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Treat Your Nasal Polyps with Homeopathic Medicines

Nasal polyps are soft growths arising from the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses. These growths are painless, freely movable and non-cancerous. Homeopathic medicines for nasal polyps help treat the polyps for the long term and can help avoid surgery.

Homeopathic Medicines for Nasal Polyps

Yes, Homeopathy can treat nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are considered a case for surgery under the conventional mode of medicine. However, Homeopathy offers an alternative by treating nasal polyps internally, without invasive procedures. Homeopathy treats the symptoms of nasal polyps as well as help shrink the nasal polyps. These medicines, which are both natural and safe, attack the disease at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes for complete treatment. Some top-rated medicines for treating nasal polyps are Teucrium Marum, Lemna Minor, Sanguinaria Nitricum, Allium Cepa, Kali Bichromicum, and Calcarea Carb.

1. Lemna Minor – Top Remedy for Nasal Polyps

Lemna Minor is one of the top grade medicines for nasal polyps. Lemna Minor works well where there is obstruction of nose and loss of smell from nasal polyps. A putrid smell in the nose may also be felt in some cases. Thick, yellow-white discharge from the nose is another attending feature. In some cases, mucopurulent nasal discharge is observed. In cases where nasal polyps worsen in wet weather too, Lemna Minor is the medicine to prescribe. It also treats swollen nasal turbinates very well.

2. Teucrium Marum – For Polyps with Nasal Blockage

Teucrium Marum is a most wonderful medicine for nasal polyps with marked nasal blockage. A unique symptom is obstruction of the side of the nose on which the person lies down. Loss of smell is also noted. Crawling sensation in the nose may arise. Teucrium Marum is also one of the best medicines for ozaena. Ozaena is chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa resulting in its atrophy.

3. Sanguinaria Nitricum and Kali Nitricum – For Right-sided Polyps

Sanguinaria Nitricum and Kali Nitricum are excellent medicines for right-sided nasal polyps. A person who needs a prescription of Sanguinaria Nitricum shows watery, nasal discharge or burning nature. Other features are pressure over the root of the nose, plugged sensation in nostrils, enlarged nasal turbinates, sneezing and yellow, bloody mucus discharge from the nose. The symptoms guiding the use of Kali Nitricum in addition to right-sided nasal polyps are coryza with nasal obstruction, sneezing, loss of smell and digging pain in nostrils.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Left-sided Nasal Polyps

Calcarea Carb is an extremely suitable medicine for left-sided nasal polyps. This prescription is given to persons who complain of a blocked nose on the left side. Other attending features are fetid smell and yellow discharge from the nose. In the morning, dryness in the nose may be felt. Sneezing, markedly in the morning time, may also attend. Persons given Calcarea Carb tend to catch a cold easily, with the slightest change in weather.

5. Allium Cepa – For Constant Sneezing in Nasal Polyps

In the case of nasal polyps with constant sneezing, Allium Cepa offers the perfect treatment. An attending feature is the watery discharge of burning, acrid nature from the nose. The nasal discharge corrodes the upper lips. Headache may also persist along with fluent coryza. Some feel there’s a lump at the root of the nose. Nose stoppage may also be observed.

6. Kali Bichromicum – For Post Nasal Discharge in Nasal Polyps Cases

For postnasal discharge in nasal polyps cases,  Kali Bichromicum is selected. The post nasal discharge is thick, lumpy, ropy in nature. It is attended with much hawking. Marked pressure at the root of the nose is complained of. A fetid smell from the nose is another concern. Violent sneezing in the morning time may accompany the above features. Kali Bichromicum is also a prominent medicine for treating nasal polyps from chronic sinusitis.

7. Phosphorus – For Bleeding Nasal Polyps

Phosphorus is a very effective medicine for nasal polyps that bleed easily. Apart from the bleeding, the condition is accompanied by coryza with dull headache and sneezing which worsens with strong odors. Blocked nose early in the morning is a sure sign that Phosphorus will work. Also, in cases where coryza and dryness of the nose alternate, Phosphorus is the best medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do you get nasal polyps; are there any risk factors that predispose one to this condition?

The exact cause of nasal polyps is not yet clear. However, risk factors like chronic nasal infection or inflammation, sinusitis, and nasal allergies play an important role in making one prone to nasal polyps. It needs mention here that not everyone with the above risk factors will develop nasal polyps even though they would be likely to develop the condition. Various other diseases that are associated with nasal polyps are asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic fungal sinusitis, and aspirin sensitivity.

2. How do I know I have nasal polyps?

There are several symptoms unique to nasal polyps, the most prominent among these being a stuffy nose. Other signs accompanying the nasal blockage include breathing through the mouth, loss or decrease of the sense of smell, snoring, post nasal drip, sneezing, runny nose, headache, feeling of pressure in the forehead. Polyps that are small in size show no symptoms at all.

3. What medical investigations do doctors propose for nasal polyps?

Investigations for nasal polyps include nasal endoscopy, CT scan or MRI. In addition to this, skin prick tests to detect allergic factor are also done.

