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Homeopathic Remedies for AVN – Avascular Necrosis Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for AVN - Avascular Necrosis Treatment

AVN, also known as osteonecrosis, bone infarction and ischemic bone necrosis/aseptic necrosis refers to a condition which leads to death of bone cells due to interruption in blood supply. Avascular Necrosis (AVN)  can cause unbearable pain in the bones. Since there is no blood supply to the bone, the bone breaks and finally collapses. AVN may involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints.

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Avascular Necrosis

The homeopathic treatment for Avascular Necrosis uses the body’s own restorative process to heal. It basically aims at halting the destruction of bones in patients of Avascular Necrosis because of interrupted blood supply. The second aim of these remedies is to reduce the pain in bones because of bone damage. Both these aims are accomplished by the use of natural medicines, which have zero side-effects and are completely safe. The medicines are selected after taking into account the proper case history of the patient. The medicines are prescribed based on the bone involved, the kind of bone pain and other peculiar symptoms in each individual case.

Top Homeopathic medicines for AVN

Top Homeopathic Medicines

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for treating AVN are Syphilinum, Strontium Carb, Natrum Sulph, Fluoric Acid, Asafoetida and Silicea. Some of the homeopathic medicines to manage hip pain in such cases include Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth.

1. Syphilinum – For Bone Pains At Night

Syphilinum is well known for its beneficial action on body tissues wherever the destructive process is present. Apart from its universal healing action to stop the destruction of body tissues, Syphilinum is of great help in treating bone necrosis. The most dominant feature for selecting Syphilinum in any given case of AVN is the worsening of bone pains at night. The person experiences pain throughout the night and is unable to sleep on account of the severe pain. The pains may compel the patient to walk, which seems to bring relief. Such persons remain comparatively well the whole day.

Another marked symptom that can help in selecting Syphilinum for AVN cases is a specific pattern regarding the appearance and disappearance of pains. The pattern followed is a gradual increase in bone pains and in the same way, a gradual disappearance of pains. The third symptom that may be present in a few AVN patients needing Syphilinum is worsening of pains because of heat and some relief by applying cold water. History of excessive alcoholism may be present in persons requiring Syphilinum.

2. Strontium Carb – For Avascular Necrosis of Femoral (bone in thigh) Bone

Strontium Carb is a natural remedy recommended for cases of AVN of femoral bone. Those needing it have worsening of pain in cold air. Besides AVN, it is a prominent medicine to deal with cases of weak and brittle bones prone to break easily.

3. Natrum Sulph– For Hip Joint Necrosis

Natural remedy Natrum Sulph should always be considered in cases of AVN of the hip joint. Natrum Sulph is one of the most beneficial medicines when dealing with hip joint AVN. The patient mainly complains of pain during movement or when stooping.

4. Fluoric Acid–For AVN of Long Bones

Fluoric Acid is the most effective for the necrosis of long bones. The bones include humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg). Fluoric Acid is mainly used to halt necrosis appearing in long bones. The persons needing Fluoric Acid usually have excess body heat and the external heat worsens the condition. Apart from long bones, necrosis of the bones of the ear (which are rarely involved) are also covered under Fluoric Acid, which helps in improving the blood circulation and preventing further necrosis of bones.

5. Asafoetida – For Necrosis Of Tibia ( A Bone In Leg) Bone

Asafoetida is a wonderful medicine for AVN of the tibia. There is worsening of pain at night along with over-sensitivity in bones. The bone pain can be darting, sharp or stitching in nature.

6. Silicea– For Necrosis of Bones

Silicea is considered among the best natural medicines for necrosis (premature death of cells) of a variety of bones ranging from long to small bones. The necrosis of jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of leg) — are the sites of action for using Silicea. The general symptom for using Silicea is sensitivity to cold air when bone pain worsens even from the slightest exposure to cold air. Warmth brings relief.

 7. Aurum Metallicum – For Necrosis Of Nasal, Palatine Bones

Aurum Metallicum is a natural remedy which is very beneficial in the treatment of necrosis in nasal and palatine bones. The mastoid bone is also the site that benefits with the use of Aurum Met. The patient complains of pains at night and may suffer from extremely offensive odor from the mouth and nose along with pain. The patient may also feel depressed with a high degree of sadness.

8. Symphytum – For Bone Damage In Fracture

Natural medicine Symphytum is very beneficial as a remedy for bone-related complaints. Symphytum can be considered in all cases where the bone has suffered damage following fractures. It helps in proper knitting of the bone. This is helped by providing the necessary callous material needed for bone reformation. So, in every case of fracture where Symphytum is used, it acts as a preventive agent against necrosis as the bone is very neatly and efficiently woven by this medicine.

9. Phosphorus– For AVN Of The Jaw

Phosphorus is an effective remedy for treating lower jaw AVN. It is of great help when the lower jaw is affected due to lack of blood supply. It is pertinent to mention here that Phosphorus is used in match-box making factories and some persons may acquire AVN there inhaling Phosphorus fumes for a long duration.

10. Hekla Lava– For Decay Of Jaw With Marked Pains

Hekla Lava is a top natural remedy for Avascular Necrosis of the jaw when jaw destruction is accompanied by marked facial nerve pains.

Symptoms Of AVN

In the beginning, no symptom is noticed by the patient. But gradually when death of blood cells start increasing, pain in the affected joint is felt. For example, in case of AVN of hip joint pain may be felt in groin, thigh or buttock. Initially pain is felt when the joint is put under pressure. In case of hip or knee AVN, walking, standing, stair climbing become difficult. Limping occurs while walking. As the condition reaches the most advanced stages, pain in the affected joint increases in intensity due to small breaks in the bone and pain becomes a constant feature. Other symptoms include stiffness of joint and limited range of movement at the joint. When condition has progressed excessively, then the bone collapses. Bone collapse makes one unable to use the joint. The symptoms of AVN may occur on both sides of body. In jaw AVN, pus may be present.

Bones prone to AVN

Avascular Necrosis can involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints. Among these, hip joint is the most commonly involved joint, the bone mainly involved is head of the femur (a bone in the thigh extending between the hip and the knee). Humerus (bone in the upper arm extending between shoulder and elbow) is the next commonly affected bone. Scaphoid bone (bone in wrist), jaw, ankles, hand and foot may be affected as well.

What are the Causes and risk factors behind AVN?

AVN results from decreased or hindered blood supply to bone. Reduced blood supply to bone causes death of bone cells. Under normal conditions, our body keeps replacing old bone tissue (which gets damaged as a part of daily wear and tear) with new one to keep bones healthy and maintain their strength. Blood supply to bones provides oxygen and nutrients essential for regeneration of new bone tissues. If due to any reason blood supply to bone is hindered, our body becomes unable to make new bone tissue at right pace. As a result, the old-aged bone breaks down and dies.

AVN may happen from many reasons. Broadly the causes can be divided into two categories:

1.Traumatic AVN: It occurs after breaking of bone or joint dislocation

2.Non-traumatic AVN: It arises from some medical health problem which is causing obstruction of blood supply  to bone. In most cases of non – traumatic AVN, same bones on the either side of the body get affected like AVN of left hip and AVN of right hip.

The various causes and risk factors are enumerated below:

1.Injury / trauma: An injury or trauma can reduce or stop blood supply to a bone which is the main cause of AVN. For example, joint dislocation or a fracture (broken bone).

2. Smoking: Smoking makes the blood vessels narrow that reduces blood supply to body tissues including that of bone.

3. Excessive consumption of alcohol: It is known that alcohol can lead to hyperlipidemia (increased level of lipids means fats like cholesterol, triglycerides in blood) and fatty deposits in blood vessels. High levels of fat tend to block blood vessels and reduce blood flow. Decreased blood flow to bone cells can cause death of bone cells (AVN). This condition is similar to the one when a person suffers a heart attack where arteries that supply blood to the heart become blocked from cholesterol cutting blood supply to heart muscle causing heart attack and damage to heart muscle.

Secondly, high number of fat cells in the head of the femur might increase pressure inside it contributing further to reduced blood flow. In addition to this, alcohol may damage bone cells directly from its toxic action. It has been estimated that those who consume 15 to 20 large pegs of alcohol per week are 10 times more at risk of developing AVN as compared to non–alcoholics (means who do not drink alcohol).

4. Excessive use of steroid medication, like prednisone, for a prolonged period of time also makes a person prone to develop AVN. The reason is that these medicines can raise lipids (fat) in the blood that causes blockage of small blood vessels. Around 3 % to 38% people consuming steroids go on developing steroid-induced AVN. High doses of steroids taken orally (from mouth) or intravenous steroids (administered through veins) for prolonged time period is linked with AVN.

5. Exposure to radiation and chemotherapy used for cancer treatment predisposes a person to AVN.

6. Bisphosphonate therapy used in the treatment of bone cancer and osteoporosis makes a person prone to AVN. It is mainly related to cause AVN of jaw.

7. Decompression sickness/caisson disease (a medical condition in which bubbles form in the blood of a person from rapid decrease in surrounding pressure), and Leg-Calve Perthes disease (a condition occurring in childhood from interruption of blood supply to the head of femur of hip joint)

8. Having high cholesterol, HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well), high blood pressure, sickle cell anemia (Inherited disorder affecting shape of red blood cells, RBCs become sickle shaped that can slow blood flow), leukemia (blood cancer), Gaucher disease (build-up of fatty substance in certain organs), organ transplant like kidney transplant, pancreatitis, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – an autoimmune disease causing inflammation and damage to various organs), HIV are other risk factors.

9. Sometimes AVN occurs without any cause, for example, spontaneous AVN in knee (known as SPONK or SONC).

10. In some cases, the reason for interrupted blood flow is not known, for example in Kienbock disease (breakdown of a bone in wrist known as lunate bone from interrupted blood supply) and Preiser’s disease (AVN of scaphoid bone which is one of the bones in wrist).

11. Chances of AVN are more in men as compared to women.

12. Persons aged between 30yrs to 60 yrs are the most at risk though it can occur in person of any age group.

Pathophysiology Of AVN

AVN begins when there is decrease in subchondral (bone lying beneath the cartilage) blood supply. It leads to low oxygen (hypoxia) in bone tissue resulting in death of cells (necrosis) of bone. It is suggested via experimental evidence that bone cells die within 12 hrs to 2 days’ time from reduced blood supply and low oxygen levels. With progression of the condition, degeneration and the collapse of joint occurs.


If AVN is left untreated, the condition goes on becoming worse and worse and finally may result in bone collapse. It can lead to severe arthritis.

