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Managing Benign Esophageal Stricture with Homeopathic Medicines

Benign esophageal stricture refers to narrowing of the esophagus/food pipe (a tube through which the food passes from the throat down into the stomach). Benign esophageal stricture mainly arises from damage to the esophageal lining from stomach acid or any other irritant. It results in inflammation in the oesophagus followed by scar tissue formation, leading to narrowing of the pipe. Homeopathic medicines for benign esophageal stricture provide supportive help to manage the symptoms in mild to moderate cases. Homeopathic medicines for benign esophageal stricture

The major reason for damage to esophageal lining is long term GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) in which stomach acid backs up in the food pipe due to improper functioning of LES (lower esophageal sphincter). Other reasons include endoscopy procedure, use of nasogastric tube, eosinophilic esophagitis, radiation therapy done to chest or neck, treatment of esophageal varices and swallowing of certain substances like household cleaners, battery acid etc.

Homeopathic Medicines for Benign Esophageal Stricture 

The symptoms that are effectively managed with medicines are difficult swallowing, regurgitation of food, sensation of food sticking in the food pipe, heartburn and frequent eructations. The top grade natural medicines for managing benign esophageal stricture symptomatically includes Kali Carb, Baryta Carb, Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carb and Nux Vomica. The medicines among them are used based upon the characteristic individual symptoms.

1. Kali Carb – For Difficulty in Swallowing

Kali Carb is an excellent medicine for managing difficult swallowing in cases of benign esophageal stricture. The food descends slowly through the food pipe and there is a sensation as if something is impeding the food from going down with pain in centre of chest. Person needing Kali Carb has to drink water after eating a little to make the food move down in the esophagus. In some cases, the food remains half way in the food pipe and is followed by gagging and vomiting. Burning, stitching or stinging pain in the throat when swallowing is felt. Sometimes a sticking pain in throat may be there along with above symptoms.

2. Baryta Carb – For Difficulty Swallowing Solid Food

Baryta Carb is helpful for managing benign esophageal stricture with difficulty in swallowing solid food. Attacks of choking may appear while eating. Smarting or stinging pain in throat when swallowing attends. There is also a sensation sensation as if food is lodged in food pipe. In severe cases, solid food can not be swallowed completely and only liquid can be swallowed.

3. Arsenic Album – For Sensation of having Food Lodged in Esophagus

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated medicine for benign esophageal stricture with a sensation of food being lodged in the esophagus. The swallowing is difficult and painful. Whatever is eaten seems to get lodge in the food pipe. While swallowing burning in food pipe is felt. A stinging pain in esophagus, as from a splinter may attend. History of inflammation of esophagus may be present where Arsenic Album is needed.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Sensation of Food Sticking in Throat

Calcarea Carb is useful for cases of benign esophageal stricture with a sensation of food sticking in the throat. The person is unable to eat enough because it does not seem to go down. Nausea appears with this. A sensation of rawness and soreness is felt along the entire length of food pipe. Sometimes stitching pain is felt in food pipe especially in the upper part.

5. Nux Vomica – For Regurgitation of Food

Nux Vomica is valuable medicine to treat benign esophageal stricture with regurgitation of food. Eructations of sour or bitter taste appears. Sometimes water brash arises. Heartburn is another complaint. Vomiting also tends to appear after eating in many cases. Other features for using Nux Vomica are impeded swallowing with constricted feeling in the food pipe. It may be attended with stitching in the throat.

6. Robinia – For Managing Heartburn at Night

Robinia is prepared from a plant named Robinia pseudacacia commonly known as yellow locust. The natural order of this plant is Leguminosae. Robinia is highly effective to manage complaint of heartburn at night in cases of benign esophageal stricture. Sour belching and sour vomiting may be present. Robinia is also a top listed medicine to treat cases of GERD.

7. Iris Versicolor – To Manage Heartburn 

Iris Versicolor is prepared from a plant commonly named as Blue Flag. This plant belongs to natural order Iridaceae. Iris Versicolor is another significant medicine to manage heartburn in cases of benign esophageal stricture. Persons needing Iris have heartburn, sour bitter vomiting and weakness. Nausea may also accompany that is constant in nature most of the times.Vomiting of food also arises in many cases. Like Robinia, Iris Versicolor is also majorly indicated medicine for GERD.

8. Carbo Veg – For Managing Frequent Eructations

Carbo Veg is very suitable for managing complaint of frequent eructations in benign esophageal stricture. Sometimes the eructations are almost constant in cases requiring Carbo Veg. They may be bitter, sour or rancid and have an offensive odour. The eructations appears after eating or drinking anything. In many cases vomiting appears after eating. Scraping or rawness is also felt in the throat. Difficulty in swallowing is also there. Inflammation of esophagus may be present with the above symptoms.

Symptoms of Benign Esophageal Stricture

The symptoms of benign esophageal stricture include difficult or painful swallowing, regurgitation of food  (regurgitation – returning back of food up to the mouth from the stomach), sensation of food sticking in the throat or chest while eating, heartburn, frequent eructations and unintentional weight loss. Few of the complications of benign esophageal stricture include choking, dehydration, malnutrition and pulmonary aspiration.

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8 Homeopathic Medicines for Retention of Urine

Retention of urine refers to a condition in which a person is unable to empty the urinary bladder; either partially or completely. This condition can be acute or chronic. Homeopathic medicines for retention of urine help effectively treat the condition. However, it is to be noted that acute urinary retention is a medical emergency, in which urgent help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken immediately. Homeopathic Medicines for Retention of Urine

Acute urinary retention happens suddenly and is a medical emergency that needs to be addressed immediately. In this condition, the person wants to urinate, but is unable pass any urine at all. There is usually abdominal pain. Chronic retention of urine appears over a long period of time. In this condition a person is able to urinate but the bladder doesn’t empty completely.

Homeopathic Medicines for Retention of Urine

Homeopathic medicines play a supportive role to manage cases of chronic retention or urine. These are selected for chronic retention of urine individually for every case based on the characteristic symptoms. The top grade medicines for managing chronic urine retention are Clematis, Conium, Lycopodium, Pareira Brava and Chimaphila.

 1. Clematis – For Feeble Stream of Urine and Difficulty in Initiating Urination

Clematis is prepared from the leaves and stems of a plant Clematis Erecta of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Clematis is very useful to manage cases of chronic urinary retention. It works well in cases where feeble stream of urine and difficulty in initiating urination are the main symptoms. Urine passes slowly and is scanty. Dribbling at the end of urination may be present. There may be attending complaint of violent burning while passing last drops of urine. Urine frequency is also increased but urine is scanty. In some cases needing Clematis urine may start and stop suddenly or only flow drop by drop. Clematis also tops the list of homeopathic medicines to treat retention urine in cases of urethral stricture.

2. Conium – For Interrupted Urine Flow

Conium is highly valuable medicine to manage chronic urine retention where interrupted urine flow is present. Urine starts and stops several times while micturating. The urine feels hot and a pressure sensation upon bladder attends. Pain while passing urine also appears in some cases.

3. Lycopodium – For Managing Frequent Urination at Night

Lycopodium is prepared from a plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss and  Wolf’s-Claw. The natural order of this plant is Lycopodiaceae. Lycopodium is well indicated for managing frequent urination at night (nocturia) in case of chronic retention of urine. Along with this urine is slow in coming. Person has to strain to pass urine. Bearing down and heaviness over bladder is felt. Urine may have strong, pungent odour. In some cases needing Lycopodium violent pain in back is present along with retention of urine.

