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7 Homeopathic Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN or TGN), also known as tic douloureux/ Fothergill disease/ Prosopalgia refers to severe electric shock like facial pain on one side of the body along the course of the trigeminal nerve (usually due to compression, irritation or damage to the nerve). The pain is typically abrupt and intense. Even little stimulation of face like washing the face, brushing teeth can excite a sharp pain on the face in these cases. The severity of the pain may cause a person to contort his/her face in a twisted expression. It is considered one of the most severely painful disorders known to medical science due to which, it is also called suicide disease. Though the condition is not life-threatening, it can hinder one’s quality of life and can lead to chronic pain syndrome which usually affects the activities of daily life and may lead to depression in some individuals. Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia helps reduce the severity and recurrence of sudden pains.

  homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia

Homeopathic Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia

In the homeopathic mode of treatment, the treatment begins once the complete case history is understood from the patient, including the location, sensation, time and modalities of the pain. Particular attention is paid to the factors that trigger the complaint. Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia works by acting internally on the root of the problem. Caught in the early stages (with the initial symptoms), homeopathic medicines can help cure the condition with minimal chances of recurrence.

Homeopathic medicines work by managing the acute symptoms that are most troublesome and difficult to bear. They further help manage the condition by minimizing the intensity of pain. These medications are entirely natural, safe and free from any side effects. Homeopathic medications can give long-term relief in cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia and can enable an individual to lead a good quality of life.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Trigeminal Neuralgia

The top homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia include Spigelia, Magnesia Phosphorica, Verbascum and Colocynth.

1. Spigelia – For Neuralgia On The Left Side

Spigelia is an excellent natural medicine for left-sided Trigeminal Neuralgia. Facial pain located on the left side of the face that comes and goes suddenly are the primary features that indicate the need for this medicine. The area around the eye, forehead, cheek, teeth, and temple on the left side of the face are particularly painful. The nature of pain varies from stabbing, violent, burning like hot needles or wires, jerking, tearing, to stitching type. The affected area is highly sensitive to touch. In a few cases, pains worsen from morning to sunset. The attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia arising in cold, rainy weather are strong indicators to use Spigelia. It can be used when V1 (ophthalmic) and V2 (maxillary) branches of trigeminal nerve are affected.

Key indications 

Pain on the left side of the face

The occurrence of sudden pain on the affected part of face

The affected area becomes highly sensitive to touch

Attacks of trigeminal neuralgia arising in cold, rainy weather

2. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Neuralgia On The Right Side

Magnesia Phosphorica is a medicine for cases of right-sided trigeminal neuralgia. Pain usually starts near the right eye and extends to the whole right side of the face. The pain of stabbing, stitching, shooting, cutting character is present. Pain may return every two to three hours. Pain on the right side of the face may alternate with a toothache or frequently change location, rushing about like a bolt of lightning. The pain may get worse from the slightest touch, cold application, motion, a draft of air, cold washing, eating. The patient may get relief by warmth application and pressure. Facial neuralgia beginning on opening the mouth to eat or drink is also indicative of using this medicine.

Key indications 

Pain on the right side of the face.

Pain in the affected area gets worse from touch.

Pain on opening the mouth.

3. Verbascum— For Neuralgia With Marked Periodicity

Verbascum (also known as Mullein Oil) is a medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia that has a pronounced action on the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve. There is periodic facial pain of tearing, stitching, cramping, crushing type. Pain seems to occur in flashes, happening at the same hour in the morning and afternoon every day. The smallest movement triggers facial pain. Neuralgia of the left side of face occurs more commonly in cheeks and temporo-maxillary joint. A pressure in the entire left side of the head and face may be present. Pains get triggered by sneezing, talking and change of weather. Another indication is a benumbing, sticking and piercing type of pain deep in the right temple while eating, which extends to upper teeth of the same side after a few hours. Severe pressing, pinching pain on the side of the lower jaw also indicates the need for this medicine.

Key indications

Pain in flashes on the affected part of the face

Pain on face triggered by the smallest movement

Pain in the right temple while eating

4. Colocynth – For Neuralgia With Shooting, Stitching Pains

Colocynth works efficiently in cases of trigeminal neuralgia where facial pains are violent, shooting, and stitching in character. Numbness may follow neuralgic pains and get better by pressure. This medicine has a long-lasting action on large nerves, especially the trigeminal nerve. There are tearing pains in the cheeks, stitches in upper jaw which reoccur frequently. The left side of the face, temple, ear and sometimes the side of the neck may get affected. Facial neuralgia and toothache remain confined to one side. The pains are periodical and very severe.

Key indications 

Pain in left side of the face, temple, ear

Facial pains that are violent, shooting, and stitching in nature

Other Important Remedies

Hecla Lava – For Neuralgia From Dental Complaints

Hecla lava is an important remedy in cases of facial neuralgia when dental problems like tooth decay causes pain. Neuralgic pains in the face after extraction of the tooth or decayed tooth are the characteristic features. There is swelling and violent pain in the jaw, which is highly painful to touch.

Plantago – For Neuralgia With Pains In Lower Jaws

Plantago has a marked action on the trigeminal nerve. It is an excellent remedy where neuralgia is located around the lower jaw. The pain is shooting, tearing in nature. Pain starting from the lower jaw may extend to the ears. Sometimes there is drawing pain in the cheeks. It can be given when mandibular (V3) branch is involved with pain in lower jaw and ear.

Hypericum – For Neuralgia After Nerve Injury

Hypericum is a highly beneficial medicine in cases where Trigeminal Neuralgia starts after a nerve injury. Pains in the face are sharp, shooting, tearing or violent. There is marked tingling, burning, numbness in the affected area of the face. Facial neuralgia and toothache are present. Tension and tearing in the cheek may also be present.

Belladonna —For Right Sided Facial Pain

Belladonna is very effective in managing right-sided facial pain. It works well when pain is marked in the right side temple going to eye and cheek of right side. It is triggered by touch and movement of face. There may be relief in pain from hard pressure over affected area. It is also helpful when pain occurs in jaw, teeth and ears. A marked redness and burning heat may accompany the above symptoms.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The most commonly affected areas of the face in Trigeminal Neuralgia include the jaw and lower face.

1. Area of pain: The pain can be focused on one spot (depending upon the branch that is affected) or can advance to a widespread area. The areas that can be affected include jaws, eyes, cheeks, lips, and teeth, area around the nose, ears, gums, forehead.

2. Type of pain: Pains can be excruciating, tearing, shooting, jabbing, or feel like electric shocks. Trigeminal neuropathic pains that produce tingling and numbness (usually due to oral surgery or dentistry) may also occur. There may be a tingling, pin needle sensation or numbness in the face before the development of pain. Burning sensation in the face may also be felt after pain has subsided. Twitching (involuntary muscle contraction causing jerking in affected part) in face may also occur after an attack of pain.

3. The side of the face affected: Usually, the pain is unilateral (one-sided). Mostly, it involves right side of the face. But in some cases, it can be bilateral (affecting both sides of the face) for example in case of multiple sclerosis. In case of bilateral TN though both sides are affected but at a given time only one side has symptoms. Very rarely, both sides show symptoms at same time.

4. The intensity of pain: In most cases, episodes of pain are usually intense in nature (some sufferers have reported the pain being more intense than pain of a heart attack). However, in some cases, pain can range from mild to moderate. With progression of the condition, pain becomes more intense with time.

5. Duration of pain: The pain attack lasts from few seconds to few minutes initially. As the condition progresses, the pain attacks can become longer.

6. The frequency of attacks: Intermittent isolated episodes of sudden pain tend to occur. Some may experience it only once a day and others may have it every few minutes or hours. It may happen every day for several days, weeks, months or even more than that. Sometimes, even months or years may pass after one attack (called remission period). If not treated, the attacks can become frequent and intense over time. Mild attacks may be experienced initially, but if progression takes place, long and frequent bouts of pains can occur.

7. Time of occurrence: It can occur once the patient is exposed to any triggering factors (and sometimes even without them). It never happens while a person is asleep.

What Causes Trigeminal Neuralgia (TGN or TN)?

It arises from abnormal functioning of trigeminal nerve. The main cause behind TGN is compression of trigeminal nerve by a blood vessel. It damages myelin sheath (protective covering of nerve fibers) of this nerve and results in the hyperfunctioning of the nerve. As a result of the damage, even a little stimulation on the portion of the face supplied by this nerve excites pain. In addition, the nerve is unable to close pain signals once nerve stimulation stops. The compression of nerve for a short period of time does not cause pain but long-term constant compression cause demyelination of nerve initially, followed by degeneration of axon (thin fibers extending from nerve cell that function to transmit electrical signals to nerve cells, muscles, glands).

Various causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

1. Pressure: Approximately 95% of TN cases arise from pressure on this nerve. Pressure on the trigeminal nerve from the surrounding blood vessel (an artery – anterior inferior cerebellar artery, etatic basilar artery or a vein) at the base of brain is the most common cause.

Pressure on trigeminal nerve from a tumour may also lead to TN but that is rare. TN may also occur from pressure on trigeminal nerve by an aneurysm (bulge in the wall of blood vessel)

2. Trauma / Injury to nerve: Damage to the nerve can occur as a result of facial injury, dental injury or a surgical procedure (eg sinus surgery, oral surgery), stroke (brain damage arising from interrupted blood supply to brain) can lead to TN.

3. Loss of Myelin Sheath: Myelin sheath protects the nerves. Loss of myelin sheath (which can occur as result of aging or condition like multiple sclerosis) can lead to Trigeminal Neuralgia. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder in which immune cells damage the protective covering of nerves disrupting communication between brain and body.

4. Inflammation: Inflammatory disorders like Lyme disease (a tick-borne disease caused by bacteria, of the Type Borrelia, known as Borrelia Burgdoferi) and Sarcoidosis (autoimmune disorder causing collection of inflammatory cells in a body part) can also lead to the development of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

5. Collagen Vascular Diseases: Diseases like scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus can trigger Trigeminal Neuralgia. In such diseases, the immune system causes inflammation in the collagen and surrounding joints.

However, it should be noted that in many cases, there is no specific cause for Trigeminal Neuralgia called as idiopathic TN.

What Are The Factors That Contribute to the Development of Trigeminal Neuralgia?

1. Family History: Trigeminal Neuralgia may run in families as it is related to malformation of blood vessels in the brain due to inheritance.

2. Age: Though any age group can be affected but it is common in people who are 50 years of age or above. The reason is that blood vessels get hard and elongated with age and there is sagging of brain that can make new contacts between nerves and blood vessels.

3. Women are more affected with TGN as compared to men.

4. High Blood Pressure: People with high blood pressure issues are more likely to suffer from trigeminal neuralgia than those with normal blood pressure.

What Triggers Nerve Pain in TGN?

A person who has Trigeminal Neuralgia usually has a triggering factor that can result in the onset of an episode of TGN. Some of the most common triggering factors include washing the face, brushing teeth, talking, touching the face, chewing, smiling, shaving, putting on makeup, exposure to drafts of air, blowing the nose, etc.

Classification and types of Trigeminal Neuralgia

As per ICHD-3 (International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition), TN is classified into three types as follows:

1.Classic TN: When Trigeminal Neuralgia is associated with vascular compression, means compression of nerve by a blood vessel

2.Secondary TN: The TN linked to irritation or pressure on trigeminal nerve from tumour or arising from some disease lurking behind it, like multiple sclerosis is secondary TN

3.Idiopathic TN: No cause behind TN is detected.

Based on the symptomatic presentation, Trigeminal neuralgia is classified into two types:

Typical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. A person may be affected by both the types at the same time.

1. Typical (Type 1) Trigeminal Neuralgia

Typical trigeminal neuralgia usually results in episodes of severe, sudden, shock-like pain generally affecting one side of the face. Pains may last from few seconds to minutes. Many episodes can occur over a few hours. A touch usually triggers episodic pain in the face. It is a very painful condition. The areas involved mainly includes cheek, mouth or nose on one side of face.

2. Atypical (type 2) Trigeminal Neuralgia

Atypical trigeminal neuralgia is also known as Type 2 trigeminal neuralgia. The person experiences constant aching, burning and stabbing pain of low intensity (compared to Type 1). This type of pain is difficult to diagnose. It is a rare condition, and the symptoms overlap with several other disorders. It can occur in addition to a migraine headache or can be mistaken for migraine alone, dental issues, temporomandibular joint disorders or musculoskeletal issues.

Another classification of Trigeminal Neuralgia is as follows:

It is also classified as primary and secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)

Primary TN: It is associated with compression of trigeminal nerve by an artery or vein. It is not caused by any medical condition.

Secondary TN: It arises secondary to some condition, like an injury to face, multiple sclerosis or damage to myelin sheaths from some other medical condition, from pressure on trigeminal nerve by a tumour, cyst.

Which disorders can Trigeminal Neuralgia mimic?

