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Pulsatilla for Women

Pulsatilla is a delicate, perennial plant that has been used since the 18th century for ulcers, cataracts, and depression. In homeopathic use, it is an important plant remedy used to treat a wide variety of conditions. More commonly used as a female remedy, it suits people with an adaptable, indecisive, peaceful temperament.

It is commonly known by the name windflower, pasque flower, and anemone pratensis. It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It commonly grows in Central and Northern Europe and some parts of South of England. Use of pasque flower has been made since ages mainly for eye complaints. In ancient times, ‘Dioscorides’ remarked it as a remedy for a headache and ophthalmia (eye inflammation). After its proving by Dr. Hahnemann in the year 1805, it has been employed to treat many ailments in homeopathy. It is a polychrest medicine, and in homeopathy, it is primarily used for treating diseases related to female organs, eyes, nose, ears, GIT, and sleep issues.  Pulsatilla


Homeopathic medicine is prepared from the fresh windflower plant when in flower. This plant is collected and made it into a pulp which is then soaked in alcohol. It is then strained and diluted. Following this, it undergoes the process of succussion for making potencies for homeopathic use.

The ‘Pulsatilla’ Constitution

It is suited to women of a kind, affectionate, imaginative, extremely excitable, gentle, bashful personality with a yielding disposition. Sadness and weeping spells frequently appear among them. They are indecisive, slow, plethoric, nervous, have a changeable disposition. They are easily led and easily persuaded, easily moved to laughter or tears.

Scope as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. For Female Disorders

This remedy has a marked action on the ovaries and uterus and effectively helps treat many female disorders.

It is a top grade remedy for menstrual irregularities and is indicated in cases where the periods do not arrive in a proper cycle. They may appear late or early with no fixed pattern, and there may be inter-menstrual bleeding. As a remedy, it helps regulate menses and is considered to be a prime remedy for treating menstrual irregularities in girls during puberty. It also helps women who are anemic and suffering from menstrual problems.

In cases of amenorrhea, where the menses are late or suppressed, it helps establish the menstrual flow. The key indication to use this medicine here is a feeling that the menses would appear, but they fail to do so. Along with suppressed periods, pain in the uterus, nausea, and vomiting may be present. Difficult or painful urination and periods that are short and where the flow is scanty (oligomenorrhea) are other indications.

2. Natural PCOS Treatment

In cases of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, it works to moderate the hormonal levels and help the body dissolve the cysts to correct menstrual irregularities.

3. Leucorrhoea (Vaginal Discharges)

Leucorrhoea or abnormal vaginal discharge is also treated well with this remedy. Its use is best indicated in cases where the vaginal discharge is creamy, thin, thick mucus or milky colored. The discharge may be acrid and cause itching and burning in the vagina. There may be associated back pain, weakness, and exhaustion.

4. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

It is frequently used in cases of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) TO manage symptoms like irritability, sadness, low mood, weeping spells, and mood swings.

5. Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhoea)

This remedy is used to treat the pain associated with periods in women. Symptoms like cramping, cutting, or spasms in the uterus, nausea, and vomiting can be treated with this medicine. The menstrual flow in such cases is usually black and coagulated. The woman may experience excessive restlessness, toss around in bed and have a pale face. Chilliness along with uterine colic, a sense of heaviness in the abdomen, thigh pain, and backache are other indicative symptoms. Some women may also have diarrhea and strain while passing stools.

6. Ailments During Pregnancy

It is indicated for ailments like morning sickness and varicose veins that some women experience during pregnancy. It may also be used in cases of abortion from fright, puerperal mania (a rare mood disorder), and uterine infection causing fever post childbirth.

7. Mental Complaints

It has proved to be an effective remedy for treating complaints related to the mind. It is frequently used to treat cases of depression in people who are very sensitive and emotional. A person in need of this remedy would typically be sad, have frequent spells of crying, be excessively irritable, and need constant consolation. When prescribed correctly it can also help a person overcome long-standing or silent grief. It is also a remedy used to treat mood swings where a person switches their mood from sadness to happiness and from laughter to weeping at the blink of an eye. It is also prominently indicated for claustrophobia (fear of closed, small, narrow spaces) and fright.

