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Homeopathic Remedies for IBD

Homeopathic remedies for Ulcerative Colitis and Inflamatory Bowel Disease
Diarrhoea, often with blood and mucus, the frequent urge to pass stool or poop, cramping pains in abdomen, all these point to a stomach disorder. Inflammatory Bowel Disease refers to inflammation in the digestive tract. It includes two medical conditions:- The first is Ulcerative Colitis in which inflammation of rectum or large intestine (colon) occurs and the second condition is Crohn’s Disease, in which inflammation of any part of the gastro-intestinal tract from mouth to anus can take place but mainly the small intestine is involved. The main symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis are diarrhea containing blood or mucus, urgency or frequent desire to pass stool and tenesmus, where there is a constant urge to pass stool but the bowels cannot be moved and only scanty stool is passed. The main symptoms of Crohn’s Disease are diarrhea, cramping pains in abdomen, weight loss, anemia and joint pains. The treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease is very beneficial and completely safe as it is made of natural substances and has no side effects. Homeopathic Remedies for IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease can bring relief to the patient and also work to root out the causative factor.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for IBD – Ulcerative Colitis

Top medicines for Ulcerative colitis are Merc Cor, Colchicum, Arsenic Album, and Phosphorus

1. Mercurius Corrosivus: For Blood and Mucus in Stool in Ulcerative Colitis

Mercurius Corrosivus is the top natural medicine to treat patients suffering from Ulcerative Colitis. This is the best remedy for patients in whom blood and shreds of mucus membranes are passed along with the stool. The patients requiring this medicine feel a constant urge to pass stool but only scanty, hot stool of offensive odour is passed. After passing the stool, the urge reappears and the patient gets no satisfaction. Cutting pains in the rectum accompany the passage of stool.

2. Colchicum Autumnale: For Ulcerative Colitis with Jelly-like Mucus in Stool

Colchicum Autumnale is a natural remedy used in treating those patients of Ulcerative Colitis who complain of excessive jelly-like mucus in stool. The patients experience nausea of the extreme degree and even faint from the odour of cooking food, mainly eggs and meat.

3. Arsenicum Album: For Ulcerative Colitis with Stool of Offensive Odour and Blood

Arsenicum Album is a natural medicine of great help for the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis. The main symptom guiding its use is stool with an offensive odour and dark-coloured blood in it. The complaints get worse at night and the patient feelsa lot of weakness. This medicine can bring about much relief when alcoholic drinks, watery fruit or cold drinks worsen the condition. Burning painin abdomen and rectum is a constant accompanying symptom. Warm drinksgenerally bring relief to patients requiring medicine Arsenicum Album.

4. Phosphorus: For Ulcerative Colitis with Stool Containing Blood and Greenish Mucus

Phosphorus is a very beneficial remedy for patients of ulcerative Colitis where the stool contains blood and greenish mucus with extreme offensiveness. The condition mainly gets worse in the morning. The patients show an excessive craving for cold drinks, ice cream and juicy things.

5. Aloe Socotrina: For Crohn’s Disease with Loose Stool

Aloe Socotrina is among the top natural remedies for Crohn’s Disease. The patients requiring this medicine complain of loose stool which gets worse immediately after eating or drinking anything. The patient feels a sudden urge to pass stool and has to rush to the toilet. Aloe Socotrina also brings relief from the cutting pains in lower abdomen which get worse before and during passing stool and get better after the stool is passed out. Faintness usually follows stool. This medicine can also control diarrhea that gets worsedue to the intake of beer.

6. Podophyllum Peltatum: For Crohn’s Disease with Diarrhea

Podophyllum Peltatum is a very beneficial remedy for Crohn’s Disease with diarrhea and when the stool is watery, greenish and very offensive. The diarrhea mainly gets worse in the morning but in the evening, the stool is normal. The patient can also complain of prolapse of rectum before or during stool. The patient always feels a thirst for large quantities of cold water.

7. Cinchona Officinalis: For Crohn’s Disease with Diarrhea Worse at Night

Cinchona Officinalis is a natural medicine of great help in treating Crohn’s Disease where the diarrhea gets worse at night. The patient has excessive flatulence in the whole abdomen along with diarrhea. This remedy also works best for patients in whom diarrhea gets worse by taking milk or fruits.

8. Argentum Nitricum: For Crohn’s Disease with Watery Green Stool and Flatulence

Argentum Nitricumis thee top natural remedy for Crohn’s Disease with watery green stool accompanied by discharge of loud and noisy flatus. The diarrhoea mainly gets worseby over-eating sweets or after any emotional excitement. An unusual craving for sweets may be present in patients requiring this medicine.

9. For Bleeding from Rectum

For controlling bleeding from the rectum in Inflammatory Bowel Disease,  natural medicines Mercurius Solubilis, Nitricum Acidum, Nux Vomica and Hamamelis Virginica are the best remedies. Mercurius Solubilis is prescribed for patients in whom bleeding from rectum occurs with loose stool and extremely chilly feeling. There’s also an unusual thirst for water. Nitricum Acidum is the medicine which is of great help for patients complaining of bleeding of excessive bright red blood from rectum with severe cutting or tearing pains in rectum. Hamamelis Virginica is the ideal remedy when the blood from rectum is dark coloured and the patient experiences extreme weakness. Nux Vomica is a medicine that is very beneficial when the bleeding from rectum is excited by the intake of spicy food, alcoholic drinks or coffee.

10. For IBD with Diarrhea

Gambogia is a natural medicine that is very beneficial for controlling diarrhoea in  Inflammatory Bowel Disease where the stool is very profuse, watery and is ejected out with suddenness and force. Diarrhoea mainly gets worse in hot weather in patients requiring Gambogia. Sulphur, on the other hand, is the best remedy when the diarrhoea gets worse in the morning. Such patients have to rush out of bed early morning to pass out stool. Patients usually feel hot in soles of feet, palms and head. Podophyllum Peltatum is another effective natural remedy to treat diarrhoea inInflammatory Bowel Disease. The symptoms which guidetowards its use are watery, greenish profuse stool with jelly-like mucus in it.

11. For IBD for Controlling Mucus

Aloe Socotrina and Colchicum Autumnale are the top natural medicines for excessive jelly-like mucus in the stool with pain in the rectum of Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients. Pulsatilla Pratensis is of great help if the mucus in stool is of green colour. The patients requiring Pulsatilla Pratensis are almost thirstless and fatty food always worsens the condition.

12. For Controlling Cramps

Colocynthis works well in patients in whom the cramping pain in abdomen is relieved by pressure or bending double. Dioscorea Villosa is the ideal remedy for patients in whom the abdominal cramps get worse from bending double and better by bending backwards or by walking. Magnesium Phoshphoricum gives excellent results if the cramps in abdomen get better by pressure or warm applications.

13. For controlling Tenesmus

Nux Vomica is the best natural medicine for treating tenesmus in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The main indication towards this medicine use is an ineffectual but constant urge to pass stool. The stool is very scanty and the patient is not satisfied and goes to pass stool at very short intervals. There is pain in the abdomen which is relieved for a little while after passing of stool, but reappears very soon. Mercurius Solubilis is another remedy which is very beneficial for tenesmus in Inflammatory Bowel Disease where the stool is slimy, bloody and is accompanied by excessive chilliness. Capsicum Annum, meanwhile, is a natural medicine that is of great help for dealing with the tenesmus of Inflammatory Bowel Diseaseif burning and stinging pains are present in the rectum while passing unsatisfactory and insufficient stool. Thirst for water is present after passing stool.