TN can mimic several medical disorders. These include:

1. Post Herpetic Neuralgia: It is a complication of Herpes Zoster (a viral infection occurring from reactivation of Varicella Zoster virus. Herpes Zoster causes painful rash or blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on skin. If pain of Herpes Zoster continues after healing of rash for more than three months in the affected skin areas, then it is termed as Post Herpetic Neuralgia.

2. Temporomandibular joint syndrome/disorder: Temporomandibular joint is the joint connecting lower jaw to skull. Conditions that affect jaw joint and surrounding muscles or ligaments is referred as Temporomandibular joint syndrome/disorder.

3. Sinus infection/Sinusitis: Infection or inflammation of lining of paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities within the skull bone).

4. Temporal tendinitis: Inflamed temporal tendon where it inserts in the cornoid process of lower jaw.

5. Dental pain: Toothache from dental cause like tooth decay, cavity in tooth, etc.

6. Cluster headache: Severe headache occurring in clusters. The sufferer faces attacks of headache followed by periods free of any such pain.

7. Migraine: Headache affecting one side of the head usually with throbbing pulsating pain commonly attended with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise or light.

8. Temporal arteritis (also called Giant cell arteritis): A condition caused by inflammation of the arteries present at the side of the head (temporal region of head).

Trigeminal Nerve and its Function

The trigeminal nerve is the fifth cranial nerve (out of 12 pair of cranial nerves) and is the largest of all the cranial nerves. There is one trigeminal nerve on either side of the face. The trigeminal nerve divides itself further into three branches (hence the name trigeminal derived from two Latin words: tria means three and geminus means twin). The three branches are named as Ophthalmic nerve (V1), Maxillary nerve (V2), Mandibular nerve (V3). The trigeminal nerve is a mixed cranial nerve responsible for both sensory functions (which include facial sensations such as pressure, thermoception (temperature), nociception (pain)) and motor functions as it supplies the muscles of mastication (chewing and biting) but not facial expressions.

When Trigeminal Neuralgia occurs, one, two or all branches of the nerve may get affected. Most commonly, the middle branch (maxillary nerve) and lower branch (mandibular nerve) are affected. Upper branch (Opthalmic nerve) is the least to be affected.  The areas of face supplied by the three branches of the trigeminal nerve are:

V1 (Ophthalmic/upper branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in the scalp, forehead, eye, upper eyelid and tip of the nose.

V2 (Maxillary/middle branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in the lower eyelid, side of the nose, cheeks, nostrils, upper lip, upper teeth and upper gums.

V3 (Mandibular/lower branch): This branch is responsible for sensation in lower teeth, lower gums, lower lip, chin, jaw, and part of the ear. Mandibular branch also supplies the muscles involved in mastication (chewing and biting).

Complications Associated with Trigeminal Neuralgia

Recurrence is one of the main complications of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Once the pain sets in, the affected person may not want to brush his teeth or maintain hygiene for fear of triggering the pain. This can lead to severe anxiety and distress and even depression in patients who suffer from it.

Managing the Pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia can be managed well if one is aware of the particular triggering factors. Avoiding these triggers can help control the occurrence of the debilitating pains and can ultimately improve one’s quality of life. One must avoid vigorous brushing of teeth, eating very hard solid foods, exposure to drafts of air or any other trigger known individually to the case which can excite facial pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am taking Spigelia 30 for TGN of left side but that has not helped much, Is there any other homeopathic remedy that I can try?

To deal with left-sided facial pain, Spigelia ranks first and is often the first choice of homeopathic medicine to start with treatment of left-sided facial neuralgia. Unfortunately, it did not worked in your case. But yes there are definitely some other remedies that you can try, for example Aconite, Colocynth, Verbascum Thapsus that are prominently indicated for left-sided facial pains. These medicines can be used after matching the symptoms.

I am taking Magnesium Phos 6X for my right sided trigeminal neuralgia, Is it the correct remedy for that?

Yes, absolutely it is one of the top homeopathic medicine for right-sided Trigeminal Neuralgia. To get best results, take its tablets by dissolving it in warm water.

Which homeopathic medicines would you rate as best for TGN?

Though there are numerous medicines for TGN treatment but as per my clinical experience, I would rate Spigelia, Magnesium Phos, Verbascum, Colocynth and Hecla Lava as the best medicines for TGN. These give magnificent results when taken as per similarity of symptoms.

Is Staphysagria also a homeopathic medicine for TGN?

Yes, Staphysagria is also indicated for some cases of TGN. It is mainly indicated for pain in the cheek on left side especially for sharp burning or stitching pain.  Consider a homeopathic doctor’s advice prior to using this medicine.

I have been suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last 10 years, can homeopathy help such chronic cases?

Yes, there is scope in homeopathy to treat chronic cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of pain episodes. With proper treatment for recommended period of time, one may even get cured, though results vary from case to case.

I have been taking conventional treatment (anti-convulsant drugs and also botox injection as per doctor’s advice) for Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last 2 years, can I switch to homeopathy?

I would recommend to not stop the allopathic treatment all of sudden as your body has become habitual to it. What you can do is start homeopathic medicines side by side and once your body start responding, you may gradually lessen the dose of allopathic medicines and with time may entirely stop other treatment.

If I start homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia, will I have to take homeopathic medicines for lifetime?

Not that’s not the case. The course of homeopathic medicines varies from case to case ranging from few months to a year approximately. Once relief is achieved to a major extent in such cases, the dose is gradually reduced and completely finished later.

Does homeopathy offer permanent cure for Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Homeopathy promises great help in reducing intensity and frequency of attacks of facial pain in TGN in most cases. In some cases, permanent cure might take place but that depends upon several factors such as the severity, duration of complaint and how well body responds to the homeopathic treatment.

Does homeopathic medicine Arnica play any role in treating TGN?

Arnica is a highly recommended homeopathic remedy to relieve complaints that arise from an injury in general. So, Arnica can be considered to treat TGN cases where there is history of facial injury prior to onset of TGN. But I advise to consult a homeopathic physician before using this medicine for TGN.

What help could homeopathic medicine Thuja offer in TGN cases?

Thuja is a natural homeopathic medicine that could be helpful when the pain starts from lips or gums and spreads to entire right side of the face. Numbness might follow pain in the affected area. Before using this medicine, kindly consult a homeopath.

I have sharp, severe facial pain on the right side that comes and goes, do I have Trigeminal Neuralgia?

No doubt, Trigeminal Neuralgia is one of the most important reasons behind sharp, facial pain especially when it is one-sided but other medical conditions can also cause facial pains. These includes Post Herpetic Neuralgia, TMJ disorder, sinusitis, dental pain, etc. So a complete case history is required to evaluate your case and find the exact reason.

My mother aged 80 yrs is suffering from TGN and recently I also started getting facial pain on and off, could it be TGN?

There are chances that your facial pain could be related to TGN as it has been seen that persons having family history of TGN are at risk. But it could also be arising from some other reason that should not be overlooked. I advise you to take proper consultation from a physician to rule out the cause behind your facial pain.

Is my pain around the jaw related to Trigeminal Neuralgia?

It might or it might not be the case. Involvement of V3 (mandibular branch) can surely cause jaw pain but other reasons should also not be ignored as jaw pain could arise from other reasons like dental abscess, arthritis apart from Trigeminal Neuralgia. So, I suggest consulting a physician before reaching any conclusion.

Could numbness or tingling sensation in face be related to Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Yes, tingling and numbness in the face may arise in case of Trigeminal Neuralgia along with pain. But other reasons may also cause such symptoms. Some of the reasons include an allergic reaction, anxiety, multiple sclerosis. One must visit a physician to rule out the exact cause.

Could my Trigeminal Neuralgia be related to dental surgery that I had a few months ago?

Yes, it could be. Dental surgery can actually trigger Trigeminal Neuralgia in some. For example, it may follow root canal procedure, tooth extraction, installing dental implant in lower jaw.

Can stress cause TGN?

Though stress may not by itself cause TGN, but it can make this condition worse.

I have heard that high Blood pressure (BP) can cause TGN, Is it so?

While high blood pressure does not directly lead to TGN but it is a predisposing factor for it. Not everyone suffering from high BP goes on to develop TGN but they are at more risk to get TGN as compared to those who are non-hypertensive ( not having high BP)

Are any investigations required to diagnose Trigeminal Neuralgia?

A clinical diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia can be made after evaluating the description of type, location, frequency and triggering factors of pain. Physical or neurological examination to know the exact location of pain can be performed. These symptoms are enough for clinical diagnosis, and sometimes no tests are required. To rule out the possible causes of occurrence of Trigeminal Neuralgia, an MRI of brain may be advised to rule out any inflammation, brain tumor or a blood vessel compressing the nerve.

Can Trigeminal Neuralgia be prevented?

Though initiation of Trigeminal Neuralgia in a person cannot be prevented but the future episodes of pain can be prevented by noting down the trigger factors and avoiding them as far as possible in future.

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Cough at night? Top Homeopathic medicines for relief

Cough is the body’s protective mechanism to clear the airway of any dust, smoke, mucus and any microbes (like virus, bacteria). Though cough can trouble a person regardless of time, certain kinds of cough get worse at night. Cough at night (also called nocturnal cough) is distressing that keeps a person awake disturbing night’s rest that can be very exhausting and impact the day’s activities. At night, while lying down flat, the mucus, acid and other irritants find it easier to rise to the throat which is one of the factors that can make cough worse. Besides, the quality of air in the bedroom at night also affects coughing, basically dry indoor air can irritate nose and throat and worsen cough.

Depending on the cause, cough may be attended by sputum production, expectoration (clear, yellow, green, brown or blood stained), wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, heartburn, burping, night sweat, fever. PND (post nasal drip), GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), asthma, allergies, cough from cold or flu are some of the main reasons for worsening cough at night.

Homeopathic Treatment 

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing such cases of cough. The homeopathic medicines target the root cause of the problem to bring long term improvement in cases of cough. These medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism to fight back the disease and bring self-recovery in the most natural way. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin with zero side-effects so are safe to use among persons of all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough At Night

1. Drosera –Top Grade Medicine

Drosera is a top-listed medicine to manage cases of cough at night. Its use is highly recommended for persons having cough that starts immediately after lying down at night. Cough forces them to sit up in bed. The cough is entirely absent during daytime. In cases requiring it the cough is usually dry irritative type. In some cases, however, yellow expectoration occurs. There are fits of coughing. One attack of cough is soon followed by another. At the end of the cough, vomiting may occur. This medicine is of great help to manage night time cough in children who start coughing as soon as they hit the bed.

 2. Sambucus – For Cough With Breathing Difficulty In Children

Sambucus is highly useful for managing cough with breathing difficulty in children at night (means suffocative cough). Children needing it suddenly wake up at night with coughing, breathing trouble and excessive sweating. Such attacks of cough occur more specifically around midnight. There is excessive crying in children. Whistling sound from chest may occur. Sambucus is well indicated for asthma attacks at night in children. Blockage of nostrils may be marked in cases needing this medicine.

3. Cina – For Cough Ending In Vomiting In Children

Cina is an excellent medicine for managing violent cough occurring in children at night when cough ends in vomiting (means spasmodic cough). The children needing it have cough occurring continuously which ultimately leads to vomiting. Tears appear in eyes along with difficult breathing. The cough is dry and occurs in fits in between intervals.

4. Belladonna – When Cough Is Short, Dry, Tickling

Belladonna is a very effective medicine for managing short, dry, tickling cough that occurs at night. The cough wakes the sufferer from sleep. A very characteristic feature is renewal of cough even from the slightest movement in bed. Cough is attended with pain in head, along with tearing pain in chest. A sensation of inhalation of dust prevails in most cases. This medicine is of great use in case of cough related to sore throat and enlarged tonsils. Belladonna can be highly beneficial for managing cough in children. In children needing it, dry cough tends to wake up the child and child tends to cry before coughing. Cough may be attended by grinding of teeth.

5. Arsenic Album – For Cough After Midnight (12:00 am)

For cough that troubles a person after midnight (means after 12:00 am), Arsenic Album is the top-grade homeopathic medicine. Though this medicine can be given for any sort of cough but especially of most help in cases of asthmatic cough. Those needing it have to sit up as soon as cough begins at night. Cough is mainly dry in nature.  It is accompanied by shortness of breath, oppression of chest and whistling/wheezing sound from the chest. Inclining the chest forward brings relief. Before coughing, anxiety and restlessness may occur. Cough is followed by excessive sweating and marked weakness.

6. Rumex – For Dry, Tickling Cough Preventing Sleep

Rumex is an important medicine to manage dry, tickling cough that prevents sleep. Cough seems to trigger from irritation in the throat. Cough gets worse while lying on left side. For cough occurring around 11:00 pm, Rumex is a specific remedy. Cough also worsens from inhaling cold air and talking.

7. Conium – For Continuous Dry Cough

Conium is very suitable for cases of dry cough occurring almost continuously during night. It wakes up the sufferer frequently disturbing sleep. The sufferer gets exhausted. Cough occurs from a dry spot in larynx or from irritation in throat pit / chest. It is accompanied with intense headache in most cases. Watery nasal discharge is also commonly present. Stitching type of pain in the sides of the chest is also felt. Conium is a prominent medicine for cough, following influenza. In such cases the cough may occur continuously until vomiting occurs.

