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Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis is a small muscle present deep in the gluteal region (the buttocks.) The primary function of this muscle is to rotate and move the thigh externally. Piriformis syndrome is a set of symptoms that arise when the sciatic nerve is irritated or compressed by the spasms/contraction of the piriformis muscle. The factors that predispose a person to piriformis syndrome include injury and excessive stress on the piriformis muscle as a result of prolonged sitting and long distance running. Homeopathic medicines work to relax the contracted piriformis muscle and relieve symptoms like pain, numbness and tingling in the buttocks and the lower limb along the course of the sciatic nerve. Colocynthis, Magnesium Phos, and Rhus Tox are the tops homeopathic medicines used to treat piriformis syndrome.

homeopathy piriformis syndrome

Natural homeopathic medicines for Piriformis Syndrome.

Homeopathic Treatment of Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines. These medicines are made of natural substances and can be safely used, without any side effects. The homeopathic medicines for the symptomatic treatment of piriformis syndrome include Colocynthis, Magnesium Phos, Rhus Tox, Gnaphalium Polycephalum, Hypericum Perforatum, and Kali Iodatum. The most suitable homeopathic medicine among them is selected on the basis of individual symptoms presentation.

Homeopathic Medicines for Piriformis Syndrome

Colocynthis – Homeopathic Medicine for Piriformis Syndrome with Symptoms on Left Side

Colocynthis is a natural homeopathic medicine for piriformis syndrome where the symptoms mainly appear on the left side of the body. The person needing Colocynthis may experience a cramping pain in the left hip. This pain may radiate down the left lower limb. It may be sharp, shooting, tearing in nature. Gentle touch worsens the pain while warm applications help bring pain relief.

Magnesium Phos – Homeopathic Remedy for Piriformis Syndrome with Symptoms of Right Side

Magnesium Phos is a prominent homeopathic medicine for piriformis syndrome when the right side is affected. Magnesium Phos is useful for contracted cramping pain in the right side buttock that may radiate down the calf muscle or feet. The pain is intermittent or paroxysmal. The cramping worsens from prolonged exertion.

Rhus Tox – Natural Medicine for Piriformis Syndrome due to Excessive Strain on Muscle

Rhus Tox offers a natural treatment for piriformis syndrome as a result of excessive stress and strain on the muscle. The person needing Rhus Tox tends to have pain along the sciatic nerve that gets worse during the night. Exposure to cold air worsens the pain while exercise relieves the sciatica pain. In some cases, pricking sensation in the lower limbs may also be present.

Gnaphalium Polycephalum – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Piriformis Syndrome with Pain and Numbness

Gnaphalium is a natural remedy for piriformis syndrome in cases where there is pain and numbness in the entire leg. The numbness may be present with or alternate with the lower limb pain. The pain is sharp and electric shock-like in nature. In some cases, a burning sensation in the lower limbs may also be present. The person feels better by flexing the legs on the abdomen.

Hypericum Perforatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Injury causing Piriformis Syndrome

Hypericum Perforatum is a suitable medicine for piriformis syndrome that occurs after an injury. The major feature to use Hypericum is an aching pain in the lower limb along with a tingling and burning sensation. A crawling sensation or needle-like pricking sensation in the feet may also be present.

Kali Iodatum – Natural Medicine for Piriformis Syndrome when Sitting Worsens the Symptoms

Kali Iodatum is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for treating piriformis syndrome in cases where sitting worsens the symptoms. People needing Kali Iodatum experience hip pain that radiates down the lower limb. The pain gets worse from sitting, while walking relieves the pain. Some people experience worsening of the pain during the night. In some cases, formication of lower limbs is present along with the pain.

Symptoms of Piriformis Syndrome

Pain in the hip is the main symptom of piriformis syndrome. Tenderness over the affected side buttock may be present. Along with pain, numbness in the hip may also be present. The pain and numbness may radiate down the thigh, calf muscles, foot along the course of sciatic nerve. Another feature that may be present is a tingling sensation in the buttock or down the lower limb along the path of the sciatic nerve. Weakness in the affected lower limb, a reduced range of movement at the hip joint and difficulty in walking are other symptoms. Piriformis syndrome can be one-sided or be present on both sides. In most cases, the pain is worse from prolonged sitting. Other factors that may worsen the symptoms include prolonged running, walking, cycling, and standing for long hours. Lying down on the back may relieve the symptoms.

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Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Keratitis

Inflammation of the cornea is known as Keratitis. The cornea is a transparent layer in front of the eye that covers the pupil and iris. Keratitis can be infectious or non-infectious. Homeopathic medicines help reduce the inflammation of the cornea and offer symptomatic relief. Belladonna, Apis Mellifica, and Arsenic Album are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat keratitis.

keratitis homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines for Keratitis.

The primary cause of infectious keratitis is a bacterial infection (mostly that causes gonorrhea), a viral infection (mainly herpes simplex and herpes zoster) or a parasitic infection. Non – infectious keratitis can result from a foreign body in the eye or some scratch or injury to the cornea. Wearing contact lenses for very long hours (especially wearing them overnight), use of corticosteroid eye drops, a compromised immune system, exposure to intense sunlight, and exposure to bacteria, fungi and parasites found in rivers, lakes while swimming can put a person at risk to develop keratitis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Keratitis

Homeopathic medicines play a supportive role in keratitis and can be used along with conventional treatment for effective relief from symptoms like pain, burning, and discharge. Homeopathic medicines for keratitis are prescribed on the basis of individual symptom set in every case. Symptoms that can be managed with homeopathic medicines include redness of the eye, pain in the eye, blurred or dim vision, photophobia (sensitivity to light), lachrymation or discharge from eyes and the sensation of a foreign particle in the eye.

Homeopathic Medicines for Keratitis

Belladonna – Natural Medicine for Red, Congested Eyes in Keratitis

Belladonna is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the whole plant named ‘Deadly Nightshade.’ This plant belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. Use of Belladonna is recommended in cases where the eyes are red and congested. A pressing or sharp pain may be felt in the eyes. Pain may radiate from eyes to the back of the head. Eye pain worsens from movement, and there may be an intolerance to light. The person feels heat in the eyes. Dimness of sight and obscured vision may be present, and a gritty sensation, as of sand particles are present in the in eyes may also occur.

