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Leaky gut syndrome making life miserable ? Homeopathic treatment is the best bet

What is leaky gut syndrome and the reason behind it?

Leaky gut syndrome is also known by the name of increased intestinal permeability. It refers to a condition that arises as a result of improper functioning of intestinal tight junctions in the small intestines. The tight junctions in the small intestine refer to a protein that lies in between the epithelial cell linings that makes the gut barrier. Over the cells, a layer of mucus is also present. The tight junction allows only selective transport of the nutrients, and electrolytes into the bloodstream. Alongside it acts as a barrier that protects the toxins, microbes and undigested food particles present in the lumen of intestine from entering the bloodstream. Any damage to these tight junctions leads the substances (toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles) to get into the bloodstream. As a result, an inflammatory and an autoimmune activity start in the body precipitated by reaction with these substances, leading to many disease conditions. These activities are started by our own immune system to counter these substances considering them to be as a foreign, harmful matter . Few conditions and medicines may lead to leaky gut is widely accepted, but the evidence to support that leaky gut may lead to a significant disease condition,s is very little.

 What are the causes and factors linked with triggering leaky gut syndrome?

There is no specific single cause that can damage the gut barrier thus causing leaky gut syndrome. However, there are many conditions that damage the gut barrier. These majorly include intake of NSAIDS/ antibiotics in excess, high alcohol consumption, radiotherapy, type 1 diabetes, infections (viral, fungal and bacterial), celiac disease, stress and food sensitivities. Other factors include a compromised immunity, chemotherapy medicines and overgrowth of yeast/bacteria in the bowel.


What are the symptoms and conditions that may arise from leaky gut syndrome?

 Leaky gut syndrome majorly leads to gastric symptoms like bloated abdomen, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, increased flatulence, skin allergies, joint pains, fatigue, migraine and food allergies.  Various medical conditions may arise in a person with leaky gut syndrome.  Few of them are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. But whether leaky gut syndrome causes these conditions or just triggers them is still a question to be answered. Apart from above it is also seen that many individuals having autism have leaky gut syndrome. However it is yet very unclear whether leaky gut syndrome is the cause or an effect of autism.


Homeopathic treatment of leaky gut syndrome

There is a great scope of treating leaky gut syndrome in homeopathy. The homeopathic system treats leaky gut syndrome effectively and in a very safe manner with natural medicines without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines aim to prevent further damage arising from the leaky gut as well as managing the symptoms of the leaky gut in an excellent manner. The homeopathic medicine selection for treating leaky gut syndrome entirely depends on the body system affected and the characteristic symptoms arising therefrom in every individual case. Few homeopathic medicines are given below that though not specific for leaky gut but indicated majorly as per the symptoms and the various conditions arising from leaky gut syndrome. The use of these medicines should be done under the consultation of homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided.


Homeopathic medicines for leaky gut treatment


1. Colocynthis – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with marked abdominal cramps

Colocynthis is a highly effective homeopathic medicine for treating abdominal cramps in cases of leaky gut syndrome. Slight eating or drinking worsens the abdominal cramps. The cramps may be better by bending double in most cases. In some cases, hard pressure on the abdomen makes the person better. Apart from cramping, this medicine is also helpful for cutting, gripping pains felt in the abdomen.


2. China Officinalis – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with abdominal bloating

China Officinalis is a wonderful homeopathic medicine for abdominal bloating arising in leaky gut syndrome. It is indicated when the whole abdomen is bloated. Rumbling or moving of flatus is felt in the abdomen. Motion tends to relieve the bloating. Along with bloatedness, there is heaviness and sensation of weight in the stomach after eating. There may be belching of bitter taste or tasting like that of food. China is also indicated when taking tea and fruits worsens the complaints.


3. Lycopodium Clavatum – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with increase of gas/flatulence

Lycopodium Clavatum is a significant homeopathic medicine for cases of leaky gut syndrome when increase of gas/flatulence is a marked symptom.  Lycopodium is indicated when – flatulence is felt soon after eating even a small quantity of food. Also when there is a sensation of something moving up and down in the abdomen. The flatus remains incarcerated i.e. obstructed most of the times. A bursting pain in the abdomen may arise from flatus. There are few food substances that tend to worsen the condition including cabbage, beans, and farinaceous substances.


 4. Nux Vomica – Homeopathic medicine for constipation is leaky gut syndrome     

Nux Vomica is a homeopathic medicine for treating constipation in person with leaky gut syndrome. The characteristic symptom for using Nux Vomica is constipation with constant ineffectual urging for stool. The person needing Nux Vomica tends to go for stool several times a day. Every time he passes a small quantity of stool. The urge to stool renews soon after the last evacuation. An uneasy sensation in the rectum always persists. The stool is always insufficient, unsatisfactory and always a never get done feeling is present. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen may assist above features.


5. Aloe Socotrina – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with prominent diarrhea

Aloe Socotrina is a major homeopathic medicine for treating diarrhea arising from leaky gut syndrome. For Aloes to be used these symptoms may be present – sudden urging for stool after eating. The stool is thin and undigested in most cases. Before and during stool ,cramping in the abdomen may be present. Sometimes much flatus passes with stool. The flatus tends to be offensive in nature. In few cases, mucus may pass in the stool. Aloe Socotrina is one of the high ranking homeopathic medicines for irritable bowel syndrome with predominating diarrhea.


6. Graphites Naturalis – Homeopathic medicine for skin complaints in leaky gut syndrome  

Graphites Naturalis is a helpful homeopathic medicine for treating skin complaints in leaky gut syndrome. It is indicated in both dry eruptions as well as discharging eruptions. The discharge from the eruptions is mostly sticky and glutinous in nature. It is also indicated for dry rash with itching. Rawness in the bends like the elbow, knee, groins, and behind ears are also indicating points to use Graphites Naturalis. The skin complaints like eczema and psoriasis are treated well with homeopathic medicine Graphites Naturalis.


7. Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicine for joint pains in leaky gut syndrome  

Rhus Tox is an important homeopathic medicine for treating joint pains in leaky gut syndrome. Rhus Tox can be very beneficial in cases of rheumatoid arthritis is linked to leaky gut.for  Rhus tox to be used any of the body joints may be involved.  Person needing Rhus Tox may get relief in joint pains by warm applications. Massage over the affected joint may also relieve. Another characteristic feature for Rhus tox to be used is that there is marked worsening of the joint pains at rest and relief from motion.


8. Belladonna – Homeopathic medicine for headache/migraine in leaky gut syndrome 

Belladonna is a valuable homeopathic medicine for headache/migraine in persons with leaky gut syndrome. For Belladonna to be used the nature of a headache is most times throbbing in nature. Congestion and fullness sensation in the head is also noted. There are few worsening factors for headache when Belladonna is indicated. These include noise, cold air exposure, light and jarring. Pressure and tight binding are the major relieving factors for the headache.


9. Kali Phos – Homeopathic medicine for dealing with tiredness in leaky gut syndrome  

Kali Phos offers much help in treating tiredness in leaky gut syndrome, hence of great use in chronic fatigue syndrome. The individuals needing Kali Phos feel very weak, tired and prostrated. The prostration may be present on both mental and physical levels. There may be weight loss and emaciation along with the fatigue. Kali Phos is also very helpful in individuals where extreme stress and worries have been linked with leaky gut syndrome.  Such persons may also have some sort of depression with sadness and gloominess.


10. Arsenic Album – Homeopathic medicine for Asthmatic condition from leaky gut syndrome  

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is a well indicated for persons having asthma in leaky gut syndrome. For Arsenic Album to be used the symptoms are episodes of difficulty in breathing, constriction in air passages, wheezing, and suffocation. A cough attends above features. There may be expectoration – mainly frothy, yellow or green. Mostly expectoration is scanty and thick. The asthmatic attacks mainly are worse after midnight. The asthmatic spells are attended with fear of lying down due to suffocation. With respiratory troubles, a marked anxiety and restlessness may be present in a high degree.


11. Merc Sol – Homeopathic medicine for watery stool with blood and mucus in leaky gut syndrome  

Merc Sol is a top-level homeopathic medicine for a watery stool with blood and mucus. Hence its use can be made in ulcerative colitis in persons having leaky gut syndrome. For Merc sol to be used these symptoms may be present-  Along with watery stool containing blood and mucus, there is marked tenesmus of the rectum. The person always has a constant urge for stool. The stool is scanty, watery, and may have undigested food particles. While passing stool a cutting colicky pain may be felt in the abdomen.  The stool may also smell sour. Weakness may appear after passing stool. A never get done sensation for stool always remain.  A marked chilliness may assist the above-said symptoms.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes, as the name suggests, is a medical condition appearing due to lack of lubrication of eyes by tears. Dry Eyes may be a result of a decrease in the quantity or quality of tears. Dry Eyes are commonly seen in aged people, women at menopausal age and in persons with Vitamin D deficiency. Exposure to dry air or excessive computer work also seems to be a reason behind Dry Eyes. The symptoms include pain in eyes, itching, redness and sand-like sensation in eyes. Sensitivity to light, burning in eyes and blurring of vision is also experienced by a few. Homeopathy has a very effective cure for Dry Eyes. The Homeopathic medicines for Dry Eyes are sourced out of natural substances and are completely safe with zero side effects. It provides relief from symptoms, but also strike at the root of the problem leading to Dry Eyes.  homeopathic medicines for dry eyes

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Eyes

1. Aconite: For Dry Eyes with Intense Redness

Aconite is the top natural medicine for Dry Eyes with a marked redness. This remedy acts as an excellent agent to decrease the redness of eyes. Along with redness, the eyes appear hot as well. Aconite is also a natural medicine of great help in providing relief from pain in eyes which gets worse with the motion of eyes. A sand-like gritty feeling in eyes may appear too. The person needing Aconite can also have an increased thirst for water in large quantities as an accompanying symptom.

2. Belladonna: For Painful Dry Eyes

To relieve the pain due to Dry Eyes, Belladonna is a very beneficial natural remedy. The pain in the eyes may be throbbing or shooting in nature. Belladonna is also the best remedy when the eyes feel heavy with pain and a few persons complain of extension of pain from eyes to the head. Along with pain in eyes, there may appear redness, heat, and itching in eyes. Aversion to light also seems to be present along with these symptoms.

3. Sulphur: For Dry Eyes with Itching and Burning

Sulphur is the best natural prescription to control itching and burning in eyes with dryness. Majority of cases of Dry Eyes with itching and burning can be managed with the use of Sulphur. Along with a burning tickling, there is a gritty sensation and smarting in the eyes. The eyes get extremely dry with itching and burning. Sulphur is also considered as a severe dry eyes remedy when the dryness of eyes gets a little better in the open air while being in a room worsens the dryness. Sulphur is of great help when there is an acute aversion to light, especially sunlight. Blurring of vision while reading also calls for the use of Sulphur.

4. Arsenic Album: For Dry Eyes on using Artificial Light

Arsenic Album is the top natural remedy for persons with Dry Eyes whose condition worsens in artificial light. Artificial light refers to light from any source other than sunlight. Arsenic Album can control various symptoms of Dry Eyes very efficiently, like marked dryness of eyes with sensitivity to light. This is accompanied by burning in the eyes. Burning may get a little better by warmth for using Arsenic Album. Another symptom for using Arsenic Album is aching or shooting pain in eyes. Arsenic Album is also the most suitable remedy when the swelling, redness, and heat in eyes get worse in artificial light.

