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Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 

Pulmonary tuberculosis refers to an infection of the lungs caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a contagious infection that spreads easily from an infected person to a healthy person. A person can get infected by breathing in air droplets exhaled from an infected person during coughing, sneezing or laughing. Homeopathic treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis offers supportive treatment and is recommended along with conventional treatment. 
Pulmonary tuberculosis

The chances of catching this infection is high in people who are exposed to persons having TB,  who live in crowded places and where hygiene is not properly maintained.

Not everyone who is exposed to this infection gets sick. In most persons, after entry of the germs in the body, the infection is kept under control and prevented from spreading by the immune system. Such people are said to have latent TB (means they don’t get any symptoms and are not contagious). But a person carrying this bacteria who does not develop symptoms still has latent TB (means the infection stays inactive for years). It may reactivate and develop into active TB in which the bacteria multiplies and leads to signs and symptoms of the infection. In the stage of active TB, a person is contagious. Risk of reactivation is high in persons having weak immune systems (as from diabetes, chronic steroid use, chemotherapy),  elderly people, infants, in those who smoke, people having some autoimmune disorder and persons with kidney disease.


Symptoms develop gradually. The main symptoms are cough lasting for a minimum three weeks duration, coughing up phlegm, coughing up blood,  chest pain and breathing difficulty. The general symptoms that are present with these includes fever, chills, night sweats, an unexplained weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. The symptoms are present in the active TB stage. There are s=no symptoms in the latent stage.  

If it is not treated correctly in time then it can cause permanent damage to lungs. It can also spread to other organs  (spine, brain, heart or liver) and cause its damage and even life threatening problems. 

Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in case of tuberculosis along with conventional mode for managing its symptoms. Homeopathic medicines help to manage its signs and symptoms including cough, chest pain, mild breathing difficulty, fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue and vomiting. These medicines work by boosting the body’s immune system to fight with the infection. These medicines are recommended only when the symptoms are of mild to moderate intensity and not in severe cases. The homeopathic medicine for symptom management of TB needs to be carefully selected depending on the symptoms of an individual. Tuberculosis is a serious disease and it can have life threatening complications. So it is strictly advised to use any homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor who can after detailed case study prescribe the best suitable medicine for a case. In no case self prescription should be done. It is also strictly noted that homeopathic medicines should be taken along with conventional treatment and in no case considered a substitute for conventional treatment given in Tuberculosis. 

  1. Tuberculinum – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for these cases. In cases needing it there is dry, hard, hacking cough. It is present throughout the day but gets worse during sleep. Profuse sweating is present with this. Next there is weight loss. Excessive exhaustion attends it. Tiredness is present all the time. 

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Initial Stage

This medicine is mostly helpful in the initial stage of tuberculosis. The symptoms indicating its use are cough, stitching pain in the chest and oppression of breathing. Cough is hoarse, loose and rattling. It is attended with thick yellow expectoration. It can be bloody also. Along with cough suffocative attacks can be present.

  1. Stannum Met – For Cough, Weakness, Weight Loss

This is a well indicated medicine for cases in which there is cough, weakness and weight loss. In cases needing it the cough is attended with copious, greenish, or yellowish coloured expectoration. It has an offensive taste.  Sometimes there is tough glairy mucus mixed with pus. In the morning the expectoration is easy but it is difficult in the evening and at night. Cough is very exhausting and continues day and night. Along with this fever is present. Shivering during the day occurs. Night sweats are also there. Difficulty in breathing may also be present. This is worse from motion. Marked prostration, tiredness are there that compels the person to stay in bed.  Weakness of limbs, pain in all limbs, weakness in chest, paleness, weight loss are there with above symptoms.

  1. Spongia – For Cough, Weakness and Breathing Difficulty

It is a suitable medicine when there is cough, weakness and breathing difficulty. Cough is dry, hacking type where it is required. It worsens from evening to midnight. It is also worse from cold air exposure and from talking. Eating or drinking relieves the cough. The breathing difficulty is worse  when lying down. Exhaustion attends it. It is felt after every exertion.

  1. Phosphorus – For Blood Stained Spit 

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases in which there is blood stained expectoration.  Along with this cough and soreness in the chest is present. Easy fatigue, weight loss is also there. Fever and night sweats attend above symptoms. Other than this it is also indicated for expectoration of pus which is salty to taste or copious yellow phlegm.

  1. Iodum – For Excessive Weight Loss 

This medicine is important for cases in which weight loss is excessive. With this there is almost continuous fever and profuse night sweats. Cough is present which is a short, irritating type. It is worse at night time. Cough is accompanied with tough, stringy and blood streaked expectoration. Pressure and heaviness on the chest occurs with above symptoms. Difficulty breathing from least exertion or talking may also be present. Debility and weakness are there in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Cough and Chest Constriction

It is valuable medicine for cases in which cough and chest constriction are present. For using it the cough is loose with rattling in the chest. Profuse sputum is expectorated with cough. It is  whitish – yellow coloured. It is pus-like and mostly occurs in the morning. The cough produces a headache in the frontal part of the head. With this there is oppression or constriction of the chest. It is relieved by drawing shoulders backward. Lastly there may be chest pain on inspiration. Along with above symptoms the chest may be painfully sensitive to touch.

  1. Drosera – For Cough and Chest Pain

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round – leaved sundew. This plant belongs to the family droseraceae. Use of this medicine is indicated when there is cough with chest pain. Cough is violent in cases that require this medicine. With cough there is spitting of blood and pus. Additionally, a foul pus-like taste is present in the mouth.

  1. Kali Carb – When there is Cough and Stitching Pain in Chest

It is an important medicine when there is a cough and stitching pain in the chest. Cough is exhausting where this medicine is required.  With cough there is profuse expectoration of whitish yellow pus or of green coloured scabs. Whistling and wheezing in the chest may also occur. Cough worsens from any exertion. Loss of appetite and weight loss attends these symptoms. In addition to this fever, sweating in the morning and night is present. Chills may be felt in the afternoon 

  1. Ferrum Met – With Cough, Weight Loss and Vomiting

This medicine is used when there is cough, weight loss and vomiting. Persons who need it also have pus like, greenish or blood streaked expectoration. The expectoration has a foul taste. They have  vomiting of ingesta. They have weight loss, excessive sweating, loss of appetite and great weakness. Next they feel constriction in the chest and have difficult respiration. Lastly they feel stitching pain in the chest that extends  into the shoulder blades.

  1. Sanguinaria Can – For Cough, Fever, Burning Sensation in Chest

It is prepared from a plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the papaveraceae family. Persons requiring it have a cough with fever. They usually have a fever around 2 pm or 4 pm. Their cheeks have a bright circumscribed flush during fever. The sputum is expectorated and breath has a bad smell. Burning sensation in the chest is also present. There may occur sharp chest pain and soreness of chest muscles. Breathing difficulty can also be present. 

  1. Silicea – When there is Cough, Vomiting and Night Sweat

This medicine is indicated when there is cough, vomiting and night sweat. Vomiting is usually of tenacious mucus, especially in the morning. There is difficulty breathing, chilliness, pus expectoration and sometimes blood spitting. With this pressing pain in the chest attends. Weakness in the chest also accompanies this.

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11 Homeopathic Remedies for Abdominal Migraine 

An abdominal migraine is a type of migraine that affects the stomach and mostly occurs in children. In this type of migraine, the pain is felt in the stomach and not in the head like migraine headaches. This condition is fairly uncommon. Homeopathic remedies for abdominal migraine help manage symptoms including pain around the belly button, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and weakness.Homeopathic Remedies for Abdominal Migraine 


The exact cause behind abdominal migraine is not known yet. But it is thought to be linked with slow movement of  the digested food through the intestine. As per a theory, changes in the body’s two compounds (histamine and serotonin) can be the reason for it. 
Other than this genetic predisposition to develop abdominal migraine may be present. It has been found in a study that about 90% of the children having it have a family history of abdominal migraine. There are also few trigger factors behind it. Among them some of the factors that can trigger this  migraine includes dietary factors (for example – eating processed meat, food with MSG – monosodium glutamate, chocolates), stress, excitement, swallowing a lot of air, exposure to bright light, lack of sleep, skipping meals, motion sickness and exhaustion. Children are mostly affected by those who are between the age group 7 to 10 years. But in some of the cases it can also affect adults.  Girls are more affected with this type of migraine as compared to boys.


Its main symptom is abdomen pain that is located around the navel. The pain can be aching, dull or cramping in nature varying from case to case. The intensity varies from person to person. The symptoms that attend the pain includes nausea, vomiting, pale skin and loss of appetite. Other symptoms that can also be present along with above symptoms include diarrhoea (loose motion) and weakness. 

This sort of migraine attack can last anytime between one hour to three days duration. In between the migraine episode no symptoms are present at all. Children having abdominal migraines are also prone to get migraine headaches when they get older.

