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Suffering from Anal Fissures ? – Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Fissure

Homeopathic Medicines for Anal FissureAnal fissure is a cut or tear in lining of anal canal. Anal fissure mainly results from straining while passing hard or large stool.  Chronic diarrhea may also lead to anal fissures. Anal fissure may arise in women from trauma caused to anal canal during childbirth. Anal fissures are very common in infants (child between ages of 1 month to 12 months). The main symptoms of anal fissure are pain during defecation and anal bleeding. The pain from anal fissures may even last for hours after passing stool. The pain is often accompanied with marked burning in the anal area. Other symptoms of anal fissures can be – Itching around the anus and malodorous discharge .

 Homeopathy as a Natural and Alternative Treatment for Anal Fissure

Homeopathy is natural mode of treatment that assures permanent cure for anal fissures.  Homeopathic medicines help to manage the most troublesome symptoms of pain, bleeding and itching from anal fissures.  They also aid in healing of the cuts and tears in anal canal thus effecting a permanent cure. Homeopathy is a great alternative treatment method for anal fissures that can be safely used among person of any age group.   I have treated many cases of anal fissures in my clinical practice with homeopathic medicines. The homeopathic medicines that I have found to be most effective in curing anal fissures are Nitric Acid, Ratanhia, Graphites, Paeonia and Thuja. 

 Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Fissures

Nitric Acid – One of The Top Grade Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Fissure that are painful and Bleeding

Nitric Acid is one of the top grade homeopathic medicines for anal fissure. I usually make Nitric Acid as my first choice  in  many cases of anal fissures. The classic symptoms guiding its use are violent anal pains, bleeding with passing stool and constipation.  For Nitric Acid to be used following symptoms may also be present – pains that are cutting or tearing in nature. Bleeding with stool that is of bright red color. Stool is passes with much straining and it tears the anus( even if it is soft ). 

 Ratanhia – One of the Best Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Fissure with long lasting  pain in anus after stool

I have used Ratanhia very frequently for anal fissures. The Most prominent symptom for it to be used  is-  intense pain in anus that last for many hours after stool. Burning in anus and rectum also appear along with pain. The anus burns like fire. Cold water application may give little relief in burning.. Along with burning pains, constricted sensation in anus may also indicate the use of Ratanhia . Homeopathic medicine Ratanhia is also indicated in cases of fissures when pains are  splinter like and knife like cutting in nature. Passing of stool is  very painful.

 Graphites – Homeopathic Medicine for Anal Fissure with Large, Difficult, Constipated Stool

Amongst all the homeopathic medicines for anal fissures , I have seen excellent results with Graphites in anal fissure is caused  by  large and difficult stool. The stool tears the anus while defecating. Smarting pain in the anus is well marked. Intense soreness of anal area is also prominent.  For Graphites to be used smarting and soreness in anus is present during and after stool . Graphites helps in relieving constipation and anal pain. It is a very important medicine for healing the fissure in anus .

 Paeonia – One of the Best Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Fissure with itching and offensive discharge

Paeonia is another Important homeopathic medicine for anal fissures. I would place Paeonia at number when it comes to treat anal fissures that cause itching and ooze offensive discharges. Along with biting and itching in anus excruciating pains are also present. The pains may continue for some hours after  passing stool. The guiding symptom for its use is that the patient complains of a constant sensation of wetness and moisture in the anal area.

 Thuja – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Anal Fissure that are highly tender

I have found Thuja as one of the most helpful medicine for intensely tender anal fissure.  The pain gets worsened from slight touch and sitting. Constipation and rectal pains are also well marked. The stool passes with much effort with violent rectal pains. Swelling  stitching and burning pain is also present with above mentioned symptoms.

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Treat Asthma Naturally – Top Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma

Homeopathic Medicines for AsthmaAn asthmatic attack can occur anytime, anywhere so taking precautions and preparedness are two essential aspects for patients of Asthma and their attendants. Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, suffocation, coughing with breathlessness, all these are signs of Asthma. This medical condition affects lungs and leads to the inflammation of airways. The swelling and clogging of tubes that bring air to the lungs make it difficult for air to move in and out freely. The result is repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, difficult breathing, chest tightness and coughing at night or early in the morning. The asthmatic condition can be triggered by allergens, or pollutants, infections and even the weather. Asthma may not be life-threatening, but it disturbs the quality of life and requires preparedness to deal with it all the time. Since children have a smaller air passage, Asthma is more prominent in kids. Homeopathy provides a very safe treatment for Asthma. The Homeopathic medicines are sourced out of natural substances and there are no side-effects. The Homeopathic medicines for asthma not only provide relief from asthmatic symptoms, but work to root out the underlying cause of Asthma.

 Homeopathic Treatment for Asthma

Homeopathic treatment for asthma is not only successful in treating Asthma, but is also safe and free from side-effects. Homeopathy offers a holistic treatment as it goes to the root of the problem and treats the source. Recurrence of asthmatic attacks is a major discomfort for patients. Homeopathic medicines thus are literally a breath of fresh air for asthmatic patients, resulting in relief The Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after taking note of symptoms and the mental and physical profile of each patient. The Homeopathic treatment can completely root out Asthma, though it may take time before desirable results are achieved.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma

The best homeopathic medicines for asthma are Arsenic Album, Antim Tart, Ipecac, Natrum Sulph, Spongia, Nux Vomica, Kali sulph .

Arsenic Album: Best Homeopathic remedy for asthmatic attacks with suffocation

Arsenic Album is one of the top natural Homeopathic medicines for Asthma that is mainly prescribed for suffocating attacks with severe constriction of airways. Such suffocating spells occur at night on lying down, forcing the person to sit up. Along with suffocation, the patient experiences cough and wheezing episodes. Asthmatic attacks triggered by cold drinks respond wonderfully to Homeopathic remedy Arsenic Album. Other symptoms to take note of are extreme anxiety and restlessness during asthmatic attacks.

Antimonium Tart: Homeopathic medicine for cough with mucus in asthmatic attack

Antimonium Tart is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for patients of Asthma who cough with rattling of mucus in air passages. The person has to strain to expel the mucus but only a small quantity is spit out. This is accompanied by shortness of breath and suffocation. Homeopathic medicine Antimonium Tart helps in spitting out the mucus from airways and is a very beneficial remedy for asthmatic attacks triggered by exposure to dampness.

Ipecac: Best Homeopathic remedy for Asthma with wheezing and constant cough

Natural Homeopathic medicine Ipecac is the top remedy for Asthma with wheezing and constant cough. The cough is almost continuous and is followed by difficult breathing and suffocation. The face turns blue because of lack of oxygen and the chest is constricted with large mucus accumulation. Spitting out of even the slightest mucus or vomiting seems to provide relief for a short while.

Natrum Sulph: Homeopathic treatment for Asthma attack after exposure to cold

Natural Homeopathic medicine Natrum Sulph is the top remedy for Asthma attacks following exposure to cold or in damp weather. Natrum Sulph is also the best Homeopathic medicine for Asthma in children. This Homeopathic medicine is the ideal remedy when the person experiences difficulty in breathing. The accompanying symptoms are chest tightness and pain on coughing. Even the rattling of mucus in chest is noticed with a thick discharge of mostly green mucus.

Spongia: Homeopathic medicine for Asthma with dry cough

Spongia is a natural Homeopathic medicine that is very beneficial for asthmatic patients with dry cough and shortness of breath. The cough is absolutely dry or barking type with dry airways. When the patient feels relieved by having warm drinks, it is an important indicator for using Spongia.

Ipecac and Spongia: Homeopathic medicines for cough in Asthma

Ipecac is a natural Homeopathic medicine that is of great help for treating loose cough with rattling of mucus in chest in asthmatic patients. The cough is almost continuous, while the mucus expulsion is difficult and scanty. Chest constriction and shortness of breath are accompanying features. Natural Homeopathic medicine Spongia is the best remedy when the cough is totally dry in patients of Asthma. The air passages are constricted with absolute dryness.