5. Natrum Mur: For Dry Eyes that get Worse while Reading

Natural medicine Natrum Mur is considered to be the best treatment for dry eyes when the condition worsens with reading. Natrum Mur can help in relieving burning, smarting pain in eyes with dryness in eyes on reading. Natrum Mur is also the best remedy for sand-like sensation in eyes and blurring or dimness of vision with Dry Eyes while reading. Again, Natrum Mur is the top medicine for treating pain in eyes and head that gets excited on reading. Persons needing Natrum Mur for Dry Eyes may have a craving for salt.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Leg Pain

Leg pain refers to pain that occurs anywhere between hips and ankles. Leg pain directly affects mobility and life as you know it, so finding a quick cure is what one generally goes in for.Leg pain is mostly attributed to Sciatica, varicose veins, cramps, shin splints, Osteoarthritis, gout, Achilles Tendinitis and ankle sprains. Spraying pain relievers, applying ointments and popping in pills may help temporarily, but the root cause of leg pain is far from tackled.Whereas Homeopathy for leg pain has been every effective in curing the symptoms as well as the underlying causes for the pain, without any side effects as these Homeopathic remedies are made of completly natural substances. Homeopathic treatment for Leg Pain not only acts as a pain reliever, but also targets the underlying or main causes of leg pain. Homeopathic Remedies for Leg Pain are completely safe with zero side effects and can only help, never harm, patients.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Leg Pain

Rhus Toxicodendron is a natural Homeopathic medicine that is considered the best  and holistic medicine for leg pain. It can be prescribed in all those cases where excessive exertion, straining or stretching has caused leg pain. And also where the leg pains get worse on resting and better by walking. Bryonia Alba is an equally good Homeopathic remedy but the patients requiring this treatment complain of worsening of leg pain by walking and feel better by resting. Magnesium Phosphoricum is another Homeopathic medicine of great help for the treatment of pain in legs. For using this medicine, the important symptoms are relief of leg pain by heat application or by pressure. Arnica Montana is a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine fora sore, bruised feeling in the legs. The patients complainof pain in legs as if someone has beaten them with a blunt instrument, and the pain gets worse by the slightest touch.

Natural Homeopathic Treatment for leg pain due to Sciatica

Sciatica is often the primary cause of leg pain. Sciatica is a severe nerve pain felt in the lower back that extends down to the back of thighs and further down the leg, even to feet. It usually affects one side. The cause is irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve between the herniated spinal discs. Leg pain due to Sciatica can be very effectively treated with natural Homeopathic medicines. The best natural Homeopathic remedies for Sciatica are Colocynthis, Magnesium Phosphoricum, Kalium Hydriodicum and Gnaphalium Polycephalum. Colocynthis is an ideal Homeopathic medicine to deal with cases of Sciatica where the Sciatica is left-sided. This medicine can be given to those patients who complain of severe, tearing and shooting leg pain on the left side. Such patients experience relief from warm application on the leg and also by applying pressure on it. Magnesium Phosphoricum is a Homeopathic medicine that is suited for patients with right-side Sciatica. In patients requiring Magnesium Phosphoricum, the main complaint is pain in the right leg which gets better by pressure or warm applicationon the leg. Homeopathic medicine Kali Hydriodicum is mainly prescribed for patients who have severe leg pain that gets worse at night and by lying down. Such a patient gets relief from leg pain by walking. Homeopathic remedy Gnaphalium Polycephalum gives excellent results if the leg pain due to Sciatica is attended with or alternates with numbness in the affected leg.

Homeopathic Remedies for leg pain due to varicose veins

Varicose veins is a condition in which the veins, especially of legs, get enlarged, tortuous and congested due to accumulation of excessive blood in them. This is because of the weakening of the valves in legs. Due to varicose veins in legs, the patient experiences symptoms like pain, swelling and heaviness in legs. The pains in legs due to varicose veins can be effectivelycontrolled with the help of natural Homeopathic medicines. Pulsatilla Pratensis and Fluoricum Acidum are excellent Homeopathic remedies for treating the pain in legs where the varicose veins are present. The patients requiring this medicine will complain of pain in legs that gets worse by warm applications and always better by walking about. Another effective Homeopathic remedy for dealing with pain in legs due to varicose veins is Vipera Berus. This Homeopathic medicine is prescribed for patients with a bursting type of pain in legs due to swelling of varicose veins. Such a person feels that if the legs are allowed to hang down, they would burst. The patients requiring Vipera Berus may also complain of cramping pains in legs. Hamamelis Virginiana, on the other hand, is a natural Homeopathic medicine of much help when the veins in legs are excessively congested with pain of a stinging and pricking character.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for pain in back of legs due to cramps

Cramps in legs are involuntary contractions of the muscle, mainly calf muscle (muscle of the back of leg), causing pain. Cramps in legs mainly occur at night. Homeopathic medicine Cuprum Metallicum works very well to reduce pain in legs due to cramps. The patient requiring Cuprum Metallicum will get relief from pain by stretching the leg. And if the leg pain due to cramps gets worse by stretching the leg and better by bending the knee, then Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica can be prescribed. Silicea is another natural Homeopathic medicine if the leg paindue to cramps gets worse after exertion. Homeopathic medicines Ferrum Metallicum and Rhus Toxicodendron workwell when the cramps causing leg pain are worse at night in bed. The leg pain in patients requiring these two Homeopathic medicines gets better by motion of legs.