There is no lab test to diagnose abdominal migraines. These migraines are diagnosed when a complaint has following criteria:

  1. History of minimum 5 episodes of abdominal pain and the duration of each episode should be between one hour to 3 days.
  2. Pain around the navel that is of moderate to severe intensity
  3. Among symptoms including loss of appetite nausea, vomiting and pale skin at least two of these should be there
  4. No other Gastrointestinal condition or kidney disease should be present along with above symptoms

Homeopathic Remedies for Abdominal Migraine 

There is a very good scope in homeopathy to manage this condition. The homeopathic medicines help to provide symptom relief in these cases. Homeopathic medicines help to gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of its symptoms. These are very safe and gentle medicines prepared from naturally occurring substances and are free from any sort of side effects. There is no specific medicine in homeopathy for managing this condition and the best suitable medicine needs to be selected as per the symptoms in each of these cases.  So it is advised to take any medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

  1. Colocynth – To Manage Pain around the Navel

This medicine is prepared from the pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus Colocynthis commonly named as Cucumis colocynthis and Bitter Apple. It  belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for  cases of pain around the navel. For using it the pain can be colicky, cutting, or  cramping in nature. Most of the time the pain may get worse after eating. It is relieved from bending double or from passing gas also. Along with above symptoms there may be diarrhoea with frequent watery stool. It occurs from eating even a little. 

  1. Cina – When Pain around Umbilicus is better from Pressure

It is a natural medicine prepared from the plant Artemisia maritima. This plant belongs to the family compositae. This medicine is very effective to manage cases in which pain around the belly button is better by pressure. The nature of pain is mostly twisting in nature where it is needed. In some cases watery stool white mucus may be present.

  1. Aloe – To Manage Diarrhea

It is prepared from the gum of the leaves of a plant Aloe Socotrina. This plant belongs to family liliaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine to manage  diarrhea. In cases needing it the character of stool is watery, lumpy. Mucus may also pass in the stool. Along with this there is sudden urgency to pass stool. sometimes involuntary passage of stool while passing gas occurs. Other symptoms that can be there includes a constant bearing down,  rumbling and gurgling  in the rectum. 

  1. Podophyllum – For Profuse, Gushing Diarrhea

This medicine is prepared from the root of a plant Podophyllum peltatum commonly known by the name of may apple. It belongs to the family berberidaceae. It is  a well-indicated medicine for managing diarrhoea with profuse and gushing stool. The stool is watery, yellowish or greenish coloured. It has a very offensive smell.  The urge to pass stool is also sudden. Along with stool gas is also passed. Gurgling in the abdomen may be felt before stool. 

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, Weakness

It is best suitable for cases in which diarrhea, nausea, vomiting are present. Cases needing it have thin, watery or slimy stool which has an offensive smell. A burning type of pain around the navel is also there. This is mostly felt before and during passing stool. Excessive weakness accompanies the above symptoms. Along with this vomiting is there. Vomiting most times arises soon after eating or drinking. Vomiting of ingested food or gastric fluid may arise. Lastly nausea and loss of appetite is there. 

  1. Nux Vomica – For Navel Pain occurring after Eating

Use of this medicine is considered when the navel pain is felt  after eating. The pain can also occur before passing stool. For using it the pain can be pinching or cutting type. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen usually in the morning may be present too. Next there is a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. There is passage of stool many times a day but still an unsatisfactory feeling as if complete stool is not passed persist.  Along with above symptoms, nausea after eating may also occur. Vomiting sometimes arises which may be of sour mucus or undigested food. 

  1. China – For Diarrhea and Weakness

It is prepared from dried bark of a plant Cinchona Officinalis, having the common name Peruvian bark. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. It is a very prominent medicine for managing cases in which diarrhea is accompanied with excessive weakness. In cases requiring it the stool is frequent,  pale, loose and copious. It has a very bad smell. Fetid gas may pass along with the stool. Stool may sometimes be frothy  and can have undigested food in it. 

  1. Croton Tig  – For Sudden Stool soon after Eating or Drinking

This medicine is recommended for cases having  sudden gushing stool which is passed immediately after eating or drinking anything. The stool is shot out of rectum in a gush and excessive gas passes with it. The stool is offensive, green or yellow and may have whitish flakes in it. Nausea and abdominal pain may also be felt during passing stool.  

  1. Ipecac – For Nausea and Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the dried root of a plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. This medicine is highly valuable to manage nausea and vomiting in these cases. Nausea is constant when it is required. Vomiting may be of watery fluids, food eaten, of sour fluid or of jelly like mucus when it is needed. Along with this diarrhea, abdominal colic and distension may be present. Tongue is usually clean along with above symptoms.

  1. Gambogia – For Diarrhea with Colic

This medicine is prepared from resinous gum obtained from a tree Gambogia Morella also known as Gamboge and Gummi Gutti. It belongs to the family guttiferae. It is well-indicated for persons having diarrhea along with abdominal colic. They experience a colicky type of pain around the belly button. The pain is felt during passing stool. Stool is loose,  yellow or green mixed with mucus. It passes with a sudden gush.  

  1. Veratrum Album – For Diarrhoea and Nausea, Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from root stocks of a plant commonly known as White Hellebore. This plant belongs to the family melanthaceae. It is very beneficial when there is loose stool along with  nausea and vomiting. The stool is watery greenish or brownish with flakes. It is copious, gushing and frequent. Pinching colic before stool may attend it.   Nausea, vomiting are also there. Vomiting is profuse, forcible with continuous nausea. Excessive weakness accompanies these symptoms.

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Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Shoulder Bursitis

An inflammation of the bursa in the shoulder is referred as shoulder bursitis. This bursitis is also known as subacromial bursitis. Homeopathic remedies for shoulder bursitis offer gradual symptomatic relief to bring about recovery. 

A bursa is a tiny sac filled with viscous lubricating fluid that is located around a joint.  It acts as a cushion and reduces friction between the joint bones while movement. Due to these bursa rubbing of muscles, bones and tendons in a joint during movement is prevented. In case a bursa is irritated then it results in its  inflammation.

In cases of shoulder bursitis the bursa that is most commonly inflamed is  the subacromial bursa at the tip of the shoulder. 


It can arise from various reasons. Firstly it can result from an injury to the joint as from a fall, trauma, or accident. Another reason is repetitive movement or overuse of the shoulder joint.
Another cause is inflammation of the joint as in case of rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that causes joint inflammation resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints) and gout (a type of joint inflammation that result in pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in the joints which is caused by  deposition of needle like crystals of uric acid in a joint).
Though shoulder bursitis can occur in anyone but the people who have excessive use of their shoulders are at risk of developing it. For example gardeners, carpenters, athletes, swimmers,  tennis players are at high risk.

Persons who are painters or who do knitting are also prone to develop it.

Signs and Symptoms 

The signs and symptoms that occur in this condition includes pain around the shoulder, redness and swelling around the shoulder. The pain can be felt on the outside or top of the shoulder. The pain may be worse on raising the arm and also from keeping the shoulder at rest. Next the affected side of the shoulder may also be tender and painful to touch. The range of shoulder joint movement may be reduced too. The pain and discomfort tend to worsen at night and on lying on the painful side. A popping sound on moving the shoulder can attend. In case of infection of the bursa (called septic bursitis)  fever arises along with above symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies for Shoulder Bursitis 

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of shoulder bursitis. The homeopathic medicines help to reduce the inflammation of the bursa. Along with this the medicines give gradual relief in the associated symptoms. The signs and symptoms that can be well managed with them include pain, stiffness, redness and swelling around the shoulder. These medicines manage this condition by addressing the root cause behind it. These medicines are very safe and gentle and treat this condition very effectively without any sort of side effects. The best suitable homeopathic medicine needed for treating a case of shoulder bursitis needs to be selected from a huge list of therapeutics. Seeking help from a homeopathic doctor is therefore always recommended for effective treatment. 

  1. Ruta – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy to manage complaints of shoulder bursitis. It is prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens commonly known as garden rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. In most cases needing it the pain in the shoulder is worse from hanging down the arm. It is also worse when resting on the affected shoulder. The pain is mostly a wrenching type. In some cases pain can be bruised also. 

  1. Apis Mellifica – Prominent Remedy 

It is the next well indicated medicine for treating cases of shoulder bursitis. It helps to reduce the inflammation of the bursa and give symptom relief. For using this medicine, tensive pain is present mostly in the left sided shoulder. It may extend to the neck. There is also pain in the shoulder that radiates to the arms. 

  1. Rhus Tox – For Shoulder Pain and Stiffness

It is a very effective medicine for managing shoulder pain and stiffness. It is one of the best medicines to manage complaints that arise from repetitive movement, injury or overuse of a joint. Persons who need it have shoulder pain that is mainly felt at rest. The pain can be tearing or burning type. They feel a pressure on the shoulders similar to that of a heavy weight. Mostly they have pain at the top of their shoulders on the left side. They sometimes feel a stitching type of pain in the shoulders. This increases when lying. Movement helps relieve it. The pain is also worse in the cold, wet weather. Lastly, they can have a drawing type of pain in the shoulder that extends down the arms.

