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Glonoinum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Hoemopathic remedy Glonoinum is derived from nitroglycerine which is inert in its crude state. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine. It is a widely recommended medicine in homeopathy for cases of throbbing, bursting, congestive and sun headache.

The ‘Glonoinum’ Constitution

This medicine is most suitable to nervous people and also to sensitive women.  Persons needing it feel tired, with no desire to do any work, are very irritable and prone to get congestive headaches. 

Drug Action 

The most important action of this medicine is seen on head and heart where it helps complaints caused from sudden congestion and rush of blood to head and heart. Other than this it acts well on eyes, ears, face and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Headache, sun headache, menstrual headache, heart disorders, angina pectoris, high blood pressure, palpitations, suppressed menses, hot flushes, stroke, eye pain, eye floaters, photophobia, earache, meniere’s disease, noises in ears, trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain, facial flushing.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Head (headache)

It has prominent action on the head where it acts wonderfully to manage headache. It is one of the best medicines to manage throbbing, bursting, congestive type of headache. There is intense congestion of the head with a rush of blood to the head. Heat is felt in the head with this and the face appears red. Eyeballs may feel protruded with headache. Throbbing is most intense in the temples of head (means sides of head between forehead and ear). Nausea and vomiting may occur with pain. Headache gets worse from walking, shaking and stooping. The sufferer feels relief from a headache from sleep. The headache may also get better in open air and from pressure. There is a sensation of enlargement of the head. Heaviness of the head is marked. One can feel a shock-like sensation in the head synchronously with a pulse.
It has shown great clinical improvements in cases of headache that is worse from sun exposure. Sun headache (headache that increases and decreases with sun) is a very peculiar symptom to use this remedy.
Next, its use is indicated headache from high blood pressure with flushed face and palpitations.
It can also be prescribed for cases where pain begins in the back of head (occiput) and base of the brain and from there extend to the eye and temple region.
Another characteristic to use it is headache that occurs around the menstrual cycle (before, during or after menses). In homeopathic therapeutics its utilization is also mentioned for cases where one is suspecting a stroke (a medical emergency in which reduced or interrupted blood supply to the brain causes death of brain cells). Next it is indicated to manage pain in the forehead over eyes that is worse from using eyes and doing some mind related work.

Key indicating features

Throbbing bursting, congestive type of headache
Sun headache that increases and decreases with sun
Headache from high blood pressure with flushed face and palpitations
Headache occurring around menses (before, during or after menses)

  1. Heart (heart pain, angina pectoris, high blood pressure)

Action of Glonoinum is marked on the heart. It is a significant medicine for managing high blood pressure (hypertension).
It is also indicated for heart pain, and angina pectoris (heart pain from reduced blood supply to the heart). People needing it have heart pain that radiates to the back and in between the shoulders. Heart pain from stooping is a prominent feature to use it. Fullness, heaviness, heat, pressure in the heart region is felt.  There can be palpitations of the heart with trouble breathing. With this there may occur headache pulsating in nature marked in forehead and between temples. There is increased pulse rate and heat in the face.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure
Heart pain radiating to back and in between shoulders
Heart pain from stooping
Palpitations with difficult breathing

  1. Female problems (hot flushes, menopausal complaints, headache)

This medicine is well suited to manage certain female problems. Its use is preferred for some of the menopausal complaints. First prominent indication is hot flushes that occur daily during menopause. Next characteristic is headache and pressure in head during menopause. Besides these it is indicated for nausea and vertigo during menopause. Use of this remedy is considered for managing headache around menses as well. The pain in the head can be there before, during or after menses. It also works well if there is pain, congestion or fullness of head when menses do not appear and are suppressed. The pain is throbbing or tearing in nature and face, eyes may be red. If a headache occurs after profuse menses, this medicine can prove very effective there too. Lastly, this medicine is beneficial for lower back pain during menses.

Key indicating features

Hot flushes, headache, nausea, vertigo during menopause
Headache before, during or after menses and from suppressed menses
Headache after copious menses

  1. Eyes (pain, floaters)

This medicine also has an effect on eyes where it is useful for eye pain. For using it the pain can be aching, bursting or drawing in nature. Stitching, sharp pain or soreness in eyeballs can be present. Heat in eyeballs and lids is marked. Second important indication for its use is eye floaters with black spots before eyes. It also works well if there are sparks, flashes of light before eyes. Other than these it is well indicated for managing photophobia (sensitivity to bright light), dimness of vision with vertigo and supraorbital neuralgia (pain above the eyes).

Key indicating features

Aching, bursting or drawing pain in eyes
Eye floaters with black spots, sparks, flashes of light before eyes

  1. Ears (noises, pain, meniere’s disease)

For ears, this medicine can be successfully used to manage noises in ears (tinnitus) when it is of ringing, cracking type. With this there is fullness in the ears. It can be used for throbbing ear pain. There may be hardness of hearing. It is a valuable medicine to manage cases of meniere’s disease (an inner ear disorder with symptoms like hearing loss and vertigo). 

Key indicating features

Ringing, cracking noises in ears
Throbbing pain in ear
Meniere’s disease

  1. Face (trigeminal neuralgia, pain in face)

This medicine serves great help to manage trigeminal neuralgia (severe electric shock like facial pain from pressure over trigeminal nerve or due to its damage) of the left side face. It can also alleviate facial pain accompanied with twitching of facial muscles. Next indication is pain in the temple of the head radiating from the decayed tooth. This medicine can manage facial flushing, redness and heat in the face. 

Key indicating features

Left sided trigeminal neuralgia
Pain in face with twitching of facial muscles
Facial redness, flushing and heat


Worsening factors: complaints are worse in sun, hot weather, shaking, motion, suppressed menses

Relieving factors: complaints are relieved from lying still, in open air

Glonoinum Dosage

This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. It is a short acting medicine and its action lasts for about one day. It can be repeated frequently in low potencies but in high potencies its frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite, Camphor, Coffea Cruda and Nux Vomica

This medicine can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Veratrum Viride, Belladonna, Amylenum Nitrosum, Opium and Stramonium

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Clematis Erecta – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic remedy Clematis Erecta is derived from the plant Upright Virgin’s Bower (also named Flammula Jovis) belonging to family ranunculaceae. The leaves and stems of this plant undergo a potentization process (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extract and intensify the medicinal properties of a crude substance) and get converted into a very important medicine Clematis Erecta. It is a principal remedy in homeopathy to treat cases of urethral stricture and orchitis (inflammation of testicles).

clematis erecta The ‘Clematis Erecta’ Constitution

This medicine suits people who have a tendency towards urinary complaints and joint pains. Other than this it is suitable for persons prone to have hard, swollen glands e.g. axillary glands, inguinal glands.

Drug Action

It acts markedly on urinary organs and male genitals mainly on testicles. Besides these it has affinity to treat complaints of eyes, skin, joints and teeth.

Clinical Indications

Urethral stricture, orchitis (inflammation of testicles), testicle pain, gonorrhoea, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iritis, skin rash, toothache.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Urinary Organs (urethral stricture, burning, urethral discharge)

This medicine manifests chief action on urinary organs. It remains very successful to treat cases of urethral stricture (narrowing of urethra). In cases needing it excessive straining is required to initiate urination. With great effort a few drops of urine pass which is followed by a stream. Urine passes slowly as the urinary stream is very weak, feeble. All urine doesn’t pass at once. Dribbling may occur after urination. Sometimes urine flow is interrupted where urine starts and stops again and again. Urine may pass drop by drop in some cases. The urethra feels constricted.
Next, it is useful for managing urethral burning. It is most intense when beginning to urinate or when passing last drops of urine. At times sharp stitches in the urethra are felt. There is frequent urge to urinate with passage of scanty urine. People also experience an urgency to pass urine. Tingling sensation in the urethra may be present.

Key indicating features:

Urethral stricture with weak urine flow and excessive straining to urinate
Burning in urethra when beginning to urinate or passing last drops of urine

  1. Male Problems (Orchitis, testicle pain)

It is extensively used in treating certain male problems. Among these it is highly recommended to treat cases of orchitis. Orchitis means inflammation of testicles. Testicles are swollen. There is pain in the testicles. Bruised, drawing, shooting or pinching pain in testicles is felt. The pain may extend to groins or thighs.  Pain gets worse from motion and slightest touch. Testicles can feel hard.
It is also a beneficial medicine for managing decreased libido. Another prominent complaint where it helps is urethral discharge of thick pus in cases of gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Besides these it is of great service in managing burning type of pain in penis during emission during coition.