8. Ipecac – When Vomiting Attends Cough

Ipecac is a very suitable medicine to manage cough at night attended with vomiting. There is excessive rattling of phlegm in chest. In most cases, cough gets worse after eating meal at night. Cough seems to get excited from taking each breath. There may occur a fit of cough that ends with vomiting.

9. Antimonium Tart – When Cough Is Loose Rattling Type

Antimonium Tart works wonderfully in cases of loose rattling cough at night. It seems as if chest is full of mucus but only less is expectorated. It is accompanied with suffocation. Persons who require this medicine have to sit up to cough or breathe. At times, vomiting occurs with cough. A very unique feature is relief in cough by lying on the right side. The cough is violent that shakes the entire chest. Headache and marked exhaustion occurs. This medicine is very helpful in bronchitis cases. There occurs thick, white expectoration in cases needing it.

10. Kali Bichrome and Corallium Rubrum – For Cough With Marked Post Nasal Drip (PND)

PND is one of the main causes of night time coughing. To deal with it, two most important homeopathic medicines are Kali Bichrome and Corallium Rubrum. These medicines work in reducing PND to bring relief in the cough related to it. Corallium Rubrum is considered for fits of dry, short, rapid, suffocative cough. There occur almost continuous fits of coughing. One coughing fit is soon followed by another quite rapidly. There is profuse dripping of mucus from posterior nares into the throat. Kali Bichrome is used when the mucus dripping in throat is very thick, sticky and ropy (can be drawn into threads) in nature.

11. Carbo Veg and Natrum Phos – To Manage Cough With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is another important cause behind coughing at night. For managing this issue, Carbo Veg and Natrum Phos are leading medicines. These medicines basically help to treat the root cause i.e, acid reflux to relieve cough.  In cases needing Carbo Veg, there occurs short, dry, hard cough especially before midnight. Mucus is felt in throat at night that cause choking sensation on coughing. It gets better by moving or sitting up. In addition, acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour burps are present. Natrum Phos is useful for cough from tickling in throat attended with hawking and chest pain. Acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour burps appear, and vomiting of sour matter is also there.

Conditions that cause worsening of cough at night or when lying down are:

It can occur from disease of airway (upper or lower), GIT or cardiovascular system. Various causes are enumerated below:

1. Post nasal drip (PND) – It refers to dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. This mucus irritates nerve endings in the throat, exciting cough. PND can be an attending symptom in cases of cold, nasal allergy, sinusitis.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

It refers to the back flow of stomach acid into food pipe. The stomach acid can rise up on lying down at night causing cough as soon as one lies down in bed.

3. Cough related to Cold and Flu (viral infection of upper respiratory tract – URTI) and allergies

4. Bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs), asthma (respiratory disease characterized by difficult breathing, wheezing  and coughing), cough variant asthma (asthma presenting with only cough usually a dry, non-productive and constant cough), bronchiectasis (permanent enlargement of parts of airway of lungs leading to mucus build up), tuberculosis of lung (infection caused by bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis)

5. Chronic tonsil enlargement

6. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID -19)

7. Nerve problem – neurogenic cough arising by irritation of nerves supplying larynx

8. ACE inhibitors (medicine to treat high blood pressure)

9. In some cases, the reason could be more serious needing urgent medical help such as:

a). Heart failure

b). Lung cancer

c). Severe lung infection (Pneumonia)


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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

It is a mood disorder in which a person feels persistently sad and has a loss of interest in everyday activities. Many people feel low, upset, and sad from time to time in their lives. It happens to everyone at different times of their lives but being sad is not the same as being depressed. In depression, there is constant sadness accompanied by feelings of hopelessness continuing for weeks together which interfere with doing everyday activities and affect one’s personal, and professional life. This is indicative of clinical/ major depression that requires treatment.

Homeopathic Treatment

Depression can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines in a very natural way. These medicines are constitutional remedies that work at a very deep level of mind to help overcome the disease. The severity of the complaint reduces gradually and finally, a state of well-being is regained. The best thing about these medicines is that they are free of any side effects and can be used in people of all age groups. Next, they are not habit-forming. One doesn’t have to take it for life. Its dose is gradually reduced when recovery begins and completely stopped when the patient gets better.

Homeopathic Medicines For Depression

1. Ignatia – For Acute Cases

Ignatia Amara is a leading medicine to treat cases of depression. It works wonders in case of acute depression that has just taken off. Those who need it remain sad all the time. With this, they have weeping spells. They also isolate themselves and avoid social engagements. They brood all the time ie; lost in deep thought which makes them sad and worried. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms, they may be very irritable. Their mind gets dull with weak memory. Excessive weakness also appears among them. Depression that gets triggered by acute grief like the death of a loved one, broken relationships and disappointments in life can be treated wonderfully with it. It is also an excellent medicine to treat bipolar disorder.

2. Natrum Mur – For Chronic Cases

Natrum Mur is preferred to treat cases of chronic depression. It is suited to those who are very sensitive, sadly accompanied by sporadic episodes of weeping. They remain absorbed in grief all the time and dwell on the unpleasant memories of the past. They don’t like consolation, and it worsens the complaints. They have a tendency to get offended easily.  Along with it, they don’t have an interest in doing any sort of work. It is also beneficial to manage depression in women before their periods.

3. Aurum Met – For Hopelessness, Worthlessness & Suicidal Thoughts

Aurum Met is useful to those who experience extreme sadness accompanied by hopelessness. Along with this, they feel that they are worthless and of no value. They assume negative thoughts and the future seems dark to them. They feel that life is a burden, it’s useless to live, and they long for death with constant suicidal thoughts.

4. Kali Phos – Another Leading Medicine for Depression

Kali Phos is the next top-listed medicine for depression. It mostly helps people who are over-stressed and have much to worry about. They remain constantly sad, and gloomy. With this, they have negative thoughts in their minds. Those who need it feel mentally and physically exhausted. Other symptoms that they may present include anxiety attacks, and spells of weeping. Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, complaint of sleeplessness is another major concern among them.

5. Natrum Sulph – When Suicidal Thoughts Are Present

Natrum Sulph offers help when suicidal thoughts are overwhelmingly present. Sadness, weeping, and excessive irritability are also present.  Bouts of sadness are worst in the morning hours. There is also an aversion to talking, indifference towards one’s own family, the meaninglessness of life, and frequent thoughts to end up life. Sometimes one undergoes a confused state of mind and has difficulty in thinking.

6. Sepia For Depression During Menopause

Sepia is an excellent medicine to deal with cases of depression in women during menopause. The most important symptoms present in them are sadness, aversion to seeing family members, and loss of interest in doing any work either mental or physical, even missing out on daily routine activities. There is also indifferent behaviour towards life and family. Such people are constantly lost in worries and are stressed with self-pity. They are very irritable and get offended easily. Sporadic weeping spells seeking consolation, and sympathy. Loss of sexual desire is another major complaint in them with the above symptoms. Apart from depression, during menopause, it is also helpful to treat such cases triggered after childbirth

7. Cimicifuga Racemosa – When It Begins After Childbirth (Post-Partum Depression)

The use of Cimicifuga is highly considered in cases of depression among women that begin after childbirth. Women who need this medicine suffer extreme sadness. They feel that they are enveloped in darkness from which it is difficult to come out. They also feel exhausted by these symptoms. Other symptoms that accompany the above-mentioned symptoms are excessive talking, indifferent behaviour, fear of death, and fear of going mentally insane.

8. Lachesis When Delusions Attend Depression (Psychotic Depression)

Lachesis is well-indicated among cases where delusion is present along with depression, such as in cases of psychotic depression. It is administered when people have sadness, feelings of being abandoned, excessive talkativeness, and delusions. Such persons indulge in excessive talking and frequently jump from one subject to another. A lot of ideas crowd their mind at a given time. Sometimes violent anger and a state of madness are witnessed. When it comes to delusions, a person may get suspicious and he or she may feel as if someone may poison or harm him or her. Other symptoms that appear in them are restlessness, aversion to work, and running away from the world.

9. Coffea Cruda – For Managing Sleeplessness

Coffea Cruda is very effective for managing sleeplessness in these cases. It is indicated when there are constant chains of thoughts in the mind that lead to sleeplessness. There is marked restlessness at night with tossing, and turning. Other symptoms include mood changes, irritability, anxiety, weeping, and weakness.

10. Arsenic Album – When Anxiety Accompanies

Arsenic Album is administered in cases where anxiety accompanies sadness. There is anxiety about health, and about the future. This is attended with intense restlessness. Marked weakness is another prominent symptom of these. Some fears are also there like fear of disease, financial loss, being alone, and of death.

11. Gelsemium – For Dullness & Drowsiness

Gelsemium is significant in managing cases where dullness of mind and drowsiness are prominent. With this, there is an aversion to talking and there is a desire to be alone. Excessive irritability is also present. Weakness, muscle aches, and sometimes headache may accompany them.

12. Lilium Tigrinum – For Those Who Are Indifferent And Dissatisfied With Everything

Lilium Tigrinum is given to people who are indifferent to loved ones and dissatisfied with everything. They are discontented. They sit alone and weep constantly. They have aversion to all kinds of amusement. They are also very anxious with marked palpitations.

What Are Its Causes?

The causes of depression are not fully understood. But certain factors are thought to play a role.

These are as follows:

1.Genetics – Those with a family history of depression are at risk of developing it. The exact genes involved here are not known but research is going on to ascertain the genes that are involved.

2. Changes in brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) – It is through the transmission of these chemicals from one nerve cell to the other that the communication of the brain with its different parts occurs. The chemicals include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. They play a role in controlling a person’s feelings, moods, emotions, happiness, and pleasure. An imbalance between these chemicals is thought to play a role in causing depression.

3. Hormonal changes – Certain hormonal changes can be involved in causing the onset of depression. These changes can arise during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, and due to the thyroid.

4. Some changes in the structure of the brain, and the frontal lobe being less active are the other reasons that can trigger depression.

5. Having a history of disorders like anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and Bipolar disorder increases the risk of depression

6. Those having some chronic illness, chronic pain, and chronic disease are also prone to develop depression.

Who Is At Risk of Depression?

1. Those having some blood relatives suffering from depression

2. Those who have low self-esteem and are self-critical

3. People with negative thinking

4. Who have long-term stress

5. Women are more at risk as compared to men

6. Having a history of mental trauma like the death of a loved one, physical or sexual abuse

7. Those going through financial problems, difficult relationships, issues at workplace or job loss, divorce

8. Who have some serious chronic illness like cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic pain

9. Those abusing recreational drugs, and alcohol

10. People taking medicines like sleeping pills, certain medicines to control high blood pressure, and corticosteroids

What Are Its Symptoms?

Persistent sadness and depressed mood are the main symptoms. There are many other symptoms that accompany depression.  These mostly include hopelessness, tearfullness, lack of pleasure, interest in activities that were previously enjoyed, isolation, and withdrawal from social engagement.

Other symptoms that may appear with this are feeling of guilt, feeling of worthlessness, negative thoughts in mind, tiredness, changes in sleep (either excessive sleep or loss of sleep), and loss of sexual desire. In severe cases thoughts of death, and suicide is witnessed.

In addition to the above, the rest of the symptoms that may appear include outbursts of anger, irritability, anxiety, the gradual oncoming of thoughts, speech, and giving responses in conversation, concentration difficulties, difficulty in completing tasks, appetite changes (either loss of appetite or increased appetite), weight loss or even weight gain.

Some physical symptoms may also appear that include headaches, body aches, and gastric issues.

It can affect relationships with family members. Certain conditions can also get worse due to depression like heart disease, joint pains, asthma, obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

A) Among men, the main symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, anger, aggressiveness, anxiety, irritability, lack of interest in activities that previously gave them pleasure, tiredness, drugs /alcohol, thoughts of death, decrease in sexual desire, difficulty in concentration, changes in sleep patterns (excessive sleep or nor sleep), bodyache, headache, digestive complaints.

B) In women the main symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, irritability, social withdrawal, loss of interest in activities, thoughts coming slowly/ talking, changes in sleeping habits (excessive sleep, difficulty in sleep or early walking), thoughts of suicide, decreased energy levels, changes in weight/ appetite, pains, and headaches.

C) Among children, irritability, mood swings, anger outbursts, feeling of incompetence, refusal to go to school, a decline in academic performance, and avoiding friends.

What Are Its Types?

1. Major depression

It is a severe form of depression in which there is constant sadness with feelings of worthlessness, and hopelessness that doesn’t subside on their own. It is also known as clinical depression. To diagnose it, the symptoms of depression should be present for about two weeks or more.