8. Gastrointestinal Problems

It is a well-indicated for treating many gastrointestinal ailments like indigestion caused by consumption of fatty, greasy food, milk, and cream. The main indication for using this remedy for digestive ailments is gas in the abdomen, pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. It is also used to treat milk allergies and lactose intolerance.

9. Complaints of the Eye

It is highly effective for treating a number of eye complaints. It works well in cases of conjunctivitis where there is thick, yellow, profuse discharge from the eyes. Itching and burning in the eyes and sticking together of eyelids while sleeping are some associated symptoms. It also works well to treat styes on the upper eyelid, and keratoconus.

10. Complaints of the Ear

It is considered to be an excellent remedy for ear infections, and conditions like otitis externa, and otitis media. It is indicated in cases where there is a discharge of thick, yellow, yellowish – green, bland pus from the ears (which may be blood-stained in some cases). A deep itching in the ears, a sensation of the ears being locked and pain in the ears are other symptoms. It helps manage the different types of earaches, ranging from shooting, stitching, tearing or pulsating type. It is also an excellent remedy for tinnitus (noises in the ear) and associated noises like tinkling, ringing, roaring, sounds of wind, rushing water or humming nature.

11. Nasal Complaints

It has a marked action on the mucous membranes of the nose. It is well suited to treat cold, nasal catarrh, coryza. Thick yellow or yellowish greenish nasal discharge, nasal obstruction especially in the evening, sneezing and itching/tickling and soreness in the nostrils are some other symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy in cases of sinusitis. Its use is considered in treating frontal and maxillary sinusitis with symptoms like a thick discharge from the nose and a headache. It is also a well-indicated for loss of smell (anosmia).

12. Sleep Issues

Various sleep issues can be taken care of with this medicine. It offers help in cases of sleeplessness where a person has trouble falling asleep. The person may have many ideas and thoughts going through the head at bedtime that prevent sleep. It helps calm the mind and promotes sleep. It can also help with daytime drowsiness as a result of restless sleep.

13. Cough

It is majorly used in cases where a cough is loose with yellow or yellowish green expectoration. It also indicated in cases of short, dry, hacking cough with scraping, itching, scratching in the throat.

14. Urinary Complaints

It is used extensively to treat urinary incontinence that occurs while coughing, laughing, and sneezing, and for conditions like cystitis and urethral stricture.

15. Varicose Veins

It is widely used for the treatment of varicose veins where the veins appear bluish and are painful. The person needing this remedy may experience heaviness, cramping, and a tensed, drawing sensation in the legs.

16. For Males

In males, it is indicated for the treatment of orchitis, varicocele, hydrocele, and prostatitis. It helps to reduce symptoms like pain, soreness, swelling, and burning sensation in the testicles. It helps treat orchitis that follows a mumps infection. It also helps treat gonorrhea where there may be a thick, yellow or yellowish – green discharge from the urethra. In cases of prostatitis, it helps to treat the frequent, ineffectual urging to urinate, pain in bladder and pressure in the perineum.


Use of this medicine is recommended in potencies varying from 30 C to 1M depending upon the case. Low potencies can be repeated frequently while in case of high potencies frequent repetition is avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

The complementary medicines are Silicea, Lycopodium and Kali Sulph.
Asafoetida, Chamomilla, Ignatia and Nux Vomica are antidotes.

An Account of the Remedy in Its Own Words

Homeopathy acknowledges certain groupings of body-mind symptom patterns that a person has and which correspond with the sensitivity of a particular medicine. It takes into account information about the person’s body type, temperament, disposition, and behavioral tendencies to determine the appropriate medicine. Remedies, as homeopaths realize, step forth as personalities. These become creatures of temperaments, have likes and dislikes, cravings and aversions and sensitiveness to human interaction. The medicines speak out their terror, real or imaginary – their strange obsessions, etc. Here is an account of the medicine (an important homeopathic medicine) describing its medicinal virtues and the characteristics of the patient. Of course, the words are of this writer.

