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Anosmia – Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Loss of Smell

Homeopathy for loss of smell

Anosmia is a condition in which a person loses his/her sense of smell. Smell is one of the five senses a human being possesses. The odor molecules in the air surrounding us enter our nostrils, and are detected by the olfactory receptors. These receptors send a signal to the brain center via a nerve where the smell is identified, this is how we identify different smells and odors.

Loss of smell makes a person unable to perceive pleasant odors (like fragrances) and also sense danger situations that can be detected by smell (like gas leakage or smoke). Our sense of smell also plays a significant role in how food tastes, and so anosmia can also lead to a loss of taste (ageusia) and lack of interest in eating.

A person may suffer from partial or total loss of smell (conditions known as hyposmia and anosmia respectively). Loss of smell can be present since birth, in such a case a child is born without any sense of smell. Anosmia may be temporary or permanent depending upon the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Anosmia

Homeopathy offers natural and effective treatment for anosmia. These medicines are suitable to treat anosmia in people of all age groups. Since these medicines are made of natural substances, they treat the condition in a safe, effective manner. They treat the root cause of anosmia to bring about excellent recovery.

Homeopathic Medicines for Anosmia

The top indicated homeopathic medicines for anosmia include Natrum Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Calcarea carb, Kali Bichromicum and Lemna Minor. 

1. Natrum Mur – For Anosmia With Nasal Allergies

Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for anosmia where there are nasal allergies present. The guiding features to use Natrum Mur include loss of smell along with other nasal discharges and dryness in nostrils. In a few cases, nasal discharges (that look like egg white) may be present. Other features include nose blockage that makes breathing difficult, and violent sneezing (especially during the morning). A very specific squirming sensation of a worm crawling in nostrils may be present with the symptoms mentioned.

2. Silicea – For Anosmia Linked With Chronic Cold

Silicea is a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for anosmia where the person suffers from chronic cold. The people needing Silicea have a history of yellowish, chronic, offensive, fetid nasal discharges prior loss of smell. For using Silicea, the symptoms that may be present along with a loss of smell include a burning sensation in nostrils, dryness in nostrils and the presence of hard crusts in the nostrils. In some cases, soreness and itching in the nostrils may also be present.

3. Pulsatilla – For Loss Of Smell With Loss Of Taste

Pulsatilla is an effective medicine for anosmia attended with loss of taste. In some cases, the person may experience loss of appetite. Other attending features include thick greenish nasal discharges and sneezing, especially during sleep. The symptoms tend to worsen indoors and are better in the open air. In some cases, itching in nostrils during the evening time may also be present. Stoppage of the nose in the evening while going to bed is another symptom that may be noted.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Anosmia And Nasal Blockage

This medicine offers great help when there is loss of smell and nasal blockage. Nasal blockage makes breathing through nose difficult especially at night. There may also occur nasal dryness while in some cases yellow colored nasal discharge flows. It also offers best help when loss of smell is linked with nasal polyps.

5. Kali Bichromicum – For Anosmia with Sinusitis

Kali Bichromicum is a natural homeopathic medicine for anosmia that is linked with sinusitis. The main symptoms that indicate the need for Kali Bichromicum include constant stuffiness in the nose, stringy/sticky nasal discharge and fullness at the root of the nose. A sinus headache also appears along with nasal symptoms. Other accompanying symptoms include a tickling sensation in the nostrils and postnasal discharge of mucus.

 6.Lemna Minor – Homeopathic Cure for Anosmia with Nasal Polyps

Lemna Minor is an important homeopathic medicine for anosmia in cases of nasal polyps. The person requiring this remedy experience loss of smell, obstruction in nostrils, and frequent sneezing attacks. The other symptoms include a thick, viscid or excessive purulent (pus-like) discharge from the nose. The nasal symptoms tend to get worse in damp surroundings and rainy weather.

7. Hepar Sulph – For Loss Of Smell Associated With Cold Or Sinus Infection

This medicine can be used when there is loss of smell along with cold or sinus infection. A characteristic symptom present is sneezing and nasal blockage when inhaling cold air. Discharge occurs from the nose which is thick and sometimes blood stained. At times there occur dripping of mucus from back of nose into throat. The mucus is often blood stained. Pain in bony part of nose may also be felt.

8. Phosphorus – For Loss Of Smell And Alternate Nasal Discharge And Blockage

This medicine is useful when a person complains of loss of smell and an alteration between nasal discharge and blockage. It can be attended with frequent sneezing. Sometimes there is painful dryness in the nose. The nasal discharge may dry into a crust form and stick to the nostrils. The nose may be sore to touch.

Symptoms Attending Anosmia

Depending on the cause behind anosmia, a person shows symptoms like nasal discharge, post nasal drip, sneezing and nasal blockage.

Persons having anosmia may also have loss of taste

Complete loss of smell may make it difficult to sense a dangerous circumstance and take measures to stop it, for example if there is gas leakage from cylinder or fire, a person suffering from anosmia may be unable to sense it and seek help.

Sometimes loss of smell may lead to depression.

Causes Of Anosmia

The reasons behind anosmia are variable. Anosmia may arise due to swelling in the nose, blockage in the nose that hinders odors reaching the top of nose or due to damage to brain /olfactory nerve (that sends signal of smell from nose to brain) /olfactory receptors.  However, in approximately 20 per cent of the cases, anosmia has no cause (a condition known as idiopathic anosmia). The causes of anosmia are summed below:

Causes related to nasal irritation or congestion:

1. Sinusitis (acute or chronic) –Inflammation of the lining of paranasal sinuses.

2. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) – Nasal allergy where inhalation of allergens like dust mites, pollen leads to symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itching in nose or eyes, watering from nose.

3. Common cold – viral infection of upper respiratory tract

4. Influenza – viral infection of respiratory tract caused by influenza virus

5. Non – allergic (vasomotor) rhinitis – In this condition, symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis appear, but without any known cause.

6. COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) – An infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus

Causes related to blockage / obstruction of nasal passage:

1. Nasal polyps – soft, non-cancerous growths in lining of nasal passage or paranasal sinuses.

2. Tumours in nose

3. DNS (deviated nasal septum) –  displacement of thin wall separating right and left nasal passage to one side.

Causes related to damage to brain or nerve

1. Ageing

2. Parkinson’s Disease – A nervous system disorder characterized by hand tremors, slowness of movement, muscle rigidity, impaired posture and balance

3. Alzheimer’s Ddisease – A neurological disorder that leads to decline in memory, forgetfulness and problems with thinking, reasoning and communication

4. Brain tumours

5. Multiple sclerosis – A disease in which there occurs damage to myelin sheath of nerve cells which impairs communication between brain and the rest of the body parts

6. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), diabetes, head/brain injury, epilepsy (tendency to get fits)

7. Chemical exposure that causes burns inside nose, certain medicines (like antibiotics, antihistamines)
8. Zinc deficiency, poor nutrition

9. Smoking, alcohol misuse

10. In some cases a baby is born with anosmia, then condition is called congenital anosmia.

Anosmia linked with COVID-19

Loss of smell is one of the prominent symptoms of COVID-19 but the mechanism behind it is unknown. It is also one of the earliest and most common symptoms reported in COVID-19. This symptom is more prominent predictive factor for COVID-19. Researches are still trying to find the underlying mechanism behind it. Certain research has found that COVID-19 does not cause permanent anosmia.


A doctor can diagnose anosmia based on symptoms provided by patient and examining the nose.

Depending on the case details the doctor may recommend some tests:

1. CT scan of brain or MRI of brain

2. X-ray of skull

3. Nasal endoscopy to view inside of nose.


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Medorrhinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Medorrhinum is a deep acting polychrest medicine that acts on various body parts, and is highly valuable to treat several health issues. It is mostly administered to treat complaints arising from suppressed gonorrhoea. It is a well suited medicine for women suffering from pelvic disorders. Its use in treating joint complaints is also noteworthy. It is also well suited to children who have stunted growth. For cases of warts, especially on genitals, it proves to be a great medicine.

Drug ActionThis medicine has a widespread action on various body parts. It acts quite well on the brain, female, and male genitals. Next, it acts well on the nose, urinary organs, back, skin, limbs, joints and respiratory organs.

Clinical Indications

Memory weakness, various fears, drug-abuse, obsessive compulsive disorder, vaginitis, leucorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, ovary pain, inflammation, cysts, fibroids, sexual abuse, warts, gonorrhoea, prostate enlargement, itching, cold, sinusitis, bedwetting, cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, cough, asthma, backache, joint pains

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Regarding Brain (Memory Weakness, Various Fears, Drug Abuse, OCD)

Medorrhinum acts wonderfully on the brain. It is a brilliant medicine in cases of weak memory. Those who need it are very forgetful. They tend to forget names of closed ones even sometimes their own, words, spellings, and initial letters. They make mistakes in reading, and writing. They are forgetful while talking, and lose the thread of conversation often. It is magnificent medicine to manage cases of fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. Main fears that are present in those who require it include fear of dark, enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), misfortune, cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases. Those who need it are anxious, sensitive, nervous by their very nature. They are always in great hurry.   Its use is also suggested for cases of depression. There is sadness, tearfulness and such people keep dwelling in the past. Suicidal thoughts may occur. There is hopelessness about recovery. In many cases there may occur frequent mood swings. Happiness alternates with sadness. It also has an affinity to manage cases of schizophrenia (a mental health condition characterized by various hallucinations, and delusions and that affects thinking, emotions, behavior, and decision making quality of a person). It is of great use to tackle cases of drug abuse and alcoholism. Its use is also suggested in cases of OCD  or obsessive compulsive disorder (mental health condition in which the sufferer has constant unwanted thoughts and fears leading to repetitive behavior). There is fear of contamination, germs and the person keeps washing hands due to fear of contamination.

