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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Pyorrhea

Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, is inflammation and destruction of the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth. Periodontitis mainly begins with gingivitis. Gingivitis refers to inflammation of gums as a result of plaque formation due to poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis, when left untreated, leads to periodontitis. Homeopathic medicines for  pyorrhea  help  provide  symptomatic  relief. Homeopathic Medicines for Pyorrhea

Gingivitis is a milder form of the disease and in gingivitis, no irreversible changes take place. However, persistent gingivitis leads to the formation of deep pockets between the gums and teeth. These pockets get filled with plaque and bacteria over time and start to damage the tissue and bone surrounding and supporting the teeth. Eventually, the teeth lose their grip and fall off.

Symptoms of Pyorrhea

Symptoms of pyorrhea include swollen gums, pain, and tenderness of gums, red/purple gums, bleeding gums, spitting of blood after brushing, bad breath, metallic taste in the mouth, receding gums and loose teeth in sockets.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pyorrhea

Homeopathy has shown wonderful results in dental diseases, including pyorrhea. There is a huge list of medicines for pyorrhea. These medicines bring symptomatic relief. The most suitable medicine is selected based on the individual case presentation. These medicines are natural and therefore, safe from any adverse side-effects. Merc Sol, Carbo Veg, Kreosotum, Phosphorous and Lachesis are the top remedies for pyorrhea.

1. Merc Sol – Top Grade Medicine for Pyorrhea

Merc Sol is considered one of the top listed medicines for pyorrhea. The symptoms indicating the use of Merc Sol are very swollen, tender and bleeding gums. The gums may be bluish red in colour. Accompanying symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth and offensive breath. An increase in saliva may also be noted. Few persons may also complain of loosening of teeth in the sockets. In all such instances, Merc Sol works wonders as one of the most effective medicines for pyorrhea.

2. Carbo Veg – For Pyorrhea where Brushing Teeth makes Gums Bleed

Carb Veg is one of the most excellent medicines for pyorrhea, especially recommended in cases where the gums show a tendency to bleed on cleaning the teeth. These gums have usually receded and are somewhat blackish in appearance. These symptoms are attended with a toothache. This toothache gets worse when chewing food. A bitter, sour taste in the mouth may be complained of in such cases where Carbo Veg will show remarkable results as the choice of medicines for pyorrhea.

3. Kreosotum – For Pyorrhea with Putrid Mouth Odor

Kreosotum is known for its effective positive action on teeth and its surrounding, supporting structures in pyorrhea cases. Kreosotum is best recommended where the symptoms include bluish, puffy gums with an intensely putrid odour from the mouth. Bleeding of dark blood from the gums is another key symptom to look out for prescription of Kreosotum as the best choice among medicines for pyorrhea. The tooth may be dark, decayed or crumbly in such cases.

4. Phosphorus – For Pyorrhea with easily Bleeding Gums

Another medicine placed prominently on the list of medicines for pyorrhea is Phosphorus. It offers help in pyorrhea cases where the gums bleed easily. Phosphorus is an anti-hemorrhagic medicine. Along with bleeding, soreness and pain in gums are noted in such cases. The pain in gums gets worse from both heat and cold.  Pain in the teeth may also arise along with the pain in gums.

5. Lachesis – For Pyorrhea with Swollen Cheeks

Lachesis is considered the most suitable among medicines for pyorrhea when attended with swollen cheeks. The gums appear dark purple and highly swollen. This is accompanied by burning in the mouth. Peppery or coppery taste in the mouth is another unique symptom. Pain in the teeth often extends to the ears in such cases where Lachesis will aid the fastest recovery among medicines for pyorrhea with these symptoms.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Dark Circle Under the Eyes

Homeopathic Remedies for Dark Circles around or under eyes

Dark Circles around or under eyes is an indication of ill-health. There are no clear-cut reasons why dark rings ranging from bluish to blackish colour appear around or under the eyes. There are, however, various factors that are linked to appearance of Dark Circles. The first factor is that this condition runs in families or is hereditary. The second common factor is sleep deprivation and fatigue. Stress too can lead to Dark Circles. Dark Circles also appear as a normal part of the ageing process. Other factors associated with Dark Circles include allergy, eczema with itching, scratching or rubbing of eyes, anemia, and in rare cases, it may point towards liver troubles. Homeopathy has a very effective treatment for Dark Circles. The natural Homeopathic remedies for dark circles are completely safe with no side effects and they work to eliminate the root cause of Dark Circles.

Homeopathic treatment for Dark Circles

Homeopathic mode is of great help in treating Dark Circles. The treatment is possible with natural Homeopathic medicines without any external applications. The Homeopathic medicines are recommended after looking at every individual case and taking into account any associated factor linked with Dark Circles and the symptoms. Homeopathic treatment for dark circles can work wonders in treating Dark Circle cases, but the time it takes to do away with Dark Circles varies for each individual. It takes a longer time to treat Dark Circles in persons who have had these since long than those who have seen the emergence of Dark Circles not so long ago.

Top Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles

Phosphoric Acid: Best natural Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles due to fatigue 

Phosphoric Acid is the top Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles around or below eyes due to fatigue. The eyes are surrounded with bluish rings. The person needing Phosphoric Acid is very weak. If the weakness shows in both the physical and mental planes, Phosphoric Acid is the natural Homeopathic medicine. The face of such a person appears pale and the eyes are surrounded by bluish rings. The person also looks very tired and fatigued. Weakness arising out of sexual excesses is also included as a causative factor. A history of mental grief associated with Dark Circles often suggests the use of Homeopathic remedy Phosphoric Acid. The person shows a marked weariness and is exhausted either mentally or physically or both. The combination of two hallmark symptoms suggesting the use of Homeopathic remedy Phosphoric Acid is marked weakness and Dark Circles around eyes.

Ferrum Met: Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles linked to anemia

Ferrum Met is a natural Homeopathic remedy for a variety of conditions troubling a person with anemia. Anemia is referred to the lack of blood in the body. Consequent to lack of blood in body, the oxygenation in body tissue is decreased, leading to a number of symptoms and Dark Circles is one of them. The face appears pale in anemic conditions and the veins under the eyes stand dominantly with a bluish appearance. Ferrum Met is very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for anemic patients suffering from various disorders. The issue of Dark Circles around eyes is best solved with the use of Ferrum Met and this Homeopathic remedy can be safely used when Dark Circlesare linked to anemia. The face gives a pale appearance with prominent Dark Circles around the eyes. General weakness due to decreased blood is also noted in most persons requiring Ferrum Met.

