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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Throat Pain Extending to Ears

Throat pain is a very common problem and in many cases, pain from the throat can extend to the ears. The throat and ears are connected via the eustachian tube, so any problem in the throat might extend to ears as well. It can be attended with other signs and symptoms as well. These include throat pain when swallowing food, redness in the throat, swelling of tonsils, hoarse voice, dryness in the throat, white/pus spots on the tonsils, fullness in the ear, fluid discharge from ears, decreased hearing and popping noises in the ears. Some general symptoms that can attend include fever, feeling unwell and headache.

Throat pain extending to ears can arise from various causes. The first reason behind this complaint includes throat infections and tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils). These conditions usually result from viral infections but can occur from bacterial or other infections as well.

Another reason behind it is pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx i.e. the back of the throat), commonly referred as sore throat. Another cause could be sinusitis. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the air-filled cavities in the skull. It can cause throat pain extending to the ears along with other main symptoms like nasal discharge, headache, stuffed nose, PND – post nasal drip where mucus from the back of the nose falls down in the throat, facial swelling and pain. Another reason is allergies. This can lead to throat pain and ear pain in addition to its major symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes.

Other reason includes TMJ disorders (i.e. temporomandibular disorders that affect the joint that connects jaw to the skull) that usually cause jaw pain, facial pain, headache, cracking sound from the jaw but can also cause throat pain extending to the ears.

Acid reflux is yet another cause. It refers to the back flow of stomach acid from stomach to the food pipe. This cause heartburn means burning in the middle of chest behind the breast bone, sour or bitter burps, chest pain, sensation of lump in the throat. Additionally, in some cases it may cause throat pain extending to the ear. Lastly, a tooth infection may cause throat pain or ear pain along with its main symptoms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaintscauses of throat pain extending to the ears. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, hence are entirely safe to use in these cases with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. There are numerous medicines for treating this complaint in homeopathy and the most suitable medicine has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. So it is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicine under supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Throat Pain Extending to Ears

1. Merc Sol – Top Medicine

Merc Sol is the top recommended medicine to manage pain in the throat that extend to the ears. In cases needing it, pain gets worse when swallowing. Pain is usually stitching type in most the cases. The throat and tonsils are red and swollen. The tonsils are enlarged. A characteristic attending feature is ulcers on the tonsils and in the throat. Heated sensation is felt in the throat. A rough feeling is also felt in throat. An important accompanying feature is increased salivation in the mouth. Foul smell also comes from mouth.

2. Belladonna – With Intense Redness Of Throat And Tonsils

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine when there is marked redness of the throat and tonsils. The throat is swollen and looks shiny. The pain goes from thethroat to the ears. There is much difficulty in swallowing especially the liquids. Swallowing saliva is also painful. There is excessive dryness in the throat. The tonsils are enlarged. Fever attends above complaints. Cough spells can also attend.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Pain On Swallowing, Turning Head, Yawning, Coughing

Hepar Sulph is a useful medicine for managing throat pain extending to the ears on swallowing. The nature of pain can be stitching or shooting type. The pain also worsens when turning the head, yawning and on coughing. The tonsils are red, inflamed with pus points on it, in cases needing this medicine. An important feature that attends is a sensation of a lump or plug of mucus in the throat. In some cases, there is a feeling of splinter (a thin, small sharp piece of a wood, a glass or something else being broken from a larger piece) stuck in the throat. There may be difficulty in hearing.

4. Phytolacca – When Intense Heat / Burning In Throat Attends

Phytolacca can be considered when there is intense heat or burning sensation in throat along with throat pain radiating to the ears. In cases needing this medicine, the throat and tonsils appear dark red or bluish colored. The tonsils may be covered with greyish patches. The throat feels rough and dry. There is a disposition to hawk and clear the throat. Dryness of the throat is present thwhichat induces cough. A sensation of lump in the throat is also present. One is unable to swallow any hot liquid.

5. Lachesis – For Left-Sided Pain

Lachesis works well in cases of pain in the left side of throat extending to the ear. The pain worsens on swallowing. Swallowing liquids is more painful than solids. Swallowing saliva is also painful. The throat is also painful to touch and pressure externally. The throat and tonsils look purplish. There is a constant tickling in the throat. There is a feeling of bread crumb in the throat sticking in the throat. It feels better by hawking.

6. Lac Caninum – For RightRight-Sided Sided Pain

This medicine is suitable for right-sided throat pain extending to ear. The pain gets worse from swallowing which is almost impossible. The throat is painful to touch externally as well. Pearly white deposits may be seen inside the throat. On the tonsils, white ulcers are formed. There may also appear yellowish-white patches on the tonsils. There is marked dryness in the throat and the mouth. Tickling sensation is felt in the throat which causes cough.

7. Nitric Acid – With Intense Pain On Swallowing

This medicine is of great use when there is violent pain that extends from throat to ears on swallowing. Even swallowing a little amount of liquid causes pain. A pricking sort of sensation as from splinters is well marked in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen. Small ulcers are present on the tonsils. In some cases, white patches occur on the tonsils.

8. Ignatia – With Pus In The Tonsils

This medicine is indicated when there are swollen tonsils with tiny openings filled with pus. Small ulcers may also develop on the tonsils. The throat is red and inflamed. Stitching pain extends from throat to the ears. It gets better on swallowing solids and worse during the act of swallowing. A crawling sensation occurs in throat. There is bad smell and taste in the mouth.



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How to Manage Facial Pain with Homeopathy

Facial pain refers to any kind of pain or discomfort felt in the face. The pain can occur on the whole face or may be localized to a particular part of the face. In some cases, pain may radiate from the head or ears to the face. The pain can be mild to severe varying from case to case. It may be constant or may come and go at varying intervals. Depending on the causes, facial pain may be attended with other symptoms like headache, jaw pain, tooth pain, earache, tingling/numbness/weakness on the face, swelling on the face, skin eruptions, sinus symptoms like nasal discharge, PND (Post Nasal Drip means dripping of mucus from the back of nose into throat), blocked nose, and eye-related symptoms like eye redness, eye watering, etc.  Facial pain can arise from various causes as follows:

1. Trigeminal neuralgia: Trigeminal neuralgia refers to severe pain on one side of the face along the course of the trigeminal nerve mainly due to compression, irritation or damage to the trigeminal nerve.

2. Sinusitis: It refers to inflamed paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled cavities in the skull bone. It can cause facial pain along with other symptoms like nasal discharge, post nasal dripping, headache and blocked nose. Facial pain can be felt in the cheek area, forehead, root of the nose or the upper jaw depending on the sinus involved.

3. Toothache or cavities (hole in a teeth from decay) in the teeth and dental procedures like tooth extraction, root canal treatment, etc.

4. Herpes Zoster or post-herpetic neuralgia: Herpes Zoster refers to a painful rash with fluid-filled bumps (blisters) caused by varicella zoster virus. If this pain continues for more than three months after healing of the skin rash, it is termed post-herpetic neuralgia.

5. Herpes Simplex: It is also known as fever blisters characterized by tiny blisters around the mouth and on the lips caused by herpes simplex virus 1.

6. Headaches like migraine (one-sided headache usually throbbing type often attended with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to noise and light)

7. An injury to face or a fracture of maxillary or mandibular bone

8. Oral infection (infection of gums, tooth abscess – pus collection in different areas of tooth from bacterial infection) and infection of the salivary glands

9. TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint) disorders: These are the disorders arising from complaint of the jaw joint or muscles linked with jaw movement.

10. Atypical facial pain when no clear cause is found.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of facial pain. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in relieving facial pain by working on the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, a long-term relief in facial pain follows. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for facial pain is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms and the cause behind facial pain. It is advised to always get any case of facial pain evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right diagnosis and prescription. In most cases, facial pain occurs due to mild causes treatable with homeopathy. However, in very rare cases, pain in the face or jaw may happen from heart attack. So, if any pain occurs in the chest or left arm suddenly and radiate to the face or jaw then immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitation in treating such critical cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Pain

1. Belladonna – Top Medicine

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine for managing facial pains. It can help facial pain linked to several issues like sinusitis, headache, migraine, nerve involvement. In cases requiring it, the pain gets worse by touching the face or movement of the face. The pain may radiate to the side of head, ear or to the neck. The pain can be relieved by pressing the face hard. Though pain can occur on any side, it mostly affects the right side of the face. The pain can be cutting, shooting, tearing in nature. Along with pain, heated sensation can be felt on the face. The face can be markedly red too. Swelling may appear on the cheeks.  This medicine is also helpful for managing nerve pain that starts from the right side of head and spreads to the right eye and right cheek.

2. Spigelia – For Facial Pain From Trigeminal Neuralgia

Spigelia is one of the best medicine for pain on the face due to trigeminal neuralgia. Pain is mostly felt on the left side of face. One feels pain on the forehead, eye, cheek, teeth on left sided face. The pain can be tearing stitching, stabbing or burning type like hot needles. Pain tends to come and go suddenly. The left side of the face is also very sensitive to touch.

3. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Right Sided Facial Pain

This medicine is well indicated to manage facial pain on the right side especially due to trigeminal neuralgia. It is recommended when pain begins from the right eye and from there radiates to the entire right side of the face. The pain may be cutting stitching, shooting or cutting type. The pain tends to worsen from the slightest touch, a draft of air and washing with cold water. Relief is felt from warm application on the right side of face.

4. Colocynth – For Left Sided Facial Pain

Colocynth is a wonderful medicine for managing left sided facial pain. In cases needing it, facial pain gets worse from even slight touch on the face. The left side of the face is red, hot and swollen along with pain. The pain gets better from applying warmth. It is also relieved by absolute rest. The pain may radiate to the head, left ear and left side of the neck. Pain may be attended with excessive watering from the left eye. It is also indicated when pain from the left cheek bone radiates to the left eye.