14. For IBD with Weight Loss

Ferrum Phosphoricum, Natrum Muriaticum, Cinchona Officinalis and Lycopodium Clavatum are of great help in treating weakness or anemia in patients of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Ferrum Phosphoricum can help in raising the haemoglobin level of the patient who has become anemic due to excessive blood loss in stool. The patient looks pale and very weak. Natrum Muriaticum is another good medicine to relieve the weakness in a patient of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The patient requiring this medicine shows an unusual craving for salty things and cannot bear the heat of sun. Cinchona Officinalis, on the other hand, is the ideal natural medicine for treating the weakness in Inflammatory Bowel Disease due to excessive loss of fluid in diarrhoea.  Excessive flatulence is mainly present in patients requiring Cinchona Officinalis. Lycopodium Clavatum can reduce weakness in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and the symptoms guiding its use are a desire for sweets and warm drinks. The patient looks pale and emaciated with a yellow face and blue circles around eyes.

15. For IBD with Joint Pains

The joint pains in patients of Inflammatory Bowel Disease can be best treated with natural medicines like Bryonia Alba, Rhus Toxicodendron and Kali Bichromicum. If joints are excessively inflammed with pains getting worse on motion, Bryonia Alba can provide a lot of relief. Such joint pains always get better by resting. Rhus Toxicodendron gives a huge amount of relief toInflammatory Bowel Disease patientssuffering from joint pains who experience excessive pain and stiffness in joints which get worse on resting and better by motion. Kali Bichromicum can be very beneficial if the joint pains are of a wandering nature that shiftquickly from one joint to another at short intervals.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Hyperthyroidism, Goitre and Graves Disease

Homeopathic Remedies for HyperthyroidisM

Thyroid is a gland in the front of the neck that controls metabolism, or how the body turns food into energy and also affects the heart, muscles, bones and cholesterol. Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid gland is overactive and produces thyroid hormones in excess. The main cause of Hyperthyroidism is Grave’s Disease. Grave’s Disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the antibodies are produced by the immune system against its own tissue and attack the thyroid gland, resulting in excessive production of thyroid hormones. This leads to Hyperthyroidism. The symptoms may include quick loss of weight, fast hearbeat, sweating profusely, and feeling moody. Homeopathic remedies for Hyperthyroidism are completely safe and strike at the root cause of Hyperthyroidism.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Hyperthyroidism

1. Lodium: For Hyperthyroidism with quick weight loss

Lodium is one of the best natural medicines for treating Hyperthyroidism. This remedy is mainly prescribed for patients of Hyperthyroidism who lose weight quickly despite having a good appetite. Such patients need something to eat at very short intervals and always feel better while eating. Feeling excessive heat in body and wanting to stay in a cool environment are the other symptoms. Mentally the person is very anxious about present issues and not about future.  Lodium also works very well in relieving Hyperthyroid patients from excessive palpitations which get worse from even slight exertion. Extreme weakness is a common symptom described by patients and the weakness is mainly felt on going upstairs.

2. Natrum Muriaticum: For Hyperthyroidism with Irritability

Natrum Muriaticum is a natural medicine used for treating Hyperthyroidism mainly for patients who are irritated very easily and get upset over little things. The person remains depressed with weeping when alone and it always gets aggravated when someone tries to console. The persons requiring this medicine feel very hot and cannot bear the heat of sun. They suffer from severe headaches when exposed to sun. An unusual craving for salt in excess is always present in a person who is recommended this medicine. Another important symptom guiding towards using remedy NatrumMuriaticum is when a Hyperthyroid patient keeps on losing weight despite having regular and proper meals. The person looks very weak, especially around the neck region. The patient feels very weak especially in morning when in bed. The heart rate always remains on the higher side. This natural medicine can also help in regularising the menstrual cycle in women with Hyperthyroidism whose menses remain suppressed for too long.

3. Lachesis Mutus: For Hyperthyroidism with extreme heat

Lachesis Mutus is of great help for patients of Hyperthyroidism who suffer from the sensation of the body feeling extremely hot. Such patients cannot wear tight clothes and always keep their collars around the neck and the belt around the waist loose. For the prescription of this natural medicine, the mental symptoms that are usually considered are sadness with an aversion to do any kind of work. The person does not wish to mix up and wants to go somewhere alone. Excessive talkativeness is a leading mind symptom for the use of Lachesis Mutus. It is also the remedy for women of menopause age suffering from Hyperthyroidism. The women complain of excessive hot flushes and palpitations. The menstrual flow is very less and the duration is also short. Feeling of wellness during menses is an important feature for its use in women. Another leading feature is complaint of pounding of heart or palpitations with episodes of fainting. Worsening of the condition during sleep is a prominent symptom for the use of this medicine in Hyperthyroid patients.

4. Phosphorus: For Hyperthyroidism with extreme Sensitivity, Hairfall

Phosphorus is another top natural medicine for treatment of Hyperthyroidism. This remedy is of great help for tall and thin patients who are very sensitive to external impressions like touch, odour, light. This medicine can be used for treating longstanding diarrhoea in patients of Hyperthyroidism. The patient complains of very profuse and offensive stool with weakness of extreme degree. Appetite of such persons increases and they feel hungry immediately after eating. Another sphere where this medicine proves to be useful in patients of Hyperthyroidism is in controlling excessive hairfall where the patient complains of falling of hair in bunches. Certain peculiar eating habits also give a hint in using this medicine in Hyperthyroid patients like a craving for meat, salty things, cold drinks and ice creams.

5. Conium Maculatum: For Hyperthyroidism with depression

Conium Maculatum is a very beneficial natural remedy for patients of Hyperthyroidism who are very depressed and donot take any interest in work. The patient gets irritated easily and suffers from weakness of memory. This medicine works well for patients who experience trembling in hands along with perspiration on hands. Conium Maculatum is also a useful cure for menstrual problems faced by women due to Hyperthyroidism where the menses appear late and that too for a  short time and are very scanty in nature.

Other Important Remedies

1. For Hyperthyroidism with Weightloss

Lodum, Natrum Muriaticum and Lycopodium Clavatum are natural remedies for overactive thyroid and are of great help to deal with the problem of weightloss in a patient of Hyperthyroidism. Lodum is also prescribed for patients who have an increased appetite and need something to eat every hour but still keep on losing weight. This is because of the increased metabolic rate due to excess thyroid hormones circulating in the blood. Such patients also feel extremely hot and always desire to stay in a cool place. Natrum Muriaticum is ideal for anaemic persons who look weak and emaciated. They also go on losing flesh even if they are taking a good diet. The emaciation is mainly noted in neck region. The person requiring this medicine craves for extra salt in diet. Lycopodium Clavatum can help those patients in whom the emaciation due to weight loss is most marked in upper part of body as compared to lower part. Usually such patients have a craving for warm drinks and sweets.

2. For Heat Intolerance in Patients of Hyperthyroidism

The prescription for dealing with heat intolerance depends upon the totality of symptoms given by the patient and not on a single symptom. The natural remedies for overactive thyroid that can help in such conditions are Sulphur, Pulsatilla Pratensis and Lachesis Mutus. Sulphur is a top medicine for treating heat intolerance in patients of Hyperthyroidism. The patients requiring Sulphur feel excessively hot mainly at the top of head and soles of feet. Such patients feel the need to put their feet out of the blanket due to intensive heat in the feet at night during sleep. An excessive craving for sweets may be present in patients in whom Sulphur is prescribed. Pulsatilla Pratensis is the remedy for patients who cannot tolerate excessive heat and always need cool open air to get relief. Absolute absence of thirst for water is an important symptom guiding towards its use. Mentally, the patient requiring Pulsatilla is of a mild nature and weeps frequently atthe slightest instance. Lachesis Mutus is the natural medicine for patients of Hyperthyroidism who experience heat flushes and cannot wear tight clothes. They always keep the neck collars and belt around the waist very loose.