  1. Bryonia – For Redness, Swelling and Pain over the Shoulder

This medicine is  prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia alba or wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very helpful medicine for cases in which there is redness, swelling and pain over the shoulder. The pain can be tearing or stitching type. Along with this a pressure is felt on the top of the right shoulder. It worsens from touch. A tensed sensation is also felt with this pressure feeling.

  1. Sanguinaria Can – To Manage Right Shoulder Pain

It is prepared from a plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. It is a useful medicine for managing pain in the right shoulder joint. For using this medicine the pain is felt on the top of the right shoulder. The pain may extend to the upper part of the right arm in some cases. It is worse at night time also and on turning in the bed. Along with the above symptoms there is much difficulty in raising the arm.

  1. Ferrum Met – For Shooting, Tearing Pain

This medicine is indicated for shooting, tearing type of pain in the shoulder. The pain radiates to the upper arm in cases requiring it. With this, raising the arm is difficult. The right side shoulder feels bruised and is also sore to touch. External heat offers relief in the pain. Along with the above symptoms cracking in the shoulder joint is also there.

  1. Ledum pal – For Severe Stitching Pain in Shoulder

It is prepared from a plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary and marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine works well in cases of severe stitching pain in the shoulder. This is worse when raising the arm. Sometimes sticking is felt in the shoulder when lifting arms. Another indication for using it is a throbbing type of pain in the right shoulder. Its last indication is painful pressure in the shoulder joints that is worse from motion.

  1. Silicea – For Pain Worsening at Night

Silicea is another beneficial medicine for this condition. Its use is considered when the pain in the shoulder worsen at night time. The pain may also radiate to the arm. There is relief from wrapping the shoulder warmly. Other than this sharp pain in the right shoulder also indicates its use. 

  1. Belladonna – For Aching, Drawing Pain in Shoulder

This medicine is prepared from a plant named as deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a valuable medicine for cases with aching and drawing pain in the shoulder. The pain can go down the arm from top of the shoulder sometimes. This pain is worse at night. It is also worse from motion. Relief in the pain is noted by external pressure.

  1. Graphites – For Pain in Left Shoulder

This medicine is recommended for managing left sided shoulder pain. The pain in cases requiring it is usually tearing in nature. The pain is felt on moving the arm. Sometimes a burning type of pain is felt in the left shoulder. While in a few cases there occurs a sticking, tearing or lancinating pain in the shoulders.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Drawing, Tearing Shoulder Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly named as pasque flower or wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is used when there is drawing, tearing pain in the shoulder. With this there is desire to move the arm. There may occur heaviness in shoulder and arms in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Sulphur – For Lacerating Shoulder Pain

This medicine is mainly indicated for managing lacerating type of pain in the shoulder. Mostly it worsens at night in cases needing it.  Along with this a sensation of pressure like a weight is felt on the shoulders. This is especially worse when walking in open air. Next symptom indicative of using this medicine is pain in the left shoulder as if it is bruised.

  1. Phytolacca – For Right Shoulder Pain

It is prepared from a plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as Poke root and Red Ink Plant. It belongs to family phytolaccaceae. This medicine offers the best help in cases of right shoulder pain. In cases needing it the pain is shooting type. It is accompanied with stiffness.  Additionally, there is an inability to raise the arm.

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Swollen Lips – Causes and Homeopathic Treatment

Lip swelling also referred lip edema means enlargement of the lip caused by build up of fluid under skin of lips or inflammation within the lip tissue. There are various causes for swollen lips among which some are minor but some can be  severe and serious that require urgent medical attention. The duration of lip swelling varies from case to case. In some cases, the lip swelling may remain for little time but goes away quickly but at times, it may remain for long time.

What are the reasons for Swelling of Lips?

Most common  cause behind lip swelling is allergies. Allergy refers to an overreaction of immune system in response to a substance to which a  person might be allergic. In an allergic reaction a chemical known as histamine is released that results in swelling as a part of an inflammatory response.  The allergic reaction may occur from eating certain food items ( some examples are fish, eggs, shellfish, peanuts, wheat, soy).  Environmental allergies are also common  where a person can have  an allergic reaction to some substances present in environment like dust, pollen, molds and  pet danders. Lip swelling allergy may also occur from some drugs like penicillin, anticonvulsants. It may occur from allergic reaction to insect bites, stings or some cosmetic use. It may also occur from anaphylaxis which is a serious allergic reaction that needs immediate medical treatment. Few of its signs and symptoms are swelling in throat / tongue, difficulty in breathing, low blood pressure, skin reactions like hives, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a weak and rapid pulse, dizziness or fainting

Another cause for lip swelling is Angioedema . It is a condition in which swelling  occurs under the skin. It can result from allergic reaction or hereditary conditions. Though swelling in this condition may occur on any of the body part but is common on lips and eyes.

Thirdly it may arise from an infection. The infection can be bacterial, viral or fungal. Some of the examples of infection that can cause it includes herpes simplex infection (a viral infection that causes herpes and can appear in many body parts including mouth). Cheilitis (Means lip inflammation in which lips may swell along with dry, red, itchy lips. Other than infection cheilitis may also be caused by eczema, prolonged lip picking, irritation or reaction from some substances like lip cosmetics), cellulitis (a serious bacterial infection affecting the inner layers of the skin).

Next reason is an injury to the face mainly around the mouth. The injury may be from blunt object, bite , from dental appliances or it may be a cut or from burn.

Other than above it may also occur from contact dermatitis (a red, itchy rash resulting from a direct contact with a substance or from an allergic reaction to it), from severe sunburn, hot spicy food and oral surgery.

In some cases it may occur from blood transfusion reaction, fluid retention during pregnancy, preeclampsia (a complication that can occur in pregnancy in which the blood pressure is raised along with signs of damage to other organs like liver and kidneys) and lip cancer.

Apart from above there are some of the rare reasons for this. It firstly includes Granulomatous cheilitis which is a rare condition in which occurs a lumpy swelling in the lips. Cheilitis glandularis that is a rare  inflammatory condition affecting the lips. The exact cause for it is not known but this condition is linked with lip injury, smoking and UV exposure. Last is Miescher-Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome In this condition the lips swell along with weakness / paralysis of the facial muscle and fissured tongue.

Signs and Symptoms of Swollen lips

Depending on the cause behind lip swelling different signs and symptoms may attend it. These include redness, soreness of the lips, heat around the lips, cracked lips and sensitive tender lips. Sometimes there may be eruptions on lips (the eruptions can be  blisters means fluid filled or pustular means pus filled).

In some cases runny nose, sneezing, watery, itchy eyes, nasal congestion may be present. Stomach pain, nausea, cough, skin rash, hives (a skin rash characterised by itchy wheals means bumps on the skin usually from an allergic reaction) may also be there in some cases. Sometimes serious symptoms can accompany and are indicative of life threatening condition. These includes general swelling over body, blue lips or fingernails, throat tightness, hives, fever with redness, swollen tongue and breathing difficulty.

Homeopathic management for Swollen lips

Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial for managing cases of swollen lips. These medicines help to reduce swelling of lips. Along with this these also manage any related pain, itching, dryness, cracks and eruptions on the lips. These medicines offer help by working to treat the root cause behind it. Use of any homeopathic medicines should be done under supervision of a homeopathic physician and self medication should be avoided. Homeopathic medicines for swollen lips are recommended only for mild to moderate cases. But in case of severe swelling, or when attended with some symptoms like blue lips or fingernails, throat tightness, general swelling over body, hives, fever, swollen tongue, breathing difficulty urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is strictly advised. In addition to this Homeopathy is not recommended when swollen lips are occurring from serious causes for example severe allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, cellulitis, cancer, preeclampsia.

Homeopathic medicines

1. Apis Mellifica – Top grade medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for cases of swollen lips. In cases needing it the lips are swollen, red with heat. Mostly upper lip is affected. The lips are dry and rough. They may also be tender. There is burning or stinging type of pain in the lips. Prickling in lips is yet another symptom that can attend. It is one of the best medicine for swelling in cases of allergies.

2. Belladonna – for swollen lips with burning sensation

This medicine is prepared from plant named as deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is indicated for swelling of lips along with burning sensation. The lips may be dry with this. Sometimes there is hardness in lips also. Lips may look dark red with this. Shooting type of pain in lips can occur. In some cases there may be eruptions with red circular margin on the lips and in the mouth corners.

3. Natrum Mur – for swelling of lips and blisters (fluid filled eruptions)

It is a very effective medicine for persons in whom lips are swollen and there are fluid filled eruptions (blisters) on lips. Burning sensation is marked in the blisters. The lips are red with eruptions. Smarting pain may occur with this. In some cases that require it cracks and ulceration may be there on lips and corners of mouth. The lips may be dry, cracked and there may be bleeding scabs on lips.

