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Homeopathic Treatment for Viral Infections

Infections caused by the presence of a virus in the body are known as viral infections. One or more viruses cause these infections, and they are common in clinical practice. Although these infections can affect anyone, children and aged people are more susceptible due to weaker immune systems. Homeopathic treatment for viral infections helps resolve the condition by naturally strengthening the immune system, thereby enabling the body to fight infection.    homeopathic treatment for viral  infections
Some viral infections are self-limiting while others can lead to severe complications. These infections produce debilitating symptoms and affect the day-to-day life of the infected person.
The symptoms vary depending on the organs or systems affected by the virus. The most prominent symptoms include high fever and severe body pain with marked weakness. In addition to this, specific symptoms also occur.

How do Viral Infections Spread?

Viral infections are highly contagious and get transferred very quickly by direct or indirect contact. Viral infections of the skin like herpes and chickenpox spread by direct or indirect contact through infectious discharge. This discharge oozes from skin eruptions that are a common symptom of these diseases.

Viral infections of the respiratory system spread through exposure to nasal or respiratory discharges. Discharge is spread while coughing or sneezing, or by direct contact with items like contaminated handkerchief or utensils.

Viral infections can lead to gastroenteritis or hepatitis. Here the spread occurs by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Few viral infections spread by the bite of insects like mosquitoes or ticks. They include hemorrhagic fevers e.g. dengue, chikungunya, etc. There are the sexually transmitted viral infections like AIDS, Hepatitis B, etc. They spread by unprotected intercourse with infected partners. The spread can also occur via blood transfusion.

Symptoms of Viral Infections

The symptoms of a viral infection depend on the nature of the virus, age and health status of the patient, and the organ affected.
However, there are general symptoms present in all viral infections. These include high fever and rising and ebbing temperature accompanied by chilliness. The patient may complain of extreme weakness and fatigue. Marked pain in the head, body-ache, muscle-pain, and joint-pain is also noted.
Nausea and vomiting are some other symptoms associated with viral infections.

Fever is the most common symptom that is present in almost all viral infections. It is the reaction of body’s immune system against foreign bodies, like viruses. It is a worrisome symptom in children and quick-relief is often sought through drugs to lower fever.
Fever-lowering drugs suppress the fever temporarily, but infection inside the body persists.

Homeopathic Treatment for Viral Infections

Conventional drugs do not offer comprehensive treatments for viral infections. Certain viruses like Influenza, HIV, etc. have tendencies to mutate (change) very rapidly, thereby lowering the effectiveness of such medicines. Additionally, viruses quickly develop resistance to these drugs, making the development of preventive medicine somewhat challenging. Conventional medications therefore only provide supportive management and suppression of the symptoms.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections helps ease the symptoms and also enables the body to heal naturally.

Homeopathy treatment for viral infections is steadily gaining popularity as a natural way to deal with viral infections. These medicines help reduce the frequency and intensity of acute symptoms like weakness, fever, body pain, etc. These help with quick recovery. In some cases, they reduce the chances of further complications. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections treats the symptoms not by suppressing them, but by strengthening the immune system. It activates the body’s natural restorative properties by producing symptoms similar to the ones experienced by the patients. This method helps settle underlying internal disturbances in the body. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections also minimizes the weakness and fatigue commonly encountered as an aftermath of the infection.

Viral infections are highly communicable and spread rapidly from one person to another. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections is also preventative and helps reduce the chances of contracting the infection.

1. Viral Infections that Affect the Skin

The most common viral infections of skin include Herpes simplex infection, warts and eruptive fevers like chickenpox, measles, rubella, etc.

Herpes Simplex

Herpes simplex is a viral infection that can occur in any part of the body. Most common sites include the mouth, face, genitals and anal region. It is of two types – Type 1 and Type 2.
Type-1 is oral herpes that mainly affects mouth and face. It spreads by direct contact with an infected person.
Type-2 is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the genital and anal region. Sores develop in the mouth, face, genital and anal area. General symptoms of fever, body pain are also present. In some cases, the infection may spread to eyes and lead to eye pain, discharge, and grittiness in the eyes.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like herpes simplex includes the use of medicines like Natrum Mur, Rhus Tox, and Petroleum.
Natrum Mur is indicated where eruptions develop on the skin during fever. They are filled with fluid and burst eventually, leaving behind a thin crust. They may present around the mouth, or on arms and thighs.
In cases where intolerable itching and burning accompany the herpes simplex infection,  medicine Rhus Tox is used. The patient has an urge to scratch, but scratching provides no relief. Eruptions may contain a yellow-watery fluid.
Petroleum is a medicine for herpes simplex accompanied by itching sores. The eruptions may change into ulcers and be present on the chest, neck, and knee.

Eruptive Fevers

Eruptive fevers, as the name indicates, are viral fevers in which general symptoms are present with characteristic rashes. Chickenpox, measles, and rubella are all eruptive fevers.


The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox. It is a highly infectious disease that mostly affects children, but can also affect adults. It spreads through contact with an infected person via sneezing, coughing, saliva, and discharges from rashes.
The symptoms are mild in children and more pronounced in adults.
The symptoms of chickenpox include general symptoms of viral infections along with a typical rash. The rash erupts first on the trunk and face, where it is dense. It then spreads to the limbs.
These rashes are red-colored, itchy blisters filled with fluid with a crust on top.
Every new rash eruption comes with a rise in temperature. Homeopathy treatment for chickenpox includes medicines like Antim Crud and Antim Tart.
Antim crud is used when there is a formation of pustules accompanied by itching. There is soreness upon scratching. The eruptions may ooze out yellowish-green fluid. Eventually, thick crusts may develop and the patient may feel weak.
Antim Tart is another treatment for chickenpox with itching and red rashes. Painful vesicular eruptions may present on the whole body. They may fill up with pus and dry up, forming a brown crust. Fever often occurs with these eruptions.


Herpes zoster (shingles) is a common skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. In some cases, the virus is present in the nerves of the body in an inactive form. The virus becomes active and affects the nerves in case the immunity weakens. It leads to painful skin eruptions and is common in adults and old people. General symptoms accompany the development of rash over the length of the nerve. The rash develops in a small band or strip area. As the disease progresses, rashes change into fluid-filled blisters. Pain and itching are present, followed by the formation of a crust. Healing takes between 15-30 days, but the pain may persist for longer.
Treatment for viral infections like herpes zoster includes medicines like Ranunculus bulb, Mezereum, and Clematis. Ranunculus bulb is indicated when the blisters are of bluish –black color. They may fill with fluid and cause extreme burning and itching. Upon bursting, hard crust forms in place of the blister.
Mezereum is used in treatment for shingles with severe neuralgic pains accompanied by itching. It may get worse by touch in most cases. The blisters may burn and form brown scabs that heal slowly.
Clematis is a well-known treatment for long-standing cases of herpes zoster. The eruptions (in cases where this medicine is required) are red, coupled with intense itching that may get worse after washing.


Measles is another highly infectious disease caused by the rubeola virus. It affects children the most and spreads through contact with an infected person. Symptoms include general symptoms of viral infections and a typical reddish-brown rash. Sneezing, watery eyes, and cough may also be present. A characteristic feature is the presence of bluish –white spots in the oral mucosa (koplik spot).
Homeopathy treatment for measles includes medicines like Pulsatilla, Euphrasia, and Morbillinum. Pulsatilla and Euphrasia are given mostly in the catarrhal stage of measles. Severe coryza with redness of eyes and profuse lachrymation (flow of tears) may also be present.
Morbillinum is chiefly a preventive medicine for measles.


Viral warts occur due to infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These are harmless growths of the skin that commonly spread through direct contact with an infected person. Warts can occur at any age but are more common among school children. Warts are of various types; like plane warts (with a flat surface) as seen on face and hands, plantar warts on foot soles, filiform warts (with stalk) on the face, and mucosal warts in the mouth or around lips.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like warts includes medicines like Thuja, Nitric Acid and Causticum. Thuja is used to treat all types of warts. They are large and mostly appear on the back of their hands.
Warts accompanied by soreness and burning are treated with Causticum. Nitric acid helps in cases where there is pricking pain, bleeding after washing, and warts that are painful to touch. These usually appear on the upper lip.

2. Viral Infections that Affect the Respiratory System

Viral infections of the respiratory system include the common cold, sore throat, sinusitis, influenza, etc.

Common Cold

The common cold and sore throat are the most common viral infections, and every person usually experiences these at least once in a lifetime. These are highly contagious and spread from person to person through sneezing or coughing. Symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, stuffy nose, pain in throat, body aches, and fever.
Homeopathy treatment for the common cold includes the use of medicines Allium cepa and Euphrasia. Allium cepa is used in cases where there are profuse acrid nasal discharges accompanied by sneezing. A headache may also be present, along with discharges from eyes. The cold usually appears after exposure to damp winds. Euphrasia is also used to treat the common cold where sneezing accompanies profuse nasal discharges. Irritating eye discharges may also be present.


Influenza is another viral infection of the respiratory system, also known as the flu. The causative virus is influenza virus A and B. Influenza virus is a constantly-changing strain and new strains appear every year. It usually affects young children and old people. People with low immunity, chronic heart or lung disease are more at risk of contracting this virus. It is self-limiting in a few cases while causing severe complications in others. Symptoms of influenza initially resemble the common cold. Fever with a chill, head pain, body pain, congestion of nose and throat, pain in the throat, weakness, running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, etc. are the typical symptoms. These develop suddenly and tend to last longer than the common cold. These symptoms are severe for 3-4 days, but the patient recovers after 7-10 days.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like the flu includes medicines like Aconite, Gelsemium, Oscillococcinum, and Influenzinum.
Aconite is indicated in cases where there has been an exposure to drafts of cold, dry winds. The symptoms appear suddenly and with high intensity. The nose becomes stuffy with scanty, watery nasal discharges. Fever may occur, along with restlessness.
Gelsemium treats influenza where dullness and drowsiness accompany typical symptoms, and the patient is prone to contract the virus with the change of weather. The after-effects of influenza remain for a long time. Weakness, along with thin, acrid, watery discharges from the nose, is present. Redness of eyes with watery discharges is also a common symptom.
Influenzinum is a medicine that reduces the intensity of these symptoms. It also prevents the spread of infections. Oscillococcinum is also used to treat and it helps in reducing the duration and severity of symptoms like fever, body pains, headache, etc.