4. What are the various types of nasal polyps?

There are two types of nasal polyps. These are antrochoanal polyps and ethmoidal polyps. The antrochoanal polyp arises from maxillary sinus and is single and unilateral (one-sided). The ethmoidal polyps are usually multiple, bilateral and arise from ethmoidal sinus, the middle turbinate lateral wall of the nose, mainly from the middle meatus.

5. Can sinusitis cause nasal polyps?

Yes, sinusitis i.e. inflamed mucous membrane of paranasal sinus can lead to nasal polyps. Sinusitis is one of the major risk factors behind nasal polyps. However, all cases of sinusitis do not lead to nasal polyps. Why only a few having sinusitis develop nasal polyps is still a matter of study.

6. Are nasal polyps related to allergies?

Yes, they are related to allergies. Recurrent nasal allergies cause inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose i.e. rhinitis or of the paranasal sinuses i.e. sinusitis. Both rhinitis and sinusitis put the person at a high risk of nasal polyps.

7. Is turbinate hypertrophy another name for nasal polyps?

No, nasal polyps and turbinate hypertrophy are not the same thing. Turbinates are the normal structures i.e. curled bones located bilaterally inside the nose. They play an important role in heating and filtering the inhaled air. While nasal polyps are soft, painless growths arising from the mucous lining of the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinus. However, the major risk factors for both turbinate hypertrophy and nasal polyps are recurrent nasal infections and nasal allergies.

8. Can nasal polyps be cancerous?

No, nasal polyps are not cancerous. They are benign growths.

9. Do nasal polyps bleed?

Yes, nasal polyps can bleed, but not in every case.

10. I snore at night, could it be from nasal polyps?

Snoring is a symptom of nasal polyps. But, snoring in isolation can be attributed to other causes as well. Few other causes of snoring include enlarged adenoids, deviated nasal septum, obesity leading to bulky throat tissue and elongated uvula. A CT scan or MRI will confirm whether the nasal polyps are causing snoring or other factors are in play.

11. Can nasal polyps affect my ability to smell?

Yes, nasal polyps do reduce a person’s ability to smell.

12. Can nasal polyps give me ear infection or affect my hearing?

Yes, there are chances of ear infection if a person has nasal polyps and hearing may be affected.

13. Can nasal sprays treat nasal polyps?

Nasal sprays only provide temporary relief in nasal symptoms from nasal polyps. However, complete treatment can only be obtained by treating the root cause with proper medicines.

14. My doctor has advised surgery for nasal polyps, is it safe to put it on hold and go for natural medicines?

Yes, it is absolutely safe to do so as nasal polyps are benign growths. Homeopathy acts at the root and in due course dissolve nasal polyps without having to go through any invasive procedures or surgery. Homeopathy initially controls the symptoms of nasal polyps. In time, the nasal polyps start to shrink in size and dissolve.

15. Can nasal polyps recur post surgery?

Yes, there are good chances of nasal polyps coming back after surgery. Surgery removes the nasal polyps not the root cause behind their origin. The nasal infections and allergies that cause nasal polyps are not addressed, so they tend to regrow. Homeopathy, on the other hand, will work on eradicating the root cause of nasal polyps and eventually dissolve them so they do not re-appear after surgery.

Managing Nasal Polyps

As much as finding the allergens that cause nasal polyps, avoiding these allergens that one is susceptible to are important. Staying away from irritants like dust, strong odors, cigarette smoking, and pollution will also help.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Molluscum Contagiosum

What is molluscum contagiosum?

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that causes small, painless, round, flesh coloured bumps on the skin. Molluscum contagiosum is very common among children aged 1 to 10 years, but can affect adults as well. Molluscum contagiosum is caused by pox virus called the molluscum contagiosum virus. It remains contagious until eruptions are gone.

How does molluscum contagiosum spread?

Molluscum contagiosum spreads via direct skin-to-skin contact, touching a surface or object contaminated with pox virus such as toys, towels, clothes. Molluscum contagiosum also spreads through sexual contact with a person infected with molluscum contagiosum virus. People with a weak immune system are at a higher risk of acquiring molluscum contagiosum infection.

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum

The eruptions in molluscum contagiosum are small, round, painless, pearly, flesh coloured papules. The papules have a dimple in the centre. The eruption could be between 1mm and 5mm in diameter. The most common site for molluscum contagiosum eruptions are the face, armpit, neck, arms and hands. In adults, the genitals, lower abdomen and inner thighs are involved if the infection is sexually transmitted. Itching and irritation in eruptions may be present. Scratching the eruptions leads to spread of virus to the nearby skin. Secondary bacterial infection may arise in the eruptions. The eruption usually disappears within 6 to 18 months. However, in immuno suppressed persons, the lesions may last as long as 4 to 5 years.

Homeopathic Treatment of Molluscum Contagiosum

Homeopathic medicines are very successful in treating viral skin infections, including molluscum contagiosum. Homeopathic medicines follow a very safe, mild and gentle approach to treat molluscum contagiosum. They hasten recovery and ensure good treatment. A major advantage of taking Homeopathic medicines in molluscum contagiosum is that they are curative rather than suppressive in nature. In addition to this, they are safe for use and have no related side effects. The most prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for treating molluscum contagiosum are Merc Sol, Natrum Mur, Silicea, Sulphur, Kali Iodatum and Thuja Occidentalis. The most appropriate Homeopathic medicine is selected based on a detailed study and analysis of symptoms in each case.


