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To 5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Recurrent Mouth Ulcers

Homeopathic Medicines For Mouth UlcersNearly everyone suffers from mouth ulcers at one time or the other in their lives. Most would also agree that these insignificant-looking ulcers can cause major discomfort. For some people, the irritation and pain can be so troublesome that it tends to disrupt their daily life. Homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers work well to treat the ulcers quickly, and also to help prevent their recurrence. Natural medicine for mouth ulcers treatment also helps during the acute phase of the condition in reducing the pain as well as the duration of ulcers. Mouth ulcers are more common in women than in men.

Pain caused by these ulcers can at times be so severe that it can limit the ability to speak and eat properly. Besides the pain, mouth ulcers have another troublesome feature associated with them- ‘frequent recurrence.’ These ulcers tend to occur very frequently in some people. It is a common issue with mouth ulcers that while the first lot is not fully healed, new ulcers are already on their way. Mouth ulcers (apthae) also tend to occur in crops or multiple numbers.

Homeopathic Medicines for Mouth Ulcers

Allopathic treatment for recurrent mouth ulcers involves pain management and lowering the healing time of the ulcer. However, conventional treatment does not cure the ulcers permanently. The usual advice involves using a rinse of saltwater, antiseptic liquids, baking soda or steroid to reduce the pain, but the underlying cause remains the same. This increases the tendency to develop ulcers again and again. Biochemic medicine for mouth ulcer works by naturally treating the cause of the problem. Merc Sol for mouth ulcers and borax for mouth ulcers are some common medicines. Homeopathy medicines help heal mouth ulcers quickly without any side effects.
Mouth ulcers usually need time to heal. There is no quick fix to this condition, but homeopathy medicines can help speed up the healing process and also reduce the pain. Recurrence of mouth ulcers is also minimized through the use of homeopathy remedies.

1. Mercurius Solubilis: Top Medicine for Mouth Ulcers

Mercurius Solubilis is a medicine for mouth ulcers derived from the trituration of quicksilver. It shows a powerful action on every organ and tissue of the body. Merc Sol not only hastens the healing of ulcers and reduces the pain, but it also eradicates the tendency of frequent mouth ulcers. It is (for most of the homeopathic physicians) the first line of treatment for mouth ulcers. It is indicated for all kind of ulcers whether small or big and in severe cases where the mouth is inflamed with burning aphthous ulcers with salivation with a lot of salivation. It is also helpful in certain other aphthous conditions: pale mucous membrane( mouth lining) with numerous erosions, small, flat ulcers with red, inflamed edges on the tongue and inside of lips and cheeks. Excessive saliva in the mouth and desire for cold water while having ulcers are indications for this medicine. A foul, metallic taste of the saliva, confluent oral thrush that changes into ulcers, and diffused redness of the whole mucous membrane of the mouth with profuse salivation.

2. Borax Veneta – For Mouth Ulcers that Bleed Easily

Borax is a medicine derived from sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate was used in the earlier times to neutralize the effect of excessive acids produced by the stomach. In homeopathy, it is used to treat ulcers that have a tendency to bleed easily when touched, or during eating. Other key indications for borax to be used are dryness in the mouth with rapid formation of the ulcers. The ulcers appear in the mouth and on the inner surface of the cheeks. It is also used for mouth ulcers in infants and babies.

3. Nitricum Acidum: For Mouth Ulcers with Severe Pain

Nitricum acidum is a medicine derived from the trituration of the nitric acid. It has a marked action on the outlets of the body where the mucous membranes meet the skin. It is used to treat ulcers that appear on the soft palate, within the cheeks and on the edges of the tongue. It is mostly used when the whole mouth is ulcerated and the pain are severe. For medicine Nitric acid to be used the key indications are sticking pains in ulcers like that from a splinter. It is also used in cases where the mucous membrane gets easily bitten, swollen and ulcerated. The  Swollen mucous membrane, such as ulcerated tender gums, do not allow the patient to chew food.

4. Muratic Acidum: For Mouth Ulcers with Tendency to Perforate

Muratic Acidum is a medicine used to treat mouth ulcers where the mouth is studded with ulcers that tend to perforate. The ulcers usually have a dark or black base, and there is excessive redness inside the cheeks and the palate. Usually, the red, inflamed and painful ulcers occur as a result of aphthous stomatitis. There may be a lot of dryness of the mouth.

5. Kalium Iodium: For Mouth Ulcers that are Irregular Shaped

Kalium Iodum is a medicine for mouth ulcers that is used in cases where irregular ulcers appear in the mucous membrane of the mouth. They look as if they have a milky coating. Along with ulcerative condition of the mouth, copious salivation, offensive mouth odor, heat in the mouth, swelling, dryness, and bitterness in the mouth are, and pharynx are some symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

6. Natrum Muriaticum: For Oral Thrush

Natrum Mur. is a medicine for mouth ulcers that develop with oral thrush. There is dryness of the mouth, lips an tongue, soreness of the mouth with sensitivity to liquids, burning pain when food or liquids touch the ulcer, small grouped ulcers on the tongue, gums, and cheeks with burning along with profuse watery saliva from the mouth.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. So what exactly are mouth ulcers?

Mouth ulcers (also known as aphthous ulcers or canker sores) are shallow, painful sores inside the mouth. They appear as painful white or yellow ulcers surrounded by a bright red area. A mouth ulcer is a lesion in the mucous membrane. The development of an ulcer begins with a burning sensation followed by a red spot which then progresses into an ulcer. They can make eating, drinking, and talking uncomfortable.

2. Are mouth ulcers contagious?

No, these are non-contagious and benign in nature and do not pose any risk.
The pain from an ulcer usually subsides over a week, and the final healing takes place within 2-3 days. There may be mild to moderate fever accompanying the ulcer.
Mouth ulcers are different from another condition called fever blisters, which usually occur on the lips and corners of the mouth.

The most common sites places where mouth ulcers appear are:

  • Inside of the lips
  • Inside of the cheeks
  • Base of gums
  • Under the tongue
  • On the palate

Ulcers on the tongue are also fairly common.

3. What are the causes of Recurrent Mouth Ulcers?

  1. The exact cause and process of development of mouth ulcers is not known. Ulcers can be the result of a combination of conditions, like:
  2. A mechanical injury caused by the sharp edges of teeth, fillings, crowns, dentures, braces or even accidental biting of the inner mouth can lead to an ulcer due to irritation. Eating rough foods or putting sharp things like pens, toothpicks or fingernails in the mouth can also cause a tear in the mucous membrane, from where an ulcer can develop.
  3. Putting hot food or beverages in the mouth can cause redness inside the mouth, especially in sensitive areas like the palate or the lining of the cheeks and back of the lips and lead to an ulcer.
  4. Any strong or concentrated caustic chemicals, when kept for long in the mouth, can cause a chemical trauma inside the mouth. For example, holding medicine in the mouth instead of swallowing it can create a problem if the medicine is strong. Such injuries are more common in children or people under psychiatric care.
  5. A viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic contact can contribute to the growth of infection inside the mouth. A weakened immune system and a tear in the mucous membrane of the mouth can lead to the development of ulcers on the inner lining of the mouth.
  6. Mouth ulcers can occur as a side effect of medications like antibiotics, painkillers, steroids, analgesics, NSAID’s (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs).
  7. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 and iron can trigger the growth of ulcers.
  8. Tobacco is a major cause of mouth ulcers, so smoker’s are more prone to develop recurrent mouth ulcers. Alcohol also triggers mouth ulcers by disrupting the absorption of nutrients in the system.
  9. Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (Canker Sore) is the most common cause of the recurrent mouth ulcers. This condition causes the recurrent formation of oral ulcers for reasons unknown.
  10. Xerostomia is a sensation of dry mouth that is often associated with the decreased functionality of salivary glands. This prevents lubrication of the mucous membranes and due to excessive dryness in the mouth, lesions can appear inside the mouth.
  11. The herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) also causes mouth ulcers as a symptom of the herpes infection.