Commonly called the windflower, I was ignored for millions of years in the pastures of Europe before my master Samuel Hahnemann brought out the best in me. I call him my master because it was only he who first realized my immense medicinal power.

If ever there was a medicine that would cater to the most sensitive lady around, I would be the one. I am most often a remedy for women who are submissive and clinging in nature and also whom their surroundings and people they happen to be with at that time very easily influence. There is nothing positive or assertive about her, and the last person who sees, or advises her, is the one whose opinion she accepts. Her moods are a big problem for her. She can be on the verge of ecstatic frenzy one moment and well in the doldrums the second moment. With lots of decision-making problems, she lives up to my plant name windflower, as it is changeable like the wind.

She can weep very easily. Laughter and tears are both very near the surface with my patient and are apt to succeed each other. She is very tenderhearted, and her feelings are very easily hurt, she is inclined to be fretful and too full of care. If she has no trouble of her own, she is ready to condole and weep with any of her friends who may be afflicted. But she craves and needs sympathy in her troubles from someone, even when she knows that the recital of her real or fancied wrongs and the receipt of the sympathy that she longs for, will make her cry. When she is blue, she will tell you that she feels as if a good cry would make her feel better. It will. She longs for fresh air. Closed and tight places suffocate her.

I am best suited for her gynecological disorders. She is very irritable and days and weeks before and after her periods arrive, at times there are hardly any days in a month when she is back to her normal self. And those acne, headaches and agonizing pains in her abdomen, legs and back during her period days are more than she can tolerate, like in PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

Key Indications

Amenorrhea, leucorrhoea, menses irregularities, ovarian inflammation, ovarian cyst, PCOS, Acne, catarrh, colds, conjunctivitis, cough, diarrhoea, painful periods, earache, otitis media, ear disorders, eye disorders, fears, feet painful, heel pain, freckles, heartburn, hydrocele, moles, mumps, pregnancy complaints, prostatitis, sinusitis, smell loss, styes, urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, vaginitis, varicose veins.

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AutismTreatmentNetwork_clip_image001 Autism Treatment

Until recently Autism was something that only highly specialised neuro-development experts had heard of. Not many knew about this disease. Not even general physicians knew much about it though Kanner (an American psychiatrist) had first observed this disorder in 1943. But what is worrisome is the rate at which it is coming up.

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Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Prescribing of  Homeopathic Remedies for adhd is generally based on idiosyncratic characteristics of an individual but if one  is to be favoured for treating a large number of ADHD(attention deficit hyperactive disorder) cases, Tarentula Hispana should be that one.

Hyperactive kids requiring homeopathic remedy  Tarentula often have extreme restlessness and compulsion to hurry. Their legs are in motion, and they have a lot of trouble sitting still. The desire to run about, the urge to dance and to jump up and down are usual for them. Great, fantastic dancing! Loss of all sense of shame. Sudden and violent, or sly and destructive movements – well, these are clear features of this medicine. One particular symptom that distinguishes Tarentula is its strange relation to music. Violence is a strong feature of the remedy – violence with anger! His clothing strikes him. He strikes his attendants and best friends!

One more symptom that distinguishes homeopathic remedy Tarentula is its strange relationship to music. Sometimes music ameliorates all the symptoms and at other times it aggravates them. The child becomes violently excited after listening to music.

Can all hyperactive children be lumped together under one diagnostic category? Can a child, who lashes out in a violent manner at his family members and peers, fit into the same diagnostic group as a sweet gregarious one who simply cannot pay attention to the work in the class? A homeopath would say that both temperaments are as different as day and night and would prescribe very different medicines. Individualization stands as a key point in homeopathic treatment.

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Homeopathic Treatment Of IBS

What perplexes most of the patients who suffer from the IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is the fact that even though there are no pathological changes present in their gastrointestinal tract, they still suffer from the disease. So, how is it that the disorder which produces diverse symptoms such as diarrhoeas, constipation, excessive gas feeling and even severe cramping pain does not show any anatomical changes?