Diagnostic criteria for major/clinical depression as per DSM – 5 i.e. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM – 5)

1. Depressed mood

2. Loss of interest in daily activities

3. Changes in weight or appetite

4. Sleeplessness or excessive sleep

5. Mental agitation or retardation

6. Loss of energy

7. Feeling of guilt or worthlessness

8. Difficulty in concentration or indecisiveness

9. Thoughts of death, suicide, or suicidal attempts

10. Major depression is diagnosed when five or more of these above-mentioned symptoms that include at least one symptom among one and two written above for two weeks is present

2. Dysthymia/Persistent Depressive Disorder

It is a mild form of depression but presents for a long period of time. To diagnose it, the symptoms must be present for at least 2 years.

3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: In this, a woman faces intense mood swings before menses. It is more severe than premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

4. Post-partum depression: It refers to depression that appears among some women after childbirth. Hormonal changes play a role in causing post-partum depression.

5. Seasonal affective disorder: It develops from a lack of natural sunlight exposure. It commonly affects people who are sensitive to reduced levels of sunlight during winter.

6. Bipolar disorder: In this, there is an alternation between phases of excitement, mania, and phase of depression.

7. Psychotic depression: It is a problem where a patient has psychosis along with depression. Psychosis refers to delusions or hallucinations. Delusions are false beliefs not based on reality. Hallucination means sensing things like sounds, or smells that do not exist in reality.

8. Substance-induced mood disorder (SIMD): It appears from abuse of recreational drugs or excessive drinking or after stopping it(means what quitting it or stopping it for the day??).

9. Situational depression: This is triggered by some life-changing event, such as the death of a family member, loss of a job, financial crisis, etc.

Are there any tests to diagnose it?

There are no tests that can diagnose it. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical symptoms. Sometimes thyroid tests and Vitamin D tests are conducted as they can trigger depression.


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5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy refers to facial paralysis (loss of muscle function) affecting one side of the face and the onset is sudden. The cause in most such cases is not found. The cause is presumed to be inflammation of the facial nerve or reactivation of a previously acquired viral infection. The viral infection behind the cause is herpes simplex viral infection. The triggers which reactivate the latent viral infection include environmental changes like cold air exposure, trauma, and emotional factors. Homeopathic remedies for Bell’s Palsy are made of natural substances and with no side effects, provide a very effective treatment against the disease.

Homeopathic Treatment For Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy can be effectively treated with natural homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic treatment for Bell’s Palsy can help in complete recovery without any side effects. The results, however, vary from person to person depending on how chronic the problem is, and the degree of facial damage.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Bell’s Palsy

The top recommended homeopathic medicines to treat Bell’s palsy are Causticum, Belladonna, Aconite, and Hypericum.

1. Causticum

Causticum is the top recommended medicine to treat cases of Bell’s Palsy. This medicine is usually the first choice to treat cases of Bell’s Palsy. Though it can be used for paralysis of any side, it is more prominently indicated for facial paralysis of the right side. Those who need it have loose muscle function of the face on the side from forehead to chin. Pain in the jaws may also be present. The pain can be tense or drawing in nature. It is accompanied by difficulty in opening one’s mouth.


This is another natural medicine of great help in Bell’s palsy cases. Its use is suggested when the muscle of the face fails to function on one side. There may be numbness on the face. Additionally, twitching of facial muscles can be present. In most cases, the face goes red, flushes, and may as well witness a burning sensation. Besides, increased sensitivity to noises may be present.

3. Aconite

Aconite is used when there is a complaint of numbness or tingling sensation on the face on the affected side. The face also feels cold on the affected side. Apart from this, drawing pain in jaws can be felt. It is used in acute conditions in the very beginning when facial paralysis follows from sudden cold air exposure.

4. Hypericum

To deal with facial paralysis because of an injury to a nerve, the best homeopathic medicine is Hypericum. It can be of great help in the complete recovery of the patient with facial paralysis following injury. Tingling, numbness, or burning sensation on the affected side of the face may be experienced in addition to other symptoms of bell’s palsy. Hypericum is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for nerve injuries, and it always proves its worth by bringing positive results.

5. Ignatia

Ignatia is a very frequently used natural Homeopathic medicine for a variety of conditions arising out of grief. It is a very beneficial medicine in cases of Bell’s Palsy particularly triggered by grief too. Those who need this medicine carry symptoms of Bell’s Palsy and may also complain of frequent tooth bites while talking or swallowing. He or she may also have a mouth filled with excessive saliva. Other symptoms of grief like weeping, brooding and sadness are also present.

6. Agaricus

Agaricus is helpful when there is a dropping in the mouth corner due to facial paralysis. It is accompanied by drooling of the saliva. Twitching of the facial muscles may also be present. Tearing pain in the jaw may assist these symptoms.

7. Cadmium Sulph

It is administered when the patient has a distorted face. The swallowing of food becomes difficult. He or she also has difficulty speaking properly. And there is also an inability to close the eye on the affected side.

8. Homeopathic Medicines As Per The Side Of The Face Affected By Bell’s Palsy

The naturally efficient homeopathic medicines for Bell’s Palsy on the right side of the face are Belladonna, Causticum, and Kali Phos. For treating Bell’s Palsy on the left side, the efficient natural homeopathic medicines are Alumina, Cadmium Sulph, and Sulphur. To select the suitable medicines out of these, a proper case investigation needs to be carried out. Homeopathic remedies cannot be selected solely as per the side of the face affected by facial paralysis. The side of the face involved only forms a part of the totality of other symptoms narrated by the patient. So, the side of the face involved should be considered among other symptoms but not the only pointer to select this homeopathic remedy.

Symptoms Of Bell’s Palsy

In the majority of cases, the paralysis is unilateral. It means the disease occurs on one side of the face. In just one per cent of cases, it can involve both sides of the face. The onset of Bell’s Palsy is always sudden. The symptom intensity varies from case to case — from the slight weakness of the facial muscles to the entire paralysis (loss of muscle function). The signs and symptoms include:

1. Weakness or numbness of the face on one side

2. Drooping of face to one side

3. Drooling of saliva or drying of the mouth

4. Lachrymation (watering from eyes) or dryness of eyes due to inability to close eye on the affected side

5. Loss of facial expressions like frowning, and smiling

6. Pain about the jaw and behind the ear, sensitive hearing, inability to have a taste for food

7. Other symptoms include difficulty in eating and speech, headache, eye irritation on the affected side, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), tingling in the face, and twitching of facial muscles

 What Is The Recovery Time In Bell’s Palsy Cases?

The symptoms of Bell’s Palsy in most cases begin to get better within a few weeks (approx. 3 weeks). In the majority of the cases (about 80 per cent) of them, full recovery with complete resolution of the symptoms takes place in three months to 9 months time period. Though, in minor cases, complete recovery may take somewhat longer. In rare cases, the symptoms may be permanent. There are very few chances of recurrent Bell’s Palsy.

Causes Behind Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy results from compression, swelling/inflammation of the facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve). This nerve goes through a narrow passage within the skull. Its swelling leads to its compression by the nearby hard surface in the skull and affects the nerve functioning as well.

When this nerve gets inflamed, the nerve cells get deprived of blood and oxygen resulting in the weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles. The reason behind the nerve damage has not been determined yet, it is widely believed that a viral infection sets off this damage.

There are various infections (viral and bacterial) associated with Bell’s Palsy. It mainly includes herpes simplex virus 1 which causes cold sores. Other viruses include Epstein – Barr virus, herpes zoster virus, HIV, cytomegalovirus, mumps virus, rubella virus, influenza B virus, coxsackie virus, and Lyme disease. Some factors linked with the reactivation of latent viral infection in the body and which may provoke Bell’s Palsy include stress, physical trauma, loss of sleep, some recent illnesses, and auto-immune health disease.

Risk Factors

Though anyone can suffer from Bell’s Palsy, those with the following symptoms are in a bigger risk zone:

1. Having diabetes or high blood pressure

2. Obesity

3. URTI (upper respiratory tract infection) like cold, flu

4. Pregnancy mainly in the third trimester (last three months of pregnancy), and the first week after giving birth to the child.

5. Family history of Bell’s Palsy (especially when there may occur recurrent episodes of Bell’s Palsy)

6. Have an autoimmune disease (in such diseases the infection-fighting cells start to damage the body’s own healthy tissues out of a misdirected response)

7. Cold sores


Mild cases of Bell’s Palsy are self-resolvable. In severe cases, complications may arise:

1.Permanent facial nerve damage that controls muscles of the face

2. Ulcers in the eye even blindness due to the drying of the cornea. Also, scratching the eye in the affected area. Blindness can be partial or complete.

3. Synkinesis – a condition in which one part of the face can be moved willingly, and there occurs simultaneous involuntary movement of another part of the face like the closing of the eye especially when one smiles. Synkinesis occurs when during the healing process/regrowth of nerve fibers, controlling the muscles of one part of the face also regrow on another part of the face.


There is no lab test to diagnose Bell’s Palsy. It is diagnosed based on the physical examination of the face, and observing the muscle movement of the face when the eye is closed, or when one is asked to frown, or asked to show teeth or any form of a grimace. There are some medical conditions that can cause weakness or paralysis of facial muscles like stroke, tumours, lyme disease. If the cause is not clear, then the physician may advise some tests. These include

1. MRI and CT scan to rule out causes like skull fracture, and tumour

2. Electromyography: This test is to rule out the severity of nerve damage


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10 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

Urticaria, commonly known as Hives or ‘nettle rash’, refers to sudden outbreak of raised, elevated, pale red itchy bumps (wheals also called welts) on the skin surface. It is a skin reaction to certain allergens. Hives can be accompanied by burning, and stinging pain. They are not contagious which means they don’t spread from one person to another via direct skin contact.

homeopathic medicines for urticaria

Homeopathic Treatment

Hives can be treated effectively with natural homeopathic medicines. They are helpful in the treatment of Hives which have occurred recently as well as the ones which have been there for longer duration. It treats the root cause behind it, and helps in excellent recovery. Mainly they aim to correct the hypersensitive nature of immune system to certain allergens. The medicines firstly help to clear the acute outbreak of wheals, and afterwards help to prevent its recurrence gradually over a period of time. The wheals clear with these medicines along with relief in itching, burning, and stinging sensations. It is to be noted that in the case of Anaphylaxis, urgent help from conventional system should be taken as homeopathy doesn’t help such cases.

Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for the treatment of Hives. There are red inflamed wheals with marked burning, stinging sensation. There is itching that gets most intense during the night. The wheals may be painful and tender to touch. They usually appear from heat. The Hives which trigger in warm weather are also indicative of its use. Swelling of the face, eyelids, and lips may also appear. Other than that, Urticaria from insect bite is another characteristic to use it.

2. Urtica Urens – When Hives Appear Same Season Every Year

Use of Urtica Urens is considered when it appears in the same season every year. Wheals are red with itching and burning, and the patient constantly rubs skin to seek relief. Stinging also appears in welts. Swelling of the face may appear along with the above symptoms in some cases. Nettle rash from eating shellfish is also indicative to use this.

3. Natrum Mur – For Heat / Cholinergic Type

It is very effective for treatment of Hives that trigger due to heat and too much exercise. Those who need it get wheals over whole the body accompanied with excessive itching. The wheals appear like large red blotches. Burning and smarting sensation also appear in them. In many cases stinging sensation is also felt in the rash.

4. Rhus Tox – For Water Induced/Aquagenic Type

It is helpful to people who suffer from water induced Hives. Here the patient gets wheals from skin contact with water. The appearance of wheals is accompanied by itching. After one scratches, burning sensation appears. Stitching pain also accompanies.

5. Dulcamara –From Cold Air Exposure (Cold Induced Type)

It is suitable for cases of cold induced type. Those who need it get Hives from exposure to the cold air. They get red wheals on the whole body. It is accompanied with excessive itching. Needle like pricking sensation also appears in the wheals.

6. Chloralum – For Dermatographic Type

Chloralum is mainly recommended for dermatographic type. Those who need it get welts on skin, if the skin is scratched.  The patient complains of intense irritation, itching, and stinging feeling.  This medicine also helps cases of hives that appear at night and get better in the day. In such cases, wheals are large red, and sometimes accompanied with swelling of the face and the eyelid. The wheals have itching that compels a person to scratch until it bleeds. Apart from it, this medicine is also indicated when complaint appears due to alcohol intake.

7. Conium – For Exercise Induced Type

Conium offers help in hives triggered by violent bodily exercise. The welts appear with itching. Among those who need it, itching gets worse upon scratching.

8. Astacus – When Accompanied By Liver Complaint

Astacus is administered in cases where Urticaria is accompanied by liver complaints. The wheals appear over the entire body. They result in itching and stinging pain. It is mainly indicated in long standing (chronic) cases.

9. Sulphur – when It Appears On The Whole Body

Sulphur is indicated for nettle rash which appears over the entire body. This is accompanied by itching, and intense burning sensation on the whole body. Itching gets better by scratching most of the times. In addition to this, stitching-like prickling sensation on the skin is also felt. Formication sensation as if an insect is crawling on the skin is another accompanied symptom.

