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Top Homeopathic Remedies for E. Coli Infection

E. coli (Escherichia coli) is a bacteria that normally reside in the intestines and are harmless. There are only certain strains of E.coli that can lead to intestinal infection with diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. One can contract an E. coli infection by drinking contaminated water or contaminated food (especially ground beef, undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk, and raw vegetables.) Homeopathic medicines for E. Coli help manage symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fatigue. Arsenic Album, Aloe, and China are the top homeopathic remedies for E. Coli.

e.coli homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines for E. Coli infection.

Homeopathic Treatment of E.coli infection

Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat an E.coli infection. Homeopathic medicines help the body to fight with the E.coli infection and get rid of it naturally. Homeopathic treatment for E. Coli varies in every individual case based on the symptoms. It should be noted that in cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken immediately.

Homeopathic Medicines for E.coli Infection

Arsenic Album – Top Homeopathic Medicine for E.coli Infection

Arsenic Album is a natural medicine for an E.coli infection that arises as a result of food poisoning. People needing this medicine have severe diarrhea where the stool is watery, copious and fetid. This is attended with cutting pain in the abdomen. While passing stool, the person may feel chilly, and there may be blood in the stool. Marked fatigue and loss of strength are present. The limbs feel cold, and nausea and diarrhea are also present. Consuming the smallest amount of food or drink lead to stool and vomiting.

Aloe – For Managing Diarrhea in E.coli Infection

Aloe is a natural remedy prepared from the gum of a plant called Aloe Socotrina of the natural order Liliaceae. Aloe is a very effective medicine for managing diarrhea in E.coli infection. The stool is thin, watery, yellow and hot. There is a feeling of fullness in the rectum with a continued urge to pass stool. The urgency to pass stool is also marked. There is also the release of excessive flatus after passing stool. Burning at the anus along with rumbling and cramping in the abdomen during stool are also present.

China – For Diarrhea with Marked Fatigue

China is an effective medicine prepared from the dried bark of the Cinchona Officinalis plant, of the natural order Rubiaceae. It works very effectively in cases of diarrhea where there is marked fatigue due to an E.coli infection. The stool is loose, very copious, frothy with extreme debility due to loss of body fluids. The stool may be yellow or brown. It smells foul and putrid. The person may experience colic before and after every stool.

Veratrum Album – For Copious Watery Stool and Vomiting in E.coli Infection

Veratrum Album offers a natural cure for E. Coli infection prepared from the rootstocks of a plant named White Hellebore (natural order Melanthaceae.) Veratrum Album is highly considered for treating copious watery stool and vomiting where the stool is watery, copious, gushing, and may be mixed with flakes. Pinching colic is felt in the abdomen during stool. Exhaustion and fainting may arise along with copious vomiting. Cold sweat on the forehead and chilliness are marked with the above symptoms.

Croton Tig – To manage diarrhea with sudden, gushing stool in E.coli infection

Croton Tig is a natural homeopathic medicine to manage diarrhea with sudden, gushing stool in an E.coli infection. The stool is watery and passes out of the rectum in one single gush. The stool may be yellow or green and mixed with whitish flakes. Colic tends to precede the stool. Drinking and eating anything leads to a stool. The person may sweat or faint after passing stool. In some cases, there may be vomiting at the same time as the stool.

Podophyllum – For Greenish, Foul Loose Stool in E.coli infection

Podophyllum is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from a plant Podophyllum Peltatum or May Apply of the order Berberidaceae. Podophyllum is well indicated for green, foul-smelling loose stool in cases of E.coli infection. The stool is painless, profuse and gushing. Fetid flatus passes with the stool. Before stool, nausea is experienced, while during the passage of stool, heat and pain at anus are felt. Exhaustion arises after passing stool.

Merc Sol – To Treat Diarrhea in E.coli Infection

Merc Sol offers a natural treatment for diarrhea in E. Coli infections where the stool is watery, greenish, and frothy with blood. It smells sour. Pinching and cutting colic in the abdomen is felt before and during stool. The person may feel chilly with marked tenesmus. There is an urgent desire to pass stool. Fever and loss of appetite accompany above symptoms.

Colocynthis – For E.coli Infection with Marked Abdominal Cramps

Homeopathic medicine Colocynthis is prepared from the pulp of a fruit of a plant called Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple (of the natural order Cucurbitaceae.) Colocynthis remains useful for E.coli infection with marked abdominal cramps. In some cases cutting, tearing, pinching pain in the abdomen is felt. The pain in the abdomen is followed by copious stool which is watery, green, yellowish, slimy and may be streaked with blood. Passing stool gives momentary relief in the abdominal pain. Pressure and bending double also help to relieve the abdominal pain. The abdomen in such cases is usually distended, and a rumbling and croaking are felt in the bowels.

Ipecac – For E.coli Infection with Nausea and Vomiting

Ipecac is an effective homeopathic medicine prepared from the dried root of a plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha of the natural order Rubiaceae. Ipecac is an excellent homeopathic medicine for E.coli infection with persistent nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is copious and comprises of ingesta, or white glairy matter, yellow or green mucus or watery fluids. Soon after vomiting, the desire to vomit is renewed. There is an excessive accumulation of saliva in the mouth. The tongue is clean.

Along with these symptoms, there is diarrhea that appears with colic, and distended abdomen. The stool is watery and often tinged with blood. Cutting pains in the belly are also marked.

Zingiber – For GIT Infections with Diarrhea due to Contaminated Water

Zingiber is prominent homeopathic medicine for GIT infections with diarrhea that is contracted by drinking contaminated or impure water. Thin stool appears with much flatus and may contain brown mucus. Cutting pain in the bowels appears with stool. Burning and itching also arise at the anus.

Carbo Veg – For Excessive gas and diarrhea in E.coli infection

Carbo Veg is considered in cases of E.coli infection with excessive gas in abdomen and diarrhea. Thew flatus is offensive and there is an ineffectual urge to pass stool. The stool is watery, light colored and very fetid. There may be blood in the stool. Sometimes the stool is passed involuntarily and burning is felt in the anus after passing stool.

Symptoms of E.coli Infection

The symptoms of E.coli infection include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, gas, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and fever. In severe cases, bloody stool, bloody urine, and dehydration may develop. A life-threatening complication can arise in some cases of E.coli infection, a condition known as a hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Amoebiasis

Amoebiasis is a disease caused by a parasite Entamoeba histolytica. The trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica invade the large intestine and cause inflammation and flask-shaped ulcers leading to symptoms of diarrhea or dysentery. The infection may enter the bloodstream from the gut and then spread to other organs like the liver, lungs, heart, brain, and kidneys. Amoebiasis is common in developing countries where sanitation facilities are poor and inadequate. Homeopathic medicines treat amoebiasis by boosting the immune mechanism of the body. Aloe Socotrina, Merc Sol, Colchicum Autumnale, Colocynthis, Ipecacuanha, and Nux Vomica are the top homeopathic medicines for amoebiasis.

homeopathy amoebiasis

Homeopathic medicines for amoebiasis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Amoebiasis

Homeopathic medicines treat amoebiasis very effectively. The selection of the homeopathic medicine that will suit a given case of amoebiasis requires a thorough analysis and evaluation in details. Homeopathic medicines treat intestinal amoebiasis and also provide relief from symptoms of diarrhea and dysentery. However, it should be noted that in cases of amoebiasis where complications like a liver or brain abscess are present, conventional medical treatment is essential. One must take homeopathic medicines for treating amoebiasis only under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoids self-prescription.