 Nux Vomica, Arsenic Album and Kali Sulph: Homeopathic medicines Asthma with prominent wheezing

Nux Vomica is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for wheezing that gets worse during sleep. Arsenic Album, on the other hand, is the ideal Homeopathic medicine when wheezing is accompanied by spells of suffocation. Homeopathic medicine Kali Sulph is of great help when wheezing gets worse in a warm room and better in open air.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma when patient complains of short and difficult breathing with suffocation

Arsenic Album is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for difficulty in breathing in Asthma patients. Itis the ideal remedy for shortness of breath that worsens at night on lying down. Suffocation with difficulty in breathing forces the patients to sit up. Along with shortness of breath, asthmatic patients also have a loose, rattling cough. Homeopathic medicine Lachesis is very beneficial for controlling suffocation when the patient has to rush towards an open window for instant relief. Homeopathic medicine Sambucus, meanwhile, is the best remedy when an asthmatic patient feels suffocated while sleeping. It wakes the person up from sleep. Sambucus is also the top Homeopathic remedy for infants with suffocating spells at night accompanied by weeping.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for asthmatic attacks with chest Tightness

Natural Homeopathic medicine Ipecac is the best remedy for chest tightness that is accompanied by a continuous loose cough. The patient feels a rattling of mucus in chest on coughing, along with wheezing. Spongia is the ideal Homeopathic medicine for dry cough and chest constriction. Bromium, on the other hand, is a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine for chest tightness that is accompanied by difficulty in inhaling air. Homeopathic remedy Arsenic Album, meanwhile, is the best choice for asthmatic persons who experience chest constriction at night along with suffocation and wheezing.

Aconite: Best Homeopathic medicine for asthmatic attacks after cold air exposure

Aconite is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for asthmatic attacks that are triggered by exposure to cold air and acts like first aid. The patient coughs with difficult respiration. Chest constriction, tightness and chest pain are also felt. The patient may also experience anxiety and restlessness.

Pothos Foetidus: Homeopathic medicine for asthmatic attack due to dust inhalation

Pothos Foetidus is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help in treating asthmatic attacks triggered by dust inhalation. The patient has difficulty in breathing and feels the chest getting tightened, along with chest and throat pain. Asthma getting better after passing stool or poop is a significant indicator for using Homeopathic medicine Pothos Foetidus.

Bryonia Alba: Homeopathic medicine for asthmatic attacks after slight exertion

Asthmatic attacks after a slight exertion are best treated by natural Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba. The symptoms are shortness of breath with a need to take deep, long breaths. This is usually accompanied by cough, most of the times dry cough. The patient has an increased thirst for large quantities of water.

Ipecac, Sambucus and Natrum Sulph: Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma in children

Ipecac is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for wheezing with rattling cough in children. The cough is almost continuous and suffocation leads to the face turning blue. Homeopathic medicine Sambucus is the ideal remedy for suffocating asthmatic attacks in children at night. The child wakes up from sleep due to suffocation with crying. Exhaling the air becomes difficult. Natrum Sulph is the best Homeopathic remedy for asthmatic attacks in children after exposure to cold. The child is forced to breathe deeply and the cough has thick mucus. The child even holds the chest while coughing since the process hurts.

Baryta Carb and Senega: Homeopathic medicines best for asthmatic attacks in elderly

Baryta Carb is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for Asthma in elderly people. It is given when the airways are loaded with mucus and the patient has no energy to spit it out. Suffocation follows suit. Baryta Carb provides the strength needed to expel the mucus from lungs. Homeopathic medicine Senega is the ideal remedy for tough mucus in airways in elderly asthmatic people. There is rattling of mucus in chest along with soreness, and the patient feels congestion in the chest.

Rare Natural Homeopathic remedies for treatment of Asthma

The lesser-known natural Homeopathic medicines for Asthma are Blatta Orientalis, Grindelia, Mephitis, Napthalinum and Aspidosperma. Blatta Orientalis is the Homeopathic remedy for difficult respiration, cough and mucus that is similar to pus. Grindelia is an effective Homeopathic medicine when breathing almost stops during sleep. The Asthma patient is unable to breathe while lying down and has to sit up. Homeopathic medicine Mephitis is considered when a patient complains of suffocation along witha violent cough. Such a patient feels that the asthmatic attack is going to end life due to its violent intensity. Napthalinum is another rare Homeopathic medicine when allergic hay fever and Asthma occur conjointly. The symptoms are sneezing, difficult breathing and long coughing episodes. Aspidosperma, on the other hand, is the natural Homeopathic remedy for an asthmatic patient who suffers from breathlessness due to exertion. This Homeopathic medicine stimulates the respiratory process.

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7 Best Homeopathic medicines for Leucoderma

Homeopathic medicines for LeucodermaAre you perturbed by the appearance of patches on your skin that look conspicuous as very fair blotches? Well, the condition referred to here is leucoderma, which is a common skin disorder in which white spots or patches appear on the skin. It is an acquired cutaneous condition with localized loss of pigmentation and is also known as “Vitiligo”. Importantly, leucoderma is not infectious and does not spread by touching someone or handling their personal belongings. Nor has it been proven to have any dietary connection or to be triggered by food combos like consuming milk with fish, as per a popular myth.

It is mainly a cosmetic problem and affects the person, making him feel conscious about his appearance. It is an auto-immune disease, in which antibodies start destroying its own pigment-producing cells of the skin. White spot and patches occur mostly at the pressure points of the body, such as knuckles, eyebrows and lips. These spots are caused by destruction of the pigment-producing cells also known as ‘melanocytes ’. Although not a life-threatening ailment, people suffering from this condition are usually faced with a life-altering situation on account of the social stigma they may face or the low self-esteem they have to grapple with.

Now, coming to the huge advantage that homeopathic medicines offer to patients of leucoderma. The biggest plus point of homeopathic remedies is that they provide a holistic approach to healing as they treat not only the symptoms but also the root cause of the disease, with no side-effects. And, they treat the white patches by applying the homeopathic remedies internally. Absolutely no external application is applied on or prescribed for the affected skin.

How Homeopathic treatment works

It is important to know how homeopathic treatment works in cases of leucoderma. Homeopathic medicines provide a comprehensive and effective treatment by moderating the immune system. In leucoderma, the melanocytes, melanin-producing cells present beneath the skin, are damaged. This mainly results in diminished skin color patches, which later convert into white and get prominent, forming into white patches. Where the homeopathic medicines score over other conventional treatments is that they activate the melanin cells to produce the melanin pigment and restore the natural color of the skin. Homeopathic medicines provide the most safe and restorative treatment in a natural way.

Homeopathic Medicines for leucoderma

The top-grade homeopathic medicines for leucoderma are Baryta Carbonicum, Baryta Muriatica, Calcarea Carbonica, Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum, Silicea and Sulphur.

Baryta Carbonicum – one of the most effective homeopathic medicines for Leucoderma with burning sensations:

Baryta Carbonicum is an ideal homeopathic medicine for leucoderma. It acts well when white patches are present along with intolerable itching and tingling over the whole body at night. Baryta Carbonicum is most indicated when a person has sensations like pricks of burning needles along with itching and crawling on the skin. The person feels good in a warm atmosphere; while exposure to cold makes him feel unwell. All of these complaints indicate the use of Baryta Carbonicum.

 Baryta Muriatica – one of the most indicated homeopathic medicines for Leucoderma having small spots:

A suitable homeopathic medicine for this type of leucoderma is Baryta Muriatica. A person in this case has small spots and whitish patches all around his head, nape of the neck, abdomen and thighs. These white spots are often associated with itchy eruptions all over the exposed parts of the body. All these complaints are effectively treated by Baryta Muriatica.