Other factors that can contribute to the occurrence of recurrent mouth ulcers are:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Diabetes
  • Emotional stress
  • Dermatological causes like lichen planus, lupus erythematosus.
  • Products containing SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), like toothpaste and mouthwash.
  • Gastrointestinal causes like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.
  • Epithelial atrophy that makes the lining more fragile and easily breached.
  • Radiation-induced stomatitis is more common after radiotherapy. It can cause mucosal erosions and ulcerations on the lower jaw.
  • Vesiculobullous Diseases lead to the development of vesicles and bullae formation on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, which tend to be fragile and quickly break down. These leave behind ulcers in the mouth.

4. What factors lead to Mouth Ulcers?

Mouth ulcers can also be triggered by certain other factors –

Family tendency: Someone who has a family tendency of having recurrent mouth ulcers can be at high risk of developing it.

Hormonal changes: Due to hormonal changes that usually occur during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, some women tend to experience oral changes that include the development of canker sores or bleeding from the gums.

Medications like NSAID’s (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and beta blockers tend to increase a person’s tendency to develop canker sores.

Chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disease or celiac disease are usually autoimmune disorders that can manifest themselves orally (in the form of ulcers) due to a weak immune response.

Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers feel like elevated areas inside the mouth, on areas like the inner cheeks, inside of the lips, under or on the tongue, and the sides of the tongue.
Some common signs of a mouth ulcer include:

  • yellow discoloration of the elevated area with the surrounding reddened edges. These can sometimes be coated with a white or milky lining.
  • swelling inside the cheeks or the lips
  • bleeding from the ulcers
  • dryness in the mouth
  • offensive odor from the mouth

Some common symptoms of recurrent mouth ulcers include:

  • Pain: Pain can range from mild to moderate or even severe and it depends completely on the individual case
  • Discomfort: These can cause significant discomfort in eating, drinking or even while talking
  • Tenderness of the affected area
  • Burning sensation in the mouth
  • Tingling in the affected area
  • Warmth and dryness of the mouth with increased thirst
  • Excessive salivation
  • Irritation of the sores by acidic, rough or dry foods.

Types of Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are classified as:

Minor Ulcers: These are the most common type of the ulcers and are generally very small, oval or round. They appear in groups of 1-6 small ulcers. These tend to heal within one to two weeks and do not leave any permanent scars.

Major Ulcers: These are less common and larger and deeper as compared to minor ulcers. These come as deep lesions with irregular edges and can take up to six weeks to heal. These ulcers can result in long-term or permanent scarring and tend to become recurrent.
Major cankers can affect areas like the inside of the cheeks, lips, sides or under the surface of the tongue and the floor of the mouth.

Herpetiform: These ulcers are the least common type of ulcers. Herpetiform canker sores are small ulcers that usually appear in crops of about 10-100 ulcers. Adults tend to be more affected by these. The ulcers have irregular edges and are extremely painful. They tend to cause scarring as they heal, which can make it a recurrent problem.

Diagnosing Mouth Ulcers

Visual examination done by a physician can help diagnose mouth ulcers. If required, clinical investigations can be done to rule out the underlying cause, followed by appropriate treatment. In case the ulcers do not heal or reappear at short intervals, they tend to progress towards a more malignant condition. The main difference between mouth ulcers and cancer is the amount of time they take to heal, the number of sores and the pain associated.

Tips to Prevent Mouth Ulcers

Certain precautions can help minimize the risk of developing a mouth ulcer, like:

  • Avoid foods that irritate the oral mucosa like acidic foods, nuts, spices.
  • Avoid talking and eating at the same time to prevent local trauma caused by biting the inner cheeks or the lips.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene by regularly flossing and brushing the teeth to prevent any infections in the mouth that can cause ulceration.
  • Eat a balanced diet, high in nutrients and vitamins to avoid the occurrence of ulcers from nutritional deficiencies.
  • Avoid stress as it may cause an altered immune response, leading to the occurrence of more ulcers.
  • Avoid mouthwashes that contain sodium lauryl sulphate as they usually trigger mouth ulcers.

Managing Mouth Ulcers

  • Use toothbrushes with soft bristles to avoid scraping the ulcers.
  • Have cool drinks to soothe the ulcers.
  • Eat soft foods.
  • Get regular dental checkups to avoid the further damage caused by sharp teeth, braces or dentures.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

9 Homeopathic Medicines for Rectal Bleeding that Work

The rectum is the lowest terminal part of the large intestine. Any bleeding that occurs per anus from lower colon or rectum is referred to as rectal bleeding. The reason for rectal bleeding includes passing a hard stool, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, IBD-inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), proctitis, colon polyps, and diverticulosis. The homeopathic medicines for rectal bleeding help manage the complaint of rectal bleeding by treating the cause behind it.   homeopathic medicines for rectal bleeding

Homeopathic Medicines for Rectal Bleeding

Homeopathy helps treat cases of rectal bleeding. Rectal bleeding from piles, fissures, hard stool, ulcers, inflammatory conditions can be treated in an excellent manner with homeopathic medicines. The reason behind rectal bleeding, the character of blood and other attending symptoms are taken into consideration for selecting the required homeopathic medicine for every individual case. The top 9 medicines for rectal bleeding are Hamamelis, Nitric Acid, Merc Sol, Millefolium, Natrum Mur, Phosphorous, Crotalus Horridus, Merc Cor, and Nux Vomica.

1. Hamamelis – Top Medicine for Rectal Bleeding

Hamamelis is prepared from the fresh bark of twigs and root of a plant Hamamelis dioica of the natural order Hamamelidaceae. Hamamelis is a top listed medicine for managing rectal bleeding. It is a leading medicine for rectal bleeding arising from hemorrhoids. The bleeding in such cases is profuse. Burning, rawness, and soreness at the anus may be felt. Blood loss is followed by great prostration. Hamamelis is also well indicated for rectal bleeding from ulcers of the bowel. Here loose stool appears with copious dark hemorrhage from the rectum. The blood has a fetid odor. Hamamelis is also recommended for rectal bleeding in dysentery where profuse clear blood passes from the rectum. The blood is usually dark in color in such cases. Hamamelis is also helpful for cases of frequent stools with blood mixed with masses of mucus and violent colicky abdominal pains and rectal pain.

2. Nitric Acid – For Rectal Bleeding in Anal Fissures

Nitric Acid is a prominently indicated medicine for treating rectal bleeding in case of anal fissures. Persons needing Nitric acid have fissure of the anus with bleeding and violent anal pains. The pains can be cutting, tearing, sharp, stitching, splinter-like or lancinating in nature varying from case to case. The pains appear while passing stool and also last for a long time after passing stool. Along with this, there is constipation. The stool is dry, hard and difficult. Anus feels constricted. Pricking at the anus is also felt. The anus is swollen too and is also markedly sensitive. Itching and burning at the anus along with fetid discharge may also appear in a few cases.

3. Merc Sol – For Rectal Bleeding from Ulcers in Colon or Rectum

Merc Sol very useful medicine for managing rectal bleeding from ulcers in colon or rectum. Its use is highly recommended for cases of ulcerative colitis. The person requiring Merc Sol have watery stool that may be yellow or green colored. Sometimes it is frothy. Stool smells sour. Profuse blood passes from rectum with stool. A great amount of mucus also appears with blood in the stool. Tenesmus is very much marked with the above symptoms. Abdominal colic of pinching and cutting nature is felt. Burning and pain in the rectum also appear. Marked weakness accompanies.

4. Millefolium – For Rectal Bleeding from Piles

Millefolium is prepared from plant Achillea millefolium of the natural order Compositae. It is another prominent medicine like Hamamelis for treating rectal bleeding from piles. The bleeding is profuse for using Millefolium. Apart from the above, it is also indicated for rectal bleeding from internal injuries.

5. Natrum Mur – For Rectal Bleeding from Constipation, Hard Stool

Natrum Mur is an excellent medicine for treating rectal bleeding from constipation, hard stool. The stool is hard, dry, irregular and unsatisfactory expelled with difficulty and with bleeding per rectum where Natrum Mur is indicated. Stool passes in large masses or is crumbling or pass like sheep dung. The anus is constricted. Stitching pains in the anus are felt. Burning and smarting pain in anus appear frequently after stool.