4. Pareira Brava – For Chronic Retention of Urine with Excessive Straining 

Pareira Brava is prepared from fresh root of a plant Cessampelos pareira also known as Velvet Leaf. This plant belongs to natural order Menispermaceae. Use of Pareira Brava is considered in cases of chronic retention of urine where excessive straining to pass urine is needed. It is also indicated in extreme cases where person has to strain hard by getting on the knee-hand position, press head against floor to void urine. A distended feeling in bladder is felt. Urge to pass urine is also constant. Pain goes down the thighs from the bladder during urination.

5. Chimaphila – For Chronic Urine Retention in Cases of Enlarged Prostate

Chimaphila is prepared from a plant Chimaphila Umbellata commonly known as Pipsissewa or Prince’s Pine. The natural order of this plant is Pyroleae. Chimaphila is beneficial for cases of chronic urine retention from enlargement of prostate. Person needing Chimaphila faces difficulty in initiating urination. Great straining is needed to begin urine flow. A constant desire to urinate is also present. The urine may also pass in a thin or divided stream. Cutting and scalding pain may arise during urination. Persons needing Chimaphila may pass urine better by standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward. Apart from urinary retention from enlarged prostate it is also helpful for retention of urine from urethral stricture.

6. Cantharis – For Treating UTI

Cantharis is wonderful medicine for treating UTI (urinary tract infection) in cases of chronic retention of urine. People needing Cantharis complain of severe pain and burning while passing urine. The pain and burning may also be present before and after urination. Frequency of urine is increased and person needs to strain to pass urine, passing a small quantity of urine every time. In some cases, urine passes in a thin and divided stream. Blood passes in the urine sometime and heaviness may also be felt in the bladder with the above symptoms.

7. Causticum – For Managing Urinary Incontinence

Causticum is a top grade medicine for managing urinary incontinence from chronic retention of urine. The bladder muscles get weak as a result of prolonged urine retention and the urine tends to pass involuntarily. A burning sensation may be felt when passing urine and itching of the orifice of the urethra may appear.

8. Merc Sol – To Manage Frequent Urination

Merc Sol is a significant medicine to manage frequent urination in cases of retention of urine. Frequent urination is present both during the day and night. In many cases, a desire to urinate every hour maybe present. Though frequent; urine is scanty and passes in a feeble stream. Urgency to pass urine is also marked where a person has to hurry to pass urine.

Reasons for Retention of Urine

The cause behind retention of urine may be either obstructive or non-obstructive.

Obstructive retention includes prostate enlargement in men, kidney/bladder stones, urethral stricture, cystocele or rectocele, certain tumours in the pelvis, severe constipation, severely inflamed urethra.

Non-obstructive causes of urinary retention include injury to the brain or spinal cord, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, pelvic injury, weak bladder muscles, certain medicines that make the internal urinary sphincter contract. The medicine includes antihistamines, few anti psychotics and medicines used to treat urinary incontinence

Symptoms of Urine Retention

The symptoms of acute urinary retention are a painful need to urinate but inability to pass urine at all. Acute urinary retention is a medical emergency that require immediate medical attention. The symptoms of chronic urinary retention include – need to urinate frequently (eight or more times a day), trouble beginning a urine stream, weak urinary stream, interrupted urine stream,  feeling to urinate again after finishing urination, nocturia – where a need arises to get up several times to urinate at night time, urge incontinence, mild discomfort or fullness in pelvis/lower abdomen. Complications from chronic retention of urine that may arise includes UTI (urinary tract infection), damage to bladder, urinary incontinence and chronic kidney disease.

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9 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis refers to vaginal inflammation arising from an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora in the vagina. Both good bacteria and bad bacteria are present in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the natural balance between these bacteria is disrupted and bad bacteria (anaerobic bacteria) outgrows the number of good bacteria (lactobacilli that keeps vagina slightly acidic and keep a check on overgrowth of bad types of bacteria) residing in the vagina. Homeopathic medicines for bacterial vaginosis majorly helps to reduce the vaginal discharges, vaginal itching and complaint of burning during urination.   homeopathic medicines for bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI) but it puts a female at risk to get a STI. This is because the vagina becomes less acidic in bacterial vaginosis, which means that there is a reduction in the natural defence against infection.

The risk factors that increase the chances of developing bacterial vaginosis include multiple or a new sexual partner, women having female sexual partners, vaginal douching, using scented soaps, using vaginal deodorants, use of intrauterine devices and cigarette smoking.

Homeopathic Medicines for Bacterial Vaginosis

Homeopathy medicines are highly effective to treat cases of bacterial vaginosis. The top grade medicines to treat bacterial vaginosis are  Sepia, Natrum Mur, Merc Sol, Kreosote and Medorrhinum. The most suitable medicine among them to treat bacterial vaginosis is selected based on the symptoms in every individual case.

1. Sepia – Top Grade Medicine for Bacterial Vaginosis

Sepia is a top listed medicine for treating bacterial vaginosis. Females needing Sepia complain of vaginal discharge. The colour of discharge varies and may be yellowish, greenish, milky or clear as water. It has a excoriating nature causing itching and burning sensation in the vagina. Violent stitches in the vagina may be present. The discharge also has a fetid odour and is most profuse after urinating. An urge to urination is also present with above symptoms.

2. Natrum Mur – For White Vaginal Discharge

Natrum Mur is beneficial medicine for bacterial vaginosis with white vaginal discharge. The discharge is very profuse, thick and acrid. This causes itching and smarting sensation in vagina. It is attended with excessive debility. In some cases needing Natrum Mur, the discharge may be transparent, watery in the morning hours. Burning and soreness in the vagina is also felt after urinating.

3. Merc Sol – For Green Vaginal Discharge

Merc Sol is highly useful for bacterial vaginosis with green vaginal discharge. The discharges are very acrid causing itching in the vagina. Violent burning follows scratching. Itching of vagina worsens while urinating. Cold washing also aggravates the itching. The discharge get worse at night time in females requiring Merc Sol.

4. Kreosote – For Vaginal Itching

Kreosote is a significant medicine to treat bacterial vaginosis with vaginal itching. The itching is very violent and intense in nature and gets worse during the evening. Soreness and burning in vagina follows scratching. Soreness in the vagina is also felt on urinating, and a stitching pain also be present. There are vaginal discharges that may be white or yellow in colour. These discharges are highly putrid and offensive in nature. They tend to worsen while standing and walking. Profound weakness appears with the vaginal discharge. The discharge is worse between the periods in most cases needing Kreosote.

5. Medorrhinum – For Fishy Odour of Vaginal Discharge

Medorrhinum is well indicated for cases of bacterial vaginosis with fishy odour of vaginal discharge. The discharge is thick. It has acrid and excoriating nature. It causes intense itching in the vagina. Itching is relieved by rubbing. Washing with lukewarm water also reduces the vaginal itching.

6. Pulsatilla – For White or Creamy, Acrid Vaginal Discharge

Pulsatilla is prepared from plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower or pasque flower. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is a wonderful medicine for bacterial vaginosis with white or creamy vaginal discharge. The discharge may be thin or thick. It is acrid causing itching, burning and biting in the vagina. The discharges tend to get worse on lying down where Pulsatilla is required.

7. Alumina – For Acrid, Burning Vaginal Discharge

Alumina is a prominent medicine for treating bacterial vaginosis with acrid, burning vaginal discharge. The discharge is transparent and profuse. In some cases it is flesh – coloured or light yellow in colour. It is worse in the daytime. In many females needing Alumina, vaginal discharge gets worse after periods. Washing with cold water offer relief. Fatigue appears with profuse vaginal discharges.

