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Fluoric Acid: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Fluoric Acid also called Hydrofluoric Acid is prepared from chemical fluoric acid (made by distilling calcium fluoride in fine powder state with sulphuric acid). Chemical fluoric acid is inactive in its crude form. After potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Fluoric Acid. It offers great help in managing hair loss, bone diseases and tooth complaints.

The ‘Fluoric Acid’ Constitution

This medicine suits well weak, thin people with pale skin. Other than this, it suits elderly people whose blood vessels have become weak and are dilated. This medicine is apt for alcoholics showing liver enlargement.

Drug Action

Fluoric acid has a marked affinity to treat hair complaints, bone diseases, skin issues and dental problems. Besides, it manifests its action on ears, eyes, throat and male genitals.

Clinical Indications

Hair fall, varicose veins, bone complaints, bone decay, exostosis, skin ulcers, scars, bedsores, keloids, varicocele, toothache, tooth decay, dental fistula, lachrymal fistula, sore throat, goitre and brittle nails.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Hair fall

Fluoric Acid is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat cases of hair fall. It gives brilliant results in cases of general hair fall as well as hair loss in spots (alopecia areata). According to homeopathic therapeutics, this medicine can also be considered in cases of baldness. For cases where hair fall occurs after fever, Fluoric Acid is a leading medicine. Hair fall after typhoid fever is a specific feature for using this medicine. It is also of great service in cases of dry hair, and brittle hair too where hairs breaks off easily. The hair may also be dull and lacks shine. Hair also tend to tangle often.

Key Indicating Features

General hair fall

Alopecia areata means hair fall in spots

Hair fall after fever, typhoid fever

Dry, brittle, dull hair

2. Bones (Decay, Pain, Inflammation, Exostosis)

This medicine has an extensive action on bones where it helps to treat numerous complaints. Its use is highly recommended for managing cases of bone decay (necrosis). It mainly offers helps when decay of long bones or skull is involved. Fluoric Acid gives substantial relief in case of bone pain that typically worsen at night. It is attended with marked weakness. Use of this medicine is also preferred to manage bone swelling, inflammation and pus discharge from bones. Its action in treating cases of exostosis is well marked. Exostosis (also known as bone spurs) is the growth of new bone on the surface of the existing bone. This medicine helps to dissolve the new bone.

Key Indicating Features

Bone decay especially long bones and skull bones

Bone pain at night

Bone inflammation, swelling, pus discharge from bones

Exostosis, bone spurs

3. Varicose Veins And Varicose Ulcers

With its action on veins, it can effectively deal with cases of varicose veins which refers to swollen, enlarged, twisted, engorged veins overfilled with blood. Fluoric Acid mostly helps cases of varicose veins on legs. The varicose veins are attended with itching and burning pain. Presence of varicose ulcers is yet another striking feature to use this medicine. Burning pain predominates in varicose ulcers that gets worse from heat. Last, but an important indication, to use it are varicose veins in women that worsen after childbirth.

Key Indicating Features

Varicose veins on legs

Varicose veins with itching and burning pain

Varicose ulcers with burning pain

Varicose veins in women worsening following childbirth

4. Skin (Itching, Ulcers, Scars, Keloid, Bedsores) And Nails Complaints

Fluoric Acid has been successful in treating skin and nail issues. This medicine is of great value in treating skin itching that occurs in spots which gets worse from warmth. There is dryness of skin. Skin may be cracked too along with burning sensation. It is an important medicine to heal skin ulcers. It is indicated when skin ulcers have red margins and are painful. Fluid filled eruptions (vesicles) may surround the ulcers. Heat worsens the complaint and there is relief from washing with cold water. Another characteristic feature to use it is scars that itch. It is a principal remedy for old scars which become red at edges and begin to itch great deal. Vesicles may appear on or around the scar. Fluoric Acid is a chief medicine to treat keloid (extra scar tissue growth over a healed skin wound causing a hard, firm bump). This medicine also gives excellent results in cases of bedsores that worsen from warmth. For nails it works best for distorted, crumbling nails. Corrugated nails with lengthwise ridges is another peculiar feature for employing its use.

Key Indicating Features



Itching in spots worse from warmth

Ulcers with red edges and pain

Itchy scars and freshening of old scars with redness at edges and itching


Bedsores that are worse from warmth

Distorted, crumbled and corrugated nails with lengthwise ridges

5. Teeth (Toothache, Tooth Decay, Dental Fistula, Tooth Sensitivity)

It has marked action on teeth and jaws. It treatd toothache when it gets worse from cold drinks. This medicine is also used extensively for cases of rapid tooth decay. Tooth decay at roots mainly calls for this medicine use. It is a superb medicine for dental fistula where it works well when there is bloody and salty discharge. Weak, thin, deficient tooth enamel is also a noteworthy feature to use Fluoric Acid. Rest of the complaints that it can help with includes tooth sensitivity, delayed dentition and ailments from erupting wisdom teeth.

Key Indicating Features

Toothache worsening from cold drinks

Rapid tooth decay at roots

Dental fistula with bloody and salty discharge

Weak, thin, deficient tooth enamel

Ailments from erupting wisdom teeth

6. Ears (Itching, Noises In Ears, Otitis Externa)

Fluoric Acid can rectify many ear complaints.  It is used to control ear itching. Persons needing it feel burning in ear after scratching, though scratching eases itching temporarily. It also helps to manage noises in ear (tinnitus) mainly of ringing type. Next it can be given for cases of otitis externa (inflammation of the external ear canal) with excessive ear discharge.

Key Indicating Features

Ear itching

Otitis externa with copious ear discharge

7. Eyes (Lachrymal Fistula, Sand In Eye Sensation)

This medicine has shown clinical improvements in lachrymal fistula. Secondly it is useful to alleviate sensation of sand-like particle in eyes. It helps in managing itching in inner canthi, excessive eye watering and burning sensation in eyes.

Key Indicating Features

Lachrymal fistula

Lachrymal fistula

Lachrymal fistula

Sand like sensation in eyes

8. Throat (Sore Throat, Goitre)

This medicine is mainly recommended for sore throat. The throat is markedly red and swollen. There is pain in the throat while swallowing and talking. Throat feels constricted, offensive breath attends above features. There is sensitivity of throat to cold air, even a little exposure to cold air leads to throat inflammation. Other than this, it is an important medicine for goitre (swelling in the front of neck from an enlarged thyroid gland) cases.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with pain when swallowing

Throat inflammation from slightest cold exposure


9. Male Problems (Varicocele, Hydrocele, Increased Sexual Desire, Gonorrhoea)

It is a valuable medicine to manage certain male problems. It is highly suitable for cases of varicocele (enlarged, dilated, swollen veins in scrotum). This medicine is also well indicated for managing excessive sexual desire in men. Violent erections may take place in the night. Gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoea) is the next remarkable indication for using it. Here urethral discharge occurs at night that stains linen yellow. Lastly it is used for hydrocele cases. Hydrocele refers to swollen scrotum resulting from collection of fluid in the sheath present around testicle.

Key Indicating Features

Varicocele and hydrocele

Gonorrhoea with urethral discharge at night leaving yellow stains

Increased sexual desire with violent erections all night


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from warmth, heat of room, rest, drinking coffee or alcohol, eating sour food.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air, from walking and from cold bathing


Depending from case to case the potency of Fluoric Acid varies from low to high. One should be careful to not repeat its high potency frequently while in low potency it can be taken frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Silicea

Followed well by Graphites, Sulphur and Nitric Acid

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Spigelia: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

This medicine is prepared from the dried herb of plant Spigelia Anthelmia, commonly known as ‘pink root’. It belongs to family Loganiaceae. This herb is potentized according to a homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. Then, it becomes a homeopathic medicine Spigelia which treats various health concerns like trigeminal neuralgia, eye pain, headache, and toothache.

The ‘Spigelia’ Constitution

This medicine suits weak and anemic people prone to joint problems. It is also recommended for children who suffer from worm infections, especially Ascarides.

Drug Action

This medicine has a marked affinity to treating health conditions related to nerves, face, eyes, head, teeth, gastric system and heart. Its action is more marked on the left side of the body as compared to the right side.

Clinical Indications

Facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, headache, migraine, eye pain, glaucoma, squint, earache, tinnitus, jaw pain, toothache, worms, neuralgia, heart complaints

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Face (Facial Pain, Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Spigelia has marked action on the face and proves to be the best medicine in homeopathy to treat facial pain. It is an infallible medicine for treating trigeminal neuralgia (sudden severe shooting or electric shock-like pain on the face from pressure over trigeminal nerve or from its damage/injury). Though it can treat both sides of the face, it is more effective in treating left-sided facial pain. The nature of pain varies from case to case. It can be burning, tearing, electric-like or shooting type. The pain spreads over the left side of the face covering the temple (side) of the head, eye, cheek, and teeth. This entire area becomes sensitive to touch. There is also worsening of pain from stooping and movement and may remain from morning till night. . Pain intensifies with noises, along with watering from eyes and redness on the face.

Key Indicating Features

Left-sided facial pain located over temple (side) of head, cheek, eye and teeth

Trigeminal neuralgia mainly left-sided

2. Head (Headache, migraine)

Spigelia helps to treat headache, migraine and supraorbital headache, especially left-sided headache. The characteristic symptom to use it is pain starting from the left side of occiput (back of head) that spreads over the head and settles over the left eye. The pain is violent and pulsating, throbbing type. Stooping and opening the mouth may increase the pain. There are many other factors that worsen pain, some of which are noise, shaking the head, eye movement, bright light, touch, etc. It may be relieved from applying pressure, taking rest and from cold washing. Spigelia can be administered for treating migraine when pain is marked above the eyes (supraorbital region) on any of the sides. Pain is intense and is throbbing or stitching type. The eye may water and become red on the side affected. Spigelia is a wonderful medicine for supraorbital neuralgia (pain in the forehead above the eyes) mainly on the left side. The pain tends to worsen at the slightest movement.