3. Viral Infections that Affect the Gastrointestinal Tract


Rotavirus and Norovirus are the common causes of gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach and intestines) in infants and young children. These are highly contagious and spread by eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Symptoms of infection include fever, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, pain in abdomen, weakness, body pain, etc. In some case, it is self-limiting, and the patient recovers within a few days. However, in other cases, it can cause severe dehydration. Arsenic Album and Nux vomica are the medicines used to treat viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Arsenic album is used in cases where diarrhea and vomiting are present with severe burning and restlessness. In most cases, the symptoms get worse after eating and drinking.
Nux vomica treats cases where constant nausea and vomiting are present, and the patient usually feels better after vomiting. Diarrhea, with a constant urge to pass stools is present, but only a small amount excretes at a given time.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is another highly infectious disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. It leads to inflammation of the liver. The virus spreads through contaminated food and water. Symptoms of hepatitis include nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen (usually on the right side), loss of appetite, yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice), dark-colored urine and clay-colored stool.
Treatment for viral infections like hepatitis includes medicines Chelidonium and Phosphorous.
Both medicines cover all the symptoms of hepatitis. In cases where Chelidonium is used, most patients feel better after eating hot food. Phosphorous is used when all the other symptoms accompany a burning and a desire to eat cold food.

4. Sexually Transmitted Viral Infections

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) refers to the fatal, final stage of the HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) infection.
The immune system weakens as a result of this syndrome. HIV destroys CD 4 T- cells which are essential for a person’s immunity, thus making the patient more prone to common infections.
HIV is sexually transmitted by an infected person to healthy person through unprotected intercourse. It can also spread through sharing of contaminated needles or blood.
The virus also gets transmitted to a growing baby in the womb if the mother is infected. It can spread from an infected mother to her child during delivery or breastfeeding. Initial symptoms occur a few weeks after exposure and resemble a flu-like fever. Lymph glands swell up, but the patient may remain asymptomatic for months, or years before the symptoms become severe.
Treatment for AIDS can currently only delay the associated complications, but complete recovery is not yet possible. The virus is prone to rapid changes, which is why there is a lack of vaccines in the conventional system to prevent infection. These medicines help the body restore its natural healing properties. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections strengthens the body’s immune system. Some medicines used to manage the complications associated with AIDS include Crotalus horridus, Medorrhinum, and Merc Sol.

5. Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

The most common viral hemorrhagic fever include Dengue and Chikungunya fever. The virus in both infections gets transmitted to a healthy person by the bite of an infectious mosquito. The symptoms of dengue include high temperature and severe body, joint, and muscle pain. Pain in the head and eyes is common, along with nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Rashes also appear on the skin. People with weak immunity or those experiencing a second attack by dengue virus are more likely to have hemorrhages, called dengue hemorrhagic fever. In some cases these are mild, but in other instances, massive hemorrhages may lead to shock. If not managed properly, death may occur.
In Chikungunya fever, all symptoms resemble a common viral illness, but with severe joint pains. Most patients make a full recovery, but joint pains may persist for a few weeks to months.
Homeopathy treatments for viral infections like dengue and chikungunya work on restoring the body’s natural healing systems. Medicines for hemorrhagic fevers include Eupatorium perfoliatum and Gelsemium.
Eupatorium perfoliatum is used to treat severe body and muscular pain.
Gelsemium treats cases of hemorrhagic fever where there is a severe headache. The patient may complain of weakness and dullness, and muscular pains accompany the illness.


Mumps is a highly infectious viral disease caused by the mump virus. It is mainly an infection of salivary glands (most commonly the parotid glands). Mumps spread through direct contact with an infected person via saliva and nasal discharges. Symptoms include painful swelling of the glands, in addition to general symptoms of a viral infection.
Belladonna and parotidinum are the medicines used to treat mumps. Belladonna is used in case the parotid gland is swollen and painful. The glands are very hot and sensitive to touch and may be accompanied by ear pain. Parotidinum is a prophylactic against mumps infection.

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Recurrent Cold: A Natural Treatment with Homeopathy

A cold can arise from many viruses. There are more than hundreds of viruses that can cause cold. Recurrent cold is an indicator of a weak immune system. Once a person catches a viral infection resulting in cold, the body fights with that infection and becomes immune to the same virus again. But as there are many viruses that can cause a cold, it is not possible to build immunity towards all of them. Whenever a body fights with an infection, the immune system tends to get weak that makes one prone to suffer from another infection in a shorter time resulting in frequent/recurrent cold. Homeopathic medicines for recurrent cold help to build the body’s immunity to save a person from catching recurrent infections.     homeopathic medicines for recurrent cold

A person tends to catch a cold from another infected person through direct contact or by inhaling fluid droplets containing a cold virus. A person tends to get nasal congestion/stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughing, headache and mild fever in cold. Complications of cold include ear infection, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Homeopathic Medicines for Recurrent Cold

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution from recurrent colds. Homeopathy to build immunity against frequent cold are selected as per the individual symptoms in every case. With the use of natural medicines, the intensity of symptoms reduces with every attack of cold and the frequency is also cut down gradually.

1. Arsenic Album – For Recurrent Cold with Watery Nasal Discharges

Arsenic Album is a top grade medicine to treat a recurrent cold. The cases requiring Arsenic Album presents with watery fluent nasal discharge. The discharge tends to be very acrid, excoriating and burning, smarting in nature. The discharge corrodes the nose and the upper lips. Along with this, frequent sneezing is present. Sometimes nasal stoppage alternates with fluent coryza. Loss of smell may also be present along with the above symptoms. In some cases, scabs form in the nostrils that bleed upon being torn. Arsenic Album helps to boost the immunity to prevent catching frequent colds.

2. Calcarea Carb – For Tendency to Catch Cold at Every Change of Weather

Calcarea Carb is a highly beneficial medicine for treating the tendency of catching a frequent cold at every change of weather. For using Calcarea Carb the nasal discharges may be clear like water or yellowish in color. This is attended with blockage of nose. The nose gets dry and blocked at night most times. This makes breathing through the nose difficult. An offensive smell in the nose may be present. The ear may also feel blocked with cold. Calcarea Carb is very suitable for kids who tend to suffer from frequent colds at the slightest change of weather. Enlarged adenoids with recurrent cold tendencies are also treated wonderfully with Calcarea Carb.

3. Natrum Mur – For Recurrent Coryza with White Nasal Discharges

Natrum Mur is useful for treating recurrent coryza with white nasal discharges. The coryza is fluent that alternates with stoppage of nose. Violent sneezing also appears with the above symptoms. Cough with tickling in the throat is also present.

4. Aconite – For Tendency of Recurrent Colds from Exposure to Cold Air

Aconite is prepared from the plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as Monkshood, of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Aconite is helpful to people who tend to catch a cold frequently from exposure to cold air. Following cold exposure, fluent nasal discharges appear. There is a flow of clear, hot water from the nose. This is accompanied by sneezing. Headache appears with coryza and a fever may develop. In some cases, the nose gets dry and stopped up.

5. Allium Cepa – For Recurrent Cold with Watery Nasal Discharge and Sneezing

Allium Cepa is a well-indicated medicine to treat a recurrent cold with watery nasal discharge and sneezing. The cases requiring Allium Cepa have profuse, acrid nasal discharges with constant sneezing. The discharges corrode the nose and upper lips. Crawling and tingling sensation is felt in nostrils. The root of the nose feels tight. Pain in the forehead may also be present.

6. Belladonna – For Recurrent Cold with Sore Throat

Belladonna is prepared from the plant Deadly Nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is effective when sore throat attends every attack of cold. Mostly there is discharge from one nostril and stoppage of the other where Belladonna is indicated. Headache accompanies prominently. Sneezing with tickling in nostrils is marked. The throat is very much inflammed and swollen and painful. Swallowing becomes difficult and fever appears with cold and sore throat.

7. Dulcamara – For Recurrent Cold with Stuffy Nose

Dulcamara is prepared from fresh green stems and leaves of a plant named Woody Nightshade or Bitter-sweet of the natural order Solanaceae. Dulcamara is a significant remedy for treating a recurrent cold with a stuffy nose. There is a complete stoppage of the nose that prevents breathing through the nose. The coryza is renewed by exposure to cold air or in rainy weather when Dulcamara is indicated.

8. Pulsatilla – For Recurrent Cold with Thick Yellow Discharges

Pulsatilla is prepared from the plant Pulsatilla Nigricans of the common name Wind Flower of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is a well-indicated medicine for treating recurrent colds with thick yellow greenish nasal discharges. The discahrges may be offensive in nature. Along with this, pressure is felt at the root of the nose. Nose gets blocked in the evening and there may be a loss of smell. One-sided headache arises. A person who needs Pulsatilla feels better in the open air.

9. Kali Bichrome – For Recurrent Colds with Thick, Stringy Nasal Discharges

Kali Bichrome is a useful medicine to check for the tendency of a recurrent cold with thick, stringy, tenacious nasal discharges. The discharges prominently pass down the throat through posterior nares. The attending symptoms are a fetid or putrid smell from the nose, a feeling of stoppage in the nose, pain in the head and at the root of nose. A burning sensation is also felt in the nose. Kali Bichrome is also well indicated for treating the complaint of sinusitis with a tendency of recurrent cold.

10. Silicea – For Recurrent Colds with Sinusitis

Silicea is a medicine used to treat recurrent colds with the complaint of sinusitis. People needing Silicea have alternate fluent and dry coryza. In some cases the nose feels stopped, stuffed with hard, tough mucus. Sometimes offensive smelling discharges appear from the nose. An intense headache is present along with a loss of smell and taste.