Homeopathic Medicines for Amoebiasis

Aloe Socotrina – For Amoebiasis when there is Mucus in Stool

Aloe Socotrina offers a natural treatment for amoebiasis when there is excessive mucus in the stool. The stool is loose, watery and contains excessive mucus. There is a constant bearing down sensation in the stool. The urgency to pass stool is marked, particularly after eating or drinking anything. There is a release of excessive flatus following the evacuation of stool. Sometimes, there is an involuntary passage of stool. A burning sensation in the rectum and anus is also present in most cases.

Merc Sol – For Amoebiasis when Stool has Blood and Mucus (Dysentery)

Merc Sol is a natural remedy for amoebiasis when stool contains excessive blood and mucus. The stool is watery, greenish and sour smelling. There is a cutting or colicky pain in the abdomen along with dysentery. Extreme weakness attends the gastric symptoms. The person may also feel chilly. In most cases, the symptoms get worse during the evenings.

Colchicum Autumnale – For Amoebiasis when White Particles Pass in Stool

Colchicum Autumnale is an effective homeopathic medicine for amoebiasis when stool contains excessive white shred-like particles. The stool is green or yellow and smells sour. An ineffectual pressing in the rectum, abdominal distension, fatigue and coldness of the body are present. In some cases, there may be tearing and burning pain at the anus.

Colocynthis – For Intense Abdominal Cramps in Amoebiasis

Colocynthis is an effective homeopathic medicine for amoebiasis when a person has severe abdominal cramps. The cramps are slightly better by bending double or by hard pressure on the abdomen. Taking a slight drink or food worsens the cramping pain. Apart from cramps, there may be colicky or cutting pains in the abdomen. The stool is yellowish greenish, frothy with blood streaks.

Ipecacuanha – For Amoebiasis with Constant Nausea

Ipecacuanha is a natural homeopathic remedy for amoebiasis when there is s persistent nausea along with other gastric symptoms. The stool passed by the patient contains lumps of mucus, blood and has a very rotten smell. Abdominal pain is marked around the navel and may be drawing, cutting, or cramping in nature.

Nux Vomica – For Amoebiasis with Marked Tenesmus

Nux Vomica offers a natural cure for amoebiasis when a person has a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool (tenesmus). Upon going to the toilet, only a little bit of stool passes. Streaks of blood may be present in the stool. The urge for stool is quickly renewed, and there is an unsatisfactory feeling constantly present. A person may also have abdominal pain that gets temporarily better by passing stool. There is often a sharp pain in the rectum after passing stool.

Preventing Amoebiasis

Certain measures can be taken to avoid amoebiasis completely. Washing hands thoroughly after using the toilet and before consuming any food, drinking boiled/adequately filtered water, avoiding raw fruits and vegetables that are not clean, soaking uncooked vegetables in vinegar for 10-15 minutes before cooking, and cleaning the toilets effectively with disinfectants, at regular intervals.

Causes of Amoebiasis

The primary cause of amoebiasis is a parasite called Entamoeba Histolytica. Amoebiasis transmits through the fecal-oral route. A person gets amoebiasis infection by ingesting food or water that contains traces of Entamoeba histolytica. A person may also get infected by accidentally putting any such object in the mouth that has the fecal matter of a person infected with Entamoeba histolytica.

Symptoms of Amoebiasis

A person with amoebiasis may remain asymptomatic or have mild, moderate or severe symptoms. The symptoms include loose stool (diarrhea), dysentery (loose stool with blood and mucus), abdomen pain and fever. The infection can spread from intestines and invade other organs like the liver, lungs, heart, kidneys, and brain.

Complications from Amoebiasis

The various complications that occur in a case of amoebiasis include toxic megacolon, necrotizing colitis, intestinal perforation, liver abscess, brain abscess, and anemia.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Burning and Itching? Treat Vaginitis Naturally with Homeopathy

Vaginitis or vaginal infection is an inflammation of the vagina. Symptoms like vaginal itching, vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, and pain result in vaginitis. Infectious or non-infectious agents can cause vaginitis. These infections mainly arise from bacteria, yeast (mainly Candida albicans) and parasite (usually trichomonas vaginalis which is a sexually transmitted infection). Homeopathic medicines for vaginitis work for both acute as well as chronic vaginitis. Pulsatilla, Kreosote, and Alumina are the top homeopathic medicines for vaginitis.

homeopathy vaginal discharge

Homeopathic medicines for vaginitis.

Some STI’s (sexually transmitted infections) that can lead to vaginitis are chlamydia, gonorrhea. Non-infectious vaginitis may result from chemical irritation or allergy from the use of sanitary products, vaginal sprays, douches, perfumed soaps, etc. Some risk factors for vaginitis include hormonal changes during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause or from taking birth control pills, having unprotected sex with a partner who might be having an STI, use of IUD (intrauterine device), use of a vaginal spray, douches and uncontrolled diabetes.

Homeopathic Treatment of Vaginitis

Vaginitis can be treated very effectively with natural homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self-healing mechanism to fight with the infection and aid safe, natural recovery from vaginitis without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines reduce the inflammation of the vagina and help resolve symptoms like abnormal vaginal discharge, itching and burning in the vagina, pain during intercourse or urination. Homeopathic medicines for vaginitis are selected after taking into account the nature of vaginal discharges and the attending symptoms in every individual case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Vaginitis

Pulsatilla – For vaginitis with Thick Vaginal Discharge

Pulsatilla is a natural homeopathic medicine derived from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans or Wind-flower of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is helpful for vaginitis when vaginal discharges are thick like cream. They are white (like milk) and get worse on lying down. There may be a burning felt in the vagina along with a backache.

Kreosote – For Itching in Vagina

Kreosote is a natural medicine for itching in the vagina in cases of vaginitis. The itching is quite intense and violent. There may be soreness and burning in the vagina after scratching. The genitals are swollen too. The vaginal discharge may be white or yellow and smells putrid. Standing and walking worsens the discharge. Weakness may appear with the discharges. There is a frequent urge to urinate.

Alumina – For Vaginitis Vaginal Discharges Causing Burning in Vagina

Alumina offers a natural cure for burning in the vagina due to vaginitis. The discharges are worse during the daytime and may be transparent or light yellow. They are also highly acrid, corrosive, excoriating. Cold washing tends to relieve the symptoms. In some cases, stitching and throbbing pain in the vagina is also felt.

Natrum Mur – For Vaginitis with White Vaginal Discharge

Natrum Mur is an effective natural medicine for vaginitis cases with white vaginal discharges. The discharges are thick and profuse and tend to get worse at night. They also tend to be acrid and are attended with itching and a smarting pain in genitals. General weakness may also be present.

Merc Sol – For Greenish Vaginal Discharge in Vaginitis

Merc Sol is a homeopathic medicine used to treat vaginitis with greenish vaginal discharges. A night aggravation of the discharges may be present. The discharges may be blood-stained, corrosive and itchy, leading to scratching. Scratching is often followed by burning. A smarting and biting sensation in genitals is also present. The genitals may also be swollen. Pain, itching, and burning during urination in the genitals upon contact with urine is also present.

Hydrastis – For Yellow Vaginal Discharges in Vaginitis

Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis is prepared from the fresh root of a plant Hydrastis Canadensis. This plant is commonly known by the name of Golden Seal or Orange-Root and belongs to the natural order Ranunculaceae. Use of Hydrastis is considered in cases of vaginitis with a yellow discharge from the vagina. The discharges are profuse, thick, tenacious, and highly viscid. The discharges may be stringy and ropy in some cases. Occasionally, they may be offensive. Itching in the vagina appears from discharges.

Sepia – For Vaginitis with Painful Coition

Sepia is a natural remedy for vaginitis with very painful coition. In cases where Sepia works effectively, the vaginal discharges are clear, watery or yellowish-greenish. They may also be blood-stained. They get worse after urinating. The discharges are excoriating with severe vaginal itching and burning pain. It may also have a fetid odor. Along with the above features, there is an increased frequency of urination.

