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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is the most common symptom among women during pregnancy, in fact usually the first symptom indicating pregnancy. Most pregnant women experience morning sickness in their first trimester though for some it persists throughout their pregnancy. Morning sickness is also known as nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), nausea gravidarum or emesis gravidarum. The increase in circulating levels of estrogen hormone and excess salivation during the first trimester is considered the main cause of morning sickness. Morning sickness is mainly characterized as nausea, with or without vomiting. Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness are not habit forming but should always be taken under the supervision of a homeopath. homeopathic medicines for morning sickness

Homeopathic Medicines for Morning Sickness

Natural and safe, these medicines are deep acting and have no side effects on the body. Unlike the conventional mode of medicine, Homeopathic medicines do not suppress the disease and its symptoms. In fact, they attack the disorder at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes, making it strong enough to completely eradicate the disease. Suppressing the disease process makes it stubborn. Also, unlike conventional medicine, Homeopathic medicines are not habit forming. They must, however, be taken only under the guidance of an experienced practitioner.

1. Symphoricarpus Racemosus – Top Grade Remedy for Morning Sickness

One of the most effective medicines for morning sickness with persistent vomiting during pregnancy is Symphoricarpus Racemosa. The smell and thought of food seems repugnant in such cases. Nausea with an aversion to any kind of food and bitter taste is well attended by Homeopathic medicine Symphoricarpus Racemosus. The person feels better when lying on the back.

2. Sepia

Sepia is one of the most prescribed medicines for morning sickness where women experience nausea and have a great aversion to bread and milk during pregnancy. Nausea at the thought or smell of food, especially food while it is cooking, is a common symptom to look out for prescription of Sepia. In cases where everything tastes too salty along with water brash after eating or drinking, Sepia is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness.

3. Gossypium Herbaceum

Another of the most effective medicines for morning sickness is Gossypium Herbaceum. Symptoms of nausea, along with flow of saliva and inclination to vomit in the morning are treated well with Gossypium Herbaceum. The person experiences nausea and vomits on waking, usually before breakfast. Gossypium Herbaceum has shown remarkable results in morning sickness, especially during the early months of pregnancy, placing it among the top rated Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness.

4. Ipecac

Ipecac is highly recommended for morning sickness with a constant desire to vomit. The person experiences headache with nausea and vomiting in such cases. Nausea that rises with the smell of food is best treated with Ipecac, making it an outstanding option among Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness.

5. Amygdalus Persica

Natural and safe, Amygdalus Persica is one of the most valuable medicines for morning sickness. Constant nausea and vomiting, along with gastric irritation is also treated well with Amygdalus Persica. The person complains of being intolerant to food and experiences persistent nausea.

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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Myopia

Myopia is a common condition of the eye where the person can see things near him clearly while those at a distance seem blurry. Myopia is also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness. It is most commonly seen in children and during adolescence. It may develop slowly or gradually and it mostly tends to run in families. Myopia mainly occurs when the light entering the eye does not directly focus on the retina, but rather in front of it. A person suffering from myopia tends to partially close his eyes to see clearly. People who are myopic often complain of headaches due to eye strain and blink excessively. Day-to-day activities are hindered and the person has difficulty driving at night (night myopia).   Homeopathic medicines for myopia help prevent further progression of the condition. homeopathic medicines for myopia

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is a wonderful science of treatment with medicines made from natural substances. These medicines are safe from toxic side-effects and make a dynamic impact at the root level to heal the condition and restore good health. A major advantage of homeopathy in myopia is that it stops further progression of the condition. Natural medicines can thus provide supportive treatment in myopia. They are equally effective in persons of all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines for Myopia

Top grade medicines for myopia are Pysostigma, Ruta, Viola Odorata, Oleum Animale and Phosphorus.

1. Pysostigma – One of the most Effective Medicines for Myopia

Pysostigma is one of the most remarkable and often prescribed medicines for myopia. Pysostigma is well indicated for nearsightedness which is progressing rapidly, accompanied by pain in the orbits. The person experiences photophobia along with blurred vision. Spasm of the ciliary muscle, irritability of the eyes and dim vision are treated best with Pysostigma.

2. Ruta – For Myopia with Severe Headache

Ruta is one the most suitable medicines for myopia with a severe headache. The person experiences pain while reading, sewing and performing other near-sighted activities. Weakness of the ciliary muscles and blurred vision are the signs to look out for prescription of Ruta, rated among the best medicines for myopia. Ruta acts very well for eyestrain occurring from overuse of eyes.