4. Arsenic Album – for swollen upper lip

It is a prominent medicine for cases in which there is swelling on the upper lip. Burning and stinging precede it. Itching may be present with this. Dryness and cracks on lips may occur.

5. Sepia – for swelling of lower lip

This medicine is well indicated when there is swelling of the lower lip. The lower lip is also cracked. It is an important medicine for managing this complaint in case of herpes. Other than above it is indicated for moist scaly eruptions on the lips.

6. Bryonia – for swollen, dry lips

It is prepared from root of plant Bryonia alba commonly known as White Bryony or wild hops. It belongs to family cucurbitaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when the lips are swollen and are dry, parched, cracked. On upper lip redness and heat can be there along with swelling. Apart from above its use is recommended for swelling of lips with eruptions. A burning and biting sensation is felt in the eruptions.

7. Arum Triphyllum – when lips are swollen with cracks, bleeding

It works well in cases having swollen lips with cracks and bleeding. Burning sensation is also felt with this. lips are very sore and and there may be peeling off the skin from lips.

8.Nitric Acid – for swollen itchy lips

It is an important medicine for helping cases of swollen itchy lips. In cases that require it, blisters or ulcers may be present on the lips. Stitching pain as from splinters may be felt in upper lip on touching. The lower lip can be dry, cracked and sore where it is needed

9.Merc Sol – for swollen lips with eruptions

It is useful medicine for cases in which there is swelling of lips with eruptions. There are pimple eruptions on lips with yellow crusts. Burning is felt in these. Lips may be dry, cracked or ulcerated in some cases. On touching pain is felt in the lips.

10. Hepar Sulph – for swollen upper lip painful to touch

This medicine is valuable for case having swollen upper lip which is also painful to touch. Pimples with soreness and smarting pain may be present on the lip. In some cases white blisters appear on the lips.

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9 Supportive Homeopathic Medicines for Osteomyelitis 

Osteomyelitis refers to an infection and inflammation of a bone that can arise from bacterial or fungal infection entering the bone. The bones commonly affected are the long bones in the leg and upper arm, pelvis and the spine. In some cases the infection in a bone can occur suddenly while in others it develops gradually in some time period. Homeopathic medicines for osteomyelitis cannot reverse the damage already done, but can help halt further progression of the condition. Osteomyelitis

Causes and Risk Factors 

Majority of its cases result from infection by a bacterium called staphylococcus bacteria. In osteomyelitis infectious agent can invade bone via different modes. Firstly, infectious agents from some other body part may enter bone through blood stream (for example an infection from from the lungs or urinary bladder can travel to bone via blood stream). Secondly the infection can occur directly in the bone as from some surgeries like joint replacement and repair of fracture. Thirdly it may follow an injury. In this case puncture wounds, deep cuts in a body part can get infected and the infection can spread to the nearby bone. Infection of a bone may also occur from direct bone injury that result in breaking of the bone with a part of bone coming out of the skin.

Elderly people are at high risk of this osteomyelitis.

A person having a recent injury or surgery to bone is also at risk.

Next persons with poor blood circulation are at risk of bone infection (this is because in case of poor blood flow the cells that help fight infection  can’t reach the  infection site properly in the beginning and the small mild infection of the initial stage tends to get bigger and can infect the bone). Some of the diseases that have poor blood circulation include peripheral artery disease – PAD  (a circulatory problem in which arteries are narrowed that result in decrease in  blood flow to the limbs. In this disease the blood flow to legs, arms but mostly legs is reduced than what is normally required for proper functioning. This disease mostly occurs from build up of fatty deposits in the arteries), uncontrolled diabetes, sickle cell disease (a group of inherited disorders that affect the red blood cells.  The healthy red blood cells are round and carry oxygen to all parts of the body. But in these disorders the red blood cells look like crescent moon shaped or like C-shaped farm tool known as sickle and become hard and sticky. These sticky cells tend to die early resulting in shortage of the red blood cells and these cells also can get stuck in the blood vessels  that result in slow blood flow and deficient oxygen supply to the body parts).

Other than this use of urinary catheters, intravenous tubes, dialysis machine tubes, artificial joints can also lead the germs in the body and increase chances of an infection that can  also lead to osteomyelitis.

Apart from these suppressed immune systems as in uncontrolled diabetes, cancer treatment and use of corticosteroids raises risk of infection. Lastly smoking, alcoholism and use of  non – sterile needles  also increase the risk.


The complications that can arise in it include death of the bone from obstruction of the blood flow, bone collapse, growth impairment of bones in the children and infection of the joints. In case an open sore develops with pus drainage then the skin nearby has increased risk of developing squamous skin cancer. 


The signs and symptoms of this infection include pain, swelling, warmth and redness in the infection site. It may also be tender and stiff. Next weakness, irritability and unwell feeling may be present. Fever can also be there. It may be accompanied with chill or sweating. Other than  this there can be difficulty to use the affected limb or limping may occur. There may occur drainage from the infected area. But in some cases no signs and symptoms occur. Most times in children this infection is acute that  comes on quickly but in adults it can either be acute or chronic. In children it mostly affects the long bones of the arms and legs while in adults it usually affects the spine, hips, and feet.

Homeopathic Medicines for Osteomyelitis 

Homeopathy offers supportive help to manage the cases of osteomyelitis along with conventional treatment. Though the homeopathic medicines can’t reverse the damage already occurred but can help in halting further progression of condition. These medicines help the body to fight with the infectious agent by increasing the body’s self healing mechanism and reduce the bone inflammation. These also help to manage its symptoms including swelling and pain in the bones. This condition is serious and can lead to severe complications so it is advised to take homeopathic medicine for its management only under supervision of a homeopathic physician and never do self medication. Use of these medicines is recommended in mild to moderate cases but in severe cases, and in those having complications it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment

  1. Aurum Met – Top Grade Medicine

Aurum Met is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing osteomyelitis. It is well indicated when bones are inflamed and attended with pain especially at night time. For using it mostly the bones of the face are inflamed. The bone damage is attended with pain. The pain can be boring or tearing. It can also be stitching or burning in nature sometimes. Mostly the bones of the forehead,  upper jaw,  nose  are swollen where it is required.

  1. Fluoric Acid – For Damage to Long Bone

This medicine is indicated for cases in which damage occurs in the long bones. Pain is present in the bones in cases needing it. The pain is worse at night. Excessive weakness usually accompanies it. It is also indicated for cases where pus drainage is there from bones. 

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Bone Swelling and Damage

It is the next medicine having marked action on bones. It is beneficial to manage bone swelling and damage.  In cases needing it pain in the bones is felt. The pain is boring or stinging in nature. In some of the cases the pain can be pulsating type also.

  1. Mezereum – For Bone Pain Worse from Least Touch

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh bark (gathered just before the plant flowers in February and March) of plant Daphne mezereum having the common name spurge Olive. It belongs to the family thymelaeaceae. This medicine is useful when the pain in bones mainly long bones is there which is worse from least touch. It also worsens at night in bed. It is also beneficial to manage burning, boring types of pain in the bones. Next it helps when there is pain in the bones of the thigh and leg. Lastly pain in feet bones at night is also indicative of its use. 

  1. Silicea – For Sensitive Tender Bones

It is the next medicine for managing cases where the bones are very sensitive and tender to touch. The bones are inflamed, swollen and damaged. It is suitable when the nasal bone is painful when touched. It is sore. It feels as if this bone is beaten. Other than this it is helpful for managing pain in the bones of the face. For using this medicine the facial bone pain is mostly shooting in nature. Lastly it offers help when there is swelling and damage of the bones of the lower jaw.

  1. Phosphoric Acid – When it Affects Hip Joint

This medicine is effective for managing osteomyelitis of the hip joint. Apart from this it is beneficial for inflamed bones accompanied with burning type of pain usually at night time. Next it is also prominent medicine for cases in which there occurs a smarting type of pain in bones of limbs  at night. Another indication for using it is smarting pain in bones which is better by motion. It is also useful for swelling of bones of the hands and feet. Last characteristic symptom indicating its use is bone pain at night with sensation as if bones are being scraped with a knife.

  1. Conchiolinum – When Ends of Bones are Inflamed

Use of this medicine is considered when there is inflammation of the ends of bones. It is attended with pain, swelling and fever. Extreme pain on the slightest touch is also present. There may also occur pus formation. The bones mainly involved for using this medicine are  bones in the upper limb (humerus, radius, ulna), bones in leg (tibia, fibula), bone of lower jaw,  scapula, tarsal, and metatarsal bones.

  1. Achyranthes Calea  – For Acute Osteomyelitis in Adolescents

This medicine is prepared from dried plants commonly known as herb of fever. It belongs to the family amaranthaceae. It is a rare but well indicated medicine for managing cases of acute osteomyelitis in adolescents. 

  1. Carcinosin – For Chronic Cases

The last medicine in the list of homeopathic therapeutics for managing cases of osteomyelitis is Carcinosin. This medicine is specifically indicated for chronic cases of bone infection.