3. For menstrual troubles in women with Hyperthyroidism

Pulsatilla Pratensis is the top natural medicine to correct the menstrual irregularities in women suffering from Hyperthyroidism. This medicine is mainly given where the menses remain suppressed for long and if the menses are very scanty, along with severe pain in the uterus that makes the patient cry out. Women needing Pulsatilla usually crave for fatty food and have an absolute absence of thirst for water. Sepia Officinalis is also a very beneficial medicine for treating menstrual problems where the menses remain for a very short time, that too with slight bleeding. The presence of bearing down pains in uterus as if the pelvic organs are about to come out along with menstrual irregularities is an important symptom for this remedy.

4. For Diarrhea in patients of Hyperthyroidism

Phosphorus, Aloe Socotrina and Sulphur are very good natural remedies to treat diarrhea in Hyperthyroid patients. Phosphorus is mainly given where the stool is excessive and offensive, along with extreme weakness. An excessive desire for cold drinks and ice creams is always present in patients needing Phosphorus.  Aloe Socotrina is a natural remedy for patients who have to rush to the toilet to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking anything. And Sulphur is the preferred treatment for diarrhea that is worse in the morning. The patients requiring Sulphur suffer from excessive heat in body and like sweets in diet.

5. For Palpitations and Increase in Heart Rate in Hyperthyroid Patients

Both Lycopus Virginicus and Lodum are excellent natural remedies to control palpitations and Tachycardia or increase in heart rate in Hyperthyroid patients. Lycopus Virginicus can help in cases where the pulse is very rapid and palpitations are felt due to nervous irritation. Lodum can help to control the palpitations when they get worse from least exertion.

6. Natural Medicines for Goitre

The enlargement of thyroid gland is referred to as Goitre. Homeopathy has a wide range of natural medicines to treat Goitre cases. The selection of the medicine depends solely on the constitutional symptoms given by the patients.  Lachesis Mutus, Lycopodium Clavatum, Spongia Tosta, Calcarea Lodata and Fucus Vesiculosus are of great help in treating goitre cases. Lachesis Mutus works very well when the Goitre is left-sided. Patients requiring this medicine have difficulty in swallowing liquids while the solid food is swallowed easily. They also feel very hot. Lycopodium Clavatum is a remedy for swelling of thyroid gland on the right side. Spongia Tosta is recommended as a remedy if the thyroid gland is much enlarged, causing suffocating spells at night.Calcarea Lodata is used for thyroid enlargements occurring around puberty. Fucus Vesiculosus is the remedy for Goitre in obese people.

7. Natural Medicines for Grave’s Disease

There are several efficient medicines to treat the patients of Grave’s Disease. For treating Grave’s Disease, a proper case study of the patient is required. Then follows a proper evaluation of the symptoms to select the ideal natural medicine to cure Grave’s Disease. Lodum is mainly prescribed where the patient feels excessively hot and suffers from violent heart palpitations from even a slight exertion. An increased appetite where the patient feels the need to eat at very short intervals but still goes on losing weight is a very prominent symptom for this medicine use. Lycopus Virginicus is also of great help in the treatment of Grave’s Disease. The patients requiring this natural medicine have protruding eyeballs. They also suffer from pounding of heart or palpitations from nervous irritation with an oppressed feeling in chest on the left side. The heart rate also goes up because of increased thyroid hormones circulating in the blood.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Fatty Liver

Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Fatty Liver

The buildup of fats in the liver is known as Fatty Liver. The liver processes everything that you eat or drink and filters harmful substances from the blood. If too much fat has accumulated in the liver, this process gets interfered with. The symptoms of fatty liver can be non-specific, especially in the early stages. Most people with a Fatty Liver feel unwell and find they get tired and gain weight for no apparent reason. The reasons for Fatty Liver can be alcoholism, incorrect diet, obesity, diabetes, or even excessive use of medication. The Homeopathic remedies for fatty liver can reverse the condition of the fatty liver and bring it to normal. The natural medicines, which are made of natural substances, are given to patients after studying the unique symptoms experienced by each individual. The natural remedies for a fatty liver are completely safe with no side effects.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Fatty Liver

1. Chelidonium: For Fatty Liver with Pain in Right Upper Abdomen

Chelidonium is the top natural medicine for Fatty Liver treatment. The marked symptom for using this medicine is pain in right upper abdomen and pain under right shoulder. There may also be an enlargement of liver. The person is usually constipated. The stool passes in the form of hard balls. A distended abdomen with nausea and vomiting is also experienced. The patient suffers from excessive weakness. In case of jaundice in a patient with Fatty Liver too, Chelidonium is the best remedy. A hallmark symptom that adds weightage for selecting this medicine is a desire for very hot drinks and hot food.

2. Lycopodium: For Fatty Liver with acidity

Lycopodium is a natural remedy of great help for treating Fatty Liver with gastric symptoms and acidity. The patient complains of distension or bloating of abdomen soon after eating anything. The abdomen feels full of gas. Burning belching is also experienced. Even eating a little causes fullness in the abdomen. The patient feels heaviness and pain in the right upper part of abdomen. Usually, the symptoms get worse towards the evening. Farinaceous food makes the person worse. An unusual craving for sweets and hot drinks in excess may be present.

3. Phosphorus: For Fatty Liver with Food Coming up after Eating

Phosphorus is the best natural medicine for patients of Fatty Liver who feel as if the food is coming upwards after eating. This is accompanied by sour belching. Vomiting may also occur in a few cases, along with pain in liver. The stool and flatus are very offensive. The patient feels weak after passing stool. The craving for peculiar things in diet is an important indication for using this medicine in Fatty Liver patients. These peculiar things include ice creams, cold drinks and refreshing items like juices.

4. Calcarea Carb: For Obese Fatty Liver Patients

Calcarea Carb is a very beneficial natural medicine for mainly obese Fatty Liver patients. The person is fatty, flabby with excess fat in liver and whole abdomen. This remedy successfully helps in burning excess fat in liver. The digestion is very slow in such persons with long-standing constipation. The abdomen always remains distended. Milk is not suitable for these persons. A few constitutional symptoms that are taken note of is a desire for boiled eggs or strange things like chalk and pencils. Another is sensitivity to cold air and excessive sweating on the head.

