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food_allergy_faq (1)

 Ever heard of someone developing a life-threatening allergic reaction from something as small as a peanut? Someone suffering an asthma attack just after taking a spoonful of cooked mushrooms? Or a severe attack of migraine triggered by black pepper? These may sound strange, but true!

Food allergy is the reaction of the immune system that occurs immediately after eating a certain food. If one has food allergy, the immune system overreacts to a particular protein found in that food. Coming in contact with even a little amount of that particular food can trigger symptoms. Some people may experience severe symptoms from a food allergy, including the potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction (swelling of the throat, airways become narrow blocking breathing). Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening reaction that can impair breathing and send the body into shock; reactions may simultaneously affect different parts of the body (for example, a stomach-ache accompanied by a rash).

 Many people think the terms ‘food allergy’ and ‘food intolerance’ mean the same, but they do not. Food intolerance is an adverse food-induced reaction that does not involve the immune system. Lactose intolerance is one example of food intolerance. A person with lactose intolerance lacks an enzyme that is needed to digest milk sugar. When the person eats milk products, symptoms such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain may occur.

Although an individual may be allergic to any food, such as fruits, vegetables and meats, these are not as common as the following eight foods which account for 90 per cent of all food-allergic reactions: Milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts (walnut, cashew, etc.), fish, shellfish, soya and wheat.

Homeopathic Treatment For Food Allergy

Homeopathic treatment of food allergies can be very beneficial as it treats food allergies by optimising the overcharged immune system. Though the treatment may require a more serious approach, most of the allergies can be treated with homeopathy. Homeopathy views food allergies as an expression of a disturbance in the patient’s healing system. Food allergies are not a disease to be cured in themselves, but a reflection of an underlying imbalance.

Food sensitivity or intolerance can be treated by homeopathic medicines that are specific to that particular problem. For example, homeopathic medicine Silicea for milk intolerance in infants, when even the mother’s milk disagrees; Zingiber for diarrhea that sets in after eating melons; Antim crudum for headache that comes after eating fruits.

Homeopathic Medicines For Food Allergies

1. Calcarea Carb – For Milk Allergy

Calcarea Carb is an important homeopathic medicine for milk allergy when there is vomiting after consuming milk. There is nausea, distension of abdomen, cutting pain and diarrhea. In some cases, there may be a cold sensation in the abdomen.

How And When To Take Calcarea Carb?

If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and loose stools appear after consuming any milk product, calcarea carbonica can be taken. Low potency (30C), can be taken 2-3 times in a day. High potency 200C can be taken once in a day if expected results are not seen after taking low potency. It is advisable to consult an experienced homeopath before administering 1M or higher potency.

2. Colchicum – For Allergy From Egg

Colchicum is a well-known homeopathic medicine used for gastrointestinal ailments arising after eating eggs. It is the best remedy for distension of the abdomen with gas and loud flatus. There are frequent tasteless burps with pressing/ tearing/ cutting or stitching pain and cramps in stomach. The patient cannot bear the smell of food, it causes nausea and vomiting. The stool contains white large particles in large quantities with mucus-like rice water. All the symptoms of Colchicum are relieved by bending forward.

When And How To Use Colchicum?

It is used in case of stomach pain or feeling of pressure on the stomach with heaviness and continuous rumbling of gas. The recommended dosage in most of the cases is 30C which can be used up to 2-3 times in a day.

200C and 1M are considered very high potencies. The suggested dose of 200C is once in a day, not to be repeated frequently. It is best to consult an experienced homeopath as self-medication should not be done in high power dosage.

3. Urtica Urens – Homeopathic Remedy For Shell Fish/Fish Allergy

Urtica Urens is a top-ranked homeopathic medicine for treating shell fish allergy. There is violent itching with burning and stinging pain on skin. Sometimes along with itching, swelling all over rashes are formed known as hives. The skin looks red, raised and requires constant scratching. The eruption and itching disappear as soon as the patient lies down and reappear immediately after rising. The complaints get worse by water, touch, air, rising up and disappear after lying down.

When and How to use Urtica Urens?

This remedy can be used in rashes or hives which arise after consuming fish/shell fish. Symptoms mainly categorise with intense skin itching, followed by burning. It can be taken 2-3 times in a day in 30C potency. Higher potencies such as 200C and 1M can also be used but it is best to seek professional help before using them.

4Lycopodium – For Wheat Allergy

Lycopodium offers a homeopathic cure for wheat allergy when consumption of wheat products triggers a gastric reaction. It comprises of symptoms like bloating, burping (tasting sour) and flatulence. It is well indicated for weak digestion with burning burping and bitter taste in mouth.

When and How to take lycopodium?

It is a remedy that is used in wheat allergy with a much-bloated abdomen, heartburn, waterbrash (acid reflux from stomach upwards to the throat) and noisy flatulence. Both the lower and the highest potencies are credited with excellent results. But as it is a deep-acting remedy hence lower potency, 30C is usually preferred, 2-3 times in a day. Otherwise 200C potency or higher dose, has proved efficacious, but should not be taken too frequently.

5. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Issues In Food Allergy

Apis Mellifica is a wonderful medicine for treating Urticaria (rashes of round, red welts) on the skin where itching is severe. It is a great remedy when hives develop due to milk allergy. The body is covered with large, elevated bumps accompanied by stinging, burning, pricking or itching. The wheals (red, swollen marks) are painful, tender, hot and extremely sensitive to touch with stinging pain. There is also violent itching and burning in the wheals. The person needing Apis Mellifica may experience worsening of symptoms by warmth and relief by cold applications.

When and How to take Apis mellifica?

The symptoms such as hives/wheals/ bumps caused due to specific foods are largely benefitted by Apis. The complaints include rapid swelling of the affected area along with stinging pain, burning, itching and redness. The lower potency 30C works well in these conditions and can be repeated 2-3 times in a day. A careful analysis should be done before using it in 200C and 1M potencies and should not be frequently repeated if the symptoms doesn’t seem to get better.

Common Food Allergens 

In adults, they include:


Tree nuts, such as walnuts

Shellfish, including shrimps, crayfish, lobsters and crabs

For children, the food allergens that most often cause problems are:




Types Of Food Allergies

Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome

Also termed as oral allergy syndrome, pollen food allergy syndrome affects many people having hay fever. In this condition, a protein found in certain nuts, spices, fresh fruits and vegetables can trigger an allergic reaction that can cause itching in the mouth. In serious reactions, it can lead to throat swelling or anaphylaxis.

Proteins in certain fruits, vegetables or nuts cause the reaction as they are similar to allergy-causing proteins found in certain pollens. This is an example of cross reactivity.

Exercise-Induced Food Allergy Syndrome

In this condition after eating certain foods, there is itching, a person may faint and can get ‘hives’ or even anaphylaxis when body temperature goes up after exercising. One can prevent it by avoiding eating anything for a few hours before exercising.

Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES)

Also referred to as delayed food allergy, it is a severe condition causing vomiting and diarrhea after consuming food allergen, like milk, soy and grains. FPIES mostly develops in infancy when the baby is introduced to solid food.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

In this condition, there is inflammation of esophagus (food pipe). It occurs due to allergy or sensitivity to particular proteins found in foods. Many people with this condition have a family history of asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis or food allergy.

Symptoms Of Food Allergy

The symptoms that the allergic individual produces are individual in nature.  They can range from a mild asthmatic attack to a severe life-threatening allergic response anaphylaxis.

–  If people are allergic to a particular food, for example, they may first experience itching in the mouth as they start to eat food.

– After the food is digested in the stomach, abdominal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or pain may start.

– When the food allergens enter and travel through the bloodstream, they can cause a drop in blood pressure.

– As the allergens reach the skin, they can induce hives or eczema, or when they reach the lungs, they may cause asthma.

– All of this takes place within a few minutes to an hour.

 Other symptoms include

– Shortness of breath

– Wheezing,

– Repetitive cough

– Shock or circulatory collapse

– Tight, hoarse throat; trouble swallowing

– Swelling of the tongue, affecting the ability to talk or breathe

– Weak pulse

– Pale or blue colouring of skin

– Dizziness or fainting

Most food-related symptoms occur within two hours of ingestion; often they start within minutes. In some very rare cases, the reaction may be delayed by four to six hours or even longer. Delayed reactions are most typically seen in children who develop eczema as a symptom of food allergy and in people with a rare allergy to red meat caused by the bite of a lone star tick.

Pathophysiology Of Food Allergy

 Our immune system uses two components to deal with food allergies. One of these is immunoglobulin E (IgE), a type of blood-moving protein known as an antibody. The other is mast cells, which are found in all body tissues but are particularly prevalent in the digestive tract, nose, throat, and lungs. When you eat a food to which you are allergic to for the first time, certain cells produce a lot of IgE to counter the allergen in the food. IgE is released and adheres to the surface of the mast cells. Although you won’t have an allergic reaction just yet, your body is prepared to do so.

The allergen reacts with that IgE the time you consume the meal containing the allergen, causing the mast cells to release histamine and other substances. These compounds will produce different symptoms depending on the tissue they are in. Additionally, some food allergens can enter your bloodstream because they aren’t destroyed by the cooking heat, stomach acids, or other food-digesting enzymes. They can then spread throughout your body and trigger allergic reactions. The timing and the place are impacted by the digestive process. Your mouth can start to itch. Then, you can have symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, or stomach pain. Blood-borne food allergies can lower blood pressure. They can cause hives ( reddish bumps on skin) when they reach the skin.

Risk Factors Of Food Allergy

1. Family history: Risk of having food allergy increases if one has a family history of asthma, hives, eczema or allergies, like hay fever.

2. Age: Food allergies are more common in children, especially infants. As a child grow older, the digestive system  matures and the body is less affected by the food that triggers allergy.

3. Asthma: Asthma and food allergy commonly occur simultaneously. When they occur symptoms of both are severe.

4. Other allergies: If one is having a particular type of allergic reaction like hay fever, one is more prone to risk of  developing food allergy.

Dr. Vikas Sharma is a Chandigarh-based homeopathic doctor. He has been practicing homeopathy for the last 13 years.



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How To Deal With Puffy Eyes In Homeopathy?

Puffy eyes means swelling around the eyes medically known as periorbital puffiness. Puffy eyes may be due to various reasons. In many cases, puffy eyes is a temporary condition (for example, from excessive crying, lack of sleep) and resolves on its own without any treatment but in some cases, it can be an indication of a medical condition (for example, allergies, conjunctivitis) that requires treatment, like orbital cellulitis which needs immediate medical attention.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is very beneficial to treat cases of puffy eyes. Homeopathic medicines work to reduce the swelling around eyes by targeting the root cause behind it. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no serious cause is linked with puffy eyes. In cases where swelling is intense, or occurs along with certain symptoms (like high fever, eye pain, sudden vision changes, vision loss, bleeding from eyes, sudden swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, breathing problem and bulging eyes) indicating some serious ailment or when it is linked with some serious cause (like eye injury, cellulitis, anaphylaxis, cancer), it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis.