Key indicating features: 

Orchitis (inflammation of testicles)
Testicle pain of bruised, drawing, shooting or pinching type
Burning pain in penis during emission during coition
Urethral discharge of thick pus in cases of gonorrhoea

  1. Skin Complaints 

This medicine is also effective to manage certain skin issues, like vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions and pustular (pus filled) eruptions. These eruptions are covered with scales and scabs following an eruption and discharge. Intense itching accompanies this.
Secondly, it is a suitable medicine to treat herpes zoster (a painful blistering skin disease caused by varicella zoster virus). The eruptions look red, these rupture exudes fluid and become ulcers. The eruptions itch a great deal and a burning sensation may be felt. Itching and burning worsens at night. Other than these, itching also increases after washing.
Next noteworthy complaint that calls for the use of this homeopathic remedy is skin ulcers. It is used when there is shooting, throbbing pain in ulcers. Burning is also present. The ulcers usually are hard with raised edges. Yellow pus discharge may occur from these.
There is marked Itching in and around the ulcer area.
Its use is also recommended in case of moist eczema. There is excessive itching in the eczema lesions. The itching gets worse from the warmth of bed and from cold washing. The eczema is located mainly on the back of head (occiput) and lower legs.
Lastly, it manages skin itching that worsens from washing with cold water.

Key indicating features

Vesicular or pustular eruptions that ooze fluid and get covered with scabs
Skin itching worse from washing with cold water
Skin ulcers with shooting, throbbing, burning pain
Herpes zoster with red eruptions that ooze fluid and become ulcers
Eczema mainly on back of head (occiput) and lower legs

  1. Eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iritis, corneal ulcer)

With its action on eyes it treats cases of blepharitis (inflammation of eyelid edges). It is helpful when blepharitis cases are chronic and there is swelling of tiny oil glands at margins of eyelids called meibomian glands. Smarting and burning at eyelid margins is marked. It is also preferred to manage cases of conjunctivitis (inflamed membrane that lines eyelids and eyeballs) especially pustular type. In such cases the eyes get inflamed and may result in the sticking together of eyelids.
It can also be used for managing dryness and burning heat in the eyes, accompanied with sensitivity to light and cold air.
Another complaint where it helps is iritis (inflamed coloured part of eye) with cold sensitivity. 
Lastly it is indicated to manage cases of corneal ulcer. There is burning or stitching eye pain in these cases. Tingling in eyes may occur. Eyes are sensitive to heat.

Key indicating features:

Blepharitis with swollen meibomian glands
Pustular conjunctivitis with eyelid sticking in morning
Iritis with sensitivity to cold
Corneal ulcer with burning, stitching pain in eye

  1. Teeth (toothache)

Clematis is also useful to manage toothache. It is indicated to relieve toothache that is worse at night. It is also helpful for toothache that occurs from tobacco. For using it the pain can be drawing or stitching type. It is better in cold water and in open air. The tooth may be decayed with pain in teeth.

Key indicating features:

Toothache at night and from tobacco
Toothache better by drinking cold water and in open air

  1. Limbs (nodes on joints, weakness in limbs)

This medicine manages certain complaints of limbs. It is valuable for cases of arthritic (joint inflammation) nodes on finger joints. There is pain in the joints located in the hands. Joint pain in lower limbs may also be present. Weakness, heaviness in limbs along with bruised sensation is yet another complaint where its use can be considered.

Key indicating features: 

Arthritic nodes on finger joints
Weakness, heaviness, bruised pain in limbs


Worsening factors: complaints are worse from motion, touch, at night, from heat of bed and cold washing.

Relieving factors: there is relief in open air and from sweating


Its use is recommended in both low and high potencies. The potency and repetition varies from case to case depending on the type and duration of complaint. In general low potencies can be repeated often while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Bryonia and Camphor

It antidotes: Merc Sol

Followed well by Calcarea Carb, Rhus Tox, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

9 Homeopathic Medicines for Pilar Cysts 

Pilar Cysts are keratin-filled bumps developing on the skin surface that grow around hair follicles and commonly occur on the scalp. Keratin is a type of that is present in the skin cells, hair and the nail cells). The content of these cysts look somewhat like an oily toothpaste. The hair follicles refers to tiny holes in the skin from where the hair grows. It has four parts – the bulb, papilla, germinal matrix and bulge. Homeopathic medicines for pilar cysts gradually shrink the size of the cyst  by treating its root cause.Homeopathic Medicines for Pilar Cysts 

These cysts are harmless and non-cancerous (benign) growths. Though harmless but if infection arises discomfort or pain  can occur in them. These are also not contagious means it does not spread from one person to another via direct skin to skin contact.

These cysts are also known by various other names that include wens, an isthmus-catagen cyst and trichilemmal cysts.


These growths form in the epithelial lining of the hair follicles that contains protein keratin. Normally the keratinocytes after dying move towards the surface of the skin, and the skin gets cleared off from there.  

But if these dead cells go in the deep layers of the skin, they can build up over time and form a pilar cyst. 

Injury to the skin increases the risk of these cysts. Damage to the hair follicles also raises the chance of its formation. These can also develop if the sebaceous glands are blocked.

These cysts are common in women as compared to men. Middle-aged persons are usually affected. It is also noted that these cysts can run in families so having a family history of it puts a person at risk. 


These cysts appear round or dome shaped and are covered with thick skin. These are smooth and firm to touch. They move a little on pressing. The size of these cyst varies from small to large. They can be pea sized to several cm approx 5 cm in size. The size tends to increase gradually. They can be flesh coloured, white or yellow in colour. A person can have single or more than one such cyst at the same time. In around 70% of the cases multiple cysts occur in the same person.

These cysts can form on any of the body parts but mostly (in 90% of the cases) they develop on the scalp. Hair growth is absent on the lump where it forms. Next body areas where they occur are the neck and face.  Usually no symptoms are present in these cases but sometimes pain and soreness may be felt on applying excessive pressure on the cyst. Mostly these can not burst due to their thick wall but in rare cases the cyst may rupture on its own or from an injury so irritation, pain and swelling appears in the cyst. Along with this there is discharge of pus from it. In case of an infection, pus discharge may also occur along with redness and tenderness. The pus can have a foul smell. The pilar cysts have a tendency to regrow even after surgery in some of the cases.

Very rarely, these cysts may turn  cancerous (in this case the cysts grow speedily and increase in number, in such cases homeopathy has a limitation in treating and can’t help). 

Homeopathic Medicines for Pilar Cysts 

Homeopathy is very effective in dissolving these cysts. The time duration needed for its recovery varies from case to case depending on the size of cyst and since how long these have been present. In most of the cases these can help to prevent the surgical intervention.  The homeopathic medicines are also helpful in healing the cyst that ooze out pus. The advantage of using homeopathic medicines for treating them is that these are very safe and natural medicines that don’t have any sort of side effects and also have no risk of any scar formation. It is advised to take homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic doctor who can after detail case study prescribe the best medicine that can suit a given case of pilar cyst. 

  1. Graphites – Top Grade Medicine

It is a top grade medicine for treating these kinds of cysts. It is indicated when the cyst occurs on the scalp. These are smooth to touch. They have a shiny appearance. The size is large in cases that need it. Along with this heat in the scalp may be present. Sometimes the scalp is itchy also. 

  1. Baryta Carb 

It is the next well indicated medicine for wens occurring on the scalp. The head may be sensitive to cold where it is required. Next scalp may be sensitive to touch. Lastly a sensation as if the skin of the head is too tight may accompany the above symptoms. 

  1. Silicea

Silicea is also a very important medicine for treating various sorts of cysts. This medicine is also indicated when pilar cysts develop on the scalp. Persons who need it also have a tendency to excessive sweating on the scalp. Other than this it is also one of the best medicines in cases where pus discharges are present. This medicine helps to speed up the process of pus discharge and give good results in such cases.

  1. Calcarea Silicata

Calcarea Silicata is yet another significant medicine to help in shrinking these cysts. Along with this dryness of the skin may be there when it is required. Apart from this sometimes burning sensation on the skin is felt.  The burning may appear after scratching particularly in most of the cases. 

  1. Hepar Sulph

It is a very beneficial medicine for cases in which there occurs pus discharge. It is very suitable to help clear off the pus discharge and aid excellent healing.

  1. Kali Bromatum

It is a highly valuable medicine to treat different types of cysts. It is very suitable to dissolve wens too. Other than this it works well in treating cases of ovarian cysts and sebaceous cysts. 

  1. Kali Carb

This medicine is the next useful medicine for such cysts on the scalp. Persons who require it may feel a burning sensation on the top of the head. Other than this sweating on the forehead can be present.

  1. Benzoic Acid

This medicine is indicated for these cysts on the scalp. It may be attended  with cold sweat on the head most of the time. 

  1. Plumbum Met

The last medicine in the homeopathic therapeutic list to treat them is Plumbum Met. It works well when the wens are present specifically on the hands.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Burning Feet

Burning feet is the sensation of excessive heat in the feet. It is a very common sensation that usually is experienced at night. Sometimes burning feet may be painful enough to interfere with sleep. Mostly it arises from nerve damage. The intensity can vary from mild or severe. It can be constant or intermittent. Homeopathic medicines for burning feet offer natural, gentle, effective treatment for a variety of cases. Homeopathic medicines for burning feet

Burning feet may also be attended with tingling, prickling, pins- needles sensation or numbness, redness, swelling, increased sweating, pain in feet.


