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Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes (meninges) that covers the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused by viral infections, bacterial infections or fungal infections. Among these, viral infections are the most common cause of meningitis. Bacterial infections and fungal infections rarely cause meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is the most severe and can be life-threatening and fatal if not treated well at the time. Viral meningitis is the most common but is usually mild and clears up on its own. Homeopathic remedies for meningitis play a supportive role in the treatment and should only be used along with conventional treatment.   Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in treating meningitis. These medicines should be used symptomatically to treat meningitis along with the conventional course treatment. Meningitis can be life-threatening in some cases (depending upon the cause) so a consultation with a specialist is needed prior to taking medicines and self-prescription should be avoided.

1. Belladonna – For Meningitis in the First Stage

Belladonna is a natural medicine for meningitis prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Belladonna is well indicated for meningitis in the first stage. There is fever with dry heat. The head feels hot and painful with a throbbing sensation and flushed face. The person may want to bore his head in the pillow. Nausea and drowsiness are also marked.

2. Apis Mellifica – Top Medicine for Meningitis

Apis Mellifica is an effective medicine for meningitis where there is delirium and drowsiness. There is marked irritability, crying and screaming loudly. Confusion, dullness, and dizziness are also present. Intense pain in the back of the head is most prominent. Another important accompanying symptom is an inability to hold the head erect and boring of the head into the pillow. Diplopia and obscuration of vision also appear. Its use is also highly considered in cases of meningitis with hydrocephalus (build-up of fluid in the brain cavities).

3. Stramonium – For Meningitis with a Headache and Nausea

Stramonium is a natural remedy prepared from the plant Thorn-Apple of the natural order Solanaceae. Stramonium is indicated when the pain in head and nausea predominates in cases of meningitis. The eyes are markedly red and inflamed along with delirium. In some cases, there may be irritability with screaming, striking with hand feet, and a tendency to strike/bite others. Convulsive movement of the limbs is also well noted with the above features.

4. Veratrum Viride – For Meningitis with High Fever

Veratrum Viride is prepared from the root of a plant named American Hellebore or Indian Poke. It belongs to the natural order Melanthaceae. Veratrum Viride is helpful for meningitis with a high fever. This is attended with the rolling of the head and frequent vomiting. Pain in the nape of the neck is also present and the person cannot hold the head.

5. Gelsemium – For Meningitis in Initial Stage with Marked Chills

Gelsemium is helpful for meningitis in the initial stage, along with severe chills. There is marked stiffness of the neck. A headache with a sensation of band tightly binding head is present. This is attended with great exhaustion and intense drowsiness. There is a desire to lie still. Vertigo along with a staggering gait may also appear. Jerking of the body, especially of the left side, may occur while falling asleep.

6. Helleborus – For Meningitis with Rigid Neck and Marked Drowsiness

Helleborus is a natural medicine medicine prepared from the root of a plant called Helleborus Niger or Christmas Rose, of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Helleborus is prominently indicated for meningitis when the neck feels rigid and there is marked drowsiness. Fever with chills and vomiting may also occur. The head feels heavy and heated. Frequent convulsions in meningitis are also a guiding feature to use Helleborus. This medicine is also indicated for meningitis with hydrocephalus.

7. Rhus Tox – For Meningitis with Pain and Stiffness of Muscles and Joints

Rhus Tox offers a natural treatment for meningitis with pain and stiffness of muscles and joints. This is accompanied with marked anxiety and restlessness. High fever and pain in the head are present, that extends to the ears. Rash on the body is also present.

8. Zincum Met – For Meningitis with Sharp Pain in Head

Zincum Met is a natural medicine indicated for meningitis with a sharp pain in the head. The person may want to roll and bore the head in the pillow. Automatic motion of hands may appear with the motion of the head. Pulse is small and frequent. It is also useful for hearing loss after meningitis.

9. Kali Bromatum – For Meningitis with Severe Headache

Kali Bromatum is a natural remedy for meningitis where there is a severe headache. The headache is constant along with a feeling of heat in the head. The pulse is rapid and wiry. Dullness and weakness along with a loss of appetite is also present.

10. Arnica – For Traumatic Meningitis following Head Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana of the natural order is Compositae. Arnica is beneficial for traumatic meningitis that follows a head injury like a concussion, falling, blows, or bruising. There may also be a headache and vomiting.

Causes of Meningitis

Bacterial Meningitis
The bacterial agents that can cause meningitis include Neisseria meningitis, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza Type B and Listeria monocytogenes (listeria).

Viral Meningitis
The viral agents that can lead to meningitis are herpes simplex virus, enterovirus, influenza, HIV and mumps virus.

Fungal Meningitis
Fungal meningitis is rare and usually happens to people who have a weakened immune system. Fungal meningitis can be caused by Histoplasma, Cryptococcus, and Blastomyces.

Other Causes
Meningitis can also be caused by an allergy to certain medications, head injury, brain surgery and certain forms of cancer.

Risk Factors
Some risk factors for meningitis include compromised immunity, children under age of 5 years, community living like boarding schools, day care centers, military bases, and pregnancy (pregnant women are at increased risk of listeriosis).

The viruses and bacteria that can cause meningitis can be spread through sneezing, coughing, kissing, sharing utensils and toothbrushes.

Symptoms of Meningitis

The symptoms of meningitis include sudden high fever, feeling sick, severe headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, seizures, confusion, difficult concentration, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, pain in the muscles/joints, lack of energy, lethargy, delirium, hallucinations, skin rash and loss of appetite. Certain signs of meningitis in babies include a refusal of feeds, constant crying (usually a high-pitched crying), irritability, fussiness, aversion to being carried, a stiffness of body and a bulging soft spot on top of the head.
Severe complications can arise in some cases of meningitis, like brain damage, seizures, hearing loss, learning disabilities, coordination problems, balance problems, vision loss, hydrocephalus, arthritis, kidney problems, and death.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Quinsy

Quinsy or peritonsillar abscess refers to a collection of pus behind the tonsil. Although rare, it is a serious complication of tonsillitis. Quinsy can occur at any age, but most commonly affects older children, adolescents, and young adults. Quinsy is mainly caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes, that causes strep throat and tonsillitis. Natural medicines are beneficial for mild cases of quinsy to resolve the infection and help provide symptomatic relief along with conventional treatment. Baryta Carb, Merc Sol, and Hepar Sulph are the top homeopathic medicines for quinsy.  homeopathic medicines for quinsy

Quinsy develops when the infection spreads from the infected tonsil to the soft tissue around the tonsils, thereby forming an abscess. Recurrent or chronic tonsillitis, smoking, weak immune system, tooth/gum infection, tonsilloliths, and mononucleosis are some conditions that raise the risk of quinsy.

Homeopathic Medicines for Quinsy

These medicines can be used in mild to moderate cases of quinsy for supportive treatment. Consultation with an ENT specialist is a must to diagnose the condition and rule out its severity and take adequate help in case of an emergency

1. Baryta Carb – For Quinsy with Difficult Swallowing and Speaking

Baryta Carb is a natural medicine for quinsy where there is difficulty swallowing (food or saliva) and speaking. Only swallowing of liquids is possible where Baryta Carb is indicated. Stinging and smarting pain in the throat is present. The throat is sore to touch and there is marked suppuration (pus collection) behind the tonsils. The palate feels very swollen and is attended with fever, red face, offensive breath, and thick phlegm. There is increased salivation along with the sensation of having a plug in the throat.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Quinsy with Pain in Throat Radiating to Ear

Hepar Sulph is a natural remedy for quinsy where the pain in the throat radiates to the ear. There is marked uneasiness, a stitching pain in the throat, scraping and smarting sensation that arises upon swallowing food. A sensation of having a splinter or plug of mucus in the throat and fever with chills may be present.

3. Merc Sol – For Quinsy with Excessive Drooling of Saliva

Merc Sol is a well-indicated medicine for quinsy with excessive drooling of saliva. There is a collection of pus behind the tonsil which may be enlarged. The palate is red and swollen and there may be difficulty in swallowing. Sharp, sticking pain in fauces is particularly felt upon swallowing. There is rawness and burning in the throat along with a constant thirst for water. There is also an offensive smell from the mouth.