3. Viola Odorata – For Myopia with Pain in Eyes

Another of the useful medicine for myopia is Viola Odorata. Myopia, where it is accompanied by severe pain in the eyes, is treated most effectively with Viola Odorata. In such cases, the person complains of severe pain in the eyes which radiates to the top of the head (vertex).  Heaviness of the eyelids, flames before the eyes and nearsightedness are other symptoms that merit use of Viola Odorata as the ideal prescription among medicines for myopia.

4. Oleum Animale – Leading Medicine for Myopia

Oleum Animale is one of the most wonderful medicines for myopia where the symptoms include blurred vision with smarting in the eyes. The person often sees glistening bodies before his eyes and complains of dim vision. Nearsightedness accompanied by twitching of the eyelids is also treated well with Oleum Animale.

5. Phosphorus – Effective Medicine for Myopia

Phosphorus is one of the most highly recommended medicines for myopia. Fatigue of the eyes and head even when the eyes are not being overused is a key symptom for prescription of Phosphorus. It is one of the best-indicated medicines for myopia with weak eyesight and an aversion to light. A feeling of having sand in the eyes which gets better by rubbing may also be present. Frequent itching in the eyes with profuse lachrymation is also present. Nearsightedness with atrophy of optic nerve is treated well with medicine Phosphorus as well.

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20 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Nightmares

What are Nightmares?

Nightmares are horrifying and disturbing dreams which rattle you awake from deep sleep. They are often so scary that a person wakes up screaming, with a pounding heartbeat. Nightmares or bad dreams mostly occur during rapid eye movement sleep, also known as REM sleep. REM period of sleep is very long and progresses with the night. The nightmares also come on late in the night or early morning. These nightmares are often related to post traumatic stress which a person undergoes through his life or during early childhood. These past, traumatic experiences continue to haunt the person. The person is affected at a deep level, both mentally and physically. Adults, children and elderly persons are all equally likely to experience such dreams.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines stimulate the self-healing processes of the body in a safe and natural manner. The person finds the inner strength to recover from his post traumatic stresses. Homeopathic medicines help wash away the unpleasant impressions of the past, putting an end to the nightmares and bringing permanent relief for the person. The medicines are rightfully considered an effective and curative system of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Nightmares

Some top grade Homeopathic medicines for nightmares are Hydrogen, Arsenic Album, Kali Phosphoricum, Sepia and Staphisgaria. Hydrogen acts well for nightmares full of dead bodies, thoughts of death and dreams of loved ones dying. Nightmares of being poisoned, fear of disease, germs and viruses is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album while Kali Phosphoricum is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares with marked moaning and sighing. Sepia is recommended as one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of sexual abuse and nightmares where a person feels he’s being pursued by a knife. In case of nightmares of sexual abuse where a person screams, calls out for his mother and wants everyone to go out Staphisgaria is the best medicine.

Calcarea Carbonica, Aloe and Phosphorus – Best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares in children

Top grade Homeopathic medicines for nightmares in children are Calcarea Carbonica, Aloe and Phosphorus. One of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares, Calcarea Carbonica works best in children who dream of monsters and have strong fears of being observed. Homeopathic medicine Aloe is very helpful in bad dreams of danger where the child is so terrified he is unable to cry. The child has dreams of soiling himself. Phosphorus is the most remarkable among Homeopathic medicines for nightmares in children with restlessness over work they could not finish during the day. Sleepwalking is also effectively treated with Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus.

Cannabis Indicus, Gelsemium, Nitric Acid and Kali Phosphoricum – Known Homeopathic medicines for nightmares soon after falling asleep

The most prominent Homeopathic medicines for nightmares that come on soon after falling asleep are Cannabis Indicus, Gelsemium, Nitric Acid and Kali Phosphoricum. Cannabis Indicus is one of the top indicated Homeopathic medicines for nightmares immediately after falling asleep where they are accompanied by jerking of limbs, waking the person from sleep. Gelsemium works best where a person has night terrors from the nose being blocked and dry. Nitricum Acidum is an equally effective option among Homeopathic medicines for nightmares with similar symptoms while Kali Phosphoricum works well where the bad dreams are accompanied by sighing and moaning sounds.

Hydrogen, Equisetum Hyemale, Arsenic Album, and Calcarea Fluorata – Top Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of death of near ones

The popular Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of people include Hydrogen, Equisetum Hyemale, Arsenic Album, and Calcarea Fluorata. Hydrogen is a remarkable Homeopathic medicine for dreams of death of loved ones, especially children. Where a person has nightmares of crowds of people surrounding him, Equisetum Hyemale is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares. Arsenic Album is the most suitable prescription for dreams of death or dead people. Calcarea fluorata is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of death of relatives.