Cina: Homeopathic medicine for Dark Circles in children

Cina is the most popular natural Homeopathic medicine because of its frequent use in a variety of troubles faced by children. Even for Dark Circles appearing in children, Cina is very beneficial. Cina is a wonderful Homeopathic remedy for children who have Dark Circles around their eyes. Majority of children needing this Homeopathic medicine show a marked irritability in their nature. They are very cross and obstinate. They desire various kinds of things and will not rest and let others rest till their demands are met. This marked irritability and obstinacy reaches the utmost levels along with the appearance of Dark Circles. Another complaint that can be present in children with dark rings is worm infestation. In children with worms, weakness and anemic condition are common. Such children remain weak in spite of having a good appetite. The food taken by them serves as meals for the worms, which do not allow the children to gain weight and make them weak. The weakness is also reflected in the face with its pale appearance and dark circles. Homeopathic medicine Cina should always be considered as a first line of treatment in cases of Dark Circles in children.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles around the eyes

For dealing with Dark Circles around the eyes, the best natural Homeopathic medicines are Berberis Vulgaris, Acetic Acid, Lycopodium and Natrum Carb. Berberis Vulgaris is of great help for treatment of blue rings around eyes when the cheeks are sunken and the face also gives a pale tint. The face appears sick. Acetic Acid is a good Homeopathic remedy when the face shows marks of weakness with a wax-like coating and eyes are surrounded with bluish circles. The eyes also appear sunken. Lycopodium is the ideal Homeopathic medicine if the face appears greyish yellow with bluish circles surrounding the eyes. Otherwise, Lycopodium is a commonly used remedy for gastric ailments. Natrum Carb is a good Homeopathic medicine when the eyes show swelling along with blue rings around eyes.

Homeopathic treatment for Dark Circles under the eyes

The natural Homeopathic medicines that treat Dark Circles below the eyes are Phosphorus, Ferrum Met and Sepia. Phosphorus is of great help to treat Dark Circles under the eyes with a pale face. The rings under eyes appear bluish with a sickly appearance of the face. Ferrum Met is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles under the eyes in persons who are suffering from anemia. Weakness also makes its appearance in persons needing Ferrum Met. Homeopathic medicine Sepia is usually prescribed for women who have dark rings under the eyes. Such women usually have some sort of history regarding irregularity in their menstrual cycle. They may also have black discoloration on cheeks and nose (Chloasma) in addition to Dark Circles below the eyes.

Homeopathic medicines for Dark Circles linked to anemia

Ferrum Met, China and Natrum Mur are the best natural Homeopathic remedies to treat Dark Circles in anemic patients. Ferrum Met is used in general when the face is pale with surrounding Dark Circles around the eyes. Homeopathic medicine China is used when dark rings around eyes have appeared due to anemia arising out of sudden blood loss. The blood loss may be from any part of body, either traumatic or due to some underlying tissue pathology in the body. Natrum Mur is the Homeopathic remedy when the face appears greasy and shiny with dominant dark rings around the eyes. The eyelids may also show swelling. Craving for salty things if noted should be considered a top rank symptom to select Natrum Mur over other remedies.

Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles due to stress

Kali Phos is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles due to stress. The person needing Homeopathic medicine Kali Phos is constantly in a worried state and is under depression with appearance of Dark Circles. Kali Phos is the top Homeopathic medicine that acts as a proper supplement for persons who are exhausted and stressed with dark rings.



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7 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Vaginal Candidiasis

Vaginal Candidiasis refers to the infection in the vagina caused by the fungus of Candida category, in most cases Candida Albicans. This fungus is normally present in the vagina but is almost harmless. However, when the immune system of a woman gets weak, this fungus multiplies and leads to symptoms. It is also known as a vaginal yeast infection or vaginal thrush. It leads to inflammation of vulva and vagina. The symptoms are itching in the vagina, discharge from the vagina that can be thick or thin but mostly white-looking like cottage cheese, pain or burning sensation while passing urine or during intercourse. Cracks in the vagina may also appear. Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for Vaginal Candidiasis. The natural Homeopathic remedies for vaginal candidiasis not only stop the fungus from flourishing in the vagina but also prevent the recurrence of Vaginal Candidiasis. Homeopathy medicines are completely safe with zero side effects.  Homeopathic Remedies for Vaginal Candidiasis

Vaginal Candidiasis can be very well controlled with Homeopathy remedies. The recurrence of Vaginal Candidiasis can also be prevented with suitable remedies. Homeopathy medicines, which are made from natural substances, help to extract the disease from its root by raising the body’s immunity. As the fungus growth gradually declines, the symptoms also disappear along with it.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Vaginal Candidiasis

Sepia, Calcarea Carb, Pulsatilla, Thuja, Nitric Acid, Monilia Albicans, Helonias, Kreosote, and Medorrhinum are the top remedies.

1. Sepia and Calcarea Carb: For Vaginal Candidiasis with Milky White Vaginal Discharge

Both Sepia and Calcarea Carb are top natural medicines for treating Vaginal Candidiasis where the vaginal discharge is milky white in color. The women needing Sepia complain of excessive itching, excoriation in the vulva and vagina along with milky white vaginal discharge. The itching is not relieved by scratching. There is soreness and swelling of the labia minora, vulva and vagina. Heat in genitals is also noted. Irritation and stitches in the vagina are also felt. Sepia is also the best prescription for pain in the vagina on coition due to Vaginal Candidiasis. It is a very beneficial remedy for complaints experienced around climacteric or menopausal time. Bearing down pains in the womb are also a characteristic keynote guiding its use. Calcarea Carb too is of great help in the treatment of Vaginal Candidiasis with milky white vaginal discharge. One major prominent symptom for using Calcarea Carb is worsening of the vaginal discharge on passing urine. The discharge is accompanied by burning and itching in the genitals that is worse before and after periods. The vagina and vulva show signs of swelling, with redness. A history of heavy bleeding during periods may be found in women needing Calcarea Carb.

2. Pulsatilla: For Vaginal Candidiasis with Thick, Creamy Discharge

Pulsatilla is an ideal remedy forVaginal Candidiasis with a peculiar thick, creamy vaginal discharge. The discharge is accompanied by much burning and corrosive itching in the genitals. The vaginal discharge is experienced throughout the month i.e. before, during and after periods. The discharge is very acrid. Backache can be narrated by a few women. Apart from these particular features, some general symptoms of high significance should also be taken into consideration for using Pulsatilla. The first among these is the absence of thirst the whole day even if the mouth is dry. The second is the desire for cool open air. A person feels quite better in open surroundings in general. The third symptom refers to the mental state of women: sensitive nature and weeping easily. The woman has a very mild nature and starts to weep over minor issues. Consolation is relieving for the women. Such women are also of yielding disposition.