5. Nux Vomica: For Fatty Liver with Pain in Abdomen after Eating

Natural remedy Nux Vomica is the best fatty liver treatment in homeopathy when the cause is over-consumption of alcohol. It is prescribed when pain in abdomen begins a few hours after eating, with a feeling of stone in abdomen. Sour or bitter belching accompanies the pain. A very significant symptom for selecting Nux Vomica for Fatty Liver is constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool or poop. The stool, however, is insufficient and unsatisfactory. The passing out of stool gives some relief from the pain in the abdomen but the urge to pass stool is renewed soon after. The patient craves for fattyfood, spicy food, coffee and alcoholic drinks in diet.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for blood in Stool

Homeopathic Remedies For Blood in Stool Blood in stool or poop should trigger an instant alarm and must be taken seriously. Blood in stool usually is a result of bleeding from any part of the gastro-intestinal tract. When the origin of blood in stool is from the upper gastro-intestinal tract, it is dark or black in colour and is called Melaena. When the blood in stool is bright red in colour, it indicates a lower gastro-intestinal origin. The main causes behind blood in stool are piles, anal fissures, Ulcerative Colitis, dysentery, peptic ulcer and gastro-intestinal cancer. The Homeopathy remedies for blood in stool not only controls bleeding appearing in the stool, but also effectively tackle the underlying cause. The Homeopathy treatment for blood in stool is safe with no side effects as these remedies are made of completely natural substances.  homeopathic remedies for blood in stool

Homeopathic Remedies for Blood in Stool

The natural medicines act as very powerful anti-hemorrhagic agents to control bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract appearing in the stool. The Homeopathy remedies are of great help in tackling blood in stool. The first and foremost aim of medicines is to halt active bleeding in the stool. The second aim is the treatment of the underlying cause leading to blood in stool. The Homeopathy mode of treatment has zero side effects and is completely safe. Phosphorus, Nitric Acid, Hamamelis, Nux Vomica, Collinsonia, Merc Cor and Merc Sol are the top remedies for blood in stool. 

1. Phosphorus and Nitric Acid: For Bright Red Blood in Stool

Both Phosphorus and Nitric Acid are top natural medicines for treating blood in stool when it is bright red in colour. Phosphorus acts as the best anti-haemorrhagic remedy when the stool contains red blood with loose stool. Phosphorus is a very effective remedy when the bleeding is very profuse bright red and the stool is also very offensive. Extreme exhaustion follows bleeding. The person needing Phosphorus may have a desire for cold drinks, ice creams or juicy things along with blood in the stool. Nitric Acid is the ideal remedy when the blood in stool is bright red and constipation is dominant. Along with blood in stool, the patient also experiences violent pains in the rectum. Nitric Acid is the best remedy for blood in stool due to anal fissures. For using Nitric Acid also, the bleeding in the stool is profuse.

2. Hamamelis: For Dark Black Blood in Stool

The best natural medicine for treating dark blood in stool is Hamamelis. Along with bleeding, there is a sensation of burning in anus. The important feature with blood in stool is utmost weakness. The bleeding is very profuse and the cause can be piles, ulcers of intestine or fissures or dysentery. A few patients needing Hamamelis may also have a severe backache along with bleeding in stool.

3. Nux Vomica: For Blood in Stool with Frequent urge to Pass Stool

Nux Vomica is the top natural remedy for blood in stool along with a frequent desire to pass stool. The stool passed is small in quantity and the desire to pass stool is almost constant with blood in stool. Another feature that can be present is cramps in abdomen along with frequent stools with blood. The cramps get temporarily better after passing stool but are soon renewed. Nux Vomica is also a remedy of great help when taking spicy food or stimulants like alcohol and coffee worsens the condition of blood in stool. Along with these symptoms is a marked chilliness.

4. Top Remedies for Blood in Stool due to Piles (Haemorrhoids)

Piles refers to a medical condition of congested veins around the anal canal, leading to difficulty in passing stool. Piles may or may not cause bleeding with stool. Natural medicines Nux Vomica, Collinsonia and Phosphorus are all very beneficial medicines to treat blood in stool due to piles. Nux Vomica is recommended when stool is constipated and bloody in piles condition. The constipation is characterised by a frequent desire to pass stool with only little passage. The desire is almost constant and stool is unsatisfactory. Collinsonia is the ideal remedy when severe pain in the rectum accompanies bloody stool in piles condition. For using Collinsonia, there is a specific feeling of sharp sticks filling the rectum. Here also the stool is constipated but there is no frequent desire to pass stool. The stool is mainly very dry for using Collinsonia. Itching in anus may also be felt. Phosphorus is the best remedy when bright red blood in stool is present with utmost exhausted feeling. The stool is generally not constipated but is very offensive.

5. For Blood in Stool due to Anal Fissure

In case of anal fissure, tears appearin the anus with pain and bleeding while passing stool. The top natural medicines for treating blood in stool due to anal fissure are Nitric Acid, Phosphorus and Alumen. Nitric Acid is of great help for the treatment of blood in stool due to anal fissure along with violent sharp stitching pains in the anus. The pains are present while passing stool and may continue for hours after passing stool. Phosphorus is the ideal medicine when bleeding in stool due to fissure is profuse and typically bright red in colour. Alumen is the remedy prescribed when constipation of the worst kind accompanies bleeding in stool due to fissures. Here pain and itching in anus also appearwith bleeding.

6. Top Medicines for Blood in Stool due to Dysentery

Dysentery is a condition where a person passes loose stool containing blood and mucus. Along with these, pain in abdomen and Tenesmus also appear. Tenesmus is a condition where there is a persistent desire to pass stool. The natural medicines that are very beneficial for treating blood in stool due to dysentery are Nux Vomica, Merc Cor and Merc Sol. Nux Vomica can be taken in all those cases of bloody stool in dysentery when Tenesmus predominates. Here the person has an ineffectual desire to pass stool. The stool passed is small in quantity and the desire to pass stool is almost constant. Pain in the abdomen also appears which is relieved for a very short time following passage of stool, but only to be renewed shortly after. Merc Cor is the best remedy when the stool is hot, bloody along with slimy mucus. The stool is offensive and the desire to pass stool is persistent. Merc Sol, on the other hand, is the most appropriate medicine when blood in stool and Tenesmus get worse at night. The patient can even faint and a few may also have a chilly sensation after passing stool.

Best Remedies for blood in stool due to Ulcerative Colitis

The medicines Merc Sol, Hamamelis and Nux Vomica are considered the best natural remedies for bloody stool due to Ulcerative Colitis. Merc Sol is the ideal remedy for blood in stool with chilliness. Here bleeding is worse at night. Abdominal colic with unsatisfactory stool is also present. Hamamelis is the top remedy when the blood in stool is dark coloured, and utmost weakness accompanies. Nux Vomica works best when Tenesmus with blood in stool is the main complaint. The person needing Nux Vomica has a frequent urge to pass stool, which is insufficient and unsatisfactory.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Body Odor

Homeopathic Remedies for Body OdorThere can be nothing more embarrassing than seeing people holding their noses and getting away when you enter because of your body odor. Stinking after a hard day’s physical labor is understandable, but having a body odor that doesn’t leave is a medical condition that needs help. Body odor is mainly a result of excessive sweating. The skin covered with sweat serves as a favorable place for the bacteria to flourish. When these bacteria unite with sweat, the decomposition of the chemical in sweat begins and it starts to emit a stinky odor. Body odor may arise from the whole body but the main sites that mainly let out bad odor are axilla (armpits) and feet. When a person engages in a lot of physical exertion or is under the influence of stressful conditions, the sweat increases and the body starts to smell. A diet with a high amount of garlic, onions, and spices is the reason for body odor in some persons. Alcohol intake, diabetes mellitus, and obesity are also associated with foul body odor. The Homeopathic remedies for body odor offer a complete cure. These are made of natural substances and have no side effects, work to extract the body odor from the root.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Body Odor

The stinky foul body odor can limit a person’s social interaction out of shame and embarrassment. Deodorants and powders used for camouflaging the body odor are only temporary and very short-term methods. They are just suppressive techniques and do not eliminate body odor from the root. The use of properly selected natural remedies, however, can very effectively treat body odor as well as extinguish it from the root. The aim of the natural remedies is to cure the condition rather than suppressing it. While selecting remedies for body odor, the site of the body part emitting odor is considered along with any specific kind of character of body odor. The character of odor may vary from person to person like sour, fishy, fetid, cadaverous, putrid, garlic-like, onion-like or pungent. In addition to these symptoms, characteristic constitutional symptoms of patients like likes and dislikes in food, appetite, thirst, sensitivity to heat or cold and any symptom that stands out dominantly are given a lot of importance while recommending the best remedies.