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Homeopathic Medicines for fallopian tube blockage

What are fallopian tubes?

Fallopian tubes are the part of the female reproductive system that connects the ovaries to uterus. The fallopian tubes – one on either side – are approximately 10cm in length and approximately 1cm in diameter. Each fallopian tube has three parts, named the infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus. Every month, the fallopian tubes transport an ovum from the ovary to the uterus. The lateral part of the fallopian tube, overlying the ovaries, is the infundibulum. The infundibulum has finger-like projections called fimbriae. The fimbriae help to pick up the eggs from the ovary. The part next to the infundibulum is the ampulla. The ampulla is the most common site for fertilization. Next to the ampulla is the isthmus, the part closest to the uterus.

Role of fallopian tubes in fertility

Every month, the ovary releases an ovum which is picked up by the fimbriae of the fallopian tube. The ovum enters the fallopian tube and remains there for around 12 to 24 hours. If it gets fertilized with the sperm, the process of fertilization is carried forward. If not, the unfertilized ovum gets shed, along with the uterine lining, as menstrual bleeding. Therefore, the fallopian tubes need to be patent or open for the ova to travel through them to unite with the sperm. In case the fallopian tubes are blocked for some reason, passage of the ovum along the fallopian tube is hindered, which in turn makes it impossible for the sperm to fuse with the ovum, resulting in infertility. Blocked fallopian tube is a major cause of infertility among women. A hysterosalpingogram is the diagnostic test conducted to rule out blockage in fallopian tubes.

Causes of fallopian tube blockage

The major cause of blockage in fallopian tubes could be pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), sexually transmitted diseases, endometriosis, adhesions in fallopian tube, pelvic tuberculosis, a history of abdomen or pelvic surgery.

Can Homeopathy treat blocked fallopian tubes?

Homeopathic medicines can treat partially blocked fallopian tubes, though results would vary from case to case. There is greater scope for treatment in cases where inflammation or infection is the cause of the blockage. However, homeopathy cannot treat cases of completely blocked fallopian tubes. Homeopathic medicines for treating blocked fallopian tubes are prescribed only after going through the complete, detailed case history. The case history would include the menstrual history, obstetric history and detail constitutional make-up of the person.  Any cause of fallopian tube blockage such as pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted disease, endometriosis is taken note of. Some majorly indicated Homeopathic medicines for treating blockage from salpingitis are Apis Mellifica, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Medorrhinum and Sepia. A choice among them is made only after complete evaluation of the case at hand. Self-medication must be strictly avoided. A Homeopathic physician should be consulted.


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Top Rated Homeopathic Medicines for Tics

Tics are sudden semi-voluntary repetitive twitches/movements or sounds involving distinct muscle groups. Tics are preceded by the build-up of some kind of tension in the body or sensation like itching/tingling that gets relieved only after a certain movement is performed. Tics can be suppressed with effort, but cannot be resisted. A suppression of tics is usually followed by bursting out of tics. On the huge list of Homeopathic medicines for tics, some well-recognized names are Agaricus Muscarius, Cuprum Met, Hyoscyamus Niger, Zincum Met, Argentum Nitricum and Veratrum album.    homeopathic medicines for tics

Classification of tics

Tics are classified into two major types – motor tics and phonic tics. Motor tics refer to movement-based tics while phonic tics are associated with sound production. Further, motor tics can be simple motor tics or complex motor tics. Similarly, phonic tics can be simple phonic tics or complex phonic tics. In simple tics, a single muscle group is involved, while in complex tics, more than one muscle group is involved. Some examples of simple motor tics include blinking the eye, shaking of the head, neck stretching, shoulder shrugging. Common complex motor tics include touching objects, facial grimacing, pulling at clothes, repeating an action and making obscene gestures. The examples of simple phonic tics include throat clearing, coughing, sniffing and grunting. Complex phonic tics include repeating one’s own words or words just spoken by someone else, saying obscene or socially unacceptable words.

Causes of tics

The exact cause of tics is not clearly understood. Tics often run in families. Intake of drugs such as cocaine may also lead to tics. Tics may increase from stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation and fatigue. Concentrating on performing a task decreases tics while relaxing may worsen them.

Homeopathic Medicines for Tics

Tics can be treated very effectively with medicines. In fact, Homeopathy medicines work wonders on both motor and phonic tics. There is no single homeopathy medicines for treating all types of tics. The ideal medicine is selected only after analyzing case details based on symptom presentation.

Agaricus Muscarius is indicated for tics such as blinking of eyes or twitching of the head.

Cuprum Met is helpful in treating eye twitching.

Hyoscyamus Niger is best suited for treating tics like making grimaces or ridiculous gestures and where a person is impelled to touch everything. Hyoscyamus Niger, on the other hand, is the best medicine for tics where the person makes obscene gestures, touches genitals, sings amourous songs.

Zincum Met is used to treat twitching in various muscles and where a person repeats everything said to him.

Argentum Nitricum will effectively treat cases where anxiety worsens tics.