Apis Mellifica – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Pain in Eyes in Keratitis

Apis Mellifica is a natural remedy for treating pain in eyes due to keratitis. The key features for using Apis Mellifica include pain in the eye that may be stinging, tearing, lancinating or shooting in nature. Sometimes the eye pain is sore, pressing, tensive or boring. Burning and smarting sensation in the eyes is also felt. The cornea becomes thick and may have dark, smoky, greyish spots on it. Sensitivity to light with a headache, eye pain that gets worse from exposure to light, eyes that look bright red, weakness of vision, a sensation of fullness in eyes, and hot, scalding discharge from the eyes are other significant symptoms.

Arsenic Album – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Burning Pain in Eyes

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated remedy for keratitis when there is a specific burning pain in eyes. The pains appear suddenly and get worse during the night. There is a copious discharge of an acrid, hot nature. There may be pulsations and throbbing in the eyes, along with weakness and dimness of sight. Sensitivity to light (mainly to sunlight) is present along with the above symptoms. This medicine is also indicted for ulcers on the outer side of the cornea. In such cases, a prickling needle-like pain is felt in the eyes.

Euphrasia – Natural Treatment for Profuse Watering from the Eyes

Euphrasia is a homeopathic medicine for keratitis prepared from the plant Euphrasia Officinalis, also known as Eye-Bright. The natural order of this plant is Scrophulariaceae. Euphrasia is very useful in cases of keratitis where there is profuse lachrymation, i.e. watering from the eyes. Secretion of tears is significantly increased, and the lachrymation is burning, smarting and excoriating in nature. The vision gets dimmed, and there is a peculiar sensation of having dust, hair or sand in the eyes. Euphrasia is also indicated for kerato-iritis that develops after injuries and surgical operations upon the eye. In such cases, there are stitching pains in eyes, acrid lachrymation, and intense photophobia. This medicine is also indicated where the cornea is ulcerated with large quantities of thick, clear mucus. The border of the cornea is surrounded by a small superficial ulcer. Eye pain that is worse in the daylight is usually present.

Phosphorus – Effective Medicine for Blurred Vision due to Keratitis

Phosphorus is a natural medicine for blurred, dim vision due to keratitis. There is a dull pain in the eyes along with dim vision. There is a sensation as if everything is covered with a mist. The person requiring Phosphorus also suffers from sensitivity to light. In some cases, there is a pressing or burning pain in the eyes. There may be a feeling of sand in the eye that gets better by rubbing.

Calcarea Carb – Natural Treatment for Keratitis with Photophobia (light sensitivity)

Calcarea Carb is a homeopathic remedy for photophobia (light sensitivity) in cases of keratitis. Photophobia is mostly worse in the morning upon rising and in the evening. Along with this, there may be a stinging pain in the eyes. Other symptoms include sticking of the eyelids together in the morning, dimness of vision, pressure and tearing or stitching pain in the eyes, and pain that worsens in the evening. Excessive lachrymation in the morning is present. It may get worse in the open air. Pustules on the cornea with lachrymation and excessive photophobia are also indicative of Calcarea Carb.

Pulsatilla – Natural Cure for Keratitis with Eye Discharge

Pulsatilla is a homeopathic cure for eye discharges in keratitis prepared from the fresh plant Pulsatilla Nigricans. This plant belongs to the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla offers help in cases of keratitis with prominent eye discharges. Burning and itching in the eyes, a need to rub the eyes, marked sticking of eyelids in the morning, oversensitivity to light with stitching pain in the eyes are some symptoms indicating the need for Pulsatilla. It is also considered in cases of pustule formation on the cornea with excessive photophobia, pain in the eyes, and watering of eyes.

Merc Sol – Effective Medicine for Pain in the Eyes due to Keratitis

Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol helps treat congestion and pain in the eyes in cases of keratitis. There is pain present both during the day as well as night. There may be a sensation of heat in the in eyes with watering. The vision may become weak and dim. The cornea becomes red and is surrounded by a puffy swelling. There is usually a burning sensation present in the open air.

Arnica and Calendula – Natural Treatment for Keratitis due to Cornea Injury

Arnica and Calendula both are natural homeopathic remedies made from plants.
Arnica is prepared from the root of a plant Arnica Montana, which is commonly known as Leopard’s Bane.
Calendula is prepared from leaves and flowers of the plant Calendula Officinalis, more commonly known as Marigold. Both these plants belong to the natural order Compositae. These are prominently indicated for keratitis that follows a scratch or abrasion of the cornea. They help reduce inflammation of the eye and heal the injury quickly.

Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Remedy for Advanced Keratitis with Corneal Ulcer

Hepar Sulph is a natural remedy that plays a supportive role in the symptomatic management of cases of advanced keratitis with corneal ulceration. The key indication to use this remedy is a red, vascular, elevated ulcer at the margin of the cornea. There is a discharge of purulent mucus from the ulcer. Photophobia, redness, and pain in the eyes that extends to the side of the head, a burning, pressing pain that is worse from exposure to a draught of air may also be present.

Symptoms of Keratitis

The symptoms of keratitis include redness of the eye, pain in the eye, blurred or dim vision, photophobia (sensitivity to light), excessive tears, discharge from eyes, a sensation of a foreign particle in the eye (gritty sensation). If left untreated, keratitis can cause complications like a corneal ulcer, corneal scarring, vision reduction and permanent vision loss (blindness).

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Top Homeopathic Medicines to Treat Wheat Allergy Naturally

Overreaction of a person’s immune system to certain substances (known as allergens) that are totally harmless to most people is referred to as an allergy. In a person who is allergic to wheat, consuming wheat, wheat-based products or even inhaling wheat particles can lead to an allergic reaction. Wheat allergy is common in babies who have immature immune and digestive systems. Homeopathic medicines help moderate the overactive immune system and reduce the severity of the symptoms. Allium Cepa, Carbo Veg, Lycopodium, China Officinalis, Colocynthis, Apis Mellifica, and Natrum Mur are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat wheat allergy.

wheat allergy homeopathy

Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Wheat Allergy.