4. Lachesis – For Quinsy with Suppuration Behind Left Tonsil

Lachesis is an effective remedy for suppuration of the left tonsil in cases of quinsy. There is a pain in the throat on the left side which is worse from taking liquids and from empty swallowing. The left side of the throat feels choked when drinking fluids. The pain may radiate to the ear and usually worsens after sleep in most cases. The throat is swollen, dry and seems dark red. The voice tends to get hoarse, the throat and neck are very sensitive to external pressure. There is also a lot of phlegm present.

5. Lycopodium – For Quinsy with Suppuration behind Right Tonsil

Lycopodium is prepared from the spores of a plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known by the name of Clubmoss. The natural order of this plant is Lycopodiaceae. Lycopodium is well indicated for quinsy with suppuration behind right tonsil. The right tonsil is sore, painful and suppurated. The throat feels dry and sharp pain is felt in the tonsil particularly upon swallowing. Sometimes burning and pricking appears in the tonsil. A frontal headache may also be present along with the above symptoms.

6. Phytolacca – For Marked Burning Pains in Throat

Phytolacca is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Phytolacca Decandra or Poke-Root of the natural order Phytolaccaceae. Phytolacca is useful for quinsy with marked burning pains in the throat. The throat, tonsil, and palate are congested with bluish or dark-purple appearance. The throat is also intensely dry, rough with burning and smarting in fauces. Swallowing gets difficult and is followed by excruciating pain in the throat that shoots to the ears. A disposition to hawk and clear the throat is also present.

7. Psorinum – Indicated to Eradicate the Tendency of Quinsy

Psorinum is a natural remedy indicated to eradicate the tendency of repeated attacks of quinsy. In cases requiring Psorinum, the tonsils are greatly swollen along with painful swallowing. Pain in the throat upon swallowing may be burning, cutting or tearing in nature. The pain may extend to ear from throat while swallowing. Along with this, the saliva is profuse and offensive. Tough mucus may be present in the throat.

8. Silicea – Where Suppurating Tonsil is Slow to Heal

Silicea is a natural medicine that is considered in cases of quinsy when the recovery from suppurating tonsils is very slow. The pus is fetid, and Silicea helps hasten the recovery process and clear off the pus discharges effectively.

9. Streptococcinum – For Sore Throat, Tonsillitis and Quinsy in Strep Throat

Streptococcinum is an effective medicine used to treat a sore throat, tonsillitis, and quinsy in a strep throat infection. The throat gets red and swollen, and there is an accumulation of excessive pus behind the tonsil. There is a constant pain in the throat, and enlarged nodes in the neck may also be present along with the above symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Quinsy

The symptoms of quinsy include severe sore throat especially on one side (usually the first symptom), difficulty swallowing food/drink/saliva, difficulty opening mouth, drooling, bad breath, earache on the affected side of tonsil, voice changes, headache, swelling of face or neck, high fever sometimes with chill and swollen glands in the throat. Quinsy occurs only on one side of the tonsils. Some complications of quinsy include a rupture of abscess, blocked airways, and infection of lungs, chest, neck.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Treating Peripheral Neuropathy with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that arises when the peripheral nerves malfunction or get damaged. One of the leading causes of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes mellitus, but there can be many other reasons. From a huge number of homeopathic medicines for peripheral neuropathy, some of the majorly indicated homeopathic medicines for symptomatic treatment include Kali Phos, Arsenic Album, Picric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Hypericum, Causticum and Plumbum Met.

homeopathy peripheral neuropathy

Homeopathic medicines for Peripheral Neuropathy.

Homeopathic Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy

The homeopathic mode of treatment remains quite effective in managing peripheral neuropathy. The approach to homeopathic treatment for peripheral neuropathy is entirely symptomatic. The symptoms of the patient in a given case of peripheral neuropathy serve as the basis of homeopathic prescription. Every case of peripheral neuropathy needs to be thoroughly investigated to rule out the cause behind it. Every individual case requires a detailed case analysis to find the presenting symptoms unique to them. The homeopathic medicines for treating peripheral neuropathy are very safe to use among people of all age groups. A person should take homeopathic medicines for peripheral neuropathy under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines for Peripheral Neuropathy

Kali Phos – Homeopathic Medicine for Numbness in Hands and Feet

Kali Phos is an effective, natural homeopathic medicine for numbness in hands and feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. Kali Phos also helps in treating prickling sensation in hands and feet. Along with this a general fatigue or weakness is also present. A person needing Kali Phos tends to have a nervous, sensitive and irritable nature. Kali Phos is also indicated for cases of muscle weakness and paralysis.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Remedy for Burning Sensation in Hands/ Feet in Peripheral Neuropathy

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is useful for treating burning sensation in the hands and feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. The burning sensation may extend to arms and legs. Arsenic Album is also helpful for weakness and heaviness in the limbs in cases of peripheral neuropathy. Apart from the above, a tingling sensation in the fingers is also an indicating feature to use Arsenic Album.

Picric Acid – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Pin-needle Sensation in Hand/Feet

Picric Acid is a natural homeopathic remedy used to treat a pin-needle like sensation in the hands or feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. This sensation may be present in legs and arms. A weak, tired feeling in the limbs is also present. Exertion tends to make the complaint worse, and the limbs may get cold.

Oxalic Acid – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy Causing Numbness and Tingling in Limbs

Use of natural medicine Oxalic Acid is considered in cases of peripheral neuropathy where there is numbness and tingling in the limbs. Sharp and excruciating pains in the limbs also point towards the use of this medicine.

Hypericum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Peripheral Neuropathy Due to Nerve Injury

Hypericum is a natural medicine prepared from the fresh plant named Hypericum Perforatum or St. John’s Wort. The natural order of this plant is Hypericaceae. The main indicating features to use Hypericum are numbness, tingling in hands or feet attended with burning pains. A crawling sensation may also be present in the hands and feet in some cases.

Causticum – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Muscle Weakness in Peripheral Neuropathy

Causticum is a well-indicated homeopathic cure for treating muscle weakness in cases of peripheral neuropathy. There is marked muscle weakness in the limbs along with a sensation of formication (like ants crawling) in the limbs. Causticum is also used in cases of paralysis.

Plumbum Met – Natural Medicine for Thinning of Muscles in Peripheral Neuropathy

Plumbum Met offers a natural cure for peripheral neuropathy in which the patient experiences wasting or thinning of the muscles of the limbs. Paralysis of limbs is also treated well with this medicine.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

The nervous system in our body is divided into two major divisions – the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and the brain. The peripheral nervous system consists of a network of nerves that lie outside the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system connects the nerves from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body (organs, limbs, and skin). The peripheral nervous system has 43 pairs of motor and sensory nerves. Peripheral nerves are of three types – sensory, motor and autonomic. The primary functions of these nerves are as follow:
Sensory nerves are responsible for transmission of signals like pain, touch, temperature and other sensations to the brain.
Motor nerves are held responsible for control of muscles.
Autonomic nerves are responsible for regulating autonomic functions of the body such as bladder function, digestion, body temperature, and blood pressure.
The peripheral neuropathy can be a mononeuropathy (damage to a single peripheral nerve) or a polyneuropathy (malfunctioning of multiple peripheral nerves at the same time). The symptoms of this disorder depend on the type of peripheral neuropathy.
Sensory neuropathy: The symptoms of sensory neuropathy are numbness, tingling, pricking, pin/needle sensation, hypersensitivity and burning sensation in the hands and feet. The symptoms can spread up the arm and leg.
Motor neuropathy: The symptoms of motor neuropathy include muscle weakness, paralysis, twitching/cramping of muscles, wasting/thinning of muscles, impaired balance, and coordination.
Autonomic neuropathy: The symptoms of autonomic neuropathy include rapid heart rate, bowel/bladder symptoms, diarrhea/constipation, blood pressure changes, increased/decreased sweating and erectile dysfunction in men.

