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Homeopathic Management of Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder that causes significant uncontrollable  daytime drowsiness and sudden sleep attacks at any time and during any activity. It is a rare condition. In some cases there may be sudden temporary loss of muscle tone (catalepsy) along with above symptoms. Homeopathic management of narcolepsy offers symptomatic help, and should be taken along-with conventional treatment. narcolepsy


What exactly leads to this condition is still unknown.

But it is found that those suffering from type 1 narcolepsy have decreased levels of  a protein called hypocretin (a brain chemical which has one of its functions to regulate the sleep wake cycle). It is suspected that the low levels in hypocretin occurs due to an autoimmune reaction (In which the immune cells of the body attacks healthy cells due to a misdirected response). Genetics also seems to contribute to the development of narcolepsy.  Having  a family history of narcolepsy increases the risk for a person up to 20 to 40 times. It mostly begins between age 10 yrs to 30 yrs but can start at any age.

Stress, brain injury, brain tumor, exposure to toxins are also thought to play a role. A link between the swine flu (H1N1 flu) virus and narcolepsy is also suggested but the exact explanation for the connection between these two is not available.


It is of two types :

  1. Type 1 narcolepsy

This type is attended with catalepsy (means sudden loss of muscle tone). this type is most common, it can be triggered by strong emotions. This type occurs from low levels of hypocretin protein.

  1. Type 2 narcolepsy

This type is not accompanied with catalepsy. In this type the sufferer has normal levels of hypocretin.


Its first main symptom is excessive sleepiness in the daytime. People with this can sleep suddenly anytime at any place. Like a person with this may sleep while talking or doing any sort of work eg reading, driving etc. They may also have brain fog, difficulty in focus and concentration. They may feel tired, have low energy levels and memory issues. Next important symptom that can be present with this is temporary and sudden loss of muscle tone (catalepsy). it may be felt as mild weakness, slurred speech and partial catalepsy like head drop, jaw drop, drooping eyelids. But in some cases the entire body may collapse to the ground.

Strong emotions like laughing, excitement, anger, fear and surprise can trigger it. The catalepsy symptom may occur daily many times with narcolepsy or just a few times in a complete year. Another attending symptom is sleep paralysis. With this a person becomes temporarily (few seconds to minutes time) unable to move or speak while falling asleep or upon waking. After completion of an episode the movement and  speech become fully normal. Next symptom that may accompany it is hallucinations when falling asleep or when waking up. If a person falls asleep while doing a task like writing, driving then he may continue doing it while asleep. 

In some cases other sleep disorders may be present along with narcolepsy. It firstly includes restless legs syndrome (a condition in which a person has an uncontrollable urge to move legs due to an uncomfortable sensation. It occurs  in the evening or night time). Second such example is obstructive sleep apnea (a sleep disorder in which there occurs momentary pauses in breathing several times during sleep). Last example is insomnia ( a sleep disorder in which a person has either difficulty falling asleep or difficulty staying asleep). 


A person with this condition is at risk of accidents, injuries, harming himself or enduring life threatening situations if he falls asleep while doing certain activities like driving, cooking etc. People with this condition are also at risk of depression and anxiety. It may also  impact one’s social life due to difficulty staying awake during social gatherings. People suffering from it are also at risk of being overweight due to slow metabolism.

Homeopathic Management of Narcolepsy

Homeopathic medicines can offer symptomatic help in managing cases of narcolepsy. These medicines are of natural origin and are very safe and effective to help reduce the frequency of complaint gradually. One can take them along with conventional treatment for supportive help in symptom management. Use of these medicines is recommended in cases of mild to moderate intensity. One must take any of these under guidance of a homeopathic physician after detailed case study and never self medicate.  

  1. Nux Moschata – Leading medicine

It is prepared from powdered seeds of a plant named Myristica commonly known as nutmeg. It belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a prominent medicine for treating these cases. Persons needing it have irresistible drowsiness and sleepiness. They are sleepy as if intoxicated. This may be attended with vertigo. With sleepiness excessive laughter can be present. After waking a strange feeling is felt. They tend to start in sleep with a sensation of shocks as if electricity is passing through the body.

  1. Gelsemium – For Drowsiness and Long, Sound Sleep

It is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. This medicine is well indicated for persons having drowsiness and long sound sleep. With sleepiness there is fear of movement. They are restless at night’s sleep mostly towards morning hours. They feel dullness, and difficulty to fix attention. It is also used when drowsiness is felt when trying to study.

  1. Antimonium Tart – For Unconquerable Sleepiness

This medicine is recommended when a person has unconquerable sleepiness. Urgent need to sleep during the day is felt. There is excessive yawning. During sleep jerks through the body occur. Talking or crying during sleep appears. At night restlessness and sleeplessness with anxious tossing is present. In the morning he feels uncomfortable and dizzy. Heaviness and pressure in the head is also felt.

  1. Nux Vomica – When Drowsiness Worsens after Meals

This medicine is considered when the drowsiness worsens after meals. 

Next it is well indicated for sleepiness in the evening while sitting which a person is unable to avoid. People needing it have deep sleep and there may be dropping of lower jaws. Violent starting may occur on going to sleep. Talking during sleep may also be there.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Sleepiness in Daytime while Sitting

It is a great medicine for sleepiness in the daytime while sitting. There is constant drowsiness, with frequent and strong yawning. jerking of limbs occur when falling asleep. There occurs deep sleep in the evening where it is required. Tiresome dreams appear during sleep. At night there is great restlessness with sleeplessness. There is constant tossing and turning.

  1. Zincum Met – For Continued Disposition to Sleep During Day

It is useful for cases in which there is continued disposition to sleep during the day. There occurs overpowering sleep. Sleep is deep with many dreams. Shocks and frequent starts are felt in sleep. At night there is difficulty in falling asleep. The sleep is restless and  frequently interrupted at night. Screaming in sleep may be there. In the morning the person feels unrefreshed.

  1. Causticum – For Intense Sleepiness in Day and Sleeplessness at Night

People needing this medicine have intense sleepiness during the day. This is attended with yawning and stretching. They are unable to resist it and  must lie down. At night there is sleeplessness with inability to rest in any position. There is great uneasiness at night. They may cry or laugh during the sleep.

  1. Antimonium Crudum – For Drowsiness with Trembling of Head

It is a beneficial medicine for drowsiness accompanied by trembling of the head. There is a strong desire to sleep in daytime attended with heat. Numbness in the head may also be there. It is also indicated when there is sleepiness after eating. Lastly, it is of great help when there is great sleepiness in the forenoon.

  1. Merc Sol – When Excessive Sleepiness is Not Relieved by Long Sleep

This medicine is valuable for cases in which a person has great sleepiness during the day which is not relieved even from long sleep. At night there is sleeplessness or very light sleep with frequent waking. There is restless sleep. After waking there is nervous trembling.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Irresistible Sleepiness in Afternoon

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. Its use is recommended when there is irresistible sleepiness in the afternoon. At night there is sleeplessness with extreme restlessness. Sleeplessness is most marked during the first part of night. There occurs sound sleep when it is time to get up. On waking the person feels weak and unrefreshed.

  1. Sepia – When There is Daytime Sleepiness Soon after Sitting

It is a significant medicine when there is excessive sleepiness in the day and the person falls asleep as soon as he sits down. He doesn’t have a desire to rise and there is difficulty waking. With this there may be loud talking in sleep. At night he awakes with fright with screaming. After night sleep there is tiredness, aching and unrefreshed feeling.

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8 Remedial Homeopathic Medicines for Myoclonus

Myoclonus refers to a sudden involuntary jerking of the muscles. These jerks cannot be controlled by the people suffering from it. Either one muscle or a group of muscles can be involved. Homeopathic medicines for myoclonus are only recommended in cases where the symptoms fall in the mild to moderate category. Myoclonus

It may develop itself or from some of the underlying medical conditions. Few examples include epilepsy, stroke  (a medical condition resulting in cell death from poor blood flow to the brain) and tumour of the brain or the spinal cord. Next causes linked with it are hypoxia (conditions that arise when tissue of the body or a region of the body  does not get adequate oxygen), trauma to the head or the spine, some type of infections, kidney failure or liver failure. It can also occur as a part of some sort of autoimmune diseases. Its some examples  are multiple sclerosis  (disorder that arise from damage to the cover of nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord) , celiac disease (an autoimmune disorder in which eating gluten which is a protein found in the wheat, barley and rye damages the lining of the small intestine). Other than these it can arise from side effects of some drugs and chemicals. Next metabolic disorders and lipid storage disease (a group of inherited metabolic disorders in which fats or lipids accumulate in some cells or tissues of the body) is associated with it. Lastly it can be a symptom part of some  of the neurological disorders like parkinson’s disease (nervous system disorder affecting movement that usually begin as tremor in just one hand), encephalitis (inflammation that occurs in the brain), alzheimer’s disease  (a disorder in which the brain cells degenerate and causes decline in the memory, thinking, behavioural and social skills of the sufferer ), coma, Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease  ( a rare degenerative e brain disorder that leads to memory loss and, ultimately, death), Huntington’s disease (an inherited disease that causes degeneration of nerve cells in the brain) and certain dementia (eg frontotemporal dementia and lewy body dementia). Genetics also seems to play a role in it as it is also seen to run in families.


