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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Unsatisfactory Stool

Unsatisfactory stool refers to a feeling as if the bowels have not emptied completely after defecation and some amount of the stool is still remaining in the rectum that needs to be passed. This apprehension may be accompanied with some other symptoms as well depending on the cause behind it. These include straining to pass stool, hard stool, loose stool sometimes, stomach pain/cramps, gas, bloated abdomen, rectal pain or anal bleeding. Unsatisfactory stool can arise due to various reasons. The first and the most important reason among these is long-term constipation. Constipation refers to infrequent bowel movements means passing less than three stools in a week or difficulty / straining in passing the stool, passing insufficient stool or unsatisfactory stool and a feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation.

Another cause can be IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is a functional disorder of the large intestine in which changes occur  in the bowel habits, means constipation or diarrhea (loose stool) or alteration between these two; stomach cramps or bloating.

It can also occur sometimes in cases of IBD – Inflammatory Bowel Disease. IBD includes two disorders i.e. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD is of autoimmune origin and leads to inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract in cases of Crohn’s disease, while it results in inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and / or rectum in cases of ulcerative colitis. It may also occur in cases of piles (swollen dilated veins around the anus or in the lower rectum).

Other reasons for unsatisfactory stool could be stress or anxiety. Another cause is pelvic floor dysfunction (a condition in which there is an inability to relax and coordinate the muscles in the pelvic floor for a bowel movement or to urinate). Further reasons might include infection in the colon and colorectal cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly beneficial in managing cases of unsatisfactory stool. The homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the frequency and intensity of this complaint. These are 100 % natural medicines with zero side effects. They give excellent results in such cases by working on the root cause behind it. As the causes vary for unsatisfactory stool from case to case and homeopathic medicines are selected as per the characteristic symptoms of the individual, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate.

Homeopathic Medicines For Unsatisfactory Stool

1. Nux Vomica – Leading medicine

Nux vomica is a remedy of great clinical reputation when it comes to treat cases of unsatisfactory stool. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy to manage such cases but Nux Vomica is the most beneficial among these and is often the first choice of homeopathic physician to deal with such cases. The most important characteristic feature to use this medicine is constipation with unsatisfactory stool with a frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool. The persons who need this medicine go to pass stool several times in a day. They pass very little stool at a time and a feeling of unsatisfactory stool always remains. It always feels that some part of the stool still remains behind in the rectum. This feeling of unsatisfactory stool can be described as a never-get-done feeling. The stool can be hard and dry. The stool can be blood-streaked in some of the cases needing this medicine. After passing stool, a sharp pain can be felt in the rectum. Nux Vomica is also a top-grade medicine for managing piles along with constipation with ineffectual urge to pass stool.

2. Bryonia – For Dry, Hard, Unsatisfactory Stool

Bryonia is a well-indicated medicine to manage cases where stool is dry, hard and unsatisfactory. The stool is passed after much-straining efforts. The stool is large and very dry and looks like as if burnt. Burning pain is felt at the anus while passing stool. In some cases, prolapse of the rectum occurs with passing stool. There is severe constipation that is attended with headache in most of the cases requiring Bryonia.

3. Silicea – For Unsatisfactory Stool Passed After Much Straining

Use of this medicine is recommended when there is unsatisfactory stool and excessive straining. Due to intense and prolonged straining efforts, the abdomen muscles become sore (painful to touch). A very important symptom where this medicine is indicated is stool slips back in the rectum after coming on the tip of the anus. The stool is hard in cases needing Silicea. In the evening, a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool appears. While passing stool, stinging, burning sort of sensation is felt at the anus. Additionally, itching may also be felt at the anus after the passage of stool.

4. Opium – For Unsatisfactory Stool In Form Of Hard, Round Balls

Opium is a suitable medicine for managing cases of unsatisfactory stool and the stool passes in the form of hard, round balls. This may be attended with a sensation as if the rectum is closed. Pain is felt in the rectum. There is severe constipation in cases needing this medicine. Sometimes even the passage of gas becomes difficult.

5. Natrum Mur – With Dry, Hard Stool On Alternate Days

Natrum Mur is a well-indicated medicine when the stool passes on alternate days and is always unsatisfactory. The stool may lead to cuts on the anus. Burning or smarting pain can be felt in the rectum after passing stool. In some cases, tearing type of pain is felt in the rectum. Itching can also occur at the anus. Bleeding can also occur with the passage of the stool. Before passing stool, rumbling occurs in the abdomen and pressure is felt in the rectum.

6. Nitric Acid – With Sharp Splinter Like Pains In Rectum

This medicine is helpful when there is sharp splinter (a small sharp piece of glass or wood or any other material broken off from a larger piece) like pain in the rectum with unsatisfactory stool. There is an ineffectual urge to pass stool. Only a little stool passes at a time. It is attended with a sensation as if some stool still remains in the rectum that could not be expelled. The stool is hard, dry, and scanty and passed with difficulty. Before and on passing stool, a cutting type of pain may be felt in the rectum. After passing stool, burning and shooting type of pain is felt in the rectum.

7. Lycopodium – When First Part Of Stool Passes In Small Round Lumps

Lycopodium is an effective medicine when the first part of the stool passes in the form of small round lumps. The remaining part passed is soft and large. There is always a feeling as if some part of the stool remains behind in the rectum and the stool is insufficient. In some cases needing it, the stool slips back in the rectum when it is just about to pass from the anus. At times, blood passes with the stool. After passing constipated stool, there may occur prolapse of the rectum. Pain at the anus may be felt. The pain varies in nature and can be burning, stinging or pulsating type. Sometimes it is attended with itching at the anus.




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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Irregular Bowel Movements

Bowel movements refer to the normal process of emptying waste material of the gastric system that does not serve any purpose in the body. In our body, nutrients are absorbed from whatever food we eat and the rest of the waste material is eliminated from the body as stool via anus. Bowel movements mean how often a person passes stool and what is the consistency of stool. It differs in each individual and there is no fixed definitive pattern of normal bowel movements. A person can pass stool once or many times a day or may skip a day or two without passing stool. But in general, three stools in a day to three stools per week are assumed to be normal. The stool may also be soft, hard or loose. Bowel movements might vary at times in a person and any occasional change is not to be worried about. However, if there occurs any sudden or significant change in the regularity, frequency or consistency of bowel movements then it refers to as irregular bowel movements.

It might simply be arising from some changes in the diet, change in daily routine, stress, anxiety, as a part of ageing, changes in the gut bacteria or it could indicate some underlying health problem needing treatment. One very common such health issue is IBS i.e. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS refers to a functional disorder of the colon (large intestine) in which bowel movements get altered, means there occur diarrhoea or constipation or alternation between these two, bloating of abdomen and stomach cramps. Another health issue could be IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) that includes two inflammatory condition of digestive tract – ulcerative colitis and crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining of large intestine and rectum. Crohn’s disease leads to inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Next health condition is celiac disease (a gastric disorder in which eating gluten which is a protein present in wheat, rye, barley set off an immune response which leads to damage to small intestine and causes symptoms including bloating, diarrhea, gas, stomach pain, fatty stool, anemia and weight loss).

Other reasons could be food intolerance, thyroid issues, neurological issues like multiple sclerosis (a disease in which the immune cells damage the protective myelin sheath of the nerve fibers and hinders communication between brain and rest of the body parts). Besides use of some medicines like antibiotics and pain killers may result in irregular bowel movements. With irregular bowel movements one may get diarrhea or constipation or alternation between these two. Depending on the cause, other symptoms may also attend like pain in the abdomen, bloating, straining to pass stool, feeling of incomplete bowel emptying, urgency to pass stool, mucus in the stool, undigested food particles in the stool, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, passing blood in the stool, weakness and weight loss.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy proves highly effective in cases of irregular bowel movements. Homeopathic medicines help to regularize the bowel movements in very natural way. Homeopathic treatment for this complaint is done on symptomatic basis in every case. An individualized treatment is done based on the characteristic symptom of the individual. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin, so are 100 pc safe to use with zero side effects. As there are no specific medicines for treating this complaint and the treatment is given purely based on the individual’s symptoms, it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for right prescription and dosage.

Homeopathic Medicines For Irregular Bowel Movements

1. Aloe Socotrina – Top Medicine For Diarrhea

This medicine is the leading medicine to manage cases presenting with diarrhea. In cases needing it, stool is loose with an urge to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking. There is a sudden urgency to pass stool with a need to rush to the toilet. Gas may pass along with the stool. In some cases, mucus occurs in the stool. There may be abdomen pain before and while passing stool. A constant bearing down sensation can be felt in the rectum. At times, stool is passed involuntarily when passing gas.

2. Podophyllum – For Copious Watery Stool

This medicine is beneficial when the stool is copious and watery. The stool passes out in a gush means suddenly with intense force. The stool can be yellow or green coloured. It may contain mucus or undigested food particles. The stool has offensive smell. There may be sudden urge to pass stool.

3. China Officinalis – For Loose Stool With Weakness

China Officinalis works well in cases of loose stool accompanied with weakness. Stool is profuse and attended with excessive gas in the abdomen. Abdomen pain may occur due to gas. Abdomen is bloated. Stool smells bad. Rumbling occurs in the stomach.

4. Croton Tiglium – For Sudden Stool After Eating / Drinking

This medicine is recommended for cases where a sudden urge to pass stool appears immediately after eating or drinking. Stool gushes out with a great force. Pain in the abdomen on passing stool can occur. Nausea may be felt while passing stoolwhich  be yellow or greenish. It may contain mucus or white flakes.

