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Colic in Babies – Wonderful Homeopathic Remedies for It

Homeopathic Remedies for Colic in Babies

Homeopathic Remedies for Colic in Babies

Homeopathic Remedies for Colic In Babies

Colic in children is synonymous with acute distress to the child as well as alarm bells going off for the parents. Its causes may be ambiguous and its occurrence abrupt, but it is one condition that can throw life out of gear both for the child and the care giver.

Symptoms of colic in children:

Its most conspicuous sign is that the children in the throes of colic often cry uncontrollably. They may wake up abruptly and start wailing. They do not stop whining even on being comforted or cajoled. The affected children pull their knees into the chest and clench their fists hard enough to block the pain. Children describe the pain as a feeling of someone grasping the abdomen with the fingers. There are sensations of gripping and clutching that make the children bend forward so as to double themselves to prevent the pain. In other cases, children describe the pain as a sensation of something being stabbed into them. They try to avoid the pain by pressing hard against the abdomen.

The condition manifests itself through symptoms like abdomen getting distended with gas and being bloated. The colic-ridden children experience palpable relief after passing gas and emptying the bowels.

The colic can be due to indigestion, resulting in sour water coming back into the mouth. Another cause of colic could be nerve pains in the abdomen.

Homeopathic Medicine for Colic in Babies

Colocynthis: My experience with homeopathy bears testimony to its safety and success rate as a solution for colic and how! I have found homeopathy to be a holistic remedy as it covers colic of all types. In case of colic due to gas accumulation or undigested food, colocynthis works wonders. For patients who complain of colic after having fruits that were unripe, colocynthis provides relief from the pain. In case of colic caused due to summer dysentery, colocynthis is a sure-shot solution. Some mothers complain that their child suffers colic after a violent emotion, like a fit of anger. Colocynthis serves as an effective homoeopathic treatment in such cases.

Chamomilla: Another medicine that I have found to work well for children with colic is chamomilla. It cures the colic quite effectively. Chamomilla is recommended when the colic is abrupt in nature, starting and ending suddenly. Chamomilla is suitable in cases where the root of the condition usually lies in anger articulated by the child. Many times, mothers say that emotions like violent anger are followed by sudden colic complaints by the child.

Dioscorea: This is also a suitable homeopathic remedy for colic and abdominal pains, especially when the pain is in the umbilical region. The child bends backward to get some relief. The stretching of the body in the backward direction relieves the pain to some extent. Dioscorea is prescribed when the pain is of the continuous type and is present constantly.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Allergies Making Life Miserable? Homeopathic Remedies Are Natural Solutions

homeopathy for allergy Allergy refers to a sudden hypersensitive reaction, presented with a number of symptoms. Allergen is an agent that is considered harmful by a sensitive/allergic person but doesn’t have any effect on other persons. The main allergens include dust mites, pollens, animal danders, certain food like eggs and shellfish etc. The main allergies include nasal allergy, allergic cough, food allergies, dust allergy, and skin rash. The allergic reactions to Hair dye are also prevalent in some. The homeopathy treatment for allergies not only helps in giving relief in acute attacks of allergy but also promises to effect a cure and exact the condition from its root. The cure is possible by application of properly selected constitutional medicines to the patient. In homeopathy, the allergies are treated not on the basis of the allergen triggering the allergic response, but by the characteristic individual symptoms narrated by the patient. These characteristic symptoms are, in essence, the key to unlocking the most suitable medicine required. Homeopathy for allergy works by moderating the overactive immune system. In this article, various types of allergies and their corresponding  medicines have been discussed.

Homeopathy for Allergy

1. Apis Mellifica: Apis mellifica holds a prime position to treat the hives or urticarial rash due to allergic reactions. This medicine can be utilized in all cases of allergic hives that result in violent itching with burning and stinging sensations. The patient may be relieved by cold applications. The skin is sensitive to touch. Swelling also accompanies. Slight betterment in the skin symptoms in the open air is another prominent factor which, if present, confirms that this medicine should be used.

2. Arsenic Album: Arsenic Album is a frequently used medicine for treating nasal allergy. The symptom that points towards this medicine’s implication is fluent and burning discharge from the nose with much sneezing. This may be accompanied by watering from eyes with burning.

3. Natrum Mur: Natrum Mur is suitable medicine for both nasal and skin allergies. The important pointers for using Natrum Mur in nasal allergy are running nose with sneezing and breathing difficulties, and in skin allergies, it is used mainly when excessive itching is present that mainly gets worse in a warm room and better in open air. Craving for salt is usually noted in all the patients requiring Natrum Mur.

4. Sulphur: When it comes to skin allergies, Sulphur is the foremost and an infallible medicine for allergies. This can be employed in all those cases of skin allergy where excessive itching with extreme burning sensation is present. Skin usually remains dry. The patient scratches the skin and gets relief. These are all the local skin symptoms for using this medicine. The constitutional symptoms used for selecting this medicine for chronic treatment include an aversion to bathing, unhealthy dirty looking skin, craving for sweets and an utmost heat in the whole body.

Various Allergies and Homeopathy

1. Nasal Allergies (Allergic Rhinitis)

The main causative allergens towards exciting an attack of nasal allergy are dust mites, animal danders and pollens. The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, fluent discharge from nose, dropping of nasal discharge back into the throat which is referred to as postnasal drip in some cases, itching in nose, throat and ear, and a discharge from eyes with itching in them. The natural medicines that show excellence in treating nasal allergies include Allium Cepa, Arsenic album, Arundo Mauri, Kali Bichromicum and Gelsemium. The first two mentioned medicines vis-a-vis Allium Cepa and Arsenic album are natural medicines for nasal allergy. They both work well when the symptoms are running nose with sneezing, burning in nose and eyes. But there is a very fine line of demarcation that decides the application of medicine out of these two, which is that if the patient feels better in open air and worse in warm room Allium cepa is selected, and for the exact opposite condition in which patient is relieved in warm room and worse in open air then Arsenic album becomes the choice of medicine. The next medicine Arundo mauri is the best choice when extreme itching in nose, eyes, and throat predominate with sneezing and fluent nasal discharge. The use of medicine Kali bichromicum is called for in those patients of nasal allergy in whom the nasal discharge dropping into the throat (postnasal drip) stands out to be a dominant feature along with sneezing. The last medicine Gelsemium is prescribed when the running nose and sneezing are present with pain in head and a feverish feeling. The above mentioned medicines can also be used as remedies for seasonal allergies .

2. Allergic Cough (Allergic Asthma)

Allergic cough mainly presents itself as cough with difficult breathing, suffocation, chest tightness and wheezing/whistling sounds from chest. The medicines of immense help in allergic cough include Arsenic album, Ipecac, Bryonia and Sambucus. The selection of medicine to treat allergic asthma is based upon the dominant symptoms of the patient. Arsenic album is selected when cough with chest tightness and suffocative attacks is the main complaint of the patient. The patient feels that this problem is worse at night time and has to sit up for relief. Warm drinks usually bring relief to this person. For using Ipecac in allergic cough, the main symptom is a violent loose cough with wheezing sounds due to the loading of mucus in the chest. Sometimes vomiting accompanies cough and relieves the patient. The next medicine Bryonia Alba gives good results when the cough is dry. This may be accompanied with chest pain and difficult breathing. Mainly the person over all feels better on lying down and worse on walking. The last medicine Sambucus is of supreme importance when nasal blockage is present with suffocative cough. Due to nasal blockage, the patient wakes suddenly at night with symptoms of difficulty in breathing and suffocation.