10. Arsenic Album – When Burning Sensation Is Marked

It is useful in cases where intense burning sensation is present in the welts. Intolerable itching is also an added factor. After scratching, pain is felt on the skin. The welts may be small or large in size. Marked restlessness appears with above-mentioned symptoms.

11. Bovista – When It Triggers On Waking In Morning

Bovista is helpful in cases of Urticaria that triggers specifically on waking in the morning. Wheals cover the entire body and can be quite big in size. Itching is also there that gets worse on slight warmth in the body. One gets no relief even if one scratches. Apart from it, it is also helpful in cases when bathing triggers such complaints.

12. Copaiva – For Chronic Hives In Children

Copaiva is a significant medicine to treat chronic (long standing) Hives among children. Red wheals are and spread all over the body are the signs to use it. Aggressive itching is an added factor. Along with this, the skin is usually dry with heated sensation.

13. Elaterium – When Rubbing Relieves

Elaterium is beneficial in cases of Hives where rubbing the skin makes the complaint better. Those who need it have extreme itching spread over the entire body. Burning is also felt along with itching. There is smarting and stinging pain on the affected portion.

14. Apium Graveolens – When Itching Changes Location Upon Being Scratched

Its use is made in cases of nettle rash where wheals are very itchy, and itching keeps on changing its location upon being scratched. Burning, and stinging sensation is also felt. Left side of the body is mostly affected in cases where it is required.

15. Antipyrinum – With Intense Itching

It is also administered for Hives with intense itching. Those who\ need it scratch the skin harshly and tear it with nails due to extreme itching. Other than this, it is indicated in those cases of urticaria where welts appear and disappear suddenly.

16. Calcarea Carb – For Chronic Cases

Calcarea Carb is indicated for chronic cases. Red welts with severe itching, and burning are present among those who need it. Skin of the body is rough, and dry. Relief in the cold air is seen in many cases.

17. Kreosote – With Excessive Itching In Evening

Kreosote is mainly indicated when there is excessive itching in the evening hours. Burning sensation is felt after scratching the skin, especially, on the arms and legs. Heated sensation is felt in the entire body.

18. Kali Bromatum – When It Worsens In Winters

Kali Bromatum is an important medicine for cases which worsen in the winters. The wheals appear as smooth, red, elevated patches on the skin. Itching appears, especially at night in the bed. The itching gets worse in high temperature.

19. Pulsatilla – When It Worsens In Summers

Pulsatilla is an important medicine for hives that worsens in summers. There appear red hives with itching, and burning or pricking. The itching gets worse mainly in the evenings in case they need it.

20. Hepar Sulph – For Chronic Recurring Hives

Hepar Sulph is effective for cases of chronic recurring hives.  There are wheals in cases needing it with violent itching and stinging sensation. Mostly the wheals form on hands and fingers were it is required. Relief from warmth mainly appears.

21. Rumex – When Itching Worsens On Undressing

Rumex is useful in those cases in which itching worsens on undressing. Along with this, stinging, and pricking sensation is there. Worsening of hives in the open air is yet another indication for its use.

22. Anacardium – For Hives With Marked Angiodema

Its use is indicated when there is excessive redness of skin with wheals. Wheals may ooze a yellow liquid. The eruptions itch, and burn. The itching is unbearable, and it gets worse from scratching and also in the evening. Along with this swelling of the face is an accompanying factor.

What Are Its Causes?

Hives usually arise from an allergic reaction to an allergen that results in release of chemicals mainly histamine under the surface of skin. This results in inflammation, and collection of fluid under the skin resulting in wheals (Hives). People who have allergic tendencies are at risk of Hives. Many times in over half of the cases, the exact causes and trigger factors cannot be ascertained.

What Triggers It?

The main triggers include foods such as eggs, nuts, shellfish. Also certain medications like some antibiotics, NSAID’s, even exercises, scratching, alcohol, insect bites may also trigger it. Other triggers include sun exposure, stress, extremes of heat or cold, some intestinal parasites, animal dander, pressure on skin, dust mites, water application, certain plants, such as poison ivy. In some cases, viral infections (like common cold, mononucleosis, hepatitis), and bacterial infections (urinary tract-infection, strep throat) may trigger it. Sometimes it can arise in patients who have thyroid and Celiac’s disease (gastric disorder in which an immune response in the small intestine is triggered from eating gluten that damages the small intestine).

Pathophysiology Behind It

Hives result when there is release of histamine (a chemical produced by immune system during an allergic reaction to get rid of allergen) from mast cells and basophils under the skin’s surface. Its release is triggered when the allergen bound IgE antibodies bind to receptors on mast cells and basophils. Histamine leads to dilatation of blood vessels under the skin, and causes redness, and warmth on the surface of the skin. Following this, these vessels become leaky, and cause fluid to accumulate under the skin causing wheal formation, and swelling.

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

Wheals: It is the major sign of Urticaria. It refers to raised, elevated, smooth-surfaced, itchy bumps on the skin with clearly defined edges. They are itchy. Also, burning, and stinging sensation may appear.

Location of wheals: They may appear on the surface of the skin on any of the body part. They may be localized confined to one body part, or many, or may be present on the entire body.

Color of wheals: It may be pink, red, pale or skin-colored. On being pressed, they may turn white (blanching).

Size of wheals: They can be small like a pin point or may be several inches big. They may also join and form larger ones known as plaques.

Shape of wheals: They may be round, oval or ring-shaped.

Duration of wheals: They usually disappear within a few hours but will not remain present beyond one full day.

Angiodema: In some cases, angioedema arises. This means swelling appears under the skin mainly around the eyes, lips, mouth, and sometimes around the genitals, hands, and feet.

Anaphylaxis: Very rarely, Hives may appear from severe allergic reaction, and lead to anaphylaxis (in which intense swelling of lips, tongue, throat arise along with troubled breathing, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and sometimes it may lead to fainting. Anaphylaxis is a severe life threatening condition and thus it should be treated urgently.

Acute vs Chronic Urticaria

1. Acute: It refers to the type of urticaria that recurs in less than 6 weeks after the first onset. The trigger behind acute urticaria remains unidentified. It mostly arises from certain medicines like aspirin and NSAID’s like ibuprofen,food (eg, nuts, fish, eggs, tomatoes, and milk) and insect bites.

2. Chronic: In this type of Urticaria, there are recurrent episodes for more than six weeks, several months or could even extend into several years.

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria

In 80 per cent to 90 per cent of the chronic Urticaria cases, no cause can be identified or attributed and such cases are referred to as Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (CIU). However, it is considered to be linked to stress, anxiety, poor emotional well-being. A link between stressful life – changing event (like death of family member, divorce) and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder – a mental health condition triggered by a traumatic event like sexual abuse, childhood physical abuse, an accident) has also been found out in a recent study. Though, exact cause is not known but certain triggers other than stress are also linked to Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria and it also includes alcohol, sunlight, heat, cold, exercise, scratching, pressure from tight clothing, NSAIDS like aspirin. and ibuprofen.

What Are Its Types?

1. Dermatographic Urticarial:It is the most common type also known as dermatographism, dermatographia and skinwriting. In this, wheals form on the skin as a result of scratching, scraping, rubbing, stroking and slapping. There may appear raised red lines or welts along with swelling and itching. The visibility of reaction happens soon after and disappears within 30 minutes. In some severe cases, wheals last for a few hours and may extent to some days.

2. Cholinergic Urticaria:It is the one which is triggered when body gets very warm and starts sweating, such as during exercise, emotional trauma, heated environment, hot bath, eating hot/spicy food. In this, wheals are small in size that begin within 6 minutes of exercise and lasts for about 4 hours after exercise. The wheals mostly appear on the chest and neck and then spread to other areas. It is also known as Heat Urticaria. When it triggers from exercise, it is named as Exercise Induced Urticaria. Sometimes, Anaphylaxis appears in which a severe allergic reaction to exercise occurs.  The alarming symptoms indicative of this condition include trouble in breathing, rapid heartbeat, wheezing, nausea, pain in abdomen or head. This anaphylaxis condition needs urgent medical help as it can be a life-threatening condition.

3. Cold-induced: This is caused by extreme exposure to the cold air or even cold water. In these cases, the welts are large in size, and itchy that appear within minutes after exposure to cold.

This can be inherited (derived genetically from parents) or acquired. In this, Hives appear on the skin exposed to the cold. The hands can swell when one holds cold things. The lips may swell after intake of cold food or drink. The reaction may be mild or severe. In severe reactions, life-threatening risks may appear that include suffocation from severe swelling in throat after taking cold foods or drinks. Low blood pressure, increased heart-beat, fainting or shock, for example, after swimming in cold water may also happen.

4. Solar Urticaria

It is a rare condition that arises when skin is exposed to sunlight. It results in itchy rashes or welts that appear within minutes of the exposure and remain there for few hours.  The welts may result in stinging, and burning pain. The rashes mostly appear on the skin not exposed to sunlight. The rash on the hands or the face may not appear which is exposed to the sunlight. A person who has sensitivity to sunlight may have Hives on parts of the skin covered with thin clothing. If a large part of the skin gets covered with Hives then other symptoms may appear including difficulty in breathing, low blood pressure, nausea, and headache.

5. Water-induced/Aquagenic Urticaria:In Water-induced/Aquagenic Urticaria, wheals develop upon contact with water irrespective of the temperature. Wheals are small sized and there is itching and burning sensation, and flushing on skin which comes after contact with water. The symptoms develop within minutes of coming in contact with water. The wheals tend to disappear in about one hour once the source of the water is removed.  It commonly occurs on the neck, chest, and the arms but can occur anywhere on the body.

6. Pressure Urticaria

Pressure on the skin is another factor that can contribute to Hives. It arises from sustained pressure on the skin as from wearing tight buckles, tight fitted clothing. In this, the wheals may appear right after the application of pressure, and in delayed pressure type the wheals form within 4–6 hours of pressure stimulus.

7. Contact Urticaria

This appears when an allergen is absorbed through the skin. Examples of allergens are latex, cosmetics, stinging nettle. Immediately after contact with the allergen there appears localized swelling, and there is redness on the skin.

8. Infection Induced

It can be triggered by a certain viral infection (eg, Mononucleosis, Hepatitis) or certain bacterial infection (eg, strep throat).

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Post Nasal Drip

Postnasal Drip (PND) may sound to be a trivial problem but it can be a source of nagging irritation. An annoying affliction that can impede a person’s day-to-day functioning, PND is a condition in which a person is constantly struggling with secretions in the throat. Postnasal Drip refers to mucus dripping from the back of the nose into the throat. It is also commonly termed as the upper airway cough syndrome. PND is attended with a constant urge to clear the throat as the flow of the fluid in the throat is irritating. Another offshoot of PND is that the irritants present in the secretions could initiate a cough reflex.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for Postnasal Drip help treat the problem effectively. Homeopathy offers remedies for Postnasal Drip that are safe, successful and devoid of side-effects. Since homeopathy uses the body’s own defenses to combat infection, this line of treatment is comparatively non-intrusive. Another advantage these remedies enjoy over others is that they are toxin-free as they are drawn from natural substances.

homeopathic medicines for post nasal drip

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Postnasal Drip

The best homeopathic medicines for PND are Hydrastis, Kali Bichrome, Corallium Rubrum, Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph, Natrum Phos, Sticta, Merc Sol and Allium Cepa.

 1. Hydrastis – For Postnasal Drip With Thick Ropy Secretion    

I can vouch for the fact that homeopathy assures excellent treatment for Postnasal Drip. One of the top treatments in homeopathy for this condition is hydrastis. It is ideal for situations where the secretions are very thick, ropy and sticky in form. The secretions fall from the posterior nares into the throat. The patient complains of irritation due to a continuous feeling of mucus in the throat.  There is a lot of hawking in an attempt to expel the mucus. Usually, thick, yellow mucus is expectorated. Both the nares become raw and the person has a constant urge to blow out from the nose. In case of Postnasal Drip in children, the kid is usually suddenly aroused from sleep due to thick, sticky droppings. The throat feels raw and there is a lot of burning sensation.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Post Nasal Drip With Sinusitis

It is another reliable remedy for Postnasal Drip. It is especially recommended in cases when the secretions are thick, green and ropy in nature. The patient hawks a lot to clear the throat. The root of the nose and the frontal sinus are inflamed, causing a lot of pain and distress to the patient.

3. Corallium Rubrum – For PND With Cough

Corallium Rubrum is a wonderful remedy that covers Postnasal Drip well. Corallium works well in cases where a lot of mucus is secreted through the posterior nares. The patient hawks up a lot of mucus. Along with this, there is cough that is dry and spasmodic. Other that this, there is Nasal Catarrh (nasal discharge from the front of the nose) with abundant secretions. This makes the inhaled air feel very cold.

4. Natrum Mur – To Manage PND Related To Cold Or Nasal Allergy

Natrum Mur is leading homeopathic medicine to help cases of PND associated with cold or nasal allergy. Those needing it complain of mucus dripping from the nose into the throat along with other symptoms of cold or nasal allergy. These symptoms include sneezing, runny nose and watering from eyes. Nose may be blocked sometimes.