Stages of AVN

There are four stages defined as per progression of AVN

Stage I: In this stage, X-ray is normal but in MRI, dead bone can be detected.

Stage II: X-ray can reveal bone damage changes related to AVN. At this stage, the collapse of bone of femoral head has not taken place.

Stage III: X-ray shows sign of bone collapse (crescent sign).

Stage IV: It is the serious stage. At this stage, X-ray shows bone collapse and significant cartilage damage (osteoarthritis)

Ficat: Four stages classification system of AVN based on standard radiographs

Stage I – Normal radiograph

Stage II – In this stage femoral head contour is normal but in radiographs, signs of bone remodelling are seen (cystic and sclerotic portions)

Stage III – Flattening of femoral head occurs in this stage

Stage IV – It is characterized by narrowed joint space and degenerative signs in acetabulum.

Differential Diagnosis of AVN

There are certain medical conditions that might have similar symptom presentation like AVN which need to be differentiated while making a diagnosis of AVN. These conditions include:

1. Osteoarthritis: Degenerative joint disease arising from the breakdown of joint cartilage (it cushions end of bones to allow smooth movement over each other) and underlying bone

2. Rheumatoid arthritis: An autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well

3. Osteomyelitis: Infection of bone by bacteria or other microorganisms

4. Osteoporosis: Condition arising from reduced bone density whereby bones become weak, brittle and are at high risk of easy fracture (breaking of bone)

5. Osteochondrosis: Group of disorders affecting bone growth in children and adolescents

6. Septic arthritis: Joint infection occurring when germs from some infected body part travel via blood stream to the joint

7. Synovitis: Inflamed synovial membrane (it secretes synovial fluid needed for joint lubrication) of joint

8. Bone marrow edema syndrome: It is characterized by bone pain and bone marrow edema found in MRI.

9. Bone Cancer

Some measures to prevent AVN

  1. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol use
  2. Keep a check on cholesterol levels
  3. Avoid excessive steroid use

Frequently Asked Questions of AVN

I have AVN of femoral head stage II on both sides, will homeopathy be helpful?

Yes, you can be benefitted by homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy has good scope of managing cases of AVN going through Stage 2. There are several natural remedies in homeopathy that can help to relieve pain and  stiffness, and improve the range of movement of the joint. These medicines also boost the body’s immunity to fight back disease naturally and halt further advancement of the disease.

I have been recommended hip replacement surgery for AVN Stage III, I do not want to go for surgery, can homeopathy help to avoid surgery?

Though homeopathy has limited scope in Grade 3 stage of AVN, if you wish to go for an alternative to surgery, you can try homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines will not be able to reverse the changes that have already occurred, but can surely help in pain management. Surgery should be the last option when all the alternative treatment methods have proved fruitless.

Can homeopathy help in Grade IV AVN cases?

Homeopathy has a good scope in treating Grade 1 and 2 AVN, limited role for grade 3 AVN patients and a very minimal role to play in cases of Grade 4 AVN. However, one can opt for homeopathy to ease pain-related issues before proceeding towards surgical options. The help it can offer in relieving pain varies from case to case.

Can homeopathy help in reversal of AVN changes?

There is no current treatment option available in any system of medicine that claims to reverse pathological changes that have already taken place in AVN cases. Homeopathy helps in slowing down the progression of bone changes in AVN and eases its symptoms, but unfortunately cannot reverse the bone damage that has already occurred.

Is there any natural homeopathic medicine to manage pain in hip joint from AVN?

Yes, several homeopathic medicines can help in managing hip joint pain in AVN cases. Though a specific medicine is selected after taking case details but some general medicines to relieve hip pain are Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth.

Can homeopathy help cases of AVN other than hip like AVN of jaw, knee, shoulder joint?

Yes, homeopathy can help AVN occurring in joints other than hip as well. There are several homeopathic medicines for it. The best prescription is finalized after taking the entire case details from the patient.

Is Syphilinum a good homeopathic remedy for AVN?

Yes, Syphilinum is one of the well-indicated homeopathic medicines to help cases of bone necrosis and decay. It is mainly indicated when there is worsening of bone pains at night.

What is the treatment duration in homeopathy to treat AVN cases?

The duration of homeopathic treatment for AVN depends on the stage, duration, intensity of complaint and duration varies from several months to a year or two, for good long term relief.

Can homeopathy cure AVN?

Homeopathy is a natural science of medicine that have a management role in AVN. Though they cannot cure the condition, the homeopathic medicines aim at preventing further bone loss and promise relief in the associated symptoms to a great extent.

I have hip pain from the last 6 months, am I suffering from AVN?

Hip pain may arise from various causes. AVN is just one among those causes. Other reasons might be osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. So only having hip pain does not confirm AVN. A complete detailed case history and MRI of hip is required to confirm the diagnosis in each and every case.

Is groin pain indicative of hip AVN?

Though groin pain can occur in hip AVN but not all those having groin pain are actually suffering from AVN. There could be other reasons as well that could be causing groin pain. For example, inguinal hernia, kidney stones, sprains, tendinitis, pinched nerve, UTI (urinary tract infection), and certain male problems like hydrocele, varicocele, epididymitis, orchitis and testicular torsion. It is advised to consult a doctor for groin pain to find the exact cause behind it.

I have no pain in hip, but my MRI shows AVN hip joint on right side, do I need treatment?

See, AVN in early stages is usually painless. But if left untreated, there is progression of AVN, bone damage worsens and pain starts to appear which initially is intermittent (occurring at some intervals and not continuous) but gradually may become constant from intense bone damage. So, it is advised to not ignore it and start with its proper treatment to halt progression of this condition and prevent associated pain.

Can a person with AVN hip run, or do jogging?

In recently diagnosed AVN hip cases, it is usually advised to avoid running, jogging or other activities that put excessive pressure on the hip joint to prevent the collapse of femur head. A doctor should always be consulted to get advice regarding resumption of such activities.

Is AVN self-limiting and can it heal on its own?

AVN unfortunately is a progressive condition that goes on worsening. Very rarely if AVN’s cause is alcohol or steroid use and it is caught (diagnosed) in early stages entire stoppage of alcohol, or steroids can stop its progression and healing may take place from formation of new blood vessels.

Which investigations can confirm AVN?

MRI and CT scan are the most valuable to check and confirm AVN. These tests can reveal early bone changes in AVN cases. X-ray may also be done but it shows changes in bone only in later stages of AVN. For checking early AVN stages, X-rays are not helpful to detect any bone changes. A bone scan (nuclear bone scan or bone scintigraphy) is the next recommended investigation. In this test, a radioactive substance is injected via a vein before doing the scan and after that, the bone scan is done to see the injured areas of bone. In some cases, biopsy is advised in which the bone sample is removed with help of a needle or during surgery to check tissue for abnormal cells or cancer. If other tests are normal but still doctor doubts that it is AVN, then functional bone test is recommended. This test measures pressure inside the bone.

Is AVN curable?

Unfortunately AVN is not curable but with proper treatment its progression can be slowed down.

Is surgery the only option for AVN?

Not all cases of AVN require surgery. If it is diagnosed in early stages, it can be managed with medicines. The stage of AVN decides whether surgery is needed or not. Stages I and II of AVN can be managed with medicines. However, in stage III AVN surgery may be required. In IV stage, surgery may be the only treatment option when all the conservative methods have failed to provide relief, and the pain is unbearable. An orthopedic surgeon is the right person to tell whether a given case of AVN needs surgery or not.



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How to treat Insomnia in Elderly with Homeopathy

Insomnia refers to a condition when a person has trouble falling asleep, or maintaining sleep or there is a lack of quality sleep for about three or more nights consecutively in a week. When such a complaint persists for three or more months, it is referred to as chronic insomnia. It is a very common complaint experienced by elderly people. Persons aged above 60 years of age are predisposed to suffer insomnia. It has been estimated that about 30 % to 50 % of elderly people experience insomnia. A person can have sleeplessness or restless sleep once in a while, however, if there is a lack of sleep on a regular basis, it can adversely affect his/her health. Changes in routine, medical ailments occurring with aging, chronic stress and use of certain medicines affect sleep in elderly people.

Medical conditions causing insomnia include high blood pressure, joint pains (arthritis), memory loss (dementia), depression, anxiety disorders, diabetes, thyroid issues and heart complaints. Some other medical conditions are GERD, RLS and OSA. GERD refers to gastroesophageal reflux disease in which the stomach acid back-flows into the food pipe due to the weakening of LES i.e. lower esophageal sphincter. RLS refers to restless leg syndrome which is a condition in which a person has an irresistible urge to move the legs due to some discomforting sensations felt in the legs. OSA is obstructive sleep apnea in which there occur momentary pauses of breathing during sleep.

Certain medicines the use of which can cause sleep issues include antidepressants and antihistamines. Use of alcohol and caffeine can also lead to sleep problems. Besides, there occurs changes in our circadian clock and sleep–wake cycles with advancing age. This occurs from hormone changes that mainly include less production of sleep-regulating hormone called melatonin which may have an impact on sleep. A sleep cycle has four stages, including 2 stages of light non rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and one stage of heavy non rapid eye movement sleep, followed by rapid eye movement sleep stage. In case of elderly people, the time in heavy NREM gets shortened which can keep them awake throughout the night.


The symptoms of insomnia might include difficulty in initiating sleep or maintaining sleep or waking up earlier than usual. There may occur sleepiness the next day along with a tired feeling, difficulty in concentration, memory issues, irritability, disturbed mood, and aggressive behavior. Insomnia may also lead to depression or anxiety, or insomnia may occur because of depression or anxiety.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy carries excellent scope to help several complaints occurring in elderly people. Among these complaints, it offers wonderful treatment for insomnia. Derived from natural substances, homeopathic remedies treat insomnia naturally without any side effects. These medicines have given great clinical results in such cases. These are effective for both –sleeplessness as well as cases of restless sleep. Homeopathy is a symptom-based science, which means medicines are prescribed based on the characteristic individual symptoms in each and every case after a detailed case analysis. So, homeopathic prescription for any given complaint varies from case to case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Insomnia

1. Passiflora – Top Medicine

Passiflora is a topmost recommended medicine for managing insomnia in the elderly. Persons needing it remain wakeful at night along with marked restlessness. When there is sleeplessness due to exhaustion, this medicine seems to work well. Besides these, Passiflora is well-indicated to manage insomnia in those who are in a constant state of worry and are overworked.

