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Delusions – Homeopathic Medicines Can Help

Delusions are defined as fixed, false, irrational beliefs despite evidence that they are false and not real. A person having delusions becomes preoccupied with the fixed beliefs that appear real to them. These beliefs can not be shaken even by providing facts or reasoning. Homeopathic Medicines For Delusions are natural, safe and very effective.  

Few examples of delusions include belief someone is spying on them, belief that some famous person is in love with them.

CausesEffective Homeopathic Medicines For Delusions

It is not exactly known what causes delusions. However, it is thought that certain genetic, psychological and environmental factors play a role in its development. These may run in families. Next brain damage / trauma and an imbalance between neurotransmitters (these are chemical messengers that transmit signals from nerve cells to target cells) may increase the chance of developing delusions. Mental stress and trauma can also trigger delusions. It can be a symptom of psychotic disorders (like schizophrenia – a psychological disorder in which a person interpret reality abnormally and have hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking), delusional disorder, major depression, paranoia, a mood disorder, a personality disorder, postpartum psychosis and parkinson’s disease. Some neurological conditions like dementia and brain cancer can also cause delusions. Certain drugs, alcohol intoxication and toxins are also known to cause delusions. 


Bizarre Delusions : The delusions are said to be bizarre when the belief is physically impossible and other members of the same culture do not understand or share that belief. An example of this type is a belief that a stranger has removed his / her internal organs and then replaced them with someone else’s organs without leaving any scars.

Non – Bizarre Delusions : These delusions that though false but have possibility to occur in real life like being poisoned, being followed.

Mood – Congruent Delusions : These delusions are a part of the mood of a person like depression or mania.

Mood – Neutral Delusions : These delusions are not related to the sufferer’s emotional state.

Themes of Delusions

The delusions are based on various different themes but some themes are more common as follows.

Persecutory Delusions

Persons with these delusions believe that they are being spied on, followed, tracked, drugged, cheated on, a victim of a plot or a person is trying to hurt them or working against them. These are the most common delusions in paranoid schizophrenia.

Grandiose Delusions

Persons having these beliefs believe that they are  very powerful, important, famous, valuable and have extraordinary talent.

Delusional Jealousy 

In this type persons believe that their partners are unfaithful or having an affair without any proof.

Somatic Delusion

In this type individuals have false belief that they have something wrong with their body part, or a body part is damaged or diseased or a part of their body is missing. They may also believe that their body is infested with insects, worms, and bacteria.

Delusion Of Control 

Persons believe that their thoughts, feelings, behaviours are being controlled by another person or some external force. 

Religious Delusions

In this a person believes that he is god or chosen to act like god

Erotomanic Delusions 

Person has a belief that some famous person or a person of high social status is in love with him.

Delusion of Guilt 

it is common in people having depression with feeling of guilt 

Delusion of Infidelity 

Person has excessive jealousy or possessiveness toward another person.

Delusion of Reference 

Here a person has belief that the statement or remarks that he / she reads or hears have a personal meaning.

Cotard Delusion 

People with this believe that they have died and don’t exist.


The person has delusions of two or more themes.

Some other delusions include that the mind is being read by another person, that other person is thinking through his / her mind.

Homeopathic Medicines For Delusions

Homeopathy carries a great scope for treating cases of delusions. Homeopathic medicines for treating cases of delusions are natural, safe and very effective. Delusions based on various themes can be treated with them. These medicines help by gradually reducing the intensity and frequency of delusions. The results depend upon the severity and duration of the illness. Homeopathic medicines do not have any side effects and any risk of dependency. The most suitable medicine for treating delusions is selected by a detailed case analysis so any homeopathic medicine should be taken under the guidance of a homeopathic physician.

  1. Lachesis – Top Grade Medicine

Lachesis tops the list of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of delusions. This medicine is mainly indicated for delusions of persecution. Persons needing it believes someone is pursuing them, they are being followed by enemies or enemies are trying to harm them. Another main belief that they may have is being poisoned. Jealousy and suspiciousness is marked among them. Other indications for using it are a person’s belief that some stronger power or superhuman is controlling them, or they are dead or there are robbers in the house  It is leading medicine for paranoid schizophrenia with delusions of persecution.   

  1. Hyoscyamus – For Delusion Of Being Poisoned

This medicine is prepared from plant Hyoscyamus niger commonly known as Henbane. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is well indicated for persons having delusions of being poisoned. They are very suspicious and fear to eat or drink for fear of being poisoned. They also have delusions of being betrayed, being sold or having some plot against them.

  1. Stramonium – For Delusions Of Identity

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant known as thorn-apple that belongs to the family solanaceae. Its use is indicated when delusions about identity are present. People needing it believe that they are tall, they are double, limbs are separated from the body, or a part of the body is missing. Another delusion they have is that all the surrounding objects are small and they are very large. Next delusion indicating its use is belief they are possessed by the devil. Other than this its use is recommended when there is delusion of being committed an unpardonable sin. Lastly, the delusion by a man that his wife is not faithful indicates use of this medicine.

  1. Anacardium Orientale – For Delusion Of Being Under Superhuman Control

This medicine is prepared from a layer of nuts between the shell and kernel of the marking nut. It belongs to family anacardiaceae. This medicine is mainly indicated for cases where there are delusions of being under superhuman control. Next it is indicated for persons having delusions that they are double and delusion that mind and body are separated. Apart from these it is valuable medicine for delusion that everything is a dream and there is no reality in anything; delusion that a demon and an angel is sitting on shoulder commanding to do things.

  1. Platina – For Delusion Of Superiority (Delusion Of Grandiose)

It is a prominent medicine for cases having delusions of superiority. It is indicated where a person feels as he is too large and superior and all persons around him are very small and inferior mentally and physically. Secondly it is indicated for delusions as if everyone is an enemy and all persons are devil. Lastly it is indicated for delusion of being not appreciated. 

  1. Kali Bromatum – For Delusions Of Being Pursued And Of Conspiracies

Homeopathic medicine Kali Bromatum is beneficial for cases having delusions of being pursued and of conspiracies. Other than this it works well in cases of  profound depression with fits of uncontrollable weeping, indifference to life and religious delusions with persistent sleeplessness. Apart from above delusions of being a devil and fearful delusions are suggestive of its use.

  1. Sabadilla – For Delusions Of Imaginary Diseases

This medicine is prepared from seeds of the plant Sabadilla Officinalis also known as Cebadilla and Cevadilla. It belongs to the family Melanthaceae of the Liliaceae. It is useful for cases presenting with delusions of imaginary diseases and sickness. It is also helpful for delusions that limbs are crooked or parts are sunken or one side of the body is longer than the other.