Calcarea Carbonicum, Graphites and Lycopodium – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of misfortune

Calcarea Carbonicum, Graphites and Lycopodium are well indicated Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of misfortune. Calcarea Carbonica has shown remarkable results in case of dreams of misfortune, disasters and groundless fears of financial loss. In case of persistent thoughts where the person is haunted by unpleasant issues and dwells on disagreeable occurrences of the past at night, Graphites has shown the best results. In case of bad dreams about losing power, Lycopodium is one of the most reliable Homeopathic medicines for nightmares.

Arsenic Album, Kreosotum and Kali Nitricum – Best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of being poisoned

The most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of being poisoned are Arsenic Album, Kreosotum and Kali Nitricum. Where a person has persistent fear of disease, germs, viruses, of being harmed by poisoning, Arsenic Album will heal best. Kreosotum is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of being poisoned, feeling pain in the limbs and sleeplessness which gets worse before midnight.  Kali Nitricum works extremely well in case of nightmares where the constant dreaming is interrupted by episodes of waking up. The person is chased by uneasy dreams of being poisoned or being in dangerous situations.

Cenchris contortix, Sepia and Staphisgaria – Most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of sexual abuse

The best indicated Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of sexual abuse are Cenchris Contortix, Sepia and Staphisgaria. Homeopathic medicine Cenchris Contortix is prescribed for nightmares of sexual abuse and rape. It shows great recovery in persons having constant nightmares of committing rape as well. Nightmares of rape, of being pursued, chased by a knife and waking with screams at night from frightful dreams are treated well with Sepia. Staphysagria is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares where the persons wakes up extremely frightened, pushes things away, wants everyone to leave his room and often calls for his mother.


– Avoid use of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, especially during bed time

– Practice yoga and meditation as these have the power to relax the body and mind

– Maintain a healthy and regular waking-sleep schedule


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13 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are severe episodes of sudden anxiety, apprehension or fear. They occur without any real or apparent danger and mostly bring on some form of physical reaction such as dizziness, heart palpitations, dyspnea, nausea and faintness. Panic attacks can be truly frightening and leave the person shaken and deeply upset. Once the mind goes into panic mode, the person losses control over his reactions. Certain situations such as trauma, past experience or phobia can act as triggers. Homeopathic medicines for panic attacks are a natural, healing alternative.

Homeopathic Medicines for Panic Attacks

Homeopathy is a proven alternative treatment option for anxiety related disorders such as panic attacks. Natural and safe, Homeopathic medicines are deep acting and have no side effects on the body. Unlike the conventional mode of medicine, Homeopathic medicines do not supress the disease and its symptoms. In fact, they attack the disorder at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes, making it strong enough to completely eradicate the disease. Supressing the disease process makes it stubborn. More importantly, they are not habit-forming in nature and can be taken for long durations without the patient becoming dependent on them.

The topmost medicines for panic attacks are Kali Arsenicosum, Aconite and Gelsemium. Kali Arsenicosum is well indicated for acute panic attacks with great anxiety and difficult breathing. Aconite is an excellent medicine for panic attacks, phobias and nightmares with acute restlessness. Gelsemium is effective for panic attacks resulting from bad news and fear of losing self-control.

1. Aconite and Kali Arsenicosum – For Acute Panic Attacks

Aconite and Kali Arsenicosum are two most prescribed medicines for panic attacks which are acute. Aconite works best for panic attacks which come on suddenly and with great intensity. Where the symptoms include great restlessness, fear and inconsolable anxiety, Aconite is the best prescription. In cases where the attack is accompanied by startled looks, anxious face and protruding eyes, Kali Arsenicosum is the most effective among medicines for panic attacks. The person has difficulty breathing and a strong fear of something going wrong. Mental and physical restlessness accompanying an acute panic attack are treated best with Homeopathic medicine Kali Arsenicosum.

2. Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Aconite – For Panic Attacks with Fear of Death

The most effective medicines for panic attacks with fear of death are Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Aconite. Arsenic Album is well indicated for panic attacks with fear of death which worsens during the night. Such a person feels anxious about his health, fears getting some incurable disease. Phosphorus is most helpful in case of panic attacks with fear of death, especially when left alone. The person wants sympathy and fears something bad will happen to him. Aconite is another of the most suitable medicines for panic attacks with fear of death and dying. The person believes he will die soon, he even predicts the day of his death. Where the person feels great restlessness and anxiety and tosses and turns in agony, Aconite will help.

3. Lycopodium and Argentum NitricumFor Panic Attacks in Public Places

The widely prescribed medicines for panic attacks in public places are Lycopodium and Argentum Nitricum. In case of panic attacks during public speaking, fear of strangers, fear of men and fear of being alone, medicine Lycopodium is prescribed. Lycopodium is also one of the best medicines for panic attacks from constant fear of breaking down under stress and stage fright. Argentum Nitricum is most helpful in dealing with panic attacks from fear of high buildings, especially the fear of projecting corners of buildings.