The answer lies in the fact that this disorder is a functional disorder which means that the bowel doesn’t work as it should. It is related to how the intestinal tract contracts and pushes the food forward. The irritable bowel syndrome is a problem with the intestines. In people with IBS, the intestines squeeze too hard or not hard enough and cause food to move too quickly or too slowly through the intestines


How is IBS diagnosed?


As the IBS has no pathological findings, the physician bases his diagnosis on the symptoms as told by the patient, still the physician may need to do certain tests to rule out other ailments. The symptoms that indicate the IBS are bloating and gas, constipation, diarrhoea, especially after eating or first thing in the morning, Feeling the need to have a bowel movement after already having one, feeling a strong urge to have a bowel movement, abdominal pain and cramping that may go away after having a bowel movement


What causes the IBS?


It remains a mystery as to how the IBS develops. Research suggests that the large intestine of those who suffer from this disorder is more sensitive and reactive than usual to a wide range of things which include certain foods and stress.

For example, people who suffer from bloating after eating usually assume that there is too much gas in their abdomen, but it is the increased sensitivity of their intestine to the stretching caused by small amounts of gas. Diarrhoeas in the IBS are caused by increased contractions of the intestines resulting from a trigger factor such as a particular food substance or stress.

Food triggers mainly include milk products, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks and fatty foods. In some cases, simply eating a large meal will trigger symptoms Stress, anxiety and strong emotions also affect how intestines contract. In stress or anxiety they contract too much or too little, resulting in symptoms of the IBS.

Homeopathy takes a different route in treating this disorder. It takes a holistic approach by studying the emotional and physical make-up, also keeping in view the symptoms of the IBS presented by the patient. It is this well-rounded approach that gives homoeopathy better success in treating this disorder. Argentum nitricum, colocynth, sulphur, and nux vomica are the leading homoeopathic medicines that are used in treating this disorder.


Managing IBS


*The best way to handle the irritable bowel syndrome is to eat a healthy diet, avoid foods that seem to make you feel worse and find ways to handle your stress.
*Eat varied foods, including those high in fibres and avoid food that is rich in fat. Fibre reduces IBS symptoms – especially constipation – because it makes stool soft, bulky and easier to pass.
*Large meals can cause cramping and diarrhoea in people with the IBS. If this happens, break your meals into five to six small meals in a day.
*Drink plenty of water in a day.
*Learn new and better ways to deal with your stress. Meditation, yoga, exercise and counselling are some of the things that might help.

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Treating Phobias With Homeopathy

will it be beyond belief if someone told you that he or she feared his or her own voice? More astonishing, if a homoeopath had a specific medicine for this symptom listed in his book! Along with 400 different fears with near specific remedies, you will find this symptom in the Complete Repertory. Unquestionably, the instance exemplifies homeopathy’s perception or understanding of the intricacies of the mind. More common fears are social phobia, agoraphobia (fear of open spaces or crowds), claustrophobia (fear of closed places) and acrophobias (fear of heights). Social phobia, also called social anxiety disorder, involves overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situations.

People with social phobia have a persistent, intense and chronic fear of being watched and judged by others and being embarrassed or humiliated by their own actions. The fear may be so severe that it may interfere with work or school, and other ordinary activities. Many people with social phobia recognise that their phobia is an exaggeration. But they may be unable to overcome it. They often worry for days or weeks in advance about a dreaded situation. Argentum Nitricum, Lyssin and Gelsemium lead the homeopathic table in treating social and agorabhobias.

Claustrophobic individuals are fearful of closed and narrow spaces, making themselves unfit for travelling in tunnels and lifts and working in basements. Homoeopathic medicines, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla, are asked for treating this situation.

Life can be very distressing for people suffering from acrophobia (fear of heights). It can be seen in Alfred Hitchcock’s classic “Vertigo’. Poor Madeliene! For sure, a dose of Argentum Nitricum would have changed the course of the story – yes, perhaps!

