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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Solar Urticaria

Solar urticaria is a rare skin condition characterised by an itchy, red rash on the skin on exposure to sunlight. The rash develops a few minutes after exposure to the sun. Solar urticaria is also known by the name of sun allergy. Solar urticaria does not occur due to the heat of the sun but from a reaction to the UV rays (ultraviolet rays) in the sunlight. Such reactions may also occur from exposure to ultraviolet light emitted from artificial sources of light. Solar urticaria is different from heat rash. Heat rash occurs from clogged skin pores and accumulation of sweat under the clothes, especially, in the skin folds. This may even happen in the absence of exposure to sunlight. While solar urticaria typically arises from exposure to sunlight, it is believed that it arises from an over-reaction of the immune system in some persons when their body is exposed to sunlight. In those suffering from solar urticaria on exposure to sunlight, histamine (a chemical released by the immune system that is known to cause allergy symptoms) is released. This results in a reaction leading to redness, rash, and itching on the skin along with other symptoms. This condition usually affects people in their mid-30s. Both men and women can be equally affected by this condition. Though, anyone can suffer from solar urticaria people with lighter skin complexion are at more risk. Having a family history of this condition also increMases the risk of developing the same. People who are already suffering from some allergies are also at risk of this condition. Further, the use of dyes, perfumes, sunscreens or use of certain medicines like antibiotics may trigger solar urticaria. Solar urticaria causes skin rash with round bumps on the skin when exposed to the sun. These bumps may form clusters on the affected skin area. The rash is itchy. A stinging or burning sensation may also be felt. Pain may also be felt at times. In some cases, there forms fluid-filled eruptions called blisters and crusts on eruptions. The rash goes away in a few hours after the sun exposure ends. The reaction varies from mild to severe. The intensity of the reaction depends on how much skin area is exposed to the sun and for how long. When a large area of skin is exposed for a long time then there are chances of a severe reaction. In severe cases, there might occur headache, nausea, vomiting and lightheadedness as well. Rare solar urticaria can lead to a serious reaction called anaphylaxis. It is a life-threatening condition which needs immediate medical help. Its symptoms include difficulty in breathing, wheezing, rapid heartbeat, feeling faint, confusion, swelling in deep layers of skin, anxiety, low blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Homeopathic Management

There is great scope of managing solar urticaria in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines moderate the overactive immune system naturally to help in healing the rash in acute cases and to manage attending symptoms like itching, burning, stinging and pain in the eruptions. They also help in long-term (chronic) cases of solar urticaria by gradually reducing the intensity and frequency of symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually in every case of solar urticaria after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for solar urticaria under supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Though these medicine are very safe to use, caution is needed in serious cases with anaphylaxis. In anaphylaxis, which is a life threatening condition, homeopathic treatment is not recommended. In such cases immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment is strictly advised.

Homeopathic Medicines For Solar Urticaria

1. Natrum Mur – Topmost Homeopathic Medicine

Among the various homeopathic medicines for managing solar urticarial, Natrum Mur tops the list. This medicine is indicated when a large red rash is formed with bumps on the skin. The rash covers a large surface area of the skin. It is accompanied by violent itching in most of the cases. A stinging sensation is felt in the rash. There is a crawling sensation on the skin all over the body. Besides the above indications, this medicine is also recommended when fluid-filled eruptions (blisters) appear on the skin.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Urticaria With Burning, Stinging Sensation

The other highly recommended medicine to manage cases of solar urticaria is Apis Mellifica. The most prominent feature to use this medicine is the urticaria rash with prominent burning and stinging sensation. It feels as if it is occurring from bee stings. Red inflamed patches appear on the skin. Wheals are formed which may be red spots or white spots with redness in the center. There is itching and prickling sensation on the affected skin area. Along with the above features, there may be sensitivity of skin to touch where eruptions appear.

3. Urtica Urens – For Urticaria With Intense Itching

Urtica Urens is another well indicated medicine for managing cases of urticaria with violent itching. In cases needing this medicine, raised red patches appear on the skin with intense itching. There is marked redness on the skin, along with burning heat. There is formication (a sensation as if insects are crawling on or under the skin). Stinging points may appear on the skin. There is a desire to rub the skin constantly to get relief where this medicine is required.

4. Bovista – For Widespread Urticaria Rash

Bovista is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases where hives are widespread on the skin. The wheals are quite large in size. Itching gets worse from heat. Itching continues even after scratching.

5. Histaminum – For Red Itchy Eruptions Better By Scratching

Histaminum is an important medicine in homeopathy to manage many allergic reactions. It is well indicated when red itchy eruptions appear on the skin which get relieved by scratching. Burning sensation attends it. The affected skin is sensitive to touch. There is marked redness and heat on the face along with above features.

6. Astacus Fluviatilis – For Urticaria With Itching and Stinging

Astacus Fluviatilis is another effective medicine for cases of urticaria. This medicine is indicated for managing urticaria with itching in various areas. Additionally, there is stinging pain on the skin. The rash may cover a large area.

7. Copaiva – For Urticaria With Isolated Patches On Skin

Copaiva is recommended for treating urticaria with isolated patches of rash on the skin. These may be pale red or bright red. There is excessive itching. Urticaria may be widespread attended with a red face. The skin is dry along with a heated sensation. The affected skin area is sensitive to touch. Pricking sensation is felt on the skin.

8. Arsenic Album – For Urticaria With Burning Sensation

Arsenic Album is of great use when urticaria is accompanied with a burning sensation in the rash. Along with this there is marked restlessness. In general, the skin is dry, rough and scaly. Peeling of the skin may occur in some cases requiring this medicine. The skin is also oversensitive to touch. Itching is felt in the skin rash which gets worse by scratching.






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What Are Liver Spots And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Liver spots, also called sun spots, refer to small, flat spots of relatively dark color on the skin. These mainly form on the skin area exposed to sun like face, arms and hands. These may have dark brown, gray, black or tan color. These are harmless but one may seek their treatment for cosmetic reasons. Though named liver spots, they have no link or association with liver. Liver spots do in no way mean that there are any issues in the normal functioning of the liver. Liver spots are also known by other names like age spots and solar lentigines. These are non-cancerous. Skin pigmentation results from melanin (a pigment that imparts color to skin, hair, eyes) which is produced by melanocyte cells found in the bottom layer of the epidermis on the skin.  Age spots appear from an increased production of melanin pigment on exposure to sun. The ultraviolet radiations of the sun boost the formation of melanin pigment. Melanin forms a protective shield to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiations when exposed to the sun. When skin is repeatedly exposed to excessive sun exposure for a long time, excessive melanin accumulates or forms clumps to form dark spots called liver spots. Liver spots form as a part of aging, excessive exposure to sun over a period of time or from sunburn. Heredity factors also play a role in the formation of liver spots. These are commonly seen in persons aged above 50 years. Though anyone can be affected, they are common in persons having light-colored skin.  Hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause also predispose women to formation of liver spots. Smoking and tobacco use is also linked with formation of liver spots. In many cases, liver spots form without any identifiable cause. These spots are flat and circular or oval shaped. The size of liver spots varies ranging from 1 mm to 13 mm in size. They may form groups. Though any skin area can be affected, the most common skin area affected is the one that is exposed to sun over a period of time like the back of the hands, face, upper back, shoulders and upper area of feet. These don’t itch and are not painful.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing complaints of liver spots. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that bring great improvement in these cases with zero side effects. They help in halting further formation of liver spots along with fading the spots already present. The results vary from case to case depending on the duration and intensity of the complaint. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for cases of liver spots is selected individually as per the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Hence it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. In no case self – medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Liver Spots

1. Lycopodium Topmost Medicine

Lycopodium is a very effective medicine in managing cases of liver spots. In cases needing it, the spots are brown colored. They are mainly present on the face, neck, arms and chest. Some may be itchy as well. The skin is unhealthy. In general, dryness of the skin is present. It can be attended with itching. Heat and burning sensation may appear on the skin when the weather becomes warm or hot. Pricking pains on different skin areas may occur sometimes.