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Diarrhea in Children – Natural Homeopathic Remedies Can Help

Diarrhea refers to passing loose, watery stools many times a day (three or more times a day). Diarrhea is a very common problem among children and can affect children of any age. It can be acute or chronic. In acute cases  diarrhea lasts for 1 or 2 days. In case of chronic diarrhea, complaints last for a few weeks or more. Homeopathy for diarrhea in children works well in mild to moderate cases.homeopathy for diarrhea in children


It can arise from various reasons. Firstly, it can arise from infection of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenteritis). The infections can occur from viruses (like rotavirus), bacteria and in rare cases, parasites also. Among them, viral infections are the most common reason.
It can also arise from food poisoning and use of medicines like antibiotics and laxatives. It may also arise in case of food allergies or food intolerances. 
Certain medical conditions may also cause diarrhea, like Celiac disease (an autoimmune disease in which eating gluten which is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye triggers an immune response that causes damage to the small intestine’s lining and prevents proper absorption of nutrients from the food). 

Crohn’s disease (a type of inflammatory bowel disease -IBD, that can cause inflammation in any segment of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. It results in symptoms including diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue and malnutrition) is another cause.
Next is ulcerative colitis (a type of IBD that causes inflammation and ulcers in the colon and the rectum. Its major symptoms are diarrhea mixed with blood and abdomen pain).
Lastly, it can be a part of IBS – irritable bowel disease (a common disorder affecting the large intestine that causes symptoms including abdominal cramping, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or alternate diarrhea and constipation).


There is passage of loose stool at least three or more times in a day in case of diarrhoea. There may be urgency to pass stool also. In some cases the stool may pass involuntarily. The loose stool may be accompanied with pain or cramps in the abdomen. Sometimes mucus or blood may pass in stool in some of the cases depending on the cause behind it. In some cases nausea and vomiting also occurs. The symptoms can be mild and last for a day or two or they can be severe that last for several days. Chronic diarrhea can lead to malnutrition.
It can cause dehydration. Few symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, tongue and lips, increased thirst, urinating less than usual,  lack of energy, lethargy, weakness, irritability, sunken eyes and cheeks, no tears when crying. In case of severe dehydration, there may be drowsiness, coldness of the hands or the feet, very less urination (not passing urine in more than 8 hours), pale skin and sunken soft spot on infant’s head (fontanelle), inability of child’s skin to spring back to normal right away on pinching and releasing, high fever and unconsciousness.  Severe dehydration can result in critical conditions including  shock, organ damage, coma and even death so should be urgently treated without any delay. 

Homeopathy for Diarrhea in Children 

Homeopathy can be very beneficial in mild to moderate cases of diarrhoea in children. Homeopathic medicines are very safe, natural and effective for managing this condition. These medicines help to manage loose stool and its attending symptoms including nausea, vomiting, abdomen pain in a very effective way. Along with use of these medicines, plenty of fluid intake is recommended in each and every such case. It is advised to use any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor who can suggest the most suitable medicine for a given case after detailed case analysis.  One can opt for use of homeopathic medicines when the case is of mild to moderate intensity but in case of severe diarrhea or when it is attended with fever or signs of dehydration then  it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating such serious cases.

  1. Chamomilla – Top Grade Medicine 

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Matricaria chamomilla. This plant belongs to family compositae.  It is a very effective medicine for cases in which a child passes watery, frequent stool. The stool is very offensive and smells sour. Stool is  mostly greenish in colour. It may have slimy mucus in it that can be yellow, green or white. Stool may be preceded by pain in the abdomen. With above putrid or sour smelling gas may also pass. It is one of the best medicine in homeopathy to manage complaints of  diarrhoea that occurs during dentition. 

  1. Podophyllum –  For Profuse Gushing Stool

Podophyllum is the next well indicated medicine for managing diarrhoea in children. It is prepared from the root of a plant Podophyllum peltatum having the common name may apple. It belongs to the family berberidaceae. This medicine is beneficial when there is profuse gushing stool. It can be yellow or green coloured. Stool has a  very offensive smell. It may contain undigested food particles also. In some cases stool may be mixed with mucus also.

  1. Calcarea Carb – When Stool is Offensive 

This medicine is helpful for children who pass stool having undigested particles in it and that has an offensive smell. It may smell sour or like spoiled eggs. Sometimes it may have blood also. In some cases the stool is involuntary and may be frothy too. Loose stool may be accompanied with abdominal pain. Use of this medicine is also recommended in case of diarrhea during dentition. 

  1. Cina – For Watery Stool with White Mucus

It is prepared from the unexpanded flower heads of plant Artemisia maritima. It belongs to family compositae. This medicine is useful when there is a watery stool with white mucus in it. It may be greenish and slimy. The stool may be preceded by pinching colic in the abdomen. The stool may pass involuntarily sometimes. On some occasions blood may appear in stool.

  1. Arsenic album – For Cases of Food Poisoning

It is a leading medicine for cases of diarrhea that results from food poisoning. In cases needing it the stool is thin or watery, slimy with offensive or rotten smell. It may have green mucus in it.  Along with it burning sensation may be felt around the navel region. The burning is felt before and during passing stool. In most cases vomiting is also there with loose stool. Along with above symptoms weakness can be present.

  1. Aloe – For Sudden Urge to Pass Stool 

It is prepared from gum of a plant Aloe Socotrina. It belongs to family liliaceae. It is a well indicated medicine when there is sudden urgency to pass stool. The urge for stool occurs soon after eating or drinking. The stool is watery, lumpy or mushy. Sometimes mucus passes in the stool. Its use is also considered when stool is passed involuntary when passing gas.

  1. Rheum – For Greenish Sour Smelling Stool

This medicine is prepared from plant Rheum officinale commonly known as rhubarb. It belongs to the family polygonaceae.It is a very suitable medicine for children who pass thin greenish stool with sour smell. It is accompanied by abdominal colic. The pain may be pinching type. Increase salivation is present with this.

  1. Ipecac – For Loose Stool Attended with Nausea, Vomiting

Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of a plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. This medicine works well when nausea and vomiting occurs with loose stool. Along with this colic is also there. It is mainly indicated when loose stool occurs from eating unripe fruits, sweets or during dentition. The stool is mainly yellow or green coloured. 

  1. China – For Loose Stool with Excessive Gas

This medicine is prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis commonly known as Peruvian bark. It belongs to family rubiaceae. It is  helpful when stool is attended with excessive gas. The stool is profuse, loose. It may be greenish or brownish. It can have undigested food in it. It has marked putrid smell. Weakness may occur with above symptoms. It is also a very suitable medicine when diarrhea occurs from eating fruits.

  1. Colocynth – For Managing Stomach Cramps

It is prepared from pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus colocynthis commonly known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is very suitable medicine to manage stomach cramps. In cases needing it cramps in the stomach gets worse after taking food or drink. Bending double or hard pressure helps to relieve the pain in the stomach. Stool is watery, yellow and frothy in cases that need it. Lastly during stool gas is also passed.

  1. Silicea – For Frequent Loose Stool 

This medicine is well-indicated for cases in which stool is loose, frequent and contains undigested food particles in it. Sometimes stool is frothy or contains mucus also. Stool is most of the time painless in cases that require it. Weakness may occur with this.

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TMJ Headache : Homeopathy Can Help

TMJ headache (temporomandibular joint headache) is a headache caused by a disorder in the temporomandibular joint. Most times a headache arises from sinus problem, migraines but it could not come in mind that it could be related to TMJ disorder but that can be reason too in some cases.TMJ is a sliding hinge joint that connects the jawbone to the temporal bones of the skull. There is one TMJ on each side of the jaw. This joint helps in jaw movement so that a person can talk, chew. Dysfunction in the jaw and the muscles that control the jaw movement  can result in TMJ disorders which may also cause headache. Homeopathy for TMJ headache helps reduce the frequency and intensity of this headache. Homeopathy for TMJ headache


In this there may occur dull, aching pain or sharp throbbing pain around and inside the ear. This pain tends to radiate  to the scalp,  temples (side of the head), down to the neck and  back of the head. The pain gets worse by talking, chewing and  yawning. The headache in this type  can occur in one or more areas of the head and face and is attended with some other symptoms. These include pain in the face or jaw, tightness of muscles of face or jaw,  restriction of jaw movement, clicking or popping sound on jaw motion. Sometimes there may also occur dizziness and hearing problems along with above symptoms.


The exact cause behind it is unknown yet. But it is thought to arise when there is some problem in the TMJ joint or in muscles around the TMJ that run along the jaw and cheeks. Tension in the muscles of the jaw can  lead to pain alongside cheeks and the sides or top of the head. Clenching or grinding of teeth can also lead to muscle pain that surrounds the jaw and cause headache. It is also seen that mental stress can result in muscle spasms which can result in headache. It may also arise from osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) and osteoporosis (a condition in which the bones get weak and prone to break easily) affecting jaw joints.