5. Kali Bichrome – For Pain From Sinusitis

Kali Bichrome is a useful medicine for managing facial pain caused by sinusitis. In cases needing it, pain is mostly felt on the forehead above the eyes, root of the nose or the cheeks. Besides, thick ropy, yellow or greenish discharge from the nose may appear or the discharge may drip from the back of the nose into the throat i.e. PND – post nasal drip. Nasal blockage may be experienced.

6. Merc Sol – From Toothache

This medicine is well indicated when pain from painful teeth radiates to the face and even to the ears. Pain may be tearing or shooting type. The affected tooth may be decayed. Gum inflammation can also be present. Swelling over the cheek may be present on the affected side of the tooth. The pain gets worse from eating anything cold or warm. Relief appears from rubbing the cheek around the affected tooth.

7. Hecla Lava – From Decayed Tooth Or After Tooth Extraction

This medicine is highly suitable to manage facial pain that occurs from decayed tooth or follows tooth extraction. The pain is located over the jaw area. Swelling may also be present. The affected area is painful to touch. Due to pain there is difficulty in eating and sleeping.

8. Silicea – For Pain From Gums Infection Or Tooth Abscess

Silicea is a very important medicine for managing pain in the cheeks or face or from infection in gums or tooth abscess. In cases needing it, there is soreness and inflammation of gums. There is throbbing pain in teeth. This pain tends to radiate to the cheek or face from teeth. Pain gets worse at night.

9. Rhus Tox – For Pain From TMJ Disorder

This medicine is beneficial for managing pain occurring from TMJ disorder especially from joint inflammation. It is indicated when pain occurs at a jaw joint. It is accompanied with stiffness. Warmth or pressure over the joint relieves pain.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Boost Immunity in Kids with Homeopathy

A healthy immune system is the hallmark of a healthy life. However, low immunity in kids makes them prone to frequent infections. Immune system helps to defend body against an infection caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. A strong immune system is needed to fight infections and maintain good health. If the immune system becomes weak, it leads to recurrent infections. It is quite common for a kid to get an infection just like an adult and it’s a part of his growing up. If it happens very frequently at short intervals, it indicates a lack of immunity to fight those infections. The reason behind poor immunity may be genetic factors predisposing a child to frequent infections; lack of well-balanced diet containing proper nutrients including vitamins, and an minerals;  lack of physical activity; insufficient germ exposure because of intensely clean environment; lack of sufficient sleep, stress, exposure to smoke and air pollutants, etc.

Signs Of Poor Immunity

1. Catching infections frequently is one of the most important signs of weak immunity in children. One amongst the various infections that a child can suffer from frequently is cold. Cold occurs from viral infection and it is quite common in children to catch cold about three to four times in a year but if a child catches cold more frequently than this, it indicates weak immunity. Other infections include tonsillitis, ear infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and urinary tract infection.

2. Another sign of weak immunity is irregularity in bowel movements including constipation (a condition in which a child passes stool less frequently means less than 3 stools in a week or passes hard, dry hard stool or has difficulty or pain when passing stool), gas problem and diarrhea (passing loose stool three or more times in a day). Both good and bad bacteria are present in our gut. The good bacteria help to keep the gastric system strong and healthy and also help to fight the diseases Lowered good gut bacteria may result in improper digestion and weak immunity.

3. Lack of energy to play or do other activities, getting tired very easily is another sign pointing towards weak immunity.

4. Not gaining weight and poor physical growth signals towards low immunity.

5. Other signs of weak immunity may include slow wound healing, loss of appetite, anemia (a condition characterized by lack of enough red blood cells to carry adequate amount of oxygen to body tissues).

Homeopathic Treatment

One can rely on homeopathic medicines when it comes to boosting child’s immunity. These medicines are 100% natural medicines with zero side effects, so are totally safe to use. They enhance body’s immunity naturally. Based on symptomatic treatment, homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the frequency of catching infections often by building a stronger immunity and improving gut health. There is no single specific medicine that can help each and every case of poor immunity, rather the medicine has to be selected from a set of different medicines in every individual case based on the detailed case history. Individual assessment is required for case analysis and prescription, thereby it is advised that homeopathic medicines should be solely used under guidance of an expert homeopathic physician and self-medication must be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Boosting Immunity In Kids

1. Calcarea Carb

This medicine is effective in cases where tendency to catch cold and suffer from sore throat is quite frequent. This medicine will boost immunity and make kids less prone to suffer from cold and sore throat happening at very short intervals. Besides, it can be helpful for the kids who get frequent ear infections. Kids needing it may have a tendency to sweat excessively especially around the head, mainly while sleeping. Sour smell may emanate from sweat and also from stool. A tendency to eat indigestible things like chalk, pencils, dirt can be present. They may have an intense craving for eggs and a dislike for milk.

2. Baryta Carb

Baryta Carb is prominently indicated to build strong immunity in kids who suffer recurrent cold and tonsillitis (inflamed tonsils) at relatively shorter intervals. They feel pain in the throat while swallowing, burning sensation in throat as well as increased salivation during acute tonsillitis. There may be tendency of pus collection behind tonsils (quinsy also known as peritonsillar abscess). Children needing it also have retarded growth and development and have short height. After infections, they may suffer from weight loss. There may be offensive sweat on the feet.

3. Tuberculinum

This medicine is quite similar in action to the above medicines. It also helps to strengthen immunity to keep away tendency of suffering from recurrent upper respiratory tract infections like cold, tonsillitis, sore throat. It boosts immunity which reduces tendency to have recurrent bronchitis. Kids needing it might not be gaining weight according to their age and they look thin and weak. They also feel tired and have a tendency to sweat profusely at night.

4. Alfalfa

This medicine is considered a general tonic in homeopathy to improve appetite and digestion along with enhancing immunity. It also helps in cases where tiredness and fatigue are marked, besides low weight. Alfalfa will help gain weight and improve the child’s stamina to keep away tiredness and infections.

5. Ferrum Phos

This medicine is recommended for kids who are anemic and have low immunity. They look thin and pale. There is marked weakness as they feel tired and exhausted. There is an aversion to do any kind of physical exertion due to exhaustion. There may be weight loss.

6. China Officinalis

China Officinalis can be used in kids who have weak digestion. They tend to have gas problem along with bloated abdomen. Frequent stomach pain due to gas may occur. They may suffer diarrhea (loose stool) often. There may be excessive weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss and anemia.

7. Alumina

Alumina can help cases where the digestive process is impaired along with constipation. Kids needing it suffer from intense constipation. They do not pass stool daily. There is lack of urge to pass stool for many days so they go for days without passing stool. The stool when passed is very difficult. Great straining is needed to expel stool. Alumina helps to regularize bowel movements and improve indigestion which may be decreasing immunity. Additionally kids needing it may be inactive and want to lie down all the time.

8. Silicea

Silicea is a well-indicated medicine where a child is thin and has hindered growth and development. This is not due to lack of appetite but due to defective assimilation (absorption and transportation of the nutrients from food to body cells through bloodstream). Children needing it have good appetite but have poor growth due to improper assimilation of food. They have excessive fatigue and get exhausted easily. They are very sensitive to cold and have tendency to sweat heavily on the feet and head. They may also be prone to skin infections with pus formation.


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Cough due to Post Nasal Drip (PND) and its Homeopathic Remedies

Post nasal drip (PND) refers to dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. It can lead to multiple symptoms. One amongst these symptoms can be chronic cough. PND is one of the most common causes among various reasons for chronic cough means cough that lasts for more than eight weeks. The particles present in the mucus can trigger cough as a defence mechanism to protect airways. Those suffering from PND may feel like hawking to clearing the throat frequently. They may also get a sore throat, tickling/ irritating feeling in the throat, sensation of mucus in the throat, feeling of something being stuck in the throat, hoarse voice and bad breath. Generally, small amount of mucus is continuously produced by our nose and throat which is being swallowed. It functions to maintain moisture of the nasal membrane, filter infection-causing agents like bacteria and virus, and fight infection. If due to any reason,  there is over-secretion of mucus, it starts collecting in the back of the throat. It can also be felt as dripping down from the back of the nose into the throat.

The reasons for increased mucus production here could be multiple. It firstly includes viral infection of the nose and throat – a cold or flu. Second reason is nasal allergy/allergic rhinitis which indicates overreaction of the nasal mucosa to allergens like dust mites, pollen leading to symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, stuffed nose, itchy watery eyes, and sometimes attending PND. Third cause is sinus inflammation (sinusitis) which refers to inflammation of air-filled spaces within the skull called paranasal sinuses. It results in PND along with other symptoms like nasal discharge, nasal blockage, headache, pain/tenderness around the nose, forehead, eyes, cheeks, sore throat and cough. Rest of the reasons include deviated nasal septum (DNS – in which the wall dividing nasal cavity into two parts gets displaced to one side hindering mucus drainage causing PND); use of certain medicines to treat medical conditions like high blood pressure; acid reflux where stomach acid back flows into the food pipe; cold weather or dry air.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines can prove highly effective in cases of cough due to PND. Sourced from natural substances, they relieve cough by controlling mucus dripping in the throat from the back of the nose in the most harmless way with zero side effects. These can also relieve any attending symptoms like hawking (throat clearing efforts), sore throat, hoarse voice, bad breath along with cough. These medicines target the root cause behind PND that is trigerring cough to give long term relief. In homeopathy, the medicine most suitable is selected after detailed case analysis based on individual characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after getting your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough Due To PND

1. Corallium Rubrum – Leading Medicine

Corallium Rubrum is the most commonly recommended homeopathic medicine to manage cases of cough due to PND. In cases needing it, there is excessive nasal secretion of mucus dripping down the throat. It is accompanied with continuous coughing, mostly the entire day. There occur long episodes of cough at very frequent intervals. It gets worse after eating. It is followed by vomiting of thick sticky mucus. Weakness also occurs after coughing. There is also continual hawking due to the accumulation of mucus in the back of the throat.