4. Skin Allergies

The skin allergy includes rash with itching, eczema (allergic dermatitis) and urticaria (hives). In urticaria the skin gets raised in patches with itching. The best medicines that come into play for treating allergic skin rash are Sulphur, Apis mellifica and Urtica Urens. Sulphur is a well known allergy medicine for treating skin complaints. Sulphur can be prescribed in all types of allergic skin rash where dryness, itching and burning sensations predominate. Apis mellifica is of great help in treating urticarial rashes where intense itching with burning stinging sensations and swelling of skin is present. Cold application may relieve the patient. Swelling of face may also be present. Allergic rash with asthmatic symptoms yield wonderfully to this medicine. Urtica urens is the first choice when eating shellfish has excited the skin rash with violent itching and heat.

5. Food Allergy

Food allergy refers to a series of symptoms that follows after taking in a particular type of food to which a person is allergic. The symptoms may occur in four planes. The first is nasal symptoms like discharge from nose, itching in nose and eyes and even difficult breathing. The second is gastric symptoms like loose stool, pain in stomach, nausea and vomiting. The third symptom is swelling of lips, mouth or of face. And the last symptoms are related to skin and include itchy rash, eczema or hives (Urticaria). The common food allergens leading allergic reaction are Egg, shellfish, nuts, wheat and milk.

The medicines for egg allergy are Carbo veg, Nux vomica and Sulph. Carbo veg and Nux vom are the natural medicines for egg allergy where gastric symptoms predominate. Carbo veg is prescribed when loose offensive stool, gas in stomach, nausea, vomiting follows eating eggs. And if this is accompanied with pain in abdomen Nux vomica is selected. When the gastric symptoms are accompanied by skin complaints after eating eggs, Sulphur can be used where itching or burning on skin are present.

For combating with shellfish allergy, the best natural medicine is Urtica Urens. This medicine can be taken by all those patients in whom sudden hives with violent itching and burning follows eating shell fish. This medicine has excellent power to control such symptoms.

The food allergy to wheat can be controlled with medicines that include Lycopodium, colocynth and Natrum Mur. Lycopodium can help in controlling the gastric symptoms. Lycopodium can be used when loose stool with gas in abdomen predominates. Colocynth is used when cramping pains in stomach accompany loose stool, and Natrum Mur is used when skin rash occur either independently or along with gastric trouble after taking wheat.

The last mentioned food allergy to milk can be treated with natural medicines without any side effects. The natural medicines include Aethusa Cynapium, Natrum carb, and Pulsatilla. Aethusa cynapium tops the list of medicines for milk allergy. The symptom for its use is vomiting immediately when milk enters the stomach. Sweating and weakness may follow vomiting. Natrum carb is indicated when loose stool follows milk intake. Pulsatilla is used when milk or any milk product excites allergic reaction. The prominent symptoms that call for the use of Pulsatilla medicine include loose stool, nausea, vomiting, gas, or acidity after taking milk or milk products. A complete absence of thirst is an accompanying symptom in some cases that if present forms an important symptom towards selecting Pulsatilla for milk allergy.

6. Euphrasia for Allergic Conjunctivitis

Euphrasia is the best natural medicines to deal with eye symptoms due to allergy. This can be taken in all such cases presenting with redness, itching, burning in eyes with watery discharges.

7. Dust (dust mite) Allergy

The leading natural medicines that provide a great helping hand to deal with dust allergy include Lycopersicum, Bromium and Arsenic album. Lycopersicum is the leading medicine that is used when breathing in of the slightest dust particle leads to running nose and sneezing. Bromium is utilised when dust inhalation leads to discharge from the nose along with chest complaints. The chest complaints include difficult breathing, cough with mucus in chest. Lastly, the medicine Arsenic album is used when fluent nasal discharge with burning in eyes and nose and sneezing predominate.

8. Allergy Caused By Hair dye

The symptoms that follow dye application on hair include skin rash, itching and swelling that appears mainly on the face, the ears, and the neck. There are various natural medicines to deal with the allergic reaction to dyes, but they are not specific or patent medicines for dye allergy. Suitable medicine is to be chosen after taking the symptoms from the patient. Few medicines like Sulphur, Arsenic album, Natrum Mur and Sepia can be used following case taking.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 6 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Chest Congestion

Homeopathic Remedies for Chest CongestionChest congestion in itself is not a disease but this term refers to a number of collective symptoms that are present in various respiratory diseases. The symptoms which refer to chest congestion include rattling cough due to the accumulation of mucus in the chest, wheezing or whistling sound produced during breathing, difficulty in respiration, difficulty in expectorating the mucus accumulated in the lungs, suffocative spells and chest pains. Asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia are a few examples of respiratory disease that leads to chest congestion. A simple cold, if not treated in time, may also lead to chest congestion due to the spread of infection. In this article, I have tried to cover all symptoms of chest congestion and the best homeopathic remedies for chest congestion.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Chest Congestion

1. Antimonium Tart – Top Remedy for Chest Congestion

Antimonium Tart is one of the leading medicines for the treatment of chest congestion. The prominent indication for using this medicine in chest congestion is excessive rattling of mucus in the lungs on coughing. The lungs seem to be overloaded with mucus. But even on much coughing very little mucus is expectorated. There is difficulty in breathing and the patient takes shorter breath to compensate for normal breathing. There are suffocative spells that force the patient to sit up. Chest congestion consequent to working in damp basements yields wonderfully well to this medicine. This medicine also possesses great power to heal difficult respiration in babies occurring shortly after birth.

2. Arsenic Album – For Congestion with Suffocation

This medicine is mainly prescribed to those patients of chest congestion who suffer from suffocative spells mainly at night time.  Suffocation with difficulty in respiration is worse on lying down and better by sitting up. On breathing wheezing or whistling sounds in the chest are produced. The cough is better by taking warm drinks. Burning pains in the chest may also be present. This medicine can be given in all such cases of chest congestion that have occurred after taking cold drinks.

3. Ipecac – For Wheezing in Chest

To use this remedy, the chest is full of mucus but in spite of coughing none of it comes out. The patient feels suffocative with constricted feeling in the chest. The face of the patient turns bluish due to lack of oxygen as a result of suffocative spells. Expectorated mucus at times can be bloodstained. Persistent nausea accompanies the cough and chest congestion. Vomiting if present with chest congestion gives relief to the patient.