Top Homeopathic medicines for treatment of shin splints

Shin splints refers to pain in front of leg over the shin (tibial) bone. Shin bone is a long bone of the front of the leg that extends between the knee and ankle. Shin splints are common in athletes due to extreme stress while playing. To tackle this condition, various Homeopathic medicines proveto be of great help. The bestnatural Homeopathic medicines used for treating shin splints are Rhus Toxicodendron, Ruta Graveolens, Mercurius Solubilis and Mezereum. Rhus Toxicodendron is mainly given to those patients of pain in shin splints in whomthe pain in legs gets worse by rest and better by motion. Crossing of legs also makes the patient feel worse and Rhus Toxicodendron is a good remedy. Homeopathic medicine Ruta Graveolens is prescribed when the leg pain gets worse by walking. Mercurius Solubilis and Mezereum are natural Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of leg pain due to shin splints when the pains are worse at night time.

Homeopathic medicines for knee pain due to Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis in knee results from the degeneration of the cartilage of knee joint. The result is pain, stiffness and swelling in the knee joint. The natural Homeopathic medicines that can help in treating the knee pain due to Osteoarthritis are Bryonia Alba, Rhus Toxicodendron and Calcarea Carbonica. Bryonia Alba is avery benefical Homeopathic remedy when the pain in knees gets worse by walking or going up the stairs and better by rest. Homeopathic medicineRhus Toxicodendron is of great help when the patient complains of pain and stiffness in knee joint that gets worse if resting and better if walking. Warm applications also provide relief to such patients. Calcarea Carbonica is the ideal Homeopathic cure for patients who complain of pain and swelling in knees that get worse on rising from a sitting position and also by walking. The knees of such patients are cold. Calcarea Carbonica is another natural Homeopathic medicine which gives good results when the knee pain is worse by working in cold water.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for pain in knees due to gout

Gout of knee is an inflammatory condition that causes swelling and pain in knees due to excess of uric acid in the blood. The pain and swelling in knees due to gout can be very well treated with natural Homeopathic remedies. A few significant Homeopathic remedies for gout are Benzoicum Acidum, Ledum Palustre, Bryonia Alba and Colchicum Autumnale. Benzoicum Acidum is used when the knees achebadly with acute swelling. The pain is worse at night and from uncovering. The urine is highly offensive in persons requiring Homeopathic medicine Benzoicum Acidum. Ledum Palustre is the ideal natural Homeopathic remedy when the knee pain gets better by cold applications and worse by heat. Bryonia Alba gives excellent resultswhen the pain in knees is accompanied by intense swelling and the paingets worse by the slightest motion and better by rest. Homeopathic medicine Colchicum Autumnale works well where the knee pains get worse by the slightest touch and motion.

Homeopathic medicines for leg pain due to Achilles Tendinitis

Inflammation of Achilles tendon due to excessive straining is referred to as Achilles Tendinitis. The tendon that connects the calf muscle present in the back of leg to heels is known as Achilles tendon. When this tendon gets inflamed, there occurs pain that is felt in the back of legs above the heels. The natural Homeopathic medicines used to treat leg pain due to Achilles Tendinitis are Ruta Graveolens, Bryonia Alba and Rhus Toxicodendron. Among these Homeopathic medicines, Ruta Graveolens top the list in providing relief for painful legs. It is of immense help where the pain in leg is due to inflammation of Achilles tendon as a result of excessive strain. Bryonia is the next Homeopathic medicine prescribed for patients when the pain in legs is worse on walking and better by rest. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Toxicodendron works well in patients of leg pain who feel better while walking and worse by taking rest.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for growing pains in legs

Growing pains occur in children during their growth period and are present in the front of thighs or back of legs. They are worse at night and better during daytime. Phosphoricum Acidum, Belladona, Calcarea Phosphorica, Silicea and Eupatorium Perfoliatum are all natural Homeopathic medicines that can be used to treat growing pains in children.

Homeopathic medicines for leg pain due to spraining of ankles

Spraining of ankles refers to twisting or rupture of tendons in the ankles due to injury or otherwise. This leads to swelling and pain in ankles. To repair the tendons, the best natural Homeopathic remedies are Ruta Graveolens, Rhus Toxicodendron and Ledum Palustre.


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Homeopathic Treatment for Keratoconus

What is Keratoconus?

The cornea is a transparent layer in front of the eye that covers the iris, the pupil, and the anterior chamber. It is a transparent dome shaped structure, which helps to focus and control the entry of light into the eye. The bulging out of the cornea, like a cone, is known as keratoconus. Protein fibers assist in holding the cornea in place. In keratoconus, there is a weakening of these fibers, making it difficult for the cornea to remain in place and causing it to bulge out conically. These changes in the shape of the cornea can appear gradually or suddenly. In some cases, the progression of changes in the shape of the cornea stops after a while; while in others, these changes continue for many years. In advanced stages of keratoconus, there may be scarring of the cornea. Homeopathy offers treatment for many ophthalmic diseases. Keratoconus is one such condition where these medicines can help. Homeopathic treatment for keratoconus is safe and effective, using medicines which are sourced from natural substances. It can be used for people of all ages.

Causes for Keratoconus

The exact cause for keratoconus is not clear. Keratoconus runs in families. Genetic and environmental factors play a significant role in the development of keratoconus. The age at which it starts to appear varies between 10 years and early adulthood. Atopic diseases like allergies, eczema and harsh rubbing of the eyes predispose a person to keratoconus. Keratoconus is also common in individuals with Down’s Syndrome and Marfan Syndrome.

Symptoms of Keratoconus

Symptoms of keratoconus include blurred and double vision, sensitivity to bright light or photophobia, sudden changes in vision, seeing halos around bright lights, and poor night vision. In addition to this, monocular polyopia or perceiving more than two images of an object, is another dominant symptom of keratoconus. In keratoconus, usually both eyes are involved. However, the severity of the problem may vary for both eyes.