3. Thuja and Nitric Acid: For Excessive Soreness and Ulcers

When due to extreme acridity of vaginal discharge and scratching, ulcers begin to appear in vulva or vagina, then Thuja and Nitric Acid are the best natural remedies. Thuja is the ideal medicine when excessive excoriation, burning, and smarting is felt in vulva and vagina due to ulcers. There is also discomfort and sensitiveness in vagina during coition. Nitric Acid is the ideal medicine when irritation in genitals with stitching type of pain is prominent.  The vaginal discharge is white with excessive soreness of parts. Burning and itching are felt in the vagina. The discharge may leave a yellow stain. In others, the vaginal discharge is white and stringy in nature for using Nitric Acid.

4. Monilia Albicans: For Fissures or Cracks in Vulva or Vagina

Monilia Albicans, also known as Candida Albicans, is a powerful nosode used in treatment for Vaginal Candidiasis with efficient results. The most important indication is the presence of cracks or fissures in the vulva or vagina. Itching is always present. In others, marked inflammation and swelling in the parts are noted. In a few women, vesicular eruptions containing fluid may be present in vulva or vagina for which Monilia Albicans is the ideal remedy.

5. Helonias: For Specific Curdy Deposits in Vulva

Helonias is the best remedy when peculiar curdy deposits are present in the vulva. There is inflammation of parts with swelling, intense heat, burning and redness. Intense itching in genitals is marked. Along with this particular symptom, excessive weakness, tiredness, and prostration are also frequently noticed. Backache is common along with other symptoms. A highly marked characteristic for using natural remedy Helonias is general relief when the woman keeps busy and the mind is involved in doing some work.

6. For Extreme Itching in Vulva or Vagina

The top natural medicines for controlling intense itching in vulva or vagina due to Candida infection are Kreosote, Sepia and Medorrhinum. Kreosote is a highly recommended medicine for controlling intense itching in parts due to Candida infection. It is very beneficial for women who have intense corrosive, burning and itching in vulva with a highly acrid discharge. Swelling of the vulva is also present. Sepia is used when itching is experienced along with milky white vaginal discharge. Medorrhinum is the ideal remedy when vaginal discharge is very thin and highly acrid with marked itching. The characteristic feature for using Medorrhinum is worsening of itching when thinking of it.

7. For Pain or Burning in Vagina during Coition

Sepia is an excellent natural remedy for pain in vagina felt on coition due to Vaginal Candidiasis. Lycopodium is very useful when burning in the vagina is felt during and after coition. And if only sensitiveness is felt in the vagina during coition, then Thuja is recommended.

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Homeopathic Medicines For Heat Rash

Homeopathic Remedies For Heat Rash

The sun’s rays can prove to be harmful for the body if precautions are not taken. Heat rash is one such skin condition that calls for medical intervention. Heat rash mostly occurs in hot weather conditions and is common in people who sweat profusely. Prickly heat or miliaria refers to tiny eruptions on the skin because of obstruction of ducts of sweat glands. The result is severe pricking and itching. The eruptions are red papular or fluid-filled vesicular in nature. In some persons, pus may appear in eruption (pustules). The eruption of heat rash is mainly on the neck, chest, back and abdomen. In infants, heat rash is very common and may appear even when the temperature is not warm mainly due to the kid being over-dressed. When the disease is mild and the eruption does not itch, it is referred in medical terms as miliaria crystallina (sudamina). When the eruptions have a marked prickling, itching and burning sensation, it is termed miliaria rubra. The itching and prickling increase as any work is done that results in the sweating process. The severest form that appears due to repeated attacks of miliaria rubra is called miliaria profunda in which non-itching eruptions are present, but the burning sensation is marked. Homeopathic remedies are very efficient in the treatment of heat rash. The common practice of applying prickly heat powder just gives a very temporary relief. Homeopathic remedies for heat rash are made of natural substances and they not only provide relief from heat rash, but also ensure that the root cause is taken care of and heat rash does not recur.

Homeopathic Treatment for Heat Rash

The natural Homeopathic medicines are of great help in the treatment of heat rash. Itching and pricking are brought down by Homeopathic remedies, which are completely free from any side effects. TheHomeopathic medicines then work to decrease the tendency to have heat rash each time hot weather appears.The natural Homeopathic treatment for heat rash is a very safe treatment for heat rash in infants and children.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Heat Rash

Apis Mellifica: Best Homeopathic medicine for heat rash with prickling, stinging and burning sensation

Apis Mellifica is among the best Homeopathic remedies for bringing relief from the burning, stinging and severe prickling heat rash. It always shows its proficiency in soothing the burning and prickling sensation in heat rash cases. The skin eruptions are very sensitive to touch and the skin is red. The desire and tendency to bathe in cold water and uncover for relief from the burning sensation are the key factors that call for the use of Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica. The person feels worse when he or she is in a warm room and looks for cool open air to get relief.

Sulphur: Homeopathic remedy for heat rash with itching and burning

The top natural Homeopathic remedy for relieving itching and burning in heat rash is Sulphur. The skin shows eruptions, either pimples or pustules, with itching. Scratching the eruptions is the general relieving factor found in a majority of persons needing Sulphur. The worst time for the patient, when the itching and burning get intolerable, is night. Getting warm in bed excites the itching. A marked aversion to bathing is found in persons who benefit with the use of Homeopathic medicine Sulphur in heat rash cases. Also, washing and bathing heighten the itching in such persons. A characteristic feature that may also show its presence is intense heat in palms and soles.

Natrum Mur: Homeopathic treatment for heat rash that worsens with exertion

Natrum Mur is the ideal natural Homeopathy remedy for heat rash that gets worse with exertion. Natrum Mur can be taken in all those cases of heat rash where eruptions and itching increase with exertion in physical activities. A marked shooting pain appears in the eruptions following exertion. Itching, stinging and pricking sensation are also prominent. Another worsening factor for using Natrum Mur is heat of sun. Natrum Mur is a powerful Homeopathic medicine for heat rash which gets aggravated from sun exposure. In such cases,Natrum Mur is of great help in providing relief from itching and pricking. The relief in itching and pricking is also usually felt while going in open air. Apart from these symptoms, the person needing Natrum Mur may have a high craving for salty food.

Hepar Sulph: Homeopathic remedy for heat rash with pus- containing eruptions

Heat rash with pus-containing eruptions on skin is very effectively treated by natural Homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulph. This Homeopathic medicine is prescribed when a person has very sensitive pustules on skin with intense pricking and burning stinging sensation. The pustules are sensitive to the slightest touch. Here, Hepar Sulph helps in reducing the stinging pricking as well to dry up the eruptions. Excessive perspiration is present in almost all persons needing Hepar Sulph.