Graphites – To Manage Profuse, Gushing Vaginal Discharges in Vaginitis

Homeopathic medicine Graphites is very beneficial for managing profuse, gushing vaginal discharges in vaginitis. The discharge is mainly white or yellowish-white. It flows through the day and night. The discharges are acrid and excoriate the skin. They also cause a biting pain in the vagina. The back feels weak due to these copious discharges.

Nitric Acid – For Vaginitis with Foul Vaginal Discharge

Nitric Acid is a natural medicine for vaginitis with vaginal discharges that are offensive. In cases needing Nitric Acid, the color of vaginal discharge varies. It may be green, brown, flesh-colored or clear like water. The discharge is acrid and causes burning in the vulva and vagina. Stitching pain in the vagina may also be felt.

Natrum Phos – For Sour-Smelling Vaginal Discharges in Vaginitis

Natrum Phos is an effective medicine for sour-smelling vaginal discharges in cases of vaginitis. The discharges from the vagina may be creamy or watery, and often honey-colored. They are often acidic.

Medorrhinum – For Vaginal Discharge with Fish-like Odour

Medorrhinum is a natural remedy for vaginitis where the vaginal discharges have a peculiar fishy odor. The discharges are acrid, excoriating with excessive itching. Washing with lukewarm water relieves the itching. The discharges are also very thick. An attending gonorrhea infection may be present in cases needing Medorrhinum.

Symptoms of Vaginitis

The symptoms of vaginitis include abnormal vaginal discharge, itching, and burning in the vagina, pain during intercourse or urination, and slight bleeding from the vagina. The type of discharge varies as per the reason. The discharge from the vagina in cases of vaginitis may be white, grey, yellow-green, thick like cottage cheese, foul or fish-like in the smell.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment of Oral Lichen Planus

Oral lichen planus (OLP) is an inflammatory condition affecting the mucous membranes inside the mouth (inner surface of the cheeks, tongue, gums inner surface of lips and palate). This condition leads to the development of white, lacy patterned lesions or sores in the mouth. Homeopathic medicines for oral lichen planus help heal the lesions and sores and also treat the attending symptoms like pain, burning sensation, and bleeding from the lesions. Merc Sol. Plantago and Borax are the top homeopathic medicines for oral lichen planus.

homeopathy oral lichen planus

Homeopathic medicines for oral lichen planus.

Oral lichen planus is an auto-immune disease. The T-cells of the immune system get activated and attack the lining of the mouth, resulting in inflammation and lesions. Some trigger factors linked with oral lichen planus include hepatitis C virus infection, some medicines (like those used for high blood pressure and diabetes), mouth injury, allergic reaction to dental materials like dental fillings. Oral lichen planus is also seen to run in families.

Homeopathic Treatment of Oral Lichen Planus (OLP)

There are excellent medicines in homeopathy to treat cases of oral lichen planus. The homeopathic medicines are of natural origin and ensure safe and natural recovery in cases of oral lichen planus. These remedies are selected individually as per the prominent features presented.

Homeopathic Medicines for Oral Lichen Planus

Merc Sol – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Oral Lichen Planus

Merc Sol is a natural medicine for oral lichen planus and works very effectively in cases where there are red and inflamed patches in the mucous membrane of the mouth. Multiple sores appear in the mouth along with lesions inside the cheeks, tongue and the gums. The sores may be painful and have a burning sensation. The mouth and gums are inflamed with sores that tend to bleed. The tongue is thickly coated along with a with a characteristic symptom of excessive saliva in the mouth. A bad, offensive, fetid odor from the mouth is present in a majority of the cases. A metallic, coppery taste in the mouth is present along with the above symptoms.

Plantago – Natural Remedy for Oral Lichen Planus

Plantago is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant Plantago major commonly known by the name of Ribwort. This plant belongs to the natural order Plantaginaceae. Plantago works well in cases where there are sores in the mouth and bleeding from the gums attended with a putrid smell from the mouth. The tongue is also coated white. In my clinical practice, Plantago has proved to be highly effective in many of my patients suffering from oral lichen planus.

Borax – For Oral Lichen Planus with Painful Sores in Mouth

Borax is next very useful homeopathic remedy for oral lichen planus cases. Its use is considered in cases where there are painful, tender sores in the mouth are present. Mostly the sores appear on the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks. The sores (especially on the tongue) may hurt due to movement of the tongue as well as spicy food. The sores on the inner surface of the cheek and tongue also tend to bleed. A heated sensation and a bitter taste in the mouth is predominantly present in the mouth along with lesions. Borax is also a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for oral lichen planus attended with fungal infections of the mouth.

Natrum Mur – For Oral Lichen Planus with Lesions with Burning Sensation

Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic remedy for oral lichen planus lesions attended with a marked burning sensation. The sores appear on the tongue, inside the cheeks, and on the gums. There is an intense burning sensation in the sores. This is aggravated when food or drink comes in contact with the sore. The speech also becomes difficult due to the burning pains in the sores. The sores are also very sensitive.

Nitric Acid – For Stinging Pain in Sores in Oral Lichen Planus

Nitric Acid is a useful homeopathic medicine for managing stinging pain in the sores of oral lichen planus. In some cases, pricking and splinter-like pains are present. The sores are present inside the cheeks, the inner side of lips and edges of the tongue. The sores are deep and have a swollen surface. The tongue may be coated white or yellow coated. A foul odor from the mouth is also present.

Kali Mur – For Oral Lichen Planus with Sores and Fungal Infection of Mouth

Kali Mur is a natural medicine indicated for oral lichen planus with sores and fungal infection of the mouth, in a manner similar to homeopathic medicine Borax. The sores form inside the cheeks and lips and are white with a grey base. There may be stinging and burning sensation along with a sour taste in the mouth. The breath is fetid, and the tongue is coated greyish white.

Phosphorus – For Oral Lichen Planus with Bleeding from Sores

Phosphorus is a natural medicine for treating cases of oral lichen planus. In cases requiring Phosphorus, the sores appear on the inner surface of the cheek, tongue, gums and the palate (roof of the mouth). These sores tend to bleed easily. Increase in watery saliva is well noted with bleeding lesions. The saliva may have a salty or sweet taste.

Kreosote – For Oral Lichen Planus with Sores and Inflammation of Gums

Homeopathic medicine Kreosote offers a natural cure for oral lichen planus in cases where there are sores and inflammation present on the gums. Those affected may have bluish red, ulcerated, inflamed gums that tend to bleed easily. A putrid odor from the mouth is also present in most cases.

Signs and Symptoms of Oral Lichen Planus

The lesions in oral lichen planus appear in the form of white, lacy, thread-like patches/as red, swollen, painful patchy lesions, or as sores in the mouth. The lesions may appear on the inner surface of cheeks, tongue, inner surface of lips, gums, and palate. The sores can be painful, may have a burning sensation and may bleed too. Eating, drinking, speaking worsens the pain mostly. The sores may be sensitive to hot and spicy food. Some complications of lichen planus include intense pain in lesions, stress, scarring of lesions, fungal infection in the mouth, and weight loss when the person avoids eating because it causes pain in sores and increases the risk of mouth cancer.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Treat Diverticulitis Naturally with Homeopathy

Diverticula are small bulging pouches or pockets that can form in the lining of the large intestine or colon. Diverticula develop when weak spots in the intestinal walls bulge out. Diverticula don’t cause any symptoms, but if the pouches of diverticula get infected or inflamed, the condition is known as diverticulitis. Homeopathic medicines for diverticulitis help reduce inflammation of diverticula and symptomatically manage cases of mild to moderate diverticulitis. Colocynthis, Magnesium Phos, and Nux Vomica are the top homeopathic medicines for diverticulitis.

homeopathy diverticulitis

Homeopathic medicines for diverticulitis.

