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500426826_b3f8241b1a_mDEPRESSION in children is surely on the rise. Blame it on our life-style or the rapidly changing social scenario or on increased academic pressures, stress is taking a heavy toll of younger Indians. The word stress   is a very general term and is usually indicative of an individual?s mental or physical response to environmental (social, family and academic) pressures.

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Tonsillitis and Homeopathic Treatment

417708736_2db8f55520_m Tonsillitis or inflammation of the tonsils is a painful condition of throat, and in its chronic form it can become a source of recurring episodes of colds. With the winter setting in, it needs a special mention.

There is a marked change in the attitude of the medical world as regards the tonsils. The old custom of “tonsil snatching”, that once meant millions of tonsil operations a year, is dying a well-earned death.

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Fibromyalgia and Homeopathy

296858545_da1a2069f8_mg If you feel pain all over your body, muscles ache all over and you frequently feel exhausted and unrefreshed even after a sleep. Also there are these points in your body where slight pressure causes severe pain and it so happens that even after numerous tests no diagnosis has ever been confirmed. If this sounds familiar, you may have fibromyalgia.

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Stop Ankylosing Spondylitis in its Tracks with These Homeopathic Medicines

If you experience an early-morning stiffness and pain in your lower back, which becomes better during the day with exercise or as you get into your routine, there are chances that it could be more than just simple wear and tear in the back. If this has been a regular problem for more than three months, you could be suffering from ankylosing spondylosis (AS). Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis (joint inflammation) that starts from the sacroiliac joint (SI joint) and ascends up the spine (with time). Pain and stiffness in the lower back and hips are the earliest symptoms, and it mostly sets in between the ages of 20 to 30 years. Homeopathic medicine for ankylosing spondylitis helps moderate the overactive immune system, thereby halting the progression of the disease. The top grade natural homeopathic remedies for ankylosing spondylitis are Aesculus Hippocastanum, Kalmia Latifolia, and Rhus Tox.     Homeopathic Remedies for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis affects males 2-3 times more commonly than females. Researches suggest that there is a strong link of AS being genetically inherited. The HLA-B27 gene can be detected in most patients with ankylosing spondylitis. This disease is thought to be an autoimmune disorder, which means that the body’s defense cells damage the joints of the spine.

Homeopathic Remedies for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Homeopathic medicines along with regular physiotherapy can help manage the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis. Homeopathic medicines majorly provide symptomatic management of pain and stiffness and work well in cases where the inflammation is detected in its early stages. Homeopathic remedy for ankylosing spondylitis can help moderate the immune system to halt the progress of the disease in the initial stages, and also help manage pain and movement. Ideally, a homeopathic treatment should go hand-in-hand with conventional treatment and physiotherapy for optimal recovery.
Conventional treatment for ankylosing spondylitis includes the use of NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Indocin and Naproxen, TNF blockers (tumor necrosis factor), and DMARDs (Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs ).
NSAIDs are the first line of treatment used in cases of ankylosing spondylitis. They help relieve inflammation, stiffness, and pain. The use of NSAIDs takes into account risk factors for cardiovascular disease as well as gastrointestinal disease, since these medications might cause gastrointestinal bleeding.
The next part of treatment involves the use of TNF blockers, or a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blocker or an interleukin 17 (IL-17) inhibitor. These drugs target the cell protein in the body that causes inflammation. TNF blockers help reduce pain, stiffness, and tender or swollen joints. They are administered through injections.
These drugs have made a massive difference in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis by their action of inhibiting tumor necrosis factor (TNF), but their side effects include reactivation of latent tuberculosis in some cases.
The next line of conventional treatment includes DMARDs (Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs) that work to suppress the body’s inflammatory systems or an overactive immune system. The use of DMARDs depends on factors like the severity of the joint inflammation and the associated side effects and the expected results. These drugs are usually designed to work over a few weeks or months and do not provide immediate relief.