Veratrum Album is prescribed for tics that cause a person to repeat actions over and over again. It must be noted that the above symptoms are mere guidelines. Several other factors need to be considered before any of these medicines are prescribed. Therefore, self-medication must be avoided at all cost. The medicines should be taken only in consultation of a physician.

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Top Rated Homeopathic Medicines for Itchy Eyes

What causes itchy eyes?

Itchy eyes, medically termed ocular pruritis, may arise from various causes such as allergies (from pollen, dust, animal dander), infections (conjunctivitis/ blepharitis) and wearing contact lenses. The case history of the patient needs to be studied in detail to identify the exact cause. Itchy eyes may be accompanied by various other related symptoms such as dryness of eyes, watering, redness, burning, pain in eyes and blurred vision.

Homeopathic treatment for itchy eyes

Homeopathic mode offers very effective treatment for itchy eyes. Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes are prescribed only after a detailed study of the individual’s case history. Dryness, watering, redness, pain, burning in eyes or blurred vision are some associated symptoms to look out for. Some top listed Homeopathic medicines for dry eyes include Euphrasia Officinalis, Belladonna, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Natrum Muriaticum and Aconitum Napellus. These medicines are natural and safe for use among all age groups.

Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes

Euphrasia Officinalis – One of the top rated Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes with discharge

Euphrasia Officinalis is classed among top rated Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes. Along with itching, discharge from the eyes is noted in such cases. The discharge is acrid, burning in nature. The eyes remain watery all day long. The person complains of the presence of sand-like grains in the eyes. Euphrasia Officinalis is also one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for treating conjunctivitis. Euphrasia efficiently treats hay fever with itchy watery eyes and watery nasal discharge as well.

Belladonna – One of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes that hurt 

In cases where itching is accompanied by pain in eyes, Belladonna is the most suitable among Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes. The pain may be throbbing or shooting in nature. Redness in conjunctiva and swelling of eyes may attend. Photophobia, especially from artificial light, is another accompanying feature.

Pulsatilla Nigricans – Excellent among Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes that burn

Pulsatilla Nigricans is one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes which also burn. Frequent rubbing of eyes is noted. Itching in eyes worsens in a warm room. In a few cases, acrid and copious watering from eyes is also observed. Other indicating features to use Pulsatilla Nigricans include thick, yellow eye discharges. Oversensitivity to light may also attend.

Natrum Muriaticum – Well indicated Homeopathic medicine for itchy eyes that are red and watery 

Where the major symptoms include redness and watering from eyes, Natrum Muriaticum would be the most appropriate choice among Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes. Along with this, burning pain in eyes may be felt. There may be a sensation of salt in eyes. Pain in eyes, especially on looking down, is another feature that may be observed. The eyelids may feel heavy. Natrum Muriaticum is also a well indicated Homeopathic medicine for blepharitis. Photophobia may attend.

Aconitum Napellus – Highly effective among Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes that are dry 

Aconitum Napellus is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for itchy eyes attended with dryness. Heat is felt in the eyes. Gritty sand-like sensation in eyes may persist. Other accompanying symptom is shooting pain in the eyeballs. The eyes may be red and inflamed. Aversion to light may attend.



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Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Proctitis

Inflammation of the lining of rectum is referred to as proctitis. Rectum is the terminal part of the large intestine. The rectum extends between the sigmoid colon and the anal canal. It is where the faeces are stored until they leave the body through the anus. Proctitits is the condition where the lining of the rectum gets inflamed. Proctitits may be acute or chronic in nature. Diagnosis of proctitis involves looking down the rectum with a proctoscope.

Causes of proctitis

The major among the various causes of proctitis are inflammatory bowel disease (crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), sexually transmitted infections in persons involved in anal intercourse (the sexually transmitted infections mainly include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes simplex virus 1 and 2), radiation therapy for cancer, trauma and antibiotics. In some cases, proctitis may arise idiopathically i.e. without any known cause.

Symptoms of proctitis

The symptoms of proctitis include a continuous urge to pass stool, feeling as if the bowels were not evacuated completely following bowel movements, fullness in the rectum, rectal bleeding, passage of mucus from rectum, irritation in the anus or rectum, pain in the rectum, pain in rectum while passing stool and left-sided abdomen pain. Due to bleeding, signs of anaemia may arise. These include weakness, pale skin, dizziness and shortness of breath.

Homeopathic treatment of proctitis

The Homeopathic mode offers wonderful treatment for proctitis. Homeopathic treatment of proctitis is based upon symptomatic presentation of the case. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for each case of proctitis. These medicines help reduce the inflammation of rectum and the associated symptoms in a very safe and gentle way, without any side effects. The most prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for proctitis are Aloe Socotrina, Nux Vomica, Merc Sol, Ratanhia and Nitric Acid. The ideal Homeopathic medicine is selected based on the symptoms that show up.

Homeopathic Medicines for Proctitis

Aloe Socotrina – Top grade Homeopathic medicine for proctitis

Aloe Socotrina is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for treating proctitis. The person needing Aloe Socotrina mainly complains of a constant bearing down in the rectum. Urgency to pass stool may be marked. The person rushes to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking. Involuntary passage of stool is observed in some cases. Along with this, burning in the rectum and anus may also be felt. Cold water application may provide relief from the burning. Soreness of anus may attend. Another accompanying symptom is passage of jelly-like mucus with stool.