As the causes vary for puffy eyes from case to case, it is advised to take homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate. Homeopathic doctor can prescribe medicine after evaluating the case. He will decide whether the case is within the treatable parameters of homeopathy depending on the cause, if not, he will guide you toward timely conventional treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Puffy Eyes

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of puffy eyes. In most cases needing it, the eyelids are swollen, puffy, and  red. It is accompanied by a burning sensation and tight skin around eyes. Though the swelling may be present around or under eyes,  mostly swelling is marked under the eyes like under-eye water bags. It is one of the best medicine for puffy eyes in case of allergies. In some cases needing it, there may be inflammation of conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is red and hot tears flow. Sensitivity to light may also be there.  Other than the above, it is well indicated for puffy eyes in case of blepharitis. The eyelids are swollen and become thick with stinging pains.

2. Kali Carb For Marked Swelling Above The Eyes

This medicine is prominent for managing swelling above the eyes. It is present between the eyebrows and the upper lid. It is also helpful in managing cases of swelling of eyelids from blepharitis. In some cases, along with swollen eyes, there is redness on the edges of eyelids. There may be watering from eyes also.  The eyelids may be sticky in the morning.

3. Euphrasia For Swollen Lids With Watery Eyes

It is prepared from the plant Euphrasia Officinalis, commonly known by the name ‘eye-bright’. This medicine works well on swollen eyelids with watery eyes which causes conjunctiva to become red. Burning on the margins of lids can also be there. A sensation of dryness on margins of eyelids is another accompanying symptom. Nasal discharge may also be present.

4. Rhus Tox For Puffy, Itchy Eyelids

It is a very beneficial medicine for cases in which there are puffy eyes along with itching of lids. A biting and prickling sensation in lids can attend it.  There is also shooting type of pain around the eyelids. Profuse watering from eyes is another accompanying feature. Sometimes there is dryness in the eys and heat in the eyelids.

5. Allium Cepa For Swelling Around Eyes And Allergies

It is an important medicine for cases in which there is swelling around the eyes as a part of nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis). The symptoms of allergies that are present include excessive watering from eyes, sneezing and runny nose. Next, there can be pain in forehead.

6. Merc Sol For Swollen Lids Along With Eye Watering And Burning

Merc Sol is a very useful medicine for cases of swollen lids accompanied by watery eyes and a burning sensation. Along with this, there is a sensation of a foreign body under the lids. This leads to pressive or cutting pains under the lids which causes difficulty in moving lids. Eyelids become sore and red. There also can be sensitivity to light.

7. Phosphorus For Puffy Eyes And Blue Rings About Eyes

This medicine is indicated for cases in which there are puffy eyes along with blue rings around eyes.  Frequent itching is felt in the eyes. Next, there can be sensitivity to light. In some cases, inflammation of eyes may be present with pressing burning pain.

8. Pulsatilla For Swollen, Red Eyelids



It is a natural medicine prepared from plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’. It is helpful when the eyelids are swollen and red. Along with this, there can be sensation of dryness and burning heat in eyes. In cases needing it, there is a tendency of formation of stye (a localized infection of an oil gland in the eyelid margin) mainly on the upper lid.

Cause Behind Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes are common in aged people. As a person ages, there occurs weakening of the tissues and muscles around eyelids. It results in falling of the normal fat (that helps to support the eyes) in the lower eyelid. This makes lids look puffy. There can be accumulation of fluid in lower eyelid with ageing which increases swelling. Next temporary cause is excessive crying. In the process of reabsorbing excessive liquid from eyes, some of it is retained in tissue under the eyes which makes it look puffy temporarily.

Other than the above reasons, it can simply occur from not taking enough sleep, excessive rubbing of eyes, poor diet and sun exposure.  Puffy eyes can be hereditary. Mostly puffy eyes happen due to fluid retention in tissue around the eyes.

Following are the medical conditions that are related to it.

1. Allergies: The first medical condition that can lead to it is Among them, there is hay fever. Also known as allergic rhinitis, it can cause swollen under-eyes in addition to other symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, itchy nose, red eyes, watery and itchy eyes, cough and post-nasal discharge. Allergy may also be from reaction to some food, chemical, insect bite, etc.



In some cases, it may occur from a severe life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) that needs immediate medical help because it can be fatal if not attended to immediately. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that causes swelling of the throat and tongue,  difficulty in breathing,  sudden drop in blood pressure,  rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and loss of consciousness mostly along with hives, which is a skin condition characterized by itchy, raised bumps on skin.

2. Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the transparent membrane called conjunctiva lining the white part of eyeball and eyelid. It can cause swelling of eyelids along with other symptoms, like redness in eyes, itching in eyes, eye discharge, excessive tears from eyes and grittiness in eyes (feeling of particle of sand in the eye).

3. Dermatitis is also one of the cause. In dermatitis there occur inflammation of the skin with red, itchy rash.

4. Blepharitis is an inflammation of the edges/margins of eyelid. Swollen eyelids can attend other symptoms like itchy eyelids, red eyes, watering from eyes, burning or stinging in the eyes, grittiness in the eyes, and sticking of the eyelid).

5. Orbital cellulitis is a serious condition in which there occurs infection of the soft tissues and fat within the eye socket. It needs urgent medical help as it can result in permanent vision loss and other severe complication like meningitis which is inflammation of the protective membranes that covers the brain and spinal cord.

6. Droopy eyelids(ptosis) is also a cause for it.

7. It may also occur in case of  grave’s eye disease (thyroid eye disease).

8. Next it may happen from stye. Another cause is black eye from an injury, fracture of bony orbit.

9. It may also arise in cases of sinusitis (inflammation of mucous membranes lining the paranasal sinuses).

10. In females, it may be a fallout of PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

11. Apart from the above, in rare cases it can be from eye cancer.

What Other Symptoms May Occur With Puffy eyes?

Puffy eyes may occur along with other eye symptoms depending on the cause. These include itching in eyes, eye discharge, dry eyes, sensitivity to light, excessive tears from eyes and redness of eyes.

In some cases, puffy eyes occur along with nasal symptoms as in allergic rhinitis. These include sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, post-nasal drip. In some cases, sore throat, fatigue, headache and cough may also be present.

There are some serious symptoms which accompany puffy eyes that need urgent medical care, like high fever, bleeding from eyes, eye pain, sudden vision changes, vision loss, sudden swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, breathing problem and bulging eyes with pain, redness and fever.


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Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabadilla Officinalis is sourced from plant Cebadilla. It belongs to the family melanthaceae (of the liliaceae). The seeds of the plant Cebadilla are subjected to potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties). Following this process, homeopathic remedy Sabadilla Officinalis is obtained which is of great service to treat nasal allergies, colds and recurrent sneezing.

Drug Action

This medicine principally acts on the mucus membrane of nose. Its action is also felt on lachrymal glands, throat, gastric tract, anus, head, eyes, skin and nerves.

Clinical Indications

Nasal allergy, sneezing, cold, runny nose, sore throat, lachrymation, blue rings around eyes, headache, itchy scalp, worm infestation, stomach pain, cough, earache, noises in ear, dry skin.

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nose (Nasal Allergy, Sneezing, Runny Nose, Cold)

This medicine has an extensive action on the mucus membrane of nose. It treats complaints of nasal allergies, cold, influenza, runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching. It is one of the best homeopathic medicine for cases of nasal allergy also known as hay fever. It is a nasal condition in which cold-like symptoms occur, like runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes that happen from an over-reaction of immune cells to harmless substances like pollen, dust etc in a person having allergic tendency. Sabadilla is well indicated when there is runny nose, profuse watery nasal discharge along with sneezing. Tickling, tingling or itching in nose may be felt. Additionally, redness of eyes and watering from eyes may be there. At a given time, either of the two nostrils is blocked which causes difficulty in breathing. Snoring is experienced by the person. Next, frontal pain in head attends. Another peculiar indication for using this remedy is cold with runny nose/sneezing which get worse from strong odour like perfumes.

Key indicating features

Nasal allergy with runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching

Cold with frontal headache

Cold with runny nose/sneezing from strong odours

2. Throat (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis)

With its action on throat, it offers great help in managing cases of chronic sore throat. In most cases needing it, sore throat begins in the left side and then goes to the right side. The tonsils are swollen and inflamed. Pain in the throat is felt from empty swallowing. Cold air makes the complaint worse. Relief is noted by taking warm food or warm drinks. Stitching pain in throat is experienced while swallowing. There is feeling of a lump in the throat and person has constant desire to swallow it. Sometimes, a sensation of skin hanging loosely in throat is felt. Occasionally, it feels as if a morsel of food has got stuck in the throat leading to cough. The throat may feel dry or there can be tough phlegm in throat with need to hawk.

Key indicating features

Sore throat beginning on left side then going to the right side

Sore throat worse from cold air and better from warm drinks/food

3. Gastric Ailments (Worms, Stomach Pain)

Sabadilla is effective in dealing with gastric ailments. Firstly, it is used to treat worms, mostly tapeworms, pin worms and ascarides worms. It gives substantial relief in itching and crawling sensation felt in the anus due to worms.  It also helps in easing the burning sensation or pain felt in navel region. There may be changes in the bowel movement. The stool can be hard and scanty or there may occur diarrhea with loose, brown and frothy stool. Pinching pain around navel and loud rumbling can be felt before passing stool. There may be burning sensation in abdomen and rectum after passing stool.  Sometimes, blood passes with stool. There is excessive passage of gas. Other than these, Sabadilla is indicated to manage twisting/ turning type of pain in abdomen. Rest of the symptoms include bloating, cutting type of pain in the intestine, abdomen pain with a characteristic sensation of a ball moving in the abdomen, burning sensation in stomach and food pipe, and loss of appetite.

Key indicating features

Worm infestations include tapeworm, pin worms, ascarides worms

Itching, crawling sensation in the anus

Pain in navel region in cases of worms

4. Cough

This medicine has also shown clinical improvement in cases of cough. Sabadilla mostly helps in cases of dry cough that arises from roughness or scratchiness or scraping in throat. Coughing mostly worsens at night, as soon as a person lies down. In some cases, pain at the top of head (vertex) is felt along with cough. Sweating, vomiting and watering from eyes are other accompanying symptoms. Difficulty in breathing, burning sensation in chest and wheezing may also happen.  Sabadilla can also be given for cough that worsens from cold.

Key indicating features

Cough arising from roughness or scratchiness in throat

Cough worsening at night, as soon as one lies down and from cold

5. Ears (Earache, Noises In Ears)

This medicine also acts on ears where it is beneficial to manage cases of ear pain, noises in ears (tinnitus), itching in ears. Along with pain in the ear, there is pressure on the ear. Mostly stitching pain especially in left ear is felt. In case of tinnitus, a person hears humming or gurgling noises in ear. There can be difficulty in hearing too.

Key indicating features

Pain in ear with pressure sensation

Humming, gurgling noises in ears

6. Eyes (Redness Of Eyelids, Lachrymation, Blue Rings)

In case of eyes, Sabadilla can be given to manage redness of eyelids attended with burning sensation. Next, it can be used for excessive watering from eyes (lachrymation) while coughing, sneezing or walking in open air. It is also beneficial for cases of blue rings around the eyes.

Key indicating features

Redness and burning of eyelids

Lachrymation during sneezing, coughing and walking in open air

7. Head (Headache, Itchy Scalp)

Sabadilla is a useful medicine to manage headache. It is mainly preferred to manage headache that occurs with cold. The pain, in this case, is frequently experienced in frontal part of head.  There may be heaviness in the head usually in forehead and sides of head (temporal region) in case of nasal allergy. Next peculiar indication to use it is headache that follows excessive thinking or some intellectual thinking. The pain occurs on one side of the head or on alternating sides. It gets better by eating. Sabadilla can be given in cases of itching and burning on the scalp, crawling sensation can also be felt.