Key Indicating Features

Left-sided headache that begins from the left side of occiput (back of head) and then comes upward finally settling over the left eye

Migraine with pain located above the eyes

Supraorbital neuralgia (pain in the forehead above the eyes) on left side

3. Eyes (Eyeball Pain, Cluster Headache, Glaucoma, Pterygium, Squint)

The major complaint where spigelia helps is relieving pain in the eyeball. The pain is pressive type and turning the eyes worsens it. It is also helpful when there is sharp, stabbing pain in the eyes going backward. It treats cluster headache (earlier termed as ciliary neuralgia) in which one-sided pain occurs periodically in or around the eyes, occurring regularly for a few weeks or months followed by a pain-free period. In cases needing it, redness, soreness of the eye and excessive watering from eyes is present. Glaucoma (eye condition in which optic nerve gets damaged from increased intraocular pressure) along with pain is yet another indication for using it. Spigelia can also be given for cases of pterygium (pinkish tissue growth on conjunctiva) and squint (strabismus). It is mainly useful for convergent squint in which the eye turns inward towards the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Eyeball pain worsening from eyeball movement

Cluster headache

Glaucoma with pain

4. Ears (Pain And Noises In Ear)

This medicine manages well ear pain and noises in ears (tinnitus). There is pressive type of pain in ear with plugged sensation. It can also be used for stitching type of pain in the ear. The pain can radiate from the ear to various parts of the face like cheeks, jaw, eyes, etc. It may be attended with ear discharge. In case of tinnitus, roaring, ringing or buzzing noises in the ear may be heard. At times, there is difficulty in hearing with a feeling of ears being blocked.

Key Indicating Features

Pressive or stitching type of earache

Tinnitus with roaring, ringing or buzzing noises in the ear

5. Teeth And Jaw (Toothache, Jaw Pain)

It is a highly recommended medicine for managing toothache and pain in lower jaw. It is recommended to manage pain in decayed teeth. Pain can be throbbing, digging, tearing or burning type. It gets worse from exposure to cold air, eating, taking cold drinks and at night. It is attended with pain on the face. A person may get relief from warmth or from taking warm drinks. With its action on jaw, spigelia offers relief in pain of lower jaw. The pain extends from the jaw to the ears and even to the back of the neck. A sensation as if the lower jaw would come out of its joint can occur. Pain is of tearing type. Drinking cold water worsens this pain.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in decayed teeth

Toothache that worsens at night, from cold air exposure, eating, taking cold drinks

Jaw pain that radiates to ear or nape of neck

6. Gastric Issues (Stomach Pain, Anal Itching, Inguinal Hernia, Worms)

Spigelia is capable of treating stomach pain, navel pain, inguinal hernia, anal itching and worms. There is stomach pain that can be of pressive type, or dull stitching type. Pressure, as from hard lump in the stomach, is felt with the pit of the stomach being sensitive to touch accompanied by sour belching. For navel pain, spigelia is used when there is cutting or pinching type of pain. This may be from worm infestation. Loose stool may occur along with passage of offensive gas. The abdomen feels hard and tight. It can be given for cases of worms especially ascarides. It covers well itching, tickling and crawling sensation felt in the anus. Its use is also considered in cases of inguinal hernia (bulging of intestines of fat of abdomen into groin area).

Key Indicating Features

Pressive or dull stitching stomach pain

Cutting pinching pain in navel, especially from worms

Inguinal hernia

Itching and crawling sensation in anus

Worm infestation mainly Ascarides

7. Heart (Palpitations, Stitching Pain In Heart, Pericarditis)

This medicine has a marked action on the heart to manage complaints including palpitations, stitching pain in heart, and pericarditis. For palpitations, it is used when it occurs from bending forward, from the least movement and deep inhalation. There is stitching pain in the heart attended with anxiety which gets worse from the least motion. It is also indicated for pericarditis which is the inflammation of the lining that surrounds the heart. Here, palpitation, difficult breathing and sticking pain are marked.

Key Indicating Features

Palpitations from bending forward, from least motion and deep respiration

Stitching pain in heart attended with anxiety

Pericarditis with palpitations, difficult breathing and sticking pain


Worsening factors: Complaints worsen from noise, touch, motion

Relieving factors: It includes relief by lying with head high on the right side


Use of this medicine is recommended in both low and high potency. The potency is selected depending on various factors like age of person, type and intensity of complaint, duration of complaint. In low potency, one may repeat it frequently but when used in high potency, it should be taken infrequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aurum Met, Camphor, Cocculus Indicus, Pulsatilla

It antidotes: Merc Sol and Colchicum

Followed well by Arnica, Belladonna, Digitalis, Iris Versicolor, Kalmia, Rhus Tox, Zincum Met


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hyoscyamus Niger: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Hyoscyamus Niger is a homeopathic medicine derived from the plant ‘henbane’ and ‘hog-bean’. It belongs to Solanaceae family. When this plant undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal powers of a crude substance), we get homeopathic medicine Hyoscyamus Niger of great clinical significance. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of increased sexual desire, mania of obscene (related to sexual matter) nature, muscle twitchings, jerking, etc.

The ‘Hyoscyamus Niger’ Constitution

This medicine suits people who get nervous or irritated easily, and are anxious by nature.

Drug Action

The main action of this medicine is seen on the mind and brain. It acts well on muscles, male and female genitals, respiratory system, urinary organs and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Nymphomania, sexual mania, mania, nymphomania, delirium, schizophrenia, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, chorea (neurological disorder), convulsions, epilepsy, hydrophobia, toothache, sleep disorders, syphilophobia

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Action On Mind And Brain (Lasciviousness, Nymphomania, Sexual Mania, Mania, Delirium, Schizophrenia, Alcoholism, Alzheimer’s Disease)

The most prominent and broad action of Hyoscyamus Niger is seen on the mind and brain. It can effectively manage various complaints related to mind and brain. Among these the leading feature that guides its use is lasciviousness which is a strong desire for sex. Those needing this medicine talk excessively about sex-related topics or sing amorous songs that express desire for sexual activity. They tend to fondle genitals, may take off clothes and expose genitals. It is the best homeopathic medicine for nymphomania (increased sexual desire in women).

Hyoscyamus Niger is well-known for treating cases of schizophrenia (a mental health condition affecting thinking, emotions, and behavior). Different kind of hallucinations occur like seeing or hearing things that do not exist, or delusions (fixed, false beliefs not based on reality). Those needing it suffer from some specific types of delusions, like delusion of being poisoned, being sold or being bitten, being stalked, etc. There is marked suspiciousness in them. They may be particularly suspicious of a plot being made to harm them. Another alarming symptom is talking with imaginary or dead people.

Another main indication for administering Hyoscyamus Niger is delirium (sudden change in brain leading to confused thinking and emotional disturbance). It can be given in cases of muttering delirium in which the sufferer’s speech is not understandable. There is decreased response to environmental stimuli and carphologia (lint picking of clothes or bed linen). Along with delirium, weakness is also marked. Hyoscyamus Niger is also well indicated for delirium when attended with restlessness with sudden jumping out of bed, moving from one place to another, constant talking, jerking of limbs, wild staring look. Use of this medicine can also be thought of in cases of delirium tremors that occurs in people who are trying to quit alcohol. The guiding features to use it here are delirium with aversion to light, constant talking, trembling of whole body and sensation as if a snake is wriggling towards the sufferer. Along with this, there is desire to escape, loss of appetite and sleeplessness.

Further it is an important medicine for managing mania when there is urge to bite, strike, quarrel, scold, kill and tear clothes. It is also best suited for cases of erotomania (the sufferer believes that someone is in love with him/her when there is no such thing). There may be a tendency to expose genitals.

This medicine is suitable for getting rid of certain fears. These include fear of being poisoned, being alone, water (hydrophobia), and syphilophobia (fear of being infected with syphilis i.e. a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum).

Cases of Alzheimer’s disease (brain disorder where the death of brain cells occurs that leads to memory loss and gradually destroys thinking, behaviour and social skills) can also be well managed with this medicine.

Besides, Hyoscyamus Niger is a valuable medicine for cases of convulsions (fits). Here, it is given when there is clenching of fist during fits. Before convulsions, vertigo occurs, and the fit ends in deep sleep. It is a top-listed medicine for convulsions in children that occurs from fright.

Lastly, it is well-indicated for managing cases of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Key Indicating Features


Desire to fondle genitals and take off clothes and expose genitals



Talking with imaginary or dead people

Delirium attended with lint-picking of clothes or bed linens, restlessness, constant talking, jerking of limbs

Mania with urge to bite, strike, quarrel, scold, kill and tear clothes

2. Male problems (increased sexual desire, lasciviousness)

Males may find this medicine highly useful for treating certain concerns. Firstly, it is highly suitable to manage increased sexual desire. Males needing it have a strong desire for excessive sexual activity. There is marked lasciviousness, which means they behave in a manner indicating increased urge for sexual activity. They may take off clothes and expose genitals frequently.