Calcarea Carbonica – one of the most valuable homeopathic medicines for Leucoderma with milky white spots:

Another very prominent homeopathic medicine for leucoderma is Calcarea Carbonica. Calcarea Carbonica is indicated in cases of spots – milky white in appearance present all over the body. The person has a very unhealthy and ulcerating skin. Small wounds present do not heal readily. The most indicated homeopathic medicine, Calcarea Carbonica, acts well for leucoderma, especially when the skin is cold and flaccid. This wonderful homeopathic medicine has great results for leucoderma.

 Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum – one of the leading homeopathic medicines for Leucoderma, especially on the left wrist:

A highly effective homeopathic medicine for this form of leucoderma is Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum. In this case, a person has a very dry, cracked skin, scaly and blackish in appearance. Homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum is most indicated for leucoderma that occurs along with eruptions, especially on the outer as well as inner side of the left wrist.

Silicea – one of the major homeopathic medicines for Leucoderma showing rose-colored patches:

Silicea is another major homeopathic medicine for Leucoderma which acts well on spots and patches, especially rose-colored blotches. A person suffering from it has a very delicate, pale and waxy skin. Eruptions itch only in daytime and evening, boils and pustules are present all over in crops. It also manifests itself as crippled and brittle nails, along with dry and cracked fingertips. Scars suddenly become very painful. Thus, Silicea is a great homeopathic medicine for leucoderma having these symptoms.

 Sulphur – one of the most prominent homeopathic medicines for Leucoderma with denuded skin:

An excellent homeopathic medicine for leucoderma of this kind is Sulphur. Sulphur acts well for Vitiligo, a condition in which the skin appears as if denuded and very sore. The skin has very violent itching that gets worse at night, from scratching and washing. There is intense burning when scratched, painfully sensitive to air, wind. Sulphur is the most indicated for this type of leucoderma occurring especially after local medications.


Some smart solutions for managing leucoderma are as follows:

  • Expose the affected parts of the body to early-morning sun for 20-30 minutes daily.
  • Avoid using any cosmetic application on the skin.
  • Always use a mild soap while bathing.
  • Synthetic clothes should be a strict no-no.


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Homeopathic Treatment For Cancer

Homeopathic Treatment for Cancer

The very word “cancer” conjures up images of impending death and chemotherapy sessions. The early stage of this dreadful disease, however, is curable with proper Homeopathic medicines that can provide holistic treatment for cancer. Cancer is characterised by the unwanted increase in body cells. In a normal healthy condition, the cells are born and destroyed at a proper time. In cancerous conditions, the division and multiplication of cells becomes uncontrollable and occurs at a very high pace. Homeopathy has a huge number of medicines, which are made of natural substances, to deal with early stage cancer cases. In advanced stages of cancer,however, Homeopathic remedies cannot provide a cure. In such cases, only palliation — care that makes you feel better though it can’t cure — is possible with natural Homeopathic medicines.It must be kept in mind though that the natural Homeopathic remedies for cancer are completely safe with no side effects.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer 

Homeopathic remedies for cancer of uterus (Endometrial Cancer)

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help for treating cancer of uterus are Bufo Rana, Lilium Tigrinum, Lachesis and Murex. Homeopathic medicine Bufo Rana is mainly used when bleeding from vagina occurs in between periods. The blood is mainly clotted and offensive. Burning pains are often present in the uterine region. Lilium Tigrinum is the natural Homeopathic medicine that is very beneficial in treating uterus cancer cases. This Homeopathic medicine is mainly used when there is heaviness and a distended feeling in uterine region, with an extreme bearing down sensation. Women requiring Lilium Tigrinum may have an enhanced sexual desire. Lachesis is the best Homoeopathic remedyforwomen with uterine cancer who complain of extreme heat flushes and palpitations. Homeopathic medicine Murex is the ideal remedy when severe pulsating, sore or sharp pains are present in the womb. The uterus may be enlarged also. A prominent symptom for the use of this medicine is extension of the pain from womb upwards towards the breast. The other natural Homeopathic medicines used for treating cancer of uterus are Kreosote, Sepia, Phosphorus and Ustilago.

Natural Homeopathic medicines Kreosote, Hydrastis, Iodum, Sepia and Argentum Nitricum can be considered as natural cancer treatments that work effectively in treating the cancer of cervix. Kreosote is the topHomeopathic medicine for the treatment of cervical cancer. This is mainly used if the vaginal discharges are very offensive and acrid, causing a violent corrosive itching of the genitals. Another indication for using this medicine is bleeding from vagina after coition. Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis is prescribed when the vaginal discharge is thick yellow and excoriating with erosion of the cervix. Iodum is the best remedyin the Homeopathic mode of treatment for women with cervical cancer who loseflesh even with a good appetite. Extreme weakness and emaciation are leading symptoms for using Iodum in cervical cancer cases. NaturalHomeopathic medicine Sepia is the ideal choice when there is pain in vagina during coition. It may be accompanied by a discharge from vagina of greenish or yellowish colour. A feeling of relaxation in pelvic organs with bearing down pains in pelvis confirm the use of Homeopathic remedy Sepia. Homeopathic medicine Argentum Nitricum, on the other hand, is the top remedy when vaginal bleeding occurs very frequently in between periods.

Best Homeopathic medicines for breast cancer

The top natural Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of breast cancer are Conium, Phytolacca, Hydrastis and Asterias Rubens. Homeopathic remedies Conium and Phytolacca are prescribed for hard lumps with pain in the breast. Hydrastis is a Homeopathicremedy that is very beneficial when sharp cutting pains in breast predominate with retraction of nipple. Excessive emaciation and weakness along with breast cancer point towards the use of Hydrastis. Asterias Rubens is a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine for not only early stages of breast cancer but also late stages when ulcerations have set in. At this stage, this Homeopathic medicine is used when foul smelling discharges are evident with acute pains that may be of a piercing or stabbing nature.

 Homeopathic Treatment for cancer of stomach

The effective natural Homeopathic medicines to treat stomach cancer are Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Lycopodium. The Homeopathic medicine selection depends entirely upon the symptoms of each patient. Arsenic Album is a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for burning type of pains in stomach of patients diagnosed with stomach cancer. Dark blood is present in vomitus and stool. The stool is also very offensive. The stool and vomiting get worse after eating or drinking anything. Extreme weakness and fear of death are present to the utmost degree. The patient requiring Arsenic Album usually craves for warm drinks. Natural Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is the best remedy when bright red blood appears in vomitus or stool. The stool is followed by extreme weakness. The painin the stomach getting relieved by taking cold drinks is a symptom of high value to use this Homeopathic medicine. The patient requiring Phosphorus usually shows a craving for ice creams, juices and cold drinks. Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is the ideal choice when the symptoms of acidity with sour and burning belching predominate in patients of stomach cancer. The stomach is always distended with gas. The patient also shows a loss of appetite with emaciation. A craving for hot food, hot liquids and sweets may be present.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for cancer of colon and rectum (Colorectal Cancer)

The top Homeopathic medicines for Colorectal Cancer are Alumina, Aloe and Nitric Acid. Alumina is the best Homeopathicremedy whenconstipation of the severest form is present in patients of Colorectal Cancer. The stool remains in the rectum for long without any urge to pass it. The passage of stool requires great straining even if the stool is soft. Homeopathic medicine Aloe is the ideal remedy when persistent diarrhoea (loose stool) is the prominent symptom in patients with Colorectal Cancer. The stool is preceded and attended with cutting pains in rectum. The pains get better after passing stool. The stool may contain blood with burning in rectum. It may also pass involuntarily. Weakness, sweating and even faintness follow the passage of stool. Homeopathic medicine Nitric Acid suits patients of Colorectal Cancer who have bright red bleeding from rectum during stool. This is associated with violent pain in rectum that continues for many hours after passing stool.