Aconite and Chamomilla: Homeopathic remedies for heat rash in infants and children

Natural Homeopathic medicines Aconite and Chamomilla are considered the best medicines for heat rash in infants and children. Aconite is ideal when red pimples with itching appear on the body. The child gets restless with the itching and feels good in open air. The itching worsens in a warm room. The child also may demand water in large quantities. Chamomilla is the best Homeopathic remedy for children who have heat rash with itching that gets worseat night. The child shows utmost irritability along with itching. The child may also show a desire for being carried by parents in most cases.

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Homeopathic Remedies For Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating can not only be an embarrassment, but it also leads to having a very uncomfortable feeling. Excessive sweating, in fact, is a medical condition and is termed hyperhidrosis. When there is excessive sweating over the entire body and not just the chest, upper torso and back, it is called generalized hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating on specific parts is called focal hyperhidrosis. The normal events that leave a person perspiring are physical exertion and exposure to heat. The medical conditions associated with high perspiration include fever, thyroid gland dysfunction, tuberculosis, and menopause. In some persons, emotional factors like anxiety and fear play a leading role. When excessive sweating is associated with bad odor, it is referred to as bromhidrosis. Homeopathic medicines for excessive sweating are completely safe and treat the problem for good. homeopathic medicines for excessive sweating

Homeopathic Medicines for Excessive Sweating

Persons suffering from increased or excessive sweating can hugely benefit from the use of natural Homeopathic medicines. Those suffering from excessive sweating are in the habit of using antiperspirants to tackle the problem. But this is just a temporary, short-term measure and is not a treatment at all. It just suppresses the problem. Natural remedies for excessive sweating, on the other hand, ensure that the problem is eradicated from its root. With the use of the most suitable medicines, excessive sweating can be properly treated. While selecting the medicine which works best for each individual, the site of increased sweat, its association with bad smell and the causative factor are given high importance. Along with these symptoms, the constitutional features — both physical and mental symptoms — are also given equal importance to prescribe the most efficient remedy for each individual.

1. Calcarea Carb: For Excessive Sweating on Scalp

Calcarea Carb is the top natural remedy for profuse sweating on the scalp. The persons who can greatly benefit from the use of Calcarea Carb have high perspiration on the scalp. Even while sleeping, there is profuse sweating on the scalp, leaving the pillow extremely wet. Calcarea Carb helps in controlling the sweat of scalp. Apart from excessive sweat on the scalp, a few constitutional symptoms for selecting Calcarea Carb are sensitivity to cold air and the extreme desire for boiled eggs. A few persons needing Calcarea Carb may have a craving for strange things like chalk, lime, and pencils. Calcarea Carb is also the ideal medicine when excessive sweating has an accompanying symptom: chronic constipation.

2. Silicea: For Excessive Sweating on Feet, Hands and Armpits

Various natural medicines are effective in controlling excessive sweating on hands, feet, and armpits, but Silicea tops the list. Silicea is a very beneficial remedy for controlling sweat of feet, hands and armpits. The sweat is extremely offensive in character. In a few persons, the sweat on the feet has a sour or putrid odour. Silicea is also of great help for persons who have excessive sweating on hands, posing a difficulty in writing and grasping objects. It is also the most appropriate remedy for foul smelling sweat in armpits.

3. Psorinum and Sulphur: For Excessive Sweating on Entire Body

Both Psorinum and Sulphur are the ideal natural remedies for hyperhidrosis with highly offensive odour. Psorinum is very beneficial for persons who cannot tolerate cold air even in hot weather. Sulphur, on the other hand, is best suited for persons who have excessive sweating and are sensitive to heat. Such a person cannot tolerate a hot environment. They also have excessive heat in palms, soles and head with increased sweating. Hot and cold sensitivity remains the basic feature for selecting one out of these two remedies for excessive sweating over the whole body. After selecting the ideal remedy, the worst cases of offensive sweating can be treated.

4. Merc Sol: For Excessive Sweating at Night

Merc Sol is one of the best treatment for sweating profusely over the whole body that worsens at night. The sweat is offensive or sour in nature. Weakness also accompanies profuse sweating. Apart from increased sweating, the other symptoms for persons who can greatly benefit from Merc Sol are an increase in thirst, excessive salivation, and profuse sweating.

5. For Offensive Sweat in Armpits

The best natural medicines for treating offensive armpit sweat are Silicea, Sulphur, Bovista and Hepar Sulph. Silicea is one of the best remedies to get rid of offensive sweat in the armpits. An accompanying symptom is being sensitive to cold air. Sulphur is the suitable remedy for persons with foul armpit sweat who have heated sensations in palms and soles. Garlic-like smelling sweat from armpits may also be treated with Sulphur.
Bovista is the best natural medicine for diminishing onion-like offensive sweat from armpits. Hepar Sulph is of great help in the treatment of foul-smelling sweat from armpits which leaves a yellow stain on clothes.

6. For Offensive Sweat on Feet

The top natural remedies to treat offensive sweating on the feet are Silicea, Sulphur and Graphites. Silicea is the best medicine to get rid of offensive foot sweat. An accompanying symptom can be cold feet with sweat. Sulphur is the ideal medicine for foul sweat on feet with heat in soles of feet. Graphites is the best choice when cracks appear in between toes due to excessive sweating on feet with a foul smell.


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Got Dry Frizzy Hair ? Homeopathic medicines can work lustres for your Dry Hair

Homeopathomeopathy-dry-hairhic Remedies for Dry Hair

Hair, they say, is everything. Now, a person losing hair and going bald will only give a smirk to this and rightly so, but even he (and at times she) would acknowledge the importance of hair. Among various hair problems, dryness of hair troubles a huge number of people. A few reasons that may lead to dry hair are excessive use of harsh products like shampoos, dyes, then the lack of proper nutrients in food, health illness like hypothyroidism, and excessive exposure to the sun. In some persons, it is difficult to detect the cause of dry hair. The people suffering from dry hair usually have a dry scalp that lacks moisture. When the hair gets dry,it starts to lose shine and becomes lustreless. The hair looks dull, lifeless and fizzy. It also gets prone to be tangled easily, forming into bunches. A few people also face the problem of excessive hairfall in addition to dry hair. Dandruff and scaly condition of scalp is also found in conjunction with dry hair in some persons. Homeopathy can provide a very effective treatment for dry hair. The Homeopathic remedies for dry hair are made from natural substances and are completely free of side effects, help to remove the dryness by providing moisture to the scalp and even work towards ending the problem of dandruff and hair fall.