8. Sanicula – For Fish-smelling Vaginal Discharge

Sanicula is another medicine for bacterial vaginosis where fishy smelling vaginal discharge are present. The discharges are profuse. They may be milky or yellow coloured. It has a strong fishy odour. In cases needing Sanicula vaginal discharge is noted after intercourse that has fishy odour. The odour is very strong and not even removed after bathing.

9. Cantharis – For Burning on Urination

Cantharis is an excellent medicine for managing burning while urinating in cases of bacterial vaginosis. The burning may also be present before and after urinating. There is also increase in the frequency of urination along with burning, especially during the night. There is also urgency to pass urine and the stream may be weak and pass in a drop by drop manner.

Signs and Symptoms 

In many cases of bacterial vaginosis, no signs and symptoms appear. When they do appear, it includes abnormal vaginal discharge that is foul smelling or have a peculiar fishy odor. The fishy odor of vaginal discharge is most noticeable after sexual intercourse. The discharge may be thin, white, green, gray in colour, and there may be vaginal itching and burning while urinating.

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Blisters on Hands – Homeopathic Medicines for Pompholyx

Pompholyx or dyshidrotic eczema refers to a skin condition where tiny blisters/vesicles form on the sides of fingers and palms of hands. Sometimes this condition may also affect the soles of feet. Homeopathic medicines for pompholyx are deep acting remedies of natural origin that helps in healing the eruptions associated with the condition and also manage other symptoms.       homeopathic medicines for pompholyx

Some factors that predispose or trigger pompholyx are mental or physical stress, skin sensitivity, the tendency of excessive sweating, reaction to certain metals (like nickel, cobalt), detergents, soaps or other chemical, atopic dermatitis and fungal infections of skin. A person having a family history of pompholyx is also at risk to develop a similar condition. Females are more affected by this condition as compared to the males, particularly between the ages of 20 to 40 years. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Pompholyx

Natural medicines treat both acute and chronic cases of pompholyx in an effective and natural way. These remedies further help in gradually eradicating the tendency to have recurrent pompholyx. The top homeopathic medicines for treating pompholyx are Graphites, Natrum Mur, Mezereum, Petroleum and Sulphur.

1. Graphites – For Vesicles Discharging Sticky Fluid

Graphites is most helpful for pompholyx with vesicles discharging sticky fluid. The vesicles appear between the fingers and toes. They discharge sticky, gluey, watery and transparent fluid. The vesicles may itch and burn intolerably. Graphites is also indicated for cracks, fissures, roughness on the affected skin.

2. Natrum Mur – For Vesicles having Watery Fluid

Natrum Mur works well in cases of pompholyx with vesicles containing watery fluid. The vesicles rupture and leave a thin scurf on the skin. Burning on skin may precede vesicle formation. A general aggravation from heat and warmth is usually seen in most cases needing Natrum Mur.

3. Mezereum – For blisters on the Sides of Fingers

Mezereum is prepared from the fresh bark of plant Daphne Mezereum commonly known as Spurge Olive. The natural order of this plant is Thymelaceae. Mezereum is indicated for pompholyx when blisters form on the sides of fingers. The blisters are surrounded by a red areola. The blisters are attended with intense burning sensation. Itching also appears in blisters. The blisters may discharge sticky fluid, get dry leaving scabs. Skin of hands may be rough.

4. Petroleum – For Dry, Cracked Rough Skin on Palms and Soles

Petroleum is very effective for pompholyx with dry, cracked rough skin on palms and soles. The cracks may be deep. It is attended with excessive burning and itching. Blood may appear from the cracks. It is also indicated for vesicular eruption with thick scabs that may be greenish.

5. Sulphur – To Manage Itching and Burning in Vesicles

Sulphur helps in managing itching and burning in vesicles of pompholyx. Vesicles with watery content or pustules may be present. Most cases needing Sulphur show worsening of itching in the evening and at night. Burning appears after scratching the skin. Sometimes bleeding appears from scratching.

6. Carbolic Acid – For highly Itchy Blisters

Carbolic Acid is well indicated for pompholyx with highly itchy blisters. In some cases itchy pustules are also present. The itching gets slightly better by rubbing or scratching. It may be followed by burning pain. An offensive odor on the skin may be present.

7. Rhus Tox – For Blisters discharging Yellow Fluid

Rhus Tox is significant medicine for pompholyx with blisters discharging yellow fluid. The blisters appear on palms of hands. The blisters may be tiny or large. It is attended with intense itching. The affected skin is also red and inflamed.

8. Arsenic Album – For Blisters on Soles of Feet and Toes

Arsenic Album is prominently used for pompholyx with blisters on soles of feet and toes. The blisters have dark edges. The blisters may discharge light yellow colored liquid. The discharge mostly occurs during the night and may be offensive in nature. Intense burning in blisters may be present. For using Arsenic Album, the blisters may also be present on the fingers also along with the soles and toes.

9. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Blisters having Bluish Appearance

Ranunculus Bulbosus is prepared from a plant commonly known by the name of Buttercup. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Ranunculus Bulbosus is indicated for pompholyx with blisters having bluish appearance. Most times the vesicles appear on palms of hand and fingers. The vesicles are tiny and come up in crops. The eruptions tend to itch and burn. Stinging sensation may also be present in them. After scratching, redness and swelling arise. Thickening of the skin may also occur.

10. Hepar Sulph – For Infection when Eruptions Discharge Pus

Hepar Sulph is an important medicine for pompholyx with infection when there is a pus discharge from the eruptions. The pus may be offensive and tinged with blood. Sometimes the pus is dark coloured. Affected skin may be sensitive to touch.

11. Cantharis – For Vesicles with excessive Burning

Cantharis is a helpful medicine for pompholyx with vesicles attended with much burning. The vesicles are painful, tend to appear between fingers and toes. These may be large and exude watery content.

12. Anagallis – For Cluster of Small Blisters on Palm

Anagallis is prepared from a plant Anagallis Arvensis commonly known by many names including red chickweed, scarlet pimpernel and weather-glass. The natural order of this plant is Primulaceae. Anagallis works well for pompholyx with a cluster of small blisters appearing on the palm of hands and fingers. The blisters are attended with itching. In some cases, smarting sensation also appears in the blisters. There may be a discharge of yellow or brown fluid from blisters. The blisters then dry off. Following healing of these blisters, a new crop of blisters appears. The skin of hands and fingers is usually very dry in cases needing Anagallis.

13. Silicea – For Excessive Sweat with Blisters

Silicea is considered for cases of pompholyx where excessive sweat appears along with blisters. The blisters appear on palms, soles along with intense sweating. The sweat may be offensive. There may be prominent pus discharge from the blisters. Like Hepar Sulph, Silicea is also used to treat infected cases of pompholyx with pus discharges.

Signs and Symptoms of Pompholyx

The signs of pompholyx include small fluid filled blisters on the palmar surface of hand and sides of fingers (and sometimes on soles of feet.) In most cases, intense itching and burning on the skin precedes the blister development. The blisters tend to appear in clusters/crops. The blisters in pompholyx are usually small. These may club together in some cases to form large ones. The blisters can be very itchy as well as painful and may ooze fluid. They heal and are followed by dry, cracked, peeling, red, tender skin. Sometimes the affected skin can be infected following intense scratching. In infected cases the blisters ooze pus, get very painful and become covered with crust.