  1. Lac Caninum – For Delusion Of Being Surrounded By Snakes

Lac Caninum is particularly indicated for delusion as if surrounded by snakes. In addition to above this medicine is also indicated for delusions of having a horrible disease and the whole body being filled with pus. Other delusions where this medicine seems indicated is delusion of spirit in the surrounding air and delusion of wearing someone else’s nose.

  1. Sulphur – For Delusions Of Grandiose

It is beneficial medicine for delusions of grandiose. Person needing it believes that he is a great person. He possesses much pride and is very egotistical.

  1. Hydrogen – For Delusion Of Being Separated From The World

It is well indicated for persons who have delusions of unreality and are separated from the world. It is valuable for persons having delusions that they are smaller than normal, that they are dirty or they are pulled downwards. It is also significant for cases having delusions of insects on the back of the head.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sleepwalking – Homeopathy Offers Natural Solution

Sleep walking, medically known as somnambulism or noctambulism, is a disorder in which a person gets up and walks around at night or performs other activities when he is asleep. It usually occurs early in the night during a period of deep sleep. Homeopathic remedies for sleepwalking work gradually to reduce the episodes of sleepwalking.

Homeopathic remedies for sleepwalking

Though it can occur in people of any age group but tend to be more common in children as compared to adults. Children usually outgrow it by puberty but in some children it can continue in adulthood. 


The exact cause behind it is still not clear yet. But it is related to genetics as it tends to run in families. A person having someone in the family who has sleepwalking is at risk to develop the same. Having a history of sleepwalking in one or both parents raises the risk much more.

Next, there are few factors that are linked with this condition. These include sleep deprivation,  interrupted sleep, changed sleep schedule, sudden/abrupt waking from sleep, stress, anxiety, excessive tiredness, use of some medicines (like sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines), use of alcohol, use of recreational drugs and fever.

Some of the medical conditions  can also trigger it. The medical conditions firstly include GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease which refers to frequent back flow of the stomach acid into the food pipe that mainly causes heartburn felt as a burning sensation behind the sternum).
Next medical condition is OSA (obstructive sleep apnea – a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops momentarily many times during sleep. OSA happens from relaxation of throat muscles  during sleep that block the airway and causes obstruction for air to enter lungs).

Next condition that is related to this RLS (Restless legs syndrome – a condition in which a person desires to move the legs from discomforting sensations in the lower limbs). Other medical conditions that are associated with this includes night time asthma, heart rhythm problems, migraine headaches, tourette syndrome (a condition in which involuntary multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic arise. Tics refers to habitual, spasmodic contractions / movements of muscles occurring quickly that can’t be easily controlled), night time seizures (fits), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

Lastly, some psychological disorders are linked with this. These include (like PTSD – post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks and schizophrenia). PTSD is a psychological disorder that develop after some traumatic event in life for eg, child abuse, sexual assault etc. Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder in which hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking and behaviour occurs. Delay in the maturity of the CNS central nervous system is also linked with sleep walking problems. Other than these, the rate of sleepwalking is higher in children who have complaints of bedwetting and night terror.

In case of women hormonal changes play a role in sleepwalking (the chances are more in them before the onset menstrual cycle).


Sleepwalking most commonly occurs in the early part of night in the first few hours of sleep.  In this a person may just sit up in bed and look around. He may be confused and disoriented  with this. In other cases the person gets out of bed and starts to walk around. While sleep walking  a person’s eyes are open, have glassy eye expressions but he doesn’t recognise people around him and when asked something responds partially or may even doesn’t respond at all . Sometimes he may say senseless things at that time. There is difficulty in arousing them during an episode. They may even violently attack the person trying to awake them. Some people with sleep walking may wake screaming and frightened if they have an attending complaint of night terrors.  Sometimes they may start doing some work like start eating, getting dressed, open cupboards etc. 

They may even walk out of the house. Some may even start to drive a car. An episode of sleepwalking usually lasts for some minutes, mostly less than 10 minutes but it can in some cases last may last longer than this time. People having it may get out of bed, walk about and then again come back to bed and sleep again. In the morning they don’t remember anything about night’s occurrence of sleep walking. They may feel excessively sleepy during the day from disturbed night sleep. Persons having this complaint can injure them while walking as from bumping in a door / furniture or falling from stairs. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Sleepwalking 

There is great scope to treat complaints of sleepwalking in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines for treating this complaint are of natural origin that are very effective and safe for use. These medicines are deep acting medicines that have the ability to treat this complaint from its root. The best suitable medicine to treat a case of sleepwalking is selected after detailed case study in every individual case based on the symptom presentation. Following are some of the leading medicines for treating this condition. One should consider taking any of these after consulting a homeopathic physician who can best judge the medicine required after case analysis and avoid self prescribing.

  1. Natrum Mur

This medicine is very useful in persons who rise at night during sleep and sit about. They may have anxious dreams while weeping during sleep. Another complaint of talking in sleep may also be present in them.  Their sleep is also disturbed. On awakening in the morning they feel unrefreshed. A violent headache may also be complained about in the morning. During the day there is excessive drowsiness and frequent yawning.

  1. Phosphorus

It is another valuable medicine for these cases of sleepwalking. In cases needing it there is restlessness and disturbed sleep at night. There are frightful and horrible dreams in those requiring it. Along with this there is frequent waking with fright. During sleep there may be crying, moaning and jerking of limbs. There is a feeling in the morning as if sleep is not completed with sleepiness all the day.

  1. Kali Phos

It is very effective medicine to treat somnambulism in children. Those needing it are restless in sleep and may be mumbling, crying, moaning or talking in sleep. They also have night terrors and awakens with fright even from sound sleep at night. In the morning they feel sleepy, and are difficult to awake with excessive yawning. Excessive tiredness may also be present where it is required.

  1. Silicea

It is another good medicine for somnambulism. The person needing it gets up from sleep at night, walks and afterwards lies down. Their sleep is restless with crowded dreams and frequent waking. They may be talking loudly in sleep. They can also have complaints of nightmares. Snoring, jerking of limbs are some other complaints that they may have during sleep. In the morning they feel unrefreshed and don’t wish to leave bed. Other than above it is a specific medicine when sleepwalking occurs at new and full moon. 

  1. Kali Bromatum 

It is very beneficial medicine for somnambulism in children. Children who need it may also have complaints of night terrors. They get awake from sleep with screaming and recognise no one. They also have restless sleep. Grinding of teeth, crying and moaning can also be present in them during sleep. In the morning they may wake with a severe headache. 