1. Aesculus Hippocastanum – Top Medicine for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Aesculus Hippocastanum is a top listed medicine for ankylosing spondylitis. This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly called ‘horse chestnut.’ The natural order of this plant is Sapindaceae. The prominent symptom indicating the use of Aesculus Hippocastanum is a pain in the sacrum and the hips. Along with this, there is marked stiffness in the lower back. The symptoms get worse from rising from the seat, and the person has to make repeated efforts. At that time, there is a sensation as if the back would break. Aching pains in the lumbar, sacral and the pelvic region are treated well with homeopathic medicine Aesculus Hippocastanum.

Key Indications for using Aesculus Hippocastanum:

-Pain in sacrum and hips due to inflammation.

– Marked stiffness in the lower back.

– Back pain worse rising from a seat and on stooping.

2. Kalmia Latifolia – For Ankylosing Spondylitis with Constant Pain in Spine

Kalmia Latifolia is a highly beneficial medicine for ankylosing spondylitis. This medicine is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named ‘Mountain Laurel.’ The natural order of this plant is Ericaceae. It is indicated when there is a constant pain in the spine. Pain in the lumbar area and a burning/heat sensation in the lumbar spine is present. A feeling of lameness in the back is present. Sometimes there is a sensation as if the back would break. There is also an intense pain in the neck (cervical spine) along with stiffness. The neck feels tender to the touch. Kalmia Latifolia is an effective homeopathic remedy for the pain in the neck (cervical spine) that radiates to the shoulders. Early morning worsening of neck pain and stiffness is also present.

Key Indications for using Kalmia Latifolia:

– Constant pain in the spine.

– Pain in lumbar back attended with heat / burning in the spine.

– Neck pain and stiffness.

3. Rhus Tox – For Morning Stiffness in Back

Rhus Tox is a well indicated medicine for ankylosing spondylitis. It helps in reducing the stiffness of the back. The stiffness is most intense in the morning. Sitting also aggravates the stiffness. Rhus Tox also works wonders in reducing back stiffness that gets worse from taking rest. Here lying or sitting still worsens the stiffness. The person requiring Rhus Tox gets relief by walking. Pain in the lower back is also severe along with stiffness. Rhus Tox is also a natural medicine for managing back pain which gets relieved by the application of hard pressure.

Key indications for using Rhus Tox:

– Intense stiffness in the back.

– Back stiffness that is worse in the morning or due to inactivity.

– Back pain and stiffness that is reduced by walking.

Other Important Remedies

4. Colocynthis – For Hip Pain in Ankylosing Spondylitis

Colocynthis is a medicine for ankylosing spondylitis with marked hip pain. Colocynthis is prepared from a plant named ‘bitter cucumber.’ This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. For using Colocynthis hip pain may be cramping, drawing or tearing in nature. The pain from hip may also extend down to the knee, leg or even to the feet in a few cases. Sensitivity to touch the affected hip is also seen in many cases. Colocynthis is also a useful remedy for hip pain that gets better by lying on the affected side. In some cases, pressure on the affected hip offers comfort. Hip pain that gets better by warmth also indicates the use of homeopathic medicine Colocynthis. The person needing Colocynthis also experiences an aggravation of hip pain by sitting, standing, being in motion, and gets relief from rest.

5. Bryonia Alba – When Backache is Worse from Motion

Bryonia Alba is another well-indicated medicine for treating ankylosing spondylitis. This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘Wild Hops.’ The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. A backache that is worse from motion or walking is the guiding feature to use Bryonia Alba. In a few cases, stooping, standing and sitting also worsen the backache. The relief in back pain is afforded only with absolute complete rest. Stiffness is also present along with a backache. The stiffness is so intense that a person has to sit and walk in a stooped posture. Maintaining an upright posture while sitting/walking is difficult.