Other reasons for peripheral neuropathy include an injury to nerves, low levels of vitamin B12, infections like shingles, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis C, and autoimmune diseases like Guillain-Barre syndrome, lupus, and necrotizing vasculitis. Excessive alcohol intake, tumors pressing on the nerves, chronic liver/kidney disease, thyroid disorders, certain medications including phenytoin, thalidomide, toxins like arsenic, mercury, inherited disorders like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease are some other causes of peripheral neuropathy. In some cases, there may be no identifiable cause.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the glands that make saliva (salivary glands) and glands that make tears (lachrymal glands). When the salivary and lachrymal glands get destroyed, it leads to a dry mouth (xerostomia) and dry eyes (xerophthalmia). Apart from these glands, Sjogren’s syndrome may also damage other parts including joints, lungs, thyroid gland, kidneys, skin, and liver. Homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome help in the symptomatic management of the disease. Nux Moschata, Belladonna, and Rhus Tox are the top homeopathic medicines that help treat Sjogren’s syndrome by moderating the overactive immune system.

Homeopathy sjogren's syndrome

Homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Homeopathic Treatment of Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s syndrome can be treated safely and effectively with the use of homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines treat Sjogren’s syndrome by moderating the overactive immune system. The homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome are selected by taking into consideration the part affected and the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. The primary symptoms present in most cases of Sjogren’s syndrome including dry eyes and dry mouth can be well-managed with homeopathic remedies. Apart from these, the symptoms present in some cases including joint pains, fatigue, dry, itchy skin, dry cough and dryness of the vagina are also managed equally well. These homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances and hence are very safe to use. They don’t have any side effects. Homeopathic prescription needs a complete evaluation of the case, so these medicines should be used under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines for Symptomatic Treatment of Sjogren’s Syndrome

Nux Moschata – Homeopathic Medicine for Dry Mouth in Sjogren’s Syndrome

Nux Moschata is a homeopathic medicine prepared from seeds of the Nutmeg plant. The natural order of this plant is Myristicaceae. Nux Moschata is beneficial for treating dry mouth in cases of Sjogren’s syndrome. People who need Nux Moschata have an intensely dry mouth. The dryness is so marked that the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth. The dryness of the mouth is most experienced while sleeping. A peculiar symptom is a lack of thirst in spite of a dry mouth. A bad smell from the mouth may be present. The lips are also dry. The dryness may extend to throat from mouth.

Belladonna – Homeopathic Remedy for Managing Dry Eyes in Sjogren’s Syndrome

Belladonna is a natural treatment for Sjogren’s syndrome prepared from the plant Deadly Nightshade. It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is helpful for managing dry eyes in Sjogren’s syndrome. Along with dryness, the eyes also appear red. Itching in the eyes may be present, and in some cases, a burning, smarting and stinging sensation in eyes is present. Sand-like gritty sensation in the eyes along with the above symptoms may also be present.

Rhus Tox – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Joint Pains in Sjogren’s Syndrome

Rhus Tox is an effective homeopathic cure for joint pains in cases of Sjogren’s syndrome. People needing Rhus Tox experience pain, swelling, redness, heat in joints with marked stiffness. Cracking on stretching the joints also appears. They may feel better by warm application. For using Rhus Tox, a characteristic feature is a joint pain that gets worse during rest and better by motion.

Arsenic Album – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Fatigue in Sjogren’s Syndrome

Arsenic Album is an effective medicine for Sjogren’s Syndrome where the person experiences extreme fatigue. Weariness and weakness prevail all the time, and intense fatigue makes a person want to lie down constantly. The slightest exertion can cause fatigue, and there may be anxiety or restlessness.

Bryonia – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Dry Cough in Sjogren’s Syndrome

Bryonia is a natural medicine prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia Alba, of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is well-indicated to treat a dry cough in cases of Sjogren’s syndrome. People needing Bryonia have a dry, spasmodic cough. A tickling sensation in the throat may be present along with a cough. The cough may worsen after eating or drinking. Vomiting may occur along with cough. Pain in the head and chest appear with a cough. Apart from the above symptoms, dryness of the mouth and cracking of the lips may be present. Joint pains that are worse from motion and better by rest is another prominent attending symptom.

Sulphur – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Dry, Itching Skin in Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sulphur is a natural remedy for dry, itchy skin in Sjogren’s syndrome. The itching may be localiZed or widespread all over the body. Intense itching is present, and scratching the skin causes a burning sensation. The itchy spots may also become painful after scratching.

In some cases, bleeding appears upon scratching the skin. The skin itching is most worse in the evening and night time, especially upon getting warm in the bed. Along with the above symptoms, a stitching, prickling sensation on the skin may also appear.

Sepia – Natural Medicine for Vaginal Dryness in Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sepia is an effective natural medicine for vaginal dryness in Sjogren’s syndrome. Women needing Sepia may experience itching in the vagina along with dryness. They also complain of painful coition (intercourse) from extreme dryness of the vagina.

Reasons and Risk Factors for Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s syndrome is a disease of the autoimmune origin where the immune cells start to destroy healthy body tissues as a result of a misplaced immune response. The glands that make saliva and tears are destroyed in Sjogren’s syndrome. Certain risk factors predispose a person to develop Sjogren’s syndrome. These factors include a genetic predisposition and having any another autoimmune disease including lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. When Sjogren’s syndrome appears in association with any other autoimmune disorder, it is known as secondary Sjogren’s syndrome. Sjogren’s syndrome arising without any other related autoimmune condition is known as primary Sjogren’s syndrome. Women are a higher risk to develop Sjogren’s syndrome as compared to males. It is mostly diagnosed at the age of 40 years or above.

Symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome

The significant symptoms of Sjogren’s syndrome include dry eyes (xerophthalmia) and dry mouth (xerostomia). Along with dry eyes, other attending eye symptoms include itching, burning, stinging, redness and a sand-like gritty sensation in the eyes. Dry mouth may lead to difficulty in speaking, difficulty in swallowing and the tongue adhering to the roof of the mouth. Dryness and cracks of the lips may also be present. Having a dry mouth also predisposes a person to get oral fungal infections and tooth decay. Other symptoms include pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints, fatigue or tiredness, and dry, itchy skin. In some cases, there may be swelling of the salivary glands, prolonged dry cough, and muscle aches. Women may experience vaginal dryness.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Treat TMJ Naturally with Homeopathy

The temporomandibular joint connects the mandible (the lower jaw) to the temporal bone of the skull. There is one temporomandibular joint on each side of the face. Temporomandibular joint disorder refers to all complaints arising in the jaw joint itself, or facial muscles that help move the jaw and also support in chewing, talking and yawning. Homeopathic medicines for TMJ disorders help alleviate the associated symptoms and treat the underlying problem for effective, long-term relief. Causticum, Rhus Tox, and Silicea are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat temporomandibular disorders.

Homeopathy treatment TMJ

Homeopathic medicines for TMJ Disorders,

Homeopathic Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ Disorder)

The temporomandibular joint disorder can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines. These medicines help provide symptomatic relief in cases of temporomandibular joint disorder in a safe, gentle manner. The suitable homeopathic medicine is selected individually for every case of TMJ disorder.

Homeopathic Medicines for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ disorder)

Causticum – Natural Medicine for TMJ Disorder with Pain and Contraction in the Jaw

Causticum is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for TMJ disorder when there is a pain in the jaw joint along with tension and a contracted sensation in the jaw. The jaw feels stiff, and it becomes difficult for the person to open the mouth. Eating also becomes a troublesome process due to the pain and stiffness in the jaw. Causticum is also indicated in cases of temporomandibular joint disorder of arthritic or rheumatic origin.

Rhus Tox – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for TMJ Disorder with Intense Stiffness of Joint 

Rhus Tox is a natural homeopathic medicine for temporomandibular joint disorders of rheumatic origin. For using Rhus Tox, the characteristic feature is a pain in the jaw joint attended with intense stiffness. The pain in the jaw may be dull, aching or cramp-like. Crackling sounds arise prominently from jaw movement. A person needing Rhus Tox may get relief from jaw pain by applying warmth over the area or by applying pressure. Rhus Tox also helps in cases of TMJ disorders where there is a history of injury.

Silicea – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for TMJ Disorder of Rheumatic Origin

Silicea is a homeopathic remedy for TMJ disorders of rheumatic origin with jaw joint pain. In most cases requiring Silicea, the pain from jaw tends to radiate to the temple (in the head.) Swelling of the jaw may also be present. Pain in teeth of boring, tearing nature may also be present.