  1. Stramonium

Stramonium is a useful medicine when there is complaint of sleepwalking. Persons who need it get up at night especially after midnight with confusion.  They may seem frightened and have eyes staring at a point. They sit up in bed or walk about at night. Other attending symptoms that attend it are restless sleep, tossing in bed, snoring. Screaming, starting or laughing can also be present during sleep.

  1. Artemisia Vulgaris

This medicine is prepared from fresh root of plant Artemisia Vulgaris also commonly known as wormwood. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is well indicated for cases in which a person wakes at night from sleep and starts doing his daily work. In the morning he remembers nothing about it. Other than this it is a leading medicine for epilepsy treatment. Epilepsy after grief, fright or blow on head are well treated with this medicine. 

  1. Luna 

It is also a significant medicine for cases of somnambulism. People needing it may have nightmares, horrible, frightful dreams that wake them up. They have sleepwalking and in the morning they feel that their sleep is not completed. 

  1. Zincum Met

This medicine works well in cases of sleepwalking arising in persons from suppressed emotions. Persons needing it have disturbed sleep with frequent waking. They may have loud screaming in their sleep. They can have frightening dreams while talking and crying. They sometimes have disturbed sleep from painful cramps in legs. They have unrefreshing sleep with drowsiness and sleepiness in daytime. 

  1. Ignatia

This medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara of family loganiaceae. It is prominently indicated where sleepwalking occur in persons who had wounded pride (being disrespected). They sleep walks but doesn’t remember nothing about it. They may also have history of sleep deprivation from cares, worries, some grief, depression with anxious thoughts. They may have very light sleep and hears even distant noises. They can be very restless and snoring at night.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicines for Smell and Taste Disorders

Smell and taste disorders are conditions that lead to decrease, absence or distortion in the sense of smell and taste. Smell and taste disorders can be frustrating because they affect a person’s ability to enjoy fragrances and enjoy food/drink. Both smell and taste disorders affect quality of life. Homeopathic medicines for smell and taste disorders that are suitable for a given case are selected on the basis of the prominent, characteristic symptoms of a person following a detailed case analysis.

Homeopathic medicines for smell and taste disorders

Smell disorders may have serious consequences sometimes because they make a person unable to detect smell in case there is any gas leakage, fire or if the food is decayed. Loss of smell or taste can lead to decrease of interest in eating which can cause weight loss and malnutrition. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Smell and Taste Disorders

Natural homeopathic remedies for smell and taste disorders can prove to be highly effective. These medicines manage such disorders in a very effective manner. They aim at correcting the root cause behind it to bring excellent results. The extent to which these medicines help depends upon the duration and intensity of the complaint.   

For Decreased Power of Smell or Complete Loss of Smell

  1. Natrum Mur – For Cases of Cold, Nasal Allergies

Natrum Mur is a leading medicine for managing cases with reduced smell or loss of smell from cold, nasal allergies. People needing it have a history of severe colds with clear white  copious nasal discharge. With this, violent and frequent sneezing is complained about. Sometimes they have alternate fluent nasal discharge with nasal stoppage. In most cases loss of taste is complained along with loss of smell where this medicine is indicated.

  1. Pulsatilla – From Recurrent Cold

This is another suitable medicine to manage reduced / loss of smell. In persons needing it, a tendency of recurrent colds may be present.  Most times they have thick yellowish, greenish nasal discharges. These discharges can have an offensive odour. Their nose feels blocked in the evening. Most times they have loss of taste and appetite too along with smell loss.

  1. Calcarea Carb – Due to Nasal Polyps and Frequent Cold

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases of loss of smell from nasal polyps. Along with polyps a tendency to have frequent colds is also present in persons needing this medicine. They may have alternate nasal dryness and blocked nose with yellow offensive mucus. They may also have ulceration or scabs in the nostrils. 

  1. Teucrium – From Nasal Polyps 

This medicine like Calcarea Carb is well indicated for cases of decreased or loss of smell from nasal polyps. The symptoms that are present along with smell loss are stoppage of nostrils, crawling sensation in nostrils, discharge of green scabs from the nostrils.

  1. Silicea – For Cases of Chronic Cold and Sinusitis

It is the next beneficial medicine for cases of diminished or loss of smell. Persons needing it usually have a tendency of chronic cold and also sinus inflammation / infection. The symptoms that they frequently have along with smell loss includes complete stoppage of nose, sore scabs in nostrils,  fetid offensive green or yellow pus like nasal discharge and pain in forehead. They also have loss of taste along with smell loss.

For Foul Smell from the Nose

  1. Kali Bichrome – In Cases of Inflamed Mucus Membrane of Nose and Sinus

Kali Bichrome is a very useful medicine for cases having putrid smell from the nose. In such cases chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of nose and sinus is usually present. For using it the symptoms other than putrid smell are dryness of nose, blockage of nose, pressure in root of nose and tough ropy discharges dripping from back of nostrils into the throat.

  1. Lemna Minor – For Cases with Nasal Polyps 

This medicine is most helpful for foul smell in the nose, in the presence of nasal polyps. There may be presence of nasal polyps in cases requiring it. Other than foul smell the symptoms to look for using it are stopped nose, discharge of a crust / pus like discharge from nose and frequent sneezing attacks.

  1. Graphites – For Foul Smell like Burnt Hair 

Graphites is an excellent medicine to treat cases in which a person experiences a bad smell from the nose, as from burnt hair. They also have discharge of thick, yellowish, offensive mucus from nose  and stoppage of nose. They may also have hard masses, dry scabs or crusts in the nostrils.

For Increased Sensitivity to Smell

  1. Phosphorus – For Increased Sensitivity to Smell (Especially Flowers)

It is a top grade medicine for cases where the sensitivity to smell is increased. Persons needing it may particularly have a very heightened sense for the smell of flowers which can even cause fainting in them. In them there may be long standing inflammation of the nasal membrane. Along with this sneezing may also be present. There can be fluent nasal discharges alternating with nasal blockage. Apart from above it is an excellent medicine where nasal polyps are present especially the ones that bleed easily.

  1. Hepar Sulph – When Vertigo Appears with Increased Smell Sensitivity

It is the next well indicated medicine to treat cases with high sensitivity to smell. Along with this vertigo may be present. Few other attending symptoms are nasal stoppage in morning and thick pus like discharge from the nose that can be sometimes blood tinged.

  1. Colchicum – For High Sensitivity to Smell mainly of Cooking Food

This medicine is also of much help when a person has increased sense of smelling. He is mostly highly sensitive to the smell of cooking. Additionally he may have sneezing and crawling in the nose. With this he can complain of long lasting nasal discharges that are thin. 

For Reduced Sense of Taste and Loss of Taste

  1. Antimonium Crudum – For Reduced Sense of Taste

This medicine is significant to treat cases having lowered sense of taste. A peculiar symptom that attends is thick, milky white coating on the tongue. With this the  borders of the tongue may be red and the mouth can be dry.

