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Cough from acid reflux and how to treat it with homeopathy

Several reasons like allergies, respiratory tract infections, ENT (ear, nose, and throat) troubles, and in some cases, acid reflux/GERD can cause cough. As per some studies, it has been estimated that about 25 per cent of the chronic (long-term) cough cases are related to acid reflux. Acid reflux refers to backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe (esophagus) and mouth due to issues with LES – Lower Esophageal Sphincter (a ring-shaped muscle present at the lower end of the food pipe where it joins the stomach). LES remains closed/tight (except when food or any drink has to enter the stomach) to prevent the backflow of stomach acid. But if it gets weakened, the acid gets a chance to enter back the food pipe and mouth. This is called acid reflux. Acid reflux can happen occasionally to anyone. But when acid reflux becomes a long-term condition happening at least twice a week it is termed GERD – Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

There are two suggested reasons why acid reflux could cause cough.

First, stomach acid tends to irritate the throat which induces cough. Second, cough can occur as a protective way to get rid of the tiny stomach acid particles that might have entered the throat due to acid reflux. Though, the main symptom of acid reflux is heartburn (a burning sensation in the middle of the chest behind the sternum – the breastbone) sometimes cough too can be a symptom. Most of the time this sort of cough is dry that gets worse after a meal or at night or when lying down. It is also a long-term (chronic) cough.

Besides heartburn and cough other complaints/symptoms of GERD include –  chest pain, hoarse voice, sore throat, inflamed larynx(laryngitis), lump in the throat, wheezing, regurgitation of food, difficult swallowing (dysphagia), nausea, vomiting, and bad breath.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment for cough due to acid reflux. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so they have zero-side effects. The target is to get to the root cause to bring about an effective cure. Here, homeopathic medicines help in treating acid reflux magnificently by strengthening LES and improving its function to relieve GERD-related complaints including cough, heartburn, vomiting, etc. They help in managing cough arising at any time in a day along with managing any of the associated gastric symptoms. Long-term lingering cough can arise due to several reasons some of which can be serious ones, and homeopathic prescription for acid reflux-related cough is selected on the basis of individual symptoms on a case-to-case basis. Therefore, it is advised to get any case of cough evaluated by a homeopath to rule out the cause behind the cough, and its proper treatment is based on the causes and symptoms. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough Due To Acid Reflux

1. Carbo Veg

Carbo Veg is a top-listed medicine to manage cough from acid reflux. It is suitable when the cough is accompanied by a burning sensation in the middle of the chest (heartburn). The cough is dry and caused by roughness in the throat. Cough can be continuous in nature but mostly worsens during the evenings.

Apart from bouts of cough in the evenings, for others who need this medicine, the cough gets worse after food intake. There is a sensation of mucus in the throat at night which gets better by sitting or walking. Hoarseness of voice is also an accompanying factor. Burping after eating and drinking anything also occurs. Water brash (excessive salivation mixed with stomach acid that rises up to the throat) is also experienced sometimes. Fullness and heaviness in the stomach along with excessive gas and bloating are felt.

2. Natrum Phos

Natrum Phos is the next most effective medicine to help in cases of GERD cough. It is administered when there is a constant cough. The cough seems to arise from an irritation in the throat. Cough worsens from drinking water where this medicine is required. Besides cough, other acid reflux symptoms that are present include heartburn, sour burping, difficulty swallowing, lump in the throat, and sour vomiting.

3. Iris Versicolor

Iris Versicolor is another very beneficial medicine for those who have acid reflux. It works well for those who have dry cough owing to irritation in the throat along with a burning sensation. Burning in the chest behind the sternum (heartburn) is quite prominent in those who need this medicine. Vomiting having a bitter or sour taste also occurs. Vomiting causes irritation of the throat. A wave of constant nausea is present.

4. Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is a useful medicine especially when a cough gets worst at night and interrupts your sleeping. In most cases, the cough worsens after midnight. One witnesses a continuous bout of cough while lying on the back while lying on the sides provides relief. It also gets worse upon eating. Drinking warm fluids relieves one of the coughs. Along with cough, vomiting may occur. Heartburn is also felt. A sour and bitter taste in the mouth is felt in the mornings. Mornings are also marked by nausea. It is one of the best medicines when gastric issues hit a person after eating spicy food, or alcoholic drinks.

5. Lycopodium

Another medicine that can be considered for managing acid reflux cough is Lycopodium. Those who need it complain of coughing day and night. Mostly cough gets worse between 4 pm to 8 pm. It also gets worse on lying down and eating and drinking anything cold. The gastric symptoms that are well-marked include heartburn, sour burps, and vomiting after eating or drinking.

6. China Officinalis

This medicine is effective when there is coughing every time a meal is had. It worsens at night. Vomiting may appear with cough. It is sour and may contain food particles. At the time of coughing, pain is felt in the chest. Along with cough bitter burps occur. A weight is felt in the stomach. It is well-indicated in case of gastric complaints that arise from taking tea, milk, fruits, or fish.

7. Belladonna

This medicine is very valuable in managing a cough that gets worse during the time one gets ready to sleep. A cough awakens the victim and it is short, and dry which happens from a tickling sensation in the throat. Chest pain can be felt when one coughs. One may also vomit undigested food. Belladonna is also one of the best medicine for managing sore throat with cough.

8. Arsenic Album

Arsenic Album is an important medicine when acid reflux coughing gets worse after midnight (12:00 am). It also gets worse if one drinks while lying on the back and gets better when one sits. Before cough, anxiety, and restlessness are felt. In those who need it, reflux of acid, bitter stomach acid is noticeable which is a cause of heartburn and also causes excoriation (damage) of the throat lining. Nausea and vomiting occur after eating or drinking.

9. Causticum

This medicine is used when there is a cough arising out of a tickling (irritation) in the throat pit. Bouts of cough go up after eating. It is dry, hard and gets better from drinking sips of cold water. The cough mostly gets worse in the evening and morning time and there is no cough in the daytime. Along with cough, there can occur hoarseness of voice. A burning sensation in the throat is also felt.


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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a type of arthritis that may occur in people already suffering from psoriasis. Here ‘psoriatic’ refers to psoriasis which is an autoimmune skin disease where red spots form on the skin capped with silvery white scales/flakes and arthritis means inflammation of joints. It has been estimated that 30 per cent of people suffering from psoriasis have a tendency to get psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis develops out of an autoimmune activity characterized by damage to the joints by immune cells (defense cells that help fight any infection in the body) by mistake, along with excessive production of skin cells. As per recent research, high level of TNF (tumour necrosis factor) is noted in the joints and the skin area involved. Genetic and environmental (some viral or bacterial infection) factors contribute to an autoimmune response of the body which results in psoriatic arthritis. Those having psoriasis, or a family history of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis, are at high risk to suffer from psoriatic arthritis. People between 35- 55 age group are at risk though any group may get affected.

In most cases, psoriasis begins first followed after many years by joint inflammation while in some people, the opposite happens which means arthritis psoriasis occurs before a person gets affected by psoriasis.