It most commonly occurs from nerve damage. The nerve damage can be from various reasons. 

The most common reason is diabetes (diabetes neuropathy). Uncontrolled high levels of sugar in blood for a long time damages blood vessels and nerves. The nerve damage hinders normal travel of nerve signals to many body parts and also feet. Nerve damage in legs and feet refers to peripheral neuropathy. Persons who have high blood pressure, take alcohol, are overweight and smoke are at high risk of nerve damage. In case of diabetic neuropathy along with burning sensations,  tingling, numbness, sharp pain, weakness in hands and feet can also accompany. 

Secondly, it can arise from excessive alcohol use that causes nerve damage called alcoholic neuropathy.

Thirdly, it can occur from certain nutritional deficiencies. Deficiency  of vitamin B12, B6, folate can lead to nerve damage and burning sensation in feet. Vitamin B deficiency also causes anaemia that contributes to it. 

Another reason is small fiber sensory neuropathy (SFSN) which is a type of peripheral neuropathy  affecting small nerve fibers in the skin. In this painful burning in the feet arise. 

Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) is yet another reason behind burning feet. In this condition swelling appears which puts pressure on nerves and causes a burning sensation. Other symptoms of this condition include weight gain, loss of energy, hair loss, dry skin.

Other than these, it can occur in Charcot – Marie – Tooth disease (CMT). A Common form of hereditary neuropathy that causes nerve damage in arms and legs. Burning, pins and needles in the feet / hands is among the initial symptoms.

Another reason is Athlete’s foot (Fungal infection of the foot). It is also known as tinea pedis. In this condition burning, tingling, itching sensation between the toes or in the soles of the feet arise. Other than these fluid filled eruptions (blisters) cracked skin, peeling of skin, dry or raw skin on the feet may occur. Sometimes toenails get thick, discoloured, crumble and get detached from the nail bed.

Long term or chronic kidney disease – When kidneys get damaged and are not able to carry their function properly means not able to remove toxins from the body then these toxins build up in blood and damages the nerves.

Erythromelalgia – it is a rare vascular disorder in which blood vessels in lower limbs or hands get blocked on and off followed by hyperemia (excess blood flow) and inflammation. Redness, congestion, heat and pain in feet occur though symptoms can also occur in hands, arms, ears, legs, face and other body parts.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) – In this condition the arteries that carry blood to the legs and feet becomes narrow. It leads to burning in feet and legs.

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) – A condition causing severe pain usually in just one arm or leg and develops typically after an injury or a surgery. Its symptoms are swelling, burning pain, swelling, skin colour or texture change.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome – It is a condition arising from compression of nerves that runs from the ankle to the foot. It can arise from swelling or an injury. In this there occurs  pain, burning, tingling or numbness in the foot. 

Guillain – Barre syndrome (GBS) – It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells attack and cause damage to the peripheral nervous system. In the beginning it is mostly present with numbness, tingling, and weakness in feet.

Some other diseases can have burning feet as one of its symptoms. Some examples include Lyme disease ( a tick-borne, infectious disease caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia), HIV, shingles  (a viral disease caused by Varicella zoster virus in which painful skin rash with blisters appears).

Pregnancy and menopause – Burning feet may be complained about by some women during pregnancy and menopause. This is due to hormonal changes leading to increase of body  temperature.

Heavy metal poisoning can also cause it. Exposure to heavy metals like arsenic, mercury and lead can lead to burning sensation in the feet.

Side effects of certain medicines like chemotherapy drugs, some medicine used to treat HIV and seizures (fits), overdose of vitamin B6.

It can also occur from wearing poor footwear and standing / walking for an extended time period.

Homeopathic Medicines for Burning Feet

Homeopathic medicines offer natural, gentle, effective treatment for cases of burning feet. These medicines focus to address the root cause behind it to bring great improvement in these cases. These medicines in addition to relieving the burning of feet also helps to improve attending symptoms. Such symptoms include tingling, prickling, sensation, numbness, redness and swelling, increased sweating and pain in feet. As burning of feet can arise from numerous reasons, its important to take homeopathic medicines after complete case analysis by a homoeopathic physician and self medication be avoided.

  1. Sulphur – Top Grade Medicine 

Sulphur is a leading medicine for burning sensation in feet. Persons needing it have burning especially in soles of feet. They wish to place them on a cool place to get relief. The burning worsens at night and they put them out of bed to cool them. They may also feel burning in soles on stepping after sitting for a long time. Itching may also be present on soles in addition to the above complaint. Another symptom that can attend it is prickling in balls of feet when putting feet to ground. 

  1. Kali Phos – For Burning in Soles and Toes

It is a great nerve remedy. It is a very suitable medicine for cases having burning in soles and toes. In some cases needing it stinging sensation in soles may be present. It is also indicated when prickling sensation is present in the feet. 

  1. Arsenic Album  For Burning, Swelling of Feet

This medicine works well in case of burning, swelling on feet. There is internal burning but when touched the feet feels cold from outside. Red spots on the feet may be present with this. Other additional symptoms that can accompany numbness and weakness of feet.

  1. Medorrhinum – For Burning of Feet and Sharp Pain

This medicine is beneficial for cases of burning feet and sharp pain in soles. Persons needing it uncovers the feet and fan them to aid relief. The sharp pain in soles is felt while taking the first step on them in the morning. They may also have swelling of feet. Sore feeling under feet especially on the left side may be present.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Burning in the Toes

This medicine is prominent for burning sensation in toes. With this there is redness in toes. Sometimes numbness is felt in feet. Swelling in feet may be present too.  

  1. Pulsatilla – For Burning in Back of Feet

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower or pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is well indicated for burning in the back of feet. Redness and swelling of feet can be present with this. Tearing pain from back of foot to heel is present sometimes. Soles of feet may also be painful and feel sore. Some people requiring it also have a tingling sensation in feet while standing.

  1. Phosphorus – For Burning Sensation in Feet and Numbness of Toes

This medicine is helpful for burning sensation in feet and numbness of toes. Burning sensation can be felt in legs also. Swelling of feet may also be there. Pain in soles as if from ulceration can be felt during  walking. Another symptom that can attend is a shock like sensation in feet.

  1. Silicea – For Burning and Tingling in Soles

This medicine is very useful for burning in soles and also tingling sensation in soles. The burning is most marked in evening and night time where it is required. Along with this there is swelling of feet with redness. A peculiar accompanying symptom is excessive sweating on feet. The sweat is offensive. Soreness of feet is also there in some cases. It is also one of the best medicines for cases of athlete’s foot. 

  1. Arnica – For Violent Burning in Feet

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana having the common name Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. Its use is recommended in cases presenting with violent burning in feet. Along with this tingling sensation may be marked in feet. Sometimes there is attending numbness of feet.

  1. Natrum Carb – For Burning in Feet While Walking

This medicine helps cases of burning in feet while walking. Burning is mainly present in soles for using this medicine. Swelling with stinging in feet may also attend while walking. In the right foot stitches as from needles can be felt.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Geographic Tongue

Geographic tongue is an inflammatory condition of tongue in which island-shaped patches appear on the tongue which give the tongue a geographic or map-like appearance. It is a harmless condition and doesn’t indicate any serious issue and does not cause any health problems. It is also not contagious hence it doesn’t spread from one person to another through direct contact. Homeopathic medicines for Geographic Tongue are highly effective, they help to reduce the size of present patches in such cases and also halt the further progression of this condition.

Normally small papillae (tiny raised projections) are present on the upper surface of the tongue that gives it a rough texture. These papilla increase the surface area of the tongue and also increase contact area  between the tongue  and food. Taste buds cover the surface papilla  which help in taste perception. These papillae are of four types (fungiform, filiform, foliate, and circumvallate) that vary in location and shape. While in case of geographic tongue the smooth, bald, red patches that appear are actually from absence of these papillae. These patches look like a map giving it the name-geographic tongue.Homeopathic Medicines for Geographic Tongue


The exact cause behind it is not clearly known. However, some people are predisposed to develop it more than others. Persons who have a family history of this condition are at risk pointing towards links with genetics. People having certain diseases and conditions are at more risk to develop it. 

First among these is psoriasis (It is an auto-immune skin disease in which there occurs inflamed red patches on skin covered by silvery white scales on it. It is thought that geographic tongue is a type of oral form of psoriasis). 

Another medical condition linked with it is Lichen Planus (It is a long term inflammatory condition of the skin and mucous membranes of an autoimmune origin. On skin it presents as purplish, flat-topped papules with white, lacy lines. In the case of mucosal lichen planus white patches having lacy net-like patterns appear mostly though ulcers or red irregular patches can also develop. 

It is thought that geographic tongue may be a type of lichen planus (affecting tongue). Though psoriasis and lichen planus are linked with geographic tongue, more extensive research is required to know the exact link between them. It is also found that people having this condition may have an accompanying complaint of fissured tongue (a benign condition characterised by presence of deep grooves on the tongue). 