6. Phosphorus – For treating cases of bright red rectal bleeding

Phosphorus is a wonderful medicine for treating cases rectal bleeding where blood is bright red colored. Bright blood may pass from piles, fissures, proctitis or with loose stool in cases where Phosphorus is needed. Stool may be offensive/sour-smelling and may have undigested food particles. Lumps of white mucus may also pass in the stool. Biting, itching and stinging or cutting pain is felt at the anus.

7. Crotalus Horridus – For Dark Rectal Bleeding

Crotalus Horridus is well indicated for treating cases of dark rectal bleeding. For using Crotalus Horridus dark blood per rectum may pass in case of piles, dysentery, ulcers of the intestine. The flow of dark blood is attended with great debility and even faintness. In case of hemorrhoids, excessive blood on straining a little at stool.

8. Merc Cor – For Mucus in Stool and Cutting Colicky Pains

Use of medicine Merc Cor is suggested for cases of rectal bleeding with mucus in stool and cutting colicky abdominal pains. The pains remain all the time before, during and after stool. Cutting pains and violent burning are also felt in the rectum. The stool is frequent, hot and offensive along with blood and mucus. It may be yellow or green.

9. Nux Vomica – For Bleeding with Frequent Urging for Stool

Nux Vomica is significant medicine for managing cases of bleeding per rectum accompanied with frequent urging for stool. There is a constant, ineffectual urge to pass stool. Every time a person goes for stool, it is passed in small quantity. Stool may be offensive. Before stool and after stool cutting pain around the umbilicus may be felt. The pain subsides after stool. Other attending symptoms are itching in anus, sore pain at the anus, tearing/stinging of the anal region. Nux Vomica is also indicated where jelly-like mucus passes with blood streaked stool.

Symptoms of Rectal Bleeding

Few symptoms that can attend rectal bleeding include rectal/anal pain, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramping and mucus in the stool. Severe rectal bleeding can lead to anemia.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis is a form COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) characterized by damage, thickening, and widening of the bronchi. Mucus tends to build up in these widened airways that allow bacteria to flourish there and lead to frequent lung infections. Bronchiectasis can arise from any lung injury. Homeopathic medicines for bronchiectasis can help prevent further progress of pathology but cannot reverse the damage that has already occurred in the airways.
Most cases arise from damage from a condition known as cystic fibrosis. Other conditions that can lead to bronchiectasis include repeated lung infections, abnormal immune system function, an allergic reaction to a fungus known as allergic aspergillosis, alpha 1 – antitrypsin deficiency, HIV, autoimmune diseases and primary ciliary dysplasia. It can also develop in cases of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and rheumatological diseases (rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s disease).   homeopathic medicines for bronchiectasis

Homeopathic Medicines for Bronchiectasis

Homeopathy has a supportive role to play in cases of bronchiectasis along with conventional help. These remedies help a person manage the symptoms of bronchiectasis including cough, expectoration, wheezing, shortness of breath in an excellent manner. Antominium Tart, Kali Bichrome, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Phosphorous and Arsenic are the top medicines for bronchiectasis.

1. Antimonium Tart – Top Grade Medicine for Bronchiectasis

Antimonium Tart is a top listed medicine for treating bronchiectasis. The key feature to use Antimonium Tart is an excessive rattling cough. Rattling worsens on lying down and is better on sitting in upright position. There is a collection of enormous mucus in the lungs and the chest feels full. The expectoration is difficult. Expectoration, when arising, is yellow, thick, tough and sometimes mixed with blood. Cough is attended with suffocation. Chest feels oppressed. Chest pain also arises on coughing.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Bronchiectasis with Cough and Thick, Tenacious Expectoration

Kali Bichrome is useful medicine for bronchiectasis with thick, tenacious expectoration. Expectoration is highly viscid, sticky in nature that can be drawn in long strings. The expectoration is copious and can be transparent, white, yellow, green or slate – coloured. There is cough with pain and soreness in the chest. Chest also feels heavy as from a weight / heavy load on chest

3. Pulsatilla – For Cough and Yellowish Green Expectoration

Pulsatilla is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of windflower or pasque flower of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is indicated for bronchiectasis when there is cough with yellowish green colored expectoration. The cough worsens in a warm room. Expectoration appears in large quantities of yellow-greenish thick, lumpy mucus, especially in the morning time. It may have a slimy, bitter, sweet or salty taste. The person needing Pulsatilla may also have weakness and fever.

4. Silicea – For Offensive Expectoration

Silicea is helpful for cases of bronchiectasis with offensive expectoration. Expectoration is profuse. It can be thick and purulent in nature. The expectoration appears in badly smelling granules. Cough appears day and night with copious expectoration. Cough tends to get worse from a cold. Chest feels sore. Pain in chest appears that gets worse from motion and deep breathing.

5. Phosphorus – For Bloody Expectoration

Phosphorus is a prominent medicine for bronchiectasis with bloody expectoration. The blood is bright red, reddish brown or rust colored. This can be attended with chest pain. The pain tends to be stitching in nature. A heated sensation may be felt in the chest. The chest also tends to feel heavy as from a weight lying on it. Breathing is very oppressed.

6. Arsenic Album – For Cough and Marked Wheezing

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated medicine for bronchiectasis with marked wheezing. This is attended with cough and expectoration which is mainly of frothy nature. The phlegm can be bitter or saltish. Shortness of breath also frequently attend. There is marked difficulty in breathing and the person is able to breath better with chest inclined forwards. Lying down worsens the difficulty breathing episodes. An aggravation of all symptoms is there at midnight. Constriction/tightness of the chest also accompanies. Sometimes chest pain is also felt. Anxiety and marked restlessness are felt with the above symptoms.

7. Ammonium Carb – For Shortness of Breath

Ammonium Carb is beneficial for bronchiectasis with shortness of breath. Persons requiring Ammonium Carb has difficulty in breathing even on walking a few steps. This gets better in the open air but may be attended with cough and spitting of bloody phlegm either light or dark colored. Chest feels contracted and heavy along with a burning sensation.

8. Kali Carb – For Chest Pain Attending other Symptoms

Kali Carb is indicated for bronchiectasis with chest pain attending other symptoms. For using Kali Carb the chest pain may be cutting, stitching or stabbing in nature. Cough is present with suffocation. Wheezing may be present with cough. Cough most times gets worse around 3:00 am. Shortness of breath may be felt in the morning hours. There is expectoration of offensive, lumpy copious phlegm.

9. Hepar Sulph – For Purulent Expectoration

Hepar Sulph offers help in cases of bronchiectasis with purulent expectoration. It may have a sour or sweet taste and smells bad. Along with this cough and wheezing in the chest are present. Symptoms worsen from cold air exposure. Wrapping up warmly helps to relieve the symptoms. Difficulty in breathing may arise that prevents sleeping in some cases with the above symptoms.

10. Stannum Met – For Copious Green Expectoration

Stannum Met is another indicated medicine for bronchiectasis with copious greenish expectoration. It has sweetish taste in most of the cases where Stannum Met is indicated. There is a cough with shortness of breath. The person tends to take deep breaths frequently. Chest feels oppressed on coughing. There is a sensation of weakness in the chest.

Symptoms of Bronchiectasis

The symptoms of bronchiectasis include a chronic cough with a large amount of phlegm (yellow, green or clear), offensive expectoration, cough with blood-stained phlegm, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, fatigue, weight loss and clubbing of fingertips.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Stool Incontinence: Homeopathy Offers An Effective Treatment

The involuntary passage of stool due to lack of control over the bowel movements is known as stool incontinence or fecal incontinence. A person may have a sudden urge to pass stool, that if not attended urgently, can lead to a leakage of stool. This condition is known as urge incontinence. In some cases, a person unknowingly passes stool, a condition that is known as passive incontinence. The severity of this condition varies from minor leakage of stool to entire loss of bowel control. Stool incontinence can be treated effectively with homeopathic medicines. Aloe, Podophyllum, Causticum, and Hyoscyamus are the top natural remedies for stool incontinence.

homeopathy stool incontinence

Homeopathic medicines for stool incontinence.