11. Kali Mur – For Recurrent Cold with Frequent Ear Infection

Kali Mur is a suitable medicine for treating recurrent colds with frequent ear infections. In cases where Kali Mur is indicated, there appear white or yellow nasal discharges. The discharge is profuse and accompanied by sneezing. This is attended with frequent ear infection where ear discharges, earache, deafness, and noises in ear tend to appear.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 3 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Pollen Allergy

pollen allergy homeopathy

The sudden appearance of symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes as a result of inhaling pollens is known as a pollen allergy. An inflammatory response against the pollen grains is triggered by the immune system of a person allergic to pollen. Of the many substances that can cause a seasonal allergy, pollens remain one of the most common triggers. Pollen is a powdery substance produced by flowers, weeds, trees, and grass. Most trees produce pollen during the spring season; flowers and grasses produce pollen during the summertime, and late-blooming plants like ragweed produce pollen around late summer and early autumn. Homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains can treat acute allergic reactions, as well as chronic allergic tendencies.

The pollens are spread by the wind and other means to fertilize plants of the same species. All of us tend to inhale pollens while breathing, and they don’t cause any problem for most of us. However, people who are allergic to pollen grains show the symptoms of an allergy. A pollen allergy is also known as Hay fever, and it usually subsides with the onset of cold weather.

Symptoms of a Pollen Allergy

Since every plant has its own pollinating period, the symptoms of pollen allergies are triggered when the particular plant is producing pollen. A person who is allergic to a specific type of pollen will develop allergic symptoms only when exposed to that particular pollen. The main symptoms of a pollen allergy include:

– A runny nose

– Sneezing

Stuffy or blocked nose

– Watery, itchy, red, swollen eyes

– Itchy, scratchy throat

– Cough

Asthmatic reaction with wheezing, breathlessness, and coughing

– Worsening of sinusitis complaint

Homeopathic Remedies for Pollen Allergy

Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat an acute allergic reaction and also work well to manage the chronic tendency towards pollen allergy. With the use of homeopathic treatment, the intensity and occurrence of the symptoms gradually decrease with every attack.
Antihistamines are most commonly used to treat allergic reactions in the conventional system of medicine. While they help deal with an acute allergic reaction, they only work on a short-term, temporary basis. Excessive use of these medications can cause side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, restlessness, nausea, and confusion.
Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, have no side effects. They help moderate the overactive immune system and are a safe, natural treatment for seasonal pollen allergies.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Seasonal Pollen Allergy

Natrum Mur – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Pollen Allergy

Natrum Mur is a top listed homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains. The person needing the medicine has a watery discharge from the nose and eyes. Along with this, violent sneezing (that is worse early in the morning) appears. Natrum Mur is also indicated when there is an alternating runny nose with a stuffy nose. Tickling in the throat along with a cough may also be present.

Key indications for using Natrum Mur for Allergy:

– Watery discharge from nose and eyes
– Early morning sneezing
– Alternate runny and stuffy nose

Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Violent Sneezing

Sabadilla Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the cevadilla seed that belongs to the natural order Melanthaceae. It is an effective homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains. The main characteristic feature that indicates the need for this remedy is violent, spasmodic sneezing followed by eye discharges. Along with this, itching and tickling sensations in the nose are present, which the person tends to rub excessively. Running nose with copious watery discharge, severe pain in the head in the frontal area, and obstruction of nostrils on alternate sides may also be present.

Key indications for using Sabadilla for Allergy:

-Violent sneezing
– Sneezing with itching, tickling in the nose
– Frontal pain in head

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Copious Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy with profuse watery nasal discharge and sneezing. The discharges are frequent and cause an itching, burning sensation in the nose. Acrid discharges can irritate the upper lip. The symptoms tend to get worse in the open air while staying indoors helps relieve the symptoms.

Key Indications for using Arsenic for Allergy:

– Copious watery discharge from the nose with sneezing
– Acrid, burning, excoriating nasal discharge
– Worsening of symptoms outdoors

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing and Watery Eyes

Allium Cepa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant called ‘red onion’ that belongs to the natural order Liliaceae. Sneezing with a runny nose and watery eyes are the main guiding symptoms to use Allium Cepa. The nasal discharges are acrid, burning and copious, with constant sneezing. Sneezing tends to worsen upon entering a warm room. A crawling, tingling, itching sensation in nostrils and itching in the throat is present. Allium Cepa is also indicated for cases where there is violent sneezing immediately upon rising from the bed. This medicine works well to treat pollen allergies and hay fever that appear during the spring season.

Key indications for using Allium Cepa for Allergy:

-Acrid, burning nasal discharge
– Bland eye discharge
– Hay fever in Spring

Euphrasia Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Itchy, Watery Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Euphrasia Officinalis is prepared from the plant called ‘Eyebright.’ It belongs to the family of Scrophulariaceae. It is used to treat pollen allergy which causes symptoms like itchy, watery eyes and coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane). The eye discharges are profuse and acrid. The discharges cause burning, biting, smarting, and scalding in the eyes. Eyes get red along with swelling of lids. Watery, profuse discharge from the nose (bland in nature) are noted. In some cases, fluent coryza during the day and obstruction of the nose at night is present. A cough and expulsion of phlegm may appear in the morning.

Key indications for using Euphrasia for Allergies:

– Profuse, acrid, burning eye discharges
– Red, itchy eyes
– Profuse watery nasal discharges

Other Important Homeopathic Medicines for Pollen Allergy

Arsenic Iod – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Burning Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Iod is an effective homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy with burning nasal discharge. Thin, watery, hot discharge drips from the nose. The discharge tends to cause soreness and redness of the upper lip. Irritation, tingling of the nose with a constant desire to sneeze is present. Irritating watery secretions and marked burning and smarting in eyes are also noted.

Arum Triphyllum – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Nasal Discharge and Stuffy Nose

Arum Triphyllum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from Indian turnip that belongs to the family Araceae. Fluent acrid discharge from the nose with a blocked nose, increased mouth breathing, raw and sore nostrils, irritated upper lip from the discharge, pain at the root of the nose and night sneezing are the indicating symptoms of this remedy.

Arundo Mauri – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Itching in Nostrils, Palate, and Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauri is prepared from Italian grass of the natural order Gramineae. Itching in nostrils, palate (roof of the mouth), and eyes are the key indications to use this medicine. Coryza and sneezing, loss of smell and prickling and burning in the eyes may also be present.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Wheezing

Arsenic Album is a homeopathic remedy used to treat pollen allergy with difficulty in breathing, wheezing in the chest (asthmatic complaint), suffocation and shortness of breath. Breathing is quick, short and anxious. The person cannot breathe adequately. Tightness, constriction, and oppression in the chest are present. The symptoms may get worse at midnight. A cough with thick, yellow-green mucus, sneezing with burning, biting, copious watery coryza is present. The nose may feel blocked, and the person may feel anxious and restless.

Wyethia – Homeopathic Medicine for allergy with Itching Palate and Dry, Hacking Cough

Wyethia is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the root of plant wyethia helenoides of the natural order Compositae. The characteristic features to use it are itching of palate and dry, hacking cough. It is also indicated for cases with itching inner canthi of eyes and allergic asthma.

Aralia Racemosa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Frequent Sneezing

Aralia Racemosa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant American Spikenard. It belongs to the natural order Araliaceae. It is used to treat pollen allergy accompanied by frequent sneezing and watery discharges from the nose.

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy during Spring

Allium Cepa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from red onion of natural order Liliaceae. Allium Cepa is prominently indicated homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy in the spring season. The symptoms include fluent watery discharge from the nose, sneezing and watery eyes. The nasal discharge is copious and acrid, causing burning in the nose. Sneezing tends to worsen upon entering a warm room. Crawling, tingling, itching sensation in the nostrils is present. Itching in the throat is also present.

Dulcamara – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy from Fresh Mown Grass

Dulcamara is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant ‘Woody Nightshade.’ It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. It is used to pollen allergy caused by freshly mown grass. The person needing this medicine may have profuse watery nasal discharges or nasal blockage. Watery discharge from the nose tends to get worse in the open air. Constant sneezing, abundant watering from the eyes, and swelling of eyes are some other symptoms.

Ambrosia – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy from Ragweed

Ambrosia is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the ‘Roman Wormwood’ plant of the family Composite. It is an excellent homeopathic medicine to combat pollen allergy caused by ragweed. The characteristic features arising include watery eyes and intolerable itching of eyelids. Burning and smarting in eyes is also present. A feeling of stuffiness in the nose with a watery nasal discharge is present. Violent sneezing that can cause nosebleeds may occur. Sinus congestion along with a tickling cough is another accompanying feature. Ambrosia is also used as a preventive measure for ragweed allergies, and its use is recommended before the ragweed season.

Galphimia Glauca – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Burning Discharges from Eyes and Nose

Galphimia Glauca is a significant homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy prepared from the plant ‘Galphimia Glauca,’ of the natural order Malpighiaceae. Dried leaves and flowers of this plant are used for medicinal preparation. It is indicated for burning discharges from the eyes and nose. Sneezing also appears to worsen in the morning. Itching in eyes (especially in the morning) and swelling of the eyelids is also noted.

Histaminum – Homeopathic Medicine for Pollen Allergy

Histaminum is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating pollen allergy. It helps reduce the hypersensitivity of the immune system. Histaminum helps in controlling symptoms of pollen allergy, like sneezing, runny nose, and congestion. It also helps in asthmatic conditions arising from allergies.

Justicia Adhatoda – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing Fits and Watery Eyes

Justicia Adhatoda is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the fresh leaves of the plant Malabar Nut of natural order Acanthaceae. Fits of sneezing with watery eyes are the main indicative symptoms of using this medicine. Profuse coryza (inflammation of mucous membranes), loss of smell and paroxysmal (sudden, intense) coughing with tightness in chest and difficulty in breathing are some other indicating symptoms.

Luffa Operculata – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Stuffy Nose and Sneezing

Luffa Operculata is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Cabacinha plant (also known as Esponjilla). The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. This medicine is used for pollen allergy with a stuffy nose and sneezing. Sometimes, a bland nasal discharge may be present. Burning, itching at the outer corners of the eyes, nasal polyps (non-cancerous growths inside the nose) and sinusitis complaints may also be present.

