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Early Treatment of Dupuytren’s Contracture with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition that develops over the course of many years and affects the hands and fingers. It begins with the thickening of the connective tissue within the palmar fascia, beneath the surface of palms. With time, lumps or knots develop beneath the palmar surface of the hand. Homeopathic medicines for Dupuytren’s Contracture can help arrest the progress of the disease in the early stages (before the permanent bending of the fingers). Silicea, Causticum, and Ruta are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat Dupuytren’s Contracture.

homeopathy Dupuytren's Contracture

Homeopathic medicines for Dupuytren’s Contracture.

The knots that develop as a result of the contracture mostly form at the base of the ring finger or the little finger. Eventually, hard cords develop from these knots that extend to the fingers. These cords contract with time, causing the bending or pulling of the affected fingers towards the palmar surface of the hand. With time, the fingers become deformed and the person is unable to extend the fingers in the long run. This leads to difficulty in performing everyday tasks like writing, holding objects, shaking hands, etc. The course of the condition varies from person to person. The disease may progress from initial stage to severe deformity in many cases while in others may not show progression up to the deformity stage. In many cases, Dupuytren’s contracture tends to self limit itself or even regresses in the initial stages itself.

Homeopathic Treatment of Dupuytren’s Contracture

Homeopathic medicines carry a good scope to help slow down the progression of the condition in most cases, especially if the condition is detected early. Homeopathy can go a long way if the treatment is started in the very beginning of the condition.
However, once the permanent deformity sets in, reversing the condition only with homeopathy is not possible. There are many medicines for treating Dupuytren’s contracture in the homeopathic system of medicine. The most prominent homeopathic medicines among them include Silicea, Causticum, Ruta, Colocynthis, and Rhus Tox. The homeopathic medicines that will suit a given case of Dupuytren’s contracture vary from case to case as per individual presentation. These homeopathic medicines are very effective and safe to use.

Homeopathic Medicines for Dupuytren’s Contracture

Silicea – Homeopathic Medicine for Dupuytren’s Contracture with Pain on Finger Movement

Silicea is a natural medicine for Dupuytren’s contracture with pain in the contracted tissue cords upon moving the fingers. The affected finger flexes onto the palm. Opening the finger causes intense pain. Excessive sweating on hand is a feature that may be present in most cases.

Causticum – Homeopathic Remedy for Late Stages of Dupuytren’s Contracture

Causticum is indicated for the later stages of Dupuytren’s contracture. The cases needing Causticum have severe contractures in hand. This leads to bending or fingers towards the palm. The person is unable to move the affected fingers without the help of the other hand. In some cases, complete deformity of the finger is present. A drawing and tearing pain is felt in hands. The hands and fingers my feel icy cold.

Ruta – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Dupuytren’s Contracture with Nodes on the Palm of Hand

Ruta is prepared from a fresh plant named Ruta Graveolens. It belongs to the natural order Rutaceae. Ruta is indicated for Dupuytren’s contracture with nodes on the palms of the hand. The fingers are contracted. Pain and stiffness in the hands may be present.

Colocynthis – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Dupuytren’s Contracture with Pain in Palms

Colocynthis is a natural remedy prepared from the pulp of the fruit of a plant called Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple. It belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Use of Colocynthis is considered in Dupuytren’s contracture when a pain in the palms is present. There appears contraction in the hands and fingers. It is difficult to open the finger, and the pain gets worse at rest.

Rhus Tox – Natural Medicine for Dupuytren’s Contracture with a History of Injury to the Hand

Rhus Tox offers help in cases of Dupuytren’s contracture that have a history of a hand injury. People needing Rhus Tox can move the fingers with great difficulty. An aching or drawing pain and a heated sensation in the palm of the hand may be present.

Reason for Dupuytren’s Contracture

The reason for Dupuytren’s contracture is not clearly understood. Some factors that put a person at high risk of developing Dupuytren’s contracture. These factors include a positive family history of Dupuytren’s contracture, age above 50 years, and diabetes mellitus. Other risk factors include hyperlipidemia, alcohol use in excess and smoking. Any hand injury in the past is also linked with the development of Dupuytren’s contracture. Men are at a greater risk to develop Dupuytren’s contracture than women. The male to female ratio for development of this condition is around 4:1. Individuals of all the races and ethnicity can be affected but the northern European population is at a higher risk to develop this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Dupuytren’s Contracture

The first feature appearing in Dupuytren’s contracture is thickening of the skin of the palms or formation of nodes on the palms of the hands. These nodes may or may not be painful or tender to touch. As the condition progresses, the range of mobility of the affected fingers starts to decrease. In the later stage, deformity of the hand develops, where the affected finger gets bent unto the palmar surface of the hand permanently. This leads to an inability to straighten the affected finger. The deformity is due to the formation of cords of tissue that contracts with time. In a majority of cases, the little finger is affected, followed by the ring finger. In some cases, the middle finger may also get involved. The involvement of the index finger and the thumb in this condition is rare.

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Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Photodermatitis

Photodermatitis is an abnormal skin reaction to sun exposure. People who suffer from photodermatitis  have a physiological overreaction to ultraviolet rays. Photodermatitis can be acute or chronic and is a form of allergic contact dermatitis. It is also commonly known as a sun allergy or sun poisoning. The major symptoms of photodermatitis include itching on the skin, blisters, hyper-pigmentation, and swelling or burning on the skin. Homeopathic medicines for photodermatitis help reduce the intensity of symptoms and also eradicate the tendency to develop an allergic reaction upon sun exposure. Natrum Mur, Cadmium Sulph, and Sol are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat photodermatitis.

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Homeopathic medicines for photodermatitis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Photodermatitis

Photodermatitis can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines. These medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, making them safe for use in people of all age groups. Homeopathic remedies for photodermatitis are selected on the basis of individual symptoms in every case. They help treat both acute and chronic cases of photodermatitis. The major homeopathic medicines used to treat this condition include Natrum Mur, Cadmium Sulph, Sol, Sulphur, Glonoine, Natrum Carb and Gelsemium. The suitable homeopathic medicine among them is always selected based on characteristic features found in every individual case of photodermatitis.

Homeopathic Medicines for Photodermatitis

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Medicine for Itchy Skin in Photodermatitis

Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating itchy skin in cases of photodermatitis. Skin complaints that are caused or worsened by exposure to the sun respond well to Natrum Mur. It is indicated in cases where there is itching, prickling, and stinging sensation, or crawling sensation. Rash or vesicles may also be present on the skin. These blisters tend to burst and discharge watery fluid. In some cases, raised spots or wheals appear on the skin along with violent itching.

Cadmium Sulph – Homeopathic Remedy for Hyper-pigmented Skin in Photodermatitis

Cadmium Sulph offers a natural cure for photodermatitis where there is skin pigmentation that arises from sun exposure. The pigmentation is most marked on the face; sometimes the skin is itchy too. Itching worsens mostly during the night, and scratching tends to relieve the itching.