Homeopathy for TMJ Headache

Homeopathy carries a good scope in treating cases of TMJ headache. Homeopathic medicines are very natural and safe to manage its symptoms. These medicines target the root cause behind it and help to relieve the headache and the attending symptoms like jaw pain, stiff jaw, facial pain and cracking sound on jaw movement very effectively. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician who can suggest the best medicine that will suit a given case of TMJ headache after detailed case study. 

  1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a very effective medicine for cases where marked pain is present on the sides of the head. The nature of pain is mostly throbbing type where it is indicated. Pressure helps to relieve the pain sometimes.  Heat in the head may be present with this. Sometimes there is dizziness with a headache.
Next, tearing pain in jaws is there. The lower jaw also feels tensed and may have shooting pain in it. In some cases sharp pains in and about the ears are felt. This may be triggered by chewing. Other than above it is indicated when there is pain in the right side face that radiates to the side of head and neck. The pain here is mostly cutting or tearing. This gets worse from touch and motion. 

  1. Rhus Tox – For Stiffness and Pain in Jaw

It is a very beneficial medicine when there is excessive stiffness in the jaw. With this there occurs cracking sound in the jaw joint when movement of the jaw is made. There is also pain close to the ear in the  joint of the lower jaw. This pain is most of the time cramp like in nature. This gets worse from jaw movement. Sometimes there is severe pain with a sensation as if the jaw would break. People needing it feel relief in pain from warmth application over painful parts. Pressure over painful areas also provides relief. give relief to them.
There may be pain in the back of the head (occipital headache) and warmth provides relief. Bending the head backward also makes the pain better in them. Other than this they feel as if the muscles of the back part of the head are screwed together. This medicine is a good muscle relaxant and pain reliever.

  1. Spigelia – For Pain in Jaw, Face and Head

It is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmia commonly known as pink root. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. This medicine is well indicated when there is pain in jaw, face and head. Firstly, there is pain of tearing type in the lower jaw that radiates to the ear and up to the nape of neck. Moving the head worsens this pain. Along with this there can be a sensation as if the lower jaw of the right side would be torn out of its joint.
Secondly there is pain in the lower jaw on the right side that extends up to the ear and side of head (temporal region).
Thirdly there is pain in the left side of the face and head. The  pain may start from the back of the head on the left side and  extend forward and settle over the eye where this medicine is indicated. The pain is usually sharp and tearing. There is also a sensation as if all muscles of the left side of face from forehead to neck are pierced with red hot needles.

  1. Glonoine – For Headache and Stiff, Painful Jaw

It is a well indicated medicine for managing headache and painful, stiff jaw. It is given when the headache is throbbing and bursting type. The pain is felt mainly above the ears and on the sides of the head when it is required. This is accompanied by excessive heat in the head and flushed face. Fullness in the head is also felt. Throbbing headache can be accompanied with vertigo. In some cases needing it the headache is felt on top of head.
Lastly, it is also used when the headache starts in the back of the head and then spreads to the entire head.

  1. Causticum – For Tension, Pain in Jaw, Headache

It is a very useful medicine for persons who complain of tension and pain in their jaws. With this they have difficulty in opening the mouth. They may have inflammatory pain in the lower jaw. Next they feel violent stitching pain in the side of head especially the right side. This gets worse in the evening. They may sometimes have pain on top of head. This is most of the time a throbbing and stitching type. It may be accompanied by a burning and stinging sensation. A jerking sensation in the head can also be present. Lastly it is indicated when there is a tearing and digging type of headache in the evening time.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Severe Pain in Lower Jaw and Headache

It is an important medicine for cases in which there is a severe drawing type of pain present in the lower jaw. Along with this there is tension in the jaw joint. Persons needing it mostly have throbbing pain in the head as if occurring from little hammers. They may also have a dull heavy headache. Along with headache they may feel as if there is a rope around their head which is drawing tighter and tighter. They may also feel heaviness or stitching pain in the back of the head.

  1. Ignatia – When There is Clenching of Jaw and Headache

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara also known as St. Ignatius’ Bean. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a helpful medicine for cases in which there is a tendency to clench the jaw. Along with this there is pain in the lower jaw as if it is dislocated. The pain may be marked in the right lower jaw in the evening. Further, a sensation as if the jaw is crushed can attend above symptoms. Apart from above, pain is present in the side of head with a sensation as if a nail was driven out from there. It may get better by lying on it. One sided headache may also be present, and it worsens from talking. Along with headache, heaviness and heat in the head may be present. Sore bruised sensation in head may accompany. Relief in pain in the head can occur from rest and warmth. Lastly, pain in the back of the head may occur. This worsens from cold and relieves external heat. A sensation of weight at the back of the head may attend with the pain.

  1. Silicea – For TMJ Pain Extending to Temporal Region of Head

This medicine is indicated when there is  pain in the joint of jaw that extends to the temples. There may also be tearing pain in the whole head that begins from the back of the head. Persons requiring it feel a worsening of headache from cold air and exertion. They feel better by wrapping their heads warmly and also from pressure.

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Homeopathy for Vitamin B-12 Deficiency 

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin that plays a major role in red blood cell production and also ensures that the nervous system works properly. A person may have a deficiency if he does not take food that contains vitamin B12 (found in animal foods like fish, meats,  eggs, dairy and  food products that are fortified with B12 like some cereals, breads). Homeopathy for Vitamin B deficiency like Arsenic help provide relief in symptoms like weakness, tiredness, nerve complaints including numbness & tingling.  Vitamin B deficiency may also occur if the body of a person is not able to absorb this vitamin from the food eaten due to some of the underlying medical health conditions. Homeopathy for Vitamin B

First example of such conditions is celiac disease (It is an autoimmune disease in which eating gluten that is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye triggers an immune response that results in damage to the lining of the small intestine. It prevents absorbing  nutrients from food). Second is Crohn’s disease (It is one of the two inflammatory bowel diseases that leads to  inflammation in gastrointestinal tract). Next it can occur in case of atrophic gastritis (Damage to stomach lining that arises from long term inflammation of the stomach).
Lastly, it can occur in pernicious anaemia (a medical condition in which the blood lacks enough red blood cells due to lack of an intrinsic factor that helps to absorb  vitamin B 12 needed to produce  proper red blood cells). The persons who are strictly vegetarian, who are elderly, or have some surgery done to  remove a part of the intestine  that absorbs B12 and taking medicine metformin  or  antacid drugs for a long time are at risk of developing this deficiency.


In case of mild deficiency there may occur no symptoms at all. But if this deficiency goes unchecked then signs and symptoms start to appear. It firstly can lead to pale skin,  weakness, tiredness. Secondly it may cause nerve complaints including numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation, weakness of muscles and affect balance and coordination and cause trouble walking resulting in frequent falling. Other than this there may occur inflammation of tongue (glossitis) and mouth ulcers. Next there may occur palpitation of heart, shortness of breath and dizziness. It may also affect vision and cause blurred vision.  Apart from these it may lead to diarrhea, gas, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Lastly it can affect the mind and cause problems including depression, irritability, thinking difficulty, memory loss.

Homeopathy for Vitamin B Deficiency 

Homeopathy plays a supportive role to manage symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency along with supplements given in conventional mode of treatment for this deficiency. Homeopathic medicines help in providing relief in its symptoms like  weakness, tiredness, nerve complaints including numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation, muscle weakness, inflammation of tongue, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, gas, nausea and vomiting, depression, and memory issues. The medicine in homeopathy for managing it is selected as per the symptom presentation in every individual case. So it is advised to get a homeopathic medicine for its symptom management after consulting a homeopathic physician who can guide about the best medicine that will suit an individual case after detailed case analysis. These medicines are not a substitute to the supplements used in conventional mode of treatment for treating this deficiency and are only meant to provide symptom relief. The use of supplements from conventional mode of treatment is recommended along with use of homeopathic medicines. 

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness, Tiredness

Arsenic Album is a very effective homeopathic medicine to manage weakness, tiredness. In persons needing it weakness is felt from doing even least exertion. Mostly they have weakness in the night hours. Intense weakness is there in limbs that forces the person to lie down. They are also very anxious and restless, with a desire to move constantly. Apart from above, it is well-indicated medicine to manage tingling sensation felt in the fingers. Weakness, numbness in the feet is yet another symptom calling its use.

  1. Gelsemium – To Manage Exhaustion and Dizziness

It is a natural medicine prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. This medicine helps manage complaints of exhaustion and dizziness. In cases requiring it dullness and drowsiness is also present. There is also a desire to lie down at all times. Dizziness may occur while walking. It is also indicated for managing cases in which there occurs confusion of mind, thinking difficulty and problem in concentration.

  1. Kali Phos – To Manage Fatigue, Memory Weakness, Numbness, Prickling

It is an important medicine to help cases in which fatigue is present on both mental and physical spheres. Doing the slightest amount of work seems daunting. They have low energy levels.
It is also a suitable medicine for managing weakness of memory, forgetfulness, dullness of mind. Other than these, it is also a significant medicine for managing irritability and depression. In such cases sadness, gloominess, is present. Other symptoms that can attend are  weariness of life, negative thoughts in mind and fear of death. Lastly, it works well when there is numbness or prickling sensation in the  hands and feet.