4. Phosphorus – Important Remedy for Chest Congestion

This medicine is given to those patients who complain of chest pain with chest symptoms. Pain is accompanied by burning in the chest. The patient requiring this medicine complains of constrictive, oppressed feeling in the chest as if a weight is lying in the chest. Cough is present that is worse by talking, laughing. Cold air worsens the cough and chest pain. The patient requiring phosphorus can also have strange symptoms – they desire cold drinks, ice creams and refreshing things like juice along with above symptoms.

5. Bryonia Alba – For Congestion with Difficult Breathing

The main indication to use Bryonia is cough with difficult breathing. The difficult breathing is worse by slightest motion and better by rest. The patient feels a constant need to take a deep breath. The cough gets worse after eating, drinking or in a warm room. This medicine has a powerful effect in treating stitching pains in the chest during inspiration. The chest pains are also worse while coughing. The patient has to hold the chest with hands due to severe chest pains on coughing. The expectorated mucus is thick. The mucus comes out only after much hawking. Thirst for an increased quantity of water might also be present.

6. Senega – For Congestion in Older Adults

Senega is a top medicine mainly recommended in elderly people with chest congestion. The patient requiring this medicine complains of rattling of mucus in the chest with oppressed feeling. The mucus from the chest needs much effort and comes out with great difficulty. The expectorated mucus is tough and copious. Extreme soreness is felt in the chest.

Other Remedies for Chest Congestion

1. For Rattling of Mucus on Coughing

Both Antimonium Tart and Hepar Sulph are natural medicines for treating rattling of mucus in the chest. Antimonium Tart can be given to those patients who have rattling of mucus in the chest on coughing. The bronchial tubes in the chest are full of mucus but it cannot be coughed out. For people requiring this medicine, the complaints are worse after exposure to dampness.

Hepar Sulph is used for the rattling of mucus that is worse in the morning time. For patients requiring Hepar Sulph, chest congestion gets worse by cold air exposure.

2. For Wheezing due to Chest Congestion

Ipecac can be used where wheezing is present due to chest congestion. The indicating feature for using this medicine is relief from vomiting or coughing out the mucus. Arsenic album is given when the wheezing is present with suffocative spells and cough. The patient is better after taking warm drinks.
Nux Vomica is mainly used when the wheezing is worse during sleep.

3. For Congestion with Suffocative Attacks

Lachesis is very efficient in treating suffocative attacks that are worse on lying down. The patient has to rush towards an open window to get relief. The patient feels to take deep breaths. Nothing tight is bearable around the neck or waist. Sambucus gives best results when the suffocative spells occur while sleeping and the patient wakes up suddenly almost breathless. The nose feels totally obstructed. It is more frequently indicated in very young children and infants.

4. For Chest Pain

Bryonia Alba and Phosphorus occupy a significant place in homeopathy to treat the chest pains due to chest congestion. But the selection depends upon the symptoms given by the patient. Bryonia Alba is more suited to those patients who give symptoms of chest pains which are worse on inspiring and while coughing. The pains are stitching type in nature. Such patients get relief by lying down.
For using Phosphorus in chest pain the most indicative symptoms are – worsening of chest pain by lying on the left side and by pressure. Warm applications usually relieve the pains and cold air aggravates the chest pain.

5. For Difficulty Releasing Mucus

Kali Sulph is one of the best remedies for congestion; it is given when the mucus rattles in the chest and is expectorated with much difficulty. The expectorated mucus is yellow in color. Pulsatilla is used when the mucus from the chest is greenish in color and takes great effort to come out.
Kali Bichrome works at its best when the mucus is extremely thick and sticky in nature and comes out in long threads or strings and requires much force to spit it out.

6. For Sudden Congestion after Exposure to Cold Air

Aconite is the best natural remedy for chest congestion from exposure to cold air. The patients requiring this medicine feels severe oppression in the chest with short difficult and labored breathing. Anxiety and restlessness of utmost degree can also be present with chest congestion.

7. For Congestion in Damp Weather

Natrum Sulph is highly ranked holistic medicine for chest congestion occurring in damp weather. The symptoms that guide towards this medicine use are rattling of mucus in the chest with difficulty in breathing and the patient feels the need to take deep breaths. Green colored mucus is coughed out. Pain in the chest also occurs during coughing, forcing the patient to hold the chest.

8. For Congestion in Infants

Ipecac is mainly given when a continuous rattling cough is present. The face of the infant turns blue due to incessant coughing. Wheezing from the chest is severe. vomiting usually eases the cough.
Sambucus works very efficiently in treating the cough attacks in infants that occurs at night with blockage of nose. The infant wakes up in the night with sudden crying and extremely suffocated.
Chamomilla works well for infants with rattling cough with utmost irritability and crying. Such an infant feels a lot better when they are carried around.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Nail Fungus,Infection ,Toenail fungus

Homeopathic Remedies for Nail Fungus

Nails are not commonly associated with disease but when fungal infection does occur, it causes a person’s nail to get distorted due to a change in color or shape, affecting normal finger movements.  Though not a crippling affliction, fungal infection in the nails does cause discomfort, pain or even irritability in the affected person when it penetrates into the deeper tissues and damages the nails.Homeopathic remedies for fingernail fungus form natural treatments for nail fingus

Homeopathy as a Natural medicine for Nail Fungus

Homeopathic medicines are ideal for providing a complete cure for infected nails as they tackles the root cause. Being non-intrusive and non-toxic, this natural treatment delivers good results in case of nail fungal infections.Moreover homeopathic toenail fungus treatment are very safe and can be used for a long period without any side effects .

Who gets  Nail Fungus ?

The incidence of fungal infection in the nails is found mostly in people who are subjected to a chronic exposure to detergents or water, people who indulge in repeated manicuring or those who suffer from an injury in the nail margin.This condition may assume an acute or chronic nature. People generally tend to neglect it in the initial stages due to which the infection can become chronic. It may be superficial or it may penetrate into the deeper tissues. In the beginning, the condition may manifest itself only as color change but in the long run, it may exhibit itself as a distortion of the nails. Homeopathic remedies top the list for  natural treatments for nail fungus

Homeopathic Fungus Treatment

Antimony Crudum – Homeopathic Remedy for Fungus causing Distorted Nails and Toenails

I would say that for nail fungus homeopathic treatment promises a safe and successful solution with zero side-effects.Homoeopathic medicine Antim crud is one of the top remedies in cases of infections of the nails associated with thick horny callosities of the skin.It seems to work well in patients who have horny warts on the hands and soles. Antim crud assures relief to patients who have a dry skin which itches. The nails are very brittle and break very easily. The original shape of the nails is distorted and the nails grow out of shape. The patient seems to get unusually irritated at the slightest things.  The nails are split and grow at a very slow pace. Toenail is the most common nail to get affected by fungus , homeopathic medicine antimony crudum works wonders in treating toenail fungus.

SIlicea – Homeopathic Remedy for Nail fungus with Pus , Infection and sharp Pains in Toenail

Silicea is an excellent homoeopathic remedy for  fungus . I feel it is best recommended to patients who have very cold feet and palms. Their nails are infected and disfigured. The patient oozes bad smelling sweat from the feet, hands and armpits. It is also seen to be associated with a sharp pain in the finger and toe nails. The pain is unbearable and the patient seems to be very restless and irritable. Silicea can be given to patients in whom the nails grow inwards and are surrounded with flesh and pus.