Psoriatic arthritis leads to symptoms including painful, swollen joints along with redness, heat and tenderness (pain on touch). Stiffness (worse in the morning or after periods of inactivity / rest) also occurs in the joints. There is limited movement of joints. Joint inflammation can be sudden or gradual and one or multiple joints may get affected varying from case to case. The joint involvement can be unilateral (one-sided) or bilateral (both-sided). The joints usually affected are of the hands, feet, neck, wrist, ankle, lower back, knees and the sacroiliac joint (it is a joint between iliac crest of hip bone and sacrum which is a triangular bone at the bottom of spine). The fingers and toes can get swollen, this condition is called sausage digit or dactylitis. If left untreated, joints may get damaged permanently. Nails and eyes can also get infected in some cases. Pits may form on the nails along with crumbling of nails and their separation from the nail bed. Eye inflammation in the form of uveitis can occur. The symptoms may vanish for a brief time period. Several complications can arise that include permanent joint damage especially of hands and fingers, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and heart complaints.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Homeopathic medicines halt further progression of joint inflammation and relieve the symptoms. The homeopathic approach involves moderating the immune system and preventing further joint inflammation and damage. Homeopathic medicines effectively manage symptoms including pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. Homeopathic medicines for psoriatic arthritis are prescribed as per the presenting symptoms in every individual case. It is recommended that any case of psoriatic arthritis be evaluated by a homeopathic physician, self-medication be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Psoriatic Arthritis

1. Rhus Tox – Top Remedy

Rhus Tox is a top-recommended medicine to manage cases of psoriatic arthritis. With its action on joints, it helps to reduce joint pain and stiffness. It is indicated when the complaint increases at rest and when movement is initiated in the affected part. Relief sets in after continued motion and also from warm application over the affected joint. Along with above symptoms, heat and swelling are well-marked in joints. Rhus Tox is also highly recommended to manage cases of lower back pain.

2. Bryonia – For Pain In Joints, Neck And Lower Back

Bryonia is effective medicine for managing joint pain, neck pain or lower back pain. It is used when joint pain gets worse upon slight movement. It can be administered for any of the joints involved. Pain gets better after rest. Those who suffer from this pain have reddened joints, which are also swollen the area feels hot. Bryonia is equally effective for neck pain and lower back pain which gets worse upon movement and gets better with rest. In such cases, back pain gets worse due to standing, stooping and turning in bed besides other movements and walking. Along with pain stiffness in neck and lower back is also felt.

3. Actaea Spicata – For Small Joint Inflammation

This medicine is best suited for treating joint inflammation in small joints. It gives magnificent results if there is pain in small joints like in the hand, wrist, fingers, ankle and toes. The joints too are swollen. There is worsening of pain from movement and touch.

4. Guaiacum – For Neck Pain & Stiffness

This medicine works well in cases where neck joints are involved. There is marked pain in the neck. Pain may extend from the neck to the back of the head and shoulders. Also, stiffness is also felt in the neck especially on one side and may go down the back on that side.

5. Caulophyllum – For Shifting Small Joint Pains

This medicine is well indicated when there is shifting type of pains in small joints. For those who need it, there is involvement of joints of hands, feet, fingers, toes, ankles and wrist. The pain keeps shifting from one joint to another. It may sometimes shift from one joint to another every few minutes. The affected joints also become stiff. Along with pain, restlessness is felt at night.

6. Apis Mellifica – For Swollen, Painful Knee Joint

Apis Mellifica is beneficial when there is pain and swelling in the knee joint. Shooting and stinging pain is mostly felt in the knee. Burning sensation is also felt in the knee. The knee becomes sensitive and tender to touch.

7. Kali Carb – For Lower Back Pain

Besides Rhus Tox and Bryonia, it is another helpful medicine when lower back pain is present. It proves to be effective when pain gets worse due to standing or walking. It is also useful when pain gets worse in the early morning hours around 3 am. The pain from lower back may radiate down the hips. It feels as if the back is broken. Weakness in lower back and legs is also felt.

8. Aesculus – For Arthritis Affecting Sacroiliac Joint

Use of Aesculus is considered when there is hip pain and lower back pain from the inflamed sacroiliac joint. Stiffness is also felt. Walking and stooping increase the pain. The pain from hip can radiate down the thighs. There is a feeling as if the lower back would break along with a weak feeling in the back.

9. Arnica – For Sore, Tender (Pain On Touch) Joints

Arnica is a prominent medicine for cases where joints are sore and tender ( painful to touch). There can be pain in any joint of the body and also the back. Its use is also highly applicable when pain begins in the joints of the lower limbs followed by upper limbs joint pain.

10. Causticum – For Managing Cases With Joint Deformity

Causticum is indicated to manage advanced cases where joint deformity has occurred. Though, it cannot reverse the deformity, it can help in preventing further progression of complaint and providing relief from the symptoms. It is helpful in managing the pain and stiffness in the deformed joints. Those who need it usually have tearing type of joint pains that get better from warm applications.



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Homeopathic Medicines to Improve Strength and Sexual Stamina in Males

Sexual stamina in males is defined as the duration for which a man can continue sexual activity till he needs a break or reaches an orgasm. A man can face low stamina at different times but if it is persistently an issue that is bothering him then he should consult a doctor to rule out any associated reason and its treatment. It is also to be kept in mind that each man’s sexual stamina is different and subjective and any thought of fitting into some standard idea of stamina may lead to sexual performance anxiety. So a man should give a deep thought to this complaint and if it is really a problem, then should get his case evaluated by a doctor for proper treatment.

A male having weak erections or having ED – erectile dysfunction (difficulty/inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse) can face a problem of having low stamina. ED may result from low testosterone levels. Decreased testosterone also leads to low sex drive/libido (desire to engage in sexual activity), decreased energy levels, and mood swings. Besides erection issues (erectile dysfunction), low stamina in males can be a result of many reasons, including PE means premature ejaculation (a common sexual complaint in which male ejaculates in less than one minute of penetration, and is unable to delay ejaculation every time and may also avoid indulging in sexual activity as a result of this problem). There are many other health conditions too associated with ED, like high blood pressure, thyroid problems (it affects libido and ejaculation time), excessive bodily stress, depression (it lowers testosterone levels), tiredness, lack of exercise, drug abuse (it can cause low blood circulation and low energy along with hormonal imbalance) and wrong lifestyle/eating habits.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in improving sexual power and stamina in males when some medical reason is linked with it for example erection issues, premature ejaculation, depression and stress. Homeopathic medicines help in this condition naturally without causing any side effects. These medicines help to address the cause behind this problem to bring excellent results. The results vary from case to case depending on the severity of the problem. There are numerous homeopathic medicines for improving stamina in males and the most suitable medicine is prescribed after a detailed analysis of the individual case. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic physician and avoid self–medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Building Stamina In Males

1. Damiana – Top medicine

Damiana is a top-grade natural homeopathic medicine to deal with cases of low stamina in males. It has a wide action on male genitalia. It is a well-known tonic to boost strength and stamina in males. It is highly effective in dealing with sexual weakness in males. It is a top-recommended medicine when low sexual stamina is related to erectile dysfunction. It improves stamina by treating erections issues in such cases. Additionally, this medicine helps to improve energy levels and take away fatigue. Damiana also helps to improve sexual desire in males.