Homeopathic Treatment of Stool Incontinence

Homeopathic medicines help in aiding recovery in cases of stool incontinence by treating the root cause of it. Homeopathic medicines for treating stool incontinence are prepared from naturally occurring substances, hence are very safe and gentle to use. These medicines are highly suitable to treat stool incontinence in people of all age groups. There is a large therapeutic list of medicines in homeopathy to treat stool incontinence. Among them, the top listed homeopathic medicines include Aloe, Podophyllum, Causticum, Hyoscyamus, Sulphur, and China. These remedies should be used only under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines for Stool Incontinence

Aloe – Natural Medicine for Stool Incontinence with Loose Stool

Homeopathic medicine Aloe is prepared from a plant named Aloe Socotrina. The natural order of this plant is Liliaceae. Aloe is indicated in cases where there is an involuntary passage of stool attended with loose, watery stool. Sometimes mucus passes with stool. Stool passage on passing flatus also indicates the need for Aloe. It also works well in cases of stool incontinence in children and in cases of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

Podophyllum – Natural Remedy for Stool Incontinence on Passing Flatus

Podophyllum is an effective remedy prepared from a plant Podophyllum Peltatum commonly named as May-Apple. The natural order of this plant is Berberidaceae. Podophyllum is well-indicated in cases of stool incontinence accompanying the passing of flatus. on passing flatus. The person needing this medicine may have an offensive, green stool and marked urgency to pass stool. In some cases, rectal prolapse may be present.

Causticum – Effective Natural Medicine for Stool Incontinence in Cases of Constipation with Hard Stool

Causticum is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for treating stool incontinence in cases of constipation with hard stool. The stool is tough and knotty and is passed with great difficulty. In some cases the first part of the stool is hard and the rest is soft. The stool is frequent with an unsuccessful desire to pass stool. Itching at the anus that is constant is also prominent. Applying cold water on the anus helps relieve the itching.

Hyoscyamus – Effective Natural Remedy for Stool Incontinence During Urination or Sleep

Hyoscyamus is a natural medicine prepared from the fresh plant of Hyoscyamus Niger, commonly named Henbane, of the natural order Solanaceae. Hyoscyamus is used to treat stool incontinence that occurs during urination or sleep due to a weak anal sphincter. This medicine helps strengthen the anal sphincter.

Sulphur – Effective Medicine for Stool Incontinence during Laughing, Sneezing or Passing Flatus

Sulphur is a natural medicine indicated for stool incontinence that arises while laughing, sneezing or passing flatus. The anus may be red, swollen and sore. Marked itching and burning at the anus is also a prominent attending feature.

China – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Stool Incontinence with Excessive Flatulence and Bloating

China is a natural medicine prepared from the bark of a plant named Cinchona Officinalis, of the natural order Rubiaceae. China is prominently indicated in cases of stool incontinence in people who complain of excessive flatulence and bloating. The flatus is obstructed, and the person may suffer from chronic diarrhea. The stool is frequent, thin, watery and attended with weakness.

Causes of Stool Incontinence

There are a number of reasons that can cause stool incontinence. Some of the most important include diarrhea (loose stool), constipation, rectal prolapse, piles, rectocele (rectum protruding through the vagina), and injury or damage (in some cases) to the anal sphincter during childbirth (from vaginal delivery) or any surgery that damages the nerves or muscles of the rectum or anus. Apart from this, stool incontinence can also arise in cases of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD – inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). Certain neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and stroke may also cause stool incontinence.

Risk Factors Associated with Stool Incontinence

Middle age and older adults are at a high risk to suffer from stool incontinence. People having diabetes mellitus are also at risk to develop stool incontinence. Females are more at a greater risk to develop stool incontinence as compared to males.

Symptoms that Accompany Stool Incontinence

Some symptoms that may accompany stool incontinence in some cases are soreness of skin surrounding anus, bloating, flatulence, loose stool, and constipated stool. Pain, anal itching (pruritis ani), irritation of the skin around the anus, perianal dermatitis are other attending complaints. People dealing with stool incontinence tend to feel dirty, embarrassed and frustrated, and also develop stress, anger, and depression due to the condition.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Colorectal Polyps

Abnormal growths that arise from the inner lining of the colon (large intestine) and the rectum are known as colorectal polyps. These may be flat or have a stalk. The size of colorectal polyps varies from few millimeters to several centimeters. The use of homeopathic medicines to treat colorectal polyps can help avoid surgery, which is a common course of treatment.

homeopathy colorectal polyps

Homeopathic treatment for colorectal polyps.

Kali Bromatum, Calc Phos, and Ammonium Mur are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat colorectal polyps.

While the colorectal polyps may arise from any part of the colon, in most cases they emerge from the left side of the colon and rectum. Colorectal polyps may be benign, or some may be precancerous (tend to turn malignant).

Homeopathic Treatment of Colorectal Polyps

The homeopathic system of medicine offers holistic treatment for colorectal polyps. These remedies are made of natural substances and hence are safe to use without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines help in the symptomatic management of colorectal polyps and also help shrink these polyps. Some of the majorly indicated homeopathic medicine for colorectal polyps include Kali Bromatum, Calc Phos, Ammonium Mur, Nux Vomica, and Phosphorus. The most suitable homeopathic medicine among them for a case is selected as per the individual symptoms that vary from case to case.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Colorectal Polyps

Kali Bromatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Colorectal Polyps

Kali Bromatum is a natural homeopathic medicine for colorectal polyps in cases where the bowel habits become altered. They may have either diarrhea or constipation. The diarrhea is mostly painless but may be attended by a feeling of chilliness. In some cases, blood or mucus may appear in the stool. If there is constipation, there may be many days where there is no bowel movement and stool, if present, is hard or dry with missing of days without a stool.

Calcarea Phos – Homeopathic Remedy for Colorectal Polyps with Diarrhea

Calcarea Phos is an effective medicine for colorectal polyps that is indicated for individuals who get diarrhea. The stool is watery, hot and slimy. White flakes may pass in the stool in some cases. Offensive fetid flatus may attend the passage of stool. Stitching pain in the rectum appears in some cases.

Ammonium Mur – Natural Medicine for Colorectal Polyps with Constipation

Ammonium Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for colorectal polyps in people who have constipation. The stool is scanty and hard and is passed after a lot of straining. It also tends to crumble at the verge of the anus. A glairy mucus may be present with the hard stool in some cases. Burning or smarting sensation in the rectum may assist. Another feature that may be present is passing mucus of greenish color from the rectum.

Nux Vomica – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Colorectal Polyps with Ineffectual Urging for Stool

Nux Vomica is a natural treatment for colorectal polyps where the person experiences a constant, ineffectual urging to pass stool. The person passes frequent, scanty stool, and there is a constant uneasiness in the rectum. A dragging sensation in the rectum may also appear, along with abdominal colic.

Phosphorus – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Colorectal Polyps that Bleed

Phosphorus offers a natural cure for colorectal polyps that bleed. Bleeding from rectum appear while passing stool. Other accompanying symptoms include a painless, watery stool, weakness after passing stool, and cramps in the rectum. In some cases, needle-like stitching pain may appear in the rectum. Phosphorus is also a well indicated homeopathic medicine where rectal polyps and inflammation of the rectum are present at the same time.

Causes of Colorectal Polyps

The exact cause for colorectal polyps is not known, but it is thought to arise from changes in the genetic material of the cells that line the colon and rectum. The risk factors for colorectal polyps include an age of more than 50 years, a family history of colorectal polyps, being overweight, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, and use of alcohol and tobacco. There are also some hereditary disorders that can cause colon polyps including familial adenomatous polyposis, gardener’s syndrome, serrated polyposis syndrome, and Lynch syndrome.

Types of Colorectal Polyps

The main types of colorectal polyps are adenomatous polyp and hyperplastic polyp. About 70% colorectal polyps are the adenomatous polyp, and they have a high tendency to turn malignant. The hyperplastic have no or minimal chances to get malignant (majorly those arising in the right side colon tend to get malignant).
Other types include hamartomatous and inflammatory polyps. Inflammatory polyps are those that link with inflammatory conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Hamartomatous and inflammatory polyps don’t turn malignant.

Symptoms of Colorectal Polyps

Colorectal polyps are asymptomatic in the majority of the cases, and a person comes to know about them incidentally. When symptoms arise in colorectal polyps, they mainly include blood and mucus in the stool. Abdominal pain and cramps is another symptom that may appear. Change in bowel habits – diarrhea or constipation may be present.
A polyp with a large stalk may sometimes be seen protruding from the anus. Iron deficiency anemia may occur from chronic bleeding from the polyps.