Key Indicating Features

Weak memory and forgetfulness

Forgetfulness of names of closed ones even sometimes own, words, spellings, and initial letters

Fear of dark, enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), misfortune, cancer and sexually transmitted diseases

Drug abuse and alcoholism

Obsessive compulsive disorder, fear of contamination, germs and washing hands again and again

2. Female Problems (Vaginitis, Leucorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, Ovary Pain, Inflammation, Cysts, Fibroids, Sexual Abuse)

It is very effective in treating several women related problems. It is of great clinical significance in treating warts on female genitals. It is a valuable medicine for treating vaginitis (vaginal inflammation). The main indication is vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) which is thick, having fishy odour that causes burning and excoriation. There is marked vaginal itching too. Rubbing relieves it. Washing with lukewarm water also soothes the itching. Next, it can manage well painful periods (dysmenorrhea). Those women who need it experience intense labour like painful periods. It gets better by pressing feet against a support. Another complaint in which case it gives good results is heavy menses. It is used when the menses are heavy, offensive, dark and clotted. Other than this it can be used in cases of intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia) especially during menopausal period. Its use is also recommended to manage ovarian pain. It gets worse on the left side. Pain is drawing in nature. It gets better from pressure. It is well suited to women having chronic inflammation of ovaries, fallopian tubes or have ovarian cysts (fluid filled sacs), fibroids (non – cancerous growths in uterus). Its use is also highly considered in cases of infertility in females. Complaints that occur after sexual abuse in women can be managed with this medicine. Lastly, it is administered to women who have excessive sexual desire or have sexual perversions.

Key Indicating Features

Warts on female genitals

Vaginitis with thick discharges from vagina of fishy odour that causes burning and excoriation

Vaginal itching, gets better from rubbing, and washing with lukewarm water

Painful periods with intense labour like painful periods with drawing up of knees

Heavy periods with offensive, dark and clotted blood

Inflammation of ovaries, fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, fibroids

Infertility in females

3. Male Problems (Gonorrhoea, Urethritis, Prostate Enlargement, High Sex Drive)

Males may find this medicine quite useful in treating some of the health concerns. Firstly, it is an important medicine to manage gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). It is indicated when there is a thin, transparent urethral discharge mixed with white mucus staining clothes yellow. Secondly, it is helpful to manage urethritis with marked soreness of urethra. Thirdly, it is used in cases of enlarged prostate gland with frequent painful urination. This medicine is very suitable to control men with high sex drive. Those men who need it have intense sexual fantasies, intense erections day and night, and behaviour that points towards sexual desire. It is also preferred in cases of sexual perversions.

Key Indicating Features

Gonorrhoea with thin, transparent urethral discharge mixed with white mucus staining clothes yellow

Urethritis with marked soreness of urethra

Enlarged prostate gland with frequent painful urination

Men with high sex drive and intense sexual fantasies, intense erections day and night, and behaviour indicating sexual desire

Sexual perversions

4. Limbs (Joint Pain, Restless Legs, Cramps, Leg Pain, Burning)

This medicine acts quite well on the limbs and the joints. It helps manage pain and stiffness in any of the body joints. Another remarkable indication for its use is deformity of finger joints with large puffy knuckles. It is also administered in cases of pain, swelling and stiffness of ankles. Another complaint in which it gives excellent results is restlessness of the legs, and people cannot keep them still. There are cramps in the legs that get better by stretching. It can also be given in cases of pain in the legs especially felt while walking. The legs feel very heavy and walking may get difficult. Lastly, it can deal effectively in cases of burning sensation in hands and feet.

Key Indicating Features

Pain and stiffness in any of the joint of body

Deformity of finger joints with large puffy knuckles

Restlessness of legs, person cannot keep them still

Burning sensation in hands and feet

5. Back (Backache, Neck Pain)

It manages backache very well. It is usually given when there is pain in the back along with burning sensation in the spine. The burning starts in the neck, and goes down the spine. There is also soreness, and tenderness in the spine. It is also well-indicated for lower back pain that arises from straining caused by lifting. This medicine can be used for neck pain as well. The pain in neck goes to either side, shoulder, and down the back. There is a drawing sensation in the neck. Spasms (involuntary muscle contraction) in neck muscles may occur too.

Key Indicating Features

Backache along with burning sensation in the spine

Back pain that occurs from straining caused by lifting

Neck pain which goes to either side, shoulder, and down the back

6. Nasal Problems (Sinusitis, Hay Fever)

It has wonderful action on nose and paranasal sinuses. It proves to be highly effective in managing cases of sinusitis. Here it is prominently indicated for thick, yellow green nasal discharge, post nasal discharge that is thick and yellow. It is also indicated for managing allergic rhinitis/ hay fever (an allergic condition arising from response to allergens for eg, dust-mites, pollens resulting in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, and itchy, watery, and red eyes). This medicine is prominent in cases in which there is a constantly runny nose. Along with this there is marked burning pain in nostrils, crawling in left nostril, itching in nostrils, and an obstructed sensation at the root of the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Sinusitis with thick, yellow green nasal discharge or post nasal discharge that is thick, and yellow

Allergic rhinitis with constantly runny nose, burning and itching in nostrils, and obstruction at root of nose

7. Urinary Concerns (Bed-wetting, Kidney Pain, Cystitis, Urethritis, Nephritis)

This medicine can be given to treat certain urinary issues as well. It is useful to treat bedwetting that occurs at night. Those who need it tend to pass excessive amount of strong smelling dark urine in bed at night. It is also well indicated to manage cystitis (bladder inflammation) and urethritis (urethra inflammation). It is also accompanied by burning pain. It also helps in kidney pain. The kidney pain gets worse when one rises after stooping. This pain gets better upon passing urine. It is also indicated for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys) cases. In those who need it, scalding occurs during urination. The urine may stain clothes dirty brown.

Key Indicating Features

Bedwetting at night – passage of excessive amount of strong smelling dark urine

Kidney pain worse when rising from stooping

Kidney pain better by passing excessive urine

8. Skin Issues (Warts, Itching)

Medorrhinum has marked action on the skin. This medicine is mainly indicated to treat warts (fleshy bumps on skin caused by human papilloma virus) on skin. It is most helpful in cases of small pedunculated warts. It proves very beneficial to manage skin itching. There are no eruptions on the skin. One feels like scratching skin until it bleeds. The itching increases at night. Itching is continuous in many cases. Itching also gets worse when one just thinks about it. This medicine also works well when itching occurs specifically over the left side of the body. This medicine also offers help to relieve pricking sensation on the entire body.

Key Indicating Features

Small pedunculated warts on skin

Skin itching worse at night

Itching worse when thinking of it

9. Respiratory Problems (Cough, Asthma)

This medicine also acts well on the respiratory system. It is useful in managing cough. The cough is dry, hacking type. It gets worse when one eats sweets. A characteristic feature is that one gets relief from coughing by lying on the stomach. Its use is also recommended to manage asthma cases. The guiding feature for its use is that the asthma gets better by lying on the abdomen with the protruding tongue. The sufferer has cough with wheezing and whistling in chest occurring when lying on the side or the back. There is desire to take a deep breath. There may be ropy mucus that is difficult to expectorate.

Key Indicating Features

Cough worsens from eating sweet things

Cough gets better by lying on the stomach

Asthma better by lying on abdomen and protruding tongue


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in damp and cold weather, 3:00 am to 4:00 am, from sunrise to sunset, when one thinks of the complaints

Relieving factors: Complaints get better at seashore, in fresh air, bending backwards, lying on the abdomen


Use of this medicine is recommended in high potencies. This medicine should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Ipecac

Followed well by: Sulphur and Thuja

It can be compared with medicines including Natrum Sulph, Thuja and Pulsatilla


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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Post Nasal Drip

Postnasal Drip (PND) may sound to be a trivial problem but it can be a source of nagging irritation. An annoying affliction that can impede a person’s day-to-day functioning, PND is a condition in which a person is constantly struggling with secretions in the throat. Postnasal Drip refers to mucus dripping from the back of the nose into the throat. It is also commonly termed as the upper airway cough syndrome. PND is attended with a constant urge to clear the throat as the flow of the fluid in the throat is irritating. Another offshoot of PND is that the irritants present in the secretions could initiate a cough reflex.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for Postnasal Drip help treat the problem effectively. Homeopathy offers remedies for Postnasal Drip that are safe, successful and devoid of side-effects. Since homeopathy uses the body’s own defenses to combat infection, this line of treatment is comparatively non-intrusive. Another advantage these remedies enjoy over others is that they are toxin-free as they are drawn from natural substances.

homeopathic medicines for post nasal drip

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Postnasal Drip

The best homeopathic medicines for PND are Hydrastis, Kali Bichrome, Corallium Rubrum, Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph, Natrum Phos, Sticta, Merc Sol and Allium Cepa.