Exposure to the allergen (for example wheat) in a person who is allergic causes an exaggerated immune response resulting in a set of symptoms. The most common known allergens include pollens, dust, animal danders, and food substances like eggs, shellfish, milk, peanuts, and wheat. Some of the food products that usually contain wheat include bread, semolina, soy sauce, pasta, cakes, and cookies. A person with a positive family history of any food allergy or other allergies is at risk to develop a wheat allergy.

Homeopathic Medicines for Wheat Allergy According to Symptoms

Homeopathic treatment has a good scope to treat wheat allergy. Homeopathic medicines offer help in controlling the intensity and severity of symptoms by moderating the overactive immune system that leads to an exaggerated reaction towards wheat. The most prominent symptoms presented by a person with wheat allergy serves as a guide to the appropriate homeopathic prescription.

Allium Cepa – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Wheat Allergy with Allergic Rhinitis

Allium Cepa is a homeopathic medicine used to treat wheat allergies where there are prominent symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The person needing Allium Cepa complains of a watery, burning nasal discharge along with sneezing. In some cases, a nasal blockage may also be present along with nasal discharge. In addition to this, watering from eyes is also well noted.

Carbo Veg and Lycopodium – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Bloating due to Wheat Allergy

Carbo Veg and Lycopodium are the majorly indicated homeopathic medicines used to treat a wheat allergy that causes bloating in the abdomen.
Carbo Veg is selected when bloating as a result of the wheat allergy is well marked. The flatus is obstructed and leads to abdominal colic. Lying down worsens the complaint. The stools need to be passed frequently and are foul-smelling.
Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is helpful in cases of wheat allergy where bloating appears in the lower abdomen. This is attended with a rumbling and croaking in the abdomen. Pain abdomen that gets better by rubbing may be present. Nausea, vomiting and constrictive pain in the abdomen may also be noticed.

China Officinalis – Natural Treatment for Wheat Allergy causing Diarhhea

China Officinalis is a homeopathic remedy used to treat a wheat allergy in cases where the person gets diarrhea upon consuming wheat, or a wheat-based product. The stool remains loose and undigested, and flatulent colic may be present. Bending double may offer some relief. There is abdominal bloating and weakness along with the given symptoms.

Colocynthis – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Abdominal Cramps due to Wheat Allergy

Homeopathic medicine Colocynthis is used to treat abdominal cramps that arise as a result of wheat intake. The person gets relief by bending over double and by applying hard pressure over the abdomen. Agonizing cutting pain in the abdomen, retching and vomiting may also be present. Watery, frothy diarrhea may also be present along with the above symptoms.

Apis Mellifica and Natrum Mur – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Wheat Allergy causing Skin Problems

Apis Mellifica and Natrum Mur are suitable homeopathic medicines for a wheat allergy presented with skin complaints.
Apis Mellifica is useful when the person gets skin eruptions following the intake of wheat. The eruptions are attended with a marked burning and stinging sensation. A cold application may provide relief from these sensations. Heat worsens the stinging sensation.
Natrum Mur is used as a remedy used when there is a tendency to develop eczema due to the wheat allergy. The skin gets raw, red, dry, and inflammed and there may be violent itching. In some cases, the eczema is present specifically in the bend of the elbows.

Signs and Symptoms of Wheat Allergy

The symptoms of wheat allergy include urticaria, eczema, watery itchy eyes, nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea/vomiting, bloated abdomen, difficulty breathing, and asthma. A severe allergic reaction is referred to as anaphylaxis and needs to be treated as a medical emergency. Anaphylaxis includes symptoms like difficulty breathing, tightness in the throat, chest tightness, and dizziness. Acute treatment is such cases is necessary, and homeopathy can only offer a supportive role.

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Pets Causing Allergies? Homeopathy has an Effective Solution

An allergic reaction to a protein present in pet’s urine, saliva or dead skin cells (dander) due to an oversensitive immune system is known as pet allergy. Pet allergies mostly arise from cats and dogs, though any animal with fur can contribute to the development of pet allergies. Based on the symptom presentation of a pet allergy, some of the well-indicated homeopathic medicines include Allium Cepa, Euphrasia Officinalis, Arsenic Album, Apis Mellifica, and Sulphur.

pet allergy homeopathy

Homeopathic Medicines for Pet Allergies.

Homeopathic Treatment of Pet Allergy

Homeopathy carries an excellent scope to treat pet allergies. Homeopathic medicines aim to give symptomatic relief by moderating the overactive immune system. These medicines help reduce the intensity as well as the duration of symptoms with every successive attack of an allergic reaction. Several signs of pet allergy including a runny nose, sneezing, urticaria, itchy/watery eyes can be managed well with homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic medicines for pet allergy are very safe to use and give long-term results.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pet Allergy

Allium Cepa – Natural Medicine for Pet Allergy with Marked Sneezing and Runny Nose

Allium Cepa is a useful homeopathic medicine for pet allergy with marked sneezing. Along with sneezing, watery nasal discharges are present. The nasal discharges are profuse and acrid leading to burning in the nose. A feeling of a lump at the root of the nose is also present. A crawling sensation or tingling in the nostrils may attend. In some cases where Allium Cepa works well, a runny nose alternates with nasal blockage.

Euphrasia Officinalis – Effective Remedy for Pet Allergy with Itchy/Watery Eyes

Euphrasia Officinalis is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for pet allergy with itchy, watery eyes. Redness, itching, and watering of the eyes are present. A gritty sensation of sand, burning and smarting sensation in the eyes is another attending feature. In some cases, the eyelids swell up, and a runny nose may accompany these symptoms.

Arsenic Album – Natural Remedy for Pet Allergy with Asthmatic Symptoms

Arsenic Album is an effective homeopathic medicine for pet allergy where there are asthmatic symptoms like wheezing, difficulty in breathing, and cough. An expectoration of yellow, green or frothy nature also appears in most cases. Constriction and oppression of the chest, coryza with burning, itching in the nose and sneezing is also present. Lying down worsens the symptoms. Excessive fatigue and anxiety may be present along with the above symptoms.

Apis Mellifica – Effective Remedy for Pet Allergy with Urticaria

Apis Mellifica is a natural homeopathic medicine for pet allergy with urticaria. The guiding feature for using Apis Mellifica is wheals on the skin with intense itching, burning, and stinging pains. The skin also is tender and sensitive to touch. Swelling and puffiness of face along with heat may also be present. Warmth may worsen the symptoms. A cold application may bring symptomatic relief.