2. Kali Bichrome – With Thick, Sticky, Ropy Mucus

This medicine is highly effective when there is thick, sticky, ropy mucus secretions moving down the throat from the back of the nose. The mucus sticks in the throat. Mucus going down the throat excites cough. Cough is attended with thick, yellow sticky mucus expectoration that usually comes out in form of long threads. There is tickling sensation in the throat that results in coughing. There is dry, short, continuous cough. Cough gets worse in the morning with thick mucus expectoration. It also gets worse after eating. This medicine acts best on inflamed nasal membrane and sinus inflammation (sinusitis) with excessive PND and resultant associated cough.

3. Hydrastis – For Cough With Thick White / Yellow Mucus

Hydrastis is a natural medicine to relieve cough associated with thick white / yellow mucus falling in the throat from back of nose. It is also sticky and ropy like that in case of above medicine. It is indicated for both dry and loose cough. Dry cough occurs from an irritation in the larynx (voice box).  During loose cough there occur expectoration of thick yellow colored mucus. There is dryness and soreness in the throat along with a smarting pain.

4. Hepar Sulph – When Cough Worsens From Exposure To Cold Air

This medicine is of great help when there is worsening of cough due to exposure to cold air. The mucus trickling down causes lose cough. Besides, there is hawking of thick, yellow mucus. Cough gets worse from taking cold drinks or cold food. Additionally, stitching pain in the throat and a feeling of a plug or a splinter (a small sharp piece of wood or glass broken off from larger piece) in the throat are other problems the person may complain of. This medicine is prominently indicated when chronic cold or sinus inflammation are present with PND as one of the complaints.

5. Rumex – For Dry Cough Disturbing Sleep

Rumex is an effective medicine when there is dry cough at night that disturbs sleep. Cough happens from irritation in the throat. Itching occurs in the nose that extends down to the throat. In cases needing it, cough gets worse from inhaling cold air. Talking also increases coughing. Besides, Rumex is a suitable medicine when cough occurs from change in weather from cold to warm or vice versa. A lump sensation is felt in the throat which does not get relieved by hawking. One feels relief on swallowing food. A scraping sensation in the throat may be felt along with the above symptoms.

6. Causticum – For Cough Worse In Evening

Causticum is the next well-indicated medicine when cough gets worse mostly in the evening. There is cough along with the collection of excessive mucus in the throat. The cough may continue till midnight. Cough is dry. Burning sensation is felt in the throat. There is a constant urge to clear the throat. The mucus cannot be expectorated by hawking and needs to be swallowed. The voice may get hoarse.

7. Coccus Cacti –  When Cough Occurs From Hawking Mucus

Coccus cacti is beneficial when there is excessive sticky mucus in the throat and hawking (clearing throat) causes cough. Along with cough, vomiting can occur. Throat feels constricted. It feels as if some plug has stuck in the throat. Cough is worse in the morning on waking up. Thick mucus gets detached from the throat while coughing.

8. Sticta – For Dry Cough At Night And Loose Cough In Morning

Sticta is helpful when cough is dry at night and loose in the morning. Dry cough prevents sleep at night. There is tickling sensation in the throat that sets off a cough episode. The mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. Nose feels blocked along with dryness and pain.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic medicines for Inflammation and Pain

Inflammation refers to swelling, redness, pain and heat in the body part as a result of some infection or injury. Whenever any infectious agent such as bacteria, virus enters our body or there occurs an injury, our immune system gets activated. Inflammatory cells are released that begins to trap infectious agents and initiate healing process. It results in signs and symptoms of inflammation including pain, redness, swelling and heat in affected parts. Along with these symptoms there may occur fever, muscle pain, tiredness depending on cause behind inflammation. Besides infection and injury, inflammation may also occur from auto-immune process (in autoimmune process the infection fighting cells in body start to damage body’s own healthy tissue out of a misdirected response) resulting in auto-immune diseases. Other factors increase risk of inflammation includes drinking excessive alcohol, obesity, smoking, chronic stress and exposure to industrial chemicals. Inflammation can occur in any of the body part from head to toe. Some of the inflammation prone zones in the body are throat, tonsils, sinuses, eyes, ears, nose, joints, muscles, tendons, urinary tract, stomach, intestine, rectum, liver, skin.


1. Acute inflammation – This type of inflammation occurs suddenly for example as a result of injury or bacterial infection. It begins rapidly and could last from a few hours to a few days.

2. Chronic inflammation – It is a long-term inflammation that develops gradually over a period of several months to even years. For example, in case of arthritis (joint inflammation) chronic inflammation can be present.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a great choice of safe and effective treatment option for inflammation and pain. Homeopathic remedies work naturally to reduce inflammation and manage pain, swelling, redness and heat. These give excellent clinical results in vast number of such cases. These firstly halt further progression of inflammation and decreases the inflammation already occurred. There is huge list of homeopathic medicines to manage inflammation. Among this list the most suitable medicine is selected as per every individual case based on body part involved and its characteristic symptoms. It is to be noted that homeopathy is recommended only for mild to moderate cases. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines. Homeopathic physician will evaluate the case and prescribe the most suitable remedy. In case of severe intensity and also serious cause behind inflammation that needs immediate medical help like appendicitis (inflamed appendix), pneumonia (inflamed air sacs of lungs), encephalitis (brain inflammation), it is strictly advised to take quick help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitation in treating such critical cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Inflammation

1. Belladonna – Top remedy

Belladonna is top recommended medicine to manage inflammation and pain. It works wonders in reducing inflammation in various body parts like throat, tonsils, ears, nose, sinuses, urinary bladder etc. In cases where it is needed there is marked redness, heat, pain and swelling in affected part. It is also a leading medicine to manage inflammatory fever which means fever that occurs as a result of inflammation.

2. Merc Sol – For Throat Inflammation (Sore Throat) And Tonsillitis

Besides Belladonna which is top medicine for managing sore throat and tonsillitis, Merc Sol is also prominently used medicine to manage this complaint. This medicine is used when there is bluish red swelling in throat, tonsils look dark red and ulcers may also be present on the tonsils and throat. There is pain in throat and tonsils, and pain may extend to ears especially when one swallows. Pain is usually stitching in nature. Salivation is increased along with above-mentioned complaints along with bad smell in the mouth.

3. Natrum Mur – For Inflammation of Lining Of Nose (Rhinitis)

Natrum Mur is a very suitable medicine to manage rhinitis. It is indicated for thin watery discharge from the nose. With this there is sneezing. Nasal blockage and loss of smell are other accompanying symptoms.

4. Kali Bichrome – For Inflamed Paranasal Sinuses (Sinusitis)

Kali Bichrome is a very effective medicine to manage sinus inflammation. The main symptom indicating its use is PND — post nasal discharge that indicates dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat. Next prominent indication for its use is thick, sticky, ropy mucus discharge from nose which is yellow or green in colour. With above-mentioned complaints there is headache in frontal region (forehead) of head and pain at the root of the nose. There occurs fetid smell in the nose.

5. Pulsatilla – For Ear Inflammation and Pain

Pulsatilla is a natural remedy to manage ear inflammation. It can manage inflammation of middle as well as inner ear really well. In cases requiring it there is ear pain especially marked at night. There is discharge from ear that is thick and yellow. It has a foul smell. Hearing becomes difficult.

6. Euphrasia – For Conjunctiva Inflammation (Conjunctivitis)

Euphrasia is best choice of medicine to deal with inflammation of conjunctiva (thin membrane lining eyelid and white of the eye). It is used when there is redness in the eye, excessive watering of the eye along with burning sensation in the eyes. Itching is also well-marked in the eyes. A sensation of dust in the eyes is also felt.

7. Rhus Tox – For Joints Inflammation and Pain

Rhus Tox is best choice of medicine to treat joint inflammation. It can be used for inflammation in any of the joints in the body. It helps reduce joint inflammation and managing pain, swelling and stiffness of joints magnificently. In cases where it is needed the joint pain get worse during the resting period and when the first movement begins. Pains get better after continued motion.

8. Bryonia – To Manage Inflamed Muscles

This medicine is very beneficial for managing muscle inflammation. This medicine is useful for reducing muscle inflammation in any part of the body. In cases where it is needed there is marked muscle pain that worsens on slightest movement.  It gets better by lying still and rest.

9. Ruta – For Tendon Inflammation (Tendonitis)

Tendons are band of strong fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Ruta is a leading medicine to manage cases of tendinitis. It works well in managing inflamed tendons anywhere in the body. It is very suitable in cases where tendons get inflamed from overstraining or there is overuse of tendons like from repeated exercise or an injury. It helps to reduce tendon inflammation and its associated pain and soreness.

10. Arsenic Album – For Stomach Inflammation (Gastritis)

Arsenic Album is very useful in managing stomach inflammation. The key feature to use this medicine is burning pain in the stomach. It gets worse from eating slightest food or drinking any fluid. It worsens mainly due to drinking cold liquid, and gets better from drinking warm liquid.

11. Cantharis – For Inflammation Of Urinary Bladder (Cystitis) And (Urethra)

To manage inflammation of urinary bladder (cystitis) and (urethra), Cantharis is the top recommended medicine. It is indicated when there is burning or pain while passing the urine or before and after passing of the urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate from smallest quantity of urine in the bladder. The urine may be scanty. Sometimes it may come out in droplets.

12. Merc Cor – For Inflamed Large Intestine (Colitis) Or Rectum (Proctitis)

Merc Cor is an important medicine to manage inflammation of the large intestine and rectum. It is needed if there is mucus and blood with loose stool. Burning in the rectum while passing stool may be felt. There is a marked tenesmus (frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool even when bowels are completely empty). Every time a person goes to relieve himself, a scant stool is passed and there is a sensation of the bowels not being empty.

13. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Inflammation

Apis Mellifica is a beneficial medicine to deal with cases of skin inflammation. Those needing it have markedly red, sore and sensitive skin. Burning and heat in skin is felt. Stinging type of pains can be felt on the skin.

14. Chelidonium – For Liver Inflammation (Hepatitis)

Chelidonium is most valuable medicine to help cases of liver inflammation. Those who need it have liver pain that may radiate to the back. Liver may be enlarged and sore to touch. Jaundice can be present with dark stool and offensive urine.