Key indicating symptoms

Headache in frontal part of head with cold

Headache from overthinking and intellectual work

8. Skin Complaints (Dry Skin, Crawling Sensation)

Last sphere of action of Sabadilla is skin where it is useful for dry skin. Burning sensation on skin can be present. It is also effective in managing crawling sensation like that of ants. Lastly, it works well in cases of thick, horny, deformed nails.

Key indicating features

Creeping, crawling sensation on skin

Thick, horny, deformed nails


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from cold air, cold drinks, strong odors, and mental exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from warm food and drinks, heat, being wrapped up


This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. In low potency like 30C, one may take it frequently around two to three times a day. But in high potency like 200C, 1M frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Conium, Lachesis, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla

Followed well by Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla

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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic Rhinitis

Are you suffering from frequent sneezing attacks, runny nose and itchy eyes? If yes, then you are suffering from allergic rhinitis, simply called nasal allergy. Also known as hay fever, this condition sometimes causes breathing problems and is then called hay asthma. Homeopathic medicines can provide significant relief to those who suffer from allergic rhinitis not only temporarily but also a long-term cure for nasal allergy.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic Rhinitis

The top five homeopathic medicines to treat allergic rhinitis are Natrum Mur, Sabadilla, Arsenic Album, Allium Cepa and Arundo Mauritanica. Two medicines that require a special mention in homeopathy are Galphima Glauca and Histaminum. Both of them have been lately introduced in homeopathy and have done wonders in treating the acute symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

1. Natrum MurTop-grade medicine

It is the leading homeopathic medicine for treating allergic rhinitis. It covers nearly all the problem areas and is the most widely used homeopathic medicine for treating nasal allergy. Violent sneezing and runny nose is the foremost guiding symptom to put it into use. The nasal discharge is thin and watery resembling the raw white of an egg. This discharge may flow for a day or two followed by nasal blockage which makes breathing difficult. Frequent sneezing occurs early in the morning and a sensation of a small worm wriggling in the nostril is felt. Loss of smell and taste may also be noted.

When  Should one use Natrum Mur?

It is the first choice of every homeopath for treating almost every case of allergic rhinitis. Whenever a person is having intense sneezing and runny nose, this medicine can be given without a second thought. It is suitable for persons of all age groups .

2. Sabadilla – for complaints worsening from strong smells

It is a natural medicine sourced from seeds of Cebadilla plant. It is used when a person is oversensitive to strong smells.  The most noteworthy symptom to use this medicine is marked sneezing, along with runny nose which gets worse with strong odors, for example, perfume. It is followed by watering and redness in the eyes. Stuffed nose may sometimes add to your woes.

When to use Sabadilla?

Sabadilla can be given to persons who have a runny nose after exposure to strong odors e.g. perfume, along with sneezing .

3. Arsenic Albumfor watery nasal discharge with a burning sensation

Though placed at number three, it is equally effective as the above-mentioned two medicines. The only difference is that it is prescribed by a homeopath based on different symptoms. It is recommended when there is thin watery nasal discharge that causes a burning sensation in the nose, and excoriation which means peeling away of the skin of the nostrils. It is accompanied by sneezing. The patient’s condition worsens in the open air, but feels better indoors. Sometimes, you might have a stuffy nose along with the above-mentioned symptoms.

When and how to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be used when watery discharge flows from the nose that causes burning sensation and excoriation (damage or peeling of skin) in nostrils, along with sneezing. Use of this medicine is recommended in both low and high potencies. In the beginning, one may use 30C potency once or twice a day. For using high potencies, prior consultation with homeopathic physician is a must.

4. Allium Cepa for irritating, burning nasal discharge and non- irritating  eye discharge

The most pressing indication to use this medicine is profuse, watery irritating burning nasal discharge and copious, non-irritating eye discharge. In severe cases, the nasal discharge burns and corrodes (damages) the nose and upper lips due to acidic nature. It is accompanied by sneezing. Allium is also recommended when sneezing and nasal discharge worsen on entering a warm room and get better in open air. It is also effective when intense sneezing occurs on rising from bed. When nasal allergy worsens in spring or early in the month of August, Allium Cepa is the most extensively used remedy.

When and how to use Allium Cepa?

Nasal discharge that causes burning, corroding in nose and upper lip, with non–irritating eye discharge is the classic indicator to use this medicine. This medicine can also be used in both low and high potencies. It is safe to use it in 30 C potency in the beginning, once a day to thrice a day depending on the severity of symptoms, but for high potencies like 200 C or more, prior consultation with homeopathic physician is strictly advised.

5. Arundo Mauritanica – for itching in nostrils, with sneezing

The most outstanding symptom pointing to its use is itching in nostrils and sneezing. Itching of palate (roof of mouth) and eyes is also felt along with burning sensation.

When and how to use Arundo?

The key symptom is itching in nostrils with intense sneezing. It can be taken two to three times a day in 30C power.

Note Whenever taking any of these medicines, you may continue for about 2 to 3 weeks. If symptoms persist or you wish to continue any of these medicines beyond 3 weeks, it is strictly advised to seek consultation from a homeopathic physician. Also, do not take high potencies without consulting a homeopathic doctor.

What causes allergic rhinitis?

It is a part of the reaction of the body to a misdirected defense response from the body. This occurs when the body’s own defense cells called antibodies start attacking substances like pollen, wheat threshing dust, dust, etc. In other words, the body’s defense cells, which are meant to fight micro-organisms like bacteria and viruses, start attacking substances like pollen which are otherwise harmless to our body. This interaction between the defense cells (antibodies) and substances like pollen, wheat threshing dust (antigens), etc. results in the production of a substance, histamine, which is responsible for all local symptoms produced during allergies.

What are the symptoms?

Some symptoms arise immediately after exposure to the allergen and some of the symptoms may develop later. Its pertinent to mention here that symptoms of allergic rhinitis are not life-threatening but can seriously affect the quality of one’s life. The symptoms may occur only in a particular season or all the year around, which depends on the type of allergic rhinitis.

Following symptoms arise immediately on exposure to allergen:

– sneezing that can range from a few to many

–  profuse watery discharge from the nose

– itching in the nose, eyes, roof of the mouth and throat

– watery, red eyes

Following symptoms may occur later:

– blocked stuffy nose

– cough

– sore, scratchy throat

– headache

– blockage in ears

– reduced sense of smell

– fatigue, irritability, feeling ill

– difficulty in breathing in some patients

-dark under-eye circles

What are the two types of allergic rhinitis?

The two types include seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis

It occurs during a particular time of the year i.e. in spring, summer and early fall. It occurs from response to outdoor allergens like pollen. It occurs during this time because pollen count is high with trees and weeds in full bloom.

Perennial allergic rhinitis

Its symptoms can occur throughout the year. It happens from exposure to indoor allergens like dust mites and pet dander. The symptoms may worsen in winter when time spent indoors increases.

 How homeopathy helps in curing allergic rhinitis?

In allergic rhinitis, homeopathic medicines work by optimizing the overactive immune system. Homeopathic medicines provide a stimulus (in a highly diluted form) to the body similar to what the trigger or allergen would have produced, leading to the gradual desensitization of the immune system. Homeopathic medicines used for treating allergic rhinitis mainly come from plants or organic substances. So, they do not have any side-effects and help in recovering naturally.

 What are the common allergens that trigger nasal allergy?

The common allergens that can trigger nasal allergy are as follows:

–   different kinds of pollen (powder coming from flowering plants): Tree pollen, grass pollen

–  weeds

–  mites in the dust inside our homes

–  mold

–  animal dander (tiny flakes shed from skin) from pets like dogs, cats

–  wood dust

Allergic rhinitis occurs from allergies but there are certain external factors that can trigger or aggravate allergic rhinitis. Some of these include strong smells like perfumes, cigarette smoke, wind, cold temperature, wood smoke and fumes.

 Who is at risk?

Though anyone can suffer from it, those having a family history of allergic rhinitis or some other allergies are at more risk. People who have atopic eczema and asthma are also highly prone.

Is allergic rhinitis contagious?

No, it is not contagious. It means it does not spread from one person to another via inhalation of respiratory droplets from the person suffering from allergic rhinitis.

How to know if it is allergic rhinitis, cold or flu?

Many people tend to confuse allergic rhinitis with cold or flu due to some similar symptoms. Here are some points to differentiate between these two conditions.

– In allergic rhinitis, sneezing and thin clear watery nasal discharge and symptom may last for many weeks, longer (even all the year around) than a cold.

– In allergic rhinitis, itching in the nose, throat, eyes, mouth is common and fever is absent. Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction and not contagious. However, in case of cold or flu, the nasal discharge tends to be thick and a person can also have fever. Sneezing and sore throat may also occur. In most of the cases, cold happens from a virus and it is contagious. It lasts from 3 days to a week and in extreme cases, not more than two weeks.

Can allergic rhinitis lead to any complications?

Yes, sometimes a few complications can arise from allergic rhinitis. These include development of asthma or worsening of asthma, frequent sinus infections, frequent ear infections. The symptoms may cause poor sleep or inability to sleep at night.

Can hay fever be prevented?

Though allergic rhinitis cannot be prevented but some preventive measures can help reduce the intensity of its symptoms. These are as follows:

– During seasons when pollen is in the air,  prefer staying indoors as much as possible

– When pollen count is high, keep the windows closed

– Wash hands immediately after handling pets

– Change clothes or take shower as soon you come home after being outdoors

– Use dust and mite-proof bedding covers

– Use air conditioner to decrease amount of allergens in the air

Role of Vitamin D in managing allergic rhinitis symptoms

According to a research paper published in Asia Pacific allergy journal (The role of Vitamin D in allergic rhinitis), decreased levels of Vitamin D worsens allergic rhinitis symptoms. Vitamin D controls or modulate defense cells (over-activation of which increases allergic rhinitis symptoms), so vitamin D levels are very important to treat allergic rhinitis.

As per research paper European Respiratory Journal, in persons with low vitamin D levels, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis were severe. A trial was done in which placebo (plain non medicated pills) was given to 50 pc of the persons who participated in the trial and the rest 50 pc were given oral vitamin D (chole-calciferol 1000 IU) for thirty days.

It was seen that there was significant reduction in the symptoms of allergic rhinitis in those who were given vitamin D supplement but symptoms persisted in those who received placebo.

In a similar experiment by the Pediatric Department of University of Lordz in Poland, a trial was done on children.  It was seen that in children who received vitamin D 1000 IU daily, there was significant reduction in allergy symptoms.

From the above-mentioned papers, it is clearly evident that vitamin D 1000 IU daily during allergy period can offer significant relief.


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Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Allium Cepa is derived from red onion belonging to the family liliaceae. It undergoes a potentization process (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance) to turn into a very useful homeopathic medicine Allium Cepa. It is highly effective to manage nasal allergies, colds, and nerve pain.
Allium Cepa

The ‘Allium Cepa’ Constitution

This medicine suits well persons who are prone to nasal allergies and cold. 