 1. Hydrastis – For Postnasal Drip With Thick Ropy Secretion    

I can vouch for the fact that homeopathy assures excellent treatment for Postnasal Drip. One of the top treatments in homeopathy for this condition is hydrastis. It is ideal for situations where the secretions are very thick, ropy and sticky in form. The secretions fall from the posterior nares into the throat. The patient complains of irritation due to a continuous feeling of mucus in the throat.  There is a lot of hawking in an attempt to expel the mucus. Usually, thick, yellow mucus is expectorated. Both the nares become raw and the person has a constant urge to blow out from the nose. In case of Postnasal Drip in children, the kid is usually suddenly aroused from sleep due to thick, sticky droppings. The throat feels raw and there is a lot of burning sensation.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Post Nasal Drip With Sinusitis

It is another reliable remedy for Postnasal Drip. It is especially recommended in cases when the secretions are thick, green and ropy in nature. The patient hawks a lot to clear the throat. The root of the nose and the frontal sinus are inflamed, causing a lot of pain and distress to the patient.

3. Corallium Rubrum – For PND With Cough

Corallium Rubrum is a wonderful remedy that covers Postnasal Drip well. Corallium works well in cases where a lot of mucus is secreted through the posterior nares. The patient hawks up a lot of mucus. Along with this, there is cough that is dry and spasmodic. Other that this, there is Nasal Catarrh (nasal discharge from the front of the nose) with abundant secretions. This makes the inhaled air feel very cold.

4. Natrum Mur – To Manage PND Related To Cold Or Nasal Allergy

Natrum Mur is leading homeopathic medicine to help cases of PND associated with cold or nasal allergy. Those needing it complain of mucus dripping from the nose into the throat along with other symptoms of cold or nasal allergy. These symptoms include sneezing, runny nose and watering from eyes. Nose may be blocked sometimes.

5. Hepar Sulph – When PND Is Linked With Cold, Sinusitis

This medicine is beneficial when PND is associated with cold and sinusitis. In cases needing it, there is watery or thick discharge from nose along with sneezing. It gets triggered by cold air. The inhaled air feels cold inside the nose. The mucus dripping in the throat may be blood-stained.

6. Natrum Phos – For Managing Acid Reflux And PND

In cases where a person has acid reflux issues along with PND, this medicine can be considered. This medicine will work at treating acid reflux which is causing PND. When this medicine is required, thick yellow mucus is found dripping in the throat. It gets worse at night waking the sufferer from sleep. The person has to sit up to clear the throat. Besides, symptoms of acid reflux like heartburn, sour burps may be experienced.

7. Sticta – For PND, Blocked Nose And Fullness At the Root Of Nose

Sticta proves effective when there is dripping of mucus in posterior throat and blocked nose. Fullness at the root of the nose is prominent. Nasal blockage gets worse at night that disturbs sleep. There is mucus in the throat that dries soon forming scabs. There is an urge to blow nose but no discharge occurs.

8. Merc Sol – For Mucus Trickling In Throat Which Causes Hawking

Merc Sol is useful when a person complains of dripping of mucus in the throat with marked hawking. Hoarseness of voice may be an accompanying factor. Along with nasal discharge, sneezing may be present. The discharge from the nose is yellowish-green.

9. Allium Cepa – When Lumpy Mucus Passes From Nose Into Throat

Use of Allium Cepa is suggested when lumpy mucus passes from the nose into the throat. It is one of the key medicines which helps treat cases of nasal allergy. In such cases, discharge from nose occurs that cause burning in the nose and of the upper lips. It is accompanied by sneezing and non-irritating eye discharge.Homeopathy offers cures for post-nasal drip that are safe, successful and shorn of side-effects. Since homeopathy uses the body’s own defenses to combat infection, this line of treatment is comparatively non-intrusive. Another advantage these remedies enjoy over other cures is that they are toxin-free as they are drawn from natural substances.

Symptoms of Postnasal Drip

Postnasal Drip is characterized by excessive mucus production by the nasal mucosa. This mucus then collects in the back of the nose or the throat, giving rise to:

1. Sensation of mucus falling from the back of the nose

2. Hawking and an urge to clear throat frequently

3. A sore throat, and chronic cough

4. Hoarse voice

5. Bad breath

6. Painful ear infections

Causes of PND

It can be caused by multiple reasons which are as follows:

1. Cold, & flu: These are viral infections affecting the nose and the throat. Among these, flu is more severe than cold. These can cause PND along with other main symptoms of nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing, sore throat, bodyaches, and fever.

2. Sinusitis: It refers to swelling and inflammation of air filled spaces within skull. It can lead to PND with other symptoms of headache, nasal discharge, nasal blockage, pain/ tenderness around eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead, sore throat, and cough.

3. Nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis): It refers to allergic response to a specific allergen (like dust mites, pollens) causing sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes, stuffed nose. PND may accompany these symptoms.

4. Non allergic rhinitis: In this form of rhinitis, symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis appear but there is no allergic reaction.

5. DNS (deviated nasal septum): A condition in which the wall that divides nasal cavity into two halves is displaced to one side. As a result, one side of nasal cavity becomes small that hinders mucus drainage causing PND.

6. Gastric reflux: Back flow of stomach acid from the stomach into the food pipe, throat and the mouth

7. An object stuck in nose mainly in children can be one of the causes

8. Some medicines: Medicines that help treat high blood pressure, and birth control pills can trigger PND

9. Pregnancy

10. Swallowing disorder: In case of swallowing disorders, the root cause lies not in excess production of mucus but rather in inadequate clearance of the throat

11. Weather change, cold weather, dry air, and eating some food items like highly spicy food


Our nose and throat produce small amount of mucus continually. This mucus has three functions. Firstly, it keeps nasal membrane moist, secondly, it helps trap and filter any inhaled foreign matter (like virus and bacteria) and thirdly it fights infection. This mucus is being swallowed unaware by everyone. But when due to whatever reason the production of mucus increases, it starts to accumulate in the back of throat. When excessive or thick mucus drips down the throat from back of nose one gets aware of it. The irritating matter in mucus can activate receptors in respiratory tract resulting in protective cough.

Lifestyle Management Tips

1.Keep yourself hydrated. Take warm drinks, hot tea, warm soup. This will help to thin the mucus and prevent dehydration

2. Sleep with head elevated that will help mucus drainage

3. If one has allergies,  use dust mite proof cover for mattress, and pillows. Wash bedsheets, pillow covers frequently with hot water.

4. If acid reflux triggers PND,  avoid spicy food; the last meal of the day should be taken at least two hours before bedtime.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Kali Muriaticum: Homeopathic Medicine — Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Kali Muriaticum is derived from potassium chloride. Potassium chloride is inert in its crude state and when it goes through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines via which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into a brilliant homeopathic medicine Kali Muriaticum. It is one of the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy also known by the name of Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. Its use is highly recommended for cases of ear infection, cold and sore throat. Complaints attended with thick white discharges is one of the marked indications pointing towards its use.

Drug Action

This medicine’s chief action is noted on the ears, nose and throat. It also manifests its action on head, mouth, respiratory system, limbs and joints.

Clinical Indications

Ear disorders, otitis externa, otitis media, eustachian tube congestion, otorrhoea, cold, nasal congestion, epistaxis, sore throat, tonsillitis, headache, dandruff, sinusitis, mouth ulcers, oral thrush, stomatitis, cough, bronchitis, joint pains

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Ear Complaints (Ear Infection, Ear Discharge, Blocked Eustachian Tube, Noises In Ear)

Kali Muriaticum acts magnificently on the ears and is of special service in treating numerous ear-related problems. It is a superior remedy in treating cases of infection of outer ear canal (otitis externa also known as swimmer’s ear) and middle ear infection (otitis media). It is mainly used when white discharge comes out from the ears. Ear discharge is medically known as otorrhoea. Ear ache and difficulty in hearing are also felt due to swollen and congested middle ear. Swelling of the glands around the ear may be noted as well. It acts favourably on the eustachian tube (a thin tube that connects the throat to middle ear). Kali Muriaticum can manage cases of blocked, sore and swollen eustachian tube. In cases of blocked eustachian tube, its use is preferred when there is difficulty in hearing. Along with this there is a sensation of fullness and being plugged in the earsNoises are felt in ears (tinnitus). Its use is considered mainly for popping or snapping noises in ears. It can also be given for crackling noises that arise when swallowing or when blowing the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Infection of outer ear canal or middle ear

Ear discharge (otorrhoea) of white color

Earache and difficulty in hearing from swollen and congested middle ear

Blocked eustachian tube with difficult hearing, fullness/plug sensation in the ears and noises

Popping or snapping noises in ears or  crackling noises on swallowing / when blowing the nose

2. Nasal Problems (Cold, Frontal Sinusitis, Nasal Bleeding)

Its action is also marked on the nose. Kali Muriaticum has a considerable clinical reputation as a medicine for some of nasal complaints. Among these, it is a powerful medicine to manage cases of cold. The guiding feature to use it in cold is white colored mucus discharge from the nose. The discharge is thick, profuse and along with this sneezing is present. There may be hawking of mucus from posterior nares as well. A stuffed feeling in head is felt. It is also well indicated for frontal sinusitis with white mucus discharge from nose. It is a beneficial medicine to manage cases of bleeding from nose (epistaxis). It occurs mostly in the afternoon or at night. Bleeding especially occurs from the right nostril. Lastly, it can also manage cases of stuffy cold well.