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Homeopathic remedies for yellow mucus in nose, throat and lungs

Mucus is a normal slippery secretion produced by mucous membranes in the body. It is produced by membranes of the nose, sinuses, throat, respiratory tract and also digestive tract, urinary system, genitals, eyes and ears. Some amount of mucus produced naturally in the nose and throat is important as it functions to trap germs (like bacteria, viruses, dust, dirt) and prevents their entry into the lungs. But in case of some infection or allergy, mucus production tends to increase, it gets thick and also changes in color.

In case of infection, white blood cells are produced in excess and move to the airways to fight infection. The neutrophils present in white blood cells give the mucus yellow or green color. Yellow mucus in the nose, throat and lungs can be caused due to various reasons. Some of the main reasons include common cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. The mucus (phlegm) expelled via coughing is called sputum. Depending on the cause behind yellow mucus several other symptoms can attend. These include sneezing, nasal blockage, PND (post nasal drip means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat), headache, cough, difficult breathing, chest pain, fever and fatigue.

Homeopathic Treatment For Yellow Mucus

Homeopathy is of great help in managing cases of yellow mucus in the nose, throat and lungs. Homeopathic medicines work naturally in reducing mucus discharge by targeting the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines also manage the attending symptoms like nasal blockage, cough, sneezing, and headache quite effectively wherever present. The most suitable homeopathic medicine is selected individually for every case after detailed case analysis. Homeopathic medicines are safe and effective for persons of all age groups with zero side effects.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Yellow Mucus 

1. Pulsatilla – Top Most Medicine

Pulsatilla is the leading homeopathic medicine to manage yellow discharge from nose, throat and lungs. It can be used when one is suffering from cold with thick yellow discharge from the nose. The discharge may have a fetid smell. The discharge is prominent in the morning and while a person is indoors. It gets better in the open. In the evening, blockage of the nose may be present. There may be loss of smell and taste as well in cases needing it. There may be sneezing, itching in the nose may be felt in the evening. Pulsatilla is also considered in cases of cough with thick yellow lumpy expectoration. It may have a bitter taste and gets worse in the morning.


2. Kali Bichrome – For Thick, Yellow, Sticky, Ropy Discharge

Kali Bichrome is the best medicine for cases of thick, yellow, sticky and ropy discharges. It is very effective for treating cold and sinusitis with this type of nasal discharge. Along with this, pressure or pain at the root of the nose is well marked. Nasal blockage can attend with difficulty breathing through the nose. An offensive smell may be felt in the nose from retained nasal secretions. Excessive sneezing in the morning can occur. This medicine is also most prominent to deal with yellow ropy post-nasal discharge. This medicine is the next best medicine for cough with yellow and sticky mucus expectoration. It comes out in long strings like a thread.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Rattling Cough With Yellow Expectoration

This medicine is helpful when there is rattling cough with yellow expectoration. The sputum expectorated is thick, yellow and sticky. It smells bad. Cough gets worse from exposure to cold air. There is wheezing in the chest. Hepar Sulph Next also benefits in cases of yellow nasal discharge. Yellow sticky discharge comes out from one nostril. There is blockage of nose when a person is out in cold air along with sneezing. Pain at the root of the nose is quite prominent. Heat and burning in the nose may also be felt.

4. Hydrastis – For thick yellow discharges

Hydrastis is recommended for cases of thick yellow discharges. The discharge occurs from nose and is sticky in nature. Burning and smarting in the nose is felt. Sneezing also occurs along with pressure above the eyes. Nose feels stuffed up. Pain may be felt in the front of the head. It is also an important medicine for thick yellow post-nasal discharge. Hydrastis also works well for loose cough with thick, yellow expectoration.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Yellow Discharge With Nasal Blockage

It is a suitable medicine for yellow nasal discharge with nasal blockage. There is great difficulty in breathing through the nose. Blockage gets worse at night time. There is alteration between yellow nasal discharge and nasal dryness. There is loss of smell. The root of the nose may be swollen. There is a tendency to catch cold whenever there is change of weather. Besides, it is also useful in case of thick yellow expectoration which is sour in taste and stinks badly. The expectoration occurs during the day only.

6. Silicea – For Thick, Yellow Offensive Mucus Discharge

It is a highly important medicine for managing cases of thick, yellow offensive mucus discharge. The discharge is mostly prominent in the morning. In cases needing it, sinusitis may be present with mainly frontal sinus involvement. In the morning, there is sneezing with drawing pain at the root of the nose. Nasal blockage may be present. Silicea is well indicated for excessive cough with thick, yellow expectoration especially while lying down. Silicea is also given in cases of hawking of yellow offensive mucus from the throat in the form of balls.

7. Lycopodium – For Thick, Yellow Discharge

This medicine is highly valuable for thick yellow discharge. In cases requiring it, along with discharge there is swelling of the nose. Besides, pain in the forehead is quite marked along with blockage of nose. It is significant medicine for cases of cough with thick, yellowish green expectoration. It has a salty taste. It also has a very offensive smell. The mucus may be blood streaked in some cases.

8. Calcarea Sulph – For Yellow Pus Like Discharge Tinged With Blood

This medicine is frequently indicated for managing yellow pus like discharge tinged with blood. The discharge occurs from the nose and may be one from one side of the nose only. Sneezing may attend it. Such discharge may also occur as post nasal discharge (PND). It is also indicated for thick lumpy yellow expectoration streaked with blood.

9. Kali Sulph – For Yellow Sticky Discharge

For yellow sticky discharges, this medicine can be used. It may alternate with watery discharge. Nose feels obstructed. Kali Sulph is also considered when there is cough with difficult expectoration of yellow mucus.

What causes yellow mucus?

1. Common cold: It is a viral infection of the nose and throat. It can arise from various viruses among which the most common is rhinoviruses. It causes nasal discharge and other symptoms including sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, PND and cough. Additionally, headache, fatigue, body aches and fever can also occur.

2. Sinusitis: It refers to inflammation of paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled cavities inside the skull bone. It causes nasal discharge, PND, headache, pain in head or face, stuffy nose, and ear fullness.

3. Bronchitis: It refers to inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs. It leads to cough with mucus production, breathing difficulty, fever, chest pain, wheezing from chest and weakness.

4. Pneumonia: Inflammation of air sacs of lungs from an infection is termed as pneumonia. It causes productive cough (means along with mucus production), chest pain on taking deep breath, shortness of breath, fever and chills.

5. Tuberculosis: It is an infection of the lungs caused by bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis. The symptoms include cough with phlegm, fever, night sweats, breathing difficulty, chest pain, appetite loss, weight loss and fatigue.

6. Bronchiectasis: It is one of the types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in which there occurs damage and widening of the bronchi. Symptoms include cough with excessive amount of offensive expectoration, chest pain, wheezing, weight loss and fatigue.



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Blocked Nose troubling you at Night? Simple Homeopathic remedies will bring relief

Blocked nose at night can be quite uncomfortable and disturb a good night’s sleep. It can be caused by different reasons like flu, cold, allergies, polyps, etc. It is not that these conditions do not block the nose during the day, but while we lie down on the bed at night, the blockage of nose can worsen due to some reasons. Firstly, on lying down blood flow to the head increases which can lead to swollen blood vessels in nostrils that worsens stuffy nose. Secondly, lying flat on the bed at night in a person already having a stuffy nose might worsen the complaint. In the day, when standing or sitting, the  mucus keeps draining out from natural gravity pull.

But when lying flat in bed the body has to work against gravity and it becomes difficult for the sinus fluids to drain from nose. As a result fluid builds up in the nose that increases stuffiness. Another reason for blocked nose can be dry air in the room at night. To combat the dryness, nostrils may produce extra mucus to moisten nostrils which further add to the blockage. Blocked nose can be attended with symptoms like sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal irritation, post nasal discharge (PND), snoring, headache, sleep apnea (a sleep disorder in which momentary pauses in breathing occurs several times during sleep) depending on the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help to relieve blocked nose at night. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in clearing stuffy nose by treating the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is targeted, long term relief in blocked nose follows. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms and the cause behind the blockage.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Blocked Nose At Night

1. Ammonium Carb – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for managing nasal blockage at night. It is very suitable for those who have to breathe through the mouth due to blocked nose at night. They may wake up several times from sleep due to nasal stuffiness and difficult breathing. Other symptoms that they may exhibit include profuse watery discharge from nose and a constant urge to sneeze. A very characteristic feature that can occur is nasal bleeding when washing face and hands in the morning.

2. Lemna Minor – With Nasal Polyps Or Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinate Hypertrophy

It is a highly recommended medicine for blocked nose from nasal polyps or turbinate hypertrophy. In cases needing it, nostrils feel stuffed causing difficulty in breathing through the nose. A foul smell from nose may emanate. There may also occur nasal discharge which is thick, yellow or white and sticky in nature.

3. Teucrium – From Nasal Polyps

This medicine is suitable to relieve blocked nose from polyps. In cases needing it, the side on which the sufferer lies down gets blocked means lying on right side causes blockage of right nostril and lying on left side results in blockage of left nostril. There may be loss of smell. Lastly, crawling sensation in the nostrils along with sneezing, nasal discharge and watering from eyes may be present.

4. Sambucus – Blocked Nose In Children

Sambucus is the top-listed medicine to help cases of blocked nose in children. It works well both in cases of blockage due to nasal dryness as well as blockage from nasal discharge. In case of discharge from nose, the secretions are mostly thick and sticky. Children needing it have trouble breathing through the nose. They wake up several times at night from a feeling of suffocation.

5. Calcarea carb – For Stuffed Nose With Yellow Discharge

This medicine is beneficial when nasal stuffiness occurs along with yellow nasal discharge. The person needing it can hardly breathe through the nose at night. Besides, there is an offensive smell in the nose. A tendency to suffer from frequent cold from exposure to cold air may be present in those needing it.