Nux Vomica – Best Homeopathic medicine for proctitis with continuous, ineffectual urge to pass stool

Nux Vomica is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for proctitis cases where there is a continuous, ineffectual urge to pass stool. Persons needing Nux Vomica feel constant uneasiness in the rectum. However, scanty stool is passed each time. Sharp pain in the rectum may follow the passing of stool. The urge to pass stool renews soon after. Stool is unsatisfactory and there is always the feeling that some stool has remained in the rectum. Ineffectual urge to pass stool is most prominent.

Merc Sol – Reliable Homeopathic medicine for treating proctitis where blood and mucus accompany stool

For proctitis cases where blood and mucus accompany stool, Merc Sol is the most effective prescription. Burning and rawness at the anus may be present. Itching at anus is also noted in a few cases. Stools are frequent. Tenesmus of rectum is marked with a “never get done” feeling. Weakness after stool is also marked. In a few cases, a feeling faintness may arise. Chilly feeling may attend.

Ratanhia – Homeopathic medicine for proctitis with severe rectal pain while passing stool

Ratanhia is a well indicated Homeopathic medicine to treat proctitis with prominent pain in rectum while passing stool. In a majority of the cases, burning at anus is also present. Burning at anus may continue for long hours after passing stool. Knife-like stitching pain at the anus is also noted in a few cases. Another key feature deciding in favour of Homeopathic medicine Ratanhia as the best choice is sharp pain in the rectum as if from stepping on broken glass.

Nitric Acid – Effective Homeopathic medicine for proctitis with tearing pain in rectum on passing stool

Nitric Acid is the most suitable choice of Homeopathic medicine for proctitis cases where the person complains of tearing pain in the rectum on passing stool. It is also indicated for treating proctitis where there is cutting pain in rectum after passing stool. Bright bleeding from rectum may be present along with stool. In some cases, irritation or itching at the anus is also observed. Irritability and weakness after passing stool is another attending feature.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Icthyosis

What is icthyosis?

Icthyosis is a skin disease characterised by dry, flaky, scaly and thick skin. Icthyosis is a genetically inherited skin disorder in which dead skin cells get accumulated on the skin surface. The affected skin appears like that of fish, which is why it is also known as the fish skin disease. The disease starts in early childhood. The intensity of icthyosis varies from mild to severe.

Symptoms of icthyosis

Symptoms of Icthyosis include dry, thick, scaly skin. The scales may be white, brown or greyish in colour. Deep, painful cracks in the skin may also be observed. Icthyosis carries the risk of secondary infection from cracks and splits in the skin. Icthyosis complaint worsens in cold, dry environment. Humid and warm weather brings some relief.

Types of icthyosis

There are various types of icthyosis. These are:

Icthyosis vulgaris – The most common and mild form of icthyosis is icthyosis vulgaris. It is characterised by mild scaling and dryness of skin.

X-linked icthyosis – This type of icthyosis arises due to deficiency of steroid sulfatase enzyme and most commonly affects men. The scaliness is more prominent on the neck, trunk and lower limbs in this type.

Harlequin-type icthyosis – This is an extremely rare, but severe type of icthyosis that needs intensive care at birth. Babies born with Harlequin-type icthyosis have thick plates of skin separated with deep cracks. The deep cracks in the skin put these babies at risk of fatal infections.

Lamellar icthyosis – A rare skin disorder in which the babies are born with a shiny, waxy outer layer of skin. During the first few weeks, this layer dries and peels off revealing the scaliness on the skin.

Icthyosis hystrix – This is characterised by intense hyperkeratosis (thickening of the outermost layer of skin epidermis) and appears like spiny scales.

Homeopathic Medicines for Icthyosis

Homeopathic medicines have always shown the most excellent results in skin complaints. Homeopathy offers the most effective treatment for icthyosis as well.

Homeopathic medicines control dryness and scaliness of the skin in icthyosis. There are several advantages of using Homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines follow a curative approach to icthyosis and do not suppress symptoms. They take a mild, safe and gentle approach to treating icthyosis. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances and are, hence, free from adverse side effects.

Top rated among the wide range of Homeopathic medicines for treating icthyosis are Arsenic Iodatum, Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Petroleum, Kali Sulphuricum and Sepia Succus. The most appropriate Homeopathic medicine is selected after a detailed study and analysis of clinical and constitutional symptoms. Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Iodatum is best suited for icthyosis with marked exfoliation of large scales from the skin that leave behind a raw surface. Homeopathic medicine Hydrocotyle Asiatica is indicated for icthyosis with great thickening of skin and exfoliation of scales. Petroleum is most useful for icthyosis where the skin is rough, dry and thick, with the presence of cracks. Homeopathic medicine Kali Sulph is the best prescription for icthyosis with dry, flaky skin with prominent, yellow scales. In icthyosis cases attended with offensive skin odour, Homeopathic medicine Sepia Succus is prescribed.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Vitiligo

What is vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a disease characterised by white patches on the skin due to loss of skin pigment. The white patches in vitiligo have clearly defined, sharp margins. In addition to the skin, the hair may also start turning white. Cells called melanocytes present in the skin produce skin pigment melanin. In a person with vitiligo, the melanocyte cells either die or stop making melanin. This results in white patches on the skin.