2. Caladium

Caladium is the next suitable medicine to improve sexual stamina in males when the issue of erection is associated with it. Males needing it have normal sexual desire but have weak erections and even no erections at times. The parts remain relaxed during excitement. It is also indicated when there is premature ejaculation along with erection issues. In cases needing it, a person may be suffering from depression besides erection problems.

3. Selenium

This medicine is helpful when there is low stamina along with the issue of premature ejaculation (quick discharge of semen during sexual activity). Those needing it have an increased desire to indulge in sexual activity. They may have erection issues as well – weak erections or no erections. There may be complaints of involuntary semen discharge during sleep or when passing stool.

4. Yohimbinum

This medicine is also known to stimulate the function of the male genitals. It helps to boost sexual strength and stamina and acts as an effective aphrodisiac which helps to increase sexual desire and pleasure and enhances sexual performance.

5. Lycopodium

This medicine works well in males who face performance anxiety and erections issues. Males needing it have performance anxiety, means anxiety before indulging in sexual activity and with thoughts that they will not be able to perform well in the sexual act. They have weak erections or erections lasting only for a short time as well. Lycopodium will function to manage performance anxiety and erection issues to improve the male’s stamina.

6. Agnus Castus

It is a natural medicine that proves effective when there is absence of sexual desire and lack of ability to get erections. The genitals remain relaxed and cold. This medicine functions to enhance sexual desire and strengthen sexual organs to get an erection. This medicine is also well indicated to treat involuntary seminal discharges while passing urine and stool.

7. Phosphoric Acid

This medicine is well indicated when there is sexual weakness and low stamina due to sexual excesses in the past. In cases needing it, erections are weak and quick emissions can occur. There is a feeling of weakness all over the body. Involuntary seminal emissions may occur during sleep along with dreams related to sexual subjects. This medicine will also help to revitalize energy levels in the body along with improving the above said concerns.

8. Avena Sativa

Avena Sativa has a very important action on male sex organs and is beneficial to improve their functioning wonderfully. Its use is suggested for cases where sexual desire is low along with general weakness. There are weak erections. Seminal emissions may occur involuntarily without any erection. This medicine is also known to help cases where a person is addicted to drugs like tobacco, cocaine or alcohol.

9. Conium

This medicine is indicated when there is low stamina and erections last for a very short time. Though sexual desire is present strongly, erections are weak, imperfect and last for a very short time. There is a tendency to have quick semen discharges. Cutting pain may be felt in the urethra when semen is ejaculated.

10. Ginseng

Ginseng is also a valuable homeopathic medicine to improve strength and stamina in males. This medicine is a stimulant to sex organs and helps to overcome a feeling of tiredness and bring back energy and vigor in the body. In cases needing it, there is weakness in the male genitals. There may be a tendency of painful erections while sitting in cases requiring it.


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Best Homeopathic medicines for Child’s Growth

A child’s physical growth is indicated by increase in the height and weight of the child that is necessary in any child of that age group and sex. The child’s growth is fast from birth to 1- 2 yrs of age. Beyond this, there is gradual growth. Around adolescence (age between 13- 19yrs), the pace of growth picks up again called growth spurt (short time period where quick physical growth occurs in height and weight). When a child has less growth than what is considered normal for his / her age group, it is referred to as stunted growth.

Children with stunted growth may show symptoms like tiredness, looks pale and thin, loss of fat over cheeks, loose flabby skin in the folds, low immunity, poor intellectual development/school performance.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be a boon to children who have stunted growth with regards to height and weight which is less than what is normal as per their peer group. Along with a well – balanced nutritional diet, homeopathic medicines can work magnificently in such cases. Homeopathic medicines function to remove any obstacles that are hindering a child’s normal growth and promote weight gain and increase in height. They are also helpful in treating any underlying gastric issue, thyroid problems, etc. if linked with stunted growth. To boost a child’s growth, homeopathic medicines are selected based on detailed case analysis of a child. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case as per the presenting symptom picture of every individual child. Hence it is recommended to take any homeopathic medicine only after consulting a homeopathic physician. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances which are very safe to use with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines have a limitation in managing cases where some genetic cause is linked with stunted growth.

Homeopathic Medicines For Stunted Growth In Children

1. Baryta Carb – Top Medicine

Baryta Carb is a top recommended medicine to promote proper growth of a child. This medicine is known to stimulate growth hormone when the child is still growing. This medicine is highly suitable for children having short height and low weight as compared to what is needed for their age. They also have issues with concentration and study. Their mind is dull and slow in learning and grasping new topics. They have low appetite; though hungry, they refuse to eat. They have a tendency to catch cold easily and also suffer recurrent tonsillitis and pus collection behind the tonsils (quinsy). There is a tendency to excessive sweating especially on the feet. Sweat has fetid smell. Children needing it can be very shy and avoid strangers.

2. Silicea

Silicea is another prominent homeopathic medicine to improve child’s growth. This medicine is also indicated when a child is relatively very thin and has short height compared to children of his age. Use of this medicine is recommended when a child is eating properly but has nutritional deficiency due to improper assimilation (absorption of nutrients from food and their transportation to body cells via bloodstream) of food. There is excessive weakness, lack of stamina and tendency to have abnormal sweating on the feet and head. The child has marked sensitivity to cold air and does not like drinking milk. Silicea is also indicated for children showing delayed walking.

3. Calcarea Phos

Calcarea Phos is the next well-indicated medicine to boost child’s growth with regards to height and weight. Children needing it are thin, emaciated with sunken eyes and dark circles around the eyes. They also have weak, thin bones prone to fracture. They are slow in learning to walk, speak and also late in dentition. They may be suffering from anemia. They may have cold limbs and poor digestion.

4. Natrum Mur

This medicine works well to help improve the weight of a child having less weight. Children requiring it are very thin and especially the neck area is markedly thin. They eat very well yet go on losing weight. They crave salty things and dislike fatty food. They may be anemic too. They have marked weakness, feel tired and sleepy.  Children needing it get irritable frequently and tend to cry frequently without any reason.

5. Iodum

Iodum is an effective medicine to promote weight gain in those children who are losing weight inspite of eating well. They have excessive hunger, must eat every few hours but are not gaining weight. They are thin, feel very tired, the body heats up fast and they desire cold fresh air. There is a tendency to sweat from the slightest exertion. Iodum is also a leading medicine for cases where a child is unable to gain weight due to an  overactive thyroid gland. Children requiring this medicine are quite restless and have impulsive behaviour.

6. Abrotanum

Abrotanum is useful for children who are very thin, especially legs. The skin hangs loose in the folds of body. The neck is weak with difficulty in holding the head. The face looks pale, wrinkled and old with blue rings around the eyes. There may be alternate diarrhea and constipation. Undigested food may pass in the stool.

7. Tuberculinum

Tuberculinum is a helpful medicine for weak, thin children having short height and low weight. Children needing it are always tired and exhausted and have excessive sweating at night. They have tendency to catch cold easily, and also suffer from sore throat and infection in upper respiratory tract quite frequently. They also have tendency to suffer diarrhea lasting for long duration.