Best Homeopathic medicines for Cancer of Lungs

Acalypha Indica, Bryonia Alba and Phosphorus are the top natural Homeopathic medicines for treatment of lung cancer. Acalypha Indica is the top Homeopathic remedyfor lung cancer patients when the blood from lungs is bright red and usually worse in morning. This is accompanied by hard and dry cough. The patients who can benefit byHomeopathic medicine Acalypha Indica are emaciated, which increases gradually. Bryonia Alba is the top Homeopathic medicine when rust-coloured sputa is spit out with dry cough. Pain in chest on coughing is usually present, mainly of stitching character. Phosphorus is the Homeopathic medicine that is recommended for chest heaviness and oppression. This can be accompanied by burning in the chest. The sputa is bright red in colour. The patient may show an excessive desire for cold drinks along with chest symptoms.

Top Homeopathic medicines for cancer of kidney (renal cancer)

The best natural Homeopathic medicines to treat renal cancer are Chimaphila, Formica Rufa and Solidago. Chimaphila is given to patients of renal cancer when the urine contains blood and mucus. A burning sensation accompanies urination. The person has to strain to pass urine. Homeopathic medicine Formica Rufa works well when bleeding occurs while urinating with an increased urge for urination. Solidago is the Homeopathic remedy that is recommended when there is pain in back in kidney region. Passage of urine is difficult and painful. The quantity of urine is scanty with blood.

Homeopathic medicines for cancer of bladder(urinary bladder)

The best natural Homeopathic medicines to treat cancer of bladder are Equisetum, Clematis and Terebinthiniae. Homeopathic medicine Equisetum works well in those cases of bladder cancer where the main complaint is constant fullness and pain in the bladder. Even after urination, there is no relief from pain. This is always accompanied by a frequent desire to pass urine at short intervals. The urine passes out in large quantities. Immediately after passing urine, however, the urge is renewed. Clematis is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for bladder cancer patients who have a frequent urge to pass urine but the quantity of urine is very scanty. Homeopathic medicine Terebenthiniae is recommended when the urine contains dark or blackish blood. Burning pains in bladder are always associated.

Top Homeopathic remedies for cancer of prostate

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help in the treatment of prostate cancer are Sabal Serrulata and Conium. Sabal Serrulata is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating prostate cancer. It gives good results when the main symptom is the constant desire to pass urine. The frequency of urine mainly disturbs the patient at night. The urine is discharged or passes out with much difficulty. The prostate is enlarged in almost all the patients in whom Sabal Serrulata is indicated. NaturalHomeopathic medicine Conium is very beneficialfor treating prostate cancer when the bladder is not emptied in one go. The urine flow is intermittent. The urine comes and stops and much time is utilised in emptying the bladder.

Homeopathic medicines for cancer of liver and gall bladder

The top natural Homeopathic medicines for treating the cancer of liver and gall bladder arethe same and the selection depends upon the individual symptoms ofeach patient. The Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial for the treatment of cancer of liver and gall bladder are Chelidonium, Chionanthusand Phosphorus. Chelidonium is the best Homeopathic medicine for treating liver and gall bladder diseases. This Homeopathic remedy is used when jaundice and other symptoms like pain in right side of upper abdomen are well marked. This is also accompanied by pain under the right shoulder in scapula.  The patient may also show a desire for hot drinks and hot food along with the other symptoms. Homeopathic medicine Chionanthus is the ideal remedy when jaundice is accompanied by a thick coating on the tongue. The appetite is also totally absent. The stool is clay coloured. Phosphorus is a Homeopathic remedy of great help for loose stool with extreme weakness. Vomiting and nausea are also experienced. There is a desire for cold drinks, ice creams and juices.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for cancer of pancreas

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial for treating cancer of pancreas are Cadmium Sulph, Ceanothus and Hydrastis. Fora complete cure, any of these Homeopathic medicines can be given after taking complete case history of the patient suffering from cancer of pancreas.

Homeopathic medicines for cancer of mouth (oral cancer)

Arsenic Album, Merc Sol and Cundurango are the best natural Homeopathic medicines for oral cancer. Arsenic Album is the top Homeopathic remedy when the symptoms are dryness and burning in mouth. Saliva contains blood and there may be a metallic taste in mouth. Merc Sol is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when there is an increased saliva in the mouth with a horribly offensive odour. Homeopathic medicine Cundurango is useful when the corners of mouth show deep painful fissures in oral cancer.

Best Homeopathic medicines for treating cancer of oesophagus

The most important natural Homeopathic medicines for treatment of oesophageal cancer are Carbo Veg, Hydrastis and Lycopodium. Any one of these Homeopathic medicines can prove useful depending upon the individual symptomsnarrated by the patient.

Top Homeopathic treatment for cancer of larynx

Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Phytolacca are the natural Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial in treating cases of laryngeal cancer. Which Homeopathic medicine out of these suits the patient best is determined after taking into view the individual symptoms.

Best Homeopathic medicines for bone cancer

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help for patients of bone cancer are Syphilinum, Hecla Lava and Symphytum. Syphilinum is basically used for cancer of long bones where severe pains are present. Night aggravation of pains is an important indicator. Hecla Lava is the Homeopathic remedy for cancer of jaw bones. Symphytum is prescribed when the bones are broken due to cancerous affections. This Homeopathic medicine can help in reuniting the bones.



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Homeopathy Medicines for Alzheimer’s Disease

Homeopathic treatment for alzheimersIf you forget the names of your family members or you frequently  can’t remember where you kept your keys,  simple absent-mindedness might not be to blame and the condition could be serious enough to be Alzheimer’s disease, for which there are several homeopathic medicines. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the leading causes of dementia among the elderly people with main symptom being progressive memory loss and forgetfulness. A person with Alzheimer’s has difficulty in remembering things. In addition to this, a person’s thinking and reasoning skills are also gradually decreased.

As is known, homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s provide a safe and successful line of treatment on account of them being drawn from natural, non-toxic substances and having no side-effects. In case of Alzheimer’s, the homeopathic mode of treatment can be opted for as a supportive system in conjunction with other medications. Although homeopathic remedies cannot revert the disease and the brain damage that has already occurred, but they can surely help in preventing further deterioration and brain cell damage.

 Causes of Alzheimer’s disease

The exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is unknown. Genetics play an important role in the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. In Alzheimer’s disease, the brain cells are damaged that progressively worsens over time. The risk factors that predispose one to have Alzheimer’s disease are advancing age, head trauma, positive family history of Alzheimer’s disease and high blood pressure.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are memory loss that is persistent and gradually worsens with time. In the beginning, short-term memory loss is present but in the advanced stage, long-term memory also gets diminished. There is difficulty in thinking, reasoning, communicating. The person has difficulty in acquiring new information and remembering recently learned facts.  The person forgets things after placing them, while conversing he cannot find the right words or forgets and loses the thread of conversation or asks to repeat question again, forgets names of well-known places or names of known persons, or forgets where he is. Eventually, reading and writing skills get impaired. Over time, as the disease advances, the person forgets how to bathe, dress, feed himself and maintain personal hygiene. Other accompanying symptoms are depression, mood swings, irritability, aggressive behavior, social withdrawal, and exhaustion.

Benefits of homeopathic medicines for treating Alzheimer’s disease:

Homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease are natural remedies that can help in slowing down further progression of disease. They mainly target at improving the memory of the person and in retaining the memory whatsoever is left.  They also are very effective in dealing with depression and emotional imbalance in the person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Homeopathic medicines can be used in conjunction with other therapies to help improve the quality of life in Alzheimer’s patients as far as possible. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and carry no adverse side-effects.