  1. Borax – For Complete Loss of Taste 

Borax is the next important medicine to manage this condition. It is indicated when  a person doesn’t get any taste of food. Additionally he may have oral thrush (fungal growth in mouth). The main  symptoms that he has are white fungal patches in mouth, heat in mouth, tenderness in mouth and dry cracked tongue.

  1. Bryonia – For Loss of Taste with Dry Mouth

This medicine is helpful for persons who have loss of taste for food. But when they are not eating their mouth feels bitter. A characteristic symptom with this is great dryness of tongue, mouth and lips. The tongue may also be cracked.

Loss of Sense of Smell and Taste Occurring Together

  1. Natrum Mur – In Case of Cold or Nasal Allergies

This medicine is highly valuable for persons who have loss of smell as well as taste. Both food and drink feels tasteless to them. They usually suffer from cold or nasal allergies. The symptoms they suffer from in this condition are sneezing and fluent nasal discharges.

  1. Pulsatilla – From Long Standing Cold

This medicine works well when there is reduction / loss of taste and smell with loss of appetite. In cases where it is indicated, sense of taste is diminished for every kind of food. Prominently long term cold is present with this. Here thick, yellow or greenish nasal discharge with offensive smell is the key symptom.

For Bad Taste in Mouth

  1. Nux Vomica – For Bad Taste, Especially in Morning

Nux Vomica offers great help in cases presenting with bad taste in mouth. Most people needing it feel that it is most prominent in the morning.  They may also feel a sour taste in their mouths after eating or drinking. Another symptom they have is altered taste especially for coffee, milk and water. Their tongue may be inflamed. They can have needle-like piercing pain on the edges of the tongue.

  1. Carbo Veg – For Bad Taste and Offensive Smell from Mouth

This medicine is beneficial for cases having foul taste and offensive odour from mouth. With this the appetite is lost. In many cases requiring it, gum inflammation can be present. Here the gums are swollen, painful, sensitive and bleed often.

  1. Belladonna – For Offensive Taste when Eating or Drinking

This medicine is useful for someone having offensive taste in mouth when eating or drinking though food and drink have proper taste. The tongue is clean with this. Heat or burning sensation in the mouth can accompany this.

For Unusual Taste in Mouth

  1. Merc Sol – For Metallic Taste in Mouth

It is a leading medicine to manage cases presenting with metallic taste in the mouth. Tongue can be inflamed, with intense redness, severe pain and burning sensation. The salivation mostly is increased with these symptoms. Bad smell from the mouth can appear. In some cases needing it, fungal infection in the mouth or inflammation of the gums may be present.

  1. Cuprum Met – For Coppery Taste in Mouth

This medicine is indicated when there is specific coppery taste in the mouth. Along with this all food tastes like clear water. Tongues can be inflamed from a long time and be accompanied by profuse saliva.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Bitter Taste in Mouth

It is given when there is bitter taste in the mouth. This appears usually after eating or drinking. A burning sensation in the mouth frequently attends these symptoms.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Sour Taste in Mouth

This medicine is used when there is sour taste in the mouth. Great dryness and heat in the mouth can arise with this.

5. Lycopodium – For heightened Sense of Taste

For managing cases with increase sense of taste, the most prominent medicine is Lycopodium. White coating on tongue, dryness of mouth and tongue with putrid smell are the main symptoms.

 For Heightened Sense of Taste

For managing cases with an increased sense of taste, the most prominent medicine is Lycopodium. In cases needing it white coating on the tongue can be present. Dryness of mouth and tongue with putrid smell are other attending symptoms to this.

Smell Disorders

A person is able to smell due to smell receptors present in the nose. The microscopic odor molecules released from substances like from cooking food, flowers stimulate these receptors. From here messages go to the brain, which helps us recognize smell. If these receptors are blocked or damaged then it will lead to smell disorders.


The symptoms depend on the different types of smell disorders described as follows:

  1. Hyposmia – A decreased ability to detect odours or partial loss of sense of smell.
  2. Anosmia – A complete inability to smell or total loss of sense of smell is there.
  3. Parosmia -When there is a change in the normal perception of odours. In this, the odour of familiar substances is distorted and it smells different from what was previously remembered (like something pleasant starts smelling foul now.)
  4. Phantosmia – This is when a person smells an odour (mainly foul, burnt, spoiled, putrid) that isn’t actually present. 
  5. Hyperosmia – It refers to an increased sensitivity to smell.


The  common causes of smell disorders includes Common cold or flu, nasal Allergy / hay fever, nasal polyps, sinus inflammation / infection, nasal congestion / blockage and any sort of upper respiratory infection (whether bacterial or viral). Next to this tumours in nasal cavity, any injury or trauma to nose, head injury especially if it involves frontal lobes of the brain and radiation treatment to the head for cancer can lead to smell disorders. 

Other than this certain medications (like nasal decongestants if used for long time some common antibiotics and antihistamines, high blood pressure medication), smoking, hormonal disturbance, any circulatory illness that diminishes blood flow to nasal tissue, exposure to insecticides or other chemicals can cause this. 

Smell disorders can also be present in some medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder characterised by rest tremor, slowed movement, rigidity of muscles, impaired posture and balance, speech changes. In this disorder sometime problems with smell can arise), epilepsy (a brain disorder  causing recurrent seizures characterised by unusual behaviour, movements and sometimes loss of consciousness) and schizophrenia (serious mental disorder in which reality is interpreted abnormally and the sufferer has hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking and behaviour). 

It can be congenital too, which means that some people may be born with it. Sense of smell may also become less sharp as you age.  Sometimes it is idiopathic where no cause is found.

Taste Disorders

The taste buds on the tongue and mouth carry taste receptors that help to identify taste. When we eat or drink something tiny molecules released from it stimulate taste receptors. These receptors then send messages to the brain which helps us to identify tastes. Smell and taste are closely interlinked with each other and the taste of the food is also influenced by the smell of the food. The aromas released on chewing food stimulate sensory cells of smell through a channel that connects the roof of the throat to the back of the nose which help us distinguish different flavours. If this channel is blocked, like from stuffy nose due to cold then it prevents odours from reaching sensory cells of the nose. Due to the lack of smell, the food tastes bland  and feels it has no flavour. This is why some people who think they have loss of taste have actually lost their sense of smell instead.