Sol – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Skin Problems in Photodermatitis

Sol is another useful homeopathic medicine for managing skin complaints in cases of photodermatitis. People needing Sol have sensitivity towards sun exposure and develop rashes or red blotches on the skin upon sun exposure. The skin gets red and itchy. Sol is also used to treat sunburn. In some cases, peeling of skin is noted.

Sulphur – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Burning Sensation on the Skin

Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is an effective remedy to treat a burning sensation on the skin in cases of photodermatitis. The burning may be localized or spread on the skin throughout the body. The burning sensation is worse at night time in a majority of the cases. Sleep is often disturbed due to this burning sensation. The skin may be dry and rough, and swelling may be present. Sulphur is also a top listed homeopathic medicine to treat itching of the skin.

Glonoine – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Treating Headache after Sun Exposure in Photodermatitis

Glonoine is a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for treating headache following sun exposure in cases of photodermatitis. For using Glonoine, the headache is most prominently congestive with intense throbbing pains in the head. In some cases, the eyeballs may protrude out. Headache may be attended with nausea and is mostly felt in the temporal (sides) region and vertex (top) of the head. Sleep tends to relieve the headache. A marked heated sensation in the head is also present along with the headache.

Natrum Carb – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Headache in Photodermatitis

Natrum Carb is another homeopathic medicine for managing headache in cases of photodermatitis. The pain in the head is shooting or stitching in nature. There may also be tearing or pulsating pain in the head in a few cases. Nausea may attend the headache. Sometimes vertigo appears along with a headache. Dimness of sight is yet another attending symptom. The person may also feel weak along with the above symptoms.

Gelsemium – Natural Medicine for Dizziness in Photodermatitis

Gelsemium is a natural homeopathic medicine for treating photodermatitis. It is prepared from the bark of a root of a plant called Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known by the name of Yellow jasmine. It belongs to the natural order Loganiaceae. Gelsemium is effective in treating the complaint of dizziness in photodermatitis. There is a sensation of lightness of the head. It may be attended with dimness or in some cases blurring of vision. Heat in the face may accompany. Walking and sudden head movements worsen the condition. A headache may be present along with vertigo, general weakness, and lethargy.

Signs and Symptoms of Photodermatitis

Apart from the aforementioned symptoms, peeling of skin, thickening and scarring of skin in long-term cases can arise. Other symptoms that may arise in a case of photodermatitis include – a headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, and fever.

Photodermatitis can affect a person of any age group. Some of the factors that predispose a person to photodermatitis include a genetic tendency, certain medications (like sulfa drugs), few diseases like eczema and lupus. People having fair to light skin or those having red and blonde hair are more predisposed to develop photodermatitis. People exposed to sunlight for excessive hours persistently for long time durations are also at risk for developing photodermatitis.

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Supportive Homeopathic Treatment

SLE or systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect many different parts of the body like the lungs, heart, joints, kidneys, skin and the brain. SLE is an autoimmune disease that can affect many systems of the body, and so the signs and symptoms that appear depend upon the body system that is affected. No two people with SLE will present the same symptom picture. Homeopathic medicines for SLE play a supportive role in the treatment of the condition and should be taken along with conventional medicines for best results. Rhus Tox, Arsenic, and Natrum Mur are the top homeopathic remedies used as supportive remedies for SLE.

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Homeopathic treatment of SLE.

Although the signs and symptoms of SLE are highly variable, the most common ones include a butterfly shape rash/malar rash on the face covering the cheeks and bridge of the nose, joints pains, fever, and fatigue.

Role of Homeopathy in Treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

It is advisable to take homeopathic medicines for SLE in conjunction with the conventional means of treatment to manage the disease in the best way possible. Homeopathic medicines help in managing SLE symptomatically. Homeopathic medicines for SLE are safe to use among people of all age groups. A person should consider the use of homeopathic medicine for SLE strictly under the supervision of a homeopathic physician, and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines for Symptomatic Management of SLE

Rhus Tox – Natural Medicine for Joint Pains in SLE

Rhus Tox is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating joint pains in SLE. Along with pain, Rhus Tox also helps reduce stiffness and swelling of the joints. The joint pains worsen during rest and get better by motion. Warm applications over the joint and massaging the joints tend to make the joint pains and stiffness better.

Arsenic Album – Natural Remedy for Fatigue in SLE

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album helps manage fatigue that arises in cases of SLE. People needing this medicine feel exhausted, and the slightest bit of exertion causes fatigue. A desire to lie down all the time is present. Anxiety and restlessness are the major features that are present with fatigue.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Medicine for Skin Lesion from Sun Exposure in SLE

Natrum Mur is a natural medicine that is used to treat a skin lesion that develops or worsens due to exposure to the sun. The person needing Natrum Mur suffers from skin lesions like skin rash or vesicular eruption from sun exposure. The skin rash is attended with an itching and stinging sensation. In some cases, a crawling sensation on the skin arises from sun exposure.

Belladonna – Homeopathic Remedy for Headache in SLE

Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is an effective homeopathic medicine used to manage headaches that arise as a result of SLE. Most people needing Belladonna experience a congestive and throbbing type of headache. Extreme fullness is felt in the head, and the headache gets worse by noise and light. Applying pressure on the head helps ease the headache.

Aconite – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Dry Eyes in SLE

Aconite is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known by the name of Monkshood. It belongs to the natural order Ranunculaceae. Aconite as a natural treatment for SLE helps manage dry eyes. Along with dryness, heat is felt in the eyes, along with a sensation of sand. Sensitivity to light (especially of the sun) is present in most cases.
Some other accompanying symptoms that may be present include itching, lachrymation and burning in the eyes.

Ignatia – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Depression in SLE

Ignatia is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for treating depression in SLE. The key features to use Ignatia here is extreme sadness with excessive weeping. A desire to be alone is present with the above features. People needing Ignatia may also experience sudden mood swings. Other symptoms include dullness of mind, indifferent behavior, and intense mental and physical fatigue.

Colocynthis – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Abdominal Pain in SLE

Colocynthis is a prepared from the pulp of the fruit of plant named Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple. It belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Colocynthis helps treat abdominal pain in people suffering from SLE. Colocynthis is indicated in cases where the abdominal pain is strong, colicky, cramping or cutting in nature. The pains tend to get worse on consumption of the slightest food or drinks. Bending over double or pressing the abdomen helps relieve the abdominal pain.

Phosphorus – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Hair Loss in SLE

Phosphorus is an effective natural remedy used to manage hair loss in cases of SLE. People who need Phosphorus experience excessive hair fall where the hair comes out in bunches. In some cases, hair fall occurs in circumscribed spots. In addition to hair fall, copious dandruff may be present.