5. Nux Vomica – For Constipation With Frequent Urge For Stool

Nux Vomica is the best choice of medicine for managing constipation with a frequent almost constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. It may be recommended for persons who pass scanty stool several times a day, stool is unsatisfactory. Despite passing stool frequently in a day, they feel as if the bowels are not completely emptied and there is still more stool to pass giving a never got done feeling. They may feel pain in the abdomen. Nausea and vomiting especially in the morning may be felt.

6. Bryonia – For Constipation With Dry, Hard Stool

This medicine is very effective when there is constipation with dry, hard stool passed in lump form. The stool passes with difficulty and seems as if burnt. Besides, there is distension of abdomen.

7. Alumina – For Constipation With Absence Of Urge For Days Together

Alumina is a helpful medicine for cases where a person has no urge to pass stool for days together. Stool is passed when large faecal matter has accumulated in the intestines. When urge occurs, the stool is passed with intense straining efforts either with hard or soft stool.

8. Antimonium Crudum – For Alternate Constipation And Diarrhea

This medicine is highly suitable to manage cases in which an alteration occurs between constipation and diarrhea. Watery stool occurs with little hard lumps or undigested food particles in it. Cutting pain may be felt in the abdomen before passing stool. Vomiting may also attend. During constipation, there is passage of dry, hard stool with difficulty. There may be trapped gas in the abdomen. A characteristic feature that attends gastric complaint in most of the cases is thickly white coated tongue.

9. Lycopodium – For Alternate Diarrhea And Constipation With Bloating

This medicine is prominently indicated for alternate diarrhea and constipation with bloating. Persons needing it complain of gas and distension of abdomen after eating even a little amount of food. Gas and bloating is marked in the lower abdomen. Some specific food items that worsen the complaints includes cabbage, onions and beans.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Iritis: Top Homeopathic Medicines for Relief and its Causes

Iritis refers to the inflammation of iris which is the colored part in the front of the eye around the pupil. Iritis is also known as anterior uveitis (Uveitis is inflammation of middle layer of eye called uvea and iris is present in its front area, which means anterior part of uvea). Iritis can be acute that appears all of a sudden in some hours or days or it can be chronic which occurs gradually and remains for more than three months. Iritis may affect one or both eyes, though it is usually one sided. The signs and symptoms include redness of eye, pain in eye, sensitivity to light, eye floaters, eye watering, abnormally shaped pupils, blurred vision and headache.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries great scope to manage cases of iritis. Homeopathic medicines address underlying cause of iris inflammation to bring excellent results. These are natural remedies that gradually decrease the inflammation of iris and halt further progression of the complaint. Besides, they manage wonderfully its signs and symptoms like eye redness, eye pain, light sensitivity, eye watering, headache and floaters before eyes. Homeopathic medicines for managing iritis are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side-effects. They are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no associated complication is present. Homeopathic prescription for iritis varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms, so one should take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Iritis

1. Merc Sol – Top Medicine

Merc Sol is a leading medicine to manage cases of iritis. In cases needing it, there is pain in the affected eye that can be of varying type. It can be a cutting, tearing or boring kind of pain. Pain may spread around the eye and side of the head. The eye is sore to touch. There is intense sensitivity to light along with the other symptoms. Besides, heat and pressure are felt in the eye. The eyes also become red.

2. Belladonna – With Eye Redness

Belladonna is a prominently indicated medicine for managing iritis. It is used when there is marked redness in the eye. Besides, pain is felt in the eye, especially when closing the eye and on eye movement. There is sensitivity to light. Sparks or flickering (shining with light) before eyes may be felt. There may be dimness of vision.

3. Merc Cor – For Iritis With Marked Eye Pain

This medicine is suitable to manage iritis with marked pain in the eye. The pain is mostly burning type. It is worse at night in most of the cases. Persons needing it may also have excessive sensitivity to light. There is also redness in the eye.

4. Rhus Tox – In Case Having Joint Inflammation Or Injury

Firstly, Rhus Tox is recommended for a person suffering from iritis who has joint inflammation as well.  Secondly, it is also indicated when iritis follows an eye injury. In cases needing it, there is pain in the eyes. The pain may be pressive or sharp in nature. Pain from the eye may shoot to the back of the head. It gets worse at night. Eyes become red and there may be light sensitivity. In some cases, inflammation may reach choroid layer of the eye leading to choroiditis.

5. Euphrasia – With Eye Watering And Dimness Of  Vision

This medicine is indicated when there is eye watering and dimness of vision in iritis cases. Besides, there is a constant aching in the eye. Darting type of pain occurs in eyes occasionally. Mild redness may be visible in the eyes. Euphrasia can also be considered when there is inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) along with iris inflammation after an injury. Here, pain is marked in the eyes which can be stitching type or burning in nature along with excessive eye watering.

6. Arnica – For Iritis After An Injury

Arnica is a suitable medicine for managing iritis that occurs due to an injury. It is useful when there is redness along with shooting or tearing type of pain in the eye. It is attended with excessive watering from the eyes. Sensitivity to light also occurs. The complaint is relieved by applying gentle pressure over the eye.

7. Apis Mellifica – To Manage Eye Pain And Light Sensitivity

This medicine is effective in managing pain in the eye and light sensitivity in cases of iritis. The pain can be aching, shooting, burning, stinging or pressive type. Pain can be felt in and around the eyes. Pain gets worse from eye movement. Pain may also occur in the forehead. Eyes are red. There may occur watering from the eyes that causes a burning sensation.

8. Argentum Nitricum – With Sore Eyes

This medicine is helpful in cases where the eye is sensitive to touch. There is pain and heat in the eyes. It gets worse from movement and touch. There is a sensation of fullness in the eye, along with dryness. This medicine is also recommended for managing inflammation of the cornea and iris, with pain emanating from top of the head to the eye.

9. Pulsatilla – For Burning Heat Sensation In Eye

Pulsatilla is a medicine beneficial for burning heat sensation in and around the eye. There is also sensitivity to light. It is attended with stitching pain in the eyes. Sometimes tearing or shooting pain is felt in the eye. Dimness of vision can be there. There may be excessive watering from the eyes in open air. Persons needing it may see fiery circles in front of the eyes.

What Causes Iritis?

1. An infection from a virus, bacteria or parasite. Some examples of infections include herpes zoster (a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus characterized by painful rash/ blisters on the skin), fever blisters (it is caused by herpes simplex virus that leads to tiny blisters on the lips or around the mouth), tuberculosis (an infection of lungs caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis).

2. An injury to eye

3. Some form of arthritis (joint inflammation) may lead to iritis. It firstly includes ankylosing spondylitis (a type of arthritis beginning from sacroiliac joint and then moving up to involve the joints of the spine). The second kind of arthritis is reactive arthritis (it refers to joint inflammation that occurs after an infection in some other body part like genitals, urinary tract). Next is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (joint inflammation for more than six weeks in children aged 16 yrs or younger) and psoriatic arthritis (arthritis occurring in some persons suffering from psoriasis which is a skin condition with red spots covered with silvery white scales).

4. Any autoimmune disease in which body’s disease fighting cells known as immune cells start damaging body’s own healthy tissues by mistake. For example, sarcoidosis (disease in which small clumps of inflammatory cells grow in different body organs leading to its inflammation). Other examples are ulcerative colitis in which inflammation and ulcers occur in colon and rectum, multiple sclerosis (a disease that causes damage to myelin sheath of nerve cells) and psoriasis (skin disease with red spots on the skin covered with silvery white scales).

5. Use of certain medicines like cidofovir, rifabutin

6. Behcet’s disease, a disease that lead to inflammation of blood vessels all over the body

7. Weak immunity, genetic predisposition and tobacco smoking are some of the other risk factors.


If iritis is not rightly treated on time, some complications may arise that can cause vision loss. These includes glaucoma (an increased pressure in the eye that can lead to vision loss), cataract (clouding/opacity of lens in eye), swollen retina, irregular shape of pupil and calcium crystal build up on the cornea.


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What are Shifting Joint Pains and their Homeopathic remedies

Joint pains are a very common problem occurring from various reasons. In some cases it is seen that pain and swelling shifts / travels from one joint to another. This is medically known as migratory arthritis. In this condition, pain and swelling initially appear in one or two joints. When these symptoms get better, similar symptoms begin in some other joint. Besides pain and swelling, redness, stiffness and heat in the affected joint may be felt. In some cases, depending on the cause, a rash may appear, along with tiredness, weight loss and fever. Shifting joint pains can accompany many inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, lupus.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for treating shifting joint pains. Homeopathic medicines stimulate healing processes of the body to naturally overcome health problems. These medicines reduce joint inflammation and manage signs and symptoms including pain, swelling, redness, heat and stiffness of joints. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of symptoms reduces gradually. These medicines are safe to use with zero side-effects. The homeopathic prescription for shifting joint pains varies from case to case as per the presenting symptoms of the individual. So it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor for suitable medicine, its potency, dose and repetition.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Shifting Joint Pains

1. Kalmia – Top Remedy

Kalmia is the most prominently indicated medicine to manage shifting joint pains. It is the most helpful when pain occurs in the beginning in the joints of upper limbs. When the pain starts subsiding here, pain is felt in the joints of lower limbs. The affected joints are painful, red, swollen and hot. Pain gets worse from the least movement of the affected joint. The pain may trigger from exposure to cold air.