8. Lycopodium

Lycopodium is suitable for those children who have thin upper body as compared to the lower part. Children needing it have weak digestion. Their appetite is low and eating only a little food makes their stomach full. A child may be suffering from food allergies, like wheat allergy. There is a tendency of excessive gas production and bloated abdomen soon after eating.

What Causes Stunted Growth In Children?

It can arise from genetic causes, deficiency of growth hormone (produced by pituitary gland that aids growth in children and adolescents), malnutrition, and recurrent infections like diarrhea (loose motion). If a child is not growing well it might also be a result of any one of these causes:

1. Gastric issues, like , celiac disease in which eating gluten present in wheat, rye barley damages small intestines that hinders absorption of nutrients;  Crohn’s disease in which there occurs inflammation in some part of gastrointestinal tract in which other symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, blood in stool may be present

2. Thyroid issues

3. Certain types of anemia, a condition where there is low red blood cells in body to carry oxygen to different body tissues and organs. Sickle cell anemia is a type of inherited disorder in which RBCs become crescent moon shaped that hinders carrying oxygen to different body parts

4. Bone disorders




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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for treating Weight Gain due to Hypothyroidism

There may be several reasons for weight gain. It may be due to improper diet or unhealthy lifestyle but in many cases, it may arise due to some underlying health problem. Hypothyroidism is one such health issue that is a very common reason behind weight gain. Hypothyroidism means underactive thyroid where thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones normally required in the body for its proper functioning.

Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck that produces thyroid hormones which control many functions of the body, including metabolism (chemical reaction in the cells of the body that burns food to change it into energy for bodily functions), breathing, weight, heart rate, and digestion process. Reduced production of the thyroid hormones leads to slowing down of body’s function.  One of the results or most of the times the first sign of hypothyroidism is weight gain as body does not burn calories quick enough due to less amount of the thyroid hormones in the body. Weight gain is majorly from build-up of fluid and salt accumulation, in addition to fat accumulation in cases of hypothyroidism. The more severe the hypothyroidism, the more the weight gain. Besides weight gain, other symptoms of hypothyroidism are tiredness, constipation, sensitivity to cold, muscle weakness, sleepiness, joint pains, puffiness of the hands, feet and the face, hair thinning, skin dryness, depressed feeling, reduced sexual interest, heavy menses in females, hoarse voice and numbness/tingling in the hands.

Homeopathic Management

There is great scope in homeopathy to help lose weight in persons who have gained weight as a result of underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Homeopathic medicines help to reduce weight as they improve the natural functioning of the thyroid. It corrects thyroid function by boosting the thyroid gland to produce more hormones thus improving the body’s metabolism. Once the body’s metabolism is regulated and speedened up, it will help in bringing down weight by burning more calories. Along with helping weight reduction, homeopathic medicines also help to manage any associated symptoms mentioned above.

Homeopathic medicines are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side effects. Weight gain can happen from various causes apart from hypothyroidism, so it is very important to get any case of weight gain evaluated by a doctor and treatment taken accordingly. Homeopathic prescription for weight reduction varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms. Hence, it is recommended that homeopathic medicines for weight reduction should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and self-medication be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Weight Gain Due To Hypothyroidism

1. Calcarea Carb – Top Medicine

Calcarea Carb is the topmost medicine to manage weight gain resulting from hypothyroidism. Calcarea Carb helps to improve functioning of thyroid gland and reduce body weight in a natural way. Along with facing problem of increased weight, persons needing it may always feel excessively tired, especially while walking. There is also heightened sensitivity to cold in them. Swelling may be present on the face, hands and feet. Besides, the person may suffer from constipation. Females needing it may have heavy bleeding during menses and prolonged menses as well.

2. Graphites

Graphites is the next well-indicated homeopathic medicine to help reduce weight in persons suffering from hypothyroidism. They may have some other issues as well associated with underactive thyroid. These include rough and dry skin, constipation with hard and difficult stool and abdominal bloating along with gas. They may also be depressed, with a constantly sad feeling with frequent weeping spells. Females needing it might suffer from irregularity in menstrual periods with swelling in upper and the lower limbs. They may also feel numbness and crawling sensation in the limbs. They may feel chilly with cold hands and feet.

3. Thyroidinum

Thyroidinum is also a wonderful choice of medicine to improve thyroid functioning and manage weight gain. In persons needing it there is puffiness in the body and excessive fatigue from slight exertion. They may suffer from muscle weakness as well. Tingling sensation may be felt in the limbs. Besides, there may be increased sensitivity to cold, irritability, weak memory and dry skin. The appetite increases and the person always needs something to eat. There is a craving for sweets particularly.

4. Sepia

This medicine is suitable for females especially those around the age of menopause. It helps in shedding weight by stimulating thyroid functioning. Females needing it have an oversensitivity to cold feeling chilly even in a warm room. They complain of constipation with hard stool passed in the form of small balls. They may have heavy menses and decreased sexual desire. The person feels irritable, depressed, sad with frequent weeping spells and an aversion to doing any kind of work.

5. Fucus Vesiculosus

This natural medicine is very useful to reduce weight due to hypothyroidism. It is beneficial when a person has gained excessive weight due to hypothyroidism along with thyroid gland enlargement (goiter). There is intense weakness and constipation along with excessive gas in abdomen. In females needing it, there may be a tendency of heavy menstrual bleeding of bright red colour.

6. Kali Carb

This medicine is well indicated for weight gain and intolerance to cold with constant feeling of chill. The hands and feet remain cold, along with weakness in the muscles. There is baggy swelling between eyebrows and the upper eyelids as well as under the eyes. There is puffiness on the face in the morning.

7. Lycopodium

Lycopodium is an effective medicine for those who have gained weight with the upper body being fat but thin legs. In persons needing it, the limbs remain cold and numb. They may complain of hair thinning and hair fall as well. There is dryness of skin especially in the palms of hands. Gastric issues like increased gas production and bloated abdomen soon after eating may be felt where this medicine is required.

8. Phytolacca

Phytolacca is a general natural remedy quite helpful in managing weight gain arising from various causes. Those who need this medicine are obese and also suffer great exhaustion and general body aches. Entire body feels lame and sore. Abnormally hard and painful nodes may be seen in different parts of the body.



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Top Homeopathic medicines for Inflammation and Pain

Inflammation refers to swelling, redness, pain and heat in the body part as a result of some infection or injury. Whenever any infectious agent such as bacteria, virus enters our body or there occurs an injury, our immune system gets activated. Inflammatory cells are released that begins to trap infectious agents and initiate healing process. It results in signs and symptoms of inflammation including pain, redness, swelling and heat in affected parts. Along with these symptoms there may occur fever, muscle pain, tiredness depending on cause behind inflammation. Besides infection and injury, inflammation may also occur from auto-immune process (in autoimmune process the infection fighting cells in body start to damage body’s own healthy tissue out of a misdirected response) resulting in auto-immune diseases. Other factors increase risk of inflammation includes drinking excessive alcohol, obesity, smoking, chronic stress and exposure to industrial chemicals. Inflammation can occur in any of the body part from head to toe. Some of the inflammation prone zones in the body are throat, tonsils, sinuses, eyes, ears, nose, joints, muscles, tendons, urinary tract, stomach, intestine, rectum, liver, skin.