6. Agaricus Muscarius – When Back is Sensitive to Touch with Pain

Agaricus Muscarius is majorly used in ankylosing spondylitis when the spine is sensitive to touch, along with pain. The sensitivity of the spine is severe in the morning. Other symptoms pointing towards the use of Agaricus Muscarius are back pain getting worse from stooping, a burning sensation in the spine, and a feeling of tightness in the back muscles. A lumbosacral backache that is worse during daytime exertion is also treated well with Agaricus Muscarius. A marked stiffness in the back is present along with pain. There is a sensation as if the back would break. Another sensation that may appear is that of a cold or hot needle piercing the back.

7. Kali Carb – For Weakness in Back

Kali Carb is a medicine is used to treat ankylosing spondylitis where weakness in the lower back accompanies back pain. The pain is present in the lower back, hips, and the thighs. The person feels better by lying down. Homeopathic medicine Kali Carb is also helpful when there is difficulty in turning in bed from a backache. Another chief indication to use Kali Carb is a sharp pain in back extending up and down.

8. Natrum Mur – When Lying on the Back brings Relief

Natrum Mur is another valuable medicine used to treat ankylosing spondylitis. The characteristic feature to use Natrum Mur is relief from back pain upon lying down, especially on a hard surface. Other symptoms include difficulty in stooping, a pulsating sensation in the back and pain in the sacrum. The person needing homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur may also need firm support on the back.

9. Cimicifuga Racemosa – For Ankylosing Spondylitis with Neck (cervical back) Pain and Stiffness

Cimicifuga Racemosa is prepared from a plant named black cohosh of natural order Ranunculaceae. Cimicifuga Racemosa is used to treat neck (cervical back) pain and stiffness in cases of ankylosing spondylitis. A contracted sensation in the neck is present, and the neck is sensitive to touch. Pressure seems to worsen the pain in the neck. Any motion of the head and hands also aggravates the neck pain. Worsening of neck pain from exposure to cold air is also treated well with homeopathic medicine Cimicifuga Racemosa.

10. Calcarea Fluor – To Dissolve Osteophytes

Calcarea Fluor is a well indicated medicine for dissolving osteophytes (bony outgrowths appearing in the spine) in cases of ankylosing spondylitis. Another symptom that suggests the use of Calcarea Fluor is a back pain that is worse from rest and better from motion. Application of warmth may also relieve back pain in a few cases. Restlessness along with back pain is also present.

11. Tellurium Met – For Sacral Pain Radiating Down the Thigh

Tellurium Met is a medicine for ankylosing spondylitis with marked sacral pain radiating down the thigh. The back is sensitive, and the pain gets worse from touch. A feeling of weakness in the back, and cervical back pain spreading to the shoulder and between the scapulae are other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine. The cervical spine is also sensitive to pressure and touch.

12. Conium Maculatum – For Sacral Pain from Walking a Short Distance

Conium Maculatum is indicated when there is a severe aching in the sacral region from walking a short distance. Stitching pain in the sacrum when standing, weakness and lameness in the small of the back, tightness in the nape of the neck with pain and stiffness and soreness in the lower cervical spine are also present.
Pain in the dorsal back between the shoulders and the lumbar region also indicates the need for this medicine.

13. Guaiacum – For Ankylosing Spondylitis with Stiff Neck

Guaiacum is a significant medicine for ankylosing spondylitis with a stiff neck. It is a plant-based medicine prepared from the plant ‘Guaiacum Officinale.’ The natural order of this family is Zygophyllaceae. Marked stiffness in the neck is the key feature to use this medicine. Pain in the neck and the back (between scapulae) is also treated well with this medicine. It is also indicated in some cases where neck pain radiates down the sacrum.

Cause of Ankylosing Spondylitis

The exact reason behind ankylosing spondylitis is not clear yet. It is considered to be a disease of autoimmune origin. Autoimmune means destruction of healthy body tissues by immune cells of the body due to a misdirected response. In autoimmune diseases, immune cells recognize healthy tissue as a foreign, harmful organism due to mistaken identity and set an immune reaction to destroy it. In ankylosing spondylitis, an immune response gets initiated against the sacroiliac joints and joints of the spine resulting in its inflammation, destruction and eventually fusion.

Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis

The primary symptom at the beginning of ankylosing spondylitis is pain and stiffness in lower back and hips, followed by general fatigue. The starting of pain and stiffness is usually gradual, and it worsens over a period of months. The signs are worse early in the morning (often waking the person from sleep), and tend to decrease as the day passes. The symptoms also tend to get worse after periods of prolonged inactivity.
As the disease progresses up the spine, pain and stiffness start to appear in mid back and neck (cervical spine). In the case of permanent fusion of vertebra, the spine gets rigid as a board with the entire loss of flexibility – a condition known as bamboo spine.
Ankylosing spondylitis is primarily a disease affecting the spine. But it may affect other joints including the shoulder, knees, and ankles in some cases.

In a majority of cases, ankylosing spondylitis starts from the sacroiliac joint. But in some cases, this disease also begins from other areas, like foot, heel, and knees, especially if the disease sets in at a young age.

The Disease Mechanism of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing means ‘joining together’ and spondylitis means ‘inflammation in the vertebrae’ (the bones that make up the spine). In ankylosing spondylitis, there appears inflammation in the joints of the spine and sacroiliac joint (SI Joint, between the sacral spine and pelvis) and fusion of these joints in the long run.

In the case of ankylosing spondylitis, T cells begin the inflammation in SI joint and joints of the spine. With time, these joints start eroding and get damaged. The sacroiliac joints are located in the low back where the sacrum (the bone directly above the tailbone) meets the iliac bones (bones on either side of the upper buttocks). In a person suffering from AS, joints and ligaments that generally allow the spine to move, get inflamed and stiffen up. This inflammation takes place where the ligaments or tendons are attached to the bones.
In the process of healing, new bone develops at the site of damage, replacing flexible cartilage and bridging the gap between two bones. As a result, the elastic tissue is replaced by bony growth. Continued formation of new bone can lead to fusion of the vertebrae (bones of the spine), leading to a significant reduction in the movement of the spine.
The spine is the central support structure of the body. It keeps us upright. Although there are many bones (vertebra) in the spine (stacked one over the other) it is flexible due to the presence of elastic intervertebral spinal discs and ligaments. An intervertebral disc is a fibrocartilaginous cushion between two vertebrae. Each disc has an annulus fibrosus (tough exterior of a spinal disc) and has nucleus pulposus (soft inner core). In ankylosing spondylitis, annulus fibrosus become calcified and fuse with adjacent vertebrae. Continued formation of new bone can lead to fusion of the vertebrae, leading to a considerable reduction in the movement of the spine. Ankylosing Spondylitis can also affect eyes, lungs, bowel, and heart.

Factors that Contribute to the Development of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Age – In most cases, the onset of AS is between the age of 20 years – 30 years (especially during the early 20’s). However, in some cases, it can start at the age of 18.

Gender – Males are at a higher risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis as compared to females. The incidence ratio of ankylosing spondylitis in male and females is around 3:1.

Family History – Persons having a family history of ankylosing spondylitis, along with the presence of the HLA-B27 are at risk of developing the disease. A family history of the diseases can increase the chances of developing the disease by about 20 percent.

Diagnosing Ankylosing Spondylitis

In cases where the clinical symptoms point toward ankylosing spondylitis, an X-ray or MRI are useful tools that help find changes appearing in joints to confirm ankylosing spondylitis. The most critical diagnosis that can be caught in these early investigations is the inflammation of the sacroiliac joint. Other tests that are recommended in addition to these include ESR, vitamin D levels, and HLA- B27.

Complications from Ankylosing Spondylitis

  • Permanent fusion of the sacroiliac joint and vertebra in the back due to chronic inflammation can make the spine stiff and inflexible (in the process of healing new bone forms in spine bridging the gap between vertebrae causing fusion of vertebrae).
  • Compression fractures are a result of weakened vertebrae since the bones can thin-out during the initial stages of ankylosing spondylitis. These vertebrae can crumble or shrink in size, putting pressure on the spinal cord.
  • Eye inflammation or uveitis is a common complication of AS. It causes rapid eye pain, blurred vision and extreme sensitivity to light.
  • Heart problems are another complication of this disease since it causes inflammation and enlargement of the aorta. Enlargement leads to a distortion of the aortic valve in the heart, and its subsequent functional impairment.
  • Difficulty in breathing due to the fusion of the ribs with breastbone (fusion restricts, chest expansion, reduces lung capacity and function.
  • Inflammation of the intestines can lead to other diseases like Crohn’s disease and Colitis.