4. Gelsemium and Rhus Tox – For Panic Attacks in Closed Spaces

The most wonderful medicines for panic attacks in closed spaces are Gelsemium and Rhus Tox. Gelsemium is well indicated for nervous dread of appearing in public. Anticipation of an unusual ordeal with lack of courage and fear of losing self-control is effectively treated with Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium. Rhus Tox is one of the most effective medicines for panic attacks in a closed room, especially at night. Weeping without any reason and great restlessness at night are also treated well with Rhus Tox.

5. Medorrhinum and Lycopodium – For Panic Attacks over upcoming Events

Top grade medicines for panic attacks over upcoming performances include Medorrhinum and Lycopodium. Medorrhinum is best selected for panic attacks in anticipation of upcoming events where a person gets into a state of severe panic, especially ahead of the time set for the event. Another of the wonderful medicines for panic attacks due to public speaking and stage fright is Lycopodium. In such cases, the person experiences constant fear of breaking down under stress.

6. Spongia and Kali Arsenicosum – For Panic Attacks from Fear of Heart Disease

In case of panic attacks from fear of heart disease, Spongia and Kali Arsenicosum have shown remarkable results. Spongia is one of the most effective medicines for panic attacks with great anxiety about the heart and fear of heart disease. The anxiety, in such cases, may be accompanied by pain in the heart region and difficulty in breathing. Kali Arsenicosum is another of the marked medicines for panic attacks which result from fear of acquiring a life-threatening disease. The person fears getting heart disease or suffering a stroke. The symptoms to look out for while prescribing Homeopathic medicine Kali Arsenicosum are a frightened face with anxious, protruding eyes.

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6 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Scabies

Scabies is a very common skin infestation caused by a tiny mite. It is also called the seven-year itch and is caused by the female mite homeopathic medicines for scabiesSarcoptes scabiei. Scabies is very contagious and is mostly transmitted by direct contact with the infected person. The itch mite is mostly passed from skin-to-skin contact. The main symptoms of scabies are severe itching accompanied by superficial burrows and skin rashes. Homeopathic medicines for scabies stimulate the disease-fighting mechanism of the body to fight scabies.

Once a person is exposed to scabies, it usually takes four to six weeks for the symptoms to start showing. In cases where scabies have occurred earlier, it takes one to four days for the symptoms to appear, after exposure. The most common symptom is severe itching, especially during the night. The superficial burrows and skin rashes appear mostly on the feet, wrist, fingers (especially web of fingers), elbow, back, and hips. The severe itchiness compels the person to scratch constantly which may lead to the breakdown of the skin, leaving it open to further infection.

Homeopathic Medicines for Scabies

Homeopathy is a wonderful science that treats diseases with natural and safe medicines. As the healing system of the body is strengthened, the disease is completely eradicated. Its holistic approach attacks the infection at the root and prevents recurrence of the disease.

Top rated medicines for scabies include Sulphur, Causticum, Sepia, Arsenic Album, Kali Sulphuricum, and Psorinum.

1. Sulphur – One of the leading Medicines for Scabies

One of the most prescribed medicines for scabies is Sulphur. The symptoms to look out for include intense itching and scratching which worsen with washing and heat, especially during the night. The condition is characterized by unhealthy skin with pimply eruptions which are painfully sensitive to air, wind, and washing.

2. Causticum – Most Effective Remedy for Scabies

Causticum is one of the most well-indicated medicines for scabies. Scabies, especially in the folds of the skin and between the thighs, responds well to Causticum. Causticum is also one of the best medicines for scabies with intense itching and scratching in the finger webs, leading to great soreness. Burning, rawness and soreness are the key symptoms to look out for in scabies cases where Causticum will prove effective.

3. Sepia – Top Remedy for Scabies

Sepia is one of the most effective medicines for scabies cases where a person complains of itching vesicles not relieved by scratching. The skin turns pinkish from scratching. The condition gets worse in the open air while the person feels better in a warm room. Scabies which is present mostly at the bends of the elbows and knees and where scratching does not provide any relief is also treated well with Sepia, making it a popular prescription among Homeopathic medicines for scabies.

4. Arsenic Album – Top rated among Medicine for Scabies

Scabies with violent itching along with great restlessness is treated well with medicine Arsenic Album. The skin peels off in large scales and is very sore to touch in such cases. Dry, rough, scaly, dirty skin like parchment burns intensely. Over-sensitiveness of the skin with acute itching and burning is observed in cases where Arsenic Album will prove the most effective among medicines for scabies. The person is unable to sleep due to violent itching in the affected areas.