2. Pulsatilla – When Pain Shifts Rapidly

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine when pain shifts very rapidly from one joint to another. The pain does not stay for long in one joint. The joints are swollen and red along with pain. The joints feel as if beaten. Pain also gets worse when trying to move. It may increase at night, disturbing sleep. Stinging sensation is also felt in the affected joint.

3. Colchicum – For Painful Joints Sore To Touch

This medicine is well indicated when joints are painful and very sore to touch. The pain arises suddenly and also fades away suddenly. The pain can be tearing or stitching type. It may disturb night’s sleep. The joints are swollen, though not red. Stiffness in the joints also occurs. Joints feel heavy, weak and are difficult to move. It works most wonderfully in cases of joint pain that arises from gout (increased uric acid levels).

4. Caulophyllum – When Small Joints Are Affected

This medicine works best when small joints are involved. The affected joints mainly include that of fingers, toes, ankles and wrist. Pain keeps shifting among these joints. The pain may travel every few minutes from one joint to the other and follow quite an unpredictable course. Pain causes restlessness at night. Stiffness is also felt in the joints.

5. Kali Bichrome – Involvement Of All Joints

It is an effective medicine when all joints are involved in wandering joint pains. The affected joint is quite swollen and stiff. A cracking sound is heard when the affected joint is moved. Pain travels from one joint to the other very fast. It usually occurs in small spots and gets worse from exposure to cold air.

6. Lac Caninum – When Pain shifts From Joints Of One Side To The Other Side

This medicine is beneficial when pain shifts from one-sided joint to other side especially when knee, hip and ankle joints are involved. In cases needing it, pain initially occurs in the right-sided hip and knee joint. The pain gets worse from touch, pressure and movement. When pain subsides on these joints, then the hip and knee joint on the left side start to hurt. When pain resolves on the left side, then again the right- sided hip/knee joint gets painful. So pain keeps shifting from one side to another frequently. Same is the case with shifting of pain from one-sided ankle joint to another. There may occur relief in pain from application of cold treatment on the affected joints in cases requiring this medicine.

7. Phytolacca – With Marked Swelling And Redness Of Joints

Phytolacca is a highly useful medicine when along with pain, the joints are intensely swollen and red. The pain transmits rapidly from one part to the other like electric shocks. The pain can be lancinating or shooting type. In cases needing phytolacca, the pains usually worsen from movement and also in the morning time.

8. Rhododendron – When Pains Get Worse At Night

This medicine works well in cases where joint pains get worse at night. The pain keeps wandering from joint to joint. The pains also get worse from rest. It is also a well-indicated remedy when pains occur in damp cold weather.

9. Stellaria Media – With Marked Stiffness Of Joints

This medicine is recommended when there is excessive stiffness of joints along with pain. The pains can occur in almost any of the joints and keep travelling among various joints.  The affected joint is also sore to touch. Worsening of pain occurs from movement.

10. Kali Sulph – When Pain Gets Worse From Heat

The use of this medicine is suggested when the joint pains keep moving from one joint to other and get worse from heat. The pains are relieved from cold applications and also in cold weather. Nodes (small hard bony lumps) may appear on the joint in cases needing Kali Sulph.

Forms Of Arthritis And Other Conditions Linked With Shifting Joint Pains

Shifting joint pains may occur along with other forms of arthritis or other medical conditions as follows:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis: It is an autoimmune joint disorder that causes inflammation and damage to joints due to a misdirected response of immune cells (disease fighting cells). It starts from small joints (like finger joints) in most cases and later affects large joints as well.

2. Osteoarthritis: It is the degeneration of joints happening from age-related wear and tear of a joint cartilage (a flexible connective tissue cushion that lies between two bones of a joint). Besides ageing, degeneration may occur from injury also. It most commonly affects joints including that of knee, hip, hands and spine.

3. Gout: It refers to joint inflammation arising from high uric acid levels in blood. It usually affects joints of the big toe but can also affect other joints like fingers, ankles, wrist and elbows.

4. Infectious arthritis: It is inflammation of the joints caused by some infectious agent (like bacteria, virus or fungus).

5. Reactive arthritis: In this, joint inflammation occurs when there is an infection in some other body part like a urinary tract infection, or an infection of bowels / genitals.  It usually arises within 2 to 4 weeks of an infection.

6. SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus): A chronic inflammatory disorder of autoimmune origin that can affect multiple body parts like lungs, joints, heart, skin, kidneys and brain.

7. Rheumatic fever: It is an inflammatory disease occurring as a complication of infection with group A streptococcus bacteria. It can affect joints, heart, skin and the brain.

8. Fibromyalgia: A chronic disorder in which there is pain in different body parts along with tiredness. One may face temporary memory loss, sleep problems and depression.

9. Lyme disease: A tick borne disease caused by a bacteria of Borrelia group called Borrelia Burgdoferi. It may cause joint inflammation in the late infection stage.

10. IBD (inflammatory bowel disease): It includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease which are inflammatory disorders of the gastric tract. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and rectum. Crohn’s disease can cause inflammation in any part of the gastric tract. It can lead to various complications and joint inflammation may be one among them.



Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Pain During And After Passing Stool

Having mild pain during and after passing stool once in a while is normal. It may happen occasionally, for example from some changes in diet. But if it occurs regularly then it could be a medical reason behind it that needs to be looked out for and treated. It can arise from constipation when the stool is dry and hard. Another very important reason is anal fissure. It refers to a cut or crack in the skin of anus usually arising from passing hard, dry stool. Next common cause can be piles – swollen, dilated, inflamed veins around the anus and or in the lower rectum. It may also occur in case of proctitis which is inflammation of the lining of the rectum.

Another reason could be IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) which includes two inflammatory disorders of gastric tract i.e. ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. In ulcerative colitis, inflammation and ulcers appear in the lining of large intestine and rectum. In Crohn’s disease, any part of the gastrointestinal tract can get inflamed. It may also occur in case of anal fistula (an abnormal tract between anal canal and outside the skin around anus, perianal abscess (pus around anus) and from diarrhea means passing thin, watery stool. Besides, it may arise from food intolerances, sexually transmitted infection spread through anal sex (like chlamydia, syphilis); endometriosis when tissue that lines the uterus grows in areas other than uterus like ovaries, bladder, colon, rectum;  skin conditions (like eczema, psoriasis, anal warts) and anal/rectal cancer. Depending on the cause, pain during and after stool may be accompanied with other signs and symptoms like burning, itching, bleeding, swelling, lump, redness at anus and constipation or diarrhea.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines can treat cases of pain during and after passing stool wonderfully. Sourced from natural substances, they ease rectal and anal pain in the most harmless way with zero side effects. These can also relieve any attending symptoms like burning, itching, soreness, bleeding along with pain. Homeopathic medicines help in managing acute pain and also help in chronic cases of pain. These target the root cause behind the pain to give long term relief.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Pain During And After Stool

1. Aesculus – For pain after stool

Aesculus is the best choice of medicine when pain occurs after stool and remains for long hours. A sensation of small sticks in the rectum is a characteristic feature. Stinging, burning and itching at anus is also felt. Stool is hard and passed with difficulty. It is the top-recommended medicine for pain occurring from piles.

2. Nitric Acid – For Pain During Stool

Nitric Acid is a highly recommended medicine for managing pain while passing stool. It is very effective when pain occurs from either hard stool, piles or fissures. The pain is severe during stool. It may even continue after passing stool. Bleeding occurs along with stool. The pain usually is cutting or sharp splinter like or pricking type. The stool is scanty, hard, difficult that passes with straining. In case of piles, protrusion of piles may occur while passing stool.

3. Ratanhia – For Pain And Burning From Anal Fissures

Ratanhia is a highly suitable medicine for managing pain and burning from anal fissures. In cases needing it, pain and burning occur while passing stool which may persist for long hours after passing stool. A characteristic feature is pain in anus as from broken glass pieces. There is constipation with hard stool that passes with much straining efforts.

4. Nux Vomica – For Pain With Constipation

Nux Vomica is a beneficial medicine for relieving pain with constipation. The most characteristic symptom is an ineffectual urge to pass stool. A person goes for passing stool several times a day. Each time only little stool is passed and there is unsatisfactory feeling as if some stool still remains back in the rectum. There is pain and burning sensation with the passing of stool. Pain can be stinging or tearing type. The pain may get better from cold water application. The stool may be streaked with blood. Anal itching may also attend.

5. Alumen – For Pain With Hard Stool

This medicine works well when there is pain along with hard stool. In cases needing it the stool is dry and hard. Some blood passes with stool. There is pain in the rectum while passing stool and continues after passing stool. Pain from the rectum may extend down the thighs. In some cases, a lump appears at the anus that is very itchy.

6. Aloe Socotrina – From Piles

This medicine is recommended for rectal pain from piles. The pain can be sharp or burning type. The piles look like a bunch of grapes blue in color at the anus. The pain and burning may get better from cold water application. There may be a sudden urge to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking anything. Stool is usually loose, mucus may pass with stool.

7. Muriatic Acid – When Anus Is Very Tender (Painful To Touch)

Muriatic Acid can be considered in cases when anus is very tender, means painful and sensitive to touch. There are bluish piles with marked heat in cases needing this medicine. Warm application on the anus may relieve pain. Violent stitching type of pain may be felt at the anus. In some cases, anal prolapse occurs while passing urine.