One or more pouches can be inflamed in diverticulitis. The cause for diverticulitis is not exactly known, but there are certain risk factors associated, like aging (it is common after age 40), a low-fiber diet, a sedentary lifestyle, history of constipation, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and family history of any similar complaint. Apart from these, certain medications like NSAID’s and steroids also raise the risk of diverticulitis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Diverticulitis

Homeopathic remedies for diverticulitis help treat symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and blood in the stool. But in case of severe diverticulitis where peritonitis (a fatal condition) has developed, it is necessary to seek urgent medical care as homeopathy does not offer any help here.

Homeopathic Medicines for Diverticulitis

Colocynthis – For Abdominal Pain in Diverticulitis

Colocynthis is a natural remedy prepared from the pulp of a fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis. This plant is commonly known by the name of Bitter Apple of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Colocynthis is used to manage the complaint of abdominal pain in diverticulitis. The pain is present in the lower part of the abdomen. The pain may be colicky, cramping, griping, sharp, cutting in nature. The pain from abdomen may radiate to thighs or small of the back. The abdomen may also be distended, sensitive and painful to touch. Eating and drinking make the pain worse. Relief appears by bending over double or on lying on the abdomen. Passing flatus may also relieve the pain. Above symptoms may be attended with nausea, vomiting and frequent loose stool.

Magnesium Phos – For Diverticulitis when Abdominal Pain is Relieved by Warmth

Magnesium Phos is a homeopathic medicine for diverticulitis where there is abdominal pain. It is indicated in cases where abdominal pain is relieved by warm applications and by applying pressure. The pain is cramping in nature and there is a lot of flatus present. People needing Magnesium Phos also feel better in abdominal pain by pressure. The abdominal pain may be accompanied by watery diarrhea.

Nux Vomica – For Treating Constipation in Diverticulitis

Nux Vomica is a homeopathic remedy for constipation arising in cases of diverticulitis. People needing Nux Vomica have a frequent, ineffectual urge to pass stool. Every time the person goes for stool only a little is passed, and the urge is renewed again. The stool is dry, scanty and always unsatisfactory. It may also be blood streaked sometimes. Abdominal pain may be felt before passing stool that gets better after passing stool.

Bryonia – For Constipation in Diverticulitis

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia alba, White Bryony or wild hops. This plant belongs to natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is also helpful to treat constipation in diverticulitis. For using Bryonia the key feature is a hard, dry, tough, large stool. Sometimes stool is so dry and dark that appears to be burnt. The stool is passed with difficulty only after much straining. Burning at the anus may be felt. A pinching abdominal colic may also be present. Motion tends to worsen the abdominal pain where Bryonia is indicated.

Arsenic Album – For Diverticulitis with Nausea and Vomiting

Arsenic Album is an effective homeopathic medicine diverticulitis where nausea and vomiting are marked. In cases needing Arsenic Album, vomiting appears soon after eating or drinking. Vomiting consists of ingesta or yellow-green liquid and sometimes clear water. It is attended with excessive nausea. Along with these features, abdominal pain with anxiety and restlessness may be present. Sometimes watery and offensive diarrhea appears. Marked fatigue and weakness arises with the above symptoms

Ipecac – To Manage Constant Nausea in Diverticulitis

Homeopathic medicine Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of A plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha that belongs to natural order Rubiaceae. Ipecac is an excellent remedy to manage constant nausea in diverticulitis. Nausea is extreme, distressing, persistent in nature. Vomiting of white glairy mucus or watery fluid may arise, soon after which nausea reappears. Cutting and pinching colic in the abdomen is mostly present. The tongue is clean.

Nitric Acid – For Diverticulitis Where Blood in Stool Appears

Nitric Acid is an effective homeopathic remedy for diverticulitis where there is blood in the stool. The blood is bright red. The stool is hard, dry, difficult and irregular and may alternate with thin, liquid stools. Splinter-like pain may be felt in the rectum during stool. The lower part of the abdomen is distended and painful to touch.

Aloe – For Managing Diarrhea in Diverticulitis

Aloe is prepared from the gum of leaves of plant Aloe Socotrina of the natural order Liliaceae. Aloe is a significant medicine for managing complaint of diarrhea in diverticulitis. The stool is frequent, thin, yellow and may have undigested food particles. An urgency to pass stool is marked. In most cases, urge to stool appears soon after eating. A constant bearing down in the rectum is felt. There is abdominal pain with bloating (especially left side abdomen). There is also a discharge of much offensive flatus that relieves the abdominal pain.

China – For Diverticulitis with Abdominal Pain and Flatus

Homeopathic medicine China is prepared from the dried bark of a plant Cinchona officinalis that belongs to natural order Rubiaceae. Use of China is considered in cases of diverticulitis where there is abdominal pain, bloating and excessive flatus. The abdomen feels tight with rumbling and moving of flatus. Bending over double gives relief in pain. Along with this profuse, watery, offensive stool may appear frequently. A marked debility arises due to frequent loose stool.

Symptoms of Diverticulitis

The symptoms of diverticulitis include abdominal pain usually on the lower left side, abdominal tenderness, nausea, vomiting, changes in bowel habits (mostly constipation and less commonly diarrhea), blood in the stool and fever. Some complications may appear in cases of diverticulitis. The main ones include abscess formation, peritonitis (most serious one that can be fatal thus require immediate help from conventional mode of treatment), fistula (between bowel and bowel or between the bowel and urinary bladder ) and stricture/blockage in the colon from scarring.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic Bronchitis

Bronchitis refers to inflammation of the bronchial tubes (the passage through which the air is carried to the lungs from trachea). The inflamed airways make it difficult for the air to get into the lungs and makes breathing difficult. Allergic bronchitis that arises from allergens is known as allergic bronchitis. It is a chronic type of bronchitis that develops due to exposure to allergens like dust, molds, tobacco smoke, air pollutants, and chemical fumes. Homeopathic medicines help reduce the inflammation in the bronchial tubes and manage the associated symptoms. Antimonium Tart, Arsenic Album, and Spongia Tosta are the top homeopathic medicines for allergic bronchitis.

homeopathy allergic bronchitis

Homeopathic medicines for allergic bronchitis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Allergic Bronchitis

There is a great scope to treat allergic bronchitis in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin, and they treat allergic bronchitis in a very safe and effective manner. Homeopathic medicines for allergic bronchitis should be taken under the supervision of a homeopathic physician after a complete case analysis.

Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic Bronchitis

Antimonium Tart – For Allergic Bronchitis with Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart is a natural homeopathic medicine for allergic bronchitis with a rattling cough. There is a large accumulation of mucus in the bronchial tubes causing rattling. The phlegm is white and frothy but is expectorated with difficulty. Expectoration may have a sour or salty taste. Cough may be relieved by expectoration. Chest pain, suffocation, and constriction may arise upon coughing.

Arsenic Album – For Allergic Bronchitis with Wheezing in Chest

Arsenic Album is an effective homeopathic remedy for allergic bronchitis with marked wheezing in the chest. Wheezing is present with cough. Respiration may also be difficult. A tight feeling of constriction in the chest is present most of the times along with marked anxiety and restlessness. A burning sensation also appears in the chest. A cough that is most worse at the night and upon lying down is present. The person has to sit up at night due to the cough. This is attended with difficult expectoration. Expectoration is scanty, white, of tenacious mucus or appears in lumps. The expectoration may be bitter, saltish to taste. Marked fatigue is present in a high degree with the above complaints.

