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Quackery At Its Best

OF all the medical practitioners that I have met, this gentleman left the gravest of all impressions. And, perhaps, this meeting was the briefest of all, lasted not even a minute.

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Migraine headaches treatment

I am talking of a a little heard medicine in homeopathy ‘Epiphegus’ . It has a wonderful role in treating migraine headaches. I have personally seen a great number of chronic migraines being treated with this medicine within months.the key indication for the use of epiphegus are headaches that are brought on by least exertion wether mental or physical; Any deviation from normal routine can start a headache. It is more used when  left side is more predominantly affected. A very important symptom that i have noticed in patients who become better with Epiphegus is that they have a sudden strong urge to eat before the headache starts.

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Arnica for Injuries

Nothing beats Arnica in treating blows, concussion, blow-type injuries. It helps by reducing localised inflammation and swelling. It can be used in both minor and major injuries. It has a special role in treating head injuries and should be used immediately in such cases. Arnica is helpful in treating closed type of injuries. Calendula is for cuts and open wounds 30c potency of Arnica can be used.Arnica is a great help in treating closed wounds and should be avoided in the cases of open injury. It works by increasing the blood supply to an injured area. Thus it is very effective in treating injured tissues and haematomas (collection of blood under the superficial layers) Arnica is also used by many surgeons as a help for post-operative cases. I was amazed by its popularity when I recently met an eye surgeon who uses Arnica on his patients every time he operates. According to him, patients improve much faster and the chance of developing an infection after an operation is highly reduced.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

ocd “I couldn’t touch any door or countertop in public areas. I knew it didn’t make any sense, but I was terrified of germs that could kill me. I almost couldn’t go out in public. I was so afraid. If I touched anything, I had to wash myself for hours. Sometimes I washed so much that my skin would become red, raw and bleed.” People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are entrapped in recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) or rituals (compulsions), which they feel they cannot control. Rituals such as

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Cervical Spondylosis And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Neck Pain? It Could Be Cervical Spondylosis

Dr. Vikas Sharma

Neck pain is very common and most of us do experience this at some point in our lives. It can last from few days to weeks and is usually caused by straining or overuse of neck muscles. Such acute strains are usually due to incorrect postures on work with computers or while reading or driving. Acute conditions of neck get over within few days or weeks and usually require little or no medications. Pain that lasts more than few weeks need to be considered seriously, as it can be a sign of chronic neck pain also called as cervical spondylosis.

Cervical spondylosis results from chronic degeneration of the cervical spine (bones of the neck), As one ages, the intervertebral discs( cushions between the neck bones) lose their elasticity and become drier this causes them to become more brittle .Along with the degeneration of disks, bony out growths also form on the vertebrae which are called as osteophytes. These changes collectively lead to the compression of the nerve arising out of the spinal cord. This compression or irritation of the nerve leads to symptoms of pain, stiffness and numbness in the neck, arms and shoulder. The main symptoms in cervical spondylosis are pain in the neck( which may radiate to arm and shoulder) ,loss of sensation or numbness or abnormal sensation in the arms, hands or shoulders, Neck Stiffness , sensation of imbalance while walking, headache in the back part of the head extending from the back of the neck.

Neck injuries are one of the major causes of early cervical spondylosis. Aging is also one of the major contributors to the degeneration of cervical bones and discs. Men are more prone than women to suffer from it.

Homeopathy offers a very effective solution in controlling and treating the mild to moderate cases of cervical spondylosis. The amount of degenerative changes determines the time it would take for the case to respond to the homeopathic medicine. Early stages of cervical spondylosis respond very favorably and may take only few weeks for the patient to become better. Moderate levels of changes can take few weeks to few months to show appreciable results. Severe cases may or may not show any changes at all.