Drug Action

It has an effect on the nose, sinuses, ears, eyes, throat, larynx and nerves. With its medicinal properties it helps in reducing inflammation in these body parts. It is a good natural medicine to treat nasal allergies. Nasal discharges, sneezing and eye watering is marked in these cases. 

Clinical Indications

Cold, sneezing, nasal allergies, sinusitis, laryngitis, nerve inflammation (neuritis), cough, earache, headache and shoe bite.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Nasal Problems (runny nose, sneezing, nasal polyps, sinusitis)

It has marked action on the nose and treats a number of nasal conditions effectively. It proves to be infallible in cases of cold and nasal allergies (hay fever). It can be given when there is profuse, watery discharge from the nose. The discharge is irritating and causes much burning. It causes burning and redness of the upper lips and edge of the nostrils. There is sneezing with nasal discharge that can be constant. It also works well for sneezing in the morning soon after rising from bed. Itching in the nose also stands prominent. The nose feels stopped at times. There is a lump sensation or in some cases pain at the root of the nose. Watering from eyes can be present. It can effectively deal with the headache that accompanies a cold.
This remedy is also helpful in nasal polyps. These are benign means non-cancerous growths in the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses. Besides the above complaints, it is one of the most effective remedies for sinusitis (inflammation of paranasal sinuses). 

Key indicating features:

Acrid nasal discharge 
Sneezing that is almost constant
Nasal polyps

  1. Eyes (eye watering, bland eye discharge)

For eyes it is an important medicine to manage multiple concerns. It effectively manages excessive watering from eyes. It is mostly bland (means without any itching, burning, irritation). Rarely may it lead to itching, burning and a smarting sensation in the eyes. This is attended with the desire to rub the eyes. Above symptoms may occur along with nasal discharges. It is also given for cases of swelling of the lids and swelling around eyes, accompanied with cold. There is redness of the eyes with sensitivity to touch. 

Key indicating features:

Excessive eye watering
Bland eye discharge without irritation, burning

  1. Ears (itchy ears, earache, noises in ears)

If we talk of ears this medicine is useful to manage itching in the ears arising from allergic conditions. Next it helps to manage earache. It could be attended with pus discharge from the ear. Difficulty in hearing may be present. There may also occur noises in the ears (tinnitus). These may be buzzing, roaring or humming. 

Key indicating features

Ear itching from allergies
Buzzing, roaring, humming noises in ears

  1. Head (headache with cold)

Its further action is noted on the head where it is recommended to manage headache. It is selected mainly to treat headache that occurs with cold. Mostly the pain is felt in the forehead. From here it may radiate to the face and the eyes. Persons needing it may experience a worsening headache especially in a warm room.

Key indicating features

Headache with cold
Headache in warm room

  1. Throat concerns (inflamed larynx, throat pain, itching in throat and palate)

With its action on the throat, it mainly treats cases of laryngitis (inflammation of larynx – means voice box). There is hoarseness of voice and tickling in the larynx. Lump sensation is also felt in the throat. Additionally there can occur throat pain that radiates to the ear. Tough, sticky mucus in the throat is another symptom that may attend. Itching and burning in the back of the throat and the palate are yet other strong indications to use it.

Key indicating features:

Larynx inflammation with hoarse voice
Itching in back of throat and palate

  1. Cough 

This medicine can be given for cases of cough, where it arises from tickling in the larynx. It is attended with a sensation as if the larynx would be torn away. Cough is a harsh, ringing type that may cause watering from the eyes. There may be rattling in the chest and tough mucus expectoration. It can also treat coughs that occur from inhaling cold air. It has proven to be beneficial when cough occurs with a runny nose and eyes watering.

Key indicating features:

Cough from tickling in larynx
Cough with runny nose, watery eyes

  1. Nerve complaints (nerve pain / inflammation, facial paralysis)

When it comes to nerves, this medicine is well indicated for managing nerve inflammation and nerve pain. Most importantly it offers help for these complaints occurring from an injury to nerves. Other than this it is also beneficial for nerve pain that might happen after amputation (surgical removal of a limb or a part of it). The characteristic to use this particular remedy is nerve pain, much like a fine thread. The nature of pain can be burning or stinging type. It is most indicated for nerve pain in face, neck, chest and head. Other than these its use can be considered for cases of facial paralysis (loss of facial movement from damaged muscles), especially of left side. 

Key indicating features:  

Nerve pain and inflammation
Nerve pain like a fine thread
Facial paralysis on left side

  1. Gastric troubles (stomach pain, diarrhoea, worms)

In case of gastric issues, it can be helpful in complaints like stomach pain, offensive flatus (gas), distended abdomen, diarrhoea, worms. With its action on the abdomen, it can manage pain in the navel area, especially when sitting, that gets better from walking. It can resolve stomach pain specifically from eating salads, cucumber. It is effective to manage diarrhoea with discharge of offensive gas. There may also be rumbling and distension of the abdomen followed by loose stool. Last concern in the gastric system that this remedy helps manage is worms and associated itching.

Key indicating features: 

Stomach pain from eating cucumbers, salads
Diarrhoea with offensive gas
Worms with itching

  1. Skin complaints (Shoe bite)

Lastly it is used for some of the skin complaints. It is a classic medicine to treat cases of shoe bite. Here it is helps to treat ulcers that form on the feet from rubbing off by shoes. Other than this it could be given for prickling or pin needle sensation on skin; red, itchy skin and measles with symptoms of cold. 

Key indicating features:
Shoe bite to heal ulcers on feet
Prickling sensation on skin


Worsening factors:  complaints seem to worsen in warm room and in the evening time
Relieving factors: going in a cold room or open air brings relief

Allium Cepa – Dosage 

It can be used from low to high potencies. It is a short acting medicine and can be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arnica, Chamomilla, Nux Vomica, Thuja and Veratrum Album

Followed well by Calcarea Carb and Silica

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13 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Mold Allergy

Mold is a type of fungus that resides in damp environments and can be found both outdoors (like on leaves, grass, rotting wood) and indoors (like in dark, damp basements, bathroom tiles or around windows). Mold allergy refers to an allergic reaction in some people (who are over-sensitive to these allergens) from inhaling its spores. It results in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, watery eyes. Homeopathic remedies for mold allergy work by moderating the overactive immune system that causes a hyperactive response towards allergen mold. Homeopathic remedies for mold allergy

From a wide variety of molds, only a few tend to cause allergic reactions. The most common molds that can cause allergies include alternaria, cladosporium, aspergillus,   penicillium, helminthosporium, epicoccum, fusarium, smuts. 

The immune system of the sufferer overreacts on breathing  mold spores. Just like any other nasal allergy, mold allergy occurs from overactive immune response to inhaled airborne allergen (in this case mold spores are the allergens). When these spores enter the body of the sufferer then  his / her body recognizes them as something foreign and harmful so produces an overreaction to get rid of them. The body releases chemicals like histamine in response to inhaled mold spores that lead to symptoms of mold allergy symptoms. 

There are some people who are at high risk of mold allergy. Firstly, persons having a family history of allergies are at risk. Secondly, residing in a house that has high humidity levels or working in some occupations ( like dairy work, farming, carpentry) puts a person at risk of it. Lastly people who live in poorly ventilated houses are also prone to develop mold allergies.


The signs and symptoms of this allergy are similar to other respiratory allergies. It includes sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes, itching in the nose or throat, post nasal drip and cough. It may also lead to dry, scaly skin.  Mold exposure may also trigger asthma in some cases. The symptoms of asthma are cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. 

The symptoms of mold allergy vary from person to person. The intensity of the symptoms also vary from mild to intense from case to case. 

The symptoms may appear in damp weather. Being in an environment having high concentration of mold tends to trigger the symptoms. In some cases the symptoms are present throughout the year while in others these occur during some time period of a year.


In most cases only hay fever type symptoms occur in case of mold allergies.

But sometimes it can cause severe allergic reactions. The resulting conditions include asthma, fungal sinusitis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (inflammation of lungs from airborne particles like mold spores). Other than these it can lead to skin infection or infections of the mucous membranes. Lastly, it can cause systemic infections in people having impaired immune systems.

Homeopathic Remedies for Mold Allergy

Homeopathy carries a very good scope to treat cases of mold allergy. Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage its symptoms. The symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes, nasal itching, post nasal drip, throat itching and cough can be well managed with them. With use of these medicines the intensity and frequency of complaint gradually decreases. Homeopathic medicines for mold allergy are selected based on the symptoms in every individual case. So one should opt to use any such medicine under guidance of a homeopathic doctor who can prescribe best suitable medicine after detailed case study.

  1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing mold allergy. Persons needing it have violent sneezing and watery discharge from the nose. They may also have an alternate runny nose and dry nose. Nasal stoppage with difficulty in breathing may occur. Sometimes watering from eyes is there. They can also have redness, itching, burning sensation in the eyes. It is also one of the best medicines for managing sinusitis. 

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Runny Nose, Sneezing 

It is a well-indicated medicine for managing these cases. It is helpful when a person experience runny nose and sneezing. In spite of a runny nose, a blocked sensation is felt in the nose. Along with these burning sensation in nostrils is felt.  Itching in nostrils is also there. The symptoms for using this medicine  are worse in open air and are better indoors. It is also a prominent medicine for managing asthma symptoms. Other than these it is also indicated to manage dry, scaly skin.

  1. Allium Cepa – For Sneezing and Excoriating Nasal Discharge

This medicine is prepared from red onions that belong to family liliaceae. It is effective to manage cases in which there is sneezing and excoriating nasal discharges. These discharges lead to burning and smarting in the nose and on the upper lip. In cases where it is required the sneezing mostly gets worse in a warm room. Along with nasal discharge headache and cough are present. Other than above a lump sensation at the root of the nose is felt. Lastly, watering from eyes is there which doesn’t cause any burning. 

  1. Sabadilla – For Sneezing, Coryza and Red Watery Eyes

It is a natural medicine prepared from seeds of plant Sabadilla Officinalis having the common name Cebadilla. It belongs to the family melanthiaceae. It is suitable for cases in which sneezing, coryza are accompanied with red, watery eyes. When it is needed the discharge from the nose is copious and watery. There is an itching and tickling sensation in the nose along with this that causes the person to rub the nose. Other than this stuffed sensation in one or the other nostril is felt. Pain in the forehead can attend to the above symptoms. An over sensitivity to odours is also present in addition to these. 

  1. Arundo – For Marked Itching in the Nostrils

This medicine is prepared from root sprouts of plant Arundo Mauritanica commonly known as Italian grass. It belongs to the family gramineae.  It offers best help in casing having marked itching in the nostrils. Sneezing and nasal discharges are present with this. Itching can also be felt in the eyes and roof of the mouth. Burning sensation may also be there in the eyes and roof of the mouth. 

  1. Ambrosia – For Sneezing, Itchy, Watery Eyes

It is prepared from fresh flower heads and young shoots of plant Ambrosia Artemisiefolia. It belongs to the family composite. It works well in cases presenting with sneezing and itchy, watery eyes. Sneezing is so intense  that it can even lead to bleeding  from the nose. Other symptoms that are present are watery nose, redness, smarting and burning in the eyes. Lastly, stuffed feeling in the nose, head and sinus congestion can accompany above symptoms. 

  1. Wyethia – For Itchy Palate

This medicine is prepared from the root of plant Wyethia Helenoides that belongs to family compositae. This medicine is helpful when there is itching on the palate. Along with this dry, hacking cough is present. Throat feels dry. A sensation of something stuck in my nose is also felt. 