6. Hepar Sulph – Stuffy Nose In Case Of Cold

This medicine is very effective to relieve stuffy nose from cold. Those needing it have watery nasal discharge or sometimes yellow sticky matter discharge from nose. In some cases, the nasal discharge may be blood stained. There is a desire to blow the nose continuously. Itching is felt in the nostrils along with sneezing. The nostrils feel painful with marked pain at the root of the nose. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. The nose is also sensitive to touch and also cold air.

7. Natrum Mur – In Case Of Allergies

This medicine can be used in case of blocked nose linked with nasal allergies. In cases needing it, nasal blockage and fluent nasal discharge occur alternately. The discharge is of clear white fluid. There is excessive sneezing, besides soreness inside the nose along with burning sensation. There may be loss of smell and taste.

8. Kali Bichrome – In Sinusitis Cases

This medicine works well in case of nasal blockage linked to sinusitis. Persons needing it have a constant sensation as if the nose is blocked. There is thick, sticky, ropy yellow or greenish discharge from nose. Mucus plugs or hard crusts in the nostrils may get formed in the nose. When these crusts are blown out by force, blood is seen at the edges of crusts. Post nasal discharge also occurs prominently. A pressure or tightness is felt at the root of the nose. A fetid smell is present in the nose. Pain in forehead is quite marked along with above symptoms.

9. Sticta – With Nasal Dryness

Sticta is well indicated when there is marked nasal dryness with blocked nose. Persons needing it feels like blowing the nose constantly but no discharge flows. The stuffed nose causes sleeplessness. There is relief in nasal blockage in the morning and in open air. The nostrils are painful along with dryness. The nasal secretions dry up quickly and form scabs which are difficult to expel. There is excessive sneezing, and frontal headache along with stuffiness in the nose.

10. Agraphis Nutans – From Enlarged Adenoids

It is the most prominent medicine to help cases of nasal blockage due to enlarged adenoids. In cases needing it, there is difficulty in sleeping from blocked nose. Tonsils may get enlarged. There is a tendency to catch cold easily from exposure to cold winds.

11. Lycopodium – For Blocked Nose With Mouth Breathing

This medicine is valuable to manage cases in which nasal blockage is accompanied with mouth breathing. It is highly useful for nasal blockage in children. The child needing it wakes up suddenly from sleep rubbing the nose. There may occur nasal discharge, along with red, watery eyes. The nasal discharge is thick yellow along with frontal headache.

12. Nux Vomica – For Blocked Nose At Night And Nasal Discharge In Daytime

This medicine is suitable when the nose is blocked at night but in daytime, nasal discharge flows. There is blockage of the nose on alternate sides. A crawling sensation is felt in the nose, besides sneezing. There is oversensitivity to smell. Snoring along with nasal blockage is also there.

What Are The Causes Of Blocked Nose At Night?

1. Cold, flu: It is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, sinuses, larynx)

2. Nasal polyps:  These are soft non-cancerous growths arising from the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses.

3. Turbinate hypertrophy: Swelling or enlargement of small sausage shaped structures (made up of bone and covered with soft tissue called mucosa) located within the nose.

4. Deviated nasal septum (DNS): Condition where thin wall separating right and left nasal passage is displaced to one side.

5. Enlarged adenoids: Enlargement of lymphoid tissue present at the back of nose (nasopharynx).

6. Sinusitis: Inflammation of any of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled cavities in skull bone.

7. Nasal allergy/Allergic Rhinitis: It refers to an allergic reaction to allergens like dust, pollen resulting in nasal inflammation causing symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy/watery eyes.

8. Dryness of nose (rhinitis sicca)



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Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies For Cough Along With Vomiting

Cough is the body’s protective mechanism to clear the airway of any dust, smoke, mucus and any microbes (like virus, bacteria). In some cases, coughing is so marked in intensity that it results in vomiting. A continuous high intensity cough which results in vomiting is termed as spasmodic cough. The muscles that are involved in coughing also work while vomiting which is one of the reasons why cough can lead to vomiting in some cases. Vomiting with cough may happen frequently in younger kids. Older kids and adults know how to spit out mucus but younger kids don’t. So vomiting is a way the body is trying to get rid of the mucus that has been coughed up. In case excessive mucus gets into the stomach and causes nausea, even then vomiting may occur. Homeopathic medicines prove very useful in cases of cough with vomiting. These medicines bring natural recovery by treating the root cause behind it.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Cough Along With vomiting

1. Ipecac – Top grade medicine

Ipecac is a leading medicine when a fit of coughing is followed by vomiting of whitish mucus or of food. In cases needing it, cough is loose, rattling type. The chest feels full of mucus. Vomiting seems to relieve cough. There occur frequent attacks of cough that shake the entire body. Cough is attended with difficult breathing and suffocation. It is a very exhausting cough and is mostly triggered after a meal. Cool air also worsens cough. This medicine is helpful when cough occurs at night along with vomiting.

2. Cina – For Cough In Children

This medicine is well indicated to manage cough that ends in vomiting in children. In children requiring it, there occur fits of constant cough especially at night. Sleeplessness may also occur from coughing episodes. Cough is very violent that brings tears in eyes and at the end vomiting. Any kind of movement as well as talking, tend to trigger an episode of cough where this medicine is required, so the child needing it fears to speak or move. Some of the attending symptoms are sneezing, loss of appetite and throat pain.

3. Coccus Cacti – When Complaint Gets Worse In Morning

Coccus Cacti is the most important medicine when cough gets worse in the morning. It is worst when the person walks for the first time in the morning. An attack of cough is followed by vomiting of thick and sticky mucus. Sometimes violent cough is followed by vomiting of ropy mucus. If cough occurs at six or seven specifically, then Coccus Cacti is the best indicated medicine. Another very characteristic feature to use this medicine is cough arising from brushing teeth. Besides these, an indicating feature is cough getting better by consuming cold drinks or inhaling cold air.

4. Drosera – When Complaint Gets Worse Lying Down At Night

When cough increases while lying down at night, Drosera is the best medicine. The cough is dry, irritative type that occurs in fits at very short intervals. It forces the sufferer to sit up. Vomiting follows coughing. The vomiting may be of mucus, water or food varying from case to case. Vomiting finishes the coughing fit after which excessive weakness is felt. Stitching pain in chest may occur along with cough. This medicine is very suitable for children who have night cough as soon as they hit the bed.

5. Bryonia – For Dry Cough

Bryonia is a wonderful medicine to deal with cases of dry cough along with vomiting of food. Cough gets worse after eating or drinking and also on taking deep breath. After coughing, the vomit consists of food that had just been eaten. During coughing, pain in the head and chest may occur. In cases requiring Bryonia, cough may also increase from movement and talking.

6. Antimonium Tart – For Loose Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart is a leading medicine when it comes to manage loose rattling cough. It feels as if the lungs are full of mucus. Vomiting sets in after coughing. In cases needing it, cough gets worse by eating. Chest pain may attend it. Thera may be difficulty in breathing. A characteristic feature is relief in cough from lying on the right side.

7. Pertussin – For Repeated Fits Of Coughing

This medicine is well indicated when there are repeated fits of coughing. Each fit of cough is followed by vomiting. Mostly cough is dry. Due to persistent cough, the face appears flushed (red). Cough is excited by a tickling sensation in throat and fauces. Difficulty in breathing may attend coughing.

8. Ferrum Met – When Cough Worsens After Eating Food

Ferrum Met is a useful medicine when cough worsens after eating food. Vomiting occurs after eating and all the food eaten is thrown up. Cough can be attended with soreness and stitching pain in chest. Vomiting eases the cough. Besides, this medicine is also indicated for cough with blood stained sputum.

9. Conium – For Cough At Night

This medicine is helpful when cough along with vomiting occurs frequently at night. Coughing occurs continuously until vomiting arises. Vomiting is of frothy mucus with yellow center. Mostly cough begins with a tickling sensation in the throat and triggered when talking or lying down. Cough leads to exhaustion. In children needing it, pain in abdomen also occurs while coughing.

10. Nux Vomica – For Cough With Headache, Abdomen Pain And Vomiting

This medicine is of great value in managing cases in which a person complains of cough with headache, abdomen pain and vomiting. Cough is violent with vomiting and exhaustion. Cough gets worse at night, especially when lying on the back and disappears when lying on the side. It leads to sleeplessness. Yellow or grey mucus may be expectorated along with cough. The mucus may be sour or sweet to taste. Nux Vomica is well indicated for cough occurring from exertion and from tobacco use. Warm drinks may relieve the cough.

11. Mephitis – For Cough Episodes Every Few Minutes At Night

Mephitis is prominently indicated when cough episodes happen every few minutes (about 10 minutes) at night. There is rattling of mucus along with cough.  Vomiting occurs after cough. It is also indicated for cough with runny nose and suffocative feeling.

What Are The Causes Of Cough that Can Result in Vomiting?

1. Post nasal drip – Dripping of nasal secretions from the back of nose into the throat. It may happen from various reasons like allergies, sinusitis, common cold etc.

2. Cigarette smoking – Cigarette smoking can cause cough. In this condition, cough arises as a part of the defence mechanism of the body to clear out the chemicals of cigarette that have entered airways and lungs.

3. GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) – GERD refers to back flow of stomach acid into the food pipe. The acid may reach the throat as well giving rise to cough. Cough related to GERD mostly occurs at night or after a meal and worsens on lying down.

3. Asthma (a respiratory condition arising when airways get narrow, swell and produce excessive mucus giving rise to breathing difficulty, cough and wheezing from chest) and cough variant asthma (a type of asthma presenting only with symptom of cough which is dry, non – productive type)

4. Bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs) and pneumonia (infection that causes inflammation of air sacs of lungs)

5. Certain medicines like ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) used to treat high blood pressure

6. In children, some other causes include Pertussis (whooping cough – a contagious respiratory tract infection characterized by fits of severe hacking cough followed by high-pitched whoop sound as the person breathes in) and RSV infection (Respiratory Syncytial Virus causes a viral infection of lungs with symptoms like cough, sneezing, runny nose, wheezing and fever) that frequently causes bronchitis and pneumonia in babies.