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Treat Anal Abscess Safely with Homeopathic Medicines

An anal abscess is a collection of pus near the anus which can become very painful. Also known as a perianal abscess, it usually develops as a result of a blocked and infected anal gland. Other reasons are an infected anal fissure and a sexually transmitted infection. Natural medicines are also helpful in treating the tendency to have recurrent abscess around the anus. Myristica, Silicea and Hepar Sulph top the list of homeopathic medicines for anal abscess.

homeopathic medicines for anal abscess

Some risk factors for anal abscess include diabetes, colitis, IBD – inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), anal sex, using medicine like prednisone, weak immunity, diarrhea, constipation, and diverticulitis.

Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Abscess

Homeopathy has a very effective solution for cases of an anal abscess. With the use of these medicines, surgery can be entirely prevented to bring about effective recovery. Homeopathy medicines help relieve the pain of abscess and hasten the process of pus formation and its subsequent discharge.

1. Myristica – Effective Medicine for Anal abscess

Myristica is a natural medicine of plant origin. It is prepared from the gum extracted from the bark of a plant named Myristica Sebifera. The natural order of this plant is Myristicaceae. It is used to treat an anal abscess and is considered in the first line of treatment in homeopathy. Myristica helps bring about speedy recovery from an anal abscess due to its tendency to hasten the suppurative process. It helps shorten the recovery period and resolve the problem quickly. Apart from an anal abscess, Myristica is also a top listed medicine for the treatment of anal fistula.

2. Silicea – Effective Remedy for Pus Discharges

Silicea is a natural treatment for treating many suppurative (pus-forming) conditions including anal abscess. It is considered in cases where pus discharges are present in cases of an anal abscess. The pus may be highly offensive in nature. Silicea helps bring about quick discharge of pus and clears out the abscess. Silicea is also used to treat indurations (hardness) that are left behind following an anal abscess (in some cases). This remedy also helps in cases of anal fistula where there is an offensive pus discharge. In such cases, the area around fistula opening is hard, swollen and bluish red.

3. Hepar Sulph – Natural Medicine for Painful, Tender Anal Abscess

Hepar Sulph is an effective remedy for painful, tender anal abscess. The pain in the abscess may be throbbing, beating or stabbing in nature. In some cases, splinter-like pains may be present. The abscess is also very sensitive to slightest touch. Fever with chills may be present along with the above symptoms. Hepar Sulph helps reduce pain and speeds up the pus formation to encourage prompt recovery.

4. Calcarea Sulph – ForThick Yellow Pus Discharge

Calcarea Sulph is a natural medicine used to treat an anal abscess where there is thick, lumpy and yellow pus discharge. Sometimes the pus discharge may be tinged with blood. Calcarea Sulph is indicated in cases of both acute abscess as well as recurrent abscesses.

5. Belladonna – For Anal Abscess in Initial Stages

Belladonna is prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. This plant belongs to the family Solanaceae. Use of Belladonna is considered in the very initial stage of abscess formed around the anus. The abscess is markedly red, hot with intense inflammation. Swelling around the abscess is present in a high degree. Throbbing, pulsating pains in the abscess are present in most cases. The abscess is also tender to touch. The person may also have a fever, along with the above symptoms.

6. Causticum – For Perianal Abscess that is Large and Painful

Causticum is indicated in cases of a large, painful boil near the anus. The boil discharges pus, blood, and serum. It may be highly sensitive to touch. Itching around the anus may also be present. It is also recommended in cases of anal fistula where there pain and pulsation is felt in the perineum.

7. Merc Sol – Where there is a Putrid Pus Discharge

Merc Sol is a natural remedy for treating an anal abscess. It is used in cases of anal abscess when the pus discharge is thin and green in color. The pus discharge may be streaked with blood, putrid and acrid in nature. History of inflammation of the colon (colitis) may be present in cases requiring Merc Sol.

8. Calcarea Phos – Where there is Pus and Blood Discharge from the abscess

Calcarea Phos is a natural medicine used to treat an anal abscess. It is used for abscess near the anus that discharges pus and blood. Shooting and stitching pain in the anus may attend. In some cases, throbbing and burning pains may be there. The anus feels sore, especially in the morning.

9. Paeonia – Treatment for Anal Abscess with Itching

Paeonia is a natural medicine for anal abscess prepared from the root of a plant named Paeonia Officinalis. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Paeonia works very effectively in cases of anal abscess attended with itching. There is a discharge of offensive fluid from the abscess. Along with discharge and itching, burning at anus is also felt. Pain that gets worse from sitting is also present, and it gets worse during and after passing stool. Anal fissures may also be present with excruciating pains that persists for a long duration after passing stool.

10. Sulphur – To Treat Tendency of Recurrent Anal Abscess

Sulphur is a natural medicine for an anal abscess that tends to be recurrent or develop again and again. The people needing Sulphur suffers from abscess around the anus and soon after its healing, another abscess forms. Itching and burning may be present in the abscess.

Symptoms of Anal Abscess

Anal abscess presents itself as a painful swelling or lump near the anus. The swollen area is red, warm and tender to touch. The pain is throbbing in nature. The pain tends to worsen while sitting or passing stool. A pus discharge may be present. Fever may be present due to infection. The person may also have constipation. There are chances of developing anal fistula in many (approx 50%) cases of an anal abscess.

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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Healing Fractures Fast

Homeopathic Remedies For Fractures

Broken bones are more common than they seem. An average person is expected to have at least two fractures in a lifetime. A fracture is any crack or breaks in the bone that disrupts the continuity of the bone. Human bones are by nature strong and rigid and do not break easily due to external pressure. A fracture happens when a physical force (that is greater than the bone itself) is exerted on the bone. It can lead to a complete or partial breaking of the bone. The most common fractures are fractures of the clavicle (collarbone), ankle, hip, ulna, and radius. Homeopathic remedies for fractures boosts the proliferation (rapid increase) of osteoblast cells (bone forming cells) and helps speed up the bone-healing process.

Heal Broken Bones Fast with Homeopathy

Homeopathy helps in the formation of healthy callus, and they also boost the activity of proliferation of the osteoblast cells (bone forming cells). Certain medicines also help speed up the process of laying a new bone. These medicines are made of natural substances and can treat fractures effectively, without any side effects. These are usually used once the broken bone has been set in proper alignment. They then work to optimize the natural healing process of the body for a quicker, stronger bone healing.
Some of the best medicines for fractures include Symphytum Officinale, Arnica Montana, Calcarea Phos, Silicea, and Calendula Officinalis. These are natural remedies for the pain of broken bones.
Homeopathy for fracture help in reducing the pain and swelling at the site of the fracture. In fractures where there is slow bone healing, remedies like a dosage of Symphytum works well.

Homeopathic Remedies for Fractures

1. Symphytum Officinale – Top Remedy for Bone Healing

One of the best medicines for fractures is Symphytum Officinale. Also known as knit-bone, it is widely recommended as the first line of treatment of fractures. Symphytum Officinale is a natural and highly effective medicine that boosts the activity of fibroblasts cells and helps in healing the fractured bone. It also helps with the production of callous and treats irritability and pricking pains at the point of the fracture site. It is also a suitable medicine for hairline fractures.
Symphytum is a healing herb that is used in different potencies to help accelerate the healing of a broken bone. As a natural substance, it causes no side-effects and is used to treat fractures that cause immense pain.

2. For Fractures where there is Excessive Pain

Arnica Montana is a medicine for fractures which cause immense swelling and pain at the site of the fracture. The affected site is sore to touch and bruised. Fractures that occur from a fall or those caused as a result of an injury by a blunt instrument are treated with Arnica. This medicine is also used to treat old bone injuries.

3. For Fractures that Heal Slowly

Calcarea Phos is a medicine for fractures that are slow to heal. It is used to treat remote fractures and helps hasten the bone repair process in cases where the bone has not joined for a long time. Calcarea Phos provides calcium and phosphate, two elements required for quick union of the bone. It also promotes the formation of callus.