Symptoms of SLE

The most common symptoms of SLE include chest pain, skin lesion worsening from sun exposure, shortness of breath, pain in the head, dry eyes, abdomen pain, hair loss, depression, confusion, loss of memory, and swollen lymph glands. Swelling in the legs, seizures and Raynaud’s phenomenon (blueness/whitening of fingers and toes on exposure to cold or from stressful conditions) are other symptoms of SLE. The intensity of symptoms also varies from mild to a severe degree. The disease also shows a relapsing and remitting course. Even if mild, SLE needs to be taken seriously; it needs to be regularly monitored and treated appropriately because it carries a risk of various complications that at times can be life-threatening.

Complications of SLE

SLE can lead to various complications that sometimes can be profoundly serious and life-threatening. The complications in SLE include kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, vasculitis, pleurisy, avascular necrosis, stroke, brain and CNS disorders.

Diagnosing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Diagnosing SLE can be a difficult task. It may take months to even years to diagnose a case of SLE, the reason being that SLE presents signs and symptoms that mimic many other ailments. To reach a diagnosis, the clinical picture and various investigations need to be done. The investigations include ESR, ANA test (antinuclear antibody test), and Anti-DNA test. Further to these tests, in order to check the damage to internal organs, other tests are X-ray, USG, MRI, CT scan, ECG, LFT, and RFT.

Our body has an immune system that comes into play whenever any virus, bacteria or other microorganism invades our body. Here, the immune system fights the infection and exudes it out of the body. Autoimmune diseases are those diseases that arise when the immune system out of a misdirected response starts to destroy healthy body tissues in the absence of any actual infection in the body. So in autoimmune diseases, our immune system in spite of serving protective purpose starts an inimical destructive process. In SLE, the same autoimmunity process is present. The risk factors for SLE include a genetic predisposition towards SLE, being a woman (chances of SLE in women are ten times higher than in males) and certain environmental factors. Certain factors that are thought to trigger SLE include infections like Epstein-Barr virus, excessive sunlight exposure, smoking, medications like anti-seizure medications, blood pressure medicines and hormonal changes in women during puberty or pregnancy. The diagnosis of SLE majorly appears in the age group of 15 to 40 years.

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Leg Cramps at Night? Try These Homeopathic Solutions

Leg cramps are a very common condition characterized by a sudden, painful contraction of the leg muscles. In most cases, leg cramps appear in the calf muscles but can also occur in the thighs, feet, or toes. The affected muscle shortens and becomes tight during a cramp. Leg cramps are usually harmless and last from a few seconds to several minutes. Although leg cramps can happen anytime, they mostly tend to occur during the night. Homeopathic medicines for leg cramps help relax the muscles and offer relief. Cuprum Met, Magnesium Phos, and Rhus Tox are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat leg cramps.

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Homeopathic treatment of leg cramps.

Since the muscles of our limbs are under our voluntary control, they contract and relax alternately during movement. An involuntary contraction of such a muscle leads to its spasm which when is forcible and sustained becomes leg cramp.

Homeopathic Treatment of Leg Cramps

Homeopathic medicines for leg cramps work in a gentle and effective manner to alleviate the problem for long-term. These homeopathic remedies treat the root cause of leg cramps to bring about excellent recovery. There is a large therapeutic list of remedies to treat leg cramps in the homeopathic system of medicine. The most suitable homeopathic medicine among them is selected individually for every given case of leg cramps.

Homeopathic Remedies for Leg Cramps

Cuprum Met – Natural Medicine for Strong Cramps in Legs and Feet

Cuprum Met is a highly effective medicine for treating violent cramps in the legs and the feet. Pain in calf muscles of drawing or digging in nature may appear. The cramps and muscle contractions can be very severe. The feet may feel icy cold, along with sweating. Some other features include weakness and twitching in the legs.

Magnesium Phos – Natural Remedy for leg ramps appearing after exertion

Magnesium Phos is natural medicine for treating leg cramps appearing from exertion. The cramps appear in the calves and feet and may get worse during the night in bed. Magnesium Phos is highly useful for runner’s cramps or leg cramps in athletes. Acute leg cramps in the elderly are also treated well with this remedy. Apart from the above, Magnesium Phos is also well-indicated for leg cramps during pregnancy.

Rhus Tox – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Leg Cramps Relieved by Walking

Rhus Tox offers a natural cure for leg cramps that get better by walking. People who need Rhus Tox have cramps in the calves while lying in bed and while sitting, or after walking. In cases needing Rhus Tox, a midnight aggravation of cramps is also well-noted. Cramps in the feet that get better by walking also indicate the need for homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox.

Calcarea Carb – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Leg Cramps at Night

Calcarea Carb is a natural medicine for leg cramps that appear during the night. The leg gets tightened with a hard knot in the calf muscles. Cramps may appear in the thigh, calves of legs, or the sole of the feet or toes. Extending the legs also leads to leg cramps.

Anacardium Orientale – Homeopathic Medicine for Cramps in Legs due to Walking

Anacardium is a natural homeopathic preparation made from the layer between the shell and kernel of the nut of a plant named Malacca Bean or Marking Nut. This plant belongs to the natural order Anacardiaceae. Anacardium Orientale is well indicated for cramps in the leg that appear upon walking. Lying down makes the cramps better. Apart from the above, Anacardium Orientale is also helpful for leg cramps that appear on rising from a seat. Tensive pain in the calves of the legs with sleeplessness also indicates the need for this medicine.

Causticum – Homeopathic Remedy for Leg Cramps in the Morning

Causticum is an effective homeopathic medicine for leg cramps that appear in the morning while in bed. Severe tearing and drawing pains are felt in the leg. Causticum is also indicated for cramps in the foot and Tendo-Achilles, especially upon stretching the foot. A tearing, beating, or boring pain in the lower leg and feet with every movement may also be present with the above features.

Sulphur – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Leg Cramps from Stretching Legs or Feet

Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is indicated for leg cramps arising upon stretching the legs or feet. The cramps may appear in the legs, feet or toes. Cramps in the calves while dancing or when walking is also indicative of its use. A burning sensation in the soles of feet is present in most cases of leg cramps.

Ferrum Met – Natural Treatment for Leg Cramps at Night

Ferrum Met is another homeopathic medicine used to treat leg cramps at night when at rest. A painful, drawing pain appears in the legs. Cramps in the toes also appear with painful contractions. A person may also have a tendency to get easily fatigued by walking.

Causes of Leg Cramps

Leg cramps can arise from a variety of reasons. The major reasons behind leg cramps include intense exercise involving the overuse of the leg muscles, fatigue, dehydration, mineral deficiencies, electrolyte imbalance, and prolonged sitting/standing. Use of certain medications (osteoporosis drugs like raloxifene, medications used to lower B.P.) also put a person at risk to get leg cramps. Athletes, elderly people, and pregnant women are at increased risk to get leg cramps. Apart from all these, there are some diseases in which muscle cramps are a symptom. These diseases include multiple sclerosis, motor neuron problems, chronic kidney failure, Addison’s disease, hypothyroidism, sarcoidosis, liver cirrhosis, peripheral artery disease, and venous insufficiency. However, in many cases of leg cramps, there is no particular reason for leg cramps.