5. Hepar Sulph – When PND Is Linked With Cold, Sinusitis

This medicine is beneficial when PND is associated with cold and sinusitis. In cases needing it, there is watery or thick discharge from nose along with sneezing. It gets triggered by cold air. The inhaled air feels cold inside the nose. The mucus dripping in the throat may be blood-stained.

6. Natrum Phos – For Managing Acid Reflux And PND

In cases where a person has acid reflux issues along with PND, this medicine can be considered. This medicine will work at treating acid reflux which is causing PND. When this medicine is required, thick yellow mucus is found dripping in the throat. It gets worse at night waking the sufferer from sleep. The person has to sit up to clear the throat. Besides, symptoms of acid reflux like heartburn, sour burps may be experienced.

7. Sticta – For PND, Blocked Nose And Fullness At the Root Of Nose

Sticta proves effective when there is dripping of mucus in posterior throat and blocked nose. Fullness at the root of the nose is prominent. Nasal blockage gets worse at night that disturbs sleep. There is mucus in the throat that dries soon forming scabs. There is an urge to blow nose but no discharge occurs.

8. Merc Sol – For Mucus Trickling In Throat Which Causes Hawking

Merc Sol is useful when a person complains of dripping of mucus in the throat with marked hawking. Hoarseness of voice may be an accompanying factor. Along with nasal discharge, sneezing may be present. The discharge from the nose is yellowish-green.

9. Allium Cepa – When Lumpy Mucus Passes From Nose Into Throat

Use of Allium Cepa is suggested when lumpy mucus passes from the nose into the throat. It is one of the key medicines which helps treat cases of nasal allergy. In such cases, discharge from nose occurs that cause burning in the nose and of the upper lips. It is accompanied by sneezing and non-irritating eye discharge.Homeopathy offers cures for post-nasal drip that are safe, successful and shorn of side-effects. Since homeopathy uses the body’s own defenses to combat infection, this line of treatment is comparatively non-intrusive. Another advantage these remedies enjoy over other cures is that they are toxin-free as they are drawn from natural substances.

Symptoms of Postnasal Drip

Postnasal Drip is characterized by excessive mucus production by the nasal mucosa. This mucus then collects in the back of the nose or the throat, giving rise to:

1. Sensation of mucus falling from the back of the nose

2. Hawking and an urge to clear throat frequently

3. A sore throat, and chronic cough

4. Hoarse voice

5. Bad breath

6. Painful ear infections

Causes of PND

It can be caused by multiple reasons which are as follows:

1. Cold, & flu: These are viral infections affecting the nose and the throat. Among these, flu is more severe than cold. These can cause PND along with other main symptoms of nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing, sore throat, bodyaches, and fever.

2. Sinusitis: It refers to swelling and inflammation of air filled spaces within skull. It can lead to PND with other symptoms of headache, nasal discharge, nasal blockage, pain/ tenderness around eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead, sore throat, and cough.

3. Nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis): It refers to allergic response to a specific allergen (like dust mites, pollens) causing sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes, stuffed nose. PND may accompany these symptoms.

4. Non allergic rhinitis: In this form of rhinitis, symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis appear but there is no allergic reaction.

5. DNS (deviated nasal septum): A condition in which the wall that divides nasal cavity into two halves is displaced to one side. As a result, one side of nasal cavity becomes small that hinders mucus drainage causing PND.

6. Gastric reflux: Back flow of stomach acid from the stomach into the food pipe, throat and the mouth

7. An object stuck in nose mainly in children can be one of the causes

8. Some medicines: Medicines that help treat high blood pressure, and birth control pills can trigger PND

9. Pregnancy

10. Swallowing disorder: In case of swallowing disorders, the root cause lies not in excess production of mucus but rather in inadequate clearance of the throat

11. Weather change, cold weather, dry air, and eating some food items like highly spicy food


Our nose and throat produce small amount of mucus continually. This mucus has three functions. Firstly, it keeps nasal membrane moist, secondly, it helps trap and filter any inhaled foreign matter (like virus and bacteria) and thirdly it fights infection. This mucus is being swallowed unaware by everyone. But when due to whatever reason the production of mucus increases, it starts to accumulate in the back of throat. When excessive or thick mucus drips down the throat from back of nose one gets aware of it. The irritating matter in mucus can activate receptors in respiratory tract resulting in protective cough.

Lifestyle Management Tips

1.Keep yourself hydrated. Take warm drinks, hot tea, warm soup. This will help to thin the mucus and prevent dehydration

2. Sleep with head elevated that will help mucus drainage

3. If one has allergies,  use dust mite proof cover for mattress, and pillows. Wash bedsheets, pillow covers frequently with hot water.

4. If acid reflux triggers PND,  avoid spicy food; the last meal of the day should be taken at least two hours before bedtime.


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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Chikungunya

homeopathic medicines for chikungunya

Homeopathic medicines for chikungunya

The name Chikungunya comes from an African Makonde language means ‘that which bends up’” The disease was given its name because it led to the affected persons walking in a stooped posture due to intense joint and muscle pains. Chikungunya is a viral infection caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). Like dengue, it is also transmitted to humans after being bitten by the Aedes mosquito infected with this virus. Compared to dengue which is a serious infection, Chikungunya is usually not serious or fatal but the joint pains caused by it can be really nerve–wracking and disabling. High fever and joint pains are the most common symptoms of chikungunya. One infection with chikungunya virus gives lifelong immunity means a person cannot get this infection twice in his/her life.

Homeopathic Treatment     

The homeopathic mode of treatment ensures complete relief from the symptoms of Chikungunya fever. It can be treated very effectively with natural homeo medicines that are made of natural substances and have no side-effects. The homeopathic treatment for Chikungunya fever is absolutely safe and can only benefit the patient, never harm. The aim of the homeopathic mode of treatment is to provide complete symptomatic relief to the patients. These medicines are also highly effective to manage chronic Chikungunya arthritis. The same medicines help in giving relief from the joint pains during the acute phase, and in some cases that may otherwise trouble a patient for months or even years.

The homeopathic medicines for treating Chikungunya fever are selected based upon the unique individual symptoms.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Chikungunya Fever

1. Polyporus Pinicola –  Top Medicine For Chikungunya Fever

Polyporus Pinicola is a leading homeopathic medicine for Chikungunya fever. It works best and manages fever with joint pains and headache. With fever – chills and shivers are felt. The joint pains are distinctly present in ankles, knees, hip, elbow, wrist, and finger joints. Fingers may be stiff as well. Restlessness may attend along with joint pains at night time. In some cases, back pain, and pain in the legs may be present. Those who need Polyporus Pinicola have severe headache along with confusion in head with a hot flushed face. Constant nausea may also be present.

2. Eupatorium Perfoliatum –  To Manage Fever And Pains

Eupatorium Perfoliatum effectively manages high fever with severe pains. Pains can be in joints, bones, muscles, and the back. Those who need it feels as if the bones are broken. Chills are also accompanied along with pains all over the body. Vomiting specifically after chills may occur. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms there is excessive weakness, and fatigue.

3. Bryonia Alba – To Manage Fever, Joint / Muscle Pains Worse With Motion

Bryonia is a natural medicine to help manage fever and joint / muscle pains. The foremost feature to use this medicine is worsening of joint or muscle pains from movement and relief after complete rest. The joints along with pain are swollen and feel warm. In some cases, warm application on joints offers relief from the pain. During fever, chills are distinctly present. There is increased thirst and the mouth goes dry.

4. Rhus Tox – To Manage Joint Pains, Muscle Pain, Backache

Rhus Tox is an excellent remedy to control joint pains and muscle pain in case of fever. It can be given for pain in any joint of the body. A key feature to use Rhus Tox is worsening of joint pains while resting and relief from movement. The joints show stiffness along with pain. Backache during fever can also be relieved by Rhus Tox. Chills accompanying the fever are also noted that alternate with heat in the body. Rhus Tox is also indicated to manage chronic Chikungunya arthritis.

5. Actaea Spicata – To Manage Small Joint Pain

It is a wonderful remedy to help in case of pain in small joints. Pain in small joints including the wrist, fingers, ankle, and toe. The affected joint may be swollen as well. Pain gets worse upon touching and moving the affected joint.

6. Arnica – To Manage Sore Bruised Pains

This natural remedy is perfect to manage pains that are sore and bruised which means the affected part pains upon being touch. It feels as if the part under pain is being hit hard or beaten. Pain can be generalised, or in some joint or muscle or back. Arnica can be used to manage pain during the acute phase, and it can also be administered in case of pain that lasts for longer duration, particularly, at the time one is making a recovery from infection.

7. Gelsemium – To Manage Weakness, Muscle Pain, Headache

Gelsemium is a herbal medicine to manage weakness in Chikungunya. Those needing it have marked weakness and desire to lie down. They have excessive drowsiness and sleepiness. Chill along with shivering is marked. Usually, a person does not feel thirsty. Pain in muscles is prominent along with headache and heaviness in eyes.

8. Belladonna – To Manage Headache, Fever And Red Rash

Belladonna is the top medicine for managing headache. In cases requiring it, pain is mostly felt on the sides of the head (temples). Relief by tight bandage is a sign for using Belladonna. Pain may get worse from noise and  light. There is fever with intense heat in body and body feels burning hot when touched. Belladonna is also indicated to manage reddish rash on skin along with above features. It is also recommended to manage conjunctivitis with redness of eye and burning pains.

9. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness And Fever

Arsenic Album is brilliant medicine to manage weakness and fever. Those needing it have so much weakness that they even cannot stand without feeling weak. They feel like lying down all the time. Internal chills are felt during fever. However, on touching the body form outside, it feels hot. Anxiety and restlessness accompany fever. Thirst for small quantity of water at very small intervals is felt.

10. Ipecac – For Relieving Nausea And Vomiting      

Ipecac is considered the best natural homeopathic remedy for providing relief from nausea and vomiting. It can be used for persistent nausea and vomiting during Chikungunya Fever. Homeopathic medicine Ipecac always shows its worth in providing relief from nausea and vomiting. The tongue is usually found to be almost clean in most cases.

11. Euphrasia – For Managing Conjunctivitis

Euphrasia is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for managing conjunctivitis in a person with chikungunya infection. The symptoms of redness, watering, burning, itching in eyes get relieved by using Euphrasia.

Cause And Transmission Of Chikungunya

Chikungunya is caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). It is transmitted to humans via bite from mosquito of aedes genus – Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti which are already infected with this virus. Such mosquitoes contract this virus when they bite a human being who has this virus in his blood. It can also spread by coming in contact with blood of infected person. It can also spread from a pregnant mother having chikungunya infection to the baby.

What Are The Symptoms Of Chikungunya?

The symptoms of Chikungunya viral infection start to appear around 3 to 7 days after mosquito biteRecovery usually occurs in about a week or two but joint pains may linger on for long in some. The symptoms are as follows:

Most common symptoms are:

1.High fever above 102°F : The fever in Chikungunya infection usually subsides within three to four days

2. Joint pains: These occur in more than 85% of the cases. Multiple joints get affected here. Joint pain is symmetrical means if one joint wrist is affected on one side, then same joint on other side gets affected as well. The joints may also show swelling and stiffness. The joint pains continue for weeks, few months and even years in a few persons (approx. 40 % of persons) having this infection. This is then referred as Chronic Chikungunya Arthritis.

Other symptoms are as follows:

1. Rash on skin:In about 50% cases, the rash appears on the skin. The rash is red at times with small bumps. The rash may be localised to one body part or it may affect even 90% of body skin.

2. Headache, muscle pain, fatigue

3. Sometimes there may be abdomen pain, nausea, vomiting, conjunctivitis (inflamed conjunctiva – membrane that covers white of eyes and eyelids) and backache.

What Are Its Complications?

In most cases, no complications arise but in some cases, they may arise. Those at risk are persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, elderly people, young children. The complications include inflammation in various body parts like inflammation in liver (hepatitis), inflammation of kidneys (nephritis), inflamed retina of eyes or uveitis (inflammation of middle layer of eyewall), inflammation of spinal cord / membranes of brain.  A complication may arise in the form of bleeding from any body part,  cranial nerves function loss and Guillain barre syndrome (an autoimmune disorder affecting nervous system beginning with weakness in feet / lower legs usually that spread up that may progress to paralysis) .

Diagnosis of Chikungunya

1. The main recommended test is Serological test ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays) to rule IgM and IgG antibodies to chikungunya virus. It is a blood test. In chikungunya fever IgM antibodies can be detected 3 to 4 days following symptom start and remain for 3 to 4 months. IgG antibodies are detectable 6 to 7 days post symptom onset and persist for many years.

2. Virological test: RT-PCR(reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction). It is a rapid method to detect chikungunya virus in blood.