The symptoms of taste disorders are described as per the type given below:

  1. Hypogeusia – It presents with reduced ability of sense of taste
  2. Ageusia – In this, a person has complete  inability to detect any taste. It is rare and many times people having loss of taste actually have lost their smell.
  3. Dysgeusia also called parageusia – In this an unusual unpleasant taste like a foul,  metallic, salty, rancid taste persists in the mouth. It can be accompanied by a painful burning sensation in the mouth. In this type a person can also perceive the wrong taste of food; like eating an ice cream may have a salty, bitter or metallic taste. It also includes change in taste in which foods taste differently than it previously used to be like something starts  to taste  bad which previously used to be pleasant to taste.
  4. Phantom Taste Perception – In this type a bad unpleasant taste lingers in mouth even though there is nothing in the mouth.
  5. Hypergeusia -It refers to heightened sense of taste.


It can arise from cold, nasal allergies, nasal blockage and upper respiratory tract infection. Secondly it can arise from poor oral hygiene, dental issues, gum inflammation (gingivitis), burns to the tongue, sjogren’s syndrome (autoimmune disorder characterised by dry mouth and dry eyes), salivary gland infection and oral thrush (fungal infection in mouth). 

Next, it can follow some surgeries on the ear, nose, and throat, a head injury, radiation treatment for treating cancer of head and neck. Other reasons for this include smoking, certain medicines (like some antihistamines and antibiotics), exposure to insecticides and some chemicals,  nutritional deficiencies (like vitamin B12 and Zinc). It can also be congenital means present since birth. It can appear in people with advancing age.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Having Difficulty in Concentration ? – Homeopathic Medicines can be of great Help

What is difficult concentration?

Difficult concentration refers to a decrease in ability to focus thought, think clearly and maintain attention while doing a task. It is normal for a person to face issue of difficult concentration, absent mindedness and distraction temporarily for few days,  or at some point of their life as from being under some sort of stress. But if it is persisting for a long period of time and not subsiding , then it could be a symptom pointing towards some medical condition .

What can cause it?

The various causes that can lead to poor concentration are as follows:

1. Cognitive problems

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), ADD (attention deficit disorder) and learning disabilities like dyslexia (a learning disorder that cause difficulty in reading, spelling, writing, and speaking)

2. Psychological causes

Depression, anxiety, emotional trauma, stress, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), BPD (bipolar disorder) and schizophrenia are the psychological causes that can lead to concentration issues

3. Medical causes

Chronic fatigue syndrome, traumatic brain injury, cushing syndrome (that arises when body is exposed to high levels of the hormone cortisol for a prolonged period of time), hypothyroidism, dementia, epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, pain syndrome, sleep apnea and stroke.

4. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes experienced by female during menopause , pregnancy can cause lack of concentration

5.Other causes

It includes alcohol or drug abuse, insomnia (sleeplessness), side effects of certain medicines, heavy metal poisoning ans poor diet.


What are its symptoms?

Its symptoms include difficulty in focussing, giving attention to a task (even the simple ones) and doing careless mistakes. One may have problem in thinking clearly . One may experience intrusive thoughts in mind and may feel as if their mind is constantly jumping from one thought to another. They may have difficulty in forming thoughts, reading, communicating and carrying a conversation. With this forgetfulness can appear as an important symptom .  frequently losing things is also a sign of concentration issue. One  may experience trouble remembering where certain things are kept, or what occurred a little while ago. They may have difficulty in keeping track of  their  ‘to do’ tasks and staying organised. They may also face problem with making decisions . Difficulty in sitting still is also a sign of this disorder

Symptoms in children

Difficulty in paying attention in class leading to reduced academic performance in school. They have trouble concentrating while writing, reading, or watching television. They are easily distracted and have trouble focusing on homework. Even activities of interest might pose a challenge for them  . They show  difficulty in following instructions. They are unorganised in doing tasks or playing. They seem distracted and lost somewhere when talked to and appears as if they are day dreaming. They may lose things very often. They may also have trouble sitting still.

Symptoms in adults

They have difficulty in focussing because of which they might take much longer to complete a task. They might have trouble multitasking and poor time management skills. One may also get easily distracted and would  seem to be los in their own world while spoken to .  They can be forgetful. One might also feel as if their brain is blocked. Reading may also seem a difficult task . They may have poor performance at work place. They also remain disorganised.

Homeopathic management

Homeopathy offers a lot of help in improving concentration and focus ability.  Homeopathic medicines are helpful to improve concentration in people of all age groups. These medicines are of natural origin hence they work gently towards managing this complaint That too without any side effects.

Homeopathic medicines for improving concentration in children


1. Baryta Carb – Leading medicine for concentration difficulty in children

Baryta Carb is top grade medicine to treat for concentration difficulty in children. Most children needing it have poor concentration, inattentiveness and weak memory. They have confused mind and show signs of slow learning. They also tend to forget easily what has been taught.  While speaking they tend to forget frequently ; they can fail at even the most familiar words. They also have poor attention in studies. Apart from above they may have issues of developmental delay.

2. Carcinosin – for poor concentration with hyperactivity (ADHD)

It is indicated for poor concentration with hyperactivity i.e in cases of ADHD. Children needing it have difficult concentration and inattentiveness. They are hyperactive, restless. They tend to get bored easily.

3. Lycopodium – for difficult concentration with dyslexia

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss belonging to family lycopodiaceae. It offers great help in cases of difficult concentration with dyslexia. In cases needing it there is confused thoughts and confusion about common words. The child needing is unable to fit the right words and makes frequent mistakes in writing and spellings . He mixes up letters or omits parts of a word. He has confused speech and makes mistakes in speaking  He might be unable to express himself correctly

Homeopathic medicines for improving concentration in adults


1. Kali Phos – for poor concentration from over stressed mind

Kali Phos is a very effective medicine to improve concentration in persons who have an over stressed mind. They have marked weakness and fatigue of mind from excessive mental work or overstudy. They have dullness of mind, weak memory, forgetfulness along with poor concentration. They may also suffer from sleeplessness.

2. Cannabis Indica – for a foggy mind

Cannabis Indica is very helpful for persons who show lack of concentration and are unable focus on one subject. For those who require Cannabis Indica a feeling of having a  foggy mind and an inability to think clearly is a key indication . Cannabis indica patients  are absent – minded and quite  forgetful. While writing or speaking they frequently forget what they were about to write or speak. They start with a sentence and seem  get lost in between and  as a result are unable to finish it. They forget their last words and ideas. They may also have crowding of many thoughts in brain.

3. Lycopodium – for  confusion of thoughts

It is mostly used  when there is difficult concentration with confused thoughts. Persons needing it have difficulty to find fitting words for a given thing and uses wrong words for a correct idea. They also have poor concentration while taking a conversation. Their comprehension is also slow. They may be absent minded too. They have difficulty in taking decisions. They are usually sensitive, irritable personalities with poor self – confidence levels.