Symptoms of Leg Cramps

The major symptom of leg cramps is intense, excruciating pain in the leg. The affected muscle also feels harder to touch. The person is unable to use the leg while the muscle is actively cramping. Once the cramp passes, the muscle relaxes but pain and tenderness in the leg may persist for a while.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines to Treat BPPV – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the common causes of vertigo. In BPPV mild to severe attacks of vertigo arise. BPPV results from a problem within the inner ear. Homeopathic medicines help reduce the frequency and intensity of the associated vertigo spells. These medicines also help relieve the associated nausea and vomiting. Conium Maculatum, Gelsemium, and Belladonna are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

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Homeopathic medicines for BPPV.

Our inner ear has a labyrinth and semicircular canals that contain fluid and delicate hair sensors. The movement of the fluid inside the ear moves the hair that lines the labyrinth. The hair movement helps trigger nerve messages to the brain via the vestibular nerve about the position of the head, thereby helping maintain a proper balance. BPPV is thought to arise when a calcified stone otolith (that is usually present in the utricle) gets dislodged and enters the semicircular canal. When the head moves, these calcified stones in the semicircular canal also move. The movement of these stones brushes the hair cells in semicircular canals and sends messages to the brain via the vestibular nerve. As a result, upon moving the head, the brain gets confused with the signals from the (affected) ear and (the unaffected) ear, resulting in a spell of vertigo. The reason for dislodging of the otolith is not clear. A person over the age of 50 yrs is at more risk of developing BPPV. An injury to the head is another contributing factor, and the chances of getting BPPV are more in females as compared to males.

Homeopathic Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV

The homeopathic mode can help in treating Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV in an efficient and gentle manner. Homeopathic medicines for BPPV are very safe to use without any side effects. Prescribing a suitable homeopathic medicine for a particular case of BPPV requires a detailed case analysis. The homeopathic medicines to treat BPPV are selected individually for every case. Hence, a person should consider the use of homeopathic medicine for BPPV under the supervision of a homeopathic physician, and avoid self-medication

Homeopathic Medicines for BPPV

Conium Maculatum – Homeopathic Medicine for BPPV When Vertigo Arises Upon Turning Head Sideways

Conium Maculatum is a well-indicated medicine for BPPV when vertigo appears upon turning the head sideways. A whirling sensation in the head is felt, and the person wishes to keep the head entirely still. Vertigo from shaking the head also indicates the need for this medicine. Vertigo that worsens from turning over in the bed or from stooping are other key indicating features. A person may feel as if the bed is floating.

Gelsemium Sempervirens – Homeopathic Remedy for BPPV with Vertigo from Sudden Head Movement with Loss of Balance

Gelsemium is a medicine prepared from the bark of the root of a plant named Gelsemium Sempervirens or Yellow jasmine. The natural order of this plant Loganiaceae. Gelsemium works well in cases of BPPV when dizziness arises from sudden head movement with loss of balance. The person staggers while walking as if intoxicated. Head feels light, sometimes attended with dimness of vision. A sensation of a band drawn tightly around the head above the ears is another prominent symptom.

Belladonna – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for BPPV with Vertigo on Turning in Bed

Belladonna is prepared from a plant commonly known as Deadly Nightshade. This plant belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is beneficial for cases of BPPV with vertigo spells appearing on turning in bed. There is a sensation as if everything is turning around in a circle. There appears a rush of blood to the head, and it may be attended with noises in the ear. Vertigo may be followed by a headache of throbbing nature. Belladonna is also useful for vertigo that appears when getting up in the morning.

Cocculus Indicus – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for BPPV when Nausea and Vomiting Attend Vertigo

Cocculus is a natural medicine prepared from the seeds of a plant called Cocculus Indicus that belongs to the family Menispermaceae. It is useful in cases of BPPV when nausea and vomiting are present along with episodes of vertigo. For using Cocculus, the vertigo attacks appear mostly when rising from lying position. Things appear to be whirling, and there is marked nausea and vomiting. A headache and ringing in the ears may also be present. A tendency to fall due to vertigo may also be present in some cases.

Phosphorus – Natural Medicine for BPPV when Vertigo Appears upon Moving the Head Up or Down

Phosphorus offers a natural treatment in cases of BPPV when vertigo appears from moving the head up or down. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy include vertigo that arises upon rising from a seat. A sensation of floating may be present. A sensation of emptiness may be felt in the head with vertigo. Fainting and exhaustion may also appear.

Bryonia Alba – Natural Remedy for BPPV when Dizziness Arises from Least Motion

Bryonia is prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia Alba. This plant belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. The keynote to use Bryonia Alba in BPPV is dizziness arising from least motion. Vertigo on stooping is also indicative to use Bryonia. There appears a sensation of looseness of the brain in the skull. A sensation as if the head is turning in a circle is also present.
Along with vertigo, there is a pain in the back of the head (occipital region.)

Aconitum Napellus – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for BPPV with Vertigo on Rising from Bed or Seat

Aconite is prepared from a plant named Aconitum Napellus or Monkshood from the family Ranunculaceae. The symptoms for using Aconite are vertigo spells that appear upon rising from bed or rising from a seat. A tendency to fall (mainly to the right side) may also be noted. Vertigo on moving or shaking the head also calls for the use of Aconite.

Calcarea Carb – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for BPPV with Vertigo upon Moving Head Quickly

Calcarea Carb offers a natural cure for BPPV with vertigo appearing upon moving the head quickly. In cases needing Calcarea Carb, a sudden head movement (even at rest) triggers a vertigo spell. Nausea and vomiting may be present, and there may be a tendency to fall backward or sideways.

Symptoms of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV

The primary symptom of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV is dizziness/vertigo with a sensation as if you are spinning or the surroundings are spinning. The vertigo episode lasts from a few seconds to a minute or two. The attacks of vertigo vary from mild to intense in nature. Severe vertigo attacks may lead to falling. Vertigo triggered by movements of the head like turning the head up or down, tilting the head, sudden head movements, turning in the bed or getting out of the bed are other indications. Keeping the head still removes vertigo. There may be nausea or vomiting. The patient may also experience difficulty in standing and walking, along with a loss of balance and unsteadiness.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Eye Floaters – A Homeopathic Treatment for Black Spots Before Eyes

Eye floaters are something everyone is familiar with – they are little black spots in the vision that move or float when a person moves their eyes. When you try to focus on the spots, they seem to move quickly out of the visual field. The medical term for eye floaters is muscae volitantes. Eye floaters are mostly harmless and do not affect the vision significantly, but it is recommended to get the eyes examined by an ophthalmologist on a regular basis if eye floaters are a frequent occurrence. The top homeopathic remedies to treat eye floaters are Phosphorous, Natrum Mur, and Argentum Nitricum.

homeopathy eye floaters

Homeopathic medicines for eye floaters.