Cardiospermum – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing in the Morning

Cardiospermum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Ballon Vine plant. Its natural order is Sapindaceae. It is mainly used in cases of pollen allergy when sneezing appears in the morning upon waking. Itchy, watery eyes, obstruction of the nose, sinus congestion and a dry throat with scratchiness may arise along with other symptoms.

Causes of Pollen Allergies

The most common cause of pollen allergies is, of course, pollen grains spread by plants. The common sources of pollens include grass, trees, and weeds.

Grass – The common grass species that tend that cause pollen allergies include ryegrass, Timothy, and Bermuda. The pollination periods of these grasses are different, and a person allergic to a specific type of grass pollen will develop allergies in the corresponding season.
Ryegrass produces pollen throughout Spring to Fall, while Timothy produces pollen during the months of June and July. Bermuda produces pollen from May to September.

Trees – The common trees that are known to cause pollen allergy are birch, oak, and cedar. The pollinating period of these trees during the Spring season.

Weeds – The common weeds that tend to trigger allergies are ragweed and sagebrush. The peak levels of pollen production of ragweed are around mid-September. The pollinating period of sagebrush is mid-August to late September.

Pollen Count

The pollen count is defined as the amount of pollen present in the air at a given place. It is calculated over a period of 24 hours as the number of grains per square meter of air. On the basis of this calculation, the pollen count is divided into high, medium, low, or absent. It includes three types of pollen including weeds, grasses, and trees, as well as mold spores.
The pollen count affects the symptoms of a pollen allergy. A low pollen count does not affect too many people (except for those who are highly sensitive), while a medium-to-high number can give rise to allergic symptoms.
The pollen count in the local area can be checked online through National websites that are updated daily.

The Mechanism of a Pollen Allergy

When an allergen (like pollen) enters the body of a person with a sensitive immune system, it triggers the production of antibodies to fight the foreign particles. These antibodies are small proteins that lock onto the pollen grains, and they also bind to other white blood cells.
The next time pollen enters the nose; these cells break open to release histamine, which is a chemical released by the body to direct an inflammatory response against the foreign bodies. A large amount of histamine released causes itching, swelling of affected tissues, mucus production, muscle spasms, and other symptoms of an allergy.

Preventing Pollen Allergies

Preventing exposure to the allergens is the best way to deal with pollen allergies, especially during the high-allergy seasons. Some measures that can help prevent and manage a pollen allergy include:

Stay informed about the pollen count in your area and avoid exposure to the allergens on high and medium pollen count days. Those who are extremely prone to developing an allergic reaction should be careful even during low pollen counts.

Know your Allergens – Ask an allergist and observe for yourself the allergens that set off your allergies. Avoid exposure to those allergens, especially during the peak allergy season, and take measures to ensure that the allergy does not get triggered.

When the pollen counts are high, it is best to remain indoors in an air-conditioned environment with closed windows.

If you are planning to be outdoors while the allergy season is on, try to be outdoors when the pollen counts are low. Usually, plants pollinate between 5 am to 9 am, so early morning outdoor activities should be avoided. Walking a dog during these hours is also not advised since animals can trap pollen on their fur. Pollen also tends to flow more through the air on windy days.

Using masks to filter out pollen when outdoors is a good way to prevent exposure to the allergens.

Pollen grains can follow you into the house through the clothes, hair, and pets. Changing clothes and showering immediately upon returning home is strongly advised.

Sunglasses should be used to keep the pollen out of the eyes. Eyes irritated by allergies are also more sensitive to light, so sunglasses help prevent further exposure.

Indoor plants that produce pollen are often overlooked. These include ornamental grasses, shrubs, and trees. These should ideally not be kept in the house.

Apart from the allergens, it is also essential to control the irritants that trigger allergic reactions or make their symptoms worse.
Not smoking in the house, avoiding wood fires, and avoiding strong odors off of sprays, paints, disinfectants, and perfumes are some methods to reduce the number of irritants.

Pollen allergies should be treated promptly, especially in acute cases. Where required, prescription medications and antihistamines should be taken to control a severe allergic flare up. However, overuse of conventional medicines like decongestant sprays can cause further problems (like an allergy rebound) and should be used very sparingly. Homeopathic remedies for pollen allergy work particularly well to treat chronic conditions.


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Hydrastis Canadensis – Homeopathic Medicine – Indications for its use

Hydrastis Canadensis is commonly known by the names Goldenseal, Orange Root and Yellow Root . It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The thick, yellow rhizome (stem of a plant with nodes) of the herb is used to extract the medicine. It is indigenous to the United States and Canada and was introduced in Europe in the 18th century. It is also widely grown in India.

As a homeopathic remedy, it is primarily used for ailments related to the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, ears, and female organs.

Hydrastis Canadensis: Preparation

The homeopathic remedy Hydrastis Canadensis is prepared from the rhizome of the herb called Goldenseal. For the preparation of the medicine, first, the rhizome is freshly cut, which further undergoes the process of cleaning and chopping. The chopped fragments are then soaked in distilled alcohol for some time, after which it is strained and diluted to the desired degree. It is then subjected to the homeopathic process of Succussion, which is a type of oscillatory process done to obtain the desired potency of the medicine.

The ‘Hydrastis’ Constitution

It is well suited to people who have a feeble constitution and who get easily tired. It also works well for chronic alcoholics who have broken down their system by excess use of alcohol. The skin is generally pale, and the patient is susceptible to contracting jaundice.

Hydrastis Canadensis: Drug Action

The herb has a chemical in it called Berberine, which is known to work against many harmful bacteria and fungi, making it a natural antibiotic medicine.

The drug is known to have its action on the mucous surfaces, mucous glandular surfaces, the nutritive system and the circulatory system.

It is used by herbalists today as an anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, bitter tonic, laxative, anti-diabetic and muscular stimulant oxytocic (a medication that accelerates childbirth) and emmenagogue (a medicine that promotes menstrual flow).

Scope of Hydrastis Canadensis as a Homeopathic Remedy

Effect on the Respiratory System

Hydrastis is one of the most effective remedies used in cases of respiratory troubles. It effectively manages problems of Sinusitis, with Post nasal Dripping (PND), inflammation of the mucous passages of the respiratory tract, cough with loose expectoration (expulsion of phlegm), swollen turbinates. When it comes to the nasal passages and sinuses, the mucous membranes are hyperactive and hence secrete more mucus than usual, thereby blocking the nostrils and increasing the discharges.

Hydrastis acts on these membranes and helps in subsiding the inflammation and regulating the mucous secretions. Usually, the main symptom is blocked nostrils, which leads to a discharge of mucus from the back of the nose to the throat (called as PND or post nasal dripping). This discharge is ropey and stringy, thick, yellow or white mucus.

The nostrils are blocked with mucous (especially the posterior part of the nose). Hydrastis can be of help in cases of nasal discharges, where the discharge feels like it is burning and makes the parts sore. Such secretions are scanty when the person is indoors but is excreted when the person steps out.

The crusting forms quickly inside the nose in such cases. A frontal headache accompanies the nasal discharge. There is a swelling of turbinate bones (soft bones in the nasal cavity), so much so that the patient has to breathe through the mouth and there is constant loud snoring at night. A characteristic feature of this medicine is tickling in the nose, especially the right nostril. The patient has recurrent episodes of sneezing, with fullness over the eyes and a dull headache in the frontal region, which descends to the arms.

Hydrastis can be given for bronchitis as well. Bronchitis refers to the inflammation of the bronchial tubes that primarily carry air to the lungs. After the inflammation, there is a constriction of the passage and hence breathing difficulties, which this homeopathic medication can very effectively manage. Such bronchitis attacks, when they occur in elderly people, can be accompanied by a loss of appetite. Hydrastis helps in taking care of that, minimizing the weakness and improving respiration. The characteristic ‘Old Man’s Cough’ calls for this remedy.

In all age groups, when there is tickling in the throat with a dry and harsh cough or when there is a loose cough, which worsens as the day progresses, with a thick, yellow and stringy mucous, Hydrastis can help.

Hydrastis for Ears

In cases where there is a dysfunction of the Eustachian tube, inflammation of the middle ear, with a thick and tenacious discharge (which is more like pus), blockage of the ear with a postnasal discharge, Hydrastis can work well to treat all these symptoms. With these symptoms, there is also a difficulty in hearing, deafness in some; and tinnitus (abnormal noises in the ear), usually a roaring sound. It can be given for perforation of the tympanic membrane, i.e., the eardrum as well.

Effect on the Gastro-Intestinal System

When it comes to gastric ailments, Hydrastis is used in cases where there is a heaviness in the upper left side of the abdomen. The appetite is negligible with an inability to digest food properly.
Hydrastis is a renowned remedy when it comes to carcinoma of the stomach. It acts wonderfully as an intercurrent remedy in such cases, and can effectively manage symptoms when given with conventional medicine. In such cases of cancer of the stomach, the condition initially is generally asymptomatic. Before the disease is diagnosed, usually in the ‘pre-cancerous stage,’ patients typically complain of chronic intermittent pain. They then slowly start losing their strength, the epigastric region becomes sensitive, the appetite decreases with frequent episodes of vomiting. There is indigestion of the food eaten; it feels as if the food simply lies in the abdomen. Constant production of the acid, with sour acidic vomiting and a coated tongue, are some other symptoms.

It has been mentioned in the homeopathic literature that Hydrastis can help a lot in cases of inflammation of the lining of the liver and cases of cancer of the liver as well. Even though there is no clinical evidence of a cure, the homeopathic medication Hydrastis can help in managing a few symptoms. The presence of these symptoms is not indicative of cancer. In the region of the liver (that is the upper right abdominal area), there may be a feeling of fullness with a constant, dull pain. There is the development of jaundice, with yellow skin, dark yellow urine and pale stools. The appetite is diminished, breathing is difficult, and it hurts to touch the area of the liver. Along with this, there could be an inflammation of the lining of the gallbladder and bile duct as well.