Other than these, deficiency of Vitamin B2 is linked with this. Lastly this condition may occur during pregnancy due to a lot of ongoing hormonal changes. It is to be noted that this condition is not associated with any infection or cancer. This condition can affect people of any age group but mostly it affects young adults. Women are more affected with this condition as compared to men. It can worsen during some sort of psychological stress.


In case of geographic tongue uneven, red island-shaped patchy lesions appear on the tongue. They can appear on the top or sides of the tongue. These patches are smooth due to loss of papillae. The red patches may have a white or light coloured border. These can vary in size from case to case and the shape is also variable. The size and shape can also vary among the same person at different times. The patches heal in one place followed by migration to another area of tongue in a few days or weeks. This is why it is also known as benign migratory glossitis.  

In many cases no symptoms appear and only the patchy lesions are present. While in some cases pain and burning sensation can be present in the lesions. These can also be sensitive to spicy or acidic foods, toothpaste, mouthwash or cigarette smoking. This condition can continue for months to years and clears on its own. This can then reappear some time later in life.

Homeopathic Medicines for Geographic Tongue

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective for geographic tongue cases. These medicines help to reduce the size of present patches in such cases and also halt the further progression of this condition. With its use the tendency to develop recurrent patches on tongue in these cases is gradually reduced. These medicines also help to provide relief from the pain, soreness, burning sensation felt in these patches. These medicines are safe to use among people of all age groups. The medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances so they don’t have any side effects.

  1. Merc Sol – Top Grade Medicine for Mapped Tongue

Merc Sol is a leading medicine for cases of mapped tongue. It is indicated when there are dark spots along with redness of tongue. Burning is also felt in these spots. Along with this pain is also there. The pain is worse from least contact with food. Tongue is moist along with profuse salivation. Offensiveness of saliva is marked with it. In many cases needing it the tongue is large, flabby with imprints of teeth. Tendency to fissures or ulcers on the tongue can be present in people requiring it.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Red Patches on Tongue with Dryness

This is the next well indicated medicine for mapped tongue. In cases needing it there are red patches on the tongue. The tongue is dry with this. A very peculiar sensation of hair on the tongue may be present. Mostly the front of the tongue is clean and the back of the tongue is coated. In some cases burning at the tip of the tongue is felt. Sores or ulcers can be present on the tongue along with above symptoms.

  1. Taraxacum -For Dark Red Spots on Tongue

This medicine is prepared from plant Taraxacum Officinale commonly known as dandelion. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is prominently indicated when there are dark red patches on the tongue. These spots are very sensitive and tender in cases needing it. Rest of the tongue is coated white. Along with this there may be bitter taste in the mouth. 

    4. Nitric Acid – For Mapped Tongue with Pain

This medicine is very beneficial for cases of mapped tongue with pain. For using it the pain can be sore, stinging, pricking or burning type. The tongue is also very sensitive even to touch of soft food. In most cases the tongue is dry and fissured. Additionally there may be ulcers on edges of the tongue. These ulcers have stinging pain in them.

  1. Lachesis – Mapped Tongue with Cracks at the Tip of Tongue

This medicine is considered in cases in which the patches are attended with cracks at the tip of the tongue. The top of the tongue is also red in these cases. Tongue may also be swollen and inflamed along with blisters on it. It may be dry in the centre. Along with the above symptoms there may be sour taste in the mouth.

  1. Terebinthina – For Bright Red Patches on Tongue

Terebinthina is a helpful medicine for these cases presenting with bright red patches here and there on the tongue. The tongue also appears smooth, shiny, glossy as from loss of the papilla. Tongue can also be dry sometimes. Burning specifically at the tip of the tongue is present with above features.

  1. Kali Mur – Mapped Tongue with Burning / Stinging Sensation

This medicine is useful when there is a burning, stinging sensation on the tongue. Tongue is coated thick white slimy fur like or grayish white  with red patches. Sometimes salty, sour or bitter taste in the mouth is felt along with above symptoms. 

  1. Ranunculus Sceleratus – with Rawness, Smarting or Burning Sensation 

This medicine is prepared from plants commonly known as Marsh buttercup and also Celery – leaved crowfoot. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. In cases needing it the tongue is mapped or peeled off in spots. These spots are raw accompanied with a smarting, burning sensation. The tongue is inflamed and sometimes the entire mouth is inflamed. In some cases where it is required only the sides of the tongue have island-like denuded spots while the rest of the tongue is thickly coated. 

  1. Physostigma – with Soreness on the Tip of Tongue

This medicine is prepared from beans of the plant physostigma venenosum also known as calabar bean, ordeal bean and esere. This plant belongs to family leguminosae. This medicine is considered when the tongue is mapped along with soreness on its tip. The tongue may feel burnt or scalded with this. In cases needing it excessive salivation is also there. The saliva is thick, leathery type. Bad taste in mouth is felt in addition to above symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

10 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Recurrent Abscess in Axilla

A skin abscess refers to a painful pus filled lump under the skin surface. The abscess contains pus, bacteria and debris. In case of abscess in the axilla, such lumps form under the skin surface of the armpit. Armpit is one among the common locations for formation of abscess in addition to other common sites including skin area around the anus, around a tooth, groin (crease formed where thigh and  abdomen meets) and over tailbone (pilonidal cyst). Homeopathic remedies for recurrent abscess in axilla can benefit people having complaints of recurrent abscess in axilla.Homeopathic Remedies for Recurrent Abscess in Axilla


Majorly, abscesses form due to infection from bacteria most commonly staphylococcus aureus. This bacteria can enter the skin when the normal skin barrier of the armpit is broken as from a minor skin wound like a little tear / cut or puncture in it. Our body’s disease fighting mechanism starts to work towards killing this bacteria with white blood cells. This causes swelling and inflammation at the infection site from where bacteria entered the skin. Following this a cavity forms leading to origination of an abscess which contains pus formed of bacteria, dead tissue and white blood cells. The main purpose of formation of cavity by body is to contain the bacterial infection to only the area of its entry and prevent its spread to other body parts.

People who sweat excessively in the axilla and don’t clean the area in a good manner have more chances of getting this infection.
Additionally, poor hygiene and not washing armpits regularly results in piling up of dead skin cells that remains another risk factor for an infection.
Other than this, frequently shaving the underarm area is also a risk factor. Blockage in the sweat gland, oil gland (sebaceous gland) or a hair follicle also carry chances to form an abscess. Sometimes they can form after a surgical procedure also. Around 10% of the people who have abscess in axilla carry a chance of its recurrence. Firstly, a weak immune system raises risk of bacterial infection and recurrent abscess.

Next, people having some medical conditions I.e. diabetes, eczema and allergies are more predisposed to have repeated abscess formation. Other risk factors that predispose towards repetitive abscess formation includes obesity, alcoholism, sickle cell disease, cancer, HIV, chronic steroid treatment and chemotherapy.


In the case of abscess of the axilla, a swollen mass appears in the armpit under the skin. It is red, painful and tender. It is warm to touch. Itching can be present on or around the abscess. With the progression of the abscess, white or yellow pus spot is seen on the lump. When it ruptures pus discharge from this begins. In some cases fever and chills may be present.

Homeopathic Remedies for Recurrent Abscess in Axilla

People having complaints of recurrent abscess in axilla can benefit from the use of homeopathic medicines. These medicines work very effectively in treating one’s tendency to form recurrent abscess. They help by boosting the immune system of the body to fight with the infection and exclude it from the body in a very natural way. These medicines treat this condition very gently and safely and often prevent the use of surgical intervention in most cases. As these medicines used for its treatment are of natural origin so they are safe to use among people of all age groups and don’t cause any sort of side effects. The most suitable medicine for a given case is selected as per the individual symptoms after proper case analysis.  

  1. Myristica – Leading Homeopathic Medicine 

This is a natural medicine prepared from plant Myristica Sebifera. This plant belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a top grade medicine for treating tendency of recurrent abscess in axilla. It has a marvellous tendency to treat several medical conditions where pus formation occurs. It is effective for both cases including acute where the abscess are present currently or where chronic tendency to have recurrent abscess is present. It hastens the recovery process in abscess cases and often prevents the need of surgical intervention in these cases. It also helps in removing the tendency where abscess forms again and again.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Recurrent Abscess in Armpit Attended with Pain

Hepar Sulph is the next beneficial medicine for treating tendency of recurrent abscess. It works well when a person gets abscess again and again with marked pain. For using it the pain can be throbbing, stabbing, sticking or splinter like pain. The pain usually worsens at night. It also increases from cold air exposure The abscess are also very sensitive to touch.  The skin above it is very much inflamed. The abscess appears hard and warm to touch. The pus discharge can be blood stained where it is required.