4. Gelsemium –  concentration issues  in chronic fatigue syndrome

Gelsemium is prepared from root bark  of a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens (common name yellow jasmine).This plant belongs to family ‘loganiaceae’. It is an excellent medicine to help cases of poor concentration associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. People who need it have inability to focus attention on something with great weakness. Their brain feel empty when try to concentrate. They have vanishing of thoughts on doing some brainy work. They are unable to do anything that needs thinking. With this they feel dullness and drowsiness. They also feel tired, weak all the time.

7. Natrum Mur – for poor concentration in depression cases

It is a well suited medicine to improve concentration arising in depression cases. People needing it have difficulty of thinking, absent mindedness and scattered thoughts. These symptoms appear along with extreme sadness and desire to be alone .



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Lachesis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Lachesis was introduced in homeopathy by Dr. Hering. It is a leading medicine to treat schizophrenia, depression, sore throat, menopausal complaints, ovarian pain and haemorrhages (i.e bleeding).   Lachesis Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Lachesis’ Constitution

It is suited to weak, thin people who have a melancholic (sadness) disposition. It is suitable for women during the menopause period. Other than this, it is suited to alcoholics.

Drug Action

This remedy has a prominent action on the mind where it acts oat a deep psychological level to manage the complaint of depression and schizophrenia. It also works on blood vessels where it helps control bleeding. Next, it helps to improve blood circulation and offers help in treating varicose veins and varicose ulcers.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Mental Complaints 

Among the various issues of the mind, this is a top listed medicine to treat schizophrenia (mental health illness that affects how a person thinks, feels and interpret reality). It mainly result in hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that don’t exist), delusions (false beliefs that are not based in reality), and disordered thinking. It is mainly indicated for persons having delusions of being poisoned or being followed by enemies who are trying to harm him. Another delusion they may have is being under the control of superhuman power. Along with delusions they may be excessively talkative, constantly jumping from one subject to another.

Next, it is a beneficial medicine to treat cases of depression. Persons who need it remain sad, unhappy, anxious. They feel forsaken. They become weary of life and doesn’t wish to do any work. They doesn’t wish to talk and want to remain alone. They loathe life and long for death.

2. Left-sided Headaches

This is a prominently indicated medicine for treating left sided headache. Persons who need it mainly have throbbing, tearing or drawing pain in left side of the head. They feel congestion and heat in head along with pain. Sometimes they also get nausea and vomiting during headache. Other people needing it may have dimness of vision or flickering before the eyes. People requiring it experience worsening of pain at night. They may also get headache from heat of sun. Apart from above its use is highly recommended in females who suffer from headache at or after menopause.

3. Inflamed throat and Tonsillitis

This medicine works effectively to reduce inflammation of the throat and tonsils. People needing it have pain in throat and tonsils. Most times the pain from throat extends to ears in them. They feel increase in pain from swallowing liquids. Pressure and touch on throat also worsens the pain. Other symptoms include dryness, constriction and a burning sensation in the throat. Sometimes a lump in throat is also experienced. In some cases stinging sensation is felt in the throat. If we look at the throat it is red, swollen with dark red/purplish colour of tonsils. In many cases ulcers may be seen on throat. Apart from the above, Lachesis is also indicated to treat quinsy (pus collection behind the tonsils).

4. Rectal Complaints

This is a prominent remedy to treat constipation and piles.

It helps to improve the sluggish bowel movements and gives relief in constipation. It is helpful when the stool is hard and passed with difficulty. The stool is scanty and insufficient. It also has an offensive odour. The persons needing it have ineffectual urge to evacuate stool. Along with it they feel pressure in bowels with gas. They also feels as if the anus is constricted.

Next, it is a very useful medicine to treat the complaint of piles. Protruding piles with stitching pain is a key feature to use it. Here piles protrude after each stool. After passing stool soreness and burning is felt at the anus. In addition to above throbbing, shooting pain and itching at the anus are also experienced by the person. It is also very beneficial for women having piles during their menopausal period.

5. Female Complaints

This is a highly suitable medicine to treat many female complaints.

First, its use is highly suggested to relieve troubles during menopause. Here the complaints like hot flashes, palpitations, headaches, heat in the head, inter menstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia) and fainting spells during menopause period are well managed with this medicine. Apart from this females suffering from depression during menopause are also benefited with this medicine.

Second, it is indicated in females having pain in the ovaries. Mostly they complain of pain in left side of the ovary. Nature of pain as narrated by them may be sharp, shooting, stitching, drawing or burning type. Pressure tend to worsen this pain. They also feel that the pain increase from exertion and walking. Menses may also be profuse and prolonged in them. It works good in ovarian pain from various reasons like ovarian cyst (fluid filled sac forming within the ovaries), ovarian tumour, ovarian inflammation (ovaritis).

Next, it is given to females to manage painful periods. Females requiring it have pain during periods especially during first day. They have labour like pains in pelvis. Ovarian pain on left side is also experienced.

Other than this, it is given for improving menstrual flow. Females who have scanty periods of short duration are greatly helped by this medicine. The menstrual flow is dark in colour and may have offensive odour.

6. Complaints of the Lower Limbs

If we talk about lower limbs, then firstly it is well-indicated to treat sciatica (pain that radiates from lower back through the hips down the leg along the path of the sciatic nerve). It is considered when the pain is violent, intolerable and shooting type. Person feels the pain worsen after sleeping. The pains come suddenly and disappear gradually.
Secondly, it is helpful to treat varicose veins on legs  (enlarged, twisted or engorged veins due to improper functioning of valves in the veins of the legs)

Lastly, it is recommended to manage cases of varicose ulcers (sore developing on the leg mostly on the inner side of leg just above the ankle due to poor blood circulation).

 7. To Control Bleeding

This is a great anti-hemorrhagic (that helps to stop bleeding) medicine. It is indicated to control bleeding from nose, blood in urine, blood in stool, blood in vomiting. Here dark, blackish bleeding is the characteristic feature to use Lachesis.

8. Skin Complaints

For matters of the skin, this medicine gives excellent results in case of carbuncles and boils (skin infections with pus filled lumps on skin). In these conditions bluish purple surroundings to the lumps is key feature to use it.

Next, it is useful to treat purpura that refers to purple coloured blood spots under skin that arise from bursting of small blood vessels.

Apart from the above, it is recommended in case of bed sores when they have black edges. 


Lachesis is recommended from 30 to 200 potency. It is a strong medicine so its frequent repetition should be avoided. 

Always use this medicine under a physicians recommendation.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Lycopodium and Hepar Sulph. These medicines can be used after Lachesis to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicines are Acetic Acid, Nitric Acid and Carbolic Acid. 