2. Sepia For Brown Spots On Back, Elbow, Abdomen, Chest

Sepia is of great use to manage brownish spots on the skin. In most cases needing it, these occur on the back and elbow, abdomen and chest. In some cases, yellowish-brown spots appear on the neck. In general, skin itching may be present. On scratching, burning is felt at the place of itching.

3. Thuja For Light Brown Spots On Face

Thuja is another highly beneficial medicine for managing complaints of liver spots. It works well in cases of light brown spots on the face. The face is red along with a heated sensation. There may be well-defined redness on the cheeks. The skin on the affected area of the face may peel off when washed. It also helps when brownish spots form on the chest or abdomen. The skin may feel itchy in different parts. It can be attended with a sensation as if the skin is pricked with needles. There is excessive sweating on the uncovered parts.

4. Sulphur For Yellowish-Brown Flat Spots On Skin

Sulphur is a highly recommended medicine for managing yellowish-brown flat spots on the skin. Along with this, the skin is rough and scaly. Those needing this medicine frequently complain of skin itching in different body parts. Itching keeps shifting from one part to another. The itchy areas become painful after scratching. Along with this, burning sensation may be felt as well. A sensation of insects crawling on the skin may be felt in some cases along with the above complaints.

5. Nitric Acid – To Manage Brown Colored Spots On Face

It is a useful medicine for managing brown-colored spots on the face. The face looks pale with redness on the cheeks. There is scaliness on the face. In some cases, black pores appear on the face. It is also helpful for cases having copper-colored spots on the hands and arms. In general, the skin is dry and itchy with burning heat.

6. Arsenic Album – For Brown Spots On Skin

Another medicine in list to help cases of liver spots is Arsenic Album. This medicine helps to treat brownish spots on the skin. Burning and itching may be felt in different areas on the skin. The skin is dry and rough where this medicine is required. Scales may be present along with the spots. The skin looks muddy and unwashed.

7. Borax – For Liver Spots With Peeling Of Skin

Borax is also a good medicine for managing liver spots. Those needing it have unhealthy skin. There is peeling of the skin in many cases. Besides, there is a very prominent sensation of cobweb like structures appearing on the skin of face and hands.

8. Calcarea Carb – For Light Brown Spots On Face

This medicine is valuable to manage light brown-colored spots on the face. There is a heated sensation on the face. The face looks pale. Excessive sweating is noted on the face. In general, the skin is scaly.

9. Mezereum – For Dark Colored Spots On Chest And Arms

Mezereum is an important medicine to manage cases of liver spots on the chest and arms that are very dark. This can be attended with peeling of the skin. The skin is rough here and there. Itching on the skin may be felt that gets worse in bed. On scratching, the place of itching changes. Burning also occurs after scratching.

10. Phosphorus – For Irregular Brown Spots On Skin

This medicine is indicated for brownish irregular spots on the skin. They may be present over a small or large skin area. They are mostly seen on the neck, back, chest and inner side of arms. These are a little rough to touch. The skin is dry and scaly.


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What is Spongiotic Dermatitis And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin. When dermatitis is accompanied by swelling from fluid build-up in the skin it is termed as spongiotic eczema. Any skin area can be affected by this dermatitis. This can occur on a localised area of the skin or can be present on a much bigger skin surface. In spongiotic dermatitis there is redness, itching, dryness, and cracks along with swelling. There are several reasons behind spongiotic eczema. Firstly, it can occur from some sort of allergic reaction. Secondly, it may result from irritation by some substances like cosmetic products, chemicals, etc. The third reason can be stress. Hormonal fluctuations also may lead to it. Another cause could be a fungal infection. If one has a family history of atopic dermatitis, such a person is predisposed to spongiotic dermatitis. Its signs and symptoms include skin rash, redness on the skin, skin dryness, scaly skin, blisters that may ooze fluid and also cracks on the skin. These complaints are accompanied by swelling. Itching, burning and stinging sensations on the skin can also be present.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural and effective treatment if someone has spongiotic dermatitis. These medicines help reduce skin inflammation and swelling, and stop any progression of this condition. It also works in managing the signs and symptoms of this condition which include dryness, redness, fluid-filled eruptions, scales on the skin, and also itching, pain, and burning sensation felt on the skin. These are helpful in acute as well as long-term cases of spongiotic eczema. These medicines have zero side-effects and work to aid natural recovery. Homeopathic medicines to treat these cases are decided after detailed case-analysis based on the characteristic features in every individual. So, one should always consult a homeopath for the best homeopathic prescription after in-depth case evaluation.

Homeopathic Medicines For Spongiotic dermatitis

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a top medicine to help if one has spongiotic eczema. For those who need this medicine, the formation of rough eruptions on the skin is present. An accompanying factor is that there is swelling on the skin. Another very important accompanying symptom is a stinging sensation on the skin. Burning sensations and itching are felt on the skin as well. Itching mainly begins in the arms and later spreads to the entire body. Itching disturbs sleep at night. It gets better upon scratching. Redness on the skin is also present. The affected skin is also sore and sensitive to touch. A prickling sensation on the skin occurs mainly on the face, back, palms, hands and forehead in well-defined spots.

2. Sulphur – For Swelling Accompanied By A Burning Sensation

Sulphur is another top medicine that helps manage swelling on the skin along with a burning sensation. There is the presence of itchy spots on different body parts. Upon scratching, the spots become painful. Bleeding might also take place after one scratches. Those who witness worsening itching at night are usually the patients who should be administered this medicine. Itching may not remain local to one part of the body, it may travel to different body parts. Additionally, a crawling sensation on the skin may occur. The skin can be dry. It can be accompanied by scales on the skin. Scabs may also occur on the skin. It can be sore to touch. In some cases, small fluid-filled eruptions may be present on the skin (blisters). Sulphur is also administered for eruptions on the arms, face, and neck with yellow scabs.

3. Rhus Tox – For Redness On Skin Which Appear With Swelling

This medicine is administered to manage skin redness along with the presence of swelling. An accompanying factor is severe itching. There is a constant urge to scratch the affected part of the skin. The more one scratches the skin, the urge to scratch it increases. Stinging and tingling sensation is also felt on the skin. Next, this medicine is also administered against eruptions on the skin with formation of scales. Burning sensation is an accompanying factor. Rhus Tox can also manage quite well tiny fluid-filled eruptions accompanied by redness. Further, this medicine is administered to manage eruptions covered with thick crust. There is oozing of fluid from these eruptions along with a foul smell. Besides, the above, this medicine is of great use when there is dermatitis on the face with swelling around the eyelids.

4. Graphites – For Eruptions Oozing Sticky Fluid And Also For Dry Skin

Graphites are of great use in cases where there are eruptions that ooze a sticky fluid with swelling. The fluid is watery and transparent. Secondly, it is a highly valuable medicine to manage dryness and roughness on the skin. Cracks on the skin may also be an accompanying factor. For those who need it the most prominent skin areas affected are the face, bends of the elbows and knees, and skin between the fingers and scalp. When the scalp is affected crusty eruptions form on the scalp. These are itchy and painful to touch. These cause the matting of hair together. Lastly, this medicine can manage eruptions with scales or the formation of flakes.