Treating phobias requires a deep insight into the case; do consult your homoeopath before using any of these medicinesprofile pic

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FOR Mrs Verma (not her real name) this was very strange, her elder daughter had shown no signs of it while she was growing up. Her son Ravi, who had just turned three, was developing an altered behaviour pattern. He was like a tornado moving around the house, running around frantically, climbing, breaking things, not listening, restless and inattentive. Putting him in bed for sleep was a major task and also the night wouldn’t be quiet either. He would constantly squirm and move around in bed.

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Neurosis is a broad category of pyschological disturbance, encompassing various mild forms of mental disorder – anxieties, phobias, obsessions and symptoms relating to post traumatic stress disorder. People with acute anxiety attacks (panic disorder) have a feeling of terror that strikes suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. Many persons experiences a sense of impending death or doom and violent palpitations have a feeling of losing control in an extreme way.

One may genuinely believe at one is having a heart attack or a stroke, going insane, or being on the verge of death. Panic disorder is well treated with homoeopathic medicine Aconitum Napelus and Arsenic Album. Aconite cures more panic disorder cases than any other homoeopathic medicine. The main features that indicate the use of Aconite are fear, restlessness, suddenness and violence. The action of the heart is so overpowering that the fear of death is marked. Such severe is the fear that at times the patient may even ”predict the time of death”.

Arsenic Album is recommended for those persons who are deeply anxious about their health and extremely concerned with order and security. Attacks often occur around midnight or in the very early hours of the morning. The victims feel exhausted. They can be restless – fidgeting, pacing and anxiously moving from place to place. If indicated, 30c potency of the above-mentioned medicine can be taken four times a day for a period of 15 days. One dose can be used to control the situation as soon as one notices the first symptom of the panic attack.

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Neurosis is a broad category of pyschological disturbance, encompassing various mild forms of mental disorder – anxieties, phobias, obsessions and symptoms relating to post traumatic stress disorder. People with acute anxiety attacks (panic disorder) have a feeling of terror that strikes suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. Many persons experiences a sense of impending death or doom and violent palpitations have a feeling of losing control in an extreme way.

One may genuinely believe at one is having a heart attack or a stroke, going insane, or being on the verge of death. Panic disorder is well treated with homoeopathic medicine Aconitum Napelus and Arsenic Album. Aconite cures more panic disorder cases than any other homoeopathic medicine. The main features that indicate the use of Aconite are fear, restlessness, suddenness and violence. The action of the heart is so overpowering that the fear of death is marked. Such severe is the fear that at times the patient may even ”predict the time of death”.

Arsenic Album is recommended for those persons who are deeply anxious about their health and extremely concerned with order and security. Attacks often occur around midnight or in the very early hours of the morning. The victims feel exhausted. They can be restless – fidgeting, pacing and anxiously moving from place to place. If indicated, 30c potency of the above-mentioned medicine can be taken four times a day for a period of 15 days. One dose can be used to control the situation as soon as one notices the first symptom of the panic attack.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Disc Prolapse

What is disc bulge?

Disc or more appropriately intervertebral disc refers to the pad of fibro cartilage lying between vertebras. Vertebras are bone in the back stacked one above the other, 33 of them in all. Each intervertebral disc lies between two vertebrae or in other words, separates two vertebrae. There are 23 intervertebral discs in total. These cartilaginous pads act as shock absorbers whenever excessive stress or strain is put on the spine. An intervertebral disc has two parts – thick outer fibrous ring called annulus fibrosus and inner gel-like material called nucleous pulposus. Disc bulge refers to bulging out of the intact disc from its normal space. Although disc bulge can arise in any part of the spine, it is most common in the lumbar and cervical spine. A person may have single or multiple disc bulges at varying levels in the spine.

Can Homeopathy treat disc bulge?