Key Indicating Features

Increased sexual desire

Lasciviousness with tendency to take clothes off and expose genitals frequently

3. Female Problems (Nymphomania, Intermenstrual Bleeding)

This medicine is also well-indicated to manage certain health concerns in females. It is a prominent medicine for cases of nymphomania in which there is excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in females. They also show signs of lasciviousness like uncovering sexual parts. Secondly, it is useful for managing some problems during menses. These include headache, nausea and bedwetting during menses. It also helps complaints of trembling of hands and feet, and excessive sweating during menses. The menstrual bleeding may be heavy with bright red blood. Lastly, it is beneficial for managing intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia). Its use is considered when during intermenstrual bleeding, the blood is bright red and there are cramps in the whole body.

Key Indicating Features

 Nymphomania i.e. excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in females

Trembling of hands and feet; excessive sweating during menses

Intermenstrual bleeding with bright red blood and cramps in whole body

4. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia)

With its action on respiratory system, it manages cases of cough well. Cough is dry spasmodic type and it seems to occur from a dry spot in the larynx. There is tickling in the throat which incites cough. Coughing occurs at regular intervals that shakes the entire body. Cough causes weakness along with sweating. Persons needing this medicine have worsening of cough from lying down and relief from sitting up. Eating, drinking and talking also worsen the cough. Hyoscyamus Niger works well in cases of bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) especially when cough is dry and persistent. It can be used to manage pneumonia (inflammation and infection of air sacs of lungs). Here it is useful when cough is dry or rattling that worsens at night and is attended with weakness. There may occur expectoration of mucus that tastes salty or is blood-stained.

Key Indicating Features

Dry cough that occurs from dry spot in larynx or from tickling in the throat

Cough worsens from lying down and gets better by sitting up

Worsening of cough from eating, drinking and talking

5. Urinary Complaints (Bedwetting, Urine Retention)

Hyoscyamus also acts well on urinary organs. It is a great medicine to manage involuntary urination. It also effectively deals with cases of bedwetting, especially in children having a brain-related medical condition. It is also well indicated for cases of retention of urine in women, specifically after childbirth. Its use is also indicated when there is frequent urination of clear water-like urine.

Key Indicating Features

Bedwetting especially in children having brain trouble

Retention of urine in women, specifically after childbirth

6. Limbs (Twitchings, Cramps, Chorea)

This medicine works wonderfully on complaints including muscle twitchings (involuntary muscle contractions), cramps, trembling, chorea (involuntary unpredictable body movements from muscle contractions). It can effectively deal with muscle twitching of face, limbs, hands and feet. Cramps in calf muscles and toes can be magnificently relieved with it. Its use is also recommended for complaint of trembling of hands and feet. For chorea, it can be given when every muscle from eyes to toes starts twitching.



Key Indicating Features

Muscle twitching of face, limbs, hands and feet

Cramps of calves and toes

Chorea when every muscle from eyes to toes twitches

7. Dental Problems (Toothache, Teeth Grinding)

This medicine can effectively deal with some dental issues too. The foremost indication for its use is grinding of teeth in children during convulsions (fits). Grinding is so harsh that it causes loosening of teeth. Hyoscyamus Niger gives good results in cases of pain in gums that follows tooth extraction. Its use is recommended to manage toothache that is worse in cold air. The pain in teeth may be throbbing, drawing or tearing kind that extends to the forehead. Pain is intense attended with jerking of hands, arms, fingers and facial muscles. This medicine can be of great help in cases of pressing together of gums during dentition. In such cases, children involuntarily put their fingers in their mouth.

Key Indicating Features

Teeth grinding or pressing of gums together during dentition

Toothache attended with jerking of hands, arms, fingers and facial muscles

8. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Jerking)

This medicine has given great clinical results to treat sleep issues as well. The main indicative feature for its use is sleeplessness with restlessness and muscle twitching. The second guiding feature is waking out of sleep with fright. This medicine can work wonders in cases where children cry or laugh during sleep. If convulsions occur during deep sleep, Hyoscyamus gives good results. Jerking in sleep is also wonderfully dealt with by this medicine. Lastly, it helps in cases where involuntary limb movements occur during sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Sleeplessness with restlessness and muscle twitching

Crying or laughing during sleep in children

Jerking in sleep

Involuntary limb movement during sleep


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse after an emotional bout, fright, jealousy, touch, cold air, and when lying down

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from warmth, stooping, and from sitting up


Its use can be done from sixth to 200C potency. In low potency, its frequent repetition can be done but in high potency it should not be taken often.


Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, China and Stramonium

It antidotes: Belladonna and Plumbum Met

Followed well by Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Stramonium and Veratrum Album

It can be compared with other remedies including Belladonna, Agaricus, Stramonium, Gelsemium




Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Swollen Lymph Nodes: Treatment In Homeopathy, Causes And Concerns

Lymph nodes are oval or kidney-shaped glands in the body that are a part of the immune system that filter lymph (fluid containing WBCs, lymphocytes, etc). These nodes act as the first line of defense to protect us from infection-causing agents. White blood cells (WBCs) present in the lymph nodes fight the invading organisms like bacteria and  viruses. Lymph nodes filter and trap them before they can enter other body parts and cause an infection. There are around 450 lymph nodes in adults and are spread throughout the body. They are present in groups in some major parts of the body including neck (cervical lymph nodes), armpit (axillary lymph nodes), groin (inguinal lymph nodes), belly and chest. Some lymph nodes can be felt with the hands when they get enlarged or swollen. Generally, lymph nodes swell in case of an illness or infection. In rare cases, the lymph nodes tend to swell from cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very beneficial in managing cases of swollen lymph nodes. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing swelling and also managing attending pain in the lymph glands. These medicines work by treating the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected differently in every individual case after a detailed case study. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended only when the cause is benign (non-cancerous) and no serious cause or symptoms are present. It is advised to consult a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication. It is to be noted that swollen lymph nodes due to a serious cause like tuberculosis, cellulitis, cancer, etc need conventional mode of treatment, as homeopathy has its own limitations.

Homeopathic Medicines For Swollen Lymph Nodes

1. Conium

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases having swollen lymph nodes that are painful. In most cases needing it, the pain is tingling and shooting in nature.

2. Baryta Carb

Baryta Carb is yet another homeopathic medicine for cases of swollen lymph nodes. This medicine is indicated for swollen nodes in neck and axilla (armpit). Persons needing it may have tendency to catch cold easily and have sore throat. Tonsils may be enlarged.

3. Calcarea Carb

It is the next well-indicated medicine for managing swelling and pain in the lymph nodes of the neck. There is aching in these nodes with stitching pain while chewing. Secondly, it is indicated for cases of swollen mesenteric lymph nodes in abdomen.

4. Phytolacca

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Phytolacca Decandra, commonly known as ‘poke root’ and ‘red ink plant’. It belongs to family Phytolaccaceae. It is beneficial in treating swollen tender nodes in neck, along with pain in the throat along with other symptoms. The throat is dry, rough and there is a sensation of  lump in the throat. There is a marked burning sensation in the throat with pain while swallowing. The tonsils are dark red, enlarged and swollen.

5. Merc Sol

This medicine is mainly helpful for cases having swelling of inguinal lymph nodes (in the groin). It is attended with redness, pain and sensitivity. The pain gets worse while walking and standing. It is also useful for cases of swelling of nodes in the neck. It can be accompanied with shooting and pressive pain.

6. Belladonna

It is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is well indicated for swollen nodes in the neck along with pain and heat. It may be attended with pricking or stinging type of pain. Tonsils may be red and enlarged in cases that require it. There is difficulty in swallowing followed by pain. Fever may also be there.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may arise from various causes.

The first reason for swollen lymph nodes is an infection mainly viral, like common cold. It may also happen in case of sinus infection/sinusitis, an inflammation of lining of the paranasal sinus which in a healthy condition is filled with air. In case the paranasal spaces get blocked and filled with fluid germs, it results in an infection.

Next reason is tonsillitis and strep throat. Tonsillitis means inflammation of tonsils which are two oval-shaped lymphatic tissue masses that lie at the back of the throat one on either side.  Strep throat refers to a bacterial infection that leads to inflammation and pain in the throat, and tonsils. It is caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria.

Another cause is ear infection.

Swelling of lymph nodes can also occur in cases of measles, a viral infection caused by measles virus. It is a highly contagious infection that begins with symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, inflamed eyes and fever. This is followed by a skin rash approximately around after 14 days of virus exposure.

Mononucleosis (an infectious disease that in most cases is caused by the Epstein – Barr virus but can be caused by other viruses too) is also among one of its causes.

It may also happen in case of tooth abscess (a pocket of pus that may appear in different parts of a tooth and results from a bacterial infection).

Another cause could be cellulitis (a serious bacterial infection involving the inner layers of the skin).

HIV/AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is yet another cause.

Swollen lymph nodes may also occur in infections, like TB (tuberculosis), toxoplasmosis, rubella, Lyme disease. Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease affecting lungs caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It mostly affects lungs but may also affect other body parts too. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite named Toxoplasma gondii. Rubella, also known as German measles, is a contagious viral infection caused by rubella virus. Lyme disease refers to a tick-borne disease caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia, known as Borrelia burgdoferi.

Another infection that can cause swollen lymph nodes is cat scratch fever (It is a bacterial infection that a person can contract from cats infected with bacteria Bartonella henselae).

Some of the STIs (sexually transmitted infections) like syphilis and gonorrhea can also cause it. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection which is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

In some cases, certain medicines (like some anti-seizure medicines) can lead to it.

Other than these, it may occur in some autoimmune disorders (the immune cells in the body start to damage the body’s healthy tissue out of a misdirected response). Its first example is rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory disorder in which there is joint inflammation with pain, swelling and stiffness of joints). The second example is SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) in which there is inflammation of the immune system which damages its own tissues that can affect joints, brain, skin, lungs, kidneys, and blood vessels. Third is Sjogren’s syndrome (An autoimmune disorder having two common symptoms including dry eyes and a dry mouth).