Spongia Tosta – For Allergic Bronchitis with Dry Cough

Spongia Tosta offers a natural cure for allergic bronchitis along with a dry cough. The cough is short, dry, rough, irritating and continuous. Chest pain and fatigue may arise while coughing. A relief in the cough may occur by taking warn drinks. The cough is attended with marked wheezing where Spongia is indicated. Wheezing tends to worsen during the evening and breathing while moving is difficult.

Natrum Mur – For Allergic Bronchitis with White Expectoration

Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur is useful for allergic bronchitis with white expectoration. The expectoration may have a salty taste. Phlegm is expectorated most times in the morning hours. In some cases, clear transparent mucus is also expectorated. There is cough that is short, hacking and phlegm is coughed up with difficulty. Along with cough wheezing and difficult breathing may appear. Oppression of chest is also there. A sore, bruised pain in the chest is another attending feature. Sometimes stitches in the chest may be felt mainly upon inspiring deeply.

Ipecac – For Cough with Vomiting

Ipecac is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from the dried root of plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha. This plant belongs to natural order Rubiaceae. Ipecac helps treat allergic bronchitis in cases when there is a spasmodic cough that ends in vomiting. Vomiting consists of white mucus of a specific metallic taste. Vomiting relieves the cough. The cough tends to get worse after eating and causes a sore pain int he chest. Suffocation and difficulty breathing are present. Bubbling rales and rattling noises are present in the chest due to the accumulation of mucus.

Hepar Sulph – For Allergic Bronchitis with Loose, Rattling Cough and Wheezing

Hepar Sulph is a natural remedy for allergic bronchitis with loose, rattling cough and wheezing. The cough is deep, violent with a rattling in the chest. Cough gets worse in the cold air and from taking cold drinks and is relieved by warmly wrapping up the body. The chest feels tight and leads to pain in the upper body. Copious expectoration of tenacious mucus may appear that brings relief to rattling in the chest. The expectoration may have a fetid smell or a sour/sweet taste.

Nux Vomica – For Allergic Bronchitis Developed Due to Tobacco Smoking

Nux Vomica is an effective homeopathic medicine for allergic bronchitis in people who have a habit of tobacco smoking. People needing Nux Vomica have a constant deep and dry cough. Warm drinks may relieve the cough. Cough is attended with pain in chest and shortness of breath. Sometimes expectoration of yellow or grey color may be present.

Phosphorus – For Tightness in Chest in Allergic Bronchitis

Phosphorus offers a natural cure for tightness in the chest in cases of allergic bronchitis. A heavy weight, heat, and fullness are also felt in the chest. Cough that gets worse from talking, laughing and from strong odors is present. The cough is dry, hard, hacking, violent and exhausting in nature. Along with this breathing is short, difficult and labored. Sometimes white and tough mucus is expectorated.

Silicea – For Loose Cough with Profuse Expectoration

Homeopathic medicine Silicea works well for a loose cough with profuse expectoration in cases of allergic bronchitis. Cough continues day and night. Cold drinks tend to worsen the cough. Expectoration arises that may be tenacious, purulent, having an offensive odor. Along with this, the patient may experience difficulty in breathing (especially when lying on the back.)

Senega – For Allergic Bronchitis in Elderly People

Senega is a homeopathic medicine for allergic bronchitis prepared from the dried root of a plant named Senega Officinalis or Polygala Senega. The natural order of this plant is Polygalaceae. Senega is suitable for treating allergic bronchitis in elderly people. People needing Senega tend to get an accumulation of tough mucus in the air tubes. The person has to put intense effort to cough and hawk to expel this mucus. The expectoration is of white mucus like white of an egg. Very irritating cough is present. Oppression of chest and a need to inspire deeply is present.

Symptoms Allergic Bronchitis

The foremost symptom of allergic bronchitis is a cough. The cough may last altogether for weeks or months in case of allergic bronchitis. Along with cough mucus may be expectorated that is usually clear or white. The attending symptoms are wheezing, tightness in chest and tiredness.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Coccydynia

Coccyx (tailbone) is the last bone at the bottom of the spine. Any injury or strain to the coccyx, pelvic bones or the surrounding muscles and ligaments can lead to inflammation of the coccyx. This condition is known as coccydynia. The inflammation usually occurs spontaneously in the bony area deep between the buttocks, above the anus. Homeopathic medicines for coccydynia help manage the condition by providing symptomatic relief in pain, tenderness, stiffness, and tightness across the area (near coccyx or bony area deep between the buttocks above the anus.) Hypericum, Rhus Tox, and Ruta are the top homeopathic remedies for coccydynia.

coccydynia homeoapthy

Homeopathic medicine for Coccydynia.

Homeopathic Medicines for Coccydynia

Hypericum – For Pain in Tailbone after a Fall

Hypericum is a natural medicine for coccydynia that works very well in cases where there is an injury from a fall. There is a pain in the spine which grows severe with every passing day, and the patient is unable to sit (except on an air cushion.) It also works in cases where there is a violent pain and inability to walk comfortably after a fall on the coccyx.

Rhus Tox – For Pain in Coccyx after Overexertion

Rhustox is a homeopathic remedy for pain in the coccyx which is aggravated after overexertion. The patient often experiences stiffness and soreness as soon as he attempts to move but gets better when in continuous motion or by warm applications. In general, the patient is quite restless, changing position often.

Ruta Graveleons – For Coccydynia due to a Blow or Fall

Ruta is a natural medicine for coccydynia where there is a bruised pain in the coccyx as a result of a blow or fall with the sensation of soreness. It can be a helpful remedy if the patient experiences constipation after a mechanical injury.

Lachesis – For Continuous Pain in Coccyx

Lachesis is an effective homeopathic medicine for a continuous pain in the coccyx while sitting. There is a characteristic feeling of sitting on something sharp. The pain is drawing and continuous that prevents motion, along with a sharp, agonizing pain when rising from a seat. Neuralgia of coccyx is worse rising in a sitting posture, and the patient must sit still.

Petroleum – For Stiffness of Coccyx

Petroleum is a natural cure for stiffness in the coccyx. People needing this medicine experience uneasiness and stiffness in the small of the back and coccyx (especially towards evening). There is pain and sensitiveness in coccyx while sitting.

Phosphorus – For Pain in Coccyx that Disturbs Motion

Phosphorus is an excellent homeopathic remedy when there is a peculiar sensation in coccyx as if it is ulcerated, which obstructs the movement of the patient followed by painful stiffness of the neck. Pain can get worse on physical exertion, towards evening. It is a specific remedy for coccydynia.

Arnica – For Bruising Pain in Coccyx

Arnica is a homeopathic remedy when the patient experiences the pain of sore, bruised character which occurs upon suddenly rising after stooping, with great soreness of the back. Typically the pain comes on from continuous stooping or hard work or while rising from bed in the morning. Every surface on which the patient lies feels too hard.

Magnesium Phos – For Pain in Coccyx Better by Warmth

Magnesium Phos is a natural medicine for pain in the coccyx that is tearing, lancinating and quick. Pains come at intervals and change place i.e.; they are shifting type of pains which get better by warmth and pressure.

Causes of Coccydynia

Factors that can cause coccydynia are, an injury or fall on the coccyx, during childbirth, a strain on the coccyx, poor posture, being overweight or underweight, age-related wear and tear can also be there. Less common causes may include bony growth on the coccyx, coccyx being too flexible or too rigid, and arthritis.
Other causes for tailbone pain which can impersonate coccydynia may include fractured bones (broken tailbone or tailbone fracture), sciatica, sacroiliitis etc.