As homeopathy is primarily a ‘symptom dependant system of medicine’; the kind of symptoms depicted by the patient determines the choice of medicine. Pain and stiffness in the neck are very effectively treated with Rhus Tox, Lachnanthes, Guaiacum and Cimicifuga. Numbness and tingling sensation in the arms responds very well to Kalmia and Paris Quadrifolia. Sensations of imbalance or vertigo are well treated with Conium Maculatum. Degenerative changes and osteophytes respond to Acid Phos and Calcarea Flour respectively. Hypericum is often required to ease out the effects of injury to the nerve.

Please remember that prevention of cervical spondylosis lies in preventing repeated stress to the neck muscles. Repeated strain on muscles that support our cervical spine slowly leads to spondylytic changes; thus an ergonomic posture and an active life style is must in maintaining a healthy cervical spine and also in controlling further damage if already spondylytic changes have started.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321


Frequent Headaches . It Could Be Migraine  by Dr. Vikas Sharma

It is very common for each one of us to suffer from headaches couple of times in our lifetime; but for some, headaches are far too common and their recurrences become a major hindrance in leading a normal life. One such type of recurrent headaches is called as ‘Migraine headaches’. They show a typical pattern of recurrence and are characterized by severe to moderate head pain, both sides and one sided and which may or may not be present with nausea and vomiting.

For those who suffer from migraine, Homeopathy can be a boon in curing this disorder. Long term treatment with homeopathy can eradicate migraine headaches. It is also very important to understand that migraine is not an easy disease to do away with. Even with homeopathy, moderate to severe form of migraines take a while to get treated and gradually get better in a phased out manner; they usually don’t disappear in one go.

The symptoms of migraine can range from mild to very severe pain. The severity of the pain varies from case to case and can last from few hours to up to four days. It may be preceded by signs which are often called as ‘aura’ a signal that the migraine attack is about to come. The signs can be disturbances in vision like flashing of light, zigzag lines, blind spots, doubling of vision, black floating spots, tingling in limbs. The pain may affect one side and may gradually proceed to the other side too or affect both the sides. The pains are usually of throbbing or pulsating in character. Many patients complain of high degree of sensitivity to sound or light during the attack and prefer to lie down in a dark and a silent room. Vomiting or the sensation of vomiting also called as nausea are often present but migraine headaches can occur without them too. Some patients feel a great relief in pain after vomiting which may force the patients to induce one at times. Migraine headaches can last from 3 hours to 72 hours.

Although the actual cause of migraine is not very clear. The researchers believe that migraine is caused by drop in the level of a chemical serotonin in the brain which leads to the inflammation and dilatation in the blood vessels of the brain leading to a headache. The migraine can be triggered by many factors. The most common are hormonal (headache related to menses), stress, foods (alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, foods containing MSG), certain medications, changes in sleep pattern and excessive physical exertion.

Homeopathic treatment of migraine depends totally upon the symptoms presented and also the psycho-physical makeup of the patient. The character and the modalities associated with pain also the symptoms associated with it such as aura, vomiting, nausea and the trigger factors decide the choice of the homeopathic medicine that would help that particular case. Although there are plenty of homeopathic medicines used in treating migraine the most important ones are Glonine, Belladonna, Sanguinaria, Iris, Gelsemium, Nux Vomica, Epiphegus and Natrum Carb.

It is very important for those suffering from migraine to realize that lifestyle modifications like regular exercise and reducing stress in their life are very essential in controlling migraine. Identifying trigger factors (for example identifying foods that trigger your headache or exertion or situations that lead to stress) and avoiding these factors can be very helpful in controlling the recurrence of headaches.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Gas Poblem -Treat it with Homeopathy

“Gas problem” is something that is mostly harmless but can be very disturbing and incapacitating for the person who suffers from it. Its implications are diverse; ranging from being a mere social embarrassment to quite a troublesome yet benign gastric issue. The big question is why do some individuals suffer more from gas than others do? The answer lies in the fact that some of us are biologically more prone to have this problem where as for others, eating habits contribute majorly to this disorder. This gas problem exhibits mainly in three ways. Patients complain of being bloated around the abdomen or passing of too much gas from the anus (flatulence) and thirdly belching of gas from mouth (eructation).