In some cases, swelling in the lymph nodes may occur from some types of cancer, like lymphoma (a cancer of the lymphatic system). It mainly includes Hodgkin’s lymphoma, earlier called Hodgkin’s disease, Non – Hodgkin’s lymphoma) and leukemia (a blood cancer caused by an increase in the number of WBCs in the body). Swelling of lymph nodes may occur when some other cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

What Are Its Signs And Attending Symptoms?

In case of swollen lymph nodes, firstly there occurs pain and tenderness in the lymph nodes. The pain in lymph nodes may arise from certain movements also. For example, pain in the swollen lymph nodes in the neck may be felt on turning the head; swollen lymph nodes in the groin may cause pain when walking.

The lymph nodes that have swelling feel like soft and round bumps that may be small like a pea or as large as a cherry.

The swelling in lymph nodes may be accompanied by other symptoms depending on the cause behind it. Some of these include sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, chills, night sweats, and fatigue.

The swelling of lymph nodes may occur in one part of body (localized lymphadenopathy) or lymph nodes throughout the body may swell (generalized lymphadenopathy). In case the swollen lymph node is caused by an infection and not treated on time, then there is chance of formation of an abscess (localised collection of pus).

When lymph nodes are swollen but not tender, they are hard and fixed or grow rapidly, then it can be indicative of serious issues like cancer.

The swollen lymph nodes are commonly more noticeable in the neck, groin, behind ear, under the chin, and armpits.



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Swelling On The Face? Best 10 Homeopathic Medicines, Causes And Concerns

Facial swelling can arise from minor causes that are easily treatable or can be a symptom of a serious medical problem that needs urgent medical help. Depending on the cause, there are some visible signs and symptoms that can attend facial swelling, like pain, redness and burning sensation on the face, and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is helpful in managing cases of facial swelling with natural medicines. These medicines stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to recover wonderfully. They go deep into the root cause of the issue to bring effective cure. Homeopathic medicines for facial swelling are recommended only in mild cases. It is strictly advised to take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a qualified homeopathic practitioner. In no case should self – medication be done. If there is a serious cause (like kidney failure, heart ailment), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Swelling

1. Apis Mellifica – Top-grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing facial swelling. Persons who need it have swelling and redness on the face. They have marked burning sensation on the face attending it. Along with this, one feels intense stinging pain on the face. Mostly right side of the face is affected when this medicine is required. The face looks pale and waxy. Puffiness is marked under the eyes in persons needing Apis Mellifica. Hives (eruptions) with itching, burning and stinging sensation may be present on the face. It is one of the best medicine for angioedema and bee sting. Wash the face with cold water brings relief.

2. Belladonna – For Facial Redness, Swelling, Heat

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It is very effective for treating cases of facial swelling with red, hot and shiny face. There may be excessive sweating on the face with tearing pain in the face especially on the right side.  Swelling on the upper lip is marked. Cheeks may also be swollen with burning pain. It is a very suitable medicine for sinusitis also.

3. Calcarea Carb – For Pale Puffy Face

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is pale and puffy face. The eyes are sunken surrounded with blue rings. Calcarea Carb is also indicated for tearing pain in the cheeks followed by swelling. The facial pain tends to get worse from exposure to cold air. It is one of prominent medicine for treating hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

4. Hepar Sulph – For Swelling Of Face With Vesicular Eruptions

This medicine works well in cases of swollen face with vesicular (fluid-filled) eruptions on the face. There can be burning sensation across the face. There is tearing pain that begins from the cheeks and extends to the ear or temporal region i.e. sides of the head.

 5. Merc Sol – For Swollen Cheeks With Pain In Teeth

It is a very effective medicine for cases of swollen cheeks along with toothache and increased salivation.  Persons needing it may also have red cheeks along with puffy, bloated face.  They can have tearing or lacerating pain on the face which is hot. There may be eruptions on the face, which bleed when scratched, with offensive discharge and itching.

6. Rhus Tox – For Swelling Mainly Around Eyelids And Ears

This medicine is suitable when there is marked swelling on the eyelids and the ears. The face is red with burning sensation. There can be moist eruptions on the face along with thick scabs in cases needing it.

7. Arsenic Album – For Swelling Of Upper Lip And Below Eyelids

This medicine is valuable for managing cases in which there is swelling of the upper lip and area below the eyelids. In cases requiring it, stinging pain in the face is also felt. Itching of the face may also be present.

8. Aconite – For Swollen Lower Jaw And Lips

It is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as ‘monkshood’. It is a useful medicine for swelling of the lower jaw and lips. The lips are dry, black or blue along with peeling of the skin. Burning and tingling sensation in the lips can attend, besides pain on the face.

9. Chamomilla – For Left-Sided Facial Swelling

This medicine is prepared from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla. This plant belongs to family Compositae. It is helpful for cases in which there is left-sided facial swelling. There is pain on the face, which appears bloated and puffy, along with heat and redness of the cheeks.

10. Arnica – For Right-Sided Facial Swelling

It is prepared from a plant Arnica Montana having common name ‘leopard’s bane’ or ‘fallkraut’. It is beneficial for persons with right-sided facial swelling, especially around the cheeks. It is accompanied by throbbing and pinching pain. In some cases needing it, stinging pain is felt in cheeks. Dry heat in the face towards the evening is also felt which extends to the ears.

What Are The Causes Behind Facial Swelling?

The reasons behind it are variable.

Firstly, it can arise from sinusitis ( inflammation of paranasal sinuses due to allergy or bacterial viral infection). It can cause swelling around the nose, eyes or the cheeks causing pain. Other attending symptoms include  headache, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, poor sense of smell, fever, cough and weakness.

Second cause is a tooth infection. A person having an infection in gums or teeth can experience swelling, pain and tenderness along the jawline.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is yet another reason behind facial swelling. A person has puffy and swollen face along with other signs and symptoms, like weight gain, fatigue, feeling cold, constipation, depression, skin dryness and weakness in the muscles.

Next cause is allergic conjunctivitis (eye inflammation due to a reaction to allergens like dust, pollen and pet dander). Its signs and symptoms include redness and itching in the eyes which may be puffy or watery.

Facial injury is also one of the reasons.

Another cause is cellulitis. It leads to swelling in the affected part of the skin along with redness and pain. Fluid may ooze out from the skin in some cases. The affected area is hot and tender to touch sometimes. Fever and chills can attend which indicates a serious infection. It is a medical emergency that needs prompt treatment under conventional mode.

Other causes include angioedema and anaphylaxis. 

Angioedema is a severe form of swelling that occurs under the surface of the skin due to an allergic reaction to allergens (like food product, insect bite, etc). A characteristic symptom is hives (raised, itchy raised bumps known as wheals that develop on the skin) that may be accompanied by stinging and burning sensation.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that needs urgent medical help because if not treated immediately can prove fatal. Its symptoms include facial swelling, breathing difficulty, swelling in throat and the mouth, rapid heart rate, a dip in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Another reason for swelling on the face is Cushing’s syndrome which is a disorder that arises from excessive production of cortisol hormone in the body. It may result from a drug allergy (use of anticonvulsants, antibiotics like penicillin) which is a medical emergency.

A condition called preeclampsia can arise during pregnancy that can cause swelling of the face.  This condition needs immediate medical treatment because it can prove fatal if not attended immediately. Its signs include high blood pressure and high protein level in urine. Other symptoms are swelling of the hands, headache, vision changes, pain in the upper abdomen, reduced urine output and nausea or vomiting.

Actinomycosis, a rare but long-term bacterial infection in which sores and abscesses appear in the soft tissue of the body may also lead to facial swelling.

Lastly, it can also be a sign of vital organ failure of heart, liver or kidneys.


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Staphysagria: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Staphysagria is a homeopathic medicine derived from dried seeds of a plant Delphinum Staphysagria, commonly known as ‘stavesacre’. It belongs to Ranunculaceae family. The seeds of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties and gives a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Staphysagria.

The ‘Staphysagria‘ Constitution

It is suitable for persons who get angry easily but suppress it followed by periodic fits of anger.

Drug Action

This medicine has marked action on different body parts. These include mind, eyes, teeth, urinary organs, male organs, female genitals, back, limbs and skin.

Clinical Indications

Anger attacks, suppressed anger, styes, chalazion, tooth decay, toothache, cystitis, honeymoon cystitis, warts, backache, weak erection, prostate issues, ovarian disorders, eczema, injuries.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind (Suppressed Anger, Fits Of Anger, Depression)

Staphysagria covers many complaints related to the mind. The complaint best addressed by this medicine is outbursts of violent anger. During these fits of anger, the person breaks or throws away things. These outbursts are often a result of suppressed anger over a long period of time. Eventually, a person suffers a violent fit of anger, that had previously remained unexpressed. Anger from indignation may occur which originates from injustice, anything unfair or insulting. People needing this medicine are good-natured but get hurt easily. They are highly sensitive and get offended easily. A history of deep guilt, humiliation, insult may be present in those needing it. This medicine also covers ailments that follow suppressed anger, shame, sexual abuse and acute/chronic grief.  Staphysagria helps in managing depression. Here sadness, crying, sense of worthlessness, self-pity are marked. Consolation worsens the complaints as there is low self-esteem and lack of confidence.