Managing Ankylosing Spondylitis with Diet and Exercise

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for people with AS since excessive weight excessive weight can add stress on the joints and bones. Physiotherapy and regular exercise can help halt the progression of the disease and provide symptomatic relief.

Foods to Eat to Manage Ankylosing Spondylitis

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to have a small but consistent effect on the inflammation of joints. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, chia seeds are some examples of foods that contain Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain many nutrients, minerals, and vitamins and are generally low in calories and high in fiber. The antioxidants present in the vegetables help fight inflammation in the body.

Whole Grains

Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, and corn contain nutrients and fiber that help reduce inflammation.

Calcium-Rich Foods

Calcium keeps the bones healthy, and calcium-rich foods include low-fat dairy products, fortified cereals and tofu, broccoli, almonds, and dark, leafy green medicines like kale.

Vitamin D

The body requires vitamin D for using calcium. Higher levels of vitamin D (within limits) decrease the risk of developing the disease and also reduce the symptoms. Seafood, egg yolks, fortified cereals and plant-based milk, and cod liver oil are food sources of vitamin D. The other source of vitamin D is direct sunlight.

Foods to Avoid that Worsen the Condition

Foods that cause inflammation can worsen the symptoms of AS. These foods include:

Foods High in Fats

High-fat foods like red meat, pizza, cheese, and processed foods contain omega-6 acids and saturated fats that contribute to inflammation.

Sugar and Refined Foods

Sugar and refined foods lead to inflammation, so those suffering from AS should avoid foods like candy, desserts, sodas, and juices.

Lifestyle Modifications to Ease the Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis

  • Exercise is an essential habit for those dealing with AS. Exercise helps maintain or reduce weight, reduce inflammation in the body, and helps increase the mobility and flexibility in the body. In most cases, exercise reduces the symptoms of AS and people tend to feel better.
  • A good posture can help decrease the chances of abnormal spinal fusion and also reduce further complications.
  • Physiotherapy with a professional therapist can help improve the posture, pain management, and joint mobility. The exercises included in a physiotherapy program work on the person’s stretching, targeted activities, flexibility and overall strength.
  • Use cold or hot packs to manage symptoms of pain and inflammation.

Frequently Asked Questions on Ankylosing Spondylitis

1. Is HLA- B 27 positive diagnostic of ankylosing spondylitis?

No, just carrying the gene HLA- B 27 is not diagnostic of ankylosing spondylitis. Positive HLA-B 27 makes a person susceptible to get ankylosing spondylitis, but most people with this gene never develop any symptoms. For diagnosis, clinical symptoms and the X-ray/MRI findings must match with the disease symptoms in addition to a positive HLA-B27 test.

2. Is ankylosing spondylitis curable?

Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic lifelong problem, and unfortunately, there is no cure for it. However, there are treatments available that help effectively manage the symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. Caught early, it is also possible to prevent fusion of the spine. Early diagnosis and treatment along with regular physiotherapy is the key to manage the complaint and improve the quality of life.

3. Does spinal fusion appear in every case of ankylosing spondylitis?

No, each case of ankylosing spondylitis does not always progress to the stage of spinal fusion. It varies highly from person to person. No two cases of ankylosing spondylitis progress in the same manner. Some cases of ankylosing spondylitis have very mild progression of disease without spinal fusion, and the person leads a reasonably healthy, independent life, while in others, the disease progresses rapidly along with spinal fusion, leading to disability.