1. Sulphur and Psorinum: Best Remedies for Body Odor

The top natural medicines for the treatment of body odor are Sulphur and Psorinum. Both these remedies act as very powerful agents to get rid of body odor. These natural body odor remedies are successful in treating even the acute cases of body odor. The persons who complain of foul disagreeable body odor over the whole body that does not leave even after bathing can best benefit from these remedies.

Sulphur works best for persons who show heat sensitivity —such persons cannot tolerate heat. They also suffer from heated sensations in various parts of the body, mainly in palms and soles. Psorinum is selected mainly for those persons with body odor who are extremely sensitive to a cold environment. Such persons are so sensitive to cold that they sometimes need to cover themselves up warmly even in summers. The persons needing any of these medicines also have a tendency to perspire freely. Their skin is also very dirty and unhealthy looking with a constant filthy and foul smell.

2. Hepar Sulph and Rheum: For Sour Body Odor

Hepar Sulph and Rheum are the top natural medicines for sour body odor. Hepar Sulph brings about the best results in cases of sour body odor as soon as there is any exertion. The exertion can be either physical or mental. The person also starts sweating after any of these exertions. Rheum is the ideal remedy when the sour smell from the body does not disappear even after washing with water. The sour odor may be present over the whole body or specifically on the head for using Rheum. The sour odor in persons needing Rheum may appear after exertion or even in the resting position.

3. Silicea: For Foul Odor from Feet

Silicea is a natural remedy of great help for treating foul odor from feet. Silicea is even successful in treating horribly offensive odor emanating from the feet. Along with the intolerably offensive odor, excessive sweating on the feet may also be found in a majority of the patients. Due to increased sweat on feet, cracks and fissures in between toes may also show their presence.

Apart from Silicea, the other medicines of great help for treating offensive odor from feet are Baryta Carb, Graphites, Sulphur, and Sepia. Baryta Carb is a remedy of frequent use in children who have offensive sweat on feet. Most children needing Baryta Carb are chronic sufferers of throat complaints with the inclusion of tonsil inflammation. Graphites is the best natural remedy for foot sweat with offensiveness when deep fissures or cracks appear in between toes. Graphites helps in both getting rid of the offensive foot sweat as well as the cracks between toes. Sulphur is the top choice when extreme heat insoles accompany stinky foot sweat. Such a person may also feel the need to put the feet out of bed due to excessive heat in soles at night. Sepia, on the other hand, is the best remedy when feet remain cold with a horribly offensive odor.

Other Remedies

Remedies For Bad Odor from Armpits

Owing to abundant hair follicles in the armpits, most persons suffer from the bad odor in armpits. The various natural remedies that are very beneficial in treating bad odor from axilla or armpits are Sulphur, Bovista, Hepar Sulph, and Sepia. Sulphur is the remedy for body odor when armpits exude fetid smell. Even washing does not help to reduce that smell. A few persons needing Sulphur may specifically have a garlic-like odor from armpits. Excessive heat in the body may also be present for using Sulphur in cases of bad odor from armpits. Bovista is a natural remedy that works best to root out specific onion-like odor from the armpits. Hepar Sulph and Sepia, on the other hand, work very well when along with foul odor from armpits, the sweat stains the clothes. Hepar Sulph is selected when a yellow stain is left and Sepia is selected when a brown stain is left due to highly offensive sweat from armpits.

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoarthritis

homeopathic remedies for osteoarthritis
Joint pain can cripple movement along with the distress it causes. Osteoarthritis, in fact, is a degenerative disease of joints. The cartilage — a firm and flexible connective tissue in joints between the bones which holds the bones together and act as a cushion between joints — gets degenerated. The cartilage prevents the bones from rubbing against each other by reducing the friction when any movement occurs at a joint. So, when the joint cartilage degenerates, the bones rub against each other during joint movement, leading to pain. The main risk factors that lead to Osteoarthritis are advanced age, overuse of joints, obesity and trauma. After the joint cartilage becomes soft, irregular, rough and thin, there is a growth of osteophytes at the margin of joints. These later get enlarged and calcified, resulting in reduction in joint space. As a result of reduced joint space, the bones rub against each other while movement. The pain that follows can be devastating. Osteoarthritis is mainly of the knee joint, hip joint and finger joints. The main symptoms are pain in joints during movement, stiffness of joints after a period of immobility, swelling and tenderness of the affected joint, formation of hard nodes mainly in finger joints, limitation of movement of joints, and wasting of muscles near affected joints. In advanced cases of Osteoarthritis, there is a distortion of joint contours that can lead to even deformity. Natural Homeopathic remedies for osteoarthritis are of great help for patients of Osteoarthritis, both for providing relief from pain and ensuring that this degenerative disease is stopped in its tracks.

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoarthritis

Homeopathy has a wide range of natural remedies for Osteoarthritis. Made of natural substances with zero side effects,Homeopathy for osteoarthritis can be  very beneficial in reducing the pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. In advanced cases of Osteoarthritis, although these remedies cannot revert the degeneration that has already taken place in the cartilage of joints,these natural medicnes definitely help in slowing down the progress of cartilage degeneration. The natural remedies for osteoarthritis are completely safe and will always help, never harm, the patient.

1. For Osteoarthritis affecting Knee Joint

Bryonia Alba is of great help in the treatment of Osteoarthritis of knee joint where the pain in the knee joint gets worse by walking and the patient feels better by taking absolute rest. The pain is accompanied by stiffness and swelling in knees. The patients of Osteoarthritis who complain of pain in knee joint on using the stairs to go up can greatly benefit by natural remedy Bryonia Alba. This natural treatment for osteoarthritis is also recommended for patients who experience pain in knee joint with a crackling sound while walking. Calcarea Carbonica is also a very beneficial natural remedy for Osteoarthritis of knee joint. The patients who are recommended this natural medicine complain of swelling and pain in knee joints, which get aggravated when getting up from a sitting position and also by walking. Calcarea Carbonica is also a good natural remedy for pain in knee joints which gets worse by working in water like washing clothes. Another symptom that guides the use of this natural treatment for Osteoarthritic pain in knees is that the knees remain excessively cold along with the pain. The patients requiring this medicine are mostly obese. Ruta Graveolans is another natural remedy of great help for Osteoarthritis of knee joint. The main indicating symptoms for its use are pain in knees that gets aggravated by bending the knee joint while kneeling and while going down the stairs, and when the pain in knee joint gets better by applying pressure on the affected knee. The pain in knees that gets better by stretching the limb is also relieved by natural medicine Ruta Graveolans. Natural medicine Sulphur is also of immense help in treating Osteoarthritic patients of knee joint. The knee joint pains that are aggravated while using the stairs, along with stiffness and pain that gets worse on standing, are also treated with this natural medicine. Sulphur is also the natural remedy for patients who complain of excessive heat in the feet along with the knee pains. Causticum is yet another natural Homeopathic medicine for treating knee joint Osteoarthritis where the knee pains are associated with much stiffness and cracking in knee joints. When the knee pain gets better by applying heat and gets worse by exposure to cold air, Causticum is the ideal natural Homeopathic medicine.