Key Indicating Features

Cold with thick, white, profuse discharge from nose

Frontal sinusitis with white mucus discharge from nose

Nasal bleeding in afternoon or at night

3. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis)

Kali Mur is highly recommended for managing sore throat . There is greyish-white coating in throat along with ulcers. In cases needing it, there is hawking of thick, white, mucus, cheesy small lumps having bad odor and taste. It is also useful for cases of tonsillitis. There is swelling, inflammation and enlargement of tonsils. The tonsils may be covered with white or whitish grey coating. There is intense pain in the throat while swallowing even water.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with greyish white coating in throat along with ulcers

Hawking of thick, white, mucus, cheesy small lumps having bad odor and taste

Tonsillitis – swollen, enlarged tonsils covered white/whitish grey with intense pain when swallowing

4. Head (Headache, Dandruff)

With its action on head, Kali Mur proves highly effective in managing headache. It has a great capacity to relieve sinus headache. Here the characteristic to use it is headache with hawking of white mucus. The frontal sinuses are affected. Along with headache, sneezing and cold is experienced. Its use is indicated for headache accompanied by vomiting of white phlegm. Lastly, it also treats dandruff. It works well mainly when there is excessive dandruff which is white, falling as small flakes. It is attended with scalp itching.

Key Indicating Features

Sinus headache with hawking of white mucus

Headache with vomiting of white phlegm

White dandruff in excess that falls as small flakes with itching

5. Mouth (Ulcers, Oral Thrush, Stomatitis, Coated Tongue)

Kali Mur gives considerable relief in cases of mouth ulcers. Those needing it have ulcers inside the lips and upper surface of tongue. It is accompanied by excessive saliva. It is a prominently indicated medicine for treating cases of oral thrush (fungal infection in the mouth). In these cases, it suits well when there are white ulcers in mouth. The breath is very fetid with ulcers. The taste of mouth can be salty or bitter. Besides, Kali Mur is a valuable medicine for treating cases of stomatitis (inflamed, sore mouth). The entire mucus surface of mouth is red with multiple grey ulcers. This medicine is also important for cases where tongue is coated greyish white, thick, sticky and slimy.

Key Indicating Features

Ulcers inside the lips and the upper surface of tongue with excessive saliva

Oral thrush with white ulcers in mouth

Stomatitis with redness of entire mucus membrane of mouth along with multiple grey ulcers

Tongue coated greyish white, thick, sticky and slimy

6. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia)

Kali Mur has a great tendency to relieve cough. Its use is mainly preferred when cough is attended with thick, white sputum expectoration. Its use can be done in managing cases of bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) and pneumonia (inflammation and infection of air sacs of lungs). There is formation of thick white mucus which is hard to cough up. Rattling sounds are heard when air passes through thick, sticky mucus in bronchi.

Key Indicating Features

Cough with thick, white sputum expectoration

Respiratory complaints with thick white mucus formation which is hard to cough up

7. Limbs And Joints (Joint Pains, Chilblains, Stiffness)

In case of joints, Kali Mur is very useful in managing joint pains. In cases needing it, joint pains are mainly felt during movement or at night. Swelling around the joints is well-marked. It can be given to persons who persistently have cold hands and feet. Its use can be done in chilblains cases as well. Lastly, its use is suggested to manage stiffness of hands while writing.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pain during movement or at night with marked swelling

Cold hands and feet

Stiff hands while writing


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold drinks, fatty food, in open air and at night

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from cold drinks, rubbing and movement


Use of this medicine is recommended in low potency varying from third to twelfth power. Among these, it is most frequently used in 6X potency. In 6X potency, it can be taken three to four times a day depending on the case presentation.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Hydrastis, Calcarea Sulph and Pulsatilla

It can be compared with medicines Kali Bichrome and Hydrastis in case of thick, tough mucus secretions.

In case of joint complaints, it can be compared with medicines Bryonia and Rhus Tox.

Lastly, its comparison is done with medicine Mercurius Dulcis in eustachian tube complaint and ear inflammation.


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Homeopathic Treatment for a Dry Cough

Cough is a common reflex action to clear the breathing passages and airways. A dry cough refers to a cough free from mucus or phlegm also known as non – productive cough. A dry cough is annoying and troublesome and makes a person restless. In some persons, dry cough occurs in a continuous spasm, making the person anxious.  It may also cause difficulty in breathing and sleeping. A dry cough is very common in children and sensitive people.

homeopathic treatment for a dry cough

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy works at a dynamic level on a person. The advantage of homeopathic medicines is that they stop the recurring tendency of the disease. These medicines are made up of natural substances and are very safe. Other conventional treatments distort the body’s natural healing processes and make the body dull. In homeopathy, the body’s restorative processes are used to bring it back to health. These medicines do not cause any side effects or slow down body processes.

Homeopathic Treatment For A Dry Cough

Top grade homeopathic medicines for a dry cough are Bryonia, Drosera, Spongia, Rumex, and Belladonna.

1. Bryonia – Top Medicine For Dry Cough

Bryonia is the top-most medicine for managing cases of dry cough. On coughing, pain may occur in head and chest. The pain is mainly stitching type. It feels as if the head and chest would break into pieces from pain. Pain may also be felt in abdominal muscles while coughing. The cough worsens from eating or drinking. At times, vomiting of food occurs while coughing. Bryonia is also indicated when cough increases when a person enters a warm room.

When to use Bryonia?

Bryonia is the most commonly used medicine for treating dry cough which can be considered as the first remedy in case of dry cough. It is a short-acting medicine that can be repeated frequently.

2. Drosera – For Dry Cough At Night

Drosera is a natural medicine prepared from plant ‘round-leaved sundew’. It is the most important medicine to manage dry cough that gets worse at night. A very peculiar feature to use this medicine is cough as soon as a person lies down at night. Besides, this medicine is suitable when cough gets worse while laughing or singing. In some cases needing it, vomiting may occur with cough.

When to use Drosera?

For dry cough that gets worse at night on lying down, Drosera is recommended.

3. Spongia – For Dry Cough  Which Gets Better By Warm Food Or Drinks

Spongia suits well when dry cough gets better by taking warm food or warm drinks. Cough is absolutely dry. Along with cough, burning may be felt in chest. Cough worsens from lying down and gets better by sitting up. In some cases, wheezing and weight in chest is felt. Along wth this, difficult breathing can be there which gets worse by talking or moving. Spongia is very effective for managing dry cough in bronchitis and asthma.

When  to use Spongia?

If a person gets better in cough by intake of warm food or warm drinks, Spongia is the best remedy.

4. Rumex – For Dry Cough From Temperature Change From Cold To Warm Or Vice Versa

Rumex is a very effective medicine for dry cough that arise from sudden change of temperature from cold to warm or warm to cold. Cough happens from tickling/irritation in throat pit. Another very specific indication to use Rumex is cough that occurs by inhaling cold air. In majority of cases needing Rumex, cough is most troublesome during day. Along with cough, marked weakness is felt. Headache occur during cough. Sometimes few urine drops escapes involuntarily during cough.

When and How to use Rumex?

Rumex should be selected in dry cough cases that trigger from change of temperature from cold to warm or other way round.

5. Belladonna – For Persistent Cough Day And Night

This herbal medicine is very useful when dry cough occurs day and night. It occurs from a tickling sensation in throat. Along with cough, the throat is red and inflamed. Headache may attend cough. Its use is also recommended for cough that arises from inhaling fine dust in air.

When to use Belladonna?

Belladonna can be used to calm dry cough that persists day and night.

Causes Behind Dry Cough

1. Viral infections – Viral infections like common cold and flu can cause cough. In such cases, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing tend to resolve early but cough may take few weeks to resolve and in some even one to two months.

2. Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI): It refers to an infection of nose, pharynx, larynx, bronchi with virus or bacteria. Some examples include common cold, pharyngitis, and sinusitis.

3. Asthma:It is an inflammatory disease of airways in which airways swell, constrict and produce excessive mucus. Cough in asthma can be productive or dry but most of the time, it is dry along with its main symptom of difficulty in breathing, tightness in chest and also wheezing. However, in cough variant asthma (an asthma type) dry cough is main symptom.