Key indicating features

Ailments from suppressed anger and indignation

Fits of violent anger

Ailments from shame, sexual abuse, guilt, humiliation, insult

2. Eyes (Styes, Chalazion, Nodes On Eyelids)

It is a superb medicine to manage eye complaints. Firstly, it can be given in cases of stye. It is a red, painful lump that forms on the outer edge of eyelid from bacterial infection of an oil gland. In cases needing it, the stye may be painful relieved by applying cold water. It is one of the best medicines for styes that turns into hard nodes. There can be multiple styes at a given time. Besides, Staphysagria is an infallible medicine for treating recurrent stye when one stye after another appears frequently. It is also the best medicine for treating chalazion, a condition in which a painless lump forms on eyelids due to a blocked oil gland.

Key Indicating Features

Styes that turn into hard nodes and recurrent styes

Nodes and chalazion on eyelids

3. Teeth (Toothache, Decayed Teeth, Dental Fistula, Dentition Problems)

It is an important medicine to treat cases of toothache, decayed teeth, gum swelling, dentition problems and dental fistula. It is useful for toothache that occurs in root of teeth, decayed teeth or hollow teeth if food particles lodge in the cavities. Persons may have worsening of pain from cold drinks. Touching the affected teeth may also cause pain.  The pain may radiate to ears or side of head (temporal region). It is very suitable for managing toothache that occurs specifically during menses. Staphysagria works well for decayed teeth when they have dark streaks or become black. Crumbling of teeth (breaking into small pieces) may be present too. Decay of teeth in children soon after they erupt is another prominent feature to use this medicine. It is also an effective medicine for treating dental fistula. Apart from these, Staphysagria is well-indicated for dentition problems in children. Children needing it have pale white tender gums and have a tendency to cry from the slightest pain.

Key indicating features

Toothache in decayed, hollow tooth

Decayed teeth when teeth are black or have dark streaks and crumble easily

Tooth decay soon after they erupt in children

4. Urinary System (Cystitis, Honeymoon Cystitis, Cystocele)

Staphysagria acts on urinary organs and settles many complaints related to them. It is quite useful for cases of cystitis (inflamed bladder mostly from a bacterial infection). There is burning in urethra while passing urine. Sometimes, it is felt even when not passing urine. Pain can occur after urination also. Pressure is felt on the bladder and the patient feels as if the bladder is not emptied completely. Urge to pass urine, which may be scanty or profuse, is also frequent. Urine passes in thin stream and at times drop by drop. It is a prominent medicine to deal with cases of honeymoon cystitis (cystitis that may arise in woman from doing sex for the first time or after a long period of time).  It is also indicated for bladder inflammation from having sex frequently. Women, especially newly married, having complaint of irritable/overactive bladder (it leads to frequent and an uncontrollable, sudden urge to urinate) can be treated well with this medicine. This medicine is also recommended for cases of cystocele (bulging of urinary bladder of woman into her vagina).

Key indicating features


Honeymoon cystitis and irritable bladder in newly married woman

5. Male problems (Erection Issues, Spermatorrhea, Increased Libido, Prostate Issues)

Many male problems can be treated with this medicine. It can help solve problem of sexual weakness, weak erection or loss of erections from excessive sex in the past. It is also suitable to treat spermatorrhea (involuntary loss of semen without an erection or sexual activity). It is accompanied by weakness and pain in the back. It is mostly suited to males who have increased sexual desire, who constantly dwell on sexual subjects and are in the habit of excessive masturbation. Staphysagria also treats prostate issues well, including prostate enlargement or prostate inflammation. There is frequent urine and urethral burning when not urinating. It is majorly indicated for long-term prostatitis in elderly people where pain extends between anus and urethra.

Key indicating features

Weak erections or loss of erections after sexual excesses

Spermatorrhea with weakness and backache

Prostate enlargement and prostatitis (mainly in elderly men)

6. Female Problems (Painful Intercourse, Increased Sexual Desire, Honeymoon Cystitis)

Staphysagria treats many female problems. It is effective in treating dyspareunia (painful intercourse) especially in newly-married women. The genitals are very painful and sensitive. It also helps to manage ovarian pain that may extend to thighs and may get worse after sex or by applying pressure. This medicine is very important to manage nymphomania (excessive uncontrollable sexual desire) or increased libido. Females needing it think excessively of sexual subjects with an increased sexual desire. It can be also given for managing vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is entering it). Its use is also indicated for ovarian cysts and tumours. Besides these, it is suitable to treat honeymoon cystitis, irritable bladder in young married females. Last indication is complaints arising after surgery on ovaries.

Key indicating features

Painful intercourse especially in newly married woman

Honeymoon cystitis

Irritable bladder in young married females

Complaints arising after an operation on ovaries

7. Injuries (Lacerated Wounds, Injury From Sharp Instruments, Post-Surgery Pain)

Staphysagria is used to treat lacerated wounds in which skin, muscle or tissue is cut or torn. It is also useful for injuries from sharp, cutting instruments causing clean-cut wounds.  It also manages pain following surgery — pain after abdominal operations and pain after ovariotomy (surgical incision of ovaries). It covers mainly smarting, cutting or stinging type of pain post-surgery.

Key indicating features

Lacerated wounds, and injury from sharp, cutting instruments

Pain after abdominal surgeries

8. Back (Back Pain)

Staphysagria has shown good results in cases of back pain. Persons needing it mainly have this complaint in the morning before they rise. There may be tendency to have back pain after sex. Lower back pain may also occur after lifting heavy weight or when rising from the sitting position.

Key indicating features

Backache in morning before rising

Back pain after sexual activity

Lower back pain from lifting heavy weight

9. Limbs

This medicine has proven its efficacy in treating cases of crural neuralgia (thigh pain involving crural nerve). Other than this, it can be given for cases of nodes on finger joint from arthritis (joint inflammation). It is also recommended for bruised pain in calf muscles.

Key indicating features

Crural neuralgia

Nodes on finger joints from arthritis

10. Skin Complaints (Eczema, Warts, Skin Ulcers)

With its action on skin, staphysagria is capable of treating eczema, warts, herpes and skin ulcers. Eczema may be present on head, face or ears. Eruptions covered with crusts appear with yellow fluid oozing from beneath the crusts. Itching is felt in eruptions, and when scratched burning sensation is felt. On scratching, itching tends to shift to another place. For warts, it can be used for pedunculated warts that are attached to skin with a stalk and cauliflower-like warts. It works wonders in cases of herpes with dry eruption covered with scabs specifically on joints, which burn on scratching. It can be given for skin ulcers with itching, burning sensation and pain. Pain can be tearing, smarting or shooting type. Excessive pus may be discharged that smells offensive.

Key indicating features

Eczema with crust and oozing of yellow fluid

Pedunculated or cauliflower like warts


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from suppressed anger, sexual excesses, grief and tobacco use

Relieving factors: Relief is noted by taking rest at night and from warmth


It can be used from 30 C to 1 M potency. If using it in 30 C potency, repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies above 200 C, frequent repetition is not recommended.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Ambra Grisea and Camphor

Followed well by Fluoric Acid, Calcarea Carb, Causticum, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Sulphur and Selenium.


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Reasons For Increased Appetite And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Increased appetite means eating in relatively large quantities or eating more frequently. Increased appetite is medically known as hyperphagia or polyphagia. Having increased appetite once in a while is normal but if there is a drastic increase in appetite over a period of time, it can be arising from a medical reason that needs to be investigated and treated. In some cases, increased appetite may be an accompanying symptom with other symptoms depending on the cause. These include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, anxiety, depression, irritability, bloated abdomen, increased urination, increased thirst, weight loss/gain, stress, nervousness, and sweating.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for persons complaining of increased appetite. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy that can help a person control persistent excessive appetite which help to reduce hunger gradually. Homeopathic medicines for managing it are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe to use without any side effects. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. In case of serious medical reasons behind increased appetite, like hypoglycaemia, homeopathy is not recommended as it is a medical emergency and if not treated properly, it can be fatal. In such a case, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is required.

Homeopathic Medicines To Relieve Increased Appetite

1. Iodum – Top-grade Medicine

Iodum is one of the best medicines in homeopathy to manage cases of increased appetite. Persons who need it have a continued increase in appetite and they eat very frequently. If they do not eat, they feel anxious. They must eat every few hours and feel better after eating. They also eat too much during a meal with an insatiable hunger most of the time.  A characteristic feature for using this medicine is a person loses weight inspite of eating in excess and too often. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for managing hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).

2. Cina – When Person Feels Hungry Soon After A Meal

It is the next best medicine for controlling increased appetite. It is a natural medicine prepared from the unexpanded flower heads of a plant Artemisia Maritima belonging to family compositae. It is indicated for persons who feel hungry soon after a meal. This may happen even a few minutes after a full meal. It is attended with a feeling of emptiness in stomach. They eat food in excess but do not gain weight.

3. Lycopodium – For Excessive Eating Followed By Abdomen Distension

This medicine is prepared from a plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as ‘club moss’. The use of this medicine is considered in persons who eat in excess which is followed by bloating of abdomen. They feel hungry even when their stomach feels full. The more they eat, the more the craving for food. If they do not eat anything at that particular time, they experience headache.

4. Bryonia – For Increased Appetite With Desire To Eat Often

This medicine is prepared from roots of the plant Bryonia Alba, commonly known as ‘white bryony’ and ‘wild hops’. It is beneficial in cases where appetite rises with a desire to eat often. There may be increased desire specifically for sweets and acidic food. Along with this, there is an increased thirst for cold water and the person drinks too much water at a time.