Homeopathic Treatment for Dry Hair

Natural Homeopathic remedies are of great help in managing the dry hair condition. The best Homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of individual symptoms. The natural medicines are used internally and no external application is recommended. The use of Homeopathic medicines helps to moisturise the scalp by stimulating the oil glands. With the proper use of Homeopathic remedies, the dry, lifeless hair can be turned into lively, shiny hair. Even the problem of dandruff and hair fall occurring conjointly with dry hair can be solved and removed with naturalHomeopathic remedies.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Hair

Borax: Best natural Homeopathic medicine for dry hair that tangles easily

Natural Homeopathic medicine Borax is the top remedy for dry hair that gets tangled to form bunches due to extreme dryness. These bunches of hair stuck rigidly together are averse to becoming smooth on combing. Homeopathic medicine Borax is very beneficial in smoothening the hair. It is also of great help to those who get rid of these bunches of tangled hair by cutting them, only to see another bunch being formed shortly thereafter. Homeopathic medicine Borax helps in removing the tangled bunches and also in eradicating the tendency towards formation of these bunches. Apart from these symptom indications, there are two very important characteristic features for using Borax. The first is a great fear of downward motion like going downstairs. And the second is sensitivity towards the slightest of sound. So,a sound like that produced when sneezing or coughing leads to a sudden and extreme dread. Although these two features will not appear in all the persons needing Borax, but if these are described, they addweightage to thisvery effective Homeopathic medicine selection.

Phosphorus: Best Homeopathic remedy for dry hair at roots

Phosphorus is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for dry hair especially at roots. Phosphorus brings about very good results in cases of hair getting mostly dry at the root. Along with dry hair at roots, the scalp is also very dry and scaly. Phosphorus is also a Homeopathic remedy of great help when due to extreme dry hair at roots, there is a lot of hair fall. The use of Homeopathic remedy Phosphorus can serve three purposes at one time: moisturise dry hair, remove dry, scaly scalp and check hair fall. The important constitutional symptom that needs to be taken into consideration for selecting Phosphorus isthe desire for cold things like cold drinks, ice creams and juices in food. Another significant symptomis sensitivity towards external impressions like air, noise, touchand odour. These constitutional symptoms may or may not accompany the hair condition.

Thuja: Homeopathic treatment for dry hair that turns brittle and splits down

Thuja is considered the best natural Homeopathic treatment for dry hair where the hair gets brittle due to intense dryness. The dry, brittle hair show splits at various places and looks crimped. Thuja can also be used when dry, brittle, crimpy hair is rough with a lack of shine. In all these conditions, Thuja ensuresa wonderful recovery by strengthening the hair and nourishing the scalp, thus preventing split dry hair progression. With the use of Homeopathic medicine Thuja, the hair regainsits shine with vanishing of dryness and splitting. In a few persons needing Thuja, there would be a complain of white, scaly dandruff.

Sulphur and Psorinum: Homeopathic remedies for dry hair that appears lustreless

Both Sulphur and Psorinum areconsidered the best natural Homeopathic medicines for hair thatis dry and lustreless. For using both these remedies, the scalp has to be very unhealthy with dry, lustreless hair. The scalp is also dry and can be itchy. The hair may also stick together forming tangles. When a person’s scalp and hair show these conditions, any of these Homeopathic remedies can bring about improvement by going deeply into the root cause. To choose which of these two Homeopathic remedies suits you best, oneparticular symptom is to be considered: thermal tolerance of the person. Sulphur is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for persons with dry, lustreless hair who show heat intolerance. Such persons suffer from heat in various body parts and cannot tolerate excessive heat in environment. Psorinum suits persons with dry, lustreless hair who are sensitive to a cold environment. They cannot tolerate a slight draught of air even in summers. They show a need to be covered up completely even in summer heat.

Natrum Mur and Lycopodium: Homeopathic medicines for dry hair with hair fall

Both Natrum Mur and Lycopodium are natural Homeopathic remedies that are of great help in getting rid of dry hair with falling of hair. Natrum Mur is the best Homeopathic medicine for persons who are mainly reserved in nature and may also have weeping tendencies. They have an aversion to sun heat. Along with this, they may show a craving for extra salt in diet. Anemia can be a part of the constitutional symptoms for using Natrum Mur. For selecting Lycopodium, the group of constitutional symptoms are entirely different. Homeopathic remedy Lycopodium is best for people who have an excessive craving for sweets and hot food or drinks. Persons needing Lycopodium have an irritable nature and cannot tolerate contradiction or opposition. They may also have been suffering from gastric troubles of any sort for the past years.


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Homeopathic Remedies for Ataxia

Homeopathic Remedies For Ataxia

Ataxia is a neurological condition in which the affected person exhibits a lack of voluntary coordination of muscles. The person suffering from Ataxia has a gait problem, including instability while walking or standing and the inability to maintain proper balance while moving. Ataxia mainly represents a defective functioning of cerebellum part of brain, which controls the coordination of movements. The causes behind Ataxia are brain tumour, cerebral palsy, it can be hereditary, multiple sclerosis, alcoholic abuse, deficiency of Vitamin B12 and stroke. Homeopathic remedies for Ataxia not only provide relief from symptoms, but also halt the progression of the disease. The long-term use of Homeopathic medicines, which are made from natural substances and are completely safe, results in the complete treat of Ataxia and extracts the disease from the root.

Symptoms of Ataxia

The main symptom of Ataxia is gait problems: instability while walking or standing, staggering gait, inability to maintain proper balance while walking or standing, stumbling while walking, frequent falls while walking and walking with a broad base. Another symptom of Ataxia is Dysphagia, which refers to a condition where a person has difficulty in swallowing and it may result in choking. Yet another symptom is Dysarthria, in which the person has difficulty in speech: tremor or jerking in speech, slurred speech (quick speech with gliding of words), slow speech or varied voice intensity. The other symptoms of Ataxia include blurred vision, double vision, difficulty in fine motor activities like writing, typing, buttoning the shirt and lastly,getting easily tired.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Ataxia

The Homeopathic system of medicine offers treatment for a variety of nervous disorders and Ataxia can be effectively treated with natural Homeopathic medicines. The selection of the ideal Homeopathic medicine is based on symptoms and the remedy prescription varies from case to case. The main aim behind Homeopathic treatment for ataxia is symptomatic relief and halting the progression of disease. The extraction of disease from the root is also possible and complete treat can be expected with the long-term use of Homeopathic medicines. However, the results vary from case to case. Usually persons who opt for Homeopathic treatment in the early stages have a good chance of complete recovery than the ones who report it at late stages.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Ataxia

Alumina: Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia with staggering gait and heaviness or numbness in legs

Alumina is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia. The main symptom that calls for its use is a staggering gait with heaviness or numbness of limbs. The person walks with uncertainty. The person can walk in daytime although in a staggering way but at night, he or she experiences a complete inability to walk. If he or she closes eyes, there is also a chance of falling down. Heaviness or numbness in lower limbs is often a symptom in such patients. They may also describe the symptom of a bandaged feeling in limbs while walking. Apart from walking, there is a problem in swallowing food too. The oesophagus feels constricted while swallowing at times with a feeling of a lump in throat. Excessive dry feeling in throat may also be present. The food passes down the oesophagus with great difficulty. And lastly, the symptoms of extreme exhaustion, fatigue and lack of strength are also presented by patients. The patients usually has an increased sensitivity to cold air.