4. Bronchitis: It refers to inflammation of bronchial tubes via which the air passes from the trachea to the lungs. In bronchitis cough is dry in initial stages but gets productive afterwards.

5. Post nasal drip: It means dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. PND tends to irritate nerves in the throat leading to cough.

6. Allergies: People suffering from nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis) can get cough along with other symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, itchy watery eyes.

7. COVID-19: Dry cough can be a symptom of COVID – 19. About 50 to 70 % people having coronavirus infection suffer dry cough along with other symptoms like fever, sore throat, weakness.

8. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): It refers to back flow of stomach acid into the food pipe and throat. This acid can cause cough by irritating the throat.

9. Air pollution, dust and smoke can also trigger dry cough.

10. A dry cough may be the result of overexertion or a psychological condition. Sometimes, people develop a habit of coughing, especially under stress or even without any stress.

11. Some other rare causes are idiopathic lung fibrosis (in this scar tissue forms in lungs), lung cancer and heart failure.

What Other Symptoms Can Attend Dry Cough?

Depending on the cause behind dry cough, the following signs and symptoms can attend:

1. Runny nose, nasal congestion

2. Sneezing, watery itchy eyes, post nasal discharge

3. Chest pain, headache

4. Breathing difficulty

5. Wheezing

6. Fever

7. Heartburn

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Kali Sulphuricum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Kali Sulphuricum is prepared from potassium sulphate which is inactive in its crude form. After potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Kali Sulphuricum. It is one of the 12 biochemic medicines also called Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. It offers great help in managing various skin complaints (like psoriasis, eczema), dandruff (seborrhoea) and cold.

Drug Action

The most important action of this remedy is noted on the skin, mucus membranes, scalp and respiratory system. Its action is well marked on the nose, ears and head. It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for complaints presenting with yellow coloured discharge.

Clinical Indications

Dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, cold, sinusitis, cough asthma, bronchitis, eustachian catarrh (mucus build up), headache, otorrhoea (ear discharges), ozaena, pneumonia, polyps

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Problems (Scaling, Psoriasis, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, Eczema, Ringworm, Itching And Ulcers)

Kali Sulphuricum acts magnificently on the skin to treat numerous skin concerns. It majorly helps skin conditions in which there occurs excessive scaliness, flakiness and peeling of the skin. The scales are specifically yellow in colour where it is required. It is a highly recommended medicine in homeopathy to treat psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition characterized by patches of inflammation on the skin covered with silvery white scales. It is given when there is marked flakiness of the skin. Its use is considered in cases of ringworm (fungal infection causing ring-shaped lesions on the skin). It gives good results when ringworm affects the scalp or the beard area. The lesions are covered with scales where this medicine is required. In seborrheic dermatitis, Kali Sulph can be very helpful when flakes are yellow.  It is a skin condition in which there occurs red, itchy rash with flaky scales mainly on the scalp, around the nose, behind the ears, eyebrows and the eyelids. Its role in treating eczema is also marvellous. It is well indicated when papular (solid raised area on the skin less than 1cm) eruptions appear on the skin along with itching and burning sensation. It is given in cases of skin itching. For using it here, the notable feature is skin itching getting worse from heat. Lastly, it is effective in treatment of skin ulcers, especially the ones that ooze thin and yellow watery liquid.

Key Indicating Features

Psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis with marked scaling on the skin

Ringworm on the scalp or in the beard area when lesions are covered with much scales

Eczema with papules attended with itching, burning

Skin ulcers oozing thin yellow watery liquid

2. Nose (Cold, Sinusitis And Ozaena)

It has marked action on the mucus membrane of the nose which helps manage cold. The guiding symptom to use it is yellow, thick and slimy discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked. It can be used in cases of sinusitis (inflammation of the lining of the paranasal sinuses that are air – filled spaces inside the skull) as well. In such cases it can be given when there is thick and green nasal discharge. Kali Sulphuricum is also considered in treating ozaena. Ozaena is also called atrophic rhinitis in which there is shrinking of nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone due to long term inflammation. In these cases, it works well when there is thick yellow and offensive nasal discharge along with loss of smell and taste. It proves very effective for treating complaints that remain after removal of adenoids like swelling of the nasal membrane, mouth breathing and snoring.

Key Indicating Features

Cold with yellow, thick, slimy discharge from the nose

Sinusitis with thick, green nasal discharges

Ozaena with thick yellow offensive nasal discharge along with loss of smell and taste

Swelling of nasal membrane, mouth breathing and snoring remaining after removal of adenoids

3. Ears (Ear Discharge, Deafness, Polyps)

Kali Sulpuricum is the most helpful to manage ear discharges. It works best for yellow or brownish discharge from the ears which stinks. It also treats polyps (non-cancerous growths) in the ear when accompanied with offensive discharge. Lastly, it is well indicated for managing deafness caused by swelling and mucus build- up in the middle ear and the eustachian tube.

Key Indicating Features

Yellow or brown offensive discharge from the ears

Ear polyps with offensive discharge

Deafness from swelling and mucus build-up in middle ear and eustachian tube

4. Head (Dandruff, Headache)

Kali Sulph yields excellent results in cases of dandruff (seborrhoea). Kali Sulphuricum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for cases in which there occurs excessive scaling on the scalp and the scales are moist, sticky and yellow. It is recommended for treating headache. It is useful when headache occurs from head movement from side to side or backwards. Next characteristic is headache worsens in a warm room and relieved in open air.

Key Indicating Features

Dandruff with copious scaling on the scalp when the scales are moist, sticky, yellow

Headache from head movement from side to side or backwards

Headache worse in warm room and relieved in open air

5. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia)

This medicine can handle well certain respiratory problems too. It works well in cases of cough. It is well indicated when cough gets worse in hot weather. It can take care of bronchitis (inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases. There is rattling of mucus in the chest. There is yellow, slimy and thin profuse mucus expectoration. Kali Sulpuricum can be utilized in asthma cases as well when there is yellow slimy expectoration. In pneumonia (infection and inflammation of the air sacs of lungs), it is recommended when there is wheezing in the chest and yellow rattling mucus that is expectorated with difficulty.

Key Indicating Features

Cough worse in hot weather

Bronchitis with mucus rattling and expectoration of yellow, slimy, thin profuse mucus

Asthma with yellow slimy expectoration

Pneumonia with wheezing and yellow rattling mucus that is expectorated with difficulty


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from noise, in evening, warm air, warm weather and heated room

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by walking, in cool open air, from passing gas and from fasting


This medicine can be used in both low and high potency but the most preferred is 6x potency. When using 6X potency it can be taken three to four times a day depending on the case details. In high potencies, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Followed well by: Acetic Acid, Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carb, Hepar Sulph, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur

It can be compared with other remedies including Kali Bichrome, Natrum Mur and Pulsatilla


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Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

Homeopathic Remedies For Bronchitis

Prolonged coughing, difficulty in breathing, mucus expectoration, pain in the chest, all these symptoms may indicate the initial stages of a respiratory disorder Bronchitis. This respiratory disease is characterized by the inflammation of bronchial tubes. Air passes from the trachea to the lungs through the bronchial tubes. The acute inflammation of bronchial tubes (Acute Bronchitis) usually follows an episode of cold or influenza caused by viral agents. The cold and influenza affect the upper respiratory system, including nose, sinuses, and larynx. In cases of maltreated or neglected cold or influenza, the infection travels in a downward direction and leads to inflammation of bronchial tubes, producing varying symptoms.

Homeopathic Treatment

Natural medicines serve as a very reliable and safe treatment to get rid of Bronchitis. They are free from any side effects and there is absolutely no chance of suppression of symptoms in the homeopathic treatment of Bronchitis. Remedies for Bronchitis are natural medicines that help in the easy exit of the mucus from the bronchi. As the mucus is effortlessly thrown out with the help of properly selected medicines, the cough, chest pain and difficulty in breathing also begin to subside and almost finish consequently.

Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

1. Bryonia – For Dry Cough

Bryonia is the best medicine for managing dry cough. Persons needing it have cough due to irritation in the throat. While coughing, pain is felt in the chest and head.  The cough gets worse after eating or drinking. It also increases from movement and talking. Besides, sneezing and scratchy sensation is felt in the throat. Fever with chills can also accompany.

When and How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia should be considered in the early stages of Bronchitis when there is dry cough along with pain in the chest and head. This medicine is recommended in 30C potency. Bryonia 30C can be taken three to four times a day at a three-hour interval.

2. Spongia – For Dry Cough With Difficult Breathing

Spongia is another effective medicine for dry cough. This medicine can be used when dry cough is accompanied by difficult breathing. Cough is extremely dry, hard and continuous. Eating or drinking makes the cough better. Cough is attended with fatigue. One may feel pain and a heated sensation in the chest. At times, a feeling of fullness is felt in the chest.

When and How to use Spongia?

Use of Spongia should be considered when dry cough occurs along with difficulty in breathing in mild intensity. Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is best to start with low potencies like 30C. Spongia 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per intensity of the symptoms.