5. Sulphur – For Headache If Person Doesn’t Eat When Hungry

It is another prominent medicine for cases of excessive appetite when a person has the desire to eat frequently without which he gets a headache. Weakness, lack of energy and need to lie down may attend it. Desire to eat sweets may be particularly present in those needing sulphur.

6. Alumen – For Increased Appetite Inspite Of Full Stomach

This medicine is indicated when a person has an increased appetite inspite of fullness in the stomach. Sometimes there is heat in the stomach which is relieved by drinking cold water. There may be dryness in the mouth and the throat.

7. Phosphorus – For Increased Appetite At Night

Phosphorus is an important medicine for cases in which there is an increased appetite at night. Hunger pangs, nausea and anxiety may be felt. Other than this, it is also indicated when hunger is felt soon after eating. Persons who require it can have an increased urge for cold drinks, cold food, ice-creams and spicy food.

8. Natrum Mur – For Excessive Hunger With  Depression

This medicine works well when there is excessive hunger along with depression. Weakness may also attend. Persons needing it have an increased craving to eat something, especially towards noon. Weakness and sleepiness may follow it. There may be excessive thirst for water along with a dry and sticky mouth. Sadness and weeping spells often accompany the above symptoms.

9. Asafoetida – For Increased Appetite With Pain In Upper Abdomen

It is a medicine helpful in cases with an excessive appetite along with pain in the upper abdomen. Persons who require it may have gas in the abdomen that pushes upward. Other than this, belching with garlic-like smell may attend it.

10. Magnesia Mur – For Increased Hunger Followed By Nausea

It is useful when there is excessive hunger followed by nausea. Person needing it has increased hunger but doesn’t know what he wants to eat.

11. Kali Phos – For Excessive Hunger In Case Of Depression

Use of this medicine is indicated when there is excessive hunger in case of depression. Persons needing it feel hungry soon after eating. They feel like eating almost every hour, and always feel tired and exhausted.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may simply occur once in a while from reasons like excessive physical activity (it increases calorie demand), inadequate sleep (it can affect appetite-regulating hormones), and stress (increases cortisol hormone that leads to increased hunger and craving for food). It may occur from dietary changes like eating food that is deficient in proteins and fats, as these nutrients make a person feel full and satiated. In children and adolescents, it is normal to have an increased appetite as calorie demand increases in the growing up years. It may also occur in persons who are in the recovery stage of any surgery because it increases calories requirement and in turn, causes increased appetite to fulfill that need.

However, if a person has been having a persistently increased appetite over a long period of time, then there can be some medical reasons behind it.

It firstly includes hyperthyroidism and Grave’s disease. Hyperthyroidism refers to a condition in which the thyroid gland produces hormone thyroxine in excess. It speeds up the body metabolism. It can cause an increased appetite, weight loss inspite of an increase in appetite, palpitations and irregular heartbeat. Other than these, it can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, nervousness, tremors, increased sensitivity to heat, sweating, diarrhea, fatigue, changes in the menstrual cycle, brittle hair, muscle weakness and an enlarged thyroid gland. Graves’ disease is an immune system disorder in which there is an increased production of thyroid hormones causing hyperthyroidism.

Second cause can be diabetes, frequent hunger is an important symptom of diabetes. It is attended with its other symptoms like increased thirst, increased urination, weakness and weight loss.

Next reason that may lead to it is bulimia nervosa. A person eats too much food at a time followed by self-induced vomiting or purging to get rid of consumed food, shed calories and prevent weight gain. The desire to eat is uncontrollable. Persons affected with this problem have a fear of gaining weight and the foremost thought in their mind is that they are fat. They may have depression and mood swings too. They can have weakness, gastric issues (like indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation and bloating), and tooth damage or staining of teeth from stomach acid that rises up while vomiting.

People afflicted with psychological conditions like depression and anxiety disorder can also exhibit a symptom of high appetite. Depression is a mood disorder in which a person feels persistently sad and loses interest in activities that he/she once enjoyed, which interferes with mental well-being and daily life.

In anxiety disorders, there is intense and persistent fear and worry about something.

It may also occur in case of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels).

Apart from these, females may have an increased appetite during pregnancy, breastfeeding or PMS (premenstrual syndrome) — a condition affecting a woman’s behaviour, emotions and physical health prior to the periods. It can cause increased appetite along with other signs and symptoms, like bloated abdomen, headache, acne, sadness, anxiety, irritability, depression, emotional outbursts, breast soreness, constipation or diarrhea.

Lastly, taking certain medicines like antidepressants, and corticosteroids may lead to increased hunger.

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Homeopathic Medicines To Get Rid Of Bad Taste In Mouth

A bad taste in the mouth is something that everyone experiences at some time or the other.  It is temporary and tends to go away after brushing the teeth and cleaning the mouth. But in some cases, the bad taste in the mouth persists and doesn’t go away even after usual brushing and cleaning. In such cases, there may be some underlying cause that needs to be diagnosed and treated to get rid of this bad taste.

Every person experiencing it defines the bad taste differently. Some may say it is a metallic taste, while for some, it is a bitter taste, some others may describe it as foul, sour, salty or sweet taste.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for treating this complaint are prepared from naturally occurring substances, so are very safe to use without any side effects and aid gradual recovery. The most suitable medicine for every case of bad taste in mouth is selected individually based on the case details. So it is advised to take medicines under the guidance of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation.

Homeopathic Medicines To Get Rid Of Bad Taste In Mouth

1. Merc Sol – Top-Grade Medicine

Merc Sol is a very effective medicine for managing bad taste in mouth. It works well when there is metallic, putrid, bitter, or sweetish taste in the mouth.  Excessive salivation may be present with this. Next, there may be complaint of offensive breath.  It is a well-indicated medicine for managing many conditions like gingivitis, tonsillitis,  sinusitis, thrush, tooth decay, dental cavities, etc. So the cases that require it may also have sore throat, inflamed tonsils, swollen gums, mouth sores/ ulcers.

2. Pulsatilla – For Bad Taste Mainly In Morning

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is indicated for cases in which there is bad taste in the morning time. With this the tongue may be coated white. Next, there can be loss of appetite and nausea. Mouth dryness may attend it. In some cases, bitter taste, sweetish taste or burnt taste in mouth is present. Other than this, there may sometimes be greasy taste in mouth.

3. Nux Vomica – For Sour Taste In Mouth

It is helpful when there is sour taste in mouth. It can occur after eating or drinking. It may also be present in the morning. There may be mouth dryness with this. In some cases, small ulcers may be present in the mouth and throat with putrid smell. Sour or bitter belchings, regurgitation of food and heartburn are some symptoms that can accompany.

4. Arsenic Album – For Bitter Taste

Use of this medicine is considered for cases of bitter taste in mouth. This is mostly felt after eating and drinking. Other than this, it is also used for unpleasant or woody taste in mouth. Lastly, it is useful for cases having sweetish taste in the throat.

5. Nux Moschata – For Bad Taste And Dry Mouth

This medicine is prepared from powdered seeds of plant nutmeg. It belongs to family myristicaceae. It is beneficial for those who have a bad taste in mouth and a dry mouth. They may have a foul taste, earthy, chalky or slimy taste in mouth. Sometimes bitter or sour taste is present too. The mouth and tongue are very dry. Dryness is so marked that the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth. Saliva feels like cotton in the mouth. Next, there is white-coated tongue and bad smell from mouth.

6. Natrum Phos – For Acid Taste In Mouth And Acid Reflux

This medicine works well for cases having acid taste in mouth. It is one of the best medicines for managing acid reflux also. Those needing it frequently complain of heartburn, sour belchings, sour vomiting and heaviness in the stomach. Along with the above symptoms, there may be yellow creamy coating at the base of tongue.

7. Borax For Bitter Taste, Mouth Sores And Oral Thrush

This medicine is valuable for managing bitter taste in mouth, mouth sores and oral thrush. The food tastes bitter to the persons who require it. Even the saliva may taste bitter. They can have sores in the mouth especially in the cheeks and on the tongue. These are painful and may bleed easily. The tongue may be cracked. It is a very suitable medicine for managing cases of oral thrush.

8. Natrum Carb For Metallic Taste In Mouth

It is an important medicine to manage metallic taste in mouth.  A constant dryness of mouth and lips can be present where it is required. There is marked burning sensation on the tip of tongue. Next, there can be redness and soreness in mouth with painful blisters.

9Belladonna For Putrid Taste In Mouth, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis

This medicine is prepared from plant commonly known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is recommended for managing putrid taste in mouth. In cases needing it, there may be sore throat or tonsillitis. The throat and tonsils are inflamed, red, shiny and painful where it is required. There is pain in the throat and tonsils along with this. Throat may feel dry. Sometimes cough can attend it.

10. Calcarea Carb – For Salty, Sour Taste

This medicine is indicated to manage salty and sour taste in mouth. Dryness in the mouth at night can be present. There may be heat in the mouth. Its use is also indicated for a taste like that of ink or iron in mouth. An unpleasant taste in mouth with cough is another indication.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It can simply be arising from eating food having strong taste (for eg, garlic) or poor oral hygiene, but there are other reasons too including medical conditions.

Sometimes taking vitamins and supplements may bring metallic taste in the mouth. For example, calcium, iron, zinc and copper supplements.

Use of some medicines (like antihistamines, antidepressants, anti inflammatories, antibiotics) may cause metallic or bitter taste in the mouth.

Cancer treatment including chemotherapy and radiotherapy may also leave a bad taste in the mouth, including metallic and sour taste.