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10 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Mouth

Dry mouth (medically known as xerostomia) is a condition that arises when the salivary glands in the mouth don’t make an adequate amount of saliva to keep the mouth moist. There are multiple reasons that can lead to dry mouth; many medicines like those used to treat high BP, depression, anxiety and chemotherapy drugs can cause dryness in the mouth. Radiation therapy to head and neck can damage salivary glands and result in decrease salivation. Dry mouth can arise in elderly people, in diabetics and also in people who drink too much alcohol, chew tobacco, smoke, or use marijuana. Dehydration and breathing with an open mouth can also result in dry mouth. Homeopathic remedies for dry mouth bring excellent results by addressing the root cause behind the dryness. Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Mouth

Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Mouth

Natural medicines are highly effective to treat cases of dry mouth. The top grade medicines for treating dry mouth are Bryonia, Nux Moschata, Natrum Mur, Kali Bichrome, and Belladonna. The characteristic features in every case of dry mouth decides the most suitable medicine needed among them for wonderful results.

1. Bryonia – Top Grade Medicine for Dry Mouth

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as White Bryony or Wild Hops of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is a top listed medicine for treating cases of dry mouth. Along with dryness of mouth, lips are also markedly dry and parched. Throat and tongue are also dry. Tongue feels rough and cracked and may be coated white or yellow. It is attended with increased thirst for water. Drinking momentarily offers relief in dryness. Bad, offensive odour from mouth is also present. The saliva is frothy. Everything tastes bitter.

2. Nux Moschata – When Tongue Sticks to Roof of Mouth

Nux Moschata is prepared from powdered seeds of the plant Nutmeg of the natural order Myristicaceae. Nux Moschata is suitable for treating intensely dry mouth with sticking of tongue to roof of mouth/palate. The throat is also dry. The dryness of mouth and throat is very troublesome while sleeping. Saliva is decreased and feels like cotton in the mouth. Bad smell from the mouth and a foul, bitter or sour taste persists.

3. Natrum Mur – For Dryness of Mouth, Lips, Tongue

Natrum Mur is very beneficial for cases of dryness of mouth, lips and tongue. All food tastes bitter. The tongue has a clean, shiny appearance. Burning sensation at tip of tongue may be felt. Apthae on tongue and cheeks may also be present. It is attended with great smarting and burning sensation.

4. Kali Bichrome – For Sticky or Stringy Saliva

Kali Bichrome is a well-indicated medicine for dry mouth with sticky/stringy saliva. Saliva may be bitter or salty to taste. The lips are also dry. The dryness gets better by drinking cold water. There may be a coppery taste in mouth. The tongue is also dry, red and cracked. And may have a yellow-white coating. There may be stinging and pricking pains in tongue.

5. Belladonna – For Dryness of Mouth and Throat

Belladonna is prepared from the plant named as Deadly Nightshade belonging to natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is helpful for treating cases of dryness of mouth, inner cheeks, fauces and throat. The dryness of throat is excessive and can cause difficulty in swallowing. Burning, scraping and a constricted sensation is felt in the throat along with dryness. Dryness of tongue is also marked. Tongue is cracked and this may interfere with speaking. A foul odour from the mouth is also present.

6. Pulsatilla – For Dry Mouth with Bad Breath

Pulsatilla is prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans having common name Pasque flower or Wind Flower. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Use of Pulsatilla is considered in cases of dry mouth attended with bad or putrid breath. This is mostly noted in the morning time. Along with mouth the tongue and pharynx are also dry. Tongue has a coating of a grey, white or yellow colour

7. Borax – For Ulcers in Mouth

Borax is a very useful medicine for dry mouth attended with apthae/ulcers in the mouth. The apthae are mostly present on inner surface of cheek and tongue. The apthae are painful, tender and may bleed too. Tongue is also cracked. Dry heat in the mouth is present and there is increased thirst. Borax is also a well indicated medicine for treating thrush or fungal infection of mouth.

8. Apis Mellifica – For Painful/Inflamed Tongue

Apis Mellifica is a significant medicine for dry mouth attended with painful/inflamed tongue. The tongue is dry, swollen and inflamed with an inability to swallow. The tongue is fiery red with burning, or shooting pains. Sometimes prickling sensation is felt on the tongue. Dryness may also be felt in throat with burning and stinging sensation. The saliva is viscid and tough. Scalded feeling in mouth attends.

9. Sulphur – For Dryness of Mouth especially in Morning

Sulphur is indicated for dryness of mouth mainly during the morning. A sticky sensation in the mouth is also felt with dryness. Palate is also very dry. Tongue is coated white, yellow or brown and is rough and dry too. Burning pain on tongue is also marked.  Mouth dryness after eating is also indicative to use Sulphur. It is also valuable to treat mouth inflammation and apthae in mouth, tongue and on lips along with dryness of mouth.

10. Cocculus Indicus – For marked Dryness at Night

Cocculus Indicus is prepared from seeds of a plant named Indian Cockle of the natural order Menispermaceae. Cocculus Indicus is valuable to treat dryness of mouth present prominently during the night. The throat also feels dry. A burning sensation in the mouth and throat accompanies dryness. Saliva is frothy. Taste of mouth may be bitter, sour, metallic, coppery where Cocculus is indicated. There is marked thirst for water with above features.

Signs and symptoms attending dry mouth

Dry mouth may be attended with bad breath, sticky/stringy saliva, painful inflamed tongue, cracks in the mouth / inner cheeks, increased thirst for water, trouble speaking, problem in swallowing, sticking of tongue to palate and dry throat. Cracks may also appear on lips and corners of mouth. Dry mouth also predisposes a person to fungal infections / thrush in the mouth and tongue ulcers, taste disorders, tooth decay, plaque formation on teeth, gum disease, sore throat and infection of salivary glands.

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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding  – Top Homeopathic Medicines that Work

Abnormal uterine bleeding refers to any heavy or prolonged bleeding from the uterus, or bleeding in between periods. Other features of abnormal uterine bleeding include passing large clots in menstrual blood, bleeding after sexual intercourse and bleeding after menopause. Homeopathic medicines for abnormal uterine bleeding offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment.     homeopathic medicines for abnormal uterine bleeding

The causes of abnormal bleeding include uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, some birth control pills or the intrauterine device (IUD), bleeding disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, thickening of uterine lining, hormone changes during menopause, cancer of the cervix / uterus. Other causes include bleeding associated with early pregnancy, like a miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Homeopathic Medicines for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Homeopathy is very beneficial to manage the complaint of heavy periods, prolonged menstrual bleeding, bleeding in between periods and bleeding arising after sexual intercourse. The top grade homeopathic medicines for  abnormal uterine bleeding are Sabina, Thlaspi, Phosphorus, Ferrum Met and Trillium Pendulum. Each of these medicines have their own characteristic features to use them

1. Sabina – For Profuse Bleeding

Sabina is a remedy prepared from the young, fresh tops of the branches of plant Sabina Officinalis commonly known as Juniperus Sabina or Savine. The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. Sabina is a top listed medicine for abnormal uterine bleeding. Females needing Sabina suffer from very profuse periods. The bleeding is gushing, bright red and contains dark clots. The blood may be offensive too. Slight motion worsens the bleeding. Along with copious bleeding, there is marked pain from the sacrum to the pubis. The pains are contractive in nature. The periods last for long durations. This remedy also works well in cases of inter menstrual bleeding and for excessive bleeding due to uterine fibroids.