GRAPHITES – Homeopathy for Nail Fungus when Nails Crack

I have found that homeopathic medicine Graphites is suitable for cases of nail disorders characterized by inward growth of the nails, especially of the toe nails. The nails tend to ulcerate and the surrounding tissue is swollen.Homeopathic Medicine Graphites can be given in cases where the pain is deep seated and the patient cannot bear to be touched. The affected parts are very sore and painful. Graphites may be given in cases where there is thickening of the nails. In some cases, there may be a deformity of nails which break easily. Homeopathic remedy Graphites may be given for nail infection in people with cracked finger tips.

BUFO RANA: Homeopathic medicine for Nail Infection and Fungus that turns the Nail Blue

 Homeopathic Medicine Bufo Rana is a very effective homeopathic remedy for treating fungal infections of the nails and toenail which appear bluish or blackish in color. This Homeopathic medicine  may be given to patients in whom the skin surrounding the nails is swollen and there is occasional formation of pus. Nail affections are associated with a deep dull pain that runs upward till the axilla (armpit).

FLOURIC ACID: Homeopathic medicine for Fast Growing and Crippled Nails With Fungal Infection

Homeopathic medicine Flouric acid assures positive results in cases where the nails grow very fast and are crippled. People have nails with longitudinal ridges. Nail changes may be associated with a sore pain in between the toes. Homeopathic medicine Flouric acid may also be prescribed in cases of nail infection with corns which are sore to touch.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Pain in Hands and Fingers

Homeopathic remedies for pain in fingers and hands are very effective in treating all conditions that lead to pain in these parts of the body. Homeopathic remedies are natural medicines and use bod’s own innate restorative powers to cure the disorders causing pain in fingers, hands, and thumb. Homeopathic remedies for pain are very safe and cause no side effects.

This pain in fingers and hands can be caused by these  conditions 

Homeopathic Remedies for Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis as an autoimmune inflammatory disease affecting joints leading to pain, swelling, stiffness in joints of hands. In long standing cases of rheumatoid arthritis the affected joints of hands and fingers are damaged leading to varying degrees of deformity.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome:  Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that results from pressure on the median nerve of wrist. The resulting symptoms include pain in wrist, palm, thumb and fingers (index finger, middle finger and sometimes ring finger) and the pain is usually worse at night than day time. The pain from wrist can sometimes travel up to the arms and in some cases even up to shoulders. Other symptoms of Carpel tunnel syndrome include weakness, numbness and tingling in hands and fingers. The weakness  of hands lead to difficulty in gripping objects leading to dropping of things out of hand .

De Quervain’s Tendinitis/Tenosynovitis: De Quervain’s tendinitis is a condition that arises due to swelling in tendons of thumb side of wrist leading to pain in wrist. Repetitive activities and overuse of hands are responsible for the onset of this condition. The pain in wrist is worse on making fist, grasping/holding objects, turning wrist like in wringing the clothes. Sometimes the wrist pain can extend to thumb and forearm.

Writer’s cramp: Writer’s cramp refers to sudden, involuntary contraction of muscle of hands or fingers leading to severe pain in hands/fingers. Jerking and trembling of hands while writing may also be present. This condition arises due to over use of hands and fingers in writing or typing.

Ganglion cyst: Ganglion cyst is a small fluid filled cavity/lump that form near a joint or tendons mainly on the wrist on back of hand. This can cause  pain in hand if a nerve gets pressed under this cyst.

Injury to hand and fingers: Pain in hand and fingers can occur due to Injury to hand because of varied reasons like a fall on hand, due to a blow, due to hand getting blocked in between window of a car or a door of house etc leading to sprains, fractures etc.

Homeopathic Remedies For pain in Hands and Finger

1. For Pain due to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Antimonium crudum is an excellent medicine for pain in fingers due to rheumatoid arthritis. The symptoms that guide towards using this medicine in pain of fingers in rheumatoid arthritis are that the pain in fingers is aggravated in cold weather and washing hands in cold water and better by hot applications on fingers. Another very prominent symptom that guides towards usage of this medicine is that the arthritic pains alternate with stomach complaints and the tongue of affected patient is thick white coated. The arthritic pains of fingers that are worse from taking wine can also be relieved by using this medicine.

Actea Spicata is a wonderful homeopathic medicine used in treatment of pain in wrist and fingers of a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Tearing and tingling type of pains in fingers and wrist that are worse from touch and motion can be tackled by this medicine usage. This medicine also gives good results for excessive swelling and redness in wrist and fingers that come from slight exertion/fatigue. The next Natural medicine that comes into play for treating pains and stiffness of wrist and fingers in rheumatoid arthritis is Caulophyllum. This homeopathic remedy Caulophyllum can give good results where the pain in wrist and fingers constantly shifts from one part to another with much stiffness. Viola odorata is yet another homeopathic medicine to be utilized in patients in cases of pain in hand and wrist where the right hand is more predominantly involved.

2. For Pain in Fingers due to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Hypericum perforatum is an excellent remedy for pain in fingers and hands due to carpal tunnel syndrome where pains are of tingling and burning in character. The numbness and crawling in hands along with pain is another useful symptom for application of this medicine. Another great homeopathic medicine Causticum is equally effective medicine for tearing type of pains in hand and fingers with numbness. Causticum can be given in those cases where pain is worse in cold air and better from warm applications on hand. Next medicine Plumbum metallicum is used in homeopathic treatment of pain in hand and finger when along with numbness and tingling there is weakness in the hand , making it impossible for the hand to lift or grasp anything medicine Ruta graveolans is excellent for treating pain in hand and wrist due to carpal tunnel syndrome where the condition arises due to swelling of tendons in the wrist leading to pressure on median nerve . This causes symptoms of pain and numbness in hands and fingers .

3. For pain due to De Quervain’s Tendinitis

The medicines that are used in treatment of pain in hands and fingers due to De Quervain’s tendinitis are Ruta graveolans, Phytolacca decandra, Bryonia alba and Rhus toxicodendron. Ruta graveolans is a medicine for pain in hand, thumb and wrist due to De Quervain’s tendinitis and can be utilized with great results where the pain is worse by cold and condition has raised due to overstraining/overexertion of hands. The second medicine Phytolacca decandra is used in pain of wrist due to inflammed tendons where the character of pain is electric or shooting type and shifts rapidly from one point to another. Next two mentioned medicines Bryonia alba and Rhus toxicodendron are also used in the pains of thumb, wrist and hand due to tendinitis but the main differentiating feature that is to be taken into account while using them is that the for patients requiring Bryoinia alba complains of pain in wrist are worse by motion and  relief in pain is by rest ; while the patient requiring Rhus toxicodendron complain of pain that is worse during rest and is much better by movement of affected hand.