It can also occur in cases of dry mouth. Dry mouth is medically known as xerostomia that occurs from lack of saliva in the mouth. Saliva helps to decrease bacterial growth in the mouth and removes food particles from the mouth. In case of reduced saliva in the mouth, the bacteria overgrow and food bits may remain there leading to a bad taste in the mouth. Dry mouth can happen from various reasons like taking certain medications, advancing age and use of tobacco. But in some cases, it can arise from blocked nose leading to mouth breathing and some medical conditions like diabetes, nerve damage, and some auto-immune diseases.

There are other medical conditions that can lead to bad taste in the mouth.

First medical condition is dental problems. These include gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), tooth decay, dental cavities, infection, dental abscess (a pocket of pus that can occur at different regions of the tooth). In cases of dental issues, other symptoms that can occur are swelling/ redness of the gums, bleeding gums, bad breath and sensitive teeth.

Second medical condition is oral thrush (an infection in the mouth with fungus known a candida albicans). It is also known as oral candidiasis. It can cause bad taste in the mouth in addition to its other symptoms. Such symptoms include redness, soreness, pain in the mouth, burning sensation in the mouth, cotton like feeling in the mouth, white sores in the mouth mostly on the tongue and inner cheeks, slight bleeding from these sores, cracks at the corners of the mouth and difficulty in swallowing.

Third cause is acid reflux (a condition in which the stomach acid rises up into the food pipe back from the stomach and flows upwards). It can cause sour taste in mouth along with its other symptoms, like heartburn, nausea, vomiting, pain in upper abdomen, sore throat and cough.

Fourth reason is respiratory infections mainly viral infections. These include colds, tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils that are the two oval shaped mass of lymphatic tissue present at the back of the throat one on each side), sinusitis (inflamed paranasal sinuses which are air filled spaces in skull). Along with bad taste, the other symptoms of these conditions include sore throat, nasal blockage, PND (post nasal drip), headache, facial pain.

Hepatitis B (a viral infection of liver) can also result in bitter taste in the mouth along with other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, fever.

Next, it may occur from hormonal changes in women like during pregnancy and menopause.

Lastly, it may occur in some of the neurological conditions. For example,  epilepsy (tendency to have recurrent seizures means fits), dementia (loss of memory and decline in thinking and  other mental abilities), brain tumours.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Magnesia Phosphorica – Homeopathic medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Magnesia Phosphorica is derived from magnesium phosphate which is inert in its crude state. When it goes through potentization process (process of preparing homeopathic medicines through which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into homeopathic medicine Magnesia Phosphorica of great use. It is one among the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy called Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. It is the most hepful in managing stomach cramps, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, nerve pain and sciatica.

The ‘Magnesia Phosphorica’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons who feel tired and exhausted. It is best suited to young people and also to babies during teething.

Drug Action

Magnesia Phosphorica has its most remarkable action on the gastric system, female genitals, limbs, muscles and nerves. It acts well on the neck, back, eyes, face, and teeth.

Clinical Indications

Abdomen, pain, stomach cramps, colic, painful menses, sciatica, neuralgia (nerve pains), facial neuralgia, cramps, writer’s cramp, headache, Parkinson’s disease, toothache, vaginismus

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Gastric Issues (Abdomen Pain, Stomach Cramps, Diarrhea)

Magnesia Phosphorica has wide action on the gastric system to manage various gastric problems. To begin with, it is a magnificent medicine to help cases of abdomen pain, stomach cramps and colic. The pain may get better by applying warm applications, bending double (upper body bent forward and downward) and applying pressure. Magnesia Phos is very beneficial for flatulent colic (pain caused by accumulation of gas in the abdomen) which causes fullness and bloating in the abdomen. It is also well indicated to relieve abdomen pain caused due to gas in babies. Other than this, it is also useful in treating cutting/ cramping/ shooting pain in the stomach. There may be relief from burping. A person may also feel nausea and vomiting. Magnesia Phos can be used when pain is felt around the navel that radiates to the back. This medicine can also be given for treating cases of diarrhea (loose stool). Its use is preferred when loose stool is attended with vomiting and cramping pain in the calf muscles in the back of the lower leg.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain better from bending double, pressure and warmth

Pain in abdomen from gas accumulation

2. For Pain Management

Magnesia Phos is a top-listed medicine to manage pain of different types. Firstly, it is a marvellous medicine for relief in muscle pain and nerve pain (neuralgia). The nature of pain to use it can be shooting/ cutting/ sharp/ stitching/cramping type. Pain can be wandering that changes its location rapidly from one place to another. Pain gets worse at night and better after taking rest. The nerve pain gets better by applying heat. Most of the time, pain is located on the right side of the body. Magnesia Phosphorica is very effective in managing abdomen pain that gets better by bending double, applying pressure and warmth. Pain during periods and menstrual cramps can be managed wonderfully. One feels relieved by bending double and hot applications.

Key indicating features

Pain in muscles and nerves, worse at night, better from rest

Abdomen pain relieved by bending double, pressure and warmth

Painful periods when pain gets better by bending double and warm applications

3. Female Problems (Painful Periods, Ovary Pain, Vaginismus)

This medicine proves very effective in getting rid of many female problems. It is one of the best medicines for painful periods. Magnesia Phos manages menstrual cramps well and females requiring it may feel better by bending double and from hot applications. They may also have early menses with dark stringy blood flow. Magnesia Phos is a prominent medicine to deal with ovarian pain which is shooting/darting in nature. It is worse on the right side. Use of this medicine is also considered to treat vaginismus which is involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is trying to enter it.

Key indicating features

Menstrual cramps better from bending double and warmth

Ovarian pain of shooting, darting type


4. Limbs (Sciatica, Cramps, Joint Pain, Parkinson’s Disease)

It is an important medicine to manage numerous complaints related to limbs. Firstly, it is highly recommended to manage sciatica. Pain along sciatic nerve that begins in lower back and radiates down the hip, down the back of thighs and legs up to feet is called sciatica. Magnesia Phos works well in right-sided sciatica where feet are very tender (pain on touching). Secondly, it is a top-listed medicine to manage cramps. It gives good results in cases of cramps in legs and feet which occur mainly at night while in bed. Its use is also suggested for cramps that follow after any kind of exertion. Another main indication for its use is writer’s cramp (a disorder characterized by involuntary contraction of muscles of hands and fingers while writing). This medicine can be used to treat joint pain as well which is very severe. Lastly, Magnesia Phos gives good results in cases of Parkinson’s Disease with involuntary shaking of hands. Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system that starts with shaking of one hand at rest followed by other symptoms like slowing down of movements, rigid muscles, impaired posture, balance issues and changes in speech.

Key indicating features

Right-sided sciatica

Cramps in limbs after exertion and at night

Writer’s cramp

5. Eyes (Twitchings, Ptosis, Squint, Nystagmus, Supraorbital Pain)

Magnesia Phos can manage eyelid twitching (repetitive involuntary contraction of muscles) medically known as blepharospasm. It is also useful for supraorbital pain (felt above the eyebrow) on the right side which gets relieved by warmth.  Its use is next considered in cases of ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid). It can be used in cases of squint (strabismus) also. Another indication to use Magnesia Phosphorica is nystagmus which means involuntary, repetitive eye movement.

Key indicating features

Eyelid twitching

Pain above right eyebrow better from warm applications

Ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)

6. Face (Pain, Neuralgia, Twitching)

Magnesia Phos proves very effective in treating cases of facial neuralgia (nerve pain) of right side. There is shooting/ cramping/darting pain on the right side of the face . It gets worse on opening the mouth and by washing face with cold water. Magnesia Phos can be of great benefit for treating trigeminal neuralgia when even the slightest touch causes pain. Trigeminal neuralgia refers to severe electric shock-like pain in the face due to pressure on the trigeminal nerve or its damage/injury. Another characteristic feature to use Magnesia Phos is twitching (involuntary muscle contraction) of the facial muscles.

Key indicating features

Right-sided facial pain of cramping/darting/shooting  type

Trigeminal neuralgia worse from slightest touch

Twitching of facial muscles

7. Teeth (toothache)

If we talk of teeth complaints, Magnesia Phos is well indicated to manage toothache. It is used when toothache is better from warmth and drinking hot liquids. It is worse from eating cold food or drinking cold drinks. The teeth are sensitive to touch. If toothache is arising from decay of teeth, this medicine can prove very beneficial. Pain in the tooth that has undergone a recent filling can also be well managed with this remedy.

Key indicating features

Toothache worse from cold food and cold drinks, better from warmth and drinking hot liquids

Toothache in decayed teeth

8. Neck And Back (Pain)

Lastly, it acts well on neck and back. It gives good relief in cases of pain and stiffness of neck. The pain in neck is sharp, shooting type where it is indicated. The neck is also sore and painful on touch. Next, Magnesia Phos is beneficial in managing sore pain in the lower back. Cramps in the back may be present in cases needing it.

Key indicating features

Sharp, shooting pain in neck with stiffness

Sore pain or cramps in lower back


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse at night, on right side, from cold air, from uncovering and exhaustion

Relieving factors: Complaints are better by bending double, from pressure, from warmth and from rubbing


This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. Among these, the most frequently used potency is 6X potency which can be taken three to four times a day depending on the severity of the problem. It works best when taken by dissolving tablets in hot water.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Gelsemium and Lachesis

It can be compared with other homeopathic medicines including Colocynth, Dioscorea, Chamomilla, Silicea and Zincum Met.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Homeopathic Remedies for High blood Pressure

The pressure exerted by blood on the walls of the arteries while it flows through them is known as blood pressure. When this pressure is consistently too high, it is referred to as high blood pressure medically known as hypertension. The normal blood pressure ranges between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

Categories To Define High Blood Pressure

1.  A reading of systolic between 120-129 mmHg and diastolic less than 80mmHg is elevated blood pressure. Here usually no medication is recommended and only lifestyle changes are advised.