2. Thlaspi – For Bleeding with Prolonged Periods

Thlaspi is prepared from a plant Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris commonly named as Shepherd’s Purse, of the natural order cruciferae. Thlaspi is very useful for treating abnormal uterine bleeding where periods last too long. They may last from one to two weeks altogether. Periods are profuse with expulsion of clots. Bleeding is attended with severe uterine colic and cramps. Exhaustion results from prolonged periods. There is also tendency for frequent periods. It is one of the best medicines for managing prolonged, profuse and frequent periods in cases of uterine fibroids.

3. Phosphorus – For Inter-menstrual Bleeding

Phosphorus is a highly valuable remedy to manage inter menstrual bleeding in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding. There may also be attending complaint of too profuse and lengthy periods. The uterine bleeding is bright red, and there may be a severe pain in the back during bleeding, followed by great weakness.

4. Ferrum Met – For Pale, Watery, Profuse Blood Flow

Ferrum Met is a significant medicine to manage abnormal uterine bleeding in cases where the blood flow is pale, watery and profuse. Even the smallest movement increases the flow. The bleeding is prolonged. During periods, the face may become fiery red, and sometimes be attended with a ringing in ears. Marked debility is present with the above features. Anaemia may be present in females requiring Ferrum Met.

5. Trillium Pendulum – For Profuse and Bright Red Bleeding

Trillium Pendulum is prepared from fresh root of a plant called Three-leaved Nightshade of the natural order Smilaceae. Trillium Pendulum is very beneficial for treating abnormal uterine bleeding which is profuse and bright red. The bleeding is gushing in nature and is attended with backache and pain in the hips. A great bearing-down sensation is felt in the pelvis which gets worse when walking and standing. Excessive bleeding may also cause dizziness and fainting.

6. Ustilago – For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding of Profuse, Dark Blood

Ustilago is well-indicated for treating cases of abnormal uterine bleeding with profuse, dark blood. The blood is highly coagulated and may form long, black strings. The blood may have fetid odour. Extreme pain arise during menstrual period. The bleeding may last for ten to fourteen days. It is also also indicated for frequent periods that arise every three weeks with dark, clotted blood.

7. Calcarea Carb – For Early, Profuse and Prolonged Periods

Use of medicine Calcarea Carb is considered in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding when there are early, profuse and prolonged periods. Periods arise every two weeks and tend to last around two weeks in duration. Vertigo may develop during periods. Other attending complaints during periods that may arise with above includes labor-like pains in the abdomen and back, pain in hip bones, headache, anxiety and restlessness. Weakness in the legs is also felt from frequent periods.

8. Ipecac – For Profuse Bleeding with Nausea, Vomiting

Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of a plant named Cephaelis Ipecacuanha of the natural order Rubiaceae. Ipecac is an excellent medicine for cases of abnormal uterine bleeding where profuse blood flow is attended with nausea and vomiting. The nausea vomiting is almost constant. The bleeding is bright red in colour and copious. Large clots may pass in the blood. It is accompanied by a cutting pain around the umbilicus. There is attending chilliness, dizziness and headache, and great weakness follows copious bleeding. Menses may appear every fourteen days in cases needing Ipecac.

9. Sepia – When Bleeding arises after Sexual Intercourse

Sepia is a remedy indicated for abnormal uterine bleeding with complaint of bleeding after sexual intercourse. Apart from this, Sepia is also indicated for profuse periods where flow is most excessive during the night. The bleeding is attended with bearing down pain in the pelvis. There may be feelings of sadness and irritability along with a headache during periods.

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Homeopathy for Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Complications

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the joints. The joints get inflamed swollen, painful and stiff. In chronic cases, joint deformities may also develop. Rheumatoid arthritis mostly affects small joints, like fingers, wrist, ankles, and toes. However, with passing time, the large joints also tend to get involved. In the long run, extra-articular (outside the joint) sites may get involved too including eyes, heart, lungs, skin, blood vessels, kidneys, etc. Homeopathic medicines for complications of rheumatoid arthritis help to halt the progress of the disease and prevent further complications. Depending upon the type of complication, it can be either treated entirely with natural medicines or be managed symptomatically.        complications of rheumatoid arthritis

The Main Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis arises from an autoimmune response whereby the synovium of a joint is attacked by immune cells from a misdirected response resulting in joint inflammation and its consequent symptoms. Certain factors put a person at risk to get rheumatoid arthritis, like a family history of rheumatoid arthritis, smoking, and obesity.

Complications of Rheumatoid Arthritis and their Homeopathic Solutions

Rheumatoid arthritis, if not treated early and controlled well in initial stages can go beyond inflammation of the joints and put a person at high risk of developing complications. These complications result from inflammation of the body parts other than the joints (by the same autoimmune process as for joint inflammation) in rheumatoid arthritis. Apart from this, the side effects of conventional treatment used for rheumatoid arthritis leads to many complications. The most common complications of rheumatoid arthritis include anemia, joint deformity, eye inflammation, insomnia, depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, Sjogren’s syndrome, osteoporosis, and pleurisy. Early diagnosis and regular treatment of rheumatoid arthritis may prevent many of these from developing. Ferrum Met, Causticum, Merc Sol, Coffea Cruda, Ignatia Amara, Hypericum, Nux Moschata, Calc. Phos and Bryonia are the top remedies to treat the various complications from RA.

Homeopathy medicines can help in effectively managing many complications of rheumatoid arthritis and improving the quality of life. These medicines work to manage the complications of rheumatoid arthritis by moderating the immune activity. The amount of recovery also varies as per the intensity and chronicity of the complications. Some complications like insomnia, depression, and carpal tunnel syndrome are treatable, while others like anemia, eye inflammation Sjogren’s syndrome, osteoporosis, and pleurisy can be managed symptomatically to a certain level. The help provided in case of a joint deformity is limited to management of pain and stiffness in the affected joint.

1. Anemia due to Blood Loss and More

Anemia is very commonly seen in rheumatoid arthritis cases.
Inflammation in the body causes the release of certain proteins that decrease the body’s ability to use iron. Another reason is reduced response to erythropoietin in case of rheumatoid arthritis. The kidneys make a hormone called erythropoietin, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. Red blood cells in the body get reduced over a period due to the inability of the body to respond to erythropoietin.
Apart from this, conventional medications used for treating rheumatoid arthritis (including NSAID’s and steroids) may also lead to anemia through blood loss. NSAID’s can cause stomach ulcers that bleed and lead to anemia.

Ferrum Met – For Anemia in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ferrum Met is a medicine used to treat anemia in rheumatoid arthritis. It yields excellent results in cases where there are symptoms like weakness and fatigue as a result of anemia. There is a lack of stamina to do any work, the face appears pale, vertigo and episodes of shortness of may appear frequently, and palpitations from minimum exertion may also be present.

2. Joint Deformity due to Proliferating Pannus

In rheumatoid arthritis, the inflammatory cells of the immune system accumulate in the synovial membrane. These cells form a proliferating pannus (abnormal layer of fibrovascular tissue). Certain substances are released from this pannus which can erode the bone, destroy the cartilage and the surrounding ligaments. This results in bone fusion and the joint becomes immobilized, losing its functioning ability.

Causticum – To Manage Joint Deformity

Causticum is a well-indicated medicine to help in the management of rheumatoid arthritis case where there is a joint deformity. Joint deformity with joint damage and contracted tendons indicate the need for this medicine. Causticum is a broad acting homeopathic medicine that offers help in reducing the stiffness, and pain in deformed joints in rheumatoid arthritis. The person needing this medicine may have tearing pain in affected joints. Warmth may help in relieving the joint pain. Although the joint deformity cannot be reversed with this medicine, it can help halt the further progression of joint damage by moderating the overactive immune system.