3. Antimonium Tart – For Bronchitis With Loose Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart is natural remedy for Bronchitis with loose rattling cough. The bronchial tubes are overloaded with mucus and mucus is heard rattling in the chest on coughing. The mucus does not expel easily and if it does get coughed out, the quantity is meagre. Antimonium Tart is of great help in aiding the expectoration of the mucus present in bronchial tubes. Whistling in chest and a feeling of heaviness in the chest occurs along with the above symptoms.

When and How to use Antimonium Tart?

It is the first medicine to be prescribed when cough is loose and rattling sound is heard while breathing due to the excess mucus lodged in bronchial tubes. Whistling in the chest may occur. This medicine helps to relieve cough, aids expectoration and clears off the mucus from bronchial tubes. Antimonium tart can be taken once or twice a day in 30C potency.

4. Arsenic Album – For Cough, Breathing Difficulty And Wheezing In Chest

Arsenic Album is highly recommended for cases in which there occurs cough with difficulty in breathing and wheezing /whistling in the chest. In most cases needing it, the cough gets worse at night. The phlegm is frothy white or thick yellow, may be blood streaked in some cases. During cough, soreness is felt in the chest, which may also feel tight sometimes. Following an episode of cough, one feels very weak.

When and How to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album can be used in cases presenting with cough, difficult breathing and wheezing in chest when the complaint is of mild intensity. It is usually given in 30C potency once or twice a day. Its higher potencies are also used in some cases for which homeopathic doctor’s advice is a must.

5. Ipecac – For Rattling Cough With Vomiting

Ipecac is another medicine for cough that is similar when Antimonium Tart is recommended. But Ipecac is considered when cough with rattling of mucus in bronchi is followed by vomiting. It is suggested when there is coughing with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes and constant coughing does not seem to expel the mucus from bronchial tubes. Ipecac helps in expelling the mucus out with the least effort. Slight blood can be noticed in the coughed out sputa. Shortness of breath and a constricted sensation in the chest may be present. Wheezing (breathing noisily), sneezing and cold may accompany the above symptoms.

When and How to use Ipecac?

Ipecac can be given in case of loose rattling cough with vomiting. It can also be used in cases of cough with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes but difficult expectoration. It can be used in varying potencies varying from 6C to 200C. Ipecac is generally used in 30C potency two to three times a day

6. Hepar Sulph – For Loose Cough With Yellow Sputum

It is a well indicated medicine for cases having loose cough with yellow sticky sputum. The expectorated phlegm is abundant. Cough gets worse from exposure to cold air or from drinking cold water. In some cases requiring it, blood stained mucus is expectorated. While coughing, burning in the throat and chest are felt. Sneezing may occur.

When and How to use Hepar Sulph?

This medicine is most helpful for cases of loose cough with yellow expectoration. It is mostly recommended in 30 C potency twice or thrice a day as per severity of the problem. Its higher potencies like 200C, 1M are also available but they should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.

7. Pulsatilla – For Cough With Thick Yellow Or Green Expectoration

Pulsatilla is an ideal herbal medicine for Bronchitis when cough is attended with thick yellow or green mucus expectoration. The sputa may have bitter, salty or a bad taste. Cough gets worse in the morning and also in a warm room, while it gets better in open air.

When and How to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is the best choice of medicine for cough with thick yellow or green phlegm expectoration. Pulsatilla 30C once or twice a day gives good results.

Note: Use of the above medicines is recommended only in mild to moderate cases of bronchitis as per symptoms. After matching the symptoms, one may take these medicines for about one week if the condition improves. To continue these for more than one week, or if there is no visible sign of improvement, consult a homeopathic doctor. In severe cases like high fever, extreme difficulty in breathing, chest pain or pneumonia, it is strictly advised not to self-medicate with any of the above medicines, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Causes Of Bronchitis

 1. Acute Bronchitis: It commonly arises from viruses that cause common cold and flu (influenza). These viral infections are the cause behind 85-95 percent of all the acute bronchitis cases in adults.

Rarely, acute bronchitis can result from bacterial infections like chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae, etc.

2. Chronic Bronchitis: The common reason for chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking in about 90% of the cases. Passive smoking also increases the risk. Prolonged exposure to polluted air, dust or chemical fumes may also be one of the reasons. Repeated bouts of acute bronchitis also may turn into chronic bronchitis. Those having asthma or allergic tendency are also predisposed to chronic bronchitis.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Bronchitis?

1. Cough is the main symptom. Initially, the cough can be dry. Afterward, the cough becomes productive which means loose cough with production of mucus. The mucus can be clear, white, yellow, green, grey in colour. At times, mucus is even blood-stained though very rarely. Cough may last from one week to three weeks.

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Fever and chills

4. Wheezing or whistling sound from chest on breathing and chest congestion/discomfort /tightness

5. Weakness, fatigue

6. In acute bronchitis, symptoms like runny nose, blocked nose, sore throat, headache and body aches may be present.

Types of Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis (chest cold): It generally lasts for one week to ten days, but the cough may linger for two to three weeks in some cases.

Chronic bronchitis:Bronchitis is termed chronic, when cough along with mucus lasts for minimum three months in a year with recurrence at least in two consecutive years.

Risk factors

Though anyone can get infected by bronchitis, infants (babies less than one year of age), young kids (under 5yrs) and elderly people are at the highest risk. Other risk factors include low immunity, cigarette smoking, excessive exposure to dust, chemical fumes, air pollutants and acid reflux (where stomach acid back-flows in upward direction to throat and causes irritation predisposing a person to develop bronchitis)


In some cases, pneumonia (inflamed air sacs that get filled with fluid) may occur as a complication. It can be life threatening and required immediate medical attention.


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Homeopathic Remedies for Ear Pain

Homeopathic Remedies for Ear pain

Ear pain, or Otalgia in medical terms, that persists needs medical intervention. While the pain may be one sided or both sided, it varies in intensity and can be mild, moderate or severe.  The nature of pain may also vary like dull, sharp, tearing, or throbbing. Earache mostly troubles children though it may affect persons of any age group. Earache usually occurs because of two reasons. The first is a primary or local cause, mainly an infection in the middle ear (Otitis Media). The second reason is the secondary or referred cause in which the pain does not start in the ear, but is referred secondarily to the ear through some primary problem in another part of the body.  Here, the primary problem can be in the teeth (dental caries, cutting the wisdom tooth) or throat infection (Tonsillitis).

Homeopathic medicines for ear pain offer a complete cure by treating the root cause of the condition. Prepared from natural substances, these remedies for ear pain have zero side effects and offer a complete cure for ear pain.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Ear Pain

The top most medicines for treating ear pain are Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Verbascum Thapsus, Merc Sol and Plantago.

1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine For Ear Pain

Belladonna is a natural remedy sourced from plant ‘deadly nightshade’. In most cases needing it, there occurs throbbing, tearing, shooting or stitching pain in ears. Pain feels very deep-rooted. The ear becomes hot and sensitive to touch. The slightest noise and chewing makes earache worse. In some cases, pain from the ear spreads to the face. It is an ideal remedy for ear pain arising from acute inflammation/infection in the middle ear (Otitis Media) or from a throat infection with pain in throat radiating to the ear.

When and How to use Belladonna?

Belladonna is highly recommended as a first line of treatment in cases of ear pain. This medicine relieves pain in ears wonderfully along with reducing swelling and inflammation, if present. It can be used in both low and high potencies, among which the most preferred is 30 C potency. Belladonna 30 C can be taken twice or thrice a day depending on the severity of the problem.

2. Pulsatilla – For Ear Pain With Ear Infections

Pulsatilla is a highly effective medicine for ear pain associated with ear infections. Here, it is given when there is shooting, pulsating, jerking, darting pain in ears. It gets worse at night and may continue throughout the night, extending to the head. It is attended with thick yellow / yellowish green ear discharge. There may be difficulty in hearing, the ear feels heavy and stuffed. At times, roaring or humming noises (tinnitus) are heard in the ears.

When and How to use Pulsatilla?

The foremost indication to use Pulsatilla is ear pain resulting from an ear infection with thick yellow or yellowish green ear discharge. Pulsatilla is usually recommended in 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day. Its higher potencies can also be used but only after consulting homeopathic expert.

3. Chamomilla – When Ear Is Sensitive To Touch Along With Pain

Chamomilla is very helpful when the affected ear is very sensitive to touch along with pain. Nature of pain is stitching, pressing or tearing type. Pain may be severe enough to cause a cry. The ear is swollen along with heated sensation, the ear also feels blocked. Chamomilla is also well-indicated for middle ear infection with earache and fever. Warm application on the ear may offer some relief. Highly suitable medicine to manage earache in children, it is also one of the best medicines to treat cases where pain from teeth radiates to ears. Children needing it may be highly irritable along with pain in ear.

When and How to use Chamomilla?

The key symptom to use Chamomilla here is severe earache with marked sensitivity of ears to touch. It is highly recommended to manage earache in children when excessive irritability is present. It can be taken two to three times a day in 30C power.