Spigelia – For TMJ Disorder with Jaw Pain Radiating to Ear and Temple

Spigelia is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from a plant commonly known by the name of Pink-Root. The plant belongs to the natural order Loganiaceae. The key feature to use Spigelia in cases of TMJ disorder is jaw pain that radiates to the ear and temple of the head. In some cases, this pain seems to extend to the nape of the neck. These pains tend to be tearing in nature. Facial pains and toothache may also be present along with the above symptoms.

Mezereum – Natural Treatment for Jaw Pain with Obstructed Jaw Movement

Mezereum is prepared from fresh bark of a plant named Daphne mezereum or Spurge Olive. This plant belongs to natural order Thymelaceae. Mezereum is a useful homeopathic medicine for TMJ disorder with jaw pain that obstructs the movement of the jaw. Jaw movement is highly impeded from pain in the jaw. This pain tends to radiate to the cheeks, and there is a night aggravation of the pain, along with a marked toothache.

Alumina – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for TMJ Disorder with Drawing Pain in the Jaw

Homeopathic medicine Alumina is useful for TMJ disorders where there is a drawing pain in the jaw. The drawing pain extends to the cheeks from the jaw. Tension in the jaw also appears, as of the jaw is shortened. Pain in the jaw worsens form chewing or opening the mouth. Swelling over the jaw may also be present.

Spongia Tosta – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for TMJ Disorder with Cramping Pain in Jaw

Spongia Tosta is a prominent homeopathic medicine for temporomandibular joint disorder where there is a cramping pain in the jaw. The pain from the jaw radiates to the cheeks. The cheeks may swell up, and eating tends to worsen the pain. An evening aggravation of the pain is also noted, along with a dislocated sensation in the jaw. The jaw also feels very tender to touch.

Hepar Sulph – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for TMJ Disorder with Jaw Pain that Worsens upon Opening the Mouth

Hepar Sulph is a natural medicine for TMJ disorders where there is jaw pain that worsens upon opening the mouth. In most cases, the pain is shooting type in nature. The face may be swollen along with the pain, and there may be a toothache.

Causes of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ Disorder)

The main causes of temporomandibular joint disorder include arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis) and injury to the jaw. In some cases, stress and genetic predisposition can make a person prone to develop temporomandibular joint disorder. Grinding or clenching of teeth is another risk factor of temporomandibular joint disorder. In some cases, there may be no specific cause of TMJ disorder.

Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ Disorder)

The primary symptom of temporomandibular joint disorder is a pain in the jaw that may be one-sided or be on both sides. The pain gets worse while chewing and opening the mouth widely. Stiffness in the jaw muscles and tenderness at the temporomandibular joint may also be noted. A clicking sound in the jaw may also appear while chewing or opening the mouth. Other symptoms that may appear as a part of this disorder include an earache and pain in the temple. In some cases, lockjaw (spasm of the jaw muscles, causing the mouth to be closed tightly)in the joint may occur.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

First-Aid with Homeopathy- Have your Own Medicine Kit At Home

HOW many of us experience helplessness at minor or acute ailments when they strike us at odd hours and also in situations where medical help is not accessible? And wish that we knew about some safe medicines that would provide immediate relief. The safe healing powers of homeopathy have been proven time and again and today it is one of the most popular and effective forms of natural healthcare. Safety is one of the major plus points of homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines have a lot to help with acute and minor ailments.

The homeopathic first aid includes some common remedies that can help alleviate pain and other symptoms in case of an injury, disease, or infection. It also helps reduce the severity of a problem when taken correctly. With a little practice and experience, one can become familiar with the basic homeopathic first aid principles.
Given here are the most common problems and their homeopathic first aid solutions.

 Sore throat

Pain, dryness, itching, irritation, a scratchy feeling in the throat – all are part of a sore throat. If you suddenly experience any one of these symptoms, you may get quick help with the homeopathic medicine Belladonna. You may take 4 to 5 pills of Belladonna (potency) 30C three to four times a day, depending upon the severity.
It soothes the pain, irritation, scratchiness in the throat and helps with the fever that usually appears along with a sore throat. Once the symptoms subside, the dosage may be reduced to twice or once a day, gradually stopping the course entirely.


For quick relief from a cold, homeopathic first aid medicine Aconite works well. If you catch a sudden fluent Coryza ( inflammation of the mucous membrane) along with sneezing, you may take Aconite for immediate relief. It also helps when exposure to cold air brings on cough and cold. 4 to 5 pills of Aconite can be taken in 30 C (potency) at three-hour intervals during an acute cold to get prompt relief.
Another first aid homeopathic medicine for cold is Natrum Mur. It is very helpful in cases of allergic rhinitis/ hay fever coupled with Coryza, eye discharges, and excessive sneezing. Natrum Mur can be taken in 6 X biochemic formulation. Take Natrum Mur 6X ( 4 tablets) three to four times a day at a gap of three hours. Continue this medicine till complete recovery.

Croup Cough

For immediate relief from croup cough, homeopathic medicines Spongia Tosta and Hepar Sulph prove to be beneficial.
Spongia Tosta works well in cases of a dry, croupy, barking cough with a whistling-like sound.
Hepar Sulph is used in cases of a cough with chest congestion, rattling in chest, and wheezing. A cough that comes suddenly from exposure to a draught of cold air also calls for using Hepar Sulph.
Both these medicines can be taken in potencies of 30 C, three to four times a day depending upon the intensity of case.


To comfort an acute headache, homeopathic medicine Belladonna and Glonoine should be considered.
Congested headache, pulsating/throbbing headache, sinus headache, migraine headache all respond wonderfully to Belladonna.
Glonoine works best for sun-related headaches with throbbing in the head and marked head congestion.
Three to four doses of the above-indicated medicines at a three-hour gap interval work well for a headache. These can be continued until full recovery.

Acute Fever

Belladonna is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for sudden acute fever. The indications for its use are sudden fever with red, hot flushed face and headache. Use this medicine in 30 C potency every two hours. If the fever does not reduce or come down in a day or so, then further investigations are required.

Body aches

Everyone now or then one suffers from body aches due to factors like overexertion, from prolonged traveling, after engaging in a sports activity, etc. For body aches, two homeopathic medicines work wonders to give immediate relief.
These medicines are Arnica Montana and Rhus Tox.
Arnica Montana is majorly used in general body aches when a sore, bruised sensation appears in the whole body.
Rhus Tox shows the best results in cases of joint pain, neck pain, back pain, or a muscle pull.
Initially, one can take 4 to 5 pills of any of these medicines, and repeat them two to four times a day, at a three-hourly interval depending upon the severity of your condition.

Abdomen cramps

Colocynthis is a homeopathic medicine that helps relieve abdominal cramps. The person needing Colocynthis may have cramps in the abdomen that get better by applying pressure or bending-over double.
A person may take Colocynthis 30 C twice or thrice a day at three-hour intervals to soothe the cramping. This medicine is known to provide immediate relief.
Another homeopathic medicine that is well-indicated for abdominal cramps is Magnesium Phos. Its use is applicable in cases where a person feels better by using warm applications on the area of the cramps.
4 tablets of Magnesium Phos can be taken in 6 X potency up to four times a day to help relieve abdominal cramps. It can also be considered during menstrual cramps.

Loose stool (Diarrhea)

First aid homeopathic medicines for cases of diarrhea or loose stools are Aloe Socotrina and Podophyllum Peltatum.
Aloe Socotrina can be used when there is a thin stool with a sudden urgency to pass it. It can be accompanied by a pressure in the rectum with a constant urge to pass stool.
Podophyllum Peltatum is indicated when there is yellowish greenish, watery, gushing stool that is very offensive.
You may use 4 to 5 pills of the selected homeopathic medicines for every three hours.

Food Poisoning

If you suddenly got a stomach upset as a result of a food poisoning, homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album should be taken without a second thought. The symptoms of loose stool, vomiting, fever appearing from food poisoning get quick relief from homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album. Veratrum Album is a powerful homeopathic medicine that helps treat cases of uncontrolled vomiting. 4 to 5 pills of any of these indicated homeopathic medicines can be taken in 30 C potency at three-hour intervals.