3. Eye Inflammations like Iritis, Scleritis, and Uveitis

Eye inflammation is a very common complication of rheumatoid arthritis. Iritis, scleritis, and uveitis are the types of eye inflammation seen in rheumatoid arthritis.
The sclera is the white part of the eye, and its inflammation is known as scleritis. The symptoms of scleritis include eye redness, pain, swelling, blurred vision, sensitivity to light and tearing.
The Uvea is the vascular layer of the eye, and its inflammation is known as uveitis.
Iritis is a form of uveitis where the iris gets inflammed. The symptoms of uveitis include pain and redness in the eyes, blurred vision, floating spots before eyes, and light sensitivity.

Merc Sol – For Eye Inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Merc Sol helps in managing symptoms of eye inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. The symptoms including burning in the eyes, pain in eyes and sensitivity to light, acrid eye discharges, foggy vision, floating black specks and dim vision.

4. Disturbed Sleep due to Pain

Disturbed sleep, poor quality sleep, and sleeplessness are commonly seen in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. It has been estimated that around 70 – 80% of the people dealing with rheumatoid arthritis face sleep issues.
Pain in the joints can keep the person awake at night. Lack of sleep modifies the way in which the central nervous system processes pain and worsens the pain perception, thereby reducing the pain tolerance. Disrupted sleep thus increases the pain sensitivity and a vicious cycle sets in, where joint pains decrease sleep quality and poor sleep cause more pain.
Conventional medicines (like prednisone) that are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis may also cause insomnia.

Coffea Cruda – For Sleeplessness in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Coffea Cruda is a medicine used to manage sleeplessness in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. It is prepared from raw berries and dried seeds of Coffea arabica. The symptoms that indicate the need for Coffea Cruda are restless sleep, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. The person needing Coffea Cruda is highly sensitive to pain and suffers from intolerable pains. The pains are so severe that it leads to irritability and weeping. The person keeps on tossing and turning in bed.

5. Depression and its Link to Tissue Necrosis Factor

People with rheumatoid arthritis are at twice the risk to develop depression as compared to people who do not have RA. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, and the pain related to it tends to make the person feel hopeless and depressed. In addition to the pain, the increased levels of tissue necrosis factor – alpha (TNF-a) in the blood (of people having RA) is linked with high risk of depression.

Ignatia Amara – For Depression in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ignatia Amara is a useful medicine for treating depression in rheumatoid arthritis. This medicine helps in significant recovery from depression and imparts a sense of well being. This medicine can be used in people who have rheumatoid arthritis and tend to feel sad and depressed, weep bitterly, don’t like to talk and tend to remain alone. Hopelessness, irritability, mood swings, and heaviness in the head are other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

6. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel is a space in the wrist which serves as a passageway for the median nerve and various tendons. Pinching or pressing of this median nerve leads to carpal tunnel syndrome. In rheumatoid arthritis affecting wrist joint, there are high chances to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. The swelling of joints and tendons narrows the space form which median nerve passes from the wrist. Due to the narrowing of the passageway the median nerve gets pinched, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome. The symptoms of this syndrome include numbness or tingling in the thumb, index finger, middle finger and the ring finger. A burning sensation in these fingers may also be present. Pains in the wrist/hand and weakness in the hand are other symptoms.

Hypericum Perforatum – For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Hypericum Perforatum is a natural medicine for carpal tunnel syndrome arising in rheumatoid arthritis. This medicine is prepared from the fresh plant named St.John’s –wort. The natural order of this plant is Hypericacee. This medicine gives excellent results in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis cases. The symptoms indicative of this medicine are numbness or tingling sensation in thumb and fingers. A crawling or burning sensation in the fingers are some characteristic symptoms.

7. Sjogren’s Syndrome leading to Dry Eyes and Mouth

People with rheumatoid arthritis are at risk to develop Sjogren’s syndrome characterized by dry eyes and dry mouth due to the destruction of lachrymal glands and salivary glands respectively. The dry eyes cause a gritty sensation in the eyes, along with burning, redness, and itching in the eyes.
Dry mouth leads to difficulty in swallowing and speaking, and the lips may also become dry. A dry mouth also predisposes a person to develop fungal infections. Joint pains may also arise along with dry mouth and dry eyes.

Nux Moschata – For Sjogren’s Syndrome

The key indications for using Nux Moschata are excessive dryness of eyes and intensely dry mouth. Due to eyes dryness, there appears an inability to close eyes. The dryness of mouth is so marked that the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth. A sensation of having cotton in the mouth may also felt. The dryness of mouth is worse at night time, and the lips too may get dry.

8. Bones Prone to Fractures due to Osteoporosis

In osteoporosis, the bones become fragile, brittle and very prone to fractures. The pain and resulting inactivity due to arthritis can further increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, and bone loss is more pronounced in the areas surrounding the joint affected by rheumatoid arthritis.
Additionally, the corticosteroids used for treating rheumatoid arthritis put a person at risk for osteoporosis. Medications like glucocorticoid (used for treating RA) also trigger a significant bone loss.

Calcarea Phos – For Managing Osteoporosis 

Calc Phos is an effective homeopathic medicine for managing osteoporosis in rheumatoid arthritis. This medicine helps in strengthening weak and brittle bones. It is useful in cases where fractures have occurred as a result of osteoporosis. In case of a fracture, homeopathic medicine Symphytum Officinale is a primary medicine that is used along with Calcarea Phos. Both these homeopathic medicines effectively help in bone healing.

9. Inflammation of Tissue Lining of Lungs

Inflammation of tissue lining of lungs and the inner side of the chest cavity is known as pleurisy. It leads to shortness of breath, chest pain and sometimes a cough. People with rheumatoid arthritis are at high risk to develop pleurisy, and it is one of the most common complications of rheumatoid arthritis.

Bryonia Alba – For Pleurisy in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Bryonia Alba is an important medicine for managing pleurisy in rheumatoid arthritis. This medicine is prepared from the plant wild hops belonging to natural order Cucurbitaceae. This medicine can be used along with conventional treatment. Bryonia Alba helps in managing the symptoms of pleurisy (inflammation of the lining of the lungs), like sharp chest pains and shortness of breath. The chest pain is seen to get worse from motion and on inspiration. A dry cough may also be present.

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9 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Swollen Joints

Swelling in the joints in most cases tends to arise as a result of conditions like arthritis, injuries, and infections. Swelling of joints due to arthritis includes issues like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, infectious arthritis, septic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. The injuries where joint swelling is seen include injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons of joints, fractures, sprains, and strains. Apart from the above, swollen joints also arise in case of bursitis and tendinitis. Homeopathic medicines for swelling in joints help reduce the pain and stiffness in joints and bring about remarkable recovery.        homeopathic medicines for swelling in joints

Homeopathic Medicines for Swelling in Joints

Homeopathy medicines can effectively treat swelling in joints by reducing the swelling and addressing the root cause of the problem. The top grade medicines to treat swollen joints are Rhus Tox, Apis Mellifica, Bryonia, Benzoic Acid and Actaea Spicata.

1. Rhus Tox – Top grade Medicine for Swelling with Pain and Stiffness

Rhus Tox is a top listed medicine for treating swollen joints in cases where there is marked stiffness. The affected joints are red and warm to touch, and there may be associated with swelling, pain, and stiffness present. The pain tends to worsen at rest where Rhus Tox is indicated. Motion tends to give relief in the pain of joints. In addition to the above, the joints feel weak, and there may be cracking in them upon stretching. Winter aggravation of the complaints is also noted. Rhus Tox is a prominent medicine to treat swollen joints in cases of arthritis, inflamed tendons/ligaments, injuries, and sprains.