Symptoms of Coccydynia

Typical symptoms of coccydynia include pain and tenderness, which gets worse on sitting or standing for long hours, sitting on hard surfaces, standing from sitting or vice versa, leaning back while sitting, during intercourse or while defecation (passing stool). Rotation of pelvic bones (muscle movements that assist the rotation) may be painful. Tightness and discomfort can be constant whereas pain may occur during a moment or after pressure. Driving or bending can be very difficult. One may also have bleeding, high temperature or pain away from the coccyx. Person suffering may need to lean against something while sitting for better stability. Usually, a dull achy pain may be present, which may range from mild to severe. The pain improves over a few days or weeks but it may last longer and can hinder the normal functioning in day to day life.

Usually, the progression of the disease is uncommon but in rare cases, the condition may advance to a stage where surgery (Coccygectomy) is required, and coccyx needs to be removed permanently. Coccydynia can be prevented only by avoiding injury to the coccyx.

Some precautionary measures include avoiding sitting or standing for long hours, using specially designed coccyx cushions or well-padded seat when sitting, doing massage and stretching. Diet needs to be managed if pain worsens by constipation or bowel movements. In such cases, one should increase the fiber content in diet and take ample amount of water.

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Natural Homeopathic Treatment of Esophageal Varices

Esophageal varices are enlarged, swollen veins in the esophagus or the food pipe. The esophagus is a tube through which the food passes from the throat into the stomach. Severe liver diseases tend to cause esophageal varices. These develop when normal blood flow to the liver gets obstructed due to scar tissue in the liver or a clot. Homeopathic medicines for esophageal varices help in mild to moderate cases. Hamamelis, Chelidonium, and Cardus Marianus are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat esophageal varices.

homeopathy esophageal varices

Homeopathic medicines for esophageal varices.

Obstruction of normal blood flow results in portal hypertension, i.e., an increase in the pressure in the portal vein (the vein that carries blood to the liver from the stomach, spleen, pancreas, and intestines). The increase in blood pressure pushes blood into surrounding blood vessels, including vessels in the esophagus (thus resulting in esophageal varices). These blood vessels in the esophagus are smaller, fragile and have thin walls. When the pressure in portal vein shoots too high, then these esophageal varices can rupture and bleed. This bleeding may be life-threatening and need urgent conventional treatment. For diagnosis, esophageal varices are visible through an endoscopy.

Homeopathic Management of Esophageal Varices

Homeopathic medicines help manage mild to moderate cases of esophageal varices. Homeopathic medicines aim to treat and halt further progress of the underlying liver pathologies to bring about good results. These remedies play a supportive role in cases of mild bleeding from esophageal varices along with other conventional help. However, in severe cases of esophageal varices with intense bleeding, homeopathy does not seem to play an important role, and conventional treatment should be sought immediately.

Homeopathic Medicines for Esophageal Varices

Hamamelis – Top Grade Homeopathic Medicine for Esophageal Varices

Homeopathic medicine Hamamelis is prepared from the fresh bark of twigs and root of a plant commonly called Witch-hazel. The natural order of this plant is Hamamelidaceae. Hamamelis is highly effective to treat cases of esophageal varices. People needing Hamamelis have hemorrhage from portal congestion. They tend to vomit blood and also suffer from anal bleeding. These hemorrhages are attended with great prostration. In non-bleeding esophageal varices, this medicine can be taken independently to reduce enlargement, swelling, and engorgement of vessels. However, in cases of bleeding esophageal varices, this medicine can be taken as a supportive help along with conventional treatment.

Chelidonium Majus – For Severe Liver Diseases with Esophageal Varices

Homeopathic medicine Chelidonium is prepared from a plant named Chelidonium Majus or greater Celandine. This plant belongs to the natural order Papaveraceae. Chelidonium is indicated in cases of severe liver diseases with esophageal varices. The liver diseases like fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver are present in cases needing Chelidonium. There may be jaundice and ascites in such cases. The skin seems yellow, the urine is yellow, and the stools are white-colored. Pain in the liver and under the right shoulder blade is present along with the symptoms of jaundice. The pain may be shooting or stitching in nature and extend to the back. Fullness and pressure are also felt in the liver region. Chelidonium helps in treating liver diseases (that are the main reasons for esophageal varices.)

Cardus Marianus – For Liver Disease causing Esophageal Varices

Cardus Marianus is a natural medicine for esophageal varices arising as a result of liver disease. It is prepared from the seeds of a plant named Silybum belonging to the natural order Compositae. People needing this medicine also have jaundice and marked fluid accumulation in the abdomen. The liver area is painful and sensitive. There may be a history of abuse of alcoholic drinks. Blood in vomiting and stool may also be present. Marked fatigue is present along with the above symptoms.

Phosphorus – For Esophageal Varices with Bright Blood in Vomit

Phosphorus is a natural remedy for esophageal varices where there is blood present in the vomit. The blood is bright red. This remedy can be used along with conventional help to control the symptom of blood in vomiting in cases of bleeding esophageal varices.

Crotalus Horridus – For Esophageal Varices with Dark Blood in Vomit

Crotalus Horridus offers a natural treatment for esophageal varices where there is blood in vomiting. The blood in the vomit, in this case, is dark-colored. Dark blood may also be passed in the stool. This medicine can also be used for supportive help along with the conventional mode of treatment.

Leptandra – For Black Stool in cases of Esophageal Varices

Homeopathic medicine Leptandra is prepared from the root of a plant named Leptandra Virginica, or Black Root. The natural order of this plant is Scrophulariaceae. The key indication to use Leptandra in esophageal varices is a black tarry stool. The stool may have a fetid smell, and vomiting and shooting pain in the liver may be present along with extreme prostration. Leptandra is also a very important homeopathic remedy for liver diseases.

Causes of Esophageal Varices

Liver cirrhosis or the development of scar tissue in the liver is the main cause of esophageal varices. The blood flow to the liver slows down as a result of the formation of scar tissue. Cirrhosis usually develops as a result of alcoholic or fatty liver disease and hepatitis. Another reason is the formation of a blood clot in the portal vein. Some rare causes of esophageal varices include Budd-Chiari syndrome and schistosomiasis.
It should be noted that not every case of esophageal varices leads to bleeding of the varices. There are some factors that increase the risk of bleeding, like larger varices, very high portal vein pressure, alcohol intake (if the condition is alcohol-related) and severe liver cirrhosis or liver failure.

Signs and Symptoms of Esophageal Varices

Usually, no signs or symptoms are present in the cases of esophageal varices until they rupture. The main sign noted in cases of esophageal varices is blood in vomiting if the varices rupture and bleed. Another sign is the presence of black, tarry, and bloody stool. If the bleeding is severe or uncontrolled, the body may go into shock along with lightheadedness, pale, clammy skin, irregular breathing and loss of consciousness. A person already having liver disease carries a high chance of developing esophageal varices if symptoms like jaundice, spider nevi, easy bruising and ascites are present.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Epididymitis

Inflammation of the epididymis (coiled tube at the back of testicle) is known as epididymitis. This tube stores the sperms while they mature and transport them from the testes to the vas deferens. The primary cause of epididymitis is sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and bacterial infection of urinary tract or prostate (that travel to the epididymis.) Homeopathic medicines for epididymitis help reduce the inflammation, swelling, redness of epididymis and manage its symptoms very effectively. Rhododendron, Spongia Tosta, and Apis Mellifica are some natural medicines for epididymitis.

homeopathy epididymitis

Homeopathic medicines for Epididymitis.

The most common sexually transmitted infection includes gonorrhea and chlamydia. Some risk factors for epididymitis include having unprotected sex with a partner who has a sexually transmitted infection, use of a catheter, recent urinary tract surgery, an uncircumcised penis and a history of urinary tract infection/prostate infection. Apart from the above, an injury to the groin area can also lead to epididymitis. Complication of epididymitis includes abscess formation in the scrotum and epididymo-orchitis (that arise in cases where infection spreads from epididymis to the testicle.)