It is of various types as given below:

  1. Primary Myoclonus 

It occurs on its own without any other symptoms. It may affect many body parts like legs, soft palate. Some reasons behind it includes poisoning, injury.

  1. Secondary/Symptomatic Myoclonus

It is a  symptom of some of the underlying medical issue like Restless leg syndrome (RLS), Parkinson’s disease, lipid storage disease, prolonged oxygen deprivation. It may appear with other symptoms. It is a common form. 

  1. Action Myoclonus

This type may affect the arms, legs and the face. In this the jerks worsen from trying to do voluntary movements. It is the most severe form among all the types

  1. Essential Myoclonus

The cause behind this type is unknown. No underlying condition is present behind it. No other symptoms are there apart from muscle jerks in it. It can run in the families and it does not have a tendency to get worse over a period of  time.

  1. Sleep Myoclonus 

This type occurs when a person falls asleep. It doesn’t require any treatment. Sometimes it may be  a symptom of restless leg syndrome.

  1. Stimulus Sensitive Myoclonus 

It occurs as a reaction of external stimuli like light,  noise and movement

  1. Cortical Reflex Myoclonus 

It begins in the outer layer of the brain tissue. It may affect a few muscles or various muscles of the body all over. It may get worse when trying to make a specific movement.

  1. Reticular Reflex Myoclonus 

It is a type of epilepsy originating in the brain stem. The muscles jerks/ spasms affect the whole body. These may get triggered from external stimulus like changes in light, noise and also from voluntary movement 

  1. Palatal Myoclonus 

This type affects the muscles of the roof of the mouth. In this these muscles contract in a  regular and a  rhythmic way. Sometimes muscles of the face, throat and the tongue may be affected too. The jerks may lead to discomfort or pain.

  1. Physiological Myoclonus 

This type occurs in people who are otherwise healthy. Some of the examples of this type are hiccups, spasm from anxiety , exertion and sleep starts. It usually needs no treatment.

  1. Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy

This type can have worsening of symptoms as time goes and can be fatal. This type causes myoclonus, epileptic seizures, difficulty speaking, and difficult movement.


People with it feel jerking, shaking of muscle or a shock like sensation in muscle.  These are unpredictable that occur suddenly and without control of them. They remain for a brief duration. The jerks can be localized to one body part or widespread to the whole body. These symptoms can be of mild to severe intensity. Its frequency also varies from case to case. They may occur frequently or less often.  Trembling or twitching sensation may attend the jerks. In case of severe intensity they may interfere with speech, eating or walking 

Homeopathic Medicines for Myoclonus

Homeopathic medicines help to manage these cases quite effectively. These help to reduce the severity and frequency of symptoms of myoclonus. These medicines work by targeting the root cause behind it and offer good help in these cases. The homeopathic medicine which is needed for a given case depends on the symptom of the person in every case. One should take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. But in case the symptoms are intense or serious one must take help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Zincum Met – Top Grade Medicine

It is good medicine for treating a number of nervous complaints, including muscle jerking and twitching. Person needing it can have jerks in various muscles of the body. They may have jerking through the whole body that occurs specifically during sleep. They may sometimes cry out and get awake with fear from sleep along with jerking of the body.

  1. Agaricus – For Trembling and Twitching of Muscles 

This medicine is highly recommended for managing cases of trembling and twitchings of the muscles. In persons needing it the twitching can be present in the limbs or the face. There is restlessness, trembling and shaking in the limbs. In most cases needing it the muscle twitches worsen when an attempt of voluntary motion is made. The twitchings are better at night where this medicine is required.Its use is also indicated when there is trembling in the whole body. The trembling may be attended with weakness. 

  1. Stramonium – For Twitching of Hands and Feet 

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant known as thorn-apple. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is well indicated when there is twitching of hands and feet. It is also indicated for twitching of limbs during sleep. Next it is used for trembling of lips, limbs or of the whole body.

  1. Cuprum Met – For Twitching and Difficulty in Speech 

This is a very prominent medicine for twitching and speech difficulty. 

For using it the twitching is marked in fingers. Twitching may extend to  extending into hands, arms and upper body. These are triggered by talking or any exciting emotion. There is also jerking in arms, legs and hands. It is also indicated for twitching in toes. Trembling of tongue and speech difficulty is present with above symptoms.

  1. Cicuta – For Trembling of the Upper and Lower Limbs

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of a plant Cicuta Virosa commonly known as water Hemlock. It belongs to the family umbelliferae. It is a valuable medicine for helping cases in which there is trembling of upper and lower limbs. Next twitching and jerking of arms also calls for its use. Sudden shocking and jerking in head, arms and legs is yet another indicative feature for using it. In addition to above there may be weakness in arms and legs after slight exertion.

  1. Tarentula Hispanica – With Marked Trembling of Body 

It is a valuable medicine for cases in which there is marked trembling of the body. With this great restlessness is present. The person needing it, is unable to be quiet in any position. He feels like moving all the time. Sometimes speech difficulty is there along with above symptoms.

  1. Merc Sol – For Jerking in the Limbs

This medicine is considered when there is jerking in the limbs. The arms, fingers and legs twitch where it is required. The limbs may also feel weak. Trembling of hands may also occur.

8. Opium  – For Twitching of Head, Arms and Hands

This medicine works well when there is twitching in head, arms and hands. Next indication to use it is convulsive movements of the arm to and fro. Spasms occurring from fright, anger are also characteristic symptoms for using it.

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Supportive Homeopathic Medicines for Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis

Atopic keratoconjunctivitis is a severe form of eye allergy resulting in chronic inflammation of conjunctiva of the eye. It can involve the cornea of the eye and inner lining of the lower eyelid also. It is usually seen in young people between the ages of late teens to early 20’s. Most people with this have associated complaints of some sort of allergy. Homeopathic Medicines for Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis work by moderating the overactive immune system bring symptomatic relief. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis 


It occurs from a condition known as atopy (it refers to a genetic condition in which the sufferer produces exaggerated immune response to otherwise harmless environmental substances called an allergen like dust, pollens etc).  

Persons with this have some sort of allergic condition or a family history of it. These include atopic dermatitis (a long term skin inflammation), allergic rhinitis ( a type of inflammation in the nose resulting from  overreaction of immune system  to allergens leading to runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, red, itchy, and watery eyes) or asthma (inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs that result in episodes of wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath). There is an estimate that around 25 – 40% of patients suffering from atopic dermatitis also suffer from atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Allergy to pollen, pets and dust mites is also linked with it. Genetic predisposition, increased use of antibiotics, pollution exposure, tobacco smoke, climate factors are some of the risk factors linked with it.


It is an uncommon eye condition but if not treated in time it can have serious consequences like corneal ulceration and scarring, cataract, and even permanent visual impairment and blindness.


The signs and symptoms of this condition includes itchy eyes, redness of the eyes, tearing, mucus eye discharge often stringy in nature, burning sensation in the eyes, blurred vision and sensitivity to light (photophobia). Other than this the eyelids may be red, hard, swollen and skin around the eyes may be hyper pigmented and itchy. Dermatitis of the eyelids and the skin around the eyes may be present. The symptoms of this condition may worsen in the winters.

Homeopathic Medicines for Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis

Homeopathy offers supportive help in managing signs and symptoms of this condition.  It effectively manages itchy eyes, redness of the eyes, tearing, mucus eye discharge, burning sensation in the eyes and sensitivity to light. It also helps to reduce redness, hardness and swelling of the eyelids. The use of these medicines is recommended in cases of mild to moderate intensity. But in cases of severe intensity and where complications are present it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such types of serious cases.

  1. Euphrasia – Leading Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis also known as  eye – bright. This plant belongs to family scrophulariaceae. It is prominently indicated for managing these cases. Persons needing it feel a frequent burning biting sensation in the eyes. It is attended with tearing from the eyes. Next they have sensitivity to light. Itching of the eyes is also complained about. The eyes are red with these symptoms. Sometimes a sensation of dust or sand in the eyes is felt. Next there can be mucous secretion from the eyes. Other than this the margins of the eyelids are red with great dryness in them. Burning, itching and swelling of margins of eyelids is also noted. This may be accompanied with profuse watery secretion from the eyes. Lastly, there may be fine eruptions around the eyes. Redness and puffiness around the eyes is another prominent symptom.

  1. Belladonna – With Marked Redness of the Eyes

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It offers a great benefit in cases in which there is marked redness of the eyes. Burning, smarting and itching in the eyes is also felt with this. The eyelids are also red, swollen, congested, puffy. Itching , soreness and burning of lids is there. Eyes are also sensitive to light. Next there is watering from the eyes which is hot. 

  1. Argentum Nitricum – With Profuse Eye Discharge

This medicine is well indicated for cases having profuse eye discharges. The white eyes are pink or red in colour with this. The eyelids are congested. Lids are also swollen. Along with this eyelid margin are thick and red. Lastly itching and burning, biting sensation in the eyes is felt. 