 Recommended Homeopathic Treatment for Alzheimer’s disease:

The popularly recommended homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease are Anacardium, Cannabis Indica, Medorrhinum, Ignatia and Kali Phos. Anacardium is a suitable remedy for marked forgetfulness. Sudden diminution of memory of what a person has just seen, just listened to or names of people surrounding him appears. Cannabis Indica is the appropriate choice for short-term memory loss in persons with Alzheimer’s disease. Medorrhinum ranks high as a cure for memory loss for the names of well-known persons and places. Last medicines Ignatia and Kali Phos are wonderful remedies to deal with depression in Alzheimer’s patients.

 Homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease:

1. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with marked forgetfulness:

Effective homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with marked forgetfulness are Anacardium and Alumina. Anacardium is a good choice when the person is very forgetful. He forgets what he has seen and suddenly forgets names of people surrounding him. Memory progressively gets bad. Along with forgetfulness, the person also shows irritability, anxiety, anger with violent behavior and use of foul language. Next remedy Alumina is also a valuable selection for forgetfulness in Alzheimer’s disease. Alumina is selected when memory is weak or entirely lost. The person has cloudiness in the mind, he is slow to answer and lacks judgement power. Absent mindedness also prevails. He also makes mistakes while writing and speaking.

 2. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with short term memory loss:

Cannabis Indica is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease with short-term memory loss. It is indicated where a person forgets frequently while he is doing a specific task or soon after doing it. He forgets what he has just done, or what has just happened, or what he has just said or read. He also forgets what he is about to do, what he is about to write. He also forgets frequently while talking. While speaking a sentence, he forgets what he is about to say, forgets the words in his mouth. Sudden loss of ideas and speech also appears. He begins a sentence but cannot finish it. There is inability to recall ideas even after exerting the mind to do so.

 3. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with loss of memory for names of well-known persons and places:

Medorrhinum is among the top-grade homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease where a person shows loss of memory for names of well-known persons and places. He forgets names of close friends and family members. In extreme cases, he even forgets his own name. Medorrhinum is also indicated when a person finds it difficult to carry on a conversation. He gets lost while conversing and a question has to be repeated. He is unable to collect ideas and gives incorrect replies.

 4. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with difficulty while reading and writing from memory weakness:

The prominently indicated homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease with weak memory posing a difficulty in reading and writing are Lac Caninum and Nux Moschata. Lac Caninum is helpful when the person is forgetful while writing. He makes use of wrong words while writing, doesn’t remember appropriate words. He makes spelling mistakes, omit letters in words. While reading or writing, he is unable to concentrate. Person needing Lac Caninum seems hopeless about recovery. The person is sure that the disease is incurable and recovery is impossible. Next remedy Nux Moschata is prescribed for sudden vanishing of thoughts while reading or writing. Person uses wrong words in reading or in writing. He frequently makes a wrong selection of words. He may also show marked drowsiness, absent- mindedness and indifferent behavior accompanying the above symptoms.

 5. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease to deal with accompanying depression and emotional imbalance:

The most appropriate homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease to deal with depression and emotional imbalance are Ignatia, Kali Phos and Aurum Met. Ignatia is the best choice when a person experiences sadness, weeping spells, and desire to be alone. It is also indicated for mood swings. Kali Phos can help when a person has marked exhaustion, fatigue, lassitude, and weariness along with Alzheimer’s disease. Kali Phos is also indicated for gloominess, despondency, sadness, and a dull mind accompanying Alzheimer’s disease. And Aurum Met is useful when depression with suicidal tendencies persists in Alzheimer’s disease. A person requiring Aurum Met also feels he is worthless and of little importance, he feels life is a burden. Even the slightest contradiction is unbearable and leads to acute anger outbursts in such persons.



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Five Best Homeopathic Medicines for Low Blood Pressure

Homeopathic Medicines for low Blood Pressure
If you experience a persistent drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue throughout the day and you need cups of cappuccino to get yourself going, chances are you suffer from a chronic condition of low blood pressure, for which natural medicines offer a suitable treatment. In numerical terms, if the figure drops to 90 mmHg/60 mmHg or less it is counted as low blood pressure. Medically talking, low blood pressure is termed as hypotension. The various causes of low blood pressure include dehydration, blood loss, anaemia, folate deficiency, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and heart disease (including valve problems, heart failure). Certain medicines like anti-depressants, diuretics and alpha and beta blockers also lead to low blood pressure.  The symptoms of low blood pressure are dizziness, vertigo, nausea, cold skin, fatigue and fainting spells. Homeopathic medicines for low blood pressure offer ideal treatment as they are devoid of any side-effects and are the most natural method for treating this problem and how.

Homeopathic Medicines for Low Blood Pressure

Homeopathy is helpful in both cases of a sudden, acute drop in blood pressure as well as in persons with persistently low blood pressure. The first aim of these medicines in treating low blood pressure is to provide symptomatic relief to persons in acute cases.  And the next aim is to strengthen the heart muscles and boost the blood circulation to maintain normal blood pressure. While making a prescription for low blood pressure, the cause behind the condition is always taken into consideration. Another advantage of medicines for treating low blood pressure is that they can be used among all age groups with significant success.

The most effective medicines for low blood pressure are Gelsemium, China, Naja and Viscum Album. Gelsemium is opted when vertigo, dizziness and lightheadedness is marked on account of low blood pressure. China is highly beneficial for low blood pressure from dehydration after diarrhea and from blood loss. And last two medicines Naja and Viscum Album are an excellent choice when valvular heart lesions lead to low blood pressure.

1. For Low Blood Pressure with marked dizziness and Vertigo

The top-grade medicines for low blood pressure with marked dizziness and vertigo are Gelsemium and Viscum Album. Gelsemium is an excellent choice when dizziness, vertigo and dullness are marked. Drowsiness and a feeling of tiredness accompany the condition. Heaviness of head and eyelids is also present. Pulse is also slow. Gelsemium is also effective when blood pressure drops suddenly from emotional excitement. The emotional excitement may be triggered by any bad news, fright, sudden grief and other causes. Next medicine Viscum Album is an appropriate choice when persistent vertigo from low blood pressure is present. Pulse is small and weak. Aching and dull pain in the head also appears. These medicines improve the sluggish circulation and ensure complete recovery.

2. For Low Blood pressure after Sun Exposure

Highly effective medicines for low blood pressure following sun exposure are Glonoine and Natrum Mur. Glonoine is one of the best medicines for low blood pressure after sun exposure. It is indicated when head heaviness, vertigo and fainting spells appear after sun exposure. Vertigo is marked in an upright position. Next medicine Natrum Mur is selected when headache, exhaustion with nausea and vomiting appear after being exposed to the sun for long hours. Blood pressure is lowered with a slow, weak pulse. These medicines can be repeated frequently in an emergency condition to recover from low blood pressure.

3. For Low Blood pressure from Dehydration

Two of the most suitable medicines for low blood pressure after dehydration are Carbo Veg and China. Both these medicines help in improving blood pressure. These medicines for low blood pressure are effective when severe diarrhea with dehydration is the cause. There is marked exhaustion with episodes of fainting. Blood pressure is low. The pulse is slow, weak and often imperceptible. The body is cold to touch with sweating. The person presents a picture of collapse. These medicines help to restore normal blood pressure when started well in time.

4. For Low Blood Pressure from Blood Loss (Hemorrhage):

The predominant medicines for low blood pressure following blood loss are China and Ferrum Met. These are natural medicines that help in complete recovery from low blood pressure resulting from blood loss. The persons needing these medicines have low blood pressure with marked debility and exhaustion. Dizziness and vertigo are also complained of. Pulse is feeble, soft, weak, small and irregular. Marked anaemia is present in such persons. These medicines are like a tonic to improve low blood pressure resulting from haemorrhages.