Can Homeopathy treat vitiligo?

Homeopathic medicines treat vitiligo in a safe and effective manner, by moderating the overactive immune system. Homeopathic treatment of vitiligo takes a two-way approach: first, they stop further spread of the white patches; next, they work on re-pigmenting the white spots. Among the most effective Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo are – Baryta Carb, Baryta Mur, Calcarea Carb, Arsenic Album, Natrum Mur, Silicea, Merc Sol and Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum. The ideal Homeopathic medicine is selected as per the clinical and constitutional symptoms of the person.

What causes vitiligo?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease where the immune cells start to destroy the melanocyte cells – the pigment producing cells of the skin – out of a misdirected response. Having a positive family history of vitiligo puts a person at a higher risk of acquiring the disease. Stress, sunburn and chemicals may also trigger vitiligo.

Can vitiligo spread from one person to another via touch?

No, vitiligo does not spread from one person to another through touch.

I have white spots on my skin. Could it be vitiligo?

Vitiligo is one of the major conditions where white spots appear on the skin, but it is not the only condition with this symptom. White spots on the skin may also arise in conditions such as tinea versicolor, albinism, pityriasis alba, naevus depigmentosus, leprosy and lichen sclerosus. Further investigation is needed before a conclusive diagnosis can be made.

Which parts of the body can vitiligo affect?

Vitiligo can affect any body part, but in most cases, the hands, feet, face, arms and lips are initially involved.

What are the various patterns in which vitiligo appears?

Vitiligo mainly appears in three patterns. It could take the focal pattern, in which white spots are limited to one or a few areas of the body. Vitiligo may also be segmental, where white spots appear only on one side of the body. In generalised vitiligo, white spots appear symmetrically on both sides of the body.

At what age does vitiligo start?

Vitiligo can start at any age though it mostly begins in the 20 to 30 year age group.

I have had white spots on my hands for a few months. They have been diagnosed as vitiligo. What are the chances they will spread?

The course of spread of vitiligo cannot be predicted and varies from person to person. In some persons, vitiligo does not spread further and remains limited to the initial spots. While in others, it spreads to other parts of the body. In some persons vitiligo spots spread at a very fast pace while in others, it progresses slowly.

How much time does it take to recovery fully from vitiligo with Homeopathic medicines?

The effectiveness and duration of treatment vary from person to person, ranging from a couple of months to a year. The major factors that decide the duration of complete recovery in vitiligo are the extent of white spots, how long the spots have been there and the individual body response to Homeopathic medicines.

Can topical applications or ointments help treat vitiligo?

No, ointments don’t help in vitiligo. The cause of vitiligo is internal, not external. Therefore, any treatment for vitiligo must take an inside-out approach. Homeopathic medicines work internally by addressing the cause of vitiligo and moderating the overactive immune system.

Can avoiding certain foods heal or worsen vitiligo?

There is neither a specific food product that can cure vitiligo nor any foods that can worsen it. However, some suggest that citrus fruits, non-vegetarian food and milk products should be avoided in vitiligo. The claim, however, lacks supportive evidence.

What is the role of vitamin D in vitiligo?

Vitamin D plays a very significant role in vitiligo cases. Research shows that vitamin D3 supplements slow down progression of vitiligo. Intake of vitamin D supplements and medicines that moderate the overactive immune system collectively works to treat vitiligo.

Which Homeopathic medicines are prominently indicated for treating vitiligo?

Homeopathic medicines most prominently indicated for treating vitiligo include Baryta Carb, Baryta Mur, Calcarea Carb, Arsenic Album, Natrum Mur, Silicea, Merc Sol and Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum.

How is the best Homeopathic medicine for vitiligo selected?

Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines for treating vitiligo, but there is no one Homeopathic medicine for all vitiligo cases. The ideal Homeopathic medicine is selected based on the symptom presentation, after a detailed study and analysis of the constitution of the person and the clinical symptoms involved.

Homeopathic Medicines for Vitiligo

Baryta Carb and Baryta Mur – Well indicated Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo

Baryta Carb and Baryta Mur are well indicated Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo. Persons needing Baryta Carb will have white spots on the skin that may be attended with a crawling sensation. The prominent constitutional symptoms for prescribing Baryta Carb are timidity, dullness of mind, slowness and concentration difficulties. Homeopathic medicine Baryta Mur is useful in cases where the white spots are attended with pricking sensation, itching or burning on skin.

Calcarea Carb – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo in persons of fair, fatty and flabby constitution

In cases with fair, fatty and flabby constitution, Calcarea Carb is a very prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for vitiligo. Fears such as that of misfortune or disaster and even insanity may prevail in persons needing Calcarea Carb. Such persons may be worried about their responsibilities and duties. A high sensitivity to cold is often found among them. In relation to food, they may show a craving for eggs and indigestible things like chalk, clay and pencils.