2. Apis Mellifica – Important Remedy for Swollen Joints

Apis Mellifica is another effective medicine for treating swollen joints. The indications for using Apis are swelling in the shoulder, wrist, fingers, knees, ankles, and toes. The affected joints are inflamed, sensitive and sore to touch and there may be stinging pains present. Apis Mellifica is a prominent medicine for treating joint swelling in cases of arthritis, bursitis, and synovitis.

3. Bryonia – For Swelling with Pain Worsening from Motion

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly named as White Bryony or Wild Hops. The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is well-indicated for treating swollen joints with pain that worsens from motion. Rest relieves the pain. The pains are mostly sharp, stitching or tearing in nature. The affected joints look red and shining and can be hot to touch because of pain and swelling. The joints are also tender and sensitive to touch. In cases needing Bryonia, warmth tends to relieve the pain. Bryonia is majorly indicated for swollen joints in conditions like arthritis or gout.

4. Benzoic Acid – For Swelling due to Gout

Benzoic Acid is a very significant medicine for treating swollen joints from gout. Benzoic Acid can be used as a remedy in cases of swelling in the wrist, elbow, knee, and great toe. The joints are also markedly red and painful. These symptoms tend to worsen during the night.

5. Actaea Spicata – For Swelling of Wrist Joint and Other Small Joints

Actaea Spicata is prepared from the root of a plant named Baneberry or Herb Christopher. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Actaea Spicata is a highly effective medicine for treating swelling of the wrist joint. The wrist is red, swollen and intolerable to touch. The motion of the wrist is impossible. Actaea Spicata is also well-indicated for swelling of other small joints including the ankle, fingers, and toes. Swelling on the affected joints can appear from the slightest fatigue or even walking. There may be a pain in the joints which can be tearing or drawing in nature along with tingling. The pains tend to get worse from touch and motion in cases where Actaea Spicata is required.

6. Calcarea Carb – For Swelling in the Knee Joint

Calcarea Carb is useful to treat swelling of the knee joint. In cases requiring Calcarea Carb, the knee is warm and sensitive to touch along with swelling. This swelling tends to worsen during the night. In addition to the swelling, stinging, drawing or tearing pains tend to appear in the knee. The pains get worse from motion, and a cracking sound may be heard in the knee while walking. Weakness and lameness in the knees may also be present along with the above features.

7. Ledum Pal – For Swelling of the Ankle Joint

Ledum Pal is a magnificent medicine prepared from a plant called Wild Rosemary also known by the name of Marsh Cistus or Marsh Tea. The natural order of this plant is Ericaceae. Ledum Pal is a high-grade medicine to treat swelling of the ankle joint. Along with swelling, intolerable pain in the ankles is present. Stepping and warmth worsen the ankle pain, and the foot may feel heavy. Pressure is also felt in the ankle and lower part of the leg, and there may be itching present on the ankles. Ledum Pal is a foremost medicine to treat sprains of ankles and feet.

8. Arnica – For Swelling due to Injury

Arnica is prepared from the plant Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s-Bane or Fallkraut. The natural order of this plant is Compositae. Arnica is a prime medicine for treating joint swelling that arises from injuries. Here, sore bruised pain in the joints is marked. In some cases, a drawing pain with crawling and pricking sensation in the joints is present. There is great fear to touch the affected joint due to intense pain.

9. Ruta – For Swelling and Pain due to Sprains and Inflamed Tendons, Ligaments

Ruta is prepared from the plant Ruta Graveolens commonly known by the name of Garden Rue or Bitterwort. The natural order of this plant is Rutaceae. Ruta is a prominent medicine to treat cases of joint swelling and pain from sprains and inflamed tendons and ligaments. The pain attending swelling of joints is mostly sore, aching, and bruised in nature. The joint also feels lame with swelling and pain in cases where Ruta is indicated.

Symptoms Accompanying Swelling in Joints

There is a possibility of swelling in a single joint, or in multiple joints. The main symptoms that accompany swollen joints include pain and stiffness in the joints. The affected joint may be red, tender and feel warm to touch. Mobility of the joint may be reduced, depending upon the intensity of swelling and pain in the joint.

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Photophobia – Homeopathic Remedies to treat Light Sensitivity

Photophobia or light sensitivity is a symptom where a person experiences discomfort or pain in the eyes upon exposure to bright light. People who have photophobia tend to blink often, squint, are unable to open their eyes fully on exposure to light and tend to close their eyes. People who have light sensitivity are troubled by bright light, but in severe cases any sort of light is intolerable. People having photophobia tend to experience symptoms like eye strain, eye pain, burning in the eyes, and excessive tear production. They may also experience headaches. Homeopathic medicines for light sensitivity (photophobia) work in cases where the cause of photophobia is not related to any serious issue related to the eye or brain.                                                        homeopathic medicines for light sensitivity

Homeopathic Medicines for Light Sensitivity

There are excellent medicines in homeopathy to manage the complaint of photophobia. Homeopathy medicines help manage photophobia effectively by correcting the root cause of it. The top listed medicines to treat photophobia are Euphrasia, Belladonna, Natrum Mur, Conium, and Glonoine. Before using these medicines for photophobia, it is important to rule out the cause of it. Cases of photophobia where some critical eye or brain disorder is suspected should be treated immediately under the conventional mode of treatment.

1. Euphrasia – Top Grade Medicine to treat Photophobia

Euphrasia is prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis commonly known by the name of Eyebright. The natural order of this plant is Scrophulariaceae. Euphrasia is top listed medicine to treat cases of photophobia. Eyes are very sensitive to light, and there may be spasm of the lids in some cases. Photophobia is worse during the day and in sunlight, and the affected person has a desire to remain in a darkened room. Eye pain and pressure, aching and darting-type pain is felt in the eyes when exposed to light. The eyes become red and there may be itching. Burning, biting in eyes, with smarting, hot, excoriating lachrymation is also present. A sensation of dust or sand in eyes is felt. Euphrasia is prominently indicated for photophobia in cases of iritis, keratitis, conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers.

2. Belladonna – For Photophobia with Dry Eyes

Belladonna is prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Belladonna is useful to manage the complaint of photophobia with dry eyes. There is intolerance to light with a desire to remain in dark room in cases needing Belladonna. The eyes get congested and look very red. Photophobia worsens on exposure to artificial light. Along with this, a gritty sensation in the eyes may be felt. Pain in the head and eyes are present, and it may be stinging or shooting in nature. It gets worse from movement and light. There may be a heated sensation present in the eyes. Belladonna is also indicated for keratitis with a congested eye, pain in eye and photophobia.

3. Natrum Mur – For Spasmodic Closure of Lids

Natrum Mur is a significant medicine for cases of photophobia where the eyes tend to close on exposure to light. The eyes may water and there may be a burning sensation. Severe pain in the temples may be felt along with blurring of vision. Natrum Mur is also a high-grade medicine to treat cases of blepharitis where photophobia is marked. In such cases, other symptoms are also present that include acrid eye discharge and burning/smarting in eyes.

4. Conium – For Photophobia with Excessive Flow of Tears

Conium is a well-indicated medicine for managing photophobia with an excessive flow of tears. The photophobia is severe and the flow of tears is profuse. The person feels better in a dark room. The borders of the eyelid may be swollen. There may be ulcers present on the cornea. This medicine is indicated in cases where the eye pain gets better by pressure.