  1. Apis Mellifica – To Manage Swelling and Redness around Eyes

This medicine works well in cases where a person has swelling and redness around the eyes. The eyelids are swollen, thickened with heat and sensitiveness to touch. Cold water application gives some relief.  Eyelids are inflamed with a smarting sensation in them. With this itching in and around the eyes and on the eyelids is felt. Sometimes the lids are sore and scabby. Next there is a burning and stinging sensation in the eyes. With this the eyes look bright red, chemosed. Other than this there is sensitivity to light. Profuse flow of tears from eyes is also noted. Along with above symptoms a foreign body sensation in the eyes is also felt.

  1. Merc Sol – For Burning Eye Discharge

This medicine offers help to manage burning eye discharges. The eyelids are red, thick swollen and sensitive to touch along with this. Itching in the eyes is yet another attending symptom.  Sensitivity to light is also there. Apart from above there is sensitiveness of the eyes to extreme heat or cold.

  1. Pulsatilla – In Cases Having Mucus Discharge from Eyes

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower or pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. Its use is considered when mucus discharges from the eyes are present. Next the eyes are red and eyelids are congested and swollen. Over sensitiveness to light is experienced with it. Burning and itching in eyes attends to it. The eyelids are also itchy along with a biting burning sensation. This is mostly felt in the evening. Draft of air helps to relieve this symptom.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Managing Sensitivity to Light

It is very useful to manage sensitivity to light in these cases. In cases needing it itching and burning in eyes is also present. Sensation of salt in the eyes can be felt. Tearing from eyes accompanies above symptoms. Lids may be swollen too. white mucous secretions from eyes may be present in some cases. Lastly, there can be a sensation of sand in eyes sometimes. It is most felt in the morning time.

  1. Sulphur – For Itchy Eyes

This medicine is prominent to manage itchy eyes. Burning sensation in the eyes is also marked with this. Profuse and excoriating tears is another complaint present. It worsens in the open air. Burning and smarting sensation in the eyelids is there along with the above symptoms. It is also attended with a flow of tears. Intolerance of light accompanies it. Dermatitis of eyelids can be present. Lids are red and swollen too. A sand like sensation occurs in the eyelids. Sometimes prickling is felt in the eyelids. With this there is desire to scratch and rub it. 

  1. Arsenic Album – For Burning in the Eyes

This medicine is very useful to manage burning sensation in the eyes. Persons who need it also complain of watering from the eyes which is hot. Another complaint they have is sensitivity to light. Swelling around the eyes is also there. Lastly they have redness, scaling or scabs on the eyelids.  

  1. Kali Bichrome – With Stringy Eye Discharge

Kali Bichrome is a highly valuable medicine for managing stringy discharges from eyes. The discharge is yellow coloured. In cases requiring it the other attending symptoms are itching and burning in the eyes. There is also sensitivity to light. Next there is redness in eyes along with heated sensation. Swelling of eyelids appears with this. Apart from above the eyelids are red, itchy, inflamed, tender and have a burning sensation in them.

  1. Calcarea Sulph – For Thick Yellow Eye Discharge

This medicine is beneficial for cases having yellow eye discharge. With this there is redness and itching in eyes. Additionally heat is also felt in the eyes. The eye inflammation worsens in evening and night time where this medicine is required.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Red, Itchy Lids

It is a significant medicine best recommended when there is redness and itching or the eyelids. Excessive burning sensation in eyes is also present. Next the eyelids are swollen. Prickling sensation in the eyelids occurs with this. In addition to this there is profuse flow of hot, scalding tears.

  1. Alumina – For Thick, Dry Eyelids

This medicine is indicated for managing cases with thick, dry eyelids. Burning and smarting sensation is experienced with this. Burning and dryness worsens in the evening time. Along with above symptoms pressure in eyes and sensitivity to light is present.

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Natural Homeopathic Treatment Of Traveler’s Diarrhea

Traveler’s Diarrhea is a gastrointestinal disorder that leads to diarrhea which means loose stools and abdominal cramps while travelling. It occurs from consuming contaminated food or water. Homeopathic treatment of traveler’s diarrhea is highly effective to manage cases and to boost the natural defense mechanism of the body to fight with the infectious agent and bring natural recovery. 

ReasonsHomeopathic Treatment Of Traveler’s Diarrhea

It mostly develops from an infection. It can be from a bacterial, viral or a parasitic infection contracted from ingesting contaminated food or water. Other than this it may also arise from stress of travelling or changes in diet that occur while travelling. Persons while travelling to other places face climate change and also have different sanitary practices that put them at risk of it. Some of the destinations that are high risk for traveler’s diarrhea include Africa, Central and South America, Mexico and The Middle East

People living in these countries where risk of traveler’s diarrhea is marked are not affected because they have developed immunity over the time against the infectious agent that causes traveler’s diarrhea.

The chance of getting traveler’s diarrhea is high in persons who have a weak immune system that makes them prone to infection. It is also high in persons suffering from certain medical conditions for eg diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease. Other than this, the young adults are at high risk as compared to other age group people. Lastly persons who take medicines like acid blockers or antacids are also a high risk.


The signs and symptoms include sudden onset of loose stools, abdominal cramps. Other symptoms that can accompany includes urgency to pass stool, nausea, vomiting, excessive gas, abdominal bloating and fever. Its symptoms can arise all of sudden during travelling or after returning home.

Most people get better in a day or two. However, in case the pain in abdomen is severe, or vomiting is persistent, fever is high, blood passes in stool, and symptoms of dehydration are there then it is advised to immediately go to a doctor. Dehydration (from loss of vital fluids, salts and minerals) is a complication linked with it. Some of the signs and symptoms of dehydration include excessive mouth dryness, excessive thirst, scanty or no urination, dizziness, dryness of skin and intense weakness. Some serious consequences linked with it include shock, organ damage and coma.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Traveler’s Diarrhea

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective to manage cases of traveler’s diarrhoea. These medicines work to boost the natural defence mechanism of the body to fight with the infectious agent and bring natural recovery. These medicines are beneficial to manage its symptoms like diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdomen pain, gas, abdominal bloating in a remarkable manner. The suitable medicines for each and every case of traveler’s diarrhea are selected as per the set of symptoms present. The use of homeopathic medicines are recommended in cases where the symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity. But in cases where the symptoms are intense, serious or attended with complications like dehydration, then it is strictly advisable to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment to prevent serious health effects.

  1. Arsenic Album – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for these cases. It is indicated when there is diarrhea. Stool is thin, slimy, and offensive smelling where it is required. It is attended with excessive weakness. Cutting pain in the stomach is experienced with this. Burning sensation around the umbilical region before and during stool may also be felt. Sometimes mucus passes in the stool. In some cases stool passes involuntarily. Next vomiting may be present with loose stool.  

  1. Aloe – With Sudden Urge To Stool

This medicine is prepared from gum of the leaves of plant Aloe Socotrina. It belongs to family liliaceae. It is another very effective medicine for managing diarrhea. Its use is considered when there is sudden urgency to pass stool. The character of stool is mushy, watery, lumpy. Mucus can be present in the stool. Rumbling and gurgling is marked in rectum with this. A constant bearing down in the rectum and urging for stool is also felt. In some cases stool passes involuntarily while passing gas.

  1. China – For Diarrhoea With Weakness

It is prepared from dried bark of the plant Cinchona Officinalis commonly known as Peruvian bark. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. It is a leading medicine to help cases in which diarrhea is attended with weakness. Persons needing it have frequent, profuse, loose stool. It is brownish and may be frothy too. It also has undigested food in it. Next it is putrid smelling. Most of the time it is painless. They also have excessive emission of gas which is very fetid.

  1. Podophyllum – For Profuse, Watery, Gushing Stool

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of the plant Podophyllum peltatum commonly known as may apple. It belongs to the family berberidaceae. Its use is recommended when there is passage of profuse, watery, gushing stool. It is green or yellow coloured and has a very fetid, offensive smell. There may be undigested food particles in the stool. Gas passes with stool. Urge to pass stool is also sudden. Excessive nausea and loud gurgling in the abdomen is felt before stool. Excessive weakness occurs after passing stool.

  1. Croton Tiglium – For Sudden Gushing Stool After Eating Or Drinking

It is well indicated for cases in which there occurs sudden gushing stool soon after eating or drinking. Excessive gas passes with gushing stool where it is required. There is constant urging to stool. The stool is sudden, gushing which is shot out of rectum. The colour of the stool is dirty green or yellow and has an offensive smell. The stool may have tenacious mucus or sometimes whitish flakes in it. During stool nausea and colic are felt.  

  1. Gambogia – For Profuse Diarrhea With Colic

It is another natural medicine prepared from resinous gum obtained from a tree Gambogia Morella also known as Gamboge and Gummi Gutti. It belongs to family guttiferae. It is very helpful when diarrhea is accompanied with colic. Persons requiring it have yellow and green loose stool mixed with mucus. With this they have colicky pains in navel region during stool. Before passing stool they usually feel excessive cutting pain around the umbilicus. Stools is highly offensive and passes with a gush all at once. Next this may be attended with burning pain in the rectum. Great tenesmus (continuous ineffectual urge to evacuate the bowels) is also there.