To get prompt relief from heartburn and acidity, homeopathic medicines Iris Versicolor and Robinia should be considered.
Use Iris Versicolor in case of a heartburn along with vomiting of sour, bitter fluid.
Take Robinia in case acidity or heartburn occurs during night time, upon lying down. These medicines are recommended in 30 C potency at intervals of three-hours (initially), followed by a gradual reduction in the dose.


Injuries most commonly include bruises (contusions), concussions, lacerations.
Bruises are blackish, bluish marks on the skin arising from breaking of tiny blood vessels under the skin from trauma. The skin is not broken in case of a bruise.
Contusions refer to a head injury where the brain is shaken inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head.
Lacerations are tears in the skin that results in an irregular wound.

The homeopathic medicines that should be present in a first aid kit for injuries include – Arnica Montana, Calendula Officinalis, and Hypericum Perforatum.
Arnica Montana is used as the first line of treatment in injury cases. It is indicated for injuries resulting from a fall, a blow and from a blunt instrument. It is most helpful in case of bruises, concussions, and contusions.
Calendula Officinalis is useful for injuries where lacerations (tears in the skin) appear.
Consider the use of Hypericum in case of fall on the back, tailbone injury, injury to spine and damage to nerves mainly in the fingers and toes. A punctured wound from a nail, pin, and needle penetrating the skin also indicates the use of Hypericum.
Use 4 to 5 pills of any of these three homeopathic medicines, at intervals of three-hours until complete healing has taken place.


Stretching, twisting or tearing of the ligaments in a joint is known as a sprain. The ligament is a tough, fibrous band that connects two bones together. The most common joint that tends to get sprained is the ankle joint.
The first aid homeopathic medicines for sprains are Arnica Montana and Ruta Graveolens.
Initially, after a sprain, three four doses of Arnica 30 C should be taken immediately. It helps in reducing the soreness, swelling, pain, tenderness at the site of sprain.
Following this, Arnica 30 C and Ruta 30 C should be taken alternately twice a day. Ruta will help heal the ligaments and Arnica will help reduce further swelling and pain at the site of the sprained joint. These medicines can be continued safely until complete recovery.


Immediately following a fracture, a few doses of homeopathic medicine Arnica 30 C should be taken. This will help soothe the pain and swelling at the site of the fracture.
Once the broken bone has been set in a cast, homeopathic medicine Symphytum Officinale should be started. This medicine can be continued for two to three times a day until complete recovery. It helps in prompt and healthy healing of the bone.

Acute UTI (Burning urination)

Cantharis Vesicatoria is an excellent homeopathic medicine for emergency use in case of a UTI (urinary tract infection). Painful, burning urination and difficulty in urination due to a UTI can be treated with this medicine. In an acute emergency, this medicine can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day in 30C potency (depending upon the severity of the condition).

Bee sting

The best homeopathic first aid prescription for a bee sting is Apis Mellifica. Use this medicine immediately following a bee sting in 30 C potency. It helps relieve the pain and swelling quickly. Three to four doses of this medicine three hourly for a day or two usually aid quick and complete recovery.

A word of caution: If a severe allergic reaction follows from a bee sting that majorly includes breathing difficulty, then urgent help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken. An allergy indicates anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency. Homeopathy alone cannot fix this problem.


The appearance of weals (raised bumps) on the skin from an allergic reaction is known as urticaria. It is often accompanied by stinging, burning pains. If you are prone to get urticaria attacks, you should carry homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica with you.
This medicine offers immediate help during an acute urticaria attack. It helps to heal the weals, reduce stinging and burning pains as well cut short the time of an urticaria attack. You may take 4 to pills of Apis Mellifica in case of urticaria at an interval of three hours and gradually reduce the dose as you recover.

A word of caution: It is to be noted that in case of urticaria where there is a difficulty in breathing, it may indicate towards an angioedema or anaphylaxis. It’s a medical emergency and homeopathic first aid alone does not work. Help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken urgently in such cases.

Panic attacks

For panic attacks, homeopathic medicines Aconite and Arsenic Album work well. These medicines should be kept in the pocket of people who have anxiety issues.
Aconite needs be taken during panic attacks along with palpitations, and sudden fear of death.
Arsenic Album works well in cases where there is extreme restlessness along with the panic attacks. These homeopathic medicines help calm down the mental state of a person during a panic attack.
Using two to three doses of above-indicated medicines in 200 C potency at an hour’s interval usually brings relief in most of the cases.


In case of burns, homeopathic medicine Cantharis acts as an effective remedy. This medicine helps in relieving burning, pain and smarting in case of a burn. It also effectively heals the burns.
4 to 5 pills of this homeopathic medicine should be taken initially for few days. Once the condition improves, the dose can be reduced to once or twice a day. External application of this medicine along with internal administration is also recommended.


Euphrasia Officinalis is the homeopathic medicine recommended in cases of acute conjunctivitis. Using this medicine helps in reducing the redness, watering, burning, swelling, and a gritty sensation in the eyes.
Use 4 to 5 pills of this medicine in 30 C potency three times day until complete recovery.


The homeopathic medicine Plantago Major helps soothe a toothache. Pain in teeth that shoots to the face or ear is can be treated with this medicine. It can be taken in 30C potency at three-hour intervals until relief begins. Mother tincture of this homeopathic medicine can also be applied externally in case of a hollow tooth from decay/dental caries.

Dentition Ailments

Chamomilla is an effective homeopathic medicine used to treat dentition and teething problems. The indicative features to use this medicine are high irritability, screaming, desire to be carried constantly, inflamed gums, drooling of saliva, putting fingers in mouth, loose stool (diarrhea), one cheek being red and hot, and the other being pale and cold.
2 pills of this medicine can be taken three to four times a day at three-hour gaps until complete relief.

Nasal Blockage

Ammonium Carb is an effective homeopathic medicine that helps relieve a nasal blockage. Use 30 C of this medicine twice or thrice a day for relief.

Nausea, Vomiting

A highly recommended homeopathic medicine for immediate help in nausea, vomiting is Ipecac. Three to four doses of Ipecac 30 C usually relieves nausea and vomiting effectively.


Hamamelis is an anti-hemorrhagic (a substance that stops bleeding) that can be used in an emergency to control bleeding. This medicine is well indicated for controlling bleeding from piles, the nose, tooth etc. It also helps relieve the weakness associated with blood loss. Use this medicine in 30 C potency at two to three-hour gap until bleeding stops.


Belladonna, Chamomilla, and Pulsatilla are the top homeopathic medicines that help relieve an earache. Among them, Belladonna offers relief from an earache that arises as a result of an acute inflammation of the middle ear with throbbing, pulsating pain in the ears.
Chamomilla is indicated for violent earaches that make a person highly irritable.
Pulsatilla is beneficial when an earache is attended with thick discharge from the ear (out of an infection).
The most appropriate homeopathic medicine as per the case can be taken in 30 C potency, at three-hourly intervals to get quick relief.

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5 Natural Homeopathic Teething Remedies for Baby (That Really Help!)

Most parents get alarmed when their sweet, charming baby suddenly can’t stop crying and needs to be carried around all the time. This usually happens when the toddler is about 6 months old and can be a  classic symptom of teething. Teething refers to the process of eruption of a baby’s milk teeth through the gums. The time of teething varies from child to child, but it usually starts from 6 months to 12 months of age. In some children, the teething process can begin as early as three months of age. Once teething begins, the first teeth to appear are two middle teeth in the lower jaw, followed by two middle teeth in the upper jaw and finally, teeth on the sides and back. Some teeth cause more discomfort as compared to the others when they erupt. For example, molars take up more surface area and do not erupt as easily as smaller teeth, causing prolonged discomfort. In most children, all twenty milk teeth appear by the age of two to three years. Teething for most toddlers is a painful experience and is a good explanation for a baby’s changed behavior and minor illness. A homeopathic teething remedy includes medicines that ease the symptoms like irritability and swelling in teething toddlers.