5. Kali Sulphuricum – Excellent Remedy for Scabies

Kali Sulphuricum is considered one of the most suitable medicines for scabies cases where the symptoms include dry and harsh skin with extreme itching. Peeling and flaking of the skin are observed. Kali Sulphuricum is one of the best medicines for removal of scabs (desquamation of the skin) after skin infections. Scabies that worsens with heat is also treated well with Kali Sulphuricum, rating it among the best medicines for scabies.

6. Psorinum – Effective Remedy for Scabies

Psorinum is another of the most prescribed medicines for scabies. It has shown the most remarkable results in case of unhealthy skin with an abnormal tendency to skin diseases. In such cases, the person complains of intolerable itching which gets worse from lying in bed. In fact, so severe is the itching that the person scratches until the skin starts to bleed. Psorinum is the best treatment option among medicines for scabies with dirty, rough, scabby, greasy skin along with violent itching.

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12 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Typhoid

Typhoid, also known as enteric fever, is an acute symptomatic infection caused by the Salmonella typhi bacteria. It is commonly associated with high-grade fever, headache, delirium, and abdominal ailments. Symptoms appear between six to 30 days after exposure. Typhoid spreads through contaminated water or food and sometimes through close contact with the infected. Persons suffering from typhoid experience continuous low-grade fever that increases daily, going as high as 104.9 F. They may develop skin rash with homeopathic medicines for typhoid  rose colored spots. Typhoid fever, if not treated well in time, can lead to life-threatening complications such as intestinal bleeding and perforations. Top grade Homeopathic medicines for typhoid are Baptisia, Arnica, Muriaticum Acidum and Arsenic Album.   

Homeopathic Medicines for Typhoid

Homeopathy offers proven medicine for typhoid. These medicines for typhoid are safe and effective. They act at the root to stop recurrence of the disease process. They stimulate the disease fighting mechanism of the body. As the immune system of the body is strengthened, its resistance to Salmonella typhi bacteria increases. Therefore, aside from being natural, Homeopathic medicines for typhoid have the added advantage of using the body’s own restorative processes to make it disease-free.

Baptisia is rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for typhoid fever with delirium. It also helps offensive discharge during typhoid fever. Typhoid fever with a sore, bruised feeling all over the body is treated most effectively with Homeopathic medicine Arnica. Muriaticum Acidum is the best medicine for typhoid with involuntary stool and deep sleep while Arsenic Album is recommended as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for typhoid with marked exhaustion, anxiety and restlessness.

1. Eucalyptus and Terebinthina — Best Medicines for Typhoid

Eucalyptus and Terebinthina are among the top grade medicines for typhoid with general symptoms such as continuously rising fever and foul discharges. Eucalyptus is the medicine to prescribe for typhoid patients that do not show a strong pulse. Terebinthina is most useful for treating typhoid with tympanites, accompanied by stupor, delirium and great prostration.

2. Arsenic Album and Carbo Vegetabilis – For Typhoid with great Prostration

In cases where typhoid is accompanied by great prostration, Arsenic Album and Carbo Vegetabilis offer the best results. Arsenic Album is one of the most reliable medicines for typhoid with great prostration and anxiety, especially about health. Where a person with typhoid fever feels very exhausted and low, Carbo Vegetabilis will work best. In fact, Carbo Vegetabilis shows remarkable results in persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous illness.

3. Arnica and Rhus Tox – For Typhoid with Severe Body Ache

Arnica and Rhus Tox are the most well-indicated medicines for typhoid with severe body ache. Typhoid fever with sore, lame and bruised feeling is treated well with Arnica. Persons suffering this condition experience severe limb and body pain similar to someone who was severely beaten up. Rhus Tox is another of the wonderful medicines for typhoid where it is accompanied by relentless shooting, stitching and tearing pains in the entire body.

4. Baptisia and Lachesis – For Typhoid with Marked Delirium

Top grade medicines for typhoid with marked delirium are Baptisia and Lachesis. Baptisia is the best among medicines for typhoid with muttering and wandering delirium. A person requiring Baptisia falls asleep while answering or does not complete his sentence. Lachesis is another of the marked medicines for typhoid with delirium where the person experiences delusions and hallucinations, feels full of poison and has great loquacity.

5. Muriaticum Acidum and Bryonia Alba – For Typhoid with Abdominal Symptoms

Natural medicines Muriaticum Acidum and Bryonia Alba are known to effectively treat typhoid where it is accompanied by abdominal symptoms. Muriaticum Acidum is one of the best medicines for typhoid with involuntary stools and flatus. Where the typhoid is accompanied by constipation, Bryonia Alba shows remarkable results.  Bryonia Alba is also one of the best medicines for typhoid fever with a desire to uncover.