  1. Silicea – When Abscess Forms Very Often with Offensive Pus Discharge

Silicea is another prominent medicine for cases of recurrent abscess with offensive pus discharge. In such cases the pus can be copious of scanty but is very offensive and putrid. Sometimes it is brownish, thin and watery. People needing it often have a tendency to sweat heavily. They have excessive offensive sweat in their armpits. In acute cases it helps in both maturation and ripening of abscess and decreasing excessive pus formation. Most people needing it have sensitive skin with tendency of pus formation from slightest injury.

  1. Calcarea Sulph – For Tendency of Repeated Abscess in Underarms with Yellow Pus

This medicine works well for people who get repeated abscess in armpits with discharge of yellow, lumpy pus. It is thick and frequently blood stained. It helps in removing one’s tendency of repeated abscess. In acute cases it helps to quicken the recovery after pus has started to discharge out.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Frequent Abscess with Stinging / Gnawing Pains 

It is a very suitable medicine to treat recurrent abscess tendency. Its use is considered for persons who get frequent abscess in armpits with stinging, gnawing pain. The abscess discharges blood stained pus. It is also highly painful to touch.

  1. Sulphur – When Abscess Relapse Many Times with Offensive Yellow Pus

It is a great medicine to eradicate one’s tendency to have recurrent abscess. Persons who require it have complaints of frequent abscess formation that discharge offensive, yellow pus. They may have itching and burning in it. In general they have unhealthy skin which is dry and scaly. Their skin complaints are also slow to heal and every little skin injury causes pus formation on skin .

  1. Merc Sol – When Abscess Return Again and Again with Yellow Green Pus Discharge

Merc Sol is a significant medicine for cases where abscess forms repeatedly with discharge of yellow green pus. It can be blood stained too. With this marked burning and stinging pains in abscess is present. 

  1. Anthracinum – For Repeated Abscess with Burning Pains

This is a useful medicine to treat tendency of recurrent abscess formation when burning pains are marked in abscess formed every time. Additionally the discharge of pus is very fetid.

  1. Hippozaeninum – When Fever Occurs with Recurrent Abscess

This medicine is indicated when abscess forms one after the other rapidly with fever. The abscess is extremely painful and hard and after opening have irregular edges and is covered with a white deposit. The discharge from abscess is often tinged with blood and has thick and sticky consistency.

  1. Calendula  – When Abscess Follows some Surgical Procedure

This medicine is prepared from leaves and flowers of plant Calendula Officinalis commonly known as marigold. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a well indicated medicine for cases in which an abscess occurs following some surgical procedure. In cases needing it initially a hard area on the skin develops after surgical procedure. This is followed by inflammation and pain in it. The pain that appears is usually stinging and throbbing type along with pus formation in the affected area.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

9 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterised by excessive weight loss, fear of gaining weight and becoming fat and desire to be thin. People having this aim on controlling their weight and body shape. To do this they follow food restrictions by eating only certain kinds of food, small quantities of food and keeping a strict check on their calorie intake. Homeopathic medicines for anorexia nervosa can help regain normal eating habits, improve weight, and can also help in recovering from its physical and emotional effects. Homeopathic medicines for anorexia

People affected by this disorder may exercise aggressively. They may even forcibly vomit after eating or use laxative (substances that loosen stools and increase bowel movements) or enemas (injection of fluid into the rectum, to stimulate stool evacuation) to empty the bowels quickly to avoid weight gain. They always feel that they are overweight and fat even after losing so much weight and being underweight. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Anorexia Nervosa

Homeopathy is very beneficial to help cases of anorexia nervosa. Use of a well selected constitutional homeopathic medicine can help in recovering from this condition. These medicines bring excellent improvement by working on a deep psychological level. They bring a balance in the brain and help in removing obsessive compulsive thoughts, fears that are restricting a person to avoid food. These medicines are effective for mild to moderate cases. In severe cases with complications and irreversible damage to body organs should be treated under conventional mode of treatment as they can be fatal.

1. Natrum Mur – For very thin people with Excessive Weight Loss

It is especially suited to persons who have excessive weight loss and look thin, particularly in the neck area. They are over sensitive, tend to have depressed moods and tend to withdraw socially. They have weakness and get easily tired. Their skin is dry and their limbs remain cold. They are also anaemic. Hair fall is another complaint present in them. There may be mental trauma going in their lives like some grief from the death of a loved one or they may be going through a phase of broken relationships. Females needing it may xperience absence of periods and reduced sexual desires.

2. Arsenic Album – For Anxious Personalities or those with Obsessive Compulsive Traits

This medicine mainly is suitable for persons having anxious personalities or those having obsessive compulsive traits. They have fixed ideas and have a nature of complaining about things to people near them. They mainly have rapid weight loss, anaemia and extreme weakness. They feel exhausted even after slight exertion. Excessive restlessness is also present among them. They have an aversion to eating sweets and fats. With the above symptoms they have a dry, rough skin. 

3. China – For Thin, Anaemic People

This medicine is indicated for persons who look very thin and are anaemic. Their complexion appears pale, yellow and skin is dry. They suffer from intense weakness. Their hands and feet remain cold.  Along with above they suffer from gastric issues mainly bloated abdomen and pain in abdomen.

4.  Alfalfa – To Improve Appetite

Its use is considered to improve appetite where a person has aversion to all kinds of food. It also helps to promote weight gain when a person is very thin. It is also beneficial to improve mental and physical weakness and also muscle weakness. 

5. Ignatia – suited to people having Sensitive, nervous nature

This medicine is indicated for persons having sensitive, nervous personalities. They may have some sort of depression or mood disorder. They may also have some form of emotional shock, grief, worry or major disappointment in their life. They might be frustrated. They have a depressed mood, remain unhappy, sad, irritable and face issues of sleeplessness. They do not wish to go out, withdraw socially and prefer to be alone. They carry a low self esteem. They become overly concerned about their outlook and appearance. They strive for perfection and are harsh on themselves to maintain an ideal body weight and image.

6. Kali Phos – For People who are Sensitive and Overstressed

It is a preferred medicine for sensitive, irritable, overstressed people having a lot of stress in their lives. They are very thin. They feel very weak and tired all the time. The weakness is present both on the mental and physical plane. They lack energy to do anything and experience muscle weakness. Their mind remains dull, mood remains sad, depressed and memory weakens. They face a major concern of sleeplessness along with above complaints. 

7. Phosphorus – For Weak People with Anaemia

It suits nervous, weak people with anaemia. They have intense weakness, sometimes fainting spells. Hair fall is a main complaint they have. Their bones are also weak, fragile and prone to break easily (osteoporosis.)

8. Sepia – For Weakness and Fainting

It is most suited to women having weakness and easy fainting. They have yellow looking skin and face appear old wrinkled. They feel extremely cold even in a warm room. They remain depressed, have aversion to work, are highly irritable and get easily offended. They also have low libido means reduced desire for sex.

9. Phosphoric Acid – For Weight Loss and Weakness

It is beneficial when weight loss and excessive weakness are marked. There is intense fatigue, debility and tiredness. The person needing it is thin with dark circles around the eyes and has a sunken face. They may have a history of some grief. Other symptoms are slowness of mind, dull mind, lack of emotions, difficulty in concentration, forgetfulness. They also face complaints of hair loss.


The exact reason behind anorexia nervosa is not known yet. However certain factors including biological, environmental and psychological factors are thought to be involved in developing this disorder.

Biological: Genetics is thought to play a role in developing it as it tends to run in families, but the exact genes that are involved are not known. Changes in certain hormones which control the mood, appetite, hunger, thinking are also linked with development of this disorder. Other than this, a chemical called serotonin produced in the brain is suggested to play a role in it.   

Environmental: Society and peer pressure to look thin as it is a sign of beauty may also influence a person to develop this condition. Other than these, pictures of body images from media, television, fashion industry that depict beauty in thinness can also impact a person’s mind and influence them to be thin and contribute to the development of anorexia nervosa. 

Psychological: People having OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) are at risk because sticking to a strict diet is easier for them. Persons having a mood disorder, depression, anxiety disorder are also at risk .

Risk Factors 

Though both men and women can develop it, women are 10 times more at risk than men for developing anorexia.

It is common in teenagers and young adults though it can affect people of any age group. It rarely affects people above 40 years of age. Teens are at risk because due to hormonal changes at this age their body is going through a lot of changes and at the same time they may be sensitive to others’ opinion about them and some may not be able to take up any comment about their body shape and weight from others.

People having a family history of anorexia nervosa are at high risk of developing the same.

People going through some major stressful event in life like relationship breakup, death of a family member or someone close,  unemployment, change of job / school, some major family problem are at risk to develop it. When life gets out of control for them they may seek ways to control their lives. They may then develop anorexia nervosa as a way to have a control on some area of their life. This achievement gives them a feeling of success.