Hydrastis can take care of chronic constipation as well when the movements of the bowels are sluggish, and hence the stool formation is delayed. The patient skips days when it comes to clearing the bowels, and can only pass the stool after taking laxatives. The stool, when passed, could be in the form of small pellets. There is straining while passing stool, so much so that the rectum starts to burn and ache because of the continuous efforts to empty out the bowels. Sometimes, there is a feeling as if the stool would pass, but when tried, only gas escapes.
Other than this, Hydrastis can be given for cases of hemorrhoids (piles), where the underlying cause could be chronic constipation as discussed or pregnancy. There could be bleeding piles, with significant weakness. There could be offensive haemorrhoidal discharge from the anus, with a burning pain in the anus, during and after each stool.
Hydrastis Canadensis can also be helpful in cases of a fissure in the anal region, with constipation and continuous discharge. Some physicians have also noted excellent results with this remedy in cases of colorectal cancer.

Effect on Female Organs

Hydrastis Canadensis has shown remarkable results in various clinical conditions in females. This remedy can be useful in cases of leucorrhoea, uterine prolapse, uterine fibroids, congestive dysmenorrhoea (pain with menses), pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis (Inflammation of the endometrium), menopausal syndrome, etc.
The remedy has also proven to be beneficial in cases of cancer of the cervix, uterine cancer, and breast cancer. Herein, the epithelium of the cervix and the vagina is eroded, and there is ulcer formation.
When microscopically seen, the membranes are swollen and hardened. Hydrastis can help in maintaining the normal lining of the mucosa, by healing the eroded and ulcerated areas.

Other than this, there is a pain in the lower back along with the uterine complaints. There are hemorrhages from the uterus, menses last too long, and the patient, as a result, becomes weak and anemic. There are sharp pains in the right iliac region (lower right side of the abdomen).
The leucorrhoea, i.e., abnormal vaginal discharge, in such patients is generally very tenacious and thick, yellow in color, and ropey in nature. There is intense itching with the leucorrhoea.

When given for cancer of the breast as an intercurrent (while the disease is progressing) remedy, the pains are very intense and extend up to the shoulders and down the arms. It is given in the scirrhous tumor of the breast, which is a slowly growing, solid, malignant tumor. The breast becomes hard, and adherent to the skin and the nipple is retracted. Along with this, the lymph nodes in the axilla (armpits) are enlarged. In open cancers of the breasts, Hydrastis can help in relieving the constant burning pain, and can also promote healing.

Keynote Indications for the use of Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis

1.Posterior nasal drip: Thick, tenacious from posterior nares to the throat. It si very effective in chronic cases of posterior nasal discharge

2.Eustachian tube catarrh: Eustachian tube catarrh with deafness.

3.Sinusitis: Frontal sinusitis with dull frontal headache; Sinusitis with thick, viscid nasal discharges.

4.Pharyngitis: Follicular pharyngitis with hawking of yellow, viscid mucus.

5.Constipation: Constipation with fissure anus/ prolapse of rectum/headache.

6.Leucorrhoea: Vaginal discharges of acid, tenacious, corroding nature.

7.Rectal fistula: Fistula of rectum associated with rectum prolapse/ constipation.

8.Prolapse of the rectum: Rectal prolapse with chronic constipation.

9.Gastric ulcers: Gastric ulcers with a sore feeling in stomach, weak digestion, and dyspepsia.

Hydrastis: Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis Canadensis is recommended in low potencies for respiratory troubles and can frequently be repeated.
It can be given in the form of mother tincture as well.
For malignant tumors and other chronic ailments, it should always be taken under the guidance of a homeopathic physician.

Hydrastis Canadensis and Other Homeopathic Remedies

Hydrastis is antidoted by Sulphur, and Merc Sol is its antidote.


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Silicea – Homeopathic Medicine its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Silicea is derived from Silica or Silicic oxide from the Mineral Kingdom. The mineral silica in its crude state is inert and insoluble. When potentized according to the formula of Homeopathy, that is a process where the latent medicinal powers of a drug are aroused, it becomes one of the most valuable drugs of Homeopathic materia medica. It is also known very commonly as Quartz.
Silica is present naturally in our body as well; in the bones, nerve sheaths, skin, nails, etc. It has the capability to replace a surgeon’s knife by its remarkable action.

The ‘Silicea’ Constitution

This remedy suits people who are nervous and irritable, usually break into sweats, with dry skin and a lean, thin body. The musculature is weak and lax. Such patients usually cannot bear cold at all. If the individual receives a slight injury it suppurates and the formation is hard and nodular.

Drug Action

It is one of the polychrest remedies, that is it has an effect on all the spheres of the body. It acts on the bones, mucous membranes, cartilages, skin, cellular tissues, nerves, glands, lachrymal duct, Eustachian tube, etc.
It is known to be a very helpful remedy in treating bad effects of vaccination and complaints arising from the suppression of foot sweat.

Clinical Indications

Abscesses, boils, bone affections, carbuncle, constipation, cough, dentition problems, diabetes, enuresis, epilepsy, fistula, headache, hernia, rheumatism, rickets, skin troubles, sexual disturbances, bad effects of vaccination, Bartholin’s cyst, pilonidal sinus, haemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal abscess and fistulas, Meniere’s Disease, sinusitis and anxiety.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints of the Mind

This remedy settles many disorders of the mind, the marked symptoms being lack of confidence, stamina, and concentration. This remedy is well-suited professional and well-doing people. They claim to have everything in order and they seem to know what they are doing. But after a while, they start feeling a lack of confidence and firmness, they now have difficulty in processing thoughts and speech before giving a presentation. As a result of which, they start to dread to appear in public. They dread failure and the consequences of it; they feel their mind will not work when they want it to. This is nothing but an outcome of the prolonged mental exhaustion they have always been prone to. So a lawyer might end up saying, ‘I have never been well since so and so case.’ He overworks on it and many sleepless nights follow. And he ends up so mentally exhausted, yet everything is in vain. The most important thing to note here is, that when such patients go hard on themselves and force themselves to perform, they do so with flying colors. So, even though there is a fear of failure, yet when they perform, they do it well.
Another case is illustrated in a young man who has studied for years and is now nearing the end of this course. He dreads the final examinations but he goes through them all right, then fatigue comes upon him and for years he’s unable to enter his profession. He has this dread of undertaking anything. This remedy restores such affections of the brain.
Patients who need this remedy also dread loneliness. They always want someone to be around them. When they are amongst people, even though they are not talking or interacting with them, they are happy.

2. Nasal Problems

When it comes to the nasal passages, this medicine can be given for conditions like sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, ulcerations of the nasal cavities, epistaxis, etc. It can resolve the blockage of nasal passages due to any condition. The nose feels painfully dry and obstructed in the morning. As the day progresses, coryza (nasal discharges) can develop. The patient starts to lose his sense of taste and smell. It can be given for recurrent epistaxis as well. There is violent sneezing with tickling in the throat and nasal discharges.

3. Throat Concerns

It is one of the best remedies given for tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). It can be given for both follicular tonsillitis and quinsy (abscess in the region of tonsils). There is a sensation of a lump in the throat and there is a great difficulty in swallowing. There is a pain in the throat, which is sharp as from needles and pins, more on the left side, generating cough in some cases. The attacks of tonsillitis and quinsy are periodical, they get better for a while but come back again. It can very effectively deal with the acute and chronic stages of these conditions. The medicine is also helpful in chronic pharyngitis. Tickling in the throat causes bouts of cough. There is hoarseness of voice. The thyroid gland is enlarged and, there is swelling in front of the throat. The right side of the gland is swollen, which commences from the left, the patient cannot move his neck and holds it stiffly.

4. Ears

This medicine has its action on almost all the parts. It can be given for multiple ear conditions. It very effectively manages Otorrhea (ear discharge), Meniere’s Disease, perforated eardrums, tinnitus, Eustachian tube blockage, and hearing loss. There is over sensitiveness towards all noises The ears seem blocked, which open with a pop. In cases of otorrhea, the discharge could be curdy and pasty or thin and watery, with caries of the bone. There is a high degree of tinnitus(noises in the ear), all kinds of noises; hissing, roaring, like many cars passing by. It can be really helpful in cases of Eustachian tube blockage where the ears are blocked, a certain amount of hearing loss is present, but it returns with a snap. It takes care of the ruptured tympanic membrane (eardrum) with a discharge from the ear.

5. Eyes

With its effect on the eyes, it has treated a great number of complaints. It can be helpful in defects of vision; where the eyes are weak, the patient can neither write nor read, the sight is indistinct.
It proves to be infallible in cases of Blepharitis ( inflammatory condition of the eyes), like styes (red tender bump at the edge of the eyelids), Uveitis (inflammation of the Uvea), swelling in the eyes due to traumatic causes, abscess & boils around the eyes and lips, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). There is intense photophobia accompanying the eye complaints. The eyes are red, they burn and there is intense tingling. Not only this, it can be given for chronic conditions like Cataract, especially of the right eye, where there is greyish cloudiness in the eye. In conditions like ulcerations of the cornea, with a discharge of thick and yellow pus, attended with pain, this medicine can do wonders.

6. Chest

This medicine can be given for cases of bouts of breathlessness, where the patient loses his breath on slight exertion, be it running, stooping, followed by a cough. There is deep sighing breathing.
In conditions like Asthma, where the cough is in spasms and comes on as soon as the patient lies down.
The cough can have many presentations. It can be dry or loose. In cases of dry cough, excited by tickling in the throat, with hoarseness of voice. When the cough is loose, there is profuse expectoration of phlegm, the patient awakens at night, worsens from slightest motion, and especially after lying at night.
In children, who have a suffocative cough, obstructed and difficult respiration and the expectoration of the phlegm just doesn’t seem to end.
With its action on the heart, it checks the palpitations, with an irregular and hard pulse.

7. Teeth and Gums

This medicine can be given to kids that have a difficult dentition or if the teething is delayed. It acts on the gums and strengthens them, thereby checking the loose teeth. It can be given for caries of teeth where the pain worsens on even inhaling air and at night. There is a very severe toothache, with stinging pain and the patient tosses and turns during his sleep. If after extraction of teeth, there is a swelling in the gums and roof of the mouth, Silicea is the remedy. It has proven to be beneficial in cases of gum boils as well, where the gums are very sore and painful. Also, in such patients, there is a bad odour from the mouth.