  1. Veratrum Album – For Loose Stool, Nausea And Vomiting

It is prepared from root-stocks of plant White Hellebore that belongs to family melanthiaceae. Its use is highly recommended to manage cases having loose stool and nausea, vomiting. In cases needing it there is passage of frequent watery greenish or brownish stool mixed with flakes. Stool is gushing and profuse. It may be involuntary while passing gas in some cases. Rumbling in the abdomen occurs with this. There may be complaints of chilliness, pinching colic before stool.  During stool nausea, vomiting is there. Burning in anus may also be present. After stool there is weakness.

  1. Colocynth – to manage abdomen pain, cramps

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus colocynthis also known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a great medicine for managing abdomen pain and cramps. Persons who need it mostly feel that the pain worsens from consuming any food or drink. They feel better in pain from hard pressure. Abdomen distension may accompany it. Stool is yellow, watery, and frothy with this. Stool smells sour. Gas passes along with the stool .

  1. Lycopodium – To Manage Excessive Gas And Abdominal Bloating

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It proves highly beneficial to manage excessive gas and abdominal bloating. The bloating is felt soon after eating even a little. Much noisy gas passes with this. Stool is thin, brown, pale or yellow with this. It is putrid smelling. In some cases thin stool is mixed with hard lumps.

  1. Carbo Veg – For Watery Stool With Mucus

It is a useful medicine when the stool is watery with mucus. The stool is highly offensive smelling. Sometimes it is involuntary. In some cases there is ineffectual urging to stool but only gas passes. A painful pressure in rectum is felt at the same time. Burning pain in rectum can also appear. Lastly marked abdominal distension, burning in stomach, sour belching and cramping in stomach may be there.

  1. Ipecac – To Manage Nausea And Vomiting

It is prepared from the dried root of a plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. It works very well to manage nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it the nausea is constant. There is vomiting of watery fluids. With this cutting, pain in the stomach may be felt. Diarrhea is present in which the stool is yellow greenish or brownish. It may also be covered with slimy mucus. In cases needing it the stool spurts out with much gas.

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10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Neuritis 

Neuritis is a term used to describe inflammation of either a single nerve or multiple nerves. When a single nerve is involved it is termed as mononeuritis and when multiple nerves are involved then the condition is known as polyneuritis. It results in pain, abnormal sensations, numbness, weakness, loss of muscle function (paralysis) and muscle wasting. Homeopathic medicines for neuritis help in reducing the nerve inflammation and give offer symptomatic relief.


It can arise from multiple reasons. Firstly, it is seen elderly people. Secondly it may arise from deficiency of certain nutrients. vitamin B deficiencies including vitamin B1, B2, B6 or B12 is most linked with it. Thirdly it can happen from injury to the nerve. The types of injuries that can injure the nerves includes physical injury, chemical injury or radiation injury.It can also occur from some sort of infection. Its first example is Lyme disease (a tick- borne disease caused by a bacteria Borrelia burgdoferi and it spreads from the bite from ticks infected by this bacterium). Second example of an infection is chicken pox  (a contagious disease caused infection with varicella zoster virus characterised by a skin rash consisting of small, itchy blisters that eventually scab over). Another infection is herpes simplex (a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus).
Rest of the infections associated with it includes leprosy (an infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae that damages the nerves, skin, eyes and respiratory tract) and syphilis (a sexually transmitted infection  caused by bacterium called Treponema pallidum can damage the nerves in its late stages). There are some medical conditions that may lead to it. Some of these includes diabetes mellitus, beriberi disease (caused by deficiency of vitamin B-1), pernicious anaemia (A condition in which body is unable to make enough healthy red blood cells – RBCs due to lack of vitamin B-12), hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).
Another  medical condition that can cause nerve inflammation is SLE (Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks its own healthy tissues and causes its inflammation and tissue damage due to  a misdirected response). Rest of medical conditions linked with it are  sarcoidosis (a disease in which there occur abnormal collections of lumps of inflammatory cells called granulomas in any of the body part), multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which there occur damage to the myelin sheath which is the insulating covers of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord) and Guillain Barre syndrome (An autoimmune disorder in which body’s immune system attacks the nerves of peripheral nervous system out of a misdirected response).
Other than above it can arise from toxicity from certain drugs, metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, and some chemicals. However in many cases the exact cause behind neuritis remains unknown. 


Its symptoms depend on which nerve is affected. The location of symptoms depends on the area of the body of which nerves are affected. The first symptom is pain which can be stabbing or pricking type. Next symptom is numbness, or abnormal sensation (medically called as paraesthesia) like burning and tingling sensation. Another symptom is muscle weakness. In severe cases paralysis (means loss of muscle function) and muscle wasting occurs. The nature of symptoms and the intensity vary from case to case. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Neuritis

The homeopathic mode of treatment offers good help to manage the symptoms of neuritis. These medicines help in reducing the nerve inflammation and give symptomatic relief. With its use the intensity and frequency of symptoms reduces gradually. Symptoms including pain, numbness, burning, tingling and weakness can be well managed with them. Homeopathic medicines are helpful for these cases when the intensity of symptoms is mild to moderate. In case the symptoms of severe intensity are there and when symptoms are indicating some of the serious cause behind it then it is advisable to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment. One should use any homeopathic medicine for neuritis management as per the guidance of a homeopathic doctor after detailed case analysis and never self prescribe them.

  1. Hypericum – Top Grade Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum which  is also known by the name of St. John’s Wort. This plant belongs to family hypericaceae. It is a very effective medicine for managing the cases of neuritis. The main indicating symptoms for using it are numbness and tingling sensation in the limbs. Secondly, burning pain in the limbs is another prominent symptom. It is one of the best medicines for cases of neuritis that result from trauma and injuries. Last indicated symptom is sharp pain in the limbs. 

  1. Zincum Met – For Numbness and Tingling

Zincum Met is another prominent medicine for these cases. It is also beneficial when there is numbness and tingling sensation. Restlessness in the feet is an important attending symptom. Another symptom where it works well is formication sensation in the feet and legs as if some insects are crawling over the skin. In some cases needing it there is weakness in the muscles of the limbs. It is also helpful when there is numbness of the fingers specifically when rising in the morning. Lastly it is indicated for managing cases of weakness of hands and also when there is paralysis of hands and feet. 

  1. Kali Phos – For Prickling in Hands and Feet

It is a great medicine for treating cases having prickling in hands and feet. It is also valuable to treat numbness felt in the fingertips. It also offers help to manage nerve pains. In cases needing it the pains get better by gentle exercise. Lastly it helps to manage cases of paralysis  with muscle wasting and loss of sense of touch.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Numbness of Feet

It is an important medicine for managing numbness of the feet. Sometimes intense pain is felt in the feet along with this. It also offers help where burning sensation in the limbs is marked. Other than this it is valuable for managing cases with tingling sensation in the fingers. Next weakness, heaviness and twitching in the limbs call for the use of this medicine. 

  1. Causticum – For Muscle Weakness and Paralysis

It is a leading medicine for persons complaining of loss of muscle strength. This leads to uncertainty of control over muscles. This medicine is also indicated where numbness in the hands, feet and the toes is there. Another guiding feature to use it is electric shock like pain in the legs. Next it is a top listed medicine to manage cases where there is loss of muscle function (paralysis). 

  1. Phosphorus – For Tingling, Formication Sensation in Limbs 

Use of this medicine is indicated when there is tingling, formication sensation in the limbs. Persons requiring it may feel better in this symptom by rubbing. Another indication is numbness in the arms and the hands. It is also useful for cases having burning sensation in the feet. Weakness in the arms is yet another main symptom for using this medicine.

  1. Kalmia – For Neuralgic Pain Shooting Down 

It is prepared from fresh leaves of a plant kalmia Latifolia commonly known as mountain laurel. It belongs to family ericaceae. It is a very valuable medicine for managing neuralgic pains that shoot down. Along with this numbness, pricking and tingling sensation accompany. Weakness is yet another attending symptom that may be present along with above indications.

  1. Gelsemium – For Numbness and Weakness of Limbs

This is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It remains very effective for cases in which numbness and weakness of the limbs is marked. Mostly the arms feel powerless, weak and numb. Persons who need it have muscle weakness with lack of muscle coordination. They may have aching, tiredness and soreness in the limbs with this. Shooting, tearing pain along the track of the nerves is also prominently suggestive of this medicine use.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Tingling Sensation in the Feet

This medicine works well in persons having tingling sensation in the feet. While walking they also feel as if they are walking on the needles. Its other indication is loss of power in the forearm and also in the fingers. It is also a beneficial medicine for cases presenting with crawling sensation specifically present in the fingertips. 

  1. Belladonna – For Numbness and Prickling in the Hands

Belladonna is prepared from a plant named as deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is used when there is numbness and prickling sensation in the hands. Its use is also considered when there is burning sensation, stinging or tingling sensation in the limbs. Other than this it is given when there are shooting pains experienced in the soles of feet. Apart from above people having heaviness and tired feeling in the limbs can also be highly helped with use of this medicine.