2. For Osteoarthritis of Hip Joint

Colcynthis is of great help for the treatment of hip joint Osteoarthritis when the pain in hip is of cramping type and gets better by applying pressure. When the pain in hip joint increases by motion, standing and stooping, Colcynthis is again the natural remedy you should turn to. Rhus Toxicodendron is an excellent natural medicine for the treatment of hip joint Osteoarthritis when the patient experiences pain in hip joint on going up the stairs or sitting down. Rhus Toxicodendron is also the best natural remedy for stiffness and pain in hip joint on getting up from a sitting position and when the patient gets relief by walking or by throughapplication of heaton the affected joint. Pulsatilla Nigricans is another very helpful natural medicine for hip joint Osteoarthritis patients who complain of pain in hip joint as if it is dislocated and who feel better when in motion. Patients who complain of shifting of pain from one joint to another with much restlessness can also benefit with natural remedy Pulsatilla Nigricans.

3. For Osteoarthritis of Finger Joints

Antimonium Crudum is the best natural medicine for pain in finger joints in a patient suffering from Osteoarthritis. The patients who complaint of pain in finger joints which gets worse in cold weather or by washing hands in cold water and feelbetter by applying something warm on the fingers can also benefit immensely with natural remedy Antimonium Crudum. It also yields good results in patients of Osteoarthritis in whom the pain in finger joints alternates with stomach complaints with a thick white-coated tongue. Benzoic Acid is also a natural remedy of great help for Osteoarthritis of finger joints where the pain in fingers is associated with cracking sounds on moving the fingers. If nodes have been formed on the finger joints that are very painful, this medicine is the ideal natural remedy. The characteristic symptom of excessive offensiveness of urine along with pain in finger joints also guides towards this natural treatment. Calcara Fluorica, on the other hand, is the ideal natural medicine for Osteoarthritis of finger joints where nodes of stony hard character have formed on finger joints, thus reducing the mobility of fingers.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rheumatoid Arthritis is as an autoimmune inflammatory disease affecting joints. It leads to pain, swelling and stiffness in joints. In long standing cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis, the affected joints are destroyed, resulting in varying degrees of deformity. Homeopathic remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis are made of natural substances, are of great help in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Homeopathic RA treatments are completely safe with no side effects, they work to eliminate the root cause of the problem.

Top Homeopathic Remedies For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis with  pain in finger joints

Antimonium Crudum is the top natural remedy for Rheumatoid Arthritis when the patient is suffering from pain in finger joints  . The patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis who complain of pain in finger joints which gets worse in cold weather or by washing hands in cold water and gets better by applying something warm on the fingers can greatly benefit from this Homeopathic remedy. Antimonium Crudum also yields good results in patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis in whom the pain in finger joints alternates with stomach complaints and a thick white-coated tongue. The arthritic finger pains which worsen after taking wine can also be treated with this Homeopathic medicine.

Lithium Carbonicum is another Homeopathic medicine of great help for patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis who complain of pain in finger joints accompanied by swelling over the finger joints. The patient’s condition gets better by applying hot water. Patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis with pain in finger joints who complain of dim vision and weakness of eyes as an associated symptom can also benefit from natural Homeopathic medicine Lithium Carbonicum. It is also the Homeopathic remedy for patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis who have a history of some heart complaint along with pain in finger joints.

Caulophyllum is the ideal natural Homeopathic remedy for pain in finger joints with much stiffness in a patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Caulophyllum is also of great help when the pain in finger joints shifts from one finger to another in a very short time. Guaiacum Officinale is another top Homeopathic medicine when the patient has pain in finger joints that is pricking with much stiffness, and which gets worse by heat.

Homeopathic treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis with pain in wrist joints

Actaea Spicata is an excellent natural Homeopathic medicine for treating the pain in wrist of a patient suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Tearing and tingling type of pain in the wrist with excessive swelling, that gets worse with touch and motion, is also effectively treatedby Actaea Spicata. Another Homeopathic remedy of great benefit when a patient of Rheumatoid Arthritis has a tearing type of pain in the wrist, especially on the right side, is Rhododendron. The pain gets worse when the wrist is kept in a resting position. This is also the Homeopathic remedy for patients who complain of rheumatic pain in wrist which gets worse during stormy weather. Natural Homeopathic medicine Colchicum Autumnale is the ideal treatment for rheumatic pain of wrist where the pain is aggravated by touch and at night. The pain in wrist in which there is a sensation of needles and numbness of fingertips is also treated by Homeopathic medicine Colchicum Autumnale.Formica Rufa, on the other hand, is a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine for rheumatic pain in wrist joint when the pain appears suddenly and the patient feels better by rubbing or pressing the wrist.

Homeopathic medicines for pain in knee joints in a patient of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rhus Toxicodendron is among the top natural Homeopathic medicines for treating rheumatic pain in knee joints. For this medicine to be used, the main symptoms to be considered are pain and stiffness of knees which get worse while the patient is resting, and there is a decrease in pain as the patient walks continuously. Bryonia Alba is another Homeopathic medicine that can yield very good results in the treatment of rheumatic pains of knees. The patients requiring this natural Homeopathic remedy complain of excessive stitching type of pain, stiffness and swelling in knee joints. Excessive rheumatic knee pain that gets worse by a little motion of knees and better by absolute rest can also be treated with Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba. Calcarea Carbonica is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating rheumatic pain in knee joints when the pain increases by working in water like washing clothes. Another symptom that guides towards using this natural Homeopathic remedy in rheumatic patients is pain in knees with much swelling and coldness of knees. Homeopathic medicine Salicylicum Acidum is also used for excessive rheumatic pain in knee joints with much swelling and high fever that get worse on the slightest touch and movement of knee. Homeopathic medicine Causticum is used to treat rheumatic pains of knee if the patient gets relief from pain by applying something hot and experiences restless legs at night.

Homeopathic remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis with shifting pain in joints

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help forRheumatoid Arthritis patients who complain of shifting type of painsin joints. It is also the ideal Homeopathic medicine for rheumatic pains that constantly shift from one joint to another along with chilliness and making the patient restless. The patient also has no thirst for water the whole day. Caulophyllum is another Homeopathic remedy for treating rheumatic pains that goon wandering mainly in small joints of fingers and wrist. If the rheumatic pain in joints is of shooting nature or the pain gives the sensation of an electric shock while rapidly shifting from one joint to another,natural Homeopathic medicine Phytolacca Decendra is the ideal remedy. Homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia is used for treatment of shifting pain in joints when the pains are of a pricking nature, with numbness of affected joint and shifting from one joint to another in quick succession.