1. Acute inflammation – This type of inflammation occurs suddenly for example as a result of injury or bacterial infection. It begins rapidly and could last from a few hours to a few days.

2. Chronic inflammation – It is a long-term inflammation that develops gradually over a period of several months to even years. For example, in case of arthritis (joint inflammation) chronic inflammation can be present.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a great choice of safe and effective treatment option for inflammation and pain. Homeopathic remedies work naturally to reduce inflammation and manage pain, swelling, redness and heat. These give excellent clinical results in vast number of such cases. These firstly halt further progression of inflammation and decreases the inflammation already occurred. There is huge list of homeopathic medicines to manage inflammation. Among this list the most suitable medicine is selected as per every individual case based on body part involved and its characteristic symptoms. It is to be noted that homeopathy is recommended only for mild to moderate cases. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines. Homeopathic physician will evaluate the case and prescribe the most suitable remedy. In case of severe intensity and also serious cause behind inflammation that needs immediate medical help like appendicitis (inflamed appendix), pneumonia (inflamed air sacs of lungs), encephalitis (brain inflammation), it is strictly advised to take quick help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitation in treating such critical cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Inflammation

1. Belladonna – Top remedy

Belladonna is top recommended medicine to manage inflammation and pain. It works wonders in reducing inflammation in various body parts like throat, tonsils, ears, nose, sinuses, urinary bladder etc. In cases where it is needed there is marked redness, heat, pain and swelling in affected part. It is also a leading medicine to manage inflammatory fever which means fever that occurs as a result of inflammation.

2. Merc Sol – For Throat Inflammation (Sore Throat) And Tonsillitis

Besides Belladonna which is top medicine for managing sore throat and tonsillitis, Merc Sol is also prominently used medicine to manage this complaint. This medicine is used when there is bluish red swelling in throat, tonsils look dark red and ulcers may also be present on the tonsils and throat. There is pain in throat and tonsils, and pain may extend to ears especially when one swallows. Pain is usually stitching in nature. Salivation is increased along with above-mentioned complaints along with bad smell in the mouth.

3. Natrum Mur – For Inflammation of Lining Of Nose (Rhinitis)

Natrum Mur is a very suitable medicine to manage rhinitis. It is indicated for thin watery discharge from the nose. With this there is sneezing. Nasal blockage and loss of smell are other accompanying symptoms.

4. Kali Bichrome – For Inflamed Paranasal Sinuses (Sinusitis)

Kali Bichrome is a very effective medicine to manage sinus inflammation. The main symptom indicating its use is PND — post nasal discharge that indicates dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat. Next prominent indication for its use is thick, sticky, ropy mucus discharge from nose which is yellow or green in colour. With above-mentioned complaints there is headache in frontal region (forehead) of head and pain at the root of the nose. There occurs fetid smell in the nose.

5. Pulsatilla – For Ear Inflammation and Pain

Pulsatilla is a natural remedy to manage ear inflammation. It can manage inflammation of middle as well as inner ear really well. In cases requiring it there is ear pain especially marked at night. There is discharge from ear that is thick and yellow. It has a foul smell. Hearing becomes difficult.

6. Euphrasia – For Conjunctiva Inflammation (Conjunctivitis)

Euphrasia is best choice of medicine to deal with inflammation of conjunctiva (thin membrane lining eyelid and white of the eye). It is used when there is redness in the eye, excessive watering of the eye along with burning sensation in the eyes. Itching is also well-marked in the eyes. A sensation of dust in the eyes is also felt.

7. Rhus Tox – For Joints Inflammation and Pain

Rhus Tox is best choice of medicine to treat joint inflammation. It can be used for inflammation in any of the joints in the body. It helps reduce joint inflammation and managing pain, swelling and stiffness of joints magnificently. In cases where it is needed the joint pain get worse during the resting period and when the first movement begins. Pains get better after continued motion.

8. Bryonia – To Manage Inflamed Muscles

This medicine is very beneficial for managing muscle inflammation. This medicine is useful for reducing muscle inflammation in any part of the body. In cases where it is needed there is marked muscle pain that worsens on slightest movement.  It gets better by lying still and rest.

9. Ruta – For Tendon Inflammation (Tendonitis)

Tendons are band of strong fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Ruta is a leading medicine to manage cases of tendinitis. It works well in managing inflamed tendons anywhere in the body. It is very suitable in cases where tendons get inflamed from overstraining or there is overuse of tendons like from repeated exercise or an injury. It helps to reduce tendon inflammation and its associated pain and soreness.

10. Arsenic Album – For Stomach Inflammation (Gastritis)

Arsenic Album is very useful in managing stomach inflammation. The key feature to use this medicine is burning pain in the stomach. It gets worse from eating slightest food or drinking any fluid. It worsens mainly due to drinking cold liquid, and gets better from drinking warm liquid.

11. Cantharis – For Inflammation Of Urinary Bladder (Cystitis) And (Urethra)

To manage inflammation of urinary bladder (cystitis) and (urethra), Cantharis is the top recommended medicine. It is indicated when there is burning or pain while passing the urine or before and after passing of the urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate from smallest quantity of urine in the bladder. The urine may be scanty. Sometimes it may come out in droplets.

12. Merc Cor – For Inflamed Large Intestine (Colitis) Or Rectum (Proctitis)

Merc Cor is an important medicine to manage inflammation of the large intestine and rectum. It is needed if there is mucus and blood with loose stool. Burning in the rectum while passing stool may be felt. There is a marked tenesmus (frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool even when bowels are completely empty). Every time a person goes to relieve himself, a scant stool is passed and there is a sensation of the bowels not being empty.

13. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Inflammation

Apis Mellifica is a beneficial medicine to deal with cases of skin inflammation. Those needing it have markedly red, sore and sensitive skin. Burning and heat in skin is felt. Stinging type of pains can be felt on the skin.

14. Chelidonium – For Liver Inflammation (Hepatitis)

Chelidonium is most valuable medicine to help cases of liver inflammation. Those who need it have liver pain that may radiate to the back. Liver may be enlarged and sore to touch. Jaundice can be present with dark stool and offensive urine.

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Get rid of Warts on Face with Homeopathic Medicines

Warts are small, fleshy non-cancerous bumps that form on the skin. Such warts may pop up on any part of the body including the face. Warts that surface on the face are known as facial warts. From the face, these warts may spread to other body parts as well if a person touches the wart and then touches some other part of the body. Warts are caused by many strains (about 150) of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and approx. 10 strains out of these are known to cause facial warts. These are highly contagious and tend to spread from direct skin-to-skin contact. These also spread by touching surfaces contaminated with this virus. Children and those with a weak immune system are prone to such types of infections. Though facial warts are not harmful these may look unattractive and may cause irritation, itching and pain.  Touching it may give a sore feeling and it may also bleed. Warts could make a person self-conscious about their image. The common areas on the face where these mostly develop are lips, eyelids, and cheeks. The colour of these warts can be pink, skin colour, brown or yellow varying from one person to another. In some cases, a black dot is seen on the wart which indicates that such blood vessels can cause bleeding when pricked.