6. Lachesis and Arsenic Album – For Typhoid with Bed Sores

In cases where a typhoid patient develops bed sores, Lachesis and Arsenic Album are prescribed. Typhoid fever with bed sores with dark edges is treated well with Lachesis, which is also one of the top ranked medicines for typhoid fever with violent headache and great loquacity. Arsenic Album is another great medicine for typhoid with great restlessness and bed sores. In such cases, the person keeps changing sides and place continuously due to pain and anxiety.

Typhoid Management

–        Do not eat or drink contaminated food or water

–        Wash your hands as often as possible, especially before meals

–        Avoid food from street vendors as it is more likely to be contaminated

–        Practice good sanitation habits

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9 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Sinus Congestion

What is Sinus Congestion?

Sinus congestion is a very common condition which may occur due to a cold, flu or allergies. The membranes lining the nose and sinuses get inflamed and swollen. The person starts to feel stuffy due to the blockage. Sinus congestion may sometimes be accompanied by a runny nose that lasts for more than a week. The person feels sinus pressure pain behind the cheeks and the eyes. Severe frontal headache may be present when frontal sinuses are involved. Loss of smell and bad breath are frequent complaints among persons with sinus congestion. Post nasal discharges are also accompanied by a stuffy nose feeling. Sinus congestion affects a person’s day-to-day activities, leading to a feeling of discomfort and anguish.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is advisable for sinus congestion in both children and adults. Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe and help eliminate the disease causing predisposition of the person. Homeopathic medicines help put a stop to recurring episodes of sinus congestion. They do not slow down the body’s processes or make a person feel dull and dizzy. In fact, Homeopathic medicines restore health by stimulating the body’s own immune system.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sinus Congestion

Top rated Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion are Kali Bichromicum, Hydrastis and Sticta. Kali Bichromicum is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with pressure and pain at the root of the nose. Sinus congestion with post nasal discharges and with burning pain in the nose is well treated with Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis. Sticta is a well indicated Homeopathic medicine for sinus congestion with obstruction of nose which gets worse at night.

Ammonium Carbonica and Sticta – Best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with stuffy nose

The most remarkable Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with a stuffy nose are Ammonium Carbonica and Sticta. Ammonium Carbonica works best in cases where a person is unable to breathe through the nose. Blockage of the nose is more troublesome at night. Sticta is well indicated for sinus congestion with a stuffy nose along with fullness at the root of the nose. Painful dryness of the mucus membranes, accompanied by obstruction of the nose, is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Sticta.

Kali Bichromicum, Corallium and Hydrastis – Top Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal discharge

Top rated Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal discharge are Kali Bichromicum, Corallium and Hydrastis. Kali Bichromicum is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal drip of thick mucus. Large mucus plugs make it impossible to breathe through the nose. Nasal discharge is thick, stringy and ropy in such cases. Where sinus congestion is accompanied by profuse secretion of mucus dropping through the posterior sinuses, Corallium is the best choice among Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. Thick, white or yellow, tenacious nasal discharge with burning pain in the nose is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis.

Silicea and Mercuris Solubulis – Best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with facial pain

The most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with facial pain (maxillary sinusitis) are Silicea and Mercuris Solubulis. Silicea is the recommended medicine for sinus congestion with swelling of maxillary glands. Symptoms include a red face, along with tearing pain at the root of the nose and the malar bone. Mercurius Solubulis is one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines for a stuffy nose with acrid nasal secretions and marked aching in the jaws. The symptoms to look out for are red, hot cheeks and puffiness under the eyes.

Spigelia and Belladonna – Most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with a headache

Two of the most valuable Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with headache (frontal sinusitis) are Spigelia and Belladonna. In cases with marked pain beneath the frontal eminence and temples, extending to the eyes, Spigelia is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. Congestive headaches with a red face and stuffy nose are treated well with Belladonna, making it the best rated among Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. The symptoms include pain and fullness, especially in the forehead, along with dryness of the nose and a red face.



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4 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Uveitis

Uveitis is the term used for inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye. It is the layer between the sclera (white coat of the eye) and the retina (the back of the eye). The uvea is a crucial part of the eye as it consists of blood vessels that nourish the eye. Inflammation in this part of the eye can affect vision and other parts of the eye – the cornea, the retina, and the sclera. Unlike conventional medicine, Homeopathic medicines for uveitis do not use steroids and surgical procedures which may lead to further complications like glaucoma, cataract and in some cases, blindness. homeopathic medicines for uveitis

Uveitis is mainly classified into anterior uveitis, posterior uveitis and intermediate uveitis based on the part of the eye involved. Anterior uveitis (iritis) is the inflammation of the anterior chamber and the iris. Intermediate uveitis (cyclitis) is the inflammation of the cells of the vitreous cavity and mainly affects the ciliary bodies of the eye. Posterior uveitis affects the back of the eye. It is the inflammation of the retina (retinitis) and the choroid (choroiditis). The main signs and symptoms of the uveitis are redness of the eye, blurred vision, photophobia, eye pain and floaters (dark spots). In most cases, the cause of uveitis is not clear. Uveitis can occur due to an eye injury, an inflammatory disorder (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis), an infection (herpes zoster, tuberculosis) and is sometimes even associated with an auto-immune disorder (ankylosing spondylitis, sarcoidosis).