  1. Euphrasia – For Watery Eyes , Red, Itchy Eyes

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Euphrasia Officinalis commonly known as eyebright. It belongs to the family scrofulariaceae. Use of this medicine is highly recommended when eye symptoms are marked like red, itchy, watery eyes. Along with watering from eyes  burning, biting, smarting sensation is felt in the eyes. Sensation of sand in eyes may accompany these symptoms. There is profuse discharge from the nose which is bland and does not cause any burning. Runny nose is present in the daytime while at night the nose feels blocked. 

  1. Kali Bichrome – For Managing Post Nasal Discharge

It is an important medicine for managing post nasal discharge. For using it the discharge from posterior nares is of thick, stringy mucus. Sneezing and pressure at the root of the nose can be there with this. Violent sneezing, especially in the morning can be present. It is also a leading homeopathic medicine for cases of sinusitis.

  1. Arsenic Iodatum – For Watery Nasal Discharge with Burning

This medicine is useful when there is watery discharge from the nose accompanied with intense burning sensation. The nasal discharge is so acrid that reddens the upper lip. Along with this there is irritation and tingling sensation in the nose.  This is attended with a constant desire to sneeze. In some cases discharge from posterior nares is there. 

  1. Gelsemium – For Sneezing, Runny Nose and Fullness at Root of Nose

It is prepared from bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to the family loganiaceae. It is a beneficial medicine for cases in which sneezing, runny nose and fullness at the root of nose. The sneezing is worse in the early morning in cases needing it. The nasal discharge feels hot. Itching and ticking in the soft palate attend above symptoms. Sometimes the nose feels stuffed up. 

  1. Dulcamara – For Nasal Blockage 

It is prepared from fresh green stems and leaves of plants commonly known as woody nightshade and bittersweet. It belongs to the family solanaceae. It works well when there is nasal blockage. It is attended with problems in breathing through the nose. Other symptoms that attend are  constant sneezing and watery discharge  from nose and eyes.

  1. Justicia Adhatoda – For Fluent Coryza  with Constant Sneezing

Justicia Adhatoda is a significant medicine prepared from fresh leaves of plant malabar nuts. It belongs to the family acanthaceae. It is indicated for managing cases in which there is fluent coryza with constant sneezing. It is accompanied with watering from the eyes. Cough may also be present.

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Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is prepared from the white oxide of metallic Arsenic, . A solution is prepared by diluting aqueous arsenic . It is diluted till the point where no trace of arsenic is left behind in the solution and it is no longer poisonous. This can then be used as a medicine to treat a wide range of diseases without any side effects.   Arsenic Album

The ‘Arsenic Album’ Constitution

Arsenic Album is adapted to a hydrogenoid constitution. It is suited to people of full plethoric habit (excessive blood in the body.) It is also suitable for young, anaemic people.

Drug Action

Arsenic Album is a deep-acting, polychrest medicine that has prominent action on almost every organ of the body. Action of Arsenic Album is marked on the nerves where it helps to treat neuralgia and neuritis. It also acts on blood and blood-vessels and helps to treat varices, anaemia and conditions where there is a loss of blood (as in metrorrhagia, haemoptysis.) Apart from the above, its action on the nose, mind, lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract and skin is highly commendable.

Clinical Indications

Arsenic Album is used to treat anxiety, OCD, Asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, food poisoning, allergic rhinitis, stomach inflammation & ulcers, psoriasis, eczema, enlarged liver,  and hepatitis.

Scope As a Homeopathic Remedy 

1. Mental Complaints 

Arsenic Album is a leading remedy for treating complaints of the mind. It works on a deep psychological level to aid relief in cases of many mind complaints, primarily indicated for anxiety, fears and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

Anxiety and Fears

A person having anxiety issues can benefit from this remedy. The major anxieties in such cases include anxiety about health, about future, about little affairs of life. Along with anxiety, excessive restlessness may also be present. The person finds rest nowhere and tends to change place continually. There is trembling, palpitations, sweating, and coldness of limbs. A constriction of the chest and difficulty in breathing attends. A night aggravation of anxiety may be seen. The affected person remains sleepless, and lots of fears prevail among them, the most common being a fear of death, fear of catching an infection and fear of financial loss.

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

This remedy is highly suggested for treating cases of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). It helps a person of OCD to overcome a habit of frequent hand washing. A person requiring Arsenic Album has marked fear of germs and catching an infection. He is obsessed with a thought that every object is dirty and carries germs. As a result a compulsion to wash hands arise and he frequently washes hands after touching any object to prevent infection.

Cold, Allergic Rhinitis, Hay Fever

This medicine has a marked action on the nasal mucous membranes and proves a very useful remedy for treating nasal complaints. A person having cold, influenza, allergic rhinitis/hay fever can be treated well. Here the guiding symptoms for its use are fluent nasal discharges along with frequent and violent sneezing. The nasal discharges are thin, watery, acrid, excoriating in nature. They cause burning, smarting in the nostrils. These discharges tend to corrode the upper lip. Nose may also feel stopped up. In case of influenza, excessive fatigue and tiredness attends nasal symptoms. Person needing this medicine may have worsening of symptoms in open air and feel relief indoors.

2. Respiratory Problems 

This medicine is highly recommended to treat respiratory complaints including asthma and pneumonia. In cases of asthma, it is indicated when there is difficulty breathing, constriction/tightness in chest and prominent wheezing in the chest. A suffocated sensation arises, and cough with yellow, green or frothy sputum attends. Sometimes a burning sensation in the chest is also felt. Anxiety and restlessness in a high degree may be present with breathing trouble. Asthma attacks that are worse on lying down or at night time are also treated wonderfully with Arsenic Album.


This medicine is also considered in cases of pneumonia where a key feature to use it is cough with dark, offensive or purulent sputum. Burning and heat in chest are well marked. Excessive weakness attends too. Pneumonia from taking cold is also suggestive of its use.

3. Gastro-intestinal Troubles

This remedy has a wonderful action on the GIT (gastrointestinal tract) where it helps to reduce inflammation in the gastric tract, relieve the burning pains and combat food poisoning.

Food Poisoning

This remedy is a first aid response to be used in cases of food poisoning. It aids in quick relief in diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting. The vomiting mainly contains clear water, and the stool is loose, offensive, and accompanied with extreme debility. Nausea and burning sensation in the abdomen is marked. Abdominal colic is present, and stomach disorders from taking bad meat, bad water, rotten cheese, watery fruits, alcoholism are also treated well with this medicine.

Gastritis and Stomach Ulcers

In case of gastritis and gastric ulcers, it is well-indicated when pain in stomach specifically violent burning type is present. Stomach burns as from hot coals inside it. Sometimes stitching or stinging in stomach is also felt. The epigastric region is sensitive to slightest touch. Distension, bloating, fullness, hardness and sensation of weight as from a stone in stomach attends. Least food is not tolerated and is vomited at once.

Heartburn and GERD 

It helps relieve heartburn when there is an extreme burning in the middle of chest. The food pipe seems to be burning as from a corroding substance. Along with this, nausea and vomiting may also appear.


Use of this medicine in piles is considered when excessive burning is present, and the piles burn as if like fire. Along with it, there is a marked stitching pain while walking or sitting.


In cases of diarrhoea, this medicine is indicated when the stools are watery with tearing, cutting pain in abdomen. The stool is profuse and is very offensive (like rotten eggs.) The stool may be brownish or greenish in colour. Mucus and undigested particles may be present in the stool. Sometimes the stool passes involuntarily and a violent burning in the abdomen before and during loose stools is present. Extreme weakness (sometimes with fainting) and a cold sweat appears.


The symptoms indicating the need for this remedy in cases of dysentry are a watery stool which is highly offensive mixed with blood. The blood is dark most times, and the stool may pass involuntarily. Great prostration appears with the above symptoms. Violent burning in the abdomen is present, and chilliness, anxiety, and cutting pain in the abdomens present before passing stool. During stool, there is a burning in the anus and rectum and the rectum feels contracted.

4. Skin Issues 

A number of skin issues are taken care of with this homeopathic remedy, like Psoriasis, eczema, and more. 

For Psoriasis, this medicine helps relieve the dryness, roughness and excessive scaling from the lesions.

In cases of eczema, this medicine works well where there are dry, scaly eruptions. It is attended with marked itching and burning. This remedy helps heal dry, scaly eruptions as well as control the accompanied itching and burning.

Apart from the above, some other skin complaints that are treated with Arsenic Album are lichen Planus, ringworm, urticaria, herpes zoster and gangrene.

5. Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

This remedy is of great service in treating cases of chronic fatigue syndrome where there is excessive fatigue from little exertion, a lack of strength to do anything, a desire to lie down all the time due to fatigue and anxiety attended with weakness.

6. Liver Disorders 

This is an important medicine for enlarged liver and hepatitis. In such cases, pressure and tension in  right hypochondrium is present. Most times burning or stitching pain in the region of liver, or a pressing pain may be present. The right hypochondrium also feels bloated.

7. Sleep Issues

This is a good remedy to treat sleeplessness present with restlessness and anxiety. There is constant tossing and turning in the bed. It is also indicated for sleep full of tiresome dreams full of care, sorrow, fear, death, and misfortunes.

8. Urinary Complaints

Arsenic Album is indicated to treat cystitis and nephritis (kidney inflammation). The symptoms that are present includes scanty urine along with burning. Urine passes with difficulty and is turbid and purulent. Pus and blood with a fetid door passes in the urine. Fever and restlessness arise with above, and in severe cases, albumen passes in the urine. Stitches in the renal region may also be present. 


This remedy can be used in both low and high potencies. It is used in low potencies in GIT complaints and renal disease, while in cases of nervous disease and skin-related problems, higher potencies are recommended.

Relationship to Other Remedies

The complementary medicines are Carbo Veg, Phosphorus, Thuja.

The antidotes are Camphor, China, Nux vomica, Opium and Veratrum Album.