4. Does homeopathy work for ankylosing spondylitis?

Since ankylosing spondylitis has no cure, homeopathy can help in the symptomatic management of the disease. In cases where the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, homeopathy can work hand-in-hand with conventional treatment to halt the progression of the disease and provide significant relief from the symptoms. Homeopathy alone is not advised as a long-term treatment for ankylosing spondylitis.

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Varicose Veins

image For Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) the single most driving reason to develop homeopathy was to have a system that was completely harmless and gentle. A system that would use the body’s own innate healing powers to restore health.

The homeopathic treatment of diseases like varicose veins, which otherwise would require surgery, stand testimony to what Hahnemann preached and established. A controlled study done in Germany on 62 patients (suffering from varicose veins) about a decade ago proved the high efficacy of this system in treating this problem.

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Onion and Coffee- no need to avoid

708063_coffee re Dear Dr. Sharma
I take Homeo-medicines regularly,one thing that has perplexes me the most is that does onion really antidote the effects of homeopathic medicine? do I really need to avoid onion and other stimulants like alcohol , coffee etc while I am on homeo drugs? what are the other dos and don’t that I need to take care off? … Jasbir Singh NJ

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Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Homeopathy

151464452_76eb78da5e_m Weather is known to have an effect on rheumatoid arthritis. It is quite known that arthritis patients show an increase in their symptoms during cold weather. Winters can be very bad for some of them. Even wet weather aggravates the condition for many patients. Some RA (rheumatoid arthritis) patient seems to be too sensitive about weather changes. So much so that they often come up saying that they know ? it,s going to rain? as their joints start to ache.

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Weather Changes and homeopathy

Weather Changes and Homeopathy

439305754_8d2dd3200b_mUsually when winters say goodbye, it announces the advent of a warm pleasant spring season. But unfortunately, this weather is not so pleasant for all. For people who are ?weather sensitive? this is a time that they dread, because this changing weather means that their problems are going to be back. To name a few – Allergies, migraines, asthma, mood disorders, rheumatic disorders and skin problems are the ones that show a great tendency to be triggered by or aggravated by weather changes.

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Fractures and Osteoporosis

Fractures and osteoporosis

image As the gap between the various medical systems narrows down, the term ‘alternative medicine’ is slowly dying a well deserved death. It is being replaced by a more holistic term ‘integrated medicine’ where the best of all the system integrate to serve the humanity at its best. Slowly a lot many medicines from different disciplines are being accepted into the mainstream medicine because of their high efficacy in treating a particular illness. One such medicine from the homoeopathic system of medicine is Symphytum Officinale. Its extreme effectiveness in treating osteoporosis and healing fractures is what puts it into this category.

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Asthma in Wet Weather – Natural Treatments

Asthma is an allergic condition that results in the narrowing and swelling of the air passages causing wheezing, difficult breathing, production of excess mucus and coughing. The weather plays a significant role in this condition. There are many climatic conditions which have a specific influence on the asthmatic complaints. People with asthma see a marked aggravation in their complaints during a change of weather, hot weather, winters or wet weather. It varies from person to person, depending upon their vulnerability to a certain weather condition. Humid weather in the monsoons is the worst period for people who have asthma. Well-Directed homeopathic treatment for asthma in wet weather can help reduce the severity and duration of the symptoms.The top homeopathic remedies for asthma in wet weather include Natrum Sulph, Dulcamara and China Officinalis.

Why is Asthma Common in Wet Weather?

Multiple factors contribute to asthmatic flare-ups during the wet weather. Some of these include:

Damp and Wet Weather Conditions

During wet and damp weather conditions, the air is more humid and heavy, making it difficult to breathe. People with asthma already have sensitive airways, and this type of moist air triggers the constriction and narrowing of airways. Also, damp air does not flow as smoothly as dry air through the smaller air passages of the lungs, thereby triggering an episode of asthma.
Damp air when inhaled is more likely to cause spasms in the airways. Many people find it difficult to breathe in damp weather since it triggers the constriction of airways causing wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness of the chest.