Sulphur – Natural Treatment for Pet Allergy with Itchy Rash

Sulphur is an effective homeopathic medicine for pet allergy with an itchy rash. The affected skin is dry and rough. In some cases, eruptions – papular or pustular may also appear. The itching may be worse at night. Warmth also tends to worsen the itching. Burning and bleeding after scratching may be present. The affected skin area is sensitive to touch. Prickling sensation or formication may also arise with the above features

Symptoms of Pet Allergy

The symptoms of pet allergy include a runny nose, sneezing, itchy/watery eyes, nasal blockage, dripping of mucus from the nose into the back of the throat (PND), and cough. Apart from these, asthmatic symptoms including breathing difficulties, chest tightness, wheezing may also appear. In some cases, an allergic reaction may give rise to skin rash or urticaria.

Risk Factors Associated with Pet Allergy

Pet allergy arises from an overreaction of the immune system on exposure or coming in contact with danders (skin cells shed by the animals), saliva, urine, sweat or fur of the animal. Usually, our immune system cells produce antibodies to fight with infectious agents ( like bacteria, virus) and protect from becoming sick. An allergic person has an over-sensitive immune system and tends to produce antibodies against certain allergy-causing substances known as allergens. In case of a pet allergy, danders (skin cells shed by the animals), saliva, urine, sweat or fur of the animal act as an allergen (a harmful agent) against which an immune response is set up. A positive family history of any allergy or asthma puts a person at risk to suffer from pet allergy.

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ODD – Oppositional Defiant Disorder and its Homeopathic Treatment

ODD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a behavioral disorder diagnosed in childhood, where a child shows an angry, irritable mood and argumentative, vindictive behavior. Even a well-behaved child can show anger outburst on certain occasions. But a child who is persistently angry, disobedient, and shows vindictiveness towards adults or authority figures may have a condition known as oppositional defiant disorder. Homeopathic medicines are deep acting constitutional remedies that bring excellent recoveries in case of oppositional defiant disorder. Chamomilla, Cina, and Nux Vomica are the top remedies for ODD.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines for Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Persistence of these symptoms calls for an evaluation of the child by a psychologist. ODD affects a child’s social, family and school life. It may lead to poor performance at school, antisocial behavior and substance use disorder.

Homeopathic Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

With the use of homeopathic medicines, the symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder seem to improve gradually. Various homeopathic medicines are used to treat oppositional defiant disorder, among which Chamomilla, Cina, Nux Vomica, and Anacardium Orientale are the top grade remedies. The significant advantages of using homeopathic medicines in ODD are that they are free from side effects and are not habit-forming. The homeopathic medicines to treat oppositional defiant disorder are prescribed after a detailed evaluation of every individual case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Chamomilla – Best medicine for Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Chamomilla is a top-ranked homeopathic medicine for treating oppositional defiant disorder. The key features to use Chamomilla are a very sensitive nature, excessive irritability, anger outbursts, sudden emotional outbursts and being spiteful. There may be violent outbursts of anger along with a tendency to use harsh language. The child remains extremely cross, irritable, unsatisfied and snappish. The child is hard to please and shows temper tantrums quite often. He/she can be very obstinate and demand many things.

Cina – Effective Remedy for Oppositional Defiant Disorder Where the Child is Easily Annoyed

Cina is an effective homeopathic remedy for oppositional defiant disorder where a child gets easily annoyed. The child is very touchy, and every little thing tends to annoy him. He/She may be highly irritable and get angry very often. There is a tendency to strike and bite other people in anger. Such children are also obstinate and fretful and get easily offended.

Nux Vomica – Natural Medicine for Oppositional Defiant Disorder with Marked Anger

Nux Vomica is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for oppositional defiant disorder with marked anger. Such children are headstrong, get angry quickly and insult others. The child often gets into quarrels and resists the wishes of other people. There is also a tendency to be easily offended by little things along with the above symptoms.

Anacardium Orientale – For Oppositional Defiant Disorder with Violent Language

Anacardium Orientale is a medicine used to treat oppositional defiant disorder where a child uses foul and violent language. There is a tendency to get angry suddenly along with the use of violent language. Such children tend to be cross and cruel. There is a tendency to swear, and such children often have a history of humiliation or verbal/physical abuse in the past.

Cause of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

The exact cause of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is not known, but certain genetic and environmental factors are thought to contribute towards the development of this disorder. Genetic factors include a positive family history of ODD and other personality or mood disorders. Environmental factors include childhood abuse, neglected childhood, and a negative home environment with family discords, harsh disciplining, and a lack of parental supervision. The child with oppositional defiant disorder may have other related issues including ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder), learning disabilities, communication disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders.

Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

The child having oppositional defiant disorder may show various symptoms, like:

– getting angry often and losing temper easily

– speaking harshly and saying hateful things when upset

– getting into frequent arguments with adults or with people in authority

– throwing temper tantrums

– getting vindictive and spiteful

– blaming others for your mistakes

– deliberately annoying or making others upset

– is very touchy and gets easily annoyed by others

– refusal to act per adults request

– swearing and using obscene language

– refusing to follow rules

Four (or more) of the symptoms mentioned should be present frequently for at least six months to diagnose oppositional defiant disorder.

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Trouble While Travelling? Homeopathy can Treat Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a common condition where a person experiences the symptoms of nausea and vomiting while traveling by car, train, boat or airplane. Depending upon the means of transport, motion sickness may also be referred to as seasickness, car sickness or air sickness. While women and children are more prone to motion sickness, it can happen to anyone. Occasional motion sickness is not a cause of concern, but it can be a distressing condition for those who have to deal with it every time they travel. Homeopathic medicines for motion sickness help relieve symptoms like nausea and dizziness while traveling. A course of homeopathy can also help eliminate the problem completely. Cocculus Indicus, Petroleum and Tabacum are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat motion sickness.