8. Bones

It has since long proven be to very beneficial in cases of Caries of bones, bony fistulas, rickets and AVN (Avascular Necrosis of bone). Caries of the bone of any part of the body, but especially the small bones of the ears, nose and mastoid process and the shaft of the long bones, the head of the bones and the cartilaginous portions. The necrosis of the jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and in addition long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg) — are all the site of action for using this medicine. In kids, who have open fontanelles and sutures, it has played an amazing role in the fusion of the bone. It can be given in cases of Rickets, where there is a deformity in the structure of the bone due to deficiency of essential Vitamins. It can be given for defects in the spinal curvature as well, such as Kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis.

9. Skin Afflictions

The action of this remedy on skin cures many conditions where the skin is unhealthy and very problematic. It is one of the best anti-suppurative remedies available in homeopathy. It very effectively aborts pus formation, thereby dealing with many skin conditions like acne, boils, abscesses, eczema, impetigo, carbuncles, felons, ingrown nails, ulcers, Bartholin’s cyst, herpes, and cellulitis. The eruptions on the skin are itchy and burn. It can take care of eczematous, impetiginous and herpetic eruptions. There is eczema of the scalp, hands, and forearms. Every little injury on the skin has a tendency to suppurate. In many cases, where there is a foreign body lodged in the skin, like splinters, fish bones and needles, this medicine helps in the dislodgement of such substances and helps in healing the skin after. There is a tendency to form boils, and the boils come in crops, which do not heal readily. It can be of great help in cases of felons (inflammation of the tip of the finger), where the pain is deep-seated, with intense burning and stinging in the fingertips which are felt up to the shoulder. Not to forget, the action of this medicine is remarkable in cases where there are recurrent ingrown nails. The patient has a tendency for ingrown nails, and it can literally replace a surgeon’s knife in such cases.

10. Rectum

It can prove to be a brilliant remedy in cases of constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, pilonidal sinuses, anal abscesses, fissures, and fistulas. While its action on the patients with chronic constipation, this homeopathic remedy can help in managing symptoms like a very hard stool, which is highly unsatisfactory, has to be expelled with great effort; sometimes a part of the stool protrudes out but again recedes back and this happens again and again. There is pain and burning in anus after struggling to expel out the stool. At times, the stool is so hard and it remains for a really long time in the rectum due to deficient power to expel it.
The hemorrhoids are intensely painful, there is a discharge of bloody mucus from the rectum. In cases of fissure and fistula in the anus, accompanied by a history of constipation, there is pain that lasts even after passing the stool and lasts several hours. It can be given to people who tend to have summer diarrhea, that is diarrhea comes on during the weather change; wherein the stool is watery and highly offensive.

11. Male Problems

This remedy has shown great clinical improvements in cases of disorders of the male sexual system. It can also be given for clinical conditions like prostatitis, prostatomegaly, nightfalls, hydrocele, Syphilitic eruptions on the penis. The erections are painful, especially before rising in the morning. The erections are very frequent and come on anytime even without any stimulus. The sexual desire has compromised and is not as strong as before. The prostate gland is enlarged but without any pain. In cases of Prostatitis, there is a pus discharge from the urethra. It can be very effective in cases of hydrocele of men and children. The eruptions on the genitals can be very itchy, red and painful, with sweating on the scrotum. Men suffering from nightfalls, usually have a history of excessive masturbation.

12. Female Problems

In females, this remedy can be helpful in conditions like prolapse of the uterus, cysts in the vagina, metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, pruritus vulva. Menses; if too early are scanty and profuse when late. Menstrual cycles are irregular, come every two-three months. Before menses, usually, there is a headache or leucorrhoea which burns; pains as if the parts were sore. During menses, there is a pain in the abdomen, toothache during menses with anxiety and weariness of life. Usually, women have constipation before and after menses, which can be managed with this medicine.
It can also be given in affections of the breast, where there is inflammation, induration, and suppuration of the breasts. Inflammation of the nipples, they crack and ulcerate.

13. Sleep Disorders

Patients who might need this medicine have a very restless and disturbed sleep. They feel highly drowsy after eating or in the evenings. But when they try to doze off, they are highly restless, frequently keeps on waking up due to the overcrowded thoughts and cannot sleep again. There could be Somnambulism (night walking); the patient gets up while asleep, walks about and lies down after. The dreams are pleasant, could be lascivious; anxious while dreaming; dreams of murders, horrid things, of past events, of someone choking him/her. The patient breaks into a sweat and wakes up in the morning with a headache due to the dreams he had at night. He feels so tired and unrefreshed that he wishes to remain in bed.

14. Perspiration

There are cases where the complaints surprisingly appear after the suppression of sweat. For instance, after playing or exercising, we usually rush to take a bath even when the body is still sweating. This medicine is helpful in such cases, where the complaints have begun after such an incidence and lasted ever since. It can be of help in complaints arising from suppression of other discharges as well. There is usually a cold and clammy sweat on the forehead. One striking feature about a patient’s perspiration is that the sweating is more on the head and upper limb and the patient is generally dry on the lower body parts.


The dosage depends on many factors, especially on the stage of a given condition.
It can be given in different potencies where it can be frequently repeated as well. Generally, in lower potencies, it helps in building pus in raw eruptions and when given in high potencies, it helps to abort the process of inflammation.
Hence, in high potencies, it should not be frequently repeated.
Its action lasts for about 4- to 60 days.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Hepar Sulph, Acid Fluor.
It antidotes: Mer Cor, Sulphur
Follows well: Belladonna, Bryonia, Cina, Graphites, Ignatia, Nitric acid.
Followed well by Lachesis, Lycopodium, Sepia

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Best Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Bleeding from the inside of the nose is called epistaxis. There is a rich supply of blood to the nasal mucosa by the arteries. Rupture of blood vessels of the nasal mucosa leads to nose bleeding. There are various causes of epistaxis. Amongst the major causes are trauma, nose picking, dryness of nasal membranes, inflammation resulting from chronic sinusitis or chronic rhinitis, and hypertension. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, leukemia, and use of anticoagulant medicines are some other causes of epistaxis. Homeopathic treatment for epistaxis is very effective. Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Homeopathy is highly beneficial in removing the constant tendency of epistaxis in a person. For a complete cure, medicines aim at correcting the underlying cause that is leading to the nose bleed. Top grade medicines for the treatment for epistaxis are Hamamelis, Phosphorus, Arnica, Millifolium, and Carbo Veg.

1. Hamamelis – Top Medicine for Epistaxis

Hamamelis is a very good anti hemorrhagic medicine for epistaxis. It works well for bleeding from various orifices of the body, including nasal bleeding. Hamamelis offers a lot of help in epistaxis when the blood is dark and incoagulable. Along with nasal bleeding, there is a soreness in the nose. There is a feeling of pressure and tightness at the root of the nose. Patients in need of Hamamelis also show extreme exhaustion and weakness along with nasal bleeding.

2. Phosphorus – For Epistaxis with Bright Red Blood

Phosphorus is among the best medicines to control bleeding from various body parts. It is an equally effective anti hemorrhagic remedy as Hamamelis. Phosphorus is prescribed for bright red nasal bleeding. Phosphorus helps in reducing the tendency towards recurrent epistaxis episodes. In cases of bleeding from nasal polyps, Phosphorus is often used because of its ability to help the patient recover completely. Phosphorus works well in cases of nasal bleeding from chronic nasal catarrh.

3. Crocus Sativus – For Dark or Black, Stringy Blood

Crocus Sativus is another very effective medicine for epistaxis with dark or black, stringy nasal bleeding. Crocus Sativus works well in epistaxis where the nasal blood is dark or black with viscid strings that hang down the nose in the form of thread or rope. Along with nasal bleeding, there is extreme physical weakness and weariness. Patients requiring Crocus Sativus may also faint. Epistaxis episodes appearing in summer or hot weather are treated successfully with Crocus Sativus. It helps to control acute nasal bleeding as well a person’s tendency to have recurrent epistaxis spells experienced in hot weather.

4. Arnica – For Epistaxis Following an Injury or Blow to the Nose

Arnica is a highly reliable and efficient treatment for epistaxis caused by an injury. Arnica, also known as Leopard’s Bane, is a natural medicine for cases of injury. It is an anti-trauma remedy found in the first-aid kits of all homeopaths. In epistaxis from injury, a fall or a blow to the nose, Arnica must be given without hesitation as it is a highly competent hemorrhage controlling medicine. It can be repeated frequently at short intervals. Arnica works well when there is a sore and bruised feeling in the nose. Apart from epistaxis due to injury, Arnica is also recommended for nasal bleeding during typhoid fever.

5. Carbo Veg – For Epistaxis that Appears on a Regular Basis

Carbo Veg is an ideal treatment for epistaxis for patients suffering from frequent episodes of nasal bleeding. Due to blood loss, the face of the patient appears pale. The body is cold and sweaty. Other symptoms include low vitality and exhaustion, and sometimes the patient may even collapse due to excessive blood loss. The patient feels better when in cold air. Carbo Veg helps put a check on frequent epistaxis attacks and also contributes to regaining vitality and energy levels lost due to daily nasal bleeding.

6. Meliliotus – For Congestive Headaches Relieved by Nasal Bleeding

Whenever nasal bleeding brings relief from congestive headaches, Melilotus is the most appropriate homeopathic prescription. Individuals requiring Melilotus suffer from violent, throbbing, congestive headaches. Along with a headache, there is a redness and flushing of the face. When nasal bleeding appears, the headache and flushing of the face vanish. In such cases, there is a lot of bright red blood.

7. Lachesis – For Epistaxis with Black and Thick Blood

Lachesis is a significant anti hemorrhagic remedy used for treating various bleeding tendencies. Lachesis works well for epistaxis in cases where there is a discharge of black, thick blood from the nose. The blood may also be offensive. Some patients may also complain of acridity in the blood which irritates and corrodes the lips and nostrils.

Other Important Medicines

1. For Epistaxis with Bright, Red Blood

Among the most suitable treatment for epistaxis of bright red blood are Phosphorus, Ipecac, and Millifolium. Phosphorus works well for bright red nasal bleeding either from nasal polyps, chronic nasal catarrh or otherwise. Ipecac is useful for profuse, bright red nasal bleeding when accompanied by nausea. Millifolium is excellent for painless, profuse bright red nasal bleeding.