5. Natrum Mur – For Cases Having Fluid-Filled Eruptions

This medicine is very beneficial for managing cases with fluid-filled eruptions i.e. blisters. These eruptions can burst and leave scales on the skin. This is accompanied by swelling on the skin. Next, this medicine is helpful for dry crusty eruptions in the bends of the elbows. Eruptions forming at the margins of the scalp is yet another prominent indication to use this medicine. Lastly dry eruptions behind the ears are effectively treated with this medicine.

6. Arsenic Album – For Rough, Scaly Skin By Swelling

Arsenic Album is the most suitable medicine for cases with rough, scaly skin eruptions and swelling on the skin. The skin goes very dry. There is peeling of the skin in the form of large scales. It is accompanied by marked itching and burning sensation. Scratching enhances the burning sensation. It may also lead to bleeding. The skin also presents with high sensitivity to touch. Besides the above, this medicine is indicated to manage itchy sand-like eruptions.

7. Petroleum – For Cases With Cracks On Skin

Petroleum is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage cases of dermatitis with cracks on the skin. There is intense roughness and dryness of the skin. The skin can also be hard. The cracks can be deep and bleeding tends to occur from the cracks. The skin is swollen. Next, this medicine can be used for eruptions on the skin covered with thick scabs. It is also the most suitable medicine to manage dermatitis that gets worse in winter.

8. Psorinum – For Small Fluid Filled Or Dry Scaly Eruptions On Skin

Psorinum is an excellent medicine for cases presented with tiny fluid-filled eruptions (blisters) on the skin. It is accompanied by swelling. This medicine is also indicated for dry scaly eruptions. It is a very effective medicine when dermatitis worsens after severe exertion. It is accompanied by swelling on the fingers. For those who need it, swelling may also occur on eyelids with dermatitis. In most of the cases, where this medicine is required dermatitis appears on the scalp, in elbow bends and armpits. Next, an intolerable itching occurs on the skin that disturbs the sleep. This medicine is also helpful for small eruptions filled with yellow fluid appearing on the face, and the forehead. These are painful to touch.





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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Scalp Eczema

Eczema is a condition that causes skin inflammation along with red, rough, dry and itchy skin. Other signs and symptoms may appear like flaking of skin, oily skin, thickening of skin, blister formation, itching, soreness, burning sensation, darkening of skin and pain. There are different types of scalp eczema. These mainly include seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and cradle cap. The cause depends on the type of scalp eczema. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition with red, inflamed skin covered by flakes/scales that are greasy and mainly appear on the scalp. Other areas where it may appear are behind the ear, on the face, eyelashes, eyebrows and chest. The exact reason behind seborrheic dermatitis is not clear yet. A few factors that may result in seborrheic dermatitis are overgrowth of mallasezia globose, (a type of yeast) found on the scalp and weak immunity. Other factors include greasy skin, a family history of seborrheic dermatitis, and an increase in androgen hormones.

Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema which is thought to develop from dysfunction of the immune system. In this kind of eczema, genetic factors are thought to play a role. So persons with a family history of eczema or an atopic disease, for example, allergic rhinitis and asthma, are at risk. Atopic dermatitis commonly occurs in young children though persons of any age group can be affected.

Contact dermatitis refers to skin rash occurring from direct contact or an allergic reaction on coming in contact with an allergen (like hair care products, hair accessories, fragrances). Cradle cap is a skin condition that causes greasy, crusty patches on the baby’s scalp. Along with this, white or yellow scales form that are difficult to detach. Mild inflammation can attend it. Usually, no itching occurs in it. It occurs in the early months of the baby after birth and usually goes away before one year of age. Besides the scalp, the scales may also form on nose, eyelids, ears and groin. Cradle cap is also known as infantile seborrheic dermatitis.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing cases of scalp eczema. Homeopathic medicines aid self-recovery in the most natural way by targeting the root cause behind it. They focus on curing this condition rather than causing its suppression. Homeopathic medicines help in healing the eruptions and prevent new eruptions. Along with this, they also manage discharges and other associated symptoms like itching, burning, and pain. Homeopathic medicines are helpful in acute as well as long-term (chronic) cases of scalp eczema.  These medicines are of natural origin with zero side effects. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to get any case of scalp eczema evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the most suitable homeopathic prescription. It is advised to avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Scalp Eczema

1. Graphites – Top Grade Medicine

Graphites is a top recommended homeopathic medicine for managing cases of scalp eczema. Firstly, this medicine is indicated when crusty eruptions appear all over the scalp. The eruptions are painful and sore to touch. Matting of hair happens due to crust formation. The scalp is itchy. Burning sensation is felt on the scalp on the top of the head. Secondly, this medicine is indicated for flakiness or scaliness on the head. It is accompanied by itching. Next, this medicine is prominent for managing eruptions on scalp that ooze fluid. The fluid is sticky. In some cases, pus may ooze out from the eruptions.

2. Arsenic Album – For Eczema With Eruptions Covered With Flakes

This medicine is effective for cases where eruptions on the scalp are covered with dry scales/flakes. Dry crusts or scabs may also form on the scalp. Sometimes the eczema begins from the ear and then spreads to the scalp and the face. The eczema may also extend to the neck and forehead. Itching and burning occurs on the scalp, mostly in the evening. The scalp may be sensitive to touch along with the above complaints.

3. Petroleum – For Thick Greenish Yellow Crusts On Scalp

This medicine is highly beneficial to manage scalp eczema with thick, greenish-yellow crusts. Yellow fluid oozes out from the crusty eruptions. The hair gets glued together and matted by the discharge. The scalp is red and raw. Itching and burning is felt on the scalp. The scalp is also sore to touch especially after scratching. Sometimes, cracks appear on the scalp with easy bleeding.

4. Mezereum – For Eczema With Thick Crusts And Pus Underneath

This medicine is useful for cases where thick crusts form on the scalp with pus underneath. Hair become sticky and matted from the discharge. There is violent itching on the scalp. When scratched, the itching shifts to another location. Burning type of pain is also prominent. Itching eruptions may also extend behind the ears.

5. Natrum Mur – When Eruptions Ooze Fluid That Damage Hair

Natrum Mur is a suitable medicine when fluid discharge from eruptions destroys the hair. There is intense itching on the scalp and neck. In some cases, white scales are present on the scalp. This medicine is also indicated when eczema occurs along the margins of the scalp. Here, crusty dry eruptions occur on the scalp margin.

6. Kali Sulph – For Cases With Yellow, Greasy Flakes

This medicine is very helpful for cases with yellow, greasy, sticky flakes on scalp. The flakes are moist and cause itching. Sometimes hair loss occurs on the scalp.

7. Sulphur – To Manage Itching On Scalp

This medicine is of great help to manage itching on the scalp. The itching in most cases gets worse in the evening. Pimples or pustular (pus-filled) eruptions may be present on the scalp. Fluid-filled eruptions may develop on top of the scalp. Later, they get covered with yellowish or brownish crusts. Thick moist crust can form on the back of the head. Eczema may also occur along the margin of the hairy scalp on the back side from one ear to another. Lastly, this medicine is indicated for eruptions on the back of head and behind ears. These eruptions may bleed. Burning occurs in these eruptions.

8. Silicea – With Excessive Sweating On Scalp

This medicine can be used when eczema is attended with increased sweating on the scalp. Sweat usually is profuse at night. It has a sour smell. In most cases needing it, pus-filled eruptions i.e. pustules form on the scalp. The pustules can also extend to the neck. There is marked itching in the pustules.