3. In addition to the above, in CBC (complete blood count) lymphocyte count is found to be less.

Chikungunya Vs Dengue Fever

Both Chikungunya and Dengue are viral infections transmitted to human beings by bite of an infected mosquito of Aedes genus. But dengue is a much serious infection and can turn fatal if not treated carefully and timely, while chikungunya is not usually fatal and a person recovers in a week or two. In both these infections, high fever and joint pains are prominent but in dengue, pain behind eye is highly characteristic. Additionally, in dengue, bleeding from various body parts like under skin from the nose, gums, rectum can occur if the platelets get lowered (called dengue hemorrhagic fever) which usually is not the case with chikungunya. As both Chikungunya and Dengue have common symptoms of high fever and joint pain in the initial phase, so confirmed diagnosis cannot be made alone on symptom picture and blood tests are required to confirm whether it is dengue or chikungunya.

Preventive Tips

1. The best preventive tip to prevent chikungunya infection is to prevent a mosquito bite.

2. Control mosquito breeding.

3. Wear full sleeves clothes and clothes that cover the entire legs when going outside.

4. Throw away unused containers holding water. Properly clean the necessary water-holding containers regularly and keep them covered.

5. Use insect repellants that have DEET or picaridin.

6. Use mosquito net to prevent mosquito bites.



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Homeopathic Medicines for Dengue Prevention

Dengue Fever triggers an instant scare, and rightly so. It’s a viral fever that spreads by the bite of female mosquitoes of Aedes genus mainly Aedes aegypti which is itself infected with dengue virus. The mosquito gets dengue virus on biting a person carrying dengue virus in his/ her blood. It is also known as ‘break bone fever’. Dengue fever can range from mild to severe. Severe dengue fever can be life-threatening and needs to be urgently treated at a hospital. In any case of dengue fever, one needs to be vigilant regarding the signs and symptoms and if any warning signs of severe form come up, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment without any delay.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for dengue fever are very effective. Eupatorium Perfoliatum leads the chart of homeopathic medicine to manage dengue fever. These medicines are made of natural substances, are completely safe with no side effects and have shown effective cure in treating thousands of dengue cases. These medicines can be considered in mild to moderate cases under the supervision of homeopathic physician. In no case self- medication be done. In case of severe cases/dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome immediately rush to the hospital for emergency help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever

NotePlease note that Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic fever can turn into a critical life-threatening condition, hence should not be treated only with homeopathic medicines and they should only be considered as an additional help along with conventional mode of treatment. Hospital supervision of the patient is very essential.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

1. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – One Of The Best Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic physicians rank Eupatorium Perfoliatum as the best Homeopathic medicine for Dengue Fever. It is undoubtedly the first medicine to be used in dengue fever cases. The characteristic feature to use it is severe muscle, bone and joint pains with high fever. This medicine is also popularly known as ‘bone set’ as it brings about the quickest relief in severe bone and joint pains in fever. The pain can be present in any bone or it may generally be felt in the whole body. In general body ache, it feels as if the whole body is broken. Apart from relieving joint pains, it is also very beneficial if there is severe pain in the eyeballs caused by dengue fever. It helps in recovering from headache with nausea and vomiting too. The headache is present mostly on the top (vertex) of head. Mainly the patients requiring this remedy for Dengue have severe chill with shivering and severe body pains. After the chill is over, vomiting occurs. In majority of the cases, sweat brings relief in all the symptoms, with the exception of pain in head. Weakness, tiredness may attend above symptoms.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum as a preventive homeopathic medicine for dengue

Although there is no concrete research on the role of Eupatorium Perfoliatum as preventive homeopathic medicine for dengue fever, it is widely used as a prophylaxis for dengue. It is used as its usage is in accordance with homeopathic laws of prophylaxis (Laws stated in homeopathic philosophy suggest that the homeopathic medicine that is closest in symptom-match to the symptoms of an outbreak of a disease can be used as a prophylaxis). The homeopathic medicine which closely matches the symptoms of dengue outbreak is Eupatorium Perfoliatum. It can be used in 30C potency twice daily during an outbreak of dengue fever.

2. Bryonia Alba – To Manage Fever And Muscle / Joint Pains

Bryonia Alba is of great help in providing relief from muscle/ joint pains in dengue fever. This medicine offers the best help when there is worsening of pains by any movement even in the least degree. Complete rest gives relief from pain. There is fever with marked chills. With chills, there is heat in the head.  Extreme thirst for water with a dry mouth may be felt along with this specific feature.

3. Rhus Tox – To Relieve Pain (Muscle, Bone, Joint Pains)

Rhus Tox is another highly recommended medicine to relieve pain in body during fever. It works best when muscle bone or joint pains get worse from rest and are better from movement. There is fever with alternating heat and chill stage. There occur burning heat in body followed by chills and shivering.

4. Gelsemium – For Dengue Fever With Weakness And Prostration

Gelsemium is the best for dengue fever patients who experience utmost weakness and prostration. A state of dullness, dizziness and drowsiness is the perfect description to select gelsemium. The patients needing it seem lethargic and have a desire to lie down in perfect silence without any disturbance. He or she also wants to be quiet and dislikes conversation. The patient experiences shaking chills which is most typically marked in the back and travels up and down the back. Another feature is headache with heaviness of eyes. The headache is mainly present in the back of the head that in most cases travels up to the forehead and eyes. There is also an absence of thirst in majority of cases. Muscle pains may attend above symptoms.

5. Belladonna – To Manage Headache, Pain Behind Eyes And Fever With Marked Heat

Belladonna is the best choice to manage headache. In cases needing it, though pain may be felt in any part of the head but is mostly marked on the sides of head (temples). For using Belladonna, the pain is very violent, and throbbing in nature. Tight binding of the head provides relief. It is also helpful in relieving pain behind the eyes. During fever, there is intense heat in body with red flushed face and lack of thirst.

6. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness And Fever

Arsenic Album is an ideal homeopathic medicine to manage weakness during fever. Even standing and walking result in fatigue where this medicine is required. There is a need to lie down all the time because of tiredness. There may be internal chills in the body but the body is hot to touch from outside. Fever mostly comes at night and is attended with marked anxiety and restlessness. There is thirst for little quantity of water at very small intervals. Arsenic can also be given for managing nausea and vomiting. Nausea gets worse by the smell or sight of food and vomiting gets worse from eating or drinking anything.

7. Ipecac – To Manage Nausea And Vomiting

For relieving nausea and vomiting, Ipecac can be used as a first medicine. It is of great help when there is persistent nausea and vomiting. Nausea does not get better even after vomiting. There is vomiting of watery fluid, along with cutting pain in abdomen.

8. Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Although there are certain homeopathic medicines to manage bleeding in dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is strictly advised to take urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment in such cases as this condition can be life-threatening and may need urgent hospitalization. For help to manage bleeding, homeopathic medicines can be used along with conventional treatment and should not be in any case considered as a substitute treatment to conventional mode. The main homeopathic medicines that can help in dengue hemorrhagic fever are Hamamelis and China.

Hamamelis is a brilliant medicine to manage bleeding from any body part. It is indicated to manage bleeding under skin, from nose, gums, rectum, in urine, in vomitus. There is excessive exhaustion. China is equally important medicine to manage bleeding. It is of great help when there is profuse bleeding along with marked exhaustion. Debility and utmost prostration with hemorrhages is its main indication.

Symptoms Of Dengue fever

The symptoms start anytime between 4 days to 14 days after bite of an infected mosquito. However, in 80% cases no symptoms arise. Recovery occurs in three to seven days approximately in most cases. But it may develop into a severe disease known as dengue hemorrhagic fever/ dengue shock syndrome.

The main symptoms of dengue fever are:

1. Sudden onset High fever (over 104 degree F). Fever is saddleback (or biphasic) type means after the first peak of fever, subsidence of fever occurs for at least a day which is followed by a second peak of fever for a day or two.

2. Pain typically behind eye worsened by eye motion or pressure

3. Severe muscle, bone and joint pains

4. Severe headache

5. Nausea or vomiting

6. Skin rash: It is noted in about 50 % to 80% of the cases. Initially, skin appears red, flushed and later on a measles-like rash occurs.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

A few cases of dengue fever (around 1 in 20) progress to a serious disease called dengue hemorrhagic fever. It is a serious life-threatening condition needing emergency medical help in hospital. In this serious form, bleeding occurs from different body parts. It usually starts to happen in 24-48 hrs after fever has subsided. In such cases, the platelets (cells responsible for clotting of blood) in the blood significantly decrease leading to hemorrhages (bleeding).

The bleeding may be

1. Under the skin

-Petechiae – tiny bleeding points under skin

– Ecchymosis – blue or purple spots on skin from breaking of blood vessels near skin

– Purpura is similar to ecchymosis but lesions in it are small as compared to ecchymosis

2. From the nose (Epistaxis)

3. From gums

4. Vomiting of blood (Hematemesis)

5. Blood in stool

6. Blood in urine

Along with bleeding, severe abdomen pain and persistent vomiting, fatigue, restlessness, irritability can attend. Those having weak immunity and those having dengue infection for the second time are at a high risk to suffer dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Dengue Shock Syndrome

Like dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is also a serious life-threatening condition needing emergency medical help at hospital.

In case severe bleeding occurs, shock may develop with very low blood pressure, rapid or weak pulse with cold clammy skin and restlessness. It may eventually result in death. Such severe cases with shock are referred to as Dengue Shock Syndrome.

Cause of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus. A person gets this virus infection on being bitten by Aedes mosquito itself infected with dengue virus.

After the entry of dengue virus into the skin of the person, it enters white blood cells and starts reproduction. Certain proteins – cytokines and interferons – are produced by WBCs as a response to virus multiplication resulting in symptoms like fever and pains. If infection gets severe, virus multiplication increases rapidly and affects organs like liver and bone marrow. This may decrease the number of platelets required for blood clotting that may lead to bleeding from various body parts.

Dengue fever cannot pass directly from person to person like via direct skin contact. But one may get infection if they come in contact with infected blood.

In pregnant women, dengue virus can pass to the baby in womb.

There are five strains of dengue virus that can cause dengue fever. Getting infected by any dengue virus strain gives you lifetime immunity to that particular strain of dengue virus. But this does not nullify the chances of getting infected by rest of the strains of dengue virus. A person may suffer infection from all the five strains (only once with each of them) of dengue virus in his/her life. The chances of severe dengue rises on getting dengue fever more than once.


The complications include internal bleeding, seizures (fits), brain inflammation and damage, liver damage, lung damage, shock due to low blood pressure from excessive bleeding that if not promptly treated, can turn fatal.  In pregnant women having dengue infection, the dengue virus may pass to the baby in womb, it also increases the risk of miscarriage and the chance of low birth weight of baby and pre-term birth also increases.

Diagnostic Investigations

1. Dengue RNA PCR test:  It can detect dengue virus in early stage of infection and also help to detect the particular strain of dengue virus causing infection.

2. Viral antigen detection test – NS1 (named Dengue NS1 Antigen Test). NS1 means non structural protein 1. It can also detect virus in early infection stage and should be done within the first 5 days of appearance of symptoms.

3. Dengue serology – Dengue virus-specific antibodies IgG and IgM test.

Among these, IgM antibodies appear in early stage of infection and their detection while symptoms have already appeared indicates dengue infection. The presence of IgM antibodies cannot be detected one to three months after infection.

IgG antibodies detects infection in late stage as IgG levels increase slowly. It can be detected till over 60 yrs age or even through a lifetime indicating past infection.

4. Platelet count: This is lowered in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Normal platelet count is 1.5 lac to 4.5 lac/microliter of blood. Low platelet count is medically termed thrombocytopenia. In dengue cases platelet count may drop to as low as 20000 to 40000 / microliter of blood.

Prevention of Dengue Fever

1. The best possible way to prevent dengue fever is to prevent mosquito bites and control mosquito breeding.

2. Take measures to stop breeding of mosquitoes. Do not let water collect in any pot, can, old tyres or any other box as mosquitoes breed in standing water. Throw away any pots or boxes where rainwater can collect.

3. Keep windows and doors closed as far as possible to prevent mosquito entry in house.

4. When going out, wear full sleeves clothes, and clothes that cover legs and also wear socks.

5. Use mosquito repellents containing 20% to 30% of DEET.

6. Use of mosquito nets can be helpful.

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Vertigo and Dizziness making Life Unlivable ? Homeopathy has a treatment for it !

Homeopathic Remedies for Vertigo

If you experience the feeling that things around you are spinning, you may be suffering from vertigo. It’s a condition in which a person feels that he or she is moving or the things in the surrounding are in motion which is not so in reality. The person with vertigo may have difficulty maintaining balance while walking and standing. Improper imbalance can also result in falling. Nausea and vomiting may also accompany vertigo. With zero side effects and made of natural substances, homeopathic remedies for vertigo can be of great help in the treatment of vertigo. These medicines bring great improvement in vertigo cases by focusing on treating the root cause behind it.

Best Homeopathic Remedies For Vertigo

Homeopathy provides several remedies to treat Vertigo. The topmost among these are Conium, Gelsemium, Cocculus Indicus, Chininum Sulph, Belladonna, Bryonia and China.