2. For Epistaxis with Dark Blood

Lachesis and Hamamelis are the most prominent remedies for epistaxis with dark blood. Lachesis works well in cases of dark, black and thick nasal bleeding. The blood may also be acrid and offensive. Hamamelis is selected when nasal blood is dark, accompanied by tightness on the bridge of the nose. In such cases, there may also be extreme exhaustion from nasal bleeding.

3. For Epistaxis with Clotted Blood

For dealing with epistaxis with clotted blood, medicines Crocus Sativus and China are the best choices. Crocus Sativus works well when nasal bleeding is tenacious, clotted and stringy. It may hang down from the nose in the form of threads. China works well when the person loses vitality due to excessive nasal bleeding. The person seems completely exhausted, debilitated, and may even faint with epistaxis.

4. For Epistaxis from Trauma

Homeopathic medicines Arnica and Hamamelis are the best homeopathic remedies to deal with epistaxis caused by trauma. These medicines give great results when controlling nasal bleeding from injury, trauma or a blow to the nose. They can be used alternatively for best results.

5. For Epistaxis with Anemia

Ferrum Met and China are the most appropriate medicines for epistaxis with anemia. Ferrum Met is a highly suitable medicine for controlling hemorrhages in anemic patients. Ferrum Met works well when nasal blood is bright red. In such cases, along with epistaxis, symptoms of anemia are also present. Homeopathic medicine China is equally effective as Ferrum Met and is prescribed when epistaxis appears with anemia and a noticeable loss of body strength. Extreme exhaustion, weakness, and debility are also present.

6. For Epistaxis from Dry Nasal Crusts

Ammonium Carb and Kali Bichrome are useful medicines for epistaxis from nasal crusts. Patients requiring these medicines have nasal bleeding because of the peeling of nasal crusts that get formed due to dry nasal catarrh. These medicines have to be used for some time for complete recovery.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Eustachian Tube Blockage

The Eustachian tube is a tube about 35mm long that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. The function of Eustachian tubes is to equalize the pressure between the middle ear and the surrounding atmosphere. Another function of the Eustachian tube is to drain the mucus from the middle ear. Eustachian tubes may get blocked because of various infections. Homeopathic treatment for Eustachian tube blockage is safe, very effective and has no side effects. homeopathic treatment for eustachian tube blockage

Homeopathy works to correct the underlying cause of the problem. The prominent symptoms in every case need to be ascertained to help decide on the homeopathic treatment for Eustachian tube blockage. Among the top listed medicines for Eustachian tube blockage are Kali Mur, Pulsatilla, Hydrastis, Merc Sol, Kali Bichrome, Silicea, and Gelsemium.

Causes and Symptoms of Eustachian Tube Blockage

Eustachian tubes may get blocked due to various infections. The infections may be those of the ear or upper respiratory tract. Cold, nasal allergies and sinusitis are other reasons for Eustachian tube blockage. The symptoms of Eustachian tube blockage include ear pain, difficulty or dullness in hearing, dizziness, fullness or a plugged sensation in the ear, and noises in the ear(Tinnitus).

Homeopathic Treatment for Eustachian Tube Blockage

1. Kali Mur – For Eustachian Tube Blockage Due to Chronic Ear Catarrh

Kali Mur is a highly effective treatment for Eustachian tube blockage. Eustachian tube blockage due to chronic catarrh of the middle ear can be handled successfully with Kali Mur. In such cases, there is plugged sensation in the ears along with deafness. This sensation is accompanied by snapping and popping sounds in the ear.

2. Pulsatilla – Blockage When Accompanied by a Severe Earache

Pulsatilla is a suitable treatment for Eustachian tube blockage when accompanied by a severe earache. The earache may get worse at night. There is a blockage of the ear with difficulty in hearing. History of ear infection with the discharge of yellow, thick pus are other symptoms indicating the use of Pulsatilla. Other features are noises in the ear like wind or rushing water, and itching deep inside the ears.

3. Hydrastis – Blockage With Marked Dullness of Hearing

Hydrastis is a well-indicated treatment for Eustachian tube blockage where dullness in hearing is a symptom. Thick, offensive, irritating discharge from the ear may also be noted. Another marked symptom is post nasal drip. There is also hawking of thick yellow mucus from the throat.

4. Merc Sol – Blockage With Marked Tinnitus

Merc Sol is mainly useful for blocked Eustachian tubes when tinnitus is prominent. The noises in the ear may be roaring, ringing or whistling in nature. Tearing pain in the ear may also be experienced. Otorrhea with offensive pus, often stained with blood, may be found. Difficulty in hearing gets temporarily better by blowing the nose or after swallowing.

5. Kali Bichrome And Silicea – Other Effective Medicines for Eustachian Tube Blockage

Kali Bichrome and Silicea are other very helpful cures for Eustachian tube blockage. Kali Bichrome works well in cases of blocked Eustachian tube from chronic sinusitis. Thick, stringy postnasal discharge with blocked Eustachian tubes are indicative of using Kali Bichrome. Silicea is to be used in Eustachian tube blockage when a chronic history of pus-filled ear discharge is present. The ear feels blocked, and hissing noises in the ear may also arise.

6. Gelsemium – Blockage When Accompanied by Vertigo and Dizziness

When vertigo accompanies Eustachian tube blockage, then Gelsemium is a good choice. There is catarrh of the ear, earache, deafness and blocked Eustachian tubes. Vertigo, dizziness or a lightheaded feeling also occur in some cases. Vertigo is worse while walking. A sudden head movement may also trigger dizziness.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

Mucus produced by the lining of the respiratory system and discharged through the mouth is called phlegm. It occurs because of inflammation or disease of the airway. There can be various causes of phlegm in the throat. The most common reasons are cold, allergies, sinusitis, hay fever, postnasal drip, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, overuse of voice and cigarette smoking. The color of the phlegm coughed up as sputa vary from white to yellow and green. In some cases, it may also be bloodstained. This problem can be dealt very efficiently with the help of treatment for phlegm in the throat. Homeopathy for a particular case of phlegm in the throat should be selected individually. The nature of phlegm, its cause, and other symptoms need to be dealt with together when deciding on the homeopathic medicine to be used. Homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat helps clear out the infection.

Using the accurately selected homeopathy medicine for phlegm in the throat can cure even the most chronic and rigid cases. Among the extremely effective homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat are Argentum Nitricum, Kali Bichrome, Kali Carb, Argentum Metallicum, Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum.

Best Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

1. Argentum Nitricum – For Phlegm With Marked Hawking

Argentum Nitricum is one of the most effective treatment for phlegm in the throat. It gives great results for phlegm in throat accompanied by intense hawking. The mucus in the throat is thick, and there are rawness and roughness in the throat. Splinter-like sensation in the throat may also be present. Other symptoms are a burning feeling and dryness in the throat and the fauces.  Argentum Nitricum is also very effective in cases of phlegm in the throat because of smoking.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Tough and Stringy Phlegm In the Throat

Kali Bichrome leads the list of treatment for phlegm in the throat in cases where the phlegm is tough and stringy. It sticks to the throat and detaches with much difficulty. The throat is also red and inflamed. A cough may arise from sticky phlegm in the throat. Relaxation of the uvula is also a possibility. Kali Bichrome is an excellent treatment for cases of phlegm in the throat caused by sinusitis. In such situations, a post nasal drip of mucus in the throat is the most prominent symptom.

3. Kali Carb – For Phlegm Hard to Swallow or Hawk Up

Kali Carb is another often used medicine for phlegm in the throat. It is an excellent remedy in cases where the phlegm in the throat is hard to swallow or hawk up. The phlegm remains stuck in the throat. Its accumulation is worse in the mornings and is also accompanied by a hard cough. There is also tickling in the throat which leads to a cough. The phlegm in the throat is like a lump and is unpleasant in nature. There can also be a stinging or stitching pain in the throat.

4. Argentum Metallicum – For Phlegm from Overuse of Voice

The complaint of phlegm in the throat of persons from overuse of voice – like singers and public speakers – is successfully cured with Argentum Metallicum. Symptoms include the need to hem and hawk while talking. The phlegm expectorated is gelatinous and sticky, like boiled starch, and is most commonly and freely coughed up in the morning. Another prominent symptom is hoarseness of voice.

5. Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum  – Other Effective Medicines for Phlegm

Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus and Psorinum are excellent remedies for phlegm in the throat. Kali Mur is useful in cases where the phlegm coughed up is white or milky white. Silicea and Pulsatilla are homeopathic cures in cases where the phlegm is yellow and greenish in colour respectively. Phosphorus gives excellent results in cases where the sputa are blood stained. Psorinum is a well indicated homeopathic medicine when the phlegm is nasty smelling and has a disgusting taste.

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Treat Your Nasal Polyps with Homeopathic Medicines

Nasal polyps are soft growths arising from the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses. These growths are painless, freely movable and non-cancerous. Homeopathic medicines for nasal polyps help treat the polyps for the long term and can help avoid surgery.

Homeopathic Medicines for Nasal Polyps

Yes, Homeopathy can treat nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are considered a case for surgery under the conventional mode of medicine. However, Homeopathy offers an alternative by treating nasal polyps internally, without invasive procedures. Homeopathy treats the symptoms of nasal polyps as well as help shrink the nasal polyps. These medicines, which are both natural and safe, attack the disease at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes for complete treatment. Some top-rated medicines for treating nasal polyps are Teucrium Marum, Lemna Minor, Sanguinaria Nitricum, Allium Cepa, Kali Bichromicum, and Calcarea Carb.

1. Lemna Minor – Top Remedy for Nasal Polyps

Lemna Minor is one of the top grade medicines for nasal polyps. Lemna Minor works well where there is obstruction of nose and loss of smell from nasal polyps. A putrid smell in the nose may also be felt in some cases. Thick, yellow-white discharge from the nose is another attending feature. In some cases, mucopurulent nasal discharge is observed. In cases where nasal polyps worsen in wet weather too, Lemna Minor is the medicine to prescribe. It also treats swollen nasal turbinates very well.