8. Graphites – For Pain During Stool And For Hours After Stool

Graphites is helpful when there is pain while passing stool and continues for hours after passing stool. The pain is sharp, severe, stitching type which gets worse at night. A constricted sensation at anus also occurs. There is bleeding on passing stool. Burning and soreness in anus is also felt. Graphites is very effective when there are above symptoms along with cracks in the anus. Graphites is also useful for piles that are sore to touch and are most painful when sitting or while walking. In cases needing it, there is constipation with hard, large, difficult stool.

 9. Collinsonia – For Painful Bleeding Piles

This medicine is well indicated for cases of piles that are painful and bleed. There is marked constipation where this medicine is required. The piles tend to protrude (come out of anus) on passing stool. There is pain and burning in rectum. Anal itching may also be felt. A characteristic sensation of sand in rectum is quite prominent.

10. Silicea – For Pain From Anal Fistula And Perianal Abscess

This medicine works magnificently in cases of pain from fistula and perianal abscess. In cases needing it, pain occurs in rectum or around the anus along with pus discharges. There is constipation with hard stool. The stool may recede back into the rectum after some of it gets passed out.

11. Sulphur – For Burning Pain

Sulphur is recommended when there is burning pain at the anus. The burning and itching get worse at night. The anus is sore along with constipation with dry, hard, knotty stool. Piles may be present that are tender to touch. Smarting pain may occur in piles along with bleeding.

12. Ignatia – For anal Pain on walking or standing

This medicine is prominently indicated for anal pain which gets worse while walking or standing. It is relieved by sitting. This medicine is also indicated for rectal pain with loose stool. There may be constant urge to pass stool along with smarting pain. The pain may be felt one or two hours after passing stool. Bleeding may occur along with stool. This medicine is the most recommended when there is severe stitching, burning pain in the rectum which disturbs sleep at night.

13. Paeonia – Pain At Anus Continuing Long After Stools

Paeonia is the most helpful when there is severe pain at the anus that continues for long hours after passing stool. The pains are severe, intolerable. The pain may even continue the whole night preventing sleep. Burning and itching in anus occurs. It is indicated for piles, fissures and anal fistula. A fluid may be seen oozing from anus in cases that require it.



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Get rid of Headache due to Gas with simple Homeopathic medicines

Headache is a very common health issue experienced by almost everyone sometime or the other. It can happen from multiple reasons, one of the reasons being gas. Certain symptoms attending gas like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, abdomen pain and acid reflux can trigger headache.

Why Homeopathic Treatment?

There is great scope of treating headache due to gas in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines target gas-causing reasons to bring relief in headache. These medicines also work in managing associated gastric issues like nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdomen pain, acid reflux that could be triggering a headache. Homeopathy manages these gastric issues and headache in a natural manner without any side effects.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Headache Caused By Gas

Among various homeopathic medicines for managing headache due to gas, the top recommended ones are Carbo Veg, Lycopodium, China, Nux Vomica and Iris Versicolor.

1. Carbo Veg – Top Grade Medicine

Carbo Veg is a leading medicine to manage headache due to gas. In cases needing it, there is excessive gas in the abdomen along with heaviness and bloating especially in the upper abdomen. The pain in the head may be felt in the forehead over the eyes or in the entire head. A pressure is felt across the forehead, sides and top of the head.  Head feels heavy as well. Nausea is present along with headache. Burning in the stomach and sour burps can occur as well. Burping occurs especially after eating or drinking.

2. Lycopodium – With Gas In Lower Abdomen Soon After Eating

Lycopodium is an effective medicine for gas in the abdomen soon after eating, attended with headache. Even eating little food causes gas formation and abdomen fullness. Gas gets accumulated in the lower abdomen and there is much passage of gas from the anus. The gastric issue and headache, though may arise anytime but is usually worse from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Headache occurs especially on the right side. It may go from one side of the head to another as well. Headache is triggered when not eating at regular intervals. Lying down worsens the pain. There is relief in pain from eating.

3. China – With Gas And Bloating Of Whole Abdomen

This medicine works well for headache with gas and bloating of the whole abdomen. Headache is throbbing, bursting type. Pain gets worse from head movement. There is relief by applying hard pressure over the head. Gas in the abdomen is felt till long after eating. Due to gas in the abdomen, pain can be present as well. Bitter burps also occur. There may also arise vomiting of undigested food in some cases.

4. Nux Vomica – With Gas And Constipation

This medicine works magnificently when headache occurs along with gas and constipation. Pain may be felt in the forehead, the back of head or top of the head. There is pain in the stomach even with the least food, nausea may accompany. Constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool may be felt. Nux Vomica helps to relieve gas issues as well as constipation to relieve the gastric headache. Nux Vomica is also highly suitable for those who live a sedentary life (lifestyle with sitting for prolonged time periods with little to no physical activity or exercise) and consequent to it, suffer many gastric issues which further can lead to headache.

5. Iris Versicolor – With Gas, Heartburn, Acid Reflux

Iris Versicolor is a wonderful medicine to manage cases where headache occurs along with gas, heartburn (burning behind chest bone i.e. sternum in middle of chest), acid reflux (backflow of stomach acid into food pipe). In cases needing this medicine, headache is experienced in the forehead over eyes and sides of the head. A sensation of a band around the head is also felt. Nausea and vomiting are also well marked. Vomiting is of bitter, sour watery matter. Headache with loose stool is also treated well with this medicine.

6. Pulsatilla – Headache From Gas And Indigestion From Fatty Food

This medicine is prominently indicated when there is a headache from gas and also from indigestion from eating fatty food (like ghee, cream). Mostly one sided headache is felt in cases needing it. The pain is pulsating, bursting type. Headache may be better by walking in open air. With headache the abdomen may be painful and distended. There is rumbling of wind in the upper abdomen. Burps that taste of food eaten are prominent.

7. Ipecac – With Gas, Nausea, Vomiting

Ipecac is one of the best medicines when headache occurs from gas along with nausea and vomiting. Aching, throbbing and pressure are felt in the forehead. Nausea is constant. Vomiting of watery fluid occurs, but vomiting does not relieve nausea.

8. Bryonia – With Gas And Constipation With Dry, Hard Stool

This medicine is well indicated when a person suffers from gas and constipation with dry hard stool along with headache. Headache is worse from movement. Pain is bursting, splitting type. Abdomen is distended and there is loud rumbling, gurgling in abdomen. Stomach is sensitive to touch. Pressure is felt in the stomach after eating.

9. Robinia – With Gas, Vomiting Of Sour Fluid

Use of Robinia is highly suggested to manage headache with gas and acidic vomiting. There is vomiting of intensely sour fluid. Heartburn at night while lying down may also appear. Continuous sharp pain in abdomen during day and at night may present sometimes.

10. Sanguinaria Can – For Headache With Gas, Gets Better By Vomiting

This medicine may be considered when headache occurs from gas. There is relief from a headache after vomiting. Pain begins in the back of the head that extends upwards to the top of head and thereafter settles over the right eye. Abdomen is distended with gas. Burning may also occur in the stomach along with headache. Vomiting can occur of bitter, sour fluid or food that has been eaten.

11. Sulphur – For Pain In Back Of Head With Gas, Nausea, Vomiting

Sulphur is prominently indicated for pain in the back of head with gas, nausea and vomiting. Headache is preceded by gas in the abdomen. The nature of pain in the head is tearing or throbbing type. Its use is also considered when headache worsens from eating warm food.

Gastric issues that can lead to headache

Gastrointestinal reflux disorder (GERD)

Gastrointestinal reflux disorder (GERD)

1.GERD (Gastrointestinal reflux disorder): It refers to the backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe. It arises when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes abnormally allowing stomach acid to back flow in the food pipe. It causes symptoms like heartburn, burning in throat, sour/bitter burping, chest pain and sour taste in mouth.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): It is a functional disorder of the large intestine causing altered bowel movements (diarrhoea or constipation), stomach cramps, bloating.

H. pylori bacteria

H. pylori bacteria

3. H. pylori infection:  It is an infection of the stomach caused by helicobacter pylori bacteria.  It causes gastritis or peptic ulcers (ulcers in lining of stomach or the first part of small intestine i.e. duodenum)

4. Constipation

5. IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease): It is a term to describe two inflammatory disorders of gastric tract. One is ulcerative colitis and the second is Crohn’s disease. In ulcerative colitis, there is inflammation and ulcers appear in the lining of the large intestine and rectum. In Crohn’s disease, there is inflammation of the lining in any part of the gastrointestinal tract and involves deeper layers of gastric tract.

6. Gastroparesis: It is also known as delayed gastric emptying. In this disorder, the muscle contractions of stomach get weak as a result of which the food remains in the stomach for an extended period of time. The contents of stomach thereby get into the duodenum very slowly. The symptoms mainly include abdomen pain, feeling full soon after one starts to eat, bloating, nausea, vomiting.

7. Celiac disease: In this disease, eating gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley) causes damage to small intestine in the persons suffering from this disease out of an autoimmune response. The symptoms that it causes include diarrhoea, abdomen cramps, bloating and fatigue.





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Suffering From Intractable Anal Fistula? Safe Homeopathic Remedies for Anal Fistula


An anal fistula is a small tunnel with an internal opening in the anal canal and an external opening in the skin of the perianal area (an area that surrounds the anus). An anal fistula usually results after improper healing of an anal abscess following pus drainage. Homeopathy is an excellent alternative mode of treating many surgical diseases including anal fistula. It is particularly beneficial for treating anal fistula. In most cases, these medicines save a person from undergoing surgical procedures for this painful problem.