4. For Bone Fractures and Brittle Bones

Silicea is a medicine for fractures of brittle bones that get fractured often. Silicea strengthens weak bones and prevents them from getting fractured frequently. It is commonly used to treat and manage osteoporosis and other bone problems such as caries, necrosis, and exostosis.

5. For Compound and Suppurating Fractures

Calendula Officinalis is a medicine for fractures where the skin covering the fractured site becomes raw, red and inflamed. There may be a copious discharge of pus along with stinging pains. This medicine is used to treat compound fractures (where the broken bone pierces the skin) and also to prevent gangrene.

Causes of Fractures

Most of the fractures result from trauma, falls and accidents. In the case of athletes, fractures are caused by repeated stress and strains on the bones. These are known as stress factors. Children and older adults are also prone to fractures due to their age. There are growth plates (epiphyseal plates) present in a child’s bones located at the ends of long bones. These help with the length-wise growth of bones. Furthermore, a child’s bones are surrounded by the periosteum (thick fibrous sheath) which helps increase the thickness of the bones. These components make a child’s bones more ‘bendable,’ meaning that a bone bends a lot before breaking.
In adults, the periosteum is much thinner, and so the bones don’t bend under pressure and tend to break.
Older adults get fractures more often than young people because, with age, their bones become weak and brittle. Joint problems also lead to a high risk of falling and breaking bones. Apart from this, some medical conditions predispose a person to recurrent fractures. Certain types of cancers, osteoporosis, endocrine disorders, osteogenesis imperfecta (a genetic disorder where the bones are brittle, fragile and break easily).

Fractures: Risk Factors

Lifestyle factors like consuming excessive alcohol, smoking, and taking steroids also tend to make the bones brittle and are prominent risk factors that predispose a person towards fractures.

Link between Smoking and Fractures

Due to the impact it has on the hormonal levels, smoking is a risk factor for fractures. Research conducted decades ago still stands; smoking is a risk factor for bone loss.

Link between Alcohol and Fractures

Consuming excessive alcohol is known to influence the bone mass and bone structure and mass. Research indicates that chronic drinking can increase the risk of bone loss and fractures, even after the person quits drinking. Excessive alcohol also affects the metabolism of vitamin D in the body.

Link between Steroids and Fractures

Chronic disorders like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and ulcerative colitis are linked to bone loss since they need frequent doses of steroids for management. People with chronic inflammatory bowel disease also have low bone density, since such issues reduce the ability of the GIT to absorb calcium.

Corticosteroids are commonly prescribed to treat chronic inflammatory conditions like IBS (inflammatory bowel disease), rheumatoid arthritis, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Frequent doses of these steroids lead to side effects like hindering the absorption of calcium in the GIT (gastrointestinal tract) and increasing the loss of calcium through urine. It is a research-based fact that corticosteroids induce accelerated bone loss.

Recurring Fractures

Low-impact fractures in the past can double the risk of another fracture. Vertebral fractures in the spine can accurately predict future fractures and need to be monitored carefully.

Chronic Conditions and Fractures

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the cells and tissues around the joints, causing severe bone loss and damage to the joints. Certain steroids used for pain relief again trigger bone loss, and reduced physical activity as a consequence of the disease can further accelerate the risk of fractures.

Diabetes is another risk factor for fractures, although the exact causes behind this are not known. It is thought that high blood sugar levels can adversely affect bone quality due to metabolic changes.

Types of Fractures

Fractures are of different types. They are classified according to the severity, and whether the bone fragments are separated or joined together.

1. Open or Compound Fracture – A compound fracture is the one in which the bone breaks apart entirely and the ends of the fractured bones tear the skin, creating a wound. Open fractures are serious because they carry a risk of infection.

2. Closed or Simple Fracture – A simple fracture is a fracture in which the overlying skin remains intact and the broken bone does not tear through the skin.

3. Pathological Fracture – A pathological fracture arises from a weak bone, and there is an underlying disease or medical condition that causes the bones to be weak.

4. Complete Fracture – A fracture where the fragments of the broken bone separate completely is known as a compound fracture.

5. Incomplete fracture – A fracture where bone fragments remain partially joined is an incomplete fracture.

6. Hairline Fracture – A hairline fracture is the one where a thin crack appears on the bone, but it is not broken into fragments. The pain of a hairline fracture tends to intensify when the injured bone is strained. This restricts the amount of weight a person can put on the area around the hairline fracture.
Some common symptoms of a hairline fracture are tenderness, swelling and bruising.

7. Greenstick Fracture – A greenstick fracture is a fracture where the bone gets cracked and bent, but it does not break into separate pieces.

8. Single Fracture – A fracture where the bone breaks into two pieces at one place is known as a single fracture

9. Comminuted fracture – A fracture where the bone breaks into three or more pieces is known as a comminuted fracture.

10. Compression or Crush fracture – A fracture that occurs in the bones of the spine, often caused by osteoporosis, is known as a compression fracture.

11. Stress fracture – A stress fracture is common in athletes, and the bone breaks due to repeated stress and strains. Stress fractures are essentially tiny cracks in a bone caused by a repetitive force. Conditions like osteoporosis also can also cause stress fractures due to the weakening of the bones.

12. Transverse Fracture – When the line of the fracture line is perpendicular to the shaft of bone, it is known as a transverse fracture.

13. Longitudinal Fracture – A fracture where the bone breaks along its length is known as a longitudinal fracture

14. Oblique Fracture – An oblique fracture is a slanted break that occurs diagonally along the long axis of the bone.

Symptoms of a Fracture

Fractures are painful, and they usually come with swelling around the site where the bone is broken.
The main symptoms of a fracture include:

  • intense pain and swelling at the site of the fractured bone.
  • worsening of pain upon touching and moving the injured area.
  • redness and bruising at the injured site.
  • inability to move the affected area.
  • inability to put weight on the affected area.
  • bleeding in a case of an open fracture.
  • dizziness, nausea, paleness in case of a long bone fracture.

How do fractures heal?

A broken bone starts repairing soon after a fracture. Immediately after a fracture, a blood clot (hematoma) forms around the broken bone. It acts as a temporary plug that fills the gap between the broken ends of the bone. Inside this clot, phagocytes (cells that protect the body) begin to clean the bone fragments and kill any germs that may have entered from the point of the bone breakage. This is followed by a proliferation of the chondroblast and fibroblast cells that transform the hematoma into a fibrocartilaginous tissue known as a soft callus. The soft-callus stage of the healing tissue lasts from the fourth day of the fracture to approximately three weeks. In the next step of the healing process, osteoblast cells begin to increase and create new bone cells that convert the soft callus into a hard bone callus. This stage of hard callus formation starts around weeks after the fracture and lasts for 6 – 12 weeks.
Following this, the process of bone remodeling begins, and the osteoclast cells break and absorb the extra bone. The bone remodeling process is long and can vary from 3 years to 9 years duration.

Tips to Manage a Healing Fracture

Broken bones tend to take a long time to heal, and treatment for fracture can help speed up the healing process. Some precautions that should be taken to help heal a fracture quickly include:

  • Avoiding direct heat on the site of the fracture for pain relief till the cast has been set properly.
  • Managing everyday movements carefully to prevent further injury. For example, crutches should be used carefully.
  • The broken limb should not be moved too much, and adequate rest should be taken.
  • Lifting heavy objects or driving should be avoided till the fracture has healed completely.
  • Usually, the skin under a cast gets itchy, and it is a very common tendency to poke blunt objects inside it for relief. This should be prevented, as it can accidentally cause damage.
  • The cast should not be allowed to get wet, as a damp cast tends to soften and does not provide adequate support. Damp plaster can also irritate the skin. While bathing or showering, the area can be kept watertight by wrapping the limb in a plastic bag.
  • In case of swelling, loss of movement in toes or fingers, blueness, feeling of pins and needles, or increased pain, a doctor should be consulted.

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Leaky gut syndrome making life miserable ? Homeopathic treatment is the best bet

What is leaky gut syndrome and the reason behind it?