Disc bulge can be treated with excellence under the Homeopathic mode of treatment. Mild to moderate cases of disc bulge have a good chance of complete recovery with Homeopathic medicines. In severe cases of disc bulge, symptomatic relief can be expected with Homeopathic medicines. In such cases, symptoms of back pain, tingling, numbness and weakness in limbs can all be managed successfully. Among the most well indicated Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge, the major ones are – Rhus Tox, Hypericum Perforatum, Colocynthis, Magnesium Phos and Paris Quadrifolia.

What causes disc bulge?

Various factors can cause a disc bulge. The first among them is age. With advancing age, the discs start to lose their elasticity and lubricating fluid and become brittle, making them bulge out. Injury to the spine can also cause a disc to bulge as also repetitive bending of the back. Lifting heavy weights is another major risk factor. Being overweight also puts a person at a higher risk of disc bulge.

How do I know I have cervical disc bulge?

The first visible symptom of a cervical disc bulge is pain in the neck. The pain may travel to the shoulders, arms and down to the hands and fingers. When a disc bulge pinches upon a nerve, it leads to numbness, tingling, formication in the upper limbs. Weakness of upper limbs may also be present.

What are the symptoms of lumbar disc bulge?

A person having lumbar disc bulge may not experience any symptom at all. Where symptoms do show up in lumbar disc bulge, the first among them would be pain in the lower back. The next symptom that is likely to arise from a lumbar disc bulge from nerve pinching is pain in the lower back that radiates down the lower limbs. The pain radiating from lower back to the lower limbs is termed as sciatica. Sciatica can be right or left sided. Numbness, tingling, weakness of the lower limbs are yet other accompanying symptoms.

What does disc bulge diagnosis involve?

Investigation to confirm disc bulge includes MRI of the back. It will reveal the exact location of the disc bulge and the nerves that are affected.

Does a disc bulge always cause pain?

No, it is not mandatory for all disc bulge cases to feel pain. Many persons have disc bulge without even knowing that they do as they never experience any symptoms.

Is disc bulge the same as disc herniation?

No, disc bulge and disc herniation are not the same. Disc bulge simply refers to bulging out of the intact disc from its normal space. In disc herniation, there is a crack in the outer fibrous layer of disc that makes the gel-like material inside the inter vertebral disc ooze out.

Which part of the spine is most likely to suffer a disc bulge?

Although disc bulge can arise in any part of spine, it is most common in the lumbar and cervical spine.

I have numbness, tingling in hands. Could it be due to cervical disc bulge?

Yes, cervical disc bulge can cause numbness and tingling in hands. These symptoms arise due to pinching of the nerve from disc bulge in the cervical region. However, similar symptoms may arise due to other medical conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and peripheral neuropathy as well. Further investigation would be required to confirm disc bulge.

I have had lower back pain for a few months. Should it be investigated for disc bulge?

Disc bulge is one of the major causes leading to lower back pain. However, it is not the only cause of lower back pain. It can arise due to several other reasons including degeneration of the disc, muscle sprain, muscle spasm in the back, osteoarthritis, spondylolisthesis and osteoporosis.

I have been advised surgery for lumbar disc bulge. Can it be avoided with Homeopathic medicines?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines offer great alternative to surgery in treating lumbar disc bulge. Mild, moderate disc bulge cases show complete recovery with Homeopathic medicines. Severe disc bulge cases, too, can be symptomatically managed with Homeopathic mode of treatment.

Can Homeopathic medicines completely cure disc bulge?

Yes, disc bulge can be cured with Homeopathic medicines. However, the results vary as per the severity and intensity of the case. Depending upon the severity of the case, either complete cure is possible or Homeopathic medicines can provide symptomatic relief from disc bulge.

FAQs – Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge

Which Homeopathic medicines are most effective in treating disc bulge?

Homeopathic medicines Rhus Tox, Paris Quadrifolia, Colocynthis and Magnesium Phos rate among the most effective for treating disc bulge.

Which Homeopathic medicine can I take for my neck pain from cervical disc bulge?

Neck pain from cervical disc bulge can be treated very efficiently with Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox.

My MRI shows disc bulge at C5-6 and C6-7 level, with pain in neck and numbness in the hands. Which Homeopathic medicine would you advise?