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Abortion Achalasia Cardia Acne
Acne Rosacea Acne Scars
Adenoids Adenomyosis ADHD – Abusiveness
ADHD Agnus Castus Allergic Rhinitis & Homeopathy
Allergic Bronchitis Allergy Allergy Dust
Allergy Egg Allergy Eye Allergy Food
Allergy Milk Allergy Peanut Allergy pet
Allergy Pollen Allergy Wet Weather Allergy Wheat
Alopecia Alzeihmer’s Amoebiasis
Anal Abscess Anal Fissures Anal Fistula
Anal Itching Anal Warts Anger Management
Ankle Pain Ankylosing Spondylitis Anorectal Stricture
Anosmia Anxiety Anxiety Disorder Kids
Anxiety Generalised Arnica Arthritis Knee
Asperger’s Syndrome Asthma Asthma in Kids
Ataxia Athlete’s Foot Atopic Dermatitis
Autism – Homeopathy Autism – Treatment Autism – Homeopathic Treatment
Autism – Causes Autism – Behavior Therapy Autism – Testimonials
Autism – Carconisin Autism – Early Signs Autism – Good Eye Contact
Autism – Diagnose Autism – 10 Steps Autism – High Functioning
Autism 13 steps AVN


Back Pain Bacterial Infections Balanitis
Balding Barber’s Itch Bed Sores
Bedwetting Bells’s Palsy Bleeding between Periods
Bleeding Gums Blepharitis Blepharospasm
Body Odor Body Pains Boils
Bone Pain Borderline Personality Disorder BPPV
Bronchiectasis Bronchitis Bruxism
Bullous Pemphigoid Bunion Burns
Burping Problems


Calcarea Phos Cancer Carbuncle
Carpal Tunnel Cataract Celiac
Cellulitis Cervical Spondylosis Cervicitis
Chalazion Chest Congestion Chickenpox
Chikungunya Chillblains Cholera
Chorea Claustrophobia Clear & Glowing Skin
Climacteric Blues Cluster Headaches Coccydania
Cold Sensitivity Colds Colic in Babies
Colorectal Polyps Computer Vision Syndrome Conjuctivitis
Constipation Corns Cough
Cough Dry Cough Smoker’s Cough Variant Asthma
Cradle Cap Crohn’s Disease Cubital Tunnel Syndrome


Dandruff Dark Circles Dementia
Dementia Senile Dengue Depression
Depression Post Partum Depression in Kids Depression in Teenagers
Depression Winter Developmental Delay Diabetes
Diaper Rash Diplopia Disc Prolapse
Diverticulitis Dr. S.P Sharma Drug Addiction
Dry Frizzy Hair Dupuytren’s Contracture Dysentery
Dyslexia Dyspareunia Dysphagia
Dyspnea Dysuria


E.Coli Ear Discharge Ear Infections
Ear Pain Eczema Elbow Pain
Emphysema Endometriosis Enlarged Prostate
Epididymitis Epilepsy Epistaxis
Erectile Dysfunction Esophageal Varices Eustachian Tube Blockage
Excessive Sweating Eye Floaters Eyes DRY
Eyes Itchy


Facial Pigmentation Fallopian Tube Blockage Fatigue
Fatigue Chronic Fatty Liver Fear of Crowd
Fears & Phobias Felon Fever
Fever Blisters Fibroadenoma Fibromyalgia
First Aid – Winters First Aid Kit Flatulence
Flu Folliculitis Folliculitis Scalp
Food Poisioning Foot Pain Fractures
Freckles Frequent Urination Frozen Shoulder
Fungal Infection


Gaining Weight Gall Stones Ganglion Cysts
Gangrene Gas Problem Gastritis
Gastroenteritis Gastroparesis Genital Herpes
Genital Warts GERD Giardiasis
Gingivitis Glaucoma Glossitis
Goiter Golfer’s Elbow Gonorrhea
Gout Grave’s Disease Grief
Guttate Psoriasis


H. Pylori Hahnemman Hair Falling
Halitosis Hand Foot Mouth Disease Hangover
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Hay Fever Head Injuries
Headaches Heamoglobin Hearing Loss
Heartburn Heat Rash Heavy Bleeding
Heel Pain Heel Spurs Hernia
Hernia Hiatus High BP High BP
High Cholesterol High Uric Acid Hip Pain
Hoarse Voice Holistic Concept Homeopathy Homeopathy
Homeopathy – Myths Hormone Imbalance Hot Flashes Menopause
Housemaid’s Knee HPV Hydrastis
Hydrocele Hyperkeratosis Hyperthyroidism


IBD IBS Icthyosis
Ignatia Amara Impetigo Indigestion
Infertility Ingrown Toenails Insomnia
Intertrigo Itching


Jaundice Jobs Jock Itch
Joint Pains Juevenile Rheumatoid Arthritis


Keloids Keratoconus Kerratitis
Kidney Pain Kidney Stones Knee Bursitis
Knee Injuries Knee Pain


Labyrinthitis Lack of Self Confidence Laryngitis
Leaky Gut Syndrome Leg Cramps Leg Pain
Leucoderma Leucorrhea Lichen Planus
Lipoma Liver Abscess Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Problems Loose Stools Loss of Appetite
Low Blood Pressure Low Sperm Lumbar Spondylosis
Lycopodium Lyme Disease


Malaria Mastitis Memory
Meniere’s Disease Meningitis Migraine
Mind and Homeopathy Moles Molluscum Contagiosum
Mood Swings Mood Swings Morning Sickness
Motion Sickness Multiple Sclerosis Mumps
Muscle Pain Muscle Weakness Myopia
Myopia – Progressive


Nail Fungus Nasal Allergy & Homeopathy Nasal Polyps
Nausea Neck Stiffness Nephrotic Syndrome
Nerve Pain Nightmares Numbness in Feet
Numbness in Hands and Fingers Nux Vomica Nystagmus


Obstructive Sleep Apnea OCD ODD
Onion & Coffee Oral Lichen Planus Orchitis
Osgood Schlatter Disease Osteoarthritis Osteophytes
Osteoporosis Ovarian Cysts Ovarian Pain
Overactive Bladder


Pain in Hands & Fingers Painful Menses Palpitations
Pancreatitis PANDAS Panic Attacks
Paralysis Parkinson’s PCOS
Peptic Ulcer Peripheral Neuropathy Pharyngitis
Phlegm Photodermatitis PID
Piles Pilonidal Cyst Pinched Nerve
Pinworms Piriformis Syndrome Plantar Fascitis
Plantar Warts PMS Pneumonia
Post herpetic neuralgia Post Nasal Drip Pregnancy Related Complaints
Premature Ejaculation Premature Grey Hair Proctitis
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Prostatitis Psoriasis
Pterygium Ptosis PTSD
Pulsatilla for Women Pyorrhea


Quackery Quinsy


Raynaud’s Disease Reactive Arthritis Rectal bleeding
Rectal Prolapse Recurrent Infections in Kids Recurrent Mouth Ulcers
Reflux in Babies Removing Scars Restless Legs
Retinal Migraine Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rhinorrhea Rhus Tox Ringworm
Rotator Cuff Injury Rotavirus


Sacroilitis Salpingitis Scabies
Scalp Psoriasis Scanty Periods Schizophrenia
Sciatica Scoliosis Scope of Homeopathy
Seborrheic Dermatitis Seborrheic Keratosis Sepia for Females
Shingles Shoulder Pain SIBO
Silicea Sinus Sjogren’s Syndrome
Skin Cracked Skin Dry Skin Rashes
Slow Digestion Sneezing Snoring
Social Phobia Sore Muscles Sore throat
Spasmodic Dysphonia Speech Delay Spine Nerve Compression
Sprain Sprained Ankle Squint
Stammering Stiff Back Stiff neck
Stomach and Digestion Problems Stomach Ulcers Stool – Blood
Stool – Mucus Stool Incontinence Strep Throat
Stress Stuffy Blocked Nose Styes
Summer Diarhhea Sunburn Sunstroke
Swollen Ankles Swollen Knee Syphilis
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Teething Tennis Elbow Tension Headaches
Testosterone Thrombocytopenia Thrush
Thuja Tics Tinea Capitis
Tinea Versicolor Tinnitus TMJ
Tonsil Stones Tonsil Surgery Toothache
Tourette’s Syndrome Tremors Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigger Finger Typhoid


Ulcer’s Ulcerative Colitis Unwanted Facial Hair
Urethral Inflammation Urethral Stricture Urinary Problems
Urine – Incontinence Urine – Blood Urine – Burning
Urine – Pus Cells Urticaria Uterine Fibroids
Uterine Polyps Uterine Prolapse UTI


Vaginal Candidiasis Vaginal Dryness Vaginal Itching
Vaginitis Varicocele Varicose – Ulcers
Varicose – Veins Venous Insufficiency Vertigo and Dizziness
Viral Infections Vitiligo Vocal Cord Paralysis
Vocal Cord Nodules Vomiting


Warts Water Retention Watery Eyes
Weakness Weather Changes Weight Loss
Wheezing When Kids Dont Eat Worms
Wrist Pain Writer’s Cramp



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Top 3 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Pollen Allergy

pollen allergy homeopathy

The sudden appearance of symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes as a result of inhaling pollens is known as a pollen allergy. An inflammatory response against the pollen grains is triggered by the immune system of a person allergic to pollen. Of the many substances that can cause a seasonal allergy, pollens remain one of the most common triggers. Pollen is a powdery substance produced by flowers, weeds, trees, and grass. Most trees produce pollen during the spring season; flowers and grasses produce pollen during the summertime, and late-blooming plants like ragweed produce pollen around late summer and early autumn. Homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains can treat acute allergic reactions, as well as chronic allergic tendencies.

The pollens are spread by the wind and other means to fertilize plants of the same species. All of us tend to inhale pollens while breathing, and they don’t cause any problem for most of us. However, people who are allergic to pollen grains show the symptoms of an allergy. A pollen allergy is also known as Hay fever, and it usually subsides with the onset of cold weather.

Symptoms of a Pollen Allergy

Since every plant has its own pollinating period, the symptoms of pollen allergies are triggered when the particular plant is producing pollen. A person who is allergic to a specific type of pollen will develop allergic symptoms only when exposed to that particular pollen. The main symptoms of a pollen allergy include:

– A runny nose

– Sneezing

Stuffy or blocked nose

– Watery, itchy, red, swollen eyes

– Itchy, scratchy throat

– Cough

Asthmatic reaction with wheezing, breathlessness, and coughing

– Worsening of sinusitis complaint

Homeopathic Remedies for Pollen Allergy

Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat an acute allergic reaction and also work well to manage the chronic tendency towards pollen allergy. With the use of homeopathic treatment, the intensity and occurrence of the symptoms gradually decrease with every attack.
Antihistamines are most commonly used to treat allergic reactions in the conventional system of medicine. While they help deal with an acute allergic reaction, they only work on a short-term, temporary basis. Excessive use of these medications can cause side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, restlessness, nausea, and confusion.
Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, have no side effects. They help moderate the overactive immune system and are a safe, natural treatment for seasonal pollen allergies.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Seasonal Pollen Allergy

Natrum Mur – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Pollen Allergy

Natrum Mur is a top listed homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains. The person needing the medicine has a watery discharge from the nose and eyes. Along with this, violent sneezing (that is worse early in the morning) appears. Natrum Mur is also indicated when there is an alternating runny nose with a stuffy nose. Tickling in the throat along with a cough may also be present.

Key indications for using Natrum Mur for Allergy:

– Watery discharge from nose and eyes
– Early morning sneezing
– Alternate runny and stuffy nose

Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Violent Sneezing

Sabadilla Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the cevadilla seed that belongs to the natural order Melanthaceae. It is an effective homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains. The main characteristic feature that indicates the need for this remedy is violent, spasmodic sneezing followed by eye discharges. Along with this, itching and tickling sensations in the nose are present, which the person tends to rub excessively. Running nose with copious watery discharge, severe pain in the head in the frontal area, and obstruction of nostrils on alternate sides may also be present.

Key indications for using Sabadilla for Allergy:

-Violent sneezing
– Sneezing with itching, tickling in the nose
– Frontal pain in head

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Copious Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy with profuse watery nasal discharge and sneezing. The discharges are frequent and cause an itching, burning sensation in the nose. Acrid discharges can irritate the upper lip. The symptoms tend to get worse in the open air while staying indoors helps relieve the symptoms.