Leaky gut syndrome is also known by the name of increased intestinal permeability. It refers to a condition that arises as a result of improper functioning of intestinal tight junctions in the small intestines. The tight junctions in the small intestine refer to a protein that lies in between the epithelial cell linings that makes the gut barrier. Over the cells, a layer of mucus is also present. The tight junction allows only selective transport of the nutrients, and electrolytes into the bloodstream. Alongside it acts as a barrier that protects the toxins, microbes and undigested food particles present in the lumen of intestine from entering the bloodstream. Any damage to these tight junctions leads the substances (toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles) to get into the bloodstream. As a result, an inflammatory and an autoimmune activity start in the body precipitated by reaction with these substances, leading to many disease conditions. These activities are started by our own immune system to counter these substances considering them to be as a foreign, harmful matter . Few conditions and medicines may lead to leaky gut is widely accepted, but the evidence to support that leaky gut may lead to a significant disease condition,s is very little.

 What are the causes and factors linked with triggering leaky gut syndrome?

There is no specific single cause that can damage the gut barrier thus causing leaky gut syndrome. However, there are many conditions that damage the gut barrier. These majorly include intake of NSAIDS/ antibiotics in excess, high alcohol consumption, radiotherapy, type 1 diabetes, infections (viral, fungal and bacterial), celiac disease, stress and food sensitivities. Other factors include a compromised immunity, chemotherapy medicines and overgrowth of yeast/bacteria in the bowel.


What are the symptoms and conditions that may arise from leaky gut syndrome?

 Leaky gut syndrome majorly leads to gastric symptoms like bloated abdomen, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, increased flatulence, skin allergies, joint pains, fatigue, migraine and food allergies.  Various medical conditions may arise in a person with leaky gut syndrome.  Few of them are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. But whether leaky gut syndrome causes these conditions or just triggers them is still a question to be answered. Apart from above it is also seen that many individuals having autism have leaky gut syndrome. However it is yet very unclear whether leaky gut syndrome is the cause or an effect of autism.


Homeopathic treatment of leaky gut syndrome

There is a great scope of treating leaky gut syndrome in homeopathy. The homeopathic system treats leaky gut syndrome effectively and in a very safe manner with natural medicines without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines aim to prevent further damage arising from the leaky gut as well as managing the symptoms of the leaky gut in an excellent manner. The homeopathic medicine selection for treating leaky gut syndrome entirely depends on the body system affected and the characteristic symptoms arising therefrom in every individual case. Few homeopathic medicines are given below that though not specific for leaky gut but indicated majorly as per the symptoms and the various conditions arising from leaky gut syndrome. The use of these medicines should be done under the consultation of homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided.


Homeopathic medicines for leaky gut treatment


1. Colocynthis – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with marked abdominal cramps

Colocynthis is a highly effective homeopathic medicine for treating abdominal cramps in cases of leaky gut syndrome. Slight eating or drinking worsens the abdominal cramps. The cramps may be better by bending double in most cases. In some cases, hard pressure on the abdomen makes the person better. Apart from cramping, this medicine is also helpful for cutting, gripping pains felt in the abdomen.


2. China Officinalis – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with abdominal bloating

China Officinalis is a wonderful homeopathic medicine for abdominal bloating arising in leaky gut syndrome. It is indicated when the whole abdomen is bloated. Rumbling or moving of flatus is felt in the abdomen. Motion tends to relieve the bloating. Along with bloatedness, there is heaviness and sensation of weight in the stomach after eating. There may be belching of bitter taste or tasting like that of food. China is also indicated when taking tea and fruits worsens the complaints.


3. Lycopodium Clavatum – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with increase of gas/flatulence

Lycopodium Clavatum is a significant homeopathic medicine for cases of leaky gut syndrome when increase of gas/flatulence is a marked symptom.  Lycopodium is indicated when – flatulence is felt soon after eating even a small quantity of food. Also when there is a sensation of something moving up and down in the abdomen. The flatus remains incarcerated i.e. obstructed most of the times. A bursting pain in the abdomen may arise from flatus. There are few food substances that tend to worsen the condition including cabbage, beans, and farinaceous substances.


 4. Nux Vomica – Homeopathic medicine for constipation is leaky gut syndrome     

Nux Vomica is a homeopathic medicine for treating constipation in person with leaky gut syndrome. The characteristic symptom for using Nux Vomica is constipation with constant ineffectual urging for stool. The person needing Nux Vomica tends to go for stool several times a day. Every time he passes a small quantity of stool. The urge to stool renews soon after the last evacuation. An uneasy sensation in the rectum always persists. The stool is always insufficient, unsatisfactory and always a never get done feeling is present. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen may assist above features.


5. Aloe Socotrina – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with prominent diarrhea

Aloe Socotrina is a major homeopathic medicine for treating diarrhea arising from leaky gut syndrome. For Aloes to be used these symptoms may be present – sudden urging for stool after eating. The stool is thin and undigested in most cases. Before and during stool ,cramping in the abdomen may be present. Sometimes much flatus passes with stool. The flatus tends to be offensive in nature. In few cases, mucus may pass in the stool. Aloe Socotrina is one of the high ranking homeopathic medicines for irritable bowel syndrome with predominating diarrhea.


6. Graphites Naturalis – Homeopathic medicine for skin complaints in leaky gut syndrome  

Graphites Naturalis is a helpful homeopathic medicine for treating skin complaints in leaky gut syndrome. It is indicated in both dry eruptions as well as discharging eruptions. The discharge from the eruptions is mostly sticky and glutinous in nature. It is also indicated for dry rash with itching. Rawness in the bends like the elbow, knee, groins, and behind ears are also indicating points to use Graphites Naturalis. The skin complaints like eczema and psoriasis are treated well with homeopathic medicine Graphites Naturalis.


7. Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicine for joint pains in leaky gut syndrome  

Rhus Tox is an important homeopathic medicine for treating joint pains in leaky gut syndrome. Rhus Tox can be very beneficial in cases of rheumatoid arthritis is linked to leaky gut.for  Rhus tox to be used any of the body joints may be involved.  Person needing Rhus Tox may get relief in joint pains by warm applications. Massage over the affected joint may also relieve. Another characteristic feature for Rhus tox to be used is that there is marked worsening of the joint pains at rest and relief from motion.


8. Belladonna – Homeopathic medicine for headache/migraine in leaky gut syndrome 

Belladonna is a valuable homeopathic medicine for headache/migraine in persons with leaky gut syndrome. For Belladonna to be used the nature of a headache is most times throbbing in nature. Congestion and fullness sensation in the head is also noted. There are few worsening factors for headache when Belladonna is indicated. These include noise, cold air exposure, light and jarring. Pressure and tight binding are the major relieving factors for the headache.


9. Kali Phos – Homeopathic medicine for dealing with tiredness in leaky gut syndrome  

Kali Phos offers much help in treating tiredness in leaky gut syndrome, hence of great use in chronic fatigue syndrome. The individuals needing Kali Phos feel very weak, tired and prostrated. The prostration may be present on both mental and physical levels. There may be weight loss and emaciation along with the fatigue. Kali Phos is also very helpful in individuals where extreme stress and worries have been linked with leaky gut syndrome.  Such persons may also have some sort of depression with sadness and gloominess.


10. Arsenic Album – Homeopathic medicine for Asthmatic condition from leaky gut syndrome  

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is a well indicated for persons having asthma in leaky gut syndrome. For Arsenic Album to be used the symptoms are episodes of difficulty in breathing, constriction in air passages, wheezing, and suffocation. A cough attends above features. There may be expectoration – mainly frothy, yellow or green. Mostly expectoration is scanty and thick. The asthmatic attacks mainly are worse after midnight. The asthmatic spells are attended with fear of lying down due to suffocation. With respiratory troubles, a marked anxiety and restlessness may be present in a high degree.