Types Of Warts

1. Flat warts:These warts have a flat appearance on the top of the surface. The size of these warts vary between 1 mm to 7 mm. These also vary in colour from flesh-coloured to yellow to brown colour. These are smooth textured. Usually, these appear in multiple numbers in the form of clusters (means in groups located close together in a small area). These tend to form near any cut or scratch in the skin. Mostly these are located on the cheeks and the forehead. Flat warts are more common in children as compared to adults. There is usually no irritation or pain present in such types of warts.

2. Filiform warts:Such warts mainly occur around the mouth, nose, near the eyelids, under the chin, and at times on the neck. These take the colour of the skin of the person. These are hard and rough types with spiky appearance. These warts may cause discomfort and can be painful mainly when these are formed near the eyelid.

Homeopathic Treatment

Warts can be effectively treated with the help of homeopathic treatment using a very conservative approach. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to fight the viral agent which causes warts. These medicines help in curing warts naturally with no side effects. Apart from healing the warts, these also help in managing any related symptoms. These include pain, itching, and any discharge or bleeding from the warts. Homeopathic medicines are also useful in helping overcome a tendency to have recurrent warts on the face. These medicines provide a permanent and completely safe solution. Homeopathic medicines are administered on a case-to-case basis keeping in consideration the location, size of the wart, and any associated complaint linked to it like pain, itching, soreness, or bleeding. Therefore, it is advised to take any medicine after getting your case completely evaluated by a homeopath and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Trearting Warts 

1.Thuja – Top-Grade Medicine

Thuja is the most frequently used medicine for the treatment of warts in homeopathy. It is usually the physician’s first choice to treat warts occurring on any part of the body. It is very effective in treating the warts which appear on the face. Thuja helps a patient get rid of warts on the cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, and upper lip. To use this medicine, warts can be small or large in size, these may ooze fluid or may also bleed. Warts may also be itchy and in such cases, Thuja is the medicine to bank on.

2. Causticum – For Warts On the Eyebrow, Eyelid, Nose, Lips

Causticum works magnificently in those cases where warts form on the eyebrow, eyelid, nose, and lips. The warts can be tiny or large. The warts are painful and can be inflamed. Warts may ooze blood in those cases needing it. Most of the time the warts are hard to touch.

3. Dulcamara – For Flat Warts

Dulcamara is especially recommended to treat flat warts on the face. If warts come out in crops/clusters (multiple warts located close together), this is the medicine to rely on. The warts are soft to the touch. Warts may be large in some cases.

4. Nitric Acid – For Warts That Bleed

Nitric Acid is most effective in case of warts that bleed easily. Wart may Bleed due to touch. The warts may be present mostly on the upper lid, forehead, and upper lip. The warts are painful. Pain may occur on touching the warts. A pricking sensation in warts can be felt. Warts are soft and may be large and pedunculated.

5. Lycopodium – For Warts On the Chin

This medicine is useful for treating warts on the chin. The warts are small and white. These are pedunculated (attached to the skin via a stalk). These warts can be painful too.

6. Arsenic Album – For Warts On Cheeks

Arsenic Album is a helpful remedy to treat warts on the cheeks. These may be red-coloured. The warts may be painful and sore to touch. Burning can be felt in these warts. Warts may be inflamed also.

7. Cundurango – For Warts Around the Mouth

It is an important medicine for treating warts occurring specifically around the mouth. The warts are flat and can be aptly treated with this medicine. They may also ooze fluid and such warts are large in size. Deep cracks are mostly present at the corners of the mouth and are painful.

8. Calcarea Carb – For Multiple Small Warts

Calcarea Carb offers effective treatment in case of small-sized warts and multiple in number. These are soft at the base and rough and hard on the upper surface. Also, these are round. The colour of the warts is exactly like the skin of the person. Warts may be inflamed and it may bleed as well. There may be complaints of itching in the warts. A stinging sensation in the warts can be felt.

9. Sepia – For Itchy Warts

Sepia is highly beneficial to deal with in case of itchy warts. The warts are small and flat where sepia is required. These are hard to touch and rough at the top. The colour of these warts is dark. There is no accompanying pain. Mostly the warts appear around the mouth and on the chin. Warts may have a tendency to recur after treatment.


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Causes and Homeopathic Remedies to treat Swelling in Scrotum

Scrotal swelling refers to enlargement of scrotum, a sac that contains the testicles. It can arise from several reasons like fluid build–up in the scrotum, an injury or inflammation of the scrotum. The swelling can be localized to a part of the scrotum or may be present in the whole scrotum varying from case to case. Swelling can be on one side or both. It can come on suddenly or appear gradually over a period of time. Depending on the cause behind it, swelling can be attended with pain, lump, redness, heat and visible enlarged veins in the scrotum. Though scrotal swelling is usually harmless but in some cases it may lead to damage to the testicles and result in infertility, so one should always seek medical help in such cases for proper diagnosis and treatment at the right time.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing swelling of the scrotum. These medicines treat the underlying cause behind the swelling to bring great recoveries. Along with swelling, they also manage any associated pain or redness in the scrotum. These medicines are of natural origin that ensure natural recovery with zero side effects. The homeopathic medicines are prescribed for every individual case based on the characteristic symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self – medication. In case of excessive swelling, severe pain and serious causes like testicular torsion, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be sought as homeopathy has its limitation to handle such acute, severe and serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Scrotal Swelling

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a top grade medicine to help cases of scrotal swelling. The swelling could be due to various reasons including hydrocele, orchitis, epididymitis where this medicine is required. Pain in the testicles attends swelling which are sore to touch. The scrotum may be red too. Itching may also be felt on the scrotum.

2. Rhododendron – From Hydrocele

This is a leading medicine for swelling of the scrotum called hydrocele. Along with swelling, the testes are painful. Pain gets worse while sitting and gets better by walking. Testes may also be painful to touch in some cases. Pain may extend to the abdomen and thighs from the testes. It is also indicated when swollen scrotum occurs in case of orchitis (inflamed testicles).

3. Clematis – For Swelling With Pain

Clematis is a prominent medicine for swollen scrotum along with pain. The pain gets worse from touch and when walking in cases requiring this medicine. There may be pain in the testicles that goes to the groins and the thighs. There may be swelling and inflammation in the testicles. It is very suitable for cases of orchitis and hydrocele.

4. Hamamelis – In Case Of Varicocele

This medicine is well indicated for swollen scrotum arising from varicocele (enlargement of veins). It can be accompanied with pain all the time. Hamamelis helps to bring relief in swelling and pain by promoting proper blood flow in the veins of the scrotum. In cases needing it, the pain may radiate to the groin and back. There may be heated sensation mainly in the right testicle.