Key Indications for using Arsenic for Allergy:

– Copious watery discharge from the nose with sneezing
– Acrid, burning, excoriating nasal discharge
– Worsening of symptoms outdoors

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing and Watery Eyes

Allium Cepa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant called ‘red onion’ that belongs to the natural order Liliaceae. Sneezing with a runny nose and watery eyes are the main guiding symptoms to use Allium Cepa. The nasal discharges are acrid, burning and copious, with constant sneezing. Sneezing tends to worsen upon entering a warm room. A crawling, tingling, itching sensation in nostrils and itching in the throat is present. Allium Cepa is also indicated for cases where there is violent sneezing immediately upon rising from the bed. This medicine works well to treat pollen allergies and hay fever that appear during the spring season.

Key indications for using Allium Cepa for Allergy:

-Acrid, burning nasal discharge
– Bland eye discharge
– Hay fever in Spring

Euphrasia Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Itchy, Watery Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Euphrasia Officinalis is prepared from the plant called ‘Eyebright.’ It belongs to the family of Scrophulariaceae. It is used to treat pollen allergy which causes symptoms like itchy, watery eyes and coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane). The eye discharges are profuse and acrid. The discharges cause burning, biting, smarting, and scalding in the eyes. Eyes get red along with swelling of lids. Watery, profuse discharge from the nose (bland in nature) are noted. In some cases, fluent coryza during the day and obstruction of the nose at night is present. A cough and expulsion of phlegm may appear in the morning.

Key indications for using Euphrasia for Allergies:

– Profuse, acrid, burning eye discharges
– Red, itchy eyes
– Profuse watery nasal discharges

Other Important Homeopathic Medicines for Pollen Allergy

Arsenic Iod – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Burning Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Iod is an effective homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy with burning nasal discharge. Thin, watery, hot discharge drips from the nose. The discharge tends to cause soreness and redness of the upper lip. Irritation, tingling of the nose with a constant desire to sneeze is present. Irritating watery secretions and marked burning and smarting in eyes are also noted.

Arum Triphyllum – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Nasal Discharge and Stuffy Nose

Arum Triphyllum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from Indian turnip that belongs to the family Araceae. Fluent acrid discharge from the nose with a blocked nose, increased mouth breathing, raw and sore nostrils, irritated upper lip from the discharge, pain at the root of the nose and night sneezing are the indicating symptoms of this remedy.

Arundo Mauri – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Itching in Nostrils, Palate, and Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauri is prepared from Italian grass of the natural order Gramineae. Itching in nostrils, palate (roof of the mouth), and eyes are the key indications to use this medicine. Coryza and sneezing, loss of smell and prickling and burning in the eyes may also be present.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Wheezing

Arsenic Album is a homeopathic remedy used to treat pollen allergy with difficulty in breathing, wheezing in the chest (asthmatic complaint), suffocation and shortness of breath. Breathing is quick, short and anxious. The person cannot breathe adequately. Tightness, constriction, and oppression in the chest are present. The symptoms may get worse at midnight. A cough with thick, yellow-green mucus, sneezing with burning, biting, copious watery coryza is present. The nose may feel blocked, and the person may feel anxious and restless.

Wyethia – Homeopathic Medicine for allergy with Itching Palate and Dry, Hacking Cough

Wyethia is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the root of plant wyethia helenoides of the natural order Compositae. The characteristic features to use it are itching of palate and dry, hacking cough. It is also indicated for cases with itching inner canthi of eyes and allergic asthma.

Aralia Racemosa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Frequent Sneezing

Aralia Racemosa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant American Spikenard. It belongs to the natural order Araliaceae. It is used to treat pollen allergy accompanied by frequent sneezing and watery discharges from the nose.

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy during Spring

Allium Cepa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from red onion of natural order Liliaceae. Allium Cepa is prominently indicated homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy in the spring season. The symptoms include fluent watery discharge from the nose, sneezing and watery eyes. The nasal discharge is copious and acrid, causing burning in the nose. Sneezing tends to worsen upon entering a warm room. Crawling, tingling, itching sensation in the nostrils is present. Itching in the throat is also present.

Dulcamara – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy from Fresh Mown Grass

Dulcamara is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant ‘Woody Nightshade.’ It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. It is used to pollen allergy caused by freshly mown grass. The person needing this medicine may have profuse watery nasal discharges or nasal blockage. Watery discharge from the nose tends to get worse in the open air. Constant sneezing, abundant watering from the eyes, and swelling of eyes are some other symptoms.

Ambrosia – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy from Ragweed

Ambrosia is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the ‘Roman Wormwood’ plant of the family Composite. It is an excellent homeopathic medicine to combat pollen allergy caused by ragweed. The characteristic features arising include watery eyes and intolerable itching of eyelids. Burning and smarting in eyes is also present. A feeling of stuffiness in the nose with a watery nasal discharge is present. Violent sneezing that can cause nosebleeds may occur. Sinus congestion along with a tickling cough is another accompanying feature. Ambrosia is also used as a preventive measure for ragweed allergies, and its use is recommended before the ragweed season.

Galphimia Glauca – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Burning Discharges from Eyes and Nose

Galphimia Glauca is a significant homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy prepared from the plant ‘Galphimia Glauca,’ of the natural order Malpighiaceae. Dried leaves and flowers of this plant are used for medicinal preparation. It is indicated for burning discharges from the eyes and nose. Sneezing also appears to worsen in the morning. Itching in eyes (especially in the morning) and swelling of the eyelids is also noted.

Histaminum – Homeopathic Medicine for Pollen Allergy

Histaminum is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating pollen allergy. It helps reduce the hypersensitivity of the immune system. Histaminum helps in controlling symptoms of pollen allergy, like sneezing, runny nose, and congestion. It also helps in asthmatic conditions arising from allergies.

Justicia Adhatoda – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing Fits and Watery Eyes

Justicia Adhatoda is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the fresh leaves of the plant Malabar Nut of natural order Acanthaceae. Fits of sneezing with watery eyes are the main indicative symptoms of using this medicine. Profuse coryza (inflammation of mucous membranes), loss of smell and paroxysmal (sudden, intense) coughing with tightness in chest and difficulty in breathing are some other indicating symptoms.

Luffa Operculata – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Stuffy Nose and Sneezing

Luffa Operculata is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Cabacinha plant (also known as Esponjilla). The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. This medicine is used for pollen allergy with a stuffy nose and sneezing. Sometimes, a bland nasal discharge may be present. Burning, itching at the outer corners of the eyes, nasal polyps (non-cancerous growths inside the nose) and sinusitis complaints may also be present.

Cardiospermum – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing in the Morning

Cardiospermum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Ballon Vine plant. Its natural order is Sapindaceae. It is mainly used in cases of pollen allergy when sneezing appears in the morning upon waking. Itchy, watery eyes, obstruction of the nose, sinus congestion and a dry throat with scratchiness may arise along with other symptoms.

Causes of Pollen Allergies

The most common cause of pollen allergies is, of course, pollen grains spread by plants. The common sources of pollens include grass, trees, and weeds.

Grass – The common grass species that tend that cause pollen allergies include ryegrass, Timothy, and Bermuda. The pollination periods of these grasses are different, and a person allergic to a specific type of grass pollen will develop allergies in the corresponding season.
Ryegrass produces pollen throughout Spring to Fall, while Timothy produces pollen during the months of June and July. Bermuda produces pollen from May to September.

Trees – The common trees that are known to cause pollen allergy are birch, oak, and cedar. The pollinating period of these trees during the Spring season.

Weeds – The common weeds that tend to trigger allergies are ragweed and sagebrush. The peak levels of pollen production of ragweed are around mid-September. The pollinating period of sagebrush is mid-August to late September.

Pollen Count

The pollen count is defined as the amount of pollen present in the air at a given place. It is calculated over a period of 24 hours as the number of grains per square meter of air. On the basis of this calculation, the pollen count is divided into high, medium, low, or absent. It includes three types of pollen including weeds, grasses, and trees, as well as mold spores.
The pollen count affects the symptoms of a pollen allergy. A low pollen count does not affect too many people (except for those who are highly sensitive), while a medium-to-high number can give rise to allergic symptoms.
The pollen count in the local area can be checked online through National websites that are updated daily.

The Mechanism of a Pollen Allergy

When an allergen (like pollen) enters the body of a person with a sensitive immune system, it triggers the production of antibodies to fight the foreign particles. These antibodies are small proteins that lock onto the pollen grains, and they also bind to other white blood cells.
The next time pollen enters the nose; these cells break open to release histamine, which is a chemical released by the body to direct an inflammatory response against the foreign bodies. A large amount of histamine released causes itching, swelling of affected tissues, mucus production, muscle spasms, and other symptoms of an allergy.

Preventing Pollen Allergies

Preventing exposure to the allergens is the best way to deal with pollen allergies, especially during the high-allergy seasons. Some measures that can help prevent and manage a pollen allergy include:

Stay informed about the pollen count in your area and avoid exposure to the allergens on high and medium pollen count days. Those who are extremely prone to developing an allergic reaction should be careful even during low pollen counts.

Know your Allergens – Ask an allergist and observe for yourself the allergens that set off your allergies. Avoid exposure to those allergens, especially during the peak allergy season, and take measures to ensure that the allergy does not get triggered.

When the pollen counts are high, it is best to remain indoors in an air-conditioned environment with closed windows.

If you are planning to be outdoors while the allergy season is on, try to be outdoors when the pollen counts are low. Usually, plants pollinate between 5 am to 9 am, so early morning outdoor activities should be avoided. Walking a dog during these hours is also not advised since animals can trap pollen on their fur. Pollen also tends to flow more through the air on windy days.

Using masks to filter out pollen when outdoors is a good way to prevent exposure to the allergens.

Pollen grains can follow you into the house through the clothes, hair, and pets. Changing clothes and showering immediately upon returning home is strongly advised.

Sunglasses should be used to keep the pollen out of the eyes. Eyes irritated by allergies are also more sensitive to light, so sunglasses help prevent further exposure.

Indoor plants that produce pollen are often overlooked. These include ornamental grasses, shrubs, and trees. These should ideally not be kept in the house.

Apart from the allergens, it is also essential to control the irritants that trigger allergic reactions or make their symptoms worse.
Not smoking in the house, avoiding wood fires, and avoiding strong odors off of sprays, paints, disinfectants, and perfumes are some methods to reduce the number of irritants.

Pollen allergies should be treated promptly, especially in acute cases. Where required, prescription medications and antihistamines should be taken to control a severe allergic flare up. However, overuse of conventional medicines like decongestant sprays can cause further problems (like an allergy rebound) and should be used very sparingly. Homeopathic remedies for pollen allergy work particularly well to treat chronic conditions.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

First-Aid with Homeopathy- Have your Own Medicine Kit At Home

HOW many of us experience helplessness at minor or acute ailments when they strike us at odd hours and also in situations where medical help is not accessible? And wish that we knew about some safe medicines that would provide immediate relief. The safe healing powers of homeopathy have been proven time and again and today it is one of the most popular and effective forms of natural healthcare. Safety is one of the major plus points of homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines have a lot to help with acute and minor ailments.

The homeopathic first aid includes some common remedies that can help alleviate pain and other symptoms in case of an injury, disease, or infection. It also helps reduce the severity of a problem when taken correctly. With a little practice and experience, one can become familiar with the basic homeopathic first aid principles.
Given here are the most common problems and their homeopathic first aid solutions.