Homeopathic Treatment of Eye Floaters

The homeopathic mode of treatment can help in effectively treating eye floaters. Before beginning a course of homeopathy to fix eye floaters, it is recommended that you visit an ophthalmologist to rule out the cause of eye floaters and any other critical conditions. There is an enormous therapeutic list for eye floaters in homeopathy. Among them, the most suitable homeopathic medicine for eye floaters is selected individually after a detailed analysis of the case. The homeopathic medicines for eye floaters should be taken under the consultation of a homeopathic physician, and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Eye Floaters

Phosphorus – Homeopathic Medicine for Eye Floaters with Black Spots

Phosphorus is a natural medicine for eye floaters when a person complains of black spots floating before eyes. Apart from this, it also works in cases where a person sees spots like flashes of light or red dots. This may be attended with diminishing sight. Looking at any bright, shining object also worsens the complaint. There may be short-sightedness. Colored spots before the eyes before a migraine attack also indicate the need for Phosphorus.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with Zig-Zag Lines Before Eyes

Natrum Mur is a natural remedy for eye floaters where a person sees zigzag lines before the eyes. This may be attended with dimness of vision. Some people may also experience double vision. Natrum Mur also helps treat glimmering before the eyes with a headache. Zig-zag dazzling lines in the eyes, like lightning, followed by a headache (migraine) also indicates the need for this remedy.

Argentum Nitricum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Brown Colored Eye Floaters

Argentum Nitricum is a homeopathic medicine for eye floaters that seem like brown – colored spots. Intolerance to light in the eyes may be present. Weakness of sight along with grey spots in the eyes also indicate the need for Argentum Nitricum.

Cyclamen – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with Changing Spots Before Eyes

Cyclamen is a natural remedy prepared from the root of a plant named Cyclamen Europaeum, commonly known as Sow-bread. The natural order of this plant is Primulaceae. Use of Cyclamen is considered in cases of eye floaters where a person sees various changeable spots before eyes. The changeable spots include yellow spots, green spots, and glittering needle-like spots. Other types of spots include flickering of light and fiery specks. Dimness of sight may also start developing.

Physostigma – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Eye Floaters with Myopia

Physostigma is a natural medicine prepared from the bean of a plant named Physostigma Venenosum (also known by the name of Calabar bean.) It belongs to the natural order Leguminosae. Physostigma is a useful remedy for treating eye floaters in cases of myopia (short-sightedness). The person sees flashes of light before the eyes. Pain after using eyes is a prominent feature with floaters.

Arnica – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with History of Eye Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant called Arnica Montana, commonly known by the name of Leopard’s-Bane or Fallkraut. This plant belongs to the natural order Compositae. Arnica is useful for treating cases of eye floaters where a history of an eye injury is present. Flickering before the eyes, diplopia (double vision), a heaviness of the eyes along with a headache may be present.

Belladonna – Effective Natural Medicine for Eye Floaters with Eye Inflammation

Belladonna is prepared from the plant named Deadly Nightshade. This plant is of the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is beneficial for eye floaters in cases of eye inflammation. The person needing Belladonna may have flickering before eyes or bright sparks before eyes. Flashes of light may also be seen before eyes. Burning in eyes and lachrymation may be present. Photophobia or dimness of vision is another accompanying feature.

Kali Carb – Natural Treatment for Eye Floaters that gets Worse While Reading

Homeopathic medicine Kali Carb proves to be useful for eye floaters that get worse while reading. The indicating factors for Kali Carb are floaters that may be black, blue, or green in color or bright specks. Sharp, stitching pain in eyes may also be present.

Causes of Eye Floaters

In a majority of cases, eye floaters arise due to age-related changes that appear in vitreous inside the eyes. Vitreous humor is a liquid that occupies back two third of the eyes. Vitreous humor is jelly-like, clear and transparent matter. It consists majorly of water with a minor content of collagen, salt, and sugar. In aged people, the vitreous begins to liquefy, and the collagen fibers clump together. These strands cast a shadow on the retinal surface that a person perceives as eye floaters. Other causes behind eye floaters include hemorrhage in the vitreous, posterior uveitis and tearing of retina. Tearing of retina may lead to the retinal detachment that needs prompt treatment to prevent permanent vision loss. Some factors including diabetes mellitus, injury to the eye and nearsightedness raise the risk of eye floaters. Eye floaters may also be a part of aura in cases of migraine.
A person may see the floaters as black/gray dots, cobwebs, cloud-like spots, curved lines, rings, fine strands/strings. A person may see a single floater or the number may be up to hundreds varying from case to case. Floaters appear more prominent when a person looks on light colored backgrounds like the sky or a white wall. However, in the event of a sudden increase in eye floaters (especially if a person see flashes of light or there is a loss of vision), an eye specialist should be consulted on an emergency basis as it may be a signal of some critical condition like retinal detachment.

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Treat TMJ Naturally with Homeopathy

The temporomandibular joint connects the mandible (the lower jaw) to the temporal bone of the skull. There is one temporomandibular joint on each side of the face. Temporomandibular joint disorder refers to all complaints arising in the jaw joint itself, or facial muscles that help move the jaw and also support in chewing, talking and yawning. Homeopathic medicines for TMJ disorders help alleviate the associated symptoms and treat the underlying problem for effective, long-term relief. Causticum, Rhus Tox, and Silicea are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat temporomandibular disorders.

Homeopathy treatment TMJ

Homeopathic medicines for TMJ Disorders,

Homeopathic Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ Disorder)

The temporomandibular joint disorder can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines. These medicines help provide symptomatic relief in cases of temporomandibular joint disorder in a safe, gentle manner. The suitable homeopathic medicine is selected individually for every case of TMJ disorder.

Homeopathic Medicines for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ disorder)

Causticum – Natural Medicine for TMJ Disorder with Pain and Contraction in the Jaw

Causticum is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for TMJ disorder when there is a pain in the jaw joint along with tension and a contracted sensation in the jaw. The jaw feels stiff, and it becomes difficult for the person to open the mouth. Eating also becomes a troublesome process due to the pain and stiffness in the jaw. Causticum is also indicated in cases of temporomandibular joint disorder of arthritic or rheumatic origin.

Rhus Tox – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for TMJ Disorder with Intense Stiffness of Joint 

Rhus Tox is a natural homeopathic medicine for temporomandibular joint disorders of rheumatic origin. For using Rhus Tox, the characteristic feature is a pain in the jaw joint attended with intense stiffness. The pain in the jaw may be dull, aching or cramp-like. Crackling sounds arise prominently from jaw movement. A person needing Rhus Tox may get relief from jaw pain by applying warmth over the area or by applying pressure. Rhus Tox also helps in cases of TMJ disorders where there is a history of injury.