5. Arnica – For Swelling From An Injury

Arnica is highly effective in managing swelling of the scrotum due to injury. The scrotum appears painful and tender. The scrotum may appear red. Arnica is also a prominent medicine to manage swelling of the scrotum due to varicocele.

6. Conium – With Pain Extending From Scrotum To Penis

Conium is indicated to manage scrotal swelling when pain from the scrotum radiates to the penis. There may be testicle pain too. It gets worse at night. It is a suitable medicine for treating orchitis. Testicles may be hard in cases requiring this medicine.

7. Pulsatilla – In Orchitis Cases

Pulsatilla is a highly valuable medicine to deal with cases of swollen scrotum due to orchitis. In cases needing it, there is pain in the testicles along with a burning sensation. The testicles may be sore to touch. The pain in testicles can be tearing, tensive or lacerating type.

8. Mezereum – For Painless Swelling

Mezereum is a prominent medicine when swelling of the scrotum occurs without any pain. The testicles may be enlarged in cases requiring it. The penis may be swollen. There may be a history of gonorrhea where this medicine is indicated.

What Causes Swelling In Scrotum?

1. Hydrocele – It is the most common cause of swelling in the scrotum as a result of fluid build-up in the sheath surrounding the testicles. It leads to heaviness and dragging sensation in the scrotum. One may feel pain in the scrotum.

2. Varicocele – It is an abnormal enlargement of the veins (pampiniform plexus) in the scrotum. It presents with scrotal swelling or a lump in the scrotum. In case of severe varicocele, enlarged veins may be visible in the scrotum. In most cases, varicocele generally causes no symptoms but dull, throbbing pain, heaviness in the testicles may indicate varicocele. It may lead to decreased sperm production and infertility.

3. Cysts – Cyst is a small pocket filled with fluid. These may occur after an infection or injury.

4. Hernia in groin (Inguinal hernia) – In this condition, a part of the intestine protrudes out through a weak spot in the lining of abdominal wall. This part of the intestine may drop down into the scrotum causing pain and swelling.

5. Orchitis – It means inflammation of testicles usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It can cause swollen scrotum, tenderness in scrotum along with testicle pain/heaviness. The rest of the symptoms can include groin pain, pain/burning during urination and painful ejaculation.

6. Epididymitis – It refers to an inflammation of the epididymis – coiled tube at the back of the testicle that stores sperms while they mature and then carried from the testes to the vas deferens. It results usually from a sexually transmitted infection (like chlamydia, gonorrhoea), or an infection of urinary tract. It may lead to scrotal swelling, pain in the testicles, redness and tenderness of the testicles, painful ejaculation and painful urination.

7. An injury

8. An infection of scrotal skin

9. Testicular torsion – It is a serious condition in which the testicle twists resulting in loss of blood supply to that particular portion. It needs immediate medical treatment because it can cause permanent damage to the testicular tissue if immediate treatment is not taken.

10. Tumor – In very rare cases, swollen scrotum may be resulting from a tumour or cancer.

11. Idiopathic – When no cause behind the cases of scrotal swelling is identified, it is referred as idiopathic case.



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Cholinergic Urticaria: How to get Relief through Homeopathy

Urticaria refers to a skin rash in which bumps known as wheals or welts suddenly appear on the skin. Also known as hives or nettle rash, Urticaria is of several types. One among them is cholinergic urticaria that refers to urticaria that gets triggered when the body gets warm and body’s temperature increases from exercise, being in a warm room or in hot weather or from sweating. It is also known as heat hives or heat bumps. Exercise is the most common of all the triggers for this type of Urticaria. Other triggers for this type of Urticaria include bathing with hot water, fever, exposure to sun’s heat, being near a stove, stress, nervousness, anxiety, being angry, eating spicy or hot food and alcohol consumption. The exact reason behind this type of urticaria is not clear yet. But it is believed that it may arise from an allergic response. In this condition, the body overreacts to heat and sweat. Heat and sweat, along with release of histamine, causes  reaction. Though it may affect both males and females, it is relatively more common in males. A person already suffering from an allergic condition like hay fever (allergic rhinitis), asthma, eczema or Urticaria from some other causes (like from eating certain food, pressure on the skin) are at a high risk of getting cholinergic urticaria.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cholinergic Urticaria. These medicines are entirely safe to use as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances and have zero side effects. They help magnificently in healing the wheals.  Along with this any itching, burning, stinging sensation is well controlled with these medicines. After acutely managing the condition, homeopathic medicines work gradually to overcome the tendency of recurrence of this type of Urticaria.  For this, homeopathic treatment has to be continued for a few months depending on duration and intensity of case. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case based on the symptom presentation so homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor only. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for mild to moderate cases of cholinergic Urticaria. Homeopathy has limitations in treating severe cases of urticaria, and the severe condition of anaphylaxis. So, in cases of severe intensity and where any signs of anaphylaxis are present, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Cholinergic Urticaria

1.Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica ranks first on the list of homeopathic medicines for treating Urticaria. It is one of the best medicines when Urticaria gets triggered from heat, and warmth of the bed. It is also the most effective medicine for hives that occur in warm weather. Following heat exposure, red wheals appear on the skin. There is intense burning and stinging in the wheals. These are also very itchy, especially during night. There is relief from itching in open air. One may feel pain in the wheals. The wheals may be tender to touch. It is also a well-indicated medicine for managing hives that appear during fever.

wheals on the skin

wheals on the skin

2. Natrum Mur – For Urticaria After Exercise

This medicine is very beneficial for Urticaria occurring after exercise. The bumps may form over the whole body surface in those needing it. The bumps may be quite large. Violent itching is felt in the wheals. Burning and stinging sensation is felt too.

3. Rhus Tox – For Urticaria From Sweating

Rhus Tox is a well indicated medicine when Urticaria is triggered from sweating. Wheals appear with intense itching which worsens from rubbing. This medicine is also valuable to help cases of Urticaria during fever. In such cases, wheals appear all over the body along with itching. The wheals are dark red, circular and elevated. The surrounding skin may be swollen.

4. Urtica Urens – For Exercise Induced Urticaria

Just like medicine Natrum Mur, this medicine is also useful for cases of exercise-induced Urticaria. Red-colored raised bumps appear on the skin after exercise in cases needing it. This is accompanied with severe itching. Burning heat is also felt in the bumps. Formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) can be quite prominent where this medicine is required. In some areas, stinging sensation is felt in the wheals.

5. Pulsatilla – For Urticaria In Summer

This natural medicine is very effective for treating Urticaria that occurs in summer. In cases needing it, wheals occur on the skin with itching in hot weather. Itching gets worse at night.

6. Sulphur – During Fever

Sulphur is a suitable medicine for managing cases of hives that get triggered during fever. The wheals may appear on the arms, legs, face and neck. The hives can be quite itchy along with burning sensation.

7. Chloralum – For Hives From Alcoholic Drinks

For treatment of hives that get triggered from consuming alcoholic drinks, Chloralum is the best choice of medicine. It is also indicated for hives from drinking any hot liquid. Large patches of red-colored wheals appear on the neck, back, abdomen and the limbs. Violent stinging and itching occurs.