History of being bullied or teased about body weight, physical, sexual / emotional  abuse

People having certain personality traits and emotions like striving for perfection, following strict rules and regulations, sensitive to criticism regarding them, prone to anxiety, depression and difficulty in handling stress are predisposed to develop it

Another factor is dieting. When a person starts dieting and begins losing weight, the lack of nutrients cause the brain to bring about mood changes, rigid thinking, obsessive thoughts, restrictive eating linked with anorexia nervosa 


Physical symptoms

The major sign is excessive weight loss and looking very thin. People with this disorder experience weakness, fatigue, and lack of energy. They may have low blood pressure or feel dizzy, sometimes fainting and have an inability to tolerate cold. Their skin looks yellow, pale, it’s dry and covered with soft, fine hair (lanugo), the fingers may have blue discolouration. Their hair may become thin, breaks easily or fall out and the nails may get dry, brittle. They face complaints of sleeplessness (insomnia), concentration difficulties. Additionally constipation, abdomen pain, stomach cramps, can arise. In females periods may be absent for months together. Rest of its symptoms are swollen arms / legs, dehydration discoloured / eroded teeth, tooth decay from induced vomiting, muscle weakness and low immunity.

Emotional and behavioural symptoms

People having it skip meals or eat little amounts of specific food low in calories even when they are very thin and have low weight. They deny hunger, refuse to eat, make excuses for not eating or lie about the quantity of food eaten. They tend to avoid eating in public. They may eat food in a particular sequence,  excessively chew food or spit food after chewing. They feel fat even when they are underweight or feel as if some body parts are too fat. They have fear of getting fat and gaining weight and they keep checking body looks in the mirror and weighing, measuring themselves frequently. They cover themselves in layers of clothing to hide weight loss from others and remain warm or wear loose clothing to hide weight loss. They may exercise excessively, use laxatives or diuretics. They may lack emotion, have depressed mood, withdraws from social activities and tend to have low libido (decrease of interest in sex.)


The complications include loss of bone mass (osteoporosis), increased risk of fractures, anaemia (low number of  healthy red blood cells to carry sufficient oxygen to body tissues), loss of muscle mass, electrolyte imbalance like sodium, potassium and calcium. It can also cause hormonal problems (Lower levels of growth hormones, low testosterone in males ), gastric troubles (like constipation, bloating), kidney problems and heart problems (low heart rate, damage to heart muscle, irregularity of heart rhythms or heart failure.) Persons may have suicidal thoughts or also indulge in self harming activities or attempts to suicide attempts.

If it turns severe then the brain, heart and kidneys may be damaged and such changes can not be reversed. It can be fatal, and death can occur in the most severe cases from abnormal heart rhythms or an imbalance of electrolytes.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Excessive Salivation

Excessive salivation is medically known as hypersalivation or ptyalism. It is not a disease in itself but is an indicating feature to some underlying health condition. Homeopathic remedies for excessive salivation like Merc Sol and Lyssin are selected as per every individual case based on the characteristic symptom. 

Saliva is produced by the salivary glands. It keeps the mouth moist and helps to chew and swallow food. It also contributes to the taste of food, and digestion also begins in the mouth with the help of an enzyme in the saliva. Saliva is also used to fight germs in the mouth.   Homeopathic remedies for excessive salivation

It is also produced while chewing, and the amount of saliva varies as per the type of food or drink taken by a person. Excessive salivation occasionally is not a reason of concern unless it is constant.  

Homeopathic Remedies for Excessive Salivation

People having complaints of excessive salivation can be well-treated with the help of homeopathic medicines. These medicines aim at treating the root cause behind increased salivation to bring excellent results. The homeopathic medicines for treating this issue are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe to use without any side effects. These are suitable to treat this complaint in persons of any age group. Some of the majorly indicated remedies used for managing this issue are described here. 

  1. Merc Sol – Top Grade Medicine 

Merc Sol is a top listed medicine to manage cases of excessive salivation. Firstly it is indicated when there is copious salivation in case of mouth ulcers. The ulcers (which cause a burning sensation) are irregular in shape with undefined edges and may appear on the tongue, gums, throat, inside of cheek. 

Second indication for its use is profuse salivation from stomatitis (inflamed mouth) with marked redness of the whole mucous membrane of mouth. 

Next, it is considered in cases of inflamed throat and inflamed tonsils with plenty of saliva in mouth. It is also well indicated for increased salivation during pregnancy. 

Lastly, it is indicated for excessive accumulation of saliva in the mouth from hollow, decayed teeth; dentition in babies; swollen, inflamed gums; fungal infection in the mouth (oral thrush). Along with above indications an offensive, bad smell from the mouth is prominent. The saliva may also have a specific metallic, coppery taste.

  1. Lyssin – Another Leading Medicine

Lyssin is another prominent medicine for managing cases of increased salivation. Persons needing it have a constant desire to spit from plenty of saliva in the mouth. The saliva may be thick, frothy, slimy and sticky in nature. They may have difficulty in swallowing liquids with excessive flow of saliva. It is well-indicated when there is an increased amount of thick saliva with inflamed throat. Pain in the throat along with great heat is present in these cases. 

  1. Baryta Carb – For Inflamed Throat, Tonsils, Salivary Glands 

Baryta Carb a very beneficial medicine for profuse salivation in case of sore throat and swollen, painful tonsils. It is also valuable for treating cases of increased saliva in case of peritonsillar abscess (quinsy). In cases needing it, the saliva runs out of mouth during sleep. There may be attending bad odour coming from mouth. Other than this, it is an important medicine for cases of swollen salivary glands including parotid and sub mandibular glands attended with much salivation.

  1. Silicea – For Excessive Salivation during Teething

It works well in children having excessive salivation (drooling) teething. They may have difficult dentition and sometimes are delayed in the teething process. They may be sensitive to cold and have bad smelling sweat on the body along with this.

  1. Borax – For Copious Saliva with Mouth Ulcers

This medicine is prominently indicated for excessive salivation with ulcers in the mouth and on tongue. In cases requiring it the mucus membrane of the mouth is very red with ulcers. Most times these ulcers have a tendency to bleed easily. Marked heated sensation in the mouth and great thirst for water may accompany above symptoms.

  1. Kali Iodatum – For Increased Saliva with Irregular White Ulcers 

Kali Iodatum is also an excellent medicine to treat cases of profuse saliva with irregular mouth ulcers which have white surface. They look white as if covered with milk. Sometimes vesicles (fluid – filled bumps / blisters) may be present in the mouth with marked burning sensation. With the above features, a very offensive odour from mouth is often noticed.

  1. Iodum – For Inflamed Throat and Tonsils

Iodum is beneficial medicine when there is excessive saliva in the mouth with inflamed throat and tonsils. Saliva is fetid with offensive odour from mouth. Along with this there is a thick, greyish white deposit in the throat and on the tonsils. Burning pain is present in the throat. Swallowing is difficult with this. Sometimes ulcers are present in the throat.

  1. Merc Cor – For Sore Throat 

Merc Cor is also a significant medicine for managing increased salivation in cases of sore throat. There is stinging, smarting pain in the throat and there may be offensive-smelling pus spots in the throat. The saliva is highly increased that sometimes runs out of the mouth at night. The saliva may have a salty taste. Sore, inflamed mouth with much salivation is also a guiding feature to use this medicine.

  1. Nitric Acid – For Stomatitis or Inflammation 

Nitric Acid is an effective medicine for cases of excessive saliva with inflamed mouth (stomatitis). The saliva is fetid. In such cases the surface inside the mouth is bright red. This is accompanied with a burning sensation in the mouth. Intense stinging pain is also marked. Sometimes ulcers within cheeks or tongue are also present along with inflammation. Apart from above swollen gums, decayed teeth, ulcers on tonsils with profuse saliva is also indicative of this medicine use. 

  1. Natrum Mur – For Copious Saliva during Mumps 

Natrum Mur is a well-indicated medicine for cases of excessive salivation in mumps infection (viral infection of parotid gland – salivary gland.) Here the saliva is watery with constant spitting. In addition to this, it also offers help when there is plenty of salivation with fungal infection in mouth (oral thrush) and with toothache. This medicine is also very suitable to manage dribbling of saliva during teething in children.

  1. Lac Caninum – For Increased Saliva during Sleep

Lac Caninum is a very useful medicine when the salivation is increased during sleep. People needing it have an increased amount of saliva which is slightly thick. Their mouth is constantly full of saliva and during sleep saliva runs from the mouth, wetting the pillow.

  1. Lachesis – For Constantly High Salivation

This homeopathic medicine is indicated when the level of saliva in the mouth is constantly high and has a foul odour. It interferes with talking, and in some cases there may be an inflammation and swelling of tonsils. Sometimes the root of the tongue is inflamed too.


Increased saliva in the mouth can arise from either increased production of saliva by the salivary glands or decreased clearance of saliva and its build up in the mouth. Difficulty in swallowing the excessively accumulated saliva can lead to increased spitting or its drooling (dripping of saliva out of the mouth without knowing).

Excessive salivation can have many reasons. Firstly it can arise from dental cavities, oral infection (dental infection, dental abscess), mouth ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) and teething in children (dentition). Next there are certain types of medications that can lead to an increase in saliva. Few examples of such medicines include clozapine, ketamine, risperidone and pilocarpine. Salivation production can increase during pregnancy especially in women who have intense nausea and vomiting. Other than this certain toxins like mercury, copper, nicotine can also cause hypersalivation.