Homeopathic Medicines for Motion Sickness

1. Cocculus Indicus: Top Medicine for Motion Sickness

Cocculus Indicus is a medicine prepared from a plant called Indian Cokle which belongs to the family Menispermaceae. Cocculus is a top grade homeopathic remedy for motion sickness. It is used to treat cases of car sickness, sea sickness, and air sickness. The patient feels nausea and vomiting from riding in cars, boats, trains or even when looking at a boat when it is in motion. The patient may even feel motion sickness after swinging. There is a sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Nausea with vertigo is present which starts from slightest motion. Nausea and vertigo can even lead to fainting or vomiting.

2. Petroleum: Homeopathic Remedy for Motion Sickness

Petroleum is a natural medicine for treating the symptoms of motion sickness. The person needing this medicine feels great discomfort and a sense of nausea and vomiting while traveling. There is an empty and weak sensation in the stomach. Nausea can start suddenly by riding in cars which often become so violent that it can make the patient breathless. There is a sense of vertigo and vomiting of bitter, green substances.

3. Tabacum Nicotiana: Effective Medicine for Motion Sickness with Severe Nausea

Tabacum Nicotiana is a medicine prepared from the plant Nicotiana Tabacum of the family Solanaceae. Tabacum can work wonders in treating the cases of motion sickness with severe nausea. The patient usually feels nausea which is continuous in and leads to vomiting. Vertigo is episodic, and begins suddenly, causing fainting. The patient gets a sinking feeling in the upper part of the abdomen. It can be helpful in treating the cases where the patient feels nausea and vomiting on the slightest motion. Vomiting is of sour fluid with excessive mucus that causes extreme distress.

4. Sepia Succus: Effective Remedy for Motion Sickness with Anxiety

Sepia is a remedy for motion sickness where there is anxiety. There are marked issues of nausea and vomiting while traveling in cars. The patient feels very anxious when attempting to strain the eyes during traveling. There is a lot of sensitivity and a feeling of emptiness felt at the pit of the stomach.

5. Ipecacuanha: Natural Remedy for Motion Sickness by Looking at Moving Objects

Ipecac is a medicine prepared from a plant named Uragoga Ipecacuanha of the family Rubiaceae. Ipecac is a homeopathic medicine used particularly in cases where the patient gets motion sickness by looking at moving objects. There is a sinking feeling in the stomach. The patient feels a loss of appetite along with nausea. Nausea gets worse from least motion and is not relieved even after vomiting.

6. Theridion: Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Motion Sickness with Headache

Theridion is a natural cure for motion sickness accompanied by a pain in the head. Nausea generally starts with pain in the head, by closing the eyes, looking steadily on an object or while traveling in a fast moving car. This is a prominent medicine to be prescribed in the cases of seasickness. Nausea occurs along with vertigo. The patient may end up vomiting out acrid water due to vertigo. The seasickness gets better upon closing the eyes.

7. Iris Versicolor: Natural Treatment for Motion Sickness with Acid Vomiting

Iris Versicolor is a medicine prepared from the plant Blue Flag of the family Iridaceae. Iris is best suited to people who have motion sickness with acid vomiting. The patient tends to get nausea and vomiting from riding in a car. He/She gets continuous nausea along with retching. Nausea and vomiting of thin, watery, acidic and sour food matter occur, producing a burning sensation in the mouth, throat, and stomach.

8. Magnesia Carbonica: Natural Cure for Motion Sickness with Empty Sensation in Stomach

Mag Carb. is a natural medicine for motion sickness along with a marked sensation of emptiness in the stomach. There is nausea followed by vomiting. The patient feels extremely weak, along with a feeling of nausea and vomiting which begins while riding in cars, along with vomiting of sour or bitter salty water.

9. Nux Moschata: Natural Medicine for Motion Sickness with Drowsiness

Nux Moschata is a remedy prepared from a plant named Myristica Officinalis of the family Myristicacee. It is a natural remedy for motion sickness along with drowsiness. The patient has nausea and waterbrash while riding in cars. There is a great inclination to fall asleep during nausea, and there may be a pressure at the pit of the stomach. Some people also experience dyspnea with a particular sensation of something crawling to the throat from the stomach.

10. Nux Vomica: Effective Natural Medicine for Motion Sickness Relieved by Vomiting

Nux Vomica is prepared from seeds of Strychnos Nux Vomica of the family Loganiacae. As a remedy, it is best suited for people who get motion sickness that gets better after vomiting. The patient experiences motion sickness from riding in cars or while traveling by sea. There may be excessive nausea and vomiting along with retching. The patient has a constant desire to vomit as he feels that nausea will get better by vomiting. Vomiting of undigested food occurs relieving the symptoms of motion sickness.

Symptoms of Motion Sickness

The hallmark symptoms of motion sickness are nausea and vomiting which generally begin with a sense of uneasiness and discomfort in the abdomen and chest. Some people may get dizzy when symptoms start to appear.

Many people take medicines before a few hours of traveling to avoid nausea and vomiting but as a result, one can experience side effects of medicines like drowsiness, dryness of mouth, blurring of vision and occasional disorientation.

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Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Anal Warts

Anal warts, also known as condyloma acuminata, are warts that appear inside and around the anus. They may also affect the genital area. Anal warts usually start as tiny growths comparative to the size of a pin’s head. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self-healing mechanism to fight the HPV infection and bring about natural recovery in cases of anal warts. Thuja, Natrum Sulph, and Nitric Acid are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat anal warts.

anal warts homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies for anal warts.

Homeopathic Treatment of Anal Warts

The homeopathic system of medicine offers very effective treatment of anal warts. These medicines treat anal warts in a safe, gentle manner without any disease suppression or side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Warts

Thuja – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Anal Warts

Thuja is a natural homeopathic medicine for treating anal warts. It is prepared from the fresh green twigs of a plant named Thuja Occidentalis (also known as Arbor Vitae.) This plant belongs to the natural order Coniferae. Thuja is considered as the first line of treatment of anal and anogenital warts in homeopathy. The key features for using Thuja include large seedy, cauliflower-like, pedunculated warts. Warts may appear in crops or groups and may also tend to bleed. It is also indicated in cases of warts in the anogenital area that ooze moisture. Another indicating feature includes painful anal warts that are sore to touch. Males needing Thuja have warts that are usually red and present around the anus, prepuce, penis, scrotum, and perineum. These warts may constantly ooze a slimy discharge. In cases of women, Thuja is useful for warts present around the anus, vulva, vagina, and perineum. Warts in female genitalia may cause burning and shooting pains especially upon passing urine.