8. Conium – For Hives From Being Overheated

Conium is another very helpful medicine when hives appear due to the body getting overheated. It is effective when hives appear after intense body exercise. Itching is felt in the wheals. It gets worse from scratching. Burning and pain may also be felt.

Signs And Symptoms

In cholinergic Urticaria, tiny (between 1 – 5 mm) bumps appear on the skin surrounded by circles called wheals. The bumps may be skin colored or red. These may turn white when pressed. Itching, stinging, tingling or burning sensation may attend. Though the bumps may appear on any body part but more commonly occur on the face, chest, arms and upper back.  Palms, soles and armpits are never affected. The hives may develop within 5 -6 minutes of exposure to the trigger and may remain for half an hour to about two hours. This condition may vary from being mild to severe that requires immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms of severe condition (called anaphylaxis) includes hives covering the whole body along with other symptoms like swelling in the deep layers of skin, swelling in the throat or of the tongue. This condition can block airways, cause contraction of the airways causing breathing difficulty, wheezing, weak and rapid pulse, dizziness and low blood pressure. When any of these severe symptoms are felt, it is advised to take immediate medical help as these point towards a life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis.




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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema of Hands

Eczema (dermatitis) of hands refers to inflammatory condition of skin on the hands. It usually affects the palms though it can affect other parts of the hands too like back of hands, fingers, space between fingers, etc. Hand eczema usually occurs from chemical exposure or hands getting exposed to some irritant. Those who have jobs where chemicals are used like, laundry workers, hairdressers, healthcare workers, painters and chefs are more predisposed to develop hand eczema. Besides, chemicals and irritants, frequent hand washing (that causes dryness) also increases chances of hand eczema. Excessive washing results in weakening of the barrier of the skin making it prone to allergic reaction when it comes in contact with some allergen.

Stress is also linked with triggering hand eczema. Hormones produced during mental stress cause suppression of the immune system resulting in skin inflammation. Eczema may also get triggered or worsen in cold temperatures and winters. The signs and symptoms may include redness and dark spots on hands, dryness and itching on hands. Blisters (fluid-filled bumps) may form on the hands. In some cases, pustules (pus-filled eruptions) may appear or cracks may develop on the hands. Hands may be sore and at times, there may be bleeding from the affected area on the hand. Scales may appear and thickening of the skin on the palm may occur.  In some cases, peeling of the skin is present. In long term severe cases, marked pain may be felt in the hands that makes working with hands difficult.

It is of following types:

1.Irritant contact dermatitis of hands: It occurs when hands come in contact with some irritants like soaps, detergents, dust that can irritate skin of hand.

2. Allergic contact dermatitis of hands: It occurs from an allergic reaction to some allergen like nickel, rubber, fragrance substances when such an allergen comes in contact with hands.

3. Pompholyx eczema: Other names of this eczema are dyshidrotic eczema and vesicular hand dermatitis that occurs on hands and feet. Its cause is usually unknown but heat, sweating and stress are known to worsen this type of eczema. In this water-filled bumps called blisters form on the palms and soles that are very itchy.

4. Fingertip dermatitis: It can affect one or multiple fingers

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment for eczema of hands. The homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. They help in healing the eruptions and managing its discharges. The homeopathic medicines also help to heal the dryness, roughness and cracks on skin and its associated bleeding. Itching, burning sensation and any pain present in eruptions is also wonderfully managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines for treating hand eczema are selected based on individual symptoms in each and every case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicines for treating eczema of hands.

Homeopathic Medicines For Eczema Of Hands

1. Graphites – For Small Fluid-Filled Bumps

Graphites is the most frequently used medicine to treat eczema of hands. It is well indicated for cases with small bumps (blisters) on hands and fingers. These ooze out a sticky fluid. There is itching and burning in these eruptions. Graphites is also useful for dryness, roughness and cracks on the hands. The skin on the hands becomes hard in cases needing it. Graphites can be helpful for healing eruptions or cracks developing between the fingers. Cracks on the ends of fingers can also be treated well with this remedy.

2. Petroleum – For Marked Roughness Cracks On Hands

Petroleum is a well-indicated medicine to manage roughness and cracks on the hands. The cracks may ooze blood. Thick crusts may be present on the skin. There is intolerable itching on the hands. Burning sensation is also felt. It is also indicated for fluid-filled eruptions with thick scabs that may ooze pus. Petroleum is a leading medicine for eczema that gets worse in cold environment or winters.

3. Arsenic Album – For Dryness Along With Scales

This medicine works well when the skin is dry and covered with scales. At times, pus like discharge may ooze out. There is intense itching on the affected area. It gets worse at night. After scratching, soreness and burning sensation occurs. The affected portion of the skin may be oversensitive to touch. The complaint may get worse from cold application.

4. Mezereum – For Eczema On Back Of Hands

This medicine is recommended for treating eczema on the back of hands. In cases needing it, small fluid-filled eruptions form in the affected area. They dry up and get covered with crusts. These eruptions are itchy along with a burning sensation. It gets worse from scratching. Putting water on affected area worsens the complaint.

5. Merc Sol – For Eczema On Back Of Hands With Peeling Of Skin

Merc Sol is also effective for eczema on the back of hands. It is used when there is peeling of the skin from back of the hands. It is accompanied with stinging, burning pain. The affected area is moist that may become dry afterwards, covered with yellow crust. After scratching, the surrounding skin may get inflamed.

6. Sulphur – To Manage Itching And Burning

Sulphur is a beneficial medicine to manage itching and burning on the hands due to eczema. The complaint gets worse at night. After scratching, bleeding may occur from the eczema spots. There is pain after scratching. Cuts and cracks appear on the hands. The skin of the hands is very hard and dry. Fluid-filled bumps may be present on the back side of hands.

7. Lycopodium – With Dryness Of Palms

Lycopodium is a useful medicine for eczema with dryness on palms. The skin of palms looks shrunken. The skin is also thick and hard. Cracks may be present in some cases. Besides these complaints, this medicine is indicated for managing pimple-like eruptions on the palms of hands and also in between the fingers. It can also be given for scaly eruptions developing on the back of hands and the fingers.

8. Staphysagria – For Pus Filled Eruptions On Hands

It is a highly valuable medicine to manage pus-filled eruptions called pustules on hands. A yellow fluid oozes out. There is marked itching on the eruptions in the evening. These also burn after scratching.

9. Cantharis – For Eczema On Fingers And In Between Fingers

Cantharis is a suitable medicine to deal with eczema on the fingers and in between the fingers. There are fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles). These soon dry into thin crusts. Itching and burning is marked in these eruptions. Pricking is also felt. The skin of the fingers may peel off causing loss of surface layer of skin. The complaint gets worse from cold water application, it gets better from warmth.

10. Juglans Cinerea – For Painful Eczema

This medicine is considered when there is marked pain in the eczema patches. The hands are sore (painful) to touch. In cases requiring this medicine, the eruptions appear on both the palms and back of hands. The eruptions may ooze fluid or pus. There is intolerable itching also. The eruptions get covered with crusts after fluid oozes out.




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