Arsenic Album – Constitutional Homeopathic medicine for vitiligo in persons with marked anxiety

Arsenic Album is one of the most suitable Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo in those with an anxious personality. The person may be anxious over his health, future and other little things. This anxiety is attended with restlessness, both on the mental and physical plane. Fears such as fear of death, fear of contagious disease, fear of something happening to loved ones may be present along with anxieties. Persons requiring Arsenic Album are also highly fastidious in nature. They need order and tidiness in everything.

Natrum Mur – Top rated among Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo in persons with introvert disposition

To treat vitiligo in those with an introvert or reserved personality, Natrum Mur is the most appropriate Homeopathic medicine. Such persons are very sensitive by nature. They have a tendency to weep. They often weep alone. They are averse to consolation, which worsens their mental state. A history of grief is often found in such instances. Persons needing Natrum Mur may dwell on past, unpleasant memories.

Silicea – One of the top Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo in persons who are obstinate

Silicea is another excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating vitiligo, often prescribed to persons who are obstinate in nature. Other attending constitutional symptoms include low confidence levels, fear of public speaking, fear of failure and a sensitive disposition. Irritability, timidity and nervousness are other personality traits in such persons. Offensive foot sweat may also be noted.

Merc Sol and Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum – Wonderful Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo with sweat

Merc Sol and Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum are wonderful Homeopathic medicines for treating vitiligo where the white spots on skin are attended with sweat. The sweat may be offensive in nature. Homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum is indicated where the white spots are attended with dry skin. Cracks on the skin may be observed. Itchiness may be present along with dryness and cracks on the skin.

What lifestyle changes can be adopted to better manage vitiligo?

Lifestyle measures such as managing stress, taking enough sleep and adequate exposure to sunlight can go a long way in managing vitiligo. Along with this, adequate vitamin D levels should be maintained through exposure to sun, taking proper diet or supplements.


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Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Ptosis

Drooping of the upper eyelids is known as ptosis. Ptosis is not a disease, but a symptom arising from various conditions. Ptosis can be one sided (unilateral) or affect both sides (bilateral). Ptosis can be congenital (one can be born with ptosis) or acquired (ptosis develops later in life). Homeopathic remedies for ptosis can bring improvement depending on factors like the duration of ptosis, the intensity of ptosis (mild, moderate or severe degree) and the body’s individual response.  homeopathic remedies for ptosis

Ptosis arises mainly from one of the three reasons that include – a weakness of muscles involved in raising the eyelid, damage to the nerve that supplies eyelid muscles or swelling of the lid. Levator palpebrae superioris and superior tarsal are the two muscles weakness in which causes ptosis. Nerve damage affects the oculomotor nerve. If not treated well in time, ptosis may lead to amblyopia (lazy eye) or astigmatism.

Homeopathic Remedies for Ptosis

Ptosis can be treated wonderfully well with Homeopathy. However, the prescription varies. The ideal medicine is selected as per the individual symptom presentation. Homeopathy treats ptosis by strengthening the muscles of the eyelids. Some prominent medicines for ptosis include Alumina, Rhus Tox, Kali Phosphoricum, Plumbum Metallicum, Causticum, Gelsemium sempervirens, and Ledum Palustre.

Among these, Alumina and Rhus Tox are well indicated for right-sided ptosis. Kali Phosphoricum and Plumbum Metallicum are excellent for ptosis of left side. Causticum works well for ptosis arising on either side. Gelsemium Sempervirens is the ideal choice of medicine for ptosis from resulting from exhaustion. Last but not least, Ledum Palustre serves best in treating ptosis arising after injury.

Types of Ptosis

The major types of ptosis include – myogenic ptosis, neurogenic ptosis, aponeurotic ptosis, mechanical ptosis, traumatic ptosis and neurotoxic ptosis.

Myogenic ptosis arises from muscle weakness from a systemic disorder. The main causes of myogenic ptosis are myasthenia gravis, myotonic dystrophy, and oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy.

Neurogenic ptosis arises from a problem in the nerve pathway controlling movement of the eyelid muscles. The major causes for neurogenic ptosis include oculomotor nerve palsy and Horner’s syndrome.

Aponeurotic ptosis, also known as senile ptosis, is majorly seen in elderly people from overstretching of eyelid muscle.

Mechanical ptosis arises from edema or tumor of the upper eyelid.

Traumatic ptosis arises from trauma to the eyelid.

Neurotoxic ptosis is mainly caused by snake bites including cobra, kraits and taipans. Neurotoxic ptosis is a medical emergency.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Recurrent/Habitual Abortion, Threatened Abortion

What is abortion?

Abortion refers to expulsion of the fetus from uterus before the 20th week of gestation. When abortion occurs spontaneously, it is referred to as spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding occurring during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is referred to as threatened abortion. Bleeding varies from light spotting to heavy bleeding. This may or may not be attended with abdominal pain. Recurrent or habitual abortion refers to three or more spontaneous abortions occurring one after the other without any intervening pregnancy.

Risk factors for recurrent/habitual abortion, threatened abortion

The risk factors that predispose a woman to threatened abortion are age above 35 years, abdominal trauma, bacterial/viral infection during pregnancy, chromosomal abnormalities, multiple pregnancy (pregnancy with more than one fetus), growths in uterus like fibroids, problems with placenta, smoking. The various factors that predispose one to repeated abortion are malformation of uterus, cervical incompetence, hormone disorders including hypothyroidism, PCOS, diabetes mellitus, chromosomal disorders, endometritis, infections such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, coxsackie virus and measles. In addition, lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol and drugs intake also put women at a high risk of repeated abortion.