2. Kali Phos – For Complaint From Stress And Worries

Kali Phos is the next general remedy suitable for managing insomnia that arises from some sort of stress or worry. Those requiring it remain sad, anxious, irritable and tired. They suffer fatigue, both mental and physical. Besides, they may have weak memory and forgetfulness. This medicine is also indicated for those who have restlessness during sleep. The body may feel hot during sleep.

3. Coffea Cruda – For Insomnia From Constant Chain Of Thoughts

This medicine works well in cases where a person is unable to sleep due to a constant chain of thoughts going in the mind. There is restlessness along with tossing and turning in bed. This medicine is prominently indicated when a person wakes up early in the morning around 3:00 am and after that is unable to get sleep again. It can also be given for disturbed sleep from enormous dreams. When the use of excessive coffee has resulted in sleeplessness, this medicine can be of great help. Lastly, this medicine is recommended for sleeplessness occurring after suffering some acute disease.

4. Baryta Carb – For Sleeplessness Or Frequent Waking Up At Night

This medicine is indicated when a person is sleepy but is unable to sleep. Secondly, it is indicated when a person falls asleep at night, but wakes up frequently and remains uneasy. There is restlessness throughout the night. It is attended with heated sensation in the body. One feels drowsy during the day. The limbs feel tired on waking up.

5. Calcarea Carb – When Multiple Thoughts Crowd Mind

This medicine is effective for cases where sleeplessness occurs from many thoughts coming in the mind. In some cases, the same thought crosses the mind again and again. In most cases, sleeplessness remains till 2 am or 3 am. Persons needing it can have sleeplessness or they have a very light sleep and frequent waking up at night. Before going to sleep excessive sweating may occur on the face. This medicine is also useful when there is sleeplessness or restlessness at night due to migraine headache.

6. Opium – For Sleeplessness Or Restless Sleep

Opium is a well-indicated medicine for both sleeplessness as well as restless sleep at night. It is used in persons who feel sleepy but are unable to sleep and remain wakeful. They have marked sensitivity to noises and any noise occurring even at a distance, disturbs them and keeps them awake. It is also helpful for persons who are very restless at night and keep tossing in bed constantly. They keep on imagining things.

7. Phosphorus – For Restless Sleep Due To Dreams

Phosphorus can be considered in cases where a person has restless sleep and frequent waking up due to dreams. The person wakes up with a jerk from sleep and is anxious. There is restlessness all night and sleepiness during the day. The person feels headache in the morning on waking up. It is also useful when there is disturbance in sleep due to heated sensation in the body.

8. Arsenic Album – For Sleeplessness With Anxiety And Restlessness

Arsenic Album can be given in cases having sleeplessness from anxiety with excessive restlessness. There is constant tossing and turning in the bed. This complaint is worse after midnight. Those needing it have different anxieties like anxiety about health, about future, about others, and of several little things. They may be fearful causing trembling and restlessness. Cold sweating may occur. Difficult breathing, constriction in chest and weakness may be felt.

9. Syphilinum – For Sleeplessness After Midnight

Syphilinum works well in persons who are sleepless after midnight (12 pm) and are unable to get sleep again until 6 am. Persons needing it are very restless at night and cannot remain in one position for long.

10. Sulphur – For Those Unable To Sleep Despite Feeling Sleepy

Sulphur is beneficial for persons who feel sleepy in the evening, but are able to get only little sleep at night and feel uneasy. They may wake up around 3 am to 5 am and cannot fall asleep again. They may suffer different kinds of pain at night. They can have a tendency to sweat and have skin itching at night. Jerking of muscles may also occur. The person doesn’t feel fresh in the morning causing constant yawning, sleepiness, and irresistible drowsiness during the day.



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Suffering from Diarrhea due to Anxiety and Stress? Try these top Homeopathic Medicines

Diarrhea refers to passing loose, watery stool frequently, which means three or more three times a day. It can be attended with pain or cramps in the stomach, urgency to pass stool and passing stool involuntarily (means without your own knowledge). Diarrhea can happen due to many reasons. You might have generally heard of the common causes, like stomach infection, food poisoning or some other gastric issue. What most of us don’t know is that anxiety (refers to state of fear, nervousness and worry) and stress too can lead to diarrhea. It is very common to have an upset stomach resulting from stress and anxiety. The turmoil going on in our mind due to stress and anxiety can affect our gut. Besides diarrhea, other symptoms of stress and anxiety include sadness, fear, irritability, tiredness, sleep issues, palpitations, restlessness and headache.

Causes Of Diarrhea From Anxiety And Stress

1. There is a relation between our brain and gastric system. This is known as the brain–gut axis. Our gastric system contains numerous nerve cells about 600 million that is why it is also referred as enteric nervous system or the second little brain. Several studies have suggested that the brain in skull constantly communicates with the gut brain. So any mood issue tends to have an effect on the gut and any gut problem does have an impact on the mood. When a person is anxious or stressed, brain signals and the hormones going in the gastric tract result in chemical imbalance hindering the digestive process. This can result in many gastric symptoms including diarrhea.

2. Our body’s fight or flight mechanism also plays a role. It refers to the reaction our body gives on recognising some threat or harm about to occur to the body. On perceiving a threat, a series of physical changes occur in the body like increased heart rate, high blood pressure and changes in digestion process (resulting in diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps). To be precise, the function of small intestine slows down and the motility of the large intestine increases which results in diarrhea.

3. Other reasons how stress and anxiety can cause diarrhea include increased blood flow to the affected muscle instead of the gastric system (blood flow is diverted from gastric organs to confront a crisis resulting from anxiety or stress), release of cortisol and adrenaline and change in gut bacteria with increase in number of unhealthy bacteria.

4. In a research, it has been found that persons having anxiety have increased amount of interleukin -1 beta that tends to affect the protective barrier of the intestine and result in pain and defective absorption of water and sodium from intestine. These can cause diarrhea.

5. There is a very well–known, quite common gastric issue related to anxiety and stress i.e. IBS – Irritable bowel syndrome. It is a disorder of the large intestine resulting in changes in bowel habit either diarrhea or constipation and in some cases alternation between the two; stomach cramps and bloating. It is well known that stress and anxiety could be potential triggers for IBS symptoms. In such cases, stress and anxiety act on nerves and make the gastric system hyperactive.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines carry great scope to manage cases of diarrhea due to anxiety and stress. The use of these medicines is recommended in both acute as well as chronic cases. They can handle diarrhea that has occurred from acute episode of anxiety and stress as well as help gradually decrease the tendency to have diarrhea from chronic stress and anxiety. These are equally helpful in managing cases of IBS-related diarrhea. These medicines primarily focus on the psychological level to treat the root cause of anxiety and stress which is causing diarrhea. Once anxiety and stress go away, diarrhea itself gets better. The best part of using these medicines is that they are free from side effects as well as are not habit-forming. It is advised to get every case of diarrhea evaluated by a physician so that the cause behind this condition can be rightly diagnosed as it can arise from several causes, followed by its proper treatment. Self – medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Diarrhea Due To Anxiety And Stress

1. Argentum Nitricum – Topmost Medicine

Argentum Nitricum is the most frequently recommended medicine for managing cases of diarrhea from anxiety. To be more specific, it is highly suitable when diarrhea occurs in cases of anticipatory anxiety. It refers to anxiety occurring from a chain of thoughts in mind about some event that is about to happen in the near future. As for example a family function, a school examination, some public meeting, some stage performance, a visit to a doctor’s clinic and so on. Here the constant thoughts keep coming one after the other about failure causing anxiety. In such cases, sometimes a person suffers from diarrhea and Argentum Nitricum is the best choice of remedy. Diarrhea may get worse soon after eating or drinking anything in cases, needing this medicine. Stool is attended with much gas. Besides, persons needing this medicine are always in a hurry, are impatient and impulsive.

2. Gelsemium

Gelsemium is the next prominent medicine to deal with cases of diarrhea due to anxiety, stress and fear. Persons needing this medicine have a number of anxieties and fears. For example, anxiety about present and future, about health, from hearing some bad news and fear of going to public places, of attending a public event. Any anxiety or fear episode brings loose stool. The stool is painless. In some cases, involuntary passage of stool can occur too.

3. Arsenic Album

Another well-indicated medicine to manage diarrhea from anxiety is Arsenic Album. In cases requiring it, loose stool is passed, along with weakness and a cold feeling in the limbs. There are marked anxieties like anxiety about health, about others, about the future, etc. Other attending symptoms may include restlessness, trembling, chest constriction and difficulty in breathing.

4. Kali Phos

Kali Phos is a leading medicine in homeopathy to manage mind-related stress and complaints arising therefrom. This medicine helps in controlling stress and managing its associated diarrhea wonderfully. It is suitable to persons who get stressed out from little things, remain sad and worried. This stress is affecting their gastric system. They suffer loose stool having foul smell and excessive gas in abdomen. Other complaints that can be present along with above symptoms includes sleep issues and tiredness.

5. China

China is very beneficial when there is frequent loose stool with excessive weakness. Along with this there is excessive gas in abdomen and bloating of abdomen. Stool has foul smell. Rumbling sensation in stomach pit can be felt. In cases needing it, there is a tendency to get anxious on small things.

6. Ignatia

It is another natural remedy for managing diarrhea related to stress, anxiety, depression, fright. It is indicated for persons who remain sad, irritable, and depressed from stress. They get frequent loose stool without pain. Though stool is frequent, it is scanty. There is gas rumbling in the abdomen.

7. Silicea

This medicine is suited to those who have anxiety issues, are very nervous and fear appearing in public. They feel high level of anxiety when have to give a speech or perform an act on stage with fear of speaking in front of a group of people. They have loose stool with pain in abdomen and weakness. Rumbling and heat are felt in the abdomen. There is a tendency to sweat heavily especially on hand and feet, where this medicine is required.



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Cough due to Post Nasal Drip (PND) and its Homeopathic Remedies

Post nasal drip (PND) refers to dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. It can lead to multiple symptoms. One amongst these symptoms can be chronic cough. PND is one of the most common causes among various reasons for chronic cough means cough that lasts for more than eight weeks. The particles present in the mucus can trigger cough as a defence mechanism to protect airways. Those suffering from PND may feel like hawking to clearing the throat frequently. They may also get a sore throat, tickling/ irritating feeling in the throat, sensation of mucus in the throat, feeling of something being stuck in the throat, hoarse voice and bad breath. Generally, small amount of mucus is continuously produced by our nose and throat which is being swallowed. It functions to maintain moisture of the nasal membrane, filter infection-causing agents like bacteria and virus, and fight infection. If due to any reason,  there is over-secretion of mucus, it starts collecting in the back of the throat. It can also be felt as dripping down from the back of the nose into the throat.