Paris Quadrifolia is the best choice of Homeopathic medicine for treating pain in the neck and numbness in hands from cervical disc bulge.

Which Homeopathic medicine is indicated for treating tingling in upper limbs in a cervical disc bulge case?

Kalmia Latifolia is the prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for tingling in the upper limbs from cervical disc bulge.

I have had lower back pain for a few months and my MRI shows disc bulge at L4-L5 level. Can Homeopathic medicines help me?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines can treat your lower back pain from disc bulge at L4-L5 level. Rhus Tox and Aesculus Hippocastanum remain the most effective and reliable Homeopathic medicines for treating lower back pain from disc bulge.

Which Homeopathic medicine would you suggest for pain in lower back radiating down the right leg (sciatica) in a lumbar disc bulge case?

Among the wide range of Homeopathic medicines for treating right-sided sciatica from disc bulge, the most beneficial is Magnesium Phos.

Is there a Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain radiating down the left lower limb (left sided sciatica) from disc bulge?

Yes, Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines to treat left-sided sciatica arising from disc bulge. The most significant among these is Homeopathic medicine Colocynthis.

In case of sciatica attended with numbness from disc bulge, which Homeopathic medicine will work?

The most appropriate Homeopathic medicine for treating sciatica attended with numbness from disc bulge is Gnaphalium Polycephalum.

Can Homeopathic medicines treat disc bulge resulting from injury?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines can significantly treat disc bulge arising from injury. In my clinical practice, Homeopathic medicines Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox have shown great results in such cases.

I have developed disc bulge in the lumbar region from lifting heavy weight. Which Homeopathic medicine will help?

For your lumbar disc bulge arising from lifting heavy weight, Rhus Tox is the most suitable Homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Bulge

Rhus Tox – Top Homeopathic medicine for disc bulge in cervical or lumbar spine

Rhus Tox is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge cases. Rhus Tox offers great help in disc bulge in the cervical and lumbar region. The key symptom signalling use of Rhus Tox is severe pain in the neck or lower back as per the region of disc bulge. The person who needs Rhus Tox may feel relief in pain with pressure or from massage. Others may feel better with movement or while walking. Another indicative feature for using Rhus Tox is worsening of lower back pain while sitting and while at rest. Rhus Tox is also very useful for disc bulge arising from lifting heavy weights or from injury.

Paris Quadrifolia – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for cervical disc bulge with pain in neck and numbness in upper limbs

Paris Quadrifolia is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating cervical disc bulge. The chief guiding feature for selecting Paris Quadrifolia is pain in the neck and numbness in upper limbs. Numbness may be felt in the arms, hands or fingers. Pain in the neck may travel down the arms. Feeling of weight in the neck and across the shoulders is another attending feature.

Kalmia Latifolia – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for cervical disc bulge with tingling sensation in upper limbs

For cervical disc bulge with tingling, pricking sensation in the arms or hands, Kalmia Latifolia is a most reliable and effective Homeopathic medicine. Weakness in the hands may also arise. Pain from neck travelling down the arms is a key symptom where Homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia will show best results.

Aesculus Hippocastanum – Significant Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain from lumbar disc bulge

Aesculus Hippocastanum is a very significant Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain from disc bulge. The pain in lower back may radiate to hips. The person needing Aesculus Hippocastanum may feel the pain worsen from walking or stooping. Rising from a sitting position is also very difficult for persons requiring Aesculus Hippocastanum. There is the sensation as if the back might break.

Magnesium Phos – Well indicated Homeopathic medicine for lumbo sacral disc bulge with right-sided sciatica

Magnesium Phos is a prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for lumbar sacral disc bulge, especially where accompanied by right-sided sciatica. The person needing Magnesium Phos feels pain in the lower back radiate down the hip, leg and down to the foot on the right side. The nature of this pain may be shooting, sharp, stitching or cutting type. The person needing Magnesium Phos may feel relief from applying pressure on the painful area.