11. Merc Sol – Homeopathic medicine for watery stool with blood and mucus in leaky gut syndrome  

Merc Sol is a top-level homeopathic medicine for a watery stool with blood and mucus. Hence its use can be made in ulcerative colitis in persons having leaky gut syndrome. For Merc sol to be used these symptoms may be present-  Along with watery stool containing blood and mucus, there is marked tenesmus of the rectum. The person always has a constant urge for stool. The stool is scanty, watery, and may have undigested food particles. While passing stool a cutting colicky pain may be felt in the abdomen.  The stool may also smell sour. Weakness may appear after passing stool. A never get done sensation for stool always remain.  A marked chilliness may assist the above-said symptoms.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Mucus in Stool

Mucus is a slimy, slippery substance produced by the body’s mucous membranes including that of the intestines. The function of mucus is mainly to lubricate and protect against bacteria. Mucus is composed of mucin, water, and leukocytes. The presence of a small quantity of mucus in the stool is normal. But when a person passes a large amount of mucus in the stool, then it needs to be investigated. Mucus in the stool may be transparent, white, yellow, bloody, or green in color. Homeopathic medicines for mucus in stool help clear out the main causative factor.  homeopathic medicines for mucus in stool

Causes of and Symptoms Accompanying Mucus in Stool

The causes of mucus in stool are Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease, Dysentery, Bacterial and Parasitic infections. The symptoms that may accompany mucus in stool are abdominal cramps, bleeding from the rectum, bloated abdomen, diarrhea or constipation. These symptoms occur depending on the reason behind the mucus in stool.

Homeopathic Medicines for Mucus in Stool

Homeopathy treatment for mucus in stool is a highly effective and safe way to address the problem. The selection of the homeopathy medicine for mucus in stool is made after noting the character of mucus and other symptoms like diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and abdominal cramps. These medicines work wonderfully in treating mucus in stool and its related symptoms. The best remedies used in the homeopathy treatment for mucus in stool are Aloe Socotrina, Merc Sol, Colchicum, Argentum Nitricum, Podophyllum, and Nux Vomica.

1. Aloe Socotrina – For Mucus in Stool with Diarrhea

Aloe Socotrina is an excellent medicine for mucus in stool. It works well in cases where diarrhea is accompanied by mucus in stool. The stool passed is watery and has a large quantity of mucus in it. There is a constant bearing down sensation in the rectum. Rumbling and gurgling in the rectum is also felt. There is an urge to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking. An urgency to pass stool is also a symptom. Along with this, the abdomen feels bloated and heavy.

2. Merc Sol – For Mucus and Blood in Stool

Merc Sol offers great help in cases where in addition to mucus, there is the passage of blood in the stool. It is accompanied by a severe pain in the abdomen. There is a constant and recurrent urge to pass stool. The stool is scanty and may have an offensive or sour smell. Chilliness and weakness are also present. Other accompanying symptoms are severe pain and a burning sensation in the anus. Flatulent bloating of the abdomen may also occur.

3. Colchicum – For Transparent Jelly Like Mucus in Stool

Colchicum is a great medicine for clear jelly-like mucus in the stool. In such cases, the stool is changeable in character. It may be green, yellow or red in colour; and is scanty or watery. An agonizing pain in the rectum remains for a long time after passing of stool. Another characteristic feature is a severe pain in the abdomen which may be relieved by bending over. Intense nausea is also a symptom.

4. Argentum Nitricum and Gambogia – For Green Mucus in Stool

Argentum Nitricum and Gambogia both are a good treatment for mucus in stool. The symptoms for using Argentum Nitricum are green mucus in stool, the urge to pass stool after eating or drinking, highly offensive stool, excessive flatulence and a distended and colicky abdomen from flatulence. The characteristic features of using Gambogia are dark green mucus in stool, gushing diarrhea, forcible ejection of stool, and a gurgling or rumbling in the abdomen.

5. Podophyllum – For Yellow Mucus in Stool

Podophyllum is a good choice of medicine for mucus in the stool. The stool is yellowish or green in colour and is highly offensive. The stool is pushed out with force and is gushing in nature. Passing of the stool is usually painless. Prolapse of the rectum before or with stool is also a symptom indicating the use of this natural remedy. Anus may be swollen and sore, and there may be a burning sensation present in the anus.

6. Nux Vomica – For Mucus in Stool with Marked Tenesmus

Nux Vomica is a high-grade medicine for mucus in stool. It works well in cases where there is a constant and recurrent desire to pass stool. The urge to pass stool is continual and ineffectual. The stool, passed with mucus, is scanty and unsatisfactory. There is a pain in the abdomen that is relieved for a short while after passing stool. Nausea, vomiting, and acidity are the other symptoms that may arise.

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Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Proctitis

Inflammation of the lining of rectum is referred to as proctitis. Rectum is the terminal part of the large intestine. The rectum extends between the sigmoid colon and the anal canal. It is where the faeces are stored until they leave the body through the anus. Proctitits is the condition where the lining of the rectum gets inflamed. Proctitits may be acute or chronic in nature. Diagnosis of proctitis involves looking down the rectum with a proctoscope.

Causes of proctitis

The major among the various causes of proctitis are inflammatory bowel disease (crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), sexually transmitted infections in persons involved in anal intercourse (the sexually transmitted infections mainly include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes simplex virus 1 and 2), radiation therapy for cancer, trauma and antibiotics. In some cases, proctitis may arise idiopathically i.e. without any known cause.

Symptoms of proctitis

The symptoms of proctitis include a continuous urge to pass stool, feeling as if the bowels were not evacuated completely following bowel movements, fullness in the rectum, rectal bleeding, passage of mucus from rectum, irritation in the anus or rectum, pain in the rectum, pain in rectum while passing stool and left-sided abdomen pain. Due to bleeding, signs of anaemia may arise. These include weakness, pale skin, dizziness and shortness of breath.

Homeopathic treatment of proctitis

The Homeopathic mode offers wonderful treatment for proctitis. Homeopathic treatment of proctitis is based upon symptomatic presentation of the case. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for each case of proctitis. These medicines help reduce the inflammation of rectum and the associated symptoms in a very safe and gentle way, without any side effects. The most prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for proctitis are Aloe Socotrina, Nux Vomica, Merc Sol, Ratanhia and Nitric Acid. The ideal Homeopathic medicine is selected based on the symptoms that show up.

Homeopathic Medicines for Proctitis

Aloe Socotrina – Top grade Homeopathic medicine for proctitis

Aloe Socotrina is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for treating proctitis. The person needing Aloe Socotrina mainly complains of a constant bearing down in the rectum. Urgency to pass stool may be marked. The person rushes to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking. Involuntary passage of stool is observed in some cases. Along with this, burning in the rectum and anus may also be felt. Cold water application may provide relief from the burning. Soreness of anus may attend. Another accompanying symptom is passage of jelly-like mucus with stool.

Nux Vomica – Best Homeopathic medicine for proctitis with continuous, ineffectual urge to pass stool

Nux Vomica is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for proctitis cases where there is a continuous, ineffectual urge to pass stool. Persons needing Nux Vomica feel constant uneasiness in the rectum. However, scanty stool is passed each time. Sharp pain in the rectum may follow the passing of stool. The urge to pass stool renews soon after. Stool is unsatisfactory and there is always the feeling that some stool has remained in the rectum. Ineffectual urge to pass stool is most prominent.

Merc Sol – Reliable Homeopathic medicine for treating proctitis where blood and mucus accompany stool

For proctitis cases where blood and mucus accompany stool, Merc Sol is the most effective prescription. Burning and rawness at the anus may be present. Itching at anus is also noted in a few cases. Stools are frequent. Tenesmus of rectum is marked with a “never get done” feeling. Weakness after stool is also marked. In a few cases, a feeling faintness may arise. Chilly feeling may attend.

Ratanhia – Homeopathic medicine for proctitis with severe rectal pain while passing stool

Ratanhia is a well indicated Homeopathic medicine to treat proctitis with prominent pain in rectum while passing stool. In a majority of the cases, burning at anus is also present. Burning at anus may continue for long hours after passing stool. Knife-like stitching pain at the anus is also noted in a few cases. Another key feature deciding in favour of Homeopathic medicine Ratanhia as the best choice is sharp pain in the rectum as if from stepping on broken glass.

Nitric Acid – Effective Homeopathic medicine for proctitis with tearing pain in rectum on passing stool

Nitric Acid is the most suitable choice of Homeopathic medicine for proctitis cases where the person complains of tearing pain in the rectum on passing stool. It is also indicated for treating proctitis where there is cutting pain in rectum after passing stool. Bright bleeding from rectum may be present along with stool. In some cases, irritation or itching at the anus is also observed. Irritability and weakness after passing stool is another attending feature.

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