Silicea – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for TMJ Disorder of Rheumatic Origin

Silicea is a homeopathic remedy for TMJ disorders of rheumatic origin with jaw joint pain. In most cases requiring Silicea, the pain from jaw tends to radiate to the temple (in the head.) Swelling of the jaw may also be present. Pain in teeth of boring, tearing nature may also be present.

Spigelia – For TMJ Disorder with Jaw Pain Radiating to Ear and Temple

Spigelia is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from a plant commonly known by the name of Pink-Root. The plant belongs to the natural order Loganiaceae. The key feature to use Spigelia in cases of TMJ disorder is jaw pain that radiates to the ear and temple of the head. In some cases, this pain seems to extend to the nape of the neck. These pains tend to be tearing in nature. Facial pains and toothache may also be present along with the above symptoms.

Mezereum – Natural Treatment for Jaw Pain with Obstructed Jaw Movement

Mezereum is prepared from fresh bark of a plant named Daphne mezereum or Spurge Olive. This plant belongs to natural order Thymelaceae. Mezereum is a useful homeopathic medicine for TMJ disorder with jaw pain that obstructs the movement of the jaw. Jaw movement is highly impeded from pain in the jaw. This pain tends to radiate to the cheeks, and there is a night aggravation of the pain, along with a marked toothache.

Alumina – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for TMJ Disorder with Drawing Pain in the Jaw

Homeopathic medicine Alumina is useful for TMJ disorders where there is a drawing pain in the jaw. The drawing pain extends to the cheeks from the jaw. Tension in the jaw also appears, as of the jaw is shortened. Pain in the jaw worsens form chewing or opening the mouth. Swelling over the jaw may also be present.

Spongia Tosta – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for TMJ Disorder with Cramping Pain in Jaw

Spongia Tosta is a prominent homeopathic medicine for temporomandibular joint disorder where there is a cramping pain in the jaw. The pain from the jaw radiates to the cheeks. The cheeks may swell up, and eating tends to worsen the pain. An evening aggravation of the pain is also noted, along with a dislocated sensation in the jaw. The jaw also feels very tender to touch.

Hepar Sulph – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for TMJ Disorder with Jaw Pain that Worsens upon Opening the Mouth

Hepar Sulph is a natural medicine for TMJ disorders where there is jaw pain that worsens upon opening the mouth. In most cases, the pain is shooting type in nature. The face may be swollen along with the pain, and there may be a toothache.

Causes of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ Disorder)

The main causes of temporomandibular joint disorder include arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis) and injury to the jaw. In some cases, stress and genetic predisposition can make a person prone to develop temporomandibular joint disorder. Grinding or clenching of teeth is another risk factor of temporomandibular joint disorder. In some cases, there may be no specific cause of TMJ disorder.

Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ Disorder)

The primary symptom of temporomandibular joint disorder is a pain in the jaw that may be one-sided or be on both sides. The pain gets worse while chewing and opening the mouth widely. Stiffness in the jaw muscles and tenderness at the temporomandibular joint may also be noted. A clicking sound in the jaw may also appear while chewing or opening the mouth. Other symptoms that may appear as a part of this disorder include an earache and pain in the temple. In some cases, lockjaw (spasm of the jaw muscles, causing the mouth to be closed tightly)in the joint may occur.

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Growth in the Eye? Homeopathy has a Natural Solution for Pterygium

Pterygium (or Surfer’s eye) is a wedge or triangular-shaped tissue flap that starts growing on the conjunctiva of the eye. It is elevated and also contains blood vessels. Pterygium starts developing from the nasal side of the conjunctiva and extends onto the cornea. It is a benign or non-cancerous growth whose size and color can vary from small to large, depending upon the case. The color of pterygium ranges from pink, white, yellow, gray to red. It can develop in one eye or both the eyes. Homeopathy offers a safe and effective treatment for pterygium and helps manage symptoms like itching, grittiness, burning, and redness in the eyes. Argentum Nitricum, Arsenic Album, and Belladonna are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat pterygium.

pterygium homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines for Pterygium.

Homeopathic Treatment of Pterygium

Homeopathic medicines help control the tissue overgrowth in the eyes. These are also very useful in treating pterygium that is recurrent. There are different medicines used to treat pterygium, and these are selected as per individual case assessment. All the homeopathic remedies for pterygium are prepared from naturally occurring substances and are free from any toxic side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pterygium

Argentum Nitricum – Natural Medicine for Pterygium that is Pink

Argentum Nitricum is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for pterygium that is pink in color. It causes the eyes to become red and swollen, and there may be associated itching and biting sensation in the eyes. In some cases, there is a sensation of dryness and heat in the eyes.

Arsenic Album – Natural Remedy for Pterygium with Burning Sensation in Eyes

Arsenic Album is a natural homeopathic medicine for pterygium that is considered in cases where there is a burning sensation in the eyes. The burning in eyes is worse during the night, particularly after midnight. Along with this, marked dryness of the eyelids is present. The eyes become red and congested along with the above symptoms.

Belladonna – Homeopathic Medicine for Pterygium with Redness of Eyes

Belladonna is homeopathic treatment prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade. It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. It is an effective medicine in cases of pterygium accompanied by redness of the eyes. There is a heated sensation in the eyes along with dryness. In some cases, there may be a sand-like sensation in the eyes. There may be itching and scratching along with sensitivity to light.

Euphrasia – Homeopathic Remedy for Pterygium with Itching and Gritty Sensation in Eyes

Euphrasia is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis, commonly known as Eye-Bright. This plant belongs to the natural order Scrophulariaceae. Euphrasia works well in cases of pterygium cases where there is a prominent itching and gritty sensation in the eyes. A sensation of having dust, sand, or hair in the eyes is markedly present. Burning and acrid lachrymation (tears) is another attending feature in cases of pterygium needing Euphrasia.

Nux Moschata – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Pterygium that Extends over the Cornea

Nux Moschata offers a natural treatment for pterygium and is prepared from the seeds of the nutmeg plant. This plant belongs to the natural order Myristicaceae. Nux Moschata is an important homeopathic medicine for pterygium that extends over the cornea. A sensation of fullness may be felt in the eyes, and the eyes may feel too dry in most cases.

Sulphur – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Itching, Burning in the Eyes

Sulfur is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for itching and burning in eyes. This itching in most cases becomes worse during the evening hours. There is a sensation of a foreign body or sand in the eyes, along with a biting sensation. There may be occasional stitching or stinging in the eyes along with lachrymation in the open air.

Ammonium Bromatum – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Red, Sore Eyes

Ammonium Bromatum is a homeopathic medicine used in cases of pterygium where a person has red and sore eyes. This redness and soreness is most marked during the morning. Another attending feature is a sand-like sensation the eyes along with smarting of the eyes.

Merc Sol – For Pterygium with Burning, Itching, and Redness of Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol is used to treat pterygium attended with burning, itching, and redness of eyes. Burning in the eyes is most marked in the open air. Profuse burning lachrymation (tears) may also be present.