Note: Vomiting that accompanies cough is not something of major concern and is not a medical emergency. But in case bloody expectoration, difficulty breathing, blue coloration of face/lips/tongue, fever with chills, dehydration or loss of consciousness occurs, seek immediate medical attention.


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7 Homeopathic Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN or TGN), also known as tic douloureux/ Fothergill disease/ Prosopalgia refers to severe electric shock like facial pain on one side of the body along the course of the trigeminal nerve (usually due to compression, irritation or damage to the nerve). The pain is typically abrupt and intense. Even little stimulation of face like washing the face, brushing teeth can excite a sharp pain on the face in these cases. The severity of the pain may cause a person to contort his/her face in a twisted expression. It is considered one of the most severely painful disorders known to medical science due to which, it is also called suicide disease. Though the condition is not life-threatening, it can hinder one’s quality of life and can lead to chronic pain syndrome which usually affects the activities of daily life and may lead to depression in some individuals. Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia helps reduce the severity and recurrence of sudden pains.

  homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia

Homeopathic Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia

In the homeopathic mode of treatment, the treatment begins once the complete case history is understood from the patient, including the location, sensation, time and modalities of the pain. Particular attention is paid to the factors that trigger the complaint. Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia works by acting internally on the root of the problem. Caught in the early stages (with the initial symptoms), homeopathic medicines can help cure the condition with minimal chances of recurrence.

Homeopathic medicines work by managing the acute symptoms that are most troublesome and difficult to bear. They further help manage the condition by minimizing the intensity of pain. These medications are entirely natural, safe and free from any side effects. Homeopathic medications can give long-term relief in cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia and can enable an individual to lead a good quality of life.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Trigeminal Neuralgia

The top homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia include Spigelia, Magnesia Phosphorica, Verbascum and Colocynth.

1. Spigelia – For Neuralgia On The Left Side

Spigelia is an excellent natural medicine for left-sided Trigeminal Neuralgia. Facial pain located on the left side of the face that comes and goes suddenly are the primary features that indicate the need for this medicine. The area around the eye, forehead, cheek, teeth, and temple on the left side of the face are particularly painful. The nature of pain varies from stabbing, violent, burning like hot needles or wires, jerking, tearing, to stitching type. The affected area is highly sensitive to touch. In a few cases, pains worsen from morning to sunset. The attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia arising in cold, rainy weather are strong indicators to use Spigelia. It can be used when V1 (ophthalmic) and V2 (maxillary) branches of trigeminal nerve are affected.

Key indications 

Pain on the left side of the face

The occurrence of sudden pain on the affected part of face

The affected area becomes highly sensitive to touch

Attacks of trigeminal neuralgia arising in cold, rainy weather

2. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Neuralgia On The Right Side

Magnesia Phosphorica is a medicine for cases of right-sided trigeminal neuralgia. Pain usually starts near the right eye and extends to the whole right side of the face. The pain of stabbing, stitching, shooting, cutting character is present. Pain may return every two to three hours. Pain on the right side of the face may alternate with a toothache or frequently change location, rushing about like a bolt of lightning. The pain may get worse from the slightest touch, cold application, motion, a draft of air, cold washing, eating. The patient may get relief by warmth application and pressure. Facial neuralgia beginning on opening the mouth to eat or drink is also indicative of using this medicine.

Key indications 

Pain on the right side of the face.

Pain in the affected area gets worse from touch.

Pain on opening the mouth.

3. Verbascum— For Neuralgia With Marked Periodicity

Verbascum (also known as Mullein Oil) is a medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia that has a pronounced action on the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve. There is periodic facial pain of tearing, stitching, cramping, crushing type. Pain seems to occur in flashes, happening at the same hour in the morning and afternoon every day. The smallest movement triggers facial pain. Neuralgia of the left side of face occurs more commonly in cheeks and temporo-maxillary joint. A pressure in the entire left side of the head and face may be present. Pains get triggered by sneezing, talking and change of weather. Another indication is a benumbing, sticking and piercing type of pain deep in the right temple while eating, which extends to upper teeth of the same side after a few hours. Severe pressing, pinching pain on the side of the lower jaw also indicates the need for this medicine.

Key indications

Pain in flashes on the affected part of the face

Pain on face triggered by the smallest movement

Pain in the right temple while eating

4. Colocynth – For Neuralgia With Shooting, Stitching Pains

Colocynth works efficiently in cases of trigeminal neuralgia where facial pains are violent, shooting, and stitching in character. Numbness may follow neuralgic pains and get better by pressure. This medicine has a long-lasting action on large nerves, especially the trigeminal nerve. There are tearing pains in the cheeks, stitches in upper jaw which reoccur frequently. The left side of the face, temple, ear and sometimes the side of the neck may get affected. Facial neuralgia and toothache remain confined to one side. The pains are periodical and very severe.

Key indications 

Pain in left side of the face, temple, ear

Facial pains that are violent, shooting, and stitching in nature

Other Important Remedies

Hecla Lava – For Neuralgia From Dental Complaints

Hecla lava is an important remedy in cases of facial neuralgia when dental problems like tooth decay causes pain. Neuralgic pains in the face after extraction of the tooth or decayed tooth are the characteristic features. There is swelling and violent pain in the jaw, which is highly painful to touch.

Plantago – For Neuralgia With Pains In Lower Jaws

Plantago has a marked action on the trigeminal nerve. It is an excellent remedy where neuralgia is located around the lower jaw. The pain is shooting, tearing in nature. Pain starting from the lower jaw may extend to the ears. Sometimes there is drawing pain in the cheeks. It can be given when mandibular (V3) branch is involved with pain in lower jaw and ear.

Hypericum – For Neuralgia After Nerve Injury

Hypericum is a highly beneficial medicine in cases where Trigeminal Neuralgia starts after a nerve injury. Pains in the face are sharp, shooting, tearing or violent. There is marked tingling, burning, numbness in the affected area of the face. Facial neuralgia and toothache are present. Tension and tearing in the cheek may also be present.

Belladonna —For Right Sided Facial Pain

Belladonna is very effective in managing right-sided facial pain. It works well when pain is marked in the right side temple going to eye and cheek of right side. It is triggered by touch and movement of face. There may be relief in pain from hard pressure over affected area. It is also helpful when pain occurs in jaw, teeth and ears. A marked redness and burning heat may accompany the above symptoms.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The most commonly affected areas of the face in Trigeminal Neuralgia include the jaw and lower face.

1. Area of pain: The pain can be focused on one spot (depending upon the branch that is affected) or can advance to a widespread area. The areas that can be affected include jaws, eyes, cheeks, lips, and teeth, area around the nose, ears, gums, forehead.

2. Type of pain: Pains can be excruciating, tearing, shooting, jabbing, or feel like electric shocks. Trigeminal neuropathic pains that produce tingling and numbness (usually due to oral surgery or dentistry) may also occur. There may be a tingling, pin needle sensation or numbness in the face before the development of pain. Burning sensation in the face may also be felt after pain has subsided. Twitching (involuntary muscle contraction causing jerking in affected part) in face may also occur after an attack of pain.

3. The side of the face affected: Usually, the pain is unilateral (one-sided). Mostly, it involves right side of the face. But in some cases, it can be bilateral (affecting both sides of the face) for example in case of multiple sclerosis. In case of bilateral TN though both sides are affected but at a given time only one side has symptoms. Very rarely, both sides show symptoms at same time.

4. The intensity of pain: In most cases, episodes of pain are usually intense in nature (some sufferers have reported the pain being more intense than pain of a heart attack). However, in some cases, pain can range from mild to moderate. With progression of the condition, pain becomes more intense with time.

5. Duration of pain: The pain attack lasts from few seconds to few minutes initially. As the condition progresses, the pain attacks can become longer.

6. The frequency of attacks: Intermittent isolated episodes of sudden pain tend to occur. Some may experience it only once a day and others may have it every few minutes or hours. It may happen every day for several days, weeks, months or even more than that. Sometimes, even months or years may pass after one attack (called remission period). If not treated, the attacks can become frequent and intense over time. Mild attacks may be experienced initially, but if progression takes place, long and frequent bouts of pains can occur.

7. Time of occurrence: It can occur once the patient is exposed to any triggering factors (and sometimes even without them). It never happens while a person is asleep.

What Causes Trigeminal Neuralgia (TGN or TN)?

It arises from abnormal functioning of trigeminal nerve. The main cause behind TGN is compression of trigeminal nerve by a blood vessel. It damages myelin sheath (protective covering of nerve fibers) of this nerve and results in the hyperfunctioning of the nerve. As a result of the damage, even a little stimulation on the portion of the face supplied by this nerve excites pain. In addition, the nerve is unable to close pain signals once nerve stimulation stops. The compression of nerve for a short period of time does not cause pain but long-term constant compression cause demyelination of nerve initially, followed by degeneration of axon (thin fibers extending from nerve cell that function to transmit electrical signals to nerve cells, muscles, glands).

Various causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

1. Pressure: Approximately 95% of TN cases arise from pressure on this nerve. Pressure on the trigeminal nerve from the surrounding blood vessel (an artery – anterior inferior cerebellar artery, etatic basilar artery or a vein) at the base of brain is the most common cause.

Pressure on trigeminal nerve from a tumour may also lead to TN but that is rare. TN may also occur from pressure on trigeminal nerve by an aneurysm (bulge in the wall of blood vessel)

2. Trauma / Injury to nerve: Damage to the nerve can occur as a result of facial injury, dental injury or a surgical procedure (eg sinus surgery, oral surgery), stroke (brain damage arising from interrupted blood supply to brain) can lead to TN.

3. Loss of Myelin Sheath: Myelin sheath protects the nerves. Loss of myelin sheath (which can occur as result of aging or condition like multiple sclerosis) can lead to Trigeminal Neuralgia. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder in which immune cells damage the protective covering of nerves disrupting communication between brain and body.