Natrum Sulph – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Anal Warts over Anus and Thighs

Natrum Sulph is a highly beneficial homeopathy remedy for warts that appear on thus anus and thighs. The cases requiring Natrum Sulph have red – colored anal warts. In males, soft fleshy warts arise on genitalia in addition to anus and thighs. Itching in the genitals may be present, and scratching may cause burning.

Nitric Acid – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Anal Warts that Bleed

Nitric Acid is an effective medicine for treating anal warts that tend to bleed. The key feature to use Nitric Acid in cases of anal warts is that warts tend to bleed upon touching. In some cases, washing the area triggers the bleeding. The anal warts are large sized, elevated and cauliflower-like in appearance. A sticking and pricking sensation in warts may be present. They may be sensitive and painful to touch. Nitric Acid is also well indicated for warts covering anal as well as genital organs both in males and females.

Causticum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Large, Pedunculated Anal Warts

Causticum is a natural homeopathic medicine for anal warts that are present over various body parts, including the anus. It is indicated to treat anal warts that are large, jagged, and pedunculated. Like Nitric Acid, homeopathic medicine Causticum is also given in cases of bleeding warts. It is also used to treat cases of anal warts that carry a tendency to exude moisture.

Medorrhinum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Small, Pedunculated Anal Warts

Medorrhinum is a natural, deep acting anti-psychotic medicine that helps treat various growths over the body including warts. It is a valuable medicine for small pedunculated warts. The top of the warts looks like pin-heads. The warts spread over the anus, genitals, and thighs.

Sabina – Natural Treatment for Itchy Anal Warts

Sabina is a plant remedy. It is prepared from young, fresh tops of the branches and oil of a plant Sabina Officinalis or Juniperus sabina. The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. Sabina is indicated for cases of anal warts that are itchy. The warts are present in anus and genitals. The itching in warts may be intense and intolerable. A burning sensation also appears with itching.

Sulphur – Natural Cure for Broad, Flat, Anal Warts

Sulphur is an effective remedy used in cases of broad, flat anal warts. The anus may be swollen and sore, and stitching pains may be present. Itching in the anus and perineum is present. The itching tends to worsen during the evening and the night. Stinging and burning in the anus may also be present.

Calcarea Carb – Homeopathic Remedy for Multiple Small Anal Warts

Calcarea Carb is indicated for multiple small warts around the anus. The warts have a round, soft base but are rough and hard on the surface. Flesh-Colored warts may have a horny appearance and tend to itch and bleed.

Hepar Sulph – Natural Remedy for Anal Warts with Pains

Use of homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulph is considered in cases of anal warts which are painful. The pain can be stitching or stinging in nature. The warts may also ulcerate.

Causes and Risk Factors of Anal Warts

Anal warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These mostly spread through sexual contact. However, they may also be transmitted by direct skin to skin contact with the anal or genital area or secretions from a sexual partner having HPV infection. Having multiple sex partners, having unprotected sex and anal intercourse are a few risk factors that contribute to anal warts.

If left untreated, anal warts tend to grow much larger and can develop a cauliflower-like appearance. They may cover the entire anal area. Anal warts may be flesh-colored, brown, yellow or pink colored. Anal warts may remain confined to only one spot around the anus or may spread to the entire anal and genital area. In females, the vulva, vagina, or cervix may be affected. In males, penis, scrotum, thighs, or groin may get involved along with the anal area.

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Impetigo – Get Rid of Skin Infection Naturally with Homeopathy

Impetigo is an extremely contagious skin infection caused by a bacteria. It is more common in infants and young children, though adults can get affected too. The main symptom of impetigo includes the appearance of red sores on the face. These sores tend to rupture, ooze fluid and form crusts. The area around the child’s nose and mouth is usually affected.

In some cases, the hands and feet may also develop impetigo sores. Homeopathic remedies for impetigo help heal the eruptions and prevent further spread of the infection. Mezereum, Graphites, and Antimonium Crudum are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat impetigo.

impetigo sores Homeopathy

Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Impetigo.

Homeopathic Treatment of Impetigo

Homeopathic medicines help treat impetigo very effectively by boosting the immune system to fight the infection. Homeopathy helps bring about natural treatment for impetigo. These remedies help relieve the discharge from eruptions and the attending itching, burning, pain and tenderness.

Homeopathic Medicines for Impetigo

Mezereum – Natural Remedy for Impetigo with Thick Crusts

Mezereum is an effective homeopathic medicine used to treat impetigo in cases where there is a formation of thick crusts on the skin. It is prepared from fresh bark of a plant called Daphne Mezereum (also commonly named as Spurge Olive.) This plant belongs to the natural order Thymelaceae. The eruptions most prominently appear around the mouth with honey-like scabs. The eruptions also appear on the nose along with a pale discharge. Yellowish brown scabs form on the nose after rupturing of the eruptions. Yellow, thick pus may discharge from the sores. Sometimes the sores bleed on touch. The eruptions are itchy, and the child continually scratches them. Tearing the scabs causes pain, and there may be a burning sensation in the eruptions. The child may also be highly irritable and restless.

Graphites – Natural Medicine for Impetigo with Eruptions and Discharge

Homeopathic medicine Graphites offers a natural cure for impetigo. The chief characteristic to use Graphites in impetigo include eruptions that exude watery, transparent, sticky, gluey discharges. The eruptions at first are light – colored with itching followed by scab formation. The itching subsides once the scabs are formed. In some cases, there may be pus and discharge of watery blood from the eruptions. The discharges may be corrosive.

Antimonium Crudum – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Impetigo with Scabs

Antimonium Crudum is a natural homeopathic cure for impetigo in cases where the eruptions are covered with thick, hard, honey-colored scabs. The crusty eruptions are painful to touch and are usually present on the face around the lips. The discharge from the sores is greenish.

Cicuta – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Impetigo with Scabs that Itch and Burn

Cicuta is a natural treatment for impetigo prepared from the fresh root of a plant called Cicuta Virosa or Water Hemlock. This plant belongs to the natural order Umbelliferae. Just like Antimonium Crudum, Cicuta is also indicated for impetigo eruptions with honey-colored scabs that itch and burn. The scabs fall off and leave behind a bright red, smooth surface. The eruptions appear around the corners of mouth and hands, and may also spread to the chin. The eruptions tend to discharge yellow corrosive fluid.

