nose, gastric system and respiratory system.

Clinical Indications

Uterine fibroids, heavy menses (menorrhagia), intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia), menopausal complaints, prolapse of uterus, leucorrhoea, epistaxis, hematemesis, diarrhea, dysentery, cough, blood spitting

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Female problems (fibroids, heavy menses, menopausal complaints, intermenstrual bleeding, vaginal discharge)

The chief action of Trillium Pendulum is centred on the female organs. It has a considerable clinical reputation in managing various female health problems. Among these it is a superb medicine to manage cases of uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids refer to non – cancerous growths in uterus. In cases needing it, there occurs gushing of bright red blood from vagina on the least movement. Dark clots may pass as well with this blood. The bleeding is attended with a peculiar feeling that the hips and the back are falling to pieces. It is relieved by tight bandages. Trillium is of great service in managing cases of heavy menstrual bleeding during menopausal period. It is accompanied by weakness and vertigo. Some other attending complaints include palpitations, dim eye sight and sinking feeling at the pit of stomach. It can also be given for frequent menses during menopause. The bleeding tends to appear every two weeks. Trillium is also prescribed for managing cases of prolapsed uterus. Here its use is suggested when there is great bearing down sensation in the pelvis. It occurs while walking and standing. Backache may also occur along with this. Besides these, it proves effective in cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The characteristic symptom for its use is profuse, yellow stringy discharge from the vagina. It may be blood- stained sometimes and is attended with marked weakness. Lastly, it is indicated to manage varicose veins occurring during pregnancy.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive uterine bleeding from uterine fibroids

Gushing of bright red blood from the uterus on least movement

Uterine bleeding with sensation as if the hips and the back were falling to pieces, better by tight bandages

Heavy menstrual bleeding during menopause with weakness, vertigo, palpitations, dim sight and sinking at pit of stomach

Frequent menses during menopause, bleeding occurring every two weeks

2. Mouth Complaints (Bleeding Gums, Bleeding After Tooth Extraction)

Trillium acts well on the mouth though not very widely. It is a well-indicated medicine to manage bleeding from the gums. It is also beneficial in managing bleeding after tooth extraction. Lastly, it is helpful in managing offensive taste in the mouth which is felt mainly on rising in morning. A greasy feeling on the tongue and the gums is felt. Profuse salivation is also noted.

Key Indicating Features

Bleeding from gums

Bleeding after tooth extraction

Offensive taste in the mouth mainly on rising in morning

3. Nasal Issues (Nasal Bleeding)

Its action is also noted on the nose. Here it is known to be helpful in managing cases of nasal bleeding (epistaxis). The bleeding is of bright red color. Bleeding is profuse. Its action on the nose is limited to treating nose bleeding.

Key Indicating Feature

Profuse bleeding of bright red color from the nose

4. Gastric Problems (Burning, Diarrhea, Dysentery)

With its action on the gastric system, Trillium proves helpful in treating cases of pain, cramping and burning in the stomach. Burning may rise up till the food pipe from the stomach. It also works well in managing cases of vomiting of blood (hematemesis). By acting on the rectum, it manages complaint of diarrhea (loose motion) well. In cases needing Trillium, the stool is thin, watery and tinged with blood. Lastly, it is well indicated for dysentery (an intestinal infection in which sufferer passes loose stool along with blood and mucus). In such cases, it is beneficial when blood is passed from the rectum.

Key Indicating Features

Burning in stomach rising up to food pipe

Vomiting of blood

Diarrhea when the stool is thin, watery tinged with blood

Dysentery with passage of blood from rectum

5. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Blood Spitting)

By acting on the respiratory system, Trillium is capable of managing cough attended with blood spitting. It is also helpful in managing excessive purulent (of pus) expectoration. Pain in the chest of shooting nature may also be present. It can be used for cases of suffocative attacks accompanied by sneezing. Lastly, it can be given for cases of continuous cough that arises from a feeling of a food crumb lodged in the larynx.

Key Indicating Features

Cough attended with blood spitting

Continuous cough arising from a sensation of crumb lodged in the larynx


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from motion, after eating, during menopause and from sitting erect

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by bending forward, from tight bandage and from exercise in the open air


Use of this medicine is recommended in mother tincture form and low potencies. The potency and repetition of this medicine is decided for every individual case as per the symptom presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Trillium Pendulum can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Sabina, Ipecac, Hamamelis and Lachesis in case of uterine hemorrhage


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