The reasons for increased mucus production here could be multiple. It firstly includes viral infection of the nose and throat – a cold or flu. Second reason is nasal allergy/allergic rhinitis which indicates overreaction of the nasal mucosa to allergens like dust mites, pollen leading to symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, stuffed nose, itchy watery eyes, and sometimes attending PND. Third cause is sinus inflammation (sinusitis) which refers to inflammation of air-filled spaces within the skull called paranasal sinuses. It results in PND along with other symptoms like nasal discharge, nasal blockage, headache, pain/tenderness around the nose, forehead, eyes, cheeks, sore throat and cough. Rest of the reasons include deviated nasal septum (DNS – in which the wall dividing nasal cavity into two parts gets displaced to one side hindering mucus drainage causing PND); use of certain medicines to treat medical conditions like high blood pressure; acid reflux where stomach acid back flows into the food pipe; cold weather or dry air.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines can prove highly effective in cases of cough due to PND. Sourced from natural substances, they relieve cough by controlling mucus dripping in the throat from the back of the nose in the most harmless way with zero side effects. These can also relieve any attending symptoms like hawking (throat clearing efforts), sore throat, hoarse voice, bad breath along with cough. These medicines target the root cause behind PND that is trigerring cough to give long term relief. In homeopathy, the medicine most suitable is selected after detailed case analysis based on individual characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after getting your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough Due To PND

1. Corallium Rubrum – Leading Medicine

Corallium Rubrum is the most commonly recommended homeopathic medicine to manage cases of cough due to PND. In cases needing it, there is excessive nasal secretion of mucus dripping down the throat. It is accompanied with continuous coughing, mostly the entire day. There occur long episodes of cough at very frequent intervals. It gets worse after eating. It is followed by vomiting of thick sticky mucus. Weakness also occurs after coughing. There is also continual hawking due to the accumulation of mucus in the back of the throat.

2. Kali Bichrome – With Thick, Sticky, Ropy Mucus

This medicine is highly effective when there is thick, sticky, ropy mucus secretions moving down the throat from the back of the nose. The mucus sticks in the throat. Mucus going down the throat excites cough. Cough is attended with thick, yellow sticky mucus expectoration that usually comes out in form of long threads. There is tickling sensation in the throat that results in coughing. There is dry, short, continuous cough. Cough gets worse in the morning with thick mucus expectoration. It also gets worse after eating. This medicine acts best on inflamed nasal membrane and sinus inflammation (sinusitis) with excessive PND and resultant associated cough.

3. Hydrastis – For Cough With Thick White / Yellow Mucus

Hydrastis is a natural medicine to relieve cough associated with thick white / yellow mucus falling in the throat from back of nose. It is also sticky and ropy like that in case of above medicine. It is indicated for both dry and loose cough. Dry cough occurs from an irritation in the larynx (voice box).  During loose cough there occur expectoration of thick yellow colored mucus. There is dryness and soreness in the throat along with a smarting pain.

4. Hepar Sulph – When Cough Worsens From Exposure To Cold Air

This medicine is of great help when there is worsening of cough due to exposure to cold air. The mucus trickling down causes lose cough. Besides, there is hawking of thick, yellow mucus. Cough gets worse from taking cold drinks or cold food. Additionally, stitching pain in the throat and a feeling of a plug or a splinter (a small sharp piece of wood or glass broken off from larger piece) in the throat are other problems the person may complain of. This medicine is prominently indicated when chronic cold or sinus inflammation are present with PND as one of the complaints.

5. Rumex – For Dry Cough Disturbing Sleep

Rumex is an effective medicine when there is dry cough at night that disturbs sleep. Cough happens from irritation in the throat. Itching occurs in the nose that extends down to the throat. In cases needing it, cough gets worse from inhaling cold air. Talking also increases coughing. Besides, Rumex is a suitable medicine when cough occurs from change in weather from cold to warm or vice versa. A lump sensation is felt in the throat which does not get relieved by hawking. One feels relief on swallowing food. A scraping sensation in the throat may be felt along with the above symptoms.

6. Causticum – For Cough Worse In Evening

Causticum is the next well-indicated medicine when cough gets worse mostly in the evening. There is cough along with the collection of excessive mucus in the throat. The cough may continue till midnight. Cough is dry. Burning sensation is felt in the throat. There is a constant urge to clear the throat. The mucus cannot be expectorated by hawking and needs to be swallowed. The voice may get hoarse.

7. Coccus Cacti –  When Cough Occurs From Hawking Mucus

Coccus cacti is beneficial when there is excessive sticky mucus in the throat and hawking (clearing throat) causes cough. Along with cough, vomiting can occur. Throat feels constricted. It feels as if some plug has stuck in the throat. Cough is worse in the morning on waking up. Thick mucus gets detached from the throat while coughing.

8. Sticta – For Dry Cough At Night And Loose Cough In Morning

Sticta is helpful when cough is dry at night and loose in the morning. Dry cough prevents sleep at night. There is tickling sensation in the throat that sets off a cough episode. The mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. Nose feels blocked along with dryness and pain.


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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a type of arthritis that may occur in people already suffering from psoriasis. Here ‘psoriatic’ refers to psoriasis which is an autoimmune skin disease where red spots form on the skin capped with silvery white scales/flakes and arthritis means inflammation of joints. It has been estimated that 30 per cent of people suffering from psoriasis have a tendency to get psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis develops out of an autoimmune activity characterized by damage to the joints by immune cells (defense cells that help fight any infection in the body) by mistake, along with excessive production of skin cells. As per recent research, high level of TNF (tumour necrosis factor) is noted in the joints and the skin area involved. Genetic and environmental (some viral or bacterial infection) factors contribute to an autoimmune response of the body which results in psoriatic arthritis. Those having psoriasis, or a family history of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis, are at high risk to suffer from psoriatic arthritis. People between 35- 55 age group are at risk though any group may get affected.

In most cases, psoriasis begins first followed after many years by joint inflammation while in some people, the opposite happens which means arthritis psoriasis occurs before a person gets affected by psoriasis.

Psoriatic arthritis leads to symptoms including painful, swollen joints along with redness, heat and tenderness (pain on touch). Stiffness (worse in the morning or after periods of inactivity / rest) also occurs in the joints. There is limited movement of joints. Joint inflammation can be sudden or gradual and one or multiple joints may get affected varying from case to case. The joint involvement can be unilateral (one-sided) or bilateral (both-sided). The joints usually affected are of the hands, feet, neck, wrist, ankle, lower back, knees and the sacroiliac joint (it is a joint between iliac crest of hip bone and sacrum which is a triangular bone at the bottom of spine). The fingers and toes can get swollen, this condition is called sausage digit or dactylitis. If left untreated, joints may get damaged permanently. Nails and eyes can also get infected in some cases. Pits may form on the nails along with crumbling of nails and their separation from the nail bed. Eye inflammation in the form of uveitis can occur. The symptoms may vanish for a brief time period. Several complications can arise that include permanent joint damage especially of hands and fingers, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and heart complaints.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Homeopathic medicines halt further progression of joint inflammation and relieve the symptoms. The homeopathic approach involves moderating the immune system and preventing further joint inflammation and damage. Homeopathic medicines effectively manage symptoms including pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. Homeopathic medicines for psoriatic arthritis are prescribed as per the presenting symptoms in every individual case. It is recommended that any case of psoriatic arthritis be evaluated by a homeopathic physician, self-medication be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Psoriatic Arthritis

1. Rhus Tox – Top Remedy

Rhus Tox is a top-recommended medicine to manage cases of psoriatic arthritis. With its action on joints, it helps to reduce joint pain and stiffness. It is indicated when the complaint increases at rest and when movement is initiated in the affected part. Relief sets in after continued motion and also from warm application over the affected joint. Along with above symptoms, heat and swelling are well-marked in joints. Rhus Tox is also highly recommended to manage cases of lower back pain.

2. Bryonia – For Pain In Joints, Neck And Lower Back

Bryonia is effective medicine for managing joint pain, neck pain or lower back pain. It is used when joint pain gets worse upon slight movement. It can be administered for any of the joints involved. Pain gets better after rest. Those who suffer from this pain have reddened joints, which are also swollen the area feels hot. Bryonia is equally effective for neck pain and lower back pain which gets worse upon movement and gets better with rest. In such cases, back pain gets worse due to standing, stooping and turning in bed besides other movements and walking. Along with pain stiffness in neck and lower back is also felt.

3. Actaea Spicata – For Small Joint Inflammation

This medicine is best suited for treating joint inflammation in small joints. It gives magnificent results if there is pain in small joints like in the hand, wrist, fingers, ankle and toes. The joints too are swollen. There is worsening of pain from movement and touch.

4. Guaiacum – For Neck Pain & Stiffness

This medicine works well in cases where neck joints are involved. There is marked pain in the neck. Pain may extend from the neck to the back of the head and shoulders. Also, stiffness is also felt in the neck especially on one side and may go down the back on that side.

5. Caulophyllum – For Shifting Small Joint Pains

This medicine is well indicated when there is shifting type of pains in small joints. For those who need it, there is involvement of joints of hands, feet, fingers, toes, ankles and wrist. The pain keeps shifting from one joint to another. It may sometimes shift from one joint to another every few minutes. The affected joints also become stiff. Along with pain, restlessness is felt at night.

6. Apis Mellifica – For Swollen, Painful Knee Joint

Apis Mellifica is beneficial when there is pain and swelling in the knee joint. Shooting and stinging pain is mostly felt in the knee. Burning sensation is also felt in the knee. The knee becomes sensitive and tender to touch.

7. Kali Carb – For Lower Back Pain

Besides Rhus Tox and Bryonia, it is another helpful medicine when lower back pain is present. It proves to be effective when pain gets worse due to standing or walking. It is also useful when pain gets worse in the early morning hours around 3 am. The pain from lower back may radiate down the hips. It feels as if the back is broken. Weakness in lower back and legs is also felt.

8. Aesculus – For Arthritis Affecting Sacroiliac Joint

Use of Aesculus is considered when there is hip pain and lower back pain from the inflamed sacroiliac joint. Stiffness is also felt. Walking and stooping increase the pain. The pain from hip can radiate down the thighs. There is a feeling as if the lower back would break along with a weak feeling in the back.