Homeopathy can treat tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion, threatened abortion

Homeopathy is a highly advanced science known to effectively treat many gynaecological and obstetric conditions. Homeopathy remains very successful in treating the tendency towards recurrent abortion and threatened abortion. Homeopathic medicines to treat these conditions are prescribed based on the individual symptom presentation. Each case and its symptoms are studied in detail before a prescription is decided. The month during which miscarriage occurred previously, the character of bleeding, accompanying pains, menstrual history are noted down. In case of threatened abortion, a gynecologist should be consulted while Homeopathic medicines play a supportive role. Homeopathic medicines to treat recurrent and threatened abortion should always be taken only after consulting a qualified Homeopathic physician. Self medication should be avoided at all cost.

Homeopathic Medicines for Tendency Towards Recurrent/Habitual Abortion, Threatened Abortion

Caulophyllum Thalictroides and Helonias Dioica – Effective Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion from uterine weakness

Caulophyllum Thalictroides and Helonias Dioica are top grade Homeopathic medicines for treating tendency towards repeated/habitual abortion from uterine weakness. Caulophyllum Thalictroides will work best where there is a tendency towards habitual abortion from uterine weakness and uterine atony. History of leucorrhea of acrid nature may also be present. Helonias Dioica will best treat habitual abortion where the uterus is weak, with a feeling of weight and soreness in the womb. During abortion, bleeding of dark, foul blood is present. Dragging in the pelvis may be observed. Other attending features include exhaustion, profound sadness and irritability.

Viburnum Opulus – Top rated among Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in early months (first to third month)

Viburnum Opulus is one of the very significant Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in the early months, i.e. between the first three months. Cramping pain in the uterus, which extends down the thighs, is observed. Women who need Viburnum Opulus may also have a history of late and scanty menses. The menses last for a few hours only. Offensiveness in menses is noted. History of leucorrhea of thick, white nature, often blood streaked, may also be present.

Sabina Officinalis and Secale Cornutum – Best Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in third month

Sabina Offcinalis and Secale Cornutum are significant Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion occurring in the third month. Miscarriage is accompanied by bright blood mixed with clots. Along with this, pain from sacrum to pubis during bleeding is present. Women who need Secale Cornutum have a history of recurrent miscarriage with dark or blackish bleeding. There may also be history of brownish, offensive leucorrhea. Women prescribed Secale Cornutum have thin, cachetic and feeble constitution.

Apis Mellifica – One of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in fourth month

Apis Mellifica is the most suitable among Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in the fourth month. Bleeding during abortion in the fourth month, with soreness and tenderness in the womb, is a sign Apis Mellifica will aid recovery. This medicine is also useful where there is a history of ovarian cyst with stinging pains. Case history will reveal short and scanty periods. Acrid, green leucorrhea at some point in the past may also be observed.

Kali Carb – Homeopathic medicine for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion at 5 months

Kali Carb is one of the most prominent Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion at 5 months. The symptoms narrated by women during such abortions include bleeding with back pain radiating down the hips and thighs. Kali Carb will also show great results in treating weakness arising from the miscarriage.

Sepia Succus – One of the most reliable Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion arising in the sixth or seventh month

Sepia Succus is a well indicated Homeopathic medicine for treating the tendency towards repeated abortion occurring at 6 or 7 months. Abortion in the sixth or seventh month with bearing down pain in the uterus is a prominent symptom that decides on Sepia Succus as the best medicine. In a few cases, griping or burning pain in the uterus may be observed. Case study will reveal irregular menses, yellow/green leucorrhea and uterine fibroids.

Ferrum Metallicum – Homeopathic medicine for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion at the end of eighth month

Ferrum Met is very useful among Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion occurring at the end of the eighth month. Women who need Ferrum Met will have a history of previous abortions with pale blood and shooting or labour-like pain in the uterus. Profound weakness and anaemia may also be observed among women who need Ferrum Metallicum.

Ferrum Met and Trillium Pendulum – Top Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in anaemic women

Anaemic women having a tendency towards repeated abortion will benefit greatly from Homeopathic medicines Ferrum Met and Trillium Pendulum. Ferrum Met is useful where women have had many miscarriages with pale and watery bleeding. This is attended with labour-like pains in abdomen and small of the back. Trillium Pendulum is the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in anaemic women who have had early miscarriages with gushing bright blood. The bleeding worsens with the slightest movement. The bleeding is attended with pain in the hips and back.

Arnica Montana, Erigeron, Crocus Sativus, Sabina Officinalis – Significant Homeopathic medicines for treating threatened abortion

Arnica Montana is one of the well indicated Homeopathic medicines for treating threatened abortion from trauma, falls or injuries. Erigeron is considered when there is threatened abortion from exertion. Crocus Sativus will best treat threatened abortion with dark and stringy blood. Sabina Offcinalis shows best results in case of threatened abortion with marked pain from sacrum to pubes.


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