Homeopathic Treatment of anal fistula

Homeopathic remedies for anal fistula treat the condition with gentleness and safety, and with no side effects because of their natural origin. With regular use of these medicines, the discharge associated with anal fistula gradually decreases and the symptoms of pain, swelling, and itching are also managed. The natural medicines assist in regularising bowel movements and treating hard stool, which could otherwise lead to a recurrence of symptoms. They are also helpful in cases of anal fistula that re-form even after surgical correction in the past.

Best Homeopathic Remedies For Anal Fistula

The medicines that top the list for anal fistula treatment are Silicea, Hepar Sulph, and Myristica Sebifera. The characteristic features of these remedies are as follows:

1. Silicea – For Anal Fistula With Copious Pus Discharge

Silicea is the most recommended medicine for anal fistula. It is the most widely used medicine for treating anal fistula in homeopathy. It carries a great ability to resolve multiple medical problems where pus formation occurs including anal fistula. The way it controls the process of pus formation is magnificent. It can be given in anal fistula cases with copious pus discharge. Sometimes blood may be present in this discharge. The discharge is also highly offensive and putrid smelling. The discharge is accompanied by perianal swelling. Sharp, stitching pain in the rectum may occur especially while walking. When passing stool, burning and itching at anus may be felt. Silicea is also a remedy for anal fistula with brownish fluid discharge and/or accompanied with constipation. Silicea is also applicable to treat hardness/indurations left around the anus after the healing of an anal fistula.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Intense Pain

Hepar Sulph is the most valuable medicine to manage anal fistula accompanied by extreme pain. It works in cases where the area around the perianal region is highly inflamed, hard and swollen, and is very sore and sensitive to touch. The pain, in most cases, gets worse at night. Cold worsens the pain. Other symptoms may include throbbing or beating sensation around the anus. It is indicated when pus is present in the tract but hasn’t begun to discharge. This medicine will aid pus drainage from fistula tract followed by relief in pain. The discharge of pus from the anal fistula may be blood-stained and may smell like decaying matter. The patient may also have fever with chills.

3. Myristica Sebifera – Top Remedy For Fistula

Myristica Sebifera is another primary natural medicine of plant origin and is used for treating many suppurative (pus forming) conditions including anal fistula. This remedy works wonders in expelling the pus readily and in healing anal fistula. It has its most prominent action in speeding up the process of pus drainage and cut short the healing process of anal fistula. Use of this medicine often prevents the need for surgery in anal fistula cases.

4. Calcarea Sulph – For Thick, Yellow Discharges

Calcarea Sulph is beneficial for the treatment of anal fistula with thick and yellow pus discharge. The discharge is often blood stained. It is indicated when the pus is already oozing out of an anal fistula opening on the skin. Calcarea Sulph aids in hastening pus expulsion. Pain is also prominent in the anal region where this medicine is required.

5. Berberis Vulgaris – For Shooting Pain

Berberis Vulgaris works well in cases where there is shooting pain around the anus. In addition to this, a stitching pain around the anus also points towards the use of Berberis Vulgaris. The skin around the anus is very sore and is accompanied by itching, which gets worse in the evening.

6Calcarea Phos – For Painless Fistula

Painless anal fistula points towards the use of Calcarea Phos. In these cases, there is blood and pus discharge from the anal fistula. These discharges can be accompanied by warm or burning sensation around the anus. Another striking indication for using Calcarea Phos is anal fistula alternating with chest complaints. Calcarea Phos hastens the healing process of anal fistula resulting in speedy recovery.

7. Paeonia Officinalis – For Pain And Itching At Anus

Paeonia Officinalis is a natural medicine for anal fistula treatment. In cases needing it, there is persistent oozing of fluid from the anal tract. The fluid is extremely offensive in smell and there is also much pain in the anus region. Sitting makes the pain worse. Itching and biting sensation around the anus also attend. Burning sensation at the anus is also marked. Apart from anal fistula, Paeonia Officinalis is also a prominent remedy for treating anal fissures and piles.

8. Hydrastis Canadensis – For Anal Fistula With Constipation

Hydrastis Canadensis is highly beneficial for treating anal fistula accompanied by constipation. It helps in healing anal fistula as well as regularizing bowel movement. Patients with chronic obstinate constipation (i.e. those who often have a number of days without passing stool), those with severe pain following the passing of stool, those for whom the pain lasts for hours following stool, and those with smarting and burning pain in the rectum and around the anus, are typical candidates for Hydrastis Canadensis.

9. Causticum – For Pulsating Pain

Causticum works well when in anal fistula cases, pulsating pain is felt around the anus. The pulsations are of high intensity in the perineum. The anal fistula discharges pus, blood, and serum. Along with anal fistula, hemorrhoids may also be present. The hemorrhoids are hard, large and swollen.

10. Thuja Occidentalis – For Fistula With Burning Around the Anus

Thuja Occidentalis is a beneficial medicine for anal fistula accompanied by burning pain around the anus. Soreness is felt around the anus the whole day, along with burning sensation. Stitching pain, as from a needle pricking in the perianal region may also attend. Perianal pains get worse after walking. Offensive sweat around the anus may also be present along with the above symptoms.

11. Lachesis – For Anal Fistula With Fullness Sensation In Rectum

This medicine is indicated when a person suffering from anal fistula complains of sensation of fullness in the rectum. Other than this, there is a feeling as if little hammers are beating the rectum. Burning and cutting pain in the rectum may also occur.

Signs And Symptoms Of Anal Fistula

1. An opening (hole) on the skin near the anus and fluid/pus dischargefrom that opening. The discharge may even be blood stained. The discharge may be foul smelling. Rarely, faecal discharge may occur.

2. Perianal swelling, redness, inflammation and pain. The pain could vary in nature from throbbing, pulsating, sharp and tearing, to a stitching pain. The pain usually gets worse during bowel movement and also while sitting or walking. There may be tenderness around the opening of fistula. After fistula drains, the pain may decrease.

3. Burning and irritation or itching in the perianal area are other attending symptoms

4. Fever and chills may also be present in a few cases

5. A feeling of weakness can accompany the above symptoms

Anal Fistula: What Causes It?

An anal fistula arises from a clogged anal gland, followed by an infection in anal gland. Anal glands are present in the the wall of anal canal that secrete fluid. These may sometimes get clogged by foreign matter like faecal bacteria that may cause infection in anal glands. Due to the infection, an abscess is formed which drains by itself or via surgery through a skin point around the anus. Anal fistula refers to a tunnel that develops along this tract running from the anal gland to a hole in the skin surrounding the anus.

Some of factors that increases risk of anal fistula are as follows:

1. An infection or trauma to anal region

2. An improper healing of an anal abscess (pus filled mass) following pus drainage

3. A surgery near the anus

4. Having IBD means inflammatory disease, which includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. It is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in gastrointestinal tract, diverticulitis (infected pouch in colon), tuberculosis and certain sexually transmitted infections (eg HIV, syphilis)

5. Radiation treatment of anal cancer

6. Chances of anal fistula are more in males as compared to females

Diagnosis Of Anal Fistula

To diagnose anal fistula, a physician examines perianal area where a hole is seen in anal fistula (denoting its external opening) that in most cases is draining fluid or pus. To detect internal opening and the entire tract of anal fistula, the following tests are recommended:

1. Anoscopy: The doctor views inside the anus and rectum using an instrument

2. MRI and an ultrasound of anal regionto see complete path of fistula tract

3. Anal Fistulogram: It is an X-ray process (taken after injecting a contrast) to view fistula

4. Colonoscopy: If ulcerative colitis is also suspected

Complications Of Anal Fistula

If anal fistula is not treated rightly, then recurrence of abscess near anus is possible and there are chances of developing a complex fistula. Faecal incontinence (inability to hold stool), and cellulitis (skin infection) are other complications. The surgery of anal fistula also carries complications like faecal incontinence and recurrence of anal fistula.

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What Is Rectal Tenesmus? Signs, Symptoms And Homeopathic Treatment

Rectal tenesmus refers to a feeling of incomplete bowel movements. A person feels the urge to defecate even if he/she has already defecated. There is a feeling of incomplete defecation even when all contents in the bowels have been expelled. It can be attended with pain and hard straining to pass just a little more stool during bowel movements.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cases of rectal tenesmus. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of this complaint gradually. Along with tenesmus, these also bring improvement in its attending signs and symptoms. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended in those cases where the intensity of the complaint is mild to moderate. In cases where symptoms are severe or point towards some serious cause (example colorectal cancer), it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Rectal Tenesmus

1. Nux Vomica Top-grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for treating cases of rectal tenesmus. Persons who need this medicine have frequent and ineffectual urge to pass stool. They go for defecation several times a day but have unsatisfactory stool and have a constant urge to pass stool. Soon after passing stool, they feel like going to the washroom again. It is a very effective medicine for tenesmus with constipation. The stool is very hard and dry in such cases. It can be blood-streaked too. Before passing stool, sometimes they have cutting pain around the navel. Sticking pain in rectum may occur after passing stool. Its use is also indicated when there is frequent urge to pass stool and the stool is slimy, watery and has blood. In such cases, small quantities of jelly-like mucus may also be present in the stool.