Argentum Nitricum: Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia with unsteady gait and trembling of limbs

Argentum Nitricum is another top natural Homeopathic remedy with a marked action on the nervous system. Argentum Nitricum is a Homeopathic remedy of great help for Ataxia with a marked loss of balance while walking and standing, along with trembling. The patient lacks control over his limbs while walking and experiences trembling. Standing and walking postures are quite unsteady. The unsteadiness mostly gets worse when the person is not under any observation. The frequent complaint accompanying unsteadiness is a marked rigidity in the calf muscles of the legs while walking. The muscles of legs also seem very weak while walking or standing.

Causticum: Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia with unsteady walk and falling easily

Another wonderful natural Homeopathic remedy for Ataxia is Causticum. This Homeopathic medicine is mainly recommended in cases where the person feels unsteady while walking and has frequent falling episodes. The fall can be sideways or forward. Causticum is an excellent Homeopathic medicine with its sphere of action mainly centered on the nervous system. It can help to a great extent in preventing the falling tendency with an unsteady staggering gait. Apart from this, difficulty in articulation with an indistinct speech is also treated by Causticum.

Gelsemium: Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia with weakness of muscles and fatigue

Gelsemium is the natural Homeopathic remedy that is of great help when the loss of muscle control is accompanied by excessively weak muscles. There is utmost lack of muscle coordination and the muscles seem not to obey the will of the patient. The gait is slow and unsteady.  The person also feels tired from doing even the slightest work. The patient shows hallmark symptoms of drowsiness, dullness and dizziness with an inability to coordinate muscular action. Another symptom is difficulty in speech with trembling of tongue.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Ataxia in the beginning stages 

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial in the very beginning stages of Ataxia are Belladona, Nux Vomica and Zincum Met. Belladona is the best Homeopathic remedy for a staggering, difficult and unsteady gait. The muscular coordination is lacking. The symptom that indicates the selection of Nux Vomica is that there is dragging of feet while walking, with an inability to lift the feet from ground. Nux Vomica is also the best Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia in alcoholics. Homepathic medicine Zincum Met is the ideal pick when trembling and jerking of limbs accompany the lack of muscle coordination. The feet may show restlessness.  Zincum Met is also the best Homeopathic remedy when pain in limbs is dominantly present in patients of Ataxia in the beginning stages.

Lathyrus Sativus and Plumbum Met: Homeopathic remedies for Ataxia in advance cases

Natural Homeopathic medicine Lathyrus Sativus is the prescribed remedy for a tottering gait in Ataxia patients, who experience emaciation of muscles of lower limbs. Jerking and trembling while walking may also be symptoms described by the patient. There is also a marked rigidity of the legs while walking. Plumbum Met is the Homeopathic remedy when along with atrophied muscles of legs, there is pain in legs. Plumbum Met is also of great help for Ataxia with difficulty in raising or lifting anything with hands.

Heloderma: Homeopathic medicine for peculiar gait with high lifting of feet on walking

Natural Homeopathic medicine Heloderma is the best remedy for Ataxia patients who lift the feet higher than required while walking and bring them to the ground very hard. The patient may be extremely sensitive towards cold.

Phosphorus: Homeopathic medicine for eye complaints in patients with Ataxia

The various eye troubles faced by a person suffering from Ataxia are best covered by natural Homeopathic remedy Phosphorus. This Homeopathic medicine can help to relieve symptoms of dim vision, blurred vision and also double vision. Easy fatigue of eye muscles even from a little use is also treated with the use of Homeopathic remedy Phosporus.



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Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Liver Cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis is a glaring example of how alcohol abuse or drinking in excess can damage a person’s health. Cirrhosis of Liver is an irreversible damage to the liver with permanent death of cells or liver cell necrosis. There is a replacement of liver tissue with fibrotic scar tissue. The scar tissue hinders the blood supply to liver, leading to improper liver functioning. The main cause behind Cirrhosis of the Liver is alcohol abuse, viral Hepatitis B and C and fatty liver. The signs and symptoms of Cirrhosis of Liver are jaundice, loss of appetite, weakness or fatigue, weight loss, bruises on skin, itching on skin, Ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen), Oedema of legs and ankles, and Esophageal Varices Bleeding (vomiting of blood). What’s damaged cannot be undone, but homeopathic medicines for liver cirrhosis helps prevent further liver damage. Its natural medicines, which are completely safe to use with no side effects, also improve the general condition of the patients of Liver Cirrhosis.     homeopathic medicines for liver cirrhosis

Homeopathic Medicines for Liver Cirrhosis

The pathological changes occurring in the liver due to Cirrhosis are irreversible. Natural medicines in no way claim to reverse such changes. So, the treatment for cirrhosis of liver is basically aimed at preventing further liver damage and the complications arising as a result of Liver Cirrhosis, and also improving the general condition of the patient. Natural remedies for cirrhosis of liver are of great help in relieving the symptoms in patients due to Liver Cirrhosis, including appetite loss, fatigue, jaundice, Ascites, and vomiting of blood.

1. Cardus Marianus: For Cirrhosis of Liver

Cardus Marianus is among the top natural medicines for treating Cirrhosis of Liver. It covers a wide range of symptoms that can be relieved with its use. The first condition calling for its use is jaundice. The second is dropsical accumulation of water in abdomen. The next field is bleeding consequent to liver damage. Liver pain and sensitiveness are experienced by most patients needing Cardus Marianus. This medicine is also beneficial for patients who feel fatigued or tired and have bouts of nausea and vomiting due to Liver Cirrhosis. Abuse of alcoholic drinks is usually found among persons needing remedy Cardus Marianus.