Belching of air or eructation occur mainly due to swallowed air (aerophagia) during eating, drinking. This is also associated with increased intake of carbonated drinks. Excessive salivation also leads to increase in the swallowing of air.. Bloating of the abdomen is usually related to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or chronic constipation and rarely is it associated with serious gut problems. People with IBS have this increased sensitivity of the intestinal walls. This sensitivity causes even little gas to give the impression of excessive bloating of abdomen.

It is important to realize that some amount of gas formation is very normal and is produced naturally during the process of digestion. Flatus (gas passed from anus) is a metabolic byproduct of intestinal bacteria and is not caused by swallowed air .An average normal adult has 13 to 19 gas passages every day. But the condition can be really bad for some individuals -one study noted a person who expelled gas 140 times daily, with 70 passages in a period of just four hours.

Passing of gas from anus is mostly related with the food that we eat or with the kind of bacteria that we have in our intestines.  Flatulence is generally produced when undigested food is acted upon by bacteria in our large intestines. Certain food substances produce more flatulence than others because they contain more indigestible carbohydrates. Substances that lead to overproduction of gas are , beans, dairy products,  onions, celery, carrots, sprouts, fruits (raisins, bananas, apricots) and complex carbohydrates  like dals . People with lactase deficiency and celiac disease (gut allergy to wheat) also suffer from excessive flatulence. Gases like   Methane, Hydrogen and Hydrogen Sulphide are the main component of flatulence. Hydrogen sulphide is responsible for the odor of the flatus.

Homeopathy offers a very effective cure for excessive gas problem.  Homeopathic medicines Carbo Veg ,Lycopodium and Nux Vomica  are few of the very effective ones. Carbo Veg can be used for nearly all kinds of excessive gas conditions though  more suited in conditions where the symptoms of bloating appear immediately after eating and everything that has been eaten seems to get converted into gas. Lycopodium is more suited for patients that have the problem of passing more flatulence and also when their problem tends to increase towards the evening hours. Nux  Vomica is one of the most effective   medicines for our digestive system  and is  used in conditions that are incidental to  modern living like excess of alcohol  and improper eating habits.

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Digestion Problems and Homeopathy

Common digestion problems and their remedies
By Dr Vikas Sharma

SEDENTARY life-style, prolonged work hours, excessive mental strain and consumption of rich food stimulants such as alcohol, coffee and tea have made gastric problems like acidity into routine disorders. Not adding to the already “not-so-health-friendly” regimen that we follow, homeopathic medicines are non-toxic and by far the safest form of treatment available for such ailments.

Gas formation

Although some gas formation is considered normal during digestion, excess of it can cause great discomfort at times .Recent researches show that people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have very low tolerance to gas formation. Thus, for some even moderate amount of gas can cause major symptoms. Signs and symptoms can vary – distension, bloating pain in the abdominal area, discomfort extending to the chest area, etc.

Carbo vegetablis (better known as carbo veg) is the most preferred homeopathic medicine for treating acute gas attacks. Carbo veg is made from vegetable charcoal. It can be used in cases that complain of immediate bloating after meals and also where the abdomen becomes hard and their are abdominal pains too. Everything that the patient eats seems to turn into gas. Three doses of 30c potency taken internally at an interval of 15 minutes each should help in relieving the distressing symptoms.

Acidity or heartburn

Acidity or heartburn is a burning discomfort that is generally felt in the chest just behind the breastbone. The burning sensation results when harsh stomach juices come in contact with and irritate the delicate lining of the esophagus, the tube-like structure that connects the mouth to the stomach.

Natrum carb is an important homeopathic medicine for the treatment of hyperacidity or heartburn. Three-four doses of natrum carb 30 c each taken at an interval of 15 minutes should be sufficient to relieve the acute suffering.