2. Merc Sol – For Rectal Tenesmus With A Never-Get-Done Feeling

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is rectal tenesmus with a never-get-done feeling. Persons requiring it have to nidulge in excessive straining for stool with relatively scanty stool being passed. The stool is also slimy, bloody and has mucus in it. It can be greenish. In some cases, undigested food is passed as stool which has sour smell. It is accompanied by pinching and cutting colic. Pain and burning in anus can also attend. Nausea and vomiting sometimes accompany. Lastly, it is indicated for ineffectual urge to pass stool with protruding piles.

3. Aloe – For Rectal Tenesmus And Excessive Passage Of Gas During Stool

It is prepared from the gum of the leaves of plant Aloe Socotrina. It belongs to family Liliaceae. It is a very effective medicine for rectal tenesmus and excessive passage of gas during stool. In cases needing it, there is a continuous urge to pass stool, and gets worse soon after eating and drinking. Along with this, a feeling of fullness and weight on the pelvis is felt.  A constant bearing down in the rectum occurs. Rumbling and gurgling in the rectum with the urgency to pass stool is also felt. Stool is lumpy, watery in cases needing it. A lot of mucus may pass in stool.

4. Merc Cor – When Mucus And Blood In Stool Attends

This medicine is well-indicated for cases in which tenesmus is attended with mucus and blood in the stool. The tenesmus is excessive and the stool is hot, scanty and contains shreds of mucous membrane. It also has an offensive smell. The colour can be yellow or green. Cutting and colicky pains may occur along with the above symptoms. The desire to pass stool is frequent and ineffectual with violent pain. Anal burning occurs while passing stool. Weakness is marked with the above symptoms.

5. Arsenic Album – For Tenesmus With Diarrhea

Arsenic Album is a beneficial medicine for cases in which there is tenesmus with diarrhea. For using it, the stool is loose, green, slimy and foul-smelling. Pieces of mucus may pass with it. Cutting pain in anus attends it with marked weakness. Besides, rumbling in intestine occurs. In some cases, the stool passes involuntarily. The last indication for using it is piles which is painful,  and swollen along with tenesmus. The pain in piles is stitching type.

6. Nitric Acid – For Tenesmus With Rectal Pain

It is a useful medicine for tenesmus with rectal pain. Mostly the pain in rectum is sharp splinter-like in nature with ineffectual urge to pass stool. The stool is putrid, loose with undigested food, along with passage of gas. It is mostly green with mucus, blood in stool may appear too. There is excessive straining to pass stool but little of it passes. It feels as if stool still remains in the rectum that could not be expelled. The anus feels raw and sore with this. Sometimes, cutting pain in anus and rectum is also felt. While passing stool, colic and nausea also occurs. Excessive exhaustion is felt along with these symptoms.

7. Lycopodium – For Tenesmus Of Rectum, Gas And Bloating

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases in which there is rectal tenesmus, gas in abdomen and bloating. Persons needing it have straining while passing stool and tenesmus. With this, they have gas and bloating which is felt soon after eating even if they consume small quantity of food. The gas leads to pain in abdomen. While passing stool, they have burning, stinging sensation in rectum. A distressing pressure and pain in rectum is also felt.

8. Colchicum For Scanty Stool With Tenesmus

This medicine is prepared from the bulb of plant Colchicum autumnale, commonly known as ‘meadow saffron’. It belongs to family melanthaceae of the liliaceae. It is valuable for cases having scanty stool with tenesmus. The stool may be greenish, yellowish or reddish. It contains white shreddy particles. Along with this, pain in anus occurs.

9. Capsicum For Frequent, Small Stool With Tenesmus And Rectal Burning

This medicine is helpful for cases in which a person has frequent, little stool with tenesmus and burning in the rectum. The stool is greenish, frothy and may have blood and mucus in it. Before passing stool, there may occur cutting pain and colic due to gas, and twisting pains around the umbilicus. After passing stool, burning sensation occurs at the anus. Burning pain in rectum is well marked. Biting and stinging pain in anus may also accompany. Sometimes the tenesmus of rectum and bladder may be felt at the same time in cases needing Capsicum.

10. Colocynth – For Rectal Tenesmus And Colicky Pain In Abdomen

This medicine is prepared from the pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis, also called cucumis colocynthis and ‘bitter apple’. This plant belongs to family cucurbitaceae. It is beneficial for persons having rectal tenesmus and colicky pain in abdomen. Along with this, there is watery stool which is copious and strong smelling. Nausea and vomiting may also occur.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may arise from various reasons. First among them is IBD – inflammatory bowel disease (an autoimmune disease that causes long-term inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract). IBD includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In case of Crohn’s disease, inflammation can occur in the lining of any part of digestive tract from mouth to anus. In this, deeper layers of the digestive tract are involved. In case of ulcerative colitis, there occurs inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and rectum. In this, superficial lining of large intestine and rectum is involved.

Other than IBD, inflammation in the colon from infection (like a bacterial or viral infection), any non-infectious condition or radiation exposure can also lead to tenesmus. Another cause for it is diverticulitis; diverticula are small pouches that can form in the lining of the digestive system mostly in the lower part of the large intestine. When inflammation occurs in one or more of the pouches, then this condition is known as diverticulitis. Rectal tenesmus can also occur in case of ischaemic colitis (inflamed colon from decreased blood flow to it).

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is a disorder affecting the large intestine that leads to cramping, pain in abdomen, gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation or both, is another cause behind it. It can also arise in cases of diarrhea and constipation. An abscess in the rectum, prolapsed hemorrhoid, sexually transmitted proctitis which is rectal inflammation (example of sexually transmitted infections that can inflame rectum are gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia) may be some of the other causes of rectal tenesmus. Lastly, it can be a symptom in case of colorectal cancer.

What Are The Other Signs And Symptoms?

It can be accompanied by some other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include rectal pain, pain in abdomen, diarrhea, constipation, blood in stool, mucus in stool, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, weakness fever and chills.



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Kidney Stones – Dissolve Them Fast with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

homeopathic medicines kidney stonesWhat Are Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are also termed as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis. Urine contains many dissolved salts and minerals. High level of these salts and minerals in the urine can lead to formation of hard deposits called kidney stones. They start as small granules and gradually grow larger in size, filling the hollow structures inside the kidneys.

Some stones stay in the kidney and do not cause any problem. Sometimes the kidney stones travel down the ureter (the tube between kidneys and bladder). If the stones reach the bladder, they pass out with urine. Sometimes the stones get lodged in the ureter blocking urine and causing pain.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Kidney Stones

Although kidney stones are considered a case for surgery under the conventional mode of medicine, natural homeopathic medicines can break down and dissolve kidney stones or help them pass out without surgical intervention. In fact, natural medicines have shown the most remarkable results in treating the recurrence of kidney stones.

Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stones

The well-known homeopathic remedies which have exhibited outstanding effectiveness in the treatment of kidney stones are Berberis vulgaris, Hydrangea Arborescens, Lycopodium Clavatum, Sarsaparilla Officinalis, and Cantharis Vesicatoria.

1. Berberis Vulgaris – For Kidney Stones Of Left Side

Berberis Vulgaris is one of the top listed medicines for kidney stones formed on the left side. A unique symptom guiding the use of Berberis Vulgaris is pain in left kidney that radiates down the ureter and into the urinary bladder. The pain can be shooting, stitching, cutting or stinging in nature. The pain may worsen by any kind of movement especially jarring movement. Urine may be yellow and may contain slimy sediments. The area around the kidneys is sensitive to touch.

When and How to use Berberis Vulgaris?

This is the first line of treatment used by most of the homeopathic physicians to treat kidney stones. The main indication of the medication is pain in the left side kidney that radiate to ureter and urinary bladder while urinating, along with increased frequency of urination. Berberis can also be used in cases with a recent diagnosis of kidney stones or if patient is asymptomatic.

Mother tincture (Q) of Berberis Vulgaris is the suggested potency for kidney stones. It can also be used in 30C potency also. However, it should not be used without advice of physician.

2. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Right Side Kidney Stone

Lycopodium Clavatum is an outstanding medicine for treating kidney stones on the right side. It is indicated when there is pain in right kidney and right ureter. The pain gets worse before urination, there is forceful straining and urine is scanty. The kidney pain subsides after urination. The urine may contain red sediments. Also, the urine may be purulent (containing pus), turbid or pale in some cases.

When and How to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

It is best to be taken in condition where there is backache which gets worse before urination along with red sand in urine. Both the lower and the highest potencies, 30C and 200C have turn out to be effective with excellent results. It can be taken upto 2 times in a day, not more than that.

Note Before using this medication, a homoeopathic doctor must be consulted.

3. Hydrangea Arborescens – For Stone In Kidney With White Or Yellow Sand In Urine

Hydrangea Arborescens is popularly known as the stone breaker. Hydrangea Arborescens is used to crush kidney stones, stones in ureter as well as bladder. If one notices white or yellow sand deposits, then Hydrangea Arborescens is well indicated. Soreness in the kidney region may also be felt in such cases. In some cases, blood may appear in urine.

When and How to take Hydrangea Arborescens?

It should be considered in all types of renal stones and can be given without a second thought as its sphere of action is mainly on dissolving stones. It has proven to be effective in mother tincture or 30C potency and produces good outcome.