9. Arnica – For Sore, Tender (Pain On Touch) Joints

Arnica is a prominent medicine for cases where joints are sore and tender ( painful to touch). There can be pain in any joint of the body and also the back. Its use is also highly applicable when pain begins in the joints of the lower limbs followed by upper limbs joint pain.

10. Causticum – For Managing Cases With Joint Deformity

Causticum is indicated to manage advanced cases where joint deformity has occurred. Though, it cannot reverse the deformity, it can help in preventing further progression of complaint and providing relief from the symptoms. It is helpful in managing the pain and stiffness in the deformed joints. Those who need it usually have tearing type of joint pains that get better from warm applications.



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Homeopathic Medicines to Improve Strength and Sexual Stamina in Males

Sexual stamina in males is defined as the duration for which a man can continue sexual activity till he needs a break or reaches an orgasm. A man can face low stamina at different times but if it is persistently an issue that is bothering him then he should consult a doctor to rule out any associated reason and its treatment. It is also to be kept in mind that each man’s sexual stamina is different and subjective and any thought of fitting into some standard idea of stamina may lead to sexual performance anxiety. So a man should give a deep thought to this complaint and if it is really a problem, then should get his case evaluated by a doctor for proper treatment.

A male having weak erections or having ED – erectile dysfunction (difficulty/inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse) can face a problem of having low stamina. ED may result from low testosterone levels. Decreased testosterone also leads to low sex drive/libido (desire to engage in sexual activity), decreased energy levels, and mood swings. Besides erection issues (erectile dysfunction), low stamina in males can be a result of many reasons, including PE means premature ejaculation (a common sexual complaint in which male ejaculates in less than one minute of penetration, and is unable to delay ejaculation every time and may also avoid indulging in sexual activity as a result of this problem). There are many other health conditions too associated with ED, like high blood pressure, thyroid problems (it affects libido and ejaculation time), excessive bodily stress, depression (it lowers testosterone levels), tiredness, lack of exercise, drug abuse (it can cause low blood circulation and low energy along with hormonal imbalance) and wrong lifestyle/eating habits.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in improving sexual power and stamina in males when some medical reason is linked with it for example erection issues, premature ejaculation, depression and stress. Homeopathic medicines help in this condition naturally without causing any side effects. These medicines help to address the cause behind this problem to bring excellent results. The results vary from case to case depending on the severity of the problem. There are numerous homeopathic medicines for improving stamina in males and the most suitable medicine is prescribed after a detailed analysis of the individual case. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic physician and avoid self–medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Building Stamina In Males

1. Damiana – Top medicine

Damiana is a top-grade natural homeopathic medicine to deal with cases of low stamina in males. It has a wide action on male genitalia. It is a well-known tonic to boost strength and stamina in males. It is highly effective in dealing with sexual weakness in males. It is a top-recommended medicine when low sexual stamina is related to erectile dysfunction. It improves stamina by treating erections issues in such cases. Additionally, this medicine helps to improve energy levels and take away fatigue. Damiana also helps to improve sexual desire in males.

2. Caladium

Caladium is the next suitable medicine to improve sexual stamina in males when the issue of erection is associated with it. Males needing it have normal sexual desire but have weak erections and even no erections at times. The parts remain relaxed during excitement. It is also indicated when there is premature ejaculation along with erection issues. In cases needing it, a person may be suffering from depression besides erection problems.

3. Selenium

This medicine is helpful when there is low stamina along with the issue of premature ejaculation (quick discharge of semen during sexual activity). Those needing it have an increased desire to indulge in sexual activity. They may have erection issues as well – weak erections or no erections. There may be complaints of involuntary semen discharge during sleep or when passing stool.

4. Yohimbinum

This medicine is also known to stimulate the function of the male genitals. It helps to boost sexual strength and stamina and acts as an effective aphrodisiac which helps to increase sexual desire and pleasure and enhances sexual performance.

5. Lycopodium

This medicine works well in males who face performance anxiety and erections issues. Males needing it have performance anxiety, means anxiety before indulging in sexual activity and with thoughts that they will not be able to perform well in the sexual act. They have weak erections or erections lasting only for a short time as well. Lycopodium will function to manage performance anxiety and erection issues to improve the male’s stamina.

6. Agnus Castus

It is a natural medicine that proves effective when there is absence of sexual desire and lack of ability to get erections. The genitals remain relaxed and cold. This medicine functions to enhance sexual desire and strengthen sexual organs to get an erection. This medicine is also well indicated to treat involuntary seminal discharges while passing urine and stool.

7. Phosphoric Acid

This medicine is well indicated when there is sexual weakness and low stamina due to sexual excesses in the past. In cases needing it, erections are weak and quick emissions can occur. There is a feeling of weakness all over the body. Involuntary seminal emissions may occur during sleep along with dreams related to sexual subjects. This medicine will also help to revitalize energy levels in the body along with improving the above said concerns.

8. Avena Sativa

Avena Sativa has a very important action on male sex organs and is beneficial to improve their functioning wonderfully. Its use is suggested for cases where sexual desire is low along with general weakness. There are weak erections. Seminal emissions may occur involuntarily without any erection. This medicine is also known to help cases where a person is addicted to drugs like tobacco, cocaine or alcohol.

9. Conium

This medicine is indicated when there is low stamina and erections last for a very short time. Though sexual desire is present strongly, erections are weak, imperfect and last for a very short time. There is a tendency to have quick semen discharges. Cutting pain may be felt in the urethra when semen is ejaculated.

10. Ginseng

Ginseng is also a valuable homeopathic medicine to improve strength and stamina in males. This medicine is a stimulant to sex organs and helps to overcome a feeling of tiredness and bring back energy and vigor in the body. In cases needing it, there is weakness in the male genitals. There may be a tendency of painful erections while sitting in cases requiring it.


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Cholinergic Urticaria: How to get Relief through Homeopathy

Urticaria refers to a skin rash in which bumps known as wheals or welts suddenly appear on the skin. Also known as hives or nettle rash, Urticaria is of several types. One among them is cholinergic urticaria that refers to urticaria that gets triggered when the body gets warm and body’s temperature increases from exercise, being in a warm room or in hot weather or from sweating. It is also known as heat hives or heat bumps. Exercise is the most common of all the triggers for this type of Urticaria. Other triggers for this type of Urticaria include bathing with hot water, fever, exposure to sun’s heat, being near a stove, stress, nervousness, anxiety, being angry, eating spicy or hot food and alcohol consumption. The exact reason behind this type of urticaria is not clear yet. But it is believed that it may arise from an allergic response. In this condition, the body overreacts to heat and sweat. Heat and sweat, along with release of histamine, causes  reaction. Though it may affect both males and females, it is relatively more common in males. A person already suffering from an allergic condition like hay fever (allergic rhinitis), asthma, eczema or Urticaria from some other causes (like from eating certain food, pressure on the skin) are at a high risk of getting cholinergic urticaria.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cholinergic Urticaria. These medicines are entirely safe to use as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances and have zero side effects. They help magnificently in healing the wheals.  Along with this any itching, burning, stinging sensation is well controlled with these medicines. After acutely managing the condition, homeopathic medicines work gradually to overcome the tendency of recurrence of this type of Urticaria.  For this, homeopathic treatment has to be continued for a few months depending on duration and intensity of case. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case based on the symptom presentation so homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor only. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for mild to moderate cases of cholinergic Urticaria. Homeopathy has limitations in treating severe cases of urticaria, and the severe condition of anaphylaxis. So, in cases of severe intensity and where any signs of anaphylaxis are present, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Cholinergic Urticaria

1.Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica ranks first on the list of homeopathic medicines for treating Urticaria. It is one of the best medicines when Urticaria gets triggered from heat, and warmth of the bed. It is also the most effective medicine for hives that occur in warm weather. Following heat exposure, red wheals appear on the skin. There is intense burning and stinging in the wheals. These are also very itchy, especially during night. There is relief from itching in open air. One may feel pain in the wheals. The wheals may be tender to touch. It is also a well-indicated medicine for managing hives that appear during fever.

wheals on the skin

wheals on the skin

2. Natrum Mur – For Urticaria After Exercise

This medicine is very beneficial for Urticaria occurring after exercise. The bumps may form over the whole body surface in those needing it. The bumps may be quite large. Violent itching is felt in the wheals. Burning and stinging sensation is felt too.

3. Rhus Tox – For Urticaria From Sweating

Rhus Tox is a well indicated medicine when Urticaria is triggered from sweating. Wheals appear with intense itching which worsens from rubbing. This medicine is also valuable to help cases of Urticaria during fever. In such cases, wheals appear all over the body along with itching. The wheals are dark red, circular and elevated. The surrounding skin may be swollen.

4. Urtica Urens – For Exercise Induced Urticaria

Just like medicine Natrum Mur, this medicine is also useful for cases of exercise-induced Urticaria. Red-colored raised bumps appear on the skin after exercise in cases needing it. This is accompanied with severe itching. Burning heat is also felt in the bumps. Formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) can be quite prominent where this medicine is required. In some areas, stinging sensation is felt in the wheals.

5. Pulsatilla – For Urticaria In Summer

This natural medicine is very effective for treating Urticaria that occurs in summer. In cases needing it, wheals occur on the skin with itching in hot weather. Itching gets worse at night.

6. Sulphur – During Fever

Sulphur is a suitable medicine for managing cases of hives that get triggered during fever. The wheals may appear on the arms, legs, face and neck. The hives can be quite itchy along with burning sensation.

7. Chloralum – For Hives From Alcoholic Drinks

For treatment of hives that get triggered from consuming alcoholic drinks, Chloralum is the best choice of medicine. It is also indicated for hives from drinking any hot liquid. Large patches of red-colored wheals appear on the neck, back, abdomen and the limbs. Violent stinging and itching occurs.

8. Conium – For Hives From Being Overheated

Conium is another very helpful medicine when hives appear due to the body getting overheated. It is effective when hives appear after intense body exercise. Itching is felt in the wheals. It gets worse from scratching. Burning and pain may also be felt.

Signs And Symptoms

In cholinergic Urticaria, tiny (between 1 – 5 mm) bumps appear on the skin surrounded by circles called wheals. The bumps may be skin colored or red. These may turn white when pressed. Itching, stinging, tingling or burning sensation may attend. Though the bumps may appear on any body part but more commonly occur on the face, chest, arms and upper back.  Palms, soles and armpits are never affected. The hives may develop within 5 -6 minutes of exposure to the trigger and may remain for half an hour to about two hours. This condition may vary from being mild to severe that requires immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms of severe condition (called anaphylaxis) includes hives covering the whole body along with other symptoms like swelling in the deep layers of skin, swelling in the throat or of the tongue. This condition can block airways, cause contraction of the airways causing breathing difficulty, wheezing, weak and rapid pulse, dizziness and low blood pressure. When any of these severe symptoms are felt, it is advised to take immediate medical help as these point towards a life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis.