4. Inflammation: Inflammatory disorders like Lyme disease (a tick-borne disease caused by bacteria, of the Type Borrelia, known as Borrelia Burgdoferi) and Sarcoidosis (autoimmune disorder causing collection of inflammatory cells in a body part) can also lead to the development of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

5. Collagen Vascular Diseases: Diseases like scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus can trigger Trigeminal Neuralgia. In such diseases, the immune system causes inflammation in the collagen and surrounding joints.

However, it should be noted that in many cases, there is no specific cause for Trigeminal Neuralgia called as idiopathic TN.

What Are The Factors That Contribute to the Development of Trigeminal Neuralgia?

1. Family History: Trigeminal Neuralgia may run in families as it is related to malformation of blood vessels in the brain due to inheritance.

2. Age: Though any age group can be affected but it is common in people who are 50 years of age or above. The reason is that blood vessels get hard and elongated with age and there is sagging of brain that can make new contacts between nerves and blood vessels.

3. Women are more affected with TGN as compared to men.

4. High Blood Pressure: People with high blood pressure issues are more likely to suffer from trigeminal neuralgia than those with normal blood pressure.

What Triggers Nerve Pain in TGN?

A person who has Trigeminal Neuralgia usually has a triggering factor that can result in the onset of an episode of TGN. Some of the most common triggering factors include washing the face, brushing teeth, talking, touching the face, chewing, smiling, shaving, putting on makeup, exposure to drafts of air, blowing the nose, etc.

Classification and types of Trigeminal Neuralgia

As per ICHD-3 (International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition), TN is classified into three types as follows:

1.Classic TN: When Trigeminal Neuralgia is associated with vascular compression, means compression of nerve by a blood vessel

2.Secondary TN: The TN linked to irritation or pressure on trigeminal nerve from tumour or arising from some disease lurking behind it, like multiple sclerosis is secondary TN

3.Idiopathic TN: No cause behind TN is detected.

Based on the symptomatic presentation, Trigeminal neuralgia is classified into two types:

Typical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. A person may be affected by both the types at the same time.

1. Typical (Type 1) Trigeminal Neuralgia

Typical trigeminal neuralgia usually results in episodes of severe, sudden, shock-like pain generally affecting one side of the face. Pains may last from few seconds to minutes. Many episodes can occur over a few hours. A touch usually triggers episodic pain in the face. It is a very painful condition. The areas involved mainly includes cheek, mouth or nose on one side of face.

2. Atypical (type 2) Trigeminal Neuralgia

Atypical trigeminal neuralgia is also known as Type 2 trigeminal neuralgia. The person experiences constant aching, burning and stabbing pain of low intensity (compared to Type 1). This type of pain is difficult to diagnose. It is a rare condition, and the symptoms overlap with several other disorders. It can occur in addition to a migraine headache or can be mistaken for migraine alone, dental issues, temporomandibular joint disorders or musculoskeletal issues.

Another classification of Trigeminal Neuralgia is as follows:

It is also classified as primary and secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)

Primary TN: It is associated with compression of trigeminal nerve by an artery or vein. It is not caused by any medical condition.

Secondary TN: It arises secondary to some condition, like an injury to face, multiple sclerosis or damage to myelin sheaths from some other medical condition, from pressure on trigeminal nerve by a tumour, cyst.

Which disorders can Trigeminal Neuralgia mimic?

TN can mimic several medical disorders. These include:

1. Post Herpetic Neuralgia: It is a complication of Herpes Zoster (a viral infection occurring from reactivation of Varicella Zoster virus. Herpes Zoster causes painful rash or blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on skin. If pain of Herpes Zoster continues after healing of rash for more than three months in the affected skin areas, then it is termed as Post Herpetic Neuralgia.

2. Temporomandibular joint syndrome/disorder: Temporomandibular joint is the joint connecting lower jaw to skull. Conditions that affect jaw joint and surrounding muscles or ligaments is referred as Temporomandibular joint syndrome/disorder.

3. Sinus infection/Sinusitis: Infection or inflammation of lining of paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities within the skull bone).

4. Temporal tendinitis: Inflamed temporal tendon where it inserts in the cornoid process of lower jaw.

5. Dental pain: Toothache from dental cause like tooth decay, cavity in tooth, etc.

6. Cluster headache: Severe headache occurring in clusters. The sufferer faces attacks of headache followed by periods free of any such pain.

7. Migraine: Headache affecting one side of the head usually with throbbing pulsating pain commonly attended with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise or light.

8. Temporal arteritis (also called Giant cell arteritis): A condition caused by inflammation of the arteries present at the side of the head (temporal region of head).

Trigeminal Nerve and its Function

The trigeminal nerve is the fifth cranial nerve (out of 12 pair of cranial nerves) and is the largest of all the cranial nerves. There is one trigeminal nerve on either side of the face. The trigeminal nerve divides itself further into three branches (hence the name trigeminal derived from two Latin words: tria means three and geminus means twin). The three branches are named as Ophthalmic nerve (V1), Maxillary nerve (V2), Mandibular nerve (V3). The trigeminal nerve is a mixed cranial nerve responsible for both sensory functions (which include facial sensations such as pressure, thermoception (temperature), nociception (pain)) and motor functions as it supplies the muscles of mastication (chewing and biting) but not facial expressions.

When Trigeminal Neuralgia occurs, one, two or all branches of the nerve may get affected. Most commonly, the middle branch (maxillary nerve) and lower branch (mandibular nerve) are affected. Upper branch (Opthalmic nerve) is the least to be affected.  The areas of face supplied by the three branches of the trigeminal nerve are:

V1 (Ophthalmic/upper branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in the scalp, forehead, eye, upper eyelid and tip of the nose.

V2 (Maxillary/middle branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in the lower eyelid, side of the nose, cheeks, nostrils, upper lip, upper teeth and upper gums.

V3 (Mandibular/lower branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in lower teeth, lower gums, lower lip, chin, jaw, and part of the ear. Mandibular branch also supplies the muscles involved in mastication (chewing and biting).

Complications Associated with Trigeminal Neuralgia

Recurrence is one of the main complications of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Once the pain sets in, the affected person may not want to brush his teeth or maintain hygiene for fear of triggering the pain. This can lead to severe anxiety and distress and even depression in patients who suffer from it.

Managing the Pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia can be managed well if one is aware of the particular triggering factors. Avoiding these triggers can help control the occurrence of the debilitating pains and can ultimately improve one’s quality of life. One must avoid vigorous brushing of teeth, eating very hard solid foods, exposure to drafts of air or any other trigger known individually to the case which can excite facial pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am taking Spigelia 30 for TGN of left side but that has not helped much, Is there any other homeopathic remedy that I can try?

To deal with left-sided facial pain, Spigelia ranks first and is often the first choice of homeopathic medicine to start with treatment of left-sided facial neuralgia. Unfortunately, it did not worked in your case. But yes there are definitely some other remedies that you can try, for example Aconite, Colocynth, Verbascum Thapsus that are prominently indicated for left-sided facial pains. These medicines can be used after matching the symptoms.

I am taking Magnesium Phos 6X for my right sided trigeminal neuralgia, Is it the correct remedy for that?

Yes, absolutely it is one of the top homeopathic medicine for right-sided Trigeminal Neuralgia. To get best results, take its tablets by dissolving it in warm water.

Which homeopathic medicines would you rate as best for TGN?

Though there are numerous medicines for TGN treatment but as per my clinical experience, I would rate Spigelia, Magnesium Phos, Verbascum, Colocynth and Hecla Lava as the best medicines for TGN. These give magnificent results when taken as per similarity of symptoms.

Is Staphysagria also a homeopathic medicine for TGN?

Yes, Staphysagria is also indicated for some cases of TGN. It is mainly indicated for pain in the cheek on left side especially for sharp burning or stitching pain.  Consider a homeopathic doctor’s advice prior to using this medicine.

I have been suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last 10 years, can homeopathy help such chronic cases?

Yes, there is scope in homeopathy to treat chronic cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of pain episodes. With proper treatment for recommended period of time, one may even get cured, though results vary from case to case.

I have been taking conventional treatment (anti-convulsant drugs and also botox injection as per doctor’s advice) for Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last 2 years, can I switch to homeopathy?

I would recommend to not stop the allopathic treatment all of sudden as your body has become habitual to it. What you can do is start homeopathic medicines side by side and once your body start responding, you may gradually lessen the dose of allopathic medicines and with time may entirely stop other treatment.

If I start homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia, will I have to take homeopathic medicines for lifetime?

Not that’s not the case. The course of homeopathic medicines varies from case to case ranging from few months to a year approximately. Once relief is achieved to a major extent in such cases, the dose is gradually reduced and completely finished later.

Does homeopathy offer permanent cure for Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Homeopathy promises great help in reducing intensity and frequency of attacks of facial pain in TGN in most cases. In some cases, permanent cure might take place but that depends upon several factors such as the severity, duration of complaint and how well body responds to the homeopathic treatment.

Does homeopathic medicine Arnica play any role in treating TGN?

Arnica is a highly recommended homeopathic remedy to relieve complaints that arise from an injury in general. So, Arnica can be considered to treat TGN cases where there is history of facial injury prior to onset of TGN. But I advise to consult a homeopathic physician before using this medicine for TGN.

What help could homeopathic medicine Thuja offer in TGN cases?

Thuja is a natural homeopathic medicine that could be helpful when the pain starts from lips or gums and spreads to entire right side of the face. Numbness might follow pain in the affected area. Before using this medicine, kindly consult a homeopath.

I have sharp, severe facial pain on the right side that comes and goes, do I have Trigeminal Neuralgia?

No doubt, Trigeminal Neuralgia is one of the most important reasons behind sharp, facial pain especially when it is one-sided but other medical conditions can also cause facial pains. These includes Post Herpetic Neuralgia, TMJ disorder, sinusitis, dental pain, etc. So a complete case history is required to evaluate your case and find the exact reason.