5. For Low Blood Pressure when Diastolic Pressure is Low

Baryta Mur is one of the best medicines for low blood pressure when specifically diastolic pressure is lowered. Head heaviness and lassitude in the morning time are marked. Baryta Mur is of profound help in elderly people suffering from low blood pressure. Along with head heaviness, weakness in the legs is also complained of. Pulse is also slow and in a few persons is imperceptible when Baryta Mur is indicated.

6. For Low Blood Pressure with Valve Problems in Heart

The significant medicines for low blood pressure from valvular heart complaints include Naja and Viscum Album. Naja and Viscum Album are highly useful medicines for low blood pressure with valve problems in the heart. They are indicated for low blood pressure when the pulse is small, weak, irregular. Weight and oppression in the heart region is also complained of. Palpitations may also accompany.

Management of Low Blood Pressure:

Some quick fixes for avoiding this condition are:

  •  Increase fluid intake.
  • Increase salt intake.
  • Drink coffee in an emergency.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Hearing Loss

Homeopathic Remedies for Hearing Loss

Homeopathic Remedies for Hearing loss

Homeopathic Remedies for Hearing loss

Hearing loss refers to one’s inability to hear and it can be complete or partial. Hearing loss is mostly seen in elderly people, where it is called Presbycusis in medical terminology. The other causes of hearing loss are ear infections (Otitis Media); enlarged tonsils and Adenoids; wax in ear; trauma or injury; weakness or paralysis of auditory nerve and Meniere’s Disease. Most people would rather go in for a hearing aid and various supportive treatments for hearing loss and assume that’s that. But Homeopathy has a treatment for hearing loss. The natural Homeopathic remedies for hearing loss are completely safe with zero side effects, are very effective in the treatment of the symptoms and the underlying cause of the condition. In the elderly persons, Homeopathic medicines can slow down the process of hearing loss.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Hearing Loss

Pulsatilla: Best Homeopathic remedy for hearing loss due to middle ear infections

Natural Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is the top remedy for treating hearing loss due to middle ear infections. Pulsatilla is of great help for treatment of thick, offensive discharges with deafness in infection cases. The ear feels blocked. Here, Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla will help in clearing the ear discharges and improving one’s ability to hear. The second sphere where Pulsatilla is very beneficial is treatment of hearing loss following measles. Most people demanding Homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla have no thirst for water all day and feel overall better in open air.[toc]

Chininum Sulph: Top natural Homeopathic medicine for hearing loss due to Meniere’s  Disease

Chininum Sulph is the best natural Homeopathic prescription for treatment of hearing loss occurring as a part of Meniere’s Disease. Meniere’s  Disease refers to a disease with characteristic symptoms of hearing loss with vertigo and noises in ear. Along with hearing loss, the accompanying noises can be ringing, roaring or violent in nature.

Agraphis Nutans: Homeopathic medicine for hearing loss with enlarged tonsils

Agraphis Nutans is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for hearing loss with enlarged tonsils or Adenoids. Agraphis Nutans is of great help in reducing the size of tonsils and Adenoids, which is followed by improved hearing.

Chenopodium: Homeopathic remedy for hearing loss after auditory nerve weakness

The main action of natural Homeopathic medicine Chenopodium revolves around helping in hearing loss cases because of auditory nerve weakness. Chenopodium is very beneficial in strengthening the auditory nerve. The torpor of auditory nerve is reduced and hearing is improved with the use of Homeopathic remedy Chenopodium.

Verbascum Thapsus: Homeopathic treatment of deafness with extreme dryness of ear meatus

Verbascum Thapsus is the ideal natural Homeopathic medicine for deafness with extreme dryness of ear meatus. Verbascum Thapsus can be instilled into the ear as oil drops along with an internal prescription. Another name that is popularly used to describe Verbascum Thapsus is Mullein Oil.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for hearing loss due to middle ear infection

Pulsatilla is one of the top Homeopathic medicines for treatment of hearing loss resulting from ear infections. Pulsatilla is of great help for all those persons with hearing loss who have thick ear discharges due to ear infections. The discharges usually remain offensive. A few patients requiring Pulsatilla may specify the colour of ear discharge as greenish. Such a person may also feel a stuffy sensation in the ear along with reduced hearing ability. The second among the top Homeopathic medicines for hearing loss due to middle ear infection is Hepar Sulph. Hepar Sulph forms an ideal Homeopathic prescription in persons suffering from hearing loss with specific pus-like discharges from ear. The ear discharges ooze highly bad smell. The persons needing Hepar Sulph may show over-sensitiveness to cold air.

Elaps and Silicea: Homeopathic Remedies for hearing loss due to wax in ear

Ear wax can be a cause of hearing loss in a few patients. The top natural Homeopathic remedies for hearing loss due to wax in ear are Elaps and Silicea. Elaps can help all persons with very dry and hardened ear wax leading to reduction in hearing ability. Homeopathic medicine Silicea, on the other hand, is of great help when soft ear wax fills the ear, leading to loss in hearing.

Homeopathic Remedies for hearing loss in Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease is a condition that results in hearing loss accompanied by noises in ear (Tinnitus) and vertigo. Chininum Sulph is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic remedy for majority of cases of hearing loss with a violent form of noises in ear. Chininum Sulph also proves to be a very effective medicine for tinnitus. The noises experienced by the patient may be of varying nature like roaring or ringing noise.   Homeopathic medicine Chenopodium proves to be a useful herbal remedy for tinnitus and deafness ,when deafness is accompanied by buzzing sounds in ear. The person needing Homeopathic remedy Chenopodium mainly shows a decreased power of hearing the voice of human beings  but shows increased sensitivity to other sounds like that of moving vehicles.  Homeopathic medicine Natrum Salicylicum can be used when all the three features of Meniere’s Disease — deafness, vertigo and tinnitus — are the presenting symptoms.

Agraphis Nutans and Baryta Carb: Homeopathic Remedies for hearing loss with enlarged tonsils

Agraphis Nutans is a wonderful natural Homeopathic medicine for dealing with hearing loss due to enlarged tonsils or Adenoids. Agraphis Nutans is a powerful medicine that helps in reducing the unnatural enlargement of glands, thereby improving hearing. This can be accompanied by excessive discharge from the throat or ear. Homeopathic medicine Baryta Carb is also a good natural remedy for diminished hearing from enlarged tonsils or Adenoids. Baryta Carb is mainly used in children who are prone to catch cold very easily. They are highly sensitive to cool air. They may also show excessive offensive sweat on feet.

Chenopodium and Kali Phos: Homeopathic Remedies for hearing loss due to weakness of auditory nerve

Chenopodium is the top natural Homeopathic medicine to treat hearing loss due to weak auditory nerve. The hearing loss may be accompanied by noises in ear. Chenopodium can help a lot to provide strength to the auditory nerve and hence improve the hearing ability. Kali Phos is also a natural Homoeopathic medicine known for its action on the nervous system. Kali Phos may be used whenever nervous power is wanted in the bodily system. Homeopathic medicine Kali Phos is of great help in furnishing the required power to auditory nerve for its proper functioning.

Arnica and Hypericum: Homeopathic remedies for hearing loss following trauma or injury

Both Arnica and Hypericum are very beneficial natural Homeopathic remedies for hearing loss in cases where hearing was lost following injury or trauma. Both these Homeopathic medicines can be alternately used in injury cases. Arnica mostly covers the hearing loss after blunt injuries. The hearing loss after being hit with a hand or fist can be best treated with Arnica. Hypericum is a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine for injury of nerve origin.