Dulcamara – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Impetigo Eruptions with Crusts

Dulcamara is a safe, natural medicine for impetigo prepared from fresh green stems and leaves od a plant called Woody Nightshade or Bitter-Sweet. These are gathered just before the flowering of the plant. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Dulcamara works effectively in cases of impetigo where the eruptions are covered with thick, brown – yellow crusts. The crusts are surrounded by a red colored border. These bleed when scratched and may ooze watery fluid or pus. The eruptions are itchy and sensitive to touch. There may be worsening of symptoms from washing the eruptions.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Remedy for Sores with Watery Fluid in Impetigo

Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for impetigo that works well in cases where there are sores with a watery substance. The sores are present around the mouth and on the upper lip, below nasal septum. The upper lip may be swollen, and there may be a burning sensation on the sores. The sores become merged, burst and then get covered with a scab.

Rhus Tox – Effective Medicine for Impetigo with Blisters filled with Yellow, Watery Content

Rhus Tox offers an effective homeopathic treatment for cases of impetigo where there is the appearance of blisters filled with yellow, watery content. The blisters are large and appear on the corners of the mouth. These are itchy and very painful. In some cases, there is a burning, biting, tingling, stinging sensation present in the eruptions. The blisters are also sore to touch, and there is a marked redness of the skin. Thick crusts form over the eruptions after the secretion of yellow, foul-smelling, fluid matter.

Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Pus-filled Sores in Impetigo

Hepar Sulph is an effective homeopathic medicine for impetigo in cases where there is the formation of painful, pus-filled sores on the skin. The eruptions are very sensitive and sore to touch, and these tend to turn into ulcers. The ulcers ooze blood-tinged pus that smells foul. Burning and stinging pains may also appear in the ulcers.

Sulphur – Homeopathic Remedy for Itchy Eruptions in Impetigo

Sulphur is a natural medicine for impetigo where there are itchy eruptions. These eruptions tend to get worse during the evening and the night. The heat of the bed also tends to make it worse. In cases needing Sulphur, the eruptions begin as vesicles filled with a watery serum that becomes purulent, followed by thick scab formation. Stitch-like pricking sensation may also arise in the eruptions. The eruptions burn and pain after scratching them. There may also be bleeding after scratching.

Merc Sol – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Impetigo with Painful Eruptions

Merc Sol offers a natural cure for impetigo in cases where there are painful eruptions. The pain may be stinging, stitching or burning in nature. It gets worse by touch. Vesicular eruptions that discharge a thin, clear fluid are present. The discharge may be acrid. Sometimes crusty eruptions with excessive pus are present. In some cases, the eruptions discharge blood. After scratching the surrounding area of eruptions tend to get inflamed.

Causes and Risk Factors of Impetigo

Impetigo is the result of a bacterial infection, usually by strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Impetigo spreads via direct skin to skin contact with the sores of an infected person. One can also contract impetigo by coming in contact with objects like bedding, clothes, towels, toys, etc. that are infected with the fluid from the sores. The risk factors for impetigo include living in a warm, humid climate, being in a crowded place like a school, from a skin injury (like from an insect bite or a rash), or due to a skin complaint like eczema or psoriasis.

Symptoms of Impetigo

The main symptom of impetigo includes the presence of red sores on the skin. The main location of these sores is the area around the mouth, lips, and nose. The hands and feet may also get affected. The sores turn into blisters that mature, burst and ooze fluid followed by a yellowish-brown crust or honey-colored crust formation. The eruptions may be tender, itchy and painful. In some cases, impetigo invades the deeper layers of the skin. In such cases, there are pus-filled eruptions with thick crusts that may turn into deep ulcers.

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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease – Homeopathic Medicines can Work Wonders

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the women’s upper genital tract including the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Pelvic inflammatory disease is mainly caused by sexually transmitted bacteria that ascend the genital tract from the vagina and cervix. The homeopathic medicines that help treat pelvic inflammatory disease include Sepia Succus, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Sabina Officinalis, Medorrhinum and Kreosotum.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

Many bacterial infections can cause PID, but the most common ones include Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. In some cases, bacteria that are usually harmless and present in the vagina can cause PID. This can occur after abortion, miscarriage or childbirth. There are certain risk factors for PID. These risk factors include an of age less than 25 years, having more than one sexual partner, or having intercourse without the use of a condom.

Homeopathic Treatment of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

There is an excellent scope of treating many gynecological conditions including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in the homeopathic system of medicine. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s natural defense mechanism to fight with the infectious agents and clear up the infection to treat PID naturally. These are selected individually for every case of PID.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Sepia Succus – Natural Medicine for PID with Pain in Lower Abdomen/ Pelvic Area

Sepia Succus is an excellent homeopathic medicine for treating PID with marked pain in lower abdomen or pelvic area. Along with pelvic pain, a prominent bearing down sensation in the pelvis assist. In some cases needing Sepia Succus, burning or griping in the uterus is present. Vaginal discharge of yellowish or greenish may also arise that may be offensive.

Merc Sol – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for PID with Vaginal Discharge

Merc Sol is a natural medicine for PID with excessive vaginal discharge. The symptoms that indicate the need for Merc Sol include acrid, excoriating, and itchy discharges that cause a burning sensation in the vagina. The discharges may be purulent, yellow or green. The discharges tend to get worse upon urination.
In some cases, a stitching uterine pain may be present. Additionally, there may be a stinging ovarian pain.

Phosphorus – Natural Remedy for PID with Bleeding from Uterus between Periods

Phosphorus is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for treating PID cases where there is bleeding from the uterus between periods. The uterine bleeding tends to be profuse. Weakness usually follows the menstrual bleeding. Other symptoms include ovarian pain (specifically left-sided). The ovarian pain is felt the most during menses. Leucorrhoea of white or watery mucus may be present. A weak sensation in the abdomen may be present along with leucorrhoea.