4. For Pain in due to Writer’s Cramp

Magnesium phosphoricum is a wonderful medicine for pain in hands and fingers caused by writer’s cramp.  Cramps and pains in hands in fingers due to excessive use in writing which are better by hot application and pressure can be treated very effectively by this medicine. For patient’s who complain of pain numbness and weakness along with involuntary shaking of affected hand can be given this medicine. Stanum metallicum is yet another well indicated medicine that is of immense use in the treatment of pain in hands and fingers due to writer’s cramp.  For this medicine to be used the main indications are pain and cramp in fingers with weakness of hands  , causing  the pen or  the held objects to fall down . Conium maculatum can be given to those patients who get cramps with numbness of fingers. Another marked feature where this medicine can be given is excessive perspiration and trembling of hands with pain in hands . Gelsemium sempervirens is an excellent choice when along with pains and cramps in hands there is excessive trembling and weakness .

5. For Pain due to Ganglion Cyst

Calcarea fluorica is an excellent  medicine for pain in hand and fingers which occur due to ganglion cyst, especially when the ganglion is formed on back of wrist. It is very effective when the ganglion is causing a nerve compression. It can ease out the pain . For dissolving ganglion homeopathic medicine Ruta is an excellent choice .

6. For Pain due to Injury

Arnica montana is an excellent medicine for pain in hands and fingers when the injury is the cause. If the pain in hands and fingers occurs due to injury by sharp pointed objects, two medicines Hypericum perforatum and Ledum Palustre can be used. Homeopathic medicines Ruta graveolens and Rhus toxicodendron  are equally marvellous medicines for homeopathic treatment of pain in hands and fingers when muscles and tendons are injured.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

6 Best Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Cellulitis treatment

Homeopathic medicines for Celulitis

Cellulitis is a very common bacterial skin infection in which there is inflammation of skin and connective tissue. Cellulitis can occur on any part of the body but face and lower legs are the most common site for cellulitis. Homeopathic medicines for cellulitis treatment  are very effective in fighting out the bacterias without the using antibiotics .

Cause of Cellulitis

The main causative agents for causing cellulitis are Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphyloccus aureus bacterias. In healthy condition the skin act as a protective barrier against infectious agents, preventing their entry into the body. When the integrity of skin is broken due to various factors like insect bite, cuts, scratch marks, injuries, surgical incision etc, the bacteria gain entry into the body through this broken skin and leads to inflammation of skin and connective tissue. People with diabetes mellitus, suppressed immune system and venous stasis are more prone to cellulitis.

Symptoms of Cellulitis

The main symptoms of cellulitis include redness, swelling, heat and pain in the affected area. As the disease advances blebs and bullae appear on the skin. Blebs and bullae are fluid containing eruptions on skin. At this stage fever occurs. If the condition is not properly treated at this stage then it goes further deep into connective tissue and gains access to the lymph nodes. Then the infection spreads to blood leading to septicemia or blood poisoning which is a very critical condition.

Homeopathic Medicines for Cellulitis

Homeopathy medicines are very efficient in treating cellulitis. The medicines work wonderfully by increasing the immunity of patient thereby reducing the swelling, pain and burning in cellulitis condition. Even in cases of cellulitis with bleb formation medicines works wonders that too very gently preventing the physical and mental trauma of surgeons knife intervention. In advanced complicated cases of cellulitis where septicemia has set in homeopathy holds a ray of hope in treatment according to well-selected medicines. Belladonna, Apis Mellifica, Ledum Palsture, Silicea, Pyrogenium, Calendula Officinalis are the top remedies.

1. Belladonna – For Marked Redness of Skin

Belladonna acts as a very good natural medicine for cellulitis where the skin is markedly red and swollen giving it a shining appearance. Patient requiring Belladonna will also experience pain which gets worse by touch. The character of pain is that it appears and disappears suddenly. Another marked feature where this medicine Belladonna can be used for cellulitis is dryness of skin with much heat.

2. Apis Mellifica – When Marked Swelling is Present

Apis mellifica is suited in those cases of cellulitis in which there is much swelling of the affected area along with much burning and stinging type of pains. Apis mellifica also respond to those cases of cellulitis in which the burning pains are relieved by applying something cold over skin and the pains that rapidly shifts from one part to another. Another feature of this medicine indication is rosy hue of skin with much sensitivity towards touch. Apis mellifica can be taken in all those cases where cellulitis is a result of honey bee sting.

3. Ledum Palsture –  For Cellulitis resuting from Insect Bites

Ledum palustre holds a very good image in treating those cases of cellulitis resulting from insect bites. This natural medicine is used in cellulitis when there is  coldness of affected part with tearing type of pains.  Ledum palustre can be used in long-standing cases of cellulitis in which the skin colour changes from blueness to green.

4. Silicea-  For Cellulitis when Blebs appear upon Skin

This remedy Silicea gives very good results when blebs are formed on skin in advanced cellulitis cases. These blebs can contain pus which is very offensive. Silicea is also used when along with cellulitis there is fever with chilliness and offensive perspiration.

5. For Pyrogenium for Septicaemia in Cellulitis

Pyrogenium is an excellent remedy for treating septicemia. The points that guide towards its use in septic conditions is  a) fever with chills b) The body temperature being 103 to 106, rising quickly with abnormally very rapid pulse rate making the patient restless.The patient requiring pyrogenium complains of excessive chilliness in the back. In cases where septicemia occurs after surgery or after childbirth, Pyrogenium acts very effectively.

6. Calendula Officinalis in Post Surgical Cellulitis

Undoubtedly the best remedy for cellulitis that has come after surgical cuts is Calendula officinalis. This medicine acts very efficiently not only as a curative but also as preventive for excessive suppuration/pus formation on the skin in cellulitis developing post surgically. If applied locally to the wounded skin after an injury it helps as preventive for cellulitis.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

He Lived like a Saint , Left like One


Dr. S.P Sharma  1935 - 2013

Dr. S.P Sharma
1935 – 2013

My Father  Suraj Prakash Sharma  passed away on 12 th. of December 2013 . Even though he died , His Fortitude won .  No pain ever made him seek help .  Only way we came to know that he was unwell in the last stage of life , was when we found him completely Immobilized by Pain . Yet he uttered no cry . He left like a Saint .

No riches Moved him . No Flamboyance made a mark on Him . No loss scrambled  him .

He had No Foes . He had no Friends . Yet he deeply loved those around him .

He had no belief in religion . He was beyond any religion . He was a religion in himself .

His discipline was much more than any modern day  self-Improvement handbook  . He worked till the last hour of his life . Yet he had no love for Physical Body .

He wrote no books . He gave no lectures .Yet his philosophy of life was the most brilliant one . It just had two words written in it – Honesty and Simplicity

His achievements are unfathomable . Yet He sought no appreciation . He lived like a saint.