Antidote medicines are Arseniuc Album, Nux Vomica and Opium, which neutralise the effect of Lachesis.

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Abortion Achalasia Cardia Acne
Acne Rosacea Acne Scars
Adenoids Adenomyosis ADHD – Abusiveness
ADHD Agnus Castus Allergic Rhinitis & Homeopathy
Allergic Bronchitis Allergy Allergy Dust
Allergy Egg Allergy Eye Allergy Food
Allergy Milk Allergy Peanut Allergy pet
Allergy Pollen Allergy Wet Weather Allergy Wheat
Alopecia Alzeihmer’s Amoebiasis
Anal Abscess Anal Fissures Anal Fistula
Anal Itching Anal Warts Anger Management
Ankle Pain Ankylosing Spondylitis Anorectal Stricture
Anosmia Anxiety Anxiety Disorder Kids
Anxiety Generalised Arnica Arthritis Knee
Asperger’s Syndrome Asthma Asthma in Kids
Ataxia Athlete’s Foot Atopic Dermatitis
Autism – Homeopathy Autism – Treatment Autism – Homeopathic Treatment
Autism – Causes Autism – Behavior Therapy Autism – Testimonials
Autism – Carconisin Autism – Early Signs Autism – Good Eye Contact
Autism – Diagnose Autism – 10 Steps Autism – High Functioning
Autism 13 steps AVN


Back Pain Bacterial Infections Balanitis
Balding Barber’s Itch Bed Sores
Bedwetting Bells’s Palsy Bleeding between Periods
Bleeding Gums Blepharitis Blepharospasm
Body Odor Body Pains Boils
Bone Pain Borderline Personality Disorder BPPV
Bronchiectasis Bronchitis Bruxism
Bullous Pemphigoid Bunion Burns
Burping Problems


Calcarea Phos Cancer Carbuncle
Carpal Tunnel Cataract Celiac
Cellulitis Cervical Spondylosis Cervicitis
Chalazion Chest Congestion Chickenpox
Chikungunya Chillblains Cholera
Chorea Claustrophobia Clear & Glowing Skin
Climacteric Blues Cluster Headaches Coccydania
Cold Sensitivity Colds Colic in Babies
Colorectal Polyps Computer Vision Syndrome Conjuctivitis
Constipation Corns Cough
Cough Dry Cough Smoker’s Cough Variant Asthma
Cradle Cap Crohn’s Disease Cubital Tunnel Syndrome


Dandruff Dark Circles Dementia
Dementia Senile Dengue Depression
Depression Post Partum Depression in Kids Depression in Teenagers
Depression Winter Developmental Delay Diabetes
Diaper Rash Diplopia Disc Prolapse
Diverticulitis Dr. S.P Sharma Drug Addiction
Dry Frizzy Hair Dupuytren’s Contracture Dysentery
Dyslexia Dyspareunia Dysphagia
Dyspnea Dysuria


E.Coli Ear Discharge Ear Infections
Ear Pain Eczema Elbow Pain
Emphysema Endometriosis Enlarged Prostate
Epididymitis Epilepsy Epistaxis
Erectile Dysfunction Esophageal Varices Eustachian Tube Blockage
Excessive Sweating Eye Floaters Eyes DRY
Eyes Itchy


Facial Pigmentation Fallopian Tube Blockage Fatigue
Fatigue Chronic Fatty Liver Fear of Crowd
Fears & Phobias Felon Fever
Fever Blisters Fibroadenoma Fibromyalgia
First Aid – Winters First Aid Kit Flatulence
Flu Folliculitis Folliculitis Scalp
Food Poisioning Foot Pain Fractures
Freckles Frequent Urination Frozen Shoulder
Fungal Infection


Gaining Weight Gall Stones Ganglion Cysts
Gangrene Gas Problem Gastritis
Gastroenteritis Gastroparesis Genital Herpes
Genital Warts GERD Giardiasis
Gingivitis Glaucoma Glossitis
Goiter Golfer’s Elbow Gonorrhea
Gout Grave’s Disease Grief
Guttate Psoriasis


H. Pylori Hahnemman Hair Falling
Halitosis Hand Foot Mouth Disease Hangover
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Hay Fever Head Injuries
Headaches Heamoglobin Hearing Loss
Heartburn Heat Rash Heavy Bleeding
Heel Pain Heel Spurs Hernia
Hernia Hiatus High BP High BP
High Cholesterol High Uric Acid Hip Pain
Hoarse Voice Holistic Concept Homeopathy Homeopathy
Homeopathy – Myths Hormone Imbalance Hot Flashes Menopause
Housemaid’s Knee HPV Hydrastis
Hydrocele Hyperkeratosis Hyperthyroidism


IBD IBS Icthyosis
Ignatia Amara Impetigo Indigestion
Infertility Ingrown Toenails Insomnia
Intertrigo Itching


Jaundice Jobs Jock Itch
Joint Pains Juevenile Rheumatoid Arthritis


Keloids Keratoconus Kerratitis
Kidney Pain Kidney Stones Knee Bursitis
Knee Injuries Knee Pain


Labyrinthitis Lack of Self Confidence Laryngitis
Leaky Gut Syndrome Leg Cramps Leg Pain
Leucoderma Leucorrhea Lichen Planus
Lipoma Liver Abscess Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Problems Loose Stools Loss of Appetite
Low Blood Pressure Low Sperm Lumbar Spondylosis
Lycopodium Lyme Disease


Malaria Mastitis Memory
Meniere’s Disease Meningitis Migraine
Mind and Homeopathy Moles Molluscum Contagiosum
Mood Swings Mood Swings Morning Sickness
Motion Sickness Multiple Sclerosis Mumps
Muscle Pain Muscle Weakness Myopia
Myopia – Progressive


Nail Fungus Nasal Allergy & Homeopathy Nasal Polyps
Nausea Neck Stiffness Nephrotic Syndrome
Nerve Pain Nightmares Numbness in Feet
Numbness in Hands and Fingers Nux Vomica Nystagmus


Obstructive Sleep Apnea OCD ODD
Onion & Coffee Oral Lichen Planus Orchitis
Osgood Schlatter Disease Osteoarthritis Osteophytes
Osteoporosis Ovarian Cysts Ovarian Pain
Overactive Bladder


Pain in Hands & Fingers Painful Menses Palpitations
Pancreatitis PANDAS Panic Attacks
Paralysis Parkinson’s PCOS
Peptic Ulcer Peripheral Neuropathy Pharyngitis
Phlegm Photodermatitis PID
Piles Pilonidal Cyst Pinched Nerve
Pinworms Piriformis Syndrome Plantar Fascitis
Plantar Warts PMS Pneumonia
Post herpetic neuralgia Post Nasal Drip Pregnancy Related Complaints
Premature Ejaculation Premature Grey Hair Proctitis
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Prostatitis Psoriasis
Pterygium Ptosis PTSD
Pulsatilla for Women Pyorrhea