Sabina Officinalis – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for PID with Heavy Periods

Sabina Officinalis is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for pelvic inflammatory disease with heavy periods. The periods are profuse and gushing in nature. The bleeding is bright red colored with dark clots in it. The blood may have an offensive odor. Motion tends to worsen the blood flow. Pain in the sacral back extending to pubes is a primary accompanying symptom. This remedy is also recommended for inflammation of uterus and ovaries that may occur following childbirth or an abortion.

Medorrhinum – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for PID with Painful Periods

Medorrhinum is a significant homeopathic medicine for PID where the woman experiences intensely painful periods. There is an excruciating pain the pelvic area along with ovarian pains that get better with pressure. The menstrual bleeding is copious, dark and offensive. Vaginal discharge of acrid nature and a fish-like odor is also present in some cases.

Kreosotum – Natural Treatment for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with Pain during Intercourse

Kreosotum is a natural medicine PID when there is pain during intercourse (dyspareunia). Burning in the genitalia is felt along with pain. Kreosotum is also useful in cases of pelvic inflammatory disease where there is bleeding after intercourse. Along with the above symptoms, there may be offensive, itching, corrosive leucorrhoea. The leucorrhoea worsens in between menses and often leaves a yellow stain on clothes.

Symptoms of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

In many cases of a pelvic inflammatory disease, there are no symptoms and the condition goes undiagnosed. When the symptoms of PID do arise, they include pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area, pain/bleeding during intercourse, and vaginal discharge of yellow/green or offensive nature. Other symptoms include uterine bleeding in between periods and painful urination. In some cases heavy, painful periods are present. Sometimes fever with chills and nausea/vomiting may be present along with above-said features. The above symptoms vary from mild to severe from case to case. Some other complications related to PID include infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and the formation of an abscess in the fallopian tubes or ovaries and long-term pelvic pain.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Colorectal Polyps

Abnormal growths that arise from the inner lining of the colon (large intestine) and the rectum are known as colorectal polyps. These may be flat or have a stalk. The size of colorectal polyps varies from few millimeters to several centimeters. The use of homeopathic medicines to treat colorectal polyps can help avoid surgery, which is a common course of treatment.

homeopathy colorectal polyps

Homeopathic treatment for colorectal polyps.

Kali Bromatum, Calc Phos, and Ammonium Mur are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat colorectal polyps.

While the colorectal polyps may arise from any part of the colon, in most cases they emerge from the left side of the colon and rectum. Colorectal polyps may be benign, or some may be precancerous (tend to turn malignant).

Homeopathic Treatment of Colorectal Polyps

The homeopathic system of medicine offers holistic treatment for colorectal polyps. These remedies are made of natural substances and hence are safe to use without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines help in the symptomatic management of colorectal polyps and also help shrink these polyps. Some of the majorly indicated homeopathic medicine for colorectal polyps include Kali Bromatum, Calc Phos, Ammonium Mur, Nux Vomica, and Phosphorus. The most suitable homeopathic medicine among them for a case is selected as per the individual symptoms that vary from case to case.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Colorectal Polyps

Kali Bromatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Colorectal Polyps

Kali Bromatum is a natural homeopathic medicine for colorectal polyps in cases where the bowel habits become altered. They may have either diarrhea or constipation. The diarrhea is mostly painless but may be attended by a feeling of chilliness. In some cases, blood or mucus may appear in the stool. If there is constipation, there may be many days where there is no bowel movement and stool, if present, is hard or dry with missing of days without a stool.

Calcarea Phos – Homeopathic Remedy for Colorectal Polyps with Diarrhea

Calcarea Phos is an effective medicine for colorectal polyps that is indicated for individuals who get diarrhea. The stool is watery, hot and slimy. White flakes may pass in the stool in some cases. Offensive fetid flatus may attend the passage of stool. Stitching pain in the rectum appears in some cases.

Ammonium Mur – Natural Medicine for Colorectal Polyps with Constipation

Ammonium Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for colorectal polyps in people who have constipation. The stool is scanty and hard and is passed after a lot of straining. It also tends to crumble at the verge of the anus. A glairy mucus may be present with the hard stool in some cases. Burning or smarting sensation in the rectum may assist. Another feature that may be present is passing mucus of greenish color from the rectum.

Nux Vomica – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Colorectal Polyps with Ineffectual Urging for Stool

Nux Vomica is a natural treatment for colorectal polyps where the person experiences a constant, ineffectual urging to pass stool. The person passes frequent, scanty stool, and there is a constant uneasiness in the rectum. A dragging sensation in the rectum may also appear, along with abdominal colic.

Phosphorus – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Colorectal Polyps that Bleed

Phosphorus offers a natural cure for colorectal polyps that bleed. Bleeding from rectum appear while passing stool. Other accompanying symptoms include a painless, watery stool, weakness after passing stool, and cramps in the rectum. In some cases, needle-like stitching pain may appear in the rectum. Phosphorus is also a well indicated homeopathic medicine where rectal polyps and inflammation of the rectum are present at the same time.

Causes of Colorectal Polyps

The exact cause for colorectal polyps is not known, but it is thought to arise from changes in the genetic material of the cells that line the colon and rectum. The risk factors for colorectal polyps include an age of more than 50 years, a family history of colorectal polyps, being overweight, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, and use of alcohol and tobacco. There are also some hereditary disorders that can cause colon polyps including familial adenomatous polyposis, gardener’s syndrome, serrated polyposis syndrome, and Lynch syndrome.

Types of Colorectal Polyps

The main types of colorectal polyps are adenomatous polyp and hyperplastic polyp. About 70% colorectal polyps are the adenomatous polyp, and they have a high tendency to turn malignant. The hyperplastic have no or minimal chances to get malignant (majorly those arising in the right side colon tend to get malignant).
Other types include hamartomatous and inflammatory polyps. Inflammatory polyps are those that link with inflammatory conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Hamartomatous and inflammatory polyps don’t turn malignant.

Symptoms of Colorectal Polyps

Colorectal polyps are asymptomatic in the majority of the cases, and a person comes to know about them incidentally. When symptoms arise in colorectal polyps, they mainly include blood and mucus in the stool. Abdominal pain and cramps is another symptom that may appear. Change in bowel habits – diarrhea or constipation may be present.
A polyp with a large stalk may sometimes be seen protruding from the anus. Iron deficiency anemia may occur from chronic bleeding from the polyps.

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