9. Calcarea Carb – For Yellowish White Scales Or Thick Scabs On Scalp

This medicine is well-indicated for yellowish-white scales on the scalp. The scales may be small or big. These can be dry or moist. They can sometimes be thin and at other times thick. This medicine works well in cases of thick scabs on the scalp with yellow pus. It may spread to the face in some of the cases. Another indication for its use is thick scabs on the scalp that bleed when scratched. Lastly, it is a suitable medicine when thick-crusted eruptions appear at the back of the head and then spread to the entire head. It is attended with itching, pain and soreness. One may feel a crawling sensation on the head.


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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Allergy From Cosmetics

Cosmetics are used by most of us these days. However, they can cause skin allergies in some cases. Cosmetics allergy refers to a skin reaction caused by some ingredient present in the cosmetic product. The ingredients that may serve allergens may include preservatives, fragrance, dyes, or metals present in cosmetics. Allergy may occur from different cosmetics and beauty products like makeup products, lipsticks, nail polish, soaps, shampoo, lotions, perfumes, hair dyes, etc. Allergies can be mild leading to slight signs and symptoms or severe varying from case to case. It can cause allergies of two types. The first type is irritant contact dermatitis in which there is irritation and damage of the skin from cosmetics like a makeup product. Second type is allergic contact dermatitis in which there is an oversensitive reaction of the immune system to an allergen present in the cosmetic. Though an allergic reaction may happen on any body part but it usually occurs on the face, lips, eyes, neck and ears. The signs and symptoms may include a rash on the skin, hives (itchy bumps on skin from allergic reaction), reddish spots on skin; itchy, stinging or burning sensation on the skin, flaking or peeling of skin, blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on the skin, pustules (pus-filled bumps) on the skin and skin darkening. There may be swelling on the eyes and lips and also itchy, watery, red eyes. In some cases, a severe reaction called anaphylaxis may be seen that needs immediate medical help. Some of the symptoms of anaphylaxis include swollen throat or tongue that can cause blockage of airways, breathing difficulty, wheezing, dizziness, weak and rapid pulse and low blood pressure.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a very safe option to manage skin allergy caused by cosmetics. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that are safe to use with zero side effects. These medicines help to moderate the overactive immune system to control an allergic reaction and bring great relief in the signs and symptoms. These medicines effectively manage skin rashes, hives, skin redness, itchy, stinging or burning sensation on skin, flaking or peeling of skin, and blisters on the skin. Homeopathic medicines are selected based on the signs and symptoms in every case after a detailed analysis. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the consultation of a homeopathic doctor. Avoid self-medication in any case. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases of skin allergy from cosmetics but in severe cases, help from conventional mode of treatment is advised. Be watchful for any signs of anaphylaxis that occur in a severe allergic reaction where one should immediately take help from conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis as homeopathy has limitations in handling these serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Allergy From Cosmetics

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a highly effective medicine to manage cases of skin allergy from cosmetics. This medicine can be used when there is redness and heat on the face caused by an allergy. Swelling may also be there accompanied by a burning sensation. Stinging or a prickling sensation may also be felt. At times, there is formication (sensation as if insects are crawling on or under the skin) on the face. The skin may be hypersensitive even to the slightest touch. There is urge to wash the face with cold water where this medicine is required. This medicine is also recommended when hives (itchy raised bumps on the skin from an allergic reaction) appear on the face. There appear red, raised inflamed patches on the affected part of the skin with marked itching. Burning/stinging also occurs on the hives.

2. Bovista – To Manage Pimples From Cosmetic Use

This medicine is well indicated to manage pimples on the face from the use of cosmetics. Heated sensation is felt in the cheeks. In some cases needing it, crusts are formed around the nostrils and corners of the mouth. Dry and cracked lips may also be present where Bovista is required.

3. Arsenic Album – For Dry, Rough Rash With Flakes

This medicine is useful for managing dry, rough rash on the skin which is covered with flakes. There is peeling of the skin as well. Itching and burning sensation on the rash are marked. The complaint gets worse from cold. There may also occur pimples or fluid-filled eruptions on the face. It is attended with itching and burning that gets worse at night. It also gets worse from exposure to cold air while there is relief in a warm environment. Stinging pains are also felt on the face. Other than the above indications, use of this medicine is also suggested for managing blackish discoloration on the skin.

4. Sulphur – To Manage Itching In Affected Skin Area

Sulphur is very helpful in managing cases with marked skin itching. In cases requiring this medicine, there is worsening of itching mostly at night. Burning sensation on the skin follows scratching of the skin. Bleeding points may also appear on the skin after scratching. Pain is felt on the affected skin area after scratching. The skin is dry and scaly. Formication, means sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin, can also be felt. At times, there may occur stitching or prickling sensation on the skin in addition to the above complaints.

5. Graphites – For Managing Dry, Rough Skin With Cracks

Graphites is a prominently indicated medicine to manage dryness and roughness on the skin besides the development of cracks. It is attended with itching. There are bumps on the skin after scratching the skin. Besides,  this medicine is also indicated when blisters appear on the skin that tend to ooze out a sticky, gluey discharge. These blisters may also get covered with crusts after some time. This medicine is next considered for managing pimples along with itching. Flushes of heat on the face are also felt. Lastly, this medicine can be used for managing cases where nails get brittle, deformed, and painful.

6. Natrum Mur – To Manage Hives And Blisters

Natrum Mur is another beneficial medicine besides Apis Mellifica to manage hives from allergies. In cases requiring it, large red bumps form on the skin. It is accompanied by violent itching. Other than this, Natrum Mur can be used for treating fluid–filled eruptions i.e. blisters on the skin. These eruptions break and get covered with flakes afterwards. Natrum Mur can further be used when lips become dry and cracks develop on the lips and also at corners of the mouth.

7. Rhus Tox – To Manage Thick, Crusty, Eruptions

Rhus Tox is a suitable medicine for managing cases presenting with thick crusty eruptions. These ooze fluid that has a very foul smell. The eruptions are itchy along with a burning sensation. There is an urge to scratch the skin eruptions and the urge increases once it is scratched. Tingling pains in eruptions can also be felt. It is also useful when eruptions appear along with the formation of scales.

8. Psorinum – For Heat And Redness On Face

This medicine is effective for managing heat and redness on the face. Pimples may attend it on the cheeks, nose or chin. There is roughness on the face. The upper lip may be swollen. There may be marked sweating on the face.



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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines To Treat Recurrent Skin Abscess

Abscess refers to a lump containing pus. These commonly form on the skin but can also appear in organs like lungs, kidneys, liver, and tonsils. The abscess that forms on skin is known as cutaneous abscess. This article relates to the skin abscess only. In case of abscess on skin, pus may ooze out. Abscess can be painful and warm to touch. Redness and swelling may be seen in the abscess area on the skin.  An abscess results from an infection. An abscess develops when bacteria gain entry into the skin via damaged skin like a cut on the skin. It leads to pus formation and abscess development. The most common bacteria involved in abscess formation is staphylococcus aureus. But other bacteria can also lead to abscess like streptococcus pyogenes, mycobacterium tuberculosis and also fungal infections might lead to abscess formation in some cases. A cutaneous abscess can form on different areas on the skin and among these the common locations include armpits (axilla), perianal skin (area around the anus), groin (the area where the thigh and abdomen join) and on the skin above the tailbone. The abscess can be single or multiple varying from case to case. An abscess can heal and never reappear, while in some cases, there is a tendency of recurrent abscesses appearing now and then.