Nothing describes him better than an epitaph-SMS  that one of  my friend wrote for him –  ‘ He was one of the finest souls I ever knew ‘.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a chronic condition causing severe pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It usually begins gradually and worsens over time and is slow to recover. Though the condition is self-limiting and usually resolves on its own it can take a lot of time thereby making the condition disabling for the sufferer. Over time shoulder becomes hard to move and one may experience an extreme problem in working and performing daily life activities for an extended period of time. Homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulder can help relieve the presenting symptoms of the condition and also hold an advantage over other systems of medicine to aid treatment of the underlying cause.  homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulder

These medicines are of natural origin and have no toxic effects. Rhus Tox, Ferrum Metallicum and Sanguinaria Canadensis top the list of medicines to treat frozen shoulder. They help in relieving pain and stiffness of the shoulder and can even save a person from undergoing any surgical procedures.

Homeopathic Medicines for Frozen Shoulder

In the conventional system of medicine, different ways can be opted to get relief from the symptoms of the pain and stiffness. But, nothing can be done to fix the underlying cause which is leading to the occurrence of the condition. Physical therapy and massages can be given initially to relieve the pain. But if it does not work, a different type of medication is given including NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and corticosteroids. In some cases, injections are also given locally or systemically to relieve the condition. If medications fail to act, surgery is done to cut the adhesions. In severe and prolonged cases surgery is usually advised to loosen the joint capsule so that it can move more freely.

Homeopathy is completely different from the conventional system of medicine. Natural medicines not only help the individual to recover well from presenting symptoms of the condition but also treat the root cause responsible for the occurrence of the complaint. Homeopathy believes in treating the underlying or root cause because if the root cause will be removed there will be no symptoms of the disease persisting in an individual. Complete case history by the homeopathic physician which will involve taking information upon the duration of the symptoms, underlying cause, symptoms, and modalities peculiar to the patient will guide the doctor towards the medicine which is most suited to the patient. When the medication will be given according to the symptom similarity patient will be able to recover from the condition wonderfully. Homeopathy has always been helpful in treating symptoms of frozen shoulder and minimizing the chances of recurrence of the condition and can help an individual to maintain a healthy lifestyle once he has completely recovered from the condition. Rhus Tox, Sanguinaria Can and Ferrum Met are the top 3 remedies for frozen shoulder.

1. Rhus Toxicodendron: Top Grade Medicine for Frozen Shoulder

Rhus tox is a medicine which is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant which belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. Rhustox is a wonderful medicine that can help to relieve long-standing cases of marked stiffness in the shoulder joint. The shoulder is too stiff to move. The stiffness of shoulder gets usually better by warmth application. It can also be helpful in cases where motion and massages tend to offer relief in the stiffness. There is severe tearing, shooting pain at the top of the shoulder. Pains get worse during cold and wet weather. Pains become severe during the rest especially in night preventing the patient to fall asleep. There is a constant feeling of pressure on shoulders like a heavyweight is placed upon them.

Key Indications for using Rhus Tox:

Stiffness of the shoulder.
Tearing shooting pain in the shoulder.
Pains getting better by movement of the shoulder.

2. Sanguinaria Canadensis: For Right Sided Frozen Shoulder

Sanguinaria Can. is derived from the plant bloodroot of family Papaveraceae. Sanguinaria Can. is a great remedy which shows an affinity towards the pains occurring in the right shoulder. Pains are present in the top of right shoulder. Pains usually get worse during the night and while attempting to turn in bed. The patient feels great difficulty to raise the arm on account of distressing pains.

Key Indications:

Right shoulder is affected.
There is nightly aggravation of the pain.
Difficulty in raising the arm.

3. Ferrum Metallicum: For Left Sided Frozen Shoulder

Ferrum met. is an amazing remedy for treating a complaint of left-sided frozen shoulder. There is a pain in the left shoulder which is constantly present. Pain is of drawing, shooting, tearing and laming character. Pains are usually shooting downward and travel down the arm and patient may feel it impossible to raise the arm. The person requiring this remedy feels extreme heaviness in the shoulder joint. Slow movement of the shoulder gradually improves the condition. Warmth can be given to relieve the pains. Pain gets aggravated in bed, the patient has to get up and move about slowly to get some relief.

Key Indications:

Left shoulder is affected.
Aggravation of pain by motion.
Pains get better by warmth.

Other Important Remedies

1. Bryonia Alba: For Pains getting Worse from Least Motion

Bryonia is prepared from the plant wild hops which belong to the family Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is an excellent remedy in cases where the pain in the shoulder gets worse from least motion. Pains are sharp and tearing in character which usually gets worse upon touch and by pressure. Relief of the pains takes place after the patient has complete rest. Application of the warmth can also be helpful in relieving the pains in the shoulder. There is painful pressure on the top of the shoulder. Stiffness is present in the shoulder joints.

2. Causticum: For Pains in Morning

Causticum is a good remedy in treating the cases of frozen shoulder where pains in the shoulder are worse in the morning. The patient may experience great discomfort and difficulty in moving the shoulder. There is a constant feeling of pressure and heaviness on shoulders. Pain which is dull, aching in character is present in the shoulder usually getting worse on motion.

3. Phytolacca: For Right Sided Frozen Shoulder

Phytolacca is prepared from the plant poke root which belongs to the family Phytolaccaceae. Phytolacca can be given in cases of frozen shoulder where the pain is present in the right shoulder. Pains in the shoulder and arms feel like electric shocks. Pains are shooting in character and travel from one part to the other. Pains usually worsen during the night and in damp weather. Patient experiences stiffness in the shoulder that usually makes him unable to raise the arm.

4. Ledum Palustre: For Pains on Raising the Arm

Ledum Pal is prepared from the plant wild rosemary which belongs to the family Ericaceae. Ledum Pal. suits well in the cases where the patient experiences severe pain in the shoulder while raising the arm. The pains are stitching and throbbing in nature. There is pain and pressure in both the shoulder joints which gets worse from motion.

5. Calcarea Phosphorica: For Pains getting Worse During Change of Weather

Calcarea Phos. can be given without a doubt in cases of frozen shoulder where pain gets worse from any change of weather. There is pain and stiffness in shoulders and shoulder-blades. Pains are dull, sore aching, bruised type in the shoulder and down the arm. Pains start from left then travel to the right and can travel downward to the arm as well.

6. Chelidonium Majus: Where Motion Causes Pain in Shoulder

Chelidonium is prepared from the entire fresh plant called greater celadine belonging to the family Papaveraceae. Chelidonium is the most suitable medicine in cases where there is a pain in the shoulder which gets worse on moving arm. Pain in the left shoulder feels like as if it was sprained. Pains are tearing in nature. Pain usually travels downwards with coldness and stiffness of the arms.

7. Rhododendron: For Shoulder Pains Worse during a Thunderstorm

Rhododendron is prepared from the fresh leaves of the plant commonly known as yellow snow rose which belongs to family Ericaceae. Rhododendron can be of extreme help in cases where there is marked pain in shoulder and gets during a thunderstorm. The patient usually feels pains which get worse while lying upon it and getting relieved by turning to the other side. Violent, tearing and boring type of pains occur in the shoulder which can worsen from motion.

8. Guaiacum Officinale: For Marked Stiffness

Guaiacum is prepared from the plant Lignum vite resin of family Zygophyllaceae. Guaiacum can act wonders in cases where there is immovable stiffness of the joints taking place. There is a sharp stitching type of pains in the top of the shoulder. Pains are of drawing and lacerating nature which can travel down the arm.