Homeopathic Medicines for Keratoconus

Some medicines for the homeopathic treatment for keratoconus are Calcarea Iodata, Euphrasia Officinalis, and Pulsatilla Nigricans. These medicines have no side effects. A detailed case taking, based on prominent symptoms, is required to select the appropriate homeopathic medicine for keratoconus. Every case of keratoconus needs to be considered individually, studied thoroughly, analyzed, and evaluated, to decide on the homeopathic prescription that will give the best results. Homeopathic medicine for keratoconus helps by managing the problem symptomatically. They also contribute in halting the progression of the keratoconus.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Tinea Versicolor

What are Tinea Versicolor and the Causes for it?

Tinea versicolor is a common fungal infection of the skin. Tinea versicolor is also known as pityriasis versicolor. The cause behind tinea versicolor is a fungus named malassezia globosa. This fungus is usually found on the healthy skin and causes no harm in normal conditions. It only begins to give trouble when there is an overgrowth of this fungus on the skin. Various factors that trigger excessive growth of this fungus include greasy skin, warm and humid environment, and excessive sweating. A weak immune system also gives the fungus a chance to grow easily. Tinea versicolor is not contagious and does not spread by skin contact with the person suffering from it. Tinea versicolor more commonly affects teens and young adults. Homeopathy offers a very safe and efficient treatment for tinea versicolor. Homeopathic treatment for tinea versicolor is given only after a complete case taking in every individual.

What are the Symptoms of Tinea Versicolor?

The symptoms of tinea versicolor include discolored patches on the skin that may be darker or lighter compared to the surrounding skin. The color of the spots may vary from pale, white, pink, red and brown. In persons with light skin tone, the spots are of a dark color, while in individuals with dark skin tone, light colored skin spots are prominent. These spots can appear on any body part, but the most common sites are chest, neck, back, and arms. Fine scales and mild itching may be present in these spots. The spots get worse in hot, humid weather and get better in cold weather. Tinea versicolor is likely to reoccur every year during the summer. Exposure to the sun and overheating tend to increase the darkening of spots.

Homeopathic Medicines for Tinea Versicolor

Top grade homeopathic medicines for tinea versicolor include Arsenic Album, Sepia, Thuja Occidentalis, Sulphur, Tellurium, and Kali Sulph. These homeopathic medicines boost the infection fighting mechanism of the body and help to fight fungal infection. The advantage of using homeopathic treatment for tinea versicolor is that they are natural and don’t cause any side effects. Also, homeopathic medicines don’t suppress the skin complaint and help in a safe and natural recovery.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Rhinorrhea

What is CSF and CSF Rhinorrhea?

CSF or cerebrospinal fluid is a body fluid found in the brain and spine. The choroid plexus of the ventricles of the brain produces about 500 ml of CSF daily. CSF is a clear, colorless fluid present in the ventricles of the brain as well as in the area surrounding the brain and spinal cord. CSF acts as a cushion or shock absorber and protects the brain from injuries, blows, and jolts. Other functions of CSF include the supply of nutrition to the nervous system tissue and waste product removal of cerebral metabolism. The drainage of this CSF fluid from the nose is known as CSF rhinorrhea or cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Homeopathic treatment for rhinorrhea is derived from plants and is safe and natural.

What is the Cause for CSF Rhinorrhea?

Trauma to the head is the most common reason for CSF rhinorrhea. CSF rhinorrhea is usually a sign of a basal skull fracture. In some cases, CSF rhinorrhea may be a symptom of pituitary adenoma. CSF rhinorrhea may also arise after surgical trauma during endoscopic sinus surgery or other neurosurgical procedures. Apart from the above reasons, CSF rhinorrhea may also occur due to increased intracranial pressure.

What are the Symptoms of CSF Rhinorrhea and the Investigations for its Diagnosis?

The primary symptom of CSF rhinorrhea is leakage of clear, watery discharge from the nose. The discharge of fluid is usually from one side of the nose. Bending the head forward makes the symptom worse. Draining of salty fluid from the nose into the throat is also a symptom in some individuals with CSF rhinorrhea. CSF rhinorrhea carries the risk of causing meningitis. The diagnostic test for CSF rhinorrhea includes Beta-2 transferrin test. Beta-2 transferrin is a protein exclusively present in CSF and thus helps in confirming CSF rhinorrhea. Other tests done in suspected cases of CSF rhinorrhea include CT scan of the head and CT cisternography.

Homeopathic Treatment for CSF Rhinorrhea

In homeopathy, a majorly indicated homeopathic medicine for rhinorrhea is Hedera Helix. Hedera Helix is derived from a species of common ivy from the plant family Araliaceae. The young shoots and flowering twigs of this plant are used to prepare Hedera Helix using the process of potentisation. Hedera Helix is a very effective homeopathic treatment for rhinorrhea.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Sunstroke

Sunstroke, commonly known as heat stroke, refers to an acute illness in which the body temperature of a person rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit or 40 degrees Celsius. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause Sunstroke. High body temperature, along with dehydration, Homeopathic Treatment for Sunstrokelead to various signs and symptoms. Sunstroke is a severe heat injury which needs urgent medical care. If not given proper care, it can result in serious complications. Homeopathic treatment for sunstroke helps in managing its acute symptoms as well as the after effects. For severe instances of sunstroke, these medicines help in managing the condition in conjunction with the conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathy for sunstroke is helpful for people who tend to get frequent episodes. In such cases, a detailed case taking and case analysis helps in the selection of the most suitable medicine. These medicines reduce the intensity as well as the frequency of episodes. They are safe for all the age groups, have no side-effects, and are prepared using natural substances.

What Puts You at Risk?

Sunstroke can affect anyone. The following factors may put a person at risk:

1. Being exposed to a hot and humid climate for a long time.
2. Sudden exposure to hot weather.
3. Exertion in high temperatures.
4. Persons having a sedentary lifestyle are more at risk.
5. Less intake of water and too much clothing in a warm climate.
6. Lack of sleep and medical conditions like obesity, lung disorders, kidney diseases, heart disorders, diabetes mellitus, gastroenteritis, and mental illness.
7. Persons with a history of sunstroke are likely to suffer from it again.
8. Using medication like anti depressants, anti psychotics, drugs for lowering blood pressure, and diuretics.
9. Alcohol intake.