  1. Hypericum – For Tingling Sensation in Limbs

It is prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum also known by the name of St. John’s Wort. This plant belongs to family hypericaceae. Use of this medicine if highly recommended to manage  tingling and burning sensation in the limbs. Numbness in limbs may also be there in some cases. 

  1. Zincum Met – To Manage Numbness and Tingling

Zincum Met is also very useful medicine for managing numbness and tingling sensation. Sometimes formation sensation is felt in feet and legs. Muscle weakness in the limbs may also be present. 

  1. Picric Acid – For Managing Pin and Needle Sensation

This is a beneficial medicine for managing pin and needle sensation in the limbs. Weakness and tiredness in the whole body especially in the limbs can also be present in cases needing it. Some other indications for using this medicine include weakness of memory, forgetfulness and mental fatigue after doing least intellectual work.

  1. Causticum – For Muscle Weakness and Problem with Balance and Coordination 

It is a prominent medicine with marked action on the muscles. It is a top grade medicine to help cases in which muscle weakness is prominent. Another major indication for using it is the problem with balance and coordination that cause unsteady walking and easy falling. It also works well to manage numbness in the hands.

  1. Sarcolacticum Acidum – For Extreme Fatigue, Prostration

It is yet another indicated medicine for managing fatigue, prostration. For using it the muscle weakness is present in the back, neck and shoulders. It may also be felt in limbs when climbing stairs. Lastly weakness is felt in arms as if it has no strength in them.

  1. Merc Sol – To Manage Inflammation of Tongue and Mouth Ulcers

It is a highly valuable medicine for managing tongue inflammation. In such cases there is intense redness of tongue accompanied with pain. The pain is usually pricking in nature. Burning sensation can also occur with this.
Next, it is very effective for cases of mouth ulcers. The ulcers can occur on the tongue, gums, inside cheeks when it is needed. These are dirty looking with undefined borders. Excessive salivation, metallic taste in mouth and offensive breath are some general symptoms that can appear with above complaints.

  1. Borax – For Managing Mouth Ulcers

In cases needing it, the ulcers can be present inside of the cheek or tongue. The ulcers are painful and tender. They also tend to bleed easily. Excessive heat and dryness of mouth can be felt along with these features.

  1. Aloe – For Managing Diarrhea

This medicine is prepared from gum of the plant Aloe Socotrina. It belongs to family liliaceae. It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy to manage diarrhoea. In cases needing it there is passage of lumpy, watery stool. There is a desire to pass soon after eating or drinking. Urgency to pass stool is also present. A constant bearing down sensation is felt in rectum. The main indication for using it is morning diarrhea that makes a person rush out of bed and go to pass stool immediately upon rising in morning. 

  1. Lycopodium – To Manage Gas 

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss that belongs to the family lycopodiaceae. This medicine works well  in cases where excessive gas production is there. It results in abdominal bloating. After eating any food there occurs bloating. Abdominal pain may also occur if the gas is not passed. 

  1. Ipecac – For Managing Nausea and Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the dried root of plant Ipecacuanha belonging to the family rubiaceae. It is very useful to manage nausea and vomiting. The nausea can be constant in persons needing it. Vomiting may occur of watery fluids, food or bile. The nausea may not get better even after vomiting.

  1. Ignatia – For Managing Depression

It is a very beneficial medicine in homeopathy for managing depression. People needing it feel sad all the time. This is accompanied with weeping and brooding spells. People who need this medicine do not wish to meet other people. They may also have dullness and weakness of mind.

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8 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Nail Biting 

Nail biting is medically known as onychophagia. It is a repetitive compulsive  behaviour  of biting nails in a person. It is mainly common in children (about 50 % of children have this habit at some time in their childhood). Most of them outgrow it with time. But some find it difficult to get out of it and carry forward this habit into adulthood. Homeopathic medicines for nail biting work well in gradually reducing this habit. Homeopathic Medicines for Nail Biting 

In some cases it is mild, occurs occasionally and is of not much concern or doesn’t require treatment. While in others it can be severe enough to cause nail damage, damage to jaw and makes a person prone to gastrointestinal infections. A person with this habit may bite the nail itself or the cuticle or the tissue surrounding the nails.


It often starts in childhood and if not overcome, the condition can continue during adolescence and may increase in severity. The exact reason behind the nail biting is not clear yet. However there are some of the factors that are linked with it. Firstly it can occur from nervousness, in case of stress and anxiety. In these cases it is just a way to cope up with these emotional disturbances.
A person who is habitual to it may do it just when he feels bored, is sitting free, feeling frustrated. Few people may do it without even knowing it while doing some work with great concentration.

Next, there are some mental health conditions that can have it as a symptom along with the major symptoms. Firstly, it  includes major depressive disorder (It is a serious mood disorder in which a person remains intensely sad for a long time period and has a loss of interest in everything).
Another cause is obsessive compulsive disorder – OCD (a disorder characterised by repeated unwanted thoughts and fears called obsessions which causes a desire  to do some repetitive behaviours known as compulsions. These  are severe enough to interfere with day to day activities).
Third is ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – it is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hyperactivity, inattentiveness,  concentration issues and impulsivity. It usually starts in childhood and can continue in adulthood). Other than this it can be associated with  tourette syndrome (A condition characterised by motor tics and vocal tics. The tics refers to  quick, sudden,  spasmodic muscle movements or  sounds. These are semi voluntary. Some sort of sensation like tingling or itching precedes these tics. These sensations are relieved by doing some specific movements).
It can also be a part of SAD or separation anxiety disorder (an anxiety disorder in which an intense anxiety occurs in a person after separating from home or from people to whom he /she is strongly attached emotionally).
It may also occur in cases of ODD which means oppositional defiant disorder (It is a behavioural disorder characterised by anger, irritable mood and argumentative behaviour and is diagnosed in childhood. Every child once in a while shows such behaviour. But when a child shows such behaviour  persistently then there are chances that he may have ODD).

It is to be noted that  a person having any of the above disorders doesn’t necessarily mean that he will definitely have a nail biting habit. But it can occur in these disorders in some people. Lastly, there are chances that a person may have inherited from parents pointing towards a genetic link with nail biting.

Effects of Nail Biting 

In  mild cases and in occasional nail biters no damage to the nail occurs. But in severe cases there are chances of damaging the nail. In case of damage the nails may grow out of shape, does not look normal or get curled. These may turn thick or thin. The nails may get discoloured too. There may occur ingrowing of the nails. The nails may get detached from the skin present around sometimes. In some cases the nails stop to grow after excessive damage has taken place. Next soreness, pain can occur in the nails and the surrounding skin. Swelling and bleeding around the nails can also arise. Nail damage makes a person prone to infection of the nail and also the surrounding skin. Apart from above the teeth can be damaged too in a person having this behaviour. There can also occur pain in the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). Lastly, persons with this habit are also at risk of stomach infection  from the dirt in nails or the bitten nails being carried down the food pipe into the stomach. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Nail Biting 

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of nail biting. Homeopathic medicines work well in gradually reducing this habit. The results vary depending upon the intensity and duration of the complaint.  These medicines are very safe as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances that don’t cause any sort of side effects. These are very suitable for managing this habit in people of all age groups. Though there are various medicines for treating this but none of them is specific. The best fit medicine for a given case of nail biting needs to be selected from these based on the case details. So it is best to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor  who can prescribe  the most suitable medicine after detailed case analysis.

  1. Cina – Leading Medicine for Nail Biting 

It is a natural medicine prepared from  unexpanded flower heads of several varieties of a plant Artemisia maritima. It belongs to family compositae.  It is a top grade medicine for treating cases of nail biting. It is especially suitable for children who have an irritable nature. They are hyperactive, very restless all the time even during sleep. They have a complaining nature , are very sensitive and tend to get offended very easily. They have a lot of anger and obstinate nature. They remain cross all the time and tend to cry and strike people present around them. Lastly they are dissatisfied all the time. 

  1. Arsenic Album  – Suitable to Nervous, Anxious Personalities

This medicine is well suited to persons having nervous and anxious personalities. Mostly they have marked anxiety about health  and about others. Along with this they have marked fear of  death.  Restlessness is present along with these symptoms. They keep on changing places due to restlessness. Anxiety and restlessness are worse after midnight in them. Their nails may be discoloured red or black. It is also one of the best indicated medicine for cases of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

  1. Natrum Mur – For Sad, Depressed Personalities

Natrum Mur is a very important medicine for persons  who are sad, depressed.  They weep frequently when alone. Dwelling on the past bad events is also there. They are indifferent and feel joyless. They lack interest in doing anything. They are also irritable and get offended easily. Consolation worsens their complaint. They mainly have a sensitive, reserved and introverted nature.