Advantage of Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy medicines are a natural and safe mode of treatment of eye disorders. The approach involves strengthening the body’s own healing system to repair organs and make them disease-free. Homeopathy takes the holistic approach, dealing first with the condition that has caused uveitis, be it an auto-immune disorder, an inflammatory disease or an infection. It starts by moderating the immune system, eradicating the disease at the root and preventing a recurrence.

Homeopathic Medicines for Uveitis

Top rated medicines for uveitis are Mercurius Corrosivus, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Phosphorus, and Mercurius Solublis.

1. Mercurius Corrosivus – Top Remedy for Uveitis with Tearing Pain in the Eyes

Natural medicine Mercurius Corrosivus is considered one of the top grade medicines for uveitis, especially in the treatment of anterior uveitis (iritis) and posterior uveitis (retinitis). Where a person complains of shooting, burning and tearing pain in the eye, Mercurius Corrosivus is the best treatment plan. In such cases, the iris is thick, muddy in color and neither contracts nor dilates. Excessive photophobia with severe pain behind the eyeballs as if they were being forced out is also treated well with Mercurius Corrosivus, making it one of the most recommended medicines for uveitis.

2. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum – Effective Remedy for Uveitis

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum is one of the ideal medicines for uveitis with severe pain and redness of the eyes. Anterior uveitis (iritis) with pus in the anterior chamber is well treated with this medicine. The person experiences severe pain in the eyes as if they are being pulled back to the head. The eyeballs feel sore, extremely sensitive to touch and air. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum is one of the best medicines for uveitis of this type.

3. Phosphorus – For Degenerative Uveitis

Phosphorus is one of the most prominent medicines for uveitis, especially for posterior uveitis (choroiditis and retinitis). The person experiences pain and frequent itching in the eyes in such cases. In fact, it is the most effective among medicines for uveitis cases with degenerative changes in the retina, along with an aversion to light (photophobia).

4. Mercurius Solublis – For Uveitis Related Inflammation

Another of the most valuable medicines for uveitis is Mercurius Solublis. It has shown the most remarkable results in eradicating inflammation of the iris (iritis) and retina (retinitis). The symptoms usually include cutting, stinging or aching pain, especially on exerting the eyes. The eyes are extremely sensitive to light, heat or cold. Mercurius Solublis is one of the most wonderful medicines for uveitis or other eye disorders in persons working in foundries.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicines for Zika Virus Treatment and Prevention

Role Of Homeopathic medicines in treating Zika Virus

homeopathy-zikaZika virus is transmitted to people through bite of an infected mosquito belonging to Aedes species. These mosquitoes are day biters and are the same ones involved in spreading the dengue and chikungunya fever. However the illness caused by Zika virus is much milder than that in dengue fever. The illness from Zika virus can last from few days to a week. Zika virus can also be transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact and also from infected mother to fetus. Severe complications and death are uncommon.

Symptoms of Zika virus Infection

Eighty percent of the infected with Zika virus do not develop any symptoms. Those having symptoms complain of fever, skin rash of maculopapular nature, joint pains, headache and conjunctivitis. In December 2015 an association was found between serious birth defect called as microcephaly (small heads) in babies born in a mother having Zika infection during pregnancy due to transplacental crossing of virus. Microcephaly leads to developmental issues in children. Ongoing Researches are also trying to find out if any relation exists  between this virus and Guillain –Barre syndrome where life threatening paralysis appears.

 Homeopathic Medicines for Zika Virus

Homeopathic medicines Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Belladonna, Rhus Tox can be safely used in Zika virus infection treatment. These medicines come the closest in treating the symptoms of Zika virus infection. In an epidemics when a huge number of person are attacked by acute and similar sufferings from similar cause, Homeopathy can be of great prophylactic help. Homeopathy has been highly successful in treating epidemic diseases. Among them are cholera, dengue fever, yellow fever typhus, and conjunctivitis. Records show that during epidemics , homeopathic medicines are of great help in reducing the  mortality when compared to those put under conventional system of medicines. One very popular example is of homeopathic medicine Belladonna as prophylactic for treating scarlatina epidemics.  In year 1801 when scarlatina prevailed epidemically among children, those who were given homeopathic medicine Belladonna as a prophylactic remained unaffected with this highly  infectious disease. So homeopathy has a huge role to play as prophylactic when a disease spreads abruptly over a large area . So in such cases , a single medicine that is most closely allied to the symptoms picture of the disease can be used as a prophylactic. Thus , Homeopathic medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be used as  prophylactic in Zika virus infection as this medicine has the closest match to the  symptom set presented in Zika virus infection.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Increasing Memory and Treating Forgetfullness