Causes of Sunstroke

In healthy individuals, the body temperature remains at 98.6 degrees F or 37 degrees C in all conditions. The heat loss by the body is equal to the heat produced by the body. Thermal regulatory mechanisms help in maintaining the body temperature within normal limits. But in sunstroke, this balance gets disturbed. The body’s ability to cool down by losing heat gets affected, leading to high body temperature. It is also related to the loss of fluid and minerals from the body. If the person’s fluid intake is not sufficient, it leads to dehydration, which further aggravates the condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Sunstroke

Signs and symptoms may vary from mild to severe, depending on the duration of exposure. In mild cases, there may be heat cramps, fainting, or heat exhaustion. If not given proper care at the right time, the condition may progress and cause an acute sunstroke. The signs and symptoms in sunstroke are more severe and need immediate medical attention. There may be a rise in body temperature above 104 degrees F or 40 degrees C, along with a throbbing headache. Nausea and vomiting may also occur. Initially, there is sweating, which is followed by hot and dry skin with redness on it. The patient suffers from dehydration, increased thirst, and a drop in blood pressure. Breathing may be shallow and quick, and there may be an increase in heart rate. The patient may look disoriented, irritable, and confused, and complain of dizziness, be light headed, and experience difficulty in speaking. In children, fits may also appear. If not given timely medical care, the person may lose consciousness or go into a coma.

Homeopathic Treatment for Sunstroke

Sunstroke is a serious condition needing immediate medical intervention. The following medicines are the best treatment for sunstroke. Glonoinum, Amyl Nitrosum, Belladonna, Gelsemium, Lachesis  and Natrum Carb

1. Glonoinum: Top-ranked Treatment for Sunstroke

Glonoinum is the most indicated remedy where the patient has a severe, sudden headache with a throbbing sensation. The patient complains of heaviness in the head, and a feeling that the head is about to burst. In most cases, the pain in the head may get better after sleeping.

2. Amyl Nitrosum: For Sunstroke with redness in the Face

Amyl Nitrosum is mostly prescribed for Sunstroke in patients who develop redness in the face. The key feature of this medicine is a sensation of blood rushing to the head and face. The patient may complain of palpitations of the heart as well.

3. Belladonna: For Sunstroke with Congestion of the Head and Face

The patient requiring medicine Belladonna will experience burning sensation on the face, a severe congestive headache, and redness in the eyes. The patient may faint due to weakness. The skin feels hot, red, and dry, and the complaints may aggravate with the least movement.

4. Gelsemium: For Sunstroke with Dullness and Drowsiness

Gelsemiun is indicated for Sunstroke, when patient feels dull and drowsy. In such cases, there is weakness along with trembling. The patient may feel dizzy and confused. Gelsemium works well when there is vertigo with a blurring of vision. In most cases, the patient may feel better on lying down.

5. Lachesis: For Sunstroke in Patients who get a Pale Face

Lachesis is an important remedy for a patient who gets a pale face and may even faint during a Sunstroke. Nausea and vomiting, along with a cutting and pressing headache, may also occur. The head is very sensitive to touch, and the headache may get worse with a change in weather.

6. Natrum Carb: Important Remedy for Sunstroke

Natrum Carb is extremely beneficial for Sunstroke when patient is susceptible to a change in temperature. He may complain of tiredness and extreme weakness due to hot weather. It is a well-indicated medicine for the chronic effects of sunstroke. In most cases, the complaints may get worse with a little exertion.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Slow Digestion

What is Slow Digestion?

Slow digestion refers to a delay in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. There is a slow down of the movement of food through the digestive tract. This slow down leads to various signs and symptoms. Slow digestion affects the daily life of a person. Homeopathic treatment for slow digestion is gentle and efficient, and helps by increasing the appetite by improving digestion. These natural medicines decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms caused by slow digestion like nausea, constipation, and abdominal fullness. Homeopathic medicines, along with lifestyle and dietary changes, not only give symptomatic relief to the patient but also help in treating the underlying cause of slow digestion. Therefore, a detailed case taking of the patient is essential. It helps in finding the cause as well as in the selection of the most suitable homeopathic medicine for Slow Digestion.

Reasons for Slow Digestion

The gastrointestinal tract includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum, and the anus. Digestion of food occurs with the muscular movement of the stomach and intestines, along with the help of enzymes and hormones. These movements assist in the breaking down and movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. The muscular movements are under the control of the vagus nerves. Any damage to the vagus nerve due to illness or injury reduces this movement leading to slow digestion.

Why You Get Slow Digestion?

The exact cause of slow digestion is not clear. But certain factors can contribute to this condition. Diet is a major factor in regulating the pace of digestion. Unhealthy eating can lead to slow digestion. Food low in fiber and rich in fat, refined or processed food, also causes slow digestion. Low water intake is another contributing factor in slow digestion. Another important reason is a sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity. Stress can also make a person prone to slow digestion. Certain medication like antidepressants, narcotics, and iron supplements can also increase the risk of slow digestion. Slow digestion also associates with medical conditions like hypothyroidism, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, nervous disorders including multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, scleroderma, amyloidosis, and gastrointestinal disorders like diverticulitis, or as a complication of Crohn’s syndrome. Apart from above causes, slow digestion may develop after surgery on the digestive tract.

How Will You Know That You Have Slow Digestion?