4. Cantharis Vesicatoria – For Kidney Stone With Burning Urination

Cantharis Vesicatoria is of great help in kidney stones where there is intense burning on passing urine. The burning sensation may also be felt before urine is passed and may continue after urination. Another attending feature is kidney pain with frequent urge to pass urine. Tenesmus of bladder may also be marked where the urge to pass urine is almost constant, along with unsatisfactory urination. Urine may contain jelly-like mucus.

When and How to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?

The key indicating feature of this medicine is cutting and intense burning in the entire renal area. 30C or 200C potencies give amazing results. Where burning is severe, repeated doses of 30C potency can be consumed.

5. Sarsaparilla – For Kidney Stone With Burning At Close Of Urination

Sarsaparilla Officinalis is the medicine that you can count on in case of kidney stones with excessive burning at the close of urination. The urine passed is scanty and may contain slimy or sandy particles. Sarsaparilla Officinalis is also prescribed for right-sided kidney stones.

When and How to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?

The most noticeable symptom is renal colic, where pain descends from right kidney to urinary bladder and there is acute discomfort after urination. It responds well in cases of painful urination and stimulates flow. It works best in 30C potency.

What Are Causes Of Kidney Stones?

1. Low urine volume: Consistently less volume of urine is a key risk factor for kidney stones. Dehydration (loss of body fluids) through strenuous activity, residing in a warm humid environment, or not drinking enough fluids can contribute to low urine volume and concentrated, black urine. There is less fluid to keep salts dissolved in concentrated urine.

2. Diet: Diet can have a tremendous impact on stones and the likelihood of developing them. High calcium level in the urine is one of the most common causes of calcium kidney stones. The body’s metabolism of calcium may be blamed for high urine calcium levels. The most typical type of kidney stone (calcium oxalate) contains oxalate; consuming foods high in oxalate can increase the chance of developing these stones. An excessive intake of animal proteins in the diet, such as beef, fish, poultry, and hog (pig meat), can cause the acid level of the body and urine to rise. The formation of calcium oxalate and uric acid stones is facilitated by high acidity levels. The likelihood of developing calcium and uric acid stones is further increased by uric acid formation from the breakdown of meat.

3. Obesity: A risk factor for stones is obesity which may alter the urine’s acid composition which could result in the production of stones.

4. Family History:  The risk of developing kidney stones is substantially high in those who have a family history of kidney stones.

5. Medications: The chance of developing kidney stones increases with intake of certain drugs, as well as calcium and vitamin C supplements.

6. Chronic UTI: Larger kidney stones can develop in those with chronic urinary tract infections. These are frequently referred to as struvite stones.

7. Bowel conditions: Certain bowel conditions that cause diarrhea (like Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis) and surgeries (like gastric bypass surgery) can raise the risk of formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Diarrhea may result in loss of large quantity of fluid from the body and decreased urine volume. The body hence absorbs the excessive oxalate from the intestines resulting in more oxalate in the urine. Both low urine volume and high oxalate in the urine can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Pathophysiology Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones form when the level of crystal-forming substances such as calcium, uric acid, or oxalate rise in urine. At the same time, the level of substances that prevent these crystals from sticking together falls. Both these factors together play a role in kidney stone formation.

Types Of Kidney Stones

Calcium Stones (80% of the stones)

These are the most prevalent kidney stones. Calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate are the two different forms of calcium stones. The most typical kind of calcium stone is by far calcium oxalate. In some cases, urine contains excessive amount of calcium increasing the risk of calcium stones in them. Calcium stones can develop due to various other reasons also even when there is normal calcium in the urine.

Uric Acid Stones

This is yet another typical kidney stone type. Intake of large amount of animal protein can increase the risk of uric acid build-up in the urine. Uric acid crystals do not dissolve well in acidic urine and can lead to the formation of uric acid stones. Loss of body fluids due to diarrhea, malabsorption and certain genetic factors make the person prone to developing uric acid stones. These kinds of stones frequently develop in persons having a family history of stones.

Struvite Stones

These stones have a connection to persistent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). Some bacteria increase the urine’s basicity or alkalinity, decreasing its acidity. Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones develop in urine that is alkaline. These stones frequently have branches, are huge, and develop quickly. The greatest risk of developing these stones is in those who frequently experience urinary tract infections (UTI), those who have long tubes in their kidneys or bladders, or those who have poor bladder emptying as a result of neurologic conditions (such as paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and spina bifida).

Staghorn Calculus

The term ‘staghorn’ refers to the shape of this type of stone which has branches like a piece of coral or the antlers on a deer. People having repeated UTI are more prone to develop this type of stone. If they form as a result of infections, they may be made of struvite which is a mix of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate. If they are formed as a result of smaller stones growing larger over a period of time, then the staghorn calculi are made of calcium oxalte, calcium phosphate or a mixture of calcium carbonate apatite, apart from struvite. The way the branches of this type of stone grow, it can block the pelvis and the calyces of the kidney which can lead to kidney failure.

Cystine Stones

One of the amino acids that make up proteins and can be found in some foods is cysteine. The genetic metabolic condition cystinuria or having too much cystine in the urine, is rare. When the kidneys fail to reabsorb cystine from urine, a lot of cysteine in the urine might lead to the formation of kidney stones. Kids are frequently the first to develop cystine stones.

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones usually cause no symptoms till the time they do not move around in the kidneys and pass through ureters. If a kidney stone is lodged in the ureter, it may cause urine blockage resulting in swelling of kidneys and spasm of ureters which can be very painful. At that point, one may experience the following symptoms:

1. Severe sharp pain on the sides of abdomen (flank area) or in the kidney region in the back below the ribs (medically called loin’s area) is termed renal colic. The pain travels to lower abdomen and groin, and the pain often starts suddenly and comes in waves. The intensity of the pain varies.

2. Pain or burning sensation while urinating. Persistent need to urinate again and again.

3. Urine is dark or red (cloudy) due to blood in it, and foul-smelling. Sometimes, urine contains small number of red blood cells that cannot be seen with naked eyes.

4. Nausea and vomiting.

5. In men, there may be pain at the tip of the penis.

6. Fever and chills if there is infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do all kidney stones cause intense pain?

Kidney stones that are small in size may show no symptoms at all and may lie dormant in the kidneys. In such cases, they usually get revealed accidentally in ultrasounds done for some other purpose. However, stones that are large in size cause intense pain. Pain from small stones may also arise when they are trying to pass the pelviureteric junction or ureterovesical junction. The pain may be felt around the kidneys or in the flank area (either side of the lower back between the pelvis and ribs).  Other attending symptoms are frequent urination, pain on passing urine, burning urination, scanty urine, blood in urine and nausea or vomiting.

What else does pain tell us about the position of stones?

We know that kidney stones that are small lie dormant in the kidney and cause no pain. Pain arises when the stones are large and block urine flow. However, pain also arises, in case of both small and large stones, when they are trying to enter the ureter from kidneys or enter the urinary bladder from the ureter.

Which tests does the diagnosis involve?

The tests to confirm kidney stones include ultrasound, X-ray KUB i.e. kidney ureter bladder, intravenous pyelogram and CT scan of KUB. In addition to this, renal function test also needs to be done.

Can kidney stones lead to complications or damage to kidneys?

The pain from kidney stones is usually so intense that the person seeks immediate medical aid. There are usually no complications in such cases. However, complications may arise in case a person does not approach a doctor, unaware of the kidney stones lying dormant for a long period of time without causing any discomfort or pain. In such cases, there are chances of kidney damage due to persistent and severe obstruction of urine flow.

What is renal colic?

The pain caused by kidney stones is known as renal colic. This pain is very intense and may be felt in the mid-back or flank area. The patient does not find any position comfortable when in acute renal pain due to the severity of pain.

Can natural medicines treat kidney stones located at junctions of the renal system?

There are two junctions in the renal system — pelviureteric junction (PUJ) and ureterovesical junction (UVJ). The PUJ is the junction where the renal pelvis and ureter meet. The UVJ refers to the junction of the ureter and urinary bladder. These medicines can treat kidney stones at both PUJ and UVJ junctions when the stones are small in size and not linked with acute retention of urine or severe hydronephrosis.

My USG shows multiple small kidney stones, the largest is 6mm. Can homeopathy medicines dissolve them?

Yes, homeopathic medicines can definitely dissolve the stones in your case. Kidney stones of up to 8mm to 9mm have a good scope of treatment with these medicines. This does not, however, mean that homeopathy will not work on stones of a larger size. They will, but in such cases, homeopathy can only be started after making sure that the renal function tests are normal and there is no acute urinary retention.

My urologist has advised surgery for kidney stones. Can it be avoided with homeopathy?

Homeopathy is very effective in treating kidney stones. In several cases, surgery can be avoided. To what extent the medicine can help depends upon the size and location of the kidney stone. In case of acute retention of urine or severe hydronephrosis from kidney stones, the urgency of treatment demands that allopathic medicines be used as a first step.

Can high uric acid cause kidney stones?

Yes, there are chances of kidney stone formation in persons with high uric acid levels.

I have recurrent kidney stones. Does homeopathy have a permanent solution?

Yes, homeopathy can completely cure the tendency towards recurrent kidney stones. Natural medicines, along with proper diet management, yield positive long-term results. In such cases, these medicines are selected after an in-depth analysis and study of symptoms involved.

Can natural medicines offer help in acute renal colic?

Yes, natural medicines offer help in acute renal colic, but only if there is no urine retention. Renal colic with acute urine retention is an emergency scenario. In such cases, immediate allopathic help must be sought.