Baryta Carb: Homeopathic medicine for hearing loss in elderly persons

As a person grows older, various changes start to take place in the body that are in a way natural to occur at that age. The hearing loss in the elderly is one amongst these changes of the normal ageing process. Persons with hypertension, Diabetes and raised cholesterol may face an early onset of hearing loss as compared to others. There is no miracle treatment for hearing loss in elderly people. However, Homeopathy can certainly help in slowing down the process of hearing loss and improving the quality of life in old people. But again, the results vary from one person to another. The use of natural Homeopathic medicine Baryta Carb is frequently called for in various conditions of elderly people. It can prove useful in halting the hardness of hearing arising with old age. The person may also be a victim of hypertension along with hearing loss. Along with being hard of hearing, such a person may also suffer from noises in ear (Tinnitus).

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Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Skin

Homeopathic Remedies for Dry SkinDry skin can lead to itching, scratching, bleeding, parched lips, cracked skin and even wrinkles, but worse than all these symptoms, it can really affect the psyche of a person, making him or her very self-conscious about the physical appearance and lowering the confidence levels as a result. The intensity of skin dryness can vary from mild dryness to severe dryness with cracks. Bleeding may also occur from cracks and in a few persons, dry skin can be accompanied by wrinkling of the skin. Winter season mainly marks the onset of dry skin. There is no shortage of advertisements regarding creams and lotions which claim to be ‘cures’ of dry skin, but all these are only very temporary solutions which fail to strike at the root of the problem. Homeopathy offers a very effective mode of treatment of dry skin. The dry skin is treated with natural medicines in Homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies for Dry Skin are totally free from any side effect and act as a natural source to nourish the skin, remove the dryness and replenish the skin’s normal texture.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Skin

1. Petroleum: For Winter Care of Dry Skin

The top medicine to deal with dry skin occurring in winters is Petroleum. The main symptoms for the use of this natural remedy are dry, rough and cracked skin. The skin feels harsh to touch. Petroleum, thus, is the ideal remedy for dry skin in winter season and is of great help in restoring the normal texture of skin. Petroleum also gives excellent results in persons who have cracks on hands due to extremely dry skin. The skin is sensitive and rough to touch. The cracks can be deep enough to cause even bleeding.

2. Sulphur: For Dry, Itchy Skin  

Sulphur is the best natural remedy for dry, itchy skin. Sulphur is very beneficial in all those cases where the skin is excessively dry and itchy. Itching leads to scratching and itching usually worsens at night. Another feature for using Sulphur for treatment of dry skin is a burning sensation in the skin. The skin also looks very dirty and is very unhealthy. An aversion to bathing may be noticed in people needing Sulphur. This medicine will help to get rid of itching as well as dryness of skin.

3. Bryonia: For Dry, Chapped Lips

Dry and chapped lips can be best treated with natural medicine Bryonia. This remedy is very beneficial for the treatment of dry and parched lips. Cracks appear on lips and medicine Bryonia heals the chapped lips and restores them to their normal state. Excessive thirst may be felt by patients needing Bryonia for treatment of dry lips.

4. Sarsaparilla: For Dry Skin with Wrinkles

The best natural treatment for dry skin with wrinkles is Sarsaparilla. It is a very beneficial treatment when the skin is dry to a great extent with a shrunken and shriveled appearance. The skin is hard and rough to touch. The skin also seems to be present in folds with wrinkles. Sarsaparilla nourishes the skin to bring back its original smoothness.

5. Malandrium: For Cracks on Hands and Feet

Malandrium is the ideal natural medicine for treatment of skin with cracks on hands and feet. The cracks appearing in winter season respond very well to this medicine. Malandrium, thus, is the best remedy for all the patients who have dry, cracked skin on feet and hands. Itching may also be an accompanying feature. Malandrium very efficiently helps in filling up these cracked areas and bringing the skin back to its normal, healthy condition.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Toothache is not something that can be ignored, it won’t let you.The almost nerve-wrecking pain does not let a person stay still. The medical term for toothache is Odontalgia, which refers to pain in teeth. The main reasons behind toothache are decayed teeth, abscess and gum infection. At times, there is pain after dental work like tooth extraction and filling the teeth. The pain may get worse while eating or from cold or hot temperature, and from having sweets. Homeopathic treatment for toothache can be very effective in providing complete relief for toothache by treating the underlying causes. The natural Homeopathic remedies for toothache, which have zero side effects, are of great help in relieving pain in the teeth.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Plantago: Homeopathic remedy for toothache and sensitive teeth

Homeopathic medicine Plantago is a natural cure for toothache. Plantago is of help in all those cases where the teeth ache and are sensitive. Teeth show caries and most persons requiring Homeopathic remedy Plantago have increased salivation in their mouth with toothache. Plantago also gives good results when there isa swelling of cheeks along with toothache. The pain radiating from teeth to ears is best controlled with Plantago. At times the nerve pain in teeth can spread to eyes. In such reflex pain in eyes from teeth, Plantago plays a wonderful role in controlling pain. In all these narrated situations, Plantago has to be taken internally. Natural Homeopathic medicine Plantago can also be used as an external application if the tooth that aches is hollow inside.

Silicea: Top Homeopathic remedy for toothache from abscess of root of teeth

Silicea is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for toothache resulting from abscess of root of teeth. Abscess refers to collection of pus at the root of teeth. Silicea is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for pain in teeth due to abscess formation. The gums in all cases are swollen. Cheeks may also get swollen. Most of the times the patients needing Homeopathic medicine Silicea complain of worsening of toothache in cold air and from taking cold water. Fever may accompany the toothache due to abscess.

Chamomilla: Homeopathic medicine for toothache when patient turns irritable

Chamomilla is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine  for toothache when the patient turns irritable, mad and wild with severe tooth pain. The pain in teeth is totally unbearable. Mental agitation with toothache calls for the use of Chamomilla. The patient seems oversensitive to pain. The intake of warm drinks usually makes the condition worse for patients needing Homeopathic medicine Chamomilla.

Staphysagria: Homeopathic cure for toothache when eating or drinking

Natural Homeopathic medicine Staphysagria is a very effective cure when any food or drink excites the toothache just on touching the teeth. The toothache may appear either in decayed teeth or in sound teeth. Most of the times, the intake of cold drinks worsens the pain. Excessive saliva in mouth and bleeding from gums may also be noted in a few patients.

Merc Sol: Homeopathic medicine for toothache with excess saliva, offensive odour in mouth

Merc Sol is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for toothache that is accompanied by two main features. The first is profuse saliva in mouth, and the second is the worst kind of offensive odour in mouth. If these two important symptoms are narrated by a patient along with toothache, Merc Sol should always be given. Merc Sol should be used when both hot and cold food worsen the pain in teeth. Most of the times the crown of teeth is decayed while the root is perfectly sound. In such cases also, Merc Sol is the ideal Homeopathic medicine. Bleeding from gums is most often noticed. The patient may complain of looseness of teeth. Increased thirst for water may also be present.

Silicea and Hepar Sulph: Homeopathic remedies for toothache due to root abscess

Both Silicea and Hepar Sulph are wonderful natural Homeopathic medicines to deal with toothache because of root abscess. Silicea can be used in all those cases where toothache with swelling in gums and face appears due to root abscess. And if fever with chills is present along with pain and swelling, Hepar Sulph is the preferred Homeopathic remedy.

Staphysagria and Merc Sol: Homeopathic medicines for pain in decayed teeth

Staphysagria is a natural Homeopathic medicine that holds a great promise in relieving toothache of decayed carious teeth. Usually the patient needing Staphysagria complains of worsening of pain the moment any food or drink touches it. Merc Sol is another natural Homeopathic medicine that is very beneficial when both cold and hot food worsen the pain in decayed teeth. Increased saliva and offensive odour from mouth are often noted in patients who can benefit from Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol.