Homeopathic medicines for acute inflammation of joints in patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Apis Mellifica is a wonderful natural Homeopathic medicine for acute inflammatory condition of joints where the joints, especially the knee joint, are excessively swollen with acute sensitivity to touch and warmth. Along with the acute swelling, a stinging type of painin joints also directs towards the Homeopathic treatment provided by Apis Mellifica. Another Homeopathic medicine for treatment of an acute inflammation of joints is Arnica Montana. It is the ideal choice whenthe patient complains of swelling in joints with sore, bruised pains as if beaten up. There is also a heightened fear to touch the inflammed joints on account of the pain. Natural Homeopathic medicine Sticta Pulmonarisis is benefical in treating acute inflammation of joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis when the symptoms are redness, heat, and swelling in joints with a shooting type of pain, especially in knee joints. Homeopathic medicine Actaea Spicata is mainly used for acute inflammation of wrist and finger joints where the swelling in joints appears on slight motion with a tearing type of painwhich gets worse by touch.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for stiffness of joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rhus Toxicodendron is the best Homeopathic medicine for reducing the stiffness in joints due to Rheumatoid Arthritis where the patient feels that the joints are stiffwhen at rest and the stiffness gradually reduces as the joints come into motion. An example is knee stiffness being reduced by continuous walking. Rhus Toxicodendron is also the natural Homeopathic remedy for stiffness of joints which worsensif the patientgets wet in rain. Caulophyllum is also used forthe Homeopathic treatment of stiffness joints, mainly finger joints, with a drawing type of painin finger joints that shifts from one joint to another. Another natural Homeopathic medicine, Causticum, is mainly used when the knees joints are markedly stiffand tensewith pain in knees and heat provides relief. Guaiacum Officinale is also a useful Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of stiff joints in patients withRheumatoid Arthritis when the main symptoms are immovable stiffness of joints with pain in joints that getsworse by applying pressure and heat.

Homeopathic medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis with deformity of joints

The top natural Homeopathic medicine for treating deformity of joints is Medorrhinum. This Homeopathic remedy is mainly prescribed when finger joints are deformed and nodes have formed on finger joints. Excessive burning heat in the hands along with deformed fingers also calls for the Homeopathic treatment of Medorrhinum. An equally good Homeopathic medicine is Benzoicum Acidum, which is recommended for treatment of deformed joints, mainly knee joint, where rheumatism is associated with Gonorrhoea and very offensive urine. Guaicum Officinale is the best natural Homeopathic medicine where the nodosities are formed on joints, leading to immovable stiffness of joints.

Best natural Homeopathic medicines for Juvenile Arthritis

Arthritis developing before the age of 18years is referred to as Juvenile Arthritis. Abrotanum is a very good Homeopathic medicine for Juvenile Arthritis. It is a natural Homeopathic remedy for pain in joints of a pricking character, mainly in wrist and ankle joints. If the arthritis develops due to suppression of diarrhoea, then Abrotanum is the best and specific Homeopathic remedy. Natrum Phoshphoricum is another Homeopathic medicine for Juvenile Arthritis where the wrist and finger joints are involved. The main symptom that must be present for this medicine to be used is joint pains accompanied by acidity, sour eructations and sour vomiting.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriasis is a skin condition in which red inflamed patches on skin are covered by silver white flakes on them. The joint painthat results because of its association with Psoriasis is referred to as Psoriatic Arthritis. Homeopathic medicines that can be used for the treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis are Sulphur and Radium Bromatum. Sulphur can be used for the treatment of joint pains that occur due to suppression of psoriatic skin lesions by external ointment applications, along with excessive heat in palms and soles. Radiumm Bromatum can be used in Psoriatic Arthritis where the joint pains are worse at night along with itching and burning on the skin.

Top Homeopathic medicines for Reactive Arthritis

Reactive Arthritis is a condition of painful inflammation of joints that occurs in response to infection in another part of the body due to bacteria. The main infections that result in Reactive Arthritis are firstly intestinal infection due to salmonella, shigella or other intestinal bacterias and secondly, the sexually transmitted diseases caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia Trachomatis bacterias. The main symptoms of Reactive Arthritis are joint pains that follow or accompany diarrhoea or dysentery, frequent or burning urination, discharges from urethra, conjunctivitis and skin inflammation.
Abrotanum is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for Reactive Arthritis where the arthritis follows diarrhoea, which is suppressed due to any cause or where joint pains alternate with dysentery. Its use is recommended in cases of arthritis where the joints, mainly ankle or wrist joints, are inflammed, stiff and pains that are of pricking character are present. Another medicine which is of great significance in Homeopathic treatment of Reactive Arthritis is Kali Bichromicum. The patients of Reactive Arthritis who complain of joint pains that alternate with dysentery can benefit from this Homeopathic medicine. Kali Bichromicum is also the Homeopathic remedy for patients in whom the main symptoms are pain, stiffness and swelling of joints that wander from one joint to the other rapidly and get worse by cold. Natural Homeopathic medicine Asclepias Tuberosa is the idealremedy in those cases of Reactive Arthritis where joint pains are accompanied by dysentery. The patient requiring this medicine complains of an offensive stool like rotten eggs with mucus in stool and pain and stiffness in joints where the patient is afraid to bend the joints because he feels that the ligaments and tendons adjoining the joints will breakon bending. Natrum Sulphuricum is yet another natural Homeopathic medicine for Reactive Arthritis where joint pains are accompanied by diarrhoea which is worse in morning. The joints, mainly knee joints, are stiff and painful with burning in the soles of feet. The other two medicines which are used for Homeopathic treatment of Reactive Arthritis where the inflammatory joint pains follow supression of gonorrheal infection are Medorrhinum and Thuja Occidentalis. Thuja Occidentalis is the natural Homeopthic remedy for patients of Reactive Arthritis in whom the joint pains are accompanied by inflammed urethra with frequent uncontrollable urination and where sharp cutting pains in urethra follow after urinating. Medorrhinum is the Homeopathic medicine suited for patients in whom the joints, mainly finger joints,get stiffwith excessive painalong with burning in hands. For Medorrhinum to be used in Reactive Arthritis, the symptoms of inflammation of urethra with excessive pain in urethra while urination alongwith joint pains must be present. Pulsatilla Nigricans is another excellent natural Homeopathic medicine for patients of Reactive Arthritis. This Homeopathic remedy is beneficial when pain and swelling in joints shift from one joint to another, accompanied by chilliness, inflammation in conjunctiva of eyes with thick yellow discharges and thick yellow gonorrheal discharges from urethra.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Obsessive Thoughts Troubling you ? Homeopathy has an Effective Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder in which a person has persistent unwanted thoughts. This obsession with unwanted thoughts in the mind leads to distress and certain repeated behaviour or actions, with the compulsion to control that distress. This disorder is genetic or runs in families. Natural Homeopathic medicines, with zero side effects, can of great help in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Made of natural substances, Homeopathic remedies strike at the root of the problem and work towards complete treatment. Homeopathic remedies for obsessive-compulsive disorder are completely safe and can only help, never harm.

Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder The symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD can be the persistent thought of hands getting contaminated or dirty on touching objects with frequent washing of hands; doubts whether the door is closed or not with checking the door again and again; persistent religious thoughts with excessive praying; presence of impulsive and aggressive thoughts; obsession to have things in a proper order at all times; and counting or repeating words silently.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

1. Arsenicum Album: For Persistent Thoughts of Death

Arsenicum Album is the top natural medicine for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with persistent thoughts of approaching death. Arsenicum Album is of great help for patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who have persistent thoughts of death and thus take no medicine, as they think that their death is very near and at this stage taking any medicine is of no use. Such patients need people around them and cannot remain alone because they feel worse when alone. The thoughts of death accompanied by extreme restlessness, where the patient jumps out of bed and moves here and there with anxiety, can also be treated with natural Homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Album.

2. Argentum Nitricum: For Impulsive Thoughts

Argentum Nitricum is the best natural medicine for treating patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who have persistent impulsive thoughts. These impulsive thoughts can have different symptom presentations like while travelling in a train the persistent impulsive thought is to jump out of the window; while crossing a bridge over a river, the constant thought is to jump into the river or when standing on high buildings, there is the horrific thought of jumping down. Another marked feature for recommending natural Homeopathy remedy Argentum Nitricum for patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is that the impulsive thoughts make the patient very anxious and restless. This results in extreme and constant walking to get rid of such impulsive thoughts and the person walks till all strength of body is lost.