4. Verbascum Thapsus – For Ear Pain And Hearing Difficulty

Verbascum Thapsus is the best medicine for managing ear pain and hearing difficulty along with  a feeling of ear blockage. It is also highly recommended for ear pain of nerve origin. It is indicated when ear ache is part of the facial pain of nerve origin (Trigeminal Neuralgia). The pain is more pronounced on the left side and gets worse with the slightest movement. The ear is always dry inside.

When and How to use Verbascum Thapsus?

This medicine can be used when the leading complaint is ear pain with hearing difficulty. Next it can also be taken when ear pain is of nerve origin and is a part of trigeminal neuralgia. It can be taken once or twice a day in 30 C potency, but for high potency seek a physician’s advice. Verbascum Thapsus is popularly known as Mullein Oil and can also be administered as ear drops on the affected side of the ear for relieving earache and dry scaly condition of ear meatus along with internal usage in 30C potency.

5. Merc Sol – For Earache In Case Of Sore Throat

This medicine is suitable to manage ear ache in cases of sore throat. The key feature to use this medicine is pain in throat extending to ears. Pain in ears can be shooting or tearing type which gets worse at night and from warmth of bed. Thick yellow discharge from ears may be noted. At times, pus having foul odor gets discharged from ears.

When and How to Use Merc Sol?

Use of Merc Sol should be considered in cases where earache occurs in cases of sore throat with pain radiating from throat to ears. To begin with, one may take Merc Sol 30C twice a day. Its higher potencies can be used as well but only after consulting a homeopathic physician.

6. Plantago – For Earache Associated With Toothache

Sourced from plant ‘ribwort’, Plantago is a natural and highly beneficial medicine to manage pain in the ear related to toothache. Persons needing it complain of sharp pain in ears and teeth. The reason may be tooth decay.

When and How to Use Plantago?

Consider it as a first remedy in earache cases associated with dental issues with marked toothache. You may take this remedy in 30C potency two to three times a day for good relief.

What Are The Causes Behind Ear Pain?

The causes can be divided into primary and secondary causes:

A) Primary causes: The causes that lead to earache originating within the ear are primary causes.

1.Ear infections: It remains one of the main causes behind ear pain that can relate to either outer, middle or inner ear.

a) Outer ear infection/ otitis externa: Also named swimmer’s ear, infection occurs in outer ear canal usually from trapping of water in ear from swimming that favours bacterial growth.  Cleaning ears with earbuds/hairpins and use of ear devices like hearing aids may cause scratches in the ear which also increases chance of infection.

b) Middle ear infection (otitis media)is a bacterial/viral infection in the middle ear, which is the air-filled space behind the eardrum. It arises mainly from cold/flu when infection spreads to throat and via eustachian tube to the middle ear.

c) Inner ear infection (labrynthitis) results from viral or bacterial infections from cold or flu.

2. Ear blocked from earwax: Excessive build-up of earwax deep inside the ear canal may sometimes cause earache.

3. Barotrauma: Ear has a eustachian tube that works to regulate air pressure inside and outside the ear. When ear damage occurs from pressure changes inside and outside the ear, it is called barotrauma that can caused earache along with hearing loss, dizziness and pressure inside the ear. Some examples that can cause imbalance in pressure are flying in airplane, scuba diving, travelling in the hills, etc.

4. Foreign object stuck in the ear

5. Perforation (a hole) in eardrum

6. Blocked eustachian tube

7. Skin problems affecting ears (herpes zoster oticus, dermatitis of ear)

B) Secondary causes: When the cause of earache relate to a medical problem in some other part of the body other than the ear, it is referred to as a secondary cause. Some such causes are as follows:

1. Dental problems (cavities, infected tooth – tooth abscess means pus pocket in tooth from an infection)

2. Sinusitis (inflammation of lining of the paranasal sinuses)

3. Sore throats or tonsillitis(inflamed tonsils)

4. Temporomandibular joint disorder: Pain and restricted movement of jaw due to some problem (for example, inflammation, infection, injury) of temporomandibular joint that connects lower jaw to skull.

5. Trigeminal neuralgia: Electric shock-like pain on one side of the face from irritation, compression or injury of trigeminal nerve.

What Other Signs And Symptoms May Attend Ear Pain?

Depending on the cause, pain in ears can be attended with other signs and symptoms like ear discharge, hearing loss, fullness in ears, noises in ears, clicking or popping in ears, redness/swelling of ears, eruptions on ears, fever, headache and jaw pain. In children, pulling the ear, irritability, excessive crying, loss of appetite may be felt.


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Swollen Lymph Nodes: Treatment In Homeopathy, Causes And Concerns

Lymph nodes are oval or kidney-shaped glands in the body that are a part of the immune system that filter lymph (fluid containing WBCs, lymphocytes, etc). These nodes act as the first line of defense to protect us from infection-causing agents. White blood cells (WBCs) present in the lymph nodes fight the invading organisms like bacteria and  viruses. Lymph nodes filter and trap them before they can enter other body parts and cause an infection. There are around 450 lymph nodes in adults and are spread throughout the body. They are present in groups in some major parts of the body including neck (cervical lymph nodes), armpit (axillary lymph nodes), groin (inguinal lymph nodes), belly and chest. Some lymph nodes can be felt with the hands when they get enlarged or swollen. Generally, lymph nodes swell in case of an illness or infection. In rare cases, the lymph nodes tend to swell from cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very beneficial in managing cases of swollen lymph nodes. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing swelling and also managing attending pain in the lymph glands. These medicines work by treating the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected differently in every individual case after a detailed case study. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended only when the cause is benign (non-cancerous) and no serious cause or symptoms are present. It is advised to consult a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication. It is to be noted that swollen lymph nodes due to a serious cause like tuberculosis, cellulitis, cancer, etc need conventional mode of treatment, as homeopathy has its own limitations.

Homeopathic Medicines For Swollen Lymph Nodes

1. Conium

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases having swollen lymph nodes that are painful. In most cases needing it, the pain is tingling and shooting in nature.

2. Baryta Carb

Baryta Carb is yet another homeopathic medicine for cases of swollen lymph nodes. This medicine is indicated for swollen nodes in neck and axilla (armpit). Persons needing it may have tendency to catch cold easily and have sore throat. Tonsils may be enlarged.

3. Calcarea Carb

It is the next well-indicated medicine for managing swelling and pain in the lymph nodes of the neck. There is aching in these nodes with stitching pain while chewing. Secondly, it is indicated for cases of swollen mesenteric lymph nodes in abdomen.

4. Phytolacca

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Phytolacca Decandra, commonly known as ‘poke root’ and ‘red ink plant’. It belongs to family Phytolaccaceae. It is beneficial in treating swollen tender nodes in neck, along with pain in the throat along with other symptoms. The throat is dry, rough and there is a sensation of  lump in the throat. There is a marked burning sensation in the throat with pain while swallowing. The tonsils are dark red, enlarged and swollen.

5. Merc Sol

This medicine is mainly helpful for cases having swelling of inguinal lymph nodes (in the groin). It is attended with redness, pain and sensitivity. The pain gets worse while walking and standing. It is also useful for cases of swelling of nodes in the neck. It can be accompanied with shooting and pressive pain.

6. Belladonna

It is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is well indicated for swollen nodes in the neck along with pain and heat. It may be attended with pricking or stinging type of pain. Tonsils may be red and enlarged in cases that require it. There is difficulty in swallowing followed by pain. Fever may also be there.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may arise from various causes.

The first reason for swollen lymph nodes is an infection mainly viral, like common cold. It may also happen in case of sinus infection/sinusitis, an inflammation of lining of the paranasal sinus which in a healthy condition is filled with air. In case the paranasal spaces get blocked and filled with fluid germs, it results in an infection.

Next reason is tonsillitis and strep throat. Tonsillitis means inflammation of tonsils which are two oval-shaped lymphatic tissue masses that lie at the back of the throat one on either side.  Strep throat refers to a bacterial infection that leads to inflammation and pain in the throat, and tonsils. It is caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria.

Another cause is ear infection.

Swelling of lymph nodes can also occur in cases of measles, a viral infection caused by measles virus. It is a highly contagious infection that begins with symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, inflamed eyes and fever. This is followed by a skin rash approximately around after 14 days of virus exposure.

Mononucleosis (an infectious disease that in most cases is caused by the Epstein – Barr virus but can be caused by other viruses too) is also among one of its causes.

It may also happen in case of tooth abscess (a pocket of pus that may appear in different parts of a tooth and results from a bacterial infection).

Another cause could be cellulitis (a serious bacterial infection involving the inner layers of the skin).

HIV/AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is yet another cause.

Swollen lymph nodes may also occur in infections, like TB (tuberculosis), toxoplasmosis, rubella, Lyme disease. Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease affecting lungs caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It mostly affects lungs but may also affect other body parts too. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite named Toxoplasma gondii. Rubella, also known as German measles, is a contagious viral infection caused by rubella virus. Lyme disease refers to a tick-borne disease caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia, known as Borrelia burgdoferi.