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Homeopathic Remedies for Lichen Planus Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for lichen Planus

Lichen Planus is a chronic, non-infectious, inflammatory condition of the skin and mucous membranes. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system cannot differentiate between its own cells and foreign cells, hence it mistakenly starts attacking its own normal cells.

Role Of Homeopathy In Lichen Planus

Homeopathy helps in treating all types of Lichen Planus in a very effective manner. Since homeopathic medicines are completely natural, they correct the disordered immune system without suppressing it, in a harmless way. While working on the immune system, they also help in treating the skin lesions of LP and the pigmentation associated with it. Lichen Planus is a complex disorder and should not be mistaken as mere hyperpigmentation.

Conventional method: The conventional system of medicine does not have much to offer in cases of LP. In order to control the immune-mediated responses, immuno suppressants like corticosteroids are prescribed, orally or topically. It is suppression of the problem, rather than a solution. As soon as these steroids are discontinued, the improvement stops and one finds oneself back at square one.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Lichen Planus

The main medicines to treat Lichen Planus are Sulphur, Arsenicum Album, Merc Sol, Sulph Iod, Kali Iod and Anthrakokali.

1. Sulphur – Best Remedy For Cutaneous Lichen Planus

Sulphur is the most efficient and widely used natural medicine to treat various kinds of skin disorders especially in cutaneous lichen planus, when the eruptions tend to increase rapidly and have already worsened due to local application of other ointments. Patients having cutaneous LP with papules and extreme skin dryness, who have unhealthy skin, respond very well to Sulphur. Extreme itching in the eruptions is best treated by this remedy.  Scratching is marked and provides some relief from itching. In such cases, a burning sensation may follow scratching. The itching generally worsens toward night and when getting warm in bed.

When and How to use Sulphur?

Sulphur helps in taking care of the dry patches and relieves itching in cases of LP. It acts in all potencies, from lowest to highest but in cases of LP, it should always be given in 30C or less to begin with.

Note The use of Sulphur should always be done under the supervision of a physician.

2. Arsenicum Album For Eruptions That Are Scaly And Itchy

Arsenicum Album proves to be very efficient in classic cases of Lichen Planus, with blue eruptions, that are dry, rough and scaly in appearance. Scaling is intense in such cases. The eruptions can be extremely dry, causing a lot of itching, forcing the sufferer to scratch constantly. The more one scratches, the worse it gets, especially at night. The medicine Arsenicum Album is also indicated in the later stages when the plaques have resolved leaving the underlying skin hard. It is also helpful in cases of LP of the scalp when there are thick scabs on the scalp.

When and How to use Arsenicum Album?

Arsenicum Album is used to treat active eruptions when scaling and itching is marked. It is also used when the skin has hardened after the eruptions subside. It is usually indicated in higher potencies, 200C or more, with infrequent repetitions.

3. Sulphur Iod Top Treatment For Lichen Planus Of Face, Arms

Sulphur Iod is considered the best natural medicine for Lichen Planus when the face and arms are covered with papular eruptions, with constant itching. When indicated, the arms are covered with an itchy rash. Sulphur Iod helps treat cases of obstinate LP.

When and How to use Sulph Iod?

Sulph Iod is given when the face and arms are affected with LP. It is used in ‘x’ potencies in such cases, 3x is a good enough potency to begin with.

Note Sulph Iod is a different remedy and should not be mistaken as Sulphur.

4. Merc Sol One Of The Best Remedies For Mucosal Lichen Planus

Merc Sol is one of the top natural remedies for Mucosal Lichen Planus, especially oral Lichen Planus. Merc Sol is an ideal remedy when the main complaint of the patient is irregular ulcers inside the cheeks. The edges are not well defined. The cheeks give a very unhealthy and dirty appearance. In addition to these ulcers, there is increased saliva and bad odour emanates from the mouth.

When and How to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is given in cases of Oral LP when there is intense ulceration along with burning in the mouth. Being a strong remedy, it is preferred in low potencies like 30C.

5. Kali Iodatum For Lichen Planus Of Legs

Kali Iodatum helps cases of LP when there are purple patches present on the body, especially legs. These eruptions are generally dry and papular. In such patients, itching increases mainly at night or from heat, even from the heat of bedcovers.

When and How to use Kali Iod?

Kali Iod is used when LP mainly affects legs but is not necessarily limited to it. Kali Iod is used in ‘x’ potencies, or sometimes in the tincture form too.

6. Anthrakokali For Lichen Planus With Eruptions On Hand, Feet

Anthrakokali is a very rare natural medicine that can help a number of Lichen Planus patients. Being rare does not mean that this natural remedy has a less powerful effect than other well-known medicines. Anthrakokali shows its effect when papular eruptions are prominently present on hands and feet. The papules may also cover scrotum in males. There is intense itching in the papular eruptions. This medicine also gives good results in the Lichen Planus cases where the dominant site is skin over the tibia (the bone in the front part of a leg).

When and How to use Anthrakokali?

Anthrakokali is given for dry eruptions on hands or feet. It is used in a trituration form, mainly 6x potency.

What Causes LP?

Lichen Planus is a cell-mediated immune response of unknown origin. It may accompany other diseases of altered immunity, such as ulcerative colitis, alopecia areata, vitiligo, dermatomyositis, morphea, lichen sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, etc. Although the cause of Lichen Planus is usually unknown, some possible causes include:

1. Genetic predisposition

2. Physical and emotional stress

3. Injury to skin: Lichen Planus often appears where the skin has been scratched or after surgery (Kobner phenomenon)

4. Localized skin diseases, such as Herpes Zoster

5. Systemic viral infection, such as Hepatitis C

6. Certain medicines, including some drugs used to treat high BP, diabetes, heart disease and malaria; gold, quinine, quinidine, and others can cause a lichenoid rash.

7. Contact allergy, such as metal fillings in oral lichen planus (rare) and color photographic developers

Types  & Symptoms of Lichen Planus:

The symptoms of Lichen Planus depend on the parts affected. The main types along with the symptoms are:

1. Cutaneous Lichen Planus:

The term cutaneous means ‘skin’. This is the classical type of Lichen Planus, when the skin, nails or hair get affected. The symptoms can range from zero to intense itching, along with the following:

1. Flat-topped, purple-coloured, shining papules(hard elevation without fluid) on the skin, sometimes with white, lacy lines.

2. The main sites are the inner forearm, wrist, legs, ankles, and face.

3. It can be of the size of head of a pin to a centimeter.

4. The papules may appear in rings or in a line. The lesions are typically bilateral and symmetrical, meaning they are similarly placed on both sides of the body.

5. Plaques resolve after a few months to leave a greyish-brown rash that can take a year or more to fade away.

6. The nails, when affected can either become thin, brittle or ridged OR dark, thick, or raised. They can sometimes shed off or stop growing.

7. On the scalp, red patches can form around clusters of hair and can also lead to irreversible hair loss.

2. Mucosal Lichen Planus:

When the innermost mucus secreting layer of the body gets affected, it is termed as Mucosal Lichen Planus. The main areas to get affected are the mucosa of the mouth (Oral LP) and genitals. These parts can be affected individually or together at the same time. When the mucosa gets affected, the presenting symptoms based on the location are:

 A. Oral LP:

1. Mild Oral LP does not cause a lot of burning or discomfort

2. A whitish pattern on the gums, tongue or teeth

3. Red or white patches in the mouth

4. Painful red gums that may bleed

5. Burning in the mouth, causing difficulty in eating or drinking

B. LP in males, affecting penis:

1. Purple or white ring-shaped patches around the penis, generally non-itchy.

2. Formation of flat-topped papules on the penis that are a little shiny

C.  LP in females, affecting the vagina and vulva:

1. The vulva (external genitals) can be white, red or pale in color.

2. There can be a lot of burning and soreness in the affected areas.

3. Sticky yellow or white vaginal discharge, which can also be bloodstained

4. Painful sexual intercourse, when the vagina gets affected.

5. Narrowing of the opening of vagina due to scar tissue formation

3. Lichen Planus Pigmentosus (LPP)

1. Lichen Planus Pigmentosus is a rare form of Lichen Planus.

2. Mainly found on the areas exposed to the Sun, like forehead, neck, and temples

3. Present as brown or gray patches on the skin

4. It can also develop on areas where the skin touches or rubs together, for example: groin

5. LPP can be triggered by viral infections, UV light or local applications on skin

Management Of LP

Some dos and don’ts that are generally advised to those affected with LP are:

1. Vitamin D supplementation in the deficient: Studies have shown a strong relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune disorders. So it is advised to get your Vitamin D levels checked and appropriate supplements to be taken if there is a deficiency. To be noted that Vitamin D supplements should not be taken without getting the blood values checked so as to prevent its toxicity.

2. Use of moisturizing lotions to tackle dryness

3. Sunscreen lotions to be used every 2-3 hours to prevent further pigmentation and triggers.

4. Applying cold compression for burning of skin

5. In cases of Oral LP, smoking to be avoided. Consuming highly spicy or acidic food can also worsen the symptoms so should be avoided.

6. Avoid any specific triggering factors, if known.


 The cause of LP is unknown. But since it is an autoimmune disease, what is happening is a T-cell-mediated response at the basal (deepest) layer of the skin. The body mistakenly invites cytokines (that usually control the growth and activity of the cells), which are responsible for cellular death at the deepest layer of the skin. This further results in disruption of melanin (skin pigment) production, hence the purple pigmentation and further thickening of the skin takes place.



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