My mother aged 80 yrs is suffering from TGN and recently I also started getting facial pain on and off, could it be TGN?

There are chances that your facial pain could be related to TGN as it has been seen that persons having family history of TGN are at risk. But it could also be arising from some other reason that should not be overlooked. I advise you to take proper consultation from a physician to rule out the cause behind your facial pain.

Is my pain around the jaw related to Trigeminal Neuralgia?

It might or it might not be the case. Involvement of V3 (mandibular branch) can surely cause jaw pain but other reasons should also not be ignored as jaw pain could arise from other reasons like dental abscess, arthritis apart from Trigeminal Neuralgia. So, I suggest consulting a physician before reaching any conclusion.

Could numbness or tingling sensation in face be related to Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Yes, tingling and numbness in the face may arise in case of Trigeminal Neuralgia along with pain. But other reasons may also cause such symptoms. Some of the reasons include an allergic reaction, anxiety, multiple sclerosis. One must visit a physician to rule out the exact cause.

Could my Trigeminal Neuralgia be related to dental surgery that I had a few months ago?

Yes, it could be. Dental surgery can actually trigger Trigeminal Neuralgia in some. For example, it may follow root canal procedure, tooth extraction, installing dental implant in lower jaw.

Can stress cause TGN?

Though stress may not by itself cause TGN, but it can make this condition worse.

I have heard that high Blood pressure (BP) can cause TGN, Is it so?

While high blood pressure does not directly lead to TGN but it is a predisposing factor for it. Not everyone suffering from high BP goes on to develop TGN but they are at more risk to get TGN as compared to those who are non-hypertensive ( not having high BP)

Are any investigations required to diagnose Trigeminal Neuralgia?

A clinical diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia can be made after evaluating the description of type, location, frequency and triggering factors of pain. Physical or neurological examination to know the exact location of pain can be performed. These symptoms are enough for clinical diagnosis, and sometimes no tests are required. To rule out the possible causes of occurrence of Trigeminal Neuralgia, an MRI of brain may be advised to rule out any inflammation, brain tumor or a blood vessel compressing the nerve.

Can Trigeminal Neuralgia be prevented?

Though initiation of Trigeminal Neuralgia in a person cannot be prevented but the future episodes of pain can be prevented by noting down the trigger factors and avoiding them as far as possible in future.

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Cough at night? Top Homeopathic medicines for relief

Cough is the body’s protective mechanism to clear the airway of any dust, smoke, mucus and any microbes (like virus, bacteria). Though cough can trouble a person regardless of time, certain kinds of cough get worse at night. Cough at night (also called nocturnal cough) is distressing that keeps a person awake disturbing night’s rest that can be very exhausting and impact the day’s activities. At night, while lying down flat, the mucus, acid and other irritants find it easier to rise to the throat which is one of the factors that can make cough worse. Besides, the quality of air in the bedroom at night also affects coughing, basically dry indoor air can irritate nose and throat and worsen cough.

Depending on the cause, cough may be attended by sputum production, expectoration (clear, yellow, green, brown or blood stained), wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, heartburn, burping, night sweat, fever. PND (post nasal drip), GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), asthma, allergies, cough from cold or flu are some of the main reasons for worsening cough at night.

Homeopathic Treatment 

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing such cases of cough. The homeopathic medicines target the root cause of the problem to bring long term improvement in cases of cough. These medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism to fight back the disease and bring self-recovery in the most natural way. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin with zero side-effects so are safe to use among persons of all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough At Night

1. Drosera –Top Grade Medicine

Drosera is a top-listed medicine to manage cases of cough at night. Its use is highly recommended for persons having cough that starts immediately after lying down at night. Cough forces them to sit up in bed. The cough is entirely absent during daytime. In cases requiring it the cough is usually dry irritative type. In some cases, however, yellow expectoration occurs. There are fits of coughing. One attack of cough is soon followed by another. At the end of the cough, vomiting may occur. This medicine is of great help to manage night time cough in children who start coughing as soon as they hit the bed.

 2. Sambucus – For Cough With Breathing Difficulty In Children

Sambucus is highly useful for managing cough with breathing difficulty in children at night (means suffocative cough). Children needing it suddenly wake up at night with coughing, breathing trouble and excessive sweating. Such attacks of cough occur more specifically around midnight. There is excessive crying in children. Whistling sound from chest may occur. Sambucus is well indicated for asthma attacks at night in children. Blockage of nostrils may be marked in cases needing this medicine.

3. Cina – For Cough Ending In Vomiting In Children

Cina is an excellent medicine for managing violent cough occurring in children at night when cough ends in vomiting (means spasmodic cough). The children needing it have cough occurring continuously which ultimately leads to vomiting. Tears appear in eyes along with difficult breathing. The cough is dry and occurs in fits in between intervals.

4. Belladonna – When Cough Is Short, Dry, Tickling

Belladonna is a very effective medicine for managing short, dry, tickling cough that occurs at night. The cough wakes the sufferer from sleep. A very characteristic feature is renewal of cough even from the slightest movement in bed. Cough is attended with pain in head, along with tearing pain in chest. A sensation of inhalation of dust prevails in most cases. This medicine is of great use in case of cough related to sore throat and enlarged tonsils. Belladonna can be highly beneficial for managing cough in children. In children needing it, dry cough tends to wake up the child and child tends to cry before coughing. Cough may be attended by grinding of teeth.

5. Arsenic Album – For Cough After Midnight (12:00 am)

For cough that troubles a person after midnight (means after 12:00 am), Arsenic Album is the top-grade homeopathic medicine. Though this medicine can be given for any sort of cough but especially of most help in cases of asthmatic cough. Those needing it have to sit up as soon as cough begins at night. Cough is mainly dry in nature.  It is accompanied by shortness of breath, oppression of chest and whistling/wheezing sound from the chest. Inclining the chest forward brings relief. Before coughing, anxiety and restlessness may occur. Cough is followed by excessive sweating and marked weakness.

6. Rumex – For Dry, Tickling Cough Preventing Sleep

Rumex is an important medicine to manage dry, tickling cough that prevents sleep. Cough seems to trigger from irritation in the throat. Cough gets worse while lying on left side. For cough occurring around 11:00 pm, Rumex is a specific remedy. Cough also worsens from inhaling cold air and talking.

7. Conium – For Continuous Dry Cough

Conium is very suitable for cases of dry cough occurring almost continuously during night. It wakes up the sufferer frequently disturbing sleep. The sufferer gets exhausted. Cough occurs from a dry spot in larynx or from irritation in throat pit / chest. It is accompanied with intense headache in most cases. Watery nasal discharge is also commonly present. Stitching type of pain in the sides of the chest is also felt. Conium is a prominent medicine for cough, following influenza. In such cases the cough may occur continuously until vomiting occurs.

8. Ipecac – When Vomiting Attends Cough

Ipecac is a very suitable medicine to manage cough at night attended with vomiting. There is excessive rattling of phlegm in chest. In most cases, cough gets worse after eating meal at night. Cough seems to get excited from taking each breath. There may occur a fit of cough that ends with vomiting.

9. Antimonium Tart – When Cough Is Loose Rattling Type

Antimonium Tart works wonderfully in cases of loose rattling cough at night. It seems as if chest is full of mucus but only less is expectorated. It is accompanied with suffocation. Persons who require this medicine have to sit up to cough or breathe. At times, vomiting occurs with cough. A very unique feature is relief in cough by lying on the right side. The cough is violent that shakes the entire chest. Headache and marked exhaustion occurs. This medicine is very helpful in bronchitis cases. There occurs thick, white expectoration in cases needing it.

10. Kali Bichrome and Corallium Rubrum – For Cough With Marked Post Nasal Drip (PND)

PND is one of the main causes of night time coughing. To deal with it, two most important homeopathic medicines are Kali Bichrome and Corallium Rubrum. These medicines work in reducing PND to bring relief in the cough related to it. Corallium Rubrum is considered for fits of dry, short, rapid, suffocative cough. There occur almost continuous fits of coughing. One coughing fit is soon followed by another quite rapidly. There is profuse dripping of mucus from posterior nares into the throat. Kali Bichrome is used when the mucus dripping in throat is very thick, sticky and ropy (can be drawn into threads) in nature.

11. Carbo Veg and Natrum Phos – To Manage Cough With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is another important cause behind coughing at night. For managing this issue, Carbo Veg and Natrum Phos are leading medicines. These medicines basically help to treat the root cause i.e, acid reflux to relieve cough.  In cases needing Carbo Veg, there occurs short, dry, hard cough especially before midnight. Mucus is felt in throat at night that cause choking sensation on coughing. It gets better by moving or sitting up. In addition, acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour burps are present. Natrum Phos is useful for cough from tickling in throat attended with hawking and chest pain. Acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour burps appear, and vomiting of sour matter is also there.

Conditions that cause worsening of cough at night or when lying down are:

It can occur from disease of airway (upper or lower), GIT or cardiovascular system. Various causes are enumerated below:

1. Post nasal drip (PND) – It refers to dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. This mucus irritates nerve endings in the throat, exciting cough. PND can be an attending symptom in cases of cold, nasal allergy, sinusitis.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

It refers to the back flow of stomach acid into food pipe. The stomach acid can rise up on lying down at night causing cough as soon as one lies down in bed.

3. Cough related to Cold and Flu (viral infection of upper respiratory tract – URTI) and allergies

4. Bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs), asthma (respiratory disease characterized by difficult breathing, wheezing  and coughing), cough variant asthma (asthma presenting with only cough usually a dry, non-productive and constant cough), bronchiectasis (permanent enlargement of parts of airway of lungs leading to mucus build up), tuberculosis of lung (infection caused by bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis)

5. Chronic tonsil enlargement

6. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID -19)

7. Nerve problem – neurogenic cough arising by irritation of nerves supplying larynx

8. ACE inhibitors (medicine to treat high blood pressure)

9. In some cases, the reason could be more serious needing urgent medical help such as:

a). Heart failure

b). Lung cancer

c). Severe lung infection (Pneumonia)


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