Please note that the treatment mentioned here is only for acute phase of the diseases. Self-medication should be avoided in chronic cases and also when medical help is easily accessible.

Digest this!
It is not only what we eat, but also how and when we eat makes the difference.

Schedule your meals
The basic purpose of having a digestive system is to break complex food substances into simpler ones for them to be easily absorbed into our body. So the stomach is selective in digesting things. For a simple bowl of dal and some chapatis may take not more than an hour to be digested, but a heavy meal such as a butter chicken can take even hours.

And also our digestive system needs rest. So when we sleep the process of digestion also slows down. Food left undigested can cause discomfort, so if you plan for a heavy meal in the evening, make sure that you have it in time. A simple walk after dinner may aid digestion.

Go slow
We usually tend to eat much more than we actually need to. Because the signals that indicate satiety to the brain from the stomach are slightly delayed. So, the best way to avoid overeating is to eat slowly and to stop just before the satiety level.

Break up your intake
Having 2-3 large meals is generally what most people like to have. It is not a very healthy practice and usually burdens our digestive system. Try and break your total food intake into many short meals.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321


The Holistic Concept …. Dr. Vikas Sharma

A lot is usually said about the funny little questions that homoeopaths often ask. Even comedian Jaspal Bhatti couldn’t resist making fun of it about a decade back. Speaking from a patient’s point of view, frankly, a lot many questions do sound too strange. But the truth is that asking too many questions shows a lot of medical wisdom. It certainly helps in deciding the line of treatment.

Let us for a while consider a hypothetical situation where you have chronic skin and a nasal allergy and you visit a homoeopath for its treatment, and a physician starts asking about your nightmares or your response to anger, or if you weep very easily or about your worst moment in life, etc. The physician may also ask about the kind of diseases and lifestyle your forefathers had.

Surely, this is not what you expect when you visit a physician. More so, it makes you wonder what emotions and stress have to do with nasal and skin allergy.

Recent researches suggest that the human body stands as a single entity with the mind and body as an indivisible continuum, and the old concept of mind-body dualism seems more obsolete than ever. A whole new range of diseases called psychosomatic diseases have been identified in the last few decades.

In some disorders, a necessary biological component (eg the genetic tendency to asthma), when combined with psychological reactions and stress (e.g. depression, loss of a loved one), results in conditions sufficient to produce a disorder.

A recent research in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology (a branch that deals with the relationship between our immune system, the psychological and physical aspects of our nervous system) has shown an interrelationship between reactions affecting the mind (brain) and alterations in immune responses mediated by lymphocytes and lymphokines. Thus, changes at our psychological level can make our allergies go berserk or even reduce our resistance to infections. So, it makes great sense when the homoeopath assesses your psychological stress levels in order to treat the skin and nasal allergy.

‘But what have my father’s smoking and drinking habits got to do with my skin and nasal allergy?’ Crazy as it may sound, but it does mean much more than you can think of. Researchers in the field of genetics found in a study conducted in Europe that the grandchildren of well-fed adolescents had a greater risk of dying from diabetes whereas those descended from the famine were less likely to die of heart disease. This suggests that factors such as lifestyle and diet not only influence our susceptibility to disease but also leave a trail of foot prints on our genome.

This means that the earlier belief that at the stage of fertilization the genome is completely reprogrammed is not true, and that some changes survive the process. So, the information on the illness and the kind of lifestyle of your parents and grandparents actually gives the assessment of the kind of impressions you have inherited which the homoeopath in his language calls “miasms” and can be one of the factors influencing the prescription.

With growing evidence, we now know that the diseases in our body exist in a bigger parameter. The earlier belief the disease is just confined to an organ is not true.

Homoeopathy has always looked at this broad parameter to treat the sick, and even though it has an unconventional outlook it surely is a science that tries to understand you at the deepest level.

Broaden your horizon

Understanding the holstic concept of health can help you in overcoming many chronic disorders like allergies.