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Transverse Myelitis – Supportive Treatment with Homeopathy

Transverse myelitis is a neurological condition arising from inflammation of both sides of the same section of the spinal cord. Due to the inflammation there usually occurs damage to the myelin sheath that covers the fibers of the nerve cells. Loss of myelin leads to interruption of the messages sent by nerves of the spinal cord all over the body. Homeopathy for Transverse Myelitis works well for symptomatic treatment when taken along with conventional treatment.
It may result in muscle weakness, pain, sensory issues, paralysis, dysfunction of bowel or bladder. It is a rare disease. Though it can occur at any age but mostly it develops in children of age group 10 yrs to 19 yrs and adults of age group 30 years – 39 years.

Transverse Myelitis



What exactly leads to this condition is still unknown. However there are various reasons linked with it. Firstly it can develop from autoimmune activity in which the immune cells attack and damage the body’s own healthy tissues. Second reason is certain types of infections that can be viral, bacterial or fungal. Some of the viruses linked with it include EBV (epstein barr virus), herpes viruses, zika, mumps, Cytomegalovirus, measles, rubella, HIV, influenza. Among bacteria the ones associated with it are tuberculosis, syphilis, lyme disease, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus. Parasites and fungal agents may rarely cause it. Third reason linked to it is multiple sclerosis (a disorder in which myelin sheath surrounding nerves in spinal cord and brain are destroyed from autoimmune activity). Other causes include spinal injuries,  vaccination side effects, sarcoidosis (a disease characterised by formation of tiny clumps of inflammatory cells various organs of the body leading to its inflammation). In some cases no cause is ruled out behind it. 


Its first symptom is pain in the lower back or neck. It may start all of sudden. The pain can radiate down the legs or arms. It may also radiate to the chest or abdomen. The symptoms of pain vary depending upon which part of your spinal cord is affected. Its next symptom is numbness or tingling, prickling sensation in legs, feet or toes or feeling of coldness or burning. There may be excessive sensitivity to clothing or to intense heat or cold. Third symptom that can arise is weakness or heaviness in the arms or legs. There may be stumbling or dragging one foot while walking. Last symptoms relate to bladder problems (like frequent urination, difficulty in urinating or urinary incontinence) and bowel problems like constipation, loss of bowel control. Its symptoms may develop in between a few hours to many weeks time. It mostly affects both sides of the body below the area of the spinal cord which is affected. In some cases however the symptoms may occur only on one side of the body. Some of its complications include paralysis of arms, legs; Sexual dysfunction in which a male sufferer faces difficulty to have erection or reach an orgasm and female sufferer may have difficulty reaching orgasm. It may also lead to permanent disability and depression or anxiety.

Homeopathy for Transverse Myelitis

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in such cases along with conventional treatment. The homeopathic medicines though can’t reverse the condition but can help in managing its symptoms in a safe and natural manner. Symptoms that can be managed with them include pain, numbness, prickling sensation, burning, muscle weakness and those related to bladder problems and bowel problems. The homeopathic medicine which will suit a particular case of myelitis depends on the symptom of the person in every case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and that too along with conventional mode of treatment at the same time for best results. 

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Pain in Neck or Lower Back

It is a very effective medicine for managing pain in the neck or lower back. In cases needing it for lower back pain, worsening is there from sitting or rest. Motion, exercise and pressure tend to give relief. With this there is sensation as if the back is broken from intense pain. Lower back is also sore. Next in case of neck pain the pain may radiate to shoulders. This gets worse from motion and from cold air exposure. Warm application on the neck gives relief. Massages over the neck also offer relief.

  1. Hypericum – For Pain, Numbness, Tingling , Burning

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant called Hypericum perforatum commonly known as ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to family Hypericaceae. It is well indicated when there is violent sharp pain in the back. Walking and stooping are difficult from this. Next it is indicated for neck pain. The neck is very sensitive to touch where it is required. In cases needing it symptoms including numbness, tingling, burning in the limbs may be present. It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of injury to the spine. 

  1. Zincum met – For Numbness in Limbs and Back Pain

It is a major medicine when there is numbness in limbs and back pain. 

The pain is most felt when walking. There is also a burning sensation in the spine. This is worse when sitting. General weakness is felt with above symptoms.

  1. Causticum – For Muscle Weakness

It is a leading medicine for managing muscle weakness. Other than this it is also valuable medicine for managing cases of paralysis. It is suitable for managing weakness of limbs and urinary bladder. Persons needing it have weakness and heaviness in the limbs. Arms feel weak and lame to them. Next they may have unsteadiness of forearm and hand muscles. They also have unsteady gait and easy falling. Electric shock like pain in legs may be present.  Lastly it is a top listed medicine for cases with loss of bladder control resulting in involuntary passage of urine.

  1. Phosphorus – For Marked Burning and Sensitivity of Spine

Phosphorus is a prominent medicine when there is marked burning and sensitivity of the spine. Along with this the back feels weak. Limbs weakness and numbness is also there. Leg weakness is felt with trembling of legs when beginning to walk. There occurs stumbling while walking. Pain in the back is also there. It is also well indicated  for managing constipation when stool is narrow, dry in these cases.

  1. Kali Phos – Another Medicine for Muscle Weakness 

It offers great help in cases of muscle weakness. Persons needing it complain of weakness in limbs. Pain in legs and back can be there. General weakness may also attend it. Lastly, it is well-indicated for managing the cases of paralysis.

  1. Colocynth – For Pain Radiating from Lower Back Down the Leg to Feet

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit of plant Citrullus colocynthis also known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is very useful when the pain from the lower back radiates down the leg to feet. For using it the pain is shooting lightning like in nature. It gets worse from slightest motion. Relief is obtained  from heat application.

  1. Picric Acid – For Numbness, Prickling and Muscle Weakness in Legs

It is a highly valuable medicine for cases having  numbness, prickling and muscle weakness in legs. Legs weakness is felt from even little walking where it is required. Heaviness in legs also occurs. In some cases a crawling sensation in the legs is present. Burning along the spine may attend to the above symptoms. Next symptom that may be present is an aching and dragging sensation in the lower back. This tends to worsen from motion.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Weakness and Burning Pains

It is a very beneficial medicine for managing weakness of limbs. There is also heaviness of limbs in cases requiring it. Next guiding symptom for using it is burning pains in limbs. Numbness in feet and tingling sensation in fingers are yet other symptoms indicating its use.

  1. Gelsemium – For Muscle Weakness

This medicine is prepared from the plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as Yellow Jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. For using it the weakness can be felt in arms or legs. With this numbness in arms may also be there. Next there may be problems with walking and unsteady gait. Lastly pain in the legs may be complained about. Its use is also indicated in case of incontinence of urine.

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Marked Neck Pain 

This medicine is prepared from a plant called One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is very helpful for managing neck pain. Persons needing it often complain of pain from the neck radiating down the fingers. They also feel a sensation of heavy load on the neck. A characteristic symptom attending it is numbness in the fingers. Exertion worsens the symptoms and rest gives relief in cases that require it.

  1. Merc Sol – For Managing Increased Frequency of Urine

Merc Sol is an important medicine to manage increased frequency of urine. The  frequency of urine is high both in day and night. Even there is an urge to pass urine  every hour. Urine stream is also weak. Some people needing it may have a burning sensation while passing urine. Urgency to pass urine  is also there.

  1. Nux Vomica – To Manage Constipation

Nux Vomica is a very beneficial medicine to manage constipation. It is indicated when there is ineffectual urging for stool but stool is  insufficient and unsatisfactory. People needing it pass scanty stools often in a day but don’t feel as if the bowels have emptied. They have a sense of incomplete bowel evacuation even after passing stool for multiple times. They may have abdominal pain.

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13 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain 

A neck sprain refers to an overstretching or tearing of the ligaments (tough fibrous band of connective tissue that connects one bone to another in a joint) in the neck. These tend to occur when the ligaments of the neck are stretched beyond their limit of flexibility. Homeopathic Medicines for neck sprain help manage the pain, stiffness and other symptoms of the condition. 


It can arise from multiple reasons. Firstly, it can arise from maintaining improper posture for a long time like while sitting in front of a computer or television; and carrying heavy weights. Secondly it can happen if a person sleeps on a very high pillow.

13 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain Next, it tends to occur from sudden jerking of the neck to one side. It usually arises when an external impact leads to sudden neck movement beyond its normal possible range followed by forceful snapping back. This mostly tends to arise from a fall or a motor vehicle accident commonly named as whiplash injury (this result from a forceful and quick back and forth movement of the neck) or from taking a ride in an amusement park. Another cause is injuries that may occur during certain types of sports like boxing.