Colocynthis – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for lumbar disc bulge with left-sided sciatica

Colocynthis is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating lumbar disc bulge where the main compliant is left-sided sciatica. The major symptom is pain in the lower back extending down the hip, leg and foot on the left side. The character of the pain may be cramping, shooting, lightening and shock-like or tearing in nature. Pressure and warm applications may relieve the pain. Lying on the left side may also provide relief.

Gnaphalium Polycephalum – Best Homeopathic medicine for treating lumbar disc bulge with sciatica and numbness in lower limbs

Gnaphalium Polycephalum is a very suitable Homeopathic medicine for disc bulge where sciatica, attended with numbness in lower limbs, is the chief symptom. Pain in the lower back radiates down the lower limbs along the course of the sciatic nerve. The person may feel better by flexing the thigh on abdomen.

Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicines for treating disc bulge from injury

For disc bulge resulting from injury, Homeopathic medicines Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox come highly recommended. Hypericum Perforatum is given in case of violent, sharp pain in the lower back following injury. Walking and stooping is impossible and cause violent pain. It is also indicated for pain shooting up the spine and down the limbs. The person who needs Hypericum Perforatum may also have neck pain. The neck may be extremely sensitive to the touch from cervical disc bulge following injury. Movement of arms worsening neck pain is also a sign that Hypericum Perforatum is the choice of Homeopathic medicine. Hypericum Perforatum is also the medicine to use for tingling and burning in the limbs from a pinched nerve in the back. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is indicated for disc bulge of both cervical as well as lumbar region. In case of cervical disc bulge, it is useful when neck pain gets better with heat or massage. In case of lumbar disc bulge, Rhus Tox is considered if the lower back pain gets better with movement or hard pressure.

Lifestyle measures can help better manage disc bulge

Some basic lifestyle measures, if adopted, will be of great help in managing the disc bulge complaint:

  • Avoiding lifting heavy weight
  • Avoid bending the spine; if need be, consider bending on the knees instead of waist
  • Exercise to strengthen the back and maintain flexibility
  • Avoid sitting for long hours and jumping
  • Lose that excess weight
  • Take proper sleep
  • Meditate, do calming exercise to keep stress away

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The Scope of Homeopathy

HAHNEMANN not just discovered a healing principle but also a law governing the relationship between all drugs and all diseases. Unfortunately, his breakthrough was glossed over. Since its inception homeopathy has been a victim of perpetuated prejudice. A bias which has become compulsive or, should we say, pathological, pathobias. Homeopaths have spent a great deal of energy on fighting conventions. One reason for this may reflect genuine incredulity that conventional physicians can apparently claim to help the ailing humanity and yet reject, seemingly out-of-hand, a new system of therapeutics with an excellent clinical track record. To homeopaths this seems, perhaps, illogical.

There is a plethora of biases aimed at eclipsing homeopathy’s great ability to treat chronic disorders. A situation that indirectly adds to the list of biases is a “write-off” by a conventional physician, even when homoeopathy could actually cure. But more often than not, it is a blind belief in the write-off which actually results out of conviction with which the patient is made to believe. Another fallout of this situation is that one realises the value of homeopathic treatment after losing the precious time when the treatment could have been most effective. By all this, I mean to say that homeopathy is far more effective in many cases that are generally termed as “incurables” if used properly and in time. However, one must that there are “incurables” for homeopathy too!

The second most important bias is that of homeopathy is “slow”. Often I have seen that it is this kind of silly syllogism that supports it – if homeopathy is slow in treating asthma, a chronic disease, it is going to be slow in treating every chronic disease! Funny logic! Isn’t it? Another reason is that the time involved is compared with that of conventional system of medicine, little realising that the level at which homeopathy works is way apart as it aims at rooting out the disease and not suppressing it.

Homeopathy is neither slow nor fast. It is a natural system, obeys the laws of nature and takes optimum time to cure. Well, the treatment of chronic diseases depends on innumerable factors patient compliance, extent and intensity of damage, age, nature of previous therapies, the physician’s competence, etc.profile pic

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