Problems while Teething

In some children, the teething process is smooth, with no pain, discomfort or complaint. For some children, however, teething can be difficult and cause symptoms like:

  • excessive drooling of saliva (it may cause a mild rash around the mouth)
  • excessive chewing of things
  • putting fingers in the mouth
  • irritability, crying, fretfulness, cranky behavior, restlessness
  • sleeplessness at night
  • swollen, sore, red, tender gums
  • formation of fluid-filled blister around the erupting tooth
  • decreased intake of feed
  • fever and diarrhea

Diarrhea and Teething

It is a common misconception that teething causes diarrhea. Teething does not cause diarrhea, it is in fact caused due to an infection of the gastrointestinal tract. This is because children during teething tend to chew on different objects to ease the discomfort, and can easily catch an infection from an unclean object. Teething also occurs around the time when a child is being weaned off the mother’s milk. An introduction of new food can also cause a change in the gut bacteria in the child’s system and cause diarrhea. Teething does not cause diarrhea, rather, it is the introduction of a pathogen in the child’s gut that leads to disturbed bowel movements. Children pick up bacteria from different sources as they look for things to chew on to relieve the symptoms of teething (like sore, painful gums). Mild fever during teething is normal, but high fevers are not. A very high fever or diarrhea during teething are completely unrelated to the process of the child’s teeth erupting. Frequent diarrhea during teething can cause dehydration, so care must be taken to ensure that the baby gets enough clear fluids, milk and water to stay hydrated.

Homeopathic Teething Remedy

Homeopathic medicines are a safe and effective method to manage pediatric complaints like teething. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances and are very safe to use, even on toddlers. They have no side effects and help treat the symptoms of teething very gently and effectively. Homeopathic medicines for teething are selected according to the individual symptoms shown by the child. For example, some children become cranky, irritable and stubborn while they are teething, while others may become clingy and keep weeping. Some children are particularly irritable at night. Keeping in mind the various symptoms, homeopathic medicines are selected on a case-to-case basis. The top homeopathic medicines to ease the discomfort during teething include  Chamomilla, Cina, Merc Sol, Podophyllum Peltatum and Calcarea Phos.

Homeopathic Medicines for Teething

Chamomilla – The Real Tooth fairy

Chamomilla (chamomile) has probably introduced more parents to homeopathy than any other Homoeopathic medicine. Though it is not the only medicine that homeopaths prescribe to treat teething, it is so commonly used that it is generally recommended unless the infant’s symptoms clearly indicate the need for a different medicine.

The most common symptoms of infants who need Chamomilla are inflamed gums, drooling (excessive saliva oozing from the mouth), and a desire to keep fingers in the mouth. Commonly, one cheek is hot and red while the other is pale and dentition diarrhea which is often green.

The infants are hyper-irritable and may scream and hit. The only relief they experience comes when they are being carried about or gently rocked. Chamomilla 30 c given three times a day during the acute phase should work as someone has described it as “a real tooth fairy”.

Cina – For Teething to manage Irritability

Cina is a homeopathic teething remedy used to manage irritability in children who are teething. The child may also weep, scream, bite and strike others, or ask to be carried all the time. Extreme crankiness and stubbornness along with restlessness during sleep are some other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Merc Sol – For Teething with Swollen Gums

Merc Sol is a homeopathic teething remedy that is used in cases where the gums become swollen and tender, and there is excessive drooling during teething. The gums appear red, swollen and are painful to touch. Excessive drooling, while sleeping and a foul-smell from the child’s mouth is also present. This medicine is effective in soothing a teething baby at night when the child is restlessness and cranky.

Podophyllum Peltatum – For Teething with Diarrhea

Podophyllum Peltatum is a homeopathic teething remedy where the teething baby has a watery, gushing stool that is yellowish–greenish and foul-smelling. Mucus may also be present in the stool along with fetid flatus.

Does Calcarea Phos ease out teething? Should it be given during dentition?

We have raised two daughters and have never given them Calcarea Phos. Yet, both of them never had any problem during dentition. Please Note that this is the most abused medicine in Homeopathy. It’s wide use in ‘easing dentition’ is one of the biggest abuse of homeopathy.It should be used judiciously and is mainly indicated where the teething process is delayed.

Tips to Soothe a Teething Baby

Teething children tend  to be irritable and clingy, and there are some home remedies for teething toddlers that can help soothe the swollen gums:

  • Rubbing the baby’s gums – With a clean finger, or a slightly wet piece of gauze, gently rub the baby’s gums. Use a gentle pressure to ease discomfort.
  • Use a cold compress: A cold compress in the form of a cold, wet cloth, a chilled spoon or a teething ring can help ease the swelling and soreness in teething gums.
  • Chewing upon hard foods: If the teething baby is old enough to handle solid foods, a solid food item like peeled carrot or cucumber can help provide relief. The child can gnaw on the food. Care must be taken to ensure that the child does not choke on any small bits that get chewed off.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Silicea – Homeopathic Medicine its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Silicea is derived from Silica or Silicic oxide from the Mineral Kingdom. The mineral silica in its crude state is inert and insoluble. When potentized according to the formula of Homeopathy, that is a process where the latent medicinal powers of a drug are aroused, it becomes one of the most valuable drugs of Homeopathic materia medica. It is also known very commonly as Quartz.
Silica is present naturally in our body as well; in the bones, nerve sheaths, skin, nails, etc. It has the capability to replace a surgeon’s knife by its remarkable action.

The ‘Silicea’ Constitution

This remedy suits people who are nervous and irritable, usually break into sweats, with dry skin and a lean, thin body. The musculature is weak and lax. Such patients usually cannot bear cold at all. If the individual receives a slight injury it suppurates and the formation is hard and nodular.

Drug Action

It is one of the polychrest remedies, that is it has an effect on all the spheres of the body. It acts on the bones, mucous membranes, cartilages, skin, cellular tissues, nerves, glands, lachrymal duct, Eustachian tube, etc.
It is known to be a very helpful remedy in treating bad effects of vaccination and complaints arising from the suppression of foot sweat.

Clinical Indications

Abscesses, boils, bone affections, carbuncle, constipation, cough, dentition problems, diabetes, enuresis, epilepsy, fistula, headache, hernia, rheumatism, rickets, skin troubles, sexual disturbances, bad effects of vaccination, Bartholin’s cyst, pilonidal sinus, haemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal abscess and fistulas, Meniere’s Disease, sinusitis and anxiety.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints of the Mind

This remedy settles many disorders of the mind, the marked symptoms being lack of confidence, stamina, and concentration. This remedy is well-suited professional and well-doing people. They claim to have everything in order and they seem to know what they are doing. But after a while, they start feeling a lack of confidence and firmness, they now have difficulty in processing thoughts and speech before giving a presentation. As a result of which, they start to dread to appear in public. They dread failure and the consequences of it; they feel their mind will not work when they want it to. This is nothing but an outcome of the prolonged mental exhaustion they have always been prone to. So a lawyer might end up saying, ‘I have never been well since so and so case.’ He overworks on it and many sleepless nights follow. And he ends up so mentally exhausted, yet everything is in vain. The most important thing to note here is, that when such patients go hard on themselves and force themselves to perform, they do so with flying colors. So, even though there is a fear of failure, yet when they perform, they do it well.
Another case is illustrated in a young man who has studied for years and is now nearing the end of this course. He dreads the final examinations but he goes through them all right, then fatigue comes upon him and for years he’s unable to enter his profession. He has this dread of undertaking anything. This remedy restores such affections of the brain.
Patients who need this remedy also dread loneliness. They always want someone to be around them. When they are amongst people, even though they are not talking or interacting with them, they are happy.

2. Nasal Problems

When it comes to the nasal passages, this medicine can be given for conditions like sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, ulcerations of the nasal cavities, epistaxis, etc. It can resolve the blockage of nasal passages due to any condition. The nose feels painfully dry and obstructed in the morning. As the day progresses, coryza (nasal discharges) can develop. The patient starts to lose his sense of taste and smell. It can be given for recurrent epistaxis as well. There is violent sneezing with tickling in the throat and nasal discharges.