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What causes Headache along with Nausea and Vomiting and its Homeopathic remedies

Headaches are very common and in many cases are accompanied with nausea and vomiting. It can happen from various causes and the most common among it is migraine. The severity of the complaint varies from mild to severe. Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment for headache with nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines gradually help in reducing intensity and frequency of this complaint. In acute cases, they help to reduce the pain first and once they overcome the pain, these medicines help to eradicate recurrence of this complaint by targeting the root cause behind it. As this complaint can arise from various causes some of which are quite serious like very high blood pressure, low blood sugar, meningitis, it is advised to consult a physician to rule out the cause behind the headache and take proper treatment. Always consider taking any of the homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Headache Along With Nausea And Vomiting

1. Ipecac – Top Recommended Medicine

Ipecac is a leading medicine to manage headache with nausea and vomiting. Throbbing pain is felt in the head. Pain can be one sided. Heat is felt in the head. Redness of the cheeks may follow. Drowsiness can attend the above symptoms. Though pain may occur in any part of the head, in most cases it is felt in the back of the head and neck. Pain may extend to shoulders in some cases.

2. Iris Versicolor – With Nausea And Vomiting Having Sour Taste

This medicine is highly effective for cases in which headache occurs along with nausea and sour vomiting. The pain is most marked on the sides of the head and forehead above the eyes. There is a feeling of a band around the head. Sometimes it is one sided pain. In some cases, pain alternates between the right and left side of the head. Along with the above symptoms, heartburn, burning in the stomach, sour belching may be present. Vertigo can also occur. In some cases, blurring of vision may occur before the onset of headache. The headache may get worse with rest and better by movement. It is a top grade medicine for managing headache caused by acidity.

3. Nux Vomica – When Headache Gets Worse From Light, Noise, Mental Exertion

This medicine can be considered when the complaint gets worse from light, noise and mental exertion. The headache troubles a person more in the morning and gets better by the evening. Along with nausea and vomiting, dimness of sight may be experienced. It is also indicated when the complaint gets worse after eating food or from taking coffee. There is sour vomiting along with headache. In cases needing nux vomica, there may be constipation with a constant ineffectual desire to pass stool.

4. Carbo Veg – With Nausea And Weakness

Carbo Veg is a suitable medicine when there is headache along with nausea and weakness. There is sensation of constriction around the head. In most cases, pain begins from the neck and goes up to the head. A pressure is felt on the sides of the head, top of head and in forehead above the eyes. Head may also feel very heavy. The pain gets worse after eating. There is excessive gas in abdomen along with distension. It is a well indicated medicine for headache that occurs when the head gets overheated.

5. Robinia – For Headache With Belching And Intensely Sour Vomiting

It is a very beneficial medicine for headache with belching and vomiting of intensely sour fluid. There is dull headache along with heaviness in the head. The headache gets worse from movement. Robinia is the main medicine to manage headache that arises after eating flatulent food (means food that causes gas accumulation in stomach). There is marked acidity in the stomach with heartburn which gets worse at night when one lies down.

6. Pulsatilla – With Nausea And Sour Bitter Vomiting

Pulsatilla works well in cases of headache with nausea and sour bitter vomiting. First headache occurs followed by vomiting. Afterwards, pinching or gripping pain in abdomen is felt. Pain in the head gets worse on the sides of the head and in the eyes. The pain is more when a person is confined to a room and it also gets worse from lying down. Pain gets better in the open air. Pain may also be relieved by applying pressure over the head. Nausea and vertigo attend headache. Pulsatilla is also the best choice of medicine for headache occurring few days before menses along with vomiting. Loose stool and chills may attend it along with scanty menstrual bleeding.

7. Cocculus Indicus – With Intense Noise Sensitivity

This medicine suits people who have marked noise sensitivity. Noise is unbearable and the least noise causes nausea and vomiting in such people. They also have sensitivity to light. Mostly they complain of pain in the back of the head and neck. The pain worsens from lying on the back of head. This medicine is also indicated for headache during periods.

8. Bryonia – When Constipation Attends

Bryonia is well indicated when there is headache along with nausea, vomiting and constipation. The stool is dry and hard in cases needing it. The headache may begin in the morning on rising up and tends to increase as the day progresses. The headache gets worse from movement, even from the movement of eyeballs. There is relief in pain from tying a cloth band around the head.

9. Sanguinaria Can – When It Is Better By Lying Quietly And From Sleep

Use of this medicine is indicated when there is relief in complaint from lying down quietly preferably in a dark room or from sleep. In cases requiring it, the pain starts in the morning and keeps increasing during the day. There is a feeling as if the head would burst. The pain especially occurs on the right side that begins from the back of the head and then radiates from there and then settles above the right eye. Vomiting may be of mucus or food.

What Causes Headache Along With Nausea And Vomiting?

1. Migraine: It is a disorder in which pain occurs on one side of the head, mostly pulsating type. It is frequently attended with symptoms like nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to noise and light. Other accompanying symptoms include weakness, irritability, restlessness, and anxiety. An aura may be experienced by some people having migraine. Aura is a set of symptoms that occur before the onset of headache which include flashes of light or spots in front of the eyes, temporary loss of vision, tingling sensation in arms/legs/face or difficulty in speech.

2. Food poisoning or stomach infection: It happens from eating or drinking contaminated food. It leads to symptoms including loose stool, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, fever and headache.


3. Common Cold/Flu: These are upper respiratory tract infections affecting nose, throat, larynx, trachea. Both are mostly caused by viruses and have quite similar symptoms but the symptoms are more severe in flu as compared to common cold. The symptoms include runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, fever, headache, fatigue.

4. Stress, Anxiety, Depression: These can lead to headache attended with nausea.

5. Taking excessive alcohol or caffeine

6. COVID -19: It is caused from infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus and causes symptoms of mild to severe intensity. It can cause headache, nausea and vomiting. Its other main symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, weakness, loss of taste and smell and shortness of breath.

7. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and Menstrual cycle: PMS refers to a group of symptoms that a woman tends to experience few days before the onset of menses. Hormonal changes before and during menses can lead to headache, nausea, vomiting. In most cases it may occur around two days before periods or during the first three days of periods.

8. Food allergies: Certain food allergies can lead to nausea and headache. In some cases, migraine attack is triggered from certain food allergies. Some of the food allergens includes – dairy products, wheat, and citrus fruits. The allergy symptoms may include gas, bloating, loose stool, hives (itchy bumps on skin), headache, nausea, vomiting.

9. High Blood Pressure: A severe headache with nausea, vomiting can be indicative of very high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis).

10. Low blood sugar

11. Meningitis (inflamed meninges which are the protective membranes covering brain and spinal cord) and traumatic brain injury

12. Kidney disease



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Homeopathic Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a very common condition affecting the hands caused by the compression of median nerve in the wrist. It is also known as median nerve compression or median nerve entrapment. It results in numbness, tingling, pain, weakness in thumb, fingers including index finger, middle finger and half of ring finger on the side close to the thumb and palms of hands. It is one of the commonest known entrapment neuropathies characterized by the compression of one of the peripheral nerves of the body.

Why Homeopathy for CTS?

Homeopathy is the best alternative natural treatment option in cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Homeopathic medicines help in managing symptoms of CTS magnificently. It gives long-term relief in symptoms by targeting the root cause behind it.

An effective homeopathic treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) can save you from the surgeon’s knife and you may have my word for it. After having treated dozens of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome cases with homeopathy, I can surely bet on the efficacy of homeopathic medicines for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment. Before I discuss the remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome, let’s understand what carpal tunnel and carpal tunnel syndrome is all about.

A strange case that I recently treated with homeopathy was that of a retired Colonel in the army, who had taken up yoga after retirement, and would do a clapping exercise in the morning (kind of yoga exercise to treat stress). This excessive clapping was going on for the last 2-3 years. This was the only cause that I could identify in his case. Once he started with his remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Causticum and Ruta later on) and stopped the clapping exercise, he recovered in no time.

What is Carpal tunnel?


Carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel (passageway) in the palmar side of the wrist.

 Various parts that form this tunnel are:

1. LigamentThe top (superior border) of the tunnel is formed by a ligament – the transverse carpal ligament (flexor retinaculum)

2. Carpal bones (bones of the wrist): The bottom (inferior border) and sides of the tunnel are formed by carpal bones.

Components inside tunnel – What passes through this tunnel?

1. Firstly, the median nerve passes through this tunnel. Median nerve is responsible to provide sensation to the thumb and fingers except the medial (towards body) side of little finger, and little finger and also sends nerve signals for the movement of muscles at the base of the thumb.

2. Secondly, tendons (total nine in number) pass through this tunnel. Tendons are bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Here we are talking about tendons that join forearm muscles to bones of hand. These comprise four tendons from the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, 4 tendons from the flexor digitorum profundus muscle and one tendon from flexor pollicis longus muscle.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

CTS is a medical condition in the hand arising from compressed median nerve as it passes through carpal tunnel in wrist. Whenever there is swelling in the tissues of the carpal tunnel it leads to the compression of the median nerve and hence the whole syndrome or symptomatology of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome starts taking place which basically means pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling sensation in the hand or the fingers.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The main medicines for treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are Causticum, Ruta, Hypericum, Arnica, Rhus Tox and Bellis Perennis.

1. Causticum – Top Medicine That Treats Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Causticum is ranked at the top to treat cases of CTS. I have treated many cases (successfully) with Causticum. The main symptoms are weakness in hands, numbness, and pain in the fingers. It is more indicated when the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has increased to a level where there is an excessive weakness in hands and the muscles of the hand have atrophied. Causticum should be administered in case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome if the palmar side of the hand has a flat appearance (reduction in the musculature of hand).

2. Ruta – For CTS From Overuse Of Wrist (Strains), Tendonitis Or Wrist Fracture

Ruta is one of the best medicines which helps treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is used when from the overuse of wrist, tendonitis or after a sudden strain or fracture of the wrist CTS symptoms appear. There is marked pain in the wrist in those who need Ruta.