The signs and symptoms of slow digestion may differ from person to person. Even the intensity and frequency of symptoms may vary in the same individual at different times. Symptoms may be mild to severe. Symptoms may also depend on the part of the digestive tract involved. It includes lack of appetite, nausea, and a burning sensation in the food pipe or stomach. There are belching and a sense of fullness even after eating a small amount of food, as well as pain and distention in the stomach or abdominal area. Vomiting usually occurs after a few hours of the last meal, and consists of undigested food. There is bloating in the abdomen, gas formation, and constipation.

Homeopathic Treatment for Slow Digestion

Beneficial homeopathic medicines for slow digestion are Abies Nigra, Pulsatilla, Carbo Veg, Ipecachauna, Lycopodium, China, Alumina, and Nux Vomica. These are natural homeopathic medicines and have no side-effects. They are safe to use for all age groups.

1. Abies Nigra – Homeopathic Medicine for Slow Digestion with Lodging of Food in the Food Pipe

Abies Nigra is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for slow digestion in cases where food is lodged in the food pipe or the stomach. The patient may describe it as a sensation of a hard lump in the stomach region, which he feels like coughing up. In most cases, the symptoms may get worse after eating or drinking tea.

2. Pulsatilla – Homeopathic Medicine for Slow Digestion with Belching

Pulsatilla is an effective homeopathic treatment for slow digestion accompanied by belching. There may be a bitter taste with frequent eructations, heaviness in the stomach, and the taste of food in the mouth remains for a long time. In most cases, the complaints get worse after eating fatty food.

3. Carbo Veg – Homeopathic Medicine for Slow Digestion with Heartburn

Carbo Veg is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for slow digestion where heartburn is the chief complaint. There may be burning and an empty feeling in the stomach which is not relieved by eating. The patient may get symptoms even after eating a small portion of simple food. Digestion is so slow that food ferments before it can be digested. In most cases, pain gets worse on lying down.

4. Ipecacuanha – Valuable Homeopathic Medicine for Slow Digestion with Constant Nausea

Ipecacuanha is a beneficial homeopathic treatment for slow digestion with nausea and vomiting. There is persistent nausea with profuse salivation in such cases. Vomiting may occur immediately after eating and may contain undigested food or water. Even vomiting doesn’t give relief to the patient. In most cases, nausea may get worse after drinking cold water.

5. Lycopodium – Best Homeopathic Medicine for Slow Digestion with a Distended Abdomen

Lycopodium is an effective homeopathic treatment for slow digestion accompanied by distention of the abdomen. It works well for digestive problems that develop slowly. The intestines are the main organ affected. The key feature in such cases is flatulence. There may also be pain and tension in the lower abdomen. The patient may complain of abdominal bloating immediately after eating a small quantity of food. A sensation of tightness may be present around the waist. The patient may complain of sounds from the abdomen due to gas, and pass wind with difficulty and much noise. In most cases, the patient feels better after consuming hot drinks. Lycopodium works well for chronic gastric complaints in diabetic patients.

6. China – Excellent Homeopathic Medicine for Abdominal Fullness Due to Slow Digestion

China is a beneficial homeopathic treatment for slow digestion with abdominal fullness. The patient may complain of fullness even after eating fruits. In such cases, the abdomen is very sensitive to touch and pressure. The fullness remains for a long time after a meal. The patient may feel as if he had just eaten. There may be an accumulation of gas in the abdomen along with pain. Even passing wind doesn’t give any relief to the patient. In most cases, consuming warm drinks further delays digestion.

7. Alumina – Beneficial Homeopathic Medicine for Constipation Due to Slow Digestion

Alumina is a highly recommended homeopathic treatment for constipation with slow digestion. The intestines are inactive in such cases, and the highlighting feature is excessive strain while passing stool. There may be a painful urge to pass stool long before the actual passing of stool. Even the passage of soft stool is difficult. In most cases, the condition gets worse by eating potatoes.

8. Nux Vomica – Suitable Homeopathic Medicine for Slow Digestion Caused by Sedentary Lifestyle

Nux Vomica is a good treatment in cases where a sedentary lifestyle leads to slow digestion. In such situations, patients feel weight and pain in the stomach. The stomach is very sensitive to touch, and there is a sour taste in the mouth. There is an urge to vomit, and vomiting relieves the symptoms. There is also a constant urge to pass stool, and the patient can pass only a little stool each time. Also, after passing stool, an uneasiness is felt in the rectum along with an unsatisfactory feeling. In most cases, the complaint gets worse after alcohol or coffee intake.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Thrombocytopenia

A decrease in the blood platelet count is known as thrombocytopenia. The bone marrow, which is a spongy tissue inside the bones, produces blood platelet cells. These cells circulate in the blood and help in blood clotting. Blood platelet count varies between 1,50,000 and 4,50,000 per micro liter of blood. Dropping of the platelet count below this range is known as thrombocytopenia. Homeopathy treats various diseases by following a holistic approach. Homeopathic treatment for thrombocytopenia is based on the individual symptoms of the person. Dealing with thrombocytopenia under homeopathy requires a detailed case taking. The site of bleeding must be accurately noted. Following this, a complete analysis and evaluation of the case should be done to finalize the homeopathic prescription.

What are the Causes of Thrombocytopenia?