  1. Arum Triphyllum – For Severe Nail Biting

Use of this medicine is considered in cases of severe nail biting. Persons who need it tend to bite their nails until they start to bleed. They have a very nervous nature. Irritability is also marked in them. They are also very restless, cross and stubborn. Other than nails they may also have a habit of picking the ends of the fingers. 

  1. Aconite – For Anxiety

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. Use of this medicine can be done in persons who suffer from anxiety issues. They are also restless, impatient and do everything in a great haste. Fear of death is also present along with the above symptoms. Panic attack tendency may be there. They may also have a fear of crowds.

  1. Medorrhinum – Another Important Medicine for Nail Biting

It is the next prominent medicine for treating cases of nail biting. Persons requiring it are usually anxious and hurried. They are nervous, sensitive and restless too. They also are sad, tearful and feel better by weeping. Concentration issues and weakness of the memory can be present along with these symptoms. They may suffer mood changes, such as episodes of alternating happiness and sadness in such cases. 

  1. Lycopodium – For Social Anxiety

It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. It belongs to the family lycopodiaceae. This medicine can be considered in persons who have complaints of marked social anxiety. They have low confidence, poor self esteem and have fear of appearing in the public. They may have a tendency of panic attacks. They may also have concentration difficulties, weakness of memory. 

  1. Silicea – To Manage Nail Damage

This medicine is well indicated for managing nail damage. In cases needing it the nails are rough, brittle and yellow coloured. They are crippled. Skin around the nails may have ulceration also. It helps to overcome this nail damage. This medicine also works towards stimulating  growth of the new nails. 

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Supportive Homeopathy for Alcoholic Liver Disease 

Alcoholic liver disease refers to damage to the liver that result from excessive alcohol drinking for years. Alcohol abuse for years can result in fat build up, swelling, inflammation or scarring (cirrhosis) in the liver. It is a serious issue and can be fatal if not treated well in time. The damage to liver in this occurs from a chemical acetaldehyde which is produced from breakdown of alcohol in the body. Homeopathy for alcoholic liver disease should be used in cases where symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity as a supportive measure. Homeopathy for alcoholic liver disease

This disease doesn’t occur in all the persons who take alcohol regularly. But why some people develop it and others don’t is not known yet. Heavy drinking frequently, having a family history of this disease, poor nutrition, hepatitis C are some of its risk factors. People who drink beer have more of a chance of developing it than persons who take wine.  


In some cases no symptoms are experienced by the sufferer until the disease has progressed far. But some people experience the signs and symptoms early in the disease.

The early symptoms usually include nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, fatigue and abdominal discomfort/pain. The signs and symptoms that occur after progression of disease are jaundice, swelling in the legs, fluid build up  in abdomen (ascites), weight loss, muscle wasting, weakness, intense itching on the skin, easy bleeding or bruising, redness of hands or feet, fever, blood in stool or  in vomiting and fainting. In males enlargement of the breast can be seen.

Some of the mind related symptoms include confusion,  impaired memory, mood swings and frequent and easy agitation. Some of the complications of this disease are permanent scarring in the liver, high blood pressure in the liver blood vessels, bleeding enlarged veins in the food pipe and a loss of brain function. 

Stages of Alcoholic Liver Disease 

It has three stages:

First stage – Alcoholic fatty liver disease is the first stage. In this there occurs a collection of fat in the liver. Generally no symptoms appear in this stage. Complete stoppage of alcohol drinking can reverse this stage.

Second stage – The second stage is acute alcoholic hepatitis. In this swelling and inflammation appears in the liver. In mild cases it can be reversed with treatment but in severe cases it can proceed to liver failure.

Third stage – Thhis is the most serious and severe stage in which liver cirrhosis occurs. Cirrhosis means scarring in the liver. The liver damage is permanent in this stage and it can not be reversed but complete stoppage of alcohol intake can prevent further damage. Liver failure can occur when there is severe damage from liver cirrhosis.

Homeopathy for Alcoholic Liver Disease 

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in managing symptoms of alcoholic liver disease along with conventional mode of treatment and complete stoppage of alcohol intake. Homeopathic medicines are safe and natural that bring gradual relief in its symptoms. Though these can’t reverse the damage that had already occurred, they effectively manage its symptoms like nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, fatigue, abdominal pain. Use of these medicines is recommended only when the symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity. But in cases where symptoms are severe and serious then urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is advised strictly. As it is a serious disease, one should take homeopathic medicines for its management under supervision of a homeopathic doctor who can give the best suitable medicine selected following detailed case analysis. In no case self medication should be done.

  1. Nux Vomica – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicine in homeopathy to manage complaints that arise from alcohol abuse. It is indicated when the liver region is swollen. It is also sore and tender. This is mostly accompanied with pain in the right shoulder. Vomiting may also be there. This is especially present at the night time. Stinging, stitching or shooting type of pain in the liver may be felt with these. Next appetite may be lost. A constant   nausea can occur with above complaints.

  1. Chelidonium – For Fatty, Inflamed Liver

It is a natural medicine prepared from the plant Chelidonium Majus. Commonly known as Greater Celandine. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. It is the next important medicine indicated for managing a number of liver complaints. It is prominent for fatty liver and liver inflammation. Persons needing it complain of pain in the liver region that extends to the back and shoulder. For using it the pain can be shooting, stitching, dull throbbing or pressive in nature. Other than these they feel a sense of fullness and  pressure in the liver area.

  1. Carduus Marianus  – When Liver Pain and Jaundice are Present

This medicine is prepared from seeds of plant silybum that belongs to family compositae. In cases requiring it there is liver pain and is attended with jaundice. Pain can be drawing or stitching type to use it. Hepatic area is sensitive to pressure along with this. Tension and pressure feeling in the liver attends above particularly when lying on the left side. Loss of appetite may be present with this. It is also indicated for managing cases of cirrhosis of liver accompanied with edema (swelling from fluid build up mostly seen in ankles, feet and legs). 

  1. Phosphorus – For Supportive Help in Fatty Liver, Liver Inflammation and Cirrhosis

This medicine offers  firstly help to manage cases of fatty liver. In this stage the symptoms indicating its use are stitching pain in liver and excessive weakness. Jaundice may also be there with this. Next petechial spots can be present on the body especially on the arms. In case of hepatitis enlarged and hard liver indicates its use. Next it is indicated to manage liver cirrhosis that had resulted from alcohol abuse. Other than the above passage of blood in stool in liver congestion also points towards its use.

It is also indicated for managing vomiting. It may be of white or yellow bitter matter, sour or even bloody or blood mixed with bile or mucus. Excessive desire for cold drinks is a general symptom that can accompany above symptoms when it is required. 

  1. Lycopodium – For Pressive Pain in Liver

It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum having the common name club moss. It belongs to the family Lycopodiaceae. This medicine is recommended to manage liver pain especially of pressive nature. The episodes of pain occur frequently. The pain may extend to the middle of the upper abdomen also. The liver is also painful in spots. Along with this taste of mouth is bitter, tongue is coated and soon after eating, the abdomen feels bloated.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Inflamed Liver

It is a very beneficial medicine for managing liver inflammation cases. Its use is considered when pressing pain and tension in the liver region is the main symptom. Along with this burning sensation can be felt in the liver area. A unique characteristic is relief in burning sensation by warm drinks. It also feels distended. Liver may be enlarged too. It is one of the most prominent medicines for managing fatigue, weakness, exhaustion. It also works well in cases of nausea and vomiting that occurs after eating and drinking.

  1. Bryonia – For Stitching, Tensive and Burning Pain in Liver

It is prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia alba or wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a suitable medicine for managing cases of stitching, tensive or burning pain in the liver. In most cases needing it the pain gets worse from deep inspiration. It also increases from coughing or touching the liver. The pain radiates to the right shoulder. Jaundice may be present along with this. Next vomiting of solid food  or of food, mucus and bile may occur. The liver region feels heavy, swollen with this. It gets better by lying on it. 

  1. Hydrastis – For Jaundice, Weakness in Liver Inflammation

This medicine is prepared from fresh root of plant Hydrastis canadensis commonly known as GoldenSeal and Orange root. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. This medicine is indicated for managing jaundice, weakness from inflamed liver. With this appetite is lost, tongue is coated and the liver is tender. Depression may also be present.

  1. Natrum Sulph – For Nausea, Vomiting, Jaundice

This medicine is well indicated to manage nausea and vomiting mainly in case of liver inflammation. Vomiting is initially sour then bitter. People needing it have stitches in their liver. Swelling and soreness in the liver is also felt by them. Other than this it is indicated for management of jaundice. 

  1. Merc Sol – For Low Appetite, Weakness, Vomiting

This is a well-indicated medicine for managing low appetite, weakness and vomiting in cases where inflammation of the liver is present. Vomiting is of bile and water. With this liver pain is felt. This is attended with inability to lie on the right side. Jaundice can accompany it. The liver is also tender to touch. Liver is hard, swollen. There is excessive thirst for water. Taste of the mouth is bitter. 

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