Pollen Content in the Surroundings 

The pollen content during wet weather conditions is high, and most people who have asthma are sensitive or allergic to pollen grains. Many trees pollinate during this season, raising the pollen count to a significant level. The stormy winds during the rainy season are a perfect medium to carry the pollen across. We are exposed more to these environmental irritants which initiate the allergic reactions in vulnerable individuals.

Spores produced by Molds

Small particles produced by molds (known as spores) thrive well in high humid conditions. Since the moist air is favorable for the growth of dust mites and molds, they multiply in huge amount during the rainy season. There are thousands of types of molds; fortunately only a few are responsible for this kind of allergy. A single growth of mold can generate millions of spores. Rotting logs and vegetation (like piles of leaves) are the prime habitat for molds, as are damp walls and carpet. Molds live and thrive at room temperature, and are present inside homes too, in damp places like bathrooms, house plants, refrigerator, foam pillows, washing machines, and furniture.

Therefore, individuals are exposed more to pollen, dust mite and molds during the rainy season. Most of the times, asthma is an allergic reaction, which means that the body’s defense system is attacking substances which it recognizes as a foreign body. It is during this interaction that a substance (which is responsible for all the symptoms of allergy) is produced. This substance is called histamine. Therefore, when a person develops asthma in wet weather, it is the person’s immune system reacting towards the molds, pollen and dust mites.

Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma in Wet Weather

Asthma is a constitutional disorder and needs to be holistically treated. Homeopathy carries an excellent scope to reduce the chronic tendency of asthmatic attacks.

Natrum Sulph: Leading Homeopathic Remedy for Asthma in Wet Weather

Natrum Sulph is also known as Sodium sulfate. It was discovered by Glauber in 1658 and is therefore also called Glauber’s salt.
Sodium sulfate is an inorganic salt that is found in the intracellular fluids of the human body. Its primary function is regulation of water and other fluids in the human body. It also ensures that the essential fluids like blood, bile, and pancreatic juice are of normal consistency in our body. Symptoms of asthma in wet weather that indicate the need for this remedy include a dry cough with soreness in the chest. The episodes of cough are mostly at night, with difficulty breathing. The person has to sit up and hold the chest. Shortness of breath is another characteristic feature of this remedy. Shortness of breath while walking, a sharp, piercing pain in the chest, a violent asthma attack with expulsion of green mucus are some other symptoms. The asthmatic episodes are worse in damp and cloudy weather. The asthmatic episodes get worse by motion, lying down or after eating. These asthma attacks are triggered by exposure to cold air or by physical exertion. The complaints are more frequent during the early morning, between 4:00-5: 00 am.


Dulcamara is a climbing shrub commonly known as the “Bittersweet” and belongs to the family Solanaceae. It grows in the moist places of North America and Europe. Homeopathic tincture of this remedy is prepared from fresh stems and leaves collected before the flowering. The main characteristic feature of this medicine is that the ailments are typically worse during wet weather. It is very well indicated for asthma in wet weather. The asthma episode is triggered by exposure to damp cold weather or after getting wet. There is a barking and spasmodic cough with the expulsion of a profuse amount of mucous. It is also helpful in cases where there is a pain in the face along with asthma. Deep inspiration triggers a cough, there is breathlessness during the wet weather. Dulcamara is also indicated for those who tend to catch a frequent cough and cold.

China Officinalis

Another plant remedy which belongs to the family Rubiaceae, China Officinalis grows in the wet forests of South America. Indicated for asthma that gets worse during wet weather, the main symptoms that point towards this medicine include asthma with wheezing and whistling in the chest and shortness of breath with a choking feeling (making the episode look severe and life-threatening). The breathing is short and heavy with a rattling sound in the chest, there may be heaviness and tightness of chest which gets worse during the evening and on lying down. There is continuous irritation in the throat resulting in a hacking cough. It is also helpful where an asthmatic cough results in vomiting of a significant amount of mucous. One may also experience a cutting type of pain in the abdomen upon coughing. The episodes of cough are usually worse during the morning, after rising up or after the meals. Another indication of this remedy is a suffocative feeling in the chest and the person has a desire to take deep breaths. The episodes of asthma or cough are worse after excess talking or lying down. There is marked difficulty in breathing specifically when the head is low (especially while lying down).