9. Syphilinum: Where Pains get Worse on Raising the Arms

Syphilinum acts well on the patients of frozen shoulder well where the pain in the shoulder worsens on raising the arm. The patient is able to raise the arm only up to the level of the shoulder with difficulty. He fails to attempt to move the arm above the level of the shoulder.

10. Ferrum Phos.: Where Pain is Relieved by Gentle Motion

Persons requiring Ferrum phos. get in the shoulder which gets relieved by moving the arm gently. The pains are violent, drawing and tearing in nature and gets worse by the sudden or violent motion of the arm. As the condition is relieved by gentle motion, the patient keeps it moving and cannot make the arm still. The shoulder is stiff, painful and highly sensitive to touch.

11.Thuja: For Marked Stiffness

Thuja is prepared from the plant Arbor Vitae belonging to the family coniferae. Thuja can aid the condition well when there is marked stiffness of the shoulder joint. There is sticking, tearing, throbbing type of pains in the shoulder which can get worse even from hanging the arm lose. Pains can also get worse at night and by the warmth of bed. Placing the arm over the head is extremely painful for the patient. Stretching the joints produces cracking sound.

12. Lycopodium: For Tearing Pain in Shoulder Joint

Lycopodium is derived from a plant club moss which belongs to the Lycopodiaceae family. Lycopodium can help in relieving the condition of frozen shoulder where there is tearing type of pains in the shoulder joint. There is pain and tension in the right shoulder. Pain can occur even when the patient is at rest. Bruised pains in shoulders and in the region of scapula and upper arm. One may also experience twitching in the shoulders.

13. Sulphur: For Marked Heaviness in the Shoulder

Sulphur can be helpful in treating cases where extreme heaviness in the shoulders is felt by the patient. There is a feeling of pressure on the shoulder while walking in the open air. There are pains in the left shoulder as if it was sprained or bruised. There is stitching type of pains in the shoulder on attempting to move. The patient usually experiences worsening of pains, especially at night.

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

This condition has two main symptoms which are pain and stiffness in the shoulder. Pain is of dull aching character which can occur in the outer shoulder or upper arm. Usually, one side gets affected but in rare cases, both sides can get involved. Pain can become severe over time and can get worse during:

Weather changes: Some patients may experience worsening of pain or stiffness particularly during cold or dry weather.

Night: Pains usually gets worse during the night which can cause difficulty in getting proper sleep and further leading to sleep deprivation in the patients suffering from frozen shoulder.

Motion: Movement of the shoulder joint is difficult for the patient resulting in restricted movement of the shoulder joint. The range of motion might also get affected.

There is a course which is usually followed in the occurrence of a frozen shoulder. The three main stages are:

Stage I: The Freezing Stage
In this stage, the pain begins slowly, the range of motion starts getting limited with a stiffness of the joint. Any movement of the shoulder causes pain, and as the pain progresses and becomes worse, the shoulder tends to lose its mobility. These symptoms can last for six weeks to nine months.

Stage II: The frozen Stage or adhesive stage.
In this stage, slow improvement in the pain takes place but the stiffness remains. Using the shoulder becomes more difficult causing hindrance in performing daily life activities. These symptoms usually last from four months to a year’s time.

Stage III: The thawing stage or stage of recovery.
In this stage, the motion of shoulder slowly returns towards normal and a range of motion in the shoulder begins to improve. These symptoms generally last from 6 months to two years of time.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint. It is made up of three bones namely Humerus (bone in the upper arm), Scapula (shoulder blade), Clavicle (collarbone). Strong connective tissue or shoulder capsule surrounds the joint and holds everything (bones, ligaments, tendons) together. Also, there is the presence of synovial membrane which lines the joint capsule and produces synovial fluid. Synovial fluid helps in providing lubrication to the joint and the capsule and reducing the friction between the bones, making the movement of the shoulder easier.

When inflammation of the shoulder capsule starts and thick bands of the tissue or adhesions start developing, there is less room in joint for the humerus, making the joint painful and stiff to move. It can further progress to a restriction of the movement of the shoulder.
In some cases, the synovial fluid can get reduced due to different causes. Reduction in the amount of the fluid can lead to limiting the motion of the shoulder even more due to the occurrence of pain during motion.
Any fall on the shoulder or any injury to the adjacent tissues of the shoulder can also give rise to this condition. Alternately, it may have an autoimmune component involved as thickening and swelling can occur as a result of a misguided immune response. In some cases, this condition can arise with no absolute cause.

Risk Factors

Age: It is more common in people who are 40 years of age and above.

Sex: It is more common in females than in males.

Immobility: Immobility of the joint can happen in cases where one is recovering from any health condition which is preventing him from using the arm or the shoulder. In such cases, one may get prone to develop the symptoms of frozen shoulder. This can happen after surgery, stroke, rotator cuff injury, fracture etc.

Systemic Diseases: People who are suffering from any systemic diseases like diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease are at a higher risk of developing frozen shoulder, as these usually affect different parts of an individual at a particular time.

Connective tissue disease: Anyone who is suffering from connective tissue diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus can be on a higher risk to develop symptoms frozen shoulder.

Diagnosis and Investigations

Diagnosis can be usually made only upon the basis of the physical examination and signs and symptoms provided by the patient. In cases where required, X-Ray and MRI can be conducted on the advice of the physician to confirm the diagnosis. MRI is usually helpful in detecting the severity of the complaints.


This condition is usually self-limiting and is not life-threatening. But, it can affect one’s quality of life as it can cause trouble at times to perform daily life activities and can be distressing to the patient. Known complications of the condition are:

Sleep Deprivations: As the pains become worse usually during the night so it can lead to problems in falling asleep easily thereby making the sufferer deprived of sleep.

Depression: If one has a tendency to develop the symptoms, again and again, a person might develop anxiety and depression due to prolonged suffering.

It can start from one shoulder but there are chances that the condition can progress to affect the other shoulder also.

Problems in neck and back can also take place in cases where the condition is not treated well and has progressed.

Prevention and Management of Frozen Shoulder

The condition can be prevented if one keeps a check on a few things.

Frozen shoulder usually starts from immobilization. Often, the shoulder starts to pain when progressing towards becoming stiff. This may cause someone to move the joint less and leading to further adhesions of the shoulder joint, preventing the movement of shoulder in full range. One should keep the shoulder in complete motion to avoid the occurrence of this condition.

If one is having any injury which prohibits movement the shoulder joint a few exercises must be performed to maintain the range of motion in the shoulder joint on a daily basis.