 Sore throat

Pain, dryness, itching, irritation, a scratchy feeling in the throat – all are part of a sore throat. If you suddenly experience any one of these symptoms, you may get quick help with the homeopathic medicine Belladonna. You may take 4 to 5 pills of Belladonna (potency) 30C three to four times a day, depending upon the severity.
It soothes the pain, irritation, scratchiness in the throat and helps with the fever that usually appears along with a sore throat. Once the symptoms subside, the dosage may be reduced to twice or once a day, gradually stopping the course entirely.


For quick relief from a cold, homeopathic first aid medicine Aconite works well. If you catch a sudden fluent Coryza ( inflammation of the mucous membrane) along with sneezing, you may take Aconite for immediate relief. It also helps when exposure to cold air brings on cough and cold. 4 to 5 pills of Aconite can be taken in 30 C (potency) at three-hour intervals during an acute cold to get prompt relief.
Another first aid homeopathic medicine for cold is Natrum Mur. It is very helpful in cases of allergic rhinitis/ hay fever coupled with Coryza, eye discharges, and excessive sneezing. Natrum Mur can be taken in 6 X biochemic formulation. Take Natrum Mur 6X ( 4 tablets) three to four times a day at a gap of three hours. Continue this medicine till complete recovery.

Croup Cough

For immediate relief from croup cough, homeopathic medicines Spongia Tosta and Hepar Sulph prove to be beneficial.
Spongia Tosta works well in cases of a dry, croupy, barking cough with a whistling-like sound.
Hepar Sulph is used in cases of a cough with chest congestion, rattling in chest, and wheezing. A cough that comes suddenly from exposure to a draught of cold air also calls for using Hepar Sulph.
Both these medicines can be taken in potencies of 30 C, three to four times a day depending upon the intensity of case.


To comfort an acute headache, homeopathic medicine Belladonna and Glonoine should be considered.
Congested headache, pulsating/throbbing headache, sinus headache, migraine headache all respond wonderfully to Belladonna.
Glonoine works best for sun-related headaches with throbbing in the head and marked head congestion.
Three to four doses of the above-indicated medicines at a three-hour gap interval work well for a headache. These can be continued until full recovery.

Acute Fever

Belladonna is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for sudden acute fever. The indications for its use are sudden fever with red, hot flushed face and headache. Use this medicine in 30 C potency every two hours. If the fever does not reduce or come down in a day or so, then further investigations are required.

Body aches

Everyone now or then one suffers from body aches due to factors like overexertion, from prolonged traveling, after engaging in a sports activity, etc. For body aches, two homeopathic medicines work wonders to give immediate relief.
These medicines are Arnica Montana and Rhus Tox.
Arnica Montana is majorly used in general body aches when a sore, bruised sensation appears in the whole body.
Rhus Tox shows the best results in cases of joint pain, neck pain, back pain, or a muscle pull.
Initially, one can take 4 to 5 pills of any of these medicines, and repeat them two to four times a day, at a three-hourly interval depending upon the severity of your condition.

Abdomen cramps

Colocynthis is a homeopathic medicine that helps relieve abdominal cramps. The person needing Colocynthis may have cramps in the abdomen that get better by applying pressure or bending-over double.
A person may take Colocynthis 30 C twice or thrice a day at three-hour intervals to soothe the cramping. This medicine is known to provide immediate relief.
Another homeopathic medicine that is well-indicated for abdominal cramps is Magnesium Phos. Its use is applicable in cases where a person feels better by using warm applications on the area of the cramps.
4 tablets of Magnesium Phos can be taken in 6 X potency up to four times a day to help relieve abdominal cramps. It can also be considered during menstrual cramps.

Loose stool (Diarrhea)

First aid homeopathic medicines for cases of diarrhea or loose stools are Aloe Socotrina and Podophyllum Peltatum.
Aloe Socotrina can be used when there is a thin stool with a sudden urgency to pass it. It can be accompanied by a pressure in the rectum with a constant urge to pass stool.
Podophyllum Peltatum is indicated when there is yellowish greenish, watery, gushing stool that is very offensive.
You may use 4 to 5 pills of the selected homeopathic medicines for every three hours.

Food Poisoning

If you suddenly got a stomach upset as a result of a food poisoning, homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album should be taken without a second thought. The symptoms of loose stool, vomiting, fever appearing from food poisoning get quick relief from homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album. Veratrum Album is a powerful homeopathic medicine that helps treat cases of uncontrolled vomiting. 4 to 5 pills of any of these indicated homeopathic medicines can be taken in 30 C potency at three-hour intervals.


To get prompt relief from heartburn and acidity, homeopathic medicines Iris Versicolor and Robinia should be considered.
Use Iris Versicolor in case of a heartburn along with vomiting of sour, bitter fluid.
Take Robinia in case acidity or heartburn occurs during night time, upon lying down. These medicines are recommended in 30 C potency at intervals of three-hours (initially), followed by a gradual reduction in the dose.


Injuries most commonly include bruises (contusions), concussions, lacerations.
Bruises are blackish, bluish marks on the skin arising from breaking of tiny blood vessels under the skin from trauma. The skin is not broken in case of a bruise.
Contusions refer to a head injury where the brain is shaken inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head.
Lacerations are tears in the skin that results in an irregular wound.

The homeopathic medicines that should be present in a first aid kit for injuries include – Arnica Montana, Calendula Officinalis, and Hypericum Perforatum.
Arnica Montana is used as the first line of treatment in injury cases. It is indicated for injuries resulting from a fall, a blow and from a blunt instrument. It is most helpful in case of bruises, concussions, and contusions.
Calendula Officinalis is useful for injuries where lacerations (tears in the skin) appear.
Consider the use of Hypericum in case of fall on the back, tailbone injury, injury to spine and damage to nerves mainly in the fingers and toes. A punctured wound from a nail, pin, and needle penetrating the skin also indicates the use of Hypericum.
Use 4 to 5 pills of any of these three homeopathic medicines, at intervals of three-hours until complete healing has taken place.


Stretching, twisting or tearing of the ligaments in a joint is known as a sprain. The ligament is a tough, fibrous band that connects two bones together. The most common joint that tends to get sprained is the ankle joint.
The first aid homeopathic medicines for sprains are Arnica Montana and Ruta Graveolens.
Initially, after a sprain, three four doses of Arnica 30 C should be taken immediately. It helps in reducing the soreness, swelling, pain, tenderness at the site of sprain.
Following this, Arnica 30 C and Ruta 30 C should be taken alternately twice a day. Ruta will help heal the ligaments and Arnica will help reduce further swelling and pain at the site of the sprained joint. These medicines can be continued safely until complete recovery.


Immediately following a fracture, a few doses of homeopathic medicine Arnica 30 C should be taken. This will help soothe the pain and swelling at the site of the fracture.
Once the broken bone has been set in a cast, homeopathic medicine Symphytum Officinale should be started. This medicine can be continued for two to three times a day until complete recovery. It helps in prompt and healthy healing of the bone.

Acute UTI (Burning urination)

Cantharis Vesicatoria is an excellent homeopathic medicine for emergency use in case of a UTI (urinary tract infection). Painful, burning urination and difficulty in urination due to a UTI can be treated with this medicine. In an acute emergency, this medicine can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day in 30C potency (depending upon the severity of the condition).

Bee sting

The best homeopathic first aid prescription for a bee sting is Apis Mellifica. Use this medicine immediately following a bee sting in 30 C potency. It helps relieve the pain and swelling quickly. Three to four doses of this medicine three hourly for a day or two usually aid quick and complete recovery.

A word of caution: If a severe allergic reaction follows from a bee sting that majorly includes breathing difficulty, then urgent help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken. An allergy indicates anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency. Homeopathy alone cannot fix this problem.


The appearance of weals (raised bumps) on the skin from an allergic reaction is known as urticaria. It is often accompanied by stinging, burning pains. If you are prone to get urticaria attacks, you should carry homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica with you.
This medicine offers immediate help during an acute urticaria attack. It helps to heal the weals, reduce stinging and burning pains as well cut short the time of an urticaria attack. You may take 4 to pills of Apis Mellifica in case of urticaria at an interval of three hours and gradually reduce the dose as you recover.

A word of caution: It is to be noted that in case of urticaria where there is a difficulty in breathing, it may indicate towards an angioedema or anaphylaxis. It’s a medical emergency and homeopathic first aid alone does not work. Help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken urgently in such cases.

Panic attacks

For panic attacks, homeopathic medicines Aconite and Arsenic Album work well. These medicines should be kept in the pocket of people who have anxiety issues.
Aconite needs be taken during panic attacks along with palpitations, and sudden fear of death.
Arsenic Album works well in cases where there is extreme restlessness along with the panic attacks. These homeopathic medicines help calm down the mental state of a person during a panic attack.
Using two to three doses of above-indicated medicines in 200 C potency at an hour’s interval usually brings relief in most of the cases.


In case of burns, homeopathic medicine Cantharis acts as an effective remedy. This medicine helps in relieving burning, pain and smarting in case of a burn. It also effectively heals the burns.
4 to 5 pills of this homeopathic medicine should be taken initially for few days. Once the condition improves, the dose can be reduced to once or twice a day. External application of this medicine along with internal administration is also recommended.


Euphrasia Officinalis is the homeopathic medicine recommended in cases of acute conjunctivitis. Using this medicine helps in reducing the redness, watering, burning, swelling, and a gritty sensation in the eyes.
Use 4 to 5 pills of this medicine in 30 C potency three times day until complete recovery.


The homeopathic medicine Plantago Major helps soothe a toothache. Pain in teeth that shoots to the face or ear is can be treated with this medicine. It can be taken in 30C potency at three-hour intervals until relief begins. Mother tincture of this homeopathic medicine can also be applied externally in case of a hollow tooth from decay/dental caries.

Dentition Ailments

Chamomilla is an effective homeopathic medicine used to treat dentition and teething problems. The indicative features to use this medicine are high irritability, screaming, desire to be carried constantly, inflamed gums, drooling of saliva, putting fingers in mouth, loose stool (diarrhea), one cheek being red and hot, and the other being pale and cold.
2 pills of this medicine can be taken three to four times a day at three-hour gaps until complete relief.

Nasal Blockage

Ammonium Carb is an effective homeopathic medicine that helps relieve a nasal blockage. Use 30 C of this medicine twice or thrice a day for relief.

Nausea, Vomiting

A highly recommended homeopathic medicine for immediate help in nausea, vomiting is Ipecac. Three to four doses of Ipecac 30 C usually relieves nausea and vomiting effectively.


Hamamelis is an anti-hemorrhagic (a substance that stops bleeding) that can be used in an emergency to control bleeding. This medicine is well indicated for controlling bleeding from piles, the nose, tooth etc. It also helps relieve the weakness associated with blood loss. Use this medicine in 30 C potency at two to three-hour gap until bleeding stops.


Belladonna, Chamomilla, and Pulsatilla are the top homeopathic medicines that help relieve an earache. Among them, Belladonna offers relief from an earache that arises as a result of an acute inflammation of the middle ear with throbbing, pulsating pain in the ears.
Chamomilla is indicated for violent earaches that make a person highly irritable.
Pulsatilla is beneficial when an earache is attended with thick discharge from the ear (out of an infection).
The most appropriate homeopathic medicine as per the case can be taken in 30 C potency, at three-hourly intervals to get quick relief.

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