Some of the factors that contribute to the formation of recurrent abscess include diabetes, weak immunity, nutritional deficiencies like iron, poor blood circulation and suppressed immunity due to the use of systemic steroids. Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus may also be one of the reasons behind recurrent abscess. In some cases, a medical condition named hidradenitis suppurative may be the reason behind formation of recurrent abscess. This condition is also known by another name i.e. acne inversa. In this condition, small painful lumps appear under the skin in areas like armpits, buttocks, groin and breasts. These lumps tend to get well slowly and have a tendency to recur often. They may form tunnels under the skin connecting the abscesses, and leave scars. Pus and blood can get drained from these lumps and this discharge has a highly offensive smell. It generally affects areas like armpits, buttocks, groins, folds under the breast, nape of the neck, waist and genitals. This condition results from blockage of hair follicles and is not caused by poor hygiene. Some of the risk factors for this condition include family history of this condition, excessive hair growth, being overweight and smoking.  This condition is also associated with some medical conditions including arthritis (joint inflammation), intense acne, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD which is an autoimmune condition that inflames and damages the gastrointestinal tract).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer natural, safe and effective treatment in cases of recurrent abscess formation on the skin. These medicines help to eradicate the tendency to have frequent abscess formation. The tendency gradually gets decreased with the use of these  medicines. Besides these homeopathic medicines also help in healing acute abscess on the skin. The homeopathic approach involves boosting the disease-fighting mechanism of the body to fight bacteria and eradicate them from the body and aid the healing of abscess. These medicines help in reducing redness, heat, inflammation and discharges from the abscess with resultant complete recovery. Homeopathic medicines for healing abscess and overcoming tendency of recurrent abscess are prescribed individually for every case as per the presenting signs and symptoms. It is recommended to get any case of recurrent abscess evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines as per physician’s advice. Self- medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines To Treat Recurrent Skin Abscess

1. Hepar Sulph – Top Recommended Medicine

Hepar Sulph is a top recommended medicine for cases where there is a tendency of recurrent abscess formation. Those needing it have frequent abscess formation with pus discharge that is blood stained. The pus discharge is scanty. The pus has a very foul smell. The skin area above the abscess is quite inflamed. The abscess feels hard. Warmth is also felt on touching the abscess. There is increased sensitivity of abscess to touch. Abscess is highly painful. The pain can be stabbing, throbbing or like that of a splinter (a small sharp piece of glass or wood broken from a big object). There is increased pain at night. Exposure to cold also worsens the pain. Besides treating the tendency of recurrent abscess, this medicine is equally beneficial to help cases of acute abscess. In acute cases, this medicine is indicated to hasten the recovery from abscess by speeding up the process of pus formation and its expulsion, and natural speedy recovery.

2. Sulphur – To Treat Recurrent Abscess Formation With Passage Of Yellowish Pus

Sulphur is another well-indicated medicine to overcome the tendency of recurrent abscesses. In cases needing it, there is recurrent abscess formation with passage of yellowish pus. The pus has a very offensive smell. This medicine is also indicated when pus-filled lumps are formed on the skin in crops (means in multiple numbers lying close together). This medicine is also considered when a pus-filled lump forms soon after the healing of previous one. There is dryness and scaling of the skin. There may be skin itching and burning sensation in the soles of the feet along with the above complaints in cases where this medicine is required.

3. Silicea – To Help Tendency Of Multiple Number Of Abscess At A Same Time

This medicine is very effective when there is a tendency to have multiple abscesses at the same time. In cases requiring this medicine, the pus discharge has a highly offensive smell. The discharge varies in amount from scanty to profuse. Thin and watery discharge is noted sometimes. The discharge can be brownish-colored. This medicine is indicated for cases where hard nodes are left after the healing of abscess. There is a tendency to increased sweating along with the above indications when this medicine is needed.

4. Calcarea Sulph – To overcome tendency of recurrent abscess with yellow lumpy pus

Calcarea Sulph is a highly useful medicine to eradicate the tendency to frequent abscess formation. It is highly recommended when there is passage of yellow lumpy pus from the lump. The discharge is very thick. It is also blood stained. Besides helping to overcome recurrent abscess formation tendency, this medicine is also used to hasten recovery of acute abscess after the discharge of pus has already begun from the abscess.

5. Arnica – To Treat Recurrent Small-Sized Pus-Filled Lumps On Skin

Arnica is the next highly valuable medicine to manage cases where abscesses form quite often. The lumps are small in size and form frequently one after the other. There occur multiple number of lumps at the same given time. The lumps are very sore to touch.

6. Anthracinum – For Treating Recurring Abscess With Burning Sensation

Anthracinum is another recommended medicine for treating the tendency of recurring abscesses forming on the skin. In cases needing it, the abscess is attended with marked burning sensation. There is passage of fetid smelling pus from these abscesses most of the time. The abscess is also very painful besides the above features.



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Causes of Scaly Skin and its Homeopathic Remedies

Scaly/scaling skin, also known as flaky skin, refers to the shedding of the outer layer of skin in the form of scales or flakes. It is also called desquamation. This may happen from certain medical conditions, allergies or an infection.  Scaling on the skin can be attended with other signs and symptoms. These include dry, cracked skin, itching, burning, bleeding, pain, redness, inflammation, eruptions, and skin thickening in the affected area.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for treating scaling skin. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances, so they do not have any side effects. They help in reducing scaling on the skin magnificently by treating the root cause behind it. Besides, they heal associated eruptions and discharges, if present. They also help to reduce associated dryness, roughness and cracks on the skin, itching, burning sensation, and pain if present. Homeopathic medicines for treating scaling skin are selected based on the individual symptoms in each and every case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicine for treating scaling skin.

Causes of Scaly Skin

1. Psoriasis: One of the most important and common causes of scaly skin is psoriasis. It refers to an autoimmune skin disease characterized by the presence of red, inflamed spots on the skin covered with silvery-white scales/ flakes. Besides, cracks may appear on the skin. Itching and burning may be felt in the skin lesions. Bleeding can also occur sometimes.

2. Seborrheic Dermatitis: It is a skin condition with red, inflamed skin covered with flakes, that can be dry or greasy, forming prominently on the scalp. It can also affect other areas like the face, eyelashes, eyebrows, behind the ears, mustache area and the chest. The flakes may be white, yellow or grey colored. Crust formation is seen in some cases. The affected area is red and can be attended with itching and burning. Lastly, hair loss from the scalp may occur.

3. Ichthyosis (fish skin disease): It is an inherited skin disorder characterized by dry, scaly thick skin and the affected area looks like the skin of fish. The scales are brown, white or grey. Deep cracks are formed that may be painful.

4. Ringworm: It is a fungal infection that leads to the formation of ring-shaped lesions on the skin that may be covered with scales. Itching and burning are felt in the affected area. Fluid–filled (vesicles) or pus-filled bumps (pustules) may form on the skin.

5. Eczema: It refers to inflamed skin with red, rough itchy rash. The rash may be dry or may ooze fluid. Eruptions may form on the affected area of the skin that may be filled with watery fluid or pus. The eruptions may get covered with scales. Skin thickening may be visible in some cases.

6. Xerosis (Dry skin syndrome): It is a condition resulting when skin fails to retain moisture causing rough flaky skin.

7. Lichen Planus: It is an autoimmune skin condition affecting skin, mouth, nails and genitals. In case of skin lesions, itchy purple topped flat bumps tend to develop. They may be covered with scales.

8. Other causes include allergic skin reaction to soaps, detergents, etc. and application of certain medicines like retinoids for acne treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Scaly Skin

1. Arsenic Album – Topmost Medicine

Among different homeopathic medicines for scaling skin, Arsenic Album is the most recommended medicine. It can be used when there is dryness on the skin along with scaling. The skin may start peeling off. It is accompanied by itching and burning. It gets worse from scratching. Bleeding may follow the scratching. This medicine is also indicated for scaly eruptions with discharge of pus. Arsenic Album can be used in many skin conditions with scales like psoriasis, eczema and ringworm. This medicine can also be considered when scaly eruptions occur on the scalp accompanied by hair fall.