Work together

Homoeopaths always require a close cooperation from their patients. The more information you give to your physician about your health, the better are the chances of your disorder being cured?

All in the family

Medical history of your family is equally important and in some chronic disorders it can form the basis for prescription in homoeopathy. Also today if you are what your grandparents ate and how they exercised, your generations too depend upon how you lead your life. So, improve your lifestyle


IN a given situation, where one finds a hair in a bowl of soup, broadly four different types of human reactions occur. The first flies into a rage and throws the soup at the waiter. The second expresses disgust, shrugs it off, and leaves the restaurant. The third begins crying because bad things always happen to him. The fourth looks at the hair, picks it out and goes on eating. For many it may look like a humorous pantomime but for a skilled homeopath they are typologies – characters that fit into certain remedies.

Remedies, as homeopaths learn to realise them, step forth as personalities. For a homeopath this constellation of “body and mind types” haunts them everywhere they go – restaurants, trains, queues. They become creatures of temperaments – mental or physical. They have likes and dislikes craving and aversions, sensitiveness to meteoric conditions as well as to human interaction. They realise their terrors, real or imaginary – their strange obsessions.

Homeopaths acknowledge certain groupings of bodymind symptom patterns that a person has and which correspond with the sensitivity of a particular homeopathic medicine. The word “symptom” here is most broadly defined as any sensation that is discomforting or that limits a person’s physical or psychological functions. Homeopaths also enquire into factors (which homeopaths call “modalities”) that seem to aggravate or ameliorate these sensations. In addition to prescribing on these factors, a homeopath may utilise information about the person’s body type, temperament and disposition, and behavioural tendencies to determine the appropriate medicine.

There is, for instance, the “phosphorous type,” the “sulphur type”, the “arsenic type,” and the “natrum mur type”. Each of these typologies refers not only to a type of medical problem, for instance, but also to those factors that make it better or worse, other physical symptoms which may be related to it, various past or present symptoms and diseases, food cravings or aversions, sensitivity to temperature and weather, energy levels at varying times of the day.

Over the years many schools of homeopathic practice have come into existence. Some adhere strictly to the original principles laid down by Hahnemann while others have explored different methods of utilising homeopathic remedies Homeopathy is a rigorous discipline that demands both years of immersion and a commitment to its philosophy. Choosing a single remedy that is the most appropriate in any given situation can be very difficult. It depends on the practitioner’s understanding of which symptoms are the most significant.

Through a homoeopath’s viewfinder the set of most distinct, individual symptoms and also that are truly characteristic of the patient, form the basis of “constitutional prescribing”.

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Sinus Problems and Homeopathy

Sinusitis and Homeopathy … Dr. Vikas Sharma

THAT a cold is just a simple disease and would pass away without causing any harm is a misconception. Many a times this simple cold gets converted into a chronic disorder. Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal sinuses-hollow cavities within the cheekbones found around the eyes and behind the nose.

The primary functions of these sinuses are to warm, moisten and filter the air in the nasal cavity. They also play a role in our ability to vocalise certain sounds.

Sinusitis, which is common in winter, may last for months or years if inadequately treated. It can affect the nose, eyes or middle ear, and may be indicated by profuse, thick, coloured nasal drainage, bad-tasting post-nasal drip, cough, head congestion and an accompanying headache. Symptoms may also include a plugged-up nose, a feeling of facial swelling, toothache, constant tiredness, and occasionally fever.

There are two types of sinusitis. Acute sinusitis, is often caused by a bacterial infection and usually develops as a complication five to 10 days after the first symptoms of a respiratory infection such as the common cold.

Then there is chronic sinusitis, which may also be caused by bacterial infection. Although colds are the most common cause for acute sinusitis, those with allergies may also be predisposed to develop this problem.

As always, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. To avoid developing sinusitis during a cold or allergy attack, keep your sinuses clear by:

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