Management of the condition aims at restoring the joint movement and reducing the shoulder pain. Management can be done by performing physiotherapy, massages, stretching exercises. One must perform exercises which involve a range of motion of the shoulder joint so that the adhesions start to loosen up and shoulder can move freely.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Rectal Prolapse

Though not a debilitating disease, rectal prolapse can throw life out of gear for a person by virtue of the fact that it entails the falling down of a part of the rectum from its normal position. Homeopathic Treatment can be effective in assuaging the discharge and discomfort resulting from rectal prolapse without the fear of side-effects. Homeopathic remedies for rectal prolapse go to the root of the problem and cure the underlying causes of this condition.  homeopathic medicines for rectal prolapse

Symptoms of Prolapse Rectum

A person suffering from this condition manifests a couple of symptoms, ranging from discomfort and pain in the rectal region; mucoid discharges from the anus and bleeding from the rectum to fecal incontinence and difficulty in passing stools.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Rectal Prolapse

I feel the homeopathic system of medicine can work wonders in curing prolapsed rectum since it is natural and non-toxic compared to other treatments as its remedies are culled from Nature. Podophyllum, Ignatia, Aesculus, Hydrastis, are the top remedies.

1. Podophyllum: When Rectum Prolapse Occurs while Passing Stool

I find podophyllum to be one of the most frequently indicated remedies in cases of a prolapsed rectum. The rectum may get prolapsed either before or during the passing of stools. There may be a sore pain in the anus. Podophyllum may be prescribed in children with complaints of prolapse of the rectum. Proper inquiry generally reveals that there is a history of chronic constipation.  All the symptoms are associated with a weakness in the abdomen and anus. There may be constant anxiety due to the pain in the anus. The prolapsed part of the rectum may remain protruded for a long time, particularly in children.

2. Ignatia: When Rectum Prolapse Occurs Even with Soft Stool

Ignatia is also a very good remedy for prolapsed rectum. Ignatia may be prescribed when the parts protrude with soft stools and remain intact with hard stools. The pain may be sharp and shooting in nature. The pain radiates upwards and may get worse after passing stools. The pain subsides considerably when the patient is in a sitting posture. There may be a tight, constrictive feeling around the opening of the anus. Ignatia may be given when there is a constant pressure as if some sharp instrument was protruding from the rectum into the anus. All complaints get aggravated in the mornings, after eating food, and on getting warmth. The patient feels better by changing the posture and when he is in a sitting posture.

3. Ruta Graveolens: Prolapse occurs After Straining or after Delivery

This remedy is very well indicated in cases of a prolapsed rectum. Ruta may be particularly prescribed in cases which occur due to complications after childbirth. The stools may be constipated and can be passed only with great straining and difficulty. Sitting is the worst position because it makes the pain get worse. The pain sensation is as if the rectum and anus are being pricked with sticks. Some part of the rectum comes down the anus each time when the stools are passed. Ruta may be given when there is protrusion of the rectum during an attempt to bend or stoop forward. Winters are the worst time for the patients as the pains become unbearable.

4. Aesculus: When Rectal Prolapse is Due to Chronic Piles

Aesculius hippo is a remedy known for its remarkable results on the anus and rectum. It may be prescribed in persons suffering from chronic piles leading to a prolapsed rectum. The sensation of pain is that of the rectum being filled with sticks. There may be intense burning pain in the anus which radiates up to the back. I feel Aesculus is also suitable for women who suffer from prolapsed rectum during the menopausal or post-menopausal period. There may be a sensation of swelling in the anus and passing stools is very painful and difficult. The most prominent feature that calls for a prescription of Aesculus is a constant backache which may incapacitate the person so much that he or she is unable to perform the daily chores.

5. Hydrastis: For Rectal Prolapse in Children

Hydrastis is a remedy especially effective in cases of the prolapsed rectum in children. The child may be constipated and cries while passing stools on account of pain. There may be much swelling in the anus and rectum with congestion. The complaints may be associated with fissures in the anus. This gives rise to much burning in the anus during the passing of stools. The pain lasts for a long time after passing stools.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Cystitis

Homeopathic  Treatment For Cystitis and Interstitial Cystitis

An inflammation of the urinary bladder, cystitis causes difficulty in passing urine owing to which it can completely throw life out of gear for an affected person.Homeopathy can help alleviate a cystitis patient’s misery as it is a non-intrusive and safe remedy. Since homeopathy uses the body’s own defenses to combat infection, this line of treatment is natural and also toxin-free compared to other cures as its medicines are sourced from naturally occurring products.

Signs and symptoms:

The common symptoms of cystitis are painful urination, a constant urge to pass urine due to an inability to control the bladder, and increased frequency of urination. In some cases, the condition manifests itself with fever accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Some patients complain of pain in the lower back. In most of the cases, an inflammation of the urethra along with the bladder is observed. Urethra is the path that connects the bladder to the exterior of the body. The disease is then termed as the Lower urinary tract infection (UTI).

The cause of cystitis varies in males and females as well as in different age groups. The incidence of cystitis is higher in females owing to their smaller urethra which makes it easy for the bacteria to enter the bladder. Other sources of infection could be through sexual transmission, contraceptives, or due to chronic dehydration. The infections have a lower incidence in males as compared to females. The common cause of cystitis in males is kidney infection.


Homeopathic medicine Staphysgaria, when Constant urge is The main Symptom In Cystitis

My experience has shown that homeopathic remedies enjoy distinct advantages over other lines of treatment in curing cystitis.I have found staph to be an excellent homoeopathic medicine to treat cystitis and other urinary tract infections. Staph covers the urinary problems wonderfully. The patients who require staph exhibit symptoms of tearing pain in the urethra with involuntary discharge of urine. The urine is so acrid that is causes burning around the genitals that corrodes the skin and makes it difficult for the patient to move. There is a lot of burning while passing the urine. Despite the pain and burning, the person experiences a constant urge to pass urine. The urine is passed in profuse quantities and is pale in color. Staphisagria is suitable in case of newly married women who come with the complaint of UTI.

Cantharis – Homeopathic Medicine when Burning is the key symptom in Cystitis

 Cantharis is a well-known homoeopathic remedy for its marvelous effects on inflammations and infections. In cases of burns, it brings immediate relief. It is ideal for cases with symptoms of inflammation of the bladder with pain and a lot of burning in the genitals. The urine is passed drop by drop due to the excessive burning while passing urine. There is retention of urine but the person feels the need to pass urine frequently. The reason for this is the incomplete clearance of the bladder. There is an intolerable urge to urinate that makes the person go into paroxysms. It can be used in cases of Interstitial cystitis where the root cause is chronic inflamed bladder .

Apis Melllifica – Homeopathic remedy for Interstitial Cystitis When There is Difficulty In Passing Urine

 Apis Mellifica is an excellent remedy used in homoeopathy in cases of chronic inflammation of bladder  also known as Interstitial Cystitis. Apis helps to cure the inflamed part and reduce the swelling. I have found that Apis is best prescribed in case of cystitis symptoms of hot urine passed drop by drop owing to the burning that corrodes the skin and makes it difficult to urinate. The urine in these cases is of a strong color and odor. The incomplete urination gives rise to a constant urge to urinate. In cases of urine troubles with swelling in the genitals, Apis can be used to give excellent results. In young boys, it can be used in cases where kidney inflammations have caused cystitis. The boy is scared to pass urine due to the burning pain it causes. Apis also wonderfully treats the cases of retention of urine in infants.




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