2. Arsenic Iodatum – For Scaling In Psoriasis

Arsenic Iodatum works magnificently in cases of scaling from psoriasis. It is best suited if the scales of dead skin that fall off are quite large and raw surface is left behind after the scales are shed. The skin is dry where this medicine is required. There is itching in the affected skin area. This medicine is prominently indicated for skin conditions including psoriasis and ichthyosis.

3. Kali Sulph – For Yellow Scales Especially In Seborrheic Dermatitis

It is a leading medicine to treat cases where the scales are yellow in color. Skin is dry along with itching. Itching gets worse from heat. It is the most helpful for treating cases of Seborrheic Dermatitis. Here yellow flakes are seen on the scalp. The scales are greasy and sticky. It can be attended by itching on the scalp. Hair fall may occur. Kali Sulph may also be considered in cases of multiple red eruptions on the skin that ooze excessive fluid followed by peeling of fine scales from them. It may cause itching and stinging sensation.

4. Graphites – For Scaling On Scalp

This medicine is effective when flaking is present on the scalp. The scales are most prominent on the top of the head. The scales may also form behind the ears and on the margin of the eyelids. Washing clears the scales but these tend to form again. Hair fall may occur. It is also used when there are crusty eruptions along with oozing of sticky fluid.

5. Sepia – When Red Spots Are Covered With Shiny White Scales

Sepia is very beneficial for cases where red spots appear on the skin covered with shiny white scales. The spots are quite large and mostly oval-shaped. The spots may appear on the face, chest, back, arms and legs. Besides, it is indicated for scaling on eyelid margins in blepharitis (swollen eyelids).

6. Clematis – For Oozing Eruptions Followed By Scaling

This medicine can be used in cases in which eruptions are present initially that ooze fluid. They may discharge clear watery fluid or pus. Following the discharge, scaling appears on the eruptions. Scabs are also formed. Intense itching is felt in the skin eruptions. This medicine is also indicated in particular for moist eruptions on the back of the head that dry up with scale formation. They become itchy in a warm environment in the bed. Stinging and crawling is also felt in these eruptions.

7. Petroleum – For Thick Scales With Cuts On Palms Of Hands

Petroleum is a very important medicine to manage thick scales along with cuts on palms of hands. Bleeding may occur from cuts. The skin on palms is very rough and dry. Itching and burning are felt on the palms. It is highly suitable for psoriasis of hands.

8. Psorinum – For Scaling With Small Vesicles (Fluid-Filled Eruptions)

Psorinum is well indicated when there is scaling on skin with small fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles). They appear mainly in cold weather and get better during summer. This medicine is of help when there is scaling on the skin in the entire body. Skin looks dirty. There is excessive itching along with scaling with an urge to scratch frequently. Pain may attend scaly eruptions.




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Treating Skin problems and Eczema in Kids with Homeopathy

Different kinds of skin problems are quite common in kids. Some of the important ones include eczema (atopic dermatitis), diaper rash, and cradle cap. Certain viral infections can lead to skin rashes in children (like measles, chicken pox, molluscum contagiosum, HFMD – Hand, foot and mouth disease). It may also occur from fungal infections like ringworm and bacterial infections (like impetigo and scarlet fever). Other causes include scabies, urticaria (hives) and rash from an allergic reaction. Depending on the cause behind the skin infection, the signs and symptoms may include dry skin, rash or eruptions (bumps) on the skin, itching, burning, oozing fluid, scaling, skin peeling, ulcers, skin discoloration, excessive skin redness and fever.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a very safe and effective treatment for skin problems and eczema in kids. The homeopathic medicines work in the most natural way to treat these conditions with zero side effects making them very safe to use in kids. These work magnificently in healing skin rashes/eruptions and relieving any associated itching if present. The most suitable medicine is selected individually for every kid depending on the cause and signs and symptoms present. It is advised to use homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician.

Top Homeopathic Medicines

1. Graphites – Top Remedy

Graphites is a top recommended medicine for skin problems especially eczema in kids. It is very effective when skin is very rough and dry. Cracks on the skin may also be present. Next it is highly beneficial for skin eruptions or rash oozing sticky, gluey matter. Itching is felt on the affected skin area. It is also of great help when infection is in the skin folds, for example bends of elbow, bends of knee, neck fold, behind ears and groins. This medicine is well indicated for diaper rash in babies.

2. Sulphur – With Marked Itching

Sulphur is very useful in managing skin issues with marked itching. Skin eruptions may appear where it is required. There may be pimples or pus-filled eruptions (pustules) on the skin. The itching gets worse at night in most cases. The area of itching may keep changing from one part of the body to the other. One feels pain when skin is scratched due to itching. Bleeding may arise from scratching the affected skin.

3. Natrum Mur – For Eczema

This medicine is very useful to deal with cases of eczema. It is mainly indicated where there is watery discharge from eruptions. Eczema is most prominently present along the edges of hair. It is also well indicated to treat eruptions that occur in bends of joints, like elbow and knee. These eruptions also ooze fluid.

4. Petroleum – For Dry Skin With Cracks

Petroleum is of great help to manage cases of dry, rough skin along with cracks. Bleeding may occur from these cracks. When the skin problem gets worse in winter or cold weather then petroleum is the best choice of medicine.

5. Apis Mellifica – For Hives

It is a leading medicine for cases of hives. Bumps arise on the skin. It is accompanied with itching and stinging pain. The child needing this medicine rubs skin harshly due to itching. The skin is red and feels warm to touch. Skin may also be sensitive to touch.

6. Kali Sulph – For Cradle Cap

To manage cradle cap cases, Kali Sulph is an excellent choice of medicine. This medicine can be used when yellow scales are present on the scalp. The scales are abundant. These are sticky in nature.

7. Arsenic Album – For rash with scales

Arsenic Album is considered in cases of skin rash when covered with scales. It is used when skin becomes very rough and dry with flakes over it. There is marked itching in the rash. A child may also complain of burning.

8. Sepia – For Ringworm Infection

Sepia is the most important medicine to treat cases of ringworm. Its use is considered when ring-shaped patches appear on the skin. The different rings lie apart from each other. There is itching on these patches with an urge to scratch. A tendency to have ringworm infection may be present every year in spring season.

9. Psorinum – For Intense Itching And Scratching Leading To Bleeding

This medicine works well when there is intense itching on the skin with excessive scratching until the skin starts bleeding. Itching gets worse from warmth and at night. Eruptions may appear on the skin after scratching the skin. It is very effective for treating eczema, scabies and hives. It is a prominent medicine for managing itching occurring in the bend of elbow and back/ hollow of knee.

10. Mezereum – For Eruptions Covered With Crust And Pus Underneath

It is a suitable medicine when eruptions appear with crust over them and pus under the crust. The crusts are thick and eruptions ooze sticky gluey matter. It is accompanied with excessive itching. It gets worse from the warmth of bed.

What Are The Causes Of Skin Problems In Kids?

1. Eczema (atopic dermatitis): It is a very common skin problem occurring in kids. It causes dry, inflamed itchy rash on skin. It usually begins around the age of six months. The common location of skin rash is face, scalp, bend of elbows/knees.

2. Diaper rash: It is also a common rash occurring on the hips of a baby. Its chances are most high during the first year of the baby. It causes red rash on the buttocks that may spread to thighs and genitals. The affected area may feel warm and painful on touching. Eruptions either with or without fluid may occur on the rash.