Zincum Met – Natural Treatment for Pterygium Growing Rapidly

Zincum Met is a useful homeopathic medicine for arresting the progress of a rapidly growing pterygium. The pterygium is quite thick and vascular. Lachrymation during the evening time may be present. There may be redness of the eyes, soreness, and heat in the eyes that gets worse with the cold air and itching in the eyes during the night. Tickling in the eyes as from dust may accompany the above features.

Causes of Pterygium

The exact cause of pterygium is not known, but there are many factors that predispose a person to develop the condition. The major contributing factors include excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, frequent exposure to sandy and dusty environment for long durations, and living in areas with a warm climate. The incidence of pterygium is most high among the people of age group between 20 to 40 years. The chances of pterygium are twice as high in males as compared to females.

Signs and Symptoms of Pterygium

The major sign of Pterygium is a painless, raised tissue growth on the conjunctiva. Pterygium doesn’t always cause any symptoms. When the symptoms in a case of pterygium appear, they mainly include irritation in the eyes, burning in the eyes, redness in the eyes, a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes and a gritty sensation in the eyes. It may affect the vision if the growth extends onto the cornea.

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Homeopathic Management of Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis refers to the inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas has two main functions – exocrine and endocrine. The exocrine function is to aid digestion, and the endocrine function is to regulate the blood sugar levels in the body. Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic; in an acute condition, there is a sudden, short-term inflammation, while in chronic cases, there is long-lasting inflammation of the pancreas that can last for months or years. Homeopathy essentially plays a supportive role in treating pancreatitis. Homeopathic medicines should be used in conjunction with other conventional methods of treatment to help in the symptomatic management of pancreatitis. Homeopathic medicines help manage the symptoms of pancreatitis like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

pancreatitis homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines for pancreatitis.

There are many causes that lead to pancreatitis, but the main ones include excessive intake of alcohol and the formation of gallstones. Other causes of pancreatitis are smoking, high levels of calcium or triglycerides, infection, injury, cystic fibrosis, narrow or blocked ducts of the pancreas and certain medications. In around 15 to 30 percent of the cases of pancreatitis, the cause remains unknown.

Homeopathic Management of Pancreatitis

The most suitable homeopathic medicine for pancreatitis is selected individually based upon the prominent symptoms of the patient. Finalizing homeopathic prescription for pancreatitis requires a detailed case analysis followed by its evaluation. Since it is a supplementary treatment to be taken with regular medicine, homeopathic treatment for pancreatitis should be taken under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pancreatitis

Belladonna – Natural Medicine for Abdominal Pain in Pancreatitis

Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade. The plant belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is well indicated for abdominal pain in cases of pancreatitis. For using Belladonna the nature of pain can be griping, cutting, pinching or clutching type. The pain is severe and may be relieved by pressing the abdomen. Most of the times, episodes of pain in the abdomen come on suddenly, last for a shorter time, and disappear almost suddenly.
Heat in the abdomen may be felt along with pain. The abdomen is sensitive even to the slightest touch. Tenderness of the abdomen worsens from least movement, and there may be abdominal distension.

Colocynthis – Homeopathic Medicine for Pancreatitis where Abdominal Pain gets Better by Bending Forward

Homeopathic medicine Colocynthis is an effective plant remedy used to treat pancreatitis. It is prepared from the pulp of a fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple. This plant is native to Turkey and it belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Colocynthis is also helpful for abdominal pain in cases of pancreatitis. The pain appears in the upper abdomen and worsens after eating or drinking the smallest amount of food or drink. Bending forward and applying hard pressure over the abdomen helps relieve abdominal pain. The pain in the abdomen may be colicky or cutting in nature. The abdomen is sensitive and painful to touch and may be followed by a watery stool. A constant inclination to vomit may be present along with the above symptoms.

Arsenic Album – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Diarrhea and Vomiting in Pancreatitis

Arsenic Album is a natural medicine for diarrhea and vomiting in cases of pancreatitis. The stool in such cases is watery, profuse, often mixed with mucus and undigested food. Diarrhea gets worse after eating and worsening of diarrhea at midnight is prominently noted. A marked weakness is present along with diarrhea. Vomiting soon after eating or drinking something is another symptom. The vomit is of green-yellow liquid and tastes bitter. There is constant nausea present along with vomiting. Loss of appetite, cutting or tearing pains in the abdomen, and nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are usually present. There may be a burning sensation in the abdomen. Intense anxiety and marked restlessness are some other attending features.

Iris Versicolor – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Pancreatitis with Burning Distress

Iris Versicolor is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the fresh root of a plant known as Blue Flag. This plant belongs to natural order Iridaceae. The use of this homeopathic medicine is highly considered in cases of pancreatitis where there is a burning distress in the region of the pancreas. The burning is so marked that even consuming cold water does not offer relief. Along with these features, there may be abdominal colic that gets better by bending forward. Passing flatus also helps relieve the pain. Abdominal pain may be attended with watery diarrhea and sweetish vomiting. The stool may be greasy or fatty in nature. Iris Versicolor is also indicated in cases of pancreatic diabetes.

Conium – Homeopathic Treatment for Sudden Vomiting and Diarrhea in Acute Pancreatitis

Conium offers a natural cure for pancreatitis in cases where there is a sudden attack of vomiting and diarrhea (acute pancreatitis.) A night aggravation of diarrhea and vomiting is often noted. There is vomiting of a white substance along with an ache and pressure in the upper abdomen. There is hardness and distension of the abdomen along with great sensitivity. The person has a constant urge to evacuate the bowels. The stool is a liquid mixed with hard lumps, undigested food and passes with loud emissions of flatus.

Phosphorus – Natural Remedy for Pancreatitis with Stool that is Greasy and Oily

Phosphorus is significant homeopathic medicine for pancreatitis with prominent greasy, oily stool. Other attending features include sensitivity in the abdomen which is painful to touch, abdominal distension and incarcerated flatus. Jaundice may also be present and the eyes, face, trunk, and limbs appear brownish-yellow. There is vomiting of food, sour matter or of white or yellow bitter substance. The stools are profuse and mixed with lumps of white mucus.

Leptandra – Natural Medicine for Jaundice in Pancreatitis

Leptandra is is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the root of a plant called Leptandra Virginica or Black Root. This plant belongs to natural order Scrophulariaceae. There is vomiting of bile with marked nausea. Loss of appetite, excessive fatigue, and diarrhea that is worse in the morning hours are some other attending features.

Pancreas and its Functions

The pancreas is a gland present in the abdomen and has four parts i.e. head, neck, body, and tail. The pancreas is approximately 6 inches to 10 inches in length and performs both exocrine as well as endocrine function. Around 95 % of pancreas gland performs an exocrine function, and the rest consists of cells called Islets of Langerhans that perform the endocrine function. The enzymes pancreatic protease (trypsin and chymotrypsin), serum amylase and lipase perform the exocrine function. The pancreatic protease help to digest proteins, serum amylase aid digestion of carbohydrates and serum lipase help for digesting fats. Insulin and glucagon perform the endocrine role that controls the blood glucose levels.