Homeopathic Treatment of Epididymitis

Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for epididymitis. Homeopathic medicines are selected by individual symptoms in every given case of epididymitis. These remedies provide relief from symptoms like pain and tenderness in the testicle, painful urination, an urgency to urinate, frequent urination, discharge from the penis, and painful ejaculation.

Homeopathic Medicines for Epididymitis

Rhododendron – For Intense Pain and Tenderness of Testicle in Epididymitis

Rhododendron is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named Rhododendron Chrysanthum or Yellow Snow-Rose. The natural order of this plant is Ericaceae. Rhododendron is a natural medicine for epididymitis when intense violent pain and tenderness in the testicle is present. The testicle is very sore and painful to touch, and the soreness extends to the thighs and abdomen. The scrotum is also swollen. The pain may be contusive or drawing in nature. For using Rhododendron, pain in the testicle worsens from sitting and gets better upon walking. Slight thin discharge from the urethra may also be present. Rhododendron is also indicated in cases where orchitis arises in addition to epididymitis, i.e., in cases of epididymo-orchitis.

Spongia Tosta – For Pain in Testicle in Epididymitis

Spongia Tosta is a homeopathic medicine for testicle pain in cases of epididymitis. The pain in the testicle may be bruised or pinching in nature. Sometimes stitching, shooting pain in the testicle is there. The shooting pain may radiate from the testes to the inguinal region. Touch tends to worsen the pain. Swelling in the scrotum along with a sensation of heat and burning is also present.

Apis Mellifica – For Swollen, Red Scrotum in Epididymitis

Apis Mellifica is a natural homeopathic remedy useful for swollen, red scrotum in cases of epididymitis. For using Apis Mellifica, the right side is more affected. The testicle pain is also there in addition to the red, swollen scrotum. Pain in testicle worsens when touched. Along with the above features, frequent desire to urinate is present. Burning and scalding in the urethra during and after urination is also prominently present.

Clematis – For Epididymitis with Tenderness in Testicles

Clematis is prepared from the leaves and stems of a plant named Clematis Erecta of the family Ranunculaceae. Clematis is beneficial for tender testicles in epididymitis. The testes are very painful to touch. Pinching pain is felt in the testicle from the slightest touch. Motion and walking also worsen the pain. Drawing pain in the inguinal region and thigh may be felt along with testicle pain. The scrotum may also be swollen.

Pulsatilla – For Epididymitis when Discharge from Penis is present with Pain in Testicle

Pulsatilla is prepared from the entire fresh plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans or Pasque Flower. This plant belongs to the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is indicated for epididymitis when discharge from the penis is present. The discharge is thick yellow or yellow-green.

Along with this, an aching or burning pain in the testicles is present. Sometimes tearing or lacerating pain in the testicles may also be present. The testicles feel sore. Pulsatilla also helps in cases where inflammation of epididymis follows a gonorrhoeal infection. The testicle may also be inflammed (orchitis). In such cases, the testicles feel painful, and the swelling gets worse by standing. The affected person may develop a fever. Males requiring Pulsatilla may also have a history of prostatitis.

Merc Sol – For Epididymitis with Purulent Greenish Discharge from Penis

Merc Sol offers a natural cure for epididymitis where there is a purulent greenish discharge from the penis. A night aggravation of the discharge may be noted. Erections may also be painful along with discharge. There may be blood in the semen. The scrotum is swollen and red, and the testicles are painful. A drawing pain in the groin and spermatic cord may also be present, along with a burning sensation in the urethra. This burning in the urethra is felt most when passing the last drops of urine.

Sabal Serrulata – For Epididymitis with Painful Ejaculation

Sabal Serrulata offers a natural treatment for epididymitis prepared from the fresh berries of a plant named Saw Palmetto. The natural order of this plant is Palmaceae. Use of Sabal Serrulata is indicated for treating painful ejaculation in cases of epididymitis. Males needing this medicine may have a history of prostatitis. Sabal Serrulata is also helpful for difficult and painful urination in cases of epididymitis. Smarting and burning pain in the urethra is also present. The frequency of urination is also increased.

Hamamelis – For Pain in Cases of Epididymitis

Hamamelis is a natural remedy for epididymitis prepared from the fresh bark of twigs and root of the plant Witch-hazel. This plant belongs to the natural order Hamamelidaceae. Hamamelis is useful for pain in cases of epididymitis. The pain in the testicle may be dull, aching or drawing in nature. The drawing pain may radiate from the testis to groin.

In some cases, excruciating pains in the testicles may be present. The pain is seen to worsen after midnight in most cases needing Hamamelis. The scrotum is also swollen, enlarged and hot along with the above symptoms.

Medorrhinum – For Epididymitis with a History of Gonorrhea

Medorrhinum is a natural homeopathic medicine for cases of epididymitis with a history of gonorrhea. In such cases, there may be a thin, transparent discharge often mixed with white mucus from the penis. This discharge leaves behind a yellow-brown stain. Pain, burning, and soreness in the urethra during urination is also present.

Cantharis – For Urinary Complaints in Epididymitis

Cantharis is an effective homeopathic medicine for urinary complaints in cases of epididymitis. Complaints including painful urination with cutting or burning pains in the urethra and frequent urination are treated well with Cantharis. A cutting or burning pain may be present before, during or after urination. Cantharis is also useful for treating burning in the urethra that arises after coition (intercourse.) In cases requiring Cantharis, there is a marked urgency of urination.

Symptoms of Epididymitis

Symptoms of epididymitis include pain and tenderness in the testicles, and swelling, redness, warmth in the scrotum. Other symptoms of epididymitis include painful urination, urgent need to pass urine and frequent urination, pain in the pelvic region, discharge from the penis, blood in the semen, painful ejaculation, enlarged lymph nodes in the groin and in some cases, a fever.

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Lycopodium – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic remedy derived from the spores of the plant known as Clubmoss or Wolf’s Foot. It belongs to the Lycopodiaceae family and is commonly found in the hilly pastures and heaths of Central and Northern Europe, Russian Asia and North America.
Lycopodium is a low creeping perennial plant. It is a spore-bearing, flowerless, vascular, terrestrial, widely branched plant. Its stems are erect and have small, simple needle-like leaves that cover the stem and branches thickly. The leaves contain a single un-branched vascular strand called microphylls. Kidney shaped cases include spores of one kind only and are borne on the upper surface of the leaf blade of specialized leaves. These are arranged in a cone-like strobilus at the end of the upright stems. The club-shaped appearance of these flowering stems gives clubmosses their common name.
The homeopathic remedy is prepared from the freshly crushed spores of the plant. The medicinal properties come into play after a series of trituration and succession of the spores. The remedy is prescribed in both high and low potencies, as the case may be.

The Lycopodium Constitution

In homeopathy, it is believed that every person has a particular constitution. This is the composition, structure, physical makeup and nature of a person.
Lycopodium is best suited to the carbo-nitrogenoid constitution; those who are intellectually keen but physically weak. The upper part of the body is emaciated whereas the lower part of the body is characterized by the collection of an excess of watery fluid. Such people usually have a dry temperament and dark complexion.

It is mostly adopted in cases where ailments develop gradually; functional power weakens, failure of digestive powers occurs, or the function of the liver is seriously disturbed. It works wonderfully in cases of malnutrition. The Lycopodium personality lacks vital heat and has poor circulation and cold extremities. Pain comes and goes suddenly. There is extreme sensitivity to noise and odors.

Lycopodium and its Drug Action

Lycopodium is highly effective on the nervous system, by also has other centers of action.

Mucous Membrane: Lycopodium acts powerfully upon the mucous membranes producing atonic (lack of muscular tone) state, congestion, catarrhal inflammation and copious mucous discharge.