3. Cradle cap: Scaly greasy crusty patches developing on baby’s scalp especially in the initial two months after the baby is born. The scales may be white, yellow or brown. The scalp may be red. Hair may come out in some cases. Cradle cap arises from increased oil production by oil glands on the scalp.

4. Measles: It is a viral infection caused by measles virus. Initially, symptoms like runny nose, fever, sore throat, cough are felt. After about two weeks, skin rash develops starting from the head and then spreading to other body parts.

5. Chicken pox: A viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus, it begins with headache, fever, tiredness. Afterwards skin rash appears. Eruptions occur on rash. Eruptions are fluid-filled (blisters) and in some cases contain pus.

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum


6. Molluscum contagiosum: Occurring in children of age group 1-10 yrs, it is a viral infection marked by round, small flesh-colored bumps on skin. It is caused by pox virus known as molluscum contagiosum virus.

7. HFMD (Hand, foot and mouth disease): A contagious viral infection caused by coxsackievirus A16, it usually affects children less than 5 yrs of age. It causes painful blisters in the mouth, and a rash on hands and feet.

8. Fungal infections like ringworm: In ringworm, there occur ring-shaped patches on the skin from fungal infection caused by fungus named dermatophytes. This infection is also called tinea. It is contagious, which means it spreads via direct skin contact of infected persons to non-infected ones.

9. Impetigo: It is a bacterial infection arising mainly from bacteria staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes. It mainly causes red sores on the skin commonly on the area around mouth, lips, nose. The sores get filled with fluid followed by bursting and get covered with yellow brown or honey-colored crust.

10. Scarlet fever: Causing a red rash that covers the whole body, it is a bacterial illness that may develop in some children having strep throat infection. It most commonly occurs in children between the ages of 5-15 yrs.

11. Scabies: It is a very contagious skin complaint caused by female mite sarcoptes scabiei burrowing in skin. A rash appears mainly in the area between toes or fingers, armpits, waist, soles of feet. The rash is intensely itchy.

12. Urticaria (Hives):It refers to itchy wheals (raised bumps) on skin usually caused from an allergic reaction.



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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Measles

Measles is a viral infection caused by measles virus ( belonging to genus Morbillivirus and family Paramyxoviridae). It is also known as rubeola and is a highly contagious infection.

It usually occurs in children but adults can get infected too. Originating in the respiratory system, the infection in some cases can be serious and fatal. This infection was very common earlier but now vaccination is commonly used as a preventive measure.

Homeopathy For Symptom Management

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in case of measles. Homeopathic medicines can be taken along with conventional treatment for symptom management of measles. They help by boosting the body’s natural healing mechanism to fight viral infection. These medicines decrease the intensity of the symptoms and speed up recovery. Measles can have serious complications, so the use of homeopathic medicines should be considered only along with conventional treatment and not independently. Homeopathic medicines should be taken under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Managing Its Signs And Symptoms

1. Aconite – For Cough And Eye Redness

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known ‘monkshood’. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It is indicated for cases where dry barking cough is there. The redness of eyes is an important symptom along with inability to bear light, hoarseness of voice and restlessness. Joint pains and excessive sweating attend the above symptoms. Besides, there is dry, burning heat, along with excessive thirst.

2. Arsenic Album – To Manage Runny Nose, Sneezing, Burning On Skin

This medicine can be used to manage runny nose and sneezing. Persons who need it also feel burning and itching in nose. Nose blockage may be felt in the nose. Symptoms may worsen in open air while there is relief indoors. Other than this, it is well-indicated for managing  persistent burning on the skin. In cases needing it, the rash may appear too soon or disappear suddenly. Restlessness, anxiety and weakness can accompany above symptoms.

3. Belladonna – For Managing Sore Throat, Fever

It is a very useful medicine for managing sore throat and fever. It is prepared from a plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. Persons requiring it have redness and swelling in throat, and inflamed tonsils. Along with this, there is dryness, heat and a feeling of lump in the throat. There is difficulty in swallowing, especially liquids. Pain is marked in the throat which can be shooting or stinging type, especially while swallowing. Along with this, there is fever with burning heat and redness of skin.

4. Morbillinum

In homeopathy, this medicine is considered a prophylactic (medicine that prevents disease) against measles and also to clear infection in cases it occurs.

5. Euphrasia – For Eye Symptoms, Cough, Fever In Measles

It is prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis also called ‘eye bright’. This plant belongs to family Scrophulariaceae. It is usually indicated for initial stages of this infection. In cases needing it, firstly there is inflammation of eyes. The eyes are red, have burning sensation and excessive discharge. There is also sensitivity to bright light (photophobia). Secondly, there is profuse watering from the nose. There is pressing/throbbing type of pain in the head. Other than the above, there is dry cough during the day. Chill followed by fever may be an accompanying symptom. Pain in the bones is also present, eruptions around  the forehead and temporal region of head are also seen.

6. Pulsatilla – To Manage Eye Inflammation, Cough And Cold

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans with common name ‘wind flower’. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. This medicine is effective to manage eye inflammation, cough and cold. It is indicated when there is discharge from nose and profuse watering from eyes. There is dry cough at night. Other than the above, it is indicated to manage earache and discharge from ear from one or both sides.

7. Rhus Tox – To Manage Body Aches And Rash

The use of this medicine can be considered for managing bodyache. Other than this, intolerable itching on skin and red rashes all over the skin also indicates its use.

8. Spongia – To Manage Cough And Coryza

It is a medicine beneficial for managing cough and coryza. Hoarseness of voice can attend too. The cough is dry, rough, barking type.  It is short and irritating and may have a high crowing sound. Cough is caused by tickling in the larynx. There may be relief in cough from taking warm drinks. Roughness is also felt in the larynx. The whole respiratory tract feels dry. There is no expectoration with cough. Chilliness may be present.

9. Drosera – For Cough During Or After Measles

Drosera is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as ‘round – leaved sundew’. This plant belongs to family Droseraceae. This medicine works well for managing cough during or after measles. The main symptom for using it is dry, hoarse cough caused by tickling in the throat. Cough attacks usually occur when Drosera is needed which get worse in the afternoon and evening. Expectoration may occur that can be bloody and purulent (of pus). Excessive hoarseness of voice may also be there in addition to the above symptoms.

10. Apis Mellifica – When Eruptions Don’t Come Out Properly

This medicine is indicated for cases in which the eruptions have not surfaced completely. It is attended with excessive weakness and drowsiness. Fever and cough are also there. It is also indicated for managing chronic diarrhea (loose stool) that follows this infection

11. Squilla – For Watery Eyes, Sneezing And Cough

This medicine is prepared from fresh bulb of plant Squilla Maritima commonly known as ‘sea onion’. It belongs to family Liliaceae. It is helpful for cases in which there is watering from eyes, sneezing and cough. The cough can be dry or short rattling in cases needing it.

The cough disturbs sleep, one can feel the mucus in the trachea. Cough gets worse after eating and from any kind of exertion. Other than the above, it is indicated for managing diarrhea with watery and offensive stool.

12. Sulphur – For Managing Post-Measles Complaints

This medicine offers help to manage post-management of measles. Here, it is useful for managing chronic cough, diarrhea, discharge from ear and hardness of hearing.

How Does Infection Spread?

It is a contagious infection (that spreads easily from person to person) caused by measles virus. It spreads when a person inhales air droplets that are infected with cough or sneeze of an infected person having measles. The infected droplets from cough and sneeze may fall on a surface or an object and remain active for a few hours. A person may get infected if he/she touches the infected surface and then puts the fingers in mouth, nose or rubs eyes without properly washing the hands. The infection can be contracted from physical contact with a person suffering from measles. The chance of getting infected is around 90% if one gets exposed to the virus.