3. Throat Concerns

It is one of the best remedies given for tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). It can be given for both follicular tonsillitis and quinsy (abscess in the region of tonsils). There is a sensation of a lump in the throat and there is a great difficulty in swallowing. There is a pain in the throat, which is sharp as from needles and pins, more on the left side, generating cough in some cases. The attacks of tonsillitis and quinsy are periodical, they get better for a while but come back again. It can very effectively deal with the acute and chronic stages of these conditions. The medicine is also helpful in chronic pharyngitis. Tickling in the throat causes bouts of cough. There is hoarseness of voice. The thyroid gland is enlarged and, there is swelling in front of the throat. The right side of the gland is swollen, which commences from the left, the patient cannot move his neck and holds it stiffly.

4. Ears

This medicine has its action on almost all the parts. It can be given for multiple ear conditions. It very effectively manages Otorrhea (ear discharge), Meniere’s Disease, perforated eardrums, tinnitus, Eustachian tube blockage, and hearing loss. There is over sensitiveness towards all noises The ears seem blocked, which open with a pop. In cases of otorrhea, the discharge could be curdy and pasty or thin and watery, with caries of the bone. There is a high degree of tinnitus(noises in the ear), all kinds of noises; hissing, roaring, like many cars passing by. It can be really helpful in cases of Eustachian tube blockage where the ears are blocked, a certain amount of hearing loss is present, but it returns with a snap. It takes care of the ruptured tympanic membrane (eardrum) with a discharge from the ear.

5. Eyes

With its effect on the eyes, it has treated a great number of complaints. It can be helpful in defects of vision; where the eyes are weak, the patient can neither write nor read, the sight is indistinct.
It proves to be infallible in cases of Blepharitis ( inflammatory condition of the eyes), like styes (red tender bump at the edge of the eyelids), Uveitis (inflammation of the Uvea), swelling in the eyes due to traumatic causes, abscess & boils around the eyes and lips, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). There is intense photophobia accompanying the eye complaints. The eyes are red, they burn and there is intense tingling. Not only this, it can be given for chronic conditions like Cataract, especially of the right eye, where there is greyish cloudiness in the eye. In conditions like ulcerations of the cornea, with a discharge of thick and yellow pus, attended with pain, this medicine can do wonders.

6. Chest

This medicine can be given for cases of bouts of breathlessness, where the patient loses his breath on slight exertion, be it running, stooping, followed by a cough. There is deep sighing breathing.
In conditions like Asthma, where the cough is in spasms and comes on as soon as the patient lies down.
The cough can have many presentations. It can be dry or loose. In cases of dry cough, excited by tickling in the throat, with hoarseness of voice. When the cough is loose, there is profuse expectoration of phlegm, the patient awakens at night, worsens from slightest motion, and especially after lying at night.
In children, who have a suffocative cough, obstructed and difficult respiration and the expectoration of the phlegm just doesn’t seem to end.
With its action on the heart, it checks the palpitations, with an irregular and hard pulse.

7. Teeth and Gums

This medicine can be given to kids that have a difficult dentition or if the teething is delayed. It acts on the gums and strengthens them, thereby checking the loose teeth. It can be given for caries of teeth where the pain worsens on even inhaling air and at night. There is a very severe toothache, with stinging pain and the patient tosses and turns during his sleep. If after extraction of teeth, there is a swelling in the gums and roof of the mouth, Silicea is the remedy. It has proven to be beneficial in cases of gum boils as well, where the gums are very sore and painful. Also, in such patients, there is a bad odour from the mouth.

8. Bones

It has since long proven be to very beneficial in cases of Caries of bones, bony fistulas, rickets and AVN (Avascular Necrosis of bone). Caries of the bone of any part of the body, but especially the small bones of the ears, nose and mastoid process and the shaft of the long bones, the head of the bones and the cartilaginous portions. The necrosis of the jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and in addition long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg) — are all the site of action for using this medicine. In kids, who have open fontanelles and sutures, it has played an amazing role in the fusion of the bone. It can be given in cases of Rickets, where there is a deformity in the structure of the bone due to deficiency of essential Vitamins. It can be given for defects in the spinal curvature as well, such as Kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis.

9. Skin Afflictions

The action of this remedy on skin cures many conditions where the skin is unhealthy and very problematic. It is one of the best anti-suppurative remedies available in homeopathy. It very effectively aborts pus formation, thereby dealing with many skin conditions like acne, boils, abscesses, eczema, impetigo, carbuncles, felons, ingrown nails, ulcers, Bartholin’s cyst, herpes, and cellulitis. The eruptions on the skin are itchy and burn. It can take care of eczematous, impetiginous and herpetic eruptions. There is eczema of the scalp, hands, and forearms. Every little injury on the skin has a tendency to suppurate. In many cases, where there is a foreign body lodged in the skin, like splinters, fish bones and needles, this medicine helps in the dislodgement of such substances and helps in healing the skin after. There is a tendency to form boils, and the boils come in crops, which do not heal readily. It can be of great help in cases of felons (inflammation of the tip of the finger), where the pain is deep-seated, with intense burning and stinging in the fingertips which are felt up to the shoulder. Not to forget, the action of this medicine is remarkable in cases where there are recurrent ingrown nails. The patient has a tendency for ingrown nails, and it can literally replace a surgeon’s knife in such cases.

10. Rectum

It can prove to be a brilliant remedy in cases of constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, pilonidal sinuses, anal abscesses, fissures, and fistulas. While its action on the patients with chronic constipation, this homeopathic remedy can help in managing symptoms like a very hard stool, which is highly unsatisfactory, has to be expelled with great effort; sometimes a part of the stool protrudes out but again recedes back and this happens again and again. There is pain and burning in anus after struggling to expel out the stool. At times, the stool is so hard and it remains for a really long time in the rectum due to deficient power to expel it.
The hemorrhoids are intensely painful, there is a discharge of bloody mucus from the rectum. In cases of fissure and fistula in the anus, accompanied by a history of constipation, there is pain that lasts even after passing the stool and lasts several hours. It can be given to people who tend to have summer diarrhea, that is diarrhea comes on during the weather change; wherein the stool is watery and highly offensive.

11. Male Problems

This remedy has shown great clinical improvements in cases of disorders of the male sexual system. It can also be given for clinical conditions like prostatitis, prostatomegaly, nightfalls, hydrocele, Syphilitic eruptions on the penis. The erections are painful, especially before rising in the morning. The erections are very frequent and come on anytime even without any stimulus. The sexual desire has compromised and is not as strong as before. The prostate gland is enlarged but without any pain. In cases of Prostatitis, there is a pus discharge from the urethra. It can be very effective in cases of hydrocele of men and children. The eruptions on the genitals can be very itchy, red and painful, with sweating on the scrotum. Men suffering from nightfalls, usually have a history of excessive masturbation.

12. Female Problems

In females, this remedy can be helpful in conditions like prolapse of the uterus, cysts in the vagina, metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, pruritus vulva. Menses; if too early are scanty and profuse when late. Menstrual cycles are irregular, come every two-three months. Before menses, usually, there is a headache or leucorrhoea which burns; pains as if the parts were sore. During menses, there is a pain in the abdomen, toothache during menses with anxiety and weariness of life. Usually, women have constipation before and after menses, which can be managed with this medicine.
It can also be given in affections of the breast, where there is inflammation, induration, and suppuration of the breasts. Inflammation of the nipples, they crack and ulcerate.

13. Sleep Disorders

Patients who might need this medicine have a very restless and disturbed sleep. They feel highly drowsy after eating or in the evenings. But when they try to doze off, they are highly restless, frequently keeps on waking up due to the overcrowded thoughts and cannot sleep again. There could be Somnambulism (night walking); the patient gets up while asleep, walks about and lies down after. The dreams are pleasant, could be lascivious; anxious while dreaming; dreams of murders, horrid things, of past events, of someone choking him/her. The patient breaks into a sweat and wakes up in the morning with a headache due to the dreams he had at night. He feels so tired and unrefreshed that he wishes to remain in bed.

14. Perspiration

There are cases where the complaints surprisingly appear after the suppression of sweat. For instance, after playing or exercising, we usually rush to take a bath even when the body is still sweating. This medicine is helpful in such cases, where the complaints have begun after such an incidence and lasted ever since. It can be of help in complaints arising from suppression of other discharges as well. There is usually a cold and clammy sweat on the forehead. One striking feature about a patient’s perspiration is that the sweating is more on the head and upper limb and the patient is generally dry on the lower body parts.