5. Glonoine – For Photophobia with Headache

Glonoine is highly beneficial for photophobia that appears with a headache. The headache is throbbing and congestive in nature. Headache is marked in the temporal region, and the person feels as if the head would burst from pain. Heat is also felt in the head, and there is a marked sensitivity to light. Flickering or black spots may also be seen before the eyes. The eyes get red, and there may be a dimness of vision. In some cases, vertigo also accompanies the above symptoms.

6. Arsenic Album – Where there is a Burning Sensation in the Eyes

Arsenic Album is a helpful medicine for photophobia with a burning sensation in the eyes. The eyes are sensitive to light, especially to sunlight. The person may lie in bed with the face buried in a pillow. Profuse, hot and acrid lachrymation is present, and the eyelids may stick together due to it. The eyes appear red swollen, the vision may become dim and a tearing pain around the eyes may arise from exposure to light.

7. Phosphorus – For Managing Photophobia with Pain in Eyes

Phosphorus is a helpful medicine for managing photophobia with pain in the eyes. The pain is intense and shooting in nature. There may be dimness or blurring of vision. The person may see black points or sparks before the eyes. Phosphorus also helps in cases of glaucoma with intense photophobia.

8. Sulphur – For Photophobia with Stitching Pain in the Eyes

Sulphur is suitable for cases of photophobia where stitching pain in the eyes is present along with sensitivity to light. There may be a feeling of fullness in the eyes when exposed to bright light. In some cases where Sulphur is indicated, there may be violent, pressive pains all around the orbit of the eye that arises upon exposure to sunlight. Redness of eyes is also marked. A sensation as if the eyes are full of sand is prominent. Itching and burning sensation in the eyes may also be present. Ulcers on the cornea with excessive photophobia and intense redness of eye also point towards the use of this medicine. Another indication for using Sulphur is keratitis with photophobia.

9. Merc Sol – For Burning Pains and Acrid Lachrymation

Merc Sol is indicated for cases of photophobia with burning pain in the eyes along with acrid lachrymation. There is a flow of hot tears from the eye. Along with this, tearing pains in forehead attend. Pain in the eyes may be present along with inflammation.

Causes of Photophobia

The causes of photophobia vary from mild to serious. The most common cause of photophobia is migraine headaches. The eye conditions that can lead to photophobia include corneal abrasion, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, uveitis, blepharitis, detached retina, and cataracts. Sometimes photophobia arises following eye surgery. Photophobia may arise in certain brain conditions including encephalitis, meningitis, brain injury. Some medicines including furosemide, quinine, antihistamines, non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and sulfonamides can also lead to photophobia.

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Short Periods – 8 Effective Homeopathic Medicines

The normal duration of menstruation varies from woman to woman and can be anywhere between 3 to 7 days. Once in a while having a period that is shorter than normal is not a cause of concern. However, a decrease in the duration of a menstrual period for several months altogether in a female when compared to the usual pattern should be investigated. It is normal to have menstrual irregularities and change in the duration and flow of periods at puberty. This is because it takes time for the hormones to regularise a specific pattern for the first few years after menarche. It is also normal to face changes in menstrual flow and duration during the perimenopausal age. Homeopathic medicines for short periods or scanty periods help regularise the natural processes and treat the condition effectively.  homeopathic medicines for short periods

Apart from these, short periods may arise from several hormonal problems and other factors that need to be corrected and treated to solve this problem. They mainly include PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and thyroid dysfunction. Other factors that contribute to short periods include breastfeeding, low body weight, stress, excessive exercise, eating disorders, use of OCP’s (oral contraceptive pills) also make changes in duration/flow of the menstrual period. Certain medications like NSAID’s (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), antidepressants and thyroid medications also tend to shorten menstrual flow. Premature ovarian failure and Asherman syndrome are rare conditions in which short periods appear.

Homeopathic Medicines for Short Periods

The complaint of short or scanty periods can be effectively treated with natural homeopathy medicines. The top grade medicines to treat cases of short periods are Pulsatilla, Sepia, Conium, Viburnum, and Lachesis. The most suitable medicine among them is selected as per every individual case based on the characteristic features. Homeopathy medicines work at treating the root cause which is leading to a short duration of menses. Once the root cause is corrected the duration of periods is improved.

1. Pulsatilla – Top Grade Medicine to Treat Short Periods

Pulsatilla is prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of pasque flower or windflower. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is top-listed medicine for treating complaint of short periods. The flow of blood is also scanty in addition to being short. The flow is most prominent in the daytime only in cases needing Pulsatilla. The flow may be dark or blackish in color. Pain during periods with cramps abdomen and vomiting may attend. Chilliness may be present during periods. Before and after periods vaginal discharge may be prominent.

2. Sepia – For Scanty Periods that Last for One Day

Sepia is the next well-indicated medicine to treat short periods. It is useful in females in whom periods last only for one day. Menses may be irregular too appearing early or late but last for short duration only. Bearing down pain in the pelvis during periods is a characteristic attending feature. During periods sadness, headache, nausea, vomiting and great prostration are felt. Yellowish, thick, profuse leucorrhea appear before and after menses.

3. Conium – For Short and Late Periods

Conium is a beneficial medicine to treat cases where periods are short and appear late. Sometimes menses don’t appear for two to three months altogether in females needing Conium. When they appear they are short and may be clotted. Drawing pain in legs during menses may be felt. Violent itching in the vagina may appear after periods.

4. Viburnum – For Short Periods that Last only for Few Hours

Viburnum is prepared from fresh bark of a plant named Viburnum Opulus. This plant has many common names including High Cranberry Bush, Cramp Bark, and Water Elder. The natural order of this plant is Caprifoliaceae. Viburnum is prominently indicated medicine for cases of short periods where flow last only for a few hours. Menstrual flow is also scanty, thin and light-colored where Viburnum is required. During periods, nausea, cramping pain and great nervous restlessness is felt. Before periods severe bearing down pains in uterus and drawing in anterior muscles of thighs are present.

5. Lachesis – For Short and Scanty Periods

Lachesis is useful for treating short and scanty periods. The menstrual flow is dark, black, dirty looking and lumpy. They also have an offensive odor. During periods labor-like pressure from loins downwards is felt. Bruised feeling in hips and Soreness about the pelvic region is also prominent. A tendency to have late periods may be there in some cases.

6. Apis Mellifica – For Short Periods that Last for One to Two Days

Apis Mellifica is beneficial to treat short periods that last for one to two days only. Violent, cramp-like pain appear during periods. Flow is scanty of dark, bloody mucus. The menses are accompanied by great weakness. Ovarian pain of cutting, stinging nature is felt especially on the right side during periods. Frequent urination is another symptoms arising during periods in cases requiring Apis Mellifica. It is a high-grade medicine to treat menstrual complaints linked with cysts, tumors, inflammation of the ovary.

7. Euphrasia – For Short Periods where Flow Lasts for an Hour

Euphrasia Officinalis is a plant commonly known by the name of Eye-Bright of the natural order Scrophulariaceae. Euphrasia is helpful for cases of short periods where flow lasts only for one hour. Periods have a tendency to appear late in females, the flow is scanty and the menses are painful in addition to being short and scanty.

8. Thuja – For Early and Short Periods

Thuja is prepared from fresh green twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis having common name Arbor Vitae of the natural order Coniferae. Thuja is indicated to treat cases where periods are very short and appear too early. Before menses, pain in left ovary, heat in head, profuse sweating, headache, and labor-like abdominal pains are present. During and after menses tiredness arise. Sleeplessness also tends to appear after menses.

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