Apart from above, tonsillitis, quinsy (peritonsillar abscess means accumulation of pus  behind the tonsil), inflamed salivary glands, mumps (viral infection of the parotid gland), enlarged tongue (macroglossia) and intellectual disability are some other causes. 

Other reasons associated with excessive salivation includes some nutritional deficiencies like niacin or vitamin B3 deficiency that causes pellagra, rabies (a deadly virus caught from bite of an infected animal mostly a dog that causes serious infection of the brain or nerves), cerebral palsy (group of neurological disorders that affect movement, posture and muscle tone), facial nerve palsy  that cause loss of facial movement due to nerve damage, parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder in which there majorly appears rest tremor, slowness of movement, muscle rigidity, impaired posture and balance. As this condition progresses difficulties with swallowing can arise which causes decrease clearance of saliva and its accumulation in mouth leading to drooling), myasthenia gravis (neuromuscular disorder characterized by weakness and quick fatigue of any of voluntary muscles),  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (a nervous system disease that causes death of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscles), stroke (reduced blood supply to part of your brain depriving it of oxygen and nutrients that results in cell death.) 

Lastly, radiation therapy and fracture/dislocation of jaw can also lead to excessive salivation.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Periodontitis 

Periodontitis refers to a serious infection of the gums in which the soft tissue surrounding the teeth is damaged. If not properly treated in time, it progresses further to a stage where destruction of bone supporting the teeth arises. This can cause loosening or falling out of teeth. Periodontitis is also called gum disease or periodontal disease. Homeopathic remedies for periodontitis helps treat symptoms like swelling, painful and tender gums, bleeding from gums, and bad breath.       Homeopathic Remedies for Periodontitis 

Homeopathic Remedies for Periodontitis 

Homeopathic medicines are very safe and effective to manage cases of periodontitis. These manage its symptoms in an excellent manner. These medicines are most helpful when taken in early stages and help in halting its further progression. In severe cases (where the gums have receded excessively with loosening of teeth), homeopathy plays a supportive role along with dental treatment. The most prominent homeopathic medicines along with its indicating symptoms for managing this condition are described below. One should opt using any of these medicines under supervision of a homeopathic specialist after proper case analysis. 

  1. Merc Sol – Top Grade Medicine 

Merc Sol is a top listed medicine for cases of gingivitis and periodontitis. The main indicating features for its use are very red, swollen, inflamed, soft, spongy gums that are very sensitive and painful to touch. This may be attended with burning sensation in gums. Along with this the gums also bleed easily even on slightly touching them. A very offensive odour from mouth appears with  above symptoms. Excessive salivation and metallic taste in the mouth are other attending symptoms. It is also indicated for cases where gums are destroyed and when gums recede from the teeth. Following this, the teeth feel long, get loose from the gums and tend to fall out. 

  1. Silicea – For Marked Swelling of Gums

This medicine is effective when there is intense swelling of gums. The gums are very sore, painful, sensitive and bleed easily, and are painful to little pressure. Pain in the teeth can also accompany this. Another symptom that appears is the feeling that the teeth are too long. Looseness of teeth can also arise.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Bluish, Red and Swollen Gums

Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine for cases where gums are bluish red and swollen. They are painful too and pain is mostly burning, smarting type. The pain is felt usually while eating. Sometimes there may also appear pain in teeth when chewing.

  4. Phosphorus – For Gums that Bleed Easily

This remedy is most helpful for cases that present with easy bleeding from gums. In such cases the bleeding arises especially from touching the gums. Pain in teeth, mainly throbbing type with sore, swollen gums may accompany this. Another prominent symptom along with above is loosening of teeth in gums. 

  1. Carbo veg – For Receding Gums

This medicine is well indicated when the gums recede from the teeth and as a result teeth become loose. The teeth also feel elongated. Persons needing it complain of soreness, pain and sensitivity in gums. They also have complaints of easy bleeding from gums especially when sucking or cleaning them. 

  1. Kreosote – For Offensive Smell from Mouth

This medicine works well for cases with very offensive putrid odour from the mouth. On examining, the gums appear bluish red, inflamed. They are soft, spongy and sometimes destroyed. Easy bleeding from gums may also be present in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Hepar Sulph – When Gums are Swollen and Tender 

Hepar Sulph is valuable medicine for people who have swollen, tender gums. Their gums are painful to touch. The gums may bleed in them. The teeth can become loose. Offensive breath is another symptom that they complain of.

  1. Lachesis – When Gums are Bluish and Swollen

This medicine is useful when gums are bluish and swollen. There may be pain in gums that worsen from taking warm drinks. The gums are spongy and bleed often. The teeth may feel long with above symptoms.

  1. Sepia – For Dark Red, Swollen Gums

For using this medicine the main feature is dark red and swollen gums. This is frequently accompanied with excessive pain in gums. Burning sensation can appear with this. The gums may bleed and get loose in many cases requiring this medicine.

  1. Staphisagria – When Gums Bleed on Cleaning Teeth

This medicine is prepared from seeds of the plant Delphinium staphisagria. commonly known as Stavesacre. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae.  Persons needing it mainly complain of bleeding from gums on cleaning teeth. They also notice bleeding from gums on pressing them. Apart from this they experience pain in gums. Their gums are sore, sensitive and have pain on touching. Some of them have spongy, receding gums.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Very Painful Gums 

Calcarea Carb is another prominent medicine for cases of periodontitis. It is indicated when the gums are very painful. For using it the pain can be pulsating, stitching, shooting or throbbing in nature. Gums are red, swollen, inflamed, sensitive and tender to touch. The gums may be destroyed. Foul odour from mouth is felt with these symptoms.

  1. Merc Cor – For Looseness of Teeth

Merc Cor is indicated for cases where looseness of teeth is present. They are painful and even fall out. The gums are purple, red, swollen, and spongy. They are also tender and may also bleed easily. 


Poor dental hygiene is the most common cause behind periodontitis. Many types of bacteria are normally present in the mouth that are harmless. When a person doesn’t brush and clean the teeth in a proper manner, these bacteria multiply and overgrow and build up on teeth forming plaques (which refers to a sticky film formed of bacteria). This plaque can be removed by proper brushing and flossing teeth but it has a tendency to form again quickly. If the plaque remains on the teeth for a long time, minerals get deposited by the bacteria in these plaques. It further causes its hardening under the gum line which is called tartar. Brushing and flossing can’t remove this tartar and a dental treatment is required. 

If this tartar is not removed, it further favours growth of more bacteria. This in turn causes gum inflammation (gingivitis which is mild gum disease) from an immune response. If it is not treated here, then the condition progresses and pockets form between the gums and teeth that get filled with bacteria. With time these pockets become deeper. If still left untreated, then this infection causes damage to the gums. In this process destruction of bones that support the teeth also gets destroyed resulting in falling out of teeth.

Risk Factors 

The main factors that increase the risk of periodontitis are gingivitis, smoking (major risk factor), keeping poor oral hygiene and tobacco chewing. Other factors that enhance the risk include type-2 diabetes, hormonal changes in women (like occurring during menopause or pregnancy), obesity, improper nutrition like vitamin C deficiency, some medications that cause dryness in mouth, conditions that cause low immunity and genetics (means a person having a family history of periodontitis is at risk of developing the same).

 Stages of Periodontitis

 Stage I – Gum Inflammation or Gingivitis

In this bleeding while brushing teeth, dark red ,swollen gums, discolouration on teeth appears and plaque may form (it is a build up of bacteria and food debris on teeth). 

Stage II – Early Periodontal Disease

In this stage gums recede from teeth and small pockets form between gums and teeth. Bacteria tend to collect in the pockets formed. Bleeding during brushing is present in this stage and some bone loss may start.

Stage III – Moderate Periodontal Disease

In this stage the teeth begin to loosen because of the loss of supporting bone. Receding of gums, bleeding for gums and pain around the teeth is present here.

Stage IV – Advanced Periodontal Disease

In this stage destruction of the connective tissue which keeps teeth in place starts. Eventually the gums and attached bones get destroyed. Intense pain while chewing, bad breath and bad taste in mouth appear and teeth may fall out.

Signs and Symptoms 

In case of periodontitis, the gums are swollen, red / purplish that can be sensitive, tender to touch. Easy bleeding from gums like on brushing teeth appear with this. A person may also have bad breath (halitosis) and foul/metallic taste in the mouth. Plaque or tartar may build on the teeth. The gums tend to recede away from the teeth which can make teeth look more elongated than normal. Following this there may appear a gap between teeth or the teeth may get loose in gums. There may occur change in the way they fit in gums upon biting or they pain while chewing. The teeth may eventually fall out of the gums.


Its complications include tooth loss, painful gum abscess. If the bacteria enters the  bloodstream through gum tissue, it can cause diseases in other  body parts like respiratory or heart disease. 