2. Stage 1 Hypertension: A reading of systolic between 130-139 mmHg or diastolic between 80-89 mmHg.

3. Stage 2 hypertension: Systolic reading 140 mmHg or higher and diastolic reading 90mmHg or higher.

4. Hypertensive Crisis: Systolic reading higher than 180 mmHg and/or diastolic higher than 120 mmHg. It requires urgent medical attention.

Homeopathic Medicines For High Blood Pressure

The top homeopathic medicines to manage high blood pressure (HBP) are Aconitum Napellus, Glonoinum, Crataegus Oxyacantha, Nux vomica, Kali Phos and Natrum Mur.

1. Aconitum Napellus

Aconitum Napellus is a natural medicine sourced from plant monkshood. It can be used for managing high blood pressure along with anxiety and restlessness. The person markedly feels a sudden fear of death. Other accompanying symptoms include palpitations, pressure on the left side of the chest, and sensation of weight under the breastbone. Pain in the heart extending to the left shoulder is also felt.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure along with anxiety and restlessness

2. Glonoinum

Glonoinum is a well-indicated medicine for high blood pressure accompanied by headache which is throbbing and bursting type. Strong palpitations, difficulty in breathing and heat on the face are felt. The person senses pressure in the heart as if heart is contracted. The pain in the heart may radiate to other body parts. Exertion leads to rush of blood to the heart.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure with a throbbing headache

3. Crataegus Oxyacantha

Popularly known as heart tonic, it is a natural medicine sourced from the plant ‘hawthorn berries’. The foremost action of this medicine is to dissolve the calcareous deposits in the arteries, which helps to lower blood pressure. The main symptom that guides its use is difficulty in breathing from the least exertion. Some other symptoms indicative of this medicine include pain in the heart, pressure on the chest, and anxiety-accelerated pulse which is irregular.

Key indicating features

Indicated to dissolve calcareous deposits in arteries to bring blood pressure down

4. Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is a medicine suitable for HBP, especially in young people who adopt sedentary (sitting for long time periods consistently with little or no physical activity) and modern lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc. These factors predispose a person to high blood pressure.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure in young people who lead sedentary life and have habit of alcohol or smoking

5. Kali Phos

Kali Phos is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage stress and several stress-related complaints, including high blood pressure. It is recommended for a person who constantly remains under constant stress and worry. The patient may face symptoms including palpitations from slight motion, shortness of breath, irregular pulse, along with both mental and physical fatigue.

Key indicating feature

To manage high blood pressure linked with stress and worries

6. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is one of the most prescribed remedies for cases of high blood pressure in those with salt tooth (cravingy for salty foods). Though there is a restriction for excess salt intake for persons suffering from HBP, it is seen that there is an unusual craving for salty things like pickles, papads etc.  Due to this, there may be swelling of feet in the morning. Natrum Mur may be given in cases where there is an unusual fatigue especially in the morning. A person may feel tight around the chest and bears intense palpitations on the slightest exertion. Natrum Mur may also relieve headache caused due to high blood pressure.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure linked with excess intake of highly salty things

How to use these medicines?

The homeopathic medicine to manage high blood pressure needs to be recommended after detailed case history of the patient. The potency and repetition of medicine also varies from case to case based on different factors like age, duration and severity of complaint, and prominent symptoms. Hypertension can further lead to several serious complications,  so it is advised to always consult a doctor for case evaluation and prescription of any kind. The same rule must be followed to take any homeopathic medicines. Always seek advice from a homeopathic expert before taking any homeopathic medicine.

What Are The Causes Of High BP?

High blood pressure may or may not have a cause.

1. High blood pressure that arises without any reason is called primary/essential hypertension. Primary hypertension usually develops gradually over a period of time.
2. When there is an underlying cause of high blood pressure, it is referred to as secondary hypertension. Secondary hypertension can be a result of problems in kidneys and thyroid; tumors in the adrenal glands and congenital defects in the blood vessels. Secondary hypertension tends to appear suddenly.

What Are The Symptoms?

High blood pressure usually doesn’t cause any symptoms and is often detected during routine medical check-ups. High blood pressure is called ‘silent killer’ because it leads to a significant amount of damage to blood vessels and heart, without any apparent symptoms.
However certain symptoms that appear as a result of high blood pressure include headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, nose bleedings, or blood spots in eyes. However, these symptoms are not specific to high blood pressure and may appear as a result of other health conditions also.

Risk factors for High Blood Pressure

The factors that put a person at risk of high blood pressure include a family history, increasing age, being overweight, excessive alcohol intake, tobacco use, stress, too much salt (sodium) intake, diabetes mellitus, sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications (cause drug-induced hypertension) that include certain anti-depressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, cold remedies, birth control pills, etc.

Homeopathic management of High Blood Pressure

The homeopathic system carries a good scope in managing high blood pressure. Homeopathic remedies for high blood pressure work to naturally moderate the body’s functioning. Homeopathic medicines work particularly well for those who have recently been diagnosed with hypertension and have not yet become dependent on any other medication for HBP. People with chronic high blood pressure and those who are using allopathic medicines for a long time can also use homeopathic medicines. Initially, it is advisable to continue allopathic medication along with homeopathic medicines, and slowly shift into homeopathy for holistic treatment. For best results, proper lifestyle measures should be adopted along with homeopathic treatment for high blood pressure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can stress lead to high blood pressure?

Yes, stressful situations can make blood pressure shoot up temporarily due to the release of stress hormones. However, the link between long-term high blood pressure because of chronic stress is poorly understood and is being researched.

What is the relationship between high blood pressure and stroke?

Stroke refers to a condition with reduced blood flow to the brain resulting in cell death. High blood pressure tends to damage the arteries, making them prone to rupture or clogging. Any damage can lead to a stroke which can be of two types –
1.  ischemic stroke arising due to clogging of arteries in the brain
2. hemorrhagic stroke due to rupture of arteries in the brain.

What is the link between high blood pressure and heart attack?

Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart. If the coronary arteries become narrow due to cholesterol deposits, the blood has to flow through arteries with greater pressure because of the resistance offered by cholesterol deposits. When the coronary arteries get obstructed to the extent where they can no longer supply blood to heart muscles, it can lead to a heart attack (also known as myocardial infarction).

What are systolic and diastolic readings of blood pressure?

Systolic readings refer to the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscles contract. Diastolic reading corresponds to the phase when the heart relaxes/rest in between the beats.

Among the systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading, which is more important?

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings are important. But the significance of systolic/upper reading in blood pressure is greater after the age of 60 years since it can help identify the risk for a stroke or heart attack. In younger people, the diastolic reading carries more significance than the systolic reading.

My upper reading of blood pressure is high, and the lower reading is normal; should I be concerned?

An increase of only the upper reading of blood pressure is known as isolated systolic hypertension. The major reason behind it is the stiffening of the aorta. Other underlying conditions that are linked with it include an overactive thyroid and diabetes. It is more common as a person gets older (especially over 60 years of age), but it may also appear at a younger age. Few serious problems that are linked with a long-term isolated systolic hypertension include heart disease, heart attack, chronic kidney problems and stroke. So, you should take medicines and follow dietary instructions to manage them and lower the risk of complications.

I have a high diastolic reading of BP while the systolic is normal, should I be worried?

High diastolic reading in the absence of any risk factors like diabetes, smoking, obesity, kidney problems, etc. is usually not serious. So, monitoring the BP, dietary changes (low sodium diet, fat) and lifestyle changes like regular exercise are needed to manage it. Management is necessary because elevated diastolic puts a person at risk of high systolic with advancing age. If the risk factors are present, then medicine is additionally needed and should be started as recommended by a cardiologist.

Which tests are recommended in case of high blood pressure?

The initial investigations recommended in cases of high blood pressure include lipid profile, sodium, potassium levels, and ECG. In some instances, an echocardiogram is suggested to rule out heart disease.

Is high blood pressure a serious condition?

High blood pressure that is not managed correctly carries the risk of turning into serious conditions like stroke, heart attack, heart failure, retinopathy (damage to retina of eye) and kidney problems.

Will quitting smoking help me manage my high blood pressure?

Yes, if you stop smoking, it will help in managing high blood pressure. Smoking causes hardening of the walls of the arteries and narrows the lumen of the artery that leads to high blood pressure. If you give up smoking, it can help reduce these changes in the arteries and thus brings the blood pressure down.

Does homeopathy help in immediately lowering down very high blood pressure?

Homeopathy works well to manage high blood pressure in the long run. However, it has a very minimal role in bringing an immediate reduction in blood pressure. In such cases, conventional emergency treatment is recommended.

I have been taking allopathic medicine for high blood pressure for the last ten years. Can I transit to homeopathic medication and stop taking allopathic medicine?

It is not advisable to quit allopathic medicine all of sudden when you start taking homeopathic medicines for blood pressure. This is because the body gets dependent on allopathic medicines to function correctly. If you start taking homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure, initially you will have to continue taking the allopathic medicines alongside. Once the homeopathic medicines start working, then one can gradually shift to homeopathy by reducing the dose of allopathic medications.

Lifestyle changes to manage high blood pressure?

Certain lifestyle changes can help manage high blood pressure effectively. These include:

1. Cut down your sodium and fat intake

2. Eat fruits and vegetables

3. Do regular exercise and reduce excess body weight in case of overweight people

4. Apart from these, one must quit smoking and limit alcohol intake to prevent long-term complications of high blood pressure.


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