Kidney: Acts upon kidneys and bladder, Lycopodium produces frequent painful micturition with cloudy, sedimentous urine, like brick dust and sometimes mucus and blood in urine.

Digestive Organs: Lycopodium produces slow, irregular digestion, flatulence, and constipation, also congestion of the liver with all of its concomitants, constipation, and flatulence.

Side of the Body: Lycopodium especially acts on the right side of the body. Symptoms run characteristically from right to left side of the body.

Clinical uses of Lycopodium

Lycopodium has proven its efficacy in the treatment of the following disorders:

– acidity
– bloating
– colitis
– corns
– emaciation
– flatulence
– food allergies
– hair loss
– hemorrhoids
– indigestion
– liver-derangements
– malnutrition
– kidney colic
– kidney disorders
– sciatica

Lycopodium and its Action on the Mind

Lycopodium works well in the cases where the mental symptoms are clearly present with the physical ones. The person requiring lycopodium is generally fearful. He has a fear of public speaking, failure, success, new situations, commitments, and responsibility. He has a fear of being alone, and of his shadows.
Such people are usually hypochondriacs which means that they have abnormal anxiety about their health. They typically suffer from panic attacks, have poor confidence and low self-esteem. Forgetfulness is marked with peevishness. With their dictatorial tendencies, they have a love for power and control over others.
Lycopodium works well in cases where one is experiencing failing brain power and confused thoughts. A weakness of memory, inability to remember names and letters, spelling or writing words or syllables incorrectly and experiencing difficulty in speaking during conversations are classic signs. It is also useful for ailments that stem from domineering parents or siblings.

Lycopodium for Ailments of the Head

Lycopodium covers the symptoms of external and internal head issues. Right-sided headaches, pain that begins on one side and goes to the other where it is worse, pain in the head with ravenous hunger which gets better after eating are the classic symptoms indicating towards Lycopodium. If food is not eaten regularly, the headache becomes worse. Premature greying of hair and severe hair fall that leads to premature balding is also noted. The hair fall usually follows abdominal diseases, or after parturition (childbirth). There is burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially when the body is warm after exercise. Lycopodium acts very well in cases of hair loss by preventing further loss of hair and initiating hair growth.

Lycopodium for Facial Concerns

The person needing Lycopodium may have freckles that are yellowish, pale, and gray, with blue circles around the eyes. There are herpetic eruptions on the face and corner of the mouth. Small, white, pedunculated warts on the chin may also be present.

The action of Lycopodium on the Kidneys

Lycopodium has a specific action on the kidneys. There are deposits of lithic acid in small quantities in the kidneys which can result in the formation of stones. Kidney stones cause pain in the kidneys as well as the bladder. Conditions associated with Lycopodium are Calculus with hematuria ( blood in urine) from gravel or chronic catarrh and urination of clotted blood with renal colic during the passage of small calculi. The pain is of burning, cutting character. Urine appears dark and fetid. There is a pain in the back before urination, and it ceases after urine is passed. Urine is slow in coming, and the person must strain to pass it. Heavy red sediment may be present in the urine, and the urine has a nauseating smell. Kidney colic with stinging, tearing, digging pain in the right ureter that travels to the bladder as if some small calculus was tearing its way to the bladder is present. An affected child may cry before urinating, and red sand-like substance may be present on the diaper.

Lycopodium for Gastric Disorders

Lycopodium covers many symptoms of the complaints which are gastric in origin. There is constriction of the throat that is always induced by regurgitation of food. An excessive appetite that gets satiated easily, eating a small amount of food that creates fullness are characteristic features. The person suffers from chronic constipation and hard stools. There is flatulent colic present in children and young girls. Emaciation and debility occur from loss of fluids in the morning.
It works wonderfully in cases of gastralgia (neuralgic pain in the stomach) and gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining). Derangement of stomach occurs from consumption of sweets and pastries. Belchings tend to rise only up to pharynx. The patient feels hungry immediately after eating, though the stomach and abdomen are full and tense. Cramps in the stomach, which is distended, digestion that proceeds very slowly, with flatulence and acidity and rumbling of flatulence particularly in the left upper part of the stomach are some other symptoms. Enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) occurs in infants, which is caused by indigestion. There is excessive flatulence before and after passing of stool. Tympanitic distension of abdomen is present. Flatulence presses outwardly on the rectum and bladder, and there is a sensation as if something is moving up and down in the bowels.

Lycopodium and Relation to Food

People who need Lycopodium have a strong desire for sweets. Different food allergies are present, and complaints arise after intake of wheat, bread, and fermented foods. Complaints usually aggravate after consumption of flatulent foods like cabbage, beans, and onions.

Lycopodium and Rectal Disorders

Lycopodium is indicated in cases where there are sharp, aching pains and pressure in the rectum which gets worse at night. Burning in the rectum is present during and after passing stool. Rawness and skin abrasions around the anus that bleed easily and feels itchy and moist is a common symptom. Aching and painful hemorrhoids, which are sore to touch, marked inactivity of bowels, cramps in the rectum and small of the back, unsatisfactory stools, alternating diarrhea, and constipation are other symptoms. Diarrhea occurs after the suppression of skin diseases.
Marked constipation may be present since puberty, when away from home, in infants, with ineffectual urging. Rectum contracts and protrudes during stool and can lead to the development of piles.

The stools are hard, small and are not expelled completely. The first part of the stool is difficult to expel, while the last part is thin and gushing. Stools are pale, putrid, thin and brown, usually mixed with hard lumps. Spasmodic constriction of the anus prevents stool to be expelled. There is aching and pressure in the rectum which is worse during the nights with bleeding piles.

Lycopodium for the Liver

Lycopodium is of great value in chronic hepatic congestions, where the liver is very tender on pressure. The person cannot eat to satiety as it produces a distressing feeling in the hepatic (liver) region. There may be violent gallstone colic, pain in the back and right hypochondria due to congestion of the liver.

The action of Lycopodium on the Limbs

Lycopodium has always proven its efficacy in treating the cases of sciatica. There is numbness, drawing and tearing pain in limbs, along with stiffness of joints. There may be a tendency for chronic gout and chalk deposits in the joints. Right-sided sciatica, painful corns, and callosities on soles, toes, and fingers, a feeling where one foot feels hot and one foot feels cold are other symptoms. The sciatica is so severe that the person cannot bear to lie on the painful side. Heaviness in the arm, contraction of tendons, especially hamstrings is also treated with Lycopodium.

Lycopodium for Women

Lycopodium shows good action in cases of female problems. It works well in cases where the menses are delayed, with undeveloped breasts at puberty. Extreme sadness and irritability, depressed mood and indigestion before menses is noted. The menses may be suppressed for months. Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) is so violent that it leads to fainting. Pains in the right ovary traveling to the left, ovarian tumors and vaginitis are treated well with this remedy. It is also used to treat a dry, burning sensation in the vagina which gets worse during and after sexual intercourse. Intercourse is extremely painful, and there may be profuse leucorrhoea (white discharge) with cutting pains across the right side to left with flatulence. Discharge of wind from the vagina may also be present.

Lycopodium for Males

Lycopodium acts wonderfully in cases of male impotence. It is used in instances where there is a discharge of prostatic fluid without an erection. Other symptoms include enlargement of the prostate, marked performance anxiety during intercourse, premature seminal emissions and sexual exhaustion and weakness. Impotence from masturbation, sexual excess or advancing age may occur. Lack of erectile power, a small, cold and relaxed penis, marked loss of sexual desire after gonorrhea or cystitis and premature ejaculation may also be present.

Lycopodium and Other Homeopathic Remedies

Lycopodium is antidoted by homeopathic remedies Camphor, Pulsatilla, Causticum, Aconite, Coffea, and Graphites.

It antidotes the action of homeopathic remedy Cinchona Officinalis.

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