The dosage depends on many factors, especially on the stage of a given condition.
It can be given in different potencies where it can be frequently repeated as well. Generally, in lower potencies, it helps in building pus in raw eruptions and when given in high potencies, it helps to abort the process of inflammation.
Hence, in high potencies, it should not be frequently repeated.
Its action lasts for about 4- to 60 days.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Hepar Sulph, Acid Fluor.
It antidotes: Mer Cor, Sulphur
Follows well: Belladonna, Bryonia, Cina, Graphites, Ignatia, Nitric acid.
Followed well by Lachesis, Lycopodium, Sepia

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Pyorrhea

Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, is inflammation and destruction of the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth. Periodontitis mainly begins with gingivitis. Gingivitis refers to inflammation of gums as a result of plaque formation due to poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis, when left untreated, leads to periodontitis. Homeopathic medicines for  pyorrhea  help  provide  symptomatic  relief. Homeopathic Medicines for Pyorrhea

Gingivitis is a milder form of the disease and in gingivitis, no irreversible changes take place. However, persistent gingivitis leads to the formation of deep pockets between the gums and teeth. These pockets get filled with plaque and bacteria over time and start to damage the tissue and bone surrounding and supporting the teeth. Eventually, the teeth lose their grip and fall off.

Symptoms of Pyorrhea

Symptoms of pyorrhea include swollen gums, pain, and tenderness of gums, red/purple gums, bleeding gums, spitting of blood after brushing, bad breath, metallic taste in the mouth, receding gums and loose teeth in sockets.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pyorrhea

Homeopathy has shown wonderful results in dental diseases, including pyorrhea. There is a huge list of medicines for pyorrhea. These medicines bring symptomatic relief. The most suitable medicine is selected based on the individual case presentation. These medicines are natural and therefore, safe from any adverse side-effects. Merc Sol, Carbo Veg, Kreosotum, Phosphorous and Lachesis are the top remedies for pyorrhea.

1. Merc Sol – Top Grade Medicine for Pyorrhea

Merc Sol is considered one of the top listed medicines for pyorrhea. The symptoms indicating the use of Merc Sol are very swollen, tender and bleeding gums. The gums may be bluish red in colour. Accompanying symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth and offensive breath. An increase in saliva may also be noted. Few persons may also complain of loosening of teeth in the sockets. In all such instances, Merc Sol works wonders as one of the most effective medicines for pyorrhea.

2. Carbo Veg – For Pyorrhea where Brushing Teeth makes Gums Bleed

Carb Veg is one of the most excellent medicines for pyorrhea, especially recommended in cases where the gums show a tendency to bleed on cleaning the teeth. These gums have usually receded and are somewhat blackish in appearance. These symptoms are attended with a toothache. This toothache gets worse when chewing food. A bitter, sour taste in the mouth may be complained of in such cases where Carbo Veg will show remarkable results as the choice of medicines for pyorrhea.

3. Kreosotum – For Pyorrhea with Putrid Mouth Odor

Kreosotum is known for its effective positive action on teeth and its surrounding, supporting structures in pyorrhea cases. Kreosotum is best recommended where the symptoms include bluish, puffy gums with an intensely putrid odour from the mouth. Bleeding of dark blood from the gums is another key symptom to look out for prescription of Kreosotum as the best choice among medicines for pyorrhea. The tooth may be dark, decayed or crumbly in such cases.

4. Phosphorus – For Pyorrhea with easily Bleeding Gums

Another medicine placed prominently on the list of medicines for pyorrhea is Phosphorus. It offers help in pyorrhea cases where the gums bleed easily. Phosphorus is an anti-hemorrhagic medicine. Along with bleeding, soreness and pain in gums are noted in such cases. The pain in gums gets worse from both heat and cold.  Pain in the teeth may also arise along with the pain in gums.

5. Lachesis – For Pyorrhea with Swollen Cheeks

Lachesis is considered the most suitable among medicines for pyorrhea when attended with swollen cheeks. The gums appear dark purple and highly swollen. This is accompanied by burning in the mouth. Peppery or coppery taste in the mouth is another unique symptom. Pain in the teeth often extends to the ears in such cases where Lachesis will aid the fastest recovery among medicines for pyorrhea with these symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Grade Homeopathic Medicines for Gingivitis

What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis refers to the inflammation of gums resulting majorly from non-maintenance of oral hygiene. Other risk factors include diabetes, tobacco use, advancing age, poor nutrition. Poor dental hygiene leads to plaque formation on the teeth. The plaque finds a resting place in between the teeth gaps and along the gum lining. And this plaque, if not removed by brushing daily, hardens and irritates the gum line leading to gum inflammation. The symptoms arising therefrom are swollen, bleeding, painful gums. The gums appear dark red/purple, soft and puffy with a receding gum line. Halitosis (bad breath) and caries of teeth often accompany this condition. If not treated well in time, the disease advances, eventually leading to the falling of teeth.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

The Homeopathic mode of treatment is very effective in treating gingivitis. It can treat gingivitis of both recent and chronic nature. The swelling, pain and bleeding are wonderfully controlled with Homeopathic medicines. These medicines, if started well in time, help treat the acute symptoms of gingivitis as well as prevent complications like periodontitis. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism to eradicate the disease at the root and prevent recurrence. Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe for use among all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines for Gingivitis

The recommended Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis are Merc Sol, Kreosote, Carbo Veg and Alumen. Merc Sol is effective where gums are bluish red, swollen, painful and tender. Kreosote is a good choice among Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis in cases where the gums are bluish in appearance along with intense swelling. The gums are also puffy and protruding. Carbo Veg is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis where bleeding gums predominate. The bleeding gets worse on cleaning the teeth. Alumen is considered the best prescription where the teeth get loosened from chronic gingivitis.

Merc Sol, Kreosote and Lachesis – Best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with swollen and painful gums

The most effective Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with highly inflamed and painful gums are Merc Sol, Kreosote and Lachesis. Merc Sol is indicated where the gums have turned bluish red, painful, swollen and spongy. The gums recede and bleed in such cases and usually accompanied by increased salivation. Kreosote is one of the best selected Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis where the gums are bluish in appearance, painful, tender, protruding and puffy. Putrid odour from the mouth is another symptom in such cases. Lachesis works well in cases where the gums are dark purple in appearance, with pain and swelling. The person complains of a sour and peppery taste in the mouth.

Phosphorus and Carbo Veg – Top grade Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bleeding gums

Phosphorus and Carbo Veg are rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bleeding gums. Phosphorus is one of the effective Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis cases where the gums bleed easily. The gums are sore, painful and tender to touch in such cases. Pain in the gums gets worse from cold, heat and also while eating. Carbo Veg is prescribed when gums are swollen and they bleed while brushing the teeth. The gums are scorbutic with oozing of blood. Offensive mouth odour is also prominent in cases where Carbo Veg will provide relief as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bleeding gums.

Thuja and Kreosote – Top Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with tooth decay

Helpful Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with tooth decay are Thuja and Kreosote. Thuja is excellent among Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with tooth decay next to the gums affected with gingivitis. The gums are dark red, retracted and swollen, with decayed and crumbling teeth. Homeopathic medicine Kreosote works well where tooth decay appears with puffy, spongy, bleeding gums. The person usually complains of a bitter taste in the mouth.

Merc Sol, Kreosote and Silicea – Best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bad mouth odour

Valuable Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bad odour from the mouth are Merc Sol, Kreosote and Silicea. Merc Sol is useful where offensive/putrid odour from mouth accompanies gingivitis. The mouth is moist with excessive saliva. Thirst may also increase. Kreosote is recommended in cases where horribly offensive odour from the mouth is present with gingivitis. The gums are puffy, swollen and bleeding. The condition leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Silicea is the most helpful of Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis where offensive mouth odour is worse in the morning. The mouth feels dry, the gums are swollen and painful. Cold air and cold water worsen the pain in gums.

Calcarea Fluor and Alumen – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth

Significant Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth are Calcarea Fluor and Alumen. Both are wonderful Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth where the gums are swollen and inflamed. The teeth get loose in the sockets from long-standing gingivitis. Homeopathic medicines Calcarea Fluor and Alumen strengthen the tooth holding structures in the mouth to provide the teeth a firm holding.

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