The symptoms of a neck sprain include pain and stiffness in the neck. The pain is usually felt with any sort of movement of the neck. There may also be decreased range of the neck movement. Pain in the shoulders, back of the head may also be present.
Other than this, numbness, tingling in the arms and the hands may be there. People with this may also experience dizziness, concentration difficulty, fatigue, difficulty sleeping and tinnitus (hearing noises in the ear without an actual external source of any sound).
There are some symptoms that may arise from an injury to the neck that indicate a serious problem (like damage to the spinal cord) that needs urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment. Some of the serious symptoms include weakness of the arms or the legs, difficulty in walking, difficulty swallowing, breathing difficulty, loss of coordination, blurred vision and an inability to control the bladder or bowels.

Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain 

Homeopathy carries a great scope to treat cases of neck sprain. These medicines are safe and very effective in such cases. These medicines are very beneficial to manage the pain, stiffness and other symptoms of this condition.
Along with this they help in healing the ligaments. It is advised to use homeopathic medicines only after complete case analysis and its diagnosis by a homeopathic physician. This is needed to rule out whether one can take homeopathic medicines in these cases or if there is an urgent need of help from the conventional system of medicines due to some serious issue.
Homeopathic medicines can be taken for mild to moderate cases of neck sprain where no serious symptom is present that indicate a critical issue. But in case of severe and persistent neck pain or completely torn ligament and where symptoms like weakness of arm or leg,  loss of coordination, difficulty in walking, difficult swallowing, breathing difficulty, blurred vision and an inability to control the bladder or bowel are present one should take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating such sort of serious cases.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for treating cases of neck strain. People who need it complain of  marked pain and stiffness in the neck. They also have pain in the shoulders with this. They have worsening of symptoms most of the time from rest and also from cold air exposure. They feel better by warm application on the neck. They may also get relief from massage over the neck. It tops the list of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of whiplash injuries.

  1. Bryonia – When Pain Gets Worse from Movement 

It is a natural medicine prepared from roots of a plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild Hops. It belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is very effective medicine for cases in which there is worsening of the neck pain from slightest movement. The pain also increases from touching the neck. Rest tends to give relief from the pain. There is also stiffness in the neck felt on moving the head. 

  1. Cimicifuga – For Neck Stiffness

It is prepared from the roots of a plant Cimicifuga Racemosa also known as black cohosh. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine when there is marked stiffness in the neck along with pain.  The neck is also sensitive to touch. Pressure and movement of the head increases the symptoms. Along with above symptoms the neck feels as if it is contracted. 

  1. Hypericum – For Excessive Neck Pain and Tenderness

This medicine is prepared from a plant called Hypericum perforatum having the common name ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to the family Hypericaceae. It works well in cases where neck pain and tenderness are intense. The neck and the arms are sensitive to touch. There is worsening of pain from even slight notions of the neck or arms. The pain from the neck may radiate to the shoulders. In some cases tingling, burning, numbness in the hands can accompany above symptoms. It is another prominently indicated medicine for whiplash injury like medicine Rhus Tox. 

  1. Guaiacum – When Neck Stiffness Extends Down the Back

This medicine is prepared from gum resin of Guaiacum officinale commonly known as Lignum sanctum which is a large tree growing in the West Indies. It belongs to family zygophyllaceae. It is well indicated when the neck stiffness radiates down the back.  The stiffness gets worse from motion. With this there is aching pain in the neck. Next soreness in the shoulders is present. 

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Numbness of Fingers with Neck Pain

It is prepared from a plant named One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is a very significant medicine for cases in which numbness in fingers is present along with neck pain. The pain from the neck may radiate down the fingers. In most cases needing stiffness and a sensation of weight / a heavy load on the neck is felt. There is an increase of the symptom intensity from exertion and relief is obtained from rest where it is required.

  1. Lachnanthes – For Extreme Neck Stiffness

Lachnanthes is prepared from a plant named Lachnanthes Tinctoria commonly known as spirit Weed. It belongs to family  haemodoraceae. As a remedy, it effectively treats a case of stiff neck. This medicine offers great help when the neck is extremely stiff. With this head is drawn to one side. The neck is also painful. The pain and stiffness may extend over the whole head  where this medicine is needed. The pain can get worse from turning your neck. It may also increase from bending head backward.

  1. Gelsemium – When Neck is Painful and Sensitive to Pressure

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. The family of this plant is loganiaceae. This medicine is very useful to manage cases where the neck is painful and sensitive to pressure. The pain is bruised. People needing it also feel the lameness and stiffness of the neck.  

  1. Arnica – For Neck Pain from Injury

This medicine is prepared from plant Arnica Montana also known as Leopard’s bane. It belongs to family compositae. It is well indicated for cases in which neck pain follows injury. Persons requiring it feel a sore, bruised sensation in the neck. They also have tenderness in the neck region.  

  1. Kalmia – When Prickling and Tingling in Arms Accompany Neck Pain 

Kalmia is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named Kalmia Latifolia commonly known as mountain laurel. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine is beneficial for cases in which prickling and tingling in the arms is felt along with neck pain.  In most cases requiring it the pain from the neck goes down the arms and fingers. The pain in the neck may get worse at night time. Lastly the neck is tender to the touch.

  1. Causticum – When Pain in Back of Head Attends Neck Pain and Stiffness

Use of this medicine is considered in cases where a person complains of pain in the back of head with pain and stiffness in neck. For using it the pain is mostly dull or tearing in nature. The nape of the neck also feels tense. There is extreme difficulty in moving the head along with the above symptoms.  

  1. Magnesium Phos – For Sharp Neck Pain

It is used when there are sharp pains in the neck. The pain can also be  shooting, boring type. The neck feels stiff with this. It is also sore along with the above symptoms. 

  1. Silicea – For Neck Pain Attended with Headache

It is a very important medicine where a person experiences a headache along with neck pain. Along with this there is difficulty in turning the head due to pain. This is attended with stiffness in the neck. 

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Delirium – Homeopathic Medicines for Symptomatic Treatment  

Delirium refers to a sudden change in mental abilities of a person resulting in confusion, emotional disruption and reduced environment awareness. Homeopathic medicines for delirium are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity, as the use of these medicines helps reduce the intensity and frequency of the symptoms. Homeopathic Medicines for Delirium 

It can occur for various reasons. Generally, it tends to arise from certain factors that cause impairment in sending and receiving signals in the brain.

Some of the causes behind delirium includes inflammation of brain, drug toxicity, use of some medicines (like sleeping pills, certain medicines to treat high blood pressure, mood disorder medication, Parkinson’s disease drugs and some drugs for  treating  convulsions), alcohol intoxication,  alcohol withdrawal, emotional stress, pain, extreme sleep deprivation, low sodium or calcium levels. Next there are some medical conditions that can lead to it. These include pneumonia, urinary tract infections, heart attack and stroke. It can also result in case of an injury, surgical procedures done under anaesthesia, brain tumour, exposure to a toxin like  carbon monoxide, cyanide. Other causes are malnutrition, dehydration, fever and some acute infection. In some cases no cause is present behind it.


Its symptoms include confusion, problems in concentration, changes in sleep pattern, poor memory or memory loss and disorientation. Its next symptoms are mood changes, inability to think and speak clearly, slurred or rambling speech, trouble understanding, problem with reading and writing, hallucinations (sensory perceptions experienced in the absence of external stimulus), loss of muscle control. Some of the other symptoms are restlessness, agitation, withdrawn, lethargy, slowness of movement, moaning or making other sounds. Rest of the symptoms include fear, anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability, anger.

Types of Delirium 

  1. Hyperactive delirium

In this case, the person is restless, agitated, aggressive, has quick mood changes, hallucinations and is uncooperative.

  1. Hypoactive delirium

In this type a person move slower than normal, is sluggish, drowsy, tired, inattentive, disorganized

  1. Mixed delirium

In this type a person has symptoms of both hyperactive and hypoactive types. There may be rapid shifting between hyperactive and hypoactive states.

  1. Delirium tremens

It is seen among people who are trying to stop alcohol drinking. They have a history of drinking excessive quantities of alcohol for many years altogether.

Homeopathic Medicines for Delirium 

Homeopathy offers help in managing the cases of delirium. These medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. With use of these medicines the intensity and frequency of the symptoms gradually reduces. In homeopathy the medicine which will suit a case of delirium is selected as per the symptom present in every individual case. In every case it is advised to take homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician. In cases of severe intensity or serious causes (like stroke) it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.   

  1. Belladonna – For Laughter and Restlessness

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae.This medicine is well indicated for delirium with fits of laughter and restlessness. This is attended with a tendency to bite and strike others. Confusion of mind is also there. Next symptom that may be there is excessive talking. Sometimes there are violent motions of arms and legs with this. Apart from above it is indicated for delirium with lethargy. Face is flushed and there is heat in the head along with the above symptoms. Another indicating symptom for using it is delirium with seeing frightful images or monsters before eyes. For using this medicine excessive weakness may follow delirium. Last indication to use it is screaming, loud weeping with delirium and anxiety.