3. Hypericum – When An Injury (Damaging Median Nerve) Triggers CTS

Hypericum comes in handy when there is a nerve injury related to the onset of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The injury damages median nerve. This medicine manages numbness, tingling and burning pain in the fingers and hands.

4. Arnica – To Help CTS Cases From Injury Or Overuse Of Wrist

This medicine is very useful in managing cases of CTS from injury or overuse of wrist. It is suitable when there is pain in the hands. Along with this, there is tingling in hands, and arms in some cases. This medicine helps in healing injury, and removes effects of the worst kind of overuse of wrist, with resultant symptom relief.

5. Rhus Tox – For Wrist Joint Inflammation Or Overuse Of Wrist Triggering CTS

Rhus Tox is very effective if one is suffering from CTS that follows overuse of wrist and hands causing strain or wrist joint inflammation (arthritis). Overuse of wrist or hands for example may occur from excessive typing work on computer, sewing, car driving just to name a few. Those who need Rhus Tox have pain and tenderness in the wrist. Any pressure exerted on the wrist is unbearable. There is numbness in fingers especially index and middle finger in the morning.

6. Bellis Perennis – For CTS Related to Repetitive Strain Injury 

In addition to the above-mentioned medicines for CTS linked to repetitive strain injury, Bellis Perennis can be used as well. The characteristic symptom indicating its use is a contracted feeling in the wrist. It feels as if there is an elastic band around the wrist contracting it.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

1. Numbness, tingling and pain in thumb, fingers except medial half (medial means towards the body side) of ring finger and little finger and palms of hands. These symptoms may radiate up the forearm, elbow and even to shoulders in some cases. The symptoms tend to worsen while holding objects. In the beginning, the symptoms get worst at nightwaking the sufferer from sleep, and also in the morning upon waking. The symptoms may also get worse while holding an object like a mobile phone to the ear when attending a call, newspaper or book when reading. A person may feel fingers are asleep, and may shake hands to feel better, which helps only in the early stage only. But as the condition progresses, the numbness becomes constant. Besides, a burning sensation or a sensation like an electric shock may be felt in these fingers and thumb.

2. Weakness of Hand Muscles & Reduced Grip Strength Of Hands. As a result of this, the sufferer may have difficulty forming a fist, buttoning up a shirt and dropping of objects from hands. Thumb muscles that help in pinching also get weak.

3. Wrist pain

4. Muscle atrophy (wasting/shrinkage) at the base of thumb. There is wasting of muscles of thenar eminence (mound on base of thumb on palmar side) in severe cases. The thenar eminence is composed of three muscles named – opponens poillicis, flexor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis brevis.

5. In severe cases, there may occur inability to feel hot and cold by touching with fingers.

What are the Stages of CTS?

Stage 1 (Mild): There is numbness, tingling, pain mainly at night; shaking hands make symptoms go away. Stiffness in the hands may occur in the morning.

Stage 2 (Moderate): At this stage, the symptoms appear in the day as well when doing repetitive hand movements or when hands are kept in the same position for long. Hand weakness may start and sufferer may accidentally drop things from hands from weakness.

Stage 3 (Severe): In this stage, there is atrophy of thenar muscles and these muscles shrink permanently.

What are the Causes Of CTS?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when median nerve is compressed or irritated in the wrist when it passes through carpal tunnel.

Risk factors

A variety of factors are linked to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome development as follows:

1. Repeated trauma (overuse injury) to the tissues inside the carpal tunnel:It is quite common to find the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in people who perform repetitive movements of hands and of the wrist on frequent basis. Carpal tunnel is most common in people who use computers. Typing is one of the most common causes that lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Certain mechanical jobs that repeatedly strain the wrist may lead to the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, for example driving vehicles, sewing, using hand tools (especially the ones that vibrate – carpenters are at high risk of developing CTS), writing, piano players, knitting and playing other musical instruments.

2. Arthritis (joint inflammation) in wristjoint: for example, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. The swelling and inflammation related to these conditions can reduce carpal tunnel space and compress median nerve.

3. Wrist injury/fracture/dislocation

4. Having small carpal tunnel

5. Tendonitis: Inflammation of any among the nine tendons of carpal tunnel can occur and compress the median nerve

6.. It is common in females as compared to males. Women are thrice more at risk of CTS as compared to men. The reason could be a smaller carpal tunnel in women as compared to men.

7. Certain medical conditions also predispose a person towards the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These are diabetes (it increases chances of nerve damage), hypothyroidism and high blood pressure.

8. Obesity, alcoholism, smoking, excessive salt intake also increases risk of CTS

9. Having a family history of CTS

10. Pregnancy and menopause: Here retention of fluid contributes to CTS by raising pressure in carpal tunnel and causing irritation of median nerve.

11. Use of certain medicines for example anastrozole which is used for treating breast cancer

12. A tumour in carpal tunnel

Diagnosis and Investigations of CTS

The most important tests that diagnose CTS is nerve conduction study. Though there are physical examination tests that can hint towards CTS but to confirm diagnosis, nerve conduction test is the best.

Physical examination test

1.Tinel’s sign: As per this test, tapping the median nerve (on palm side of wrist) on the wrist triggers a tingling sensation in the fingers in case of CTS.

2. Wrist flexion / Phalen test: Pressing the back of hands against each other that bends the wrists causes numbness/tingling within 60 seconds if the median nerve is damaged.

Differential diagnosis -What other medical conditions we need to differentiate CTS from when make a diagnosis of CTS?

1.Cervical radiculopathy: It can mimic CTS. It arises from compression or irritation of nerves in the neck.

2. Brachial plexopathy: Brachial plexus is a network of nerves that is responsible to send nerve signals from the spinal cord to the arm, shoulder and hand. Brachial plexopathy results when there is overstretching, compression or tearing away of these nerves.

3. Motor neuron disease: A rare progressive nervous condition that cause weakness of muscles and eventually paralysis.

4. Forearm or hand compartment syndrome: It is a condition of the upper limb in which pressure in the osseofascial compartment increases that may cause never and muscle damage.

5. Fibromylagia: In this condition, widespread musculoskeletal pain in the body and numbness/tingling may occur in different body parts.

6. Raynaud’s phenomenon: A disorder affecting small blood vessels of fingers and toes in which constriction of small arteries (as from cold or stress) of fingers and toes cause reduced blood supply.


1. Nerve conduction study test: It is the main test to diagnose CTS. In this test, electrodes are placed on hands and wrist and a little shock is passed through median nerve that measures the conduction speed of nerve impulses. A slower than normal nerve impulse in carpal tunnel suggests presence of CTS.

2. Electromyography: In this test, a thin needle is inserted into the muscle to check electrical activity of muscles. It helps reveal damage of the muscles that are controlled by median nerve.

3. X-ray and ultrasound of wrist: X-ray will help to rule out related conditions like arthritis or fracture though it cannot diagnose CTS. An ultrasound will help to examine bones and nerves of wrist and check for nerve compression.

Lifestyle changes to manage CTS

1. Encourage short breaks at frequent intervals (few minutes every hour) when doing prolonged work involving hands and wrist.

2. When working on computer press keys softly, chose comfortable computer mouse, and place keyboard at elbow height. This will reduce strain on the wrist.

3. Avoid activities that cause over-extension of wrist and worsen the symptoms

4. When doing any work with hands, try to work with the wrist in a straight position.

5. Keep correct posture to prevent straining wrist and hands

6. Physiotherapy, exercise may be done

7. Wearing wrist splint at night may be helpful. A wrist splint helps to keep the wrist straight to reduce pressure on nerve.

8. Try to keep hands warm that will relieve pain and stiffness of hands

9. While sleeping, do not lay the head on the wrist

10. Treat any underlying medical condition if present like diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure

Frequently Asked Questions

I have numbness and weakness in fingers, hands and have been diagnosed with stage 2 CTS, can homeopathy help me?

Yes, homeopathy can be really helpful to relieve your complaint. There are highly effective medicines in homeopathy for CTS that have given great clinical improvement. Stage 2 CTS means the wasting of thenar muscles have not taken place yet so the chances of recovery are even more bright.

Thenar muscle

Thenar muscle

I am a 50 yr-old male with numbness and pain in fingers, hands diagnosed with CTS, doctor advised me to go for surgery which I did not want to undergo. Can I be treated with homeopathy?

Homeopathy carries a great scope in treating cases of CTS. You can definitely be treated with homeopathic medicines, however the results will depend on the severity and stage of CTS. A detailed case history is required for assessing the severity of the problem and providing you the best suitable homeopathic medicine.

I have marked weakness in hands due to CTS with wasting of thenar muscles, am unable to hold cup of tea, write, button a shirt, Does homeopathy play a role in treating such cases of severe CTS?

There are some very effective homeopathic medicines for treating such cases, Causticum is one among these which is the most recommended medicine for such a condition. Though homeopathic medicines cannot reverse the damage already done to the muscle, these can work to halt further progression of muscle damage and provide symptomatic relief. The result varies as per the degree of damage already done to the muscles.

Does homeopathy give permanent cure for CTS?

Homeopathic medicines give excellent results in CTS cases, though the results vary as per the stage of CTS. Some cases in early stages can be permanently cured if homeopathy is started well in time. The stage 1 and stage 2 CTS cases have the highest chances of recovery and cure while for stage 3 CTS, recovery rate varies depending on the amount of damage to thenar muscle and symptom management is possible.

I have been suffering from CTS for the last one year and I am taking conventional treatment, the symptoms return if I skip medicine and the condition is not completely cured, Can I switch to homeopathy?

If you are looking for some treatment option for long-term relief, you may opt for homeopathy. I would advise not to stop conventional treatment all of sudden as your body has become habitual to it. You may begin with homeopathic treatment side by side and when homeopathic medicines start working on you, you may gradually reduce the dose and repetition of those medicines and finally with time, stop the conventional treatment.

I have numbness, tingling in fingers and hands and diagnosed with CTS, I used Ruta but it did not help, which other homeopathic medicines can be used for relief?

Ruta is one amongst the top recommended medicine in homeopathy for CTS treatment but unfortunately it did not bring relief in your case. Some other well indicated medicines for this complaint are Hypericum, Rhus Tox, Causticum, you may consider these medicines after consulting a homeopath for right potency, dosage and repetition.

Can you please suggest some homeopathic medicine for pain in my wrist and finger, I am having CTS for the last two yrs?

I would suggest medicine Actaea Spicata for this complaint. It is a wonderful medicine for treating pain in wrist and finger.

Which homeopathic medicines would you rate as the best for treating CTS?