Plantago: Natural Homeopathic medicine for pain in decayed hollow teeth

In patients who have hollow teeth due to caries, Homeopathic medicine Plantago should be applied externally in tincture form along with internal intake of this medicine to get good results. Magnificent results follow use of Plantago in toothache where hollow cavities appear in the affected teeth.

Plantago, Spigelia and Magnesium Phos: Homeopathic medicines for pain from teeth to ear or face

For the pain in teeth that extends to ear, natural Homeopathic medicine Plantago is the appropriate remedy. For the neuralgic pain in face on right side due to toothache,Homeopathic medicine Magnesium Phos is the best medicine. And to deal with nerve pain extending from teeth to left side of face, Spigelia is the ideal Homeopathic remedy.

Hecla Lava: Homeopathic medicine for toothache with swelling around jaw

Hecla Lava is an excellent natural Homeopathic medicine for toothache that is accompanied by swelling around the jaw. Hecla Lava can be taken in all the cases of toothache with jaw swelling. Hecla Lava will relieve both the pain in teeth as well reduce the swelling around jaw.

Arnica and Hypericum : Homeopathic Remedies for toothache after extraction

Arnica is a natural Homeopathic medicine that is of great help in the treatment ofpain in gums following tooth extraction. Arnica is very beneficial in providing relief from pain if it occurrs after tooth extraction. This natural medicine is very frequently used in Homeopathy for injury cases. So, following dental work, Arnica is always recommended for pain appearing thereafter.

Arnica and Hypericum: Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache following filling procedure

Natural Homeopathic medicine Arnica is a very beneficial remedy for pain in teeth with soreness in gums that occurs after filling of teeth. Here, Arnica act as an accurate pain relieving medicine. Hypericum is a Homeopathic remedy for nerve pain following tooth filling procedures. These natural Homeopathic remedies for toothache can be taken in alteration to get good results.

Chamomilla and Coffea: Homeopathic Remedies for toothache with hot food sensitivity

Homeopathic medicine Chamomilla is the best natural remedy to treat toothache where the teeth are sensitive to hot food and drinks worsen the condition. Homeopathic medicine Coffea can be taken if cold water provides relief in toothache.Both these homeopathic remedies for toothache are excellent source of treatment when heat sensitivity of the tooth is the cause.

Hepar Sulph and Magnesium Phos: Homeopathic Remedies for toothache with cold food sensitivity

Hepar Sulph is the natural Homeopathic remedy when the tooth pain worsens from cold drinks or food. And Magnesium Phos can be taken when warm drinks bring relief from toothache.Both these homeopathic remedies for toothache are excellent source of treatment when cold sensitivity of the tooth is the cause


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Homeopathic Remedies For Osteophytes

Homeopathic Remedies For Osteophytes

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes

The bony outgrowth projections along the margins of joints are known in medical terminology as Osteophytes, and commonly called bone spurs. Osteophytes are formed as the repair process along the joint margins whenever a joint is degenerated, damaged, inflamed, or in the Osteoarthritis process in joint. Osteophytes are commonly seen in knees in Osteoarthritis condition; vertebra, especially of cervical spine; and the heels, where it’s called calcaneal spur. Usually, no symptoms arise from the formation of Osteophytes in bone and these are noted accidentally on X-Ray findings done for some other purpose. But when symptoms arise, they depend upon the site of Osteophytes appearance. The Homeopathic mode of treatment works to get rid of Osteophytes or the symptoms. Homeopathic remedies for Osteophytes are sourced from natural substances, are completely safe and have no side effects.

Homeopathic Treatment for Osteophytes

A physician is usually approached when symptoms arise due to formation of Osteophytes in joints and not when Osteophytes are present silently. The Homeopathic treatment for Osteophytes will mainly target to provide symptomatic relief to the patient. There is no specific remedy in Homeopathic treatment either to get rid of Osteophytes or the symptoms emerging as a result. The best natural Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after minutely observing the symptoms described by the patient. When the properly selected Homeopathic remedy is given, the symptoms start to improve in a short time.[toc]

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes in Spine

The spine (backbone) consists of 33 vertebrae – 7cervical, 12thoracic, 5lumbar, 5sacral and 4 coccygeal. The main site of Osteophytes in spine is cervical vertebra. The cervical vertebrae are present in back of the neck. The symptoms arising from Osteophytes in cervical spine are pain in back of neck, weakness, numbness, sensation of pins or needles, and tingling in hands and arms due to pinching of nerve between two vertebras, which is narrowed by Osteophytes’ formation. Natural Homeopathic remedies provide relief from these symptoms. A few important and effective Homeopathic remedies for osteophytes are listed below.

Phosphoric Acid and Paris Quadrifolia: Homeopathic remedies for weakness and numbness of upper limbs

When the Osteophytes have formed in the cervical vertebra due to inflammation — in case of cervical spondylitis — Phosphoric Acid is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help. The main symptoms that can be controlled with this remedy are weakness and numbness in the arms due to nerve impingement between cervical vertebra. Phosphoric Acid can also help persons who have lancinating or stitching pain in the fingers.  Homeopathic medicine Paris Quadrifolia is very beneficial in treating numbness in the fingers with pain in cervical back.

Bryonia and Rhus Tox: Homeopathic medicines to relieve pain and stiffness in cervical back

Both Bryonia and Rhus Tox are wonderful natural Homeopathic remedies to relieve the stiffness and pain in cervical back. Bryonia is mainly prescribed for patients who get relief from pain and stiffness by rest and whose condition worsens by motion. Rhus Tox is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when pain and stiffness get worse by rest and the patient gets relief by neck movement.

Hypericum: Homeopathic medicine for tingling, burning pains due to nerve pinching

The best natural Homeopathic remedy to treat tingling and burning pains in upper limbs due to nerve impingement between cervical vertebra is Hypericum. Hypericum is a very successful and efficient Homeopathic remedy for this complaint. Along with the pain, numbness in arms and hands may also be felt. Pain in the cervical back is usually present.

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes in knee due to Osteoarthritis

Osteophytes in the knee appear mainly due to degeneration caused by wear and tear of the knee joint. Here also, no specific remedy can be prescribed. The best Homeopathic medicine depends upon each individual case. The main symptom is pain in knees that worsens by various conditions like bending knee, walking, extending knee, ascending or descending knees. The Homeopathic remedy is selected based on the symptoms that are aggravating knee pain or providing relief. A few important Homeopathic remedies are Bryonia, Calcarea Carb and Ruta.

Natural Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is of great help when pain and stiffness are marked in knee joint. Main worsening factors in knee pain are walking and going up the stairs. Crackling in knee joint is also noted.

Calcarea Carb is a wonderful Homeopathic remedy for knee pain that gets worse when a person rises from a sitting position. Sensitivity to cold air is noted among these patients.

Homeopathic medicine Ruta is the best remedy when going down the stairs and bending of the knee worsen the knee pain.

Apart from these, there is a wide range of natural Homeopathic remedies in such cases but again, these medicines come into the picture only after taking up each individual case.

Homeopathic remedies for Osteophytes in heel (calcaneal spur)

The main symptom arising from calcaneal spur in heel is pain in heel. The best Homeopathic remedies for Osteophytes in heel are Calcarea Fluor, Ammonium Mur and Aranea Diadema.

Calcarea Fluor is prescribed for dissolving the Osteophytes in heel, whether painful or not. Calcarea Fluor is frequently used to get rid of Osteophytes in heel owing to good clinical results with its use.

Ammonium Mur is the Homeopathic remedy for pain in heel getting worse from walking. And the pain is most of the times stitching in nature.

Aranea Diadema is prescribed when digging or boring type of pain in heel is felt by the patient. Numbness in heel may also be found to alternate with heel pain.


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