2. Lycopodium: For Cirrhosis of Liver with Sensitive Liver Region

Lycopodium is a natural medicine for treating Cirrhosis of Liver when the liver has atrophied due to longstanding Cirrhosis. The liver region is sensitive. Hepatitis may be predominantly present. Dropsical conditions consequent to Liver Cirrhosis respond very well to Lycopodium. Therefore, Lycopodium is considered as one of the best remedies for liver damage. This medicine can also help patients of Cirrhosis who have a loss of appetite. Eating a small quantity of food brings satisfaction. Such a patient feels fullness in abdomen from eating a small quantity of food. Bloated feeling in abdomen and gas in abdomen remains a constant feature. Lycopodium can also help provide relief in the general condition of patients who have lost weight, and have become emaciated and thin under the effects of Cirrhosis of Liver. The patients needing Lycopodium may have an increased desire for hot drinks, hot food or sweets. There is a general worsening of symptoms in evening time around 4pm among a few patients.

3. Arsenic Album: For Liver Cirrhosis with fatigue and weight loss

Natural medicine Arsenic Album is of great help for patients of Liver Cirrhosis who experience fatigue as the main symptom. The patient feels totally exhausted from doing a little labour. He or she goes on losing weight due to debilitating effects of Cirrhosis of Liver. Arsenic Album is also the remedy for patients who experience nausea and vomiting of blood. Along with vomiting, burning in abdomen is a characteristic feature pointing towards the use of Arsenic Album. Vomiting follows drinking and eating. The liver region feels painful. Ascites, or accumulation of fluid in abdomen, can also be dealt with by remedy Arsenic Album, though the general symptoms of fatigue and burning in abdomen should match too. A general relief from taking warm drinks may be narrated by patients in addition to the above symptoms. If the mental picture is to be considered, the symptoms that assume top position are anxiety, restlessness and fear of death.

4. Nux Vomica: For Liver Cirrhosis Patients with Long-term Alcohol Abuse

Nux Vomica is a natural medicine of great help for patients of Liver Cirrhosis who have a history of long-term alcoholic abuse. Such patients usually also have been sufferers of chronic acidity and constipation. The acidity symptoms including heaviness in abdomen and burning in abdomen a few hours after meals. The constipation is marked by scanty, insufficient stool or poop but with a constant urge to pass stool. Nux Vomica can help to decrease soreness or pain in liver region. The pain may present itself as stitching in character. The patients needing remedy Nux Vomica usually have an inclination to take highly spicy diet, stimulants like coffee and alcoholic drinks and fat. The constitutional symptoms that need to be mentioned are mentally angersome and irritable nature, being sensitive to external impressions like noise and odour and also, a sensitivity to cold air.

5. Phosphorus: For Cirrhosis of Liver with Jaundice

Phosphorus is a beneficial natural medicine for treating jaundice in patients with Cirrhosis of Liver. The symptoms during jaundice are yellow appearance of skin, and passage of stool of a very offensive nature. Utmost weakness follows the passage of stool. The second sphere where Phosphorus is a remedy of great help is vomiting of blood. Phosphorus has an excellent effect in controlling the blood appearing in vomitus. Apart from these symptoms, the desire for cold drinks, juices and ice creams is usually present in patients needing Phosphorus.

6. For Cirrhosis of Liver with Accumulation of Fluid in Abdomen

Ascites or the accumulation of fluid is a common complication of Liver Cirrhosis. To deal with Ascites, natural medicines Apocynum Cannabinum, Quassia and Cardus Marianus are effective remedies. The features that help in selecting the best medicine for the patient out of these three are the  characteristic symptoms of each individual. For selecting Apocynum Cannabinum, the symptoms to be considered are bloated abdomen with a weak and slow pulse. Other leading symptoms include an increased thirst for water. Difficulty in breathing and pressure in chest may also appear. Intolerance to food and water with immediate ejection in form of vomiting is also experienced by patients of Liver Cirrhosis who can benefit by Apocynum Cannabinum. Quassia is the ideal choice when Ascites is accompanied by pain in liver and acidity. Cardus Marianus is the best remedy for persons who have jaundice or bleeding accompanies Ascites.

7. For Jaundice in Cirrhosis Liver

All these three are significant natural medicines for dealing with jaundice in patients with Liver Cirrhosis. The symptoms that help in picking remedy Chelidonium is pain in liver under right shoulder blade with jaundice symptoms. The jaundice symptoms include yellow skin, yellow urine and yellow or white-coloured stool and yellow-coated tongue. Desire for extremely hot drinks is noted in patients needing Chelidonium. Phosphorus is of great help when the stool of very offensive nature is passed, along with appearance of a yellow skin. In contrast to Chelidonium, patients needing Phosphorus have a desire for cold drinks. Cardus Marianus offers the natural treatment when jaundice with bright yellow stool, liver pain and fluid retention in abdomen is experienced by a patient of Liver Cirrhosis.

8. For Blood Vomiting in Cirrhosis Liver

The vomiting of blood is a result of varices in the oesophagus. Phosphorus is the natural remedy when the vomitus contains bright red blood. Desire for cold drinks may be present. When the blood is dark coloured like blackish or coffee colour-like, Crotalus Horridus offers the ideal mode of treatment.

9. For Fatigue, Weight Loss in Cirrhosis Liver patients

Arsenic Album is a natural medicine of great help in patients of Liver Cirrhosis who suffer from weakness and fatigue from even a little exertion. Along with physical weakness, the patient feels anxiety, fear of death and restlessness. Hydrastis is ideal for Liver Cirrhosis patients with excessive debility and tiredness. The muscular power is exhausted with a loss of weight. Longstanding constipation is found in persons needing Hydrastis.

10. For Loss of Appetite in Cirrhosis of Liver

Lycopodium is a very beneficial natural medicine for patients of Liver Cirrhosis who have a diminished appetite. The patient needing Lycopodium feels full on eating even a small quantity of food. Heaviness and distension of abdomen arise from eating a small quantity of food. Here Lycopodium can help in improving the appetite and tone up the digestive function. The patients needing Lycopodium usually suffer from gas in abdomen.

11. For Alcoholic Cirrhosis of Liver

Alcohol abuse remains the most important cause of Liver Cirrhosis. Homeopathy has various effective natural medicines to deal with Cirrhosis of Liver as a result of alcoholic abuse. Nux Vomica, Cardus Marianus, Arsenic Album and Fluoric Acid are very effective remedies for liver problems. The ideal natural remedy is selected after proper case taking of the patient and is based on the characteristic individual symptoms.

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Top Rated Homeopathic Medicines for Strep Throat Infection  

Strep throat is a disease caused by streptococcal bacterial infection. This infection leads to soreness and inflammation in the throat and tonsils. Strep throat is most common among school children and teens. Strep throat is caused by infection with bacteria known as Streptococcus Pyogenes. Strep throat is highly contagious and passes from one infected person to another through touch, cough, sneezes that contain droplets of Homeopathic Treatment for Strep Throatstreptococcus pyogenes bacteria. Homeopathic treatment for strep throat helps provide long term relief from the condition.