Though there are numerous homeopathic medicines for CTS but the top three medicines that I would rate best are Causticum, Ruta and Hypericum.

Is Rhus Tox effective for CTS?

Yes, it is highly effective for CTS. It offers best help when CTS  is linked with wrist joint inflammation or overuse of wrist like while typing, driving, playing some musical instrument, etc.

Which homeopathic medicine should I take for wrist tendonitis?

I would suggest medicine Ruta for this complaint. Ruta works marvellously on tendons to reduce its inflammation.

I have numbness in fingers and hands, am I suffering from CTS?

No doubt CTS is one of the most common reasons behind numbness in fingers and hands. But it can arise from several other causes, for example,  cervical neuropathy, brachial plexus injury, Raynaud’s phenomenon. So I advise to consult a doctor to find out exact reason behind your complaint.

Does pain in fingers indicate CTS?

Pain in fingers is one of the symptom of CTS but merely pain does not confirm CTS. In cases of CTS, numbness, tingling in fingers is usually present along with pain. If there is only pain in fingers, it could be from other reasons as well that needs to be ruled out like arthritis, trigger finger, Dupuytren’s contracture, tendonitis, ganglion cyst. So finger pain without numbness or tingling in fingers is usually not CTS.

How to know difference between CTS and arthritis?

In case of CTS, numbness, tingling, pain and weakness in fingers and hands occurs while in case of arthritis pain, stiffness and swelling in joints occurs.

Does CTS only occur to those who overuse fingers/hands while typing, driving, sewing, etc?

Though persons who overuse hands while typing, driving, sewing are at a high risk of CTS but it can occur in other persons as well especially, if a person is suffering from underlying conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure and arthritis.

Do I need to undergo any investigations to diagnose CTS?

Though the symptoms of CTS can help to make clinical diagnosis, but for confirmatory diagnosis, a nerve conduction study test is recommended.

I am suffering from CTS, will use of wrist splint treat it?

Wrist splint

Wrist splint

Though wrist splint cannot treat or cure CTS as it requires proper treatment, but a wrist splint can definitely help to relieve night-time symptoms of numbness and tingling in fingers and hands. Use of wrist splint is recommended at night while a person is sleeping as he/she can unconsciously bend the wrist during sleep. Here wrist splint will hold wrist still and straight and relieve disturbing night-time symptoms.

Are there different types of wrist splints?

Yes there are two type of wrist splints – a resting splint (this splint is worn at night when you sleep) and a working splint (this splint is worn during day particularly when doing certain activities known to worsen symptoms of CTS).

Can a person wear wrist splint during the day?

Yes, a person can wear a working wrist splint during the day when doing any activity that make the symptoms of CTS worse. But avoid wearing it continuously throughout the day as it can make wrist joints stiff in the long run and make hand muscles weak. Keep using wrist normally in the day when not wearing a splint to maintain strength of muscles and flexibility of joint.  in long term

I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, can I do typing?

Typing involves constant use of wrist and hands and it can worsen CTS. If possible, avoid typing. But if your office work requires a lot of typing, make sure to press computer keys softly, use comfortable computer mouse, place keyboard at elbow height, take proper breaks at regular intervals in between typing to reduce strain on the wrist.

Will heat application on wrist help CTS pain?

Yes, heat application can help in managing CTS pain. Heat enhances blood flow and relaxes the tense muscles and relieves wrist pain. Avoid it if wrist is swollen or red.

What if CTS is left untreated?

CTS needs to be treated timely because if not treated it can lead to permanent nerve damage and also muscle damage. This leads to loss of sensation in fingers and also weakness.

Is surgery the only option to cure CTS?

No, CTS can be treated with conservative (non-surgical) treatment as well. Only in the severest of cases that do not respond to conservative treatment, surgery can be opted.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies For Cough Along With Vomiting

Cough is the body’s protective mechanism to clear the airway of any dust, smoke, mucus and any microbes (like virus, bacteria). In some cases, coughing is so marked in intensity that it results in vomiting. A continuous high intensity cough which results in vomiting is termed as spasmodic cough. The muscles that are involved in coughing also work while vomiting which is one of the reasons why cough can lead to vomiting in some cases. Vomiting with cough may happen frequently in younger kids. Older kids and adults know how to spit out mucus but younger kids don’t. So vomiting is a way the body is trying to get rid of the mucus that has been coughed up. In case excessive mucus gets into the stomach and causes nausea, even then vomiting may occur. Homeopathic medicines prove very useful in cases of cough with vomiting. These medicines bring natural recovery by treating the root cause behind it.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Cough Along With vomiting

1. Ipecac – Top grade medicine

Ipecac is a leading medicine when a fit of coughing is followed by vomiting of whitish mucus or of food. In cases needing it, cough is loose, rattling type. The chest feels full of mucus. Vomiting seems to relieve cough. There occur frequent attacks of cough that shake the entire body. Cough is attended with difficult breathing and suffocation. It is a very exhausting cough and is mostly triggered after a meal. Cool air also worsens cough. This medicine is helpful when cough occurs at night along with vomiting.

2. Cina – For Cough In Children

This medicine is well indicated to manage cough that ends in vomiting in children. In children requiring it, there occur fits of constant cough especially at night. Sleeplessness may also occur from coughing episodes. Cough is very violent that brings tears in eyes and at the end vomiting. Any kind of movement as well as talking, tend to trigger an episode of cough where this medicine is required, so the child needing it fears to speak or move. Some of the attending symptoms are sneezing, loss of appetite and throat pain.

3. Coccus Cacti – When Complaint Gets Worse In Morning

Coccus Cacti is the most important medicine when cough gets worse in the morning. It is worst when the person walks for the first time in the morning. An attack of cough is followed by vomiting of thick and sticky mucus. Sometimes violent cough is followed by vomiting of ropy mucus. If cough occurs at six or seven specifically, then Coccus Cacti is the best indicated medicine. Another very characteristic feature to use this medicine is cough arising from brushing teeth. Besides these, an indicating feature is cough getting better by consuming cold drinks or inhaling cold air.

4. Drosera – When Complaint Gets Worse Lying Down At Night

When cough increases while lying down at night, Drosera is the best medicine. The cough is dry, irritative type that occurs in fits at very short intervals. It forces the sufferer to sit up. Vomiting follows coughing. The vomiting may be of mucus, water or food varying from case to case. Vomiting finishes the coughing fit after which excessive weakness is felt. Stitching pain in chest may occur along with cough. This medicine is very suitable for children who have night cough as soon as they hit the bed.

5. Bryonia – For Dry Cough

Bryonia is a wonderful medicine to deal with cases of dry cough along with vomiting of food. Cough gets worse after eating or drinking and also on taking deep breath. After coughing, the vomit consists of food that had just been eaten. During coughing, pain in the head and chest may occur. In cases requiring Bryonia, cough may also increase from movement and talking.

6. Antimonium Tart – For Loose Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart is a leading medicine when it comes to manage loose rattling cough. It feels as if the lungs are full of mucus. Vomiting sets in after coughing. In cases needing it, cough gets worse by eating. Chest pain may attend it. Thera may be difficulty in breathing. A characteristic feature is relief in cough from lying on the right side.

7. Pertussin – For Repeated Fits Of Coughing

This medicine is well indicated when there are repeated fits of coughing. Each fit of cough is followed by vomiting. Mostly cough is dry. Due to persistent cough, the face appears flushed (red). Cough is excited by a tickling sensation in throat and fauces. Difficulty in breathing may attend coughing.

8. Ferrum Met – When Cough Worsens After Eating Food

Ferrum Met is a useful medicine when cough worsens after eating food. Vomiting occurs after eating and all the food eaten is thrown up. Cough can be attended with soreness and stitching pain in chest. Vomiting eases the cough. Besides, this medicine is also indicated for cough with blood stained sputum.

9. Conium – For Cough At Night

This medicine is helpful when cough along with vomiting occurs frequently at night. Coughing occurs continuously until vomiting arises. Vomiting is of frothy mucus with yellow center. Mostly cough begins with a tickling sensation in the throat and triggered when talking or lying down. Cough leads to exhaustion. In children needing it, pain in abdomen also occurs while coughing.

10. Nux Vomica – For Cough With Headache, Abdomen Pain And Vomiting

This medicine is of great value in managing cases in which a person complains of cough with headache, abdomen pain and vomiting. Cough is violent with vomiting and exhaustion. Cough gets worse at night, especially when lying on the back and disappears when lying on the side. It leads to sleeplessness. Yellow or grey mucus may be expectorated along with cough. The mucus may be sour or sweet to taste. Nux Vomica is well indicated for cough occurring from exertion and from tobacco use. Warm drinks may relieve the cough.

11. Mephitis – For Cough Episodes Every Few Minutes At Night

Mephitis is prominently indicated when cough episodes happen every few minutes (about 10 minutes) at night. There is rattling of mucus along with cough.  Vomiting occurs after cough. It is also indicated for cough with runny nose and suffocative feeling.

What Are The Causes Of Cough that Can Result in Vomiting?

1. Post nasal drip – Dripping of nasal secretions from the back of nose into the throat. It may happen from various reasons like allergies, sinusitis, common cold etc.

2. Cigarette smoking – Cigarette smoking can cause cough. In this condition, cough arises as a part of the defence mechanism of the body to clear out the chemicals of cigarette that have entered airways and lungs.

3. GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) – GERD refers to back flow of stomach acid into the food pipe. The acid may reach the throat as well giving rise to cough. Cough related to GERD mostly occurs at night or after a meal and worsens on lying down.

3. Asthma (a respiratory condition arising when airways get narrow, swell and produce excessive mucus giving rise to breathing difficulty, cough and wheezing from chest) and cough variant asthma (a type of asthma presenting only with symptom of cough which is dry, non – productive type)

4. Bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs) and pneumonia (infection that causes inflammation of air sacs of lungs)

5. Certain medicines like ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) used to treat high blood pressure

6. In children, some other causes include Pertussis (whooping cough – a contagious respiratory tract infection characterized by fits of severe hacking cough followed by high-pitched whoop sound as the person breathes in) and RSV infection (Respiratory Syncytial Virus causes a viral infection of lungs with symptoms like cough, sneezing, runny nose, wheezing and fever) that frequently causes bronchitis and pneumonia in babies.

Note: Vomiting that accompanies cough is not something of major concern and is not a medical emergency. But in case bloody expectoration, difficulty breathing, blue coloration of face/lips/tongue, fever with chills, dehydration or loss of consciousness occurs, seek immediate medical attention.


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