Thrombocytopenia can be inherited or acquired. The term inherited means a genetic transmission of this condition from parents to offspring. Acquired thrombocytopenia implies that the person is not born with this condition, but he has developed it at a later stage. Thrombocytopenia arises either from a decreased production of platelets in the bone marrow or when the destruction of platelets is higher than the rate of its generation. Another reason for thrombocytopenia is the trapping of too many platelets in the spleen which may happen because of an enlarged spleen. A decrease in the production of platelets may arise from cancer, including leukemia and lymphoma; viruses like rubella, mumps, HIV and Epstein-Barr virus; aplastic anemia; excess alcohol intake; inherited syndromes like Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome and May-Hegglin anomaly; or decreased production of thrombopoietin by the liver. An increase in the breakdown of platelets may arise from autoimmune diseases like lupus, and is known as immune thrombocytopenia; idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; medicines like heparin, sulfa drugs, anticonvulsants; virus like cytomegalovirus, mononucleosis; and pregnancy.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of thrombocytopenia include purpura, petechiae spots, bleeding from the nose and gums, and blood in the urine and stool. Purpura refers to purplish spots or blotches on the skin which are less than 3 mm in diameter. These arise from internal bleeding of small blood vessels. Petechiae are pinpoint hemorrhagic spots, red or purple, on the skin. Other symptoms of thrombocytopenia are prolonged bleeding from wounds, cuts, and excessive bleeding during menses. General weakness and fatigue may also be there. Sometimes a person may suffer from thrombocytopenia without displaying any of these symptoms, and platelets may be found to be low on doing routine blood tests.

Homeopathic Medicines for Thrombocytopenia

Homeopathic medicines for thrombocytopenia include Crotalus Horridus, Iodum, Latrodectus Mactans, Phosphorus, Secale Cor, and Bothrops Lanciolatus. These medicines help in controlling hemorrhages and raising blood platelets. A person should take homeopathic treatment for thrombocytopenia under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Avoid self-medication.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Scalp Folliculitis

What is Scalp Folliculitis?

Inflammation and infection of the hair follicles on the scalp are known as scalp folliculitis. The medical term for scalp folliculitis is acne necrotica miliaris. The scalp is one of the major sites for folliculitis as the follicles on the scalp are the densest. The primary feature of this condition is the formation of red colored itchy pimples or pustular eruptions on the scalp. This situation needs an early diagnosis and treatment as it carries the risk of permanent damage to the hair follicle and resultant hair loss. Homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis is very beneficial. Homeopathic medicines are mild and gentle to use, especially for the treatment of skin disorders. They have no side effects because the preparation of homeopathic medicine for scalp folliculitis is with natural products. These medicines help to prevent the spread and progression of the condition. It also helps in the management of the symptoms like itching and burning. With homeopathic medicines, the intensity and frequency of symptoms gradually decline. At the same time, they help to heal the eruptions. Homeopathic medicines boost the self-healing mechanism of the body and fight the infection. They also manage hair loss.

Why do We Get Scalp Folliculitis?

Scalp folliculitis can occur because of two reasons. The first is bacterial infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus, fungal infections, yeast infections, viral infections and infections by mites. The second is non-infectious, in which scalp folliculitis develops due to over production of sebum and oil resulting in clogging of hair follicles.

What Factors Put You at Risk?

People having skin diseases like acne or dermatitis are more prone to developing scalp folliculitis. Medications like antibiotics or steroids may contribute to this condition. It can also develop due to irritation caused by certain hair products. Any wound or surgery to the scalp leading to skin damage makes a person prone to scalp dermatitis. Factors like wearing tight skull caps that increase heat, and sweating on the scalp also make the person prone to this condition. Bathing in poorly maintained hot bathtubs or swimming pools is another contributing factor. Shaving the head with infected tools can also cause scalp folliculitis. Apart from the above factors, certain medical conditions like diabetes mellitus, leukemia or HIV/AIDS can make a person prone to developing scalp folliculitis.

How do I Know if I Have Scalp Folliculitis?

The main symptom in scalp folliculitis is the development of red pimples or pustules on the scalp. The eruptions are very itchy and contain clear or yellow fluid. A crust develops over the eruptions. Burning, pain, soreness or tenderness accompanies these pimples. In severe cases, cases with a delay in treatment, or badly managed cases, there may be permanent follicle damage, scarring, hair loss or bald patches.

Homeopathic Medicines for Scalp Folliculitis

1. Sulphur – Beneficial Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Red Pimples

Sulphur is a very effective homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where pimples appear on the scalp. In such cases, there is dryness, itching and burning on the scalp. Symptoms get worse in warm environments and on washing the scalp.

2. Silicea – Highly Recommended Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Pustular Eruptions

Silicea gives great results in cases of scalp folliculitis where pustules develop. It is a very good medicine for folliculitis conditions with suppuration. It helps in absorbing pus and quick healing. The eruptions may be itchy, and the itch worsens during the day. Patients may also see an increase in sweating.

3. Calcarea Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Yellow Discharge in the Eruptions

Calcarea Sulph is a great homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where the outbreaks are painful and ooze yellow discharge. The eruptions heal slowly and form a yellow crust. This remedy is beneficial for scalp folliculitis in children.

4. Graphites – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis when Discharge is Sticky

Graphites is a useful homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where the primary feature is sticky discharge from the eruptions. The eruptions are moist rather than dry. These eruptions may also be very itchy. Washing the scalp may give temporary relief.

5. Mezereum – Prominent Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Thick Crust

Mezereum works wonders in cases of scalp folliculitis where the unique feature is the formation of thick crusts on the scalp. Thick discharge may get collected under these crusts. It may also have intolerable itching and ooze a gluey discharge. The patient’s hair may get matted due to the discharge.

6. Mercurius Sol – Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Blood Stained Discharge

Mercurius Sol is an excellent homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where the eruptions have an offensive, blood stained discharge. There may be intense itching on the scalp. In most cases, symptoms get worse at night.

7. Oleander – Suitable Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Burning

Oleander is a very effective homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis in which burning of the scalp is a prominent feature. Soreness is felt with even slight friction in the scalp.

8. Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Painful and Sensitive Scalp Folliculitis

Hepar Sulph is a very beneficial homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where the major complaint is eruptions on the scalp along with pain and sensitivity. The pain gets worse with the slightest touch. The scalp is sensitive to cold.

9. Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Hair Loss

Arsenic Album works well in cases where hair fall occurs with scalp folliculitis. Hair fall is in circular patches, and dandruff occurs as dry scales.

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