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Epstein-Barr Virus – Homeopathic Medicines for EBV

Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) is counted among the members of the herpes virus family that are known to cause infections in human beings. It is one of the common human viruses in the world. It is mostly well known to cause infectious mononucleosis (also known as mono), though it can cause many other illnesses. Homeopathic medicines for EBV can effectively help in symptomatic management of the infection. Research to find the connection between EBV and other health conditions like autoimmune diseases (eg lupus, multiple sclerosis) and certain cancers (eg. Burkitt’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, gastric cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer).

Homeopathic medicines for EBV

Homeopathic Medicines for EBV

Homeopathic medicines boost the immunity of body to fight with the infection and manage symptoms naturally. The symptoms of EBV infection that can be managed well with homeopathic medicines are feeling tired, sore throat, swollen tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpit, headache, skin rash, muscle pain /soreness. 

1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Tiredness 

Arsenic Album is a leading medicine to manage complaint of tiredness in these cases. It is helpful where person feels tired even from slightest exertion. Tiredness is most felt by them when moving around. The tired feeling compels a person to lie down. The complaint is worse mostly at the night time. Restlessness attends to it in most of the cases.

2. Kali Phos – For Weak, Tired Feeling

Kali Phos is next medicine for managing weakness and tiredness. Persons needing it have weakness on both mental and physical spheres. They are extremely exhausted and lack strength to do any thing. In all such persons it proves highly effective to boost body energy levels and regain strength.

3. Gelsemium – For Weakness, Dullness, Drowsiness

Gelsemium can be highly beneficial for people who feel weak, dull and drowsy all the time. Along with this they also feel pain and soreness in the muscles. Sometimes they experience dull headache. The pain is mostly felt in back of the head. A sensation of band around the head is also felt. With this heaviness of eyelids is also present.

4. Carcinosin – For Chronic Fatigue in Mononucleosis

Carcinosin is also indicated for managing chronic fatigue in mononucleosis. Persons requiring it feel weary and fatigued always. This may be attended with trembling especially in the morning time. It works both in recent and long standing cases of mononucleosis.

5. Belladonna – For Sore Throat and Tonsillitis

Belladonna is highly recommended to manage sore throat and tonsillitis. The throat is red, the tonsils are swollen, red, enlarged, inflamed and painful where it is needed. Along with this the swallowing is difficult even for liquids. Throat feels dry and can be attended with a sensation of lump in it. Fever may also be present. 

6. Hepar Sulph – For Tonsillitis with Pus Points

Hepar Sulph is well indicated to manage tonsillitis with pus points on it. With this there is intense pain in the tonsils. Pain is mainly stitching type in most of the cases. The pain gets worse while eating food. The pain tend to radiate to ears from the throat. A feeling of a plug of mucus in throat is frequently felt. There may be hawking of thick, yellow mucus from the throat. 

7. Merc Sol – For White Patches of Pus on Tonsils

Merc Sol is another significant medicine for cases of inflamed tonsils covered with white pus patches. Persons needing it feel soreness, pain, burning and smarting sensation in the throat. The swallowing is also difficult in them. The pharynx is also bluish red usually with presence of ulcers. Along with this saliva is increased and offensive odour from mouth is usually present.

8. Phytolacca – For Sore Throat and Tonsillitis with Marked Burning Pains

Use of Phytolacca is mainly considered for sore throat and tonsillitis with marked burning pains. In cases needing it the throat is inflamed and appears dark red or bluish red.  The tonsils are also swollen with dark – red appearance. With this intense burning pain as from hot coals is experienced in throat and tonsils. The pain from throat may shoot to ears while swallowing.

9. For Reducing Lymph Node Swelling

Many homeopathic medicines can be helpful alleviating lymph node swelling in EBV. The most prominently indicated ones  include Calcarea Carb, Conium, Merc Sol and Phytolacca. These medicines helps to reduce swelling of lymph nodes.

10. Belladonna – To Relieve Headache

Belladonna is a wonderful medicine to relieve headache. The headache is mainly throbbing type for using it. It is most worse in the sides of head ie. The temporal region. Head feels congested along with heated sensation. In many cases pain may get worse from slightest light and noise. Pressure can give relief in the headache. 

11. Glonoine – For Marked Congestive Headache

Glonoine is beneficial to manage marked congestive headache. Persons needing it have throbbing, pulsating pain in head with a sensation as if it would burst. The pain may be felt in the forehead, sides of head or top of the head. Head also feels heavy especially in the forehead region. The pain may worsen from movement. Sleep may relieve the headache for a while.  

12. Rhus Tox – For Managing Muscle pains / Soreness

Rhus Tox is top listed medicine for managing muscle pains / soreness. For using it the pain and soreness may be present in any of the body muscle. Persons who require it mostly feels worsening of pain from rest. They get better by motion and exercise. Along with pain they may also feel stiffness in the body. 

13. Sulphur – To Manage Skin Rash

Sulphur can be given to manage skin rash. The rash is most times itchy where it is needed. The itching tends to get worse at night time. The skin is usually dry with rash in cases needing it. Along with this there may be heat / burning sensation on the skin.  

14. Ailanthus – For Skin Rash in Patches

Ailanthus is considered when the skin rash appear in patches. There may be purplish spots on the skin, blisters on skin or sometimes small bumps on skin. With this low fever may be present. Excessive weakness also appears with this. The tonsils are inflamed with above symptoms. Sometimes the tonsils are studded with multiple ulcers. The throat is also dark, red and swollen.

Transmission of EBV

EBV is contagious and spreads from person to person through bodily fluids 

(mainly saliva.) So one can get the virus by kissing someone who’s infected with EBV. It can also be transmitted through sharing toothbrushes, utensils or any other item contaminated with the virus from recent use by someone having active EBV infection. Apart from saliva, it can also spread through blood carrying this virus, like during blood transfusion. It can also be transmitted through organ transplant from someone having EBV infection. Lastly it can spread via infected semen during sexual contact. An infected person can pass the virus to others soon after contracting it even before experiencing any of its symptoms. As long as the virus remain in active phase (for weeks or months) in someone’s body he / she can spread it to others. But when the virus gets inactive (goes in dormant/ latent state) it can’t be passed to others. If it re – activates again even then it can again be spread to others. 


On exposure to the EBV the virus multiplies in the epithelial cells of pharynx.  After that it multiplies in the B lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell).  Following this abnormal, enlarged (atypical) lymphocytes develop when CD8 postive T cells respond to the infection. After primary infection, EBV remains in B lymphocytes for lifetime.

Symptoms of EBV 

EBV infection is mostly asymptomatic. In children, usually there are little to no symptoms present. The symptoms mainly appears in teens and adults. After contracting the virus, it can take around 4 – 7 weeks for the symptoms to appear. The symptoms includes feeling tired, fever, sore throat, swollen tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpit, headache, skin rash, loss of appetite, muscle pain /soreness, enlarged spleen and liver swelling. These symptoms usually remain for around 2 – 4 weeks except for tired feeling which can continue for longer for few more weeks or months. After active phase of infection the virus goes in an inactive phase (latency) in body and remain in body throughout life. Sometimes it can reactivate but most times don’t lead to symptoms. But in some cases upon reactivation initial symptoms of EBV appears again usually in people having a weak immune system.

Most common disease that EBV can cause is mononucleosis but not everyone having EBV develops it. Its not a serious disease but symptoms of it can be intense to prevent a person from doing normal activities for several weeks and months. Mononucleosis is also known as the kissing disease because it can spread by kissing someone having EBV in the saliva. Another name for it is  infectious mononucleosis and glandular fever. The most common symptoms of mononucleosis are fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpits and feeling tired.


The complications include extremely swollen tonsils that can block breathing, rupture of spleen, myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle), anaemia, decrease in platelet count, liver inflammation (hepatitis), meningitis (inflammation of meninges – the protective membranes that cover brain and spinal cord), Guillain-Barre syndrome (an autoimmune disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system).


Most of the EBV infections can be diagnosed just by the presenting symptoms. But sometimes tests are recommended where symptom picture is not clear. First test done where it is suspected is monospot test. But the Center for Disease Control doesn’t recommend the Monospot test for general use because of false-positive and false-negative results and it is not specific for EBV infection. Some other blood tests that are more specific to detect antibodies to EBV are done. These include Viral capsid antigen , Early antigen and EBV nuclear antigen tests. People who do not have antibodies to viral capsid antigen are susceptible to infection. Presence of antibodies anti -VCA  IgM to  Viral capsid antigen  and no antibody to EBV nuclear antigen points to a new or recent infection. Detection of antibodies to both VCA and EBV nuclear antigen represents past infection 

Apart from this white blood cell count to check for increased number of white blood cells (lymphocytes) or abnormal – looking lymphocytes  may be checked. Lastly  platelets count may be checked  (that can be decreased) and liver function tests may be done to check any abnormality. Homeopathic Medicines for EBV help treat the condition in a safe, natural manner.


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