Homeopathic Treatment for Strep Throat

Homeopathy medicines can very effectively manage strep throat infection. Homeopathy medicines for strep throat are selected based on individual symptoms. Some top-rated medicines for strep throat in the Homeopathy mode of treatment are Belladonna, Streptococcinum, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph and Phytolacca. These medicines boost the immune system of the body to fight the bacterial infection and effect complete recovery. Homeopathy is a wonderful science that treats diseases with natural and safe medicines. In case of strep throat, Homeopathy medicines are very competent in treating this kind of infection. They set of the body’s own restorative processes. As the healing system of the body is strengthened, the disease is completely eradicated. Belladonna, Streptococcinum, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, and Phytolacca are the top remedies.

1. Belladonna – For Strep Throat with Acute Inflammation of Throat

Belladonna is placed among the top-rated medicines for strep throat. It is mainly prescribed in very advanced stages of strep throat infection. The symptoms indicating the use of Belladonna are highly inflamed swollen, enlarged tonsils. The throat is also very dry in such cases. Swallowing food and drinks is also very painful. High fever with intense body heat may be present along with the inflamed throat. Headache may accompany the above-said symptoms in cases where Belladonna will prove the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for strep throat.

2. Streptococcinum – Effective Medicine for Strep Throat

Streptococcinum is one of the most reliable and effective medicines for a strep throat infection. It is recommended in acute as well as chronic strep throat infections. This medicine is capable of breaking the chain of recurrent strep throat infection by strengthening the immune system of persons who are susceptible. The classic symptoms calling for use of Streptococcinum in strep throat are red, swollen throat with painful, inflamed tonsils and swollen, enlarged nodes in the neck. It is also suitable for enlarged tonsils, peritonsillar abscess, and weakness after a streptococcal infection.

3. Merc Sol – Where Pain from Throat extends to Ears

In cases where the throat is very sore and raw, and pain from the throat extends to the ear, Merc Sol is the most useful among medicines for strep throat. Along with the throat related symptoms, the patient may experience excessive saliva as well. The cervical glands may also be swollen in such cases. Bad breath is another noticeable symptom for prescription of Merc Sol as the best among medicines for strep throat.

4. Hepar Sulph – For Pus Points on Tonsils

Where tonsils have pus points in strep throat infection cases, Hepar Sulph is the most appropriate choice among Homeopathy medicines for strep throat. A plug-like or splinter-like sensation is felt in the throat. Along with this,a loose, rattling cough may arise. Yellow coloured expectoration may attend the cough, another symptom hinting at Hepar Sulph as one of the most reliable Homeopathy medicines for strep throat. Hepar Sulph is also a effective in treating a peritonsilar abscess.

5. Phytolacca – For Burning Pain in Throat

Phytolacca is very well indicated among medicines for strep throat where the characteristic symptom is an inflamed throat with heat and intense burning. The throat, tonsils and fauces are swollen and take on a dark, red/bluish appearance. The pain from the throat may extend to the ears. This pain may be specifically shooting in nature. Lump in the throat is also felt and may be accompanied by a constant desire to swallow.

Symptoms of Strep Throat

The symptoms of strep throat include pain in the throat, difficulty in swallowing, headache, fever, red and inflamed throat, and tonsils. Pus points are noted on the tonsils in some cases. Tender lymph nodes in the neck are another sign of this infection. Peritonsillar abscess, kidney inflammation, rheumatic fever, joint pains, and heart valve damage are some complications related with strep throat.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Raynaud’s Disease

What is Raynaud’s Disease?

Raynaud’s disease leads to coldness and numbness of fingers and toes as a result of decreased blood supply to these areas. This response is triggered on exposure to cold temperature and stress. When exposed to cold temperature, the arteries supplying blood to the fingers and toes undergo vasospasm, thus limiting the blood supply. As a result, the fingers and toes turn cold and numb with colour changes, first to pale white and then, blue and red.

Classification of Raynaud’s

Raynaud’s can be primary or secondary. In primary raynaud’s, there is no underlying medical condition that triggers the vasospasm. Primary raynaud’s is also known as raynaud’s disease. In secondary raynaud’s, an underlying medical condition provokes the vasospasm. Secondary raynaud’s is also known as raynaud’s phenomenon and is more serious than the primary raynaud’s disease. The causes for secondary raynaud’s include connective tissue disorders, scleroderma, lupus, frostbite, atherosclerosis, Buerger’s disease, injuries to hand/feet and smoking.

Symptoms of Raynaud’s Disease

During an attack of raynaud’s, the fingers and toes turn pale or white with cold and numbness. This is followed by blueness from depleted oxygen supply. Afterwards, when the attack is over, the fingers and toes turn red, hot and may feel throbbing, tingling, pin or needle like sensations. Although it is mainly the toes and fingers that are affected in raynaud’s, it may also affect the ears, lips and nose. Skin ulcers and gangrene are some complications that arise out of raynaud’s.

Homeopathic Treatment for Raynaud’s Disease

The Homeopathic mode of treatment can effectively treat raynaud’s disease. Homeopathic medicines are helpful in reducing the intensity and frequency of attacks in raynaud’s disease. These medicines, which are natural and safe from any harmful side-effects, aim to treat the root cause of raynaud’s disease and gradually help reduce the tendency towards this condition.

Homeopathic Medicines for Raynaud’s Disease

Agaricus – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for raynaud’s disease

Agaricus is rated among the top listed Homeopathic medicines for raynaud’s disease. It is indicated when the blood flow to the fingers and toes is compromised on being exposed to the cold atmosphere. This leads to numbness, coldness, blueness in the fingers and toes. The condition may be followed by pin or needle-like pricking sensations in the fingers and toes. Apart from being one of the top rated Homeopathic medicines for raynaud’s disease, Agaricus is one of the prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for chilblains and frostbites as well.

Carbo Veg – Excellent among Homeopathic medicines for raynaud’s disease

Carbo Veg is another among the wonderful Homeopathic medicines for raynaud’s disease. It is indicated for bluish, marbled cold fingers and toes followed by redness. Carbo Veg is also well indicated for gangrene of the fingers and toes.

Secale Cor – One of the top rated Homeopathic medicines for raynaud’s disease with marked formication, tingling

Secale Cor is also one of the extremely useful Homeopathic medicines for raynaud’s. The guiding symptoms for using Secale Cor are icy cold and numb fingers and toes from vasospasm. Formication, tingling in the fingers and toes are also well noted. It is also suitable for slow developing gangrene.


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