Quackery Quinsy


Raynaud’s Disease Reactive Arthritis Rectal bleeding
Rectal Prolapse Recurrent Infections in Kids Recurrent Mouth Ulcers
Reflux in Babies Removing Scars Restless Legs
Retinal Migraine Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rhinorrhea Rhus Tox Ringworm
Rotator Cuff Injury Rotavirus


Sacroilitis Salpingitis Scabies
Scalp Psoriasis Scanty Periods Schizophrenia
Sciatica Scoliosis Scope of Homeopathy
Seborrheic Dermatitis Seborrheic Keratosis Sepia for Females
Shingles Shoulder Pain SIBO
Silicea Sinus Sjogren’s Syndrome
Skin Cracked Skin Dry Skin Rashes
Slow Digestion Sneezing Snoring
Social Phobia Sore Muscles Sore throat
Spasmodic Dysphonia Speech Delay Spine Nerve Compression
Sprain Sprained Ankle Squint
Stammering Stiff Back Stiff neck
Stomach and Digestion Problems Stomach Ulcers Stool – Blood
Stool – Mucus Stool Incontinence Strep Throat
Stress Stuffy Blocked Nose Styes
Summer Diarhhea Sunburn Sunstroke
Swollen Ankles Swollen Knee Syphilis
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Teething Tennis Elbow Tension Headaches
Testosterone Thrombocytopenia Thrush
Thuja Tics Tinea Capitis
Tinea Versicolor Tinnitus TMJ
Tonsil Stones Tonsil Surgery Toothache
Tourette’s Syndrome Tremors Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigger Finger Typhoid


Ulcer’s Ulcerative Colitis Unwanted Facial Hair
Urethral Inflammation Urethral Stricture Urinary Problems
Urine – Incontinence Urine – Blood Urine – Burning
Urine – Pus Cells Urticaria Uterine Fibroids
Uterine Polyps Uterine Prolapse UTI


Vaginal Candidiasis Vaginal Dryness Vaginal Itching
Vaginitis Varicocele Varicose – Ulcers
Varicose – Veins Venous Insufficiency Vertigo and Dizziness
Viral Infections Vitiligo Vocal Cord Paralysis
Vocal Cord Nodules Vomiting


Warts Water Retention Watery Eyes
Weakness Weather Changes Weight Loss
Wheezing When Kids Dont Eat Worms
Wrist Pain Writer’s Cramp



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Best Homeopathic Treatment for Mood Swings

Sudden, abrupt or rapid change in mood to extreme levels is known as mood swings. Everyone experiences mood swings. People are often happy and energetic for some part of the day, and during the same day, they may feel sad and tired. In ordinary people, these changes are not extreme and don’t interfere with day to day life. But in some people, these changes are so abrupt and severe that they interfere with daily life. Such people get sad and happy in quick succession, disrupting their lives as well as of those around them. In these cases, professional help is needed for the management of the patient and to determine the cause of such extreme behavior. Homeopathic medicines for mood swings offer a natural and safe way to manage such patients by moderating their mood swings. The major advantage of using natural medicine for mood swings is that it does not become habit-forming. Homeopathy does not have any side effects and can be gradually stopped once the person gets well.  homeopathic medicines for mood swings

What are the Causes of Mood Swings?

In some persons, an extremely sensitive nature may be the reason for mood swings. These mood swings make such individuals respond to a particular situation intensely and vigorously. Mood swings may also be a part of some mental illness. These conditions include bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and major depression. Other conditions where mood swings are noticed include ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, and PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. In females, hormonal changes that arise during pregnancy, menopause, or premenstrual syndrome also leads to sudden mood swings. Thyroid related complaints are another reason for mood swings. Apart from these reasons, mood swings are also noticed in persons suffering from degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. Other factors that may lead to mood swings include stress, anxiety, changes in sleep pattern, drug use, alcohol intake, and eating excessive sugar.

Homeopathic Medicines for Mood Swings

To prescribe medicine for mood swings, a detailed analysis of the case as well as the constitution of the patient is required. The top listed remedies for treating mood swings are Ignatia Amara, Crocus Sativus, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Arsenic Album, and Sepia. Homeopathy for mood swings should be taken only after consulting a homeopath and self-medication should be avoided.

1. Ignatia Amara – For the Treatment of Mood Swings

Ignatia Amara is a very effective medicine for mood swings. It suits people who have sudden mood changes – from sadness to happiness, and from weeping to laughter. These patients experience uncontrollable emotions with a sudden alteration in mood. Ignatia also works well for persons with mood swings who are depressed. Such patients tend to dwell on some disagreeable events in the past, and may also have sleeping problems. Ignatia helps patients with mood swings who have a history of emotional shock or grief.

2. Crocus Sativus – For Treating Mood Swings

Crocus Sativus is a beneficial medicine for mood swings. Patients needing Crocus Sativus suffer from a rapid change in mood. One moment they are happy and in the next moment angry. Repentance rapidly follows anger, sadness shortly follows cheerful behavior, and tears suddenly arise after laughter. Listening to music makes the moods worse. Mental symptoms alternating with physical symptoms also point to the need for Crocus Sativus.

3. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Mood Swings in People with a Sensitive Nature

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a well suited treatment for mood swings in people with an extremely sensitive nature. These individuals display a sudden change in mood. They alternate between tears and laughter easily. They are oversensitive and get offended quickly. Such patients look for consolation and feel better when consoled. Being in the open also makes them feel better. In such cases, very often, a history of silent grief may be found.

4. Arsenic Album – For Treating Mood Swings in Anxious Personalities

Arsenic Album is a highly beneficial treatment for mood swings in people with an anxious personality. Sudden mood changes along with anxiety, mainly about health and the future, are key symptoms. Extreme restlessness, both on the mental and physical plane, is another symptom. Sometimes these patients suffer from fears – like the fear of catching an infection or the fear of financial loss. Another characteristic constitutional symptom found among them is fastidiousness and the demand for cleanliness and order in everything.

5. Sepia – For Menstruation-related Mood Swings in Women

Sepia is a top-ranked medicine for mood swings in women caused due to hormonal changes, mostly arising before menses or around menopause. Along with mood swings, other notable symptoms include a lot of irritability, getting offended easily, and indifferent behavior toward family members and friends. They also suffer from low energy levels. Along with this, there is also a lack of interest in doing any sort of work.

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