Forgetfulness and having a weak memory are usually associated with old age, but even children at times can show these symptoms. There is no specific reason for having a weak memory and forgetfulness, though stress, over-exertion of mind and even sleeplessness can play a part. Homeopathic medicines for increasing memory and treatment for weak memory  are of great help in the treatment . Made of natural substances and completely safe with no side effects, Homeopathic medicines are given after taking note of unique individual symptoms. A person could have a weak memory when it comes to stuyding, for dates, for places, for recalling past or even recent events, or the common weak memory in elders. The Homeopathic remedies are prescribed after taking note of individual symptoms and are very effective as a medicine for weak memory and forgetfulness.

Top Homeopathic Medcines for Increasing memory 

Baryta Carb: Best Homeopathic medicine for weak memory in children for studies

Baryta Carb tops the list of natural Homeopathic medicines for weak memory where a child has a very weak memory when it comes to studies. The child has great trouble in concentrating on studies and takes a long time to comprehend a sentence and reads it over and over again. The memorising power is so diminished that the child takes a long time to learn something and even forgets the learnt part soon after. The child is dwarfish both mentally and physically. Mainly the child is of a timid and shy nature and is averse to meeting strangers. Confidence is also lacking. There may also be an extreme sensitivity to cold air. A history of repeated attacks of tonsilitis may also be found on case taking. For all these symptons, Baryta Carb is the ideal Homeopathic remedy.

Lac Caninum: Homeopathic medicine for weak memory and forgetfulness while writing

The best natural Homeopathic medicine for weakness of memory with forgetfulness while writing is Lac Caninum. When a person cannot remember the right words when writing and commits frequent mistakes, Lac Caninum is the ideal Homeopathic remedy. The person uses wrong inapplicable words and omits letters. The concentration power also seems lacking. Usually the person needing Lac Caninum possesses a nervous kind of nature. Even absent-mindedness has an effective medicine in Homeopathic medicine Lac Caninum. The person seems absent-minded with a feeble memory and forgetfulness. The feebleness extends to the point that a person buys things and leaves them on the counter table.

Cannabis Indica: Homeopathic treatment for weak memory and forgetfulness while talking

Cannabis Indica is a natural Homeopathic treatment for weak memory and forgetfulness that is most marked while talking to others. Such a person frequently forgets while talking. He or she forgets the words in between a conversation and does not remember what he or she is about to say.  Excessive forgetfulness makes it impossible to end a sentence. To memorise the last said words or what is intended to be spoken seems a difficult task. Along with a forgetful nature, numerous thoughts may crowd the mind of such a person, who may otherwise be fun-loving. Cannabis Indica is very beneficial as a Homeopathic remedy when such symptoms present themselves.

Medorrhinum: Top Homeopathic medicine for weak memory for names and spellings of words

Medorrhinum is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for persons who possess a weak memory especially for names and spellings of words. To remember a name even of a well known person is quite a task for such subjects. The weakness can even be of such an extent that the person forgets his or her own name. Medorrhinum is also a Homeopathic remedy that is very beneficial when a person has a weak memory to remember the spellings of words. The weakness may be found while speaking as well. The person repeatedly loses the conversation thread and wants the question to be repeated before answering as the mind seems very feeble to hold on to a conversation.

Kali Phos:One of the Natural Homeopathic medicines for weak memory following mental exertion

Kali Phos is considered the top natural medicine in Homeopathy to treat weak memory because of mental exertion. It could be post an examination or due to excessive office work, where the mind has gone feeble as a result of mental exhaustion. Homeopathic remedy Kali Phos acts as the best memory enhancer by removing the after-affects of over-use of mind. It provides strength to the brain and nerves and can be considered as a complete tonic for improving memory.

Kali Bromatum: One of the top Homeopathic medicines for extremely weak memory leading to complete memory loss

Natural Homeopathic remedy Kali Brom is of great help in treating memory loss. It is very beneficial when a person completely forgets how to speak and can utter only the words told to him — in other words, can only repeat after you. Independent speech is totally impossible as complete memory has been washed out. Marked restlessness, especially in hands, is noticed in persons needing Homeopathic medicine Kali Bromatum. In case of children, another accompanying symptom may be screaming and crying in sleep. Walking during sleep could be another noticeable symptom, for which Kali Bromatum is the ideal Homeopathic remedy.



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