The ones who have not got vaccinated against this infection are at high risk of getting infected. Other than this, vitamin A deficiency results in severe symptoms and complications.

 What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

In case of measles, symptoms occur in around 10 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. These include runny nose, sneezing, fever, dry cough, sore throat, red, inflamed eyes, body ache and little white spots with bluish white center inside the mouth on the inner lining of the cheek known as Koplik’s spots.

Skin rashes appear around 14 days after virus exposure and can remain for around 7 days. They develop first on the head and spread to other body areas.  The rash is maculopapular type that starts as large, flat, red spots but small bumps can occur on top and the spots flow into one another afterwards. The overall infection tends to resolve in around three- weeks’ time.

What Are Its Complications?

The complications that can occur include bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes), laryngitis and pneumonia (inflamed air sacs of lungs) which can be fatal especially in persons who have compromised immunity. Measles can result in diarrhea and ear infection, a very common complication. Other than this seizures (fits), blindness and encephalitis (brain inflammation) can also occur. Lastly, if a pregnant woman contracts this infection, it can result in low birth weight of child, preterm labor and even death of the mother.


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Homeopathic Remedies for Dark Circle Under the Eyes

Homeopathic Remedies for Dark Circles around or under eyes

Dark Circles around or under eyes is an indication of ill-health. There are no clear-cut reasons why dark rings ranging from bluish to blackish colour appear around or under the eyes. There are, however, various factors that are linked to appearance of Dark Circles. The first factor is that this condition runs in families or is hereditary. The second common factor is sleep deprivation and fatigue. Stress too can lead to Dark Circles. Dark Circles also appear as a normal part of the ageing process. Other factors associated with Dark Circles include allergy, eczema with itching, scratching or rubbing of eyes, anemia, and in rare cases, it may point towards liver troubles. Homeopathy has a very effective treatment for Dark Circles. The natural Homeopathic remedies for dark circles are completely safe with no side effects and they work to eliminate the root cause of Dark Circles.

Homeopathic treatment for Dark Circles

Homeopathic mode is of great help in treating Dark Circles. The treatment is possible with natural Homeopathic medicines without any external applications. The Homeopathic medicines are recommended after looking at every individual case and taking into account any associated factor linked with Dark Circles and the symptoms. Homeopathic treatment for dark circles can work wonders in treating Dark Circle cases, but the time it takes to do away with Dark Circles varies for each individual. It takes a longer time to treat Dark Circles in persons who have had these since long than those who have seen the emergence of Dark Circles not so long ago.

Top Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles

Phosphoric Acid: Best natural Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles due to fatigue 

Phosphoric Acid is the top Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles around or below eyes due to fatigue. The eyes are surrounded with bluish rings. The person needing Phosphoric Acid is very weak. If the weakness shows in both the physical and mental planes, Phosphoric Acid is the natural Homeopathic medicine. The face of such a person appears pale and the eyes are surrounded by bluish rings. The person also looks very tired and fatigued. Weakness arising out of sexual excesses is also included as a causative factor. A history of mental grief associated with Dark Circles often suggests the use of Homeopathic remedy Phosphoric Acid. The person shows a marked weariness and is exhausted either mentally or physically or both. The combination of two hallmark symptoms suggesting the use of Homeopathic remedy Phosphoric Acid is marked weakness and Dark Circles around eyes.

Ferrum Met: Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles linked to anemia

Ferrum Met is a natural Homeopathic remedy for a variety of conditions troubling a person with anemia. Anemia is referred to the lack of blood in the body. Consequent to lack of blood in body, the oxygenation in body tissue is decreased, leading to a number of symptoms and Dark Circles is one of them. The face appears pale in anemic conditions and the veins under the eyes stand dominantly with a bluish appearance. Ferrum Met is very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for anemic patients suffering from various disorders. The issue of Dark Circles around eyes is best solved with the use of Ferrum Met and this Homeopathic remedy can be safely used when Dark Circlesare linked to anemia. The face gives a pale appearance with prominent Dark Circles around the eyes. General weakness due to decreased blood is also noted in most persons requiring Ferrum Met.

Cina: Homeopathic medicine for Dark Circles in children

Cina is the most popular natural Homeopathic medicine because of its frequent use in a variety of troubles faced by children. Even for Dark Circles appearing in children, Cina is very beneficial. Cina is a wonderful Homeopathic remedy for children who have Dark Circles around their eyes. Majority of children needing this Homeopathic medicine show a marked irritability in their nature. They are very cross and obstinate. They desire various kinds of things and will not rest and let others rest till their demands are met. This marked irritability and obstinacy reaches the utmost levels along with the appearance of Dark Circles. Another complaint that can be present in children with dark rings is worm infestation. In children with worms, weakness and anemic condition are common. Such children remain weak in spite of having a good appetite. The food taken by them serves as meals for the worms, which do not allow the children to gain weight and make them weak. The weakness is also reflected in the face with its pale appearance and dark circles. Homeopathic medicine Cina should always be considered as a first line of treatment in cases of Dark Circles in children.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles around the eyes

For dealing with Dark Circles around the eyes, the best natural Homeopathic medicines are Berberis Vulgaris, Acetic Acid, Lycopodium and Natrum Carb. Berberis Vulgaris is of great help for treatment of blue rings around eyes when the cheeks are sunken and the face also gives a pale tint. The face appears sick. Acetic Acid is a good Homeopathic remedy when the face shows marks of weakness with a wax-like coating and eyes are surrounded with bluish circles. The eyes also appear sunken. Lycopodium is the ideal Homeopathic medicine if the face appears greyish yellow with bluish circles surrounding the eyes. Otherwise, Lycopodium is a commonly used remedy for gastric ailments. Natrum Carb is a good Homeopathic medicine when the eyes show swelling along with blue rings around eyes.

Homeopathic treatment for Dark Circles under the eyes

The natural Homeopathic medicines that treat Dark Circles below the eyes are Phosphorus, Ferrum Met and Sepia. Phosphorus is of great help to treat Dark Circles under the eyes with a pale face. The rings under eyes appear bluish with a sickly appearance of the face. Ferrum Met is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles under the eyes in persons who are suffering from anemia. Weakness also makes its appearance in persons needing Ferrum Met. Homeopathic medicine Sepia is usually prescribed for women who have dark rings under the eyes. Such women usually have some sort of history regarding irregularity in their menstrual cycle. They may also have black discoloration on cheeks and nose (Chloasma) in addition to Dark Circles below the eyes.

Homeopathic medicines for Dark Circles linked to anemia

Ferrum Met, China and Natrum Mur are the best natural Homeopathic remedies to treat Dark Circles in anemic patients. Ferrum Met is used in general when the face is pale with surrounding Dark Circles around the eyes. Homeopathic medicine China is used when dark rings around eyes have appeared due to anemia arising out of sudden blood loss. The blood loss may be from any part of body, either traumatic or due to some underlying tissue pathology in the body. Natrum Mur is the Homeopathic remedy when the face appears greasy and shiny with dominant dark rings around the eyes. The eyelids may also show swelling. Craving for salty things if noted should be considered a top rank symptom to select Natrum Mur over other remedies.

Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles due to stress

Kali Phos is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles due to stress. The person needing Homeopathic medicine Kali Phos is constantly in a worried state and is under depression with appearance of Dark Circles. Kali Phos is the top Homeopathic medicine that acts as a proper supplement for persons who are exhausted and stressed with dark rings.



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