Another infection that can cause swollen lymph nodes is cat scratch fever (It is a bacterial infection that a person can contract from cats infected with bacteria Bartonella henselae).

Some of the STIs (sexually transmitted infections) like syphilis and gonorrhea can also cause it. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection which is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

In some cases, certain medicines (like some anti-seizure medicines) can lead to it.

Other than these, it may occur in some autoimmune disorders (the immune cells in the body start to damage the body’s healthy tissue out of a misdirected response). Its first example is rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory disorder in which there is joint inflammation with pain, swelling and stiffness of joints). The second example is SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) in which there is inflammation of the immune system which damages its own tissues that can affect joints, brain, skin, lungs, kidneys, and blood vessels. Third is Sjogren’s syndrome (An autoimmune disorder having two common symptoms including dry eyes and a dry mouth).

In some cases, swelling in the lymph nodes may occur from some types of cancer, like lymphoma (a cancer of the lymphatic system). It mainly includes Hodgkin’s lymphoma, earlier called Hodgkin’s disease, Non – Hodgkin’s lymphoma) and leukemia (a blood cancer caused by an increase in the number of WBCs in the body). Swelling of lymph nodes may occur when some other cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

What Are Its Signs And Attending Symptoms?

In case of swollen lymph nodes, firstly there occurs pain and tenderness in the lymph nodes. The pain in lymph nodes may arise from certain movements also. For example, pain in the swollen lymph nodes in the neck may be felt on turning the head; swollen lymph nodes in the groin may cause pain when walking.

The lymph nodes that have swelling feel like soft and round bumps that may be small like a pea or as large as a cherry.

The swelling in lymph nodes may be accompanied by other symptoms depending on the cause behind it. Some of these include sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, chills, night sweats, and fatigue.

The swelling of lymph nodes may occur in one part of body (localized lymphadenopathy) or lymph nodes throughout the body may swell (generalized lymphadenopathy). In case the swollen lymph node is caused by an infection and not treated on time, then there is chance of formation of an abscess (localised collection of pus).

When lymph nodes are swollen but not tender, they are hard and fixed or grow rapidly, then it can be indicative of serious issues like cancer.

The swollen lymph nodes are commonly more noticeable in the neck, groin, behind ear, under the chin, and armpits.



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Homeopathic Treatment Of Throat Clearing, Best Medicines And Its Causes

Everyone tends to clear their throat once in a while. This may be in response to an irritant lodged in the throat, out of a habit, or from stress/anxiety. If there is a persistent need to clear the throat, it may be due to a medical reason (like post nasal drip, nasal allergies, etc) that needs to be treated.

Homeopathic Management

These medicines boost the body’s natural healing capacity to treat throat clearing. Along with throat clearing, it also alleviates complaints like postnasal drip, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, cough, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion and heartburn. Every case of throat clearing is treated individually keeping in mind the cause and the attending symptoms.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Throat Clearing

1. Kali Bichrome – For Marked PND And Throat Clearing

This medicine is well indicated for cases having excessive PND – post nasal drip (dripping of mucus from the back of nose into the throat) and throat clearing. The mucus in PND is thick, tenacious and gelatinous that can be drawn out like a long thread. Sore throat and pain while swallowing can attend it. In some cases needing it, ulcers in the rear part of the throat can be present. They have elevated edges and are filled with thick white matter.

2. Argentum Nitricum – For Throat Clearing From Thick Mucus In Throat

It is a very effective medicine for cases needing clearing thick tenacious mucus from the throat. Along with this, there is hoarseness of voice. There can also be rawness and soreness which create an urge to clear the throat. A feeling that a splinter or stick is lodged in the throat may be felt while swallowing. Lastly, dryness and burning in the throat may occur.

3. Causticum – For Constant Desire To Clear The Throat

This medicine is indicated when there is a constant desire to clear the throat. Persons needing it may also have rawness and tickling sensation in the throat. It is attended with dry cough, sometimes burning sensation in the throat is felt. A person may also complain of lump-in-the-throat feeling. Other than the above, there can be hawking of mucus from the posterior nares. Inflammation of the larynx and hoarseness of voice can accompany the above symptoms.

4. Belladonna – With Sore Throat And Tonsillitis

This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is very beneficial, when there is throat clearing along with sore throat and tonsillitis. The throat and tonsils are inflamed, markedly red, shiny and painful where it is required. There is pain in the throat while swallowing. A lump-like sensation, dryness and heat in the throat, and difficulty in swallowing and cough may be the other accompanying symptoms.

5. Alumina – When Dry, Raw, Rough Throat Leads To Throat Clearing

This medicine works well in cases of dry, raw, rough throat. The voice turns husky. There may also occur a lump sensation in the throat. Thick mucus drops from the posterior nares. Coughing aggravates especially in the evening. The throat is red with stitching pain.

6. Natrum Phos – For Acid Reflux And Throat Clearing

Use of this medicine is recommended for acid reflux and throat clearing. Persons who need it have a lump sensation in the throat and dropping of thick, yellow mucus from the posterior nares, especially at night. The person is forced to wake up, sit and clear the throat half-asleep. There is inflammation in the throat. The tonsils are coated with a yellow and creamy mucus. The person also complains of heartburn and sour belching in addition to the above symptoms.

7. Sabadilla – For Throat Clearing, Sneezing, Runny Nose

It is a natural medicine prepared from seeds of plant Sabadilla Officinalis having common name Cebadilla. Its use is considered when there is throat clearing, sneezing and runny nose. Itching in the nose and stuffy nose can also be there. There can be excessive tough phlegm in the throat which causes pressure and burning sensation in the throat. Roughness with a constant desire to swallow or hawk is there. Lastly, there may be a feeling of skin hanging loosely in the throat or something lodged in the larynx.

8. Sulphur – For Roughness, Scraping In Throat Attended With Throat Clearing

It is a very useful medicine for persons having roughness attended with throat clearing. There is feeling of a lump in throat and there can be dryness in the throat. It may excite a cough. Sore throat along with excessive burning sensation is yet another symptom that can attend. Stitching or pressive type of pain in the throat may occur on swallowing.

What Are The Medical Reasons Behind It?

The first reason behind it is LPR – laryngopharyngeal reflux /silent reflux. The stomach acid flows back into the throat and larynx causing an uncomfortable sensation and frequent throat clearing. Some other symptoms that accompany it are a feeling of something stuck in the throat, postnasal drip, hoarseness of voice and difficulty in swallowing.

Second common cause for throat clearing is post nasal drip (PND) when mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. It happens when there is excessive production and build-up of mucus in the para nasal sinuses, throat or nose. Some of the reasons behind PND are allergies, cold, flu, sinusitis, DNS (deviated nasal septum) and acid reflux. PND can be attended with some other symptoms like cough, scratchy throat, nausea and foul breath.

Third cause is nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis).  It refers to nasal inflammation and irritation triggered by allergic reaction to airborne allergens like pollen, dust mites and animal dander. Throat clearing can be one of its symptoms along with symptoms that include runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, nasal itching, scratchy throat, itchy watery eyes and cough.

Throat clearing may just be one of the tic disorders. Tics refers to uncontrollable repetitive twitches, certain movements or sounds that occur semi-voluntarily. Some other examples of tics apart from throat clearing are head jerking, frequent eye blinking, repeating a sound like grunting, shoulder shrugging, sniffing and facial grimacing.

Tourette’s syndrome may be another causes of  throat clearing. It refers to a neurological disorder in which there occurs involuntary motor tics (movement-based tics) and vocal tics (tics related to sound production). For Tourette’s syndrome to be diagnosed, there must be multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic for more than a year in a person.

Food allergies may be a cause of throat clearing in some cases. Some people may have itching, irritation or tickling in the throat after consuming certain food products that can lead to throat clearing. Some examples of such food products include rice, dairy products, etc.

Outgrowths like cysts, polyps and nodules on the vocal cord may also lead to throat clearing. Other than throat clearing, the other symptoms are feeling of something stuck in the throat, voice changes (like scratchy voice, hoarse voice), pain while speaking and difficult breathing.

Laryngitis, chronic inflammation of the larynx (voice box), can also cause throat clearing.

It may occur in case of tonsillitis which is inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils are the two oval-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue present at the back of the throat, one on either side.

PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcus) is also one of the cause. In this syndrome, there occurs major changes in behaviour, personality and movement in children after suffering a bout of infection of Streptococcus Pyogenes bacteria. Obsessive compulsive disorder or tics mainly occur in this medical condition.

Zenker’s diverticulum is a rare cause behind throat clearing. In this condition, food travels from the food pipe to stomach via a pouch at the junction of the pharynx and the food pipe.

Rest of the causes include side effect of certain medications (e.g., blood pressure medications, inhaled steroids), throat injury, damage to the throat tissue due to tobacco use, pollution, voice strain, chemical exposure and excessive vomiting.

What Signs And Symptoms Can Attend It?

Apart from feeling of something stuck in the throat, other symptoms include postnasal drip, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing, cough, scratchy throat, offensive breath, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, noisy breathing, heartburn and tics.




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