  1. Stramonium – With Talking and Hallucinations

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as thorn – apple. This plant  belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is best suited for persons having delirium with excessive talking and hallucinations. Their speech is unclear and they talk continually. They become joyful with laughter, making faces with staring eyes and clapping of hands. There is also confusion of mind. Next they act foolishly and behave like an intoxicated person. Sometimes they get furious and wild with a tendency to bite others. In some cases needing it the delirium of active form alternates with much fright. In fright they fear some imaginary monster which is approaching him. Along with the above symptoms there is great restlessness and sleeplessness. It is also important medicine for cases of delirium tremens with hallucinations. In such cases a person hears scolding voices.  Restlessness is also there in these cases. Praying with above symptoms can also be present. Intense anxiety may be there too. Trembling of the limbs, inability to differentiate objects at a short distance, unsteady and hasty motions are some other accompanying symptoms.

  1. Agaricus – With Mood Changes

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which sudden mood changes/shifts from happiness and sadness are present. 

Along with this, people needing it may have irrational or incoherent talking. They may be unable to recognize people in their relations. They may throw things away. They may also have headaches. It is prominently indicated for delirium associated with fever or pain. It is also suitable to treat cases of delirium tremens.

  1. Lachesis – For Drowsiness and Speech Issues

This medicine is very useful when there is drowsiness and slow difficult speech. Redness of face is marked with it. It is well indicated for delirium occurring from over exertion. The delirium is usually present at night time in cases needing it. Other than above it is beneficial for cases of delirium tremens. In these cases it is helpful when there is excessive talking with frequent jumping from one subject to another. These attacks mostly occur after sleep. In cases needing it sadness, irritability, moaning, loathing of life and suspiciousness are present.

  1. Hyoscyamus – With Marked Physical Restlessness

This medicine is prepared from plant Hyoscyamus niger commonly known as Henbane. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is considered in cases where marked physical restlessness is there. Person needing it moves from one place to another. Along with this he is constantly muttering or talking. The talk is incoherent. The face is red with a wild staring look. Sometimes the jerking of the limbs is there. Delirium from pain is highly indicative of its use.

6. Veratrum Album – For Delirium with Heavy Sleep

This medicine is prepared from root stocks of plant White Hellebore. This plant  belongs to the family melanthiaceae of liliaceae. It is a significant medicine for cases in which delirium is accompanied with heavy sleep. Persons who need it may have coldness of body and cold sweating, and tingling sensation in the body. Other than this sometimes they are also  restless and have cramps in the legs. They may talk foolishly and about religious subjects. It is also helpful to manage cases where  violent outbreaks are there. In such cases there is desire to strike those persons present around and desire to cut and tear everything. Lastly it is indicated for delirium and headache in case of meningitis.

7. Kali Bromatum – For Delirium with Delusions

It is a valuable medicine for cases in which delirium is accompanied  with delusions. Persons requiring it imagines that someone is following them, or someone will poison them. Next there may be loss of memory and difficulty in concentrating mind on any of the subjects. Its use is also recommended in cases of delirium tremens in the first stage with red eyes, flushed face and hard and quick pulse. 

  1. Opium – For Delirium with Frightful Vision before Eyes 

This is yet another useful medicine for these cases. It offers help when the delirium is attended with frightful visions before the eyes. Mostly there are visions of animals coming out of different parts of a room. The face has an expression of fright continually. With this there is a desire to run away. Excessive talking is also present with above symptoms. The person needing it is furious with redness of the face and rambling speech. It is also indicated for sleeplessness, burning heat in the body with anxiety, restlessness, agitation and delirium.

  1. Aconite – For Delirium with Childish Talk 

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is well indicated for delirium with childish talk that does not make any sense. With this there is great heat in the body. Sometimes convulsions are present. Dullness and confusion of mind can be present. Next attending signs and symptoms are crying out, dilated pupils, staring looks and excessive sweat.

  1. Nux Moschata – For Delirium with Sleeplessness

This medicine is prepared from a plant Myristica fragrans commonly known as nutmeg that belongs to the family myristicaceae. Its use is considered in cases of delirium with sleeplessness. Its use is also done for delirium with loud improper talking and making of strange gestures. There may be an inclination to laugh at everything or sometimes mood changes are there from sadness to happiness. Memory loss can also be there. Its last indication is delirium tremens with slowness of senses and imaginary fancies.

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Top Homeopathic Remedies for Costochondritis

Costochondritis refers to inflammation of the cartilage that attaches ribs to the sternum (means the breastbone). These areas of joining are called costochondral junctions. Costochondritis is also known as costosternal syndrome or chest wall pain. It results in chest pain and the pain can be mild or severe in intensity. The pain sometimes can be so intense as to mimic a heart attack. Homeopathic remedies for costochondritis offer a very safe, natural and effective solution for cases of costochondritis.Homeopathic remedies for costochondritis offer a very safe, natural and effective solution for cases of costochondritis. 


The exact reason behind it remains unknown for most of the cases. However there are certain conditions that can lead to it. It firstly includes an injury / trauma to the chest like from a fall, a blow to the chest.
Second reason is over use of the arms, physical strain as from activities like intense exercise that involves the upper limbs and chest wall, heavy lifting and severe coughing.
Next cause is joint infection with bacterial, viral or fungal infectious agents. Some examples of such infections include syphilis and tuberculosis. Another cause behind it is arthritis (means joint inflammation). Some of its examples include rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder in which there occurs inflammation, swelling, pain and stiffness of the joints.
But it can also affect other body parts including the eyes, lungs, skin, heart and blood vessels), osteoarthritis (joint inflammation arising from wear and tear of the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones) and  ankylosing spondylitis (an inflammatory autoimmune joint disease that usually begins with inflammation of sacroiliac joint and over the time causes fusion of the joint. Other than the above joints, it tends to affect vertebrae in the lower back, hip joint, shoulder joint and the cartilage that joins ribs with the breastbone).
It may also arise from tumours of the costosternal joint area. Other causes include history of chest infections, history of any surgery affecting the chest wall. When no cause is found then this condition is called as idiopathic costochondritis.


The main symptom of this condition is chest pain on either side (usually occurs on the left side) of the breastbone that can be mild to severe. The pain can be aching, stabbing, burning, or sharp in nature. Sometimes it just feels like a pressure sensation. The pain may radiate to the back or the abdomen. Movement, deep breathing, coughing or stretching tend to make it worse. In some cases the chest may be tender to touch. More than  one rib is affected with this. Among the twelve pairs of ribs the second to fifth ribs are most commonly affected. People older than 40 years of age are commonly affected with this. In some cases of severe intensity the pain may shoot down the limbs.

Homeopathic Medicines for Costochondritis

Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the inflammation of cartilage and bring symptomatic relief in such cases. With use of these medicines the frequency and intensity of the symptoms is gradually reduced. These medicines aim at targeting the root cause behind it to bring great recovery in these cases. One should never self medicate in these cases. Any sufferer should visit a doctor to differentiate if the chest pain is because of costochondritis or some heart-related issue. A doctor can best diagnose it and provide appropriate medicine for it. In case of mild to moderate cases of costochondritis homeopathy is beneficial but in case of heart related issues it is advised to take conventional treatment. Also one should seek immediate help from conventional mode of treatment if the chest pain is continued or  chest pain is radiating to the arms, neck, shoulder, jaw, or back or if the chest pain is accompanied with trouble breathing,  high fever, nausea, sweating, dizziness/lightheadedness, dark coloured sputum or blood in sputum or there are signs of infection like pus, redness, tenderness, swelling at the rib joints.

  1. Argentum Met – For Pain in Right Side of Chest

This medicine is useful when there is pain in the right side of chest and breastbone. The pain is usually shooting type. It worsens when stooping forward. A sensation of pressure is also felt in the chest. Lastly it is indicated for pricking pain felt in the chest.

  1. Bryonia – For Stitching Pain in Chest

It is a natural medicine prepared from roots of plant Bryonia Alba commonly known by the name of wild hops or white bryony. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a highly effective medicine for cases where stitching pain is felt in the chest. Persons requiring it feel worsening of pain from taking deep breath. They also feel increased pain when coughing,  movement or when turning in the bed. They get relief from taking rest. This pain may go from chest through to back. A fullness sensation is felt in the chest. Next the chest may be sore and sensitive to pressure. Lastly heat or burning sensation in the chest may be present.

  1. Ruta – For Chest Pain Resulting from Injuries

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Ruta graveolens commonly known as Rue. The family of this plant is rutaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when chest pain follows injury. Persons who need it have chest pain that may be aching, biting or burning type. It is attended with a sensation of fullness in the chest. The sternum may be painful to pressure.

  1. Belladonna – For Painful Pressure in Chest Extending to the Back

Belladonna is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is painful pressure in the chest extending to back. Apart from this it is used when there is sharp, shooting or stitching pain in the chest when coughing. Last indication for using it is burning pain especially on the right side of the chest. 

  1. Arnica – For Chest Pain Worsening from Movement, Breathing or Coughing

It is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. It belongs to family compositae. It is very significant medicine for cases in which chest pain worsens from movement, breathing or coughing. There are aching pains in the chest where this medicine is required. People needing it often feel pain in all the cartilage attachments of the chest. They feel as if this area is beaten or bruised. Lastly, a burning sensation in the chest may occur along with the above symptoms. It is also one of the best medicines for complaints that follow trauma or injury from blunt objects.