2. Teucrium Marum – For Polyps with Nasal Blockage

Teucrium Marum is a most wonderful medicine for nasal polyps with marked nasal blockage. A unique symptom is obstruction of the side of the nose on which the person lies down. Loss of smell is also noted. Crawling sensation in the nose may arise. Teucrium Marum is also one of the best medicines for ozaena. Ozaena is chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa resulting in its atrophy.

3. Sanguinaria Nitricum and Kali Nitricum – For Right-sided Polyps

Sanguinaria Nitricum and Kali Nitricum are excellent medicines for right-sided nasal polyps. A person who needs a prescription of Sanguinaria Nitricum shows watery, nasal discharge or burning nature. Other features are pressure over the root of the nose, plugged sensation in nostrils, enlarged nasal turbinates, sneezing and yellow, bloody mucus discharge from the nose. The symptoms guiding the use of Kali Nitricum in addition to right-sided nasal polyps are coryza with nasal obstruction, sneezing, loss of smell and digging pain in nostrils.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Left-sided Nasal Polyps

Calcarea Carb is an extremely suitable medicine for left-sided nasal polyps. This prescription is given to persons who complain of a blocked nose on the left side. Other attending features are fetid smell and yellow discharge from the nose. In the morning, dryness in the nose may be felt. Sneezing, markedly in the morning time, may also attend. Persons given Calcarea Carb tend to catch a cold easily, with the slightest change in weather.

5. Allium Cepa – For Constant Sneezing in Nasal Polyps

In the case of nasal polyps with constant sneezing, Allium Cepa offers the perfect treatment. An attending feature is the watery discharge of burning, acrid nature from the nose. The nasal discharge corrodes the upper lips. Headache may also persist along with fluent coryza. Some feel there’s a lump at the root of the nose. Nose stoppage may also be observed.

6. Kali Bichromicum – For Post Nasal Discharge in Nasal Polyps Cases

For postnasal discharge in nasal polyps cases,  Kali Bichromicum is selected. The post nasal discharge is thick, lumpy, ropy in nature. It is attended with much hawking. Marked pressure at the root of the nose is complained of. A fetid smell from the nose is another concern. Violent sneezing in the morning time may accompany the above features. Kali Bichromicum is also a prominent medicine for treating nasal polyps from chronic sinusitis.

7. Phosphorus – For Bleeding Nasal Polyps

Phosphorus is a very effective medicine for nasal polyps that bleed easily. Apart from the bleeding, the condition is accompanied by coryza with dull headache and sneezing which worsens with strong odors. Blocked nose early in the morning is a sure sign that Phosphorus will work. Also, in cases where coryza and dryness of the nose alternate, Phosphorus is the best medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do you get nasal polyps; are there any risk factors that predispose one to this condition?

The exact cause of nasal polyps is not yet clear. However, risk factors like chronic nasal infection or inflammation, sinusitis, and nasal allergies play an important role in making one prone to nasal polyps. It needs mention here that not everyone with the above risk factors will develop nasal polyps even though they would be likely to develop the condition. Various other diseases that are associated with nasal polyps are asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic fungal sinusitis, and aspirin sensitivity.

2. How do I know I have nasal polyps?

There are several symptoms unique to nasal polyps, the most prominent among these being a stuffy nose. Other signs accompanying the nasal blockage include breathing through the mouth, loss or decrease of the sense of smell, snoring, post nasal drip, sneezing, runny nose, headache, feeling of pressure in the forehead. Polyps that are small in size show no symptoms at all.

3. What medical investigations do doctors propose for nasal polyps?

Investigations for nasal polyps include nasal endoscopy, CT scan or MRI. In addition to this, skin prick tests to detect allergic factor are also done.

4. What are the various types of nasal polyps?

There are two types of nasal polyps. These are antrochoanal polyps and ethmoidal polyps. The antrochoanal polyp arises from maxillary sinus and is single and unilateral (one-sided). The ethmoidal polyps are usually multiple, bilateral and arise from ethmoidal sinus, the middle turbinate lateral wall of the nose, mainly from the middle meatus.

5. Can sinusitis cause nasal polyps?

Yes, sinusitis i.e. inflamed mucous membrane of paranasal sinus can lead to nasal polyps. Sinusitis is one of the major risk factors behind nasal polyps. However, all cases of sinusitis do not lead to nasal polyps. Why only a few having sinusitis develop nasal polyps is still a matter of study.

6. Are nasal polyps related to allergies?

Yes, they are related to allergies. Recurrent nasal allergies cause inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose i.e. rhinitis or of the paranasal sinuses i.e. sinusitis. Both rhinitis and sinusitis put the person at a high risk of nasal polyps.

7. Is turbinate hypertrophy another name for nasal polyps?

No, nasal polyps and turbinate hypertrophy are not the same thing. Turbinates are the normal structures i.e. curled bones located bilaterally inside the nose. They play an important role in heating and filtering the inhaled air. While nasal polyps are soft, painless growths arising from the mucous lining of the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinus. However, the major risk factors for both turbinate hypertrophy and nasal polyps are recurrent nasal infections and nasal allergies.

8. Can nasal polyps be cancerous?

No, nasal polyps are not cancerous. They are benign growths.

9. Do nasal polyps bleed?

Yes, nasal polyps can bleed, but not in every case.

10. I snore at night, could it be from nasal polyps?

Snoring is a symptom of nasal polyps. But, snoring in isolation can be attributed to other causes as well. Few other causes of snoring include enlarged adenoids, deviated nasal septum, obesity leading to bulky throat tissue and elongated uvula. A CT scan or MRI will confirm whether the nasal polyps are causing snoring or other factors are in play.

11. Can nasal polyps affect my ability to smell?

Yes, nasal polyps do reduce a person’s ability to smell.

12. Can nasal polyps give me ear infection or affect my hearing?

Yes, there are chances of ear infection if a person has nasal polyps and hearing may be affected.

13. Can nasal sprays treat nasal polyps?

Nasal sprays only provide temporary relief in nasal symptoms from nasal polyps. However, complete treatment can only be obtained by treating the root cause with proper medicines.

14. My doctor has advised surgery for nasal polyps, is it safe to put it on hold and go for natural medicines?

Yes, it is absolutely safe to do so as nasal polyps are benign growths. Homeopathy acts at the root and in due course dissolve nasal polyps without having to go through any invasive procedures or surgery. Homeopathy initially controls the symptoms of nasal polyps. In time, the nasal polyps start to shrink in size and dissolve.

15. Can nasal polyps recur post surgery?

Yes, there are good chances of nasal polyps coming back after surgery. Surgery removes the nasal polyps not the root cause behind their origin. The nasal infections and allergies that cause nasal polyps are not addressed, so they tend to regrow. Homeopathy, on the other hand, will work on eradicating the root cause of nasal polyps and eventually dissolve them so they do not re-appear after surgery.

Managing Nasal Polyps

As much as finding the allergens that cause nasal polyps, avoiding these allergens that one is susceptible to are important. Staying away from irritants like dust, strong odors, cigarette smoking, and pollution will also help.

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9 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Sinus Congestion

What is Sinus Congestion?

Sinus congestion is a very common condition which may occur due to a cold, flu or allergies. The membranes lining the nose and sinuses get inflamed and swollen. The person starts to feel stuffy due to the blockage. Sinus congestion may sometimes be accompanied by a runny nose that lasts for more than a week. The person feels sinus pressure pain behind the cheeks and the eyes. Severe frontal headache may be present when frontal sinuses are involved. Loss of smell and bad breath are frequent complaints among persons with sinus congestion. Post nasal discharges are also accompanied by a stuffy nose feeling. Sinus congestion affects a person’s day-to-day activities, leading to a feeling of discomfort and anguish.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is advisable for sinus congestion in both children and adults. Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe and help eliminate the disease causing predisposition of the person. Homeopathic medicines help put a stop to recurring episodes of sinus congestion. They do not slow down the body’s processes or make a person feel dull and dizzy. In fact, Homeopathic medicines restore health by stimulating the body’s own immune system.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sinus Congestion

Top rated Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion are Kali Bichromicum, Hydrastis and Sticta. Kali Bichromicum is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with pressure and pain at the root of the nose. Sinus congestion with post nasal discharges and with burning pain in the nose is well treated with Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis. Sticta is a well indicated Homeopathic medicine for sinus congestion with obstruction of nose which gets worse at night.

Ammonium Carbonica and Sticta – Best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with stuffy nose

The most remarkable Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with a stuffy nose are Ammonium Carbonica and Sticta. Ammonium Carbonica works best in cases where a person is unable to breathe through the nose. Blockage of the nose is more troublesome at night. Sticta is well indicated for sinus congestion with a stuffy nose along with fullness at the root of the nose. Painful dryness of the mucus membranes, accompanied by obstruction of the nose, is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Sticta.

Kali Bichromicum, Corallium and Hydrastis – Top Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal discharge

Top rated Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal discharge are Kali Bichromicum, Corallium and Hydrastis. Kali Bichromicum is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal drip of thick mucus. Large mucus plugs make it impossible to breathe through the nose. Nasal discharge is thick, stringy and ropy in such cases. Where sinus congestion is accompanied by profuse secretion of mucus dropping through the posterior sinuses, Corallium is the best choice among Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. Thick, white or yellow, tenacious nasal discharge with burning pain in the nose is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis.

Silicea and Mercuris Solubulis – Best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with facial pain

The most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with facial pain (maxillary sinusitis) are Silicea and Mercuris Solubulis. Silicea is the recommended medicine for sinus congestion with swelling of maxillary glands. Symptoms include a red face, along with tearing pain at the root of the nose and the malar bone. Mercurius Solubulis is one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines for a stuffy nose with acrid nasal secretions and marked aching in the jaws. The symptoms to look out for are red, hot cheeks and puffiness under the eyes.

Spigelia and Belladonna – Most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with a headache

Two of the most valuable Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with headache (frontal sinusitis) are Spigelia and Belladonna. In cases with marked pain beneath the frontal eminence and temples, extending to the eyes, Spigelia is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. Congestive headaches with a red face and stuffy nose are treated well with Belladonna, making it the best rated among Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. The symptoms include pain and fullness, especially in the forehead, along with dryness of the nose and a red face.



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