Signs and Symptoms of Pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis: The signs and symptoms of acute pancreatitis include pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to the back. Eating and drinking make the pain worse. Leaning forwards may bring pain relief while lying flat on the back worsens the pain. Tender abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, jaundice, diarrhea are other features attending pain in the abdomen.

Chronic pancreatitis: A case of chronic pancreatitis presents itself with almost similar symptoms as that of acute pancreatitis. It includes recurrent episodes of abdomen pain, nausea, and vomiting. Other features that accompany these symptoms are appetite loss, weight loss due to poor absorption of food, jaundice, smelly and greasy stool. Chances are also there to develop diabetes if the cells that produce insulin get damaged.

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Natural Treatment of Scanty Periods with Homeopathy

Scanty or light periods is a condition medically known as hypomenorrhea. While scanty periods occurring once in a while should not be a cause of concern, any changes in the menstrual flow accompanied with pelvic pain for several months should be brought to a doctor’s notice. Homeopathic medicines for scanty periods offer a natural solution to the problem. Pulsatilla, Sepia, and Graphites are the top homeopathic remedies that are used to treat scanty periods. Homeopathy can help improve the menstrual flow by addressing the underlying cause that is contributing to scanty periods.

homeopathy scanty periods

Homeopathic medicines for scanty periods.

The leading causes of scanty periods include emotional stress, excessive exercise, being underweight, an eating disorder where a person has intense calorie restriction, hormonal imbalance, using oral contraceptive pills (OCP’s), using intrauterine devices (IUD’s), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), anovulatory menstrual cycles, and hyperthyroidism. In some cases, a woman may experience scanty periods during the perimenopausal period (transition into menopause). A rare but possible cause of scanty periods is Asherman’s Syndrome (formation of scar tissue in the uterus cavity.)

Homeopathic Treatment of Scanty Periods

Homeopathy offers natural treatment for scanty periods. Since homeopathic medicines are very mild and made of natural substances, they treat scanty periods without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case after a detailed case analysis, thereby offering a highly individualized treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Scanty Periods

Pulsatilla – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Scanty Periods

Pulsatilla is prepared from the fresh plant of Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of Windflower. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is natural medicine to help improve the menstrual flow in cases of scanty periods. Female needing Pulsatilla generally tends to have scanty and late periods. The menstrual flow is mostly present in the daytime and may change appearance. Pulsatilla also works well in cases of suppressed periods.
Along with scanty flow, menstrual colic with restlessness and chilliness may be present. The colic may lead to vomiting. The woman may be sad and want to weep during the periods. There may be an attending complaint of leucorrhoea before or after menses. Pulsatilla is also highly useful for treating scanty periods in cases of PCOS.

Sepia – Homeopathic Medicine for Scanty Periods with Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Sepia is a natural cure for irregular menses causing scanty periods. In cases needing Sepia, the menses may be too early or too late, but the menstrual flow is always scanty. A bearing down pain in the pelvis may be marked. Abdominal distress, pain in the back and constipation may precede the menses. Acne on the face before menses may also be present. A feeling of sadness along with a persistent headache may appear during menses. It is well indicated for cases of infertility in women who have scanty and irregular periods.

Graphites – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Scanty and Painful Periods

Graphites offers a natural cure for scanty periods that are also painful. The key feature to use Graphites in cases of scanty periods includes bad colic during the menses. There is griping, abdominal spasms, colicky or labor – like pains in the uterus with hip pain and backache. Tearing pains in the ovaries may also be felt. There may be a sensation of heat in the abdomen. The menstrual flow may be thick or thin, pale or dark in color. The periods also last for a shorter duration. Other accompanying symptoms include pain in the vagina along with dryness.

Lachesis – Natural Treatment for Scanty Periods with Blackish Flow

Lachesis is indicated for scanty periods with a blackish flow. The flow may be offensive, and the periods become shorter in duration (sometimes for as less as an hour.) Marked ovarian pains may appear during menses. The pain may be pressing or sharp, shooting or stitching in nature. Labor-like pains in the uterus and pain in small of the back may also appear during menses.

Conium – Homeopathic Medicine for Scanty Periods of Shorter Duration

Conium is an effective homeopathic medicine for scanty periods that are brief. A person needing Conium may tend to get late periods that are delayed by two to three months. Pain in the hypogastric region (central part of the lower abdomen) extending down the thigh and legs. A marked attending feature is a pain and soreness in the breast before periods. The breast pain worsens while walking and leucorrhoea may follow menses.

Kali Carb – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Scanty Menses with Pungent Odor

Kali Carb is a homeopathic remedy indicated for scanty menses with a pungent odor. Menstrual flow in such cases may also be acrid. Before the menses begin, there may be hot flashes, shooting / violent colicky pains over the abdomen and a feeling of chilliness. During the menses, there may be a headache, aching pains in small of back, lethargy, and sleepiness.

Viburnum Opulus – For Scanty Periods that Last Few Hours

Viburnum Opulus is prepared from the fresh bark of a plant named High Cranberry. The natural order of this plant is Caprifoliaceae. Viburnum Opulus is helpful when the menses are scanty and last only for a few hours. Blood is thin, light-colored and may have an offensive odor. Periods are attended with cramping uterine pains. The pain from uterus tends to radiate down the thighs. Nausea and nervous restlessness may be present with the pain. Before the menses begin, there may be bearing down or excruciating pain in the uterus, aching in the sacral region and sharp, shooting pain in the ovaries.

Manganum Aceticum – Natural Treatment for Scanty, Early Periods

Manganum Aceticum is a natural homeopathic medicine for scanty and early periods. Females needing Manganum Aceticum start their periods too early and have a scanty flow. Menstrual flow is pale colored and lasts only for two days. This medicine is also indicated for scanty and early periods due to anemia.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Cure for Scanty Menses Followed by Profuse Flow

Natrum Mur is an excellent homeopathic medicine for menses that are scanty for a day or two followed by a profuse flow. The flow is more during the night. Uterine cramps appear with cutting pain in the groins. Anxiety, sadness, irritability, pressing headache arise before menses. Natrum Mur also works well in cases of scanty and delayed periods in anemic women. Natrum Mur is also thought of in cases of sterility in females with late and scanty periods.

Ignatia – For Scanty, Stringy Periods with Dark Clots

Use of homeopathic medicine Ignatia is considered in cases where the menses are scanty and stringy with dark clots. During periods, griping, cutting uterine colic may appear. Uterine spasms seem to get better by pressure. Burning heat in the vagina before the menses may be felt. Other symptoms include heaviness in the head, sensitivity to light, anxiety, palpitation, extreme prostration before and during menses is present.

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