  1. Ledum Palustre – For Soreness to Touch on the Chest 

This medicine is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary and marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. It is beneficial medicine when the chest is sore to touch. Along with this burning sensation or stitches are felt in the chest. In some cases shootings pain in the chest is there which occurs usually from raising or moving the arms.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Chest Pain Worsening from Using Arms

Rhus Tox offers great help when chest pain gets worse from using arms. Other than this it is helpful for stitching pain in the chest. This worsens from deep breathing,  sitting bent, sneezing and at rest. It is one of the best medicines for complaints that arise from over straining a part, over stretching and over lifting.

  1. Ranunculus Bulb – For Sharp, Cutting, Stitching Pain in Chest

This medicine is prepared from plant Ranunculus Bulbosus commonly known as buttercup. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. This medicine is recommended when a person has sharp, cutting, stitching pain in the chest.  In some cases pressure is felt in the lower part of the chest. This worsens from movement and stooping. Its next guiding symptom is bruised pain in chest and abdomen. On slight movement these pains become cutting and sharp in nature.

  1. Silicea – When Chest Pain Worsens from Coughing or Sneezing

It is a very useful medicine for cases presenting with chest pain from coughing or sneezing. The pain can be aching type. Next there can be shooting or pricking in chest. This may sometimes go across the back.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Sore Pain or Bruised Feeling in Chest

Use of this medicine is recommended when there is a sore pain or bruised feeling in the chest. Next it is given for sharp chest pain experienced while coughing or during deep inspiration. In some cases needing it the pain from the upper region of chest may go to the shoulders.

  1. Merc Sol – For Chest Pain Extending through to Back

Merc Sol is a homeopathic medicine that works well in cases in which the chest pain extends through to the back. This happens specifically on sneezing or coughing. Mostly the nature of pain is stitching type.

  1. Phosphorus – For Burning Pain in Chest

This medicine is indicated when there is burning pain in the chest. With this soreness is present in the chest. Next it is indicated when there is pain in the right side of chest that worsens from pressure and lying on the left side.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

11 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Ears 

Dry ears can arise from various causes. The causes can range from simple to some skin conditions. Simple things include less production of ear wax, excessive cleaning of the ears (cleaning the ear once in a while seems okay but excessive and frequent cleaning tend to make the ears dry), environmental conditions including excessive hot or cold weather that makes skin dry and taking hot baths. Homeopathic medicines for dry ears help to reduce flakiness in and around the ears, and crusting on the skin (if present). 11 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Ears 


Some other causes of dry ears include the use of harsh soaps that tend to make skin dry. The skin conditions that can lead to it firstly includes psoriasis (it is an autoimmune skin disease where red, itchy, inflamed patches on the skin covered with silver coloured scales / flakes from build up of the skin cells occur. These patches can also crack and bleed in some of the cases).
Second skin condition is eczema (It is also known as atopic dermatitis. It refers to red, inflamed itchy patches on the skin. It can occur on any of the skin areas including ears. In ears it may begin from dryness and may be followed by an infection of the inner and outer ear).
Next, skin conditions that can contribute to ear dryness are skin allergies and seborrhoeic dermatitis (It is a skin condition in which there appear red scaly patches and dandruff usually on the scalp. But it may also cover areas of face, ear and the chest).
Other than above it may arise in case of chronic otitis externa also known as swimmer’s ear (means an infection in the ear canal that connects outside of the ear to the eardrum). In its acute cases the ear is moist but in chronic cases the ear skin may become dry.
Apart from above reasons it can result from stress, exposure to the sun, dehydration, smoking and swimming in a chlorinated pool. Next it may occur in people who wear hearing aids. This usually results from an irritation caused by the device from rubbing on skin of the ear or from an allergic reaction to the material of hearing aid.


Depending upon the cause behind it some other signs and symptoms may accompany ear dryness. Firstly dryness may be attended with flakiness in and around the ears. Sometimes crusting is also present. Irritation and itching in ears may accompany it. Next there may be pain in the ear, difficulty hearing and an offensive smell from the ears. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Ears 

Homeopathic medicines can offer great help in cases of dry ears. These are very effective to reduce dryness of the ears by targeting the root cause behind it. With its use along with dryness other attending signs and symptoms are also relieved. These help to reduce flakiness in and around the ears, and crusting on the skin whenever present. Next these are very beneficial to manage attending irritation and itching in the ears. Other than this pain in the ear, bad smell from ears and difficulty hearing are well managed by these medicines. The homeopathic medicines used for its treatment are prepared from substances of natural origin. So these are very safe to use and don’t lead to any side effects.

  1. Graphites – Top Grade Medicine

Graphites leads the list of homeopathic medicines for cases of ear dryness. Persons needing it have marked dryness in the ears. They may also have cracks in and behind the ears. Sometimes eruptions may be present behind the ears. The eruptions may be sore. They can be covered with scabs. Flakiness may be present too. Itching is felt in the eruptions. Next there can be difficulty in hearing with this. Sometimes there is an offensive smell from the ears. Lastly ear pain may be present. The pain can be stitching or shooting in nature. It is one of the best medicine for skin complaints including eczema and psoriasis.

  1. Petroleum – For Dryness and Itching in the Ears

It is a well indicated medicine for managing dryness and itching in the ears. It is also a prominent medicine for cases where eczema in and behind the ears is there. In such cases there is excessive redness and rawness behind the ears. The affected part is sore to touch. Severe itching accompanies it. Ear may be painful externally. Fissures or cracks may be there behind the ear.

  1. Verbascum – For Dryness and Scaliness in the Ears

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Verbascum Thapsus commonly known as mullein oil. It is highly effective medicine for cases presenting with dryness and scaly condition in the ears. In cases requiring it, pain in the ear may also be complained. A sensation of stoppage of the ears is there. Difficulty hearing is yet another symptom that can be present. Ear drops of this medicine can be used externally along with internal intake of this medicine for best results.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Ear Dryness with Hearing Difficulty

This medicine is helpful for cases having dryness of the ears along with difficulty in hearing. Along with this pain in the ears is present. The pain can be throbbing, stitching or pulsating type where it is required. Next heated sensation is felt in the ears. In some cases there is swelling in the ears. Inner and outer ear may be inflamed too. Sometimes eruptions are present in the ears accompanied with itching. 

  1. Pulsatilla – For Ear Dryness along with Ear Inflammation

It is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly named as wind flower and pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is dryness of the ear along with ear inflammation. With this sharp pain in the ears is present. The pain can also be tearing, pulsating, darting or shooting type. The pain most of the time gets worse at night time. The external meatus is red and swollen in cases that need it. Itching deep in the ears can also be there along with above symptoms. There may be a history of thick yellow ear discharges in cases needing it.

  1. Phosphorus – Another Medicine for Hardness of Hearing with Dry Ears

Phosphorus is yet another beneficial medicine for persons who have hardness of hearing due to ear dryness. They feel as if something is in front of their ears all the time. They have stopped up sensation in the ears. They also have violent itching in the ears. Ear pain is also there. This is usually felt at the night time. Other than this sometimes dragging pain in the ears is there.

  1. Nitric Acid – For Ear Dryness and Shooting Ear Pain

It is valuable medicine when there is ear dryness and shooting type of pain in the ears. Interior of the ear is markedly dry where it is indicated. Additionally obstruction of the ears is felt. Another accompanying symptom is a throbbing or rumbling sensation in the ears. Next cracking in the ears may occur while chewing. Lastly sensitivity to noise can be present along with the above symptoms.

8.Sulphur – For Dry Itchy Ears

This medicine offers help for cases having dryness and itching in the ears. This can be accompanied with frequent stoppage of the ears. Other than this ear pain is present. This tends to be stinging or tearing type. It can also be pressing, drawing, shooting or stitching in nature in some of the cases where it is required. Burning heat in ears is another symptom that can accompany above symptoms.

  1. Nux Vomica – When Ear Canal is Dry and Sensitive

This medicine is recommended when the ear canal is dry and sensitive. There is marked itching in the ear with this. This tends to get worse at night time. Along with this pain of tearing, stitching nature may be present. This worsens in the morning and in a warm room. Sometimes sharp pain in the ear on swallowing occurs. A feeling of tension in the ears is also there. Lastly there can be hardness of hearing.

  1. Lachesis – For Dry Ears, Decreased Wax

This is a significant medicine for cases in which the ears are dry along with decreased wax. The wax is dry and very hard. It can be pale or white in colour. There is a problem in hearing this. Soreness and crusts around the ears may be present in a few cases needing it. Sometimes the ears feel as if stuffed or stopped up. Next ears may be sensitive to wind. Apart from above it is indicated for cases of ear dryness with hardness of hearing that follow previous ear discharges (otorrhea).

  1. Carbo Veg – For Ear Dryness with Offensive Ear Wax

This medicine is used when ears are dry along with bad smelling ear wax. The earwax is also less. Tearing and aching in ears appears with this. Next there is a feeling of stoppage of the ears as from something heavy lying before the ears. Lastly there can be heat and redness of ears. This mostly is present in the evening time.

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