3. Where there is a Tendency to Put Everything in Order

The three best remedies for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder that provide natural treatment to patients who have compulsiveness to put everything in order are Nux Vomica, Arsenicum Album and Carcinosinum. The patients who need natural medicine Nux Vomica are oversensitive and of a careful and angry nature who demand all the things done as they want and easily get angry if the order is not followed. Arsenicum Album is a natural Homeopathic remedy of great benefit for those patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who are very conscious about the order of things and cannot rest if the things are not in their proper place. This compulsion can go to such an extent that even if a painting hanging on the wall is slightly tilted, the mind does not rest till it is properly placed and the patient leaves every other work for this. Such patients also demand neatness in clothing. Carcinosinum is the natural Homeopathic remedy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder patients who are very concerned about cleanliness and want a specific pattern to be followed not only in placing things, but also in their dressing style. For instance, they always like color matching while dressing up and also when decorating the room. They demand perfection in every work done to such an extent that it does not seem or look normal.

4. Natrum Muriaticum – For Compulsion to Check Locked Doors Repeatedly

Natrum Muriaticum is the best natural remedy for those patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who are obsessed with the idea that thieves may strike and repeatedly check the locks of doors. The obsession is so persistent that the patient even has dreams of thieves in the house and wakes up to check the doors again and again.

5. Syphilinum and Medorrhinum – Where there is Compulsion to Washing Hands

Syphilinum and Medorrhinum are very good natural medicines for patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who feel the compulsion to wash their hands again and again due to the persistent thought of getting their hands contaminated or dirty by touching any object. Such patients feel that germs are present on each and every object and get into the habit of washing hands at very short intervals, without giving any consideration to other important work in their lives.

6. Silicea – Where there are Thoughts of Pins

Silicea is the ideal natural treatment for patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who have the persistent thought of pins and fearing pins, look for, collect and even count pins again and again.

7. Calcarea Carbonica – For Persistent thought of Going Mad or Insane

Calcarea Carbonica is a natural medicine of great help for patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who are mentally exhausted and constantly think of going mad or insane. This thought of going mad prevails in the patient’s mind day and night and he or she is unable to put it aside even during sleep. This fear of going mad leads to great distress and to overcome it, the patient leaves all pending work aside and keeps himself or herself busy in breaking sticks or bending pins.

8. With Persistent Religious Thoughts

Natural medicines Stramonium and Pulsatilla are equally good in tackling the persistent religious thoughts in patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder where the patient constantly thinks about religion reads holy books all the time and is almost always praying.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Extreme Mood Swings, Bipolar Disorder? Homeopathy can work wonders

Homeopathic Remedies for Bipolar Disorder
Sudden and extreme mood swings are something unnatural and need medical attention. A psychiatric mood disorder known as Bipolar Disorder, it sees the person going from excitement or mania to depression and the other way round in no time. Bipolar Disorder is most common in the age group of 15-25years and it runs in families. Homeopathy has a very effective cure for Bipolar Disorder and these medicines, made from natural substances with zero side effects, are of great help in the treatment of this psychiatric mood disorder.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder has two phases. The first phase is characterized by excitement or mania and the second phase is depression. The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder can be best described as per the dominant phase.

The symptoms of the excitement phase are increased energy levels, joyfulness, increased confidence levels, excessive talkativeness, sleeplessness, aggressive or violent behavior, restlessness, irritability, impulsiveness and lack of self-control. The symptoms of the depression phase are decreased energy levels, sadness, hopelessness, aversion to the company of people, tiredness, indifferent behavior, lack of interest in daily activities, anxiety, guilt feeling, and even suicidal thoughts.

How can Homeopathy cure Bipolar Disorder?

Homeopathic remedies for bipolar disorder are very beneficial and helpful in treating the condition. They not only control the acute phase but also eliminate the disorder from its root. First of all, the detailed history of the patient is required to find out the cause and the symptoms. Which medicine to take is then recommended on the basis of this information. These are very beneficial remedies when Bipolar Disorder is the result of suppressed emotions, disappointments in life and long-held grief.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Bipolar Disorder in Different Phases

1. For Increased Energy Levels

Lilium Tigrinum is of great help in treating increased energy levels in Bipolar Disorder where the main symptom is extreme restlessness and difficulty in sitting still at one place. Another feature to look out for while choosing Lilium Tigrinum is when a patient shows great hurriedness without any ambition or aim. The patient requiring this medicine usually has a heart or uterine disease associated with the mental symptoms.

Cannabis Indica is another helpful remedy for treating increased energy levels in Bipolar Disorder. One noticeable symptom for which this medicine is of great help is when the patient has bouts of uncontrollable laughter on listening to every little word spoken, which may not even be funny, and excessive talkativeness. The patient requiring Cannabis Indica is full of thoughts crowding the brain at one time, making the patient forgetful of words while talking.

2. For Violent and Aggressive Behaviour

Belladonna works very well for those patients of Bipolar Disorder who show marked violent behavior and violence occurs in fits that come and go suddenly and the patient even bites and strikes the person near him or her. Another symptom of violence where Belladonna is beneficial as a cure is when the patient spits on people and the face turns red.

The medicine that equals Belladonna in treating violent behavior of persons suffering from Bipolar Disorder is Veratrum Album. The symptoms calling for its use are excessive shrieking, screaming and destructive behavior — mainly presenting themselves in the form of destroying, cutting and tearing apart everything, most likely clothes.

In those cases of violent mania that start in a woman after childbirth, Veratrum Album yields good results. The third helpful remedy for controlling the violent behavior in a patient with Bipolar Disorder is Hyoscyamus Niger. The main symptoms for using this medicine is the desire to run away from home, picking at bedclothes, quarreling with others and shamelessness where the patient tends to remove his or her clothes and sings obscene songs.

3. For Depressive Phase with Sadness as the Main Symptom

Ignatia Amara is one of the best remedies for treating sadness experienced by a patient in the depressive phase of Bipolar Disorder. The patients requiring this medicine usually have a history of long-held grief like the death of a family member or close friend or in cases where the disease has originated after disappointed love affections or from suppressed emotions. Ignatia Amara is a very helpful remedy for patients who sit silently and weep or brood over the past.
Sepia Officinalis is also beneficial for treating sadness during the depression stage of Bipolar Disorder. The main symptoms for using this medicine are constant weeping, indifferent behavior towards people and even family members who were once much respected and loved, and lack of interest in doing any mental or physical work. Ambra Grisea is another medicine of great help for the treatment of sadness in Bipolar Disorder where the disease marks its origin through some kind of business loss with continuous weeping for many days.

4. During Phases of Depression with Suicidal Thoughts

Aurum Metallicum is an excellent medicine for treating those cases of depression in Bipolar Disorder where suicidal thoughts predominate and the patient feels hopeless and worthless and has persistent suicidal thoughts.

Natrum Sulphuricum is another remedy of great help for a patient in whom suicidal thoughts are marked and he or she has to apply much self-control to stop themselves from actually committing suicide. Another symptom that calls for the use of medicine Natrum Sulphuricum is gloominess. When the patient of Bipolar Disorder feels sad even when listening to lively music and has an aversion to talk or be spoken to, Natrum Sulphuricum is very beneficial.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ten Steps to Autism Recovery

Ten steps to recover your child from autism. Research shows that some forms of autism are recoverable with early intervention and homeopathic medicine. Download this info graphic on ten steps for autism recovery .

Autism 13 steps

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