Aurum Metallicum

Aurum Metallicum is metal remedy prepared from gold. It is indicated for asthma due to congestion of the chest. There are suffocative attacks of asthma which are worse in the open air. The person always feels that he/she cannot get enough air to breathe, therefore always taking deep breathes. There is dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing) and shortness of breath with a feeling of constriction in the chest. Asthma gets worse during rainy weather and in the open air, there is an accumulation of a huge amount of mucus in the chest which is very difficult to expel. A cough with yellowish phlegm after waking up, which is hard and dry and appears in paroxysms (sudden attack) especially at night time. There is a feeling of pressure on the chest making it difficult for the individual to breathe. The complaints are worse during the damp weather or after exposure to damp air.


Silicea is another important remedy for asthma in wet weather. There is shortness of breath which is worse after physical work or walking fast. It is helpful in cases where the cold settles in the chest. Episodes of a recurrent cough and cold that end up into asthma, or when there is a history of pneumonia along with asthma is treated well with this remedy. This medicine is also helpful for hay asthma which occurs during the end of August. Breathing is difficult with rattling in the chest and expectoration of profuse lumpy yellow sputum. Violent episodes of cough while lying down and episodes of gagging cough at night which wakes a person up from sleep are other symptoms that indicate towards this remedy.

Antimonium Tart

Homeopathic remedy Antimonium Tart is prepared from a chemical compound commonly known as Tatar emetic. It naturally occurs as a colorless, transparent substance with a sweet metallic taste. It works well to treat asthmatic episodes with a rattling of mucus in the chest. The breathing is short and quick and makes a rattling sound. It is also very helpful in asthma and bronchitis affecting children. The dyspnoea especially when lying down and gets better while holding the child in an upright position, a spasmodic asthmatic cough, pain in the chest and abdomen during coughing are some other symptoms. The episodes of asthma mostly occur at night with suffocating and exhausting spells of coughing.

Managing Asthma in Wet Weather

– Look for the weather forecast and avoid going out during the stormy days.
– Avoid being exposed to pollens, dust mites or molds. Avoid the areas which can have these substances, and at home, follow proper cleaning routines.
– Avoid doing excessive physical activities during the damp and humid weather as it is harder to breathe.
– Avoid overexposure to pollutant or fumes like those from wood-burning or motor vehicles.
– Change your clothes and keep them separately whenever you come indoors from outside.
– During high-pollen content, make sure to wash your beddings frequently.
– Use a dehumidifier in damp weather to reduce the growth of molds.
– Carry a rescue inhaler in case you suffer from acute breathlessness.
– If you have a cold or flu during rainy weather, ensure you take all immediate action to treat it.
– Avoid smoking.
– Avoid places where there is too much smoke or pollution.

Diet: Foods to Eat to treat Pollen Allergies 

Vitamin A: helps in the production of healthy mucous of the air passages of lungs.

Folates: Help in reducing the allergic and inflammatory reactions of the body.

Magnesium: Very good for overall muscle movement and coordination. It helps in regulating the constriction and relaxation of the bronchioles. In asthmatic cases, it can help in reducing the allergic constriction of the air passages.

Omega-3 fatty acid: These are overall very helpful for boosting the immunity and reducing the inflammation. They can also help to reduce the sensitivity to such allergic conditions.

Vitamin D: It is very beneficial in controlling the allergic tendencies. It boosts the defense mechanism of the body and reduces the tendency of having recurrent episodes of asthma. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties which can decrease the severity of the asthma episodes.

Food to Avoid in Case of Wet Weather Asthma

Avoiding the food one is allergic to – If you have any associated food sensitivity like gluten, casein, lactose wheat, etc, they should be avoided as any exposure to these can trigger allergic reactions in the body.

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