1. Conium Top-Grade Medicine

Conium leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for managing vertigo. The persons needing it feels as if he/she is moving around in a circle. Worsening of vertigo from head movement is the key indication to use this medicine. It is one of the best medicines to deal with cases of BPPV (condition in which vertigo occurs from head movement). It is also well indicated when vertigo worsens from turning in bed. It works well when vertigo gets worse while rising from a seat or bed. Besides, its use is suggested when vertigo occurs while walking. There may be a tendency to fall sideways. Lastly, for elderly people who experience vertigo, Conium is very beneficial.

When and How to use Conium?

This medicine should be used as a first remedy in cases of vertigo especially one that worsens from head movement. Also, it should be given in BPPV cases in the first place. It can be used in varying potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. Most commonly it is used in 30C potency once or twice a day. To use high potencies, kindly consult a homeopathic physician.

2 . Gelsemium For Vertigo With Loss Of Balance

Gelsemium is a natural medicine prepared from the plant ‘yellow jasmine’. It is a very effective medicine when vertigo is accompanied by loss of balance. It poses difficulty in walking which causes staggering gait (unsteady walk as if drunk). Other than this, it is indicated when vertigo is attended with dim vision, double vision and heaviness of eyelids. In cases needing gelsenium, vertigo gets worse from walking mostly.

When and How to use Gelsemium?

Consider its use in cases where vertigo is accompanied by loss of balance while walking. It is usually given in 30C potency two to three times a day. Its higher potencies can be used only on homeopathic doctor’s advice.

3. Cocculus Indicus For Vertigo With Nausea, Vomiting

Cocculus Indicus is highly suitable medicine for vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it vertigo worsens while sitting up or standing. It is also a top-listed medicine for vertigo with nausea and vomiting during travelling. Besides, cocculus is an important medicine to manage vertigo worsening from loss of sleep. Besides, there is a sensation as if one will faint.

When and How to use Cocculus Indicus?

This medicine should be preferred in all cases where nausea and vomiting occurs along with vertigo. It is mainly recommended in 30C potency. It can be taken once or twice a day as per severity of complaint.

4. Chininum Sulph – For Vertigo In Cases Of Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease refers to a condition in which hearing loss, noises in ear (tinnitus) and vertigo occur. Chininum Sulph is of great help when there is vertigo with noises in ear. The noises can be buzzing, ringing or roaring in nature varying from case to case. The person needing it has difficulty in standing and frequently falls down. Vertigo mainly worsens on stooping. In some cases, vertigo is accompanied by headache.

When and How to use Chininum Sulph?

This medicine should be the first choice to manage vertigo in case of Meniere’s disease. From low to high potency it works well in all potencies. Initially, it is best to use 30C potency once a day or twice a day. In case no changes occur, one may use high potencies under the supervision of a homeopathic expert.

5. Belladonna – For Vertigo During Headache

Belladonna is a leading medicine for treating vertigo that occurs along with headache due to Cervical Spondylosis. In cases needing it, vertigo worsens from movement, when turning in bed. It may also increase while stooping and from rising from stooped position. A tendency to fall to the left side or backward may be present. The headache attends vertigo. Headache gets better by applying pressure or binding the head.

When and How to use Belladonna?

This medicine is best for vertigo attended by headache. This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of complaint.

6. Bryonia – For Vertigo In Case Of BPPV

BPVV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) refers to a condition in which vertigo appears on the movement of the head or changing the position of the head. Bryonia is an excellent medicine for BPVV other than Conium. It works well when vertigo appears from sudden motion of the head in any direction. It seems as if all objects are moving in a circle during vertigo. The Vertigo improves when the head is in an absolute rest position without even the slightest motion.

When and How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia can be used in cases in which vertigo triggers from the movement of head. Bryonia is mostly used in 30C potency. One may take it twice or thrice a day depending on the severity of problem.

7. China – For Vertigo Worse On Movement And Walking

China is an important medicine when vertigo worsens with movement and walking. The person needing it is unable to walk straight and staggers while walking. Vertigo is relieved by lying down. With vertigo, fainting spells may occur. A tendency to fall backward is mainly present.

When and How to use China?

Use of this medicine is highly applicable for cases of vertigo which worsens on movement and while walking. China 30C twice a day is an ideal dose to start with.

 Causes Behind Vertigo

1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): It is the most common cause behind vertigo. In this case, vertigo occurs from a sudden change in head position. For example, it may trigger from moving head up or down or turning in bed.  BPPV happens when calcium particles that are present in utricle move into semi-circular canal of inner ear that control balance. On head movement, these particles touch and stimulate the cilia (sensory hair cells via which the body’s balance and position information is signalled to brain) of these canals. Due to this, wrong information is processed about body’s position resulting in vertigo.

2. Labyrinthitis: Inflammation or infection of labyrinth which is part of inner ear

3. Vestibular neuritis: Inflammation of vestibular nerve that processes signal to brain about balance

4. Meniere’s disease: An inner ear disorder that causes triad of complaints including vertigo, tinnitus (noises in ear) and hearing loss.

5. Cholesteatoma: A cyst growing in middle ear behind the eardrum

6. Migraine headache: One-sided severe throbbing headache attended with nausea vomiting. Sensitivity to noise, light, odors can be there. Vertigo can also attend these symptoms.

7. Otosclerosis: Condition arising from abnormal bone growth in the middle ear

8. Ear surgery, head/neck injury, low blood pressure, certain medicines which damage ear for example diuretics, salicylates, aminoglycoside antibiotics and stroke (damage to brain from interrupted blood supply to brain)

What Symptoms May Accompany Vertigo?

Persons who have vertigo feel as if they are spinning or objects around them are moving or they are swaying or feeling unbalanced. They may have some other symptoms as well depending on the cause behind vertigo. These include nausea, vomiting, balance issues, headache, noises in ears (tinnitus), fullness sensation in ears, sweating and nystagmus (rapid, repetitive, involuntary eye movement).



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Homeopathic Treatment for Swollen Fingers And Its Causes

The swelling of fingers is a medical condition many of us tend to take lightly. It may simply be due to a high salt diet, wrong posture while sleeping, overuse of hands or may be a symptom of a disease.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers very effective management for cases of swollen fingers. Homeopathic medicines are safe and natural and help in managing swelling of fingers by working on the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected for managing swollen fingers based on the cause and individual symptoms varying from person to person. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only when swelling is mild to moderate and there is no serious cause behind it. In case of intense swelling, numbness in fingers, fever attending swelling, deformed fingers, inability to straighten the affected finger, a broken finger or a serious cause like pre-eclampsia (condition in pregnancy characterized by high BP), it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Swollen Fingers

1. Rhus Tox – Top grade medicine

It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing swelling in fingers, along with pain which is tearing type. Also, fingers may become stiff, crawling sensation in fingertips may attend. It is one of the best medicine for arthritis and tendinitis cases.

2. Bryonia – For Swelling, Heat, Pain In Fingers

It is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba having common name ‘white bryony’ and ‘wild hops’. This plant belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. It is well indicated when there is swelling, heat and pain in fingers. The fingers are puffy, sore (sensitive to touch) and painful especially on exertion. Warmth may help relieve pain.

3. Apis Mellifica – For Red, Swollen, Inflamed Fingers

It is the next prominent medicine for cases in which fingers are red, swollen and inflamed. Pain attends it which can be stinging, tensive or tearing in nature. Fingers are very tense and are burning hot. In some cases, there is sensation of numbness in fingers. It is a general medicine in homeopathy for managing bursitis, arthritis and paronychia cases.

4. Actaea Spicata – For Swelling That Worsens from the Slightest Fatigue

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of the plant Baneberry. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It gives extremely good results in relieving joint inflammation when small joints become painful and swollen.  Swelling in joints occurs from the slightest exertion.

5. Lithium Carb – For Swollen And Tender Finger Joints

It is beneficial for cases having swelling and tenderness of finger joints. In cases needing it, relief occurs by dipping hands in hot water. Itching on the sides of hands in some cases may be present.

6. Caulophyllum – For Finger Joint Swelling And Stiffness

This medicine is prepared from root of plant Caulophyllum Thalictroides commonly known as ‘blue cohosh’ and ‘squaw root’. It belongs to family Berberidaceae. It is an effective medicine when there is pain, swelling and stiffness in the finger joints.  The pain can be drawing or cutting type. Cutting pain in the joints may be felt while making a fist. Pain in fingers also cause irritation and restlessness at night.

7. Silicea – For Cases Of Swelling In Felon

Felon is the subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp.  

Felon is the subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp.

This medicine works well in cases of finger swelling from felon (subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp).  In cases needing it, there is marked swelling and throbbing pain in the finger. Swelling may extend to the wrist.  Itching may be felt, the finger is red too with collection of pus beneath skin. The affected area is sensitive to touch. Weakness may be present with the above symptoms.

8. Lycopodium – For Swelling And Nodes On Fingers Joints

It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family Lycopodiaceae. It is a useful medicine for persons who have swollen finger joints and the formation of nodes. The finger joints are red along with pain. The pain is mostly tearing in nature. This medicine is well-indicated for treating gout as well.

Different Causes Behind Swollen Fingers

1. First reason is arthritis (joint inflammation) that leads to swelling, pain and stiffness in the joints. Among various types of arthritis, the most common ones are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that primarily affects small joints and causes symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness, warmth in joints, and deformity in the long run. Osteoarthritis is a joint disorder that occurs from wear and tear of the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones. Commonly affected joints are of knees, hands, hips and spine. Gout is a form of arthritis that arises from increased uric acid levels in the blood. It results in redness, swelling and tenderness in the joints.

2. It may arise from an injury in the hand/fingers. It results in inflammation with signs and symptoms including swelling, pain, tenderness and redness in the hands, fingers or wrist. Other than this, break in the skin, bruising may be there with numbness or tingling sensation.

3. One of the most common reasons behind swollen fingers is fluid retention. Swelling occurs from the collection of excessive fluid in the tissues of fingers. There may be puffiness and bloating in the body. The most common reason for fluid retention is a high-salt diet. Lymphedema which occurs from blockage in the lymphatic system also leads to build-up of fluid in the hands, fingers, feet and toes. Along with this, the skin may get discolored and water-filled eruptions (blisters) may appear.

In persons suffering from Angioedema, fluid retention occurs under the skin mostly from an allergic reaction. Hives (a skin condition in which itchy, raised wheals appear on skin) may appear which cause itching. In angioedema, swelling usually occurs on the face but may also appear in fingers in some cases.

4. Tendonitis (inflamed tendons that are the tough bands that connect muscle to the bone) may also cause swelling in fingers which become tender and painful. Common tendonitis in the fingers includes trigger finger and De Quervain’s tendonitis.

Trigger finger

Trigger finger

Trigger finger refers to a condition in which there occurs sticking of one of the fingers in a bent position and the finger bends or straighten with a snap. De Quervain’s tendinitis is a condition that affects the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist. This mostly occurs from repetitive stress on these tendons from certain activities affecting these tendons, like writing.

De Quervain's tendinitis

De Quervain’s tendinitis

5. Another cause could be bursitis (inflammation of the bursa which are the fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints). Though it mostly affects the larger joints, it may also occur in finger joints resulting in pain and redness in fingers.

6. It may occur from heat and exercise. During exercise, more blood goes to heart, lungs and muscles and less of it flows to the hands. It may cause swelling in fingers. In case the body heats up, blood vessels in the skin swell for heat expulsion from the surface to cool down the body. It may also occur from sleeping in a particular position that leads to swelling in the hands and fingers.

7. An infection in the finger is yet another cause for it. Its signs and symptoms include swelling in fingers, a wound on fingers, pain and tenderness in the fingers and fever. Some of the infections include paronychia and felon. Paronychia is an infection around the nails where nail and skin meet and is caused by bacteria or fungus.  Felon is pus-filled infection in the fingertip.

8. Next reason is use of certain medicines, for example steroids, pain killers like aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, medicines used for treating diabetes and high blood pressure.

9. Hormonal changes occurring during menstruation and pregnancy may also result in swelling and bloating. Swelling in the hands and fingers occurs commonly as a part of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and is also common during pregnancy.

10. Another cause is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) which occurs from compression of the median nerve. In this case, sometimes fingers become swollen along with its major symptoms that include numbness, pain, tingling, burning and weakness in the thumb, index, middle finger and ring finger.

11. It may also occur in case of pre-eclampsia. It is a condition that may occur in late pregnancy with symptoms like headache, swelling on the face, weight gain, pain in abdomen, and vision changes. This condition requires urgent medical treatment.

12. Next cause is Raynaud’s disease. It is a rare condition affecting blood vessels in fingers and toes in which the vessels become narrow when exposed to cold and when a person is under stress.

13. Other causes are sickle cell disease (a rare genetic condition in which red blood cells become sickle-shaped which results in improper blood circulation in the body) and scleroderma (an autoimmune condition in which changes occur in the skin, in the connective tissues of the body and in other organs as well).

14. Lastly, it may occur in case of diabetes and tuberculosis.


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